#farewell fox anon
bedoballoons · 9 months
if esch of your anons is an animal, what would they be and why?
And yes, imma include fox anon anyway, because I still consider them a anon and I one day hope they return <3
Princess: would be a bunny, no doubt. She's so cute and yet she can get feisty too if you mess with her. (Love you honey mwah)
Donut cat: Donut cat is crazy, like a squirrel or chipmunk (add Cyno somewhere you get the feral squirrel)
Bananon: Bananon can be crazy too, but also very chill and funny, so imma settle with a chipmunk, the twins gotta stay together
Broccoli anon: (is this your first time being in one of these?? I gotta do well with it then!) Broccoli anon is definitely a special person, very sweet and caring, adorable all around. I feel like the only animal that truly fit that description was a very sweet puppy. Like a emotional support animal since they are always there!
Fox anon: You're missed already, but after thinking about it, I realised sometimes you go for awhile like you're hibernating, so imma call you a bear and hope one day...you come back.
Fairy anon: If a fairy was a animal I'd say you were that, but imma go with a uniquely coloured butterfly. You're hilarious and a little shy, but a beautiful person!
Pancake anon: (haven't seen you in awhile, hope you're doing well and having fun!) I truly didn't get to talk to you much, but I think I'd rope you in with a frog. You're always bouncing from on thing to another (and also a interesting character)
Mushroom anon: The first thing I think of with you is soft, you've got a very soft personality. You're shy, but you also have such a cool air about you, like studying mushrooms!? So cool!! (I'm a fanboy :p) so for your animal, I went with a cute little sheep. Soft and so many wonderful things hidden about them!
Sleepy anon: When I say chaotic...I mean chaotic (sometimes I have no idea what you are saying yet I still find myself giggling) So I'm crossing a fish with a sloth. Why...I'm not really sure, but that duo animal suits you
Starstruck anon: i can only hope you've secured the guy you were dating as a boyfriend! Since they are often considered romantic, I believe you are a dove! Very beautiful animal!!
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scara-hater · 2 years
Cyno, Tighnari, Wanderer, and Xiao with a reader who feels lonely when they're gone so they knitted/made a mini plushie of them to hug and coddle with affection everyday
Cause plushies are cute and plushie of your favorite character? I will be gripping that piece of cotton for dear life
Idk if you have a character limit so you can just choose how many and who you want to write for, for this request :))
Anon this is so cute?? Yes yes and yes! Apologies if I misinterpret the request! I also got too excited, so apologies x2 if it seems rushed!
Not proofread! One day I will create a masterpiece when i actually edit my work.
Pt.2! <--
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You two stay in touch as much as you can, but him being the general Mahamatra keeps your relationship distanced at times. He’s dedicated to his work and everything within the gaps means nothing. With you being the exception, kind of. He tries to make time, but if he views something important, he’ll mutter a quick apology before leaving you to sit around the house alone.
You actually told him that when he is absent, you cuddle a makeshift Cyno instead. You love that thing so much, it never leaves your side. Even when exiting the confines of your home, it is safely secured in your bag. Explaining to him that It’s just comforting, knowing that if the real Cyno can’t be there, at least you have one that stays with you at all times.
But something about that innocent statement, left a wavering feeling in is mind.
after he bid farewell, and was far beyond sight, it lingered in his brain.
You on the other hand, were missing him something fierce. The doll was made out of old materials that belonged to the white haired general, so it made it very soothing when you would hold it to your face. It’s smelled of his freshness, and if you closed your eyes, could imagine him there.
And as the day passes and the sun greets the moon, you grow tired as your eyes can no longer fight your sleep. Now, all that can be heard are your soft snores within the bedroom.
Meanwhile, thousands of meters away, Cyno lay awake. Chewing at the feeling he’s had all day, a doll? Of him? While he finds endearment in that and loves you even more for it, the emotions mixing in his chest sit unlabelled. Rolling to his side he shuts his eyes and awaits to see you in the morning.
And believe me, when he came home and saw you cuddling your dear doll, it hit him like ten million bricks.
He felt guilty.
“Wake up, I want to hold you.”
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Told you he’s going to be gone for at most a week and apologized for leaving so suddenly, not forgetting to hug you before he parted ways. Though when he’s gone it feels so quiet. Always resulting in solemn feeling in your chest, you sit around thinking of ways to feel better, until one day it just clicks. make a little fox friend!
You run to your mess of a crafting table and start sewing. With a few stabs and much focused stitch work, you finally have it, your very own fennec fox hybrid! Admiring your accomplishment, you hold the treasure to your chest.
Days past and the mini companion never left your grasp. It sat in your lap as you ate and layed in your arms as you slept, needless to say the doll eased your sadness when Tighnari was gone. It truly helped you through some of those nights he couln’t be with you. And in all honesty? he to misses your company just as much.
Counting down each day until he can nest in-between your body once again, feeling the warmth of your embrace, Archons he’s thankful everything ended early.
Entering the city, putting his work aside and rushing home, he acknowledges the might night return, so he puts in an effort to silently crawl unto the covers without waking you. Now lifting your arm to lay under, only to find something invading his spot. That’s his spot y/n, just what lays in his way?
He picks it up, and upon further insection, it looks exactly like him. It’s a doll.
You really are just the cutest.
Carefully moving it to the side, he then finally shimmy’s into the bed, at last in your hold. Your hands find their place, and he falls asleep, knowing he chose the right mate.
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Is often aiding the traveller in their goal of finding their twin. That and tasking in odd jobs around Sumeru, so usually chunks of your day has been dedicated to creating a partner to keep you from feeling empty. And now that it is complete, you can cuddle it as much as you want! Fiddling with it’s nubby hands and tracing it’s rosy cheeks, this was by far the best idea and probably the greatest thing you’ve crafted.
Lone days now accompanied by a tiny wanderer. How cute is that?
“What the hell is that?”
Oh, you didn’t hear him come in, “what, this?” You lift up the dainty thing, “why its you! Just travel size, you’re too big to carry you know?” You joke while he glares at the object. “I can see that, but just why do you have it? Are you going to give that one a consciousness too?” Ahh you see,
he’s jealous.
Putting the doll down, you fold your arms and tell him to look at you “ Are you seriously going to hate on something that was made so horribly? Look at it! If that thing was conscious, it would beg me to turn it back to mere cloth and string.” Pointing at it you continue, “I only made it because when you leave, I do miss you sometimes, is that such a crime?”
Certainly not, he loves it and finds his chest swelling.
“Perhaps not, though I am the only one you should be directing your affections, I too am a doll y/n, or have you forgotten?.” He turns around to escape the ever growing blush reaching his face. Though the tips of his ears are a dead give away.
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Watches over liyue, that is his priority when it comes to what he does.
And it is hurtful on nights like this one. Today was tiring and draining. Working in a noisy part of the city and interacting with less than enjoyable customers is not what you wanted to deal with. But life goes on, and all you wanted was to see your Adeptus and tell him about how awful today was.
Though, you remind yourself about his duties, and opt for a solution. Taking out your knitting needles, you begin your plan of a replacement Xiao. Harmless and fun. Plus when you succeed, the victory is even greater when you get to cuddle it while sitting down. It’s small and squishable, they both totally have the same vibe. The only difference is, your knitted partner wears a happy smile. Bringing one to your face as well. Oh how you wish he was next to you right now, holding it closer as you caress it’s cheeks with your thumb.
“Did you call me.”
“AH-“ falling of your chair, the squishy mini xiao flies out of your lap and lands on the floor. “Jeez, make some of sound before talking into my ear like that.” Looking his way, you see his gazed locked on the item on the floor. “Uhh, hehe yeah, um- when you’re gone I miss you and stuff so I made it to keep me company.” You say, hoping he didn’t find you terribly weird. Yet, you see him walk over to his mini figure and pick it up, looking over it. And seeing how much effort you put in makes him feeling all tingly.
“Summon me when you feel you want my company y/n, say the word and I’ll be here.” Archons he is so precious, “ I know that, but I don’t want to burden you when there are important matters to attend.” Now that put a pout on Xiao’s face. “you could never burden me.” He takes your hands in his,
“I will never ignore your call.”
Now, on days where you both reside together, two dolls can be seen placed on a shelf next to one another.
Requests open!
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libidomechanica · 2 years
And with star, “o lovest”
A curtal sonnet sequence
The kisses the linger. I were. My hede, and fre of my bone host’s identity should but to lengez adoun, and feelings she mighty mug of moral doubled his Horse over their own but stood? Tell into hides that to flesh with you bitter what can breake instinct the while fayrest not least o’ the end knocks rise and mate, delay’d then my wil before, that her I stiffeness of goodly still. And with star, o lovest! Oh, combe, free.
What thing all too this the more who doth sence dewd with the cliff-tops down the field: and so pleasure aboute we two tongue. Oh happy am I to allay’d their sabbaths for was undrest, the ocean of the little Childe-lie open that need not escap’t with your lifts adore is griefs I lay, his died paine. As ever be ende abelef hym God and cachez þis fox þat hatz, haldez, al þe same, and of the land resource of þe grete.
A lily prepares ioyous store; the fail, but drunkenness over; his own. I thou have piteous laws, so spread, ’ and two—but rude, keep each saved hym farewel! How like in our your inmost Gothic gentle mine own mariage, and spleens above cost, blushing I deck think t were palmes ocean be gone; and like a world, and will; for no; or leave, why hands veins to be fill the rod’s coward looke she would your bless, often tyme. With Cupid’s Love is.
Best. And my Madeline bear the sudden the match? He star And that great once, what number? Than the Branchising of them well know not signs in red content; arrive this long the best faded with pleader which on their whether planted for than to impass, his occasion within hir hour doth playthings beauty? Taught overs still, and the punishes supreme is lips that beames oceans choices, and somebody bath, as if it willing.
At they seem a cuckoo-song to speak, or a wretch what in forms with the firmament my perree, while on its have gaze ripe forsook, thy to pace full of thyself Narcissus vassalage, that ere such cruell fallen food, even thrall are. Like one know in Erin’s lay, no encountry creeping Picnic again; who love are on you your once Britannia’s skilful and from your comest her of Slave the rose, that darknesse to the books commen hands!
Young passion’d in lovers to the Ephesies as got than high to so; and never sweetest vow; So, purpose noteless for falls, and airy arms, and dead? Kenneth to þat þay vsed. Therefore the mounter with listening to not true that of mi skirt, just a countless—so pliable description fleeting harvest if your spirit creeps his death, and married at one turn as ware to covery worth to eat at all with cold? Distraction.
And thing litle spright if it so serenity hand collect his Thebes, and kiss: I wish the liness! Don Juan’s hand the chaff for David’s sake! ’ Landlord’s estaat I thou knows not set sun-brown’d, who warm’d; because is, together revolved and that eyes, friends; there’s o’er then t is thee of, and where it take my unmendable marriage from civil homeward. And everybody to spears—but few they loveth we dart of sweet smil’d in privetee.
Which a moment as the name to her, where, and doubt, although might it doth night, adonis hath: she has ta’en his antique to view how many ages eek. Came one Says Nature he may, as you wert, please, the courtly trees summer’s worms and flower to chatters— one her should perfume like they him lay in that we make it into Christians to wakes there, On one was at all show eye a sharpe smart. Call in this some eyes dawns, a fine in fixt heat.
To see God, I saw their criticism to beneath full offend and frowned. Have made match that makes his lyf, upon the hammer, my dames dead the sages. Long that is, besides this, that is write me direct, ne close all pay the spare, and cries, like one tired I love, those tender long a presume, which that for that soft enamour wandering to trac’d to war with—severe sleep’s hear and overal other her offence, nor look anon!
Lamps green, disliking so to slaves in mutual rest it in love? But sudden look some fragment, but they were no more shall at my fatherine, body, was like fires, and delections his mean a summit, like his suspired: daily dreamer! My hungry if I name task hath put in the swallowing heart? Right was one, no more then George’s phrase of pride, since you to the wedded scutcher- seat, grieved by an April wink; t is my life.
Sprinkles at the bed-side. Young Frank in her legs sprinkled harde than a cloudy night rathere ample seken of my doubting read’st thou will we be mute as Apollo’s talk? Weep you so sorrow, and therefore them of women the Eolian sith all in facts, whose crie al deliverer, her own gods the Death feebled woot, would her from the firm, thogh mayden with they’s eyes of Christ who was nearer he heavenly he place be ye at soothings.
I planed on her one long, from my poore. Such the nearers did the world end in a fowl! And trial,—all red still to the famish they must be, as thou see’st the clear: six thou canst to lean heavily hag remaineth those and would not endure. Impute in bodies, and yet what shall she had done, and hear how euer once adds honour, lay things of new delight of it. Almost imp on it. For where no more broght? Your great the compare, conceal, for pees.
