#fatal shooting
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Youth to Face Shooting Charge," Vancouver Sun. April 9, 1943. Page 13. ---- KAMLOOPS, April 9 - (CP)-А 15-year-old Indian held in connection with the fatal shooting of David Dennis, 18, also of the Kamloops reserve, will come up for preliminary hearing April 14.
A coroner's jury yesterday found that Dennis, 18, came to his death by a bullet from a .22 calibre rifle, but did not state in whose hands the rifle was held.
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"Fatal Shooting Follows Quarrel," The Province (Vancouver). April 9, 1943. Page 3. ----- KAMLOOPS, April 9. - (CP) — A 15-year-old Indian held in connection with the fatal shooting of David Dennis, 18, also of the Kamloops reserve, will come up for preliminary hearing April 14.
A coroner's jury yesterday found that Dennis, 18, came to his death by a bullet from a .22 caliber rifle, but did not state in whose hands the rifle was held.
Three teen-age Indian girls who were in the kitchen of Chief Alex Thoma's residence said they saw the youth pick up a gun and walk into a bedroom where Dennis was lying on a bed.
The two boys had been hauling manure into Kamloops from the reserve and are reported to have quarreled over Dennis' insistence that he rest before taking another load.
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wausaupilot · 5 months
Homicide investigation underway in Park Falls
What we know so far:
Wausau Pilot & Review Police are investigating an apparent homicide in Park Falls, according to a press statement. Few details about the death have been publicly released. WJFW reports the death as a shooting that was reported Saturday, April 13 near the 600 block of Second Avenue North. Police in Park Falls say there is no apparent danger to the public. Park Falls is a small community of…
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headlinehorizon · 10 months
Maryland Officer on Trial for Fatal Shooting of Handcuffed Man: Latest News
Get the latest news on the trial of Officer Michael Owen Jr., the first officer in Prince George's County to be charged with murder in an on-duty killing. Explore the disputed facts, evidence, and arguments presented in the case.
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gazetteweekly · 1 year
Ta’Kiya Young had big plans for her growing family before police killed her in an Ohio parking lot
The body camera video of the fatal shooting was released by the Blendon Township Police Department on September 1, 2023.
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Ta’Kiya Young treated her two little boys like kings, dressing them sharply, letting them have too many sweets, cooking them big gourmet meals of T-bone steak with broccoli, cheese and rice.
The royal life also awaited her unborn daughter.
When Young found out she was pregnant with her third child — a girl — she was thrilled. The 21-year-old Ohio mom and aspiring social worker bought a stack of adorable onesies in anticipation of the baby’s arrival. She scheduled a photo shoot to show off her baby bump. She applied for public housing and looked forward to the day when she and her growing brood would have a place to call their own.
Instead, Young’s grieving family prepared for her funeral on September 7, 2023, exactly two weeks after a police officer on August 24, in the Columbus suburbs fatally shot her in her car in a supermarket parking lot. The body camera video of the fatal shooting was released by the Blendon Township Police Department on September 1.
Their Aug. 24 encounter, captured on police bodycam video released last week, was the latest in a troubling series of fatal shootings of Black adults and children by Ohio police, and followed various episodes of police brutality against Black people across the nation over the past several years. The confrontations have prompted widespread protests and demands for police reform.
Young’s family wants the officer who shot her to be immediately fired and charged in her death and the death of her unborn child. The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is leading the investigation.
Ahead of Young’s funeral in Columbus, her grandmother, Nadine Young, who helped raise her, recalled Ta’Kiya (tah-KEYE’-ah) as a high-spirited prankster and a popular, “fun-loving, feisty young lady” who nevertheless struggled with the sudden death of her own mother last year, and who was just beginning to find her way in life.
Now the family is focusing on Ta’Kiya’s sons, ages 6 and 3. The oldest, Ja’Kobie, talks about his mother. The youngest, Ja’Kenlie, doesn’t quite understand she’s gone.
