#family lawyer Bradford
libertysolicitors · 2 years
Why Do You Need Criminal Lawyers Leeds?
Criminal lawyers Leeds must be retained by a person who is facing criminal charges to assist them. As they represent and defend their client in court, this attorney will be working on their behalf. In order to prevent innocent persons from being wrongly imprisoned or punished for crimes that they did not commit, criminal attorneys are essential. The outcome of the charges against you will ultimately be greatly influenced by the criminal attorney you select. Contact the family lawyer Bradford at Liberty Solicitors right away to arrange a free consultation so that you may go through your case in greater depth.
  Child abuse solicitors represents a client who has been charged with committing a crime. They give their clients legal rights advice and represent them in court. A criminal defense lawyer could represent their client in court or pursue a plea agreement on their behalf.
  What is a Criminal Lawyer?
An attorney who represents or prosecutes parties involved in criminal matters is known as a criminal lawyer. Criminal law especially regulates behavior that is deemed dangerous or damaging to the public. This might have to do with the protection of assets or the wellness of the soul. Governments define crimes and inflict punishment for them in order to restrain citizens' behavior and make sure they understand the repercussions.
  Reduce the difficulty of the law
You might be uncertain of the implications of the criminal law that surrounds the charge you are facing. The best family law solicitors Bradford will break it all down and explain it to you at this point.
 Your attorney will guide you through the criminal law issue so that you can better grasp it and the potential repercussions. In the end, this helps you avoid a good amount of anxiety and stress.
 Look For Weakness in the Case of the Opposition
Before the case even goes to trial, a skilled criminal attorney can spot holes and flaws in the prosecution's case. The attorney can discover evidence that is inadmissible during the trial preparation process, indicating that the prosecution cannot introduce that evidence. Prior to trial, an expert criminal attorney will get in touch with the prosecution to make sure that they won't present or introduce that evidence.
 Aid in gathering and analyzing evidence
Criminal lawyers Leeds are tasked with assisting in the collection of evidence that might result in the charges being dropped or reduced as well as with reviewing the evidence in a criminal case to ensure the best possible outcome. They will examine the data to determine whether it is reliable and whether it corroborates the accusations made against their client. A defense attorney will try to get the case dismissed as quickly as feasible if they believe the evidence is invalid or does not support the accusations.
  Leeds office
First Floor, 4 New York Street, Leeds, LS2 7DY
 Tel: 07 888 444 999
Solicitors in Leeds, Bradford, West Yorkshire - Liberty Solicitors        
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My favorite moment in "Bye Bye Baby". The family talks to Michael about his on and off smoking habits... and even Gracie got involved.
I provided some teensy weensy subtitles for Gracie's "commentaries" towards the end, since during the scene, the baby was "adlibbing".
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foundtherightwords · 1 year
The Road Forgotten - Chapter 3
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Pairing: Arthur Havisham (Dickensian) x OFC
A/N: I made Arthur bisexual and paired him with a female character in this. I know some writers have gotten flack for pairing Arthur with a female character (or reader), so if it's not your cup of tea, please walk away.
This is mostly based on the events of "Dickensian", but I've also incorporated some elements and characters from "Great Expectations". Most notably, Satis House is in Kent (as in the book) instead of in London.
Summary: A few years after his plan to swindle his sister ended in tragedy, Arthur Havisham is a shadow of a man, living in guilt and fear. When Elsie Bradford, a young woman also wronged by Compeyson, enlists Arthur's help to hunt down his former partner-in-crime, Arthur must face his demons and other strange, new feelings, to redeem himself.
Warnings: slow burn, angst, guilt, revenge, psychological trauma, mention of prostitution, mention of suicide/suicide ideations, some violence, a bit of smut
Chapter word count: 2.6k
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Elsie agreed to meet Havisham on Little Britain to visit the office of a Mr. Jaggers, the Havisham's family lawyer. According to Havisham, Jaggers knew of his dealings with Compeyson and therefore might have discovered some useful information.
Elsie had walked again, choosing to save money over the safety of a hackney cab, yet she still arrived way before their appointed time. She cast her eyes up and down the gloomy street, taking in the anonymous façades of the many offices and shops that lined its sides, and noting, out of habit, where the best escapes were. A knot of people was mingling about, all looking desperate, restless, or both. She saw the sign MR. JAGGERS painted on a door nearby and realized they were there for a similar purpose as she. She chose a spot a little farther on, near a pawn shop, and pretended to browse the meager offerings on display while keeping an eye out for Havisham.
He had asked her to meet him outside the office at two in the afternoon, but he didn't show up until well after the bells of Great St. Bart's had rung the half-hour. From her position, Elsie saw him approaching on unsteady feet, and she felt a sense of annoyance. She had taken care never to order brandy for him again, not wanting to make the same mistake that she had in their first meeting, but he clearly had other ways to procure it.
As he drew near, however, her annoyance faded, for she saw now that his stumbling gait was due to nervousness rather than drunkenness. He was too alert for a man who was drunk or had recently been drunk. His shoulders were hunched as usual, his head turned slightly to the inside of the street, his grip on the top of his cane was white-knuckled, and under the brim of his top hat, his eyes kept their frantic darting motion. He looked a man permanently in fear. Elsie's conscience pricked when she remembered Havisham's white-faced horror at seeing Marianne. She hadn't planned to use her sister to appeal to his decency, and she certainly hadn't planned to bring on one of Marianne's attacks—Mrs. Gordon had spoken so encouragingly of Marianne's progress at her last visit—but she couldn't shake off the feeling that she had ill-used both of them.
Havisham walked right past Elsie without seeing her. She gently put a hand on his sleeve, and he jumped, almost flying off the curb and into the street. "Mr. Havisham, it's me," she said quietly.
Havisham visibly relaxed. "Miss Bradford, apologies for my late arrival," he said.
"It's all right. It looks like the office isn't even open yet," Elsie said, indicating the waiting queue.
"Jaggers must be in Court then. His clerk will let us in." Havisham straightened up and squared his shoulders, trying to put on an imposing air but only ended up looking like he was trying on an ill-fitted coat. He led her past the queue.
"But they've been waiting long before us!" Elsie spluttered in protest.
"Isn't this why you need my help, to get you into places?" asked Havisham, rapping on the door with his cane. Elsie tried to smile apologetically at the people still waiting, and only received some sullen stares in return.
A clerk with a square, wooden face and small, glittering black eyes opened the door.
"We're here to see Mr. Jaggers," Havisham announced.
"And you are...?" the clerk said.
Havisham tried to look indignant. "Do you mean you do not recognize me?"
The clerk squinted at him. An uncomfortable moment passed, and Elsie could almost see Havisham shrink within himself. Too aware of the resentful eyes behind their backs, she took pity on him and stepped forward. "It's Mr. Havisham," she said.
The clerk's eyes widened. "Oh, it's you, Mr. Havisham! I do beg your pardon, it's been so long since you... do come in, sir. And you too, ma'am."
He opened the door for them. Angry voices rose behind them in protest, and the clerk stepped out to talk them down. Elsie could hear snatches of his words, "Mr. Jaggers will see all of you as soon as he returns... one of his oldest clients... yes, that Havisham... yes, such a shame what happened..."
He then returned and directed them into an inner office, a small, rather dismal place, dimly lit by a single, patchy skylight, and filled with odds and ends. There were a few uncomfortable-looking chairs of black horsehair studded full of brass nails, and Elsie and Havisham sat down on these, facing the lawyer's empty desk.
"I thought you needed my help," Havisham said petulantly.
"It doesn't hurt to be a little more polite to people, Mr. Havisham," was all Elsie said. She glanced at Havisham. Even in the dim light, she noticed that he had made some effort to clean himself up - he had shaved, put on a clean shirt, and brushed back his unruly curls. His eyes were still slightly sunken, but the glassy film covering them had lifted somewhat. However, he seemed rather nervous - he was alternating between tapping his cane on the floor and twisting it in his hands. She wondered what he had to be nervous about. Talking to a lawyer would not be her first step in the search for Compeyson. She had rather hoped Havisham would take her to places he and Compeyson had frequented or to their mutual acquaintances. But asking "So where did you meet the man that ruined your life?" would not be a good conversation starter, so she kept quiet.
There was a commotion outside. It appeared Mr. Jaggers had returned, and the people waiting now crowded around him, all vying for his attention. Jaggers was barking orders left and right, while the clerk scurried off to do his biddings, and the clients, having had their questions answered and their worries relieved, left one by one, shaken off by Jaggers like a man taking off his outer clothes upon entering his home.
Jaggers walked into the office, a burly, imposing man, very dark. He looked not much older than forty or fifty, but the top of his head was already balding, and he seemed to make up for it by cultivating a pair of bristling eyebrows over his deep-set, suspicious eyes. Havisham stood up, then sat down, then stood again. Elsie was uncomfortably reminded of her own uneasiness before seeing Marianne, and she found herself drawing back, blending in with the dark, greasy wall of the office, wishing to give Havisham some room as he had with her and Marianne. Jaggers stopped upon seeing Havisham.
