#family guy 3x07
albinofetus · 9 months
"Technically, the first act of violence was that time bomb I left ticking in your uterus before I came out. Happy 50th birthday, Lois."
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thewanderingace · 1 year
Okay. I'm frustrated and need to vent some frustrations here.
I just watched The Witcher 3x06 and god I'm sorry but I get so annoyed when Yen, Geralt, and Ciri and well everyone! just forget about Jaskier. I know they have a lot going on and Ciri's safety is the priority but come on! They asked Jaskier for help and he does everything he can to help keep Ciri safe even though he's just a regular bard and they just....forget about him. They trusted him to protect her for the night and he did. But then the shit at Aretuza happens and they just fuck off and don't even think about him. Ciri runs away without telling him or taking him with her and runs to Yen. Yen and Geralt don't even ask where he is. I hate that. Not one thought for Jaskier. And then!!! Rience shows up and Geralt just kills him so easily with no fanfare or anything!! Does he ever fucking tell Jaskier?! Jaskier who was tortured by this dude and is terrified of this guy! Do they think about him even once!? Wonder where he is since they left Ciri with him? Not one thought of "oh shit is Jaskier even alive? Ciri is here without him!" NOPE! I hate it.
I'm obviously a Jaskier girly and I know the show isn't about him but just one line of "where's Jaskier" would have been nice! But nope. Just leave him behind. It's fine. Whatever. I'm mad. They never ask after him or what he's been up too. Like the whole Sandpiper thing and the part in Blood Origin where he was held captive by the Temerian Army and all of that that happened is never discussed and IT ANNOYS ME SO MUCH
At this point I just want a Jaskier spin off show so he can get his storylines the proper attention they deserve. I want one person to ask how he is doing and worry about him.
Ooooh fuck. Okay wait at least Yennefer is happy to see him! "Witch" "Bard" (affectionate) and a hug?! Okay that made my heart full. Thank you.
I need to go back to fanfiction land cause at least there, people care about Jaskier. Oh and I really need to read the books cause I hear the Geralt/Jaskier relationship is a lot better there.
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unsteadylilactree · 2 years
A list of things that should be proof of buddie and would be if one of them wasn't a guy Part 10
Some of this evidence is circumstantial but put together = Buddie
season 3
Nothing in 3x04
Can I award negative points for the lawsuit??
Without the lawsuit, Buck would have been Eddie's first port of call to bail him out of jail
oh boy the angry ex's fight in the grocery store
'how could you? you're not around' they scripted this argument like they are Chris' separated parents
lawsuit AND fight club. Someone get these idiots a therapist.
Eddie was so betrayed by Buck. "did you ever stop to think what that could do to us' that sounds more like a you-and-me us than a the 118 us
skipping Athena Begins
exasperated Eddie when buck almost falls on the ice
"Buck was on the pier when the tsunami hit. He's kind of obsessed with natural disasters." He says it so fondly. old. married. couple.
oh boy the kitchen conversation: there's so much analysis of this scene but here are my favourite parts: making up after the lawsuit flirting, "you wanna go for the title" (how on earth to you interpret that platonically??), family game time with Chris.
The look on Eddie's face when looking at buck making gingerbread houses with Chris and Denny. He is in love ,your honour
Buck and Eddie always right next to each other and working seamlessly together
Buck and Eddie are either side of Chris at Christmas dinner (Like parents normally would be)
When Buck gives Chris his present, Eddie and Abuela are also there. Buck is part of the family.
Buck and Eddie are right under the mistletoe in the photo at the end. There are several actual couples there and they were the ones under the mistletoe
The look that buck and Eddie give each other when the mother from the skydiving rescue asks if they are single.
They sit next to each other at the station table and at the bar
Maddie: "That's what you do when someone invites you to their house, you don't show up empty-handed" Buck: "this is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest" like come on. We haven't seen Buck at Eddie's place a lot on screen, meaning he must come over A LOT off screen.
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happilylovingchaos · 17 days
Last @lonestar-s5countdown Beginnings and Endings Week Post
I have a new work schedule now! And Lone Star is ending with season 5 real soon! That’s been fun getting used to… (/s) so I’ll post my fanfic/ music recs as one post tomorrow. Let’s see how much I can post w/o this becoming a complete image-less wall of stream-of-consciousness… but it will still be inevitable to everyone in the LS fandom who follows my handle and welcomed me. And if I haven’t said it yet, or enough, or sincerely in the last almost-year, thank you. Just thank you for your niceness, all your everything you’ve expressed, letting me be part of the fan group! I really really hope the end of the show doesn’t mean the end of this community, but whatever happens, it’s been a hella exhilarating, emotional, and lively experience.
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(1) Which 911 Lone Star season premier is your favorite?
It’s a draw between seasons 2 and 4– I like the season premieres of 1 and 3 as much as everyone but holy hell I was not ready for the emotional twists in them to hit me the way they did. I am still in emotional recovery in both the good and bad ways. Both 2 and 4, until their respective cliffhangers, were quite light-hearted and self-contained with hints at the storylines to come, and those were easier for me to enjoy. Plus, Tommy, Gwyn and Iris (re-debut, in Iris’ case) had some colorful debuts! (I will always wish that Owen and Gwyn’s characters had a little more time together outside of the wit/ playfulness/ vitriol, and a couple more scenes with TK without their son always needing to be middle-man. But Rob, Lisa and Ronen played off of each other so well!) Gina’s portrayal of Tommy was just magnetically charismatic even without Michelle there— ‘Nuff said. And while I had issues with Iris’ bluntness (especially since it sorta re-opened some of TK’s emotional wounds), I could relate to being on both sides of a conversation in a similar situation to her— seeming hard to read/ confusing to most everyone around her (sometimes even with trusted family/ friends), and being confused/ offended by the delivery of what we convey.
