#far cry 5 headcanon
Not me getting emotional because Eli is just so trusting. He puts so much faith in his resistance, in the people in Hope Valley, blindly trusts the Deputy and Tammy despite both of them being involved in Jacob's trials and actively becoming weapons used against him. And how he probably trusted Jacob, appreciated the work he and the other Seeds provided him making those bunkers. How he probably swapped war stories with Jacob. Jacob didn't see Eli as weak. Or less. He saw him as strong, a threat. He respects Eli. Is this why Jacob hates him so much? Because he knows Eli is not only able to survive without sacrifice, but endure despite the odds stacked against him? And how he still stays with Tammy and the Whitetail Militia after Jacob offers him something better -- the freedom he wants, why he came to Hope Valley in the first place -- because he knows the loss they're going through, he went through it with his own son. And he knows if he leaves exactly the kind of pain he'll inflict, because his wife left him. He refuses to recreate the pain undo unto him, so much so he blindly trusts people being trained to kill him, because he knows what it is to be left behind and he refuses to let it happen to anyone by his own hands.
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gxmergurl · 2 years
Replaying Far Cry 5 again I noticed something about Jacob and Joseph. The second time meeting Jacob, Joseph is there and when he leans in, hands outstretched and wanting to cup Jacob's face like he does with John before touching their foreheads together Jacob stops him for a second. Before Joseph can touch him he janks Joseph's arms down to touch his shoulders instead and holds them there until they let go.
People who are smarter and not as tired as I am right now I would be pleased to hear your theories. I actually just wanted to re-watch the scene because I want to look at Joseph but I noticed that.
Edit: Here's the clip
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inafieldofdaisies · 3 months
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jacobsfat8inchc0ck · 4 months
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Jacob Seed type of rizz
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seedsplease · 21 days
Saw a post just now about characters who can change tires and
Jacob 100% can change a tire, he would've been taught for sure in the military at least, there is no doubt about this. Will he change yours? No, because he wants you to know how to do it, so he will take you through it until you get it right. He's not a bad teacher, to be honest, but he will definitely make you change it multiple times to make sure it's stuck.
Joseph I'm less sure about. I don't think he would've personally owned a car before, and the Book of Joseph doesn't really give any indication that he would've been in a position to learn before creating the cult. That being said, I think he may have at least observed someone else changing a tire - perhaps on the buses to Hope County - and so I can see him being able to figure it out if need be. He wouldn't change yours though, he would get someone more experienced to do so.
With John my kneejerk reaction was no, but then I thought about it a bit more; he owns a car, but I personally don't see him working on it too much himself. But it's a different story with his plane; I definitely think he's the plane equivalent of a horse girl, so he would've learned to take care of it himself. Nobody else is working on his plane. So even if he hasn't changed a car tire before, he could probably work it out with minimal guidance - Jacob would have experience with both, so he could tell him the differences. Would John change your tire? I think yes because he wants the validation of your gratitude.
Faith probably not, but given how intelligent and adaptable she is, I can definitely see her figuring it out pretty quickly, possibly even just through observation. Would she change yours? No, I don't think so; she'd either get someone else to do that work, or she'd try to convince you that actually walking is much more enlightening and helps you see the world clearly so who cares about tires.
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John Seed from Far Cry 5 is an Avatar of the Eye.
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shalotttower · 9 months
Yandere!Joseph Seed Headcanons
Type: General Headcanons Characters: Joseph Seed x Reader (afab) Word count: 700+ Notes: Manipulation, coercion, isolation, captivity, emotional abuse, forced proximity, obsessive behavior, unhealthy relationship dynamics, brief mention of suicide possibility, implied possibility of pregnancy.
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- Joseph is calm, patient, and calculating with you. He won't rush into things or make impulsive decisions. As someone who is skilled at manipulation, he understands the necessity of waiting (and patience is a virtue). He is persistent and determined, but in a very quiet and measured way, like a rock steadily going down the hill.
- Joseph sees you as his ultimate test of faith and a reward shall he pass it. The Voice told him, he saw it in his dreams, every little sign points to you being the one he was meant to find. And once Joseph decides on something, he won't change his mind. No matter what you do, no matter how much you try to run or hide, Joseph will find you and bring you home.
- He wins your affection through misplaced empathy, touch (because there's no shame in closeness), and by simply being there whenever you need it - even if sometimes you wish he wasn't.
- Joseph views your reluctance as the result of Pride speaking in you and a part of his own trial. And trials exist to be overcome.
