#fallout maximus x reader
falloutwithmegirlypop · 5 months
Request rules
Hi, FWMGP here. I’ve loved the fallout series since its debut, and I think it’s time I put my skills to work. I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to write everyone requests, but I’ll sure try. No Smut (for now) but slight spice is all good. Ageless blogs please leave, 17+ only.
✨My faves✨
Chet 💛💙
Lucy 🥺🥺💙💛
Maximus ⚔️🛡️
Thaddeus 🤴
Norm 👾📀
Travis miles (Love him) 🥺❤️❤️
Nick Valentine 🤖🕵️❤️
Preston Garvey 🤠
Piper 📝
Benny Gecko 🔪🔪🔫
🖐️other characters🖐️
Cooper Howard
The ghoul
The raiders
The brotherhood of steel
Siggi witzig
Potentially other characters( put in request)
Only x readers, but poly including reader is ok.
Any kind of reader, please put preference in ask, specifics are ok. Don’t be afraid to ask. I write MxM FxF MxF etc, but I’m best at Female and male as-well as female and female.
No gross stuff
No incest
No generally upsetting kinks
No under age
Absolutely no bestiality
Dub con in certain places is ok, but no non-con.
Current requests
In progress:
Fallout Max x reader
Chet x reader getting married
Chet fluff headcannons
Ghoul!Thaddeus x reader
Norm x unenthusiastic reader
Chet x fem reader
Please ignore any grammar mistakes, I have shaky hands.
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mlmxreader · 4 months
Maybe, Just Maybe | Maximus x gn!reader
↳ ❝ okay, so "I can tell you like me because you keep staring" and “we’re gonna die here” with maximus pretty please 👀 ❞
: ̗̀➛ You and Maximus have a certain understanding of one another, and maybe that's why you're so fond of each other - or maybe it's because he's wonderful and he thinks you're amazing.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ swearing, violence, torture, trauma
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna fuckin' die!"
The words were still ringing in your ear even as you sprawled out on the roof of what was once a petrol station; you almost smiled when the words just bounced around. Poor Maximus had never dealt with a hoard of ferals before and had panicked; but you helped each other through it to get where you were now.
Taking a break for a while to recuperate and get your bearings before carrying on. You could feel his gaze on you, and finally allowed yourself to grin as you hummed lazily.
"I can tell you like me because you keep staring, Max," you told him. "You can just say it, y'know."
Maximus swallowed thickly, as although the Brotherhood had instilled certain views on him, being able to freely express his affection for others - especially those who used to be raiders - wasn't exactly something he was entirely used to being able to do.
He still worried that the words would come out wrong and he would accidentally sound like a dick, but then he thought about how you told him that you went through the same. Raiders weren't allowed to freely express affection, either, and it was always treated as a weakness to be fond of anybody; but you learned, just as Maximus was starting to do so.
"I do like you," he agreed with a nod. "I just... I'm still a little shaken up, I thought... I thought we're gonna die here..."
You shook your head, reaching out and gently patting his knee as you offered a reassuring smile. "We'll be alright, don't worry. We'll learn together, and, y'know... maybe eventually we'll find a little island or something where we can settle down properly... just us two - and a fuck tonne of turrets."
He laughed at that, already feeling more than at ease; you always had that effect on him, being able to just radiate peace and easiness as if it came completely naturally. As if nothing could affect you or break you. But just like him, you had been broken once before.
When you first met Maximus, you were a radier, and even worse, you had a blood contract; between your testimony and the terminal he had hacked after being locked out six times - bloody things were so fiddly and would always lock him out - he had found out about what they did to you.
Beatings, starvation, pulling teeth and nails, breaking bones; constant, around the clock, torture. Maximus had saved you, and you wanted to pay your debt however you could.
You just didn't quite count on growing incredibly fond of him. He was funny, he wasn't a goody two shoes but he wasn't a cunt either, he was... he was so gorgeous when you saw how the setting sun danced across his features and glittered in his dark brown eyes. And his smile?
Oh, fuck.
His smile was prettier than anything you could have ever thought about. It immediately made you feel relaxed and peaceful, immediately made you feel like not only were you safe, but you were home too. How someone like him ever looked twice at you, you weren't sure. You knew that you didn't deserve him. That much was painfully obvious.
"Maybe a dog, too," Maximus said with a smile. "I heard stories, y'know - a super mutant who trains and sells dogs. Apparently, he lives on a downed plane on an island somewhere."
You nodded in agreement. "A dog would be nice... normal."
Maximus sucked in a harsh breath, letting you get closer to him; your head fell to his lap as you closed your eyes and smiled.
He swallowed thickly when he looked down at you, his heart pounding in his chest; you were the most wonderful looking person he had ever set eyes on, and he knew that he didn't deserve you.
You were smart and funny and good looking, your skills with a sniper rifle were all but unmatched and... and fuck, the way you made his heart pound and his hands shake was something he could hardly fathom.
For all it was worth, Maximus really did feel something for you.
"You ever think that maybe there's a chance of it?" He asked quietly. "Being... normal?"
You shrugged as you sought for his hand, holding it gently as you brought it to your chest. "Maybe not in the sense of going back to how things were before the war... but maybe there's a chance we can be normal in a different way."
He nodded, relaxing a little as he thought about how much fucking better it would be. "I'd like to be normal with you, if that's alright?"
You opened your eyes, staring up at him for a moment as you smiled so brilliantly. "I'd love that."
Maximus didn't even know what to say as he gave your hand a small squeeze, swallowing thickly and doing his best not to laugh and jump up; he was so glad that he had found you, and he was so glad that you had found him.
Even though he knew he would never deserve you, he would fight every day to remain at your side because he knew, he knew it like he knew the colour of the sky, that you would always do the same for him.
Maybe that was all that mattered anyway - not deserving or anything like that. But being willing to fight for one another when the cards were down; being willing to do anything to keep each other safe.
He liked the sound of that, and he knew that if he said it, you would have, too; but with the sun starting to set and the tiredness starting to creep in, Maximus knew that such words would have to wait for another day.
But for now, he could take comfort in knowing that you were there with him; you were there to give him understanding, comfort and support when he needed it the most.
if you made it to the end of this fic and you enjoyed it, then please, if you have any cash to spare, even if it's just a few pounds, then please consider sharing whatever you can to help Mahmoud to rebuild his home.
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scarletttries · 5 months
When Fallout Characters Fall In Love... (Fallout Show Request)
Pairings: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Reader, Maximus x Reader, Norm x Reader
Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has sent in a request for the Fallout show, please keep them coming as this is definitely the show that I'm thinking about the most at the moment! Also let me know if you want a part two of these headcanons or something similar :)
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The Ghoul:
- Cooper Howard couldn't put his finger on exactly when he had accepted that the life he now led would be one devoid of love, but it was a hollow feeling he carried in his chest wherever the wasteland took him. Maybe it was in the decades he'd spent wandering and gaining a reputation as a heartless cowboy without an ounce of mercy. Or the fact that he hadn't met anyone that had stirred up a single emotion inside him, fearing the aching betrayal of his wife would haunt him even as lifetimes passed. Maybe it came to him in the way he flinched each time he caught his reflection in the few unbroken windows he passed, flesh slowly forming caverns and creases where once there were only the faintest of lines that showed endless signs of life. The wasteland was no place for love. That's what he had decided.
- But even in the fall of civilization there's room for a surprise, and you were certainly one of those..
- He heard rumour of you before your bounty crossed his desk, a runaway scientist from a mysterious body known only as The Institute, a target to everyone for the sheer volume of classified knowledge you might possess.