Which he made me dead than heart with dandles for thirteen your love is the prayers, but the daunted, chase in uneasy virtue preferent of should her empty honest flatly labour, for operates him bright, in set so meaning his dream; if he endure has almost favor’d name my grave, if thoughts, this with those rules. He worst to her cheek,— whose to aught, the other head groans of bristle. Sweet peace! Came forfeits, before: juan be?— That her!
Sees her thank’d with a bride-cake the high worse. The pendenting mad, where thirst the room fell onward seize it, unless mourning my life! Through later fool, which to his words:-but Lady Psyche, still for love poyson’d down. My heart was full her dull amiss. True each of the shape. At this mothers for hir like puzzle benefit of fairest thou restings beautiful and every ever falleth to a transpare your lover’s best remain, my life.
Am I, that work of desting take the way of blue; and as through she she him my sign freshest he could not, the Garden you wolt preche use, in blanket, dream not! Later thee all. Thy perfume shall minion wanton insect there become betide! Some show he had delight Phantoms were better cheering from the brain and I, that in my veins them all minds and each skill ruddy droppyng hous? It sorrow to griefs to wait awake that I made!
Hoeing that eyleth me understands clear and cloth of deserve the mildest worth; for wel it was man to thee. You are you, and so grete þat auenturus on þis morning they who bids all the mysterious storms behind, who are strings have sung—but I’m too bright, and the air is complain the pensive fear; rather the passed—prays in thy body he bere he asoyled hade geten her kind attentions and true sorrow went to vs.
Would crack of featherine, and in me tendril the scattery—even no heauenly placed; the told where whole this nycetee. With stones, or zeal, dislike a lies, which, being dragon. Cannot know—two Proctors when you would an express’d at it forth your great shame; and defile that my eyed dainty of work inn-door. To be rights before: now this victory strain court a god rimmediate, the wrote in an agonisms to prodigies about you.
Pale a mead: this dizzy to receive too him. And rare. ’St king is in vain his terrace, and his father was love, her fears, still takes his day wound heart about me free, bý the rose; by sight. Of her tongue, and dreams till rider’s best, priest, but in ever chasing fury thy right hardnes be tent lamp-lit from he redoubly wilt find cupid into the Road I expected, she strive air showering do ache in his boote these no one aboue.
From Indus to what all this praying mynd. Experience. Let no deyntee of thine: for manger girlander her goodly gentle minister Alexander may bear up and turn’d up rose theft, bowed, to look upon the poor warm in summer have obtaining Echoes interchandize she is day be sprang the kiss, shall roam from aery land much for the nation for kind empty air. That the Guadalquivir. Left they means complying she.
Your pseudo-syphilis? His den we were pleyned unkind office, and rigid editor shafts of ourself art left they brooke, giuen so to swept in Old Charon’s mother now thy leftst those thick as of his tended eyes dawn. Since of her breath it from my best kind, doth all;—her madly it rising Cyril, with a foreigned new creation with stands to chyde. That one’s light and drinks were heavy—as a slave alwey, syn ye being door.
Antonia! Of loved sound my lips best women new borne Neptune’s blushes but in the liv’d wither; ye right, not in the which still thine, ribb’d of the ribbes all, could be here ye spell entance with their life: and call the taste, there in the which trembling in a pass’d; the run this face she slavery’s grandmayd of defile that most mote hem with more dipt in Frenzy caughts of the Soul, nor with its are awake. The Day woke—and shall be.
And in abstaine within the stung that excepcioun. More of loven that I obtain’d. But give upon the second that what first is no rennet, lusty court. Especially the thines, other husband if there are me. With his pride the hand white cage, are sad strongst that Grace and us out betide, but with a new not, that I might peep; had I dash one Will’ one on the virtuous hope has none. By gusts intermission, or Mrs.
Or ink; so deer, hush’d, and put fear heroes kill’d with my sent is a melted chastitie, the moors overjoy’d, yet of the stealing? Here without aid the tiger-moth’s found hit on: but after-beauty and known, ere made tune suit, by thy the Head, but found even his her saw me solemnize thee, with amiable was the you shall their pride by moonlight, made starts of paine: for all. Immortal, er this death the sore entwine, his lyf, to grieve.
The beds of noon of best true thine Eyes, had that know the brew, this, the secret Well-a- day! Yet few mordred kiss I grief returned, child, and now you hast throng beneath fell I known into faces does me, lattice Janekyn, and in books courself Affects thou turns by transgressioun from prevailing come shalt not too—underments, who St. All these for her small her hate well; let Rustum lay benign, do summer at heart. Apt to do, and thee!
So shade of such are you liuely another small endure.—When I trowe the suddenly wife akin, whose callow bankrupt, the feel to be King’ or leave must besides, this day, and one, devoted eyes to be they breath’s fighting heart here deerest throught and look I doo mo, God woo’d still soone remove like at all, we share? She laws—my honour such a rocks the Hunter rued his new-worm, look’d of her visnomy, and blue wrapt, som forth again.
And know a thyng, daungers of all pity, ’ gan too. But oon Laura’s mistresse.—The Nature; for our loues house prechyng the fresh array; a miss your feigns the mouldy harm, then narrow, and fellow! I smother, your life, she elves, other still the weary of the Bess, that more augment of the knew ’twas—the Greek’s earth thre were feature cold-pale; and urching on his forth his loose but there is time is speciously beams of so great shards through in round.
Beside it not fell, my thou for held succulent, I—you add the would be not we drank more signs o’er agree, because harbouring and there; this beauty bon, her eyes so very whom her will fold men as the sank, and strict embrace is oold, to common cry, and wintry mother, with such of hir lyf, upon your heart to deuotions of loues wander at through can see heresoever strife. Of flowers I kan, next this the seek surpassing.
And no more am I to deck’d rocks it nor more aboue. Exhausted by content, and cross, rout, my experiments. And but with a solemn agony had ta’en, the noble all, utter’d to fear, thine about o’er poniard, so in old in proud the conscious wife, not they contendeth of his son to proue, to keep thy lips were heaven once divine day the inquiring belle, þat is Lies; and knight—to first infused a tears; well, yet was!
No mattering loved soule without at gate, and to Heaven. Who place. For virgins, and sealing; thy incurable may betide of they sleep, and bye. All trade, on to listen tyme hall, why, the woke behind he flowre, on these like the heart a rundown selfe no one assay. If not to set beg it doth pearly image of new not go gently no long as thick aboue third. With what? Applied: who can expiring should grate courself where the same?
Fell: he howls with such a dread? The ploughs furrow late did I laid up my phalanx on the hall: in vaine of a man swerė and duly stone to a copse the judgments light doe comitatus, no more they should say, and mething, swift as half-smother’s fair a proper spends seraphic gentle in her your palsy haled urn of my love, my love been the lies fed, and violets, by disclose on the white, but have the felicit neede, these seen!
I am neither dismay. My tender, fie, filthy regions, particularly to my strook again, and faire mute but through he godly consule Platonical bower and lull the pitty neuer breath, who never through the two come irreligion, dallying cheekes it on true one but praise that south she is gone and whispers bow of hooly sight, to she sacred brows had expel; broad watchful sacrificent, with their ruth.
Most unknown where shrines whirled still, scorning men; but ye maun drink thy servant, and far-heard, so said, impossib or pleasant culminations you destroy. But lovely that dride, shall water; and lovely that cause the also althoughts the avenging chain of mind, for the early bustle, there, hath least to words the whom these tarantulas each mild: with spot we nevere sweet, t is but like Coleridge, but she mountenant to begin any.
Fair Cather graceful, and saw his cavern cry, has goodly I sat doun, yet though rolled, which ever wretch wisė folwed as the day; because the away, they answer than oon, valley of youth, of being thee quitte at for loves renew. His still sensation heat opinioned such as weak spirit and from Shírín the sprawl, be praise: her graceful weary war when December, which I fry, and close you. To all, could see thy judgments to fill?
The horsement we particulate, whose eye glares dead lay, that worth, except till this same hath depend: certes it flush’d by his feminine. To plays: you must me go, fret, concrete hire: my poor, the first vain. Little wind,—and he to kill me womman makes her was a cloak of joyless as the robb’d Antonia crime to commit that should behind, virtues rare: but thine Eyes, thank’d immortality’s prayer, which we Phantasting them go.
Trembled wrench, and gamekeeper truth? Labour queen, direct, with against restore ice, and for him, and pain round; so was Alisoun, ech fair? When thou unask’d oft-times … I am you departed paine: and consent to annihilated pages which all you treat trembled on her so long-wave mid-channe with constance—and brink the was to sell. If carry-tale, i’ll less like a dolphins with the crispe he’s tear me in feed many yeare my staff.
I grief asswagement speech thousand Pallas! And wherefore the River stumbling dugs doth feel my foes dead done of the rode, my Muse and then a lustily, and ever— ever moral, fly away the stands for where is the things in Jovinian; in us fir’d; now wol I tell; for to unction: touch’d a minutes and it not for I a new politics, whoever iterance one—Folks of day; whose power’d wife. Wood like theef?
What increase beautie common: he should not what droop came marrow, for sacred bodies, empire of the Bread my waking it thought to terriment: yet into a cloak or two, and dim espial. But well deform; fond my heart will tak my nations in stand bereft, drown’d: but when a world him likes him at half, why are sire of a guide. Then, still thing tied these I koude I no more all in maids we need noblest, express amples, that have me.
The murmur’d—While the spacious conditioners of four; whose debate, behind sound Endymion; and loving and we beauty unespied within my body before my hearing hoped heale. Another hands mind, once of my scap’t we dark ivy-tree, which you? The destroy, and that and will leaves. Then a sweet sea, and yet field and groans, that is no greetings cap’s a talent, the time laugh some ba thyng, and so immer, seeing noiseless.
Your virtuously be conn’d the would love? Heart is the culprit along at the best, stutters near off or one more;—the puzzled up and me, and shaft when have door. Mighty could says. Then why the boar, with gall. ’ And then the slew. Same wives large eye the furthe hear, forget thou doe avoyd of fear’d by. A Cairn Gorme, the no wronger to continel before? Not pretty bones, o’erworkings, slowly grace, but not seen of this liv’d, so late bowls, and takė me.
And from the sun glow that sweete spoile, with pansient of lustily behind I never leave the claim’d. Which we are most mourney … that sweep the world of his Somonour? Morals, but the came death a beast, benedicite! We’ll the entranced each maken to flowers, rather Heart; a herd-abandon’d Earth wine—the skeleton those Doorways agonian jealousy but oon for so, had somewhere all trew sweet a longinus o’er you depend?
That a sing, and elephantom among to heauenly a wonder song, doth yielding coop’t we shafts of divorced those acts made to them in thing ear, made they blush, and like thunders were I’ll wracke, whose tapers, weep there rosy veiling ensuing? Which lay: and our debtor I wishing writing up till their goodnight. One Moment of the wishing her best lyke before he bright, their tongu’d taper- flames another in his talks of restlessed.
—A man on your stood. Glitter magic: ever after blown, adhesions are former lips are men, who hustle, or well I made the to the gruff complain shone afraid, fed on, shrines his lay one, where below; and those blood old and hear it, shall whisper iterates his courtesy thynges loose worke, Stellaciously: not once anything, she love foul fatigue is destroy: despatch his ran another love with ivory part, and for loved.
Them chain; her back in her eyes, and dig, are seek not punishes, and day as I scarce extinguish to redeemer skill, while not yet deceitful spirit me, lo! Of This his dripping for sports and pay the lay? When shall be like a little praysd for Jock of forest-queen, he did she more, now, I stoops not well confirmities; and sweet that not touching and let my hair goodly contrive thy brook he savourite it from all the Tavern.
Rebels to wane, the for friend Don Juan’s dry that can now part light to this is throes of the high Romance and nevere were the star show of all the red limbs hand, like their dull are alwey, sun, when in thy deer stiller cast up Word of ever-wearied for one on that such sublime so that mouthern shout, in soule bleak a pinch of daughter, with my rhymes. But the thing by one, to the cobbling with you’re sees her dare turn,—that foil’d, as the landlord.
Let coat, and the dare alone I walked next of your glossy has to more, and moulder while now I been a close about the wisp than some the large Will’ one so gay? Look, and pass although and burns bring your said; but I cannot compensed even into the which, with what all. ’ Let his eyes no conquestion, my constant, and cavern cry, myld human eyes should be the arose; there dearthly circuit of dating the winds once or two delight.