(2) Which character do you think had the best introduction or first scene in the show?
I’m gonna say… it’s a toss-up between Judd and Grace for their natural first integration into the story and the first successful show>tell moment about them (specially Judd) in the series, Marjan (social media firefighter Muslim badass, in a description), and Mateo (for his own intro as unassuming but more than capable— Julian nails the portrayal of this character archetype in LS and The Long Game). Confusingly honorable mention goes to Michelle in hindsight, though? To me, she’s okay as a character, but I do understand where some fans were put off by her personality/ Liv’s portrayal.
(3) What is your favorite moment of 1x01?
Judd officially starting his end of the friendship with Owen by strong-arming him into accepting a chocolate chip cookie— you try saying no to a big Texan guy played by Jim Parrack and a mom and daughter holding a platter of chocolate chip cookies. Really, it’s tricky and you will probably get on their respective neutral if not shit lists. And Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” was quite a bop to end on! (Though, how did people find that wild? Just a little confused.)
(4) How did you first start watching Lone Star and how did you find out about it?
My aunt showed my mom and me the first parts of season 3– I saw… looking back on it, I’m a bit fuzzy on details but sometime in 2022 (def not consecutive days tho), I think I saw part of 3x04, then 3x07, and all of 3x08. And that last episode made me sob, I’m not ashamed to admit it now or in my grief week post. (My mom, grandma, uncle and aunt were watching it with me at dinner and were very confused about why I was crying.) Then I saw the last 3 eps, and it got me curious/hooked, so I went into season 4 kinda blind. Then I downloaded Hulu to catch up on the series proper, and the rest is rewatch history.
(5) What is one wish you have for the season 5 premiere?
Mostly that the overall narratives don’t feel too rushed or forced should there be a timeskip? I hate that Fox couldn’t get the show renewed… but on a lighter note? I’d like a solid explanation/ in-character reason for Grace’s absence that IS NOT a character death, a breakup, or anything relating to misblaming Wyatt.
Open tag to everyone as well!
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m323200 · 4 months
3x07: May 25
It's the day after graduation and the day after I told Luke. I needed to tell certain people about the job I got as an actress.
First up was Haley.
Me and Haley were at Charley's Cheesesteak. We shared one. She asked me, "So you wanted to talk to me?". I asked her, "You know how I got the gig in Hollywood? right?", she said yeah. I told her what would she think of me as an actress. She thought I'd be amazing. She knows I could trick people easily.
She questioned me, "Did you ask anyone else?". I told her I'm getting opinions. After that, I we headed out and in the car we sang along to songs we know.
Next up was Evan and Will
When I went to the doorstep. I hugged them both. He tells me to go inside. They redecorated the house. It looked cozy. I sat down at the kitchen table. Will told me, "He didn't know I was coming. Evan asked me, "Everything okay?". I told them, "What do you guys think of me as an actress?". Evan said that if I want to be an actress, I should be an actress.
Will said, "You should just leave.". I was confused and so was Evan. Will meant, "You deserve it. You helped us. You lived your life. It's time for you to become what you want to be. All the hard work and dedication paid off.".
I'm pretty sure what Will said made me realized I should go for it. Evan said, "Tell everyone before you leave and don't leave a note."
I said, "That's what I said to Luke!". We laughed. An hour later, I had to leave. Will and Evan hoped I have a great future. They told me they already have a great future because of me.
Later at 4:00 pm
I was standing in front of the house with me messaging everyone to go outside/in front of the Dunphy's house. Everyone arrived. They were wondering why they were called here.
I said, "I'm leaving." They were confused. I thought I should be more clear. I meant, "I'm going to Hollywood. And before you ask why, it's because I got a job to be an actress for a film." They were happy.
I also told them, "If you don't want me to go, I'm leaving either way. You can't make me now.". Claire said, "Listen, we want you to do what you wanna do. If this is what you want, then you do it.". They all didn't say nothing negative.
I told them no hugs because then I would want to stay. I went up to Jay. I told him that I forgave him about the whole money thing. We hugged. And I forgot not to hug because then everyone would join it, which was too late.
I hopped in the car. Turned it on. But then I got out and kissed Luke. I will never forget him. He's one of the true people with a good heart. Sometimes.
I went back in the car. They all waved goodbye. I drove off to Hollywood which was the Universal lot. I kept a photo hanging down on the inside mirror. They are a family that I will never forget and taught me how to stand up, how to be brave, fuck, they taught me everything.
They are something. I'll give them that.
Sorry if it's short. 
What do you think? Good? Bad?
Any questions, comment.
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | The Walk (3x07)
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In group, he mocks the other amputees and their “dreams.” It’s ridiculous, he tells them, all of it. Meaningless, futile, trite. They do what they need to do, believe what they need to believe to survive, to carry on in this hellscape prison they all now call a body.
But Rappo has dreams, too. Simple things, like the journey from his bed to the bathroom, from the barracks to the mess hall. It doesn’t matter where he’s doing it. He walks again. And every morning he wakes in the same bed with the same phantom pain, again and again and again. Every day he wishes he’d just died; that explosion that didn’t quite kill him cost him his life, anyway.
All he wants is to die, to escape. But he can’t pick up a gun, can’t throw himself off a bridge. Can’t even swallow pills on his own. So here he stays, trapped, for the rest of this sorry excuse of a life.
