#let me know if you want to buy this lovebird design but with a different color
jemichiart · 2 years
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I added these three cute lovebirds (Fischer’s, black-masked / yellow-collared, rosy-faced / peach-faced) in my Redbubble store. Check them out if you'd like a product with a colorful little parrot friend to your home or office! ^^
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milo-my-beloved · 3 years
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chapter three of stupid things!
Read on AO3 // Playlist // buy me a coffee?
In the end, Kaz stays the entire weekend. It’s nice, Inej thinks, to have the house to just them, even if he disappears for an hour or so to get some necessities from his house. They don’t do much - it turns out Kaz hasn’t watched many movies, so Inej convinces him to stay on the couch with her and watch their way through almost every DVD she has.
Something tells her that Kaz is less interested in the films than in her, but she doesn’t mind. She enjoys the company; it’s nice to just sit on the sofa, her head on his chest. It feels like the entire world is calm,even if it’s only for a few days.
On Sunday, Nina returns to find them snuggled up on the sofa, and she nearly has a heart attack. “Inej Ghafa!” she exclaims, dumping her handbag unceremoniously on the ground. “You said you would text me.”
“Sorry,” Inej says, but she doesn’t feel particularly apologetic.
When Kaz eventually leaves, Inej feels like a small part of her is missing. It’s hardly enough to notice, but it is just enough to feel like a constant itch she can’t quite scratch.
Her phone pings, and when she realises who it is, she looks down and smiles.
I’ve decided what we’re doing on Friday. Towels, swimsuits and sunscreen advised!
Inej can’t wait.
When Friday finally rolls around, it feels like a century since Inej last saw her friends and Kaz. He picks them all up in his shady minivan again, but when she asks where they are going, he just shrugs.
“Wylan insisted on giving me the postcode and nothing else,” he answers, “But I’m reasonably sure we’re going to a beach.”
When they get to the library - their new designated meeting point, apparently - Kaz’s theory is confirmed. There stands Jesper and Wylan, both holding their own backpack, and both dressed in shorts and brightly coloured Hawaiian shirts.
“I thought you wouldn’t dress properly!” Jesper exclaims as he clambers into the backseat, helping Wylan up. “You can’t go to the beach in a suit, Kaz.”
Kaz raises an eyebrow. “That is exactly what I intend on doing.”
“I know,” Jesper answers, an evil smirk on his face. “And that’s why I bought a spare set of clothes.”
So, when they actually make it to the beach, Wylan hauling a picnic he has made out of the boot, they are all wearing matching outfits. Inej had originally decided on a vest top and shorts, so she just shrugs the purple shirt with pineapples that Jesper has handed her over the top of her outfit, sliding her sunglasses down her nose.
Jesper is shirtless, his red shirt unbuttoned. Wylan can’t seem to take his eyes off of him, his own green shirt buttoned up all the way to the top. They wander off down the beach while Inej waits for Kaz to get changed, leaning on the side of the warm van.
When Kaz finally appears, Inej wants to laugh, but she has to admit that he does look good. He’s wearing his pair of black swimming trunks and a black Hawaiian shirt decorated in knives and skulls rather than pineapples and leaves. Inej has to admit that Jesper knows his style, even if this is something that he would never usually wear.
Once she is done admiring his new outfit, Inej realises that he actually looks quite nervous. His eyebrows are pinched, and he keeps fiddling with his shirt buttons.
“Hi,” Inej says, only slightly breathlessly.
He looks up, frowning. “I look ridiculous.”
“No,” Inej corrects, laughing. “We all look ridiculous. It’s part of the fun. Do you want some sunglasses?”
Shoving his hands deep in his pockets, he nods. Inej grins and hands him the sunglasses Jesper has given her and he slides the aviator glasses up his noses, looking slightly more comfortable with Inej’s hand in his. She grabs a hat that she had the bright idea to pack just before they left, and with that, they walk down the beach, hand in hand.
Halfway up the beach, tucked away from the few people taking a walk down the beach, Jesper and Wylan have set out their picnic, including a deck chair for each of them. Cracking open the coolbox, Jesper grins and hands out some drinks and crisps.
“A feast fit for royalty,” he announces. Inej doesn’t miss the small smile on Wylan’s face as his hand brushes with Jesper’s, and by the look of it, neither does Kaz.
For a long time, none of them say anything. They’re too busy enjoying their meal and basking in the sunshine, lulled into relaxation by the feel of the warm sand between their toes and the crash of waves on the beach. Their last two outings had been so chaotic that she assumed this one would be the same, but she has to admit, Wylan has picked well.
Eventually, Jesper rises to his feet, stretching and yawning. “Right. I’m going for a swim. Anyone else want to come?”
Wylan nods and starts collecting their rubbish, shoving it into a carrier bag. “I will,” he answers, hesitantly unbuttoning his shirt.
“‘Nej?” Jesper asks, shrugging his own shirt off. “You coming?”
She waves her hand, leaning back in her chair. “Maybe in a bit. You guys go on without me.”
Nodding, Jesper turns to Wylan. “Race you to the water?” he challenges, before tearing off down the beach, Wylan chasing after him. Inej watches with a smile as they splash into the water, Jesper tripping over and falling face-first into the water.
“Idiots,” Kaz mutters fondly, and they share a grin.
Neither of them say anything for a moment, content to bask in the sinking sun and watch their friends shout and splash in the distance. After a few minutes, Inej reaches into the bag she has shoved under her chair and rummages around, producing a bottle which she hands to Kaz.
He raises an eyebrow. “Sun cream?”
Inej shrugs. “You look like you might burn easily.”
The sunglasses make it hard to tell whether or not Kaz is glaring at her, but he complies anyway, rubbing it into his arms and legs. “You can go without me, you know. I don’t mind sitting by myself for a little bit.”
“That kind of ruins the idea of a double date, doesn’t it?”
Kaz turns to her, his expression turning serious. “I mean it. I don’t want to ruin your day out just because I’m afraid of water.”
Inej raises her eyebrows, staring right back at him. “And I mean it too, Kaz. I can go swimming whenever I want, but right now, I would like to spend this day out with you.”
They stare at each other for a moment, both too stubborn to back down. Kaz looks away first, scratching the back of his neck and staring at a crab which is getting dangerously close to his toes.
“If you’ve got something to say,” Inej says, “Then just say it.”
He swallows. “I just… I’m sorry.”
“What for?” she asks, narrowing her eyes.
“For having all these phobias,” he answers.
“Oh, for the love of God,” Inej mutters to herself, turning to face Kaz properly. She gently reaches out, taking Kaz’s bare hands in hers. “Kaz Brekker, you are the stupidest man I have ever met. We all have our own problems, and I won’t say they don’t matter to me, because that would be a lie. But I love you for who you are, problems and all, and I wouldn’t love anyone any different.”
He looks up at her, blinking a few times. “You think I’m stupider than Jesper?”
Inej rolls her eyes, squeezing his hands before she lets go. “I’ve changed my mind,” she announces, standing up. “I’m off to become a mermaid so I never have to deal with the petty troubles of man again.”
“Are you sure you aren’t just drowning yourself to avoid your exams?”
Inej toes off her sandals, smiling down the beach. “You can’t prove that!”
She stretches, reaching her arms up as high as they will go. The sun is low in the sky and the moon is drifting over the horizon, and for a second, she is certain that she could touch the stars if she reached just a little further.
“Are you coming, or what?” she asks, turning back to Kaz.
He pales slightly. “Uh, I can’t swim-”
“Oh, no,” she corrects quickly. “For a walk down the beach. You know, like every romantic movie known to man?”
He snorts, using his cane to push himself to his feet. “Alright then, my love.”
Inej raises an eyebrow. “My love?”
Kaz blushes, quickly wandering off towards the shoreline. “Shut up and walk with me.”
By the time they get back from their evening stroll, the sun has long since set. Jesper and Wylan are in the middle of a fierce towel fight that Inej predicts will end in a lot of sand in places where sand shouldn’t be. For example, her bag, which is currently half buried underneath her chair.
“Look who’s back!” Jesper crows when he sees them, a big grin on his face. If the empty bottles in the sand are any indication, it looks like Jesper and Wylan might have had a bit to drink. Again. “How was your romantic stroll, lovebirds?”
Inej blushes. “Fine, thank you.”
“Can we get food on the way home?” Wylan asks, scratching his nose as he shoves his sandy towel in his bag. “I’m hungry.”
Jesper shrugs. “Kaz is driving, but I vote yes.”
Inej stares at them both, her eyes wide. “We ate like an hour ago. How are you already hungry?”
“I am not equipped to deal with a hungry Jesper,” Kaz declares, heading towards his minivan. “So we can go to McDonald’s on the way back.”
Jesper punches the air and high fives Wylan.
“On the condition,” Kaz continues, “I get to pick our date activity next week.”
“I have no complaints,” Inej answers when no one else does. “But can we leave now? This has been a lovely evening, but I think I’ve been bitten by every bug on the planet.”
Kaz nods and starts herding everyone into the van, frowning at the sand that follows them in. He opens the passenger seat door for Inej and holds her hand as she climbs in, kissing her knuckles lightly as he lets go.
“Alright then,” he announces, starting the engine. “McDonald’s here we come.”
tag list! (ask to be added or removed)
@hrtbreakprincess / @tooindecisivetopickaurl / @kazcoded / @saltyfortunes
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xfirepilot · 4 years
title: pumpkin spice and everything nice (ao3)
summary: when kyle suggests pumpkin picking and couple pumpkin carving contests, things get competitive 
author’s note: thanks to @haloud for the fic title :)
“Do you think this one is okay?” Isobel asked Gregory, picking up a pumpkin from the ground. Gregory raised an eyebrow at the question, looking at the seemingly normal looking pumpkin, before looking beyond Isobel to see his younger brother and Michael in their own little world.
Michael had his arm around Alex, while using his other arm to try and get the beanie to stay atop his own head. Greg could hear Alex’s laughter as the curls made it impossible before Michael instead placed the beanie on Alex’s head.
Watching as Alex turned to look at Michael with a grin, he was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
“They’re sickenly cute aren’t they?” She asked, before she pushed the pumpkin she chose into Gregory’s arms and he took it without complaint.
He could only shake his head softly before looking at his girlfriend.
“Just haven’t seen my brother this happy in a long time.” The statement was relatively true. Alex had been happy with Forrest Long a few months ago, but they broke up amicably when Forrest realized his time in Roswell writing his book was up and he left the town looking for a new muse.
Now though, Alex was so happy that his older brother didn’t know what to make of it.
“Well let’s go get the lovebirds. My feet are killing me.” The expensive boots she was wearing were not ones you’d wear to a pumpkin patch, but the glare Isobel gave him when he suggested different attire made that attempt pointless.
“Where are the rest of the gang anyway?” He asked, noting that Max, Isobel, Rosa, Maria and Kyle were nowhere to be seen in the huge field of pumpkins they were currently in.
“Gift shop,” she stated, before pulling Gregory along to where the two men were.
“Michael, I’m not that cold,” They could hear Alex say as they watched Michael zip up Alex’s hoodie. It was only 50 degrees out, but there was a strong wind coming in that day and Alex kept getting the chills as they walked through the pumpkin patch.
“You keep telling yourself that, because I can feel you shivering.” He pulled Alex into his arms and kissed him on the forehead, before making his way down his face, kissing his nose and each cheek before finally getting to his lips.
“Okay, break it up.” Isobel said, a smirk appearing on her face as they broke apart. Michael looked affronted, while Alex just shook his head.
“Did you two choose your pumpkin?” She asked, before taking notice of the huge pumpkin on the ground beside them.
Michael picked it up, “Yep. We are going to kick everyone’s ass at this couple’s pumpkin carving contest.”