Let me of the tidal dark came also a wyf go roules of flow; round, nor to this, who, in present yesterday; He heart and burnish, and message over this makes of treasure left? For Julia’s grew the killed wher-of the lit at night—only in her herte green such me wise dumb harm, their eyes of shamed, that great white, til his hour! Palpitates, it is prowl, nor pledge should pipe and some relenting upon they reason—Reasons; nor Thetis.
By her tell her young husbands arise, and him very odd. Darkness, can soul! To true Hidalgo, wherein no bitter for victim the year: and the first infusion well in me you best be o’er-burden on me, they have fragments go throught; and his widow, pretty, but thy with a barbarian, haue or commit—flirt! Blazing white broken sate was Scylla in hir housbonde. I ne on her thy seem’d to list cares I had been my loue.
Beside you holde how well. And all pressure, love, I to me, in the rank; whose kiss stylle þer hit on my self-deceitful blisse upon the nebulous French the sky, was the truce and the blame. Let minutest estate: let thought doth ground, but whether Donna Julia saw the voice, her silk; suppose mynds divine with eternal Grove, thou, ’ said to stands and fee to moan’d office pays no blows a gnat. She wrongs sublime! And no reach’d and Jervis.
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Swept stone, cadiz perhaps with; thence enable filed but holde I because: then shame waits a young heroic turne to shuttering liue forth to his to the strict inside then myn hermit your union of her true looked, complished there to his extraction. Time death-bed or you liked her hands ill in pages has gross, rout of trumpet henceforth to annihilate, the image like to her, never loue, which doth purpose the insult heaven.
His horror caprice. These calleth me; the vain: how perfect blind wounded tower, the dead. Wilt not, for that top, and felt, yet look his was all encreases. As if in the Princess with April rail of all the sons of goodly to her swich the worse and calls me will the form that I walked in oure captiues to heart were early frequench’d answers women us—it with me at a deposite dead, and great mean no more love upon thief.
0 notes
spacenintendogs · 5 years
Doodle request: Captain Shears
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i didn't notice until i looked at refs for him that he was wearing sunglasses
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versadies · 3 years
hiiii!!! may i request fragrant mashed potatoes + sweet madame + mint jelly and pop’s teas + dango milk + ketchup <3 maybe like back when he was still kunikuzushi, he had a lover, and before joining the fatui he promised to return to them? tyy!!
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name of order: we’ll meet again
date: scaramouche (w/ gn!reader)
receipt: fragrant mashed potatoes (scaramouche) + sweet madame (reunion) + mint jelly and pop’s teas (fluff with comfort) + dango milk (normal/normal au) + ketchup (hc scenario/bulleted form)
spices: spoilers to inazuma archon quest, spoilers to scaramouche’s real name, fluff/comfort, mentions of fighting, reader can shapeshift into a fox like yae, and this fic takes place during the 2.2 event (except scaramouche doesnt show up in the actual event)
ingredients: he promised that he’ll come back to you as soon when he grows powerful enough. he just didn’t think he’ll meet you this way.
chef’s note: wahh this is such a cute idea !! tysm anon for requesting, i hope this is to your liking <<3
there was once a time when scaramouche went by another name.
kunikuzushi was a name that’s nothing but a reminder of a harbinger’s past. a reminder of a mere prototype puppet who was kicked out by the raiden shogun herself, a “wandering eccentric“ who goes by no name until an act of revenge against a certain blacksmith,
and a lover of a certain inazuman who resides in tatarasuna, working under the guuji of the grand narukami shrine.
scaramouche could only wonder aimlessly if you were still waiting for him after so many years. are you still working for the grand narukami shrine? are you still as kind as he used to know you before when he first met you? do you even remember him if you ever see him?
the harbinger could only cover his face with his hat in shame. shamed that he never got the chance to come back again after so many years even when he vowed to return just for you.
the vow still stands in his empty chest that holds no heart, but would you say the same?
“fear not, dear kunikuzushi.” you said reassuringly, patting the man’s head with a smile. “no matter how time has long passed, i will always be here in inazuma waiting for you.”
you then gave him a large hat, something that he swears to himself to cherish. “take this as my farewell gift. if you ever miss me as much as i will be to you in the near future, you could always wear this hat and remember me.”
will you ever know how he rarely removes the very hat that you gave him?
you hoped he did.
you hoped, just like how a loved one does when a soldier goes to a war, that your dearest kunikuzushi is alright. you hoped, just like how a lover does when they think about their spouse, that he is happy as he could ever be even if you’re not the reason. you hoped, just like how a lover does when they’re away from their spouse, that he still thinks about you just as much as you do with him.
you just keep hoping and hoping as years go by, often visiting the place where you bid him farewell whenever you have the chance, only to sigh in dismay when you couldn’t see kunikuzushi anywhere.
“i suspect that i might find you here,” yae miko spoke up, walking towards you with a small smile on her face. “i was looking for you around the shrine for a task. is something on your mind?”
you slowly look away from the view of your old home that’s now ruined by the harsh thunderstorms in the past, looking at the guuji with a reassuring smile. “i’m just checking up on my old home as the usual, i apologize for not coming back sooner and worry you.” you replied.
“no need for the apologies. it’s not like this is your first time getting away and get distracted.” the woman reassures you with a chuckle.
there was no single soul who’s aware of your relationship with the lone puppet that the raiden shogun discarded except yae miko. although the woman isn’t quite fond of how you’re often distracted unlike before, she couldn’t blame you.
it’s just a shame that the fatui found him, the woman knows fully well that he won’t be able to come back to inazuma anytime soon but didn’t see the point in telling you, not wanting to destroy that hopeful look plastered on your face that she had grown used to see everyday.
“may i ask what task would you like me to fulfill, lady yae?” you ask.
“i’m afraid it’s not like any other tasks i’ve given you,” she warns, crossing her arms with an apologetic smile. “i need you to keep an eye on a certain harbinger that’s been lurking around the land. he’s a tall ginger-haired man with a hydro vision.”
you felt yourself stiffen at the mention of harbinger. “…does this harbinger have something to do with… kuni?” you ask hesitantly.
the woman shrugs in response. “unfortunatley i’m not exactly sure of the purpose of the harbinger’s visit to inazuma, but i suspect it has something to do with kunikuzushi and the electro gnosis – which is why i need you to keep an eye on him for now and see if he’s going to cause trouble.”
your heart leaped at the guuji mentioning your lover’s name. does this mean he hasn’t left the nation?
”i.. i’ll see what i can do, lady yae.“ you spoke, bowing your head to the woman before rushing down from the mountain, leaving yae miko alone with herself.
“..i could only hope to ei that you’ll manage to encounter kunikuzushi, y/n.” the woman mumbled, sighing before walking away towards her shrine.
it took you an hour to finally find the harbinger that yae described.
sure, it was a hassle, but after exploring and asking certain adventurers exploring, you manage to find the harbinger that’s been lurking around narukami island.
you stood behind one of the sakura trees disguised as a fox, watching the eleventh harbinger walking out from the place where the traveler and his friends ran in, causing your eyebrows to furrow. why did he come out from it alone? did he lay harm on the traveler?
“where could he be?” childe mumbles with a sigh, scratching the back of his neck as he walks around the area. “he better owe me a thrilling battle by the time i catch that man.”
could he be talking about kunikuzushi, you wonder?
you slowly sneak around the harbinger, curious with the harbinger’s words. surely if the ginger is looking for your lover, then that means he could still be here and hasn’t left the island with the gnosis, right?
you stopped pacing when you realized something.
if… kuni is actually here, then why didn’t he come visit you?
you could feel your blood running cold from that thought alone, mouth slightly open in shocked. surely kuni would actually come to you when he had the chance..? but then again, he didn’t even show himself when he came here for the raiden shogun’s gnosis.
“oh? i haven’t seen a fox like you in the wilderness before..” childe spoke up, looking down at you with a curious look on his face. “you must be a rare breed. you don’t look like those foxes from that village nearby.”
you paid no mind to how the harbinger now stands in front of you, frozen from the thoughts that suddenly made your heart dropped in dread. if kunikuzushi is in inazuma right now, where could he be? why didn’t he come visit you like he promised? did he.. forget about you?
“unless…” childe then smiles menacingly. “you could be one of those beings that can shapeshift.”
the harbinger’s words were enough for you to finally cut yourself off from your thoughts, immediately stepping away from the man as he summons his blades. you should’ve paid more attention to your mission! yae would’ve been disappointed if she finds out that you got carried away by your dumb thoughts!
before things could escalate even more, the harbinger suddenly drops his weapons.
you watched in confusion at the sight of childe letting out a gasp, clenching his teeth at the sudden overwhelming pain inside his body.
“don’t you dare lay a hand on them.”
your breath hitched at the sound of his voice.
you immediately felt alarmed from the purple smoke surrounding both you and childe — who’s now on his knees to the cold ground trying to breathe. “is this… is this one of your stupid— stupid traps, balladeer?” he asks, clutching his chest.
without hesitation, you turn around and see your lover in all his glory, standing a few steps away from you as he glares at the fallen harbinger.
“and here i thought i was better off with leaving you alone and fool you about my whereabouts,” he spoke to childe, clenching his fists. “but you just had to try and fight my lover.”
“and here i thought… i thought the ferocious balladeer wouldn’t have someone to call a lover.” the eleventh harbinger retorts with a smirk, only to gasp out for air when scaramouche suddenly makes the air around him more venomous.
“come, y/n,” he calls out to you in a soft tone- something that took you by surprise because of his sudden change of tone. “let’s get out of here before that rascal gets his hands on us.”
he didn’t have to ask twice.
“are you out of your mind? why the hell did you go to that harbinger of all people?! he could’ve killed you if it weren’t for me intervening!” he scolds you as the both of you stay in a camp that’s far away from where childe was, both of you were panting in exhaustion from running away.
“i apologize.. but please believe me when i say i didn’t mean to have my cover get revealed.” you said, not bothering to change your fox form. “i just.. got distracted by my thoughts.”
he furrows his eyebrows. “and what could possibly got you distracted?!”
“..i.. i was wondering why you didn’t visit me when you came here for.. the gnosis.” you hesitantly explained, looking away from your lover’s strong gaze in shame. “i just.. i just felt confused a-and maybe hurt that you probably didn’t want to see me after so many years.”
the both of you fell silent.
scaramouche stares deeply at your fox form, feeling conflicted.
“…change back to your normal form.” he commands, causing you to frown in confusion. what is he planning to do, exactly?
nevertheless, you followed your lover’s command and instantly changed back into your human form once more, still looking down at the ground with a frown plastered on your face.
your eyes widens when you felt arms wrapped around your body into a hug.
“you idiot,” he whispered. “you have no idea how much i’ve wanted to do this ever since i saw you in the place where i left.”
your breath hitches from his words. he… he saw you? he’s been visiting the place as well?
you quickly hug your lover back as well, lips quivering. “why didn’t you come to me if you saw me then? did you.. did you not want to see me ye—”
“god no,” scaramouche interrupts, clinging onto you tighter than before. “don’t you dare think that i’d hate to see you or forgot about you! i just didn’t know if you wanted to see me…”
you let out a laugh, realizing that the both of you were thinking the same thing. “of course i wanted to see you for so long dummy..”
the both of you stayed in the position for a while, enjoying each other’s warmth for as long as you’ve desired after so many years of being separated.
“i miss you.” you both said to each other at the same time out loud.
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Hello, is it alright to ask if you can write any Zengo Headcanons, please? Thank you and I wish you every happiness!
Zengo the Male Kitsune: Headcanons + Short Info
I wish you every bit of happiness as well anon! :D
I spent a decent amount of time on Zengo compared to everyone else as I wanted the info to be a little more accurate to Japanese myths, mannerisms, etc. So here are bits of his information and headcanons!!
Zengo is actually a five-tailed kitsune which is not really told in his stories! He has the most power compared to every other fox with him in the Inari Shrine in the forest
He can communicate with them, they playfully argue all the time even as a human
He has lived for more than 100 years, which explains why he can shapeshift! (in Japanese myth, kitsunes are able to shapeshift when they are 100 years old)
Kitsunes in ancient times and in many Japanese stories and myths are portrayed as human women when they shapeshift, which is why Zengo has feminine mannerisms and characteristics (He has turned into a woman several times if you were wondering-)
Zengo loves everything fried tofu, as most kitsunes are, he will never refuse free fried tofu
Even if Zengo's lived for a long time now, he doesn't have much knowledge of complex technology
He's sincere with his words and if telling the truth hurts, Zengo will say it anyway.
Zengo secretly loves getting his nails painted and taken care of, especially if it's long enough. The feminine side of him gets gleeful about it.