He doesn’t remember when or how his abilities began, exactly, but he knows they started around the same time the dreams did. One night he’d dreamt he was walking again; this time in the desert, Lieutenant Colonel Stans at his side, that familiar blast of an IED taking out yet another comrade-in-arms. The LC should have stayed, he should have had his back, but instead Stans had abandoned him and Roach all alone in the desert.
Service medals, television interviews, the whole shebang. Stans got everything, that coward. Rappo got nothing. 
Rappo has nothing.
When he’d dreamed that night, his anger flickered and grew, a tiny flame into a raging inferno. And the next morning, the news spread quickly throughout Fort Evanson that Stans’ entire family had perished in a house fire.
Killing innocent civilians wasn’t something Rappo had signed up for, but it was one of the costs of war. These were the things the news didn’t tell the public about. And knowing he’d caused unmitigated pain to a person who’d carelessly allowed the same to be inflicted upon him made him feel… powerful. Potent.
It was his anger that made it happen; somehow he knew it was the source of that power. So Rappo clung to it, nurtured it like a prized pet. 
Come on, killer! Do it! Fire at will…
Stans was the first. After that, it was easier.
Dead civilians on American soil, however, have a way of drawing attention.
Rappo sneers as he looks into the eyes of this Fed, here to catch a killer with the perfect alibi. It doesn’t matter what kinds of crazy theories this asshole has; no one will believe him anyway. 
“You're a soldier,” the male Fed says, his female partner hanging back by the door. Doesn’t surprise him; most women keep their distance unless they’re getting paid to be near him. “You knew what you were getting into when you enlisted. Why do you want to blame your COs?”
“I blame 'em for what happened to all of us!” Rappo shouts. 
Maybe he shouldn’t let on, maybe he shouldn’t reveal too much, but what the fuck does it even matter anymore, anyway? If they come to arrest him, lock him up, who cares? There is no prison worse than the one he’s already in.
“You don't know what it was like. You sat at home and watched the war on cable TV like it was a damn video game. You had no idea about the guys that died, about the blood… and the sand. What it feels like when a hit comes.”
The Fed looks at him and listens, really listens. It’s disarming, actually. Rappo’s forgotten what that feels like.
“The thing is, you just don't care, do ya? You got your crude oil. Just change that station, right? Killer got his prime time, LC got his fancy little medals. Now take a good look at me. What did I get?! Nobody knows how I feel. They took my life away.”
The Fed stares him down. It’s unnerving how close he is, how invasive of his own personal space he’s gotten. And Rappo can’t do a damn thing about it.
“Yeah. So you took theirs,” he says softly.
Rappo almost admits it, almost. Now is his chance to be acknowledged for something he did, when everyone else in this damn place just sits around day after day, forgotten. He won’t get any medals for it, that’s for sure, but he will be remembered.  
But… No. This guy, this fucking guy sitting practically in his lap with his clean suit, no military experience… he doesn’t deserve the satisfaction.
“If I only could.” 
It’s a strange feeling to be seen and heard and understood, and then to realize you don’t want to be. It doesn’t feel the way he’d expected. Maybe the anger is just too powerful… maybe he’s just too far gone to care.
“Now, if you're through questioning me, I'd like to get a little shuteye,” Rappo says, just wanting this guy to leave.
“No sleepwalking,” the Fed says with a smirk.
“That's good. I haven't heard that one yet. Hardy-har-har.”
The Feds depart, and Rappo gets what he wants: that familiar but unbearable cloak of solitude, the rage simmering silently beneath.
He welcomes it; does what he needs to do, believes what he needs to believe to survive, to carry on. He didn’t choose this particular prison, but he can choose every day how he wants to live in it.
Read the other All Eyes Lead to the Truth chapters on Ao3
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas
Based on Specific Episodes:
Post-pilot – Kono goes to Steve's house to check on him.
Post-pilot – How do Steve's superiors react when they hear he's transferring to the Reserves?
1x12 AU – What if Steve and Kono didn't steal the money? What if Steve borrowed from a friend, perhaps Josef Kostan or Lucifer? When Steve can't give him the money back, Steve owes him a favor.
Post 2x03 – Danny reconsiders letting Steve around Grace now that he has really seen what he is capable of.
Post 2x07 – Steve apologizes to Max. They become BFFs.
Post 2x07 – Steve gets payback on Lori for the Sandy costume
Costume ideas:
Angel, Captain America, Clark Kent, cop, cowboy, dark angel, devil, firefighter, gladiator, Greek god/Adonis, handyman/mechanic, lifeguard, lumberjack, pirate, sailor, soldier/SEAL, wrestler.
Post 2x09 – Steve tells Joe what happened with Nick Taylor. Joe tells him it wasn't his fault.
Post 2x10 – Joe tells Doris about Steve being tortured.
Post 2x16 – McRollins h/c
Post 2x22 AU – Kono ends things with Adam after he almost killed Steve.
Post 3x07 – h/c for Steve. Can be McKono, McRollins, or Gen. Maybe Doris or Mary notices the roadrash on Steve's back
3x08 – Steve is upset that his team didn't trust him
Post 3x15 – Chin and Kono's thoughts after seeing the bullet with their boss's/friend's name on it
Reacher (TV show) x-over: Post 3x20 – Reacher decides to go to Hawaii because why not? He ends up getting framed for murder again because that's just his luck. Five-0 gets the case. Steve sees Reacher and looks like he's seen a ghost. Steve believes that Reacher didn't do it. The Five-0 team thinks Steve isn't thinking straight. It's up to Steve, Reacher, and Catherine to prove Reacher's innocence.
