#far be it from me to tell people what to wear tho lmao
reptile-ruler · 1 year
All I can think of is Tallest Miyuki taking over a planet while in a super comfy sweater. I mean, she's the Tallest of course she can wear whatever she wants.
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She's having a great time!
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aerynwrites · 11 months
Dammon x GN!Reader
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A/N: yet another fictional character has invaded my brain lmao. So here’s a little fluffy piece I wrote for Dammon by I love him and wish I could romance him.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Love confessions, fluff, so much fluff, kissing, drinking (neither of them are drunk tho), required love.
Part 2
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The party is in full swing, the tieflings having brought the wine and the music and so much more to your camp this evening. 
You watch from the sidelines as your companions enjoy the evening in different ways. Shadowheart and Astarion have been keeping to themselves despite your encouragement to participate. Karlach and Wyll are dancing and laughing by the fire, and even Gale is letting loose for once - showing off some small magic tricks to a group of tieflings. 
You’d talked to Halsin and Zevlor, both of them thanking you before wandering off to talk to other or take part in the festivities themselves. Leaving you to your own devices. 
Which…isn’t much at the moment. 
While you enjoy watching the others, you can’t help but search the small crowds for a particular blacksmith. 
You’d met Dammon when you arrived at the grove, and you’re slightly ashamed to admit that you developed a crush on the man from the moment you laid eyes on him. 
He’s handsome and kind to boot, going out of his way to help Karlach when so many other things were going on for him and his people. He even promised to help again in the future if he was able. 
How could you not pine after him? 
Your feelings had led you to spend more time than necessary at the grove, claiming to need so trade supplies or talk to someone or another just to see or talk with Dammon while you were there. Your companions got so tired of it you had to start slipping away on your own, not that you minded. 
Dammon always seems happy to see you, talking to you about anything and everything. Just a few days ago he mentioned he was working on something special for you, insisting it was a surprise when you pressed him for more details. 
You’d hoped to see him here at camp with the rest of the refugees, but as the night wears on, your hope dwindles. 
Perhaps he had so much work preparing for their departure to step away from his forge. It’s a reason you’d understand, but the pang of disappointment doesn’t hurt any less.
You’re just about to give up looking, when you finally spot a flash of a familiar green scarf among the milling bodies. 
Dammon makes his way through the camp, nodding in greeting to those he passes before he finally looks to you, eyes shining as his lips tilt upwards. 
He offers you a small wave as he makes his way towards you and you return the gesture, trying to ignore the heat rushing to your cheeks as he approaches. 
“Hi,” you offer simply, now lost for words that he’s standing before you. 
Dammon smiles, “Hello,” he says, turning to face the party in front of you both. “I was worried I wasn’t going to make it in time.” 
“I have to admit,” you begin, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. “I was looking for you,” you tell him, “I was disappointed when I didn’t see you.” 
Dammon turns to look at you again, brows raised in slight surprise. “You were looking for me?” 
Your eyes fall to the ground, embarrassment creeping up your neck. “Yes I…” you trail off for a moment before turning to look at him again, changing the subject instead. “What kept you so late at the forge?” 
Dammon studies you for a moment, as if judging your demeanor before his eyes leave yours as his hand falls to the small pack at his side. 
“I was finishing up your gift,” he tells you, patting the bag. “Couldn’t let myself leave without giving it to you.” 
At the mention of you both parting ways soon, you feel yourself deflate slightly. But before you can let disappointment take over what’s supposed to be a night of celebration, you jab a thumb over towards the far end of camp. 
“How about a toast to go along with the surprise?” You ask, silently hoping your proposition doesn’t come off as odd. “I have some wine back at my tent, admittedly a little better than what’s been provided…” 
Dammon laughs at that, lips pulled back into a grin. “I will have to admit my brothers and sisters are not known for their wine making…” he gestures towards you. “Lead the way.” 
Your tent is on the edge of camp, further away from the others and thus away from the center of the celebration. You can still hear the music and raucous laughter, but it’s slightly muted by the distance. 
You retrieve the wine and two cups from inside your tent before taking a seat on one of the pillows laying near the entrance, inviting Dammon to do the same. 
“Sit,” you gesture to a pillow near your own, “I’m sure you’ve been on your feet all day, if I know anything about you.”
Dammon huffs out a chuckle as he nods, setting his bag on the ground beside him before he takes a seat next to you. “Then you know me well,” he affirms, “The work never stops it seems.” 
You try to ignore how close he is as you pour two glasses of rich red wine and hand one to him before taking a sip of your own. “Hm…Yet here you are. Can a gift be so important to take you from your work?” 
You watch as Dammon flushes, his cheeks turning just a few shades darker as he stares into his wine glass. 
“This one is,” He says simply, before looking up to you. “It’s for you.”
His words are so simple, so plain, yet you can hear the sincerity in them. For a moment you’re worried you’re hearing what you want to hear, seeing what you want to see. But Dammon interrupts your thoughts as he sets his glass down carefully to reach into his bag. 
He produces a small long object wrapped in cloth and tied shut. Dammon starts to speak as he unties the string. 
“I don’t know if it’s your preferred weapon,” he says, pulling at the edges of the cloth. “But the idea came to me and I couldn’t stop until it was completed.” 
He fully unwraps the item to reveal a beautifully ornamented dagger. It’s handle is wrapped in fine dark leather, the blade sparkling dangerously in the moonlight. 
The parts of the pommel visible outside the leather are inlaid with small green stones. You reach out to touch them, but pause glancing up at the blacksmith in question. 
He smiles, nodding. “Please, it’s yours after all.” 
You take the dagger from his open hands, surprised to find that it fits perfectly in your hand. The grip isn’t too large or too small. It isn’t too long or short. It fits your hand down to the very last detail. The leather is soft in your palm, well worn but sturdy. You test the blade in your hand flipping it in the air before catching it easily once more. It’s perfectly balanced as well. 
Your eyes fall back to the precious green stones in the handle running your fingers over them to find them smooth beneath your calloused digits. 
“Emeralds,” Damon says softly. “I chose them mainly because they added to the blade's appearance but I remember my grandmother once told me they represent strength, balance and…” He cuts himself off, shaking his head. “It’s not important. I hope it’s to your liking.” 
You gaze at him, your mind searching for any knowledge you may have of gemstones, when a memory snaps into place. A passage from a book your mother read to you in a jewelry shop. 
“Look little love,” she said, finger tracing over lines of text in a thick book by the checkout counter. “It tells you of all the gems' meanings.”
She read off a few - sapphires for leadership and royalty, bloodstone for revitalization, jade for success and-
“Oh…look at Emerald!” She said happily. “‘Known as the stone of successful and abundant love, Emeralds open the heart to receive love in all aspects of life. They are thought to encourage you to give and receive love..” your mother awes, “That’s sweet.”
The memory leaves as quickly as it came, and you glance immediately up at Dammon, taking note of the hopeful look he gives you. As if you could ever be disappointed in anything he gave you. 
You swallow around the swell of emotion in your throat, once again trying to shove down the bubble of hope in your chest as you nod. Looking down to the blade in your hand, thumbing the emeralds once more. 
“It’s perfect, Dammon. It’s beautiful, I-“ you shake your head looking up to him again. “I can’t let you just give this to me. This probably cost a fortune in materials-“
Dammon holds a hand up to cut you off, giving his head a firm shake. “It’s a gift. For everything you’ve done for me - for us.”
It’s only now you fully notice how close your are to one another. Dammon’s leg brushes your own, his shoulder bumping yours. And each time he looks over at you, the faint sweetness of the wine on his breath brushes your cheek. 
Once again your eyes fall down to the dagger, fingers trailing over the emeralds as you finally reveal your own knowledge on the gems. 
“I remember a time when I was much younger,” you tell him, noticing he listens to you with rapt attention. “My mother took me shopping with her in the city and we went to this jewelry shop. We weren’t really looking to buy but she loved to look at all the jewels and gemstones.” You smile at the memory. “This particular jeweler had a book on display that listed all the names of the gems and what they mean and my mother read out about a dozen before landing on Emerald…” you trail off, catching the almost imperceptible hitch of breath in Dammon. 
“It said Emerald was also the stone of ‘successful and abundant love’,” you say, finally finding the courage to look back at Dammon, finding his eyes already on you. 
Your voice is a mere whisper now. “She said something about it opening the heart to give and receive love…” your words die on your tongue. “Was this truly only a gift of thanks?” You finally ask, hope burning so bright in your chest you have no chance of stamping it out now. 
Dammon’s bright blue eyes only leave yours to flick down to your lips, and the moment he captures your gaze again his lips are on yours. 
The kiss is a sweet, chaste thing, and you can sense his hesitance as he goes to pull away much too quickly. You manage to stop him as your free hand comes to rest on his shoulder pulling him closer as you return the kiss, telling him without words that you want this too.