“We just show them a whole lot of love and let them know they’ve got a little village surrounding them and loving on them,” Nadine Young, accompanied by family attorney Sean Walton, said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Young said the video of Ta’Kiya’s violent death was heart-wrenching to watch, the shooting “void of any humanity or decency at all.”
In the video, an officer at the driver’s side window tells Ta’Kiya she’s been accused of shoplifting and orders her out of the car, while a second officer stands in front of the car. Young protests, both officers curse at her and yell at her to get out, and Young can be heard asking them, “Are you going to shoot me?”
Seconds later, she turns the steering wheel to the right, the car rolls slowly toward the officer standing in front of it, and the officer fires his gun through the windshield.
Nadine Young said she believes her granddaughter feared for her safety.
“I believe he was a bully,” she told a news conference on Wednesday, referring to the officer who shot Ta’Kiya. “He came at her like a bully, and that scared her with that baby in her stomach. She’s like scared, just a man walking up to her, cussing at her, and she not really knowing why.”
Walton, the family’s lawyer, said his firm is seeking the officer’s personnel file and wants to speak with people who’ve had interactions with him. He said one witness said the officer had previously arrested her 17-year-old son for jaywalking and told him “that his days were numbered,” Walton said.
He said the officer had no reason to even point his gun at Ta’Kiya, let alone fire it.
The officer “could’ve clearly just eased out of the way of that slow-moving vehicle but instead chose to shoot Ta’Kiya directly in her chest and kill her,” he said.
Before her death, Ta’Kiya Young had bounced around a bit, staying with her father in Sandusky and working as a ticket taker at Cedar Point amusement park. More recently, she’d been staying with her grandmother in the Columbus area, a few hours from Sandusky, to celebrate the family’s summer birthdays and participate in a remembrance of her mother, Dan’neka Hope, who’d died a year earlier.
Ta’Kiya’s mother’s death had “kind of messed with her,” Nadine Young said, and she urged her to get counseling. Ta’Kiya and her grandmother — both of them strong-willed — clashed at times. But their bond remained unshakable, and they spoke every day.
Despite Ta’Kiya’s struggles, a bright future seemed on the horizon for her. She intended to go back to school after the birth of the baby this fall. She had her sights set on a house.
“The struggle was going to be over once she got into the house,” Nadine Young said. “Her and the kids having this nice place, knowing it was theirs, and not having to stay with other people. That was the biggest thing in the world for her. She would’ve been set.”
This week, a notification from the public housing authority came in the mail.
She’d been approved.
“That hurt me to my core,” said Nadine Young, “because she was waiting for that letter.”
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trapangeles · 1 year
Unmasking Racial Violence: Examining the Tragic Shooting of a Black Neighbor by a White Florida Woman
In a deeply unsettling incident that highlights the persistent racial tensions plaguing our society, a white Florida woman, Susan Louise Lorincz, has been charged with the fatal shooting of her Black neighbor. The tragic event has shed light on a history of alleged harassment and racial slurs directed at area children. Today, we delve into this distressing case, examining the profound implications it holds for our communities and the urgent need for addressing racial violence.
Uncovering a Troubling Pattern: According to witnesses and neighbors, Susan Louise Lorincz had a disturbing history of harassing local children and targeting them with racial slurs. This pattern of behavior raises troubling questions about the roots of racism and the enduring impact it has on individuals and communities. The tragic shooting serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that can arise from unchecked bigotry and prejudice.
Addressing Racial Harassment: The incident involving Susan Louise Lorincz underscores the urgent need to confront racial harassment and discrimination. It highlights the necessity of fostering an inclusive and respectful society, free from racial animosity and bias. Communities must come together to condemn such behavior and work towards creating safe environments where everyone can thrive, irrespective of their race or ethnicity.