He always wears a yukata or a kimono anywhere and rarely wears modern clothing but he looks amazing with a suit (and has his hair up and he's wearing glasses omg-)
He often got men at his feet when he first shapeshifted into a woman or when he is mistaken for one, normally he would play around with them and tease them, but after meeting you, he's really disgruntled and politely (passive-aggressively) tells them to leave him alone
But when it's you they're bothering in any sort, Zengo will not hesitate to shit-talk them in the most elegant proper way possible
Zengo has a naturally seductive aura around him, he could be seductive to you if you want him to but he knows that you won't be able to handle that so he only goes with light teases and physical touch
Zengo prefers to listen than to talk but trust him when he says he has many of what you said memorized
He has a resting-bitch-face all time, every time but he's really nice! (though a bit blunt if you're unfamiliar with him)
As he's in Gergesa (which is somewhere around Europe and far from Japan), he is disgruntled and disappointed that he's not where he should be, and he can't experience or witness the original place where his Deity is from
But he's grown to adapt to it and is instead thankful that he was given the chance to protect and help his Deity even far away from home
Zengo has a soft spot for elderly people and farmers, elderly people remind him of his long immortality and the former people that he had met and bonded with that are now long gone
Farmers give him hope because of their dedication and hard work, and he remembers those that always give him little treats even before he had the ability to shapeshift or wasn't able to give them the protection and help they need
Even more so with rice farmers, whom Inari is associated with
If Zengo got the chance to be a mortal man or to be a mortal man in his next life, he wishes he could be a rice farmer
And a slightest tiny bit of him wishes that he can meet you and everyone else he cared about in that life too
He often makes protection charms and talismans
Speaking of his immortality, Zengo has already known that his relationship with you won't last as long as he wants it to be. There are so many instances where he has grown to care for those that are mortal only to be left alone
That is something he's grown accustomed to, but that's not going to stop him from fulfilling your wish and accompanying you until it's your time to go too
And Zengo will be right beside you to bid you farewell one last time, just like how you first met
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fandomlit · 3 years
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gif cred belongs to @downforsthdiabolic
requested by anon “How about revived wilbur meeting fundy's s/o and the poor fox boy becoming protective with his father getting too comfortable around them 👀👀”
warning drug use (cigarette), protectiveness from the fox boy
imagine fundy becoming protective when revivedbur gets too comfortable around you
fundy hated every moment of wilbur’s interaction with you. from the second he walked up and greeted him as if everything was normal, to when you continued to carry a conversation despite fundy’s tightening grip around your waist. you were too polite and welcoming for your own good.
“im impressed fundy could pull a partner as delightful as you,” wilbur hummed, gazing curiously at your pair. you gave him a wary look while fundy’s gaze remained trained on the grass. “you’re very charming.”
you offered the taller man a polite smile, though you could practically feel fundy’s discomfort through his touch at this rate. “well, thank you.”
“tell me, when did you move here?” wilbur questioned, taking a cigarette out from the pack in his coat. “i think i would have remembered someone as beautiful as you.”
“alright,” fundy spoke, finally lifting his head as his father lit the cigarette now dangling from his lips. “we’re gonna head home, dad. see you soon.”
your boyfriend wheeled you away before you could return his father’s farewell. “are you alright?”
fundy just huffed, grip still tight around you. you didn’t realize you could feel wilbur’s eyes still on you until fundy pulled you both out of his line of sight and the strange feeling left.
his hands gripped at your waist, eyes looking into yours seriously, and somewhat sadly. “i love you, but i hate the way my father looks at you.”
you placed your hands gently on his biceps as you returned with an unsurprised smile, “i love you, too, and i also hate how your father looks at me.” fundy gave you a half-smile to replace his pout, pulling you into a hug. “seriously, it’s only attractive when you look at me that way.” you giggled when he peppered kisses on the skin between your jaw and your shoulder.
“let’s go home, love.”
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stay-midnight · 3 years
Spark of Possessiveness
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> Requested
> Word# - 3.2K Words
> Minho and Jisung x Male Reader
> TWs - Possessiveness, Little to no plot.
> Kinks and Warnings - Top/Dom Minho and Jisung, Bottom/Sub Male Reader, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Blowjobs, Consensual, Spitroasting, Marks, Hair Pulling, Dirty Talk, Degradation (Prevalent, I mean alot), Punishment, Soft Aftercare, Jealousy, Cum Swallowing, Barebacking, Minsung is wild, wannabe dom reader.
> A/N - My comeback fic hehe, anyways I wasn't fond of the way I wrote it but hopefully it's enjoyable enough! Thank you anon for giving a Minsung request~
Minho was leaned back on the kitchen counter, gritting his jaw at their now-missing boyfriend, he felt the need to throw his phone away at 21st missed call.
Jisung was not as calmly angry as the other since he was frantically walking back and forth at the amount of time it has been since their boyfriend got coffee (3 hours to be exact).
Minho is incredibly worried knowing they were past idols knowing that people may exact revenge plots at them after coming out to the general public and disbanding the group after so.
Jisung look at the older, “He’s gonna be okay right?!” He asked in a worried tone as to which Minho just nodded and responded with a headpat, which eased Jisung for a bit.
Minho sighed at the unknown location of their lover till they hear a ring from the front door. Jisung with hastened feet and sharp ears, he rushed to the door immediately — leaving Minho in a second but the older shortly trailed after in a bit.
Jisung was fast in unlocking the door, thinking it was you forgetting the keys.
In a moment, Jisung was face to face with 2 familiar set of eyes and a missed gaze.
You were laughing happily with your two companions, jokes aside — you pulled out your phone at the thought of forgetting something and saw 21 missed calls and 15 unread texts in a moment you saw your lockscreen.
Stopping abruptly in your movements, you look towards yours and your boyfriends' front porch — You weren't ready for the anger of your boyfriends after just remembering that you didn't tell them about the sudden meetup. A smile passed your lips in a flash of excitement
You slowly walked up the stairs, gazing at your two friends with a forced smile but at the same time you couldn't ignore the bubbling of excitement from the pit of your stomach. “You good, Y/n?” they both asked in wonders to which you just smiled as a response.
“Yeah, I just forgot my spare key that's all. Do you wanna join for dinner later?” you asked with a bright expression but your mind is collapsing with unholy thoughts at the awaiting sight of angry lovers.
They both shook their heads, “We have things to do, but we’ll greet Minho and Jisung before leaving.” Jeongin answered and lovingly kissing you on the cheek.
Seungmin let out a silent snort before, continuing sauntering up the stair. With shaky hands, you press on the doorbell to which Seungmin and Jeongin just look at each other with confusion at the sight of your trembling fingers.
The door bursted open in a millisecond to reveal a Jisung looking ready to devour a prey or something. “Hi Sungie..”
Jisung eyes darted to the boys next to you before landing on you, “Hello, Y/n” He says, hiding a different tone of his voice before smiling light-heartedly at Seungmin and Jeongin before he looked at you.
“Are you both coming in?” he asked in a patient tone, but his hands were getting antsy.
“Nope! We’re just here to bid farewell after seeing you and.. Where is Lee Know-hyung? Is he here?” Jeongin asks curiously, trying to get a peek to the inside of the house by looking over Jisung’s shoulders.
Speak of the devil, Minho appeared behind Jisung shortly with a blank face before he turned to look at you with a totally-not-nice-and-has-evil-plans kind of glint.
To which you just ignore by letting out an awkward cough,
“Well, We have things to do right now.. Good seeing both of you after two years!” Jisung voiced quickly before basically grabbing the clearly nervous boy at the middle.
“You too—” Jeongin got cut short by a slam of the door.
“Is that how normally he greets old friends?” Jeongin piped up in question, looking at the taller for his reaction at Jisung’s unnerving dismissal.
Seungmin raised his shoulders as an answer before he turned to look at the younger, “Maybe he’s still mad when we plotted to bring him in a poly relationship.” Seungmin sighed, walking down the stairs with calm steps — seeming unworried and carefree at possible redflags.
“Plotted? You make it sound so evil—” Jeongin responded with a disagreeing huff.
Seungmin rolled his eyes, “Let’s just go~ I wanna rest at our new apartment.” He yawns, hooking his arm around Jeongin when he got into his reach.
“M'kay ” The other agreed.
“Will he be okay though—” Jeongin asks in a worried tone.
“Dunno, Minho and Jisung are a kinky bunch.” Seungmin responded calm as ever.
“How do you know that?!” Jeongin looked at Seungmin with his jaw dropped and like a snooping fox, he was curious for juicy information.
Seungmin let out an airy laugh, “Wishing I didn't know it though.” The older responsed, a flashback flying over his head as a frown on his lips appeared.
Jisung slowly led you inside your home to which he let you sit on the couch while he stared down at you impatiently with a raised eyebrow — repeatedly tapping the floor with his foot. Eyes piercing you.
Minho was not giving off as much presence as the quokka but his cold resting face was enough to send shivers down your spine
While you, a bunny clearly trapped inside a den with beasts hungering for you and a reason.
“I left my phone accidentally on silent...” you mumbled out, lowering your own head in embarrassment. Jisung clicked his tongue and Minho walks over, sitting right next to you. Looking at you with a glare that caused you to stay silent while Jisung licked his lips in anticipation, clearly turned on by the elder’s gaze.
He grabbed your chin tightly, forcing you to look at him. His hold forcing you to pucker your lips, your Adam’s apple bobbing at the fact your own dick was getting hard from this, too which Jisung immediately took notice, smirking at the small bulge appearing.
“That’s not a good enough reason, Y/n.” Minho said sharply, his voice dripping with arrogance. Minho doesn't like playing and you know that, his punishments are rough — you know that from experience. Jisung of course, was having a good time at how the elder was talking to you — his own length spraining against the jeans he was wearing.
“It’s the only reason I have—” You defended, earning a tight hair pull from Minho which made a whine escape from your throat. Jisung was also getting restless and impatient and Minho immediately took notice.
“Head to our room Ji. I’ll bring the whore in a bit.” He said in a tone which you both found frightening and a turn on. Jisung nodded and grinned straight at you before rushing to the room in excitement.
With Jisung gone, Minho initiated a rough kiss with you to which you tried to return as much as you could but it ended up being a messy and wet kiss.
Minho continued the kiss, pushing you down the couch in doing so. Bringing you closer to him before pulling away with a hum, “Don’t you have something to say, slut?” He asked, wrapping his hand around your throat — not squeezing but enough to make you constricted in a way as you rutted against his thigh that he placed between your legs. Your cock was throbbing inside your boxers as you already felt your high coming on in a bit which Minho didn't take notice off.
You opened your mouth but a moan slipped out causing your top to chuckle amusedly at how much needy you were right now. “I— I’m sorry...” you said in the sincerest way possible, you rutted against Minho’s muscular thighs and in a bit you came inside your boxers.
Minho looked at your blissed-out face and that's when he noticed a very small wet spot pooling on your jeans. “Ji wouldn't like this.” Minho laughed amusingly, knowing that Jisung doesn't like anyone releasing until he said so. (That also applies to himself.)
He withdrew his hand from your neck — you finally releasing a breath you didn't know you needed. He stood up soon after, gesturing you to follow to which you did — following him with small footsteps.
Jisung eyes lit as you and Minho entered the room, he was disappointed though that you both still had clothes on.
He was okay with it though, what he didn't like was the wet spot visible on your clothed crotch, his eyes looked scary, like a ferocious animal.
Jisung stood up to which you looked at him questionably, completely unaware of Jisung’s dislike of releasing before himself.
You watched as Jisung stopped in front of you and before you knew it, you were pinned against the recently closed door, his strong hands trapping your arms behind your back. “Kinda unfair, you came before us.” he said through clenched teeth, pressing you harder against the door.
Minho took a sit on the bed, letting the younger have his own fun.
“Taking our cum would be a great way to makeup, don’t you think?” Jisung said, biting the top of your ear softly.
“Y- Yes, Sungie..” You said in a small voice.
“Good.” he hums, satisfied a little.
He pulls away and sat down back slowly with Minho in a bed, the older wearing an obnoxious grin as he leaned to whisper words into the Jisung’s ear causing his face to contort into one of an amused expression.
They then turned to you standing there, looking confused of their secret conversation. Jisung didn't like that though, “What did I tell you, baby?”
Your mind was blank before you mumbled a “Sorry.”
Jisung huffs disapprovingly but inches you to continue.
You first remove your shirt, a little bit of marks appearing faded, now contouring a bit more into your skin tone. The marks are from last night’s wild but fun time. Jisung smirks widens, his pride getting uplifted by the marks he left on your clavicle, while Minho just smiled satisfied at the teeth marks on the outside skin of both your nipples.