Your heart soars when he responds in kind, turning so he’s facing you fully as his hands settle on your hips. You set the dagger down carefully in order to wrap your arms around his neck, afraid this might all be a dream if you don’t hold him close. 
He only pulls away when you both need to take a breath and even then you don’t go far. 
Dammon rests his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering open after a moment. 
“Should I be ashamed to admit I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw you?” 
A small laugh escapes your lips and you bring your hands up to cup his cheeks. “No…because I feel the same way.” 
He practically beams at your words, eyes lighting up as a grin splits his lips. 
“Does that mean I can kiss you again?” 
You chuckle again. “I’ll be disappointed if you don’t.” 
Dammon responds eagerly, capturing your lips once more as his arms wind sound at your waist. He raises up on his knees as he does so, pulling you to do the same and removing any space between your bodies as he kisses you with abandon. 
You smile into the kiss when you feel his tail curl to wrap around your waist, as if he can’t get close enough. 
Maybe you can’t either…because from this moment on  you never want to be away from him. 
You are the first to pull away this time, stroking the apple of his cheek gently as you press one last kiss to the corner of his lips. 
You move to sit back on your knees, noticing how Dammon watches you in quiet curiosity as you reach for the delicate silver chain around your neck. 
Your knowledge of gems isn’t the only thing you’d gotten in that jewelry shop all those years ago. 
You pull the necklace from where it hides beneath your shirt, revealing a simple silver pendant with a glittering emerald in the center of it. You lift the chain over your head and hold it out towards Dammon. 
He looks perplexed for a moment, before shaking his head. “You don’t have to give me something in return,” he says gently. “The dagger was a gift.” 
You smile and nod to the necklace still in your hands. “And so is this. Here-“ you say leaning towards him more, “let me.” 
Dammon finally acquiesces, eyes slipping closed as he ducks his head towards you. 
You reach up and slip the necklace over his head, mindful of his horns, and watch as the pendant settles just below his green scarf. Your lips turn upwards as you run your fingers over the smooth stone. 
“It even matches your scarf,” you say playfully, warmth filling your chest as Dammon reaches up to examine the necklace. 
You pick up the dagger he gave you, admiring it again as you speak. “Now we both have something of each other. No matter where we end up.” 
Dammon looks up at you then, eyes glittering with an emotion you can’t quite place, before he reaches out to take your hands in his own. 
“I'm sure we’ll see each other again,” he says, resolve clear in his words. 
And despite not knowing exactly where your journey will take you…
You have a feeling that he’s right.
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🦅Russell Adler Headcanons
{Author's Note} Since I'm literally obsessed with this man, I thought I'd post my headcanons for him. All of these are based off of his canon backstory and character with bits of my own speculation thrown in so nothing should be too out of left field here. I may end up posting more of my thoughts on him soon so we shall see. Hope y'all like it and I'd love to hear what you think, as well as any headcanons you guys might have! Tagging @littlemissclandestine for this since she's an Adler fan. Let me know if I did this man justice lol🤭
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‼️Content Warning: swearing, suggestive themes‼️
~ ~ ~
-Badass asshole
-Takes awhile for him to soften enough to really love someone
-Flirtatious jerk when he has a crush
-Shows he cares through small actions that can be hard to notice, as well as vague, rather backhanded compliments
-Shamelessly stares from behind those glasses of his
-Thinks it’s really cute when you wear his shades but would never admit it
-Stylish with heavy 70s influence
-Probably modeled for a male fashion magazine at some point LMAO
-Definitely knows how to dance
-Seems like the type to meme a bit on British people (specifically Park lol)
-Very sarcastic, sometimes to the point that you don’t realize he’s actually joking because he's always so monotone
-Secretly loves Belgian waffles (this is a reference to that one Bruce Thomas TikTok lol)
-Has a soft spot for the Beach Boys (I mean, look at that 🎶bushy, bushy blonde hairdo🎶 of his)
-Since so many people have asked and teased him about it (I see y'all in the fandom and I will not accept this slander lol) -> his hair isn’t fake, it’s actually pretty soft, very bouncy, he likes styling it
-Very particular about his appearance as it is one of the few things that he can truly control
-Prefers cats over dogs
-Can get obsessive about certain things and lose himself to them (i.e. his search for Perseus) -> Mason quote: “He spent so long searching for Perseus, he didn’t notice when he lost himself.”
-Still struggles with PTSD from his time in Vietnam, which, alongside his obsession with finding Perseus, is what led to his divorce
-Carries a lot of guilt and regret that he doesn’t like to acknowledge
-Started smoking to cope with the trauma of war, now has a nicotine addiction; when he’s really stressed, he chain smokes like a chimney
-Gets restless if he doesn’t have a cigarette
-Doesn’t sleep well and when he does, he usually wakes up every few hours
-Scars - Shrapnel? Abuse? Torture? Animal attack? No one knows and he’ll never tell
-Kiss or trace those scars and he WILL melt
-Difficult for him to let his guard down
-Has a tendency to isolate himself -> Mason quote: "You were never alone, Adler. Only in your own stubborn head."
-Always wearing those damn glasses cuz STYLE but also to hide his eyes to remain as a sort of blank, emotionless slate to other people
-Absent parents who never showed him real love or support as he grew up so he struggles to do the same for others -> they were the reason he joined the army as soon as he turned 18
-When it comes to cuddling, he loves holding you against his chest and running his fingers along your arm, cheek, or through your hair; small but intimate actions like that are his favorite
-Doesn’t like to show emotions at all, even during more intimate moments; he needs some coaxing to relax in that way, which takes time
NSFW Below👇🏻 (it's really not too bad tho)
-Sit on his lap👀
-Will pin your wrists during the sexy times🫣
-After his divorce, he's tended to view sex as more of a transaction where both parties are fulfilling needs for each other so he'd be selfish at first but as your relationship progresses, he'd become far more generous
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i was watching the movie again and went "...wait a second" at the designs of The Gammas (or Gamma Mu Mu). i looked up trivia and couldn't find anything to confirm (or deny, i guess) my thoughts, so i guess?? this is a theory? (someone with a DVD/Bluray version, please check the Special Features for me to see if anyone mentions this. i have no idea) i'm surprised i haven't seen this parallel thrown around more but yeah, i think im onto something if this is a new thought in the Goofy Movies fanbase lol
sorry for the low quality of the image, ill type the transcript up in the post to make up for how blurry my text is. there just isn't a lot of pictures of these guys, period, much less that i could find of this specific scene so i could make my point
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but yeah, my theory is The Gammas are all based off the classic villains in the Mickey-Donald-Goofy multiverse (plus Bigfoot, but i know many people noticed the redhead member of the Gammas is just "a shaved down version of Bigfoot" from the first "A Goofy Movie" lol)
(also, im a novice at learning about this extended Mickey-Donald-Goofy multiverse, im still new to the Carl Banks comics and havent seen all the media. so forgive me if im wrong at any point and please kindly correct me ♡)
so there's:
named: Bradley Uppercrust III — no idea if he is based off of anyone
named: Tank — based off of: Pete / Peg Leg Pete (but make him unrelated to PJ, basically) (hence, why he looks the least like his source, if im correct. he has a shirtless scene where he's revealed to have a farmer's tan, that i think you could argue is a very subtle nod that would have been slightly closer to a Pete-like coloration. but yeah, if im right, they had to make Tank's pallette lighter ao he wouldn't be mistaken as a relative of PJ's)
unnamed bearded member — based off of: the main Beagle Boys trio (Babyface) (Bigtime) (if you don't know the lore: there's a lot of Beagle Boys as the gag is they're a BIG family, but the main trio in the original "Ducktales" show is the first set of parentheses. the second set of parentheses is their names in the classic Ducktales comics. both the original "Ducktales" show and the reboot "Ducktales" show features both sets of the trio/s though. though the Carl Barks version of the comics preferred the route of "they go by their prison-numbers rather than their names". also, inbetween the two "Ducktales" TV shows, a lot of Disney media just merged the two trios into one kind-of-amorphous trio, as far as i can tell, like with "Mickey, Donald, and Goofy: the Three Muskateers". but still, they're part of a HUGE family who tend to be clones of said main trio. but i digress. they're a confusing family lmao rip)
unnamed member wearing sunglasses — based off of: the main Beagle Boys trio (Bankjob) (Bouncer) (i like to think his sunglasses (and i guess also the unnamed bearded member's glasses, but mainly these sunglasses) as a homage to the Beagle Boys' black masks lol)
named: Slouch — based off of: the main Beagle Boys trio (Bugle) (Burger) (also: im entirely banking off differentiating Bugle/Burger to Slouch and Bankjob/Bouncer to sunglasses-guy on how Bugle is commonly reffered to as "a hipster" and i personally associate fedoras with a similar type of crowd. i could have those mixed up tho, idk, neither of these guys even have any lines lol but i do like the idea that maybe the fedora is flipped like that as a reference to the Beagle Boys' billed caps? idk, that might be a stretch) (i would also like to mention i hc these guys are The Beagle Brats now in college-age, who are an unnamed trio that goes by "1, 2, and 3" in the comics but, from what i can tell, that the Beagle Brats in general (not 1, 2, and 3 specifically) were first seen(?) in the "Ducktales" original show (who also have a v small cameo in the reboot) that were meant to parallel the triplets Huey and Dewey and Louie; these specific ones im talking about the nephews of the general-amorphous-main-trio of Beagle Boys, but it is possible to call any Beagle Boy who is young a Beagle Brat. but, yeah, i have no basis for why i think Slouch and the other two are specifically the Beagle Brats 1, 2, and 3; that's entirely headcanon)