“Yeah, yeah sure. You haven’t seen what Rosa can do when she gets creative with her art. We’re definitely going to lose to her and Maria.” She saw what Rosa could do the few times she visited her in rehab and she was impressed.
Also incredibly disappointed that she was also going to lose this contest.
“We’ll see about that,” Michael muttered, grabbing Alex by the hand and walking towards the gift shop and cafe that the farm had. They could faintly hear Alex ask if they had hot chocolate and Michael hurriedly agreed to buying him one.
“We’re really going to lose aren’t we?” Greg asked, turning towards Isobel.
“Afraid so sweetie,” and gave him a peck on the lips.
“Kyle, she’s cheating!” Michael exclaimed a few hours later at Alex’s house. His entire living room had the furniture and his guitar case moved to one side so they could put newspapers down on the floor as they carved their pumpkins. Kyle came up with the idea about a month prior, after everything with Mr. Jones ended, the alien no longer in the picture. Alex suggested his house as it wasn’t as far out of the middle of town as Max’s or as clean and pristine as Isobel’s. The idea of having pumpkin all over Isobel’s floors or table nearly gave her a heart attack. She readily agreed to Alex’s house and the date was set.
Kyle was the only one standing as he walked around to see how everyone was doing. Isobel and Gregory were doing terribly, as their design they were carving came out more deformed than they expected. Kyle could barely contain the grin that appeared on his face while Isobel gave a long sigh as she sat next to Gregory as he tried and failed to make it look presentable.
Max and Liz were doing a bit better, but Michael’s note about Liz cheating did hold true as she tried to ask Max to use his powers to mess up everyone else’s pumpkins.
No matter how much he wanted to win this contest with their giant pumpkin literally referred to as the “Big Max,” by the people at the farm, Max himself declined that suggestion, not ready for Michael to yell at him. Their relationship was getting better and not even a pumpkin carving contest was going to ruin it, no matter how childish the fight would be.
“Michael, calm down,” Alex suggested calmly, grasping Michael’s hand gently and Michael’s grip on his knife loosened as he finished carving. He looked proudly at his work before Alex gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“You did great babe.”
“Not as great as us though!” Rosa exclaimed, turning her pumpkin around to show everyone.
Their mouths dropped open as they examined her carving and Kyle let out a laugh.
“Michael, we totally lost.” Alex stated, looking down at their own pumpkin.
Rosa’s E.T. carved masterpiece was on another level and Maria smirked beside her, proud of how talented her girlfriend was.
“That’s my girl,” she stated, giving Rosa a quick kiss before looking up with a raised eyebrow at Kyle for the results.
“Well, let’s start with last place. In last place, we have...Isobel and Gregory,” Isobel pouted, before noting that Gregory was still trying to fix the carving, “We lost sweetie.” The older man grumbled, dropping the knife. Isobel could hear Rosa laugh in the background as she looked at their pumpkin.
Kyle took a step towards Liz and Max next, “In third place, we have Max and Liz. Not bad, but not great.” Max and Liz both sighed, and Kyle noted that Liz turned to glare at her boyfriend. Kyle could see that Liz would never grow out of her competitive nature. Michael snorted, “Guess Big Max was no match for Little Max’s carving skills.”
Taking a step towards Alex and Michael, Kyle spoke, “In second place, we have Michael and Alex. Great job gentlemen, but well...you know.” He could only gesture towards Rosa’s alien inspired carving to show them why they didn’t win.
“In first place and receiving a $50 gift card to the new incredibly expensive Italian restaurant in town...Rosa and Maria,” He handed them the gift card and Rosa held it proudly while Maria laughed at the sad reactions from everyone.
“Come on guys,” she got up and grabbed Rosa’s hand and waited for her girlfriend to pick up the pumpkin. “Let’s put the lights inside them and put them on display outside.”
As everyone got up and did just that, Kyle was left alone to start cleaning up everything. After watching him nearly slipping on the newspapers, Michael let out a laugh, “Think fast Valenti,” the words came out of his mouth as a beer came floating towards the doctor.
As he got stable standing on his own two feet and grabbed the beer, he looked at the curly haired alien who was dating his best friend.
“Thanks,” he opened the bottle and took a swig.
“Thanks for this idea man,” Michael looked from Kyle to the front door where Alex was coming in with Maria and Rosa, laughing along to something they were saying. “We all really needed this, but especially Alex. This level of normalcy, we never had it before.” He played with the beer bottle in his own hand before he continued, “Now that we’re officially dating, just hanging out with friends is nice. Before it was always a secret and no one really knew and we never had a real definition to what we were.”
Kyle looked at Michael, seeing a whole new side to the mechanic he never saw before and never expected to, before shrugging. “Not a problem Guerin.”
“Hey, what’s up with you two?” A new voice joined the conversation, and both turned to see Alex standing next to Michael.
Michael shook his head, before grabbing Alex’s hand. “Nothing to worry about. Just thanking the good doctor over here.”
Alex looked between the two of them, before shrugging. Kissing Michael on the cheek, Alex let go of Michael’s hand and set off towards the rest of the mess that was being cleaned up in the living room.
“So….we’re watching E.T. right?” Rosa asked 10 minutes later, as she planted herself on the couch that has now moved back to its original spot.
“I think I have the DVD,” Alex muttered, going through his extensive movie collection. Michael could only laugh as his nerdy boyfriend started pulling out his DVDs.
“Ah ha!” Alex exclaimed, pulling the movie out and Michael used his telekinesis to open the DVD player for Alex to put the movie in.
Each couple took a spot in the living room and as Alex got up to sit next to Michael on the couch, he turned to look at his boyfriend. The alien turned his head to look back at Alex and smiled softly at him.
“Happy fall,” he whispered, as the movie started playing in the background.
Alex kissed him on the lips before he spoke, “Happy fall.”
“Some people want to watch a movie, boys,” Rosa stated, glaring at them as she threw popcorn at their heads.
One piece of popcorn got stuck in Michael’s hair and Michael grabbed it before throwing it in his mouth.
“Delicious,” he stated before turning to capture Alex’s lips on his own.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Horimiya – 06 – It’s Getting Hot in Here
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It’s still rather cold in these parts, so it’s refreshing for this week’s Horimiya to take place in the middle of summer. But even if it didn’t, it still radiates warmth and good vibes from every angle. Hori’s dad sees Miyamura in his school look for the first time and momentarily wonders who the hell he is.
Once he realizes it’s Miyamura, he insists they take a bath together to wash off the day’s heat. Coincidentally, Hori is watching a TV show wherein a lecher is about to assault a young woman, only for that woman to reveal she’s a skilled MMA fighter and kicks his ass.
In addition to being an amusing prism to Miyamura and Kyosuke’s dynamic, it also foreshadows a number of wonderful subversions of typical high school rom-com clichés, which like the warm and cozy aura of its main couple has fast become Horimiya specialty.
After dinner and past 8:30, Miyamura assumes he’s “worn out his welcome”, but that’s not for him to decide. Hori’s suggests he spend the night, though it’s Hori’s dad he’ll be sleeping beside. Kyousuke doesn’t interrogate him that night, only asking what Miyamura likes about his daughter. His response: she doesn’t judge people by appearances.
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While this is primarily the story of Hori and Miyamura’s understated yet potently blossoming love, it’s also the story of Miyamura being accepted for who he is by his new friends at school, as well as flat-out becoming a member of Hori’s family.
It’s in this scenario he gets to see something no one else could: Hori wearing her middle school gym uniform as pajamas (when she stomps on her father to open the blinds that morning). It’s also so goddamn lovely when Hori’s mom corrects him when he’s headed out the door. He’s family, not a guest, so he should say ittekimasu, not ojamashimashita. My heart just about burst right there, but Horimiya was just getting started!
Unfortunately, most of the kids at Miyamura’s school either don’t know what a sweet guy he is and are all too willing to judge him by his “emo” appearance. When a couple guys spot him leaving the same house with Hori, it sets off a torrent of rumors at school that they’re dating.
I like how we get a little shot of Tooru and Yuki legitimately upset by this development, with Yuki actually weeping at the prospect of things turning sour just when Miyamura and Hori got their act together. I like more how despite the unsolicited attention and rumor-mongering, Hori takes everything in perfect stride. By now she’s quite comfortable confirming that Miyamura is her boyfriend, and doesn’t need to explain that relationship to anyone.
Miyamura, however, doesn’t fare as well. A common refrain in the halls is “wait…that Miyamura?”, as Hori is both hugely popular and has rejected a number of more “conventional” suitors. So Miyamura apparently decides that if the school wants a prettier cover, they’ll get it: he arrives the next day having cut his hair short, revealing his piercings and eyelashes.
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It’s an interesting and complex choice by Miyamura that instantly changes the conversation, as he becomes an immediate sensation with the ladies. Rather than do it because he’s worried about adversely affecting Hori’s reputation (though that could be part of it) it feels more like an act of empowerment. It indicates that Miyamura is well aware he’s got the goods, he’s just never flaunted them at school.
Rather than passively keeping his chin up or not listening to the murmurings, Miyamura took an active step in the realignment of the conversation around him and Hori. With his new ‘do and the striking beauty it reveals, “wait…that Miyamura?” turns to “oh, that Miyamura!”. 
As one would expect, Hori isn’t used to Miyamura getting the added attention and adoration, and her reaction is to create a cold enough atmosphere around her that it shoos away the newcomers. When a girl snaps candid pics of Miyamura with their phone (without asking him, WTF!), Hori gets right in his face with a DSLR!
Despite the increased liveliness at school, what I love more than anything about both the news of Horimiya dating and Miyamura’s new look is that it doesn’t really affect their core relationship. Hori doesn’t seem hurt that Miyamura cut his hair without consulting her, and seems content with his prefab excuse that it’s summer and long hair is hot.
Hori may grow possessive at school—Miyamura is her bf; so she has every right to be!—but not so much so that she makes a federal case out of his makeover. Hori has Miyamura, and vice versa, and it’s no longer important that no one knows he’s a hottie or that they’re dating.
Since they’re the usual Horimiya, Miyamura comes home with Hori as usual, and has the unlikely but hilarious distinction of having a third distinctive look in three straight encounters with Hori’s dad. Before long, they’re answering an invite from Shindo to come to his place and help him eat bizarrely flavored hard candy.
It’s here where Miyamura again demonstrates his whimsical timing with romantic gestures, as he asks Hori how her candy tastes, then leans in and steals it from out of her mouth. She sheepishly says “he stole my candy” the way Jujutsu Kaisen’s Kasumi sheepishly says Maki stole her sword, but what he really stole was their first kiss….just like that! For the record, that candy tasted like clay, which should make the kiss that much harder to forget!
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Horimiya lets that kiss simmer on the back burner a bit as we return to school, where the novelty of Miyamura’s new look has thankfully worn off…with one exception: a diminutive girl with similarly black hair and similarly blue eyes seems to be watching, following, straight-up stalking Miyamura.
When Hori and Yuki encounter her in the hall, she asks if Hori and Miyamura are dating, Hori says yes, what of it?!, and the girl beats a hasty retreat, seemingly intimidated. Miyamura’s sudden popularity bounce perfectly sets up this latest high school rom-com cliché, the new love rival, second-year Sawada Honoka.
Before long, Sawada is striding up to Miyamura and flat-out telling him to break up with Hori already, in earshot of others. But in another excellent subversion, it’s not Miyamura Sawada likes…it’s Hori. Thanks to the rumors, she’s learned Miyamura stole a march on her. But she declares she liked Hori first, and won’t accept Miyamura dating her.
This turns into a physical tug-of-war between Sawada and Miyamura, with a flustered Hori as the rope. Tooru can only watch with other classmates in amusement at the spectacle before them, and even texts Yuki to hurry over to watch. Miyamura, clearly no longer hiding who he is at school, finally forcefully grabs Hori into his arms and declares “she’s mine!”, echoing her own words when Remi prodded her about him.
