#false indigo bush
Yalancı Çivit (Çivit Ağacı)
Yalancı Çivit (Çivit Ağacı)
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#AlancıÇivit, #BaklagilFamilyası, #BileşikYapraklar, #BoyaBitkisi, #ÇevreDostu, #DayanıklıBitki, #DesertFalseIndigo, #DoğalBoya, #ErozyonKontrolü, #FalseIndigoBush, #GelenekselBoya, #InsanSağlığı, #KuzeyAmerika, #MaviMorÇiçekler, #NektarKaynağı, #Peyzaj, #PolenKaynağı, #SentetikBoyalar, #TekstilEndüstrisi, #YaprakDökmeyenÇalı https://is.gd/IDHyWt https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/bitkiler/yalanci-civit-civit-agaci/
Yalancı Çivit, Kuzey Amerika’ya özgü, baklagil familyasından bir tür çiçekli bitkidir. Halk arasında “çivit ağacı”, “false indigo bush” ve “desert false indigo” gibi isimlerle de bilinir.
3-5 metre boyunda, dikensiz, yaprak dökmeyen bir çalıdır. Yaprakları 10-30 cm uzunluğunda, bileşik ve ovaldir. Çiçekleri mavi-mor renkte, 1-2 cm çapında ve 6-15 cm uzunluğunda salkım şeklindedir. Meyveleri 1-2 cm uzunluğunda, oval ve kahverengidir.
Yapraklarından elde edilen mavi boya için kullanılır. Ayrıca, bal arıları için önemli bir nektar ve polen kaynağıdır. Ahşap sert ve dayanıklı olduğundan, küçük seriler halinde inşa etmek için kullanılabilir. Kuraklığa ve soğuğa dayanıklı bir bitkidir. Bu nedenle, peyzajda, rüzgar siperi ve erozyon kontrolünde kullanılır.
İlk olarak MÖ 2000’li yıllarda Kuzey Amerika’da kullanılmıştır. Bu boya, Orta Amerika ve Güney Amerika’da da kullanılmıştır. Tekstil, deri ve ahşap gibi çeşitli yüzeylerde kullanılmıştır. Doğal bir boya olduğu için çevre dostu ve insan sağlığına zararsızdır. 16. yüzyılda Avrupa’ya tanıtılmıştır. Bu boya, Avrupa’da tekstil endüstrisinde yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır. Yalancı çivit, 19. yüzyılda sentetik boyaların keşfedilmesiyle birlikte popülerliğini kaybetmeye başlamıştır. Ancak, günümüzde hala doğal boya olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Geleneksel bir boyadır ve birçok kültürde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu boya, tekstil, deri ve ahşap gibi çeşitli yüzeylerde kullanılmaktadır. Doğal bir boya olduğu için çevre dostu ve insan sağlığına zararsızdır.
İLGİNİZİ ÇEKEBİLİR: Doğal Boya Bitkileri (Balıkesir – Savaştepe) *Doğal boya bitkilerinin arasında Yalancı Çivit’te bulunmaktadır.
Yalancı Çivit Faydaları
Doğal ve  dayanıklı bir boyadır.
Çeşitli yüzeylerde kullanılabilir.
Geleneksel bir boyadır.
Çevre dostu ve insan sağlığına zararsızdır.
Yalancı çivit, çalı formunda bir bitkidir. Gövdeleri dik ve dallıdır. Yaprakları karşılıklı dizilmiştir. Çiçekleri mor renklidir.
Yalancı çivit, yaprakları, çiçekleri ve kabuğu tıbbi amaçla kullanılır. Etken maddeleri arasında rutin, quercetin ve kaempferol bulunur.
Yalancı çivit, kramp giderici, antioksidan, iltihap önleyici, kan basıncını düşürücü ve kolesterolü düşürücü özelliklere sahiptir.
Halk arasında kramp, mide bulantısı, kusma, ishal, yüksek tansiyon, kolesterol yüksekliği gibi rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde kullanılır.
Modern tıpta ise henüz yaygın olarak kullanılmamaktadır.