unnamed member that's a redhead — based off of: Bigfoot in "A Goofy Movie" (again, i know a lot of people caught this one lmao)
unnamed member that has black hair — based off of: Mortimer Mouse (who was once also known aa Montmorency Rodent/Rodawn, but they've been retconned into being the same character by now, but that'a a tangent.) (if you don't know the lore: Mortimer is a bit complicated to describe? but the tldr is that he's basically Mickey's love-rival for Minnie. to go more in depth though, uh, he's more wealthy, usually, and claims to be "in love" with Minnie Mouse but is also a jerk and she generally does not have any interest in him (well, unless the plot the writer wants includes a love-triangle). Pete is usually considered a more recognizable villain, so Mortimer rarely shows up, esp since Pete can be easily be written as also harboring feelings for Minnie. so sometimes shows re-write Mortimer from this personality so he is more distinct, sometimes as a toxic friend of Mickey's or overall bad influence but well-intentioned; so the character has some flexibility. but i know him best, as do many others, via his "House of Mouse" recurring role where he'd show up just to try to break Mickey and Minnie up or otherwise flirt with any female guests. i think he works well in competition wirh Pete, who has more of a Goliath-and-David relationship with Mickey when Mickey and Pete are antagonistic, as Mortimer is an antagonist that is just as clever and capable as Mickey (if not more so, since he is clever, competent, and generally wealthy enough to have more resources than Mickey) but does not have Mickey's sincerity or good intentions. though i dont mind how kid shows re-write him either, i think toxic friends and bad influences are good lessons for children to learn. i like Mortimer being a frenemy who has good intent but bad follow-through lol but anyway, thank you for allowing me this debatably-overexplanation of Mortimer since he's my favorite and also, uh, the only one here where #1 he isnt in the Goofy Movie series and ergo may not be known to others, #2 has a consistent personality beyond "bad guy in story" i can talk about unlike the Beagle Boys trio/s and their huge extended family of might-as-well-be-clones, and #3, again, he's my favorite if you couldnt tell lol) (also, i do think you could argue this unnamed character's quiff is a nod to Mortimer's mouse-ears tho, since there's a curve and all. and then the idea he has some stubble as a possible ref to Mortimer's whiskers is hilarious to me if my theory has water and he was intentionally designed after Mortimer lmao)
anyway, i apologize again if this idea has been discussed before. i really did try to google if anyone was spreading the same idea that The Gammas are just a fun College AU-Variant of these guys already
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+ bonus, since i mentioned them, The Beagle Brats:
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please let me know if you think the idea has merit, and especially let me know if Bradley is a reference to anyone (tho i can also fully buy Bradley being original to this movie!) thanks so much for reading ♡
ps. i am dyslexic so do forgive me for any misspellings. i am editing this unseriously from my phone ✌️
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as-i-watch · 2 years
Straw Hats as Fashion Trends that makes me go insane*
*you can wear whatever want to express yourself or whatever you like idc. What i hate if when brands™ overprice shit bc is "trendy" or set stupid trends like these. Seriously, dont look up the price of some of these
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Enjoy!
Detachable Shorts
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Of course this feature was a need in the trouser world, think about the people with hot knees
I think it would be funny if Luffy wore this and undo the buckles to get into fight mode. The trouser equivalent of putting down the straps in your crocs.
Tits Out. [period]
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Your arms are always cold? Hate vests? Well this is for you!
Still, i think this is so fitting for Zoro, we respect our tits out king and adds a little bit of himbo energy i appreciate.
Oda draws weird shit like this all the time
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Yes this item was for sale and not on etsy. Why? beats me but here we are
I think its a nice refference to pre timeskip Nami outfits, but it actually fits into the post timeskip fanservice theme. I seriously see Nami wearing that.
Cool but why
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Its a cool recycling project but im not even going to talk why brands selling these upset me.
I think i would be a fitting addition to Usopp's funky hats collection. Not only he would pull it off, he would steal the desing and make one himself like the king he is.
Pretty but WHYYY
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I really like the effect and sawing this fabric is hard af but is more of a texture thing for me. Also my little practical self is screaming at this gloves but i see the aesthetic pleasing side i guess
So naturally i gave the gay gloves to Sanji. Tell you you cant picture him wearing these with his WCI white suit, come on do it, lie to me.
A classic we love to hate
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Not you Chopper you are a delight. Im talking about the clear plastic backpacks. In case you missed thia trend, the issues with this are as clear as the bag itself.
So naturally, bc he always carries one, i gave the backpack to Chopper. Hope he fills it with colorful candy
I have vivid memories of this being a thing at some point
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This are more of a pre timeskip item since they are from mis 2000's but yeah. They are useless, impractical and they offend me
Yet, i think Robin could've feature a look in a filler or something with these...anklets? I guess? Not the most far fetched imo
Cut and pin.
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Not an issue of looks but of pricing. This are cute little tops but overpriced af, they just cut it and pin it.
Nevertheless, they scream Franky to me. They even kinda follow Franky's own stiches on his chest lmao
At a lost for words
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I just dont get it. This is not a price thing, just a ok but why? thing.
If someone can do weird shit and get away with it is Brook and i love him for it. He could show up one day at Sunny wearing his coat backward and i wouldnt question it. I imagine him wearing that as a fancy look in a movie. He already wears high heels on the reg, and idk why but i know he has a pair of fishnets.
This fuck me up to this day
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I dont mind the ilusion drawing idea, but seeing a whole rack of these in a sleep deprived state kinda fucks up your mind. I dont think it was a clever trend for clothes tho and im glad it died away.
I dont think Jinbe would wear the shirt, but hear me out. His kimono but in that stile, custom made. One day Usopp, Chopper and Luffy will paint it in and is going to be hilarious to see Jinbe walking around like a Father that let his kids do his hair and nails.
You can find more idiot post like this in my tag #straw hats as i make no promise of quality but i have fun
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spandexual · 2 months
Hello! I’m sorry that today I come without any fun toku questions. I must say I enjoy reading your Boomger stuff on forsaken bird app! Love me a pathetic Blue also.
I wanted to ask whether you have a perfume recommendation for a beginner. I can’t tell you much about my skin, my usual preference at least so far is opposite of what your skin likes. I like citrus and jasmine and I know it isn’t suitable for your skin 😅 Current perfume I have might smell like citrus dish soap (I don’t mind it much) or simply citrus with its bitterness and freshness depending on a day. Yet my head might hurt from salt in perfume for example. Overall I might enjoy to smell a lot of stuff, but can’t wear anything heavy. Anyway, I thought you still might suggest something/know something good, you’re great at perfume stuff 🥰 Sorry if it is something hard, I understand if you can’t suggest me anything. ☺️
From your perfume recs I liked JHAG’s Not A Perfume because it is light and I think it suits me! At least it doesn’t smell like shit, lol (had this experience with Kenzo’s L'eau Pour Femme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
I kind of feel bad for asking now, sorry I am that curious when my taste is so opposite. In exchange now, I’ll say about toku anyway. I think my fav watch thread of yours is Zenkaiger. It’s just such fun show and seeing you watch it was extremely fun also, you sold me on watching it myself! Also the throuple. I know one day you might write a fic for them so I hope a great idea will fall into your head eventually! I don’t have any in me though 😅
don't apologise, I appreciate that I'm being thought of as someone with good advice lol! Not A Perfume is a fave of mine too, it's a shame so many people have the gene that means they completely can't smell it. I think it's a really sexy scent!
As for jasmine, I actually really love it! I don't wear it a huge amount bc most of the time it's not paired with the heavier woodsier notes I like and like... I have a giant jasmine plant out the front of my house, so I don't miss the scent too much when I'm not wearing it. That said, I like Lush's Vanillary which as you might guess is a pretty heavy vanilla scent but it has a great jasmine note in it as well as tonka (and lasts FOREVER even on my perfume-killer skin, really, I could still smell it after 5 drinks and 4 hours of sweaty dancing at Emo Nite lmao so be careful with your sprays...), and J'Adore Dior is a girly classic for a reason. There was also a relatively recent Gucci perfume that I liked a lot but I don't remember which one it was and there are multiple that have jasmine in their ugly floral bottle range so you'll just have to try them all I guess lol sorry. These should all be pretty easy to find and try tho!