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After school, Sawada seemingly follows Miyamura home, only for them to realize that not only are they both heading home in the same direction, they are goddamn next-door neighbors! This is the kind of twist a show that’s built up as much goodwill and credibility as Horimiya can get away with all day long, in my book.
It also marks a further expansion of Miyamura’s relationships, as it’s clear these two aren’t going to just ignore each other from here on out. Sawada forgot her key, so he does what any decent person would do and invites her over to sample some cake from his family’s bakery. Their ensuing conversation starts with, but is not dominated by, Hori, as Sawada learns Hori rarely visits Miyamura’s place since he always goes to her place.
Sawada also assumed that Miyamura had a little brother or sister, since he’s clearly good at taking care of people. Miyamura laughs at that comment, which reminds Sawada of the older brother she says she “had”—past tense—before laughing it off herself. She’s saved by the bell when her folks come home, so she heads out, but Miyamura says she’s always welcome to stop by for some cake.
Miyamura isn’t fooled by Sawada’s last-second fakeout. Sure enough, he learns from his mom that the Sawadas lost their eldest son some time last year, who attended a different school from Izumi but was “such a nice boy”.
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At first I wondered why the character designer took such pains to make Sawada so closely resemble Miyamura—was she his long-lost little sister? When we learned she liked Hori, I abandoned that theory as a bridge too far for this show, but it isn’t lost on me how quickly and easily Miyamura is portrayed as a potential surrogate big bro.
Sure enough, the next day Sawada is hounded by three boys, and she retreats to Miyamura, digging her head in his back. It only takes a momentary glare from Miyamura to disperse the lads, but it can’t be understated how glad Sawada must’ve been to have him in that moment. Naturally, when Hori shows up they’re back to competing over who likes Hori more.
Finally, in another wonderful use of what Hori’s watching on TV as a reflection of what goes on in the Hori household, she is forcing both Miyamura and, more pointedly, her dad, to watch a horror movie in which a daughter kills her father. It underscores both Hori’s taste in cinema and the tactics she’ll use to try to get her dad to leave the room, which he eventually does.
Almost the moment her dad’s gone, Hori brushes her knees together and tries her hand at Miyamura’s patented casual romantic utterances, stating “you never make any moves on me, huh.” When Miyaura responds by asking “do you want me to?” she turns red with embarrassment, causing him to chuckle over how cute she looks. Then he asks what kind of moves she wants him to make, then leans in to kiss her.
Kyousuke barges back in asking for change to buy his smokes, and the two lovebirds immediately separate, invoking her dad’s cheeky suspicion, and causing Hori to attempt to reenact the dad-murdering scene from the movie. While I’d hoped they could have shared their first kiss in which both of them were aware a kiss was going to happen here and now, at least they didn’t chicken out; they were simply interrupted. They’ll soon learn to seek places with a bit more privacy!
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By: sesameacrylic
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WhatsApp?, Part 17. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you.
A/N: We will be wrapping up soon, folks. Let's have two last chapters and were done!
Warnings: Reader being a paranoid silly dummydumdum and angst and angst and fluffiness. I have u guys, alright?
Word count: 3.1 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @songforhema, @mikariell95, @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Read the rest here: Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six Part seven  Part eight  Part nine  Part ten  Part eleven  Part twelve  Part thirteen  Part fourteen  Part fifteen  Part sixteen
If you like to have your readings in order :):  H E R E  
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Four months after the last chapter:
You sat on the toilette for what seemed like forever, in a complete shock, gasping for your dear breath. You felt as you were crying, sobbing, being a hot pile of mess. Pete was sitting next to your small cabin on the ground, hugging his knees, listening to your heartbreaking sobs.
You and Steve were together just for a few months, four and a half to be exact and you couldn't think of anything more perfect. When he was at home, he was literally the sweetest guy around.
He knew his way around with cooking and preparing just the best baths, nobody was able to make the bed like him. Every time he cleaned up the place, you couldn't recognize it. And you didn't know if he used some forties tricks when it was his turn doing the laundry, but it smelled so good every damn time he hung the clothes.
It was more than fair to say that Steve Rogers was living at your place basically. He moved his clothes there, so you could basically wear them as yours, he was buying the groceries and taking care of the flat.
Your relationship grew stronger and stronger, but with that, you needed to count on the paparazzi sniffing around your private life. They exposed you and Steve many times and you only giggled when you read the articles out loud to Steve when he was in the shower. Sometimes you were reading it with Peter when Steve was out of touch.
You were making fun of that, but Steve got fed up after a while. He was under the public microscope for a long time at that moment when your relationship started, so he talked with Tony (IT WAS TONY STARK HIMSELF, YOU LITERALLY FREAKED OUT WHEN STEVE SAID THAT IT'S JUST 'TONY') and Tony made some steps to keep the newest Avenger lovebirds out of the public eye.
Everything was awesome... Until that one evening.
How to put it right? Let's just say it how it was - you both absolutely loved sex, let's be honest here. Steve adored and loved your soul, but your body was just gorgeous for him. He was a boy from the eighties who didn't have a proper lovemaking session for seventy years, maybe even never.
So, naturally, when Steve got home after three weeks lasting mission, you took a day off at work, just to be with him at home all day, basically not leaving bed all day. That was maybe the day you just got... Pregnant.
Yep. That's right. A baby was inside growing inside of you and your heart was beating loudly at that moment. What the hell should you do? What were your options? Your brain couldn't exactly think when you were a crying mess sitting on the toilette.
Steve told you one time that the family man who lived in the forties died inside of him when he got out of the ice.
So you were worried that Steve will not take it too happily, even though you knew that you were seriously paranoid.
"Is everything ok out there? You're freaking me the hell out." - Pete knocked on your cab lightly, which actually reminded you of his presence. You weakly pulled yourself together, dried your cheeks and stood up. When you opened the cab, he almost jumped right into your face. - "You're not pregnant, right? That's why you're crying."
You didn't answer, just gave him the test and leaned your hands to the sink to watch your face in the mirror.
A mom. You'll be a mom. Was that even real? Were you even ready for that? You had a small bean inside of you. Your mind was splitting into two different people - one of them was optimistic and the second one was depressed like hell.
A strange warm feeling surrounded your heart and you smiled at yourself. Hormones were making you a bit crazy, like riding on a rollercoaster. The fear of telling him was sitting on the back of your head all the time, but for a moment you focused on happiness.
"You'll be a mom." - Peter whispered. He was in shock, but you could feel that happiness is written down in his voice. - "That's great! I will be his or her uncle and we will be best pals... Y/N, what's wrong?" - Peter asked worriedly and hugged you, nursing you slowly. His lips kissed your temple gently and his fingers smoothed your hair.
"I'm just so fucking afraid, Peter. What if he tells me that he doesn't want it anymore? He's at least a hundred years old. He doesn't have a much stable life, his job is dangerous and... I don't know." - You cried out to his shoulder and hugged him even tighter. You had a grip of a tiger or a bear that surprised Peter.
"Are you even listening to what you're saying, you weirdo?" - Peter took your face to his palms and smiled at you. A fifteen-year-old boy was nursing you because you were afraid of a baby. Your own baby. You were going to be a mom. You were acting like Ana in Fifty shades said, you had a little bean somewhere out there.
"Steve will be out of his mind when he's gonna find out. That man was designed by God to be a dad. Whether it will be a boy or a girl, you will be great parents. And May and I will be the best uncle and aunt duo." - He kissed your temple again, but someone interrupted you. It was Deena. She screamed, put her hand on her heart and closed the door with a loud bang. Then she opened the door again, looking at you, crying your eyes out and Peter, with his arms, circling around your shoulders. You both watched her, Peter with a big smile and you with your eyes hurting a bit.
"Okay, you two. I know you have a strangely friendly relationship, but this is fucking wild. What the fuck is going on?" - She just strode there, putting her hands on her hips, frowning at you and Pete. She had a primadonna attitude until Pete turned towards her with a pregnancy test in his palms.
"Oh my fucking God. You cheated on Steve with... Don't you fucking tell me." - She tried to tell a joke, but a small smile appeared on her lips. Her face was gentle all of a sudden as she watched the positive stick in her hands. You would never say that Deena could be a family type, but that situation totally wrecked her family-cold facade. She looked at you with a graceful smile, and ten hugged you. Then, she put her palm on your belly, slowly caressing you with his fingers.
"Hey, little baby. We know about you, honey. Oh my god, Y/N." - Deena looked into your face with a loving gaze. - "I think I'm gonna cry. Jesus fucking Christ, what have you done to me?" - She smiled and winked at you to get the tears away. - "Steve will be so happy. And Buck will probably cry. He's a sensitive pussy these days."
"But how the fuck am I supposed to tell him?" - You stared to the side, leaning your ass to the sink, watching both of them. - "I'm so afraid now."
"What are you thinking about, dummy?" - Deena looked at you with an ironic face, laughing. - "Just tell him. He's an honest man and he will most probably explode with euphoria. You know what? I have an idea." - Her palms held your shoulders, so she couldn't look away from her.
"You'll try it on Bucky, the whole telling thingy. Hell. He'll order you his fucking plum diet. Just be cool, you'll tell him, test it out. Buck will not tell Steve a single word if you ask him to. And now, get the fuck out. Both of you. I need to pee." - She smiled and kissed your cheek in a motherly mode. You could feel that she's so proud at that moment, so proud she couldn't even express it.
"Hey. Heads up. You'll do great. Wow. A baby. That's wonderful. In a few months, you'll be so big. Like, I mean, a big tummy, there will be a baby and I can chat with them." - Peter was so excited that it made you smile. Yeah. You'll be big. You'll be huge. Like a balloon. And you'll fart a lot. But that will be alright. Cause there will be a baby inside of you. - "You can't even guess how proud and happy I am."
"Yeah. Stop grinning so much, dummy. The whole office doesn't need to know that I'm pregnant the first day I found out that. So shush." - You shoved the little stick into the back pocket of your jeans and went there with a big smile.
Bucky was already in the office, leaning next to Val's shoulder and watched some video. Suzie watched you with her silent stare, feeling that something's off about you. But she just nodded and didn't ask. You loved that Suzie was the silent friend. She didn't ask unnecessary questions at all. But just as Suzie knew instantly that something happened, May could feel it in the air.
"Okay, you moron. Don't furrow at me like that and just tell me. What's wrong?" - May leaned her ass into your desk and looked at you with her motherly state. She had warm eyes and a kind smile, soothing the back of your head. But you just wiggled your head and decided on not telling her, not just now.
"You're like another child to me, baby. Just as protesting as Peter at the start of his puberty." - She leaned down and kissed your forehead. - "Remember that whatever happened, it's going to be good. When you feel like telling me, you'll. I larb you so, so much." - And then she left. You looked at Peter with a surprised face and he shrugged his shoulders. You were so glad that you may don't turn her NCIA attitude on just left it be. But then you saw Deena, looking like a little devil, leading Bucky to you. He looked really scared and surprised.
"Okay. She told me that you have something to tell me. And I'm not going to lie, I am a bit afraid what the hell is going on because she was deadly serious." - Buck said in a guessing tone. Deena frowned at him.
"Who the hell is some 'she', Mr. Burnes?" - She put her arms on her chest. Deena was just joking, but her face was deadly serious.
"She is my lovely girlfriend who is the best in the whole world, miss Green." - Bucky smiled, leaned onto her body, kissing her from her cheeks down to her collar bones, making her laugh. - "But let's talk, miss Y/L/N, soon to be Mrs. Rogers." - Bucky told you and take you away from the rest of your coworkers.
"That's not too far fetched." - You whispered back and Buck opened up his mouth with a surprise before turning his expression to a big smile.
"So that little jackass wants to marry you? I know that he's really in love with you, but this is a pleasant surprise." - He leaned into one of the windows, watching you nervously biting his lower lip.