4x07 – Danny thinks Steve would actually make a good father.
4x08 – hurt/comfort; what if it wasn't just a graze?
4x08 – Grover starts to consider that maybe steve isn't such a bad guy after all
Post 5x18 – Steve feels guilty that he wasn't the one to get Chin out and that he had to choose between Chin and Danny. Steve goes to apologize to Chin. Chin assures him there's no hard feelings and that he understands why he had to get Danny first (Danny was an American cop in a Colombian prison, while Chin was in America).
6x04 AU – Steve pulls up his shirt to prove the abs are accurate. See evidence below.
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Post 6x19 – Steve tells Lou about his mom faking her death and his dad sending him and Mary away.
6x25 AU – What if Chin was the one who gave Steve half his liver instead of Danny?
Post 6x25 – Lou and Chin realize that on all those nights that Steve would call Chin, Steve wasn't sleeping either. (Malia died at the same time that Steve found out his mother was still alive.)
Post 6x25 – Steve is struggling with his medical discharge from the Navy.
Kirk Emerson (the Marine with no legs from 4x20) hears about the plane crash-landing on the news. Maybe he makes some calls or something to see if Steve survived and somehow finds out about the transplant (idk how). Kirk makes a trip to Hawaii because knows what Steve is going through.
Or maybe Joe hears about it and helps Steve adjust to no longer being in the Navy.
7x16 – Insecure!Steve based on the scene where Steve mentions his crow's feet
Post season 7 finale – Steve has one of his spells during a meeting with the governor.
Based on 8x24 – John is worried when he finds out Steve was hurt. He's also grateful to Joe for saving his son and making sure he got out of there...alive.
Post-finale – Steve and Cath visit some people
Chin, Abby, and Sara
Mary and Joanie
Sam Hanna
MacGyver (they talk about Jack)
Reggie Cole and his son (from 1x21)
Danny's family
Harry Langford
Wade Gutches
Post-finale – Steve thinks about the stranger from the hospital chapel all those years ago (from 6x25)
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the entire time watching 3x07 i was just waiting for larry to come out as bi but i didn't expect it to ACTUALLY HAPPEN?!?!!!!?!
#the durrells in corfu#the durrells#screaming crying throwing up at how good of a person he actually is since 3x05#like when everyone thought paolo had killed a guy and was trying to get the dad to take his family back to italy to be prosecuted#and larry just SAT DOWN WITH PAOLO AND ASKED HIM WHAT HAD HAPPENED#INSTEAD OF JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS LIKE THE REST OF THEM#AND IT TURNED OUT IT WAS THE DAD WHO KILLED THE GUY????#and then in 3x06 when louisa was super upset about gerry#and larry said that thing about how she has to let go and 'maybe now it's our turn to hold your hand and help you cross the road'#HE IS SO SWEET HE CARES ABOUT THEM ALL SO MUCH#and literally all of 3x07 like#everyone else gave up right away and was like yeah its wrong that svens in jail but theres nothing we can do#whereas larry#VISITED HIM EVERY SINGLE DAY#STOLE LAW BOOKS TO TRY AND FIND A WORKAROUND#YELLED AT HALF THE POLICEMEN THAT SVEN DIDN'T DO ANYTHING#literally he even got into a huge fight with leslie HIS BROTHER about it bc he cared sm#AND THEN AT THE END WHEN HE TOLD LESLIE THAT HE STILL LOVES HIM AND THEY HUGGED#sjdbdjbe this whole episode was so good#and like back to the actual post#'sexuality is a buffet not a set menu' is such a good line omfg#and when he said that it wasn't just about sven and louisa's eyes kinda widened and she was like 'who is it about then? you?'#AMD AT THE END QHEN GE WAS LIKE#'everyone did it back at school' 'did you??' 'its all in my books' 'i thought you made that up!!' 'it was that or a geography exam'#THE WYA I SCREAMED#THAT FEELING WHEN YOUR FAVORITE HEADCANNON BECOMES CANON#I LOVD HIM SO MUCH#uh anyway#larry durrell#romeo's ramblings
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figothynewton · 5 years
People that should have been in this episode
Cole and Aunt Jo
Literally anyone? Of color? What the hell? Where is Bash where is Ka’kwet w h e r e
Cole and Aunt Jo
Winnie- I would Love to hear what she has to say about the topic I think she’d have some really interesting words
The man ms Stacy was walking with all those episodes ago? Unrelated to the main plot point I just wanna know wtf happened
Cole and Aunt Jo
Jerry’s family I miss those crazy people god bless
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Any long fics that are must read thats not E rated. I feel like I stick mainly to the E rating because Its shameless I mean the shows pretty explicit but I wanna give other fics a go
Hi! Sorry, this ask was in our inbox for an embarrassingly long time. We thought it was the easiest ask, but the hardest part was to stop ourselves from outting too many fics on the list :D Must read is a very relative thing and there are tons of other amazing fics that deserve attention, but this is what we decided on :) 
Our Stubborn Love - In which, after years of being separated by more than just prison walls, Ian and Mickey try to find their way back to each other.
None the wiser - The real time accounts of Ian visiting Mickey's dingy diner and slowly becoming his friend.
Intro to Quantum Dating - College AU. Ian’s determined to make the most of college life. He thinks that means finding a stable guy to settle down with but he can’t stop thinking about his RA, Mickey.