And I'm glad you're enjoying my Boonboomger thread (it's no surprise to say I love pathetic blues too right lol) and enjoyed my Zenkaiger one! Zenkaiger is seriously insanely good, Donbros gets so much attention and praise for being The Best Sentai Ever I think because it was just so many people's first sentai (and/or first Inoue toku, whereas I know him VERY well lol) and it was fairly unusual in structure while still being entertaining but Zenkaiger I think really deserves that title if you were going to choose anything from Reiwa because it is so sentai. I liked Donbrothers and I LOVED Kingohger but both of them clearly were going "HEH we're not like OTHER sentais!!!!" and Inoue for his part seemed to actively hate a lot of what makes sentai sentai lol. Again I liked Donbrothers a lot but lbr it's basically just one of his Kamen Rider shows but brighter coloured.
As for zenkai ot3... I would like to write something for them some day, but it is difficult to think of something when the show is just so cute. I'm not someone who's good at writing fluff, really, and they demand it. My speciality is political underhandedness, moral ambiguity and veiled but burning hot eroticism. I think John Toei made Kaguragi for me specifically
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xokohaneazusawa · 2 months
As for fandom Blue Lock please 😋🙏
My pronouns are she/her and i like it when people call me Casey its my favorite nickname (casey was my fav from tmnt)
Tbh i dont mind anyone. But it would be better with mfs who survived from second selection? Also expect that monk guy i dont even remember his name 👿🙏
-> I LOOOVE JAPANESE ROCK. i am a big ass nerd for it 🤓 i am also an artist i love putting my emotions to my creatures (mostly rage and sadness lmao) i love reading mangas mostly psychological or horror stuff to lose my sanity. I also love watching animations! I still watch Cars idk what everyone thinks its still my favorite movie series of all time (Cars 2 solos) as for dislikes, basic mfs. But not every basic mf tho. The mfs who goes "eww what are you wearing?" And they wearing the most basic shit you could imagine. I respect everyone's fashion sense but if you make fun of others' style you are just meh. For short, karens? I hate karens. I also love yapping fr you could also realise it i cant shut up :D also tbh i dont have any idea bout my mbti. I have done a few tests and i always got esfp or entp. So lets say i am an extrovert 🙏🙏
As for love language, physical touch, quality time. I am an clingy person lol
I AM SHORT AF LMAOO 5'1-5'2 dont remember. But i am pround to say i have a hourglass-pear body 😈🙏😋🔥 i also have dark brown wavy hair which reaches to my shoulders. My friend said that i have doe eyes. And i am really pround of my long eyelashes tho :> my eye color is also dark brown but i am cursed with thick eyebrows 😞 as for aesthetic, it changes? But i am a gyaru. I just change my gyaru style everyday (sometimes stuff like agejo or hime, sometimes goshikku and rokku. You can search them up on google if you dont know them!)
Thats all i guess. Take your time no need to rush and also take care of yourself!!!!!!! Thanks again :>
I think you'd look good with...
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Shidou Ryusei!
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-> Right off the bat, idk you just seem like somebody who would get along with Shidou so well. It's a feeling- But anyway, you're both very extroverted and you both seem to like Japanese rock style music! -> Would be so down to just sit around and watch really anything with you, he would comment on basically everything so be ready for that, and be ready to tell him to shut up at parts of whatever your watching. Though sometimes his commentary is actually kinda funny, but still (Also the fact that you like cars, Icon. I love it so much as well<3) -> Have you seen this man? As far away from basic as like anything. You'll never have to worry about him thinking about how what you're wearing is 'ew'. He just seems like the type of guy to absolutely love the gyaru fashion aesthetic, no matter which way you do it! -> You also work so well together because you also appreciate horror stuff and things like that, and this mans favorite animal is a velociraptor.. because they looked cute eating people. Speaks for itself there. And the fact his favorite movie is 'A Clockwork Orange' which also falls under the category of 'Psychologically disturbing' . -> Will let you talk his ear off. He doesn't particularly mind, I mean as long as you're okay with his weird comments sometimes, and him constantly wanting to fight people if you say anything bad about them -> Also a very clingy person, and will have a hand or two on you at all possible times, no matter what. He loves being near you and loves it even more when he can hold your waist or your hand when walking basically anywhere! -> Will go on dates where you guys just go around shopping and he'll go into every store he thinks that you'll like and will find things that match with your aesthetic and any sort of accessory he thinks that will match your outfits and he'll get it for you, no questions asked.
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Other potential Matchups - Bachira Meguru and Karasu Tabito
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magpigment · 1 year
hello! these are my reactions and thoughts as i watched the third, and final, part of generation loss! not really an analysis, tho it does have some of my theories that were developed as i was watching. enjoy i suppose, lol
ok this is dope opening footage
who the hell is the mask person just walking around??? why are they in a mall??? hello???
does mask persons mask have the showfall symbol on it because i genuinely can’t tell lmao
ok well it’s still just as blurry as before because like. obviously. but i’m almost positive their mask DOES have the showfall symbol on it. cool 😎 
why are there so many mask people actually 
are they like. guards?? is this fnaf: security breach??? thas crazy lmao
why was that one wearing a fedora 😂 
also this dynamic camera shot is low key making me motion sick lmao, even if it is super cool
that’s a super helpful directory right there yep! 
ah yes, the smoke gala, my favorite 
why did that one showfall symbol on the glass look like it was painted in blood or something and how did they get it so neat. did they paint it on w a stencil using blood instead of paint. i need answers
oop hello ranboo
ok finally ranboo took off the bundle of like wires or paper clips or whatever that was dangling from their neck, i was wondering what that was lol
ohhhh ranboo trying to talk to the person filming is super cool
who the hell is talking to them rn lmao
hello hacker guy
his name is HEDGE?? did i mishear that
ok so i was right! when the mask is glowing red it means he’s being controlled 
also i didn’t even know ranboo here was able to take off their mask. i thought it was like. attached to them or something. 
ok i’m genuinely like on the edge of my seat lol
oooof ranboo is finally realizing that the people who died are like actually dead! yikes lmao 
those are some pretty good effects for the blood tho like that looked pretty real all things considered. or like it’s the right color more or less
aaaaaand there’s the grappling with morals and survivors guilt and trying to reconcile being under someone else’s control while simultaneously realizing that the things you did while under said control was at least somewhat responsible for like, what, four? at least? people’s deaths! 
….i feel like hedge or whatever he’s called is like for sure lying. i mean i know at least some of the people are in some capacity still alive but ALSO. i feel like he’s lying to ranboo to keep him from just leaving lmao. also i feel like that exit door prolly wouldn’t have worked anyway so whatever 
this is such a cool setting btw, the amount of work that must’ve gone into this is insane. and also the soundtrack is phenomenal
i’m like super sus on this hacker guy lmao 
‘it’s locked up, it’s secure, don’t worry about it ^^’ homeslice that thing is behind the least secure covering i’ve seen in my life. that thing looked flimsy as hell 
i feel like this hacker might not know what he’s doing 
i did not catch any of what that hacker said he needed, in one ear and out the other 
‘..are these people, or machines, or-‘ uhhh i think the answer to that is YES. 
i feel like i’m about to get jumpscared lmao
i feel like these guys won’t be ‘pretty much harmless’ in a bit tee hee 
ranboo sure is going through it huh
‘how long have i been here’ i’m not sure you’ve ever left, buddy. 
also, showfall SET UP MISSING POSTERS for ranboo on the OFF CHANCE HE ESCAPED??? BRUH. absolutely bizarre behavior 
the fucking whiteboard in the corner with basically the plot of the series so far 😂 
‘DAY 2 PLAN!! 
-electric chair
-audience will chose
two plus two equals five 
-black light closet
decoy “planned case of death” ‘ 
along w a couple doodles and some other stuff i couldn’t quite make out so that’s cool lol
ranboo is ahac- assigned hero at construction
i’m like convinced gl!ranboo is not like a full flesh and blood human being, homeslice is a lab baby for sure 
oh there’s a day one plan whiteboard too but it wasn’t completely shown 
imagine being payed to sit in a room completely still for however long lmao
did one of the people standing in the window leave?? 😂 
oh that’s such a cool way to incorporate the viewer interaction or whatever again, with the hacker intentionally seeking them out for their input and ranboo being completely against it because ‘they might try to kill me’. i’m not gonna say it’s foreshadowing, BUT- it’s like for sure foreshadowing not a doubt about it lmao
lmao ranboo this is why you always listen to chat, they’re always right without fail /j 
but honestly the audience hasn’t steered him wrong so far for the most part, at least for like the puzzles and stuff 
oop bye hacker
oh he’s called hetch (?)