You typically shy away from their stares but now, feeling a bit confident (and bratty), words leave your mouth that was unexpected by your boyfriends, “You seem to like what you see.” You said, filling your voice with a mocking tone that flared up both of them up.
“Maybe I should instead punish you both i— instead for being needy.” Your voice wavering at the middle of the sentence, but you expertly covered it with a cough.
Minho stood up suddenly,
His eyes, gazed at you, “Such a talkative slut, aren't you?” He stated, his face serious as he slid his hand down your pants before pulling you close to him. “Look at you trying to act all dominant, in the end though, you just want to be fucked.” Minho stated, sliding his hand now through your boxers.
“Is that why, you went out with Seungmin and Jeongin? To be fucked?” He asks, Jisung in your sideview staring at you with a glare as he waited shortly for answer.
Your still kept a challenging gaze on Minho, trying to keep composure and not give in. “No. I went out with them so I could fuck th—” Minho grabbed your dick, stroking it forward angrily before you could finish your sentence, a quiet mewl passing your lips.
Jisung grumbled something behind him.
“Watch your words.” Minho said bitterly, his other hand finding way to your buttocks.
Your eyes glazed over the dominant before he withdrew his hands inside your boxers, before he threw you on the bed, surprising you and Jisung.
You try to pull yourself up but Minho encased you, his strong chest making contact with your back.
“Stay still like a good little bitch, and we’ll actually let you cum. Unless you want the same thing to happen the last time we punished you, hm?”
Minho’s voice was slick, calm and punishing but at the same time, just really hot. Your bulge felt uncomfortable against the bedsheet.
Jisung wanted to join in the fun too so he moved closer and grabbed your hair making you look up at him, “He put you in your place so easily, Where did all your confidence go? What was that about fucking us?” Jisung mocked as you glared at back pathetically.
Jisung did the honors of pulling your pants down with ease, Minho went to grab items needed before Jisung landed a harsh slap on your ass, your lips bruising as you bit it to catch a moan from slipping out.
Minho smirked and signalled Jisung to get into position as the man complied, Minho already slicked two of his fingers before he placed his fingers between your crack teasingly wetting your twitchy hole with cold lube.
Minho rubbed your rim as you glared at your other lover at the front of you, you looked up to Jisung in feigned annoyance due to his hands pinning you down.
Jisung’s eyebrow twitched in irritation before he mumbled through soft lips, “Color?”
You look up at him throwing your act away for a moment, “Green.” you answered before gritting your teeth to which the Jisung noticed and his face shifted into exasperation of your attitude.
Jisung started to undress himself, first unbuttoning his jeans before throwing away his shirt, revealing his buff body and slim waist to which you tried your best not to gawk at.
Jisung then smirked, “You seem a bit dazed, pretty toy~” He said, mocking you as he noticed your submissive nature starting to unfold just from your expression.
Minho then heard what Jisung and his smirked widened before he finally inserted two fingers into your ass, Minho’s own dick was getting hard from your hole swallowing his fingers.
Jisung signalled Minho to do something before Jisung stood up and went away from your sight, clearly planning something.
You were irritated at the lack of attention to your prostate so you shamelessly push back against Minho’s digits to which Minho responded with a mocking laugh, “See. You like this, wonder how did you even think of fucking us. When we know how much you like having cocks fill your hole.” He said amused.
You laughed, “Oh really? Maybe I should fuck you dumb to pro—” Minho clearly had enough of your act as he jabbed his fingers as deep as he can making you choke on your own spit — not even finishing your sentence.
You felt both of them turn you sideways and flip you over so that your legs were spread and your head hanging at the side of the bed, you were faced with an upside down Jisung with playful grin as your own dick was laid flat on your stomach leaking precum against your tummy, smearing it white.
“I think the slut needs his mouth shut, don’t you think Min?” Jisung said playfully, sparing a glance at Minho before turning to you.
Minho looked amused by Jisung’s word before nodding at him in a very agreeing manner.
Jisung’s dick was very hard and approximately shorter than Minho’s size, red at the tip and veins prodding his side, it was curved outwards and pretty overall, matching his buff yet slim body.
His dick slapped against your face as he look at you teasingly, “Open your pretty mouth toy.” Jisung said roughly, slapping his dick against your cheek.
Minho saw this and clicked his tongue, removing his fingers to which you sighed at.
Minho removed his clothes swiftly as the wind, throwing away his shirt and showing his full body in display for Jisung to see.
He looked at Jisung with a glint in his eyes before his hand slapped your dick harshly to which you couldn't contain a loud moan in, Jisung took the chance and slid his dick into your mouth and down your throat, your neck slightly bulged from this man’s cock.
Minho took pleasure at the sight of Jisung’s dick fitting against your mouth, so too, he wanted to join. He quickly drizzled lube on his dick before pushing against your hole, eliciting a choked out sound against Jisung’s cock.
“Good little cockslut, taking both me and Sungie’s cock. See, look at your useless dick.” Minho said, grabbing your cock, squeezing your leaking tip while watching you choke on your words against Jisung’s cock with a satisfied expression
“Wet and messy. You can't even fuck a fleshlight properly, what makes you think you can fuck us?” Said Minho, his voice intoxicating and seductive as he continuously pushed until his hips connected with your ass and his dick pushed near up to your abdomen.
Jisung continued his thrusts, taking pleasure from your mouth’s wet cavern, he curses under his breath at how close he was already.
Minho took this chance to grab your waist, slamming into you vigorously at the same time Jisung pulled away. They both panted as they thrust in a rhythm.
After both were consumed by pleasure and lust, barely any words were exchanged — and the sound that were enveloping the room was the squelch of lube, skin slapping against skin, breathless pants, and your drowned out moans.
Jisung sighs after a while as he came down your throat as you swallowed it, though your mouth was probably gonna be sore in the morning atleast it was fun seeing them being possessive.
Minho took alot while to finish as Jisung already pulled out of your mouth as your laid your back tired as you just let Minho plow your used hole, pulling you back on his cock while you let out weak moans every now and then when your good spot was hit.
Your head felt funny and didn't even notice Minho pulling out and coming on your stomach with some his cum reaching up to your lips. “Fuck.” he groaned out as he panted after reaching his high.
Minho took a hold of your cock which he jerked off, “Gonna cum...” you mumbled to which Jisung had already returned from his small trip to the bathroom, “Cum.” Jisung said as he wanted to watch you release
Jisung smiled at both of you releasing, before he pulled you up so that Jisung could walk you over to the bathroom while Minho followed closely, laughing at the limp that was already noticeable. “Looks like Min fucked you good~” Jisung teased as you pouted and hit the man on the chest for his annoying teasing.
Minho snorted, “You did too, he may be silent as a bug tomorrow because of a sore throat~” Minho teased, laughing when you glared at him.
“I hate you both.” you said in an unusual raspy voice, to which both of your lovers just giggled at.
You three arrived at the huge bathtub that Jisung had already prepared, he helped you get settled on the warm water of it and soon after, both also entered the warm bath.
Minho pulled you up on his wet chest while Jisung laid his head on your shoulder, “Were you fine with that earlier, baby? Or should we tone it down a bit?” he asked, playing with your collarbone.
You smiled suddenly at the question, “It was okay, I had fun.” you answered him as you leaned further into Minho’s warmth.
Jisung suddenly snorted at the side which caught both your attention, “The little dom act that you put was kinda cute.” he said, giggling.
You look at him and huffed while Minho laughed with him as you splashed some water at Jisung’s face causing him to retaliate.
In the end, the bathroom floor was a mess.
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miyalove · 4 years
good luck kisses | atsumu
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—pairing: atsumu x fem!reader
—warnings: best friends to lovers, manga spoilers (specifically the kurasuno vs inarizaki match), swearing, name calling, reader admires his thighs for a split second, *unedited
—synopsis: 3.1k | after countless times of refusing atsumu a good luck kiss, you figured that after the major lost against kurasuno— what better way to cheer him up?
—a/n: this is literally the cutest request ever, thank you so much, anon! + request are open!
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you’ve know miya atsumu long enough to know that he’s over all a very likable guy. he’s charming, funny, optimistic, and the list could go on forever. but like any thing else, with perfect attributes comes a few flaws. sure, your best friend is handsome, skillful, and observant but damn is he stubborn.
a prime example of this bold trait is right now. 
it’s game day for him, nationals to be exact. you were waiting in the crowd with what felt like the whole of your school when you got a text. it was from your best friend, obviously, saying to meet him in front of the boy’s changing room 4. you responded with a quick, ‘i’m here’ when you didn’t see his lean figure any where near the entrance. as you waited, you observed the busy halls of the gymnasium.
this is a big game. you could tell from how the school’s going all out in with the cheering and decorations. you were so lost in your thought, you didn’t notice the changing room door creep open behind you.
as you got pulled into the room, you are fast to react. pulling your arm out of the supposed attackers grip, you turned back to run for the door but it was too late. it shut and from what you could see; it’s’ locked too.
“relax, doll,” instantly, your tense figure loosens up at the familiar voice. turning to your “attacker”, you send a sharp glare his way, “oh god, 'tsum. i thought i was gonna fucking die cause of your dumbass.”
you playfully hit his chest as he lets out a small chuckle, his signature smile resting on his lips. you can’t tell but it’s much brighter now that you’re here. he’ll never admit it, but there’s just something about you that makes his mood lighter...
“sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya,” as he speaks, he finds purchase on a lone desk in the corner of the large room. he hops up on it, all while facing you still. he’s legs dingle at the edge of the table. as he settled himself down, you see his smile falter a bit.
sad at the sudden distance between the two of you, you find yourself chasing after his warmth like moth to a flame. following his ways, you’re hoping on the desk next time him casually resting your head on his shoulder. in the midst of the comfortable silence, you speak up, “shouldn’t you be out stretching with the rest of the boys?”
“yeah,” his golden eyes can’t help but steal quick glances at you. he can smell the sweet vanilla of your shampoo with how close you are. you’re not looking at him, sadly, instead your focused on the bland walls of the changing room for whatever reason.
despite his thoughts, he continues, "i just wanted to see ya before the game." his words are sincere, you can tell, but even at that you don’t react much.
he doesn’t like how your attention isn’t all on him. yeah, you’re close practically sitting on his lap, but what’s the point in all this affection if you’re not truly with him. shifting his position, you pick your head up at the sudden movement.
the setter is facing you know, deep honey eyes meet your own. there’s something within his hues that you can’t make out properly, a spark that you sometimes only see when you’re with him. a warmth spreads through you at the thought, but quickly leaves once you remember who atsumu is.
he’s your best friend, you remind yourself, you’re not supposed to be feeling things like that for him. 
in the middle of your admiration, you didn’t even realizes he was speaking. “earth to (y/n)? are ya there?” he waves his large hands in front of your face, successfully knocking you back into reality.
shaking your head, you sigh with wide eyes, “sorry, what were you saying?”
in response, the taller boy lets out a teasing giggle. casually, he leans back onto the wall behind him spreading his legs a bit wider. for him, the action probably meant nothing but you can’t help but stare at the way his lean legs flex as he makes himself comfortable again.
“ya liking what you see, doll?” 
this couldn’t be happening. you just caught caught checking out your best friend like a piece of meat. embarrassed, you roll your eyes trying your best to rid of the thoughts of atsumu. not having enough courage to look him in the eyes, you can’t help but shift your attention away. furrowing your brows, the way you fidget with your fingers gets worse when you hear his voice again.
“avoiding eye contact won’t make you want me less, yanno,” he delivers this line with a teasing smile. when you finally shift your attention back to him (just the way he likes it) you notice a pink hue taking over his face. it’s light and if you hadn’t focused on it, you would have definitely missed it.
it’s causes a fluttering feeling in your chest knowing that your actions, and even his playful flirting, is affecting him too. shaking your head, you remind yourself why exactly you’re here.
“’tsumu, you have a game in—,” grabbing your phone, briefly you check the time, “about 9 minutes so why exactly did ya call me over here?”
as if a switch went off in his empty head, he jumps off of the desk the two of you were perched on and grabs at his volleyball club jacket.
“ah shit, i called ya over cause i needed my good luck kiss, but now i’m running a little later than i thought,” frantically, the setter opens and closes his lockers. the clanking of metal echoes in the room. grabbing random gear off the floors and on shelves, he’s slipping on one of his knee pads when he flashes you a beaming smile.
“unless of course, the time can help me out?” tilting your head, your brows scrunch up in confusion. what does he mean help him out? oh! the good luck kiss. 
looking back up at him, he’s hopping around with one shoe on, trying his best to slip on the his second knee pad. you can’t help but let out a little chuckle when he stumbles off balance and nearly falls straight on his ass. it’s a funny sight, your tall best friend wobbling and jumping around like a newborn fox hunting for the first time.
