#false oviposition
scientistservant · 8 months
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My redesign of Sir Pentious. He’s mine now.
He’s a sorcerer/illusionist instead of an inventor. He can use magic, including hypnosis, as well as store things in his hat.
Penny’s stripes and eyes, including the ones on his inner hood, glow in the dark. His amount of eyes have also been greatly reduced, because holy shit, I pity the animators. The eyes on each side of his hood are false ones, merely patterns.
Haven’t designed them yet but his eggies are still around! I love the idea that he lays them himself, because oviposition is rad, and Sinners being unable to have offspring while Lucifer and Lilith were able to have Charlie is incredibly stupid and makes no sense. So Pen has been given egg-laying privileges.
And a new name. I just have to think of one. It’s 5 am and I’m going to bed.
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shibaraki · 2 years
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synopsis: as head of the mothman study you’ve devoted countless nights to observing your subject from behind the glass. you liked to think those many months spent together contributed to a sense of camaraderie, but time is merely a cradle gently lulling you into false security— and shouta is nothing if not patient.
tags: NSFT, AFAB reader (mention of ovulating), monsters + cryptids au, mothman aizawa, implied monster hunting, captivity, cryptozoologist reader, possessiveness, dubcon to eventual enthusiastic consent, oblivious reader, monsterfucking, mating behaviour, breeding, mentions of size difference (he is 7ft; called ‘little human’ +‘little flame’), vaginal oral sex + tongue fucking (reader receiving), multiple orgasms, non-human genitalia, oviposition (reader receiving; but no belly bulging), unprotected vaginal sex, *slaps roof* you can fit so much plot in this porn!!
wc: 7k+
A/N: now with art of mothzawa!!!! thank you so much, feral!
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Tucked away into the seam between Shizuoka and Musutafu is the UA Cryptobiology research centre. In the eyes of the public it was an extension of the nearby UA University and largely harmless. Cryptids kept there are not advertised, atleast, not the living ones.
The building is huge. An architectural giant, and a stain on the natural landscape. You’ve worked there for years yet still find yourself struck by just how foreboding it looks. Head ducked, you slip past the thin crowd protesting by the security gate, staff card hidden in the sleeve of your shirt.
While they are few in number their voices are loud and accusing. You flinch at the vitriol as you try to reach the scanner. There was a small earthquake in a nearby prefecture a few days ago which was the likeliest reason they had gathered here.
On days like this you couldn’t help the thought that no amount of scientific research would wipe away the countrywide consensus on cryptids. Very early on in your career you came to understand why your superiors lied about the live subjects. If these people knew the truth they could probably birth a calamity all of their own.
Unfortunately it is not only the monstrous who are a target. You lock eyes with a guard standing by the gates and slip your keycard into the shallow of your palm. Nodding in acknowledgement, he places the whistle hung around his neck between his lips and the moment you swipe in he blows, hard.
The gate clicks and unlocks with a short beep that is drowned out by the noise. You walk through and quickly push it closed behind you. Thank you, you mouth over to him, scurrying across the lot toward the main doors. He offers a flippant wave in return.
You enter the mouth of the lobby. It is a wide dome shaped room with high ceilings that houses most of the lecture rooms, and acts as a junction to other parts of the facility. Looking up, you can see each floor twisting into a spiral.
Centred is the reception desk; large and circular to make room for five staff members to be seated at any given time. Yamada is there today, dressed with his shirt cuffs pushed to the elbow, waist length hair braided up into a ponytail. He leans dangerously far back in his chair and twiddles a pen between his fingers. Your unease falls away at the familiar sight.
“Yamada,” you intone sternly. A grin pulls at your lips when he startles. The wheels on his office chair squeak as he rights himself. Wide sheepish eyes land on you and narrow in disbelief.
“Don’t do that,” he pouts, dragging himself closer to the desk, casting another nervous glance toward his coworker. “Bully! I could’ve broken my neck”.
“Then you would’ve thanked me for the two months paid sick leave”.
Yamada smirks, peering at you above his yellow tinted lenses “…Touché”.
You rest both arms on the countertop and lean over, holding a hand out to receive the sign in sheet. “You have a good weekend?” you ask, falling back into idle pleasantries while you skim over the names already on the register. Hatsume Mei. Huh, you think. She’s early.
“Kan and Kayama dragged me out drinking,” Yamada admits tiredly, massaging two fingers to his temples and closing his eyes, opening again to glare at your huff of laughter. “Sure love laughing at my misfortune, don’t’cha? I think you’re spending too much time with those ghouls”.
Signing your name in the next blank row, you give a brief glance at the watch on Yamada’s wrist to mark the time. “Comes with the territory,” you murmur, amused by the whine in his voice, setting the pen and register down on his desk with some finality. “Seen Mei today? She signed in already”.
“You bet. That girl is hard to miss,” he slides the sheets toward his front. “Speaking of…” you turn at the amused hum. His pen is pointed left like the needle of a compass leading directly to a familiar figure. Hatsume is clutching her clipboard with a tenuous grip as she scurries through the lobby, pink hair bouncing on her shoulders.
Her gaze finds you and she perks up. You lift a hand to return a wave as she beckons you frantically. It’s not entirely uncharacteristic of her. Hatsume was the rare type— she loved this job. Any small change or news could garner this reaction from her.
The excitable exclamation of your name draws the attention of the people around you, though the intern remains entirely unperturbed, almost tripping over her feet to get to you. “Mei,” you smile, instinctively stepping forward with arms held open in case she stumbles. “What’s all the noise about? Did something happen?”
“Food!” she pants heavily, grasping your forearm for balance. Her eyes are wide and beseeching as if the word alone was enough to explain her enthusiasm. It doesn’t.
Slow, you repeated, “…Food?”
The band keeping her hair tied back loosens while she nods. “It’s the mothman. He’s not eating!”
“He’s not…” you blink. “Oh!” The realisation trickles in, and you find yourself gripping onto Hatsume’s arms with bruising pressure as it washes over you. Your cheeks ache and she mirrors your grin.
Yamada clears his throat, interrupting before you have the chance to speak. “What’s so great about that?” he asks. “Wouldn't that be a sign that he’s sick or something?”
“No,” you breathe. Energy buzzes lightning-quick under your skin. Restless, you begin to shake Hatsume where she stands, and the two of you laugh in astonishment. “It means he’s hoarding!”
“Mothman cryptids will take food back to their nests for their partners but,” the burst of joy dwindles, then. You worry at your bottom lip. “But… previous observations show that this behaviour should come after they’ve met a potential mate”.
“You think we should be worried?”
“I think it’s unusual”.
Hatsume doesn’t wilt. She shrugs your doubts off like water to a duck’s back, bouncing on the balls of her feet and handing over the clipboard. As always, the notes are verbose but organised. Detailed down to the very last time stamp.
There, written in pen, it states that at 11:58 the mothman was seen hovering by the food hatch. It clarified that there were no signs of aggression or posturing. Shouta was simply waiting. Shouta never waits. At 12:00 his usual weekly meal was given and instead of consuming it immediately as he normally would, Shouta gathered the food to his chest and took flight.
You’re rushing off toward the cryptid wing before Hizashi can press any further. Hatsume is at your heel, her quick light-footed steps echoing through the corridors.
The mothman enclosure is immense. Space is required— most cryptids can grow up to seven feet or above, and their wings even taller. Separated from your observation deck by a thick, bulbous glass window, you needed to crane your head just to catch a glimpse of the ceiling, which remained mostly covered by a canopy.
Flora covers the entirety of the forest floor. The foliage is so dense that sometimes seeing further is impossible, which in turn makes your job that much harder; but it’s worth it, for the sake of Shouta’s comfort. Unlike your predecessors, you strongly advocated for him. You viewed him as an individual, another sentient being with autonomy, and thought building a good foundation of trust could only lead to better data overall.
The facility is vastly different to the outside world. Blacked out nest boxes were placed around the area, hidden away for him to choose from however he pleased, as well as broad net columns where he can rest. Your team was instructed to begin adjusting the seasons months ago. Gradually, the temperature was changed to mimic fall. The fauna acclimated, dousing the otherwise dark and dreary forest in a warm colour palette.
Tawny leaves perched loosely on branches like a flock of goldfinches. Camouflaged behind them are two red dots emitting an unblinking glow. It is very unlike him to be this close to the deck so early in the evening. Waiting for more food, maybe. You note that thought down. You see his eyes follow the movement of your pen and smile.
Mothman cryptids are bipedal winged humanoids. They have always been notoriously aloof and difficult to study. Catching them outright was nigh impossible. They’re a highly intelligent species, and very sensitive to their surroundings. Your best bet was to inflict injury first and capture later when an infection set in.
Shouta was different from the start. So unlike his kin that you sometimes wondered if the research collated about him was permissible. He had been wounded badly by nearby collectors and managed to escape, but rather than relocate, he entered the facility of his own volition. You’d heard the stories. An eldritch being prying open the doors, thick steel bending like paper, the employees paralysed with fear, rendered unable to do anything except kneel under the intense pressure of his glare.
They had been so frightened that the shivering malachite bundle in his arms almost went amiss. A Peryton fawn matted with blood. Director Yagi supposedly spit blood of his own when he noticed.
Shouta never left after that.
Everyone figured the rumours were exaggerated. A mothman wouldn’t surrender itself for the sake of another, not even it’s own kind. That is the universal truth— all cryptids are incapable of empathy. Their sole purpose is to serve as the herald of death, and death bringers did not save life. They took it.
While you knew that to be ostensibly untrue it will never matter. Monster hunting was a tradition practiced for millennia. Accepting that they might be capable of emotion would cast doubt upon such practices. More than anything humanity needed justification for their wrong doings; condemning something as monstrous only renders such violence as heroic.
You, however, had a fascination with them since you were a child. Those unanswered questions and curiosities are what led you to cryptozoology, and ultimately, into cryptid behavioural research. Having Shouta’s care handed over to you was a dream come true.
Shouta was averse to people and made that known; keepers could be found petrified by the feeding hatch, trembling in place for hours if they weren’t careful. Which is why your superiors were greatly pleased by his reaction to you.
You couldn’t confidently say he liked you— could a mothman like anyone? But the cryptid was, at the very least, intrigued by his new handler.
Within the first meeting you recorded vocalisations that were previously undiscovered. Soft chittering and clicks, surprisingly pleasing to the ear; it had a hypnotic quality to it that could almost lull you to sleep. The common denominator was you— rather, Shouta only ever made those sounds when you were visibly anxious, and you often toyed with the notion that he was attempting to soothe you.
You tried not to indulge in such hypotheses as not to cloud your judgment. Humans had a bad habit of anthropomorphising the things they cared about. Countless cynics argued that animals do not love, they simply form attachments to those that provide for them. Shouta may only treat you better because you are the first human to show him sincere respect but that didn’t matter.
Whether your place in his life was just that of a nuisance or not, you cared for him and his wellbeing all the same. That’s what made this so invigorating— not only answers to questions that plagued your field for centuries, but the real possibility that your subject might finally have true companionship.
Your mouth twists as your thoughts drift, imagining the smell of decay percolating in one of his nest boxes now that he was hoarding. Shouta could eat anything within reason if he needed to, but his preferred diet was on the bitter side. Rotted fruits and the like which had a more acidic, sour taste to it, though he could be partial to dry pantry food in the hotter months.
Mothman have been known to feast on flesh, too, in desperate times. Though it is rare for them to acquire the taste for human meat; too mild and too rubbery.
If he truly is readying for a mate then he would soon need more food, materials and bedding. The foliage worked as a foundation but you’re aware mothman cryptids liked to weave silk or cashmere into the structure for the young to cling to and eat.
That gives you pause. Your grimace curls into a wide, exuberant grin, that you immediately shield behind the clipboard. We could end up with babies this year, you think. The first to ever be bred in captivity— a near impossible feat.
Shouta’s antennae are fluttering. Their movements fracture the stillness of the canopy and make known his position. You stare long enough for the dark blob amongst the trees to sharpen into a solid silhouette.
A mothman has a wingspan of around thirteen feet. These measurements aren’t entirely accurate, because Shouta refused to allow anyone to touch them, but the sheer size was obvious at a distance even where they remained tucked to his spine, cocooning him in darkness.