oop the people are moving around now that’s ominous 
oh god the security 
welp :D
that’s not good ^^
i admire those people’s ability to just completely not break character to this tall person running up to them and desperately trying to get their attention lmao
the headphones probably help lol
ok what the actual hell is charlie literallt even saying right now 😂 
the amount of times i’ve said that should be concerning but honestly i’m just resigned to it at this point. that’s my streamer 💔 
sup my dude lmao
charlie sounds so fucking confused and sad nooo
ok genuinely i do not understand how the puzzler died AT ALL. literally what even happened there 
i can’t get over how much taller ranboo is than charlie, charlie looks itty bitty but he could also just straight up deck me so i’m getting mixed signals here XD
charlie is such a good actor i’m losing my mind 
that is a very big mall lmao
i like just noticed that piercing alarm noise ouch my ears 
SUBA hell yeah
ah yes, jake’s, my favorite store 
i’m surprised they actually found a functioning directory 
oop. that’s a corpse 
i should not be watching this at like 2am lmao
du du du du minecraft minehunt that’s crazy
charlie has an axe what will he do
ranboo with a knife what will they do
(im pretty sure i know what they’ll do with that knife 😅)
charlie has died a lot yeah lmao
charlie w a frying pan what will he do XD
yeahhhhh i had a feeling they wouldn’t just be able to leave lol
that cameraman got moves tho lmao, mad respect 
oof running up stairs, ouch
‘OH WHY DIDNT GOD GIVE ME LONGER LEGS’ mood, charlie, mood
yeah i’m sure they’ll be able to emotionally process this later lmao
oop hacker is dead
oop never mind yikes 
…yeah it’s just a flesh wound i’m sure he’ll be fine 😅 
that dye is not gonna wash out of that guys hand easily yikes. fake blood can be a bitch to get out of things lmao
ALSO I WAS RIGHT, ranboo and charlie and all the others aren’t actual humans technically!
diversity win! you and your friends are artificially created humanoids designed to play a role in horrific death games for the mundane entertainment of a faceless audience! 
ok so the hacker is called hetch? cool
i’m also like mostly certain that the hacker is grizzly im pretty sure. maybe. i’m not great w voices i’ll be honest lol
oop. ranboos just committed a murder lmao
baby’s first kill in cold blood, i’m so proud 🥰 /j 
charlie looks awfully blasé about the stabbing that occurred right in front of him 
why’d ranboo ditch the knife bro they might need that later :(
goddd the soundtrack is literally so good tho 
oop bye bye charlie 😭
i feel like homeboys about to get eviscerated and like actually disemboweled this time 
omegalul 😂 
uhhhh sup buddies tee hee 
oh they’ve stopped moving that’s good
conveniently placed button
i mean not convenient enough i guess cuz like charlie is currently bleeding out or something but THATS BESIDES RHE POINT
i’ve almost managed to convince myself this has like a somewhat happy ending
aaaaaand never mind
the way my stomach genuinely fucking DROPPED when i saw that guy appear in the doorway immediately after ranboo bowed jesus christ my heart
i reiterate i absolutely should NOT be watching this at 2am yet my hubris knows no bounds 
and also now my cat is meowing at my door bruhhh stop ruining the ending of this for me, max /j 
the immeasurable dread in my gut right now, yall 😅 
bye bye ranboo 👋 
i fucking KNEW hetch was a goddamn bootlicker!! 
fuck you hetch!!! 
oh oof what happened to their mask :( 
i knew this goddamn audience interactive element was gonna bite me in the ass jesus christ
ranboo is fucking stellar at acting which is why i can safely say i am in absolute goddamn shock! 
oh homeslice is just straight up crucified wow
i wonder if there was any alternate ending or if the vote was precast to always end the way it did. because i know how this ends, and it is not a happy ending. i don’t think there was ever any way it COULDVE been a happy ending. this was always a tragedy, and the hero is always doomed by the narrative 
oh just the abrupt and complete SILENCE upon the box closing, before it slowly zooms out and the theme fades in and swells as the blood drips down from the box??? holy shit that’s so fucking cool
the way this entire thing was directed and performed is a goddamn masterpiece, this was phenomenal and an absolute blast all the way through!!! i’m so so so glad i watched this and i so so so wish i had watched it earlier 
i’m in shock y’all that was so cool
this is definitely going on my list of all time favorite pieces of horror media!! mannnn that was done so unbelievably well i’m absolutely blown away!! 
i can’t wait to just lose my mind about this for the next like. forever i suppose 
i can’t wait to analyze this dude i’m so excited!!!!!!! 
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quodekash · 1 year
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iMMEDIATE winnysatang. i love them but i genuinely dont understand why it couldnt be seanmaitee.
im gonna rewatch simm after this and write an essay about why seanmaitee should be together, just in case theres anyone who doesnt believe me
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i have so many mixed emotions rn
i love them both so much
and there's no hatred towards them at all because theyre just the actors, not the ones in charge
and i do love winnysatang and i love the chemistry they have with each other
and theyre both so pretty
and bc theyre the same actors they make me think of soundwin and soundwin make me infinitely happy
but theyre not soundwin, theyre sean and nay
and sean is desperately in love with maithee, he has been for the entire series
and, as far as we know, in canon, sean and nay have literally never interacted so why are they suddenly sticking to each others sides??? why isnt sean sticking to maitee's side?? he's always at maitee's side, always has his arm around him, always looking at him. why did his character suddenly have to change once msp came out, just for winnysatang fanservice??
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is this neurodivergent backpack-holding i see here?
"i told you to wear warm clothes" "well i wanted you to hug me more" NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, THATS SO STINKING CUTE
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bro theyre so in love
theyre so in love
how are they so in love
i love them
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wait a sec (lmao win/nay in that screenshot looks great)
dont tell me naysean are gonna share a tent
that doesnt make sense even without considering the ships
sean and maitee are clearly the bestest of friends
even if you were to argue that the constant arms around each other is entirely platonic, it feels a lot like a close-friends-been-close-forever-dont-want-to-let-go-and-lose-you kinda thing, so wouldnt you expect them to share a tent?????
idk man
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sean captaincy reigns supreme
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dang it
going from two people who barely know each other because of a mutual friend and then they meet for the first time and theres like immediate attraction and yadda yadda storyline
i still think i prefer seanmaithee tho
perhaps nayseanmaitee
then everyone's happy
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how is he so pretty
and gender
gimme the gender pls
i want it
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seriously, the GENDER ON THIS MAN
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...okay im starting to believe the naysean storyline
but i still want seanmaitheeeeeee
nayseanmaitee is still a strong contender tho
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sean, honey, you're not subtle
"i love him even more, every day" kluen, i love you so much. he's so whipped. hes so in love. it makes me the happy
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"or i might have been with someone new already" "then id be happy for you that you found good love" "that means you must be happy for me now" "why?" "because i found my very good love already" GI3U4EJRBGJKREBDGKHRE
what im tryna say is i love them
"when did you guys stop fighting" che???? what do you mean by that?? what happened between them??????? ANSWERS PLS
omg this started like 40 minutes ago. ive only just finished 1/4. what the hell is wrong with me
nuea and kluen are so freaking in love i love it what the hell
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lmao they pushed it onto phoon, nice
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i was pretty sure they were awake already (how the hell could one person sleep through the racket those guys were making. even if one of them slept through that, the other would like poke them and say 'we gotta wake up'
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altho the way that thats worded it sounds like he died lmao
lmao nuea and kluen just left them
dang it just naysean
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i refuse to give up on this dream
seanmaitee get together or i. die.
MINPHOOOOOOOON i love them so much
i love nuea and phoon's friendship its so wholesome and pure
everything in this show is so pure
i love it
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nueakluen are so in love i love them
how many times have i said that today
probably too many
its fine
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i think im gonna cry
no thats a lie
i know im gonna cry, for sure
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just like me with his gender
*grabby hands* gimme
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"what are you talking about" nuea, it was pretty clear. i think he just proposed to you. or like some kind of statement like 'we're absolutely getting married, that's happening'
i think theyve had a conversation about this in the past. idk if it happened in canon (i dont think it did?????) but it feels like theyve had The Marriage Conversation before
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lift and walk back into their room lmao
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captain is disappointed in his crew
"nuea, ive been rooting for you since high school" nay was the one tending at the docks or whatever and then the ship started sailing and the only one on the boat was sean and he was like 'ah shoot i better figure out how to make a ship not sink now'
i think im getting lost in the metaphor
what im tryna say is even tho nay's been there since high school, sean is still the captain
"should we jsut go to their room?" "let's go" GUYS WAIT NO-
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sorry the msp brainrot is too strong
okay now i need to prepare myself for the eclipse preview
goodness gracious im not gonna be okay
im already Not At All Okay, but its gonna be worse in a sec
sorry i just need to take some deep breaths
okay im ready
(im not ready but i have to watch this)
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oh holy hell im already about to have a breakdown
theyre on bikes
they have HATS with the SYMBOL on them
akk's waking up from a dream
"are you up, shortstop" HANG ON DID THEY SWITCH THE NICKNAMES????
