#farah ✦ starter
Blown Bouquet [Farah]
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Farah stared at the flower bouquet, the perfume filling the air around her. “That’s…really sweet of you,” she said, reaching over to take them in her arms. “What’s the occasion?” She couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. This wasn’t the traditional way of doing things, after all.
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valkyriehymns · 2 months
open to : m, f, nb muse :  farah henderson, mid 20s, jockey / raised on a ranch
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"  look,  i'm  sorry  but  we're  never  going  to  get  to  the  'meet  the  parents  stage'.  it's  not  that  i  don't  respect  you,  i  just  think  my  brothers  would  eat  you  alive.  "
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parvumchao · 21 days
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"I'm so hungry. My fault 'cause I forgot to eat."
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"Ohmygod this is the best. Thank you."
( @milleroptimism liked & got Farah | accepting! )
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fantasiesandfolklore · 3 months
Open Starter — Muse: Farah Open to: anyone!
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“You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into,” Farah informed her new companion, smiling at them over a box of French fries predatorily.
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unbeleveable-archive · 9 months
Permanent Starter Call - Bloom Dowling
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viatrix-starlit · 2 years
In anyone would like a spooky Farah, hit the heart please!
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cod-dump · 1 month
Braid (teen!Ghost au)
It wasn't often that Nik was home alone. Well, alone without any human residents. The fur children flocked to him when it was just him. Riley following his every step, Smokey stalking from a distance, sometime choosing to lay on his lap when he was sitting, and Small Fry insisting sitting on his shoulder to supervise whatever task he was doing.
The boys were out with their own respective friend groups, Gary was spending quality time with Phillip, John was working, and Farah was at her own job. So, Nik was alone, entertaining the animals he brought into the home. He adored them but their clinginess was making it hard for him to work. He could put Small Fry up and Smokey in Kyle's room, but Riley wouldn't be put up quietly. He cries... loudly.
"Children, I need space."
At least Smokey didn't require to have physical contact with him at all times.
"I'm home!"
Riley ran from the room as soon as they heard Farah. Nik sighed and abandoned the radio pieces on the kitchen table, he'll have to deal with that later. He sat back against the chair as Farah walked in.
"Wow. Did you break it again?"
"I did not... it was Piotr."
"I don't think your tech guy would appreciate you blaming him for everything."
"He knows what he did."
Farah snorts before he sits across from him and slumps down. She looked drained, hair falling from it's bun. She was working retail at the moment, getting some pocket money before she fully committed to an university. John and Nik were helping her whenever she allowed it, neither daring to cross her clear boundaries.
"Thought you liked your hair braided?"
"Didn't have the energy for it this morning. Sometimes John will French braid it for me but he was ready to leave when I got up so I didn't ask."
Nik hums, "Maybe I could help..."
"Do you even know how to braid?"
"I could learn. Just need a good tutorial. I'm a visual learner."
Farah huffs with a small smile, "You don't have to do that."
"But I want to."
"... You're going to make me cry, Nik."
"It's just hair!"
The girl stares, Nik knew what John and he did for her meant everything. She lived in their house rent free, Nik helped her get a decent starter car, and they helped her get a job while also helping her get into a good university. She wasn't used to such help, their willingness to do whatever it took to make sure she had a comfortable life.
"Come. I'll find a video and I can practice on the couch. You want pizza?"
Farah quietly nodded and Nik got his phone out to order. He put the order in on the phone, resuming silence after he asked what she wanted and she answered. Nik could see that she indeed wanted to cry so a hug might be a too much for her.
"I... I talked to Hadir yesterday."
"Oh? How is he faring?"
Farah's older brother didn't come around. He didn’t know what the young man was up to or if he needed help, and neither did Farah. He was the one part of her blood family she could talk to and he was never around.
"He's... alive. I keep trying to meet up with him but he won't come around. Nik... could you see if you could find him for me?"
"You want me to find him?"
"I just need to know if he's okay! I'm worried about him."
Nik frowns, "I'll get my guys looking."
"Thank you..."
He really wanted to hug her but he restrained himself.
"I'll put Small Fry up and then we can settle in the living room."
Farah left first to go change, Nik wishing he could make all her troubles disappear. Sadly, it was unattainable, so he will settle for at least locating her brother and making sure he's alright.
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sleepybabybees · 2 months
Incorrect quotes return ✨️
Why? Simply because I can't sleep.
Ghost: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Price: Tubular AF!
Gaz: Mood to the max!