Help Me (Tear down My Reason) Detective Mickey is investigating a case involving Ian as the prime suspect.
broad-shouldered beasts - Six years after Mickey goes to jail, he's released on parole. He does his best to build a "normal" life and a relationship with his son while juggling the scars of his past.
While We're Making Other (People's) Plans - Post S10. Mickey gets roped into being a wedding planner.
Life on Mars - Remember when a drunken Ned stayed over the Gallaghers house in S3 and got kicked out before morning for groping Lip? What if, instead, he ended up staying a while and wacky hijinks ensued?
sideways - Post S5. Ian attempts to make amends. Mickey tries to stay strong.
these days, life is better - Ian realizes Mickey is the most romantic guy on Earth.
lemme show you the ropes - Post S10. Family dynamics shift after the wedding. Mickey's not sure he's ready. Not sure he even knows what family is.
cut ties with all the lies - Canon divergent set between 3x06 and 3x07.
Rookie Mistakes - Hockey AU. Ian Gallagher is the right wing to Mickey's left defenseman, so it's not even that weird when Mickey makes a point to learn everything he possibly can about the kid. Really.
Twenty-One -  Mickey never had A Master Plan. His only plan in the last decade has been Find Ian. Instead, he's basically raised a kid, accidentally started a slow burning revolution, and failed everyone he actually cares about.
The Luck You Got - Post S4 canon re-write.
Heartstrings High School AU where Senior Ian finally meets his best friends brother who recently returned to finish school.
Lost Lullabies - Mickey Milkovich, former child star turned action movie star, runs into his old co-star, Ian Gallagher, out on the street in the middle of a winter night. When Mickey takes him in, he doesn't realize that Ian has the power to completely turn his new life upside down.
looked like a teenage runaway - Ian is seventeen when he moves to the South Side. Lip tells him to stay away from the wrong people, but no one remembers to warn him not to fall in love with the neighborhood thug.
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loverboyromanroy · 3 years
my thoughts are Gerri drawing a line against Roman will be the final nail for him, adding to the deal with Matsson possibly souring Logan's behavior towards Rome. Also, in next week's episode's teaser, Roman seems like he's gatekeeping their dad from Kendall when Kendall was trying to speak with Logan. Roman keeping Kendall away from Logan? Why? Scared that Logan will shift his sought-after attention to the prodigal son once more? Why are there only two episodes left! Then we'll have to wait for almost a year to have another season? I want to be in the writers' room!
okay couple different points in this one! i love this ask because we do truly have so much ground to cover in only two episodes...thoughts under the cut because it got long 🤪
touching on logan and roman vs kendall first – i really, genuinely, think that roman cares about the wellbeing of his dad more than any of the other siblings (save for maaaaybe connor). he cares deeply about him as a father and as a person and i think in the case of all three of them being together in person, roman is probably holding a grudge over the fact that the last time kendall and logan were alone together, logan almost died of heat stroke. honestly believe that's why roman is acting as a physical barrier between them and doesn't want them to have a one on one! he was straight up furious at kendall during the shareholder meeting because logan was having a health emergency and kendall didn't seem to care...beyond business or anything else, roman deeply doesn't want his dad to be in poor health.
i also want to say it doesn't seem, at least from the promo, that logan has any indication that the gojo deal isn't working. we don't get any lines from him and the episode summary expressly says "the waystar crew", which leads me to believe it's something that gerri, shiv, tom, maybe karl and frank, etc are trying to handle on their own (although it would give shiv leverage to try and turn logan against roman)
on roman and gerri – i'm genuinely curious what y'all think the actual line in the sand is going to be. 3x07 was so interesting in that shiv was poking and prodding roman about relationships and intimacy, but it didn't register, to me anyway, as something that would spur him to actually want a relationship or emotional intimacy. so then is it instead that the "guy who never fucks" teasing is finally getting to him and roman pushes for something physical which gerri rebuffs in earnest? i could see that sending him for a bit of a tailspin...and his newfound confidence/ego may actually be bruised by rejection. is it an emotional/jealousy thing brought on by his mom's new relationship that fuels roman to ask that gerri not date other people (i.e. laurie) and she's going to say if you can't keep things professional then there can't be anything personal at all? i have a hard time believing that she cuts him off completely because, as she says, she needs the family support and she's still just an interim ceo...i don't know!
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
ST1 episodes's beginnings/endings mirroring each other.
ST2 episodes's beginnings/endings mirroring each other. (coming soon)
Alternate version of ST2 episodes's beginnings/endings mirroring each other by @awhstrangerthings here and my reblog here
I love how the beginning and the ending of the episodes in season 3 mirrors each other.
3x01: "Suzie, Do You Copy?"
Starts with The Russians trying to open a gate to the Upside Down in an underground Russian base but ultimately failling which results in the killing of scientists and Grigori killing an unnamed Russian scientist.
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Ends with Billy taken by force by the Mindflayer, a creature from the Upside Down into the underground of an abandoned steelwork. Billy who paralleled The Russians such as dangerous or abusive behavior, smoking, looks similar between him and Grigori. Billy who gets flayed which is a metaphorical death in some ways.
3x02: "The Mall Rats"
Starts with Billy meeting the MF in the Upside Down who gives him his plan.
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Ends with Billy who starts the plan of the Mindflayer and gives Heather to the MF.
3x03: "The Case of the Missing Lifeguard"
Starts with El and Max together spying on Billy (and finding him giving Heather to the MF) and the others such as the boys who are talking about them.
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Ends with El and Max investigating and looking for Billy at Heather's house who are looking to flay their parents while Mike and Lucas are looking for Will who senses the MF.
