#fandom: yellowjackets
elfdyke · 1 year
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and??? she looked good doing it!
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autism-swagger · 20 days
I sincerely hope you all know that when I say "baby butch Jackie Taylor who died before he had a chance to realize/explore it" I'm not just pulling that out of my ass. Literally just look at the outfits she wears over the course of season 1.
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Are they the most masculine things ever? No, of course not! But when you compare them to the outfits we see her wear before the crash, when they're still in Wiskayok?
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It paints a very interesting picture.
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tanoroe · 2 months
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hello lottienat truthers here’s some sketches while I figure out how to draw them for a (possible) comic (emphasis on possible)
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close up (used the scene from the party as reference)
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lllivia · 3 months
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They look so tiny I wanna carry them all in my pocket
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koddlet · 3 months
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does a hunt that has no violence feed anyone?
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agathah · 2 months
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PRINTS on my fixed post 🫶
A random wave of inspiration hit me and motivated me to draw something related to yellowjackets. I really adore this show, it has very complex and deep layers in the characters and the plot, and that's usually something I find charming in a narrative hehe
The relationship between shauna and jackie is essay worthy tbh, I could talk about them for hours. I particularly love this scene and what it implies
Hope you guys like it! I painted this one in a slightly different style :)))
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rose-without-thorn · 1 month
Yellowjackets is amazing because, even though some characters and ships aren't really my thing, I can safely scroll and almost never see a man.
I'm used to seeing fandoms with too few female characters, or where the women get hated on or ignored in favor of popular mlm ships. But I love that the Yellowjackets fandom has done the opposite. We ignore the few male characters and canon het relationships and make everyone wlw.
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Some of my favourite pictures of Teen Misty, cause look at her. She’s a cutie.
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PT 2
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angstydiaz · 10 months
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 2 months
Taivan dynamic is so much more painful if you think they were just hooking up pre-crash, not involving their emotions at all, just Van who was pretty easy to clock as gay & Tai who wanted to kiss a girl and thought Van wouldn’t mind.
Like if pre-crash, they never thought about being anything more than teammates who sometimes made out in the empty locker room. Then everything changed in the wilderness when all of a sudden there wasn’t a society full of bigots all around them and both of them were able to explore their sexualities & feelings for each other pretty much without judgement.
I personally look at their relationship as only happening because of those factors — before the crash, I don’t think Tai ever would’ve thought of confessing her feelings for Van. We see her cutting her hair in season one, seemingly getting more comfortable with being a bit more masc (similarly, in season two, after she leaves Simone she stops doing her makeup and starts dressing in progressively more masculine clothing). Essentially we know that when Taissa is out of “public” view & with Van, she stops performing femininity as much. So I feel like her ability to really be with Van was entirely dependent on the perceived safety of their isolated wilderness society. I focus on Taissa in this mostly because Van appears more comfortable with gender expression, as well as with romantically pursuing Taissa, whereas Tai seems to occasionally hesitate. We also know from Ally’s pre-crash comment about Van not being asked to prom that Van was probably either clocked as gay at school or just thought of as unromantic, whereas I think Tai would’ve had a much easier time passing for straight.
And in that way, it’s like a relationship that was formed entirely in the controlled environment of the wilderness. I cannot imagine coming to terms with your sexuality as a teen, going through the entire process of cutting your hair, publicly coming out to all your friends, and experiencing all your queer milestones, only to be rescued and returned to a place where you were still thought of as straight. Like, Tai and Van were sleeping in bed together every night, kissing in public, making little “happy wife, happy life” comments to their friends, and just generally being gay together. And then they would’ve returned to the 1990’s where that kind of queer love would’ve been, at the very least, unusual & surprising. It’s not difficult to imagine this driving them apart. But it is really heartbreaking to imagine the two of them being separated immediately upon being rescued & the realization they must’ve both had that they couldn’t stick together anymore without outing themselves.
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autism-swagger · 1 year
"Misty is the scariest Yellowjacket!" "No it's Taissa!"
Are you kidding me. It's so obviously Shauna. Shauna is so fucking viscerally terrifying it's not even funny. If I saw her walking down the street I'd turn and run the other direction. Except then her fuckin predator drive would get triggered and she'd start chasing me down.
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bebx · 2 months
I don’t understand people who can watch a show, finish it and go on with their lives instead of absorbing and making that show their entire personality for at least 3 months, because watching yellowjackets and then going on with my life like nothing happened aren’t enough for me. I need to go live in the wilderness and start my own cannibalistic cult or something
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nalfae · 7 months
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pov: you're hanging out with your frozen dead best friend
reference under the cut:
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crown-ov-horns · 3 months
Lottie was right, the baby did change everything. Shauna lashed out at Lottie because of the baby's death. Everyone feared Lottie will die from her injuries, so they made a sacrifice to the Wilderness, unwilling to lose the Prophet. Thus, began the ritualistic hunting and eating of people. Once that seal was broken, they could not go back.
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crecop1a · 2 months
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omg! yuri! let’s hope one of them doesn’t devastatingly die in a mid-air plane explosion! that would suck 😂😂😂🙏🙏…..lottielee drawing, mixed feelings.. might take this down later tbh
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