#federal system
studylaws · 11 months
Salient Features of Indian Constitution: A Comprehensive Guide with 10 Salient Features of Indian Constitution
IntroductionSalient Features of Indian Constitution1. Lengthiest Written Constitution in the World (Article 368)2. Federal System with Unitary Bias (Article 1-4)3. Parliamentary System of Government (Article 74-75)4. Fundamental Rights (Article 12-35)5. Directive Principles of State Policy (Article 36-51)6. Independent Judiciary (Article 124-147)7. Universal Adult Suffrage (Article 326)8.…
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
If you're wondering why I set up ko-fi membership stuff after I really resisted monetizing in any way for so long, btw... Honestly, it's because taxes and some big surprise vet bills this month kinda. decimated my savings. by a lot.
Normally I'm okay enough financially, but I'm in a really high cost of living area, and it's just been a really rough month in a lot of different ways.
So, if you're interested in supporting me or my work, whether it's with a membership or a one-time thing or whatever - and only if you can genuinely afford it - that would honestly be amazing and more helpful than I strictly like to admit
As an extra incentive, if this ko-fi thing goes well, I'll commit to actually answering asks and shit again lol
Either way <3 <3 to all of you
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people: the separatists weren't so bad they were just deceived. they were right to want to fight the Republic because it was corrupt and arrogant etc etc
the original statement the first organisations to join the CIS rallied behind:
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Were the names 'Trade Federation,' 'Corporate Alliance,' Commerce Guild' and 'Techno Union' too subtle? Did they have to SHOUT "we're in it for the money"? Because it was the intention that they do, and I can only imagine it got cut because it was so on the nose it was becoming painful.
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alphamecha-mkii · 3 months
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USS Ares MSD by LCARSgfx
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driften-sea-snake · 11 months
the separatists are the best star wars faction because it’s so funny that the galaxy’s leading corporate executives ultimately just got scammed by an old monk who then tricked them into getting trapped in a room with a mentally unstable 20 year old with a sword
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petrichormore · 8 months
(It’s time for a 4halo ramble and analysis into their current relationship! Everything that follows is about the characters, I’m not using the q! because I’m lazy. I also want to repeat that while I am a 4halo shipper this entire rant is me explaining why I don’t want them to get together right now or anywhere in the near future. I don’t really consider this 4halo neg but let me know if you want me to tag it as such - they have the chemistry and in a distant future I could see it - but the fluffy 4halo that everyone seems to be imagining right now? I can’t see it happening. Toxic 4halo is another story entirely though and not what this ramble is about)
Okay you have been warned (THIS IS LONG):
not saying I’m not a huge 4halo enjoyer because. I am. But I do hope they don’t actually “become canon” or get into a relationship for the foreseeable future. Because the only realistic way that will end is in a giant, heart-wrenching break-up after like. 2 weeks. And I don’t see the ship recovering from that I’m gonna be honest.
Look. They can barely communicate as they are right now, any kind of committed relationship between them would end in fire and brimstone - especially when you take into account the power imbalance that is already causing problems.
Forever has not apologized for jailing Bad, even though Bad has asked for it (a rare show of communication on his part) and he might not apologize ever because he thinks he’s in the right. Somehow Cellbit is the only one to have apologized despite being the one calling for Bad’s head the most during the actual furniture incident. Anyway, Bad knows Forever thinks he’s in the right. And Bad also knows Forever wielded his presidential power to keep him jailed - so if Forever’s not sorry and he believes he was right, what’s to stop him from doing it again - in Bad’s mind, that is. There are actually quite a few things keeping him from doing it again, chief among them being that he doesn’t want to lmao. But Bad wouldn’t know that, would he?
I just- The imprisonment hurt Bad’s trust in everyone so badly that he destroyed every waystone in his base - and he when he found out Pac had someone gotten in anyway, he destroyed the waystone again. I don’t think people understand how long he’s been contemplating doing that. I don’t think people understand how many times he’s decided against destroying his waystones. It takes a pretty big fuck up to get him to do that. It takes a fuck-up of pretty tremendous proportions. And he did that last bit with Pac extremely recently too, which means he hasn’t forgotten.