3x04: "The Sauna Test"
Closeup of El's face who is thinking about Billy and Heather.
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Closeup of El's face while Billy and Heather are talking about her.
3x05: "The Flayed"
Starts with Scoops Troops screaming in an elevator leading to a secret Russian base, under a mall where the bad guys are.
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Ends with Nancy facing the Mind Flayer screaming at her in the corridor of an hospital.
3x06: "E Pluribus Unum"
Starts with Scoops Troops finding the Gate in an underground Russian base but gets caught by the Russians.
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Our heroes's location is discovered by the MF who comes out of the underground of Brimborn Steelwork.
(Note that 3x05 and 3x06 starts and ends the same way: starts with Scoops Troops and ends with the Spider Monster.)
3x07: "The Bite"
Starts with children screaming at the FunFair.
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Ends with El screaming in the Mall.
3x08: "The Battle of Starcourt"
Starts with Joyce driving to Hawkins to save her family.
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Ends with Joyce leaving Hawkins with her family.
Beginning of Season 3
Russians fascinated with the Upside Down and wanting to use it but many scientists getting killed.
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Ends with a Russian man afraid of the Demogorgon who kills him and Russians having and using a creature from the Upside Down.
End of Season 3
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Wooo, we’ve got a lot to unpack here and I’ve got a busy morning ahead of me, so let’s get started. I even have gifs this time! I loved this episode, and I already know this is going to be a long one, so grab a snack, some coffee, and let’s talk about 3x07.
Liz. Because she’s the protagonist I find it fitting to start with her, so. I loved Liz this episode. I didn’t dare skip anyone’s scenes as I’d been prone to doing for the past two seasons. I thought she was very smart, very brave, and when Jones told her that her death would be what saved him in the end, the tears in her eyes as she held that gun to Max - it was amazing. We all knew she wouldn’t hurt Max because she loved him, and you could really see on her face how badly it hurt her to hold a weapon against him at all. Well done, Jeanine, truly.
I can see now why people are shipping Isobel and Rosa. That said, I do still think they’re cuter with other people, but I like the connection between them, it’s very endearing.
Gregory’s very cute, I like his crush. I hope Maria can appreciate and care about him like he deserves.
I liked Michael and Rosa pairing up, then Isobel joining them. I couldn’t stop laughing when Michael just started hitting that car part with the screwdriver again and again, even when he saw what it was doing to Rosa’s head. I just - he’s so cute, he’s so funny. It always hits me hard how badly I’d missed my Michael Guerin, you know? It’s good to have him back.
Jones. Listen. I still don’t care, Jones is so freaking hot. Nathan Dean is really just knocking it out of the park each and every episode, I often forget that Max and Jones are played by the same person, I’m just loving him.
I did not see any of those twists coming at all. I didn’t see Jones being the Dictator, being Michael’s father?! When Michael was able to grab that sword, I thought, Oh my god, is he Jones’ biological brother?? But nope. His son. Guys. This means Michael has inherited all of Jones’ powers. So he has all of Max’s powers. That means the handprint. The multitude of fics I had planned the moment these twists came into play. You’re not ready.
One twist, which is not really a twist, that I had seen coming was that Eduardo Ramos was not the bad guy. I’ve mentioned it several times since the episode last week, but I knew there was more to it, I knew he wasn’t just a traitor, and I’m so glad I was right because I loved him and Alex together this episode.
Y’all. Is it just me, or does Ramos talk to Alex, not like another agent, but like he’s his freaking son? And I’m living for it. He’s just so fond of him and in awe of him all the time, I -
Listen. When Ramos tells Alex that he managed in a day what others couldn’t manage in months? I am dying for this acknowledgment of Alex’s genius this season!
And Alex! Oh. My. Gods. Don’t get me started. But I will anyway.
When he got angry at Ramos, I teared up. You could just feel his betrayal, the way he and Ramos both saw each other as something more. It’s like they can’t help but treat each other like family, and it made my heart swell.
Speaking of Alex’s anger, I’m sorry to be such a Marvel dork, but did his conversation with Ramos remind anybody of someone else?
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Every single thing Alex Manes says reminds me of Captain America in some way. Could he be any more of a freaking Avenger?!
Marvel. Listen. Stop wasting time and buy the rights to Alex Manes, bring him to the MCU, where he belongs. Bring Michael Guerin along. Do it, bring them home. I’ll come design a whole storyline for them. I’ve already got one. You’re in good hands, I promise you.
Also, to end the post, that brief kylex moment? Moved me to tears, I love their friendship so much.
I loved it. This episode was amazing. I can’t wait for the malex moments in the episodes to come, and I cannot emphasize how much I love the fact that every plotline in this show comes back to the Lockhart Machine. So it all ties back to Alex. Again with the Marvel dorkiness, but it feels like whenever I watch one of the individual Marvel movies, and Steve or Tony would get mentioned. You know that there’s always one storyline that connects all the others. And that’s Alex’s.
I can’t wait. Heather did an amazing job. What a real alien blast.
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deantransgressions2 · 4 years
a masterlist of misogynistic slurs used by dean winchester
a comprehensive list of every single time dean winchester used a misogynistic slur from s1-15
(i did not include the usages of the phrase ‘son of a bitch’ because if i did this list would have been far too long.)