Soap, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Laswell, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Ghost: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Price: Have everyone stand.
Gaz: Bring three more chairs!
Soap: The most important ones can sit down.
Laswell: Kill three.
Laswell: Anyone d-
Ghost: Depressed?
Gaz: Drained?
Soap: Dumb?
Price: Disliked?
Laswell: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people...
Ghost: What’s something you guys are better than Price at?
Gaz: Mario Kart.
Soap: Yeah, video games.
Laswell: Emotional vulnerability.
Ghost: I’m an idiot.
Price: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
Oryn: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Eskell: It means i was second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Oryn: but what’s the first worst thing?
*Awkward pause*
Eskell: Oryn, they...they weren’t always orphans.
Oryn: Eskell...
Eskell: Oh no, 'Eskell' in b-flat.
Eskell: You're disappointed.
Oryn: Violence isn't the answer.
Eskell: You’re right.
Oryn: *sighs in relief*
Eskell: Violence is the question.
Oryn: What?
Eskell, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Oryn, running after him: NO-
Oryn: *Screams*
Eskell: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Graves: Should we do something?
Price: No, I want to see who wins.
Price: Why are Oryn and Eskell sitting with their backs to each other?
Graves: They had a fight.
Price: Then why are they holding hands?
Graves: They get sad when they fight.
Oryn: I think we're missing something.
Eskell: Teamwork?
Graves: Cohesion?
Price: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Farah: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Alex: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Ghost: I got distracted about halfway through.
Soap: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Farah: Listen, I can explain...
Alex: You’re making $500,000 and you’re only gonna pay me $30,000?
Ghost: You’re getting 30 grand? I’m getting $1,000!
Soap: You guys are getting paid?
Farah: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Alex: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Ghost: I personally was created in a lab.
Soap: I just straight up spawned lol.
Farah: Go to Hell
Alex, tearing up: I wish I could
Farah: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Alex: *chugs entire bottle*
Alex: It’s perfume.
Nikolai: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Price: I do have a sense of humor you know
Nikolai: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Price: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Nikolai: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Price: Isn't that just killing people?
Nikolai: Ah, technicality.
Nikolai: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
Price: Twelve, actually.
Nikolai: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
Price: Yours!
Nikolai: That's right: no one's.
Nikolai: I made tea.
Price: I don’t want tea.
Nikolai: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Price: Then why are you telling me?
Nikolai: It is a conversation starter.
Price: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Nikolai: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Gaz: Why are you on the floor?
Price: I'm depressed.
Price: Also I was stabbed, can you get Nikolai, please.
Nikolai: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Price: The car takes a screenshot.
Gaz: For the last time, get the fuck out.
*Nikolai and Price sitting in jail together*
Price: So who should we call?
Nikolai: I’d call Gaz, but I feel safer in jail...so I'm going to call kate-
Price: good call-
Nikolai: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Price: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Gaz: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Laswell: Just be yourself.
Price: 'Be myself'? Kate, I have one day to win Nikolai over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Soap: Couple weeks.
Gaz: Six months.
Ghost: Jury’s still out.
Price: See, Kate?
Price: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?
Nikolai: We need to distract these guys
Price: Leave it to me
Price: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Gaz, Soap, and Laswell: *Immediately begin arguing*
Ghost, watching in horror: Oh, this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
'Can I copy the homework?'
Nikolai: I can help you with it!
Price: Yeah, sure.
Gaz: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Soap: lol nope.
Laswell: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Ghost: *Read 5:55pm*
Nikolai: Croissants: dropped
Price: Road: works ahead
Gaz: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Soap: Shavacado: fre
Laswell: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Ghost, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that, and I hate every single one of you.
Alejandro: I prevented a murder today.
Rudy: Really? How’d you do that?
Alejandro: self control.
Alejandro: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming
Ghost: my dad would argue yes.
Soap: yes
Gaz: if you wanna see it that way, sure
Rudy: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
Alejandro: I was thinking I'd do some magic-
Rudy: You? Magic? Alejandro, it says talent show.
Alejandro: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Rudy?
Rudy: … No.
Valeria: I do!
Alejandro: I know, Valeria.
Valeria: I’m El Sin Nombre!
Alejandro: I know, Valeria.
Alejandro: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Rudy: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Valeria: Smad.
Store Worker: Would a Mr. Rudy please come to the front desk?