- Joseph knows people. He can read them, hopes and fears, weaknesses and strengths, virtues and vices, what they love and hate. He utilizes it with you, observes your habits and behavioral patterns. Joseph doesn't force - he nudges and encourages, planting the seeds and hints in your head and letting them grow; he manipulates you by making you come to desired conclusions on your own.
- If you're stubborn, Joseph will deprive you of sleep, but in a way that seems natural (there's suddenly a lot of work he needs your help with or he keeps you awake longer and wakes you up earlier, because this and that). He will increase the time of his lectures or restrict access to certain areas until you waver. The book you're reading will disappear and he has no idea where it is, etc.
- However, don't think Joseph is passive. Yes, he prefers a gentler approach with you, but understands the necessity of harsher methods too. Even God has to punish his children, after all, and it's always for their sake. If you push him too much (and it takes a lot to achieve that), he will "teach you humility" and his methods are often connected to the feeling of shame. He may restrain you and make you ask for basic needs like food, toilet or water; lock you up in an empty room without sustenance for a few days and sit by your door, reading the Bible aloud; wash you/feed you himself, denying you autonomy. If looks is something you value about yourself, he might cut your hair short. Making you watch as he burns something you cherish is also not off the table. He will not beat you, but if having your buttocks smacked will get the point across and make you feel ashamed, then Joseph will do it.
- Hurting you, however, doesn't give him pleasure and he will later spend the hours in prayer asking God for forgiveness for his temper, even if that was necessary. He won't be apologetic towards you, but later when you've both calmed down he will console you and provide whatever comfort you need: a hug, a touch (which feels increasingly familiar), stroking your hair and telling you a biblical story as an analogy for your behavior.
- It's Joseph's responsibility to protect you from yourself and guide you on the right path, because you're lost and confused in his mind. There's only one truth - Eden's Gate - and he will do his best to save your soul before it's too late.
- If it's the Bunker, you're sharing a bed, period. Joseph isn't letting you out of his sight and will be sleeping next to you. He can't risk you offing yourself and leaving him alone.
- If it's somewhere else, like the compound or wherever he keeps you, you will have your own room if he trusts you enough. Your room will have its own bathroom and Joseph won't be intruding, unless you give him a reason to. He'll grant you permission to move freely within the compound, but two faithful will always follow behind.
- Joseph doesn't force himself on you, though he'll take any opportunity to initiate physical contact. Taking your hands in his, kissing your forehead, loosely putting an arm around your waist. He watches how you react, whether you're leaning in or pulling away. If the latter is the case, he'll be more subtle, but won't stop.
- Joseph wants a family with you. A future together after the Collapse.
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donat-senpai · 8 months
Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable with the yandere!
Pairing: Yandere! Joseph Seed x Reader
tw: Joseph Seed (yeah), forced retention, forced drug use, obsessive behavior
You open your eyes and look around in fear. Head is pounding with pain. Green particles fly in the air like dust. You are surrounded by the sugary sweet smell of unknown plants.
Someone's hand rests on your head. Touch is comforting.
"Don't be afraid, child. You're safe."
You tried to remember where you heard that voice before. But consciousness slips away and you fall asleep again.
Joseph gently pats your shoulder and covers you with a blanket. He looks at you longingly.
The next time you wake up, it's night outside. There is one candle burning on the bedside table. This is the only light source in the room. You feel a little better. Consciousness cleared up. Memories flash: a trip to Montana, a strange cult, creepy Joseph Seed, Peggy's car accident.
"Did you wake up." - Damned Joseph enters the room. You're angry at his people. If they weren't so stupid, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. Now your car is broken, and you are unknown where. He hands you a glass of water. You almost want to throw it back in his face, but the only thing stopping you is the terrible thirst. You drink to the bottom. The water has a strange taste.
"I need to go home." You try to get up, but the man doesn't allow it. He holds you in place, painlessly but firmly. His strange gaze stops at your bare shoulder. The shirt slipped off while you were sleeping. You're embarrassed, not in the most pleasant way.
"Honey, you're home." Joseph speaks so confidently that you almost believe him. He is convinced that this is where you belong. The man turns his gaze into your eyes. Your stomach turns. You're about to throw up.
"No." You freeze like a frightened fawn, but still try to argue.
Joseph sighs heavily. "My love, this is your home now."
You're terrified. Only God knows what this madman came up with.
The man puts you back into bed. Your eyes begin to droop. You are falling asleep.