They are covered in loose tiny hairs acting as scales for insulation, while creating intricate, iridescent patterns along the inner forewings that can only be seen in moonlight when open— a gift saved in hopes of wooing a mate. Maybe you’d finally get a glimpse this year.
“Hey big guy,” you call out. Your voice jostles his wings and beckons him forward. Shouta balances himself on a thick cedar branch directly across from the observation deck, a rare sight. He is magnificent in the artificial daylight.
Hatsume releases an awed breath behind you. “Gah, he’s always so responsive to you! I’m jealous!”
Shouta barely acknowledges her presence. His attention is steadfast, pinpointed to your every move; unblinking, lest you disappear from vision. “Don’t take it personally. He’s just known me longer, is all,” you demurred, turning to her with a reassuring smile.
But she is seeing beyond you. The hair on the nape of your neck prickles and suddenly a sinistrous shadow stretches across the deck. Mei flinches back reflexively and you daren’t look back. What was ephemeral fear in her features blossoms into wonderment.
Then, a tapping sound that echoes in your chest. It is careful and somehow that makes it all the more daunting. Brushing off the unease, you pivot on your heel, coming face to face with Shouta. Both wings have hunched forward to create a cocoon of darkness, his pale face barely visible.
Another tap, accompanied by a smooth rumble. His large hand is pressed up against the glass. You step closer and his wingspan widens just a fraction. The light reflects in his eyes. He is right in front of you, so contrivedly real-looking that it feels like it must be fake.
Call it curiosity, or stupidity, or an amalgamation of the two. You outstretch your arm. The pane feels cold where your body presumes warmth. You align your palm with his and it swallows yours, fingers splayed open, still unable to reach the width of his hand.
“Hi there…” you exhale, having to crane your head to hold his gaze. Shouta’s jaw shifts as he clicks his teeth and you are reminded just how impressive a mothman cryptid’s hearing is. “You’re acting all out of sorts, huh. Want more food for the nest, right?”
Dark talons leave marks on the thick glass, hairline fractures stemming from point of impact. His gaze darkens. Hatsume gasps when he shakes his head and you can’t blame her. Cryptids rarely communicated directly with handlers.
“No?” you repeat, brows pinched into a frown. Then, to yourself, “Nesting materials, then? Already? But it can’t be, surely”.
The choice is a difficult one. Every potential mate your team introduced Shouta to throughout the years has been adamantly rejected. There was never an effort to impress or prove himself. He either flat out ignored them or attempted to kill them. You want to enable his new behaviours— to encourage it, even — but there was no mate yet.
Pseudocyesis comes to mind. Though this situation is far different, you wondered whether something in Shouta’s environment had triggered these instincts.
The rich baritone in his purr vibrates against your hand. His eyes blink slow and beseeching, full of apparent hunger, emitting that dewy red glow. Distantly, you register the dull scratch of pencil to paper. Rambling whispers fall from Hatsume’s mouth as she writes, documenting everything the way you taught her to.
“I think,” you begin, tongue heavy in your mouth. Your throat feels dry and the implication behind your next words stings. “I think he wants me to go inside his enclosure”.
A sane person would immediately put their foot down and tell you no. Director Yagi himself would try to talk you down. However, Hatsume Mei is a far cry from sane. She barely considers her own safety, let alone yours.
“What for?” she chimes impatiently. “I noticed he has been keeping an eye out for a specific person all morning— it must’ve been you. Do you think he could really be sick like Yamada said? Since he’s humanoid we can test if our medicines work on him!”
“Mei,” you interrupt, your voice cutting through her exuberance. She shrinks somewhat and you feel bad for being so sharp with her. “No, I’m not sure if he’s sick. And no, our medication only works to an extent. The dose needs to be dangerously high and cryptids burn through it faster than it can be replaced”.
Shouta observes the interaction. The tension in his wings looks ready to snap, and the feathery fingers of his antennae have started to shiver. You take in the sight of your overlapped hands once more and step away, clenching it into a fist at your hip.
“Anyone who goes into a cryptid’s den doesn’t come out,” Hatsume comments, tone uncharacteristically somber.
“I trust him,” you reassured, leveling the mothman with a contemplative stare. He ducks into the fluffy plumage around his neck and glares. “Mostly”.
Hatsume snickers. The weight in your chest lifts and you smile at her. She’s still young. Too young to bear any responsibility for what might happen.
“Something is telling me I have to go in there. It’ll keep me up at night if I don’t,” you continue, adding emphasis with a pointed finger. “This was my idea and mine alone. Do not send anyone in after me. Capiche?”
She gives a mock salute, “Yes boss!”
Each wing with a cryptid enclosure has a staircase leading from the observation deck to a feeding room. You descend the stairs, too aware of Shouta’s stare, which followed until you were out of sight.
The room is dull. Devoid of natural light, furnished only by three large chest freezers and a closet full of linens. There is a hatch the size of a shoebox that can be pulled open to safely deposit food through, and adjacent is a vault door reinforced with steel and concrete.
You open the closet and parse through the fabrics. Admittedly a long shot as far as ‘I come in peace’ gestures go, but the only thing you can think might help. Silk slides petal-soft between your fingers and you tuck it under your arm, joined by another cashmere blanket, smooth and noticeably light.
The vault door requires both a code and a staff card. You input the code and swipe your card. The affirmative beep pierces through your equilibrium. Shouta is not harmless. But you are, and you’re hoping he knows that.
A loud click echoes into the feeding room. You grasp the handle and take one last steely inhale before heaving, struggling with the incredible weight. You curse the door as it groans on its hinges, alerting everything nearby of your arrival.
Mothman feast on anything. Vegetation and flesh, fresh or rotted, but legend always spoke of their hunger for misery. They coveted disaster and fed on it, babe to breast, and somehow grew hungrier the more they swallowed.
You step into the enclosure. The door shuts with a loud foreboding slam and locks automatically.
Shouta does harm to those who would harm him. He feasts on fruit. On cereal and rice. You’d watched him suck through ten packets of coffee jelly, but never misery. If anyone were to ask you, you would tell them that Shouta conjured the very opposite of misery.
You remind yourself of that repeatedly until your thoughts coalesce into white noise. The earth is soft beneath your boots. Something darts through the treeline, gone in a blink, and you feel the hair on your arms stand on end.
Easing into the surroundings, you cautiously call out to him, “…Shouta? You here, big guy?”
A low hum resonates throughout the trees. You feel it more than you hear it, almost like a caress. It coaxes a familiar warm feeling into the pit of your stomach, willing all tension from your muscles until the blankets pinned to your side unfold, falling onto the ground.
A coronal mist has set in, orchestrated by a chattering sound you know well. Your clothes cling uncomfortably to your skin. It’s harder to breathe now. Shaking, you try to advance. Your body is quickly paralysed by the innate urge to flee.
Shouta’s presence echoes throughout the brush and sinks it’s claws into you— throbs under your skin in time with your heart. But if you ran, would that make his blood sing? Would he interpret it as a challenge to prove his worth, or a rejection for which to kill you?
The air is temperate. That perfect balance between cool and humid. Lush oranges and yellows branch out into every corner. Light bleeds through the thinning canopy, the ground dappled with sunspots. This isn’t such a terrible place to die.
You don’t hear or see him. Like before, you feel him first. Fear washes over you and steals your breath. Shouta is at your back, shaping himself to your body in a way that boasts how large he is in comparison. You stay stockstill while he touches you, nosing gently at your throat.
Finding your voice, you croak his name. An eldritch purr shudders through him and he grasps at your hips, pulling them back against him. You exhale at the obvious press of his cock to your back. Those soft chitters you had come to love drown out the panic that follows your realisation.
You were the intended mate.
Death stands behind you, arms cinched around your middle, mouthing along the nape of your neck like he loves you. The line between instinct and desire is deceptively thin. You wonder if Shouta knows the difference, or if he equates love with the heat of your blood spilling into his mouth, seams undone by the touch of his lips.
Your legs collapse beneath you, hitting the floor. A grubby applause from the dirt dances around your knees. Shouta accepts your dead weight as though it were nothing, his wings enveloping you both in an abrupt darkness.
Minuscule scales shimmer and reflect the glaring bioluminescence radiating from his eyes. Before you is a sky soaked crimson and blood spattered stars. “Is this…” you start, voice caught in your throat. It should be harrowing. People would call it a depiction of hell. You call it beautiful.
Shouta tucks his nose into your jugular with a warm hum and you feel sharp teeth protruding beneath his lips. Neck ruffle tickles soft against your skin, keeping you tight to his torso, enough that you think he could consume you whole. He’s pleased. You can tell.
Laughter bubbles up in your chest. It’s as if you are a teenager again, sneaking out with someone to see a clear starry night. The moment is incredulously human.
A mothman does not bare his wings to anyone but his mate. Even in flight they are too fast to be seen. You are so enamoured by it that you don’t notice the shift in gravity until the force on your body lightens and your stomach drops.
You squeak. Frantically clinging to his shoulders and turning your face into his neck, Shouta makes a sound suspiciously like laughter. Your body sways in his arms as the too-corporeal trees rise to meet him. What you cannot see you listen out for; leaves rustling, groaning branches, any sign to indicate where you’ve landed.
When his wings retract the shadows do not recede. You’ve been brought to a dark place. A few metres above your head there is a long slit of light bleeding into the lofty space. You’re distinctly reminded of a grave. That thought makes your heart thump hard against your rib cage.
A calm tenor breaks the silence and you refocus on the figure above. Red eyes bleed into the darkness. Long black hair drapes over his shoulders and blends into the light fluffed ruff of his neck, reminiscent of a scarf that extends down his chest and back into his large wings, which he has tucked closely behind him.
Broad feathery antennae flicker on top of his head, so distinctly insect-like, but his body and hands are startlingly human— it would be, if not for the black tipped talons that grew from each finger and toe.
“Are you still frightened?”
You realise you’re being cradled with deliberate care, as if you might shatter. He treats you like this is the first time he has ever met another living thing. There is barely any pressure behind the claws curled at the base of your neck. All you can think is that he’s warm. Soft. Guided by wonder, inhibitions lost in a concussive fog, you reach up to cautiously touch his face.
Shouta had multiple nests. The team before you took over had planted cameras in all of them only for their recordings to be destroyed, pieces left strewn by the food hatch. It agitated him, thus you respected those wishes. But in doing so you also cut off any means of behavioural observation.
This meant you knew of them, but nothing more than that. You had no idea which nests he actually used. You had no idea how he spun them, or what they looked like from the inside.
What you have been lowered into is not a grave, though it is deep and narrow. The bedding yields, padded under your back, emanating the smell of upturned earth and petrichor.
This is his primary nest.
Your tongue feels too thick for your mouth. “You can… you can speak?”
A black tipped finger hooks into the collar of your shirt. You feel it sharp like a knife's edge, and the fabric rips with barely any pressure. Shouta snorts. And then, “Your kind is strange. Presumptuous,” he traces over the swell of your breast. “And soft”.
There’s only intent to satiate his curiosity, but you feel something dangerously warm coil low in your belly. The broad, feathered antennae atop his head curl toward you, almost prehensile in nature, as if they can sense it.
“You can’t,” words fail you as his tongue glides over your pulse. “You’ve never spoken before. You can’t blame me for being surprised”.
“That wouldn’t be logical,” he murmurs. You exhale shakily as his teeth nip gently at your lobe, pressing what could be a kiss to the shell. “It’s not as if your primitive ears would be able to hear me through the glass”.
The baritone of his voice frissons down your spine and you find yourself clenching your thighs. Shouta braces over you until he is all there is— and you are all he sees.
You argue fruitlessly in attempts to maintain self control, “We could’ve talked through the speakers”.
“We could have. But then the other humans would know this part of me,” he replies plainly. “Is that what you want?”
You’re a little embarrassed by the immediate ‘no’ that rolls onto the tip of your tongue. You bite it and let your silence answer for you. A disservice to your team and to your research— you seek truths and yet the truth is you are secretly happy that this is yours and yours alone.
Shouta huffs. He brings your foreheads together and your knees part reflexively to make room for him as he settles between them. The shine in his eyes has dimmed into a simmer. It reminds you of a pyre after the fire has burned; the glowing ash left to cool overnight.
