#february is gonna be A Month for me
it's ferburary
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indilaras · 11 months
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process of elimination
this is the kind of quality content that happens when you're an Alhaitham main with Cyno's sense of humor.
ID: an eight panel comic in grayscale, featuring Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Alhaitham from Genshin Impact. Panel 1. Cyno is sitting at a table with a cup of wine, one hand gesturing to the air. He is saying, "Why does Alhaitham say 'The process of elimination!' while performing his Elemental Burst? Because he eliminates enemies with it." Panel 2. Tighnari and Kaveh at the same table. Tighnari has his hands in front of his exasperated face, and he is sighing. Next to him is a cup of wine. Kaveh is looking somewhat anxious, sweating. He’s spilling his wine on the table just as he’s about to drink it. He says, “Uh… Cyno...." Panel 3. Alhaitham has a hand on the chair next to Cyno's, and is silent, expressed with ellipsis, as he looks at him. Cyno is facing the front and not him, saying "hm? what?" His cup is on the table, to his side. Panel 4. Alhaitham and Cyno now sit next to each other, and Alhaitham takes the cup. Cyno is facing him, asking, "Oh, Alhaitham. Did you hear my joke?" Panel 5. Alhaitham is holding up the cup, and says with a flat expression, "You mean my joke. You did a surface-level analysis of the multi-layered joke that I made. Unless... the noble General Mahamatra has resorted to blatant plagiarism?" Panel 6 is split into three reaction shots. Cyno has a sparkle in his eye, while Tighnari and Kaveh look shocked and bewildered. Narration/thought bubbles say, collectively, "He says that as a joke on purpose?" Panel 7. Alhaitham is sitting and drinking with a smirk, while Cyno stands up with his hands on the table, looking excited. Cyno: "Hah! Of course not." Alhaitham: "Uh-huh. Sure." Cyno: "And I'm well aware of the full complexity at play here." Alhaitham: "Oh, really?" Cyno: "Mmhmm." Alhaitham: "Why don't you explain it to me in great detail." Below that is a shouting speech bubble saying, in all-caps, "WAIT-- NO-- !!" and a smaller one with fox ears to imply Tighnari speaking, saying "augh". Panel 8. Alhaitham is smiling softly with flower effects around him as he looks at Cyno who is rambling about the joke with his eye sparkling. In front of them, looking away, is an annoyed Kaveh yelling, "BOSS! Another round for this table! and put it on hthm's (Alhaitham's) tab...!" Tighnari is next to him, hands on his folded ears, eyes closed, muttering, "Archons save us, there's two of them now...." End ID.
Also here's the unobscured joke ramble:
So I've gone over the 'elimination' as in eliminating enemies already. While simple, it is genius in how easily applicable it is in every fight, from Spectres exploding to Treasure Hoarders escaping. Other than that, the full phrase 'process of elimination' itself refers to a logical method to identify an entity of interest among several others by excluding all other entities; this is likely the obvious meaning that you want others to catch first. After all, you once went on about your strategy in combat being "finding the weakest link" before letting everything else resolve itself, so it seems like an obvious connection. Hence why I didn't start from there. We also can't forget the use of the word 'process' is also relevant, since typically you start the fight with your Burst, hence this line starting the process of eliminating your foes.
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fantasykiri5 · 2 months
Sorry but I’m just not going to pay attention to some of the bad kids’ canon heights. Some of them are listed as too damn tall (and Gorgug has 100 percent grown since freshman year) so have 80 million headcanons
Like you’re telling me Riz is supposed to be 4’4”?? That’s a tall ass goblin! That’s too big to be reasonably carted around on the others’ shoulders, no no, I’m making the executive decision to draw him as 3’9” - 3’11” from now on and you can’t stop me. I’d give him another inch or two by college and that’s it.
Kristen being 5’11”? NAH She’s 5’6”. BIG 5’6” energy right there.
Adaine and Fig didn’t have their heights listed on the wiki but I’m thinking Adaine is 5’10” and Fig is 5’4”. Or Fig is also 5’10” ish and takes after Gorthalax idk but I’m leaning towards short Fig.
Fabian can actually stay same as canon at 6’1”. Maybe grow an inch or two since freshman year but honestly his still works. He’s a year older than the others, prolly grew a little earlier and plateaued early-mid sophomore year, half-elf youth look and all that. I think he lied in introductions freshman year and was about 5’11” - 6’0” and grew over the year before the others could notice the discrepancy.
And Gorgug. Gorgug. You’re telling me he reached 6’4” in freshman year and didn’t keep growing?? Mother fucker he has to have hit at LEAST one growth spurt since, puberty does not hit that early in boys that he was done growing at 14/15. I’m thinking 6’8” or so by Junior Year so far, maybe another couple inches before graduating, maybe not.
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atlantis-area · 4 months
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TAEMIN Press It Highlight Medley Ver.2 (Press It Making Film)
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365-partygirl · 1 month
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i cannot cope
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dawdlecentric · 6 months
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evenstarfalls · 16 days
Thinking about bones ve schwab again
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heatherfield · 4 months
Ohmygosh I did it. I finally finished a chapter.
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So maybe I'll finally post a new chapter on "Walk Me Home" within the week!!
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drella · 3 months
hey guys have u guys heard abt the darkness that’s on the edge of town……..
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Okay yeah uhm… I might need to tell a whole bunch of people not to mention something about me on a specific day. I think they’ll do that for me. They like me. I am a beloved member of their family. Ahahaha 😰
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merevide · 3 months
hiiiii i have returned from the depths of the underworld (self imposed hiatus) (3 week break that felt like 3 years)
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despairforme · 4 months
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He's hoping February will be better.
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nygleskas · 3 months
missed jermstone 2nd year anniversary (twas feb 21st) this is so so sad ....sorrey gideon i luv youuuuuu 💗💗💗💗 everyones obligated to look at him
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stevethehairington · 4 months
ya girl just hit her 2024 reading goal.... and it's only february 😂😂😂😂 looks like i DEFINITELY have some reconsidering to do
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mokeonn · 4 months
Being off my meds has finally caused me to fully commit to the "disappear for a month and come back better at art" bit because I literally have nothing else that I wanna do but I got a bunch of Morpho books and art pencils and a sketchbook I've been neglecting
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the-descolada · 17 days
what a rough way for this year to go already.
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