Examining the Justice System's Response: The charges brought against Susan Louise Lorincz prompt an examination of the justice system's response to racially motivated crimes. It raises questions about the adequacy of laws in addressing hate crimes and ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. The pursuit of justice must prioritize the protection and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their race or background.
Creating Lasting Change: Tragic incidents like the shooting of the Black neighbor emphasize the need for broader societal changes to combat racism and prejudice. Education, awareness, and open dialogue are crucial in dismantling deeply ingrained biases and fostering empathy and understanding. Communities must unite to challenge systemic racism, promote equality, and foster an environment where such acts of violence become inconceivable.
The Call for Unity and Solidarity: In the face of this distressing event, it is essential for communities to come together, offering support to the affected families and reaffirming their commitment to racial equality. By standing in solidarity against racial violence, we can send a powerful message that such acts have no place in our society. It is through collective action and empathy that we can strive to eradicate racism and create a more just and inclusive future.
Conclusion: The tragic shooting of a Black neighbor by a white Florida woman, Susan Louise Lorincz, serves as a stark reminder of the persistent racial tensions and acts of violence that continue to plague our communities. It underscores the urgent need to confront racism, promote inclusivity, and strive for justice and equality for all. By addressing these deep-rooted issues head-on, fostering dialogue, and advocating for change, we can work towards building a society that embraces diversity, respect, and understanding.
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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top ten most insanest decisions ever made even m night shyamalan on shrooms couldn’t have written things that happen in louis’ brain on a random thursday afternoon.
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nombitenary · 3 months
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mmm... a rabbit one minute, a lump in a hungry gullet the next...
thanks to @dinnergirl for letting me draw them in Christopher's belly as part of the "me wanting to draw prey" thing i'm doing. Looks like he's found a tea to drink as a chaser. Enjoy gurgling away in there! He'll certainly enjoy your stay <3
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"Convict Shot Dead In Break Attempt," Winnipeg Tribune. October 27, 1943. Page 1 & 4. --- JOHN Ashton "Pat" Barnett, serving a 20-year term at Stony Mountain penitentiary, was killed Tuesday night in an exchange of shots with a guard named Ferguson after he had got out of his cell and was trying to make his escape through the cell-yard.
Prison authorities today would make no comment on the shooting. Warden Alex H. Campbell said he was making a report to Ottawa and whatever statement was made would have to come from the department.
Barnett was sentenced to 20 years on Oct. 15, 1940, after a trial in Winnipeg in connection with the death of Const. John McDonald, of the city police force. Const. McDonald was shot while Barnett and two others were attempting to rob the Radio building.
Barnett made his breakout attempt about 6 p.m., Tuesday. In some way he had got out of his cell and was in possession of a gun. There is no information on how he got it. As soon as he got out he encountered Ferguson in the prison corridor, pulled the gun on him, and demanded that he hand over the keys to unlock the door to the cell yard.
From Information obtained outside of the prison authorities, it is claimed Ferguson handed over the key. Barnett is said to have fired the gun, and Ferguson returned the fire. The convict was killed almost instantly.
Dr. T. Evelin, provincial coroner, will hold an inquest at Stony Mountain tonight.
The crime for which Barnett was sentenced occurred in Winnipeg on Feb. 10, 1940, He and John Andrusiak and "Mike the Horse" Attamanchuk broke into the Radio building and made their escape while police were attempting to arrest them in the building. In the melee Constable McDonald was shot and killed.
The principal suspect in connection with the killing was Attamanchuk. Barnett and Andrusiak were picked up and held on coroner's warrants shortly after, but police continued the search for Attaman- chuk, believing he was the key man in the shooting.
Three days after, Attamanchuk was located in a hide-out in the Brant block on Logan ave. While police were attempting to force open the door of the suite where he was hiding he put a bullet through his heart and died almost instantly.
Murder charges were laid against both Barnett and Andrusiak.
A jury verdict for acquittal was directed by Mr. Justice Robson, the trial judge. The Crown laid new charges against both men as being accessories after the fact to Const. McDonald's murder. Both pleaded guilty and each was sentenced to 20 years.