“If I had not played along and acted beastly you wouldn’t have paid attention,” he continues. You tremble as he slots against the cradle of your hips, a suggestive pulse felt between your legs. The size of his body forces your legs wider around his waist. His cock is heavy and the heat emanates through your work pants. He doesn’t move, and he waits.
“You…” you’re breathless when it hits you. “You could’ve left all this time”.
He rises slowly at your words and tilts his head, beckoning you to continue. There is an unwavering composure about him that leaves you uneasy. You got the sense he knew your thoughts before you voiced them.
“You stayed and cooperated with our research. Even though… Some of them treated you like an animal. You could be anywhere but here”.
Shouta gives a disapproving chitter. The sound devolves into a hum. He settles a large hand on the top of your head and leans back into your space, uncomfortably close, as if to impress the answer upon you. “Here is where I am supposed to be”.
He’s not a monster, just something that wants to belong.
Your hand smooths over his cheek to his hair, the other guiding his palm to your chest where your heart sits. He squeezes at your chest, curious. Gentle fingertips brush the antennae rooted in a crown of thick black hair. The sweet resonant purr surges and you watch the touch shudder through his body in awe.
Your blood sings, reacting to his desperate call with a burst of exhilaration. A thought crosses your mind— had it been you he was chasing, or this feeling?
Was this how it felt to be a predator?
“Here. With me…” you rasp, wetting your lips as your eyes fall to his mouth. Shouta smiles and you have to temper the urge to touch his teeth. “I’ve worked here for a long time. Why wait until today?”
“Courting takes time. And though I was sure of you I knew you weren’t ready,” he rasps, rocking up against your sex. A gasp catches in your throat and his antennae flutter in response. “I can smell that you are now”.
Shouta hums an affirmative. “All creatures have a cycle. Your body changes over the weeks,” the hand over your heart descends to your stomach, resting above your waistband. The repetitive stroke of his thumb is doting, almost. “Soon you will be ovulating”.
You are torn between horror and amazement. The craving to write this down was insatiable. Truthfully it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Shouta could know that— he was finely tuned to his environment. That was the entire purpose of chemoreception.
Regardless, that knowledge instills a sense of vulnerability in you. The scales felt tipped entirely in his favour and there was nothing you could hide from him. It was equally liberating and frightening.
A quiet trill pulls you from your thoughts. He must pick up on your anxiety, because mothman crowds you back against the nest and you sink further with a weak smile, your fingers threading into his fur. Wildflowers and long grass borders your periphery. You hadn’t much chance to appreciate his hard work in the dark.
“Shouta,” you faltered. Perhaps you should be more concerned that giving yourself to him was never a question. “Are you sure it’s me you want? I’m just a human”.
“I see that,” he stated dryly. “But you are my little human. My mate. This is not up for debate”.
Memories surrounding your tentative relationship over the years come to the forefront of your mind. How purposeful and gentle he was, the obvious preference for your company, his willingness to share his secrets and weaknesses just to see you satisfied.
The pregnant pause is mistaken for hesitance. Shouta brings your hand to his throat, inner wrist tickled by the plumage. Soft hair trails up his neck and thins by his jaw. Behind him, his wings unfurl and stretch. Pushing the heel up to his jugular, you feel six deliberate clicks. The rhythm of each is individual, some pitched and others deep, and the silence between is different in length, almost similar to morse code.
“What did you say?”
“Your name,” he rumbles.
There is underlying significance you aren’t privy to, yet you feel it all the same. You meet his gaze. Skin feverish, breathes coming quicker. Your hips twitch helplessly and he bites back a croon.
“Okay. Touch me, ” you slowly coil your arms around his neck and bring him into an embrace. He goes doubtlessly, engaging you with knees settled either side of your hips.
Shouta cuts your clothes off carefully and with ease. The simple hook of a talon and they tore like thin paper. His tongue, long and tube-like at the tip, glides between your breasts, flicking over your nipples and watching with fascination. It’s as though the roles have switched. You are the subject now.
You laugh breathily as he nuzzles into you, palming at your soft stomach. Shouta works his way down your body, giving a curious churring sound as more of your body reveals itself. He tears away your pants, but rather than discard them, he tucks them into the borders of the nest.
The air feels good on your skin, cool where it kisses your arousal. “Hold yourself open for me,” he says. “I want to taste you”.
An overwhelming wave of embarrassment washes over you as he guides your hands to the back of your thighs, ankles hooked over his broad shoulders. Pressure behind his claw-tipped fingers, Shouta gently pries your folds apart to demonstrate his wishes. “Like this”.
You moan, bear down on his tongue at the first lick as it glides over your clit, a shudder rolling through your body at the threat of his teeth. He descends again and again with bottomless yearning, no longer hunger, rather like an elastic compulsion pulled impossibly taut.
A pleased chitter vibrates against you. His wings extend and shudder, looming above like tapestry. “So good,” he breathes in, shameless as he noses along your cunt. “So warm. You smell even better than usual”.
The muscles in your thighs clench as the narrow tip of his tongue teases your entrance. You push down into your heels with a weak cry of complaint and he obliges, gently pushing inside you.
Your breathing falters. “Sh—Shouta,” you croak, reaching down desperately to grasp his plumage the deeper he sinks. It feels never ending, flexing and twisting experimentally as he draws out, still keeping his lips pressed up against you.
Gradually he builds a rhythm. Observing raptly from his place between your legs, his gaze never strays, gleaming when your hips buck into his mouth. It’s his expression that spurs you on— that rapt, intense desire.
Shouta stretches you on his tongue, the obscene slick sound of saliva echoing throughout his nest. The tension low in your belly coils, taut, and you feel it pulse. Your toes curl and you let out a loud, broken moan that sounds like relief.
“Don’t stop. Feels so good,” you keen, balancing right at the crest. Shouta’s pace grows anxious the closer you get, his big hands palming at your thighs, talons pinching skin. He forces them wider as he presses his weight into you with a long groan. “Yeah. That’s it, make me cum. Oh fuck—!”
A moment passes without air, yanked under by the force of it. Your body wrings tight and the tension snaps. Undone, loose at the seams as he takes you through the aftershocks quaking through your body.
You return to yourself, registering the quiet hum reverberating in your skull. Shouta nuzzles your sensitive clit before making his way up your torso. He smells like sex. His ruff, chin and cheeks are wet with arousal. You can taste yourself on his tongue as he licks over the seam of your lips, and shivers when they part to meet him.
The kiss is strange; not quite a kiss, more a press of mouths. You suppose it can’t be helped with teeth like his. His effort is far more endearing than it has any right to be.
Brief fatigue washes over you and settles into a giddy afterglow. The black spots in your vision dissipate. A short, soft chitter comes from his throat. The noise is familiar— they’re exactly like the sounds he would make when you were anxious.
“I’m okay, Shouta. You— You’re a bit too good at that,” you reassured, taking his face into your palms and feeling it in his cheeks when he smiles. The shifting wings behind his head draw your attention as they flutter. He’s near enough for you to reach out and stroke them.
They’re breathtaking. The texture is unlike anything you have ever felt before. You pause at his squirming, “Does it hurt?”
He huffed a laugh. You think that will never get old. “It doesn’t hurt”.
“Feels nice?”
“Too nice,” he says, stroking your hips. Lifting your hips, you grind lightly over his cock. You swallow, noticing how much it had grown, now completely unsheathed. Shouta reflexively chases the feeling, bucking up against your sex. You both hiss at the sensitivity.
Timidly, you ask, “Can I see?”
He nods.
The size is daunting. His cock is curved, long, but more notably it is thick. Fleshy in colour and hot, leaking a clear liquid over your hand. Ribbed around the shaft, the slight bumps slide under your palm as you bring your fist up to the narrowed head. No spikes. Good. If you met God you’d thank him.
It is crowned by sensitive skin, not unlike a human’s, but in gently pulling it back you find it reminds you more of an ovipositor. Shouta’s rumbling deepens, head hung between his shoulders. Drapes of long dark hair fall to curtain his face. His antennae quiver in place, wide red eyes looking back at you.
You feel yourself ache with unfulfilled arousal. Pressing your thighs together does nothing but tease. Shouta watches you guide his cock to the apex of your thighs, his chest heaving as you glide him through your wet folds, drenching yourself in his slick.
The cryptid pushes into you with a gentleness that is almost terrifying in its intensity— so out of place for a supposed harbinger of suffering. “Careful, little human,” he rasps, an ever present humming in his chest.
A pleasant tingling sensation begins to spread throughout your abdomen, relaxing your muscles, like sinking into the soothing heat of a hot bath. You’ve long shut off your avid questions, rendered thoughtless and pliant by the pressure. “Oh,” you exhale, struggling to keep your eyes open. He’s barely halfway in.
Shouta pulls out slowly and rocks back in, repeating the motion as you open up to him. You crane your head, jaw slack as you moan, reaching out to the immense silhouette above you. Everything about him is big. It’s all you can notice. He’s taking handfuls of you, kneading the fat at your thighs, hooking around them and pushing your knees toward your chest.
“Look at you,” his voice is thick and trembling. You whine, watching the way you swallow around him, clit swollen and twitching. “Perfect,” he rasps, the mix of your arousal dampening the fur around his base. He pulls out again, tantalisingly slow, and your legs start to shake.
“Shouta,” you choke, not knowing what it was you were asking for. He gives it to you anyway, rocking forward in one harsh movement, setting a pace that splits you in two. You can almost feel his cock is in your throat; touching parts of you you didn’t know existed; carving out space for himself and making a home of it.
The earlier mindfulness is gone. Shouta sets a divine pace. He shifts on his knees, gripping at your waist with his talons pressing into skin, pulling you down onto his cock. Praises have dwindled into a language you cannot understand, but you recognise those six successive clicks— he’s calling your name, over and over.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Ah. What is—?!”
The hypothesis is reaffirmed by the sensation of him stretching you further, widening inside you, inflating as something pulses through his shaft, abandoning his body and slipping into yours. Your mouth falls open as heat prickles across your skin and what feels like a second orgasm crashes over you. You’re left suspended in a free fall that never seems to end.
It feels too good to panic about. Sperm packets or eggs or both— whatever they are, they’re smooth, cooling where they gather inside of you, and right pushing up against your sweet spot. Tremors wrack through your limbs and Shouta appears no better. His upper lip curls, wings fully presented and twitching.
Weak, you wrap your arms around his head and cradle him to your chest. Your fingers brush over the apex of his wings and with barely any exertion, he slams you back onto his cock, a loud groan drawn from his chest. His pelvis slaps against your clit and in a moment of lucidity, you feel the ground rise to meet you.
Rigidity bleeds from your muscles as you cum again, soon replaced by a wave of exhaustion. You grimace at the uncomfortable bloated feeling in your belly. Shouta is muttering, antennae curled and brushing the swell of your cheeks. You can hear his voice. Muffled, as if you were under water, “You did well, little flame”.
Thinking aloud, you mumble, “What if they don’t take?”
He nudges your chin, gathering you into his arms to cocoon you both, “I’ll make sure they do”.
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caroldantops · 2 years
leave you breathless (or with a nasty scar)
ship: naga!agatha harkness x reader
summary/request: there’s nothing agatha loves more than a good hunt.
word count: 947
warnings: smut (18+), dom!agatha, sub!reader, cnc (reads as dubcon at first, but everything is consensual play), pet names (bunny), primal play, breathplay/choking, bondage but like with snake body, vaginal sex (oral, mentions of penetration - reader receiving), mentions of breeding, mentions of oviposition, mentions of drugging, bloodplay if you squint
a/n: this one’s also for britt @scarlettwlw bc she rigged the votes last year :/
masterlist | monsterfucker celebration 2022 masterlist   
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"Oh, little bunny!"
"Come out, come out, wherever you are!"
"You can't hide from me forever."
The sound of her slithering through the freshly fallen leaves is all you can hear as your breath catches in your throat. You try to steady your breathing, but you know that it's inevitable. Her forked tongue flicks out from between her pursed lips, narrowing down where you're hidden among all the bushes and trees.
You almost wish she'd just go in for the kill. The anticipation makes your heart bang against your ribcage, fear seeping into your veins. Agatha knows exactly where you are, she just loves to play with her food.