"shortstop my *ss. you're shortstop" THATS WHAT I SAID
oh nooooo pls dont do a wat/sani thing, pls
do wat/namo
i want puwin's characters to be happy and gay
and sani is a teacher
its problematic
i mean it could be worse but i dont like it
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"i thought you wouldnt come" UM FLASHBACKS FROM THAT LINE??? JEEZ THAT SCARED ME
omg cowboy hats
i love them
im not good
help help
my boys
im rewatching that every single day
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causenessus · 1 month
GOOD MORNING NESS!! <3 i hope you have a good dayy :) the brown and green additions to the blog are so cute omg😋 it looks super cute!
i have picture day in a couple hours im literally tweaking out.. it's probably gonna be fine tho but THEY ALWAYS MAKE ME LOOK LIKE AN EGG TOO like they'll tell me "okay push back your hair a bit, brush your bangs to the side..." girl the bangs are the only thing keeping me from looking like a helipad NO NO NO GET AWAY 🤺 so yeah im here in my bedroom stressing about what to do w my hair and what to wear as i lay in bed, actively avoiding doing anything ☺️
ALSO AFTER YOU SAID A BIT ABOUT THAT PLAY I HONESTLY WANTED TO HEAR MORE?? like you accidentally BIT your phone and cut your finger? 😨 what else happened during that play??😭 AND ALSO kinda gave me flashbacks to being a theater kid when i was in elementary bc i would always do plays and musicals EVEN OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL i was a little nerd LMAOAOA but those plays were soooo much fun and in one of them i even got to wear a big poofy dress that was such a vibe... (no it wasn't i was so overstimulated after a while BUT THE DRESS WAS CUTE) i should go back to theater (no i shouldn't)
THANK YOU SO MUCH SAV!!! I MAY LIKE TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF IT TO MAKE IT LIKE A DIVIDER IMAGE YK </33 bc it looks perfect at least on my phone screeen and i think it's cute on my computer screen too!! but ik it's not like completely centered and everything if that makes sense 😭
NOT THE HELIPAD 💀💀 I HOPE YOUR PICTURE DAY WENT WELL LOVE!! LMK HOW IT WENT!! i remember there was one time my picture was so bad I COULD NOT HANDLE IT like literally could not tolerate it it was that bad i actually went in for like picture retakes bc usually like i don't care that much BUT THAT ONE WAS SO BAD 💀
AND OMG YES LET ME TELL YOU THE STORY so i've talked about this play a lot on here i think!! it was the one where my director got really mad and yelled at people backstage and the asm back there put his headset mic down so we could be nosy and listen in LMAO (while we were all hiding in the booth and then got jumpscared when his bald whiny head appeared outside the window) etc. it was that show!!! so also what happened was that bc i'm a little catwalk monkey lights kid freak i was always up there or asked to go up there to help with things!! and sometimes i have to do not osha safe things like climb on the batons!! (allow me to find a picture for reference)
OKAY I ALMOST COULDN'T FIND A PIC BUT THEN I FOUND EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR (i'm going to guess my school is just especially unsafe LMAO like when our theatre was constructed it was NOT done right we have so many violations and like not all of our channels work...some of them are double channeled...etc SORRY THIS IS ME RANTING DW ABOUT FOLLOWING ALONG)
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OKAY SO ANYWAY IF U SEE HOW LIKE THESE "BATONS" ARE JUST THESE METAL RODS LITERALLY JUST SECURED BY CHAINS??? WE HAD A BUNCH OF THESE ON OUR CATWALKS (so not all of them had these curtains on them!!) and sometimes we'd have to hang lights on ones that were far out (like not easily accesible) so what i would have to do is climb over the railing of our catwalks and step onto these little tiny poles and basically sit on two of them (yes there was a lot of space between these batons. that's why it was not safe and not a job we trusted a lot of people to do. yes my director forced me to try and wear a harness my last year of hs [after an entire year of not wearing a harness doing this stuff] and no he did not succeed or actually care that much [so i basically never wore a harness risking my life LMAO]) BUT ANYWAY so basically during this show i needed to go out onto these batons to hang a light!! but i was just thinking about where i wanted to put the light and everything and i needed to hold my phone!! so instead of putting it in my pockets or on the floor like a normal person i held it in my mouth!! which i had done multiple times but apparently this time i bit it a bit too hard and so the screen broke and would no longer register touch!! a wonderful time honestly!!! and so then i had go back to my super ancient phone bc i didn't feel like trying to get the screen fixed and didn't even know if it was worth it but that phone was always on its last life and started giving out this summer so then i finally got it repaired yay!!! (AND ALSO FOR REFERENCE old phones were built different yk. like my old phone, the show right after this play where i bit and broke this other phone yk, i accidentally dropped this old phone from the catwalks bc my hands were really shaky one day and it SURVIVED LMAO)
tw for blood ofc!! so about my finger!! so also during this show!! in the catwalks we hung up a little curtain that reached like halfway to the ground or so so that we could project cute little patterns onto the curtain (this was a horror show btw. very cutesy. very demure.) but after we did the show, i was sent up there to take the curtain down, well that curtain had been a BEAST to hang in the first place like it had taken i think two separate groups over the course of two weeks to get that thing secure so like there was wire wrapped around one of the catwalk bars a thousand times PLUS there was tape all around all that wire so i'm like tearing through this all trying to get the wire undone but then it cut me!! :( so my thumb started bleeding and so one of my kids kept a blood covered wire (my blood ofc) as a souvenir and i left my bloody thumbprint on that bar :)) and then i think we literally just put like spike tape around my cut it was a crazy day but that happens often!! i remember moving a bed once and then i was like "EW WHY IS THE BED WET" but it was actually bc my finger!! was once again bleeding 😭 I HAVE TONS OF CRAZY STORIES ASK ME ANYTIME ABOUT THEM!!
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seelestia · 6 months
YEEE NPNP!! college was nervewracking ngl (still is), at least when i started last year august iirc? but yeah! do you know what major you want? alas i cannot chill as much as i used to smh
heheh fr tho >:3 i think the fontaine arc was really well written and went into more depth (get it? depth? waters? ok i'll stop now) and because of how much lore we were given since it seems to be more complex ngl. as for myself, i'm sticking albedo and lyney under the microscope so i can understand them both better
especially albedo. i'd very much like to pick his brain the same way i wanna pick my boyfriend's- coughs
HEJSJD THE WAY I STARTED SMILING AFTER READING THE HCS,,needed that ngl cuz i've been stressed a lot. but i think bedo would be the kind of person who'd do that and create an artificial flower and then name it after me hehehe
but hey, who's to say wanderer wouldn't leave you a flower someplace where you can find it? just a small and sweet gesture and will very most likely deny it (and fails) when you tease him for it mwehehhe i can be devious too ya know or maybe even ayato leaves you a little present like a bracelet or hair accessory after a long day of work
actually yea i do have some new vibedo trivia! we've officially become engaged and he was the one who proposed first <3 that and he has a tendency to call me "sweet violet" since its an actual flower as well hehe. and tysm!! i'm honestly just doing my best to stay happy since my irl bedo is like very complementary to my personality if that makes sense? like he tends to wear darker clothing, i tend to wear a lot of pastels kinda thing. and so far, we're doing rlly good! sure there are some challenges we're dealing with now but im doing my best to stay positive ^^
also me being 20 ew. somehow i'm still being referred as old sheesh
ok im done rambling now im passing the mic to u hehe /lh
ah, truly. the price of education = freedom to chill !!! 😔 but alas, life is a ongoing journey with hurdles (and i happen to not be an athlete /j). currently, i have my eyes on a social science major atm! so i can hopefully pursue psychology :3 but my second choice is english bcs i cannot stray from the path of linguistics and literature no matter how much i tried /pos. ALSOSOSO if you don't mind, can you tell me more abt what you do in your course? i did my research on google but i think it cannot compare to someone with the actual experience™ ++ i'm just a curious cat and want to enable your rambles hehe <3 /lh
THE PUN, HELP. i agree, the fontaine quest deffo made some waves when it ended. OH I SEE!!! at first glance, i thought i could find a similarity between albedo and lyney (finding vi's type: a reality show jkjk we all already know it's albedo /hj) but the longer i looked, the more i questioned myself 😭 i do think that both of them are deeper than what people credit them for tho! albedo with his knowledge of khemia.... and lyney with his burdens as the next 'father'..... ooOOooO. some emphasis for now on lyney bcs of the 4.6 trailer that just dropped! DID YOU SEE IT YET VI 👁️ (but dw, i understand if you had no time / busy with college!) { the comment abt picking your bf's brain LMAO would he let you?? oh, truly, love is blind 🤭 /lh }
always happy to provide you with hcs!!! my brain buzzes with possibilities all the time && one of the things i love most abt selfships is analyzing how different personalities come together to form habits / idiosyncrasies / love languages of their own. like how albedo conjures up an artificial flower bcs he is simply reminded of his sweet violet — that is special and unique to you in a way. it's vv beautiful, i think!!
