#feel free to browse
jemichiart · 2 years
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I added these three cute lovebirds (Fischer’s, black-masked / yellow-collared, rosy-faced / peach-faced) in my Redbubble store. Check them out if you'd like a product with a colorful little parrot friend to your home or office! ^^
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chipchopclipclop · 6 months
Please.... Recs for anime about middle aged men..... I beg of you
heres a list from me thinking and also checking my mal lol
Ristorante Paradiso / middle aged and up men working at a restaurant, based on a manga by natsume ono, the anime adaption looks a little wonky at times but the ps2 graphics kind of added to the charm for me lol, the mc specifically chases down a gilf iirc. her power.
Rokuhou-dou Yotsuiro Biyori / middle aged and younger guys working at a restaurant (help) these guys aren't as old as the above but i think most of them will still appeal, a pretty breezy watch
Eternal Boys / middle aged men become idols 🌟 i had a bias against this show bc i like the artist they hired to do the initial concepts and didn't like the changes they made to the final designs but i did eventually watch it and like it so i came around (lol)
Tiger and Bunny / what if superheros but they were real (woah) im reccomending this WELL KNOWN SERIES bc the mc kotetsu is The middle aged anime man of All Time (Of All Time) even if i dont like the main ship the world pushes him into
ACCA13 / i thought about and literally 95% of the men in this are actually middle aged (including the mc) political drama show (and very beautiful) also adaption of natsume ono manga
Deca-dence / of the mc duo, one of them is an old man mentoring a young shounen protag girl (WATCH DECA-DENCE) there is old man yaoi bait potential
Sakugan / its like deca-dance but badly paced and not as good but i have to shill for faildads in anime
My Home Hero / father begins cycle of violence to protect daughter that spirals out of control, you should just read the manga for this one actually but the mc is also one of the Middle Aged Men of All Time to ME
My New Boss Is Goofy / slice of life peaceful show about office workers, everyone in this is very smooth bl ikemen so i kind of bounce of that design wise but its cute
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crescentpaws · 4 months
any good kotlc fanfiction out there….?? asking for a friend btw.
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syrips · 5 days
hi im not involved/affiliated at all with the FREE memento mori curse of strahd fan zine by our lovely community and organized by curseofsergei but anyways please enjoy this list of all of the beautiful artists/writers/contributors individual self-published posts because they all deserve individual love and attention cuz o my lordy lord oh my AAAAAAAh
obvious spoiler/cw warnings on the zine, please read/dl the zine first if you can, this is just a directory list to appreciate and update whenever the contributors upload their own work
Page 01. Page 08. Page 10. Page 16. Page 19. Page 22. Page 23. Page 24. Page 27. Page 32. Page 41. Page 42. Page 45. Page 47. Page 54. Page 61. Page 62. Page 67. Page 69. Page 71. Page 72. Page 79. Formatting
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nyoomerr · 4 months
fandom trumps hate - get a fic from me!
this year, i've signed up as a creator for @fandomtrumpshate. if you haven't already heard of FTH, go check it out! but the tldr is that it's a fanworks auction to raise money for progressive nonprofit organizations.
(sound cool?? there's still time to sign up as a creator for this auction, if you'd like - sign ups close feb 19th 💃💃)
last year there were a ton of great creators offering up scum villain fanworks - including art, fic, podfic, fan labor, etc - and i'm excited to be a part of that this time! i'll be offering:
⭐ 1 svsss fic ⭐ 5-10k word minimum ⭐ max rating of mature ⭐ $10 minimum bid!
i'll make another post when the browsing period starts and the full details of all creators' offerings are up to be seen - y'all should make sure to check everyone out! but for now, get excited, and if you're a creator yourself, consider signing up!
let's raise some money for a good cause!! ヾ(•ω•`)o
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crescentfool · 5 months
on spoiler tags
since reload is coming out soon, i wanted to give people some heads up for tags i'll be using as a courtesy. please curate your experience accordingly! if you haven't used the mute feature, here's how to 👍
i will continue to use #persona 3 for all posts related to p3 (it's my main tag)
for posts about reload specifically, i'll be using #persona 3 reload, but it might also be worthwhile to mute the abbreviations #p3r and #p3re.
for the people who don't know anything about p3, i will attempt to tag spoilers for p3's events as #persona 3 spoilers but i cannot guarantee that i will remember to do so...
i hope everyone enjoys their experience with the game! i will still post here occasionally, but in general i'll be steering clear of socmed until i'm finished with reload.
tangentially related- i expect splatoon 3's side order dlc to come out during this time. all stuff related to that dlc will be tagged with #side order and will also be tagged as #splatoon (main tag)
thank you for your time! enjoy gaming, and remember to drink water 🥤
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
who is this sleep token band?? i am interested and would love to know about then 👀
this is also a bad ice breaker of trying to make friends on here
Hello friend! 💙💫 Thank you so much for this question - you have no idea what can of worms you just unlocked! So you want to join our cult uh? Welcome, there's no way out hehe (kidding. well, half-kidding).
