#fbp international
FBP International: Your Trusted Migration Partner
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Reliable migration advice is more important than ever during expanding possibilities and shifting terrain. We're excited to introduce FBP International, a dependable partner committed to offering all-encompassing migration solutions that enable people and families to discover new worlds.
FBP International understands that embarking on a migration journey or making strategic investments involves critical decisions that shape your future. Our experience over the past three decades has excelled us in Australian Immigration Law, understanding the dynamics, technicalities, solutions, and processes in Australian Immigration, which are pathways, right requirements, and eligibility of the end clients, documentation and lodgments, and various other complexities of migration legal business. We are committed to guiding you through this journey, ensuring that every step is well-informed and tailored to your aspirations.
We provide a broad range of migration services at FBP International to meet your demands. Whether you're looking for skilled migration, business migration, family migration, or citizenship by investment, our knowledgeable staff is prepared to negotiate challenging immigration procedures, assuring a seamless and trouble-free shift.
Beyond migration, we're dedicated to improving your future. FBP International offers a comprehensive variety of investment opportunities per your financial objectives. Our qualified advisors carefully scout for lucrative opportunities that match your preferences and risk tolerance, from real estate investments and company initiatives to safeguarding your family's future.
Key characteristics of FBP International:
Every person or family has unique objectives. FBP International creates tailored solutions that support your objectives and guarantee a smooth trip.
Our knowledgeable advisers can provide insights that help you make well-informed decisions since they have in-depth knowledge of investment opportunities and immigration rules.
To earn your trust in our services, we respect the principles of openness and integrity in all our dealings.
FBP International was established as a reliable resource for people and families looking to immigrate or invest. Our goal is to allow our customers to start new chapters with the assurance of FBP International by reducing the complexity involved with these profoundly life-altering choices.
We invite aspiring migrants and investors to experience the difference that FBP International brings. Join us on a journey of exploration, growth, and new possibilities as you navigate the path toward a brighter future.
For further information, please visit www.fbpintl.com. 
About FBP International:
FBP International is a distinguished migration and investment solutions provider dedicated to empowering individuals and families to explore new horizons. With a commitment to delivering tailored solutions and expert advisory, FBP International guides clients through the complexities of migration and investment processes. Our global reach, transparency, and integrity are the cornerstones of our service philosophy, ensuring our clients' aspirations are met with confidence and clarity. 
FBP International is a prime and leading Immigration expert with In-house Australian Immigration Lawyers. Our core objective is to help you achieve a secure, bright, and wealthier future. We champion your right to a better and exalted lifestyle in developed countries by assisting you with skilled and business migration settlement solutions. We take pride in being the ONLY Australian Immigration Consultancy that delivers turn-key immigration services to Australia from around the globe.
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fbpinternational · 1 year
FBP International Dubai
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FBP International Dubai is a distinguished immigration and visa consultancy firm with expertise in guiding clients through various immigration processes. Their seasoned professionals offer tailored solutions for individuals and families, ensuring a seamless journey towards realizing immigration goals. With a focus on reliability and effectiveness, FBP International Dubai stands as a trusted partner in the pursuit of global mobilit https://www.fbpintl.com/
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heroicleader2763 · 2 months
first things first, i just need to list some people out that are important to the goofy roleplay happening in this blog. they are the accounts i interact with the most, therefore influencing on a bunch of stuff that happens + will happen. those are:
@leafyztar as LEAFY or sometimes EVIE aka EVIL LEAFY but not exactly: pin's sopping wet mentally ill girlfriend, both in and out of this roleplay [evie is... complicated. by the way they are a system] @mini-leafster as LEAFY JR. & THE GANG: a buncha kids @thescarlet-gardener as SCARLET: the scarleetttt @blue-funny-plant as BLUE FUNNY PLANT aka FBP: he's a plant. and he's blue. yes i know this is purple @obnoxious-show-copper as "THE OTHER COINY" aka COINY²: oh my god there's multiple @lollipop-the-businesswoman as LOLLIPOP: they [pin & lollipop] have yet to interact in the story but she's still quite important @priceless-taggy as TAGGY: a silly object that has never experienced the horrors
i do chat with other blogs at times, but these are the main ones! go check them all out. anyways, timeline time. there's various juicy links to older posts for you to check out! lesser important events are in smaller text, and extra important parts have a ★ star! by the way, i think this is a good visualization of pin's current mental states.