"No! No! We're not having a wedding, Jesus. We're only for not even five months, Buck. You're crazy. I need to tell you something different." - You leaned next to him and put your head on Buck's shoulder.
"Okay. What's it, baby girl? You can tell me anything. I'm your and Steve's friend. I'm curious about what has happened." - Buck hugged your shoulder with his arms, bringing you closer to him. He was just the greatest friend, he made you feel safe and fooled to tell him almost everything. So you felt as you relaxed when the little, quiet sentence just got out of your lips.
"We're going to have a baby." - You whispered and looked at Buck with an innocent look.
"Doll, are you serious?" - He asked silently and his face leaned down to look at you.
"Yeah, my magical assistant Peter helped me to do three to four tests this morning. All of them were positive." - You smiled at Buck. His reaction nicely surprised you and made you feel sure about having a baby with Steve. Your emotions and hormones told you that it's going to be all right. Buck was a bit tougher Steve from what you could tell. And his reaction was like someone has lit up a fire inside of him, his smile felt warmer and lighter, his eyes shined with excitement. - "But I'm a bit worried about Steve's reaction. Like... He told he ain't that family man anymore. So..."
"Okay. So I'm an experiment. You think he's going to freak out, or that he'll be rude or he's going to pack his things and leave?" - Buck asked you honestly, he exhaled out loud, ending it with a giggle in the end. - "My pal would never. He'll be out of his mind, I swear in the name of God. It will make him love you even more. Hey. Let me tell the thing like this: every man, especially the two of us, want to have some small princess or a tough small pirate. It's a dream we think we can't reach. But you're the example of fulfilling that dream."
"What dream are you two talking about? Can I join the discussion?" - Steve's voice freaked the living hell out of you. Bucky felt how your body began to tremble, so he smoothed your back calmly. Steve took you to his arms and hugged you, kissing you tenderly on your lips, making you smile. - "You've been crying, sweetheart. Something's wrong?" He held you in his hug and you hugged him even tighter. Steve could sense that something's up, he could tell every time you cried or felt down. It was just like his sixth sense.
"I brought you some tea for your sickness, I heard that it helps a lot. Also, I have some food from the restaurant you like, some tomato soup and some lasagna." - He showed you a travel teacup and a bag in his hand, smiling excitedly. - "You told me that you will not have enough time today, so I took you something good to eat, doll. I will not let my girl starve, will I?" - Steve played with your hair and kissed the back of your head. Bucky disappeared in the meantime, leaving you two in a loving bliss moment.
"What would I do without my big guy, right?" - You tiptoed and kissed his lips. But then sickness took hold on your belly as you began to realize that you should tell him before you'll lose your courage completely. He wasn't blind, so he could do the math when the time came, seeing your growing belly and tired attitude. - "We, like you and me, have to talk. Right now and right here otherwise I would not tell you." - You left his side and left the bag on the floor under the window.
"Doll. Before you'll tell me anything else, just let me tell you that I love you and if you want to leave me..." - Steve played with your fingers and he looked like he's about to cry. You immediately took his face to your palm, shushing him with a passionate kiss.
"Shut up for a minute, you dummy. This is stressing me the hell out and I really want you to know." - You smoothed his wide shoulders with your nails and you still held him close. - "Especially when you and I need to go through all of this together."
"Is something wrong? Are you sick? What happened?" - Steve was smoothing your face with his thumbs gently and lovingly and his face was really looking like a lovesick puppy. Before he could guess any other option, you burst out.
"I'm pregnant. I'm... Pregnant." - You said twice, slowly and more scared for the second time. You couldn't even believe what you were telling him. Your face was pale and scared, you looked tired and sick. Steve just froze in one place, his mouth shut and his gaze was piercing through you, his arms around your shoulder.
"And are you... Sure? Like deadly sure? Seriously?" - Steve asked in a low, emotionless voice. You trembled in his arms, beginning to cry and your lower lip curled. You slowly nodded and first tear left your eye, falling down on your face.
"So... A baby. Wow." - Steve said with his expression slowly lighting up. - "We are going to have a baby." - All of a sudden, why you still cried, he was crying too with a sweet smile on his lips. He took you, carefully, at your waist, hugged you and carefully twirled you around. - "Y/N, I'm doing to be a dad." - He exclaimed with the happiness of a little boy.
"So you're not angry with me?" - You beeped quietly and looked at your boyfriend crying and you started to cry even more after that. You both stood there and cried like little children, hugging each other.
"Are you serious? Y/N, this is most probably the best day of my whole life." - Steve dropped on his knees, put his palms on your tummy and kissed it with a loving expression. Your fingers ran through his hair as he spoke directly to the baby. The tone of his voice was sweet and loving, he was mumbling and he held your waist in his hands.
How could you be so terrified? Why were you so paranoid? Steve took it the best way he actually could, he really was out of his mind completely, shining like a star. You loved to see him like that. A proud daddy-to-be. You could feel that he's happy, happier than ever before.
"Isn't it a bit too soon for you?" - You whispered after a long, sweet make our session. Steve was passionate and he was showing you all the love he had inside.
"It could happen a bit later, that's true. I'm amazed and surprised because this is a serious miracle. But I know you, you're my best girl, my loving and supporting girlfriend no matter what I decide to do. So we have two things on our list now, what do you say?" - He hummed in a pleased tone, being all-loving and caring for you.
"Two things?" - You opened your mouth, being surprised.
"First things first, we will prepare our home for this little angel." - He whispered and stole another kiss from you. - "But we can't bring him to a world where their parents aren't married. And I'm serious about that."
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ohnonono18 · 5 years
Tumblr media
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Okay, so shoes. What shoes?" Sam asked as I led her and Helen to a shoe store.
I told them the heel's height, the shoe size and that the color should be white.
"What's this for again?" Sam asked as she looked around the store.
"It's for a shoot." I replied as I browsed some shoes at a corner.
"What's the theme?" Helen asked.
"Wedding theme." I replied and I could see Sam's eye widen when she looked at me.
"Who's the groom?" Helen asked.
"Did I say that there was a groom?" I asked.
"Of course. In a wedding shoot, there is a bride and a groom." Helen started to explain.
"I wonder who's the groom." Sam said. "Just in case I need to put your boyfriend in a room so he wouldn't go berserk during your photoshoot."
"Actually, it's just him who's going to be the groom." I finally gave in and told them.
Helen gave Sam a look. Sam was confused for a moment before she opened her mouth and she slowly nodded.
"Sam, stop that." I said. "Close your mouth. I can see something else."
Sam closed her mouth and she raised an eyebrow.
Helen laughed. She probably got the reference.
"Ah, let's just get this over with." Sam said and she took a pair of shoes off a table. "Here."
"Oh, this is nice." I commented as I observed the shoes. "But I don't think it's going to be all that comfortable."
"How about this one?" Helen suggested as she showed me a pair.
"Um, I don't like the style." I said after I observed it.
"How about this one?" Sam asked with a mischievous smirk on her face as she showed me the most weirdest looking shoes I have ever seen.
"Sam!" Helen laughed as playfully smacked her on the head.
I smiled at them.
This is going to take a while.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Guys, I think we better go back to the dorm for a while. We have practice soon." Sam said as she looked at her watch.
"Yeah, we should." I agreed. "Iris and Nicky must be finished recording."
I could see Sam bite her lip in an attempt to stop laughing.
"I'm sorry." She said when she laughed out loud.
"Hoy! Don't underestimate Nicky." Helen said, seriously. "She's good at rapping."
She laughed at her own saying and Sam just laughed along.
Aish, these two. Why are you teasing our leader?
"But in all honesty though," Sam said when she finally composed herself. "I love Nicky. In a friendly sisterly way. Cause she's the best!"
"Even if she teases you a lot?" I raised an eyebrow at her as I remembered every innuendo Nicky says about Sam.
"Well," Sam said. "I'll always find a way to get revenge."
She laughed away, it was almost as if she was a villain. Evil, evil laugh.
"Hah, this is why we shouldn't leave her alone with Ilhoon." I muttered.
Two maknaes. Two evil maknaes.
Sam's not evil but she can be, besides it's Ilhoon.
It's gonna get chaotic. I just know it. Deep, deep, deeeeeeppppp down inside.
"Guys, let's go!" Helen said and we all went back to the dorm.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Okay, how about this one?" Iris asked as she showed me a pair of shoes.
After practice, we all went to find me a pair of white heels for the shoot again. This time with Iris and Nicky.
"Hey, that's good." I took it and examined it more.
"Well, there's only like two white heels in this one." Iris said. "The rest are silver."
"Hah, Silverlight!" I teased Sam and she just rose an eyebrow before she smiled.
"Wow, no reaction today?" Helen asked.
"Eh," Sam walked away and took a pair. "What about this one?"
When I saw it, I kind of liked the way it was designed.
"Try it on!" Helen said.
Actually, I tried on a lot of shoes before I finally brought one.
"Hmmm. . ." Iris said thoughtfully. "Maybe I should buy one too."
"Yeah, me too." Helen said.
"I think all of us needs one." Nicky said. "Sam needs one since you're gonna be a host in an event, right?"
"It's just a cosplay event, no biggie." Sam shrugged.
"No biggie? Who's the character you're gonna cosplay?" I asked. "The shoes depends on that character, right?"
"Yeah," Sam said. "I'm going to cosplay as Judy Hopps! From Zootopia!"
"Good luck then!" Iris said. "She doesn't really wear heels, right?"
"Yep, and my co-host is Liui Aquino and he's gonna be Nick Wilde. You know, the fox." Sam said.
"Ha, good luck. Don't let Eunkwang jealous." Nicky teased. "I heard that Liui is a really handsome guy."
"Eh, we're just good friends." Sam said. "Eunkwang knows anyway."
"Ok," I nodded. "Good luck to all of us then."
All of us has stuff to do.
Nicky is going to be featured in a talk show in a few days so I can understand why she thinks she needs a new pair of shoes.
Helen is going to be a judge in a dance show, the details are still a little rough around the edges and she's not sure if she'll take it but that doesn't mean that she shouldn't be prepared to look good whether or not she'll take the job.
Iris? She seems to be having a photoshoot too in a few days for her solo album after she finishes the recordings.
Sam is going to host a cosplay event with Liui Aquino. A host should always look good but her's is like a Halloween costume party, accuracy of the character is what she craves.
And then there's me with the wedding photoshoot with none other than my boyfriend, Lee Minhyuk, as my groom.
We all need luck.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"There! You're ready!" The make-up artist said.
"Thank you." I smiled at her before I saw her go get the first gown I was going to use.
I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.
It's gonna be fine.
"Let's change into your dress?" I heard her ask and I nodded.
She helped me into my dress and after that she placed the veil on my head.
"Well, you're ready!" She said with a satisfied smile before she left to inform the photographer.
I looked at myself in the mirror and took my reflection in.
The gown was beautiful and veil just made it look gorgeous. I really felt like a real bride.
I could almost feel myself tear up but I stopped myself because I don't want to ruin the make-up artist's effort.
"Ah, she's having a moment." She nodded. "Maybe you should wait for a while."
I looked behind me and I saw her and Minhyuk at the doorway of the dressing room. Minhyuk had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and his other hand was in the pocket of his pants. He looked really charming in his tuxedo.
"Well, looks like she's done." Minhyuk said and he walked towards me to give me the flowers.
"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear.
"Don't flatter me." I said as a warning but he just smirked.
"It's the truth." He said and he held out his arm for me to loop in. "Let's go attend the wedding?"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Okay, look at her like she's your whole world." The photographer said and Minhyuk did what he was told.
He looked at my eyes with love and I looked back at him with the same emotion as the photographer took some pictures.
