#fangame concept
cits-kirby-brainrot · 11 months
An idea if I ever where to make my own Kirby fan game.
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lueduar01 · 10 months
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exiledelle · 9 months
(this might end up being a long post, sorry about that)
been seeing some posts (mainly on twitter but i dont like to post there) about creating new fangames for the other human souls in undertale, inspired by undertale yellow, and im all for it.
honestly for years ive even thought about trying my hand at something like it, but unfortunately ive never been able to hold motivation long enough to actually learn how, so i dont have the skills to do anything. BUT, i DO have a rough concept:
going to put this after a cut though so people who dont want to read can just move on
OKAY SO. the big town in ruins. thats obviously something. its probably going to be explored by one of the other soul fangames eventually anyway, heck, ts!underswap already goes into it, but in fairness ts!underswap is a whole au, so its technically not the same. but theres a specific thought im having in mind regarding it:
so the cyan souls stuff, the ribbon and toy knife, is found in the ruins. of course this doesnt exactly mean thats as far as they got, maybe they simply left them behind, replaced them with something else, or they were given as a gift for someone who for some reason decided not to hold onto them anymore. but what if it WAS the furthest they got, or at least where they spent most of their time??
also obviously im not suggesting a hilariously short fangame that barely gets into anything. what i am thinking of though, is a story that twists and turns back and forth through the same area. you start in the ruins, and stay in the ruins for the majority of the game, maybe the humans content to just stay with toriel and wait instead of trying to leave and reach asgore immediately. but maybe theres something going on in the alleys of the ruined town that pushes them to explore it, discover sub-areas, possibly entirely new regions that connect to the ruins but are dead ends instead of leading into the greater underground. and the game just ends up with this one kid having a whole metroidvania mystery adventure or something, all still in the same style as undertale.
i dont have any ideas for mechanics, characters, what the story would even be, or what all the different areas could end up being, the most i can picture is maybe something to do with the scarlet tree toriel has, recontextualizing that into something, maybe you get to explore a part of ut yellows dark ruins that clover never sees, or maybe an area inspired by this unused track from undertale yellow thats either a not-underwater coral reef (think something like coral highlands from monster hunter world or that one area i forget the name of from tiny tinas wonderlands), or a region built over a massive lake, maybe its where waterfalls rivers end up (although thatd probably work way better if the story actually led further out from ruins, possibly a final area to parallel hotlands/core)
not sure. again, i dont have the skills to try making this myself, would love if i could and absolutely would try though, would be fun trying to flesh something out. as it stands right now though, thats about all ive got :p just thought itd be fun to try and toss this into the wind, even if nothing ever happens from it
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asmodeus-682 · 10 months
An announcement in a way
I have had this in mind for a while now. I'm planning on potentially making a FNAF fangame in the future when I learn how to code and whatnot.
The game will be called "Dreadbear's Horror house" or DHH for short. In this game you'll go against the Night-Terror animatronics and Dreadbear. The Night-Terrors are based off of the Nightmare animatronics in fnaf 4 and all have different functions that fit the areas they're in.
First up is Night-Terror Chica and Night-Terror Cupcake:
Night-Terror Chica's segment of the Horror attraction is made to look like a kitchen; Chica will be heard banging pans together and you must crawl through the kitchen in order to get to the next level. However you must be careful as Chica will hear you if you're crawling too fast, throwing butcher knives down at the floor as warnings. If 3 knives are thrown (not near exit) Chica will jumpscare and kill you. If 3 knives are thrown and you are closer the exit Night-Terror Cupcake will attack instead.
Next is Night-Terror Freddy and Night-Terror Puppet:
After exiting the kitchen you'll wind up in a hallway; this is where Night-Terror Puppet and Freddy will be. Near the door you enter through is a music box and a flashlight. The Flashlight will be needed to stop Night-Terror Freddy from running at you, the music box must be wound up to keep Night-Terror Puppet at bay, it'll be unpredictable as to where he will attack from though. Once the timer hits 2am both of the animatronics will power off, allowing you to move onto the next section.