This is just an introductory post, and by no means comprehensive. I'll point you to THIS POST by our lovely resident band archivist/librarian @sleepanonymous for a more in depth and full-fledged explanation on who are they, their story, etc. A long, but very worthwhile read!
So, Sleep Token are an alt/experimental metal band from England. They fuse a lot of heavier rock/metal elements with pop, jazz, funk, the most beautiful piano ballads - even some rap ! Genre is unimportant - the music is great!
They are anonymous, and wish to remain so, which is something we are very serious about, using masks and body paint to conceal their identities, and go by the names of Vessel, ii, iii, and iv (like the roman numerals).
From left to right, in order: iv, ii, Vessel, iii.
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Vessel - The frontman, vocalist, pianist and composer/writer. He uses a white and red mask, different from the rest of the band, with a matching shoulder piece. His mouth and tits are always out, you'll get used to it. Vessel composes and writes all of the songs, sings, and plays most of instruments on the albums, with the exception of drums, and bass on occasion. He's a musical genius, and has just the warmest, most beautiful voice ever. Vessel never talks, but has giggled like, 3 times already and it's adorable. He dances a lot on stage, like a 5 yo kid on a massive sugar rush. I love him a normal amount <- lies.
ii - our short king, our boba-eyed bean, the best drummer in the scene and I'm not even exaggerating. He is the only one aside from Vessel who is part of the studio recordings, and has composing credits as well. He has the most beautiful round, sparkly blue eyes ever 🥺
iii - TALL AND LANKY, he's the bassist. The most chaotic creature you'll ever meet - he can be seen dancing and twirling, kicking his feet, and being just extremely goofy at all times (except when he's kissing the homies). Sometimes he shouts to the audience and is just hilarious. He's usually on the stage right (our left) in front of the choir. Like iv, he takes no part in the album recordings, but has been with the band since day one.
iv - the fuckboy. The cuddler. The guitarrist. iv is the second shortest of the group, and he's usually on stage left in front of ii (drummer). While he's usually more chill than Vessel and iii, he's also a smooth mofo. It's common to see him fiddle with the mask to tease the fans, or be dragged around stage by iii. He's constantly being kissed by everyone and honestly? Valid. Aside from guitar, he also does the live screams with Vessel, and just like iii, has no part in album recording. iv is actually the 3rd "iv" - he joined them around 2020/21 if I'm not mistaken - but it's safe to assume he's here to stay.
The Vesselettes/Choir - including them because I love our queens. They are the 3 backing vocals/choir who accompany the band on tour. They have been on/off since not too long ago, but they seem to have a more permanent presence lately. They are the only ones who have their personal identities disclosed to the public. They are the Espera group, who are also association with the band Exploring Birdsong.
They have a bit of lore, but most of what you find is fanmade, based on their lyrics, some messages from the band, and just general vibes. According to the band, Vessel (the frontman) was visited in a dream by an ancient deity called Sleep, who dwells within dreams. Sleep promised to bring glory and fame, in exchange for Vessel's worship (which is a tag line used by band and fans alike!). The band serve as living vessels for Sleep, with Vessel being the "main one" (the others are technically called Vessel 2/3/4 but they just go by their roman numerals). Each song is a "token", or offering to Sleep, hence "Sleep Token".
There are many, many people here who do song analysis and connect them to the lore, or offering different perspectives. The songs, mostly romantic/sad in nature, have really no set meaning - everyone's free to interpret as they wish! There are some really amazing posts around here (some by me even oop), if that's your thing!
They have 3 albums - Sundowning, This Place Will Become Your Tomb, and Take Me Back To Eden - who form a story trilogy, Sundowning being their official debut and the start of the story. There are many recurring themes and references, especially in the last album. Before that, they released 2 eps, One and Two, and 2 singles, Jaws and The Way That You Were.