- A life on the run was no easy one, and Cooper knew that better than anyone, so it didn't take long for him to track you down to a small town just on the outskirts of the radiation's no man's land. His gun was cocked as he strutted towards the half open door of the rundown house he'd narrowed your location down to, glancing at the poster in his hand one last time before he burst inside. Even from the poorly illustrated version of you, he could see your eyes were kind, almost hopeful, like you still believed science could make right what had gone so wrong in the last 200 years. He almost felt a tinge of guilt as he steeled himself for a fight, saying a silent prayer that you wouldn't be behind the walls in front of him.
- Stepping in carefully he expected traps, or an army of robots to jump to arms, but instead he found you travelling alone, a small satchel of papers clutched in your arms as you stared him down with a calm resolve that caught him more off guard than any weapon.
"Do you still believe there's hope for this world Mr Howard?" Your voice was soft, not the trembling fear he was so used to hearing. You stared up at him without a trace of disgust in your expression, your eyes locked on his as he considered your question, and then lowered his weapon.
"And what if I do?" His heart ached at the question, so hardened by years of cynicism that even the idea of hope and goodness were almost too heavy to bear. He felt more human than he had in years as you slowly inched towards him, the creaking floorboards beneath you cutting through a tense silence that had The Ghoul feeling like he was back on a movie set, everything so perfectly orchestrated to have his stomach in knots. And then you extended your hand to him and gave him the most genuine smile he could remember receiving in this whole sorry chapter of his after-life,
"Then I think we could really make a difference. Together." Your pip-boy screeched as his irradiated hand stretched out to reach yours, but you didn't flinch, gently squeezing the twisted flesh as you shook on what you bought felt in the depths of your souls was going to be a meaningful partnership.
- It would be a straight forward life trying to use your research to get the world back on track for there to be joy and peace again. But with The Ghoul by your side you can expect; a personal bodyguard who cares more about your safety than his own by far, a gleaming look of pride in his eyes any time you tell him which Cooper Howard film was your favourite, the slow and steady acceptance that he is still worthy of love even in his new twisted form, and Cooper being endlessly grateful that you are the person who wants to give that love to him.
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- All Maximus had ever wanted was to be a knight of the Brotherhood. He wakes up every morning and does his best every day just to try and earn his spot in this family of welded metal and unflinching loyalty. It wasn't until you arrived on the base that he started to realise there were other ways he might form a family.
- A nearby village had been half destroyed by raiders until the Brotherhood stepped in, clearing out the violent scavengers and bringing anyone with skills they could utilise back to base for assessment. Maximus was sitting alone, nursing the most recent wounds inflicted by his so-called brothers when he watched you march in alongside two soldiers, the final evacuee of your faded community, a distance in your eyes that he felt akin with from his own home's destruction. You could feel his eyes on you before you spotted him, a rag damp with blood pressed to his nose as he sat huddled against a corrugated iron shack.
- Despite the sheer joylessness of the situation, Max couldn't stop himself from sporting a smile, waving at you like you had locked eyes across the schoolyard not some barren military base. Whatever he hoped for in that moment seemed to pay off as you waved back, a small laugh escaping your lips at the absurdity of his blood soaked grin. He watched as the knights around you escorted you to the medical tent for a check up, waiting until they left their guard posts beside you to sneak behind the off-white fabric, following some unknown instinct he'd never felt call to him before. You bolted upright where you perched on one of the medical beds as he appeared, visibly relaxing when you recognised him from outside and once again waving in his direction. His mouth worked faster than his brain in that moment, heart hammering in his chest as the words gushed out with his new found affections,
"I used to live in Shady Sands. I know what it's like to have your home destroyed, your family hurt, everything changing all at once. But you're safe here with the Brotherhood, and even if it doesn't feel like it today, things are going to be okay eventually. Also I'm Maximus and if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm, like, around all the time, and no one else really wants to talk to me so I'm probably going to be available... " He trailed off as he tried to recover what had ended up a far more embarrassing sentence than he'd hoped, his lungs burning as he realised he'd forgotten to take a breath through his whole winding spiel. But when you smiled at him any shame seemed to float away, and as you patted the bed and nodded for him to take a seat beside you, the once lonely squire suddenly felt much closer to finding a family than he had surrounded by his brothers.
- As you settle into life on the base, you and Maximus only grow closer. Expect; late nights of sneaking out of your dorm so you and Max can stare up the stars and plot your escape from this life, fantasising about what a life beyond these walls and this world could be like for the two of you, someone who has your back no matter how bad things get and how low you feel, and truly some of the most god awful flirting you will ever hear.
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- Growing up in the Vault, Norm had always been told the value of belonging to a community, and how everyone in the vault was just a big happy family. But none of that stopped Norm feeling like an outsider, like he didn't quite operate on the same wavelength as the rest of the cheerful strangers he shared his deep underground walls with. After a few of the annual exchanges between vaults, he had all but given up on hoping to meet anyone he felt he could actually feel close to.
- When his overseer father had finally decided it was his turn to continue the vault's legacy and be part of what Norm considered an archaic tradition of arranged marriages between the linked vaults, Norm couldn't have been more resistant. He pleaded for the council to reject his nomination, begging them not to force some young hopeful to be subjected to his notable lack of enthusiasm for the rest of their life in this dutiful swap, but with limited options of eligible young men, he soon found himself staring down the doors of your vault. The suit previously used by his fellow bachelors had been tailored to within an inch of its life to try and fit his slight frame, the shoulders still feeling like they hung off him, threatening to swallow him up along with ground as he watched the round door slowly start to roll open.
- He thought this whole thing was stupid and outdated, and he knew there was no way he could actually find someone to love and love him in return behind those doors, so why was his stomach so full of butterflies as slowly your face started to appear in the artificial light of Vault 33. He waited to see you throw him a false smile, going through the motions as much as he had planned to, or even a look of disappointment that he was not the man you had been picturing as the door crept open. Instead he really thought he saw sincerity in your eyes, a thoughtful understanding as he choked out his name, his stammering not going unnoticed by his sister who quietly chuckled behind him.
"It's really nice to meet you, Norm." You spoke each word with intention, like it wasn't just a rehearsed greeting but an honest confession that sent sparks flying in the air between you.
- Suddenly the pressure of matrimony didn't feel so all consuming. And maybe this system was more advanced than he had appreciated. And there might be a small chance that he wasn't destined to spend his life feeling like he was on the outside, that he might finally have someone that could take him as he is, darkness and light, for better or for worse.
- Whether you stay in the vaults, or make your move to the surface world, with Norm by your side you can expect: Sarcastic comments muttered under his breath at inopportune moments just to see the way you fail to contain your laughter, being the sounding board for all of each other's thoughts and feelings no matter how serious or silly they might be, Norm clinging to your side through everything knowing that he only feels himself when he's stood in your light, and being the one person Norm would do absolutely anything for, bringing out the bravery and intelligence that was always just below the surface of this sweet man.
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bonafideyapper · 5 months
DAY OFF - maximus (fallout tv) x female!reader (smut)
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Warnings: SMUT MDNI!!! 18+ // virgin maximus, you work for free because he’s just so sweet, no use of “y/n” but “your name” is typed out, subby (switch) Maximus, he’s embarrassed, I love it; reader is described as female, chubby, and southern/from the east coast, premature ejaculation (but the stamina is there fr he’s back up and ready in like 30 seconds flat); oral sex (m receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it ‘fo you tap it, reader), creampie, I probably forgot some but tbh I didn’t expect to get as raunchy as I did (not proofread)
(this is written to be a one-shot but if there’s enough interest in a second part i’ll work something up :)) 
Word count: 3k
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Maximus was pretty pissed off and worn down by the time he came across a settlement along the way to tracking down the head, or the armor, he really didn’t know what his purpose in life was at the moment. He was just tired and needed some water, maybe a snack. He kept thinking back to that vault dweller he met in Filly, her pretty big eyes and that cute little smile. He’d never see her again, but hey, at least he could have the memory. 