"Arthur," he said, looking none too pleased. "What are you doing here?"
"I have a question for you," replied Havisham.
Jaggers threw the papers he was holding onto the desk. Some sheets fluttered to the floor to join their fellows, but the lawyer didn't seem to care. Elsie wondered how he got any work done at all, in such a mess.
"If this is about your allowance again..." Jaggers said, sounding annoyed.
"No, no, I know the board has been more than gracious in that matter," Havisham said through gritted teeth. Again, Elsie could almost see him writhing in humiliation and felt a surge of compassion. Perhaps, like her, it wasn't easy for him to meet someone from his old life again. No, it was even worse for him, because he was the direct victim and had to take the brunt of judgment, like her poor father, who hadn't been able to bear the shame.
"So what is it?" Jaggers asked tetchily. He still had not seen Elsie.
Havisham looked back at Elsie. This alerted Jaggers to her presence, and his bushy eyebrows merged together quizzically as he looked at Havisham for an answer. Havisham grabbed Jaggers's sleeve, pulled him toward a far corner of the room, close to the desk, and dropped his voice. Elsie was unwilling to follow. She didn't want to hear her story told by another. But she could tell when Havisham's mouth formed the name "Compeyson", and Jaggers's expression turned thunderous.
"You ignored all my warnings, and now you have the nerve to come here and ask for my help?" he grumbled.
"I'm not asking for me," Havisham said. He looked toward Elsie again.
"And since when did you become such an altruist? Or are you cooking up another one of your foolish schemes? Haven't you learned your lesson?" Jaggers was actually shaking his finger at Havisham, who hung his head like an admonished child, his earlier bluster at the door was completely gone. "Who is this woman? What do you even know about her? She came to you with some tragic tale and you fell for it..."
"She didn't—" Havisham began, but Elsie could no longer keep quiet. It was one thing for this man to bully his client, but she wouldn't stand his insult.
"Excuse me," she said, stepping forward. Jaggers barely gave her a glance. "We came here because Mr. Havisham believed you could help us discover Compeyson's whereabouts. If you can't, just say so and we'll be on our way. You need not berate Mr. Havisham or slander my honesty. It wasn't our fault that we fell victim to Compeyson's deviousness!"
"Wasn't your fault?" Jaggers repeated, finally looking at her. "Forgive me for speaking the truth, ma'am, but the moment you let a man such as Compeyson into your life, you knew you were making a deal with the devil." He gestured toward Havisham. "Ask him! Ask him what he—"
"We should go," Havisham interrupted, taking Elsie's arm.
Jaggers went after them. "I'm giving you true counsel," he said. "Forget this ill-advised quest for revenge. Both of you. Go home, Arthur."
A look of despair came into Havisham's eyes. "You know I can't," he said in a small voice and guided Elsie out of the office.
"He has no rights to blame you—blame us!—for what that... that fiend did to us!" she fumed, futile tears stinging her eyes. She hated herself for crying, for showing weakness, and tried to tell herself that people who did not know about her father or Marianne would be quick to judge, but she could not stop the fiery anger from flaring up within her.
Without waiting for the clerk to see them out, Elsie shoved the front door open, nearly colliding with a man loitering outside. "Beg your pardon, miss," he said, quickly moving off. There was something familiar about the man, but she couldn't quite place him, and she was still too furious with Jaggers to remember.
Havisham seemed defeated. "I'm sorry, Miss Bradford," he said. "I really thought Jaggers would help. He did warn me about Compeyson, but I didn't listen to him, like the fool I was. After I... lost my share of the Havisham brewery, it was only thanks to Jaggers that I retained a small allowance. Not enough to live on, but enough to starve away in gentility, if I so wish. It's too bad that I don't." The corner of his mouth lifted up in a self-deprecating smile. "He has every right to be angry with me."
His self-loathing saddened her. "There is nothing to apologize for, Mr. Havisham," she said, laying a hand on his arm. He peered at her tear-stained face, and his smile brightened briefly with gratitude. Then he fumbled in his pocket for a rather wrinkled handkerchief, which he offered to her.
Elsie stared at it. "Why are you giving me this?"
Havisham was discomfited. "Isn't... isn't this what a gentleman is supposed to do when a lady is in distress?" he said, his pale face turning pink.
Elsie had to laugh. It was a clumsy gesture, but she was thankful for the thought. "Thank you, but I'm not in distress. I'm just mad," she said, digging in her reticule for her own handkerchief and wiping her face. "So what do we do now?" she asked.
Havisham looked back into the dark mouth of the office, lost. Then his eyes landed on the clerk, still bustling about to carry out Jaggers's various orders. A look of recognition, of remembrance, came into Havisham's eyes. He took a decisive stride toward the clerk. "Didn't Jaggers order you to look into Compeyson, five years ago?" he asked.
The clerk paused, his brow furrowed in recollection. "No, that wasn't me, Mr. Havisham. That was Lowten. He left Mr. Jaggers's employment soon after."
Havisham slumped down, only to perk up again when the clerk said, "Though he did give me a few papers to keep before he left. Said he'd come back for them, but never did."
"What papers? Do you still have them?" Havisham all but seized the clerk by the neck of his jacket with such an intensity that surprised Elsie.
The clerk looked confused. "But I remember Lowten telling me—didn't you—"
"Never mind that," Havisham interrupted, casting a furtive glance at Elsie. "I want it now. Do you still have it? Or remember what was in them?"
"It's been such a long time, Mr. Havisham..."
Elsie approached them. "Please, Mr...?"
"Wemmick, at your service, ma'am." The clerk tried to balance a stack of papers with one hand and touched his forelock with the other.
"Mr. Wemmick. Please. Anything you remember at all would be a great help to us," she said, putting on her best ingratiating act, one she would often use whenever she needed to ask Mrs. Hill for a favor or some money she could send home to Marianne. It hadn't always worked with Mrs. Hill, who had taught Elsie some of the tricks herself, but it seemed to work with Wemmick. He puffed up his chest, proud of being wanted. Elsie guessed he didn't receive much appreciation from the bullying Jaggers.
"Wait now, I got it!" Wemmick's poorly chiseled features lit up. "I brought it home. I couldn't remember what possessed me to do it. I never brought anything from the office back to the castle, but that time, I thought, well, it wasn't of the office anymore, seeing how Lowten was no longer employed, so what was the harm..."
"Yes, yes," Havisham said impatiently. "Can you go home and retrieve it?"
Wemmick hesitated, looking rather uncomfortable. "Wemmick!!!" Jaggers barked from his office, and the clerk jumped. Elsie quickly realized the cause of his fear.
"Of course, we cannot possibly ask you to leave the office in the middle of the day," she said. "But we could come back tomorrow..."
Wemmick scratched his chin. "Well, now, if it's not a huge imposition, would you mind waiting until the end of the day and walking down to Walworth with me? It would do all of us good to stretch our legs. And I would be honored to introduce you to my castle and the aged."
Elsie shared a look with Havisham. The man was talking nonsense. But he was their only hope. Elsie was about to accept Wemmick's offer, when Havisham piped up, "Perhaps I could go with you alone, Wemmick. The walk may be too tiring for Miss Bradford..."
Elsie was not having it. "Not at all," she said, shooting Havisham a look to say she was perfectly capable of making her own decision, thank you very much. "In fact, my lodgings are close by in Southwark, so I'm walking that way anyway. Thank you, Mr. Wemmick," she told the clerk. "We'll walk with you."
Chapter 4
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saralayne · 11 months
This Love ~ Part 7 🩵💜
As the wedding was right around the corner. Lucy and Tim have an important conversation with Tamara. After, Tamara finds herself in a dangerous situation and Tim steps up to the plate in a big way.
The wedding details had all been taken care of. Everything had fallen into place. Lucy had found the perfect wedding dress. She was due to go in for her final fitting in a couple of weeks. Life was less stressful now that the details were all in place. It was happening in a mere 6 weeks. Tim and Lucy could not be more excited.
One thing had been on Tim’s mind as the wedding approached. Tim had been living with Lucy and Tamara for a year now. They had become a little family with Tamara and Kojo. Tamara was an adult now. She was a full time college student studying to become a lawyer. Lucy’s puppy as Tim had always called her and she had become his puppy as well. He thought of Tamara as his and Lucy’s kid. The young girl had wormed her way into his heart and he would do anything for her. They would have family dinners together. It felt right. They were a real family. It wasn’t conventional as Tamara was a full fledged adult now. It didn’t take away from the fact on how much Lucy and Tim loved her. Even when they would have children or their own in the future. Tamara was always going to be their first kid. Tim had heard that adoption was possible for even adults. All he wanted was for Tamara to be their family, officially.
As Lucy stepped into Tim’s office to have lunch. There were occasional times they were able to spent a little more time together at the station. They kept it professional, of course. It was just a time to chat and have a bite to eat together.