MAY ; humble beginnings: – BLOG IS CREATED!: self-explanatory. nothing much happens here, we get to find out about pin's neurodivergent interests and coiny's chronic dirt-eating issues i mean, quirky relation-ship with pin.
★ – PIN STARTS TALKING WITH LEAFY: they shatter time and space itself just to talk with each other. this is the start of their "pathetic mutual pining"
– PIN GETS HYPERFIXATED ON RHYTHM HEAVEN: this is not exactly a crucial event, i just find it funny. this is brought often
– PIN GETS A BOOTLEG LEAFY PLUSH: it's a comfort item. you'll see it quite often...
– PIN ADOPTS A MONITOR LIZARD: an asian water monitor, to be exact! she is big. she is then named "snapdragon"
– "Im Always experiencing Internal Villain arcs": this was a foreshadow.
EARLY JUNE ; it is pride month, my dudes: – COINY IS A SHORT DUDE: no further explanation needed
– LEAFY IS A BISEXUAL MESS: again, no further explanation needed
– "Fear Garden is about gardening... During Halloween!": uh-oh.
★ – "Happy Pride month girl kisser": pin's lesbian awakening. i mean, she already knew she was a womankisser, buuut...
– GOD THESE OBJECTS SURE ARE REAAALLY GAY: makes sense, it's pride month!
– PIN IS A MEAN BITCH TOWARDS HER FELLOW OBJECTS: this was some hilarious friendly fire
– THESE OBJECTS ARE REALLY GAY, THE SEQUEL: pin is aro-spec, and goes to hell and back for "dating advice".
– PIN TRIES FLIRTING [DUDE JUST CONFESS ALREADY]: it goes... okay? she does make leafy faint, though.
– SHE FINDS OUT ABOUT COINY² AND IMMEDIATELY STARTS BULLYING HIM: exactly what's on the tin. pin is mean
– LEAFY PAINTS PIN'S CLAWS GREEN: cute! this is permanent
★ – [ALSO AROUND THIS TIME LEAFY JR IS DISOWNED BY LEAFY, GO READ MORE OF THAT ON @mini-leafster I DUNNO]: pin becomes junior's unofficial mom from now on!
– SOME FUCKASS [/affectionate] ANON M!A'S PIN TO BE VISUALLY IDENTICAL TO FIREY: this was bad. this was also pin's first introduction to evie!
[ PART 1 ; you are here! :-) ] - [PART 2] - [PART 3] - [PART 4] - [PART 5]
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krug-movement · 9 months
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Международната инициатива на двамата кърджалийци Антон и Любка Савови „Международен Фото салон Пловдив’2023“ тази година реализира юбилейното си 10-то издание и както всяка година отново гостува в родния град за Деня на Кърджали в партньорство с Арт движение КРЪГ. Международният Фото салон Пловдив’2023 се провежда под патронажите на FIAP /Международна федерация за фотографско изкуство/, HPS /Фотографскo общество на Гърция/, НСФА /Национално Сдружение Фотографска Академия “Янка Кюркчиева”/, а в тазгодишното издание автори и клубове от 42 страни, между които са Израел, Иран, Египет, Саудитска Арабия, Украйна, Русия, представят потенциала на 8-то изкуство фотографията като фактор за равнопоставено творческо сътрудничество, независимо от кризите в отношенията между държавите.
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Международното 6-членно жури с председател италианският фотограф Пиерлуиджи Ризато тази година разгледа и оцени 5851 постъпили фотографии в 6 раздела /Черно-бяла и Цветна фотография, Природа, Фотожурналистика, Портрет и тяло, Градски живот/ от 42 страни, а до финалната селекция достигнаха 1272 фотографии на 330 автори от 40 държави. Най-добрите фотографии спечелиха 196 индивидуални награди, 11 награди (по статистика) за автори и 3 за фото клубове. Най-добър автор в салона, който получава - официалната светло синя значка на FIAP е българин - Явор Мичев, EFIAP. Най-високото отличие, Купата на 10 МФС Пловдив’ 2023 е за фотография на Мохамед Римон, EFIAP, FBPS, EUSPA HON.FICS HON.PESGSPC от Англия. Плакет за подгласника на голямата награда „Купата на салона“ е за фотография на Любомир Аргиров, EFIAP. Плакетът за най-добре представил се фото клуб е за India International Group /Индия/, следват ги Фотоклуб НЮЦОЙГ /Австрия/ и  Австрия и Фотоклуб ЕВРАЗИЯ /Русия/. За трети път тази година в предизвикателството участват и млади автори (16-21 г.) от Египет, Русия, Франция, Унгария, Оман и България.