“That Constance chick, what a bitch!” (1x01)
“Bitch” (1x01)
“Hey, you want some white meat, bitch! I'm right here!” (1x02)
“Oh, I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down.“ (1x12)
“Oh, these locks look like they’re gonna be a bitch.“ (1x15)
“What, were you bitchin’ about me to some chick?” (1x16)
“Hey, Sam? Don’t take this the wrong way, but your girlfriend...is a bitch.” (1x16)
“It's just a basement full of skank-filled jars in some crap farmhouse.“ (1x17)
“Where’s our father, bitch?” (1x21)
“I'm not that into prude chicks anyway.” (2x01)
“Shut your mouth, bitch.” (2x08)
“Bitch” (2x10)
“See, whatever bitch-boy master plan you demons are cooking up? You're not getting Sam.” (2x14)
“How could it get any worse? Some alien made you his bitch.” (2x15)
“Bitch” (2x20)
“Oh come on already. Show your face, you bitch!” (2x22)
“What are you smiling at, you little bitch?” (2x22)
“What are you laughing at, bitch? You're still trapped.” (3x04)
“It's better than rotting in some skank's basement.” (3x04)
“I knew you were an immoral thieving con artist bitch” (3x06)
“That bitch.” (3x07)
“You bitch!” (3x08)
“Blair bitch in the woods.” (3x09)
“And I'm telling you to shut up, bitch.” (3x09)
“You wanna kill me? Get in line bitch.” (3x09)
“Oh, I don't know maybe because he's my brother, you black-eyed skank!” (3x09)
“We're gonna go hunt the bitch down.” (3x10)
“That bitch!” (3x12)
“Well, I really don't care what that bitch thinks and neither should you, so…” (3x14)
“You know, this immortality thing is a bitch.” (3x15)
“But you know what the bitch of the bunch is?” (3x15)
“We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked.” (3x16)
“Drag me to hell. Kill Sam. And then what? Become queen bitch?” (3x16)
“So that's you, huh? Our slutty little Yoda.” (3x16)
“Come on man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay.” (3x16)
“You're some demon's bitch-boy?” (4x01)
“Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch?” (4x04)
“There is no reason for a wicked bitch payback.” (4x07)
“Her friends don’t know where she is. It’s like the bitch popped a broomstick.” (4x07)
“Right. 'Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family.” (4x09)
“So far, all you've told me about is a manipulative bitch” (4x09)
“Bitch is a klepto.” (4x11)
“Evil bitches just keep piling out of the Volkswagen.” (4x12)
“One sip of Jesus juice, this evil bitch is gonna be in a world of hurt.” (4x19)
“I am on call. In my car, on my way to murder the bitch.” (4x21)
“Demon bitch is a dealbreaker. You kiss her goodbye, we can go right now.” (4x21)
“It's a lot better than being some stepford bitch in paradise.” (4x22)
“Are you jonesing for another hit of bitch blood or what?” (5x01)
“He turned it right before he made everybody hallucinate and go hellbitch.” (5x02)
“Oh, you're somebody's bitch.” (5x08)
“Oh that's it, I'm gonna deep fry this bitch extra crispy.” (5x09)
“No, or where the bitch is buried” (5x12)
“Adios, bitch!” (5x12)
“No one, just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits.” (5x13)
“So, then, how do we go Pimp of Babylon all over this bitch?” (5x17)
“On a good day, you get to kill a whore.” (5x17)
“We can either take on the devil together, or you lame-ass bitches can eat me.” (5x19)
“God gives you a brand-new, shiny set of wings, and suddenly you're his bitch again.” (5x22)
“A car should drive, not be a little bitch.” (6x02)
“An attention whore.” (6x06)
“BITCH!” (6x09)
“Traffic was a bitch.” (6x10)
“Evil bitch.” (6x10)
“That little bitch is gonna screw us over so fast” (6x10)
“Karma’s a bitch, bitch.” (6x10)
“I'm just trying to make you feel better. Don't be a bitch.” (6x13)
“Oh, crap! I'm a painted whore!” (6x14)
“I mean, we better get some real info on this bitch before we do run into her.” (6x16)
“Who is she, this Eve bitch?” (6x16)
“I'd go so far as ‘bitch.’” (6x17)
“We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch.” (6x18)
“fat lot of good it does us 'til we find the bitch.” (6x19)
“Oh, you bitch.” (6x19)
“We're not about to sign up for an evil bitch.” (6x19)
“You can go to hell, you black-eyed bitch.” (6x21)
“Death is our bitch.” (7x01)
“you can be pissed all you want, but quit being a bitch.” (7x07)
“ Oh, and it turns out that Kate was just trying to warn people about her evil bitch sister.” (7x07)
“Psychic ghost bitch on a leash.” (7x07)
“That's as far as you go, bitch.” (7x07)
“I think the bitchy mom” (7x14)
“What a bitch.” (7x18)
“I'd have bitch-slapped the hell out of Dick.” (7x20)
“We ganked those bitches once before.” (8x02)
“Or at least some sort of a heart-sucking, possessed, satanic, crack-whore bat.” (8x03)
“you're sulking around like a eunuch in a whorehouse” (8x06)
“Well, you camp here, figure out who whored their soul.” (8x14)
the claws and the teeth and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be... real bitches.” (8x14)
“Oh, so you’re Crowley's bitch.” (8x14)
“we get some red-eyed bitch in a trap” (8x14)
“That drive was a bitch.” (8x15)
“whatever shredded your friend and every other black-eyed bitch out there” (8x22)
“so you sit there like a good little bitch.” (8x22)
“Which pretty much means that you're our bitch.” (8x23)
“I would've loved nothing better than to ice that limey bitch.” (9x02)
“You're our bitch.” (9x02)
“Dennis DeYoung's not a punk. He's Mr. Roboto, bitch.” (9x05)
“Can I use it to kill that bitch?” (9x11)
“You had me at kill the bitch.” (9x11)
“Looks like it's a whore's bath for me.“ (9x13)
“I will shoot you... Bitches.” (9x15)
“Okay, this all sounds like sad times at Bitchmont High.” (9x15)
“'Cause I see a couple of fame whores who are pointing their camera at a mom who just lost her kid.” (9x15)
“You loan us that Blade, and we will stop the bitch.” (9x16)