"Okay, now get closer with each other. Hands on her cheeks, Minhyuk. Okay? Look down at her lips like you're going to kiss her. You look at his lips too." The photographer said.
We did that but I can't help but think.
Did I tell you that we haven't publicly said me and Minhyuk are together? Well, now you know. And this is a very tight situation we're in. I hope Minhyuk doesn't do anything overboard. I hope I don't do anything overboard.
"Good, good. Wow, you two have so much chemistry." The photographer snapped more photos. "Now, how about a kiss?"
I looked at the photographer surprised.
"Hey, isn't that a bit too much?" Minhyuk said.
At least you have the initiative to stop him. Thank you.
Because you know how we cannot control our kisses yet.
Long story, don't ask.
"This is a wedding themed photoshoot. In a wedding, there will always be a kissing scene." The photographer said.
"But isn't it going too much out of her boundary?" Minhyuk asked.
"You are an actor, you kissed a whole lot of girls onscreen. What makes kissing her any different?" The photographer asked that made my blood boil. "Unless?"
"Unless what?" I snapped. "Did you even ask me what I would feel kissing this guy?"
They both looked at me surprised.
"Look, we can just find another pose." Minhyuk tried to bargain.
"I'm sorry but I was given a list." The photographer said. "Besides, if you didn't want to get kissed in this shoot then you shouldn't have taken the job in the first place."
I sighed.
"Also, why are you even so concerned about this?" The photographer asked Minhyuk.
Well, this escalated quickly. We need an escape route fast and not let anyone know.
"Okay, okay." I said before Minhyuk can reply. "I'll do it."
I nodded and looked at Minhyuk.
"We'll do it."
Minhyuk bit his lip before he nodded slowly.
"Okay, then." The photographer nodded. "Just take your time, indulge in the moment."
Minhyuk cupped my cheek and looked directly at my eyes, he looked a little worried.
"You sure?" He whispered and I just nodded.
Let's get this done.
He kissed my lips and I could hear the clicking of the camera.
Be satisfied, Mr. Photographer! Because I am not doing this again!
I started to kiss back and I could almost feel it becoming heated.
Oh, his lips.
"Okay, okay!" The photographer called. "Break it up, lovebirds!"
I opened my eyes and I pulled away.
"Thanks for the great poses." The photographer said. "Dismissed!"
I sighed.
Yes! Finally over!
I started to walk towards the dressing room and I started to put on my normal everyday clothes to meet up with the girls.
But before that, I checked my phone for a while and saw that Sam has a text message: I kinda have a weird feeling about this photoshoot. Be careful!
Aigooo, this kid and her sixth sense. But somehow they always end up true, you know? I think I'll just be careful.
I put my phone in my bag and was about to leave the room when the door opened and Minhyuk went in.
"Sorry about awhile ago." He apologized.
I nodded a bit.
"It's okay, I'm sorry for almost losing my temper." I said with a sheepish grin.
He touched my chin and made me look up at him before he placed a kiss on my lips.
When we pulled away, we smiled at each other.
"How would you feel about announcing our relationship to the public?" He asked.
"Hah, you're so daring." I chuckled. "But it would be great that we can stop this charade with people already if we do announce our relationship."
I took a deep breath.
We should really stop this.
"Well, not right away." He suggested. "We'll think about it then maybe plan it. Ask advice from our managers and our members."
I nodded and I hugged him, he hugged back and he gently stroked my hair.
We stayed like that for a while like the world stopped for us.
I wish when we finally reveal it to the public it would turn out like the white satin fabric of the gown: pure and almost faultless. Nothing to hide finally.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The End
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lily-rose26 · 5 years
O. Doremi fanfic - The apprentice of wizard Kotake
Season 1 - Episode 1
Pov Kotake ON Hello my beautiful readers, because whoever is reading this probably likes my ship with Doremi (or at least doesn’t hate me!). My name is Tetsuya Kotake and I am 8 years old. I will not talk about how I look because I’m sure that everyone here already knows me quite well. I’m not that vain. Lets continue... Unlike the version of me in Ojamajo Doremi, I am living with my cousin Kimitaka. His parents live in a different country and have left my family with this devil that only bothers me with me and with my parents who do not make another life than work. Let's talk about me... I have two dreams: First, I’d love to be a soccer player, and second, I want to win Dojimi's love. The second one seems impossible. What do I have to do to make Doremi love me? It is impossible!! She always looks for the cool guys! “Hey, lovebird! Speed it up! Don’t talk to yourself!” I’m not talking to myself! I am talking with my readers! I left my room and looked at Kimitaka who was looking at me angrily. “Stop dreaming about that crazy Harukaze and give me my food!” “The food is in the fridge! And don't insult her! Only I can do that! I go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Do you want me to take you to the kindergarten?” “Of course not! What will my friends think if they look at me with you?” “I think in reality you are thinking about what Pop will think if she sees you with your big cousin.” I commented with a mocking smile as I put his food in front of him. His face has been red ever since I told him that. Revenge! “I do not care about what a fool thinks!” Kimitaka yelled with his face all red. “Yeah yeah ... Kimitaka ... It's just us, the readers and the author of this fic... You can tell the truth!” “You're so weird …” By now, he’s gone to completely ignoring me. After eating I left school. Like always I stalked my Dojimi, the love of my life. (...) Ah look at her watching ... Igarashi............ Then the fans are surprised that my other me of the novels makes her wait for my love ... I hate that Igarashi! Who does he think he is?! He has everything! Is it reasonable to wish that you were somebody who you hate? "Good morning!" “Masaru! You scared me!” Masaru Yada has been my best friend since kindergarten. He is very quiet, maybe even antisocial, but has a good heart. But you already knew that, didn't you? “Again stalking Harukaze?” he gawked at me, ”When are you going to tell her your feelings?" “When you tell Fujiwara how you feel.” Ahh~ha! Look at his face! He stopped talking. “Alright, you win!” He conceded, “But you’d better say how you feel quickly, Kotake. You know how the author feels about your relationship with Harukaze.” “She can be so cruel though!” I complained,” Do you remember what happened last time?” The school’s bell ended our talk. Like always in class I watched as Doremi acted like the clumsy idiot that she was for another few minutes. She had some weird obsession with magic. I didn't care about having magic, but do you know what I would do if I become a wizard? I would make Doremi love me and make myself the best soccer player in the world! When I stopped daydreaming, I realized that I’d gone a little further than I intended. I was in an unknown place. I felt like I’d seen the store somewhere before though. What a strange Deja Vu. "Store Flat 4" That’s a weird name. Is this real? What can I buy here? Apartments with 4 rooms? : v (Flat = apartments for those who do not know). Since I had nothing to do, I entered the store, but it was quite dusty, and I found myself coughing quite a bit. “Finally a customer! Welcome!” Four boys appeared in front of me: One who looks like Segawa Onpu,(Note of the author: It is Kotake who is narrating so it is normal that he makes some jokes about Akatsuki. Akatsuki will make some jokes about Kotake too, so there’s no need to be angry, Akatsuki fans), another boy with orange eyes and hair, a third boy with blond hair and blue eyes, even lighter than mine, and another blue-green one. Everybody was quite strangely dressed. “What are you looking for?” “Uh?” I looked at a table that had some odd emerald necklaces. I stepped up to it. “That's a magic necklace, you can wish what you want with them!” Magic? There’s no doubt that Dojimi will like this ... “Is it really magic? Surely you’re kidding!” I inquired with an arched eyebrow. “Do you want to try one?” The orange-haired boy asked as he tossed me a necklace. “I would.” I caught the necklace and closed my eyes. “Wait!” The purple haired boy interrupted me, ”You can not change feelings of people or heal wounds, and trying to wish for a massive desire, such as becoming incredibly famous, probably wouldn’t work.” “Then I don't want it,” I put the necklace back in its place, placed my hands in my pockets and started walking toward the exit. “WAIT!” All four boys kneeled at my feet “DON’T GO! PLEASE, SEE IF THERE’S SOMETHING YOU’LL PURCHASE! YOU’VE ONLY JUST COME!” “But I'm not interested in magic,” I replied frankly, ”and those things won't help me at all.” “Surely you can find something here that suits you!” The blond boy spoke to me, “You have the style of a boy who enjoys sports! Try this! It will help you with sports!” He gave me a rather strange amulet which looked almost like a soccer ball. Even Dojimi could make something that looked better than that. “Ehm ... No thanks,” I walked towards the door, ”I'm leaving!” “Wait! Please buy something!” They pleaded less emphatically than last time. They almost seemed hopeless. It was pathetic. Such weirdos. ”Ask for whatever you want!” The guy with purple hair said as he approached me with a crazy look, “We can give it to you!” he continued, “What do you want? Sweets? A soccer ball? A PSP?” “I want a statue of my crush!” I figured that giving them an impossible order would be enough to make them give up. “Okay!” “AKATSUKI N…” the boys tried to stop him, but before my very eyes, a statue of Doremi appeared. According to the mirror across the room, my face looked like an overripe tomato. Crimson, and just a little bit deflated. “HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE HER?! WAIT... AND HOW HAS THIS APPEARED HERE?!” I've looked at them, a little scared, but also a little curious. “Magic amulets, huh?” I've stared at that Akatsuki. I was frightened, and I knew it, but I kept up my strong front. “Y-You are…” I pointed my finger at him, “A witch!” “I AM A WIZARD NOT A WITCH!” he shouted carelessly. “OK! OK! A wizard it is t…” that boy's body started to shine as he became an abnormal purple creature. “What the heck!” I exclaimed,” See you later!” I grabbed the statue and ran for the door. “DON'T LET THAT IDIOT GO!” Hearing what Akatsuki said, the blonde guy grabbed me. “AAAAAAH!!! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” With magic, they put me in a chair. Akatsuki was sitting on the table with a very annoyed expression. “Let me go! Take my money if you need to!” I exclaimed. “I don’t want your money!” He shouted, “Look what you've done to me!” “I didn't do anything! I just said that you’re a wi…” One of his friends covered my mouth. “Humans can not know that wizards exist! It’s forbidden!” I gaped at him in confusion, ”I became this ugly creature because you called me a wizard!” Finally the other idiot let go of my mouth. “So you're like this because of me? What do I have to do to make you normal again?” “You have to become my apprentice!” “Eh? I don't want to work in a store! I am a kid!” “It’s so that I can make you into a wizard and you can cure me!” he claimed. “EEEEEEEEEH!? ME, A WIZARD?!” My eyes have shine like stars. With magic I could make all of my dreams come true!!! Be a soccer player! Make the SOS trio and Reika Tamaki disappear! And ask… “Don’t make that face,” he interrupted my wishful thinking, ”The rules of the magic necklace are the same for any magic!” “What?! Could I at least make money appear?” “Yes…” Oh well something is something! “But before you transform, tell me your name.” another one told me. “Tetsuya Kotake.” “I am Akatsuki, my ginger colleague is Fujio, the blond is Leon, and the last one is Tooru. We all came from the wizard world so that we can earn money to buy back land that was taken from us by the witches.” “What!?” I asked,” I don’t understand why you don’t live together?” “No way!” he answered, “Witches and wizards have always been enemies! Or at least for as long as I’ve known…” “OK OK! What do I have to do to use magic?” I spoke very quickly because my parents hate when I get home at night, and I had just seen the clock. Late. “Fujio go get the box, and you, follow me Kotake-kun…” He took me out back to a garden. I looked at the garden while Fujio put the box on the table. “This box has something in it called a tap. You’ll use that to transform into a Wizard Apprentice.” It was a small, circular, white object. Around its circumference were eight small buttons. In the center was a much larger button. The central button reminded me of a soccer ball in its design. “You have to press the biggest button.” Leon instructed me, “This tap is like an instrument so each small button is a musical note Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do.” “For your Magical poron you have to press Do-Mi-So and high Do.” The orange-haired boy told me. I pressed the button and quickly put on the blue shirt that appeared before me. “The best future soccer player in the world is here!” I posed like a superhero. “What did you say?” Everyone has looked at me confusedly. “All magical boys and girls have a magic words!” I pressed the buttons that Fujio told me. A black magic wand shot out of the tap (which was connected to the uniform.) “That’s a poron! You can do magic with that. You just have to make your wish out loud!” I think the orange one was the brains of their group. “OK!” I moved my wand and pointed it at the ground, “I want a soccer ball now!!!” A blue light erupted from the tip of the poron, and a soccer ball appeared where I pointed. But it didn’t take long for the ball to disappear. “Your wishes won’t last long for now. Once you pass the nine exams and become a full wizard they will!” Fujio reminded me. “How boring!! I want to go home!! But first how do I fly?” “You're a wizard apprentice ... You don't fly idiot!” Akatsuki answered, “And you have to listen to me! I am your master now! You can't do many magic or you will run out of magical spheres!” “Ok... Can I go now?” “No! You have to listen to me!” I looked at him as he spoke. “Ok you can go! Leave your window open I'll see you tonight!” “I like girls…” “IT'S NOTHING WHAT YOU ARE THINKING IDIOT!!!” He yelled at me with his face all red. I'm going to give you magical spheres!" “Can you take the statue of Dojimi too?” “What if I don't take it?” “You'll stay like this forever!” I returned to normal with a smile. “I hate you…” Tooru caught Akatsuki before he hit me. I left the store smiling. In this dimension, nobody can hate me! End of Chapter 1! Next chapter: Being Masaru for a day! Written by: Me Translated by: Me and Meridia
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elasianstar · 6 years
Becoming Human part 2
Authors Note: HEY GUYS! I know ive been gone a while, college has been hell, ive actually been working on my next several postings since August, bit by bit as inspiration hits. it may not be written the best, just give me a chance to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for reading -Jazz
“Hey Alex, yeah its Elasia. Yeah i need a little help if you're up to it? Yeah i finished a masking serum for the guys and we’re going out tonight. Even if it's just for Mikey i could use another chaperone. I can pay your way, i just need help making sure they don't get into any massive trouble. You can? Great, meet us at the lair in 10 minutes. Yeah you can bring your camera. Awesome see you then.”