The forest falls silent. You refuse to let yourself fall into a false sense of security. But even on high alert, there’s nothing you can do as you suddenly feel something creeping around your ankles. The moment you register what it is, your feet are yanked out from under you. Your back would slam into the ground if not for the fact that you’re suddenly being lifted in the air.
The blood rushes to your head as you’re dangled upside-down for a moment, and your eyes struggle to adjust to the way the world spins around you as you’re flipped upright. Finally, the world comes into focus again, and you’re faced with the most beautiful woman you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“Gotcha, bunny.”
“Agatha, please,” you gasp as her serpentine half starts wrapping around your torso, cool scales against the exposed parts of your skin as your shirt rides up. Her tail wraps its way around your throat. You gasp and try to wriggle your arms free of her, but to no avail. “Please, let me go.”
“You’re spoiling me, bunny! You know how much I love when you beg,” Agatha emphasizes the word by tightening her hold on your throat, laughing at the way your eyes roll back. Her sharp fangs peek through, and you tremble thinking about how they’d feel sinking into your flesh. She takes your face in her hands, thumbs stroking over your cheeks tenderly. You struggled to say something that just comes out as a wheeze, and she gives you a fake pout. “Aw, how pathetic.”
Agatha allows you some reprieve, loosening her grip around your throat slightly. Her hands leave your face to tug at your jeans, practically ripping them in the process of yanking them down your thighs. Her lithe tongue darts out, and you practically see the arousal grow in her eyes.
“Oh, you’re fucking dripping. I can smell you already,” she moans. “Does it turn you on, being hunted like this? Does it make that pretty pussy weep just knowing how I could crush you before you could even ask me to spare you?”
“No?” Agatha scoffs. “Please! You couldn’t even hide from me because that cunt of yours gave you away.”
You panic slightly as you’re lifted higher in the air, but she calms your worries with her hands on your thighs, assuring you that you won’t be dropped. You’re adjusted so that Agatha is free to place her torso between your legs. Her bare chest heaves as she admires your glistening cunt.
“You look so delicious, bunny. I could just swallow you whole.”
You gasp when her tongue finally meets your desperate pussy, thrashing against Agatha’s hold on you. She can’t resist wrapping her arms around your thighs, devoting her full attention to making you cry with pleasure. The split in her tongue feels absolutely heavenly as she licks you. She’s greatly amused with the way you try to buck against her when she flicks your clit into her mouth, fitting your throbbing bud in between the split of her tongue in the most electrifying way.
“Mistress, please,” you forget your role as the fog of pure pleasure clouds your brain. “Please, please, please. I need you.”
This is how the game always ends: you play the role of her pretty little prey, she threatens you as she hunts you down until you’re so turned on that she can smell your arousal from afar, and then you quickly break character as soon as her tongue is between your thighs and the promise of climax is on the table at last.
Agatha’s been especially mean tonight, prolonging your game of chase just because she loves the sound of your heartbeat picking up as she stalks her prey. Now that you’re past the point of begging for mercy and instead are begging for her to ruin you, she can’t help but bend to your wishes.
Not that she’d ever admit you had any control here.
“As much as I’d like to devour you right now,” Agatha pants, wiping your juices from her face with the back of her hand. She pulls you close so that you’re face to face again, deeply satisfied with how glazed over your eyes look. “I’d much rather bring you back home so I can properly gape this tight little hole of yours. Maybe if you’re good, I’ll even breed my bunny tonight. How’s that sound, sweet thing? You wanna be filled with my brood? All round with my eggs?”
“God, please,” you groan, subconsciously leaning toward her, seeking any sort of contact - even though you’re being cradled by her tail. Agatha complies, kissing you deeply and letting her fangs graze your bottom lip. You let out a surprised yelp at the feeling.
“Next time, maybe we should see if I can get you high on my venom, darling,” she hums, wiping the tiny bit of blood off of your lip with her thumb. “How’s that sound?”
“Anything you want, Mistress.”
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hotelofheroines · 10 months
Lilika the Space Amazon
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A warrior from the reclusive Burkaqua tribe from the jungle planet of Juraika. She joined the Dorgengoa pirate crew after killing a false god and being banished.
Personal Information Occupation: Space Pirate, Treasure Hunter, Monster Hunter Hobbies: Fitness and Athletics, Occultism, Gambling
Sexual Information Orientation: Pansexual Role: Switch/Versatile
Kinks Power Play, Pet Play, Impact Play, Wax Play, Bondage/Sensory Deprivation, Shibari/Suspension, Breeding, Monster Cocks/Dildos, Tentacles/Oviposition, Latex
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hotnsweetnprimrose · 2 years
It’s a crime that I’m not wrapped in tentacles right now and being pumped full of ‘eggs’. ‘Eggs’ that I can feel intensely on the way in but less so once they’re inside... ‘eggs’ that are soft but small and cause no expansion even though I’m being filled with over a hundred... ‘eggs’ that aren’t even eggs at all, instead a ridiculously strong aphrodisiac capsule that dissolves incredibly quickly once it reaches its destination, leaving me begging for more while my mouth is still free.
Eventually, one tentacle inside me is not enough for either myself or my tentacle monster partner and they stick one in my mouth too, filling that with the ‘eggs’/capsules too, which dissolve even faster there, making me crave the sweet taste and incredible feeling all the more.
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spitdrunken · 3 years
I see you losing it over drider!volo...but what about drider!volo running a cult where he has a "favorite"?
volo running a cult in general is <333 but DRIDER!VOLO.....
notes: mind control / hypnosis, heavy dubcon, aphrodisiacs, exhibitionism, oviposition, size difference, religious themes
Volo who wants to feel like a god before, one day, becoming one <3 
Him keeping a little group of weak, frail humans under almost complete control, having them gather food for him and worship the very air he breathes... He doesn’t care if it’s with empty eyes and false words. But while the others disgust him more than anything else, you’re the exception. Maybe you don’t need as much coercion as the others, almost eagerly bending to his will, handing over all thought. Maybe your scent makes his mouth water. Maybe he just thinks you’re cute.
Either way, you end up stuck in his web during all hours of the day, his face pressed into your hair as he makes soothing clicking noises. He’s so large compared to you, his multitide of eyes peeking out from underneath his hair. Your mind is kept permanently pliable, a haze in which you’ll panic as soon as he’s not there to guide you. Volo will pull every little thought from your brain, leaving you depending on him for everything. (And he’ll make sure it feels good too. You’re at your happiest, happier than you could ever be living a normal life, when following your god’s orders.) There’s so much praise, even if you have no choice but to obey. 
He’ll make his followers get you the prettiest robes to wear and have them worship you alongside him, though never as much. There’s no effort put into hiding that you’re his most prized little follower, though the others hardly care- They don’t have the mind to do so. Not even when their god sets out to claim you once again, spreading you open on a cock that should be too large for your body to take, and pumping you full of eggs. He’s blessing you, he tells you. You’ve been so good. Your neck ends up littered with bites, each one of them spreading more of Volo’s venom throughout your veins. It leaves you just as wanton as him. 
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It's not often that people willingly surrender monsters to us from the pet trade--less common than that, though, is for the monster to still be in its larval stage. Despite being relatively tamable, many people learn very quickly that Khezu don't make good pets. They have a cult following in the pet industry (for some reason), but that doesn't make husbandry any easier, considering that they're both blind and incredibly stupid... which leads to biting and unintentional shocks. Plus, they grow quickly and most people are sold Khezu whelps under the pretense that they're a "dwarf" breed, which doesn't exist.
That leads me to my next point; that being that Khezu are voracious eaters and prefer live (or at least very warm) prey. Especially as babies, they require a near-constant supply of food or else their growth ends up stunted. This little guy here had only just begun to develop its wings when it was passed to us by the Guild for rehabilitation and eventual release. It's my guess that the breeder had sold it to the original client with the hopes that it would never reach its full size due to malnutrition, which gives way to the rumor of "dwarf" Khezu.
It'll take some work, but within a few months it should be ready for release back into Guild custody, and then into the wild some months after that.
Never more in my life have I almost rejected to care for a rescue more than this little prick. Khezu are blind and at a disadvantage in any fight if knocked from their perches on the roofs of caverns and caves, as their senses of perception are limited to sound, heat and smell. As a result - they often stumble whilst running and cannot perceive walls too well unless they have been able to scent mark them beforehand. This is also disadvantageous for the Khezu as it means any prey familiar with its scent will not enter the cave.
With this in mind: a juvenile Khezu is especially useless in navigating and hunting and cannot tell friend from foe. It was hypothesized that they actually attack their parent: latching onto their sides until they get too big to hold on or get noticed by their host and thrown or beaten off. But this was proven false with a recent incident in which a rampaging Zamtrios was slain, and whilst being carved - had dozen of the horrifying little whelps wriggling inside it. It appears that Khezu are a parasitic species, choosing to use traumatic oviposition to lay their eggs inside a healthy host; that after hatching eat the host from the inside out. Undoubtedly a horrific way to go.
And with THIS in mind: looking after the juvenile Khezu has been terrible with it lunging and latching onto anything with a pulse or warmer than itself and running into chairs and boxes. It also can climb out of most containers and pens if given enough time. 
So far the only methods we've had of feeding this awful thing is blood letting from Aptonoth, newly caught monsters, and ourselves when in emergencies. Other than that it's been feeding it a constant diet of finely chopped livers and lengths of Kushala meat for the iron intake. As for evading bites and the like from this overgrown leggy leech - I suggest heavy gauntlets and boots - preferably not made of metal that is iron rich or they'll never let go. And before anyone goes "Well maybe I like the idea of a baby Khezu blindly bumping into my legs so I can pet its lil head" - good luck with that when it takes a palm sized hole out of your calf.
Leo Briarworth
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socks-pawn · 2 years
there are not many hermits i headcanon to be bird like but the ones that i do (keralis n false) are v interested in oviposition, always enjoying filling up the others- and getting filled up themselves- with eggs, they always enjoyed the feeling of seeing the others swelled up with their eggs n the feeling of having someone laying their eggs in them
OOOoooh Bird hybrids Keral and False? Interesting :D Oh i bet they're extremely protective over their easter egg babs more than other hermits <3
They enjoy seeing their partner's tummy swell with their eggs, or their own tummys, it's a big intimate moment shared.
Oviposition feels like such a intimate/bonding thing done between close partners and that makes me soft :)
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mostmouse · 2 years
Outtake: Halloween Leviathan
Obey Me!: Leviathan x AFAB Reader; Non-con and Violence and Oviposition; Explicit 18+ ; Word count: 6,687 - takes place during the Halloween Mask 2021 event.
What if Levi had found you first? He's so madly in love with you that he honestly can help it. You're his Henry, the both of you are going to be together forever. Can't you just see that, please? Its no ones fault, its just how it is.
The doors to the small village were open. Beyond them you could hear the splashing water of the fountain, a breeze rustling leaves, an ambient outdoor noise like birds, cicadas, and a dog barking here and there. Levi really had outdone himself with the themed room, you were so proud to see his hard work take shape. You’d love to tell him, but based on the fact you had to run away with Simeon earlier, you figured he wasn’t too keen on talking right now.
Jaw clenched, you peeked around the open door, scanning the area carefully. You couldn’t see Levi anywhere, or Mammon for that matter. Were they together? You couldn’t help the whimper that left you at the thought. You could maybe fight one off, but both of them? Would they listen to your pact commands?
Pressing yourself back against the wall, you shuddered to think of what Levi could have in store for you. He expressly stated how good he was with a knife, and considering he was the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy, you were sure he actually was good with a knife. Would he try to cut you? Carve you open and eat your heart and then your soul?
You pressed the heels of your palms against your eyes. What were these masks doing to your demons? They would never hurt you! Well, now. The first few months had been touch and go, but after all these years… you were so intwined with every one of them. Clenching your fists, you stood straight up, focusing on the fact that your demons loved you. They did! You would be okay! It would all be okay!
Tears lined your lashes as you walked into the small village, false confidence draining from you every step of the way. Hearing a loud slam behind you, you whipped around screaming, just to see the doors had shut. Hands over your mouth, you spun in a circle before dashing away between the buildings. Of course he would hear that! Maybe they both did, and now they were both coming to eat your heart and soul! You should’ve never come back, this was so stupid!