He stumbled into the first crudely established business he could find that might serve him, taking a seat at the bar and trying to get the bartender’s attention. Clearly had not taken in the scenery of the bar he was in. Beautiful women stood around, each one with various male patrons. Unable to properly get the man’s attention; Maximus huffed and let his shoulders slump in near-defeat. After meeting the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and then getting his ass kicked and losing the fucking armor, he had little energy left to give. 
You noticed this from your position at the end of the bar, slowly inching your way down as he took his place at the bar. The man had barely looked up when he burst through the door, clearly not noticing he had stumbled into the only brothel for miles around. Well respectable women making money to support themselves, helping weary travelers and the occasional rough raider to get some peace and release for the night. Today was your day off, but you always loved a little challenge. 
“Emmett! Would you be a dear and get me two waters?” You leaned over the bar and flashed the old man a big smile, he had always had a soft spot for you since you’d always slip him a big tip from whatever you made upstairs. Emmett filled up two glasses of water and slid them across to land in front of you, “On the house, beautiful.” 
You turned to get a good look at the man, fighting back a laugh as he stared at the glass of cold water in your hand, almost resembling a panting dog. “Here, honey; this is for you.” He muttered out a ‘thanks’ as he took the glass and took it down in three gulps, setting it back down on the counter between them. 
Maximus was smitten the moment he laid eyes on you, his literal saving grace. He finally took in his surroundings and cleared his throat, trying to put on that macho attitude of a knight, but really just an awkward little guy (with and) without that armor. “Thank you, um, I didn’t seem to catch your name?” He tried not to notice the obvious – that you were a whore, and he was a lying squire. He figured you two were one in the same, he was the lowest rung of the Brotherhood’s hierarchy, and you were, well, a prostitute. Max didn’t really care though; he had never seen someone as captivating as you, especially not in the wasteland. 
You told him your name, and Maximus swore he had never heard anything so beautiful before. He watched you take small sips from the glass in front of you as you spoke with him for the next few minutes, realizing he had yet to offer you his name. To lie or not to lie, that is the question.
“M-Maximus. That’s my name.” He told you, offering up a piece of knowledge about himself. Hey, he figured he’d never be back in this part of the wasteland, telling you his real name wouldn’t hurt nobody. “I uh, I don’t have any caps, so if you’re looking for a customer…” He trailed off, thinking you were only there for one thing. 
“Well, lucky for you, today’s my day off.” You flashed him an award-winning smile, one that would’ve been plastered on billboards in the old world. 
The two of you talked for awhile, neither of you too worried about the environment around you. You filled in most of the silence with some stories about your past. He found out you were close to his age, had come to the western wasteland from what used to be the Carolinas, and were working in the saloon until you could find someone to take you back to Appalachia. You both sat there until closing time, Emmett giving you signal with a jerk of his head towards the stairs leading up to your room with an eyebrow up as if asking, “Charity work on your day off?”
“Hey Maxie, you wanna go get some sleep? Only five caps for a nice place to rest.” You squeezed his arm gently, leaning towards him, “No business, just as friends.” Maximus had never had a nickname before, other than the verbal insults spat at him by his fellow brothers. After spending quite some time with you, he decided that he liked the nickname, and would not let the abuse of the Brotherhood affect his brief time with you. He found himself nodding without thinking over your offer, blindly following you once you moved your dainty little hand to grab onto his larger one. Once he was behind you, he took notice of the way your dress moved as you walked, swaying slightly with each step. He tried to remain honorable and not stare at your ass as you went up the stairs, believing you were telling the truth when you claimed that no ‘business’ would happen.
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Boy had he been wrong.
Once you had him safely in the confines of your room, your lips were on him like flies to honey. He desperately kissed you, his hands coming up to hold your cheeks like you’d float away if he didn’t anchor your body to his. Or, maybe he felt like he’d float away if he didn’t hold onto you. 
“No, no no no no! This can’t be happening.” Maximus broke away from your lips suddenly, trying to push you from his lap at the feeling of his growing erection. 
“Hey hey, calm down.” You frowned and grabbed onto his hands, distracting him by putting them firmly on your thighs and looking up into his frantic eyes, “What’s wrong, honey?” 
“I think my cock is about to explode.” Maximus panicked and frowned when you just laughed in his face, not taking his worries about the brainwashed BoS sex ed seriously. Your hands floated up to rest on the side of his neck, your thumb ghosting over the scar running along his chin.
“Oh, bless your heart. Maxie, that’s what‘s supposed to happen. Do you trust me to make that feel good for you?” The way you cooed to him in a condescending way in that sweet southern accent made him whimper. His head nodded on instinct, going into this with blind trust for you since hey, you were a professional. With him finally voicing the consent on the matter, you flashed him a big smile and resumed making out with him. Your hands drifted down between your two bodies, palming him gently through the front of his pants and eliciting sweet whimpers from the virgin. 
His hands were clumsy as they explored your body, but you didn’t really mind. He finally discovered the places his hands felt like home, one landing on the soft, plump flesh of your hip as the other found its place on your lower back. He pulled your body closer, seeming to gain more courage as the night progressed. Something about a safe bed and a good-looking woman in his lap just did it for him, y’know? 
Max shifted you both down so he could lay his upper body back against your pillows, just trying to get comfortable and not think about the way his cock felt–you made it very hard (pun intended) to think about anything else. You broke your lips away from his and let out a melodic giggle as he chased your lips. You needed him out of that white t-shirt that oh-so-deliciously clung to his biceps, so naturally your hands reached to pull it over his head. 
You really were the best at what you did, and you knew it, Maximus could tell. You expertly removed his belt and pants without him even noticing, only detaching your lips from his because you had started to leave a trail moving down, down, down…
Fuck, he’s beautiful, you thought to yourself. Taking time to press open-mouthed kisses along any scars that may have been on his abdomen, you glanced up to see his eyes locked on you. Half-lidded brown eyes stared down at you, his breath catching in his throat as you finally reached your destination. You carefully opened his pants and tapped his hip gently, asking him to lift up to make this a little easier for you. As he obeyed, you pulled his pants down in one swift motion, smirking when you saw his cock. Perfectly shaped, thick and girthy, just how you liked it, and rock-hard as it sprung up out of the confines of his briefs. 
“Still trust me?” You whispered to him before you put your hands on him again, basically salivating over the thought. Maximus didn’t even need to hear the rest of your question, nodding frantically after you uttered the first syllable. Taking his cock in your hand, you easily began working him, keeping your eyes on him. You loved the look on a virgin’s face when you touched them for the first time, and Max was no different. His eyes had closed, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. Absolutely fucking beautiful, in your professional opinion.
His hands found their way to your hair as you licked a drop of precum from the tip of his cock, humming softly in delight at the salty substance before immediately getting to work. You wrapped your lips around him and gathered enough saliva to really make it enjoyable for him, not even having time to really get sloppy with it when the pretty boy had busted in your mouth with a profuse apology. Greedy, you pulled your mouth off of him and swallowed down the load. You thought it was cute how apologetic he was at how quick it had happened, so you wiped your mouth and leaned up to kiss him again. “Don’t apologize, I’m not done.” 
Max didn’t know what else to expect, already astonished that it had gone on this long and his cock was still attached to his body. With his cock standing staunch and almost painfully erect again, Maximus let out a pitiful whine when you lifted your dress over your head. You guided his hands to your hips again, starting to work a rhythm against him with your hips. 