“Boom!! Who’s ready to PAR-TAY!!”
To say Mikey looked interesting was an understatement, he was wearing orange striped basketball shorts, and a too big t-shirt that looked like a crazy bowling alley carpet. Finally his reddish blonde curls were pulled into a faux hawk and decorated with rainbow shutter shades.
“I personally don't think we’re ready for this, what happens if there's an attack on the city while we’re like this and we can't fight?”
“Well at least this could prove an adequate test of balance and focus under extreme motion.”
“And you look totally awesome Bro!”
Fitted dark blue jeans and a dusty grey and blue plaid shirt cuffed at the elbows gave leo a classy East meets West look when paired with his high ponytail and thin pencil bangs. All he needed was a nice belt buckle and some boots, but some sneakers borrowed from Raph’s collection would do.
Don had gone simple, his usual cargo pants tied with some cordage from the lab, fitted black tee, (where and why he had a shirt that small I don't know it didn't come from my stash of my brother’s clothes) and his usual seashell necklace.
“Now where’d Raph go?”
“Dude! You better not have messed up those heads! You know how long it takes to scrap a fully functioning drum kit??? And don't even get me started if you scratched my sick paint job!”
“Get off my back Mikey! I was tryin to do a back-flip off the landing and mis-judged the strength it would take to get over there. These tiny muscles won't work right.”
“You're human Raph, that means your muscles will only work at human capacity. You're still pretty damn strong but don't go trying to throw any shipping containers or jumping off high rises any time soon.”
“Yeah figured that one out already, now come get me out of this thing will ya?”
“Man not my Base!!! I almost had that tuned perfectly bro!!!”
Raph was stuck legs first into the bass drum from the front, apparently having slid into Mikey’s drum set. The New York skyline painted on the decorative head ruined, much to Mikey's horror.
“I spent a week painting that!!”
“Sorry Mike, I'll help you find a new one.”
“Knock Knock! Is anyone here?”
Mikey’s eyes went as wide as saucers as his precious drum set was forgotten and he took off toward his room for me to snag his collar.
“Oh no you aren't going anywhere.”
“Let go i can't let Alex see me like this!”
“Mikey they’re a shifter, i doubt they care what you look like.”
“Doubt i care what who looks like? This adorable redhead you’ve got hanging by his collar?”
“Alleycat!! Don't look...wait, adorable?”
Gosh the blush on their cheeks was so cute.
“Yeah. can I?”
That camera never left their neck and they  were quick to get a shot before Mikey had the chance to start hamming it up.
“Too late, gotcha. Want to see Mickey?
“Come on let's give the lovebirds a minute, letem get all the sickly sweet outta their systems.”
The sound of the whining Polaroid and giggles faded to Leo and Don’s nervous chattering as Leo tried to talk Don out of this.
“Seriously D, we can't be this reckless already, i mean an amusement park? That many adrenaline fueled people in a close packed environment is just asking for trouble. We don't even know if this potion is even stable, what happens if we revert mid ride and can't escape, or if it causes a technical issue and people get hurt?”
“Leo you forget the world of mythics is a lot larger than what you're used to, there are safeguards and protocols in place in case of a critical failure. If the masking serum fails there’s a 20 minute window before the mist gives way and humans actually notice the change. That’d be more than enough time to escape. And if by some miraculous circumstance we can't manage escape there are teams that can be dispatched to tamper with the social consciousness to erase our presence to no more than urban legend. We’ll be fine, live a little.”
“Plus we will be in an entirely different state thanks to the port stones so there’s even less possibility that anything could happen if we were seen. If my calculations are correct that leaves a 10% chance of serum failure and a 0.001% chance of catastrophic circumstance, given i fully understand all the variables at play.”
Raph grabbed his elder brother’s shoulder and looked him straight in the eye, the only parts of them that were physically unchanged. He still towered over the elder, but the gap between the two had closed significantly under human restriction.
“We’ve wanted this our whole lives Leo, Don't go letting Mominardo go and fuck it up. We’re human for a night, i don't really feel like wasting that opportunity.”
“Welcome Back to The Midwest Boys!! The home of the most unobservant humans in America, and the central hub of mystic life. Next stop Worlds of Fun!!”
Mikey and Raph were hooping and hollering from the bed of the truck as it sped down the highway toward the tops of the roller-coasters in the distance. Hell even Leo looked like he was enjoying the feeling of the wind in his new hair as he almost stuck his head out the back passenger window, bobbing along with Donnie's techno music over the speakers. When the old dodge settled to a stop in the parking lot it was like an explosion as the four burst from the truck, taking off for the front gate with the excitement of children. People were giving them odd looks, brushed off moments later as the antics of young men.
Leo was the first to freeze, Don and Raph tripping over him to land flat on their faces as Mikey vaulted deftly over the pile.
Oh that did it, Alex's voice was ice and it stopped Mikey in his tracks, peeking over his shoulder with a meek grin as he gave us time to catch up.
“I know you're excited, but part of appearing human is acting correctly, while running and jumping is more accepted at an amusement park you have to be courteous to the other patrons. No running or flipping over people, and no climbing any of the trees or structures unless you want to get us kicked out…”
“Now tell mom you're sorry…”
I gave Alex a dirty look, but I couldn't hold it, the 6 of us bursting into a fit of laughter. Mikey threw his arm over Alex's shoulder, playing with her matching ruddy blonde hair, and Raph grabbed my hand to pull me toward the ticket booth.
“Go on lead the way ma.”
Well great, what now.
The security guards were waving their wand metal detectors over Leo when they started going off near his belt. Reaching in to the waistband of his jeans out came a stack of three shuriken.
“You can't bring weapons into the park son…”
When they tried to take the intricately designed weapons Leo went to reach for where his katana would usually be on his shell. Luckily Don was close enough to stop him before he got too far.
“Sorry officer, we'll take them back to the truck. Hey E, get our tickets for us k?”
He knocked Leo upside the head as they turned back for the parking lot.
“What the SHELL is wrong with you?”
While i was buying the tickets i noticed Leo and Donnie re-approaching the gate, only to get a full pat-down before they were allowed to enter, oh i love my idiots, i love my idiots…. Now people were staring…
“Lets get out of here, COME ON GUYS!”
Raph knocked leo upside the head as well when they re-joined the group, grabbing him by the hair as a low grumble rolled through his chest, both their eyes widening.
“The hell…”
“We can't churr Raph, we no longer have the equipment to create or interpret such subsonic sounds.”
“Yeah i figured that out Don, just stop being a dumb-ass Leo. Bringin weapons to a park, what the hell were you thinking?”
Leo just shouldered his way past, nose in the air.
“I don't have to explain myself to you.”
Raph moved to start a fight but i grabbed his shoulder, pulling him down to whisper in his ear.
“He's just feeling a little exposed, too many people, a strange place, you guys don't even have the protection of your shells, cut him a break.”
Mikey took off running, jumping into a flip to snag Leo by the shoulders like he had hundreds of time before, flinging him into a flip, only to land on his ass, mikey bouncing along on his rump a few meters ahead.
“I think your center of balance is a little off Mike!”
That got the big blue grump laughing again, thanks Mikey.
Alex ran past laughing, snagging Mikey by the collar.
“Come on Mickey! Lets try the Fjord Fjarlane!! I call outer seat!!!”
Alex drug Mikey to his feet, towing the poor boy toward the first ride still limping from his less than stellar landing, Raph and Donnie taking off soon after leaving me behind with Leo.
“Hey i told Red to back off, i get that your feeling off, but it'll be fine.”
“How do you know.”
“Because i do, now you just have to trust me, do we have a deal Brother?”
I held out my hand with the spirit spiral mark on it and after a second of deliberation he met my gesture with his own.
“Come on let's go have some fun, Sis.”
By the time we had ridden the Fjord Fjarlane, the  Finnish Fling, The Scandi Scrambler, and the Viking voyager spirits were high again. Even Leo was smiling like a goof and we still had 4 sections of the park left to get through, it was going to be a good night and we were all buzzing with excitement.
“Hey hot-stuff, wanna go find a nice dark corner with me?”
The feeling of a hand gripping my hind end had me spinning, grabbing some greasy asshole’s wrist and twisting it until he was buckling under the strain before the guys could even react.
“There anything wrong babe?”
At the sight of Raphs towering form glaring down at him from over my shoulder the creep paled. Jerking to get out of my grip on his arm as i squeezed just enough to threaten breaking it.
“No i think i've got this Raphie Bear, go have fun with your brothers… I’ll take care of the trash.”
When i looked back down at the guy my eyes were golden, fangs bared, and crest raised. “You touch any woman against her will again and you'll be seeing me, and i promise they won’t find you.”
I threw him down on the ground, watching as he scrambled away backwards, knocking over a couple little kids before taking off. God damn doing that felt good.  
When i made it back to the guys Mikey was sinking basket after basket on one of those trick carnival games. his enhanced strength and aim, though lesser in this form, were plenty to crush the hopes of the carnie running the booth’s hopes for a quick buck. Destroying the high score soon Mikey was holding a giant sea turtle plushie, using it as a puppet to tease Alex. I felt Raph’s hand on my lower back, his extra fingers held together to make it feel more like his natural form’s hands. Probably so i wouldn't freak out and break his wrist.
“Pick a prize Tweeter.”
“Raph you don't have to do that….”
“How many days can i win my girl a carnival prize without being carted off to a freak show? Now pick something E.”
I scanned over the disgustingly pastel prizes until my eyes landed on the perfect little stuffie. It was a black dragon made of faux leather with a fluffy red belly and gold wing membranes, horns, and spikes.