You let your head fall back against the brick once you made it, dread creeping up your body. Taking a deep, stuttering breath, you peeked around the corner. No demon in sight. Turning back around, you slinked into the alleyways, hoping to find one of them before they found you. Turning a few corners, remembering to check behind you just as often as ahead of you, you searched for your demons.
“Hmmm… if I were Levi in a mask, where would I be?” Biting your lip, you continued your stealthy sneaking. “Okay… well, let’s think of it as a video game. Levi always finds a vantage point and he’s always stalking before the kill. So, where would that be?” With furrowed brows, you stood in the alley way before paling slightly.
Your heart raced as you slowly peered up at the rooftops. Was he up there, watching your every move? Looking like an idiot searching the ground when he was up above? Seeing nothing, you sighed, moving forward. Suddenly, you felt something solid, heavy, and slick wrap around one ankle. Freezing, you could feel your body begin to shake. You didn’t dare turn around either, afraid of what you might find.
Finally, a solid wall pressed against your back. “It’s good you didn’t try to run. I don’t think I would’ve been able to control myself.” A heavy sigh blew across the back of your neck, cold porcelain pressing against you. You stuttered on his name, and before you could manage to get the words out anyways, he pressed the cold steel of his blade against your throat. “Make no mistake, you’re not safe yet, Henry.”
Teeth clenched, you tried to find a way out. Could you even try to appeal to him? Was he in his right mind? Your Levi would be a stuttering mess, he was always flustered when he called you Henry. It was for special moments! Why was he saying it now? “L-Levi, what’s- what’s wrong? You can t-tell me what you want, you know I just wanna make you ha-happy.”
His tail slinked higher up your leg and you whimpered. “I can smell the fear on you. Why are you so afraid? What do you think I’ll do to you?” You half focused on his words, wracking your brain to say something that he wouldn’t take as a possible suggestion. Tail creeping higher, it soon wound around your leg and now your midsection. You shakily rose your arms up, trying to remain as free as possible from his grip as you could.
“Leviathan. Hey-hey its okay, I’m not gonna run, I promise- ah!” His tail squeezed you tightly, body pressing tightly to yours and you jolted as you felt how hard he was against your rear. You coughed, wheezing slightly, “Levi?” You couldn’t help how the panic welled inside of you, hands beginning to push at his tail that hugged your torso tightly.
“No, you’re not going to escape. You’re here with me, and only me. Are you forgetting who you belong to, Henry? Who you serve? You’re mine and you aren’t ever going to leave me.” Twisting around, his tail raised you off the ground slightly, feet dangling as you faced your demon. Breath coming in fast puffs, you opened your mouth to say something before the tip of his tail pressed its way past your tongue.
Your breath picked up faster, nearly hyperventilating, before his tail slid down your throat. Coughing and gagging around him, your hands flew up to his tail, desperately trying to yank it out of your mouth. Levi watched you closely, knife twirling in his hand absentmindedly as you choked on his tail, drool slipping past your lips.
He groaned at the show you put on for him. All your struggling, your scared voice, the desperate attempts at fighting back against him as if he were a threat. But, he supposed, he was a threat to you at the moment. But it wouldn’t stay this way, he’d make sure you had just as much fun as he was about to have. Slipping his tail from your mouth, he watched as you coughed and wheezed, spit dripping from your lips. “It’ll be okay, Henry,” he slid his knife down one of your arms, the flat edge scraping slightly, “I’ll make sure we both have fun.”
Without another word, Levi turned, carrying you behind him with his muscular tail wrapped tightly around you. You stretched your hands out to reach for his mask, but he kept you just far enough away you couldn’t reach for it. “L-Levi! Hey, c’mon! We can have fun once you take your mask off! Please? For me? The Lord of Shadows wouldn’t force his Henr-ahh!”
With a loud splash, Levi tossed you into the surprisingly deep fountain. Trying to sit up and gain some footing, you watched Levi step into the fountain. Only thinking for half a second, you tried to back up and launch yourself out of the water, only for his tail to find your ankle easily and drag you back towards him. Your lungs burned as he kept you underwater for a few seconds, the blank mask being the only thing you could see above you.
Finally his hands gripped your torso, pulling you back up to fresh air. You couldn’t help but gasp, filling your lungs with much needed air. Levi’s grip, however, was bruising. “You said you wouldn’t run! You lied, Henry! And Henry would never lie to the Lord of Shadows!” Tears burned your vision as you apologized and begged for forgiveness, fear filling you as the water had almost done to your lungs. “No! No no no no! Shut up!” With a harsh shove, Levi pushed you back underwater, bubbles flooding to the surface as you screamed.
Just as black spots began to appear in your vision, he lifted you back to the surface. Leaning over your shoulder, you coughed and gagged, spitting into the water. “L-Levi! Please, I’m-” A shuddering cough wracked your body, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t- wasn’t thinking! I’m so sorry, please, please don’t be mad!” His nails bit into your upper arms, the mask hiding the rage on his face.
“You will be. I’ll teach you that you’re mine. That all of you belongs to me, you belong to me, Henry!” His hands slowly left your body as his tail gripped your ankle harsher, crying out, you begged him to loosen his grip. “What, so you can run again? You won’t fool me twice, Henry. If you get off with only a broken ankle, you should consider yourself lucky.” Practically hissing his last words, he shifted into his demon form.
You watched in fear as you saw how his horns faintly glowed in the twilight. With a start, you looked around rapidly, finally noticing that it had slowly become nighttime in the artificial village. Swallowing thickly, your eyes finally met his again beneath his mask. You trembled as his claws scraped the skin of your neck, flashbacks to a different demon with just as sharp of nails doing the same thing. But rather than wrapping around your neck, he instead drug them down your body, and you bit your lips to keep from crying loudly as he shredded your clothes.
Tatters falling all around you, he tugged harshly on your ankle. With a shout, you fell on your ass with a splash and sat in the water with your chest on display. You could feel the creeping humiliation as he watched you emotionlessly. Your eyes widened as a scream died on your tongue as he suddenly lunged at you, pressing your back firmly against the solid stone of the decorative statue in the fountain. One hand held you by the throat, your wet hands holding his wrist tightly as the other shredded the waistband of your bottoms. Tail coming up to strip the pieces away while his free hand groped your body.
Nails biting into your supple skin, you held back your whimpers as best as you could. Being completely bare to him in this situation had you full of anxiety, and with his hand wrapped tightly around your throat, you feared for the worst. Once his tail was finished with clothing cleanup, it slid back up your outer thigh. Wrapping around your waist, the tip travelled further downwards before sitting at your entrance.
Your breath caught in your throat, Levi’s hands abandoning your warm skin to strip his clothes off instead. Your hands rested on your throat as his tail tightened around your body. Quick short breaths left you in rapid succession, Levi peeling and ripping his own wet clothes from his body. You couldn’t help as your eyes flicked down to peer at his dual cocks. You whimpered as you saw how engorged he was, and with how painfully dry you were – despite the fountain water, you knew that once he made it to you, it would hurt.
The water lapped at your hips as Levi slowly advanced towards you. You tried to open your mouth, but his hand flashed out in front of you, covering your lips easily as you flinched instinctively. His tail slowly slid down your body curling past your folds and forcing itself into your body. You whined, hands scraping his wrist as his other hand stoked one of his thick cocks.
The water doing nothing to lubricate you, his tail dragged painfully against your unprepped walls. Tears burned your vision, thighs trembling, as his tail rapidly thickened as he filled you. Your hands attempted to peel off his fingers, legs kicking towards him as his thick tail split you in two, belly beginning to bulge with the appendage inside. Lifting you up and mostly out of the water, you almost marveled at the strength he held in his tail. Were this any other situation, you might even tease him to rile him up.
Levi scoffed as you weakly kicked him, easily using his legs to keep your thighs spread far apart. You could feel his cockheads brushing your stomach and you shuddered in fear and pain. Levi’s free hand drifted down between your bodies, pressing firmly and harshly against your clit, watching you writhe against him and grinding on his tail. His calloused fingertips adding extra stimulation as he treated you too roughly, dragging harshly against your tender skin.
You couldn’t help the constant whimpers and whines that he contained with his hand over your mouth. Tears slipping from your eyes, your pawed instead at his chest. Nails scratched down his body, though you knew you couldn’t possibly hope to leave any marks. You tried to appeal to him with your watery terrified eyes – he was in there somewhere! But how would you make him realize what he was doing was wrong?
Screaming as he jerked his tail fully out of your aching cunt, you desperately tried to pry his fingers from your mouth. You were at least relieved he was bearing most of your weight on his tail at the moment. Glaring at him through your tears, you began to shake your head side to side in a pathetic attempt to free yourself.
Though it seemed Levi took pity on you, possibly, as he let his hand fall from your lips. Gasping for air, you lunged forward the best you could to grab at his mask. “Give it to me! Levi, come here now and take off our stupid fucking mask!” You pulled on your pact the best you could, commanding him harshly and internally begging him to comply with you.
Letting out one of the most guttural and terrifying growls you had heard from any demon, Levi invaded your space, pressing his solid mask against your watery visage and snarling. “You don’t command me, Henry. You will bend to my will, do I make myself clear?” You couldn’t help the stupid well of anger that bubbled inside of you. His hard body pressed tightly against you, chest rubbing uncomfortably, his hard shafts gliding against your wet tummy, and his tail tightening around you so strenuously that you were sure your ribs were bruising.
“Leviathan, Avatar of fucking Envy! I am your master, and you will obey me!” You snapped your jaws at him, arms fighting the sudden grip he had on you. “You’re pacted to my soul, and damn it, you’ll listen!” As he leaned back slightly, you spat in his face. Ignoring his predatory warning growl, and how the excess tail behind him swayed dangerously, “Now take off that mask, and let me go this instant!” Eyes wide, you bared your teeth at him.
As he continued to stand before you, hands holding you tightly by the forearms, tail wrapped in a vice around you, and emotionless mask mere inches from your face, you felt all the piss and vinegar leave your body slowly. By the time a full couple minutes passed, you had your jaw clenched tightly shut and body trembling. You didn’t dare speak his name, terrified of the thought that he was deciding to just kill you. That you were more trouble than you were worth.
Suddenly, he moved. He backed up from you slightly, enough to wear you couldn’t hear his breath whistling through the holes in his mask. Arms now free, you couldn’t help but wrap them around your exposed chest, tail resting beneath them. You whimpered and swallowed thickly, “L-Levi?” Your voice seemed to snap him out of his thoughts as you were suddenly dragged under water again.
You screamed as you went under, mouth automatically sealing as your body realized you were submerged. You watched his luminescent horns and shafts glimmer from beneath water as your hands clawed the air. Pushing at his tail, you kicked your legs to gain traction. Your chest burned, black slowly encroaching on the edges of your sight until it nearly consumed everything, hands limply falling back into the water.
Heaving for air as you came too, Levi smacked you hard against the face, head snapping to the side. You could say nothing as water left your mouth and he landed another slap against your opposite cheek, head cracking to the other side just as violently. You tried to lift your arms to protect yourself, but you couldn’t move them. As your hearing came back slowly, you cried as he slapped you hard again.
“Speak to me like again and you won’t get another chance. If you can’t be a good human, I’ll leave you under. I have no problem watching you drown, Henry.” You cried out again as his palm made contact with your reddened cheeks. Your teeth ached and rattled in your jaws, hair smacking your already abused skin. “Answer me!” You felt your wrist bones grind against each other as his hands gripped you. Knowing that, even as he attacked you, he was holding back had fear liquidizing in your veins.
“Y-Yes, Levi. I-I-I under-understand. It won-won’t happen again- ah!” Sobs wracked your body as he gave you a final slap. You choked slightly as your shoulders shook, gasps and cries leaving you quickly. You flinched into the stone as his hand slowly came to cup your cheek. Hyperventilating, you tearfully looked up at him, glowing eyes watching you carefully from his porcelain mask. His thumb wiped away your never-ending tears, water from the fountain mixing in easily.