“Hi Sergeant Bradford”
“Hi Officer Chen”
“I brought us some lunch from the food truck” chuckled a Lucy
“Luce. I want to talk to you about something that has been on my mind for a while now. We were so consumed with the wedding. I wanted to wait for a good moment. Now that the wedding is all planned and set”
“Tim. Babe. What is going on?”
“So, this might sound crazy but hear me out. I did some research. I found adult adoptions are real and actually happen quite frequently”
“Tim. Oh my gosh. Are you saying what I think you are saying?”
“I am. Luce she is our kid. It may of been unconventional how she became our kid. But she is ours. I want it to be official. I want her to always feel that she is our family. Even in the future when we bring children into this world. I never want Tamara to feel like she is not ours as well. I don’t know how she will feel about this. I just really want this for our family”
“Tim, you are such an amazing man. You’re right. She is our kid. There is nothing I would love more than to have Tamara as ours in every sense. I know she is going to feel honoured. Let’s talk to her as soon as possible and then we can start the process”
A few days later. They sat down to dinner with Tamara. They had made Tamara’s favourite meal. Spaghetti.
“OK. You two are freaking me out. Make my favourite meal. You look nervous. Is something going on? You are kinda scaring me”
“There is something we want to talk to you about” muttered Tim “Tamara, you have always been Lucy’s family since the beginning. I know I joked about it. Since even before Lucy and I got together you wormed you way into my heart as well. Since living here, Lucy and I are about to get married. We. I, want us to be a family officially”
“Ok. Of course I consider you and Lucy family. Oh and Kojo as well”
“Yes and that’s great. We would like to make it official. I would love Lucy and I to formally adopt you. I realize you are an adult. But we want you to officially be our kid. Our daughter”
Tamara had tears streaming down her face.
“I-I can’t believe this. I don’t even know what to say”
“You could start with yes” whispered Lucy
“YES. OF COURSE. So you would be mom and dad?”
“Yes. We would be. If you’re comfortable calling us that” added Tim
“This is something I have wanted my whole life. To feel loved and wanted. Lucy, you gave me a home and stability when I had nothing. Dadford, you have always been there for me even when I annoyed you. You were always a dad figure to me. Nothing would make me happier than to have you both. As my mom and dad”
“Good. It’s settled then. Lucy and I will start the process and paperwork as soon as possible. Now, let’s finish eating. You and Lucy can pick some ridiculous reality show for us to watch”
About a week later. Tim had hired a lawyer. The paperwork was easy. Tamara was an adult, so it wasn’t complicated. Papers were signed. Tamara was officially their daughter. She even surprised Tim and decided to change her last name to Bradford. Tim was floored when Tamara presented the paper showing her new name. Lucy was going to become a Bradford in a month. They were now a real family.
Tamara had been spending nights at the library. She had final exams coming up. Tim didn’t like her being there at night. As a cop for many years now, he has seen things. The thought of her walking to her car late at night alone drove him crazy. Lucy would try and calm him. “Babe, she’s always got her cell on and pepper spray that you stocked her with” truth is Lucy also didn’t like Tamara walking alone at night but she knew Tamara was an adult and they to let her be just that.
Lucy was out with the girls. Planning Lucy’s bachelorette party and final details with the wedding. Tim was having a nice, relaxing evening at home. Just him and Kojo watching a Rams game. Tim’s phone started vibrating “Hello”
“Is this Tim Bradford?”
“Yes it is”
“This is Dr. Scott calling from Shaw Memorial”
At first, Tim thought something had happened to Lucy. His heart plummeted.
“We have a Tamara Bradford here. She came by ambulance. She is your daughter?”
“Yes she is. I-I she ok?”
“According to Tamara she was attacked walking to her car. She has a concussion and an arm fracture. Some bruises and lacerations over her face. She fought hard. She must of been taught well” Tim couldn’t help but venture a smirk. “The police are here to take a statement but she wanted you to be called as you and her mom are police?”
“Yes, we are”
Tim was grabbing his keys and running out the door.
“Tamara is very traumatized and is not wanting to give a statement”
“I am on my way. You can tell the officers I will handle this. I am going to call her mom right now, my fiancée. We will handle this. Please tell Tamara I will be right there”
Tim tried calling Lucy. They were out at a spa resort for the night and had told Tim she would not have great cell service. Tim left a voicemail.
“Hi baby. Listen T was taken to the hospital after being attacked walking to her car. She’s ok. I talked to the doctor. I am on my way to the hospital now. Please call me back as soon as you get this. I got her, babe. Talk to you soon. I love you”
Even though Tim had been assured Tamara was OK. He wouldn’t feel good until he saw for himself. Running through the doors at Shaw Memorial to the front desk. “Hi. I’m Sergeant Tim Bradford. My daughter Tamara Bradford was brought in. I would like to see her now” as the nurse looked down at the computer. She brought Tim back to where Tamara was. As he walked into her room. There had been so many times he had been in this very area of Shaw. It had never felt like this. His daughter. Now she was his daughter and there is no feeling like this helpless feeling. Thinking about what could have happened. Tim reminded himself he couldn’t think that way right now. He had to be strong for Tamara.
Tamara was sleeping. Bandages all over her face and a cast on her left arm. Tim took a seat in the vacant chair
“T I’m here. Your gonna be ok, kiddo”
A hoarse voice whispered “dad”. Everytime Tim heard that, his heart completely melted.
“Hey, hun. How are you feeling?”
“I’m OK. I can’t believe this happened. I have never been so terrified. I am so sorry”
“Hey. Stop it right now. You have nothing to apologize for. The only thing that matters is your OK”
“I’m so glad you’re here. I know I need to make a statement. I am just scared and wanted you or mom with me. Both my parents are cops, there is no way I was going to tell strange cops anything”
“Don’t worry. T. I will take care of that. Get some rest now. I called Luce but she is at the spa with Angela and Nyla and they don’t have good cell service. I am sure she will call as soon as she hears my voicemails”
“I know”
“Ok. My girly. I am going to go out in the hall for a few minutes. You get some rest. I will be right here when you wake up”
Tim was pouring a cup of coffee. His phone dinging. As he saw Lucy’s picture flash across his screen.
“Hi. Baby. How are you?”
“Tim. I just got your voicemail” Lucy’s voice was trembling. “Tam. I-Is she ok?”
“Luce. Babe. She’s ok. I promise. She is resting. She wanted to wait for one of us to be here before she gave a statement to the police. She is shook for sure but she’s ok. We will get her through this”
“Tim, you were worried about her walking alone at night from the library and look what happened. I am so sorry I didn’t take your concerns seriously”
“Baby. It’s ok. We couldn’t have foreseen something actually happening. The only thing that matters is that our girl is ok. No one is to blame for this except the scumbag who messed with the wrong family. He will regret the day he ever laid a hand on our daughter”
“God, I love you. I’m on my way home”
“Luce. It’s your spa weekend with the girls”
“Tim. I don’t care. Our daughter is what’s more important, not some girl time. Angela and Nyla as mothers of course understand my need to come home. I will see you soon”
“See you soon. Drive safe. Get home to us”
Tim entered Tamara’s room just as she was waking up.
“Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?”
“I feel better”
“I just takes to Luce. She is on her way home. Just in time to take you home. I just talked to the doctor and he feels comfortable discharging you. Heal and rest at home. That is going to be the best medicine”
“Whatever you say, dad”
Tim took Tamara home. Lucy arrived home not long after. Kojo was all over Tamara, not letting her out of his sight. The family of four laid out on the couch watching movies. Tim was determined to find this attacker who dared to lay one finger on his kid. He would most definitely get justice. However, for now the most important thing for him was to be with his family.
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wikiuntamed · 2 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Saturday, 27th April
Welcome, bonvenon, أهلا بك (ahlan bika), sveiki 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 27th April through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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27th April 2023 🗓️ : Death - Jerry Springer Jerry Springer, American politician and actor (b. 1944) "Gerald Norman Springer (February 13, 1944 – April 27, 2023) was an English-American broadcaster, journalist, actor, lawyer, and politician. He was best known for hosting the controversial tabloid talk show Jerry Springer from 1991 to 2018. He was noted as a pioneer in the emergence of "trash TV";..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5? by Nrbelex
27th April 2018 🗓️ : Event - Panmunjom Declaration The Panmunjom Declaration is signed between North and South Korea, officially declaring their intentions to end the Korean conflict. "The Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula was adopted between the President of the Republic of Korea (ROK), Moon Jae-in and the President of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jong Un, on 27 April..."
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Image licensed under KOGL Type 1? by Cheongwadae / Blue House
27th April 2014 🗓️ : Death - Dan Colchico Daniel Colchico, American football player and coach (b. 1935) "Daniel Mametta Colchico (May 27, 1935 – April 27, 2014) was an American athlete who played defensive end in the National Football League (NFL)...."