Раздадени са и партньорски награди, като плакет „Награда за най-добро участие в салона“ от Фотографското общество на Гърция (HPS) спечели Абишек Бисак, AFIAP, EFIAP, HON.CPE, A.NPS,IIG/P, HON.PESGSPC, IIG/S2, A.CPE от Индия, а плакет за най-добре представил се чуждестранен автор (от организаторите Любка и Антон Савови) спечели Йозеф Хиншерлиетнер, EFIAP, MVÖAV от Австрия. Специален албум с близо 800 творби на автори от Фото салон’23 е отпечатан и ще бъде разпространен в 42-те участващи в 10-то юбилейно издание държави.
Гост изложбата „Избрано“ в Арт галерия Кръг се откри на 23 октомври /понеделник/ от 18:00 ч. и е отворена за посетители до 17 ноември’23. Представена е селекция от най-добрите творби на  автори от България, Англия, Индия, Белгия, Руска федерация, Италия, Австрия, Испания, Китай, Ирландия, Саудитска Арабия, Естония, Оман, Люксембург, Франция, Полша.
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harshalj · 2 years
FBP International is an Australian immigration agency with network of local links legal advisers onboard It ensures hassle free secure Australian immigration
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babulthings · 4 years
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# পথকলি বিদ্যালয় – school for street bud !
at sadarghat terminal dhaka city bangladesh
ঘুমিয়ে থাকে শিশুর পিতা – সব শিশুদের অন্তরে the father of children asleep inside the soul of children আগামী পৃথিবী হউক এক বিশুদ্ধ শিশু স্বর্গ শুভেচ্ছা বিশ্ব শিশু দিবস ২০২০ # এই উদযাপনে বাংলাদেশে চলছে জাতীয় শিশু সপ্তাহ the coming world becomes a heaven of children greetings of world children day 2020 #Bangladesh celebrating the national child rights week 2020 regarding the celebration . …………………………………………………………………………… It’s about a fun day, with a serious message, when kids ‘take over’ high-visibility roles in media, politics, business, sport and entertainment to shine a light on the most pressing challenges faced by their generation. It’s about lots of events all over Ireland celebrating this. NOVEMBER 20TH November 20th is an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is a day that is all about the importance of children and how they have special rights and freedoms that help them to grow into happy, healthy adults. ……………………………………………………………… World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s annual day of action for children, by children. This year, the COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a child rights crisis. The costs of the pandemic for children are immediate and, if unaddressed, may last a lifetime. It’s time for generations to come together to reimagine the type of world we want to create. Kids are reimagining a better world. What will you do? share a compliment and humanity with your kids , co-workers , friends , families , people and green planet …………………………………………………….. © আবদুল মালেক বাবুল এফবিপিএস ,এফবিপিএস সন্মান © Abdul Malek Babul FBPS Hon FBPS https://bimboophoto.com/ Cell : 01715298747 , 01305269349 Email : [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………… * professional & fine art photo artist *teacher *organizer *dream weaver * pictorial creator & documentary expert *National and Internationally renowned leading photo artist * Achieved more than thirty national & international awards including Gold , Grand & First prizes along with exhibited photographs in home and almost every continents around the world *published fine art photographs in different prestigious international and national publications *Former Principal of Bangladesh Photographic Institute BPI * Former vice president of Bangladesh Photographic Society BPs *Fellow and Life member of Bangladesh Photographic Society BPS *Former defence officer (civil) Armed Forces Medical Services AFMI Dhaka cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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profeminist · 6 years
“The last decade has secured numerous victories for gender equality around the world.
But only six countries have achieved true gender parity under the law, according to a recent report by The World Bank.
The report looked at how legislation affects women's economic decisions across eight indicators: the ability to travel, start a job, get married, have children, run a business, get paid, manage assets, and obtain a pension.
Countries with 100 points earned a perfect score, but the global average was around 75 points. This led the authors to conclude that "a typical economy only gives women three-quarters the rights of men."
The United States scored an 84, but lost points due to its parental leave policies. Nations in the Middle East and North Africa earned a much lower average of 47 points.