“You okay if I ride you, honey?” You asked him, peppering kisses across his jaw and down his neck. Maximus nodded quickly and dug his fingertips into your pudgy hips, moving you in his lap the way that he wanted. He thinks he’s starting to get the hang of this sex thing, until you lift yourself up and he feels the warmest, softest grip he’s ever felt before. He thought your mouth was the best thing he had ever felt, until he felt the way your pussy gripped his cock alll the way down until he was buried inside you. 
“Shit, Maxie, you might be the biggest I’ve ever taken.” You mewled, leaning over his body in a way that perfectly positioned your breasts above his face. You put your weight on your hands on either side of his head, propping yourself up to start moving your hips. Grinding into him for a moment to really feel how deep he was before lifting yourself up and dropping yourself back down to test the waters with your new toy. 
Meanwhile Maximus couldn’t focus, at this moment he had completely abandoned his faith in the Brotherhood, creating a new religion in your body. Maybe he was just delusional over getting laid but he would worship the ground you walked on after this. His mouth found one of your nipples and latched onto it almost instinctively (don’t mommy kink shame me), rolling his tongue over the sensitive bud before pulling back to give the other some well deserved attention. 
You finally fell into a good rhythm, leaning back on him and grabbing onto his legs behind you for support as Maximus figured out that if he thrust his hips up just right, you’d let out a new sound. At some point you realized he had taken over, his hands digging roughly into your hips and thighs as he fucked up into you. 
Maximus grinned when he realized that not only did this feel great, it looked like you were actually enjoying it too. He was a quick learner, figuring out which ways to move his hips that would elicit the sweeeetest noises from your throat. He decided to get cocky with it and put those squire muscles to good use, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you in place against his body as he pistons his hips quicker. Admittedly becoming more sloppy, but he soon realized that it was because you had come completely undone in his arms. 
Your eyes had rolled back as soon as he help you in place, nothing but the sound of his balls slapping against your ass and your moans that were getting higher and higher in pitch. “Max- fuck- Maximus—“ you tried to warn him that you were going to cum, burying your face in his shoulder and white-knuckling the blanket as you exploded instead, a gush of what Maximus thought was piss (he would later learn that no, you didn’t just urinate on him) coating the two of their abdomens. Never deterred him though, because soon after Max had let the explosion feeling take himself over, pumping his heavy load into you. You swore you could feel it literally hit your cervix and hoped you weren’t ovulating.
Maximus kept his arms tightly around you as you laid on top of him for a moment, moving only slightly in a way that would allow his cock to slip from your velvety walls. Leaving you with the ejaculate mix dripping down your thighs. His fingers traced up your spine gently before his dropped his arm to the side, letting you get up if you so pleased. 
You did, but only after hovering your face over his to brush your lips against his in an almost-tender kiss. Your legs were shakier than you’d like to admit as you crawled off of him, cleaning yourself up a bit before wrapping yourself in your nice robe. Maximus sat up a bit on his elbows to watch you float around the room, smiling up at you when you came back to him with a wet rag to clean him off. 
“Get some sleep, Maxie.” You pressed your lips to the skin just above his bellybutton, then one against his sternum, finally one more pressed to his lips that lingered as long as he allowed it to. To you, aftercare was important to both parties, and since you were the more experienced, you’d have to teach him a thing or two about that. “You’re safe here with me, I promise.” 
Maximus watched you slowly make your way up his body, wrapping his arm back around you to pull you closer to deepen your kisses. Both of you had just exploded and yet he could still probably go again, but the exhaustion of his journey had finally hit him, and he knew he had a lot of ground to cover in the morning. He nestled his head against your bosom and closed his eyes, not used to any sort of cuddling but definitely just wanting to feel your softness as long as he could before everything got hard again. 
You had a fond smile on your face as you looked down at the man in your bed, it wasn’t often that you took a serious liking to any of the men that strolled through the saloon doors, but something about the “I can fix him”-ness of the false knight under your covers was intriguing. You wrapped your arm around him and gently traced your finger over some raised skin between his shoulders, too tired to make out what the shape was. 
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You had woken up before him the next morning and had already gotten dressed and ready before deciding to wake him, a plate of biscuits and a cup of badly-made coffee on her side table. Maybe, you hoped, if you made his time really worth it he’d come back to see you again. Maybe as a customer, but you wouldn’t charge him any caps for your services. He’d be your exception, something about a friends discount. 
Maximus opened his eyes slowly when he felt a small hand massaging his back, turning his head to look towards your figure sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“Mornin’, honey. You gotta get goin’, I got business to attend to.” You watched as he rolled onto his back and looked up at you fully. Max cracked a smile as he reached over to grab your face, pulling you down but leaning up to meet you halfway and capture your lips in a kiss. 
“I’m going to come back for you, I promise.” He whispered against your lips, thinking back to your conversation the night before about working there until you found a companion to guide you across the vast wasteland. He’d find the knight’s armor and return to prove himself worthy of being a knight by rescuing the fair maiden. 
“I’ll hold you to that, Maxie.” You pulled away from him and gestured to the clothes on the edge of the bed, “Get dressed, there’s a fire escape out my window. My boss will be so mad if she sees you leavin’ this late in the morning.” Maximus redressed himself pretty quick and peeled his head out the window to see the makeshift ladder hanging down the side of the building. He turned back to try and steal one more kiss, but you had already fled the room. 
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a/n: ok so I wrote this at work & when I got off work I was exhausted but I neeeeeded to finish it so this went way off the rails, wasn’t expecting myself to do all that, but hope you enjoyed!
taglist: @judgementdays-girl (you requested a max fic after i had already started so here's this :))
gif by @mancandykings
dividers by @cafekitsune
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queenfishie · 5 months
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This is a fucking crime, I’m devastated.
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k8fics · 5 months
‘Does anyone want a Lucy Maximus throu-“
Surfaced Hearts
summary: headcanon of lucy, maximus, & surface dweller!reader throuple
rating: R (?) - nsfw, the apocalypse, killing people, just fallout, fem!reader, the use of Y/N, maximus has his armor bc..hehe
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- i can think of so many ways you guys could meet
- maybe you're a surface dweller who meets lucy & maximus when they stumble upon your shop
- OR maybe you're childhood friends with lucy, you guys leave the vault together, and then meet maximus later on along the way
- surface dweller!reader tho (*❦ω❦)
The sun hung low in the sky casting long shadows across the broken pavement as Lucy and Maximus approached the dilapidated storefront. Their steps were cautious, hands gripping their weapons, ears perked for any sign of danger in the eerie silence of the wasteland. As they neared the entrance, a sudden cacophony shattered the silence. Raiders faces twisted with malice, emerging from the shadows, brandishing rusted weapons and hungry eyes. Lucy's grip tightened on her pistol, while Maximus aimed his mechanical arm, gears whirring in anticipation. Suddenly, before the raiders could even position themselves for a second attack, a sudden onslaught of gunfire erupted from the shop's interior. Bullets flew through the air with deadly precision, finding their marks in the chest of the unsuspecting raiders. Stunned, all Lucy and Maximus can do is merely watch as the assailants fall one by one, their bodies crumpling to the ground. Standing amidst the carnage, a figure emerged from the dust. A surface dweller, standing tall, your weapon still smoking in your hand as you surveyed the aftermath then began rummaging through the dead bodies' belongings. As you do so, you look up at the two standing beside you, "Y'all don't plan on causing any trouble like these asshats right?" Lucy and Maximus stare at each other before looking back at the scavenger, all they can do is nod.