And that - the whole furniture fiasco - that’s not a misstep that will just smooth over if Bad and Forever just care about each other hard enough. They already care about each other deeply - it didn’t stop the conflict. It’s not something everyone can just sweep under the rug with the power of love and no actual communication. Or at least I hope it’s not. It shouldn’t be. Any relationship the two get into right now will be steeped in distrust and wariness on Bad’s part due to the amount of power Forever can choose to use against him at any moment. And even if Forever hadn’t imprisoned him, that would still probably be the case, albeit to a much lesser extent. But Forever did imprison him, so now Bad’s not only wary of Forever turning on him in a hypothetical sense - he has past experience with that exact scenario. He has reason to distrust. It’s not paranoia in this instance; it’s genuine, rational distrust, which is even harder to alleviate.
By the way, that’s not even taking into account that Bad now knows of the existence of a drug that can brainwash Forever into potentially abusing his power against his own will. Think about how scary we all thought the drug-induced marriage proposals were. Think about how much scarier it would’ve been if Bad and Forever had actually been dating at the time. I’m not going to get into the risus potion here, or what implications it has for Bad’s trust in Forever - or more accurately, the trust he has in Forever’s position of power - because that’s too fucking complicated for my silly brain right now and this is long enough.
So basically: how is a relationship between a president and an anarchist supposed to work? Is Bad supposed to shut up, abandon his core principles, and do whatever Forever wants? When he opposes/attempts to help Forever improve the voting system he’s not being ‘immature’ - he’s acting in perfect accordance with his own belief system. There are points where he does act antagonist in an immature manner but in those instances he is very obviously being dramatic on purpose (and Forever does it as well). Him thinking Forever’s voting system isn’t fair isn’t him being immature, it’s just him being politically opposed. And Forever - what about Forever? Is Forever supposed to throw away his entire presidency? Oh, Bad’s an anarchist so that means Forever has to give up everything he’s worked so hard to accomplish, all the plans he has, all the good he’s desperately trying to do despite the fact that the nature of his position is scaring his loved ones away? He’s supposed to let everyone boss him around? Just because his crush hates government? Really? See, none of these options sounds particularly healthy, but their friendship isn’t even healthy right now so I can’t see them somehow reaching a better alternative.
Idk if you couldn’t tell I don’t like it when people non-jokingly boil down Bad and Forever’s political arguments as something that’ll be solved if one of them gives in or apologizes. Because they won’t. Because neither of them is wrong. Forever was partially right when he told Bagi that nothing he does as president will ever satisfy Bad - Bad is an anarchist, the fact that a government has been forced on him in the first place is already a fundamental problem - and that’s not wrong of him! It’s a genuine difference in beliefs and neither of them is wrong! Bad is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s an anarchist, and Forever is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s the president. Grrr bark woof grr bark, etc… you get what I mean.
(TLDR; if 4halo becomes canon right now it’ll crash and burn instantly and kill everyone on board which I don’t want to happen. Therefore I don’t wish for it to be canon.)
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federationgothic · 9 months
Engineering updates
Noticed while skimming episodes the other day some changes in Main Engineering during the first couple of seasons that I hadn't noticed before (or just forgotten about).
Specifically, I'm going to focus on the back end of Engineering, where the Master Systems Display is located:
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Nice and busy
Now that area doesn't show up in Encounter at Farpoint, the couple of shots in engineering are centered around the warp core and the catwalk surrounding it (the open elevator connecting the two gets a lot of use in there).
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Hot elevator action!
The MSD appears in the next episode The Naked Now but it's all alone.
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Nothing more than a repurposed wide corridor where we stuck a giant screen, and it's green (it will stay green for the first two seasons). There's also no isolinear stacks underneath the MSD, and the hallways panels are missing some LCARS. Oh and we don't have our pool table MSD table.
The next time we see engineering from this angle is The Last Outpost.
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A lot of progress for sure, but it's not right. The LCARS panels have been added to the bulkhead and the isolinear stacks are now underneath the display. The MSD Table, itself recycled from Star Trek 4, hasn't fully undergone the TNG conversion and looks out of place.
Here it is in The Voyage Home:
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The Lighting elements that are flush against the Display are the wrong shape, flanking it. for comparison:
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And now, a brief interlude to Where No One Has Gone Before:
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They're GREEN. I had not...it had not clicked with me before (at least not consciously) that the lighting panels were green for the episode. I don't know if they were still tweaking the look or decided it should be green bc of Kosinski's so-called upgrades but in any case it's green and distracting now that I see it.
table's still wrong:
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I feel like they're going to show us some x-rays on here.
