#fashoin show
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hows this color look
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heroinchiiccc · 21 days
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w divas
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teddie-bear420 · 8 months
tier list
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warning this is super long and ranty but does have some silly doodles ill post else where :)
-teddie bear 420
I have had several dreams about vaggie and lute and alastor, they plage my every waking moment. one was me going to smooch city with alastor (very scary that man does not wash his teeth). the others vaggie just shows up sometimes
really liked vaggie in her angel flash back, her hair cut was so cute, not a fan she still has pink eye but what eves. I LOVE HER PONY TAIL THO, give my girl better hair styles!!!
do you think theyve explored each others bodies?
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I hated lute at first cuz, just look at her. you could get snow blindness with how white that woman is oh my lord. but once the 8th episode rolled around with hot women fighting my brain kinda clicked on for our old second in command. i keep going back to her in my brain and slowly morphing her into a heart broken lesbian who has a superiority complex and bullies her crush and then moves on to having a sugar mama situation ship with Lilith.
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alastor is just so fun and silly, and there's this one x reader fic that ive made fan art of, you've all seen it. i just love this guy but i like to imagine he's a woman just for me :)
i understand why he is a fan favorite
i love charlies look but i hate how childish she is, like girl you are like 24 kill your friends pimp. nifty molly emily are all so cute and i enjoy looking at them. cant wait for the nifty episode (delusional)
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i do love nifty more than the rest of these ones tho. i see lots of folks talking about how nifty is alastors daughter or angel dusts little baby daughter SHUT UP
OK maybe nifty lives in my dreams too
do you think theyve explored each others bodies?
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mimzy makes me mad cuz the show hated having her there clearly, like why is she the only fat person in hell. dont worry girl, I'll appreciate you once again i have to make alastor a dyke for my own sanity
do you think they-
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lilith and rosie are good to look at, i like how rosie talks and her showtunes, god i love her show tunes. pentious is the only yellow dude in hell. velvete looks like ass most of the time but I LOVE A BAD BITCH
like i said, no strong feelings
ok most of these dudes are too ugly or too annoying and i hate when they are on screen, lucifers pants are his skin, angel dust has the worst fashoin sense ever UGHS I HATE HIM WHERE ARE HIS TITS WAAAAAA
also i love that her name is sarah, thats such a basic name, like i can type alastor x reader and theres a bunch of results but if i typed sarah x reader, shes no where :(
also shes got that mlp horse face going on i love it
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i despise carmilla carmine, i hate her dumb horns, i hate her unnamed daughters, i hate her skirt, i hate her song, i hate her blazed ass eyes, i hate her long hair
vox just looks bad i cant lie
OK ADUM MAKES ME SO MAD HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN JACK BLACK WE SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIM BEING A FAT BASTARD CUZ I WAS CONVINCED HE WAS ANOTHER SKINNY TWINK also i am an anti shipper when it comes to adum x lute cuz that shit is weaaaak. he is so mean to her and not in a hot way, adum is some incel and lute is a goddess
yeah, #adumisoverparty 2024 the most divorced man in heaven
i can not wait for season two dude, im so pumped
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(Tw: mentoins of periods and some other things )Hello kate, recently my period started and my dad was sitting at the chair and he was showing me something on the computer so i said " dad can i sit? My stomach has cramps and it hurts also am kinda sick " and he said " please , its sucha shame thing, theres something called shame" and i just felt so missunderstood i mean he is my dad and he is no stranger and am just sharing something that it discomforts me so he will know that why i want to sit, also he is my dad , i think sharing things like that with him so he can understand me better isnt a shameful thing but he just so old fashoined also what do you think about this? Am i wrong?
No. It's incredibly immature, mean and sexist of your dad to shame you for mentioning your period. It's a natural part of life for half of the worlds population and it is NOT supposed to be a shameful secret.
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indiaverseart · 1 year
Entertainment - (NMACC) Grand Inauguration, Celebrity Visit And Performance Were Eye Opener
Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre 
Here is all we need to know India's first cultural hub. Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center inaugurated on 31st March by Nita and Mukesh Ambani in presence of many well known personalities through the globe. The NMACC was built to show the sensory journey of India's rich cultural, arts facility in the Bandra Curla Complex in Mumbai. NMACC Gala was a two day event where celebrities enjoyed themselves showed the influence of  India  on global fashoin. Various Indian Bollywood celebrities showed their performance in this two day event. On this grand opening the very first performance at the inauguration that  stole entire show was of Nita Ambani with a special performance at the Great Indian Musical : Civilisation  To Nation.