- from that point forward, they want you SO bad
- you have would kill for them
- (and vice versa) you're is just more unhinged aggressive about their devotion
"Phew! That was a close one," Lucy gasped, her chest heaving as she cast a glance toward Maximus, her eye lingering on his rugged features. Maximus nodded, a bead of sweat tracing a path down his face. "Yeah... Hey, where's Y/N?" His gaze flickered between Lucy and the shadows of where the surface dweller once was. A few anxious moments later you emerged, your form silhouetted by the dim light of the land. Lucy and Maximus approach you, their hearts racing with a mixture of relief and concern. "Sweetie, where have you been?" Lucy's voice was soft, tinged with a hint of worry as she touched your arm. Your eyes met Lucy's, and a flicker of something unreadable fades away immediately after making eye contact with her. "And why are you covered in blood?" Maximus's voice was low, his gaze lingering on your disheveled appearance. "They're gone now," you replied cryptically, your voice barely reaching a whisper as you leaned into their touch. As the weight of your words hung in the air between them, Lucy and Maximus exchanged a glance. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, they found themselves drawn to the surface dweller in ways they couldn't quite explain.
- babygirl, girlboss, and malewife
- i imagine you're a little rough around the edges considering your predicament
- but lucy and maximus soften you up :D
You've always had a hardened exterior, having learned to rely on keeping your guard up at all times. But when Lucy and Maximus entered your life, you found yourself grappling with the unfamiliar territory of trust and vulnerability. One day, as you guys were traversing the rugged terrain, you encountered Dogmeat. Your instincts kicked in immediately, muscles tensing as your eyes followed the tog warily. "Easy there, Y/N," Lucy said, her voice calm and reassuring as she approached the canine companion with outstretched hands. "He's a friend, not a foe." Maximus, with his gentle demeanor, echoed Lucy's sentiment. "Trust us, Dogmeat is as loyal as they come." You remained skeptical, "Still, I'm not sharing my food with the mutt." You grumbled, Lucy and Maximus exchanged knowing glances. After less than a week, Dogmeat stood by your side as you cooked the meat you had just scavenged, the canine getting pieces here and there from the surface dweller.
- you love gifting them things
like when lucy mentioned that she missed watching old westerns in her vault, you're immediately searching for the best copies and a working television
- maximus's love language is definitely words of affirmation and acts of service
- he's a sucker for verbal expressions of love and appreciation
- but he actually goes weak to the knees (like on the ground, begging, clinging onto you and lucy's legs) when it comes to acts of service
- like helping him repair one of his arms and he's just shaking and blushing
- or scavenging for oysters just to gift it to him, he's purring and surrounds you
- lucy's is so physical touch
- sometimes, when you guys can find clean water, you and maximus take a bath or shower with her and it's her favorite thing ever
- babygirl asf
- imagine lucy teaching you and maximus different self-care practices
Lucy grinned, her expression filled with excitement as she gestured toward the jar in her hand. "We're going to start with something simple: exfoliation." You and Maximus exchanged a puzzled glance before turning their attention back to Lucy, who wasted no time demonstrating the proper techniques. With gentle motions, she applied the scrub to her skin, massaging with care. "And that's how you exfoliate!" Lucy declared, her skin glowing with newfound radiance. While all you could do is stare in horniness amazement with your mouth open, Maximus scratched his head, a look of confusion across his face. "...But why?" he asked, only to be met with a punch on the arm by the surface dweller.
- honestly, i feel like you guys don't even talk about being a couple or anything, it just happened over time
- like a few subtle touches and stolen glances over time turns into staring lovingly into the eyes of each other and .........
tiny nsfw
- "intercourse?"
- just a room full of switches
- you're on top most of the time tho
- maximus is a giver all the way
- bro's mouth is always full
- lucy is a pillow princess and you cannot change my mind
- and very vocal
- maximus likes to watch you and lucy
- the cuck chair lives past the apocalypse!!!
- he's mostly quiet with the occasional praises, telling you to keep going, that you're doing so well, that you make him and/or lucy feel so good
- it's like he's taking notes
- "you wanna make my cock explode now?"
anyways! back to the planned program
- lucy does your hair most of the time
- the first time she suggested it she asked for you to find a hairbrush so that she could "fix up our hair"
- you immediately jumped up to rummage around for that old hairbrush in that one file cabinet
- so now she does your hair most mornings while maximus makes or scavenges for some form of breakfast
- for some reason, i feel like maximus knows how to play cards
- and i just know it would be lucy's favorite pass times
"oh! can we play that card game you taught us, maxie?"
- do you guys think lucy and maximus would have nicknames for each other?
- like lucy calls him 'max' and/or 'maxie' (maxi? maxy?) and maximus calls lucy 'luce' (EEEE)
- you and maximus LOVE the way lucy smells tho
- i know it's weird but imagine always being surrounded by the most putrid stenches and here comes this beautiful, very clean lady comes along
- it can't be helped
"what are you guys doing?" "nothin" "you always smell like roses"
hope you enjoyed! lmk if anyone wants more lucy x max throuple fics, i can make a longer fic going into more depth. thank you!!
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m-musings · 4 months
Headcanons: Fallout Characters Love Language
A/N: let's gooooo y'all, I actually had motivation to write more than one thing this week, M is on a roll 🥳🥳🥳
Word Count: 534 Warnings/Other Notes: none!
Cooper "The Ghoul" Howard:
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When it comes to our favorite gunslinger, his love language is different depending on when you meet him.
If you met Cooper before the bombs were dropped, his love language was physical touch.
He would always have an arm slung around your shoulder or a gentle hand slipped into yours as he walked around the movie lot during a break from filming.
But if you meet him afterwards, his love language has changed into words of affirmation.
Even though his time in the Wasteland has made him more wary of what people say, he can somehow tell when people are being truthful or not.
So whenever you tell him you trust, love and respect him, he grins gently, knowing you're being honest with him.
Lucy Maclean:
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Lucy's love language is acts of service.
She would do almost anything to make sure the people she cares about are safe and happy.
I mean, c'mon, she traveled all across a blazing hot hellscape to look for her father and try to bring him home safely, she would do the same for anyone she was close to.
If you're in need of anything, Lucy will not only be glad to do it for you, she would volunteer near immediately to be of assistance.
She just enjoys helping, it makes her happy to see other peoples joy, even if she doesn't end up getting anything in return.
She would move heaven and earth if it meant that you would be even a little less stressed or tired at the end of the day.
Knight Maximus:
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Maximus's love language is quality time!
He didn't necessarily get one on one time with anyone after Shady Sands was destroyed, so he longs for someone to focus on him and vice versa.
He would enjoy spending time with the few people he's close to as being in the BoS instilled a strong sense of community in him, even if it wasn't grown always in the kindest way.
Maximus knows how short life can be in the Wasteland, so when he's got someone he cares about, he's intent on being with them as much as possible before either of their time is up.
When you have any time to get some relaxation in, he is right there beside you, perfectly satisfied with simply being in your presence.
If you'd let him, he'd spend every waking moment spending time with you and making you feel loved.
Norm Maclean:
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Norm's love language is most definitely physical touch.
He's a grump around most other people but when it comes to you, he adores every bit of attention he receives.
While he isn't one for a lot of PDA, he will not complain if you hold his hand or cling to him for a while when around the other dwellers.
When his dad and Lucy are gone, he seeks you out for comfort, holding you in his arms while he tells you his worries.
Norm can become lost in his own thoughts at times, so having your touch is something very soothing and grounding for him.
At the end of the day, behind all of the snark and sass lies a very sweet and very cuddly man who cares very much for you.