Sadece doğal güzelliğiyle değil, aynı zamanda pratik kullanımıyla da önemlidir. Örneğin, yaprakları geleneksel olarak mavi bir boya elde etmek için kullanılır. Bu doğal boya, tekstil endüstrisinden ahşap işçiliğine kadar birçok alanda yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır. Ve en önemlisi, doğal bir boya olduğundan çevre dostudur ve insan sağlığına zarar vermez.
Bu bitki ayrıca doğal bir nektar ve polen kaynağıdır, bu yüzden bal arıları için büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Dayanıklı ve kuraklığa dayanıklı olması, erozyon kontrolü ve rüzgar siperi oluşturmak için peyzajda kullanılmasını kolaylaştırır. Ayrıca, bu bitkinin ahşapları sert ve dayanıklıdır, bu nedenle küçük inşaat projelerinde kullanılabilir.
Hem doğal güzelliği hem de kullanım çeşitliliği ile dikkat çeken bir bitkidir. Doğal boyama işlerinden peyzaj projelerine kadar birçok alanda pratik bir rol oynamıştır ve hala bu alanda kullanılmaktadır.
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aggiepython · 2 months
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portrait of @photozoi's silken windhound mung bean... more info under the cut
i'm hoping to paint all 3 beans, i already did a portrait of fava bean, adzuki bean will be done soonish hopefully. i referenced this image of him, i started this piece in november and he's gotten so much larger in the meantime! mung beans are legumes (in the family fabaceae), and all the plants in the background are legumes too. fabaceae is a very large and diverse family. starting from the top clockwise: umbrella thorn acacia (Vachellia tortilis) false indigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa) chaparral bird's-foot trefoil (Acmispon grandiflorus) white clover (Trifolium repens) sundial lupine (Lupinus perennis) redbud (Cercis glabra) the font is edda normal, it's so swoopy and beautiful. AURORA, a musician i like, used it for some of her recent promotional material and i was so happy to find out what font it was. this piece was art nouveau-inspired, especially the frame.
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eggtrolls · 8 days
Now that Das Boot is off, I can get back to doing what I really love: removing 30lbs of invasive vines from park trees
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On the ground is the start of the pile, mostly Asian bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), a frequent offender, that starts fruiting in the fall. It’s extremely good at girdling (strangling) trees and becomes woody as it gets older and thicker so it’s one of the most pernicious and damaging invasive species around.
One hour and a few audiobook chapters later…
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There was a white mulberry tree hiding under there! Unfortunately I only had my hand pruners so I wasn’t able to cut the thickest stems of the bittersweet, but I removed a lot of the weight that was bending down the branches so hopefully it’ll do better going forward. This stretch is in really bad shape so I have to stay on top of it to really make a dent. But it’s already looking a lot better and I found some native false indigo bushes growing behind the mulberry, which is great. The other advantage of pruning right before the vines fruit is that now the birds won’t be able to scatter the seeds so there will be less bittersweet both in the dormant seed bank and to deal with next year. Win, win!
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elminx · 4 months
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Today in my garden featuring Ruta which is on its way to blooming, chives, false indigo, and bearded iris. Hints of purple and yellow which seems to be this garden’s preferred color palette (even the mixed colored annuals come in mostly purple and yellow every year).
Also, the rose bush and locust tree are absolutely buzzing with pollinators.
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aisling-saoirse · 1 year
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My Side Garden Over 4 Years
In 2019 the last of the 15 Ash Trees adjacent to my mother's home were taken out and I had decided to garden now that I had access to a yard again. The soil here is very rocky, prior to being constructed the side of this yard was a forest on the property line of a farm, that's why our ash were massive before they succumb to the borer.
The first year I planted some Perennials from a box-store and threw a random 'wildflower' seed mix in and unsurprisingly most of them died (although sweet-williams and cornflower persist which is fine with me)
The next year a whole bunch of annual cosmos and Zinnia took over but the only surviving perennials were native plants, after that I got more into native plants and got some native seeds from an adjacent field, Prairie Moon, and the forest that I spread. Then I got some native perennials from a local grower or took some divisions from my aunt (and grew some marigolds to keep the deer away).