27th April 1974 🗓️ : Event - 1974 Leningrad Aeroflot Il-18 crash 109 people are killed in a plane crash near Pulkovo Airport. "On 27 April 1974, an Aeroflot Il-18 airliner crashed while operating a charter flight from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) to Zaporizhzhia, continuing to Krasnodar, Russia. The plane crashed shortly after takeoff from Pulkovo Airport in Leningrad. None of the 109 people on board survived. The engine..."
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Image licensed under GFDL 1.2? by Pertti Sipilä
27th April 1924 🗓️ : Birth - Vernon B. Romney Vernon B. Romney, American lawyer and politician, 14th Attorney General of Utah (d. 2013) "Vernon Bradford Romney (April 27, 1924 – July 13, 2013) was an American lawyer who served as the attorney general of Utah from 1969 to 1977, and the Republican candidate for Governor of Utah in 1976. He was a member of the Romney family and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Unknown authorUnknown author
27th April 1822 🗓️ : Birth - Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant, American general and politician, 18th President of the United States (d. 1885) "Ulysses S. Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was an American military officer, politician, and the 18th president of the United States, who served from 1869 to 1877. As commanding general, Grant led the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War in 1865 and..."
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Image by Brady-Handy Photograph Collection, Library of Congress
27th April 🗓️ : Holiday - Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Sierra Leone from United Kingdom in 1961. "This is a list of holidays in Sierra Leone. National holidays are non-working days only, and employers have to give workers the day off but they do not have to pay them. Businesses are not required to close...."
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zerogate · 1 year
Many mystics, even in modern times, claim to be familiar with such an invisible network we humans can tap into. In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda recalls a curious and inspiring incident, which occurred as he made a bet with his brother in India (see Yogananda, 2003, pp. 93-101). After his brother Ananta scolded him for being foolish pursuing spiritual goals without backing up his life financially (‘Money first, God can come later!’), the yogi accepted the challenge of completing a journey without taking a single rupee with him, only relying on the Invisible Hand to provide for food and shelter. The brother stated the rules: no begging, no revealing of the situation to anyone, but if he can arrive without ever going without a meal or becoming stranded, he would become his disciple. Paramahansa Yogananda completed the challenge famously, proving for his family that he can sense and use a connection to all-there-is: a connection which sustains his life, helps him to survive and guides his way.
I came across my first suggestive evidence that humans may indeed use an invisible network on a larger scale, while doing research in South Africa. The topic of the thesis I worked on at that time was legal anthropology and as such unrelated, but a human rights lawyer I interviewed told me something unexpected. He was working together with the Sān (or Bushmen) people (the indigenous hunter-gatherers of Southern Africa) on a close, intensive basis. One day the Sān took him on a hunt, during which – the lawyer observed – they always knew in what bush or behind which tree an animal was hiding, even if it wasn’t visible. Their predictions were so accurate that he started asking them about it. The Sān revealed that they felt a vibration in-between their eyebrows when the prey was nearby.
In his book The Lost World of the Kalahari, Laurens van der Post tells of a similar experience he had while hunting with the Bushmen. During this hunt, the Bushmen killed an eland, which was cause for great celebration. They said that the others who stayed behind at the camp will know about the kill by the time they return, because within the tribe they have an inbuilt, natural ‘wire’ (like the telegraph of the white man), which invisibly connects its members. Van der Post describes it as a humbling experience as they marched back and from afar in the dark, long before they were visible to the people home, they could already hear the people home singing the errand song (van der Post, 1962, pp. 236-237).
Other anthropologists who have studied the Sān with an open mind, similarly discovered that for this people, invisible ‘energies’ which convey information and/or power, are a normal part of their socially accepted reality. Anthropologist Bradford Keenly describes how Bushmen believe that there is a ‘silver stream of energy’ extending between them which allows for sending and receiving telepathic messages (Keenly cited by Mauro, 2015, p. 66). Lewis-Williams and Pearce (2004, pp. 104-105), who have done extensive work on San rock art correlating to certain altered states of consciousness, point out that those rock art images are not simply ‘pictures’ to be looked at and admired. They are deposits of a type of energy or power, which a ‘good person’ can access by placing his or her hand on the image.
Anecdotal evidence such as this can be found in abundance, not only with the San people. Loren McIntyre, the iconic National Geographic explorer and writer recalls an incident when he was lost in the Amazon region and ended up living with an uncontacted tribe for months. Even though they could not speak each other’s languages, he became so immersed in their – entirely different – culture that he found access to their ‘second language,’ a type of telepathy which he referred to as beaming (Popescu, 1991). Biologist Rupert Sheldrake has collected over five thousand case histories to illustrate this type of instinctual, telepathic communication. He thinks of this as part of our evolutionary heritage, which used to aid our survival and therefore works best in life-and-death, emergency or distress situations involving intense emotions (Sheldrake, 2004).
-- Jack Hunter (ed.), Greening the Paranormal: Exploring the Ecology of Extraordinary Experience
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Hunter Biden broke multiple laws.
‘2 TIERS OF JUSTICE’: Rapper’s Lawyer Slams Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal After His Client Served Time For Same Charge
By Cullen McCueJune 20, 2023Updated:June 20, 2023
A lawyer who represented Florida-based rapper Kodak Black slammed Hunter Biden’s generous plea deal as an example of a two-tiered justice system in an Instagram post Tuesday.
Kodak Black was sentenced to three years in prison after accepting a guilty plea to weapons charges in 2020. He was later pardoned by former President Trump during his final days in office, as were several additional rappers, including Lil Wayne. Like Kodak Black, Lil Wayne served several years in prison after pleading guilty to weapons charges.
“2 tiers of justice?” wrote attorney Bradford Cohen in a caption on a side-by-side photo of his client’s prison sentence compared with Hunter Biden’s deal. The president’s son is not expected to serve any jail time under terms of the deal.
“Kodak was charged for the same crime. Got over 3 years. Mr. Biden will not serve a day. Feels right?” Cohen wrote. “Do FBI agents and federal authorities take cases personally?”
Hunter Biden is expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax violations, as well as a felony weapons charge. He is not expected to serve any prison time under the terms of the deal and will accept a pretrial diversion program for the weapons charge.
“DOJ is violating its own internal policies on this case,” said former U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah Brett Tolman.  “The Ashcroft Memo requires they charge the ‘highest provable offense’ and seek consistent sentences with other cases brought by DOJ. This prosecution is an absolute laughable joke. Thousands have been sent to prison for long terms for the same charges.”
In response to the deal, House Republicans have vowed to continue their rapidly intensifying investigation into an alleged criminal bribery scheme involving the Biden family. Both Joe Biden and his son have been credibly accused of accepting a $5 million bribe in a quid-pro-quo agreement to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.
Shokin was investigating the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, where Hunter Biden sat on the board.
The foreign national referenced in an FD-1023 form compiled by a “highly credible” source — who has since been named as a former Burisma executive — allegedly kept recordings of conversations between himself and the Biden family.
CALLED IT: Trump Predicted DOJ Would Charge Hunter With ‘Something Small’ To ‘Make Their Strike On Me Seem Fair’
‘2 TIERS OF JUSTICE’: Rapper’s Lawyer Slams Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal After His Client Served Time For Same Charge
Biggs Sounds Off On Biden DOJ, Says Hunter’s Deal Is A Deflection From House GOP Bribery Probe
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elliotxcross · 2 years
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Elliot is the younger brother of Hunter and he’s incredibly close to his brother and the found family they have from the Southside. When you think of wasted potential, he’s probably the poster child. A brilliant mind, squandered talent and a dozen vices, Elliot never planned on getting far in life but he still can’t help but feel like a burden to his family, especially after a stint in prison. He’s not a bad guy but he carries a lot of self loathing and doubt inside, he just happens to posture and pretend like he’s more okay than he is. 
full name: Elliot Cross 
gender & pronouns: cisman & he/his
age & date of birth: 33, December 20, 1989
where do they live: Southside 
time living in bradford springs: Entire Life
occupation: Help at a local flower shop  
positive traits: charismatic, gregarious, bombastic,  intelligent 
negative traits: explosive, capricious, sarcastic, unreliable 
face claim: Garrett Hedlund 
orientation: straight 
brother to @hunter-cooke​ // cousin to: @finn-oconnor​​ & @angeloconnor​​
inspo: pinterest // character parallels
(tw: addiction, alcohol, depression, drugs, mental illness, prison, violence)
The Cross brothers didn’t grow up with much besides inherited family trauma with an abusive dad and an addict of a mother. 
Elliot is the youngest and falls into the stereotype of the problem child. He was always getting into shit, always seeking out a thrill, always trying to feel something different. 
Still, his brilliant mind was hard to hide and, at one point, teachers were talking about sponsoring him to go to a private school across town. Once Elliot caught wind, he sabotaged his own chances of getting in lest he be separated from Hunter and the small circle of extended family. 
After that, he made a point not to excel at anything (honestly a concerted effort), and scraped by, barely graduating when he should’ve been valedictorian. 
Post high school, he got involved with gang activities and running/selling drugs and aggravated assault of another drug dealer. He was in and out of prison for the next few years and during that time his mental health took a nose dive to the point that when he got out, he was either no use or a liability.