"Sweet Dreams dear. I will wait for the day when you voluntarily join my flock. Then we will walk through the Eden's Gate together."
Joseph sits down on the chair next to you, carefully takes your hand in his and begins to pray.
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loops-n-boops · 6 months
Seed Dump!!
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after a little unexpected turn to a DC hyperfixation that lasted roughly two weeks I'm back to my farcry shit (the usual) so imma give y'all a three for one, John doodles, Seed playlists and hcs in one post,, take your juice
Jacob Seed:
listens to cheesy love songs and some rock and metal
Most think John swears the most but that's a lie, it's him. Whenever Joseph isn't around he'll throw a "fuck this" every now and then
likes adult coloring books and crossword puzzles
if Joseph asks a favor that doesn't involve strength he always goes "I volunteer Johnny"
He opens doors for John and goes "ladies first"
can and will tackle John to the ground and yell "say uncle". He does all the annoying older brother shit idc
Tends to fight with Joseph. They always fought back and forth. As kids it was about how Joseph wouldn't 'man up'. Now it's about how he treats John, not knowing Joseph's been manipulating him to stay this whole time too
So in the past I hc that he's gay, I feel he struggles to come to terms with that. To this day he still is under the impression that it's wrong and makes him look soft, so he still tries to act like he doesn't
Rants to the judges. He is waits until he knows he's alone with the alpha of the pack and just dumps everything he has in his mind. That dog knows things no one else knows
His friendship with Eli in the past was a good one. It reminded him too much of his friendship with Miller (minus the possible secret romance part). They had similar inside jokes, Eli playfully punched him the same way Miller did. He hated it. He still hates it
Jacob is much more of a listener than a talker but prefers surrounding himself with people who talk a lot
Joseph Seed
Joseph doesn't hate John. He's hard on John so he learns. Johns become their father in Joseph's eyes and is making sure to shape him up. However he doesn't realize how terrible he's being to him as he does so.
His biggest fear is being alone. To combat that he almost subconsciously manipulates people to stay with him. He doesn't want to hurt them, but if he doesn't they'll leave. He'll be alone again
As a child Joseph wanted to be an author. He had notebooks filled with vibrant stories he made up in his head. Once a teenager though he found an interest in baking. Him and his wife's date nights consisted of them playing music as they tried a random recipe they found. It was a piece of happiness he never had as a child. They wanted to save money and open a bakery together. Still, to this day, Joseph gathers ingredients on Friday nights and bakes.
Has a heavy preference for Jacob. The man was with him the longest, helped him the most. It isn't that he doesn't love John, but he's detached. John wasn't there as long as Jacob was. John was raised by different people.
He hates winter. Winter was when Faith taken from him. He won't enter any vehicle. He won't go outside much. He hates it.
Puts everyone before himself. He could have not eaten at all that day but he will still be sure to make sure everyone else has. He will forget to eat unless someone else tells him to
His favorite song is Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac and whenever he hears it he gets a boost of happiness. He knows every word.
I don't care what anyone says, I think he's shockingly the worst with kids. He can't handle the tantrums, they stress him out. He doesn't yell or hit but he completely shuts down and won't really react
Doesn't put his hair down often. He sleeps with it down but beyond that? It's always up. Usually in a bun, but sometimes he'll go ponytail.
When angry he tends to quietly glare. He tells from time to time yeah, but he more often will glare at whoever upset him. A look that basically says 'you know what you did'
Hes actually much more of an introvert than people may think. He doesn't like being alone but that doesn't make him an extrovert. His idea on a relaxing day is sitting in a room with his brothers where they all do their own thing but they don't speak much. Comfortable silence. The idea that they're there makes him happy, and the fact that they can indulge in their own hobbies without judgment makes him even happier
John Seed
Much more of a talker than a listener. This makes him and Jacob a good pairing since he would talk a lot and Jacob would smile and listen.
He despises fast food. He tried it once and declared it as the grossest thing to every touch his mouth. He's also definitely the pickiest eater in general. He hates most seafood, broccoli, brussel sprouts, fast food, pizza if it's too greasy, chicken if there's too much tendon, the flavor of mashed potatoes and steak together but he'll eat it on separate occasions. He was picky as a kid and he's still picky as an adult
Actually needs glasses but will not wear them. Luckily he has contacts. However one time he lost one and had to wear his glasses and his chosen were staring at him confused. He needed them since he was little but he never got the appointment when he was with his brothers. Jacob did notice him squinting a lot. Joseph only had glasses because he got his prescription years ago (but they should've been renewed)
He went to religious schools from second grade onward. I'm talking the ones with uniforms and all your teachers are nuns. There's so many pictures of little John with one of those school uniforms and dorky glasses and a big smile.