Rudy, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Alejandro and Valeria
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Alejandro and Valeria, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Rudy: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me
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bloomingdog · 5 months
word count: 2.7k a/n: hii i'm going through a depressive episode and this is my fic about soap with a depressed reader cos he's my babygirl. might expand on them idk i love soap i wanna keep writing for him
Johnny is a friend of Kyle’s, and Kyle is a friend of Farah, who is your friend. And Johnny, or Soap, is here because Kyle invited him since he had “nothing better to do”. And it’s alright, he’s fun and a little loud, he talks over people but always apologises. You were a little nervous to meet him, having been promised a get-together with people you were already well-acquaintances with, but the tears in your eyes, from laughing, that is, dismiss all previous nerves.
“And then he-” He’s cut off by his own wheeze, it’s been going for a couple of minutes; him and Kyle trying to retell a story about their captain, but they keep getting interrupted by their own laughter. You don’t think it’s that funny, if anything their reactions are the thing that make you all go into hysterics. It’s hard to feel sorry for all the other patrons. 
You feel drunker than you really are, save for Farah, you only had two to three beers each. It’s the kind of silly drunkenness induced by being with friends. The forgotten UNO cards on top of the table shake as Johnny’s fist hits the table trying to catch his breath.
And the pub’s playlist keeps playing every top #1 hit from the last 20 years. And at some point you’re all performing a rendition of smash hit “500 miles”. And you’re getting giggly with sleep. And Farah’s driving you home. And she’s asking you about Johnny, which makes you giggly all over. And she’s telling you he’s single. 
And then it’s morning. And there’s a message from an unknown phone number.
“Hey. This is Johnny. 
Just wanted to let you know I had a blast last night, loved meeting you :-)” 
It makes you smile trying to figure out what to write back. Why is it so hard to sound nonchalant while also a little interested in getting to know him? 
“So did I!
Haven’t laughed that hard in a while lol”
That’s cool, right? It’s half a good response at the very least, since you get a response back.
“Wanna meet sometime?”
Oh, that’s good. At best, you get a little attention and maybe a lay, at worst you get a new friend. You keep texting throughout the day, you two fit like a puzzle piece: talkative, extroverted and active. He sends you a picture of a squirrel he saw earlier on his morning run, you send him a picture of your cat back with the caption “my asshole son” to which he replies “don’t be mean to him”. Those little interactions keep getting exchanged. On Monday, you send him a fun fact about a shark that had a virgin birth. Tuesday, he’s telling you about his fear of dogs. Wednesday is the perfect occasion for a picture of your cat, Gus, sleeping in a funny position. Thursday, your phone pings with a string of texts ranting about Glasgow City. Friday you’re texting Johnny that you’re at the restaurant you’re meeting at, a hole-in-the-wall that mastered the art of oily food and crispy chips, he replies he’s running late.
“I’m so sorry for making you wait.” Is out of his mouth before any greeting. “Are ye hungry?” It’s more a conversation starter than an actual question.
“It’s okay! No worries.” You’re just happy to be hanging out, not bothered by his tardiness. 
The two of you sit and chat, you learn he has a tattoo of a revolver but won’t say where. He laughs at the face you make while imagining where it would be. “Don’t be dirty!” He chastises, it’s within the law that you steal one of his chips as payment for the teasing. You ask where does Soap come from.
“A’m good at cleaning.” It’s a short answer that explains enough, you’re not keen on pushing the topic any further. Luckily, he changes the topic rather quickly, it looks like he’s not a big fan of silences. “Tell me aboot Gus. How’d you get him?” 
“A colleague’s cat had kittens, she was trying to find them homes, Gus was the only one left, runt of the litter you know?” He nods, listening, interested in what you have to say. “Kept pushing and showing me pictures of the guy until I caved. When I took him home he wouldn’t stop screaming, I think he might be part siamese, they’re really vocal. So, he kept me up all night, I thought he was sick or something, I even took him to the emergency vet, turns out he’s just a dickhead.” He smiles at the insult. “A very cute one, though.” You add, it’s hard not to love him even if he wakes you up at 6 a.m. on the dot.
 “Can I meet him someday?” he might if you’re lucky enough.
You might as well thank every saint, divinity, and omnipotent being for your luck tonight. He accompanies you home, only because “he’s a gentleman”, according to him. The kind of gentleman that kisses you dizzy and gets invited into your flat.
You text Farah about the events of the evening before falling asleep, it’s not kiss and tell if she’s your best friend. And in the early morning you’re both woken up by an angry Gus, whose side of the bed has been stolen by a guy that almost doesn’t fit in it. You’re cuddled on his side, one leg over his.