After his most recent stint in prison, Hunter helped him get Nomad status with the Keepers and he’s doing is best not to squander the gift that it’s been to him. He’s no longer drowning and just wants to keep his head above water.
Elliot has bipolar disorder. He was undiagnosed and never had the resources to help him manage it, which is why he turned to drugs and alcohol towards the end of high school. He has recently begun to go to therapy at the behest of his employer (years later, this little old lady still believes in him) and he’s now on meds to manage. He hasn’t told his family about this yet. 
Several tattoos all over, none on his face (he’s too pretty for that, he’d joke)
Many scars, accumulated from years on the Southside but his biggest one comes from being shivved in prison his second year. He was in the infirmary for two weeks after.
Is kind of embarrassed but not embarrassed about his job? Says it’s whatever but he’s stayed there, mostly because the lady who gave him the job is really nice and lets him take hour lunch breaks. Fuck yeah.
He’s definitely gotten into his fair share of bar fights and has subsequently been banned from various bars in town at different points in his life.
He’s the type of person who talks to anyone when he’s on the up and up, gregarious and charming, he’s got a quick wit and a sharp smile.
Elliot could’ve been a doctor. Or a lawyer. Or a musician. Or whatever he wanted, truly. A brilliant mind, he devoured books in prison, reading whatever he could get his hands on.
A talented pianist, Elliot won a single award during his seventh grade recital (before he blew everything up when teachers started to talk about him going to a private school). He still plays on occasion, but feels rusty and a bit self conscious.f
SOUTH SIDE PALS – the people he knows and loves most in the world apart from his fam.
FLOWER SHOP PATRONS – people who stops by frequently enough that they know Elliot. Maybe they judged him at first and they don’t know, or maybe they still do. UTP.
SCHOOL FRIENDS – maybe they were both intelligent individuals but whereas Elliot fucked off and did everything he could not to succeed after middle school, your muse did everything they could to thrive and get out of the Southside.
MUSICIANS HE ADMIRES – straightforward. People who are doing what they love because they can. He never took that step and sometimes regrets it. He might not be the next coming of Ludwig van Beethoven, but he was talented.
EXES/FLINGS – He’s not the most reliable guy and has never been but I’m sure he’s been around town a few times ya know, so we can come up with potential drama and angst! 
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banksrainier · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Banks Halen Rainier
BIRTHDAY: July 3rd (Cancer)
AGE: 26
CURRENTLY: Bradford Springs, Colorado
BIRTHPLACE: Seattle, Washington
RELIGION: Agnostic
MOTHER: Amira Rainier
FATHER: Scott Rainier
AUNT(S): tba
UNCLE(S): tba
SIBLING(S): two younger brothers (both back in Seattle)
COUSIN(S): Kenzie Vaisman, tba
PET(S): Huck, a border heeler mix that he ‘adopted’ a little over a year ago
HEIGHT: 6′1″; athletic build
HAIR: black ; cut short
TATTOOS: one on his chest that he got himself before he turned eighteen, one on his right forearm, and another along his collarbone that goes slightly up the side of his neck.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: he has quite a few scars littered across his body
pure grunge x hand-me-downs. a lot of his clothes were leftovers when his father moved out because he doesn’t have the time or the money to buy himself new things. work boots and flannel. he is lucky if he can make it a week without wearing the same thing twice unless it’s ruined or dirty beyond repair (but even then, he’s probably stuck with it for another few weeks/months).
wears a chain around his neck that he keeps hidden under his shirt. it contains an item that his mother gave him when he was younger.
an old set of drumsticks that he keeps in his backpack even though he had to sell his set to cover the cost of lawyers; he has a tendency to still play on whatever surface he can when he is bored or needs to do something with his hands
tw: abandonment, violence, blood
He was born in Seattle, Washington to a couple that weren’t ready to have a kid, let alone end up with three by the time that Banks father left home. Banks was nine at the time and he learned by the age of fifteen that their father had another family on the other side of the city. He’d essentially traded up in life and left behind everyone else.
Banks took over taking care of his younger brothers, both too young to know what was going on at the time and as he got older, he was able to pick up odd jobs around town from people that were willing to pay under the table.
He had a lot of anger issues that went unchecked for too many years and without a proper outlet, only built on top of the resentment that he felt towards his father as well as others that had a much easier life. The only thing that seemed to keep him toeing the line was drumming; giving everything that he had to give into the love for the drums.
School was an afterthought. Fighting, truancy, detention, and community service took up the bulk of his childhood and teenage years until he somehow got one moment of right place at the right time and found a band looking for a drummer. It was too good to be true, something that he’d quickly realize but for once in his life; Banks was close to feeling happiness for the first time in years.
The band was his livelihood, barely graduating to make his mom happy and set somewhat of an okay example for his younger brothers but the band was where he was able to truly put everything out there on display without any of the blood and bruises that he would carry home with him after getting into yet another fight.
It wasn’t until after a show at a down town night club where everything went sideways again. He started to get into it with a guy on the sidewalk outside of the club, barely able to keep his hands to himself when the other wanted the fight as bad as he did. When River stepped in between them, the other guy took a chance to make River regret that choice (and Banks as well) as they put their hands on them. Banks saw red, the other guy saw the hospital and all he heard for months was how lucky that the other guy survived.
He plead guilty to the aggravated assault and was sent away for the next few years without any word on what happened to anyone else outside of his family. Banks tried to make peace with himself but it rarely worked but instead continued to feed the anger under his skin. By the time that he got out, everything was different but his family seemed worse for wear by the debt that he’d collected while being gone.
A few places would give him some work, back to being paid under the table again, but it wasn’t enough to keep him from finding the fights and being in the middle of it always. Again his mom would catch him slipping in in the middle of the night with blood all over his clothes and knuckles but a wad of cash on the dining room table in the morning. 
Her worry is what sent him packing to Bradford Springs to crash with his cousin in hopes that he might get away from the fighting and the rage that seemed to live inside him (therapy was a joke). Banks works the graveyard shift at the local gas station and sends back whatever he can to his mom and brothers.
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laurrns · 2 years
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❛ my hot blood’s been burning for so many summers now. ❜ 
general stats.
full name: lauren drew farina.
gender & pronouns: cis female, she/her/hers.
age: thirty-four.
birthday: september 28.
zodiac: libra.
occupation: event planner.
residence: downtown, bradford springs.
sexuality: pansexual.
relationship status: single.  
top songs on spotify: girl of your dreams by dylan, bite marks by the mistys, erase me by lizzy mcalpine & jacob collier, honey by halsey, 3005 by childish gambino.
character likenesses: nina riva ( malibu rising ) , leslie shay ( chicago fire ) , poppy wright ( people we meet on vacation ), brooke davis ( one tree hill )
character breakdown.
grew up in a very unconventional family model — her parents were friends with benefits who decided to remain strictly platonic after lauren was, well, more than just an idea floating around in the air and coparented her extremely peacefully. she spent the majority of the time with her mom and maternal grandpa, who had a big deal in raising her & was something like a role model of hers growing up that she wanted to follow in the footsteps of
her grandpa was a retired, well-known attorney and she derived her work ethic straight from him, worked her ass off in school with the goal of someday being a hotshot lawyer. total perfectionist. total disaster. burned out by the time she made it a few years into stanford’s law school program and just couldn’t do It anymore
moved back to bradford springs while she tried to just figure out her entire life yet again after seemingly “failing” and on a whim ended up helping a former college friend/sorority sister plan their wedding after their hired planner bailed. she loved every fucking second of it, the planning and the aesthetic visions and the control and decided to start a lil event planning company in town, which has been in operation for close to a decade at this point. she does a looooot of weddings but will def put on your company event or charity gala or extravagant birthday party if you need her
total social butterfly. has never met a stranger, has a knack for making others feel at ease / included. totally joined a sorority in college to meet her social quota. despite all this, has a very small inner circle that she fully opens herself up to. compartmentalizes with the best of ‘em
does her job and does it well, always leaving her customers satisfied; as for pleasing people beyond the work environment? lauren will do whatever she wants to do and whatever she thinks is gonna make her happy. if you’re along for the ride, sweet, but if you aren’t, she’s not going to look back and coax anyone along
has never been afraid to go after what she wants, and found herself in a morally grey area where she was unafraid and unashamed in stepping on others to get herself to point B; over the years, this has waned. things like relationships and happiness mean more to her than furthering herself, but old habits occasionally die hard
still lives her life somewhat on the hairline trigger of a breakdown due to the way she throws her entire being into her work and not yet having found any kind of work-life balance. had to go out and get a double tragus piercing to help with migraines. would love to see her actually figure that work-life balance out at some point. force her to get her shit together pls and thanks <3
very aesthetically and organizationally driven — queen of the bullet journal, loves the satisfaction of ticking off boxes as she completes something. if her shit’s ever together, it’s on paper
is absolutely the girl you call if you want someone to sit with you on your couch and get wine drunk while you accidentally burn the cookies in the oven because you are too consumed in bitching about whatever great injustice life has served up lately. not the girl you call if you want someone to tell you everything you want to hear — if she thinks hurting your feelings will help you in the long run (even if it’s out of the best of intentions) then get those tissues ready
has a stick and poke tattoo (among other professional ones) on her ribcage that she gave herself when she was seventeen (tiny libra sign)
carries a blank moleskine notebook in her purse at all times that she has put through a total ringer, gluing polaroids and other little mementos onto pages as a journal of sorts
potential / wanted connections.