Take a look at how six countries — Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, and Sweden — have achieved equal rights under the law over the last decade.”
Read the full piece here
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typhlonectes · 6 years
July 26 is International Mangrove Day, dedicated to the unique forests that survive at the interface of land, river and sea.
Mangroves protect coastlines from storm surges, filter out pollutants, and are home to a wide array of diverse life.
However, mangroves have declined rapidly around the world, losing out to shrimp farms, tourist resorts, agricultural and urban land over the past decades.
What does the disappearance of this special forest ecosystem mean for our planet? Experts respond.
Sitting at the edge of land and sea, mangroves are unique in many ways. The mangrove trees and shrubs form dense forests, their special, intertwining roots helping them survive in the saline and brackish waters they call home. These forests are skilled at filtering pollutants from river water. They are adept at trapping excess sediment before it reaches the ocean. They are also carbon powerhouses, a tract of mangrove locking away many times more carbon in the soil than a similarly sized area of rainforest. Moreover, mangrove swamps are important nurseries for several fish species, and support a massive diversity of wildlife, including tigers, crocodiles, otters, turtles and several species of birds and insects.
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fbpreviews · 2 years
3 Reasons For Recruiting The Professionals For Visa Application
Fbpintl. Reviews
 Applying for a visa can be a daunting task and an expensive one, too, unless you engage the professionals. Many people tend to avoid hiring reputed professionals due to the expense. However, expert immigration lawyers can assist you with the visa process actively and save time as per the fbp international reviews. 
 Please go through the top reasons you should hire professionals to assist you with the visa application. 
 Reason #1: The process is complex
 If you go through the FBP Reviews, you will realize that clients often find the visa application process to be a complex one. In fact, a maximum number of rejections are on technical grounds because you may have selected the wrong box on the application or did not meet all the criteria of the application requirements. 
 Additionally, there have been more strict rules applicable in forensic assessments in recent months. To understand the process thoroughly, expert guidance is almost mandatory.
 Reason #2: Extensive process
 The process of migrating to a different country will be an expensive affair, visa application being one of the notable categories of expense. The fbpintl reviews will reveal how the professionals will prevent any chance of visa refusal, and it will cause you huge monetary loss, potentially thousands of dollars.
 Reason #3: Dynamic legal world
 Another prime reason to hire professionals is the constant changes in the immigration law of Australia. These changes immediately bring about changes in the applicant’s visa options. According to the fbpintl. Reviews, the migration lawyers at their companies have legislative interpretation skills. A failure to possess these skills will often result in adverse visa outcomes.
 Prevent detrimental future
 The fbp international glassdoor will help you save yourself from visa denial, which can be detrimental to your immigration history. For instance, the company will inform you about the latest changes in age limitations and other aspects.
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A Comprehensive Guide on How to Migrate to Australia with FBP International
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Australia's magnificent scenery, dynamic cities, and excellent quality of life have made it a dream destination for many people looking for new possibilities and a fresh start. If you're considering moving to Australia, you're beginning an exciting journey that will need careful planning and skilled counsel. Migrating to a new nation, on the other hand, necessitates meticulous preparation and execution. FBP International might be your trusted companion if you're seeking a dependable partner to help you through the migration process. In this article, we'll go through the important stages of effectively relocating to Australia with FBP International.
Investigate and Select the Appropriate Visa Category: Before beginning your migration journey, it is critical to grasp the many visa alternatives accessible. Australia has several visa types available, including skilled migration, family, and business visas. FBP International is a company that helps people and families with their migration requirements. Their team of specialists will assist you in determining the best visa category for you based on your skills, experience, and personal circumstances.
Consultation and Evaluation: FBP International will offer a cust omized consultation once you've picked the visa category that best fits your needs. Their migration specialists will examine your eligibility during this consultation, considering age, education, job experience, language skills, and more variables. This evaluation is critical in establishing your prospects of migration success.
Document Preparation: Migration applications need significant documentation, and missing or erroneous papers might result in delays or visa rejections. The experts at FBP International will walk you through the document-gathering process to ensure you have all the essential papers. Qualifications, employment references, health checks, police clearances, and other factors may be required.
Assessment of Skill: A favorable skill evaluation is generally necessary for skilled migration permits. FBP International will assist you in acquiring the requisite skill evaluation from the appropriate assessing body. This phase is critical in demonstrating that your credentials and experience fit Australian requirements.