AND HSHDHWHSH. THE HCS??? vi, i cannot convey how much i appreciate you. i haven't indulged in my selfships for some time since i didn't have time to be active - so this made me SOSOSO happy aaaaaa!!! but wanderer definitely has left some flowers for me before bcs who else? i suggested the possibility of another suitor and he knocked me on the head (softly) YOWCHHH but hey, at least he admitted it was him! :3c and 'yato.... aghhhhh this man. he leaves a hairpin out in the open but tells me “not to touch it until he gets home” just so he can put it on me himself. he derives joy from seeing me hold back from snatching that thing up myself. meanie /j
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AWWW THAT'S SO CUTE!! you two are the apt presentation of “opposites attract”. and i'm glad! i only have average experience with relationships but i think everyone agrees that a relationship isn't sunshine and rainbows all the time. that's as natural as our having good days and bad days in a week. i think what matters is how you both deal with them - and i believe in you & your bf! you're a good egg and ik your bf is too, so do what you both know is best <3 (forgive me if i sound like a grandma here /j BUT hooray to vi and irl albedo! my new fav couple yesyesyes)
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waylyngdraws · 6 months
my cunty culty monsterhearts oc
i, waylyng, have never played monsterhearts.
if you don't know what that is, i refer to the ttrpg based on all those supernatural teen romance novels; think stephene meyer, cassandra clare, all that jazz. it's a gloomy morning in the village, and you are a sexy vampire.
i made this character, however, because i wanted to be in my friend's campaign, and we each had to make an 'audition' character to see who'd take the last spot. didn't get it, but they're making a oneshot soon, so to celebrate, i'm showing you my character !
this is cassius (he/him). he's the monsterhearts skin 'queen', which, for the monsterhearts virgins among us, is like a regina george-style clique leader, whose power relies on keeping lots of loyal followers.
so, naturally, i decided by blorbo would be a cult leader.
he's been sent out from the "hub" where he grew up to tell people about the true happiness. do the popular kids not understand you? do you not understand when people talk about romance? do you feel like you belong in a skirt rather than trousers? well, you'll fit right in with Us. We will show you a True Community, and you too will feel the Love of the Thunderer.
(i chose the thunderer as the cult name of the god as a cheeky greek myth reference; bromios, the cult name for dionysus, translates as "the thunderer". i tried to find out what the cult name was for aphrodite, which is more appropriate, but like,,, they didn't slap as hard. looking back tho maybe should have chosen hestia though, for all the stuff about the hearth relating to community, and spooky death connotations. oh well. tangent over)
illustration ! religious ecstasy !
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(looking back i'm not happy with the rim lighting, a bit flat lmao (like me—) and the shirt looks a bit strange. i will stop now)
here's a vignette i did as a "taster" for the character!
Who is Cassius? Don't you know?
When I say he's magnetic, don't think I just mean hypnotic — he's an obelisk, a monolith of cold, harsh metal standing far above you. You throw iron filings in the air, they fly straight to his side; such an austere exterior, why do they keep coming? It's a question they might even ask themselves.
The bell's rung, students are flocking to the cafeteria. You hear him before you see him, the hush of the surrounding voices, the rise of the mumblings that constantly follow. Cassius strides past, covered in his clique. You see the kid with piercings who transferred last week — they mustn't have fit in anywhere else. How easily they fall in.
They look so together, his swarm; all wildly different in appearance, but moving with a single mind. Like a flock of birds, they flow around him, so in tune with each other you'd call them a polycule if you didn't know better.
Through the people, you catch a glance: a wave of soft brown hair, punctuated by a shock of white. The school has no uniform, but he always wears a blazer. His nails, almost claws, a new look every week — today, they're black, dripping with molten gold. And of course, he's wearing that ever-present half-smile. You feel almost as if you could talk to him…but there's a chasm between you larger than words. You can't think what his life must be like. But still, to talk to him…how can you not try? And, trying, how could you not fall? i hope you enjoy my blorbo !! for my morally gray characters, i like taking a concept i really believe in, like community, and pushing it that extra bit too far. i hope i've accomplished that with cassius. he wants to keep you safe, he thinks he's doing the right thing, he thinks he's saving you. but. you can only be saved his way. enjoy !!
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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NAME.  nicole or aspen
PRONOUNS.  she / they (i sometimes have a slight preference for one over the other day-to-day, but overall either is fine)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION.  if you need me to respond quickly, IMs are probably the way to go. if you want to have a long-term convo/don't care about quickness, discord (nicolenostalgia) is best!
MOST ACTIVE MUSE.  currently it's obviously this rabbit bastard, but my other consistently most active muse has been kokichi (@takinghisbow). outside of him, i tend to go through periods of strong hyperfixation on specific muses. single muse blogs for me are pretty exclusively for muses i don't intend on taking long breaks from ever (outside of necessity)
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS.  i've been rping since i was around 9 (and far too young to be freely online, but whatever). i've been on tumblr since i was ~14, but didn't start rping here until like. . . 3-4 years ago? prior to tumblr i rp'd on forums, via email with individual friends, and on furcadia (my longest experience and very defining for me ngl. i know it's, like, cringe or whatever, but <3).
BEST EXPERIENCE.  i mean, generally just the genuine friends i've made and continue to make on here. but also, to be slightly more specific, few things stand out in my memory as favorite rp moments more than the funny, crack-y, shit-posting times where me and some of my mutuals are just losing our minds. i love running jokes on my blogs, i love being @'d, i just love love love that non-serious sort of interaction sm.
RP PET PEEVE.  if you start public shit/write callouts about someone because they were slightly rude to you or you just don't like them? [cocks gun] (legally i'm joking, but i'm so glad i haven't seen this kinda shit in awhile. save it for dangerous people, please). other than that, i've had Experiences where my frequently-thirsted-after-by-fandom male muse just gets an Onslaught of ppl who will absolutely try to force ship with their OC. it hasn't happened here, but admittedly i'm like. sitting on the edge of my seat LMAO. (like, it's kinda funny but it's hella disrespectful).
PLOTS OR MEMES.  memes tend to be a better starting point for me unless you already have a specific idea in mind OR we're working off of one of our wishlist posts. i have this Thing where the moment someone asks me to plot every single idea i've ever had leaves my head fdkshfsd. the only exception to this is if it's not immediately obvious how our muses would meet. at which point, either plotting OR just specifying something in a meme you send would be great.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES.  cursed to love long replies, forced to have executive dysfunction lmao. i mean, i love interactions of any length, but i do looooove getting really into my muse's mindset and exploring it. because of mental health, tho, longer thread usually = longer wait for my reply. not always, it depends on my muse. once we're getting 5+ paras, it might be a bit of a wait (even tho i still love it).
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES.  knee-jerk reaction was to say no abt william lmao. in all seriousness, i'd say. . . we have a similar sense of humor, regrettably. and more than that, i feel like my draw to writing muses in general who "wear a mask" and hide their real personalities has been a bit of an. . . unintentional exploration relating to my own masking. i've a only realized in recent years that i likely have ADHD (and maybe autism?), and the realization that the Me In Public is literally Not Me was. crazy. i think that, even though william is a complete bastard, there's something to writing a muse who is always performing. i mean, before i even understood what masking was i remember telling my mom that being around almost anyone irl felt like putting on a show to pretend to be "normal." so anyway me, kokichi, and william are holding hands (eurgh).
TAGGED BY. @gateway31 ( <3 <3 <3 ) TAGGING. whoever would like to do it!!
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janelevy · 2 years
tagged by @rachel-bloom ily!!
what book are you currently reading? 
before i fall by lauren oliver. just a quick reread before i (hopefully) get some new books for christmas!
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? 
well i only saw 2 in theaters (top gun: maverick and don’t worry darling), sooo out of those 2... i guess it would have to be top gun
what do you usually wear? 
currently i’m loving sweaters/flannels/hoodies + basic blue jeans or black leggings. my fave jacket atm is my yellowjackets letterman that i spent way too much money on
how tall are you? 
i guess like 5′3-ish? but honestly people tell me i seem taller so? maybe the doctor has been lying all these years who knows
what’s your star sign? 
gemini, unfortunately
do you go by your name or a nickname?
i prefer my nickname! just em for me, thanks.
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? 
i went through a few phases as a kid tbh. first i wanted to be a vet, then a teacher. neither of those have panned out. i’m still in school and i’ve been writing as a hobby for over 10 years so i guess you could say i’m still doing what i liked to do for fun when i was a kid? but career-wise, so far nope.
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one? 
i am not. and currently my only crushes are talented famous people who don’t know i exist.
dogs or cats? 
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
i jumped around several fandoms and projects this year, but my baby for 2022 would have to be my yellowjackets time loop fic “freeze”. probably my favorite line for it atm is “In every version of today, Jackie is falling for her best friend. On another today, she even got to kiss her. That will have to be enough.” god i just love jackie and shauna so so much
what’s something you would like to create content for?
there are several fandoms that i get momentarily obsessed with and then they seem to pass through my awareness like sand in a sieve. i would be quite late to the party, but i’d still like to finish that paper girls fic i started someday. i also want to write something leighton-focused for the sex lives of college girls because yeah, i obviously have a Type when it comes to characters.