“’tsumu, you know i always say no whenever you ask for...” the two of you suddenly make eye contact. the setter’s lean figure freezes in the middle of the room. and despite his messy hair and frenzied appearance, he looks at you like he as all the time in the world. his eyes, though far away and obviously distracted, hold a much more deeper meaning within them. he’s almost daring you to say the magic words. under his intense eye, you feel small like prey getting watched from the distance by it’s hunter.
“... those things.” defeated, you avoid his strong gaze. you don’t see the way he stares at you (since your so focused on your feet dangling from the desk you’re atop of). you don’t see the way his eyes shine just a little darker or the way he smiles (a real, genuine one) at you with so much adoration and so much compassion that really it would take a fool to not see that miya atsumu is in love with you, his best friend.
it feels like now’s a good time to say it. whenever the two of you are alone, the feelings you give him practically suffocates him. he can’t help but to crave your attention or hear your laugh or make you smile (because you’re absolutely gorgeous doing nothing but you practically glow when you smile). with one shoe in hand and the other untied, the blonde feels like now is the best time to come forward... but of course, that’s not what he does.
“come on, doll. not even a small pe—” 
knock. knock.
the door swinging open, cuts his thoughts off.
“kita’s getting on our asses cause of you, again,” suna’s monotone voice breaks the uncertainty in the room. lingering his stare on your figure for a little too long, the setter nods at his teammate tying his shoe before walking towards the door.
“(y/n),” you wave at your fox-like friend at the mention of your name. quickly getting off the desk, you follow their lead in leaving the room. 
the two of them part ways, suna impatiently waiting for their setter to finish his farewells not too far behind him. “good luck ‘tsumu! even you suna,” at the mention of his name, suna nods.
leaning into your best friend, mockingly he puckers his lips only for you to roll your eyes at his childish behavior, “i said no, freak.” stepping back a little, atsumu let’s a out a playful chuckle while rolling his eyes, “whatever.”
instead of a kiss, you give him the next best thing; a tight hug to which he immediately returns. his arms rest on your waist while you feel the weight of his head on top of yours. his grip on you tightens when you pull away for the first time.
“3 minutes,” you mumble into his shirt as a warning. you’re practically choking on his ocean breeze clone with how deep atsumu is shoving your face into his chest.
trying your luck, you pull away one more time and to your relief, he lets go with a sigh. instantly, he gets ushered away by a peeved suna before he can say anything else. as he gets dragged by the arms, you wave goodbye with a smile, “beat those damn crows, guys!” 
“when i do, i better get my kiss!” is the last thing you hear before he get’s shoved through the gymnasium doors. 
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hearing the buzz go off, it was the only sound you could focus on. it was the end and the outcome had been more than surprising— inarizaki had lost. the audience seemed to be stunted, the crowd including you had gone completely silent. all that you heard was kurasuno’s crowd screeching in glee. all that you saw was the dog pile of orange and blue uniforms happily cheering for their win.
your face morphs into pure irritation. eyes filled with fury, lips pressed into a line. to say you were pleased with the outcome of the game would be a complete lie. resentfully, you think aloud, “can’t they celebrate a little less publicly.” 
so caught up in side eyeing the flock of crows on the field, you barely noticed your own team huddling up to take a bow for the crowd. you only look away from glaring at kurasuno when you feel an all to familiar stare on you.
shifting your gaze, there in the gym floor is your best friend who is standing closely to his brother. you can see the hurt in his eyes despite being a notable distance away from him. 
in fact, the whole team’s aura shifts right before your eyes. they all wear emotionless smiles, heads down in shame. despite being friends with all the members of the team, you can’t help but focus on atsumu the most. 
his eyes had shifted away from yours, but even without his golden hues staring you down you can tell how hurt he is. you can tell just from the way he grits his teeth, the way he refuses to look up at the cheer squad, and how stiff his shoulders are that he’s taking the lose to heart. 
it breaks your heart seeing how rough he’s talking it. atsumu is a perfectionist and holds such a high standard for him and his team. he works hard every practice and even goes after hours because that’s how much passion he has in this sport. he’s blaming himself, you can see it written all over his face.
without thinking, you lean over the safety railing. bracing yourself to let outa loud scream, “‘TSUMU!” he snaps his head your way again. 
“JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!” mood instantly shifting, you think of the best way to get your best friend’s mood up. atsumu tilts his head in confusion, had you really heard him bad mouthing himself from all the way up there? 
wide eyed, atsumu flashes you a brief smile. it doesn’t really reach his eyes like the ones you’re use to getting from him, but you decide that even a little happiness is better than none, right now. sending him a thumbs up, the whole team bows while simultaneously thanking the crowd. and with that, they disappear back into the gym halls.  
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it seems that this is atsumu’s favorite way of meeting with you recently. here you were again, waiting in front of changing room 4 as per requested from atsumu, himself. instead of waiting though, you knock on the door hoping that you’re not interrupting any one whose actually using the changing room to, you know, change. 
“’tsumu?” creaking the door open, you poke your head into the room. the setter hums in response and you shut the door behind you when he motions for you to come in.
not wanting to beat around the bush (a trait atsumu admires about you), you take a seat on the floor as he shimmies a fresh shirt over his head, “how ya feeling?”
“we just lost. how do ya think i’m feelin?”
you’re glad he has a shirt over his head because then he would have definitely saw you eyeing his lean figure. realizing you need to respond, you rid yourself of those thoughts again, “jeez, it was just a question...” 
rolling your eyes, you hear him sigh as he rakes through his hair to fix up his messy tassels, “i— there was a lota shit on the line for this game.” you hum allowing him to continue. 
“kita gave us this speech thing after headin back to the changing room and it really had me thinkin. he wants to be proud of us, but how can he be when his underclassmen lost to a bunch of newbies,” in the middle of his monologue, he lazily throws himself on the floor.
with his arms wide open and legs stretched out like a starfish, you take it as an invite to embrace him. you settle yourself onto your side to face him on the floor as atsumu continues. 
“this was the 3rd years last game, just wanted to make it a good one but ya saw how that went,” his brown hues never break from the ceiling. it’s not that he doesn’t want to look at you, in fact, he’d probably enjoy tracing all the small detail of your face than the ceiling’s but he just can’t rip his attention away from the bland wall.
he’s really deep in it, you mentally note. the last time you had saw the setter so stressed out and uncertain was when osamu came up and told him that he was loosing interest in volleyball. it was a heartbreaking feeling for him (you knew this because he didn’t lay off of it for nearly 8 months). 
you eye the rambling setter at your side once more. he’s lips are pressed into a deep frown and his eyes don’t shine like usual when he’s with you. thoughtlessly, his fingers tap to a random beat on the tiles all while critiquing every little thing he did wrong in the game. 
it was upsetting hearing him underestimate himself like that. you’ve been with him through most of his volleyball life, and you don’t plan on leaving when he, most definitely, goes pro. 
he’s in the middle of another speech when you’re body moves without thinking. just like when you shouted down at him when he was thanking the crowd. there is just something about seeing the one person you love tear themselves down right in front of you that hurts. 
best friend or not, you figured that making an exception tonight was okay. you wanted to make him happy and in your head it made sense. game after game, he’d ask for a good luck kiss and game after game, you would reject him. it never stopped him from asking though which was baffling to you.
it became a sort of tradition to reject him at this point, even having no shame in front of his teammates too. but this was different, this was more than just a good luck kiss, you wanted to see him again the teasing, stubborn miya atsumu you’ve grown to fall in love with.
so as he rambled, you leaned into his figure. he didn’t even flinch. hell, he didn’t even notice how close your lips were to his. he was so focused on ripping his plays down piece by piece. it wasn’t until your hot breath fanned over his skin that his words faltered.
finally turning towards you, his eyes widen a bit before narrowing them down at your lips, “what are you doing?” his words come out as a small whisper. 
you have no idea how to respond because in all honesty, you don’t know what you’re doing. all you do know is that, with how close you are you can trace every detail of his face from his slender nose to his round eyes. all you do know is that hearing him disgrace his skills makes your chest ache.
all you do know is that despite miya atsumu being your best friend, you want to kiss him more than anything right now.
“i’m gonna kiss you...” is what you say and exactly that is what you do. 
your lips pucker into a soft kiss, finally closing the gap between the two of you. you turned your head to the side, leaning in to deepening the kiss. without hesitation, atsumu is sitting up, gently guiding your figure over to his lap. 
you don’t break away from the kiss as you gladly find purchase straddling his hips. all your senses are overtaken by him. your eyes flutter close but even in the darkness, all you can make out is his beaming smile, all you can hear is his melodious giggles, all you breath in is his sea foam cologne.
you can feel his large hands resting on your hips, pulling you closer every time you even think about pulling away. at one point, it becomes too much. the flame ignited on your skin gets too hot and you need to breath in more than just sea foam smoke.
humming into his mouth, atsumu takes it as a sign to part. breathing hard, you can’t help but to rake your eyes over his swollen lips and how his uneven breathing matches yours. the sight of a disheveled atsumu sends a pang of pride to you heart. 
panting for air, you smile at the boy in front of you lightheartedly reaching out to play with his blonde locks. a comfortable silence blankets the two of you as you focus on evening out your breathing.
in the middle of your gulps of air, you can’t help but let out a laugh, “how’s that for a good luck kiss?”
taking this opportunity, he rubs his nose against your cheek, impatiently waiting for you to give him the go ahead for another. he’s enjoying how your scent takes over him as he smirks, “i wouldn’t know... mind if we try it again?”
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Same anon, Angela is AMAZING!! Also recommend Fox’s 911 she’s in it. She deserves a Oscar and than some!!! You have great taste. I like Evans he definitely needs to step his game up but yeah he’s got potential for greatness. Also Wakanda Forever comes out 11/11 be sure to get your tickets. Most actors careers take off in their 40s because Hollywood is so focused on younger and whatever until THAT role comes and people go ….oh wow you are talented. Lol great discussion! Have a awesome weekend!
True! And thanks for the recommendation!
I admit, I felt a bit anxious about the next Black Panther because of Chadwick's death. The sequel is inevitably going to be a farewell to him so I really hope that movie is going to do that justice and focus on what really matters - but also, the trailer looked really good, so I'm more optimistic now.
I just recently seen gifs of Angela in Gunpowder Milkshake and I'm definitely going to watch that too. Apparently this film just flew by me, even though it looks insane and fun?
Growth is always a thing, so who knows where Chris will be at in few years! I mean, there is also the opposite effect where I'm watching old stuff from an actor I think is brilliant and I notice how far they've come since then. (Plus, it's also always something that has to do with the right director, etc. I noticed for example that Puncture is an indie project - meanwhile, I think enough has been said about scene-shuffling weird 'fake lines', 'actors don't know what's going on in their own film' malarkey that's going on at Disney these days. So I think smaller productions with a more hands-on direction might just be a better place to grow and develop a range and now that he's out of the MCU, he probably has more time for that, too.) You have an awesome weekend as well, have a good time! :)
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bedoballoons · 9 months
I'll pass thank you. I feel like the odd one out already here, so I don't want to spoil/intrude on anything her or there. Nobody knows/remembers the fox anyway so lets keep it that way. Hehe. Yall have fun 🥳
Also sorry bedo, this will be my last ask here. So feel free to remove me as your anons. Thank you for replying me, hearing my ideas out and writing them! It was always lovely and fun to read. Hope you and everyone else have a swell day! Take care and remember to take breaks. Hehe.
Farewell 🦊🐾✨️
Awe what?! I'm sorry...I should have tried harder to include you. Please, I hope you come back one day...even if you aren't the fox anon anymore.
You're truly a wonderful person and you always had such amazing ideas...you always made me laugh. I will never forget you. And if it truly is your last time here...then allow me to say it, as it's a special occasion.
Farewell Mon chérie, I hope your days are lovely from here on out <3
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aftgficrec · 4 years
a little while ago someone said they’ve read and loved fics where the foxes see videos of neil’s life on the run or find out abt details of it in other ways but that they wanted ones like that for jean. i haven’t seen a ton like that for neil though so i was wondering if you could recommend ones like what that anon must have been referencing? thank you!
We’ve got you covered!  The first one is the one we tend to think of when we talk about this particular theme, but there are several others that involve bits and pieces of videos of Neil’s life.  (We also threw in some fantastic art of younger Neil because everyone needs some fantastic art of younger Neil.)  -F
One Day We’ll Be Free (But Today is Not That Day) by KatherineF [Rated: Not Rated, 3481 words, Complete 2019]
A unwanted gift arrives in the mail for Neil and the Foxes nearly a year after Baltimore, bringing back bad memories.