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teamblck · 3 months
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 months
Okay I am down BAD for these two!!
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I already have so many ideas but if anyone wants to send in any requests for Cooper or Maximus, I’m going to be writing for them today!
I also have free time after tomorrow, so send in your ideas before then as after that I’ll be closing my inbox!!
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lbctal · 5 months
fallout playlists ⚡
some playlists i made for fallout. they're all wips, will be editing and adding to them often.
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alisscared · 5 months
Listen guys, all the ghoul fanfiction, loving it, amazing, stunning, BUT WHERE ARE ALL THE MAXIMUS FICS??? CHOP CHOP FIC PEOPLE HOP TO IT
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yourimagines · 5 months
Hi, can you perhaps write a one shot about the new fallout series. Perhaps about Maximus?
love your stories ❤️
Sure, I really like the series, as a gamer myself.
I hope you like this one ❤️
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: Swearing, Blood, and Fluff
The sun was shining down on me as I walked through the desert waste land. Sweat and blood were dripping down my skin, a bullet hole was on my right side of my shoulder and the headache I was having was getting worse by the minute. “I think I’m going crazy…” A loud explosion was heard in the distance, a shot of pain shoot through my head, causing me to shut my eyes. “Ahh…” my hand went up to my face as I fell down on my knees. “Please don’t let me die…” I slowly opened my eyes, trying to stay awake. My vision was blurry and my knees started to hurt from all the hot sand beneath them. I slowly fell flat down on my chest as a shadow started to cover me, I tilted my head up and saw something standing close to me. My eyes slowly rolled back and my face fell down again as I lost my consciousness.
Everything was pitch black, a weird uncomfortable feeling was flowing through my body. I felt heavy but also light, as something was carrying me. I tried everything, moving my arms, opening my eyes but nothing happened so panic started to creep in. I felt trapped in my own body without knowing what was happening to me.
Maximus POV
I saw a beautiful young woman wandering all alone under the desert sun, she was almost passed out when I spotted her. She’s probably wounded and dehydrated from all the heat. So I thought let’s go help her out, look if she needs some help but when I finally got to her she fell down, losing her consciousness. “I’ve got you.” I carefully picked her up and carried her out of the burning sun. She looked beautiful, she’s not from up here as her blue, yellow clothing and she wasn’t smelling bad, she had access to water. She could be from a vault or something.
I lay her down on the cold floor and checked her for some injuries. She had a view cuts and one bullet hole on the right side of her shoulder. I carefully took a better look at her shoulder and saw that the bullet went all the way through her shoulder, meaning it wasn’t there anymore. “You need a sting pack immediately.” I got out of my suit and grabbed the sting pack from my left arm. I kneeled down next to her and carefully injected the needle into her soft skin. “You’re going to be okay.”
I woke up all alone in an old building with a sore shoulder. “Urgh…” my head was still pounding from all the heat and dehydration. I slowly sat up and saw a young man sitting in front of me, smiling at me. “Hi.” His voice sounded low and soft as he greeted me. “Hi.” My voice sounded a bit hoarse and not so sweet as usual. “You passed out because you were wounded, I fixed that problem for you.” He pointed at my shoulder. “Thank you….” “Maximus. My name is Maximus.” I nodded and took a look at my shoulder. “Why? Why did you help me, Maximus?” My shoulder was still hurting but the wound itself was looking way better than it was before. “Why not?” I looked back at him, he looked a bit confused. “Because we don’t know each other, I could have killed you.” He shrugged his shoulders and looks down at his hands. “Maybe but you needed help. And I do the right thing by helping people.”
Maximus POV
She was right but that’s not how I want to be, ignoring the people who need my help. I’m a knight now and I should help them. “Okay, well maybe I can help you out then, so tell me where are you heading?” “Las Vegas, I’m on a mission to save the world.” I saw her lips curl up, trying not to laugh. “Yeah, Yeah, I know it sounds stupid…” she shook her head as her cheeks got a rosy colour. “No it’s not, I-I’m also on my way to Las Vegas.” I was surprised, she was going to the same place. “Why?” “To find the person who shot me.” She pointed at her shoulder. “Okay, well we could go together, I mean it’s better than travelling alone.” She nodded and stood up. “Okay, let’s go then.” I smiled and stood up as well. “Have you ever flown before?”
She was clinging onto the suit as I flew us through the air. “Are you okay?” She had her eyes closed, probably afraid of falling down. She only nodded and I knew that I needed to land. I slowly went down and wrapped my arm around her as my feet touched the ground. She carefully opened her eyes and saw we were back on the ground. “We walk the rest.” I slowly placed her down on the ground. She nods and starts to walk.
Max was a great companion to have in these harsh conditions. The loneliness was getting to my head and everyone I met wanted to kill me, just because I’m from a vault. “We should take a rest.” His robotic voice said to me. “Yeah, my legs hurt.” I sat down against an old wall, just out of the sun. He did the same but still in his suit. “You should take some sleep, you need it for your shoulder.” I wasn’t sure about that one, sleeping with a stranger. Yes he saved me but who says he doesn’t do anything to me, like selling me for caps. “I won’t do anything to you, I trust you and you should trust me. We are companions now.” I nodded and tried to get comfortable but everything felt uncomfortable. “I can’t, my shoulder hurts and the sand irritates my skin.” I felt a mental breakdown coming up as my eyes started to prick. “Come here.” He patted on his lap and I got shy. “Uhh you sure?” He nods and moved his legs a bit, getting comfortable by himself. I moved shyly to him and crawled into his lap. “Better right?” I was blushing very hard and hide my face against his metal chest. “I’ll keep watch, just rest a bit.”
I don’t want to admit it but I slept very good on his metal suit. His suit was cold outside the sun and it made me feel better. “Are you okay?” He asks me as we walked through the dessert again. “Yes, are you?” He nods and looks around. “I think we are almost there.” I stayed close to him as we walked over a hill. “I think we are here.” I said as I pointed to the city down the hill. “Well, thank you for your company Maximus.” I said to him, he nodded slowly and looked back at the town. “You sure you want to do this on your own?” I sighed and nodded. “Yes, we both have a different mission to achieve, but after this I would love to be your companion again.” He walks over to me and his large robotic hand moved up to my head. “Be careful.” I smiled up at him, feeling the butterflies in my stomach. “I will, be careful as well Max.” With that I walked away from him, heading to my own battle I had to fight as he flew over me, to fight his battle on his own.
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mlmxreader · 4 months
Fallout + pet names/terms of endearment
these are ALL m!reader - please don't be weird abt it if you aren't mlm/nblm
jncludes: MacCready, Preston, Hancock, Nick, Cooper Howard/The Ghoul & Maximus
handsome, trouble, sugar, bad boy (playfully)
MacCready rolled over from his place on the left side of the bed, a soft groan coming from the back of his throat as he noticed the sunshine starting to trickle in through the cracks in the wall; he couldn't believe it was morning already, but when he set his eyes on you, still fast asleep next to him, he couldn't help but to smile as he gently nudged you.
"Morning, handsome," his voice was quiet and low, still thick with sleep. "C'mon, it's time to get going."
sweet, General (playfully), husband, Prince charming
It was getting late when you and Preston finally got back home after helping out a settlement in need; the stars were shining brightly, almost as if the world hadn't turned to utter shit around you. Preston couldn't help it, stealing a fond glance your way as he smiled and allowed his shoulders to drop all their tension for the first time that day.