I always reccomend you start with Take Me Back To Eden, their most recent album, as its a perfect showcase of all the different genres and musical artistry they incorporate. After that, you can either start with the albums (the trilogy) and then the eps, or go back to beginning with One (which is how I did it). Either way is perfectly valid! You can also just listen to random songs and then go from there, but I strongly advise you to listen to the albums in full for the best experience possible.
There's really only one rule in the fandom so to speak, that I really need to mention, which is do not reveal or mention any of the members' irl identities. Unfortunately, it's increasingly impossible to not come across their names and faces on the internet - Google and Pinterest are not your friends. Twitter is also not the best. If you do see something, or stumble upon any side-projects of any of the guys aside from Sleep Token, do not mention it. Just pretend you didn't see anything, and leave it be. The band has been very adamant in their wish to remain anonymous, so as fans it's our responsibility to respect their one request.
This is a bit to take in, but hopefully it can point you in the right direction! If there's anything at all that you wish to know, or are confused by, do not hesitate to ask!! I'm always glad to help more people get into our favourite cryptics, and there are plenty of lovely, lovely people around here who do too! Tumblr is usually pretty chill and friendly, so don't be afraid to interact with people. Everyone is welcomed in the Tumblr Creechur Corner 😚
And of course, above all, have fun!!! Worship 🖤
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
weren't you into drawing sun and moondrop?
Among other things, yeah!!!!
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neechees · 12 days
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hi!! i just got this ask, i’m assuming it’s a scam? the blog has only existed for two days and it’s just got a bunch of random reblogs
Yes. This is that same scammer pretending to be either a diabetic Palestinian/Black person or both, usually asks for around $300 for "insulin", and they've used similar versions of that url at least like 20 times. Block and report
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bolinity · 2 months
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(fun fact: the three bending moves that bolin does that live in my head 24/7 are:
double-fist pound that he does [seen in book 2 & 4] (honorable mention of that spin he does in that first gif in the link also appears in book 4)
breakdance-like spin kick he does [which is reminiscent of firebending; pretty sure zuko has done something similar]
how he fucking takes down a wholeass building in book 4)
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noirtek · 4 months
hopping back on my hannibal = hoffman (and by association clarice = strahm) soapbox again. isn’t it fun that hoffman has a bachelor’s degree in the arts. can anyone hear me
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 month
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cannibalgh0st · 5 months
What is your favorite art that you made and you feel comfortable sharing?
Hi anon! I have a lot of fanart i share under the tag "my art" if you ever wanna browse!
I have my other blog @cannibalgh0st-par0xysms were I post other fanart too!
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figureofdismay · 6 months
Pitch: An absurdist dramady version of The X Files. Like in the style of Pushing Daisies or Northern Exposure. Or Arrested Development lol. where instead of being assigned together they meet at some kind of investigative seminar (or a new agey 'self discovery' thing Melissa dragged Scully to and Mulder's there investigating something or meeting someone?), and Mulder and Scully meet and instantly become inseparable and get married by the end of the conference and have to integrate their lives. It's like a supernatural version of 'Dharma and Greg' except instead of trying to mesh the hippy stoner astrology rebel family background on one side and the WASPy conservative rich family background on the other side, you've got the 'emotionally traumatized and involved in a massive conspiracy involving aliens and eugenics for profit' background and the 'boisterously eclectic middle class family of navy brats and moby dick fanatics' background on the other side.
Scully's a pathologist and Mulder's working the x-files with Jerry from Ghost in the Machine and later Jeffrey Spender, but they end up involved in each other's cases all the time while arguing about them. Samantha was taken but returned like a year/18 months later with no memory of what happened and she grew up feeling like such a freak because of it that she's obsessed with being very normal, so she thinks Mulder is too 'out there' and too overprotective, and doesn't want to believe in the conspiracy stuff. Scully and Samantha don't get along but Sam does think she's better than Diana. Who pops up from time to time to wreck havoc.
Carl Spender is openly Mulder's biological father because it came out when Teena divorced Bill, but he's still a megalomaniacal power monger in the center of a conspiracy and Mulder still hates him, he just also thinks that Mulder should acknowledge him as a 'decent father' because he hasn't let the syndicate outright kill him and hasn't targeted his new sort-of daughter in law. Mulder and Jeffrey know they are half brothers and Jeffry is insanely jealous both because 'Ol Smokey likes Mulder better (cares enough to taunt him instead of just ignoring him) and because Mulder's much better at investigating paranormal stuff. Jeffrey has also always had a crush on Samantha and is trying to protect her from the Syndicate, but Samantha thinks it's too weird that he's her brother's half brother and won't have anything to do with him.