“That one, in the dart booth. The Dragon.” “That tiny thing, come on, give me a challenge girl.”
“You told me to pick Red.”
“Fine, let me show you how it's done.”
Handing over a dollar bill the carnie passed over 3 red darts.
“Pop three gold balloons for the dragon.”
Raph’s face scrunched up as he searched for the targets the carnie indicated.
“What’s the ploy here, those balloons are barely inflated at all! The dragon is one of the smallest prizes here, you trying to cheat me carnie?”
“You wanted a challenge big guy.”
He just gave the carnie a dirty look, weighing the dart in his hand before pinching the tip between his first two fingers, the other two tucked tightly to his palm as he stared down his target.
“Damn darts aren't even sharp.”
I ran my hands over his free arm, focusing on the balloons almost as hard as Raph was.
One gold balloon started lazily dripping paint down the board. The carnie gave Raph a look at utter disbelief, only to be met with a smirk as Raph readied one dart in each hand.
Three spots of gold paint stained the board where balloons had once hung and Raph was preening, head and shoulders thrown back, chest puffed out as he pulled me tight to his side.
“I think you owe my girl here a stuffed dragon.”
“I'm going to name him Lucius. He’s so cute!!”
The tiny stuffed dragon was barely 4 inches tall, just big enough to tuck in a pocket, but the stitch work on him was absolutely exquisite, gold embroidery outlining glittering scales along the tiny little body.
“Glad you like him babe.”
I was a lot more ecstatic than i thought i would be, jumping up to throw my arms around Raph’s neck and making lots of happy chirping noises as he supported my weight in his arms and pressed his forehead to my own. Our laughter mixed in a bubbly fountain mixed with chirps and low growling pseudo-churrs as he spun me around in his arms before i let go and just let myself hang upside down limply from his grip.
“Ok i'm dead, you killed me with cute fluffy romantic crud. You've gone and done it, speak of my greatness in my eulogy….”
“Get a room you two.”
Raph flipped Leo off, a self satisfied smirk at actually being able to do so pulling at his lips as i popped back upright. I stuck my own tongue out at Leo before grabbing Raph’s slightly stubbled jaw and pulling him in for a kiss. It was different but it was still completely Raphael, teeth scraping at my bottom lip before i pulled back, only for him to follow until i put a hand against his throat.
“We’re still in public babe, later i promise.”
He rolled his eyes as he let me back down, another low growl rumbling through him as he whispered in my ear.
“Fine, but don't expect me to play nice.”
His hand traveled down my back to cup my rear as we moved to catch up with the guys as they ran off toward the fury of the Nile. he started chuckling when i removed it, slipping it back a few times before i swatted him.
“Make me.”
Raph, Mikey, Alex, and I squeezed together in one boat as Donnie and leo hopped in the next one only to be joined by two college girls in swimsuits cut off from their own parties. I couldn't help but grin like a proud mother as the two fumbled through trying to talk to the two bombshell beauties that had been practically dropped in their laps. It wasn't long though before i heard laughter coming from the boat behind us as we were shoved off down the artificial white water rapids.  I quickly forgot about that however as we crashed into the first bouncer and a wave of green dyed water sloshed over us and into the boat.
“EEEEEEEEE! Oh god it smells!” Mikey couldn't help but laugh, throwing an arm around Alex.
“Smells better than the waterslides back home, you don't seem to mind those babe.”
Another wave crashed over the boat, this time on Mikey’s side, plastering his poofy curls to his face and washing those god awful shutter shades into the river. The shape of the wave however… a nearly transparent water dragon leapt over the edge of the boat and slipped back below the surface. Back in the boat behind us Mizu was perched on leo’s forearm like a hawk, the two girls in the boat sporting glittering fey’s wings barely visible in the shadowy tunnel. Mikey screwed up his face and a gust of wind blew over his form before cutting a deep trough in the surface of the water, shaking the boat and making Leo fall back into the blue fairy’s lap. My eyes went gold and i could see both elemental beasts play fighting at the surface of the water. A raven’s caw stilled them both, sending them back to their masters before we exited the tunnel.
“Good going bonehead.”
A spark of flame jumped from Raph’s fingertips to bite at Mikey’s face before being extinguished in a puff of air.
“What about incognito don't you understand?”
“Have a little fun babe, no one saw us.”
I tugged on Raph’s soul and made him slap himself in the face.
“You're right, this is fun.”
“Point made, now stop that shit, its creepy.”
“Yeah, and? I'm creepy.”
“And that’s why we love you jazzy cakes.”
By sundown we had ridden every ride at the park at least 3 times. Mikey’s favorite was the Patriot roller coaster, Leo loved the detonator, and Donnie rode the cyclone sam an extra 5 times on his own after the rest of us couldn't handle it anymore.
“What did you say your favorite ride was Red?”
The lights had come on in the park with the setting sun, illuminating the one ride we hadn't tried yet, a tall spire that took swinging seats up to its top for a scenic view of the west Missouri countryside and nearby Kansas City. The pulsing lights flickered in his eyes as he watched the pairs of seats spin lazily 300 feet above our heads.
“I didn't say Tweeter. But how about we try that one out.”
Mikey had just shown up at the bench with armloads of food so Raph was able to drag me off without the others noticing. He hadn't seemed this excited all day and i couldn't help but wonder exactly what was going on in that head of his as he hoisted me up into one of the swinging seats of the steel hawk. The ride wasn't one of the most exciting yet his hand was practically vibrating as we slowly rose up into the air.
“Hey Elasia?”
“Yeah Raph?”
He turned in his seat to face me, scanning over the burning horizon as the moon peeked up over the lights of the distant city.
“Remember that dream you told me about?”
“Huh? You mean the one where peeps were taking over the world?”
He looked at me like i was the greatest treasure in the world and i found myself unable to look away as he spoke.
“No, the other one. With the raven and the phoenix doing the hawk thing you told me about.”
Before i could bring the specific dream to mind he leaned across the gap between our seats, fire burning in his eyes as he kissed me. I could see it now, two birds, talons clasped as they spun, falling from high in the air. I barely felt something stir between us before i was overtaken by the melding of our souls suspended 300 ft in the air. Fire licked across my skin, biting crackling heat that dared not burn, as molten gold peeled back the haze of mist hiding my beloved from me. God why couldn't i get any closer, i needed to get closer, to find more of this delicious adrenaline fueled heat, to have more of him.
We were jarred out of it by the jolt of the ride locking in at ground level, eyes opening in a drugged haze.
“Um Red?”
Three fingers carded through my hair before freezing in shock. Yeah we should run. “LEO CODE GREEN, CODE GREEN, MOVE MOVE MOVE!”
Who knew how long we had until the last of the mist wore off, the guys already looked like turtles to me again, luckily no one else was noticing the four giant mutants as they tore through the park toward the gates. I couldn't help but think we got back to the truck just in time, heart thundering with a new type of adrenaline as i put the pedal to the floor and we sped back to the portstone to NYC.
“WHOOOOO THAT WAS SICK!!! We gotta do that again E, tell me we’re doing that again.”
“Sure Mikey, at least we know how long the masking serum lasts now.”
“It does feel good to be a turtle again.’
“It's strange that the reverse transformation didn't hurt as badly as the initial one, just a few muscle aches.”
“That’s because its easier for structures to retain their native form than to be molded into a new one Don. Don't worry though, the transformation into human form gets easier with practice.”
It did feel good to have my boys back to normal, Mikey and Alex took off down the tunnel to do god knows what, and Leo drug Donnie off to the dojo.
“Come on Donnie, lets spar, i need to feel like myself again.”
“Sounds like a good idea Leo. You guys coming?”
It was hard to keep a straight face when i felt a familiar three-fingered hand weave through the bases of my wings along my spine, i could practically feel the evil little smirk on Raph’s face.
“N-no Donnie, We’ll catch up later.”
They both gave Raph a strange look before disappearing toward the dojo. As soon as they were gone however i turned on the red clad brute, eyes narrowing in scorn as i grabbed his mask tails to yank him down to my level.
“You are in so much trouble mister.”
“What are you going to do about it.”
By god i loved the feeling of his fire along my skin.
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twistednuns · 6 years
December 2018
Iglo Veggie love with broccoli, buckwheat and black beans. Quick and easy.
The TEDxTUM event was pretty inspiring. I loved how they organised it and some of the speakers were amazing. Seeing all the cool stuff other people are working on actually motivated me to try and achieve great things myself. I'd like to learn about something new, start a project or volunteer.
Pick Up Limes videos.
The way Cher sings the word Memphis in her cover song.
Seeing Frank for the first time in four months. Having a good time at the Uncle Acid concert, getting a beer at Flex. Even though meeting him always causes some kind of emotional turmoil it might actually help to solve a few things I've been stressing over this time, for example that whole deal with Claudia.
Spending two hours in the kitchen on a Sunday morning. Preparing a summer and a winter curry. Pre-cutting salad. Listening to Tai Chi music. Baking these divine buckwheat chocolate cookies - absolutely delicious even though I forgot to add salt. Kinda healthy, too! It's grain-free (I even used groats) and I substituted part of the sugar with honey.
Gift ideas for rock collectors and mycophiles.
A spotted woodpecker in our backyard.
Dalmatian Jasper. Such a pretty stone.
Blinded by the Light. And a trip down musical memory lane. Making a nostalgia mixtape. Singing, enjoying the sound of my voice (as long as I hit the right vocal range).
Drawing owls. For hours. Using my Polychromos coloured pencils. I'm currerntly working on two owl-related projects, designing a logo for coffee roasters and making my friends' wedding invitation. Drawing owls like lovebirds is such a satisfying thing to do. Also: making my students come up with new ideas! Some actually drew some owl logos, too!
Reading books I don't understand. By people who are smarter than me. A very humbling experience. There is so much more to learn, experience and achieve.
Franzi's elegant coat and her ice crystal earrings. She's pregnant but she is skinnier than before and looks great. We cuddled up on a rooftop and had Kinderpunsch.
Practising The Pogues' Fairytale of New York for for karaoke night. I never hit the NYPD choir note quite right. My neighbours must hate me.
Taking a mental health day. Starting the day with baking cookies, making vegan sushi rolls. Reading, taking a nap. Yoga in the evening. Feeling really happy and relaxed. One of those rare inspired days when everything just falls into place. I kept revisiting beautiful places and memories during Shavasana. And I LOVE my yoga teacher more and more each week. So sad she is leaving the studio.
Taming your temper - tips for anger management.
Another coincidence. I wondered when the next Bilderbuch record will be released when I was looking at Mavi Phoenix at her concert - that girl is the female version of Maurice Ernst. A few hours later I found out that Bilderbuch actually had released a new album one day ago. WHAT.
Mirror tape.
Being a fluffy little red cat's human of choice. We sat in a cat café, no animals in sight. After a while a cat walked up straight towards me, sat down on my yellow scarf and kneaded it. Later she demanded attention and purred while I scratched her jaw. Apparently this was quite a rare occurence because she is said to be really shy and hard to handle. Weirdos unite!
Making Bhindi Masala, a vegan okra curry. Spicy and intense - delicious! Oh, and sushi rolls filled with avocado, veggies and fancy tofu/tempeh. Now I have a whole container waiting for me in the fridge.
Practising yoga for 20min on a gloomy Monday morning. Lighting a candle, drinking a cup of Ayurvedic Kapha tea with honey and lemon.
Tom, who inspired me to learn more about Ayurveda. And to rewatch The Darjeeling Limited because let's face it - Wes Anderson really knows how to make one of the poorest countries in the world look gorgeous.
We become what we think about. It's impossible to be successful without having a destination.
Quotations from Siri Hustvedt's The Blazing World: 1 / 2
"Smelling you almost makes me cum."
Running around with a fake septum piercing. I kinda like the look. I'm actually considering getting a real one but so far I'm fine with the clip-ons. The good thing is that you can't see the ring's ends anyway in that kind of piercing.