Visa Submission: With your documentation in order and your skill assessment finished, FBP International will assist you in preparing and submitting your visa application. Their experience with migration cases guarantees that your application is complete and correct, reducing the chance of mistakes that might result in delays or rejections.
Regular communication and updates: Moving to a new country can be stressful, but FBP International stands out for its great communication and customer service. Throughout the application process, you will receive frequent updates on the progress of your application. Any modifications or extra requirements will be communicated to you quickly, keeping you informed every step of the way.
After-Visa Assistance: The journey continues once your visa is accepted. FBP International offers post-visa services to help you settle into your new life in Australia. Their aid extends beyond the first visa clearance, from travel arrangements to advice on assimilating into Australian society.
Services for Settlement: Getting a visa is only the first step in moving to a new country. FBP International can contact you with resources and services to help you with your settlement procedure. This covers choosing a place to live, registering your children in school, learning about the local employment market, etc.
Final Talk, Migrating to Australia is a huge choice that demands careful planning and execution. With FBP International, the migration process becomes easier and more manageable. Their knowledge, individualized counsel, and dedication to customer satisfaction make them an excellent partner for anybody wishing to start a new chapter in Australia. FBP International's comprehensive services cover every step of your relocation journey, from selecting the appropriate visa category to settling into your new life. So, if you're fantasizing about life in Australia, know that FBP International is here to make your fantasies a reality.
Begin your journey towards a better future with FBP International. Visit our website at www.fbpintl.com to explore our comprehensive range of services and take the first step towards a prosperous life in Australia. Your success story starts with us.
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fbpinternational · 1 year
FBP International - Immigration Consulting Franchise Opportunity
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FBP International Limited established in 2014 is an Australian-operated company that boasts an exceptional network of local and international connections across the globe. With a proud affiliation with Australian Government authorities, our founders, directors, and team possess over 50+ years of combined experience in facilitating the migration and settlement of individuals, families, and businesses in Australia.
FBP International provides end-to-end Australian migration and settlement services for up to two years after your arrival, ensuring a seamless integration for you and your family through our exclusive network of partners and local migration agents.
Our experience over the past three decades has excelled us in Australian Immigration Law, understanding the dynamics, technicalities, solutions, and processes in Australian Immigration which are pathways, right requirements, and eligibility of the end clients, documentation and lodgments, and various other complexities of migration legal business.
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dirtyfinger · 4 years
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I hope you gotta chance to check the latest @chanceswithwolves, show #438... I was hyped to be their special guest, 3.5k plays in a week! 🐺link👆 #fbp (at Wolfinger International) https://www.instagram.com/p/CATYg35D0EP/?igshid=4b1o1iy49xpv
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harshalj · 2 years
The Australia immigration Abu Dhabi services by FBP International can help you find right job in Australia a hub for skilled migrants
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babulthings · 4 years