Speaking of which I believe he was the cutest kid out of all of them. He had big ol doe eyes and got excited over everything. Joseph and Jacob used to call him sunshine when he was young because no matter how miserable and dark the world was around him he always was a happy little boy. He was bright, loving, innocent. An absolute sweetheart in his youth. He was the kid that waved to strangers on the street, his go to form of affection was hugs, and he comforted his brothers when they were upset despite not understanding why they were even upset.
The Duncan's viewed Johns innocent nature as why he was a tainted soul. He didn't understand accountability and the idea that not everyone was good confused him. They had to teach him. Besides, the Duncan's weren't too good themselves.
His adoptive parents were Henry and Amelia Duncan. They adopted John due to Amelia's infertility. John was the youngest there and was promising so they chose him not knowing they were taking a broken boy and breaking him beyond recognition. Johns obvious mental illness also made them feel he needed to be shaped. They were the type of people that thought praying could solve everything. John barely saw doctors, he never got therapy, and when they found out their son was bisexual they threatened to send him away.
However, Henry's mother: Evelyn loved John for who he is was. Accepted her little grandson. Henry's family was large, the man having four brothers and a sister. John was the baby, all of his newly adopted cousins being older than him. Not a lot of them were good, John wasn't even that good, but Evelyn had a clear preference for John, always calling him her angel. (I have too many Duncan hcs I'll stop there)
Johns behavior first began to plumiit near his sophomore year of high-school. He got a stick and poke tattoo when he was too young to have one from a friend. It did get infected but that was fine for him. It was a taste of freedom. A taste of freedom he never had in the past. He wanted a taste of the freedom of adulthood and was willing to rush his adolescence to get that. By the time he was a senior the little angel people knew and loved died, and in his place was a cold hearted snake that lacked any form of remorse for what he did. All he cared for was his own amusement.
As a boy he drew a lot, he quickly discovered art was something he enjoyed. He drew pictures of him and his brothers, but when he lived in Atlanta their faces started to become blurry. Were Joseph's eyes blue or were they green? Who was taller, Joseph or Jacob? What didn't help was the Duncan's wanted every aspect of Johns life before them to not exist. They tried convincing him that they weren't his family and that they hated him. They made him go into speech therapy to force his rural accent to go away. They didn't adopt a son, they adopted a pet.
I'll do a little softer one for the end: Johns secretly a bit of a hopeless romantic. He's always been fond of the idea of romance. He loves cheesy rom-coms, he reads romance books. All of it. Hes well aware that a romantic relationship is something he'll never have, but it doesn't hurt to wish for one. He falls too quickly, but then gets scared when he has to be vulnerable. He has issues, he's not a good person. His issues will scare everyone away. He has no chance. A part of him envies his brothers: Joseph for having a marriage and Jacob for clearly not being interested in romance at all. But some nights, he doesn't care. He'll grab a DVD player and watch his silly little romantic comedy movies (or say yes to the dress if he's feeling something dramatic) and will eat half a bag of gummy bears
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lulu2992 · 8 months
A few of Far Cry 5’s characters’ former names (according to the files)
Did you know that some characters used to have different names? Here’s what I found:
Adelaide Drubman - Penny Johnson (I’m not sure; it’s unclear)
Casey Fixman - Casey Seagal or Casey Storm
Chad Wolanski - Chad Gardetto
Faith Seed - Selena Seed
George Wilson - George Beel
Guy Marvel - Guy Martel (headcanon: it’s still his name but he thought Marvel was a cooler name for a movie director)
Hurk Drubman Senior - Wayne Senior
Joseph Seed - Daniel Seed
Merle Briggs - Merle Clinton
Wilhelmina Mable - Wilhelmina Maybelline
Tammy Barnes - Tammy Palmer (was she supposed to be Eli’s wife? Maybe!)
Tracey Lader - Traci West
Virgil Minkler - Virgil Knutsen
Wendell Redler - Wendell Darrah
Xander Flynn - Bob Johnson (again, like for Adelaide, not sure)
Also, I’ve said this before but Deputy Pratt’s first name is actually Stacy and not Staci. In the files, it’s only not spelled Stacy once, in the end credits... which is also, unfortunately, the only time players had a chance to see it written.