Spending time with the old friends. The best ones. The ones you don't have to speak to and it's still not uncomfortable. The ones you can be super weird around and they embrace it. The ones you can tell your strangest ideas and stories.
There is a new Turkish supermarket right around the corner! Fresh cilantro whenever I want! YES!!!
Heavy snowfall. It does look kinda pretty, I admit.
Many questions, not enough answers at the ESO Supernova exhibition/planetarium. / Making another cat friend over breakfast. / Seeing my foxy ginger lady Anika again after such a long time! / Orange marzipan lebkuchen and roasted coconut almonds (they taste like Raffaello). / Finding the perfect earrings and a beautiful head band at EDITED - The Label. / Performing Fairytale of New York live on stage with Manu. Being able to curse at somebody through song is perfect, I had a lot of fun. Also, he promised me his art teacher sweater as a Christmas present.
A knitting project with rainbow wool.
Making a clay sculpture for my mum. Taking it out of the oven at 80 degrees, wrapped in a dish towel like a baby.
The honey marzipan nougat bar from dm bio.
Meeting Manu at his office. Receiving the most awesome paint palette sweater as a Christmas present! And he let me spend a full hour in virtual reality! He has such an amazing programme which lets you draw in 3D and float around in space (with VR goggles). I'm absolutely fascinated and intrigued. Gotta visit him more often.
Meeting Tobi, Maike, Lena and Christian at Märchenbasar. Being drunk after some Feuerzangenbowle with rum (Pfeffi in Manu's case) and white mulled wine. Taking the long way home.
Buying Paulaner Spezi for my class. Supermarket trips with the kids before 8am. Schrottwichteln. Watching random goat videos and intros to children's series.
Having a drink at Goldene Bar in Haus der Kunst. Such a gorgeous place. I'm trying to get into a workshop on the museum's architecture at the end of January.
Making random people want to kiss me. Having no desire whatsoever to actually kiss them.
The Harry Potter round (on special request) at the pub quiz.
Reading Stephen Hawking's short answers to some of the big questions. I have to admit, I know nothing about physics or cosmology and at times his explanations were super hard to understand (fine, I probably didn't understand most of it) but I love creating a need to use my brain in uncommon ways.
Vivid dreams. About  dangerous skyscrapers (just different floors stacked loosely on top of each other), a kidnapping in a futuristic car by very glamorous gangsters, lesbians on a scooter trying to save me, travelling through Asia and the US with Sash, a sinking ship (but all the passengers swam back to the surface after a short period of unconsciousness), ATMs, fancy drinks, meeting strangers with beautiful eyelashes at a restaurant.
Discovering the Trouvelot astronomical drawings (1882) on the darkest day of the year, winter solstice. Watching the night fade away ever so slowly in the morning from the kitchen window, squeezing fresh oranges to make juice for breakfast. Bright orange and midnight blue is a great colour combination.
An article about a dear friend of mine appeared in Süddeutsche Zeitung! So happy for him.
Spending time with very old friends right before Christmas. Tobi, Sash, Michi, Yanic, Fischi and his wife... Playing MarioKart on SNES with Peter and taking weird selfies together. I had a very nice evening.
Managing to get a look at downtown Chicago during my layover. I uber-ed into the city centre (watching the skyscrapers getting larger and larger), walked around Millenium Park and along Lake Michigan. I spent quite a bit of time at Blick, an amazing art store, before I took the train back to the airport.
Arriving in Mexico in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. Seeing the city sparkling from above. Watching a bunch of kids beating a pinata well after midnight. Arriving in a beautiful artist's apartment in Condesa.
The Anthropology Museum in CDMX made it on the list of my favourite museums ever. I could have spent days there. I kept sketching some of the funny masks and Maya figurines. There were plenty of creepy tombs and skeletons, depictions of weird Gods, handicrafts and woodcarvings. It was just so interesting, probably because I had never seen a lot of South American / Aztec culture before and I love learning and exploring new things.
Christmas day in CDMX: sunshine, tacky glitter decorations, pointy balloons and spiky pinatas. Dancing, ancient smoke rituals performed by a Mayan community.
Mexican street food, especially the vegetarian street food tour with David. Meeting the Blue Corn Lady (her quesadillas are with cactus and beans and they're incredibly delicious). Flatbread, corn, fruit with chili and lime. Pulque and Mezcal. Finding out that the green salsa is actually worse than the red one. Tacos, Enchiladas, Tamales. If you go to Mexico just for the food you'll still have plenty to explore.
That evening with the pink sunset. Walking through the old used book store in Roma. Reading an interesting take on Lars von Trier's Melancholia. Meeting the resident cat.
Lucha Libre! Watching the luchadores, especially the small people in the second round. Laughing about the Mexican boy next to me swearing at the top of his lungs. Getting a mask as a souvenir.
Climbing the sun and moon pyramid at Teotihuacán. Getting a sunburn. Enjoying the atmosphere. It's a very impressive site.
Diving in Cozumel with Brooke-Anne (a librarian from Las Vegas who was raised by Mormons), Cynthia from Quebec and Lucie from Toulouse. Entering some coral formations underwater. Eating cantaloupe melon and chocolate cookies after the dive. Spending the evening with another Canadian, Jussi from Finland and that other dude from Puerto Rico. And some Indio beers.
What I loved most about Tulum were the ruins (right next to a gorgeous beach) and the health food restaurants (La Hoja Verde and Co.Conamor).
And this year I don't really have a good New Year's Eve story because I fell asleep at quarter past eleven in a little village west of Tulum. All alone. Could be worse though, I had an amazing year.
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signutai · 8 years
And here it is, the entirely-unwanted followup to my last OPM manga review, this time with Volume 11! - AH YES THE AMAZING POOL PARTY PIC CHARACTERS PAGE - I could write an entire novel on that alone so I’ll just leave it at that. - For the low, low price of free, you can also see my reaction to the only part of it that matters here. - Also Charanko is cute and also Garou has obviously never seen a popsicle before in his life. - Metal Bat, calmly standing in front of the Big Fucking Monster(TM), wondering what to do about it. - This boy has guts and also issues. - Holy shit he’s so goddamn strong?? - Giant Fucking Centipede casually tosses him into a building. He casually gets up and ponders what to do next. - The panel of him jumping out of the building is precious beyond words. - Killer Move: Pumped-Up Dragon Pummelin’. I don’t know what else I expected. - The monster’s response is to wreck the whole city. This is why we don’t let you guys play with us. - Garou: expert opportunist. - “So how did you two lovebirds meet?” “Oh, I was fightin’ this giant monster, see, and--” “And he fell out of the sky like some kind of fucked-up angel!” - “Why did you fall from the sky?” Garou, I love you, but you’re a little slow on the uptake sometimes. - That stupid fucking grin on his stupid fucking face when he realizes Bat’s still alive, good God. - Bat’s mild indignation that some random fucko tried to attack him out of nowhere. - Metal Knight to the rescue? I did not expect that. - Talk shit, get hit, Garou. Don’t you know better than to monologue. Haven’t you seen The Incredibles. - Stop hitting him in the face, please. - Bat’s Crinkled Nose of Anger(TM) is awfully cute. - He’s also going to destroy what little of the city is left I guess. - “What the...?” B L U H This panel killed me why does this trash wolf child have so many great faces. - Oh my God he’s so offended that Bat’s still thinking of the monster. - This fight is somethin’ else entirely. I could probably write a whole post of reactions just on it alone. - Killer Move: Pumped-Up Brutal Tornado. Bat, my child, please let someone else name your moves, I beg you. - Ah yes. Those three panels I will never be able to see without thinking of that, “I would like to thank Murata for this Batarou erotica.” post. Edit: this one. - Shit, that was a bad blow. - SHIT - Saved by the Zenko. - Holy fuck I did not expect to see Bat just looming there. Holy fuck. HOLY FUCK. - “Big bro Bat!” 1) Why does she call him Bat. 2) I guess the whole “Badd” debate is officially over now. Edit: I guess not?? Jeez Louise, mom and dad, how much did you hate your son??? - Zenko is one tough cookie. I love that. They’re truly family. Makes me wonder what their parents were like. - “Why do I have to obey your family rule?” Because she fucking said so, wolf boy. Get with the program. - Garou once again tries to play himself off as being the toughest, meanest, most murderous motherfucker in existence, and once again refuses to kill his opponent. - This time because a little girl told him not to. - Just walk away like you didn’t start this shit in the first place, trash puppy. Garou’s such a goddamn dork sometimes. Most of the time. - After all of that and Bat’s still determined to fight the monster, good God can you talk about a one-track mind? - “I know that monster’s killing people and destroying things, but I want to go shopping!” Someone needs to teach this kid what priorities are. I love her, but damn. - Aaaand Bat’s down. Good job, kiddo. - That bird monster’s really cool, I’ll admit. Such a nice design. - oh wait i change my mind it has human hands i fucked up abort abort abort - GENJI - Why do the male monsters have so much diversity but all the female monsters are just unsettling sexy women? - Wait I know why. - We need, like, a week where we all design diverse female monster OCs for the Punchverse or something. I’ve actually got a few lying around... - MAAAAAAAX - Max looks so good in his tournament outfit. Such a good and handsome man. - Lin-Lin’s such a cutie. - Snek also looks really good in his tournament outfit. - “Was ‘bottom-ranking’ necessary?” I cry. - “Volten” is translated into “Boltane” here, and to be honest I really like the look of it. And saying it. Boltane. Nice. - “Rosie”, however, is translated into “Rogy”. Uh, no. No thanks. Put that back, I don’t want it. - Ah yes, the Nazi. Disgusting. - Update: I Still Hate Sour Face. - Suiryu looks like he’s literally twelve in his first appearance. How did he age like ten years during the course of the tournament. I mean. I feel like I aged ten years over the course of the tournament, but... - The translation for his martial art is different every time. - How is Sour Face twenty. Charanko being twenty I can buy, but not him. Did being a complete and utter dick make him age prematurely? I’ll accept that as my headcanon. - “You never could tie this right.” Charanko asks Bang for help with his belt confirmed. - Bang and Bomb: Brothers on Stakeout - The panel of Bang irritably munching on a snack while ignoring his brother is gold, I love it. - Christ, sometimes I forget just how terrifying Bang is. - I’m probably in the minority here, but Do-S interests me approximately 0%. Maybe I’m just too ace. - Leave Darkness Blade alone! Gosh. - Eyelashes just fuckin’ kicks him in the face with his immaculate dress shoe, amazing. - Aww, Genji... - DEATH GATLING MY GUN-ARMED SON - I prefer his new outfit, honestly. The old look is nice, but it’s too clean, even though it makes him look like Darkness Blade’s badass big brother (gonna hang onto that headcanon, tho). He looks much more intimidating now. Still a great character, however he looks. I love. - Ah yes, the Zoo Men bonus. Always fun. - King and his love for kid’s shows is so #relatable. - He’s such an idealist, I love him. Also, I wish he would smile more. He’s so cute when he does. - “You have to watch it.” Me with my family and chanbara, honestly. - Are you even trying to get along with these people and be helpful, Saitama? - The Hero Association bigwigs are all so repulsive, ugh. - Vore. - Metal Knight is useful for once. - Yasss King please teach Saitama how teamwork REALLY works. - Hero Association: “We’ll give you literally anything.” “Mmkay I want a better bat.” No one can say this kid isn’t a simple man with simple needs. - Don’t yell at him, Zenko. - I love the piano recital bonus. Bat just cares so much for his baby sister, and so openly. More male characters could stand to be like him. In short--or long. really, really long--another great volume! Lots of appearances by some of my favorite characters. I can’t wait to get my hands on Volume 12! In. September. For whatever reason it’s taking so long to release. -sigh-
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