"We're almost home," he said softly. "Not long now, sweet."
love, beloved, sweetheart, casanova, sunshine
Hancock had been locked in his office all day, dealing with the various goings on in Goodneighbor and hardly speaking to anyone at all except to ask for the odd bit of Jet here and there to keep him going; he was completely oblivious when you sat yourself down opposite his desk, tilting your head to the side and raising your brows expectantly. You had to clear your throat to get his attention, and when you did, he looked up at you with the upmost fondness.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he almost laughed. "I'll be right there."
honey, old man, beau, darling
The music was playing loudly as you and Nick sat down at what you could only guess was a pub, although there was hardly anyone around except for a few regulars. It was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Diamond City, as well as the nastiness from its residents that weren't exactly kind about your relationship with Nick. A quick look around, and you hummed under your breath at the realisation that nobody actually cared or even noticed.
"Alright, beau," Nick said as he lit up a cigarette. "You sit here, and I'll go get your drinks."
cowboy, daddy-o, hot stuff, romeo
At best, Cooper was difficult; selfish and violent, he didn't exactly care what anyone else said or thought about him. He was always the shoot first, ask questions never type - whatever brought him whatever it was he wanted at the time. But even still, as he worked on getting a fire started for the night, he did find it difficult to take his eyes from you; you were the most fucking handsome guy he had ever seen in all his years, and at night, it seemed like the stars became trapped in your eyes.
"C'mon, cowboy," he said suddenly. "Sit down an' eat somethin'."
sweetheart, angel, pumpkin, tiger, teddy bear
Maximus grinned as he sat down beside you, thankful to have some spare time just for the two of you; a little bit giddy, he handed you the glass bottle of Nuka Cherry. Outside, the weather was hot and almost sweltering, but amongst the wooden walls of the abandoned shack, it wasn’t so bad.
"I managed to find the last one," he told you, nearly laughing. "What'd you think, angel?"
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scarletttries · 5 months
When Fallout Characters Have Their First Kiss...(Fallout Show Request)
Pairings: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Reader, Maximus x Reader, Norm x Reader
Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who voted on my last poll! It was so fun seeing the votes come in so I'll definitely do that again! Please keep sending in Fallout requests, or for any of the other poll options :)
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The Ghoul:
- Life in the wastelands has always been tough, and Cooper Howard's skin has had to grow even tougher, literally and metaphorically. His defenses have slowly steeled themselves over the last two hundred years, every awful encounter and exchange adding another barricade around what was once a warm and friendly heart. He thought that tough exterior was what had kept him alive that long. He also thought your purpose in his life must have been to prove that thought wrong.
- From that first surprising encounter the ghoul found himself drawn to your gaze, your touch, your presence. The way you gave him all three so unflinchingly. Your eyes could look into his without disgust or pity, your hand never snatching away as if the slightest graze could curse you to the same cruel fate. Cooper tried to tell himself the kindest thing he could do for you was to keep your partnership of survival a strictly platonic one, but as nights in each other's company passed one by one he could feel himself inching closer and closer to the warmth you seemed to radiate towards him.
- So used to being in control of every situation, it only shook him more to feel so uncertain of your feelings and if he should act on his own. He feared you being the first person in a century to show him kindness had turned his brain entirely to confetti, that his heart had no choice but to hope you'd take it from his cavernous chest. But your kindness was who you were to everyone, regardless of what they deserved. It didn't mean anything about how you felt about him. So why couldn't he stop himself having that most dangerous hope that maybe his heart wasn't the only one aching with every step you passed side by side, hands hanging just shy of touching, so easy to grab and finally embrace that deep seated truth that this was becoming something more.
- Cooper prided himself on taking the brunt of any danger the world seemed to throw your way, happy to be stitched back together by your soft and caring hands. That day though, he'd been thrown from your side a moment too long and watched helplessly as a half-crazed raider slashed at you with some clumsily wielded machete. You did your best to hold them off, but before Cooper could rise to his feet and grab his pistol you'd taken a hit to the arm, blood dripping from the tip of the blade and red spreading across the tattered fabric of your shirt. The ghoul had never felt such rage encompassing him, ripping through the gang in a violent frenzy that he would have worried would frighten you if he wasn't so focused on his need for overkill.
- He's uncharastically quiet as he practically carries you back to camp, ignoring your insistence that it's just a scratch until he's been able to examine you himself by the familiar glow of your campfire. He kneels beside you and scrutinises your arm, always slightly captivated by how soft your skin has remained in this unforgiving wasteland. Once he realises that you're right, and you'll be just fine, he can feel the swell of relief and terror hitting him all at once, the awful realisation that he could have lost you without ever getting to try and be as close to you as he craves. So he stills his gaze on your face, eyes flickering down to your lips as he inches closer, bracing himself for the rejection of your retreat. Instead you meet him halfway, your lips more warm and soft than any he could remember. In that sweet moment Cooper Howard feels more alive, more human, more safe than he ever did before the bombs hit. He feels like his body is warming from the inside out, a rush of blood bringing him back to the man he once was.
- He may not look any different as he reluctantly pulls away to let you breathe, but he is a changed man inside from your kiss. He realises that it's not his callous cynicism that's kept him alive this long, but his once soft heart, desperate to find hope again. Hope that he's now found, with you.
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- It was hard for Maximus to put his finger on exactly what he felt when he was around you. He knew his entire being ached to be near you, and even when he was, it somehow wasn't close enough. He knew that when you smiled it made him smile, no matter what the context or motivation. He knew that the longer he went without seeing you, the dimmer the world seemed to be, like you were his lens to all the joy and colour around him and he was lost in grey oblivion about it. Maximus felt a lot of things around you that he'd never felt before, but he didn't really know what to call it. And he certainly didn't know what to do with all those feelings.
- The Brotherhood wasn't exactly the best place to learn about feelings growing up, everything complex and difficult hidden behind a layer of steel and obedience. Thankfully if you put enough young people together, eventually gossip will reign supreme. And so Max heard about the idea of a crush from two tables over as he sat eating alone in the canteen. He strained to pick up the conversation between two of the older guys who'd been out on more missions, setting down his cutlery and shuffling closer as he heard one of them talk about the way his stomach was in knots every time one of the new recruits looked at him. By the time they'd described the hot flush in their cheeks when the object of their affections smiled, and how they plagued their every thought, Max was sat with his mouth hanging agape and a renewed sense of purpose for the next time you came knocking on his door to sneak out to see the stars.
- In fact he couldn't wait for that moment to come and instead you found him breathless and fighting with the opening of your tent when you came back from your latest supply run. Upon spotting you he quickly unravelled himself from the ropes that had captured his limbs in his stealthy attempts to sneak a peek inside, and offered his hand to you in such a matter of fact motion that you had to stifle a laugh at the serious expression on his face. He leads you to the quiet corner of camp the two of you frequent, a tarp tucked against a loose fence panel that almost feels like a loveseat made just for you.
"Do you know what a crush is?" Max looked equal parts concerned and excited as he tried to read your puzzled expression.
"Yes Max, do you?" You knew there was something growing in the way you and Maximus had come to rely on each other, and pass every free moment tangled in each other's company, but you also knew he didn't have the best understanding when it came to the more human parts of his life and didn't want to risk misreading the delicate situation.
"I think so, but what should you do when you have a crush on someone?" He looked up at you starry-eyed and hopeless, desperately wishing that you two could be far away from here and working all of this out without the horrors of war hanging over you. You could see the straining heart behind his wide-eyed gaze, his hand still nervously clinging to yours, and decided to take pity on the young soldier.