“Gus-Gus….” It’s a groggy mumble of displeasure, you know he only wants to be beside you, but the hour doesn’t help your mood. Still, you move away from Johnny so he can jump onto your chest for cuddles.
“He does skirl alright.” That morning voice might actually be the death of you.
“Told you. He’s an asshole.” A breathy laugh makes his bare chest move as he turns to face you.
“He’s real cute though.”
“Are you not tired?” The early morning light peeks through your window, the sun isn’t even out yet and you can’t imagine anyone that is appreciative of being woken up so early.
“Naw, no’ really. ‘M used to it.” 
It feels weird, good weird, to have him in your bed like that. Barely a week since you met, and he feels so close, more like a friend than a one-night stand, more than a friends-with-benefits. He checks the time on his phone before speaking again.
“Ye want breakfast?” Your eyes are closed again, hugging Gus close to your chest, hand moving up and down his fur but not doing much to pet him. His call of your name is answered by a groan, it makes him chuckle. He scoots closer to you, you can feel his arm coming up for Gus to sniff and the cat readjusts himself so his head is closer to Johnny’s. “Hi”.
Oh but the warmth dissipating from his body is to much, that and the soft noise of Gus’ purr drives you to fall asleep again. You only half dream, a mixture of images that won’t make any sense once you’re awake again, which happens rather soon as the bed adjusts and you feel a hand run through your hair. 
“Can I make tea?” His voice sounds softer than earlier, you nod, opening your eyes just a smidge to look up at him.
“Biscuits in the cupboard…”That’s as much as you can muster now. “Wake me up when it's done?”
He left with Gus following behind, but you can’t seem to fall asleep again. That was…rather intimate. Your stomach feels hot and your chest tighter. Shooting your eyes open you’re quick to grab your phone again, Farah replied an hour ago.
“Wooo! Good for you”
“You’re gonna have to tell me everything about it btw”
“How pathetic is it to have a crush on your one night stand?”
Oh you don’t like that, calling him a one night stand, feels too impersonal, rude almost.
You’re getting out of bed, into your restroom and to the kitchen. 
“Good morning” He leans against the kitchen counter where your meds are,he’s looking at his phone waiting for the kettle to boil, clad in his boxers from last night, hair a mess and body soft under the morning light. Even though it’s the same body it feels so different from last night, scars, bigger and small, litter his body, it’s muscular and soft at the same time, big pecs a tad too inviting and a tattoo on his forearm. Reaching for the pills would mean standing next to him, probably brushing against—no, touching him, and that makes you nervous. Oh. You’re embarrassingly down bad. 
He stayed the entire weekend, Friday through Sunday. Next week it was picnic and football. You’re convinced any major team would be jealous of your 1-person teams and 5 meter field. He’s good, but you’re full of fear as he chases you for the ball, it’s the predator-prey kinda adrenaline that makes you score. 
“Offside! Offside!”
“What do you mean offside? There’s no one I can pass the ball to!” In fact, there’s not even a goal. You grab the ball and go back to him, looking straight into his eyes in fake defiance. 
“Talking back to the referee? That’s a red card.” He looks so handsome like this, standing tall and unmovable, even if only joking, and you let him know via a quick kiss to his lips. He’s pulling you back to his lips not even half a second after, deep and slow, giggly. “Bribin’ me, huh?” You let out a soft, happy, sigh and kiss him again.
“Wanna go home?”
You tell Farah everything over a cup of tea and a piece of cake, of course. And she laughs at you, not in a mean way at all, only friendly and amused, still you hit her arm.
And the following week it’s film night. This one’s more spontaneous than the others, it’s been a tough week at work, you want a quiet evening and some company so you ask him if he wants to come hang out, he replies saying that he’ll be there in 30.
It’s the two of you, your favourite take out, Gus-Gus sitting on the back of the sofa and Fargo on the TV. He’s not paying as much attention to the film as he is to you.
“What?” You say, turning to look at him.
“Ye’r a beauty.” You smile shyly and kick him on the leg with your foot slightly. “A’m serious. I like you a lot.” A big smile grows on your face, and it’s enough confirmation for him to know you feel the same.
Or at least he thought so. There are no plans for this weekend, not for lack of trying, that is, Soap’s been trying to text you all week, it’s a big shift from your daily texting. He misses the little life updates you send him. Tuesday, he thought you might just be busy. Wednesday he stops trying to contact you, did he do something wrong? Went too fast? Are you ghosting him? What did he do that was worth the silent treatment? Thursday, he tries calling you, multiple times. Friday all rational thoughts have left his brain, did something happen to you? Are you okay? Christ, what if you’re dead? He texts Farah, swallowing his embarrassment.