starting off by saying that i am up for any and everything, not just the things below !
platonic soulmate  — the yin to her yang, the person who knows what lauren’s thinking before it’s even crossed her mind, who sees her at her highest highs and lowest lows and loves her even when she forgets to smuggle them a piece of wedding cake as promised
former / current clients? friends who have had an event collapse or fall apart that have called her at the last minute? clients whose events fell apart and she had to offer them a stiff drink and a shoulder to cry on?
exes — the good, the bad, the ugly, the ones who can’t stand to see each other happy but don’t ever want to get back together, the one who got away, gimme ‘em all
neighbors — sky is the limit here! neighbors who show up on each other’s doorstep at 3am to hang out whenever they can’t sleep, neighbors who are feuding and embarking on a prank war that’s gonna get the HOA called on their asses, neighbors who don’t even know they’re neighbors, idk anything!!
people lauren’s known since childhood, since she’s been in bradford her whole life save for her college years (lauren went to stanford so if that works for any of your muses, let’s do college connections)
someone who gets her to slow her roll a lil bit? could be platonic, romantic, whatever, but someone who is a good balance for her, reminds her to actually live her life beyond the moments where she drinks champagne at the weddings and makes other peoples’ best days happen but to actually have time for her to have her own best days
anything and everything, seriously.
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ecrinavci · 2 years
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full name: Ecrin Avci gender & pronouns: cismale he/him age & date of birth: 33, September 2nd 1989 where do they live: Downtown, with Aiyla time living in bradford springs: 1 Month occupation: Self Employed Business Lawyer positive traits: Confident, Dignified, Helpful negative traits: Immodest, Meddlesome, Prejudiced 
Ecrin was born and raised in Long Beach, California. His family are successful and wealthy. It was a strict childhood where they were expected to maintain the standard. 
Ecrin was the youngest out of the Avci boys so when @aiylaxavci came along he loved being a big brother. He’s very protective of her but they’re also very competitive with one another.
He doesn’t like Hakan very much because he thought his relationship with Aiyla moved far too quickly. 
Ecrin has only moved to Bradford Springs because Hakan has, he wants to stop Aiyla and Hakan from ever reconciling. He’s only told Aiyla that he’s here for a short time for business reasons lol.
Ecrin is a spoiled brat in a lot of ways but it’s not noticeable. He definitely prefers to have everything exactly the way he likes it and is a sore loser. 
Prefers to be around people of the same social circle as him, so you’d never catch him in Valentine’s or a sports bar. 
He likes to help people but this is probably because he enjoys the glory.
Ecrin Knows Best 24/7 he literally cannot ever be wrong about anything. As you can imagine, Monopoly nights with the Avcis was not a fun time.
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libertysolicitors · 2 years
Why Should You Prefer a Claims Solicitors in Leeds?
Marriage and family issues are two sensitive topics that family law usually deals with. A family law attorney is a skilled practitioner with experience in situations involving divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support, guardianships, and other family-related issues. Without claims Solicitors in Leeds by your side, it will be impossible to handle these complex affairs with the professional expertise and adherence to all applicable laws.
Top Reasons to Choose Family Law Solicitors
Family law is a vast field with several intricacies. It is challenging and deals with delicate subjects. The most obvious benefit of hiring best family law Solicitors in Bradford is that they are more versed about family law. He is adept at presenting your case before a judge with the right supporting evidence because he has dealt with several instances of comparable circumstances.
A personal injury can leave you in excruciating physical and psychological pain. You might be unable to approach your case objectively due to the pain and suffering you've experienced as a result of your accident. Your ability to adhere to the facts of the case might be compromised by your own views and opinions.
Only the facts of your case will interest any free legal aid immigration Solicitors. They will bring an informed viewpoint to your case in order to help you obtain a fair settlement. They won't be concerned with unimportant details as they fight for you.
The more experience your divorce lawyer has, like with other professions, the better. All law is intricate, and an attorney's understanding of the law and the court system will increase with experience. To guarantee they can provide you with the greatest legal counsel at every stage of your divorce, that is essential. With experience comes knowledge of the legal standards that may apply to your case in your region of the world.
If you speak with your personal injury attorney as soon as you are hurt, they can assist you in receiving high-quality care. They may be familiar with doctors who can help you get the treatment you need for your wounds.
The correct medical team can both help you heal quickly and maximize the value of your personal injury claim. In the event that your case is taken to court, doctors can testify.
Being alone while going through a traumatic experience might be frightening. Not only do you lose your case, but you also waste more time, money, and effort. The process might be made simpler for you if you have a family law professional on your side.
Final Words
A family lawyer will counsel you at every level of your case in addition to offering you emotional support during trials to obtain a favorable result. You'll save time and effort, and it will be well worth your money to hire claims Solicitors in Leeds.
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solomonvidal · 1 year
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Solomon Vidal 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 35 years old 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: March 29th, 1987 ( Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio ) 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍: In the rural outskirts of Bradford Springs 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : Security at Decades Night Club ( where he also sells narcotics for the Mendez family ) 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒: Cut-off t-shirts and muscle tanks. Hoodies and sweatpants. A near permanent scowl. All black clothing or otherwise wearing neutrals. Questionable tattoos on neck, hands, and body. The scent of Burberry Hero. 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒: Early mornings, weight lifting, watching sports, alone time, writing letters, taking cold showers, being outdoors 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒: Nosy people, liars, slow drivers, tourists, people who can’t handle their liquor, the police 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒: strong willed, disciplined, resourceful, adaptive, independent 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒: stoic, unforgiving, serious, evasive, private 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Bisexual
- Grew up just outside of Bradford Springs in the neighboring county. His father was elected to county sheriff and grew hungry for power, raising his son with an iron first. Solomon and his father rarely saw eye-to-eye, but as his only son, he still felt the pressure to please him.
- Though school wasn’t really his strong suit, in high school, Solomon’s team takes state championship titles and is celebrated by the town. It’s the first time he really feels proud of himself, and feels the pride of his family, too. However, he’s just not good enough to earn a scholarship, and he didn’t have the grades or the interest to pursue college in the first place. He feels his only option is to follow his father’s path, joining the police force right out of high school.
- In the few short years he serves as an officer, he discovers just how corrupt the police department is. Solomon’s father ran a drug trafficking operation out of the sheriff’s office, and the state government chose to turn a blind eye, as long as they got a share of the profit. He’s complacent in it, and eventually, his father teaches him all the ropes. It’s not long before he’s as guilty as the rest. 
- Overdoses are on the rise in town, and concerned citizens work to expose his father’s operation. An informant names him and other officers in the sweep, but the son of the sheriff makes for the perfect scapegoat. He narrowly avoids the fifty years to life sentence for drug trafficking when his lawyers enter a plea deal. If he chooses to give up information on their suppliers and the distribution as a whole, his sentence would be reduced to thirty years for possession with intent to sell.
- Solomon ends up serving thirteen of the thirty years of his sentence, from 2007-2020, mostly in a federal prison in Chicago. He’s released early as a nonviolent offender, in what he assumes is mostly a move to free up important bed space.
- When he’s released, he feels he has no other choice than to return to his family home in Bradford springs. His father now rots in federal prison for his own crimes, and his mother has built a new life out West. For awhile, he worked dead end jobs in Bradford Springs, taking whatever part-time position would actually hire felons. 
- Recently, he began working as security for Decades nightclub and the Mendez family at large. He acts as the bouncer, but more importantly, he sells drugs to party goers and turns the profits over to his employers. In return, they pay him handsomely, and make sure to keep his record clean.
There are tattoos covering Solomon’s arms, hands, and body, most of which were poked on to him in prison. Some have come out much better than others, and some he’s covered up since he got out. Admittedly, he get some strange looks on occasion by the older, more conservative residents of Bradford Springs.
Though he wasn’t a police officer for very long before getting locked up, the training has stuck with him throughout the years. He’s a pretty good shot, trained and proficient with standard issue police pistols and semi-automatics. It’s one of the reasons the Mendez family hires him as security.
Behind bars, there was plenty of time for him to bulk up and develop a serious fitness routine. It’s something he maintains now that he’s out, too, becoming something of a gymrat during the day. 
The new salary he’s become accustomed to brings Solomon more material comforts than he’s ever known. He’s been enjoying buying designer sneakers, top-shelf liquors, and a brand new Ford Bronco to drive around town. 