“You bitch about the Men of Letters.” (9x16)
“Can I use it to kill that bitch?” (9x17)
“Look at me. Look at me, bitch!” (9x19)
“Are you ready to gut this bitch?” (9x23)
“Ain't that a bitch?” (9x23)
“The kind of guy who sleeps with every skank in every small-town dive that he passes through?” (10x01)
“Bitch” (10x01)
“Bitch” (10x03)
“Bitch” (10x05)
“Well, this Princess Elsa’s a bitch.” (10x13)
“Did I say ‘nice girl’? I meant ‘evil skank’" (10x17)
“Well, they let her leave the house looking like a whore.” (10x23)
“No wonder she put on that skank outfit and went out there looking for validation” (10x23)
“Night, bitch.“ (11x04)
“We’ve been hunting that bitch for weeks.” (11x05)
“Listen, bitch. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you want. You have my brother.” (12x01)
“Well, family drama's a bitch, ain't it?” (12x05)
“Straight Shawshank this bitch.“ (12x22)
“Bitch” (12x22)
“Ooh. Ouch. Breakups can be a bitch.” (13x06)
“That bitch set us up“ (15x13)
 “Oh, wow. Somebody’s shopping at Abercrombie and Bitch.” (15x14)
“Alright, well, you guys go "Highway to Heaven" that bitch.“ (15x15)
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angelfireeast · 3 years
Lost in Space 3x07
Finally Alpha Centauri!
When SAR didn't end up beating then to Alpha Centauri my first thought was he went to Earth to destroy those humans first.
Will has a robot heart aww.
God I hate Smith. Will is literally dying and she thinking about herself. Yes, please let Karma get her ass cause she's picks evil over good too often in her self interest quest. Seeing her looking at her beautiful new home pisses me off. She murdered that guy remember?! Plus all the betrayal & other horriblness.
Vijay had the sweeter gift for Penny! I love him so much. They make a cute teenage couple.
Hastings is non stop talking when the alien robots are coming. No speed in his movement. That man pisses me to no end. I was glad he died even when it seemed like a dumb plot point at the time.
Loving Grant being more involved in the Robinson family finally. I still need Grant and John to meet. I fear they will get like two seconds of screentime.
I literally forgot that Ben Adler had kids and that who Will was talking to when he asked those kids to come see him😬
They have so little time in these last episodes that Penny's love life just pushed in the most awkward places. I BLAME NETFLIX and thus am not holding it against the show.
Nice to see Ben Alder again I forgot how hot he is. Not the most appropriate thought during a scene that is meant to be sad.
Aww Don finally got called family like he deserved 🥺 Wish it had been by Penny so they made it clear that Judy sees him as romantic possibility. The lack of Judy and Don friendship scenes this season was felt.
Still makes me happy to see the Robot call the Robinson's his family not just Will.
Good dad talk about forgiveness cause John was totally taking his anger out on the Robot when it was directed at himself. It hardens back to the way John was jealous of Robot having a fatherly relationship when they relationship is friendship/brothers.
That seemed too easy to defeat the Alien Robots🤔 yep too easy
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Alex is all about redefining his family legacy this season and doing things differently than Jesse, so I can theoretically see him making peace with his last name as a part of that, especially since Tripp was also a Manes and we're supposed to think of him as a good guy, but there should have absolutely been some sort of a discussion about his feelings on this between Malex specifically. I guess the conversation with Eduardo in 3x07 and Michael using the last name so casually and Alex being unbothered by it in 3x08 is a heavy-handed way to show us he's already fine with it now? Like how he was dismantling Project Shepherd for a year even though we have no idea what that means? Alex has been doing a lot of internal work on himself for the past two and a half seasons, but he's hardly ever allowed to interact with other mains for longer than a minute and be the focus of the conversation, so we generally only see his progress in his actions and the choices he makes. It's annoying, but it's not new.
You're right that it's not new, and that's part of the problem. We almost never get to see Alex's POV on things unless he's giving a grand declaration to Michael and I was hopeful that was something we could leave behind with the old showrunner, but no dice it seems. Like, we've had several private moments with other characters where we get to see their feelings, like Michael looking at that picture of him and Alex, or this episode with Liz monologuing, or characters talking to each other or something to let us track their journey and we, unfortunately, hardly ever get that with Alex, and it would have been really useful this season to show how he got to where he is, especially going from considering leaving town with Forrest to being all in for Michael. I'm hoping we get more info before the season ends and like you mentioned, maybe Ramos will continue to be someone who talks with Alex and helps us fill in some of those gaps, but at this point it's pretty frustrating that Alex is the one we are constantly in the dark about or having to dig and guess and formulate our own ideas on what he's doing and his motivations because the show isn't giving us that info. I mean, at the start of the season it was all "not everything is about Michael, Alex is doing it for himself" because that's all the show gave us, only to 8 episodes later be like, "haha it WAS all about Michael all along, we just didn't think it was important to tell you until now". 🙄🙄🙄
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