The next year everything established and I did a layer of mulch over leaf litter to improve the soil a little, I discovered that in the coming drought this retained a decent amount of moisture for my young plants, I also noticed the diversity of insects and bird life that these plants brought. Our Yard was the only one with monarch caterpillars, constantly churning with butterflies, I noticed all new stingless bee species I'd never seen before, so many fascinating native fauna that never had decent habitat prior to this. I convinced the rest of my family to change their ways, less lawn, no pesticides at all, and less aggressive maintenance (I still weed but not as much because the perennials block out a lot of new growth). I noticed something else, fireflies I had grown up seeing were disappearing around the neighborhood, but not in this yard, because we had provided that proper leaf layer habitat for these fireflies, they were extremely abundant in our patch of garden. all the other neighbors who poison their gardens and heavily maintain lawns had nothing lighting up around them.
I'm studying in Landscape Architecture, work in architecture currently, my gardens look horrible because to me they are an opportunity to learn how plants grow. This year I made sure to keep leaf layer untouched in the hopes I could keep the fireflies, the garden looks really full even with little rain this may! it doesn't look perfect but the garden is more for ecosystem value (albeit rather small but to expand upon existing field nearby).
I try to plant things that I've seen growing wild locally, local natives in my garden as seen above include: Joe Pye Weed, Blueberry bush (highbush), Common Milkweed, Swamp Rose Milkweed, Butterfly Weed (ascelpias tuberosa), Columbines, White Snakeroot, spicebush, elderberry (this one is small in this garden), wild bergamot, various aster species, anise hyssop, and a tulip poplar sapling :)
Natives that are within this ecological region but not common to my area: blazing star, prairie blazing star, False Indigo, Blue flag Iris, Black eye'd Susan's, purple coneflower, obedient plant, Prairie dropseed, palm sedge, various sunflower species, bee balm, st. John's wort, whorled milkweed, various azaeleas, tickseed, eastern bluestar, Blue lobelia, and a persimmon tree
Nonnatives that do well and don't compete: English lavender, sweet Williams, 'Shasta' daisies, rocket larkspur, astilbes, cosmos (self seeding), tea rose, various herbs and annuals I throw in there like sunflowers, corn, amaranth.
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syngoniums · 1 year
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False indigo bush (Amorpha fructiosa).
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tidaldruid · 14 days
09/08/24- Today, most of the huckleberries on the large bush were ripe or ripening but the smaller bush still has a bit to go. The weather is clear and mild, though a bit windy. The moon was visible in the southwest sky around 7pm, barely as wide as the tip of a fingernail.
The false indigo bush has grown a great deal, and the nearby elderberry is still hanging on, but the others are not looking good. Shockingly, the chestnut in the corner is still doing well. The yarrow seems to mostly have gone dormant, as well as the hollyhock, though I'm not sure if the latter ever had enough water, but I've spotted at least two nasturtiums coming up. The lemongrass in the pot is doing amazing. Need to see if it needs brought in for the winter.
The kinnikinnick is healthy, and though the longer fronds of the silverweed are dying back, I think there are new green ones underneath. The stonecrop is still there but doesn't seem inclined to get much bigger, perhaps because of poor soil.
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vrob1012 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: False Indigo Purple 5-6 in tall. These were grown by seed from last season..
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middleland · 1 year
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False indigo bush; Angelica by Bill
Via Flickr:
Cuyahoga Valley National Park, OH, Towpath (Peninsula - Boston)
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creators-novel · 2 years
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Castor sleepily pokes around in some bushes trying to find anything that even remotely resembles a crystal, “(This mission…is just getting silly.)”
Indigo excitedly climbs up a tree and happily chants, “Yeet yeet yeeeeeeeet!” as she does. “Careful, dear.”, Selena calls, keeping a very close eye on her rambunctious daughter.
           “(Wait a minute-)”, Castor thinks, “(Can this suit pick up on energy signatures?) …ehh- suit? Pick up familiar energy signatures from the crystals?” The suit responds accordingly, and it reveals on a holographic screen that there are two Gaia Crystals nearby, both in the same location. Indigo and Selena look over and catch a glimpse of the hologram as Castor is about to head that way. Indigo runs up and catches him by the sleeve.