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insomniacafe98 · 5 years
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heroinchiiccc · 3 years
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i love how i can always say right thing on the right time
it makes me feel so powerful (cause i am)
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horvathanett · 8 years
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Daalarna fashion show 2017 😍
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2k19dz-blog · 6 years
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vamillion · 7 years
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Georges Hobeika
S/S 2018
Couture Details
Source: http://www.orientpalms.com/Georges-Hobeika-7064
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allisonlol · 3 years
Hi, hi!!! I see that ur ask box is open, ur headcanons are soo good~ can I get Chuuya, Dazai, Akutagawa (you can add more if u want) who has the personality of Jessica Rabbit and a fashoin taste like Cruella de vil. The movie just slapped so hard to me, it was so good!! Hope ur having a nice day, stay safe >3💗
a/n: ahh i love this request sm, ofc i will write that for u !! i actually haven’t seen the movie yet but it looks really good, and the outfit choices were amazing omg-
warnings: none !!
(Chuuya, Dazai, Aku)
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Chuuya Nakahara
he really admires your confidence & loyalty <3
chuuya is a bit of an insecure person so knowing you’re completely loyal to him makes him feel so happy and reassured !!
omg. please flirt with this bby because he will get so flustered every time
he ABSOLUTELY ADORES your fashion taste
y’all are the best dressed couple out there 👏🏻
he likes everything you wear, but ESPECIALLY if it’s red and/or flashy
in his opinion, the more extra the better 😌
date nights basically just become excuses for both of you to dress as fancy as possible
chuuya always tries to match his fit with yours as best as possible 🥺 it’s so cute pls
also buys you all the clothes you could ever need or want <3
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Dazai Osamu
everything about you is just so intriguing to him
absolutely loves your confidence & bravery; he thinks those are some of the most important traits for people to have and therefore admires you for it
the two of you always flirt and tease each other 😭 to the point where it’s basically a competition for who gets flustered first
he shows a genuine interest in your fashion taste & always asks what outfits you’re buying/designing next
low key wants to try on some of your fits,,,
you notice this and make sure to get some matching ones for him to wear with you 😌
dazai helps you pick out what to wear on most days
he’s just very involved and interested in your fashion taste 🥺
will shower you in compliments 24/7
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Akutagawa Ryunosuke
don’t let anyone else know but,,,he’s a total simp for you
another one that adores your bravery & loyalty
ur always there for him and he appreciates that SO much
he does have trouble verbalizing these thoughts but u know how he feels so it’s ok 😌
your fashion taste is right down his alley !! he loves it !!
might even subtly compliment u from time to time,,,
his favorite fits of yours are anything black & form fitting
bonus points if there’s leather
we all know aku is already a fashion icon but you influence him even more
like chuuya, he’ll buy you any clothing you may want
omg he keeps track of the certain styles & designers u like so he can surprise you with gifts all the time 🥺 SO PRECIOUS
a/n: this was a really fun request i loved it !! hope u enjoyed :D
song i listened to while writing: queen of nothing by elliot lee
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Thank you!