Night-Terror Bonnie and Night-Terror Foxy are next
For this deadly duo you will be in a section designed to look like a living room/lounge room with an extra door across from you. If you hear breathing behind it that means Bonnie is there, in order to get him away you must hold the door shut until you hear him leave. Flashing the light at Night-Terror Bonnie will result in him killing you. However if you hear a scraping sound, it means that Night-Terror Foxy is there and you must flash the light at him 3 times to get him to go away. Once the timer hits 2:30 you have to quickly get out through a passage located in a cupboard leading you to the last section.
Lastly; we have Dreadbear, Night-Terror BB, Terror-doll (this game's ver of Plushtrap) and Night-Terror Mangle.
This segment is in a security office much like in game one, the gameplay acting similar to Fnaf 1's 4th night
Terror-doll will appear at the left door like Bonnie, Night-Terror BB being on the right much like Chica would. Night-Terror Mangle will function like Foxy did in fnaf 1; you must check on them often and if they get to your office Mangle will peek in through the left door, dangling on the ceiling. Dreadbear's role is like Freddy, will appear on the right but if the power goes out he will attack from the left.
Keep in mind I may end up not making it, but if I don't I wouldn't mind allowing someone else to use the idea. Preferably if they ask permission to do so, though if I do make it myself (which I hope I'll actually do) I would love ideas/tips on how to make the sections better.
Also I'm making designs for each character mentioned so I will be posing those soon too
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catgirl-soup · 11 months
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Bonsly - Orchestral Form
Grass / Fairy
They love to flutter and flap their wings as they dance across the meadows and plains of their natural habitats. At night, they bury themselves in the cool soil, leaving only the flowers on their heads peeking out. The flower bulb on the top of their head has a tiny hard nut growing inside. When this Pokemon moves their head quickly, they produce a sharp ringing sound. Many of the pollinators of the island are drawn to the scent of this Pokemon, though the scent is rather garlicky and pungent to humans.
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gendeerdeer · 21 days
Why can I ever have good monologs when I'm recording. Literally just monologed an entire phone guy call for my fnaf fan concept.
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room-of-lies · 4 months
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Shin tsukimi convenience store simulator
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 10 months
Touhou life sim fangame where you're a human whose goal is to become a youkai without Reimu splitting your head in half.
Like ... you start out living in the safety of the Human Village, and you spend the first phase of the game learning magic and danmaku and survival skills so that you can live alone outside of the Village without dying; however, the longer you stay in the village, the more you have A Reputation As A Human, and consequently, the longer it takes to shuck said reputation -- and if you try to make yourself youkai-like while still living in the Village, that's another potential reason why you might get Fortune Teller'd. maybe you're an Outsider who came to Gensokyo specifically to youkai yourself, meaning you start out without any kind of reputation, but also your basic "wilderness survival" level is lower.
upon transforming, your build automatically changes based on what kind of youkai you've become, you get to rejigger your build a bit in other some minor ways, and your personality changes in ways you don't 100% have control over. you then have like a year to start an Incident, which plays out based on how your build and plot have ended up. the Incident itself probably won't result in a Reimu Bad End no matter what it is, in and of itself; even "destroy Gensokyo" can be handled by one of the usual player characters as long as you stop after you're beaten, whereas if you do some weird shenanigans which can't be stopped by throwing Reimu at the problem, they Sages will deal with it some other way by like Yukari manipulating some boundary to turn your own Incident against you, or one of them tossing a strategically-aimed Flandre in your direction. hey, maybe you could play as an Incident-resolver and defeat yourself!
as a youkai, the life sim is very different, but you're pretty much out of the woods as long as you cause Problems now and then. scare and/or eat humans, kind of thing. or just harass Reimu and contribute to the Shrine's bad reputation.
some possible bad ends which aren't caused by Reimu:
got eaten in your home in the Forest of Magic or wherever, because you quit living in the Village before your defending-against-youkai skills were up to snuff
starved to death because you burned your bridges in the Human Village before your regular wilderness survival skills were up to snuff
starved to death after becoming a youkai because you became something other than a Magician and you weren't scaring/eating humans enough
started dating a youkai while still a human and you slept over at their place long enough that they decided to eat you, or whatever other character-specific bad ends (i.e. Alice bodyhorrors you into a doll). the game still treats this as a successful romantic route.
pranked to death by fairies while still human (it's always obvious when this is about to happen, you can pretty much only get this one if you actively go out of your way to let it happen)
killed/ate any major characters other than a Hourai immortal, resulting in retaliation.