“Don’t go over there, there’s an evil thingy!”
Selena walks up, “I’ve always felt suspicious energy from that area… But if there are crystals over there… then we’ll take the risk. Indigo, stay close to me please.” Indigo clings to her mother’s skirt as they carry on.
           After following the set path, they soon come to a part of a forest that feels… off. The three notices in the distance what looks like an old cave sealed shut and covered in runes. Selena points forward, “That’s it, right there.” “It looks like a tomb”, Castor observes. Indigo clings tighter onto her mother, “It’s full of baaad energies. Mommy told me to stay away and never touch it.”
They carefully and slowly get closer to this tomb, and they see that embedded in it are the two crystals. “Finally.”, Castor steps forward to retrieve the gems but as he does, he begins to notice old signs scattered about the area.
“Stay Away”
“Monster Within”
Castor tilts his head, confused, “What…?” He does some investigating and finds only more signs, the sheer number of warnings becomes dizzying to look at.
“He will make the World turn Black”
“This World Will Fall”
“He is the Void.”
“He must stay here for Eternity”
           At that moment, Castor realizes what his dream was about, it was a premonition, another warning!
Selena gingerly puts a hand on Castor’s shoulder, “Castor? Are you ok?”
“…I get why you told her never to come here-“
Just then, the group hears a “CRASH” behind them. They whip around and see what can be described as a robotic version of Castor, with menacing, glowing red eyes.
“Mommy…? What is that?”
“Is that- me-?”
The bot ignores them and does a quick scan of the area, immediately locking onto the two crystals. It rushes towards them, nearly knocking over Exisite in the process, then tries to pull the gems out via false telekinesis. “WAIT! NO!”, Exisite counters with his own power, but this does little to stop the automaton as it ZAPS him with a field of electricity, pushing him into the ground. It grabs the crystals, but just as it’s about to fly away, the tomb illuminates with purple light. “Ugh-! SELENA!”, Exisite shouts, “Get Indigo and RUN!” “Ok!”, Selena does just that. “Nooo! Exisyyyyyy!!!”, Indigo cries as she’s pulled away from the scene. Exisite grabs a walkie-talkie from his belt and calls, “Delta! Delta, come in!”
           Back at the base, Delta, a young tech prodigy who had been staying with the team, and who sees Castor as a mighty warrior for justice, picks up his walkie and asks, “Delta here! What’s your status, Castor?”
“Is DarkClaw there!?”
Hearing his name, DarkClaw gets up and says into the walkie, “Yeah fam, what’s up?”
“We might have a problem-! This metal-me took off with two of the crystals. But the real problem is that it released something it shouldn’t have!!”
           The door to the tomb opens, and a grotesque, purple glow emanates from within as demonic cries can be heard, as if erupting from the depths of the underworld itself. DarkClaw and Delta hear the chaos from their walkie.
“Wh-What is that?! Should we go check it out?”
The shining light is like a beacon and the cacophonous screams start to garner attention from all over. Heroes, villains, and civilians alike watch as this entropy spills into their lands.
“It’s too dangerous.”, Exisite says breathlessly as he hides behind a tree.
“Then run, man!”, DarkClaw barks as he takes the walkie from Delta.
“I can’t do that- I gotta stop this somehow.”
“Castor Kurai, I order you to return home immediately!”
“Castor?”, Delta asks to confirm he’s still there.
           Just then, Nave, a vigilante and old friend (slash rival) of DarkClaw and Ex appears to figure out just what exactly is happening here. Realizing this fight will be easier with two people, Exisite stands his ground. He whispers into his walkie, “No. I can’t afford to run now.”
           As if on cue, a suspicious man steps out from the tomb as the erratic energy clears up. Everything he wears is black: his hood, his long sinister coat; his face can hardly be seen, other than his deathly, orange eyes. He stretches and yawns as if he was awoken from a very long nap, and the first thing he sees is Nave approaching him as he asks, “And just who might you be?”