“Perfect. See, Henry? Isn’t this better? Now we can have our fun. Just- don’t ever shout at me like that again. You’re my best friend, I love you. I can’t handle it when you’re angry with me.” You didn’t even have the energy to scoff or roll your eyes. Your body felt exhausted, and he hadn’t even done what he intended to from the start. “Shh, Henry. It’s okay.” You hadn’t realized you were hiccupping until he slid one finger to your swollen lips, bitten in your desperate attempts to breathe.
As he leaned back up, you took account of your current position. You were resting on the stone edge of the fountain, wide enough to hold both of you comfortably size wise with room on either side. His tail was still around you, though now it was around your shoulders as well, propping your head up, and still went down towards your hips where his tip rested.
His hands had left their perch from either side of your head to now stroke your bare thighs. You swallowed, a stifled cry leaving you once you saw how hard he was still. Pre-cum covered his girthy shafts, and you hated that he was getting off on doing this to you. You felt his hands grip your legs under your knees, and you closed your eyes, head tilted to the side in an attempt to escape the situation. As he rested your legs against his chest, both cocks slid against your folds as he gently leaned over you.
Calloused palms held your cheeks and you cracked one eye open to look at him. “Henry… I know you’re awake. Aren’t you going to watch as I ravish you? It’ll feel good, I promise. I’m going to fill you up, breed you so deeply that everyone will finally realize that you’re mine.” You could only stare up at him, gaze lifting as you watched his coral horns glow a deep violet. You whispered his name hoarsely, and you felt his shafts twitch between your thighs and his voice hitch.
“You have no idea what you do to me, Henry. Let me show you how much I love you, how I know you better than anyone could ever hope to. How I’ll be your one and only from here on out.” He backed away from your face, one foot outside the fountain as the other rested on the stone ledge. He spread your legs further apart, sighing at seeing you so wide open for him. He moaned lowly, “Henry… I’m sorry if I’m too rough, its just. You smell amazing… I-I don’t think I can hold back…”
Your nails attempted to scrape his tail, but they just slid against his wet scales, unable to find any purchase. Letting one leg rest on his chest, he hooked the other around his hips. Feeling one velvety cockhead at each entrance, you began to cry again, “Le-Levi! No, no please! You haven’t even touched me yet! It’ll hurt- please! Don’t!” You watched as he seemed to fight with himself for a moment.
After a few seconds of contemplating whether or not to fuck you dry, you watched as his brought his fingers to your slit. Pressing two digits inside of you, you let your head fall back against his thick tail and whined. He stroked your walls gently, none of the aggression from earlier present. Touching every part of you, your eyes clenched shut, imagining that maybe this was just a really rough role play scene.
Trying to lose yourself in his ministrations, you let your hips slowly relax, walls unfurling around his digits and small panting breaths leaving you. That seemed to encourage him, and whether or not he noticed you trying to emotionally escape, he continued touching you. Fingertips pressing firmly against your sweet spots, he angled his hand to keep his rough palm firmly against your clit.
Eye cracking open slightly, you cried out at the stimulation, bucking your hips as well as you could, and threw your head back. “Levi! Hahh~ fe-feels good! Please, please let me cum!” He pressed harder inside of you, fingers gliding easily and palm grinding on your clit. He shifted his wrist, fingers sliding out and rubbing circles on your tight bundle. Thighs jumping in their limited capacity, you arched and cried out, “Levi! Ah! Haah~ hahh~ yes! I’m- fuck! G-Gonna cum! Please you feel so good!”
Your head whipped side to side, losing yourself in the waves of your orgasm as you climaxed. His fingers slid back inside of you, feeling your walls clench tightly around him and helping you through your release. Gently letting your thighs slide down in his grip, his breath stuttered for a moment as you whined his name loudly. Swallowing thickly, you gasped, hands weakly gripping his tail the best you could in your pinned position. Regaining your breath, your eyes cracked open slightly, and upon seeing Levi in his mask, your mouth suddenly tasted bitter. You whimpered, bucking your hips, as you began to regret losing yourself on his hands. Coming back down and realizing where you were seemed to hurt worse than your initial fear and shock.
You whined as he lifted your shaky thighs back up to rest against and wrap around him. Deep breaths passed your lips as you felt one of his glowing cocks sink into you. From the heavy weight resting on your swollen clit, you could tell it was the bottom of his two shafts. Soft whines turned into loud gasps as he steadily thrust in and out of your wet heat. Ghost tremors of your previous orgasm shook your legs, muscles jumping and sporadically gripping him.
Levi gasped as he began to rut a bit faster into you. Hard shaft keeping pace atop your clit as the cock buried inside of you stroked you in all the right places. You cried out, bending forward instinctively as his scaled underside slid perfectly against you. “Levi! Ah!” He watched as you began to writhe, overstimulated clit being rubbed constantly against his exposed cock, scales working you up once again easily.
“Gonna c-cum for me, Henry? Let me feel you, say my name- fuck! I want everyone to hear you, you’re mine! Say my name and I’ll let you cum.” His hands abandoned your legs, pivoting forward so the angle would keep you propped against him, as he grounded himself on his palms on either side of your head. Bracing his weight with the foot on solid ground, he bucked harder into you. “Fuck! You feel so- haah~ so good wr-wrapped around me, Henry. So nice and- ah! T-Tight!” The bioluminescence in his horns began to glow brighter, his breath picking up as he helplessly rutted into your tight hole.
With a shout from him, and you slapping your head against his tail, you both finished with each other. One hand left your side to squeeze his exposed cock, sticky bursts of cum covering your lower stomach and his tail wrapped around you. You whined as the iridescent mess slowly slipped between the thick bulges of his muscular tail, hot cum touching your skin.
With a gasp, Levi pulled free from your body and your eyes fluttered shut for a split second. You heard him whimper and a guttural cry left you as you felt both his shafts pressing into your tight cunt. You tried to kick at him, but his hands held your legs firm as his hips slid forward, forcing his cocks deeper into you. His head tilted back at the tight sensation, walls rippling around his sensitive shafts and his own scales brushing against his velvet skin.
He puffed as he worked to fit both his luminescent cocks inside of you. Your legs straining against him excited him further, but the slow stretch of your walls left him breathless. He felt torn at wanting to break you and wanting to break himself. He groaned as you weakly whined beneath him. His perfect Henry, taking him so well, legs spread wide to fit him. “Ahh~ Haah~ feels- mmm~ Henry…” His hips stilled as he wiggled both cocks deep inside of you. Scales slid about your walls, and you felt so impossibly full.
“Haah~ Henry! Fuck, s-so deep. You feel amazing. Ah! Tight. Yes, pl-please keep squeezing, jus- haah! Just like that! Fuck!” Levi hid his face in your calf pressed against his chest. The hard porcelain kept you frustratingly rooted to reality, and you cried out in anger and overstimulation. Thighs jumping in his hold, he slowly pulled back, just to sink back in.
“Levi! Fuck- move, please! You’re so- ah! Too big! I can’t!” Turning your head, you pressed your cheek against his tail, though you were sure your skin felt much better on him than his mask had felt on you. “I don’t wanna just- ah! Cockwarm you, please move fast- hahh! Levi!” Spit filled your mouth as your jaw hung open, gasps and pants tearing from your lungs as he began to pump faster within you. “Ah! Levi! Levi, please! Big, big- haah! Mmm~ I- yes! Levi!”
Letting go of your legs slightly, Levi basked in the view of you under him. The feeling of your cunt strangling both his cocks, hips bucking into yours so roughly, the wet sound of your flooding walls louder than the fountain you two were previously submerged in. He growled lowly as your legs writhed against him, knees moving within his grasp as your hips raised slightly to meet his thrusts. He grit his teeth behind his mask – he needed you, so much more, he couldn’t think! He craved you, deeply. All of you, he wanted you to become one, he wanted to be so impossibly close that no one could tell the two of you apart.
Crying out, he covered your body with his, pinning your legs painfully against him. Ignoring your cries in protest, he felt the mask crack around his mouth, shards falling onto your exposed chest and his tail as his forked tongue left his mouth and licked your sweaty skin. Nails scraping the stone ledge, he sunk his sharp teeth into your soft plush skin. Holding onto your shoulder with his teeth, he sunk deeper into your body as he held you in somewhat of a mating press.
Tears clouded your vision as you felt his cocks tag team your tight hole, his teeth anchoring into your bones roughly, and your legs beginning to cramp. You wiggled uselessly within the grasp of his tail, only being able to cry out as he worked you harshly. Turning your head, you tried to bite at his mask, anything to free it from him, but instead the harsh porcelain shards scratched and cut at your tear stained cheeks.
Tossing your head to the other side, you cried out as you felt your orgasm at the brink. Walls tightening in a vice, you held both thick cocks deep inside of you. Levi kept his sharp teeth within the meat of your shoulder, hands returning to your legs to hold you so tightly you thought you’d break. Your hips involuntarily jerked to his, taking all of him as you could while your cunt squeezed him painfully tight, before unfurling and squeezing him tighter as you finished around him.
Head falling back, you moaned loudly, crying his name as you shook around him. Levi’s hips stilled as your walls held him tightly, whimpering into your slowly bleeding wound. Crying against your shoulder, his hands suddenly gripped the fat of your thighs and shoved them wide apart. “Stop it! Levi, it hurts!” Fresh tears falling down your cheeks, you screamed as he jerked his hips back, slamming hard into your spasming walls. “Levi! Ah! Ahh! No!”
Ignoring your cries, he chased his own high. Bucking wildly inside of you, forcing past your tight muscled rim, he burrowed his cocks even deeper into your body. Head falling forward, pink drool dripped from his jagged smile. Sharp teeth stained red, his forked tongue slipped out of his mouth. He gasped and cried your name as he sunk back inside of you and filled you with his cum.
Levi whimpered and cried, drool leaving him in thick streams as his hips jerked reflexively into you as he spilled load after load inside of you. Both cocks emptying, you could feel his hot cum slip past your swollen folds and curve over your ass. You coughed, sobs shaking your shoulders, blood oozing from the bite he left on you. “Hen-Henry~ Ahh… so… so good. So tight. You’re so- so perfect. Feels so good, Henry. My Henry. Mine, mine, mine…” Weak thrusts accented every claim of possession as you cried and whimpered below him.
“Levi… please, please be done. I can’t keep going. You’re gonna break your Henry. I’m too- ahh! De-delicate for all this. I’m gonna break, Levi.” You sniffled, swallowing thickly as he pulled out of you. You sighed in relief, emptiness feeling liberating – save the feel of the massive amounts of cum pulsing out of your abused hole.
He watched you closely, legs still spread, as with every twitch and convulsion, his bioluminescent cum dumped out of you, curving around your plump bottom. He spared a glance up at your tired face, too tired now to beg him to be done. He whimpered, he almost wanted to be done – for your sake, but he just couldn’t. Not when watching you cry his name and become even more covered in his cum got him so worked up.
Forked tongue flicking across his lips quickly, he studied your expression as his tail slowly made its way down your back. Winding continuously around your torso, the tip of his tail gathered on the stone ledge. He panted above you, drool slipping in thick rivulets from the mask he wore.
“Henry… can you hear me? Henry?” Your eyes cracked open once again, whimpering as you met his iridescent eyes, horns glowing ominously above him. “Just a little bit more, okay, Henry? I just- I need more of you. Please, please let me have you. I’ll be as gentle as I can, but I’m so wound up, only you can help me, please, Henry?”
Blinking owlishly at him, you wondered internally how he could possibly be begging you right now. He had helped himself to every inch of you, forced you to take all of him, and had nearly drowned you multiple times. Your voice was hoarse when you tried to answer him, coughing instead and turning your dazed gaze to the side.
Licking his lips, Levi took that as an admission to your body. He coiled his tail behind you, one hand abandoning your leg, setting it in the water, as his fingers moved to gather all the cum that he could reach that had leaked out of you. You whimpered, drooling at the feeling of his fingers touching such overly sensitive parts of you.
You hated how weak you felt, his was so focused on his stupid cum pouring from your body, you could probably get the jump on him and kick him in the face. However, you could barely think at the moment. Every fiber of you wanted the damn mask off but your body just couldn’t respond to the desperate pleas of your hazy mind. Eyes drifting shut, you faded in and out of consciousness as his fingers played inside of you.