(Planescape Torment narrator) "You've tested your immortality against the wrong being!"
killed/ate Merry and created a time paradox
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wanderingmakers · 4 months
This is one of the many concepts we've pondered for Pantheon of the Discarded's title screen. Very different from DELTARUNE, right?
Although it's quite old, the end result might still not look too different from this! We're just not talking about it enough for now.
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Art by @beruki
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eclairris · 3 months
So far I've probably got only half of Alice's sprites done and it's killing me. BUT WE'RE TAKING IT SERIOUSLY!! I've gotta do a handful of stuff. Cgs, overworld sprites, map assets, items, and even finish the rough draft of the story... eclair's gonna be COOKING for the next couple of weeks?? months?? idk.
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cits-kirby-brainrot · 10 months
More concepts!
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lueduar01 · 9 months
what characters will be playable in your mario fangame???
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the characters as the same mario games
Blue Toad
idk if i will gonna add more characters, maybe just with them will be ok :p
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patchhampter · 6 months
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so i may not be as much into fnaf now as i used to when i was younger but ive always been baffled that nobody has made a dinosaur themed fnaf fan game?? i may just be autistic for these sillies but i love the concept of it so much :D it makes sense for me because dinosaurs are popular with kids and popular in horror and irl there are a lot of dinosaur animatronics. so my concept here is that somewhere in utah fazbear entertainment collaborated with a fictional museum to make an educational dinosaur themed restaurant! also every dino robot is a species that can be found in utah! So first we have Utahraptor. It was made to show off more birdlike theories and was given a voicebox that can record voices to repeat them back like those toys that do it but due to being haunted can mimic voices. they slowly stalk the player and intentionally mess with them, toying with their prey. (this was made before the mimic lmao)
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Next is Camarasaurus! this animatronic is HUGE and in a kid's cove type area all to itself. because its so big the engineers only made its neck, head and tail robotic while its body is a plastic frame. At night it detaches its neck/head from its body and slithers through the vents. also here's a plushie of little dude!
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Next is Diabloceratops. this one is the most haunted and possibly possessed by a demon. its body moves in unnatural ways and it frequently will move with its limbs on backwards or upside down. it also has some kind of strange parasite type thing in it similar to ennard spaghetti. this design is probably my favorite and the one that freaks me out the most, inspired by the not-deer cryptid and demonic possession.
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And lastly the only withered animatronic, Akainacephalus ! :D they are inspired by slinky toys and poltergeists. this guy has a fnaf 2 puppet type role in the cast and sits right outside the office and doesn't move much unless its activated. i dont have much lore for them yet but i still love little dude! I also plan to add Ceratosaurus, Tenontosaurus, and Stegosaurus!
There is also Archie! He is an Archaeopteryx and the only member of the cast who is not found in Utah and is the education mascot of the museum :D he has an almost helpy like role and only shows up on posters, art, screens and as a plushie. :D
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I dont know if this game will ever come out but i wanted to share my concept somewhere on the internet :D
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nothoughtsonlytrance · 5 months
Okay…I know this is a really random concept and I dunno if this hasn’t been thought of before, but what if the phandom collectively made a fangame for Dan and Phil to play on their channel as a gift to them! (I know, sounds like a long stretch lol😅) what do you guys think about this! (This came to me while I was making some of my music and it just gave off the vibes of something that would be in a Dan and Phil fangame lol 😂)
For anyone wondering, this is the song I was making when I came up the idea. It’s called Ikigai, which is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose or a reason for living. 💕😊
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catgirl-soup · 11 months
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Meloetta - Folksong Form
Normal / Grass
As you follow Meloetta, you think about the reason Professor Juniper sent you to this island in the first place: to document the local Pokemon species, especially those that are exclusively found here. As Meloetta leads you and your Pokemon deeper into the forest, you notice that a whole symphony of orchestral Pokemon have gathered to begin playing along to Meloetta’s humming. It seems that Meloetta will be the key to assisting in your research, and your ascension to musical stardom!
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bendy113 · 13 days
imagine giving so much effort to a concept part for a fangame that you're working on, couldn't be me
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i slept at 4am at this point i'm so normal.
btw this is the secret boss of Chapter 4 of the fangame. (won't add any spoilers here but i would answer some questions if it was asked.)
also here's how the background looks btw:
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