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ssaa08 · 3 years
My California Native Garden 2021
This year my garden looked pretty colorful, thanks to Elegant Clarika! I replaced a lot of succulents and other non native plants from my porch garden. It was full of non native and invasive plants. I am so glad i got rid of them, now going to sow some native seeds the coming fall…!! If you look carefully you will notice the tiny hummingbird hovering around the…
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hillbilly---man · 3 years
Gardening wins today:
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I put some lettuce seeds in an empty aero garden pod (the mint died) in the back of the aquarium and it's sprouted
My garlic patch is looking good! (Bonus dog)
My baby blackberry plant survived the cold snap and it's looking healthy
The false indigo bush I thought I killed last year is showing signs of life!!!
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stronghours · 2 years
plants from work, so far
prairie dock
curly dock
callery pear
grape honeysuckle
glossy buckthorn
compass plant
white false/white wild indigo
canary grass
orchard grass
multiflora rose
burning bush
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ncdweller · 3 years
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Possible plants for the field, once I clear out the privet and multi flora rose by the creek (this winter, after the ticks and chiggers).
Both natives at our local nursery.
We have an infestation of butterfly bushes, so the false indigo caught my eye. But the false indigo likes creeksides and similar, whereas butterfly bushes are happy in dry sunny areas, at least our love that.
Fraser magnolias look like something dinosaurs would graze. Huge leaves.
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elminx · 3 years
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Happy Spring Equinox, my dear Tumbles! This is last year's gnome candle charging in my garden in the energy of the equinox with one of my many garden gnomes. I empowered the candle for the healthy growth of all of my plant babies (inside and out) and used my harvested fruits and herbs in my Equinox magic. One of the deepest lessons that my partner and I have learned in our two years of tending this garden is that it has a mind all its own. Most of our beautiful garden art has come to us - this gnome here, as well as a number of others, were recovered from an old junk pile on a friend's property. My brother-in-law happened to have a large dragonfly statue with a symbol that is sacred to me on it that he'd made as a commission for a person who never picked it up - just waiting for us to decide to garden.
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Though we have tended inside plants for year, this is something else entirely, a connection to the growing world is it is in my environment. This year, the spring bulbs are slow. Still, each day I step outside - even if just for a moment - to check on them. I can see the tips of my iris begin to peek out of the ground. My Rosa Rugosa bush has distinct new growth buds - yellow and fresh. I see signs of life in my garden sage and am relieved to find that it has survived another New England Winter.
I am ready to greet my old friends and meet my new. I wonder if the datura which crept into my neighbor's yard last year have made it across the street. I wonder if my False Indigo and my Lupins will finally bloom.
I am ready.
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madmaudlingoes · 3 years
I have a problem and it’s called native wildflower landscaping.
There’s a program in my area called “Grow Native!” (the exclamation point is important, yes) to encourage this sort of thing. I have gone to my local nursery twice this week to buy plants. I am driving across the city tomorrow to buy other, different plants. And the inventory list for yet a third plant sale just dropped and I want them.
The front beds are already full of creeping phlox, but I’m adding poppy mallow, Ozark sundrop, false indigo, beardtongue, and coreopsis to the mix, and maybe St. John’s Wort if I can get it. Along the side, if the wintercreeper doesn’t defeat me, I’ve put some wild strawberry in the ground and I’m hoping to add bee balm, bluestar, and milkweed, and maybe a cardinal flower or two.
Last year I tried to do more extensive work in the back, which has the double problem of deep shade most of the day and crummy clay soil. The celandine poppies came back like gangbusters, as did the Sweet William I accidentally uprooted, the goat’s beard I thought I’d lost to an unfortunate weed-whacker incident, and the spikenard and turtlehead that I was pretty sure died from under-watering. I also managed to sow some Blue-Eyed Mary last fall that has come up delightfully. This year I’ve added columbines, New England aster, native stonecrop, and I’m in the market for alumroot, Jacob’s Ladder, and possible some Solomon’s Seal or Indian Pink. I’m also taking a second stab at wild ginger, which didn’t do so well last year (might be the location).
I want spice bushes and Virginia creeper and native hydrangeas and honeysuckle and blazing star and bush clover and copper iris but I DON’T KNOW WHERE TO PUT ANY OF IT.
(And this isn’t even accounting for the vegetable garden...)
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