According to the files, Larry Parker’s first name is Laurence, the man we meet near Arcade machines is Morris Aubrey, and the fisherman is Coyote Nelson… but his description in the unreleased in-game encyclopedia also implies he died, so that might be inaccurate.
Below are the names of other Hope County residents (and where they live(d) and/or work(ed)) found in the deleted in-game encyclopedia:
Daniel Holmes — Holmes Residence
Doug and Debbie Hadler — Gardenview Orchards, Ciderworks, and Packing Facility
Rae-Rae Bouthillier — Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm
Niesha Howard — Howard Cabin
Emmet Reaves (in the late 1800s) — Copperhead Rail Yard & Prosperity
Will Boyd (from Far Cry: Absolution; his full name is William) — Boyd Residence
Les Doverspike — Doverspike Compound
Mike and Deb Harris — Harris Residence
Wolfgang Dodd — Dodd’s Dumps
Colin Dodd (Nadine Abercrombie’s grandfather) — Dodd Residence
Joe Roberts — Roberts Cabin
Dr. Kim Patterson — Hope County Clinic
Bobby Budell (in 1946) — Flatiron Stockyards
Doug Fillmore — Fillmore Residence
Orville Fall (found gold in 1865) — Catamount Mines
Mike and Chandra Dunagan — Sunrise Farm
The Redler family (Wendell’s) — Red’s Farm Supply
Andrew and Frances Woodson — Woodson Pig Farm
Don Sawyer — Sawyer Residence
Kay Wheeler — Kay-Nine Kennels
Jules Adams (and an unnamed husband) — Adams Ranch
Jerry Miller (and his family) — Miller Residence
Rick Elliot (his full name is Richard according to a message left by Eli) — Elliot Residence
Jay Loresca — Loresca Residence
"Lonely Frank" — Frank’s Cabin
Dicky Dansky — Dansky Cabin
Roy Tanami — Tanami Residence
Mr. Vasquez — Vasquez Residence
Mr. McDevitt — Misty River Gas
Darby McCoy — McCoy Cabin
Dr. Phil Barlow — Barlow Residence
Travis McClean (and his husband Brent) — McClean Residence
Jasmine Chan — Chan Residence
Jerrod Wilson (in the 1800s) — Throne of Mercy Church
Frankie Sinclair — Sinclair Residence
Lydia (in 1912) — Lydia’s Cave
Dwight Feeney (the chemist who worked with Eden’s Gate and dies in the mission “Sins of the Father”) — Feeney Residence
Lorna Rawlings — Lorna’s Truck Stop
Edward O'Hara — O’Hara’s Haunted House
Kanti Jones — Jones Residence
Coyote Nelson — Nelson Residence
Holly Pepper (and her girlfriend Charlie) — Pepper Residence
Nolan Pettis — Nolan’s Fly Shop
Bob and Penny Johnson — Johnson Residence
Melvin Adams Abercrombie — Abercrombie Residence
Steve McCallough — McCallough’s Garage
Dr. Rachel Jessop (who, and I’ll keep saying this every time I can, was never Faith and always another, entirely different person) — Jessop Conservatory
Dwight Seeley — Seeley’s Cabin
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gxmergurl · 2 years
Since I have the beginning and end part of Lucas' and Joseph's arc during FC5 planned out I just realized that I never really thought about how they fell in love so I'll just collect some notes here:
-it isn't cheesy or love at first sight, it's slow and building, all growing from a mutual respect the two share
-Joseph respected Lucas from the very beginning, maybe not him as a whole but his courage and will power (since man managed to pull himself out of a wreck while he was actively dying and then still only wanted to find Joseph to finish his job)
-Lucas is of course grateful that Joseph saved his life and gave him the opportunity to choose what he wants, he allows him to leave and search for his colleagues and friends. He comes back to him every now and then, first only because the few doctors they have want to check on how he's healing, and then at some point just to talk with Joseph, learn more about him and why he does what he does
-they both learn about each other and realize that they are pretty similar. Both having a strong sense of righteousness and truth, both wanting to fight for what they believe in and that they both feel the need to protect those they love. Of course many more but I'm still pretty tired rn so I don't know any more off the top of my head
-they talk during the night since it's more peaceful and since then Lucas can come by undisturbed. I have imagined them sitting by the shore near Joseph's church so much its been rotting my brain. Either there or the dock
-their relationship only really starts after Lucas saves Joey and spares John sparking a debate between him and Joey where Lucas has to confront what he's doing and how things will continue
I just... I love them
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alfreds-shitpost · 5 months
John seed brain rot
Issues and disorders
Bipolar 1
Savior complex
Delusional thinking
Unlabeled but queer
I think John Seed suffers from bipolar due to how he treats the deputy as well as his dialoug. He is obsessed with the deputy and unlike others he seems to treat them with ‘care’ and being more tender with the deputy than he is with anyone else. He is seen washing the deputy’s chest and being generally more ‘gentle’ with them over anyone else.