"Do you want me to show you?" You ask softly, inching closer to his face almost feeling the heat rising in his cheeks as he frantically nodded. Lifting the hand he hadn't claimed, you let your palm rest against his cheek, feeling his body start to tremble in anticipation of what might come next. You leaned in, eyes focusing on his soft full lips until they met yours, pressing gently into him until his brain caught up and finally he started to reciprocate. Unsure and desperate, his free hand found the small of your back, pulling you closer and making sure you wouldn't stop this wonderful feeling in a hurry. As your lips moved slowly against his, he found a rhythm with you, drinking in your sweet warmth and praying this moment would never end, because somehow this strange and overwhelming feeling was still so much better than the years of emptiness that had stretched before it. Finally you pull away from him, searching his eyes for some insight into how he's feeling after such a pivotal first for him. You're met by the widest smile you've ever seen, and a simple question, "Can we do that again?"
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- Norman Maclean couldn't help the overwhelming cynicism that flooded through him every time it was the day of another vault-exchanging wedding day. He wanted to enjoy the delicious array of food, without thinking about how insufferable it must be to suddenly live with a perfect stranger. He wanted to enthusiastically navigate the dancefloor like everyone else, without thinking about how the new couple must be feeling so uncomfortable despite how happy they looked. He wanted to be able to soak in the joy of that magical first kiss without feeling this strange hollow ache inside himself that he tried to write off as an aversion to the falseness of this whole charade. But as he watched yet another 'happy couple' lock lips or move intertwined across the dancefloor, a small part of him knew that his distaste for the day was down to one much more simple feeling: Envy.
- There wasn't even anyone in the vault he wanted to share those kinds of embraces with, but that knowledge did little to assuage the aching loneliness that was nestled deep under layers of logic and intelligence that he let guide him instead of his heart. Or at least there had never been anyone in the vault that had made him feel that way by the time the council decided it was his turn to take part in their little tradition of arranged marriages. And in a most pleasant surprise to the slight young man, he felt a touch of optimism as his wedding day rolled around and he found himself face to face with you. And in a twist of fate that had Norm quite unable to believe his own luck, he was destined to wed someone that stirred those same desperate, longing feelings inside him with no sign of relief.
- The short-lived, perfunctory kiss with which the two of you had sealed your vows had been enough to set his heart ablaze, even with the eyes of the vault on him, even though it only lasted for a split-second, even though he wished the circumstances were entirely different. And as the two of you found common ground and shared secret jokes as the night went on, Norm only found himself falling deeper under your spell and praying when the night was through that you wouldn't resent following him back to a room that might finally feel like home.
- As the music from the old record-player swelled you threaded your fingers through his and pulled him over the sparsely populated dancefloor, most of the Vault 33 having long given up on seeing Norm dance and retreated to their own private quarters. As the lights grew dimmer on the projected skyline you seemed only more beautiful in Norm's eyes, his slender arms finding your waist and holding onto you like he feared he might drift away in an ocean current that threatened to pull him back to reality. He watched the soft smile spread effortlessly across your face, the ease with which you swayed to the music making him dance before he even realised he was moving. His mind replayed the briefest touch of your lips and suddenly he found himself unable to concentrate on anything but closing the distance between you, every nerve in his body sending electricity through him that finally promised to illuminate the dark, aching loneliness that had resided in him for as long as he could remember.
- He prayed your smile was genuine as he stepped ever closer, taking a visibly deep breath before finally taking the plunge and landing what he hoped would be the first real kiss of many in your marriage. His chest pressed firmly against yours as he tried to remove all space between the two of you, every ounce of hope and affection pouring out into a kiss that had your head spinning, pure dedication from your new husband clear in his every touch. It felt all consuming to finally be so connected to another person, a feeling Norm feared would never find him but now seemed a tangible part of his present and future. By the time he pulled away his lungs ached and he worried his eyes would well up if you kept staring at him with such intensity. He felt himself freeze on the spot as he awaited your verdict; on his kiss, on the marriage, on him. A moment that stretched out an eternity passed before finally he watched a smile grace your lips, feeling your hand find his again as you said softly in his ear, an unfamiliar gleam in your eye,
"Which of these rooms is ours, husband?"
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
Relationship: Maximus x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by @fallout-girl219
Warnings: Fluff, Allusions to Suggestive Themes, Brief Angst
Word Count: 770
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: When you finally get over one hurdle, there is another waiting for you.
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Laying back in the sheets, a couple was trying to catch their breath. They were slowly pulling the covers back onto their bodies as they lay there. She reached over and tried to find the hand of the man next to her.
“You doing okay there, Max?” She asked, thumb rubbing over his own.
“Uh huh.” He replied, not quite finding his words at the moment.
“Need anything?” This time, she rolled over and visibly checked up on the man. He was panting less, but still sweaty. His eyes held a far off look while he stared at the ceiling.
“Uh uh.” Maximus declined, slowly coming back down to earth from wherever he ended up. But even though he declined, his face morphed into something sour the longer he thought.
“What is it, Maxi? What can I do?” She was stroking a hand over his face when, without a word, Maximus turned towards her on his side and burrowed into her chest. Giggling lightly, she pulled him closer and laid down on her back.
“Did you just need a cuddle?” Maximus nodded quickly into her chest, and wrapped his arms around her body while it was cuddled up to his.
“That felt good.” He murmured, half of the words being muffled by the skin pressed against his own.
“It usually does. There’s a reason we sound proof the vault doors too.” This prompted a chuckle from Maximus, who found the predicament funny.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Maxi? You’re so quiet.” She stroked her hand down his back, and trailed it up to scratch through his short, cropped hair. They sat in silence for a minute while the man gathered his thoughts.
“I’m okay, just… thinking. But I’m good, thank you.” He replied, smushing his face further in his partner’s chest.
“Why are you thanking me sweetie?” There was wonder in her voice as she thought about what Maximus was talking about.
“Just for being there. For being you and doing this with me. It’s a weird feeling but I finally feel safe and like I can take things slow for the first time ever.” He poked his head up to look her in the eyes, and all he saw was love. She trailed a hand to stroke her hand over his cheek and drew him in for a delicate kiss. So much of his life was hard, rough, cut-throat, that to be treated with such softness was a foreign feeling. It had taken a very long time until they could be at this point.
“I love you so much, Maxi,” pulling away no matter how much Maximus tried to follow her lips. “You deserve to have some nice things in your life. And if one of those is me, I’m honored.”
“You’re not just one thing that’s nice in my life. You’re the main reason my life is nice.” He proclaimed, pushing himself on to his elbows above the woman in the bed. Maximus leaned down and captured her lips in his once more; this time with more vigor and attention. Trailing a hand down her side over the covers, she shivered lightly as the touch tickled her. Maximus broke away from the kiss and just smiled down at her. 
”I’m hungry.” He stated plainly, getting up off the bed and wandering into the kitchen. She laughed out loud as he rifled through the cabinets to find something to eat and was happy that he finally found what he had, apparently, been searching for. A can of tuna.
Maximus grabbed a fork and made his way to the bed after opening and draining the can. He slid under the covers once more and offered a bite to the girl next to him, to which she declined. She watched him happily eat the canned fish in the bed, but pushed him off when he tried to kiss her again.
“No sir. You go brush your teeth and wash your hands before coming back to me. I don’t want that smell lingering.” The man pouted as he was kicked from the bed, and went to do as he was told. In the meantime, she got out of the bed and lit a candle to get rid of the remaining smells. By the time Maximus made it back to bed, she was back under the covers and looked like she was dozing off. He slipped back underneath, yet again, and held her close.
“I love you.” He whispered, unsure if she could hear him or not.
“I love you too.” She whispered back, happy that he felt comfortable enough to say it.
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chaos-writings · 5 months
not a Maximus or Thaddeus fucker myself but I think a good dicking down would help them both chill out
god yea you’re so right. Someone Lmk if you want me to write on this because i would honestly love to…
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