So much about the world changed while he was locked up, and sometimes he still feels like he’s playing catchup. Though he’s been out for a few years now, there are often pop culture references or current events that he just doesn’t understand. A quick google search on his phone ( which, don’t even get him started on how much those things have changed ) often solves the problem, though his list of movies, music, and news to catch up seems forever long.
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saralayne · 11 months
This Love ~ Part 11 🩵💜
That’s The One
Tim has some shopping to do. He takes his best friend, Angela and unofficial kid Tamara for this very important purchase.
Days after Lucy walked away from UC had been blissful. She had never felt more happy and content with her decision. She was back on patrol. Sometimes alone and on occasion with Aaron when he wasn’t helping Angela and Nyla. Lucy still wanted at some point to take the detectives exam. However, with a bitter officer who got moved out of Metro with Lucy’s five player trade on Tim’s behalf and was blocking her. She knew she needed to just let it be for now. She just wanted to be happy right and was perfectly happy on patrol. Life was so good. Everything felt right. She had a great family at Wilshire and was living a dream with the love of her life. Whatever the future held professionally for her. She had Tim by her side and that was priceless to her.
Tim had been so overwhelmed by the sacrifice. Lucy had made for him. For them. No one in his life had ever put him first like that. Not his parents. Not Isabel. Rachel. Ashley. No one. This woman has surely changed everything for him since day one. She had long become so much more than his hot shot rookie. Tim had talked to Pine and had asked to scale back too much overtime. He obviously had to be on call on occasion as he was the sergeant. Lucy had made such a sacrifice for him, he wanted to be with her at home as much as he possibly could.
After Lucy had changed career paths. They had a serious talk about taking the next step. Because they were both transitioning professionally. They had decided it wasn’t the right time to buy a house. Tim decided to sell his house. It was time. He shared that house with Isabel and it had long not felt like a home since they divorced. The house was in a nice area of LA, it didn’t take long to sell. Tim moved him and Kojo into Lucy’s apartment. They had a long talk with Tamara before making this move. Always wanting to make sure she was comfortable. Tamara is in college full time. On the road to becoming a lawyer. Both Lucy and Tim were so proud of her. She had gone from having nothing, no path to being at the top of her class in college. She had a lot of great friends. She was thriving. Tim had grown fond of Tamara and even considered her an unofficial daughter. They truly were a family. Tamara was elated with Tim moving in. Even more excited that she would be able to steal Kojo. Tim had been strict with Kojo not letting him sleep on the bed but he knew full well all those rules would be thrown out the window with his girls.
It was time for Tim to go and purchase a ring for Lucy. He had many ideas about the proposal. One thing at a time. He was clueless when it came to rings. He never even bought Isabel a ring as they got married on a whim. Lucy was the love of his life. He wanted to get the perfect ring for her that showed just how committed he is to their future. Tim was starting to feel overwhelmed. It was time to bring in reinforcements. Tim pulled his phone out.
From: Tim Bradford
To: Angela Lopez
“Hey, I need your help”
From: Angela Lopez
To: Tim Bradford
“Of course. Let me guess. Time to buy a ring?”
From: Tim Bradford
To: Angela Lopez
“I really can’t anything past you, can I?”
From: Angela Lopez
To: Tim Bradford
“Bradford, I am the best detective this city has ever seen. Meet me at the food trucks for lunch”
From: Tim Bradford
To: Angela Lopez
“See you soon”
Tim and Angela arrived at basically the same time. As they sat down. Angela couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.
“Are you gonna stare at me the whole time”
“Maybe, I am just so happy for my best friend. No one deserves this happiness more than you, Tim. I know after Isabel and everything that happened took you to such a dark place and you never thought you would find happiness again. Enter Lucy Chen”
“Isn’t that the truth. It’s unreal how she changed everything for me. The best rookie I ever trained. In more ways than one. Honestly, Ang. I know I was a hard ass at first because I had to be to properly train her. But she was gonna be a game changer for me from that first day. Thinking of everything we have been through together. Caleb, Rosalyn which for the record I have NEVER been more terrified in my life when I pulled her out of that barrel. I couldn’t lose her. I truly was in love with her back then if I’m being honest with myself. So many obstacles prevented me from pursuing anything past a platonic relationship but I got to build a friendship with her. Ashley was just a distraction but I really stayed with her for way too long. Everytime I saw her with Chris, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I am just so happy we got to this place. Lucy Chen is the brightest light in my life. All the ways she has given me a new life. Risking everything on many occasions. Getting me into Metro and now being blocked from moving forward on becoming a detective. Her giving up the UC life. No one has ever prioritized me”
“She truly is the love of your life. Just so you know. Lucy will be able to become a detective. Nyla and I will move mountains to back her. Just let the dust settle a little. So, are you ready to buy a ring and get down on one knee”
“I sure am. How about Saturday? Lucy is working this weekend. I want to talk to Tamara as well. Maybe bring her along?”
“Of course Tim. Tamara is an amazing girl. She truly is yours and Lucy’s kid. She may be an adult but Lucy changed her life and I know she has worked her way into your heart as well. I know she will feel honoured to be included in this. I have to get back to work. Talk to Tam and I will see you on Saturday. Let’s pick out the perfect ring”
Tim had texted Tamara asking her to meet at a coffee shop, knowing she had a break from classes. Tim had become invested in Tamara’s life. He pretty much knew her schedule. Tamara walked into Nevin’s to a waiting Tim.
“Hi Dadford”
Tim annoyed with that name at first, it now had completely grown on him.
“Hey, Kiddo”
“So where is the ring?”
“Oh please. I have known this moment was coming for a while now”
“Right. So, I have your blessing to ask Lucy to marry me?”
“Of course, Dadford. It feels like that moment where a kid prays her parents would get married already”
“Good. We love you so much kid. I hope you know that”
“I do”
“Ok. Do you have plans on Saturday?”
“I don’t think so. Probably some studying”
“Could I steal you away from studying for a few hours. Join Angela and I to pick out the perfect ring for Lucy”
“I can’t think of anything I would love to do more. Thank you for having me be a part of this”
“Of course, kid. Lucy is working on Saturday so we can go shopping in the morning”
“Sounds perfect”
On Saturday morning, Tim sent Lucy off to work. He told her he was going to have a relaxing day, taking Kojo for a hike. A little white fib for the greater good. Tim and Tamara made their way over to Angela’s.
After many hours to many jewelry shops. Tim saw many rings he liked. It wasn’t until the last shop, he felt he had found the perfect ring. It was a rose gold, oval shaped diamond. The ladies also thought it was perfect and was definitely Lucy’s style. He had truly found the perfect ring. Tim paid. It was quite a dent in his credit card but he could care less. There was no amount of money that could measure how worth it she is.
As they all sat down to enjoy a smoothie. Angela was the first to notice the pure happiness written all over Tim’s face.
“So you got the most perfect ring. When is the proposal going down?”
“I want something that’s us. I have a few ideas. I am gonna ponder it for a few days but I want to propose very soon”
“Dadford. Anyway I can help. I am there”
“I second that, Bradford”
Tim and Tamara headed home with his priceless purchase. He was going to lock the ring in his desk at work, not trusting there was a good hiding spot in the apartment. Tamara headed to the library to study. Tim took Kojo for a long walk. Lucy had texted and told him she was headed to a call. Tim quickly drove over to Wilshire to lock the ring in his desk. As Tim was driving home, a million thoughts swarming through his head about how he was going to propose. As he was pulling into the parking lot. His phone chiming.
From: Lucy (My Love)
To: Tim (Babe)
“Hi babe. That call was a doozy. Drunk college kids. Made me think of how lucky that “our kid”isn’t living that kind of college life. We kinda hit the jackpot with her {winky face emoji}
From: Tim (Babe)
To: Lucy (My Love)
“She will never live that life. If I have anything to say about it. Not “our kid”
From: Lucy (My Love)
To: Tim (Babe)
“I am heading back to the station to finish some paperwork and then will be home. I just want to cuddle with you and Kojo with some top chef”
From: Tim (Babe)
To: Lucy (My Love)
“Your boys will be waiting for you baby”
As Tim walked into their apartment. Tim felt joyful thinking about the future ahead of him. He finally had found true happiness with the most beautiful and amazing woman.