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with? 
yellowjackets, always. also sex lives of college girls and wednesday (was not expecting that one, but here we are)
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? 
don’t worry darling 🙈 i’m such a big florence fan so i really was looking forward to it. i also thought i was let down by taylor’s new album but i’ve warmed up to midnights after a few more listens (still feel meh towards it compared to folklore & evermore, tho)
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
umm... is it weird to say problem-solving? just like generic everyday issues, sometimes it seems like i look at them from a different angle than my family does
are you religious? 
nope! still celebrate certain “religious” holidays tho
what’s something you wish to have at this moment? 
call me materialistic, but a nice new car. the speaker system/radio in mine is completely shot and i’m just tired of it lmao
tagging @avatrices @wannaliveattheholidayinn @wirypsychiatrist @crockettmarcel @flythesail @lessonincanvases @alittlebitbrave but zero pressure ofc
also tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it!! i’d love to learn how y’all are doing!
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re-ikrmso · 2 years
random ocs i wanna talk about
 OHHOHOHGHGH. I have too many stories. and damn i wanna talk about them. So i will talk about some of the ocs i rly love/like that ive made (and also about some universes) I’m going to only include my “main three” in this post but i may tlak more about other stories i was a part of/created
(RT Intervals: the ‘main’ universe I’m workin on. the story’s gonna be really downbeat. it centers on 3 people with varying problems and maybe the problems never get fully solved but character development is slow and perhaps underwhemling but YAY!  Time to talk about some of my fav. characters (ones ive actually devleopeed so far //sob)
-c!Blue- NOOOO BLUE BELOVED :( they are so nice (well they try to be) and m gonna serve em a world shattering deconstruction of thiere beliefs yay! they try to be nice but may end up patronizing instead but shes trying so much to be helpful :( shes so soft (kinda). 
c! “Scarf”- Hello, person that kinda holds moral superiority but also doesnt at the same time! they are tired but they cant describe how, and damn i love them sm they just lay there and want to do something but decides that nothing they do is 100% benefcial so they decide its better to watch from sidelines but they actually have a backbone.
-c!Mangie : are they evil? nah. maybe? Are they here to help? maybe. Do they feel guilty for anything????? MAYBE. they convinced themselves that they are litteraly the most shit person ever and does not actually wholeheartedly accept that cause if they did they’d break down lmao.  theyre still a jackass though and a lot of the things are do are not good. at all.
All three of the above litterally try to avoid thinking too hard about they actions cause if they did they’d shatter into a milion pieces 
=c!Nocide: so tell me, what is nuetraility? what is a sign of nuetraility? A time of piece? Apathy? A lack of action? Unification? a lack of fighting? Nothingness? Well, they don’t fucking know either! local eltrich abomination also takes random pegasus as thier middle school project ohohohoh
=c!Dark: in a way, he’s fight or flight. An emboiment of fear and violence-- but not destruction. Also, another local eltrich ambomination takes a cyborg as thier “project” just to spite other eltridiich ambomination. also fun fact! my pfp is actually a drawing of them i rly liked ;) heheh
-- - -
ORIGINAL RT COMIC: this story is based off a comic i did on paper a long time ago when I was younger. the characters like like..beta/other verisons of my main story. not fully completed ever, but this comic took on a more comedic tone with everything unlike RT Intervals where a majority of the cast’s actions would hold some sort of implications, though the comic would eventually shift to a darker-ish more serious tone in some moments
-c!Mangie(Original): Wears an identical jacket to c!Blue(original), except the fur lining is scuffed. they do shitty things but by the lines of sitcom logic and are 10% less of a jerk than RTI!Mangie. basically comedic sociopathy.  //but they actually still do care about some people like c!blue//. 
c!Blue(original): is currently trying to strangle c!mangie for the amount of property damage they’ve done. Wow, a version of Blue that actually has a backbone and morals. They still hang out with C!mangie though, so how moral they are is really debateable but its more like they stick around to act as damage control and cause DAMN THEY ARE BESTIES (HOW THO????) theyre a lot more reliable, but a lot less “pragmatic” than c!mangie.
c!Draconoir: I really couldn’t think of a better name for this guy. LMAO but hes a weird-ass dragon/pony hybrid with a SAADDDD past but for once that has no effect on whatever his plans are for today. Current chief of police for where c!mangie and c!blue lives. has plans for c!blue and c!mangie...
more charatcers but they’re kinda eh.
RP DM/RPD: A rp I was apart of, back in 2019-2020ish. It had some good times. Some times bad. I still curse the man who deleted the character storage becasue i now no longer have a timeline of events, summares nor analyses of ANY of the characters... It orginally was meant to be chill but thanks to me and another person it devolved into chaos. the story is finished, and was meant to have an...”alternate” season that would help explain any loose ends left inthe oringal but ah...thinkgs feel apart. for the better,to be honest. I will attempt to describe each major character the best I can, which is hard because accounts have since become deleted and people have played more than one character at a time. There will be some mild spoilers, concerning charcter development and identities but ill try and keep them to a minimum.
c!Ikari/Mangie (Me): chaotic reality bender that is genuinely delusional (in-universe) but in meta terms, they are techinally right. //they have this vauge belief that there is a “narrator” that dictates events that happen, and that the “narrator” has chosen to go against them whenever shit goes down. In universe, they’re wrong-- everything is truly of thier own will and of everyone’s own will but meta-wise...yea. They bend reality using cartoon logic (things like jump cuts, pulling things from “offscreen”, entering a cabinet to end up tumbling out of another house’s cabinent , etc). they believe a “perfect” world does not exist and if it did, it is thier responsibility to ruin that world. they have a book that is about to revive people and are implied to have formed a pact with demons.
C!Cart : a gangster hunted by multiple gangs, often gets high on weed and is ironically the most sane of the group. He has an affinity for weed, and is often dragged into a bigger picture by association, if hes not under hiding from eneimes. He’s not so above it all though, and due to his time as criminal (and from his time being associated with the other charatcers) he takes many things in stride, and is nonchalant about most things. ...too nonchalant sometimes.
C!Jade: Cart’s love intrest that serves as a mediator for whatever insane situation is going on. Due to her association with cart, she comes under fire from cart’s enemies as well. she takes a lot of what happens very hard (and like. is terrified of normally terrifying things.)
c!Asuka: A girl that has problems, and is...c!nate/c!eleven’s love intrest. she is a skilled sword-fighter and has like anime powers or something. faces problem with trying to find peace but also being haunted by something that causes her to destroy.
c!nate/eleven (this is one of the harder people to describe) : Nate and eleven were brothers, but eventually nate ended dying. both of them were superheros and had a very black/white mentaility which always made them the good guys. they oftentimes put either themselves or asuka on a priority list for what they want. 
=god i want to include some world-building tidbits and lore but this post is already so long
- - - If you have any questions about any of my worlds/characters ask me cause damn. i like sharing details. 
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kalloway · 2 years
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(lore/blurb about him under the cut, if ur interested)
Suggestive joke & double entendre connoisseur, and the visitor to many a person’s bed, Faust is, perhaps, the friendliest and most personable person under the Professor’s employ. His entire character is generally summed up in two (three?) words -- sleazy cat-boy... but if you bother to get to know him on a personal level, you may realize that it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
He has a relatively carefree personality, trying to simply enjoy life one day at a time and prioritize having a good time over any kind of stressful work. That’s not to say he doesn’t do his job well though - there’s a reason the Professor trusts him enough to work for him, after all.
Faust is a hybrid - His cat-like features are a result of artificial replacements... and fate simply not favouring anything ‘ordinary’. A mix-up in an order for artificial optics gave him cat-like eyes, and beyond that point he simply decided ‘why not have some fun with it?’, thus trading in his partially-deaf sense of (human) hearing for enhanced auditory replacements.
Despite his optimism and outward ‘charm’, Faust is also a very lucky example of what can happen if you are ill-fated enough to be a victim of organ harvesting. Without the intervention of the Professor and Dr. Bernhardt (mostly the latter), he wouldn’t have survived. Even then, being clinically dead for almost three minutes before being revived was enough to give him rather severe amnesia -- ‘Faust’ is not his birth name. He has very little memory about who he used to be... and likes keeping it that way.
Whoever he used to be, isn’t who he is now, and he isn’t about to waste a chance to enjoy this newfound life of his by making himself miserable looking into who he was and what he can’t go back to.
Faust is technically an (JJBA) Android AU insert/redesign of the Cat-Man character from my JoJo reader-insert fanfic 'Midnight Meetings with a Manticore' over on AO3. He was intended to be one big shitpost... but then he actually ended up being the one character my friend and I are super invested in fhfgdj He's a hella self-indulgent (and fun) character though... truly me rejecting the concept of 'cringe', even if his design makes me super embarrassed to share LOL
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