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মাননীয় মেয়র ঢাকা দক্ষিন আমি মুমূর্ষ নদী বুড়িগঙ্গা বলছি আমার বোবা কান্নার চিৎকার কি শুনিতে পান !! the honorable mayor Dhaka south i am the death ill river Buriganga do you hear the voice of my dumb cry !! *টগবগে যৌবনে বুড়িগাঙ্গা নদী ৮০র দশকের মঝামাঝি পর্যন্ত ছিল পরিস্কার স্বচ্ছ পানী , সওদাগরী নৌকার বহরে ভাটিয়ালী সুর , সারি সারি খেয়া নৌকার অবাধ চলাচল আর মৎসজীবির বেহাল জালে বৈচিত্রময় সোনালী সকাল; সব মিলিয়ে বুড়িগঙ্গা ছিল মানুষের জীবন জীবিকা আর জনবহুল রাজধানী শহর ঢাকার বুকভরা নির্মল নিঃশ্বাসের ঠিকানা নিয়ে প্রান চঞ্চল ধারায় প্রবহমান। এখন ২০২১ সাল; একবিংশ শতাব্দীর আধুনিক সভ্যতার বাহাদুরি–ঝাড়িঝুড়ি চারিদিকে ।এরই মাঝে বুড়িগঙ্গার তীরে অবস্থিত রাজধানী শহর ঢাকার হৃৎপিন্ড তথা বাংলাদেশের হৃৎ স্পন্দন মুমুর্ষ নদী বুড়িগঙ্গার হৃদয়ে চলছে রক্তক্ষরন ! দুচোখ জুড়ে বোবা কান্নার তপ্ত অশ্রুধারা ! চলছে এভাবেই ভয়ংকর রক্তক্ষরণ নদীমাতৃক বাংলাদেশের মৃত্প্রায় অসংখ্য নদী মরুর তপ্ত বুকে ! এর জন্য বৈশ্বিক জলবায়ুর পরিবর্তন যেমন দায়ী তার চেয়েও বেশী দায়ী মানুষের নদী দখলের নির্লজ্য দস্যুতা,কলকারখানার রাসায়নিক বর্জ্যের আগ্রাসন , সুবিধাভোগী অকৃতজ্ঞ মানুষের চরম অবহেলা , নদী সংস্কারে দূর্নীতির দৌরাত্ব্য , কঠোর রাষ্টীয় ও সমন্বিত রাজনৈতিক সিদ্ধান্তহীনতা , নদী রক্ষার প্রতি সর্বসাধারনের অসচেতনতা এবং সর্বোপরি দেশপ্রেমের অভাব চরমভাবে দায়ী ! সুতরাং বাঁচাতে হবে নদী বুড়িগঙ্গা , বাঁচাতে হবে হৃৎপিন্ড ঢাকার , বাঁচাতে হবে হৃৎ যন্ত্রের ক্রিয়া বাংলাদেশের । Bangladesh is a riverain country. About 800 rivers flowS in the heart of this beautiful country constituting a water way of total length around 24,140 km. Most of the country’s land is formed through silt brought by the rivers. But due to climatic change, global warming and man made disasters small rivers are all ready dead , mediums are on death ill and maximum big rivers are fighting to survive. The Buriganga river has served the central artery to economic life in Dhaka for centuries. In addition to the commercial benefits the Buriganga has offered Dhaka city a constant water supply, ground water recharge, recreation and fisheries as well as support for agricultural, sanitation and industrial purposes. The indiscriminate dumping and industrial waste combined with the failure of authorities to enforce existing regulations to protect the ecological health of the river has aggravated the situation to the point where Buriganga river is dying biologically and hydro logically. ……………………………………………………………………………… © আবদুল মালেক বাবুল এফবিপিএস ,এফবিপিএস সন্মান © Abdul Malek Babul FBPS Hon FBPS https://bimboophoto.com/ Cell : 01715298747 , 01305269349 Email : [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/babulabdulmalek https://www.facebook.com/bimboophoto https://www.facebook.com/Save-the-artery-the-buriganga https://www.facebook.com/groups/363821067364826 https://www.flickr.com/people/55321771@N08 https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos ………………………………………………………………………… * professional & fine art photo artist *teacher *organizer *dream weaver * pictorial creator & documentary expert *National and Internationally renowned leading photo artist * Achieved more than thirty national & international awards including Gold , Grand & First prizes along with exhibited photographs in home and almost every continents around the world *published fine art photographs in different prestigious international and national publications *Former Principal of Bangladesh Photographic Institute BPI * Former vice president of Bangladesh Photographic Society BPs *Fellow and Life member of Bangladesh Photographic Society BPS
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bespokesurgical · 5 years
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#ButtIsItTrue? We get loads of questions about cum (see what we did there?). This week's inquiry came about because someone couldn't find an answer and was genuinely curious... Is it bad for your body to keep cum inside of your bum/anal cavity after intercourse or should you make sure to go to the bathroom and let it out? I’ve noticed discomfort when I don’t let it out almost like my body knows there’s something foreign inside me that it wants out! 🙅🏻‍♂️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What do we think? It's probably more of a post-intercourse reflex. The 💦stimulates the normal evacuation process and that’s the sensation your feeling. Cum in and of itself is made of natural substances and doesn’t need a true post-sex wash. Though many in our community do clean internally to remove all excrement. Remember: ejaculate can cause STDs and it’s probably more so during the act of sex that causes the transmission, but one never knows. That said, @DrEvanGoldstein thinks it’s just more about personal preference. We even know of some people who leave cum on their face overnight as a facial mask. No joke! 💆🏻‍♂️ #GetBehindBespoke #DoctorsOrders #Monday #LGBT #LGBTQ #Queer #Instagay #Health #Wellness #Gay #SexEd #SexualEducation #FBP #FullBottomingPotential #LongLiveTheBottom https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxr4ez2hO9W/?igshid=8eia98idm9s5
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