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aiylaxavci · 2 years
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aiyla avci
The Basics:
Name: Aiyla Avci (Pronounced: Eye-Luh Ow-Der) Age: 29 Birthday/Starsign: 22nd December / Capricorn Nickname: Airy Birth Place: Long Beach, California Occupation: Receptionist @ The Springs Resort & Spa Time in Bradford Springs: 3 years Sexual Orientation: Straight Positive traits: upbeat, naive, focused Negative traits: sharp-tongued, shallow, competitive
“Sit up straight.” “Don’t talk with your mouthful.” Aiyla’s life was written for her long before she was born. Raised in a strict and traditional Turkish family, Aiyla wasn’t going to question what was expected from her until one day she had enough. Born to a wealthy family who immigrated to California in the early 1980s, Aiyla never knew what a hard day of work was. As the youngest and with three older brothers, Aiyla was always in competition to prove herself and her capability to succeed. To this day, she does not take criticism well even if it is constructive. Her life became like that of socialites, materialistic and shallow but Aiyla wanted to say she ‘earned it’ herself. It felt as if her parents wanted to give her the best things but then reprimand her for it, too. For most of her life, she lived in her brother’s shadows and was always seen as a ‘daddy’s girl’ who used her father’s credit card for all the best things or used her family’s wealth to open doors for her. No one seemed to care that she studied Business & Management because she wasn’t earning any money. Nothing she could do was good enough, her brother’s all became Doctors or Lawyers and that was the standard she had to live up to. When she landed her first job after college without her father’s help, it still wasn’t good enough (because she was just a pointless Saleswoman) but Aiyla wanted to desperately climb the corporate ladder by herself. She quickly learned that these workspaces had similar attitudes to her parents, they always preferred the boys. It didn’t matter how hard she tried, all of her hard work seemed to be for nothing. Eventually, she wondered if there was any point to materialistic things and why having new cars and flash watches even mattered so much.
Three years ago, Aiyla joined her family on a trip to Bradford Springs, Colorado. She immediately fell in love with it and never wanted to leave. Carelessly, she threw in her job after a big fight with her family. She was cut off from them financially, but this suited her just fine. Aiyla decided she wanted a slow-paced life and settled for a job as a receptionist and a small apartment Downtown with her cat Meatball. Everything is so much better now she doesn’t have people’s unrealistic standards to live up to.
It has taken time for Aiyla to adjust to a simpler way of living and sometimes she catches herself thinking or saying things that ‘Old Aiyla’ would. She misses the glamor of California but she wouldn’t go back there, not for all the money in the world.
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shevaults · 21 days
general details
full name:  nora ella bradford (nee fitzgerald) nickname(s):  blue, general age:  28 / 238 place of birth:  springfield, massachusetts current location:  sanctuary hills, the commonwealth (commonwealth of massachusetts) gender:  cis female pronouns:  she/her occupation:  general of the minutemen education level:  high; has a pre-war law degree speaking voice and accent:  american
physical appearance
faceclaim:  game screenshots / margaret qualley height:  5'8 body and build:  well fed, soft skin which lacks scars from the surface; not malnourished or blemished like many other members of the commonwealth tattoos:   none
sociability:  very social; she's always willing to help a friendly settlement, even despite the crushing mental pain of it all! addictions:  none drug/chem use:  only when hancock is being a bad influence; pre-war, the most she touched was pot back in college alcohol use:  socially, or when she needs to drown out her thoughts
positive traits: intelligent, perceptive, determined, resourceful, brave, empathetic negative traits: emotionally guarded, self-critical, workaholic likes: justice and fairness, companionship, dogs, preserving history, strategic planning, pre-war items, scavenging for materials dislikes: rude people, dirt under her fingernails, excessive chem usage, corruption and injustive, violence and cruelty, dishonesty, super-mutants, mole rats, feral ghouls, bloatflies, deathclaws, lack of order
family & relationships etc
husband: nate bradford ( deceased ) children: shaun bradford (deceased) mother: anne fitzgerald ( deceased ) father: henry fitzgerald ( deceased )
this will contain spoilers for fallout 4. read at your own risk!
when nora met nate, it was in a bar near college where she was studying to be a lawyer. their relationship was unexpected: nora wasn't looking for anything serious, but she and nate hit it off and it was evident there was a one of a kind connection there. nate proposed a year later; nora said yes.
nora graduated top of her college class, much to her parents' pleasure, and earned her law degree at suffolk county school of law. truth be told, a degree in law was more their dream than nora's, but she grew to see the merit in it. she would work as an attorney prior to the war.
when nora fell pregnant, it wasn't part of the plan. her parents had been adamant about her being successful like her father, but nora decided to focus on family first. she wanted this baby; she wanted a family with her husband. it felt like the first decision she'd made for herself about her own life. she was happy, even if her parents were displeased.
nate was called to war. her mother grew sick at the same time. nora watched, pregnant and fearful, as the news coverage from the war rolled over the tv screen. with her family in tatters, nora left her job as an attorney, distracting herself from waiting for the next letter from her husband by joining groups consisting mostly of other housewives within sanctuary hills. the homeowners society started off as a neighborly gesture; something to focus on in the calm between the storm. clear the roads, arrange some spring dumpsters, arrange a summer bbq. like any of it really mattered.
nate returned from war in january 2077. her mother passed away a month before shaun was born. on the morning of october 23, 2077, nate was preparing to go to an event at the veteran's hall in concord. while getting ready, a vault-tec representative visited the family with pre-approved admission into vault 111.
mere moments later, a news bulletin warned of an imminent nuclear attack, which forced nate, nora, and shaun to rush to the vault prior to a nuclear bomb detonating nearby. after entering the vault, the family, alongside the other admitted residents, were placed in cryogenic sleep under the guise of decontamination.
in 2227, her cryogenic sleep was disturbed by conrad kellogg and two agents whose intentions were to kidnap shaun. she was forced to watch as her husband was murdered by kellogg for trying to prevent the kidnap before she was frozen once more. sixty years later, she would be released from her cryo pod and unleashed upon the wasteland in an attempt to find her missing son.
after leaving vault 111 to try and find the kidnapped shaun, she discovered the ruined state of sanctuary and would reunite with her mr. handy, codsworth, where he remained in wait for nora and nate for the past 200 years. he would point them to concord to look for help finding their missing son; along the way, she would meet dogmeat, her loyal companion ever since. she would also meet preston garvey and a group of refugees from quincy, and later, she would help them create a settlement in the ruined neighborhood that housed her pre-war home.
nora travelled to diamond city, the "great green jewel of the commonwealth", and met a detective, nick valentine, and a reporter, piper wright, who would ultimately help her track down kellogg. nora murdered him, but she felt no better. the grief remained. through his cybernetics, however, they were able to access his memories and uncover vital information about the commonwealth's boogeyman: the institute. the institute, creators of human-like synths that would replace the commonwealth's loved ones with synth copies, had her son... and shaun was no longer a baby, but a ten year old boy.
at some point she would meet john hancock, the ghoul mayor of goodneighbor, and began travelling the commonwealth with him.
nora did not deal with grief and emotion well as she tried to find her son. at all.
she was advised to seek out the railroad, known enemies of the institute who were dedicated to freeing synths. with their help, she managed to gain access to the institute... only to find that her son, shaun, was the leader of it, and that he was now a sixty year old man. he begged her to see the good the institute could do for the future of humanity, but all nora could see were the missing loved ones left in its wake. when shaun called his own father's death "collateral damage," she vowed to herself that she would take down the institute for good so that they could never take another person's loved one ever again. nora began to work with shaun in order to uncover information under the guise that she was considering joining his faction.
unfortunately, the railroad refused to believe that nora was not truly with the institute and cast her out. from now on, she was in this alone... or so she thought.
preston, one of the last minutemen of this era, would ask for nora's help defending settlements that were in danger. despite her own issues, she would do so, managing her mission to find her son and help the people of the commonwealth where she could. later, preston would ask nora to take on the title of general of the minutemen, a title she somewhat reluctantly accepted. nora began to rebuild the minutemen in an effort to gather enough strength to bring down the institute.
shaun would prove time and time again that he did not care for sentient synths or the future of the commonwealth, only the institute. he told her that he released her from her vault to see what would happen like a little experiment. nora realised that he was too far gone to change; he had been conditioned too much by his captors.
once she was made general and she'd reached a certain level of trust within the institute, nora would murder shaun with a simple "i'm sorry" and a shot to the head, narrowly escaping the institute with her life.
nora would eventually destroy the institute with the help of the minutemen. she considered taking it over herself, especially since shaun had named her his successor, but she couldn't stand by an organization that still wounded her to this day. the possibility that she'd actually be able to make any change... it was slim. nora was a realist, not an idealist. she knew what had to be done.
thanks to nora, the institute fell, and the commonwealth was safe... at least from the institute.
nora and hancock eventually engage in a somewhat unspoken romance. it's still new; nora still wears her wedding ring. she's still grieving, and yet hancock provides her with a comfort she can't deny. despite her worry for his chem usage, despite their differences, they both wanted to do right by the commonwealth... and above all, they cared for one another.
nora buried nate and shaun behind her house in sanctuary. she would continue to expand the minutemen, protectors of the commonwealth, and set up settlement after settlement under armed minutemen protection all across its territory. it was a way for her to find purpose after the dust had settled, even if sometimes it did sometimes feel like she was just doing it because if she didn't, she'd have nothing left.
ever the workaholic, nora managed to turn sanctuary hills into its own little diamond city. you'll find her most days travelling from place to place, most likely attending to a settlement that needs help or dealing with the latest wasteland menace.
if you manage to convince her to take a break from the work that distracts her from the chaos in her mind, you might just have a silver tongue to rival her own.
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