He gazed lovingly at you from beneath the mask. Admiring your blotchy face, bit shoulder, bruised chest, cum covered tummy, and abused and swollen slit. Following further down, his free hand was covered in his cum. Flicking his eyes up to you rapidly for a moment, he admired your blissed out face. He almost felt back for what he was about to do, but as he had explained, he just- he needed more. Needed to stuff you full, he’d do anything for it.
Breath stuttered from his lungs as he pressed his cum covered hand against your ass. Fingers prodding at your neglected hole. Your brows furrowed slightly, face contorted as he pressed inside you. Blearily gazing at him, he brought his tail to your tight rim. “Henry… I love you. So much. You’re mine. We’re gonna belong to each other, I promise. Just please, Henry, indulge me a little bit more, okay? You’re doing amazing, you’re taking all my cum and both my cocks so well. I just need more, just a little bit more. And then I’ll pump you so full, you won’t even remember what its like to be empty. I love you, I love you.” You squeezed your eyes shut while he rambled. You hated his praise, you hated him calling you Henry, you hated his proclamations of love, you hated him-
“Ahh! Le-Levi!” You easily began to cry again, his tail pressing inside of you. His sticky thick cum barely helping as lubrication as he pressed his tail deeper into you. You watched through the tears clinging to your lashes as he shuddered at the tight sensation of you gripping his tail.
“Y-You can do it, Henry. Just- just like that. Ahh~ so tight… perfect, Henry. Feels so good. I’m gonna make you feel so full, Henry. Just a little more, you can fit more of me- haah~ y-yes, yes! Okay- mmm~ mhm, ahh~” Drool fell past his teeth as he rearranged your legs around him once again. Adjusting his grip, your thighs spread wide with legs stretched to either side of him, he eased his swollen cocks once again to your swollen cunt. “Ahh~ Henry, you’re so- ah! So tight!”
Levi’s head fell back at the tight sensation of your walls gripping him in a vice. He pulled a hand back as he tipped his head forward, thick globs of spit spilling past his mouth, and he spanked you hard. You cried out, limbs and joints long since going numb, but still sensitive in your core.
His hand left your plump ass and guided his stiff shafts to your folds. Pressing both of them inside of you once again, you jerked and choked on your sobs. “Stop it! Levi, stop it! It hurts, sugar, it hurts so much! I can’t take it, you’re breaking me!” Thrashing your cheeks onto the bit of tail resting beneath your head, you sobbed around him as he split you on his tail and two cocks. “Levi!”
Cursing the thick end of his tail as it cushioned every slam of your head into the stone, you sobbed loudly. You wished anyone would come save you from him, anyone! Even Mammon in his mask would be preferable to the Avatar of Envy slowly ripping you into two pieces.
His tail curled inside of you, straining your walls and you swore he was tearing you open from the inside. You cried as he slid his dual cocks into you to the hilt. He sighed loudly as he bottomed out, cooing about how perfect you were, how you were made for him, and you wanted to scream. Cuss him out, tell him to jump in a lake, to get the fuck out of your body, but all you could do was cry and hide your face away from him.
Licking his lips, forked tongue flicking slightly past the shards of shattered porcelain, he pulled his hips back and sunk deep into you. He kept his tail at a slow-moving pace, stretching you out and stroking your walls. Pushing as far as he could, your tight rim protested the gradually thickening base of his tail.
Your watery eyes watched as he panted above you, thick lines of drool falling past his split mask. You could no longer see his glowing eyes, the only gentle light being the luminescence of his coral horns and thick cum on you and his tail from previous rounds. You tried to get his attention, but choked on your words as he bucked into you. “G-Gonna fill you up, Henry. Haah~ I- I can’t hold back, need t-to cum.” He whimpered, his face curling towards his chest as he gasped, whispering how tight you were.
Your back arched and you shouted in pain as you felt his cocks swell inside of you. “Levi! Fuck- Levi!” Breathing heavily, you felt his thick cum empty inside you, but it didn’t explain the feeling of him getting bigger. Short quick breaths had your chest heaving as you tried to look at him, to see what he could possibly be doing to you. It wasn’t often he used both his shafts in one of your tight holes, but he had never felt so big, so thick.
His moans above you were lascivious, almost pornographic. In the back of your mind, you thought how hot it was, if only he were that loud normally, but you couldn’t maintain your train of thought as you felt your tummy swell behind the portion of his tail wrapped around you. The tip and then some of which still filled your backside. Gagging on your own spit, you felt your head land on the thick muscle of his tail, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
Levi was above you, watching you lose focus after being so thoroughly fucked. His hips jerked with aftershocks of his orgasm, thick oval eggs swelling his shafts and dumping inside of you. He cried out at the feeling of you being so stuffed full, of how you strained against his tail. Eyes watching your needy holes tighten and grip him, he bit his lip and ground against you, more eggs passing through his cocks.
“He-Henry… Henry, I- aah~ t-take them all. I know you can, you can fit me so-so, ahh! Per-Perfectly!” Rutting shallowly into you, he felt more eggs stretch past his cockheads, “Ahh! Hahh! Fuck! S-So many, so good! Ah! Ahh!” He gripped your hips and pounded into you for a short moment, dumping all he could into your belly, tail curling inside of you, walls a vice on it and both his cocks. “Hahh~ ahh~” Vision becoming a bit hazy, his tail loosened its grip on you, your midsection bloated.
He gasped, panting for breath as he drug his softening cocks from your puffy folds, tail withdrawing from your tight abused hole. Swallowing thickly, he kept his tail firmly against your slit, keeping everything he could inside of you, and drug you back into the fountain to rest on his chest.
*Part 2*
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bax16 · 3 years
@crocketingsolly made me do this. I ain't sorry
*camera pans to a newly opened restaurant. Inside is a false open kitchen concept where a team of fursuiters run around with oversized, colorful plastic kitchenware, cartoonishly miming cooking actions. Occasionally a pot catches on fire, and all the "cooks" promptly panic and run around squeakin at the top of their lungs. In the dinin area is a team of fursuited wait staff. One waiter in particular looks absolutely miserable, mumbling about "really needin this job"*
WewcOωOme to Diesel's Twuck Stop Cafe hOωO may i take u OωOdew
UωOuld u wike to see our menUωU? Hewe are some gwwwweat suggestions UωU:
Knotzawewwa sticks
Cweamy chicky alfwedo dip (teh sauce comes stwaight fwom alfwedo himsewf ;3 )
Spinach awtichOωOke-me-daddy dip
BUωU waffle fwies
Ow if u cannot make up u mind, why not twy ouw cawpet bunny sampwew pwattew :3
Fow dinnew, how about some
Oviposition omewet
Yiffawoni and cheese
Diesel denial dinnew (chicky fwy steak wif cweam gwavy. It sewved on a speciaw pwate wif Texas fuwwy fiesta's ban lettew to diesel raccoon so UωU can wead as u eat)
CawniVORE buwgew (it not vegetawian ;3 )
19 sauce cheese pizza
Ask about nuzzling ouw bulgy wulgy special (it vewy Spicy so be cawefuw Ωω̯Ω)
How about something to swawwow? ;3c
Bull bweastmiwkshake (we have vaniwwa, choccy, and stwawbebby bulls UωO)
BUωUbewwy nuzzlewita
And fow pwesident's day, twy ouw new help-me-mistew-obama-im-dwowning in adult sweet tea (you'll be so squishy by da time ur done)
And fow dessewt:
Goonbewwy cweam pie
"Sea salt" ice cweam ;3
Bwownie scat fudge sundae
Infwates-u-making-u-big-and-wound cweam puffs
Pony jaw cweme bUωUee (it comes wif a toy ^_^ )
And fow a wimited time, 10% off ur biww if u weaw ur fuwsuit (25% off and excwusive access to da pawty woom if u weaw u muwwsuit OωO)
And of cOωUse don't fowget to wet us know if it u biwfday so we can sing u a speciaw biwfday song UωO
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miscellaneous-bnha · 4 years
Naga Aizawa AU
As requested by 🍄 anon.
Unfortunately, this is not a part of the Untitled AU (I’m sticking to calling it that even though I named it), but I’m really glad that I had a chance to write about Naga Aizawa anyway. 🍄 anon is my savior.
- Aizawa as a Naga in general would be interesting.
- I can def see him sleeping all curled up in sun spots through the day, only really moving when he wants to.
- But then he becomes much more active at night, on the prowl for prey and potential threats to his territory.
- Unusual seeing how cold it can get at night, but effective for him seeing as he blended quite well into the dark with his midnight tail and markings.
- Regardless, as far as he’s concerned, nobody really has the guts to challenge him at this point.
- At least, that was until he met you.
- The scared little mouse that had lost their way into his territory.
- You had heard rumors of half snake people living in these parts, and you really weren’t trying to stray away from the path
- But it was like something in the forest itself was calling out to you.
- According to local legend, the voice of the forest would lead you to your soulmate so long as they were in the forest at the same time as you
- But as you were trembling under the gaze of the Naga before you, the legends felt like cruel, whispery lies to give you false hope
- Now was hardly the time to worry about that, however, considering he looked quite upset to have been interrupted.
- Before you could scramble back to your feet, he was upon you, coiled around you without actually touching you, making you feel trapped and small.
- “Hmmm....” the baritone of his voice sent a chill through you, half with fear and half with mild arousal. You cursed your ape brain silently, squeezing your body tighter.
- “What is a little mouse like you...” he finally touches you, tipping your head to look up at him with a finger under your chin, “.. doing so far away from the path. Hmm?”
- Your lips only tremble as you try to speak, but he presses a finger to your lips to keep you from attempting to speak anyway.
- “No matter... you’re quite lost now aren’t you?” you can only nod, refusing to tear your eyes away.
- You already know that you would never be able to react in time, but your instincts still tell you to keep your eyes locked on him.
- “I figured as much. Unfortunately for you—“ he points up to the darkening sky, “— the sun is going down, and you wouldn’t make it back to town at this rate even if you tried.”
- You swallowed hard, knowing he was right. Maybe the universe really is playing a cruel joke on you.
- He chuckles, running his hand through your hair and ruffling it.
- “Relax, you’re gonna be okay. Human isn’t my first, second, or third choice in food. I’ll bring you to my den to stay the night and lead you back to the trail tomorrow.”
- You squint hard, nose scrunching with doubt.
- “No need for such a sour face, little mouse. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it by now.” He winks, “Besides, people get lost all the time; the people of town already know who I am by this point.”
- You furrow your brows, but you suppose he was right. If he really did want to cause harm, you wouldn’t be here pondering the legitimacy of his words. It also made sense about how the village seemed to know of supernatural creatures such as Nagas in extreme detail.
- You figured that— worst case scenario— you were dead either way, and your best bet would be to go with the Naga for now.
- He watches you climb to your feet, shuffling a bit. “... That would be really great, thank you.”
- He smirks and blows a slight laugh out through his nose, unraveling his tail as he moves to lead the way. “Th’ name’s Shouta Aizawa, and who might you be?”
- You wake up the following morning to the sound of crashing thunder and heavy rain pouring outside his den.
- You rub your eyes blearily, bits and pieces of the night before slowly coming back to you.
- You remember following Aizawa to his den, keeping good on his promise not to eat you as you slept.
- The conversation as he led you through the darkening woods was really quite insightful; what kind of (snake?)person he is, what he does in the area. The kinds of goods he trades with the village nearby.
- You were shocked to learn that the forest doesn’t only serve as home for Nagas, but harpies, sirens, and elemental spirits too. “And those are just a few of the people I know.”
- Though he pretended to be annoyed with talking about his blond haired harpy and the pale-blue haired water spirit friends, the shine in his eye gave him away; he definitely cares a whole lot more than his demeanor suggests.
- It was endearing.
-But that was then and this is now, and “the now” meant you would be stuck in Aizawa’s den for a lot longer than originally intended.
- “It’s no problem,” he’d said once he caught sight of your worried face, “we have more than enough supplies to last us a good long while. Comfortably, if I might add.”
- At that point, you were worried less about supplies and more about the fact that you didn’t want to intrude. “If only I hadn’t wandered off the path...”
- “Hey now, no need to start thinking like that now. You never meant to get lost, and this sudden downpour certainly isn’t your fault—“ the glare he suddenly shot outside made you curious, “— so don't worry about it, yeah?”