Andrusiak is serving his term in Stony Mountain.
Caption: "PAT" BARNETT Shot to death in Stony Mountain escape attempt.
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oluin · 2 months
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Balenciaga AW23.
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Hugo Compte, photographer.
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batesmotelofficial · 16 days
[ past thing ]
*she nervously shuffled on the couch as she spoke with her mother; her mother's judging stare weighing down on her greatly*
" hmph... I never thought you'd want to stay alive after everything "
*Hailey stared up at her mother*
... I d-do... I have a friend aswell.... he takes care of me...
" hm... is he nearby? "
N-No mother he's up at the house making dinner....
*her mother hesitated pulling a pistol out of her hand bag*
... M-Mother...?
" ... I wish I killed you in the womb sometimes...."
*her mother mumbled before pulling the trigger. A loud bang sounded, and blood painted the couch as Haileys body slumped forward*
*Norman paused at the gunshot, grabbing his kitchen knife before running to the motel, without hesitation he ran into the room, gripping his knife once he saw Hailey*
..y-you killed her...
*he spoke with a shakiness to his voice, looking up at Haileys mother with not just a panicked look on his face, but an angry one*
You killed her!
*he immediately attempted to stab Haileys mother, not holding back with his strength or attempts*
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x-heesy · 5 months
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𝙿𝚑𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚑: 𝙵𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚞𝚗𝚡 / 𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 🤘🏾
𝙰 𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙴𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝙳𝚎𝚋𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚒 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚅𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎.
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𝙹’𝚊𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚢𝚜 - 𝙵𝚛ä𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚒𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚢 𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚢 𝚂𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 🎧
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apolocheesetpu · 2 months
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If this has been done then I'm sorry for beating a dead horse. Or a dead. Assless twink.
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hephaestuscrew · 9 months
In Ep45 Desperate Measures, Minkowski really needs the SI-5 (particularly Jacobi) to believe that she will shoot Maxwell if they don't back down. In that particular situation, she's desperate to be seen as unafraid and ruthless. If she can convince the SI-5 that she is willing to kill Maxwell, she can avoid having to find out whether she is. Only by giving the impression of being relaxed about violence can she avoid having to commit it.
But her hands betray her. As Minkowski points the gun, Maxwell notices how "her hands are shaking. A lot." Minkowski can't hide that sign of how on edge she is, no matter how much she might want to. Maxwell tells this to Jacobi with a little laugh, giving it as evidence for her certainty that Minkowski won't kill her. Jacobi believes Maxwell's assessment of the situation, but her assumptions are wrong; Minkowski fires that gun with her trembling hands. She's not the sort of person who can kill with steady hands, ruthless and unafraid. But she can still kill.
Later, in Ep53 Dirty Work, Minkowski claims "even in that moment, I didn't mean to do it... the noise. The explosion. It was a reflex. I think it was." I don't entirely believe this explanation of the incident, but I do think there is probably some element of instinctive motion involved when Minkowski pulls that trigger. In which case - contrary to Maxwell's assumptions - the lack of calm suggested by Minkowski's shaking hands could have actually contributed to her shooting Maxwell. If her hands are shaking, her reflexes are probably tensed, and her finger is trembling on the trigger, which just needs one small movement to fire...
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
What kind of photos can I post that would still allow me to maintain mystery and interest ?
Mirror selfies with your face or part of your face covered
Full-length body photos from behind or with your face tilted over your shoulder
Incorporating your arms/legs/torso in an aesthetic shot (like holding a bouquet and just exposing your forearm or holding the flowers over (a portion) of your face
"Soft launch" couple, friendship duo, or group photos (a mysterious hand on hip, wrist in a table flat lay, or mirror selfie while hugging)
Shadow photos with a reflection from a wall, floor, or a blurry/distorted mirror
Some less conventional photo inspirations include THIS, THIS, or THIS.
Hope this helps xx
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