Jeffrey's also jealous that Mulder got married and to such a normal woman from outside the pool of special conspiracy people when CGB will be expecting him to marry who he picks, so he keeps trying to set Scully up in the eyes of the Syndicate or the Bureau in retribution but she and Melissa have the opposite of CC's 'woman danger tragedy magnet syndrome' and effortlessly sidestep his incompetent little plots without hardly even noticing by simply being focused and intuitive.
Melissa is the only one from either of their families who thinks their being married is a good idea. Also Melissa ends up dating the Lone Gunmen. All of them, in a complicated poly situation that both Mulder and Scully are mildly alarmed by this but it's actually very sweet.
Scully's friend Ellen is concerned that Scully doesn't seem to see how suddenly and wildly insane her life became, kind of like becoming a mob wife but with bugs and goo and aliens, but Scully shrugs it off because it's interesting and she has Mulder now so that part's good, plus he needs her, and you can't choose your in-laws can you.
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risingsunresistance · 5 months
btw to any tommy viewers who find their way here, dont be fooled. it is 90% skyblock. you will not find your block guys here. dont follow unless you're ready for me to hit post limit on april 16th
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actuallyitsstar · 2 months
bradley rooster bradshaw & 22, 12, 21? <3
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
HENLO USER MARCHRAINDROPS!!!! ily and im so sorry for how long this took aaaaaaaaaaa but pls take my humble offering, and i hope that u enjoy my attempt at doing this ask justice lol <3 <3
(p.s. i did answer one of these for bradley here already, so click for another and more lighthearted headcanon lol)
22. something you like and dislike in reading for this character?
something that rly matters to me when it comes to bradley is, i guess for lack of a better word, his attitude. bradley has had, admittedly, his share of traumatizing experiences in life, and he was raised on eggshells and rose-petals, walking under the shadow of a grief too heavy for him to bear alone, watching the adults he knew and trusted be crushed slowly beneath it instead. he was a bright and happy child whose innocence was slowly stolen, piece by piece, building a sardonic and cynical adult. bradley was soft, and he still absolutely c an be, in the right setting and with the right people. but he's still a grown man, at least thirty-four-ish, who's been hardened by loss after loss after betrayal, who has gone through war and come home again. he can be sarcastic and self centered, closed-minded and demanding, vindictive and rageful. he's brash and quick to speak, fierce in spirit but measured, too; aware of the pitfalls behind life's every corner and terrified of stepping on another; this time, completely alone. he hesitates and he meets the consequences of his indecision, and he takes that blame out on others.
i guess i like to see bradley's roughest edges acknowledged. he has been hurt, and he will hurt other people. he's not exactly a white knight of most situations (except for when he is- sacrificing himself for phoenix in training comes to mind; it is all about nuance isn't it?). i think it's easy to paint those kinds of flaws out of the picture, and i can understand why we might want to- because after all, no one wants to think about their favorite character being the "bad guy" in a situation. but everyone is, sometimes.
i guess what i don't like is seeing bradley treated with kidd gloves. realistically, bradley was spoiled as a kid, and why wouldn't he have been? the hope of a family grieving the loss of its pillar (goose), and that's a lot of weight for a little kid to carry. they'd doted on him, and put all their efforts into giving him the happiest childhood they could muster in the face of that loss, and maybe they were quick to give in to demands- maybe they were quick to take the situations upsetting young bradley away from him instead of teaching him how to cope with them. i'm not sure if, for all of their love and devotion, the adults in bradley's life would have known how to teach him to cope with a situation healthfully, anyway.
12. what's a headcanon you have for this character?
bradley has goose's old cross necklace, and it's one of his most prized possessions.
when bradley was little, he was 100% a mama's boy. after all, for all that mav was there, which was always as much as he could be but no more than the tight grip of the navy on his collar would allow- it was just bradley and carole against the world, together, for most of it. he talked to his mom about everything, trusted her with everything, and he took her illness so incredibly hard. obviously- that's his mom, after all- but even more than he showed, at the time. he'd tried to be strong, for his mom and for mav and because he's not sure he remembers anymore, but he thinks it's what his dad would have wanted, too; for him to take care of mom. he tries, but doesn't end up remembering how to take care of himself at the same time.