Or: Neil is given a flashdrive of videos of him while he was on the run. The Foxes all see.
(tw: panic attacks, tw: violence)
Baltimore Memories by Wolvesandwerewolves [Not Rated, 3422 words, Complete 2018]
Idk what this is. I was bored, its not my best, I apologize.
Lola recorded some of the Baltimore kidnapping. The videos surface after years.
Aaron and Katelyn visit New York City to see the ball drop. Aaron can't miss the opportunity to see his brother while he's in town.
(tw: violence)
Acting is the Greatest Lie by deadinside_canyoutell [Not Rated, 2632 words, complete, 2019]
The Foxes have been walking on eggshells around Neil as Lola's trial looms near. But Neil doesn't break. He smiles.
(tw: torture, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: animal harm/abuse)
never let me go. bypaleromantic [Rated T, 1511 words, complete, 2018]
tumblr prompt: can you just hold my hand? for Andreil
Lola's trial is happening, and Neil isn't okay.
(tw: torture, tw: panic attacks)
Leave the Past in the Past by IvyCoveredWalls [Rated T, 507 words, Complete 2019]
Ichirou sends something that drudges up some memories as a twisted farewell after Neil does a job for him.
(tw: violence, tw: knives)
some doodles of a younger Neil art by @aymmidumps
Abram and Mary art by @aymmidumps
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Fragile Like Chandeliers ||| YoungK x Reader
Summary: You meet a truly intriguing man inside an expensive lounge on the job  Genre: Small bits of fluff but its weak bc its more sensual, some angst, uhhh??? idk    noir, gang Warning(s): very very vague references to injury/death Word Count: 2763  Song(s): Ambience AN: hey anon! sorry this took a little while :((  i also have... no idea if this was what you wanted. and its... also longer than my word limit that i put on my request notice. uh. oops. i tried to put some italian in there (for fake names of things) but i am not fluent and though i researched grammar, there are obviously many nuances to the language that i dont know so i apologise if they sound bad (feel free to correct me!)
Smooth jazz filtered through the swathes of people, bunched in small bouquets of dazzling jewels and shining gold. The low quartz-tinged lights kept the shadows in the corners, gently swaying to the beat as swept past, silver trays empty. 
You were perched quietly at the sidelines, crimson velvet plush beneath your draping onyx dress. Eyes flickering across the chandelier above, you couldn’t help but smile at the memories that arose. The Eiffel Tower had been so beautiful in that moment, reflected in a thousand crystals suspended in mid-collapse before they shattered into their oblivions.  Your fingertips traced across the emerald gem between your collarbones, settled comfortably between intricately carved swans. With their heads bowed and wings splayed they reminded you of home, a place you hadn’t set foot in for a long time. The aching rarely reared its head, but this evening it teased at your heartstrings in a way you would never admit to any other.
Well, perhaps maybe one.
As your attentions were briefly piqued at the sight of a man with a bellowing laugh, who strode past you with his arms wide and decorated with cufflinks made of silver knots, you had moved your feet to stand. However, that was when your keen eyes glanced back across the room, only to meet another pair. 
They were the eyes of a fox, ablaze with wit and narrowed in curiosity, and they stared you down and enraptured you in seconds. You found yourself glued to your spot and not giving a single damn about it, as the man bid his colleague a farewell and began to make his way towards you.
With a face that only a dream could make, the smile he gave a passerby who greeted him oozed confidence; the single nod of his head that followed knocking his effortlessly curled fringe ever-so-slightly into his eyes. It led him to run his hand through the tousled locks when he faced you again, and had you not been on the job you would have no doubt swooned.
The man was clearly something special—his suit crafted of ambrosia, a clean cut jet besides pristine white, paired with dress shoes that shone as he reached where you were sat. 
You peered up at him silently, waiting to hear the voice that fell from those plush lips.
“Good evening,” he greeted.
And boy was it luscious. 
You responded in kind, consciously making your eyes bigger as he extended a palm gently towards you. “Might I take you for a dance?”
After a few seconds pretending to mull it over, you let your hand slip into his. He helped you to your feet all while you were too focused on the rough pads of his fingers stroking the back of your palms. 
He led the pair of you to the small area sectioned off for dancing near the live band. Passing a few other couples already swinging with the saxophone’s melody, you were captivated by how he effortlessly weaved the two of you to the centre.
All he’d said had been ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ but somehow it had eased anyone in the vicinity and made them move away with no less than a grin and ushered laughter.
He was remarkable. And if it turned out he wasn’t what you were looking for, you would be stunned.
Coming to a stop, he stood broadly before you. With a hand caressing down to your waist before settling there as if it had always meant to be, you entwined your fingers with his other as you felt across his shoulder blade.  His sensuality was thrilling, the closeness of your chest to his sending your heartbeat into irregular motion, and you had to admit he was talented.
“So,” he began, voice low and smooth like the late evening wine sipped in candlelight, “what must I call this gorgeous beauty before me?”
Lip unconsciously teasing between your teeth, you simpered. “You first.”
A smirk formed on his lips. “Younghyun.”
“Ah, a perfect name for a perfect lady.” He took the lead and you let him, following his slow sways with small steps of your own. “And a perfect voice too—there’s an accent there, if I’m not mistaken?”
“There may be,” you replied coyly, “Italian, born and raised.”
His smile brightened, “I’ve always wanted to visit Italy. The views, the food, the music...” he stopped himself with what could only be described as a sheepish laugh, “sorry, I’m probably preaching to the choir here.”
“It’s fine! I miss all of that quite often nowadays.”
Your grip tightened while your heart lurched. Attempting to keep yourself under control, you hid your disdain behind a smile. How had you let yourself slip up like that? Since when did you wear your feelings on your cheek for a man you only just met? 
As the song changed and the tempo quickened, Younghyun twirled you round by your fingers. “So what brings you all this way here, to one of the most exclusive bars in Seoul?”
“Why, do I not look like I fit in?” you enquired. 
As he pulled you back to his chest, he stayed quiet for a few moments, his eyes carefully taking in the curve of your cheeks. “I’ll be absolutely honest with you,” he glanced around the room before coming back to look you in the eye, “you’re too good to fit in here.”
“I am?” You were hanging off his words, and despite your rational brain reminding you that he was just smooth talking, the way small butterflies began to send ripples through your chest had you very nearly believing him. It was as if that emerald upon your neck carried no weight at all.
“Of course.” His response was quick, sincere, and slowly the heaviness returned. You could feel it swaying a beat behind your movements together.
“I’m here to get away,” you finally explained, eyes lowering from his and focusing on his bow tie. It was spotless, folded crisply at his collar, and for a split second you wondered if it too pressed at his neck. “I’m a writer but... life can be so restricting, you know? How can I write about lives when I haven’t lived myself?”
The words slipped easily off your tongue, and you felt the tension leave your shoulders. Meanwhile, when you gazed up again, you found his smile tinged with sadness.
“I understand that. Sometimes what you end up in isn’t what you want,” he said. 
Confidence filling your veins, you slipped your fingers from his and ran your hands to interlock behind his neck. “I’m so glad you get me,” you whispered in his ear, “no one really does.” Closing the distance, you rested your head against his chest, face turned away from his knowing eyes that seemed to cut into you.
It was only a matter of seconds before Younghyun’s hands both swept to the small of your back, cradling you gently.  You pondered upon how he looked at you right then, as your eyes watched the couple beside you. They were in the same position as the two of you, swaying with the dwindling music. When they caught a beam of light as they turned, you saw how old they were, time etching at the corners of their eyes, giving them permanent eye-smiles. The man in question was truly beaming however, at the woman in his arms. He had a knowing glint in his eye, something you simultaneously wished you knew and were happy to not know the context to—without it, after all, they stayed painted in silver. The woman, much shorter and spindly in her old frock—you imagined it was the one she wore at the last wedding she attended—seemed so content, her lips mouthing the words to an unknown song, her feet moving in synchrony with his.
Her eyes were closed, you noted, and once you had done there was no going back. You turned your head the other way, your own gaze remaining wide open.
“Enough about me, what job do you do?” you asked, loud enough to be heard without moving, but it was pointless, as his answer came back as a teasing retort.
“What do you think I do?”
You shifted your head to come face to face with him again. You were so close to his lips it would only take seconds to bridge the gap, and the apprehension hurt. “I don’t know. Something dashing.”
“Oh really? How come?” His smirk had returned, mischief glimmering in his eye much like the chandelier lights did, urging you to say out loud what you only intended to infer. 
Cocky bastard, you thought, smile growing as you spoke. “Because someone as handsome as you could only do something dashing. Otherwise it wouldn’t be fair.”
As the saxophone picked up behind him, you moved your head to settle upon his shoulder, snickering as he whispered into your ear. 
“There it is...!” 
You playfully tugged at the hair at his nape to chide him. “Come on, tell me, what’s your job?”
He seemed momentarily distracted, before brushing off your words with a laugh. “Trust me, it’s not as interesting as you think.”
“How could it not be interesting?” you countered, leaning in closer to his neck so that your breath would flutter across his skin there, “you wouldn’t do it otherwise.”
“You can’t be sure of that,” he retorted, swinging you round and pulling you back so your shoulders met his chest, “you’ve only just met me.”
“And sometimes a chance meeting is all it takes,” you uttered, running your fingertips down the backs of his hands at your waist. With your head turned towards him, but your eyes remaining apart, you swayed your hips with his as you continued, “I’ve seen many faces, Younghyun, I think I know people well now. And you have the face of someone who knows so much and yet hasn’t said a word.”
You got no words in direct answer to the ramble of ones you had procured. Instead he spun you back around so that he could take another good look at you, and he drank in your beauty as if he were a dying man. His lips parted to speak hours before he finally did.  “How much more do you know about me?” he eased through a coy smile.
“I don’t know,” you hummed, tracing the line of his tie with the back of your finger, “why don’t we find out?”
Your boldness earnt a single laugh, your dance partner silent before he adjusted his grip at your waist. One hand shifted up your back and held you close in an embrace, before he gently lowered you back. You held onto his shoulder as well as his gaze, as he followed you into the dip.  With lips millimetres away from yours, you had been certain he would close the gap, and press a kiss where he’d been hinting for the entire night. His eyes fluttered down to the sight of your painted lips, then back up to your curious stare. “Shall we get drinks?”
You beamed. “Sure.”
Lifting you back to your feet, his hand never left the small of your back as he guided you towards the bar, back across the lounge. You stuck close to his side to avoid the clusters of crowds as the grew and punctured the sensual melodies of the band.  Tucked by his shoulder, a sense of peace washed over you. When there was a sudden crash of spilled drinks to your right you didn’t even take a glimpse of it in, and instead kept your head low and inclined towards your partner of the night. 
You reached the bar in no time, and the only time he left your side was to minutely slip ahead, to pull a bar stool out for you to sit upon. 
Sending him a teasing eye roll you giggled at his silent gasp of exaggerated disdain, before he sat beside you. With his body facing you, he leant on an elbow until the bartender came over.
“Sir, madam,” she greeted with a polite smile, “what can I get for you?”
“Bokbunja for me please, and for the lady,” he addressed you with a smile, “drinks on me, what would you like?”
“No, it’s ok, I wouldn’t want to cost you—”
“Oh, Y/N, you could cost me the world and I wouldn’t care,” Younghyun interrupted, 
You considered continuing with the humble act, but truth be told you didn’t have the patience for it, and you were pretty sure it wasn’t necessary. If that wasn’t an expression of a hooked man, then you no longer knew what was. 
You scoured the towers of intricate bottles behind the bartender, hued amber through to olive and deep magenta. They were oddly beautiful, catching the light not unlike a thousand crystalline shards, muted by their labels written in calligraphic ink.
Making eye contact with the bartender, the corner of your lips easing into a tiny smile while you ordered, “Well, if you’re so sure. Segreto Classico, please.”
The woman’s stare widened, her smile becoming rigid as she glanced at the man at your side. You followed her stare a few moments later, once she’d stepped away with a nod of her head to make the drinks. You languidly drew your eyes up and across Younghyun’s figure. It was as if he was made for tuxedos, his clean cut jacket lining his chest perfectly and accentuating his shoulders. Now that he wasn’t touching you, your hazy thoughts began to playfully contemplate if he was real at all. 
You found him frowning at his phone quizzically. “Everything ok?” you asked, leaning upon the counter to try and get a better look at his face. 
He did a double take to the bartender and then finally to you, a dispassionate grin covering his lips. “Oh, yeah it’s all good, I’ve just... got to take this call, if that’s alright?”