“She’s okay, I think.”
“Going through a bit of a depression episode at the moment.”
“She’s going recluse, I know she wouldn’t mind a bit of help.”
“I have a spare key to her flat if you want to come get it.”
The string of texts floats around his mind, spare key in hand in front of your front door. He’s been inside before, but he was invited in, this feels invasive, but Farah trusted him, and she knew you best. He sent you a message before showing up, the last bit of chivalry he can offer before showing up in your home, it went through, and he hoped you read it even if you didn’t reply. 
He calls your name upon entering, no response. Gus comes running up to him to headbutt his legs and meow, a quick look lets him know his water bowl is clean and automatic feeder full, that’s a good sign. His voice trembles as he calls for you again. 
“You know where she is?” Great, now he’s speaking to the cat, and he meows in response, great, an actual conversation with a cat. Gus takes off and squeezes himself into a room with the door ajar, your bedroom. He knocks before entering, not expecting a response. The room is dark except for the light coming from your laptop, empty and half-full glasses taking up most of the space on your desk, chair full of unfolded clothes and a doughnut of blankets on the bed.
“Go away.” The doughnut speaks. His heart breaks at the sad, much softer than usual tone of your voice.
“Love.” The pet name slips from his lips, he notices but doesn’t attempt to correct himself. He walks closer until he’s sitting next to you. “Can I help you?” 
You shake your head no, or what’s visible of it. “Go away, I stink.” He chuckles.
“That’s fine, smell better than the lads in base.” It’s a pathetic attempt at humour, you still shake your head no.
“You don’t have to do anything.” You don’t sound sad or angry like he thought you might, it’s emotionless, almost like an automatic generated response.
“But I want to. Want tae tak’ care o ye” He wants to make everything better, wants to fix everything, wants you happy and energetic and smiling. It’s silly how much he cares for you after barely a month of knowing eachother, scary now that he’s admitting it out loud. He pulls down the blankets for a full view of your face, his hand goes to your hair, it’s tangled, he’s careful not to pull on it. “Am gunna run you a bath.” It’s not a question, you laugh slightly and he smiles, realising what he said. “Didny mean it like that, c’mon.” 
He helps you up from the bed and into the restroom. From your seat ion the toilet, you observe the way he turns on the tap and rummages through your cabinet, trying to find something to put in the water, you assume. “The orange bar in the back.” He halts, looks for a second and comes up with it, he leaves it on the sink while he turns off the water, you grab the bar and crumble a bit of it into the tub. He looks at you and gets up, you take it as your cue to undress and get in. Johnny comes back with a change of pyjamas and underwear and leaves again. You can hear him moving around and making noise, talking to the cat in occasion, while you clean yourself, when he comes back it’s to put your dirty laundry in the hamper. You don’t know why that’s the thing that makes you break and start crying. As soon as he notices, he’s on his knees next to you, softly caressing your cheeks and moving your damp hair away from your face.
“Whit’s wrong?” 
“I don’t want you to do this.” Is no reply to his question. “I don’t want you to have to do this.”
“M’eudail.” He starts. “It’s okay.”
“No it’s not!” You look up at him” I’m so sad all the fucking time and I don’t want you to have to deal with that, it’s not fair to you, you know? I don’t want you to have to take care of me or put up with me.”
“But what if I want to? Wanna take care of you, wanna put up with you.” You shake your head no, looking back down.
“Johnny, I’m so much. I get so clingy and stupid.” 
“That’s fine by me.” There’s no deterring him. He lifts your head up by your chin to kiss your forehead, bright blue eyes staring at you. 
And you realise how ridiculous this is. You’re crying in the bathtub, your friend-situationship is on his knees next to you, again, crying in the bathtub. You let out a sigh and nod.
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romanticlcver · 6 months
closed starter for @ameliiorate
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she had agreed to 'date' him for a bit of fun, but miyoung couldn't have expected what fake dating malachi would actually be like. dating for the sake of his nosy sister was something that miyoung had underestimated: until they ran into each other again and farah was suddenly inviting her to a family gathering. it's something that both she and malachi had agreed not having to rush. their only goal is to fool farah, and they can do that well enough at the coffee shop. apparently farah has other plans. maybe she should have checked with malachi before appearing, but she thinks it will be more amusing to surprise him. amusement is the only thing she's getting out of their deal, after all. she floats through the space without stopping to speak to anyone until she reaches malachi, her expression calm...aside from the slight glimmer in her eye. "your sister invited me," she explains. "i thought it would be weird if i didn't come. it's already weird that you didn't invite me yourself. she said that you're rude like that, so our cover isn't blown just yet."