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cassyapper · 2 years
never heard of akira/rohan until a mutual put it on my dash today but im accepting it i think. it is very funny. to me it’s like
rohan drinking to forget his pathetic entirely one-sided little crush on jotaro. and then this fucking guy shows up, sings a song on stage (it was not open mic night), and then is bounced as a result. rohan is like “what a loser with awful fashoin sense. something is so wrong with him. i’d like to find out” and then he follows akira outside and reads his pages and then is like “oh fuck standuser. oh but he bullied josuke” and after akira wakes up like “WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!” rohan is like “josuke has okuyasu as his bully buddy against me so im now going to use you as a bully buddy against him” and then rohan’s taste devolves from there. anyway
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honeyymistt · 2 years
Sorry that you are feeling overwhellmed :/ so heres a idea of what you can do : do realxing things like maybe listen some realxing songs to clam your self down or take a hot shower it might realse your stress and make your self a nice food( like salad , chicken , etc) take time off from internet, or listen your comfort playlist, put a fashoin show for yourself like try your best dresses and take selfies with them and also do your hair etc and tidy up your room to feel fresh, watch something entertnig, write how you felt about today <3
Also its ok to feel like this, you are a human so its ok to have moments like this for expamle today was kinda awkard for me lol i did a mistake that i said something twice which i told my friend before, its was her swimming cap that i touched, i apoligize for it twice imao and she said you are thinking too much imao but its ok cus am not thinking that anymore and also like i couldnt even talked today😂 and thats ok too cus am a human being and we all have our moments like this, and overthinking yes its a struggle of mine but its not much as i before cus it got less in time and if anything goes wrong i can exlipan myself and tallk to her, or i dont even have to cus nothing really happned lol but yeah am sure you can overcome too and i hope these will help you💖
Thank you for all of the ideas on how to feel better 🥺❣️ I’ll definitely try some of those out tonight!! And I’m feeling much better now! xx
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the-thing-below · 4 years
Pre Mount massive Asylum Eddie Gluskin Headcanons
I am so goddamn nervous to post them :,> but here they are!
Please remember that these are my own interpritations to his character, for the comic ‘‘Infatuated‘‘ and that it’s completely ok, if you don’t agree or dislike them.  I am also thinking writing headcanons, for Mount Massive Eddie, before the engine and after. 
Also, a small Trigger warning for: mental health problems and violence. 
Just in case
-Tall and the same athletic bodybuild, we know from the game
-Similiar hair cut but with hair on the sides of his head
-Always clean shaven
-Wore more classy clothing, even at home you could always find him with shirts on.
-Spoke more formally, liked to adress women, as Darling, Dear or Sweetheart
-Really charming and romantic
-Big chatterbox, liked to flirt alot
-Though had a more old fashioned view of women, even misoginystic tendencies which he kept for himself
-Always had an eye on everything, memorized behavior and generally many details of people (perfume, gestures, mimics, interests, disinterests, etc.).
-Must be in charge of things
-Became vicious in arguments (mocking tone, tried to make you insecure)
-Would start to be extremly intimidating, when he felt it was necessary
Mental health
-Eddie suffered from strong PTSD
-Had problems falling asleep, sleeping through and also many nightmares involving his trauma
-Watched ‘‘Leave It to Beaver‘‘ to cope with the childhood trauma, trying to convince himself that he was indeed the protagonist of the series as a child.
‘‘His childhood remains an obvious fiction, he's claiming to have grown up in "Leave it to Beaver," despite a traumatically violent ongoing sexual experience that is a matter of public and medical record.‘‘ - Project Walrider Patient Status Report of Eddie Gluskin
-Eddie was walking a thin line between, adoring women and despising them. On one side, he wanted to love and be loved by them. On the other side, felt Gluskin easily betrayed, judged and disliked by women and had a old fashoined view of them. Which did not make a great combination with all the trauma that emerged with it
How he lived
-Had a small house outside of a small town, renovate alot of it himself
-Eddie wasn’t an untidy person
-Worked as a florist in the local greenhouse and flower shop
-He had some basic cooking skills (would have been the ‘We have food at home‘ parent.)
-Bought only the most necessary groceries at the end of the week
-Spend alot of time in the town, chatting with coworkers in cafes or bars. But also with random people, dating included
-Liked to sew
-Enjoyed sketching (sewing patterns, women, landscapes)
-Worked out at home, chopped some firewood (I mean the muscularity has to come from somewhere)
Why/how did he kill?
-If Eddie relived a strong emotion or whole situation from his childhood trauma. It caused a panic/psychotic outbreak, causing his killings.
‘‘When I confronted him with the photographs his father and uncle took, he responded with a mixture of laughter and anger, and restraints were issued.‘‘ -Project Walrider Patient Status Report of Eddie Gluskin
-Due to that, his killings were pretty messy and agressive, which is why the bodies are mutilated.
-He killed mostly with a kitchen knife but also with bare hands
-Gluskin was confused about his killings and even had memory leaks from his attacks.
-This led to a coping mechanism, where he told himself over and over again that he didn’t kill the victims and that they were just '''sleeping''' until he believed it.