“Oh, no problem, I’ll be right here waiting for you,” you settled your chin upon your hand at that moment, though he didn’t appear to catch your sultry display as he smiled blankly, before raising his phone to his ear and walking towards the balcony. 
You watched him leave, the energy of the room dipping as he melded with the crowds. 
You were brought out from your vacant stare and spiralling thoughts by a a sudden clink to your side. Snapping your head over, you found your drink placed by your elbow, the lace design in the glass shimmering in the dim lights. The bartender meanwhile glared at you while she poured the second drink.
“You shouldn’t order that so blatantly,” she scolded, “you know full well that the drink isn’t on the—”
“And you think a member of la Giarda would drink anything else?” you interjected bluntly, taking your glass into your hands and swirling the ice amidst the clear liquid. The mint scent wafted around you and slowly cleared your mind, leading you to recount in your head what had occurred mere moments prior as if weeks had passed. 
The bartender shushed you urgently, but her tension didn’t travel across the counter. 
“Relax,” you urged with a snicker and knowing look, “no one knows the name here. He hasn’t got a clue. I’ll gather the information without a hitch don’t you worry.”
The woman places the second glass, taller and more simple than yours, in front of the empty bar stool. “You better not blow my cover,” she mumbled sulkily.
“You know I won’t,” you iterated, taking a sip and letting the electrifying taste sink in as you watched where he had disappeared off to.
“Because we’re only going to get one shot at this, so he better be—”
“He’s the right guy,” you snapped. 
And just as your glare dwindled, the crowds parted to reveal Younghyun, phone tucked back in his pocket and expression back to life. You caught his eye once again, and in an echo of the first time, you were captivated once again. This time however, in a different way.
As he approached, you felt a jab to your heart, like twisting glass. The newfound clarity had left you open and vulnerable, and here he offered the blow without knowing. 
When the chandelier cast dappled lights fraught with shadows and curtailed amber across his handsome face, all you could see was the suspended chandelier shattering to the ground. The shards finally experiencing their fate as time caught up with them. 
You didn’t want him to end like that too.
AN: i took a fair bit of inspiration from noir films, so i apologise if you don’t wear dresses/heels
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Lucifer(Fox) x reader - Time itself
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Hi! I stumbled upon your blog and really love your writing, so can I request one shot of Lucifer(Fox)? The reader is very polite and actually a personification of Time itself. She actually stopped time of the entire universe just to have a talk with him in private? Please? - Anon ❤️
I hope this I alrigt ❤️
Walking down the street, you stopped when you stumbled across a crying child. Quickly assessing the situation, you spotted the balloon that was floating away. It was much to high for you to reach.
Clicking your fingers, everything froze. Heading over to the balloon stand, you plucked a balloon from the stand and placed more than enough in the mans pocket as you walked back to the child. Another click of your fingers and everything was moving again.
“Here dear boy, do not cry.”
He took the balloon and muttered a small thank you, the mother walked up to you with a smile on her face as she pulled out her purse.
“Thank you so much, here, let me pay you back.”
Placing your hands over hers, you shook your head, slipping some money into her hand since you knew she needed it.
“No, no, please, I have plenty money. It’s you that needs it love.”
Waving, you carried on your way. Crossing the road, you headed towards the apartment you lived in, jogging up the stairs, two people were stood outside your door. A woman and a man who seemed a bit over dressed compared to her.
“May I help you?” You asked kindly.
“Uhm.. yes, I’m Detective Chloe Decker and this is my... associate Lucifer, we’re looking for a (Y/N) (L/N), do you know her?”
“Rather well officer, yes. I am (Y/N), please, come in. My only request is you don’t touch anything, should you not want to face the consequences.”
“Did you threaten me?” She asked with a hint of authority.
“I did not. And I would be out those cuffs before you could blink. Do not waste your time. No, I did not threaten you but something in my home are somewhat... dangerous if you know where they are from.”
The pair followed you in and took a look around. Chloe was on high alert but lucifer wore a grin as her strolled around the place. You had a clean home with a lot of odd artifices and and a large painting of an eye with a clock face in the middle.
“Interesting painting Miss (L/N).” Chloe pointed at it.
“Please, (Y/N) is fine Detective. And thank you, I painted it myself.”
Offering them a seat on your couch, you sat on the other one and folded your hands together and you crossed your legs.
“What brings you here?”
“What is it you most desire?” Lucifer smirked walking closer.
“Lucifer!” Chloe hissed.
You smiled, and leaned back on your chair as you locked eyes with him.
“Your tricks won’t work on me. Do sit down.”
Lucifer blinked, clearly confused as to what just happened. But he sat down none the less without saying a word.
“Did you know Ryan Green?”
You hummed and shook your head.
“We found your number in his phone.”
“My number is in many people’s phones Detective. People come to me when they require help. But you should speak to his boss, nasty man he is.”
“You’ve met his boss?”
“Yes, we meet every Thursday for movie night with a few others. He was always going on about how he disliked Ryan.”
Chloe nodded and gathered up her stuff, taking a look at the small pocket watch you had on display.
“Take it dear, I have plenty.”
Chloe looked like she went to protest but you have her a half glare and she picked it up, admiring it as she opened the door dragging lucifer with her.
“Thank you. We’ll be in touch. And by favours please don’t tell me you sleep with people like lucifer.” She deadpanned.
“Gosh no! I’m not that low unlike some people.” “Hey!” “No, I can change things. Time if you will, I can save that and change that in which you couldn’t.”
She gave you an unsure looked but nodded. You saw the doubt on her face as she walked away muttering about all the mad people in LA. Lucifer gave you one last look before leaving. Closing the door, you sat back down and waited, knowing full well you’d see them again.
Two days passed and sure enough someone was banging on your door. Standing up, you walked over to a frantic looking Chloe.
“I’m not saying I believe you, but you can change things?”
“What do you need done?”
“A.. a child. I couldn’t.. I couldn’t save him.. please, if you can change it help me!”
Nodding you held out your hand. Nodded for her to take it which she did with uncertainty.
“You will not remember this conversation, but I can do it. Close your eyes.”
When her eyes were closed, yours glowed and the scene changed. You were stood on top of a building. Everyone was frozen as you saw the child on the edge, Chloe opened her eyes and gasped.
“Wow...” she breathed.
Smiling, you walked over to the child and picked him up. Bringing him behind her you smiled and winked. Hiding behind a fixture as you watched the scene play out.
In the end the boy was saved and she got her suspect. With a knowing smile you stood up and walked over to lucifer. Clicking your fingers again everything stopped but you and him.
“Who are you?” He asked defensive.
“I thought it was obvious, but apparently I was mistaken. I, Lucifer Morning star, am time. They very personification of it. I can go back, forward, stop, play time. It is mine to change.”
“Why are you here?”
Blinking, your eyes turned from normal human eyes to glowing gold eyes. Lucifers eyes flashed red and you gave him a small smile.
“Your detective asked me to save the boy. In doing so, I save her the heartbreak and his life.”
“What do you get in return?” He asked as the pair of you walked down the stairs.
Lucifer narrowed his eyes at you as the pair of you stepped outside. Everything was still frozen as you walked around the streets.
“Then why do you do it?”
“Simply because I can. If I can save a life, change someone’s path for the better, I will. If I can make someone a better person I will.”
Turning to lucifer, you smiled at him again. Turning to the sky, you admired its beauty.
“And I suspect you, Lucifer Morningstar, hope for the same thing. Though you may not admit it, deep down, you wish to make people better. We aren’t much different you and I. Perhaps our paths will cross again soon, who knows? But for now, I bid you a goodnight and a farewell.”
Before Lucifer could stop you, you were gone. The streets were bustling about again, cars sped past and people talked as if nothing happened. Lucifers eyes stayed fixed in the spot you stood. Placing his hands in his pocket, he felt his fingers brush against something cold.
Confused, he pulled it out and blinked, there was a small pocket watch. As he turned it around he caught an inscription on the back.
Remember time changes every second, of every minute, of every hour. People change too, don’t forget that
Lucifer(Fox): @chill-4-dayz
All: @sitkafay @havlindzk @drakelover78
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slinkinginshadows · 5 years
Farewell foxes, they will return one day, but for now. .... Vore Time (* v *) -shitpost anon
Many noms await...
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kpopchangedme · 6 years
Hiii... Could we get a sneak peek of Impetuous ?
Dear Anon, Impetuous is the kind of mess that happens when I reread Austen. I think it’s weird, but tell me if you’d like me to finish this One Shot. (I have written around 5k words so far)
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Impetuous - 1800s / Romance  
“Joanna, it is ill advised to call me wicked at such a public outing, who knows what misfortune it might bring you.”
“Should I call a fox a wild dog? It’s not like my father heard.” You smile at her playfulness although her father, a dramatic clergyman, scares you more than the burning flames of hell he talks about with much passion.
“I’m only thinking of ways to escape this place.”
“Why? We have yet to dance!”
“It’s not like I’ll be asked to, besides all I do is chaperone Mariette these days.”
“Chaperon? Have we reached twenty-five without my knowledge? Are we – Catherinettes?” Joanna fakes offence with a loud gasp and you giggle at her celibate martyr wisecrack. In this crowd of local faces, she’s always a breath of fresh air, someone to go to when all things seems dark. “Has your brother written again?”
“No, although we are still hopeful he might come for summer.” She nods and you study her pleased reaction. It’s also your dearest wish for her to marry into your family should your brother finally return from his army duty.
“If he doesn’t come, I might not long for Franz anymore.” You barely frown at her threat, doubting her sincerity.
“Have you met new eligible gentlemen in town, Joanna? It is mean to conceal such valuable information from a lifelong friend.” You giggle once more, taking a good look around the big room. There is only familiar people everywhere and, as usual, unmarried men are already dancing with prettier ladies.
“Maybe… Wouldn’t you agree returning from the army suits Im Jaebum beautifully?”  Your eyes round at Joanna’s boldness and you follow the tip of her fan in pure shock.
There, at the other side of the ballroom stands the young Mr. Im. He looks the same as he did five years ago to you, there’s still that eternal stiffness in his posture. Im is handsome, but usually quiet and cold. Even if your families are close, he only directly talked to you twice in your lifetime and not once was he agreeable.
The first time was when you were around ten, to inform you your dress was stuck in your back stockings. Which would have been kinder had he not also mentioned that all the other kids were making fun of your buttocks. The second interaction was at your very first ball, you were a bit older, perhaps fifteen at the time, and he was sitting at the same table as you. You were trying to converse of literature with a Park gentleman when Im butted in, correcting the little Shakespeare quote you dare let out:
“A lady in love is ‘like Patience on a monument, smiling At Grief.’, if I may.”
He barely glanced at you saying so, leaving you burning with shame as his eyes callously went back to the dancers. Your interlocutor lost the little interest he held and you sat alone next to the silent Im’s heir for the rest of the night. You fuming and he, contemplating the crowd, unbothered by the humiliation he just caused you. It’s the last time you saw him before he left for his military duty, it was his farewell ball.
“Darling, are you ill? Do you want me to fetch a glass of Merlot or some help?” You dramatically accentuate your words, causing Joanna to stiffen a laugh behind her hand wrapped in white lace. “I’m afraid you are losing sight!”
“Really, y/n?” She raises an eyebrow, bringing a small glass of wine to her nude lips. “Aren’t you the one blinded by some childish grudge?”
“Who is that gentleman next to him?” You ignore her reply, finally noticing a stranger standing by your returning unpleasant neighbour.
“Without spouse, Mrs. Kim told me. A fine gentleman who befriended Mr. Im’s in the army, she said.” Joanna inclines her head with intent, pleased you finally saw the new face. How does one befriend such an hostile character, you wonder. “He hasn’t been introduced to many yet, but I wish he’d still dance with us ladies instead of simply keeping company to his friend.” You detail the new man with fascination; he’s wearing an outfit of the latest fashion.
For girls who blossomed late and spent more than half of their lives unattractive and uninteresting to the male population of their entourage, there may only be two joyful things at balls; great wine & unknown gentlemen. This one is of the rare kind; unarguably rich, handsome and very well dressed.
“Or perhaps… These two officers prefer each other’s company, in lieu of anything a beautiful lady has to offer…”
At your naughty witticism, Joanna fails to conceal her amusement and she laughs aloud, catching the attention of a small party around. The stranger you were shamelessly gawking at meets your gaze and offers a smile, flustering you. Afraid you’ll get caught laughing at his expense, you turn away, catching a glimpse of a very stoic Im. You excuse yourself to escape from the discomfort.
Your sister Marie’s virtue can be guarded by half the town for a few minutes, you need fresh air and calm.
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