In the church where he carves nick rye’s ‘sin’ off his chest without prep
Hits and punches other characters that do not listen
I also believe he suffers from delusional thinking, not only due to being groomed into a cult but due to the fact he believes he is a higher power and the chosen one to judge others and aid them. He has what is simply a very extreme religious savior complex
Examples of bipolar
Delusions and mania especially when it comes to getting noticed by the Deputy
Joseph is seemingly one of two of his FP’s because he desires attention from them at all times and seems mood-dependent on them quite a lot.
Is obsessed with the deputy and or has obsessive issues
Mood swings and is extremely complex
Impulsive and risky during mania
Examples of the savior complex
Baptizing others
‘Clenses’ others of sins + indoctrinates others
I also believe him to have aspd since its seen very clearly while he is hurting and extremely emotional he lacks remorse and guilt which is typical of people with aspd. I believe joseph seed manipulated and coerced john into his more aggressive violent behaviors as while john was likely trying to get help joseph used it for his own whims.
John’s cries for help were likely emotional outbursts that those around him labled as dangerous instead of trying to help him they likely demonized him as seen when joseph states that “he was not well liked but was feared” when you complete john’s plotline.
Examples of ASPD within john seed (as someone medically recognized with it)
Violent without seeming remorse for most people
Lack of guilt
Only cares for 3 people in total
John also seems to be attention-seeking and a perfectionist until its his own downfall as he’s seen worrying over the fact not everyone is perfect, not everyone is what he wants and therefore he must help them change so that they fit into his views. So they do not fall for what he did and he believes ridding them of their sins is making them stronger when in reality he is doing what his parents did to him
John is a case of the abused becoming the abuser and people grooming others in a non-sexual way to become what they need as seen with he and joseph’s interactions
Not even joseph likes his brother john which means he likely never cared that john died in the first place considering joseph is quite biased toward his sister faith.
John is the most hated of the family due to his instability and due to the fact he is not as responsible as joseph or jacob. He is unstable and a wild card, something you don't want especially if you are running a cult
John seed is a victim of abuse and what i believe to be a form of non-sexual grooming, he also likely has tried bliss so he may be victim to drug abuse as well.
I think john seed is queer mainly for the fact he acts the same towards the deputy no matter what gender you pick and other characters/NPC’s even joke how john seed wants to ‘get in your pants’ per se in dialogue no matter what gender you had picked in the game.
I also think he is queer coded and likely has some form of internalized homophobia or insecurity around it hence why he acts like he does with the deputy
John seed brainrot has gotten to me
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jacobsfat8inchc0ck · 4 months
Rip the Seed Family, you guys would’ve loved Ethel Cain.
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thepowerofyes · 9 months
I don't know if I have the reach for this but if anybody has any HCs for the Seed Family please give them to me anyways here's a picture that looks like Vaas Montenegro
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 6 months
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Jacob Seed from Far Cry 5 is an Avatar of the Extinction.
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locustandwildhoney · 1 year
His hands seem almost permanently cold, a little clammy too. They shake on their own, like the weight of the entire world is on his shoulders. His hands are delicate but have constant small tears around the cuticles.
Cold at the fingertips, warm at the palms. The dichotomy is confusing, you flinch before finding comfort. His hands, like his personality, are always infuriatingly steady unless you catch him looking into the eyes of the woman tattooed on his forearm. His hands are scarred from years of hard work, but have healed time and time again
Warm. Bigger than you expected, more calloused than you expected too. Her hand on your shoulder feels more like a command than a question. They seem to float around her when she walks. She pulls people to walk with her, ever forward, she needs them not to doubt her.
His hands don’t feel like anything at all. Room temperature. Not cold, not hot, just neutral. But the weight of it tells you all you need to know. Theyre calloused but surprisingly gentle. You know those hands could easily lift you off the ground and throw you. Even with all that gentleness the feeling they evoke is that you’re trapped between the jaws of a large animal.
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