‘‘When I showed him pictures of the women, he would not admit that they were dead or mutilated.‘‘ -Project Walrider Patient Status Report of Eddie Gluskin
-He kept the bodies in the basement, in a hidden small chamber under the floor
 Bonus: Dating
-Did everything to find the favorite flowers of his date. If she wasn’t a flower person, the next best thing-Would drive his date
-Loved it when women wore dresses or skirts, these could even be a little cheeky! Pants were a no go
-Liked makeup alot, especially classic red lipstick
-Praised the women
-Would pay for the restaurants, cinema visits, etc. Don’t they dare trying to stop him
-He had the habit to put his hand on theirs, comparing the size difference while doing that        
-Loved the idea of picking the women up and carrying them around the house
-Enjoyed slow dancing with the date at home
-Some sassiness was ok, could spice the mood up. But if they got too cocky or even tried to get a somewhat dominant position, was an instant turn off
-Eddie became fastly obsessed with his date, which often lead to possesive Behavior.
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samwebsteruniblog · 3 years
Why? Project
- Further Research, Experimentation and Development 
What I'm interested in showing is the way music directly speaks to our emotions and I wonder where I can take that visually in order to answer the why question. To do this I still need to do some research and get a better understanding of my questions answer. The American Music Association  details that music therapy programs can be constructed to manage mental stress, boost memory, and even eliminate pain. ‘A study in 2015 found that people who listened to music before during, or after surgery experienced less pain and anxiety compared to those who didn't listen to music.’ The pain elimination is something I recently learned and it's crazy how much of an effect music can have on you brain.
I think to visualise a very scientific answer would be limiting as it would rely on data and statistics and doesn't make me feel super inspired however I will be thinking and doing some visual research to try and come up with a direction I could take the answer displaying all the emotions attached to music. These emotions are amusement, joy, eroticism, beauty, relaxation, sadness, dreaminess, triumph, anxiety, scariness, annoyance, defiance, and feeling pumped up. To get a better a feel for each emotion I researched a few songs that have these effects.
A few Songs that create the feeling of happiness,
Don't stop me now, Queen
Walking on Sunshine, Katrina And The Waves 
Dancing Queen, ABBA
A few Songs that create the feeling of being pumped up,
Power, Kanye West
Started from the Bottom, Drake
Thunderstruck, AC/DC
A few Songs that create the feeling sadness,
Something in the Way, Nirvana
Tears in Heaven, Eric Clapton
I'm Not The Only One, Sam Smith
I now need to find a way to show these emotions on music I quite like the idea of displaying a world in which we consume music purely for mood instead of artists we like and songs we love. I think this could be really interesting to portray. Some of the ways to convey emotion visually is through Introducing symbolism, play with colours to find the right mood and more.
I made a few lists of the emotions I thought were easiest to convey and I tried to create a character but found this really difficult so I thought it would be easier to create something using a musical object as the body/face.
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I didn't really like this design for the disc and did a bit of visual research to find chapters and a style that would inspire me. I knew I wanted a retro look so I found old fashoined cartoons or characters inspired by certain eras.
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I then retried my character and used a few of the same components as the first design.
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The first poster I was going to make was the dreamy one as I knew it would be the easiest out of the emotions I had in mind to display visually as out of the ones I picked I had a lot of ideas to further reinforce the dreaminess.
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I used blue and calming colours to create a sense of relaxation or tiredness I gave my character an old fashioned night gown and hat to keep the theme on point. I found that my character looked best when i changed his eyes he now feels more like he's music related and still is expressive with the help of the classic sleepy zzz. I changed his costume multiple times as some where to detailed and didn't really look good the hat was to festive so I changed that too.
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The text was really hard to create as I wasn't sure how to lay it all out or what I wanted to say but I experimented with a range of fonts and was very inspired by children's books to create a positive and playful poster that I could reuse with multiple emotions however the main header or the emotion dreamy was made specifically for this poster and was created to feel dream like which is why I chose to use a bubbly font. The character is immersed in a cloud to further reinforce this dream like state. The text isn't as good as I had hooped However is the best I could do If i wanted to create another poster.
For the second poster I will be using orange as a main colour orange represents motivation, positive attitude, and enthusiasm. so its a great choice to display triumph as an emotion. I will be paring this with a nice green.
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It took a lot of development to come up with a final outcome that I was happy with I went for an athletic sporty font to show this idea of winning or triumph, also with the medal and crown. The second emotion was much harder to convey however I believe it was successful.
Some inspiration for the art style.
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