By the time we reach 11001001 the table looks right (hard to tell from this angle but looks like the entire surface is reflective now).
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the big lights are off, for some reason.
Another quick detour, this time to Home Soil, where the MSD also acts as a viewscreen:
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also when you put chairs there it really emphasizes how those controls look like navigation (you can control the ship from Engineering I guess you could set it up that way).
The rest of the season won't see any further changes. Season 2, starting with Where Silence Has Lease the lighting elements around the MSD will have been updated to the ones that will remain throughout the rest of the series
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The lighting might have changed between Where Silence Has Lease and Q-Who or just might be colour processing.
Finally, season 3 brings us the updated MSD with more detailed okudagrams on it
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There might be rubber duck in there.
It will remain mostly unchanged for the rest of the series, except at some point someone slapped a label on the bottom left.
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(this occured at some point between s3-4)
A final, minor, update was brought to the MSD where the label was removed and two lines were added to the pedestal for Star Trek: Generations.
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(similarly to how the runabouts had a bunch of random lines that looked like electrical tape to make the sets pop).
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tanadrin · 4 months
It's actually the opposite, semi-presidential system exist when the political class is a tad too authoritarian to allow a true presidential system but understands parliamentarism's lack of separation of powers is too questionable for democracy to sell to the people
separation of powers still exists in a parliamentary system. you can have an executive that is responsible to parliament without the executive being able to pass laws, or parliament taking over executive functions. indeed, this is how westminster-style parliaments work. the idea is that if a governing coalition or party can command the support of a majority of voters, they should be allowed to govern (within constitutional constraints), which is in fact how democracy is supposed to work.
american-style separation of powers is explicitly undemocratic. multiple veto points like the presidency and the senate, the fact that the president retains his office even if he loses the confidence of voters unless you can muster a supermajority for impeachment and conviction, the extremely unequal distribution of voter power between the states, gerrymandering, etc., makes the US system not only less democratic but, when a party cannot control at least two of the three branches of government, outright dysfunctional.
i have complaints about the british system of government. the lack of a written constitution and entrenched system of rights is bad. the principle of parliamentary sovereignty slash "one parliament cannot bind another" is bad. FPTP is awful. but just comparing two major archetypes of government here, i think there's no question that the british system is more democratic. it could be better! and there are parliamentary systems which do westminster-style democracy better than britain, especially where they protect individual rights better.
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deadpresidents · 5 months
This may be a goofy question for someone who’s blog is dedicated to the Presidency, but do you think that the U.S. Presidency is ultimately a net good for the country and the world? Should the US try a system without such a powerful executive branch?
That's not a goofy question at all, especially in 2024!
I think the American system as originally envisioned by the Founders -- with three truly equal and balanced branches of the federal government with a definitive separation of powers -- was brilliant and effective. But that's not the country we live in anymore. The three branches not only don't respect the powers of each other, but they often don't respect the powers of their own branch, which means there is no balance of power. If there's no true balance of power amongst the separate branches, the entire design flat-out doesn't work.
The problem is that this is the system and has been since 1789, so you can't really put the toothpaste back in the tube. But there are certainly many aspects of the Westminster system or even a dual executive republic like the French government that would be a more efficient and genuinely democratic way of governing a modern democracy. There are drawbacks, too, but I don't think our system is ideal when it's challenged by the petty and destructive politics of the United States in the 21st Century, which is dominated by this awful determination to actively obstruct government. There are scores of American politicians who run for office on the idea of NOT doing things and literally keeping the government progress derailed.
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roguetelepaths · 8 months
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...so guess who's rewatching star trek discovery
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tam--lin · 1 month
In my mind because of White Collar but did you know that, at least as of 15 years ago, high schoolers could just email their local FBI office and request an invite to this weekend FBI Youth Academy day?
Twenty of us fifteen years olds showed up and they were like yeah here's our office :) here's our bomb robot, you can drive it! let's do a polygraph on this fourteen year old. two of our agents are going to lock themselves in a back room and fake a hostage situation and you're going to have to hostage negotiate them out :) here's a slide show of a bunch of decomposing bodies.
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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ufipa · 2 months
Xenobiologist's Outpost (picture heavy)
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Our Head Exobiologist @cosmordial (Denny Nutmeg/Denny)'s base on the Gek capital, Ifortc Tau!
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 month
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New Orleans Class MSD by LCARSgfx
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