- Except, by the fourth week of non-stop rain, it was safe to say you were concerned.
- Sure, it did lighten up to a measly drizzle here and there, but the muddy ground was too unstable to try and traverse without risk. The chances of causing a landslide was too great.
- So it was with a guilty— mostly because of your silent cheers with each rainy day you woke up to— heart you shared yet another cup of tea, lounging back within Aizawa’s coils.
- The two of you had grown particularly close in your time staying here. Though you were originally concerned about the state of your clothing, it turned out that Aizawa had quite the collection in case of situations like these
- So alas, the two of you spent the day chatting away as usual.
- He has been in the middle of telling a particularly interesting story when you suddenly found yourself zoning out at the slight stubble on his sharp jawline
- You supposed it really shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, seeing the ‘nature’ of his species, but you were surprised to see someone so inactive also be so amazingly fit at the same time.
- You don’t know when he had stopped talking, or when the two of you had started falling into each other’s gaze
- But you definitely felt the moment when your lips pressed against his. Starting as shy little pecks until he started to press deeper, coils shifting as he brought you closer to him
- Hands setting your drinks aside, you wrap your arms around his neck as he traps you between a comfortable crook in his tail and his body, his hands resting on your hips
- Your head starts to grow clouded the longer you kiss him, a slight tang similar to citrus but as sweet as candy hits your tongue and suddenly he’s pulling back
- His eyes are blown wide, but you can see the struggle on his features as he catches his breath
- “Shit..” he presses his face into your neck, “I shouldn’t have lost control like that... are you alright?”
- You’re confused by his statement. Surely, he was asking if you were okay with him kissing you, but somehow you knew that wasn’t really what he was asking
- Your thoughts start to wander a little as you start to feel a low burn settle deep in your belly, and you’re almost amused by the idea that Nagas do— in fact— have aphrodisiac properties in their venom
- You can almost tell the exact moment when your eyes become completely glossed over, wet with desire and clouded with need.
- “Fuck... I’m sorry. I should have been more aware. I’ll get some water to help flush out my venom-“ he pauses when he notices the unhappy furrow in your brow.
- “Do... do you not like me like that?” You blurt out before you can stop to think about it.
- he hesitates and you close your eyes, disappointment charging through you, but suddenly they’re open again when he coils around you tighter, chest crushing against your own as he presses his face into the side of your head
- “Of course I do... but I didn’t want it to go this way. I shouldn’t have stayed so close while in my rut like this.”
- “Your rut?”
- he nods solemnly, sighing as he runs a hand through his hair
- “It started some time about a week ago... when I first realized that I’m attracted to you... emotionally and physically.” He presses his nose to your temple and inhales deeply “But I’ve been tryna keep quiet about it... wanted to give you the choice to go if y’wanted.”
- You can hear his words start to slur together. “Y’can stay if y’want... but if y’don’t go now, I won’t be lettin’ ya go. At least not without me.”
- You’re already nodding before you can even think about it.
- “Of course I want to stay... if you’ll have me.”
- There’s a deep rumble reminiscent of a growl in his chest
- “Of course I’ll have you. There’s no one else I’d rather have, little one.”
- You felt a strong shudder run down the length of your spine, but you weren’t given much time to dwell on it before his lips were devouring yours once more, the tangy sweet taste of his venom coming back tenfold.
- The haze of arousal consuming you, however, would have been just as powerful without it.
- The passage of time became non-existent the further you fell into his heat, the more you felt your body give in until you could barely bring yourself to do anything but lay back in his coils
- You felt like you were floating in his arms, giving yourself away completely to his wants and whims, the sultry sound of his voice carrying you through the haze.
- A part of you felt like you should have been more embarrassed; it’s only been about a month since you’ve met this man in a forest you’ve never been to before on an island you don’t even live on, but the thought floated away before you could get a grasp on it.
- “What’s wrong, little mouse?” His nose was buried in your hair, chest puffing with every deep breath he took.
- You shake your head sluggishly, body growing ever warmer as you attempt to pull the baggy sweater off your body. His calloused but gentle hands brushing your middle as he helps you pull it up and off
- The anticipation of what would be coming buzzed under your skin like electricity, but your inability to move very much hindered your movements to try and get him to move faster.
- Sensing your impatience, he merely chuckled before pressing yet another heavy kiss to your lips, the taste of the aphrodisiac thick on his tongue, filling your senses once again.
- You felt your eyes drift shut, your head tipping back as you let out a deep, satisfied sigh, wet lips pressing against the side of your throat, his stubble scraping against you gently. You could barely process the feeling of his teeth grazing against your shoulder before a finger slowly pushed into your hole, curling into that perfect little spot that had stars flashing behind your eyelids.
- The noises you were making sounded muffled to your own ears, heaving breaths silenced by the sound of his low hums and wet lips sucking at your skin. Low words of praise left his lips in abundance, as if keeping them in would be like trying to stop a flood with a lone pebble
- You felt yourself drifting along with the pleasure again, arms stretching above your head as he slowly added two more fingers, mouth pressed close to your ear as he murmured all the things he wanted to do.
- “Gonna fill you up… ruin you completely for any other person.”
- “Gonna make you so full and heavy.”
- “Gotta stretch this tight little hole open... don’t wanna hurt you with my cocks.”
- Your eyes cracked open at the sound of that. Cocks? As in more than one?
- You unconsciously tense at that, causing him to pull his fingers from you as he used both hands to stroke your sides, hushing you softly.
- “s’okay baby… m’not gonna hurt ya. Promise.” He grabs one of your hands, pressing kisses to your fingers before pressing it to his chest, encouraging you to slide it down at your own pace until you reach the spot where his human torso meets his snake half.
- You will yourself to bring your eyes to look down to where he guides your hand, your breath catching when you see two painfully hard cocks, both flushed so pink it could almost be red. The heads of both flaring a bit before tapering into a rounded point, the slit at the top of both weeping with precum with every throb.
- You feel your stomach flip with excitement and nerves all the same as he wraps your hand around the lower one, fingers barely touching. You can feel his eyes watching your expression as you slowly process what it is you’re seeing, the arousal pooling heavier into your stomach as you moan softly in anticipation.
- You feel his lips press to your cheek, more whispered promises of being gentle reaching your ears as his hand goes back to work, stretching you dutifully as you sink further into him.
- You don’t know how long he had kept at it, occasionally stopping the motion of his hand to let a thick rope of spit and venom drip down to your hole, but you squirm and whine when he withdraws again. Before you can open your mouth to complain, you feel both heads press against you, and you don’t have much time to even unconsciously clench before he’s slowly pushing in with a loud groan.
- You’re disappointed that you’re missing the way his jaw probably dropped open from the tight, hot pressure of your entrance squeezing around him as he slowly spears you open, but you can’t help the way your head tips back and your eyes clench tightly.
- He braces his arms on his tail next to head as he bottoms out, growling deep in his chest as he grinds deep, bringing his face down to yours as he captures your lips in yet another deep kiss. He grinds his hips slowly, breathing heavily through his nose when he suddenly grabs your hips, groaning loudly when you feel something heavy spread you before it suddenly felt like it dropped into your lower belly.
- He pulled away with sharp hiss, a soft “fuck” leaving his lips before you felt the sensation again, only the stretch was bigger this time. You feel yourself shudder and moan as you realize he was pushing his eggs into you, your face growing hot. His forehead pressed against yours as he struggled to keep his hips from moving, cut off gasps leaving him with every egg until he had no more left to give.
- “Twenty, huh…? Shit, you look so pretty all swollen like this…” you feel his hands caressing your belly now, his hips rocking gently. You work the energy to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him back down as his pace grows a little more rough, hips snapping into yours with a loud clap as he uses his hands to move your hips.
- You lose focus on his words the longer he fucks into your pliant body, growling and moaning low once he starts to get closer and closer to his own orgasm. With a loud cry, you pull his hips into yours with your legs just as your orgasm rips through you, sending him over the edge. Hot, thick spurts of his fertile spunk fills you as he pins your hips to his, eyes rolled back as he growls and grunts and hisses, a powerful shiver running through him as you both slowly come down from your highs.
- Between the sedative properties of his venom and the exhaustion from having your body filled so well, you barely register the feeling of a cool cloth running over your body as you drift into sleep.
- “yeah,” you grin lazily “I’m definitely not going anywhere.”
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hotnsweetnprimrose · 2 years
Pinned Post time
So uh hi! I’m Prim, I’m 22, and I’m trans & non-binary. They/them please. (Fae/faer if we're messaging!)
I'm bigender also! So I try not to reblog posts with "men dni" or "women dni" because it feels like denying a part of myself.
Uh... send me asks if you want??? But no sexting or rp thanks. DMs are mutuals only! (At least if you initiate haha)
DNI: - Cishet men. Please. At least if you're trying to hit on me. If you're here to reblog or whatever or chat about stuff generally, that's chill. - Post about anything in my ‘Yikes’ category, I will block you - Minors, I will also block you!!! And report you!! Stay safe!!
I strongly believe in trans joy and t4t joy and mutual consent. Transmasc transfem transneutral trans whatever direction we are all so hot and cool. <3
If you send me stuff on my do not send list even after I remind you not to, I will block you.
This blog is for specifically posting about my love of eldritch nsft content but tailoring it all to me. I'm hopefully gonna be branching out soon! :D
Stuff and my opinions about it: Hell yeah: body worship, tentacles, “false oviposition” (a specific version where the eggs can’t hatch and just sorta dissolve), praise, bondage/restraint, unknowable gods beyond our comprehension ^_^ Depends on the context: Oviposition in general, hypno, dumbification Pleaseo not send it to me but I respect you: Any kind of pregnancy (or pregnancy focused) kink, any kind of inflation, breeding with the intent of preg, art or visual representation of nsft, unsanitary stuff, detrans (trans edition), breast-focused content That’s a yikes from me: bigotry-play, detrans (cis edition), improperly tagged kink!!
So yeah that’s it! *fingerguns*
I tag all my nsft posts as #nsft, my suggestive posts as #suggestive, and my posts that are neither of these #safe from the curse. For comments in the tags on my own posts I will put ✨ before them so they don’t show up on tag search.
For clarity’s sake: I'm kind of just adding stuff to this post as I go! Also the picture I have is just an owl I had in my downloads when I made the account.
This post is a work in progress! I will keep editing it!
Updated 8/01/24
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vex-bittys · 5 years
when a king has eggs, how many usually are there? like, one or two or can it be more?
Warning: Pregnancy/egg discussion
*In the shop, most clutches contain about 5-6 eggs. These eggs are formed from the ambient magic of the shop, and appear in larger numbers to keep up with adoption demand. Each clutch in the shop has a corresponding “brother” clutch that appears at the same time. Krait clutches appear alongside FireRing clutches. Eggs between mated pairs are a bit different.
*Chains and Kings, who oviposit, and Papythons and Honey Bos, who carry live young, tend to have one to two hatchlings at a time. More may appear, but one or two is the usual number. For egg-laying lamias (Corny, Krait, FireRing, Pygmy, Coral, and Mamba), clutch sizes may vary due to the presence of “false eggs” (a throwback to a natural defense mechanism for egg-eating predators). The number of hatchlings, however, is usually 2 to 3. While more hatchlings may be present, 2 to 3 is the most common number of hatchlings.
*Chains and Kings may oviposit more than 1 to 2 eggs, but the non-viable eggs are absorbed by their partner.
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zenniet · 6 years
L for Perceptor?
L- Location
Perceptor wants to use the lab just so that he can practice some of his more foreign fetishes, like false oviposition and the like, but nothing can beat a bethroom wigh a big comfy berth. He doesn’t want his partner to get bruises from anything but his frame, and certainly not from a hard surface. 
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joeyisaprincess · 7 years
false prophet. Heretic. Liar. the only kinds of people who want to fuck pennywise are teratophiles with pregnancy fetishes. possibly oviposition. not some dude who watches catgirl hentai. in this essay I will discuss why they are opposites, how prompto falls into the Catgirl Lover category, and possible reasons for your lies (humor and/or shock value)
ok I wanted to respond with something equally as funny as this but literally nothing I came up with could compare, I love you. regardless of your stance on clown fucking, I consider you a friend and ally.
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