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To Her Relief [Farah]
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Farah turned, fire in her eyes. "I'm sorry?" Even with the lewd comments, she was polite to a fault. She couldn't help it. Before she could find the words--any words--to say something more, someone stepped between her and the man accosting her, much to her relief.
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ameliiorate · 7 months
☀︎ — random starter #3 for @romanticlcver
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She's alone. Of course she's been left alone again. Seonho hadn't planned to come to the party at all, but after an Uber ride had left him drop off someone at the spot, it had almost felt like a sign that he should come in. He allows himself one beer, not wanting to become too intoxicated that he can't safely drive home, cracking the can open as he sits down. "Hey you," he greets Farah with a smile, bumping his foot against hers affectionately. "You having fun?" He shouldn't make any assumptions, the edges of his lips tight as he glances around. "Where's...?" His voice trails, implying that he's wondering where her boyfriend might have run off to.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
What’s are their favorite drinks?
I may be a borderline alcoholic, but I shockingly don’t know that many cocktails, so these are boring ass drinks
Soap: Dr Pepper
Ghost: Hot tea, doesn’t matter what kind
Rodolfo: Pibb, he and Soap have a fight over it like once a week
Alejandro: Coffee, has to have several cups a day to survive
Price: Coke
Gaz: Pepsi, another argument starter
Graves: Sweet tea
Valeria: Homemade lemonade in fancy glasses
Farah: Coke, she and Price gang up on Gaz to defend it
Alex: Pepsi, stays out of the battle
Laswell: Also a coffee addict
Roach: Sprite
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unbeleveable-archive · 5 months
@alyafae gets a random ghostie silrah au starter
The waiting was more agonizing than her death had been.
Transparent fingers picked at non-existent cuticles as Farah paced the castle floors, trying not to think too much about what Saul was doing right now. A task that she failed at miserably as she had nothing better to do with her time than dwell.
He had managed to convince her that he was only going on the blind date to appease the friend who had set it up for him. That Saul wasn't going to enjoy himself in the slightest like he swore, Farah wasn't as convinced of. He may not intend to; he may even actively try not to, but there was bound to be something appealing about a woman of flesh and bone in contrast to, well, her.
It had been a mistake letting herself fall for him. They could never really be together as long as the barrier between life and death separated them and sooner or later Saul would surely tire of the limitations. He would move on and it would be a mercy for him to abandon his inheritance as Farah would rather go back to being alone than having to watch him be with someone else. Even if the heartbreak couldn't kill her, it could certainly drive her mad.
When she eventually heard the heavy front doors opening and Saul's voice calling for her, Farah hesitated for a moment. Did she dare go and confront the truth? Could she handle standing there while he tried to pretend the evening had meant nothing and they could continue on as they had been? She wasn't sure, but when he called for her again, this time with a note of concern in his voice, she knew she had to.
A forced smile was fixed on Farah's face as she materialized in the foyer. "You're back," she acknowledged, clasping her hands together in front of her.
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unbeleveable · 3 months
@alyafae gets mind-wiped Farah starter
It was the only life she knew; the only life she believed she had ever known. A life void of warfare, monstrous beasts, secrets, and magic. And void of so much more that Farah didn't even have an inkling of. Five decades of memories uprooted from her mind and replaced by false ones, her magic bound, by a convoluted spell that would be nigh impossible to break. Rosalind hadn't taken any chances, however, depositing Farah in a corner of the First World where the odds of anyone ever finding her were not in their favor.
And so for a year, and then for half another, the former headmistress of Alfea College for Fairies lived in blissful ignorance. Her days were spent teaching at a local primary school and then coming home to her small house with grocery bags tucked under her arms. Neighbors would sometimes hear her humming to herself as she hung up laundry to dry in the yard. Standing on her bare feet in the grass, golden ponytail swaying in the breeze, Farah was content.
At least until the day Saul found her.
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oflowtides · 1 year
open starter for @nottinghillstarters location: bluebird cafe
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"I don't know," Farah mused, pushing her food around a little with her fork. "I've been thinking about moving here permanently. My biggest concern is that I've never had to... find a job or get an apartment or anything on my own. My parents always handled that. So maybe it's a stupid, spur of the moment thought."
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