the wedge that separates bradley from the world and everything good in it is the same one that splits carole off from her family and leaves them alone without her. as her illness worsens, bradley becomes more and more sullen and withdrawn and angry, with the world and the lot handed to him. he savors each moment he has left with her but grows to dread hospital visiting hours, too, because it gets harder and harder to remember her as she was with each hour he spends watching her waste away. the breaking point is when he's thirteen years old, and they know carole has a few months more, at best. bradley isn't supposed to know yet- but he isn't stupid. he can overhear parts of a hushed phone call, and see the worry lines around uncle mav's eyes when he tries to offer reassurances that bradley doesn't believe in anymore.
she calls him in for visiting hours alone, telling uncle ice to take uncle mav home and make him take a shower and go to bed. mav protests profusely, but a look of understanding passes between ice and carole over the heads of everyone else in the room, and everyone but bradley is subsequently herded out. bradley settles himself on the edge of her bed, feeling awkward with the presence of the dreaded ticking time between them. despite her gauntness and exhaustion, though, she offers him her brightest smile. i have something to give you, baby, she tells him, and then it's dangling from her fingers before he has time to realize it fully- a silver cross necklace. his dad's necklace.
i've was meanin' to give this to you, when you're all grown up, she says quietly, and bradley swallows hard, drawing in a shaky inhale. but i just couldn't wait any longer. your daddy would be so proud of you, honey. and bradley knows it means she loves him and that daddy does too, but he also knows it means that his mom is saying goodbye. when uncle mav sees him wearing it later that evening, his small hand tightened around the metal so firmly that it digs into his skin, his uncle's face blanches, but mav doesn't say a word about it. bradley doesn't either. when everything falls apart between them much later, bradley tries to assign meaning that isn't there, telling himself that maybe mav had wanted that necklace to keep selfishly to himself, or that maybe mav hadn't thought he'd deserved it. it's not until much, much later that he manages to reason out the much simpler truth of the moment; of the guilt and the exhaustion and the realization that his all-but-sister knew she didn't have much longer if she'd finally passed the necklace down.
during the long years of his twenties and early thirties, bradley clings to the necklace, convinced it holds the parts of his past that he's missing, the feeling of belonging he's craved and cannot seem to find. the weight of it against his breastbone, beneath his uniforms, is half-comfort and half-terror. he doesn't explain it to anyone, not even to phoenix. i didn't know you were spiritual, she tells him upon catching a glimpse of it in the gym. bradley is hasty to shove it back inside his shirt collar. i'm not, he growls back, and that's that. she doesn't ask again. he doesn't volunteer. just like the look mav had worn upon seeing the necklace, it isn't until much, much later that bradley figures out what he'd been missing, after the mission and after the reconciling and after everything- til he figures out that maybe the necklace means something to him because it had meant something to mom and to dad and to mav, and that maybe he doesn't have to drag the ghosts and spirit of all three of those people into the cockpit with him each time he goes up into the air. maybe knowing they had loved him all along is enough. he tells himself that this is what the cool metal against his skin reminds him of, now, and for the most part, he finds that he can learn to believe it.
21: something you like and dislike in writing for this character?
i think it's sort of rare to be in a fandom where you have this primary character and you know so much about the things that built that character. i mean, not the most rare- obviously there's a lot of stories and franchises out there that focus on lineage and talk about long-spanning over-arcing stories. but to get to know carole and to get to know goose and to get to know mav and the other flyboys too; depending on your opinion of the closeness of the group after the first movie (i guess we all know MY found-family-obsessed-ass's opinion on that lol <3) is a gift that builds a picture of bradley, and unpacking it and piecing it together is one of my favorite privileges in writing him! feeling like i know the people who shaped bradley means i feel like i know bradley so much more, too. there's so much focus, especially in tgm, on history and mirroring and repetition and the weight of years and the passage of time, and of course there needs to be, for a sequel made so long after the original- because it is all built on the power of nostalgia- but it also says something about the construction of a character like bradley, doesn't it?
that being said, i do spend a lot of time trying to strike the balance, because i think there can be too much mirroring and a little too much drawing from influence. the double edged sword is allowing bradley to be a separate and independent person who is shaped by and not defined by those things. i think it's very easy (or at least for my sentimental ass it is lol) to get a little TOO wrapped up in the ~nostalgia~ and the trying to weave a 30+ year narrative into one character's image, and i do have to remind myself to avoid letting that walk all over the actual characters i am actually presently writing.
@marchraindrops AHHHHHHHHHH again i am so so sorry this took so long but i thank u so so much for thinking of me and sending the lovely ask, i had a lot of fun answering ;) and i am always thrilled to type my silly little answers lol. i promise to always answer even if it takes like.... more than a hot minute lol <3 TY AND ILY!!!! <3<3<3
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