#i may have killed or attempted to kill my last guy but honestly i thought he was the one. yeah he was also a fed
noirtek · 7 months
hopping back on my hannibal = hoffman (and by association clarice = strahm) soapbox again. isn’t it fun that hoffman has a bachelor’s degree in the arts. can anyone hear me
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I love your blog so much!! You're without a doubt my favorite writer on this app, you write yanderes so so well and you just manage to capture so amazingly the personality of EVERY character you write, especially Byakuya, i love him so much, and you just write him so well, i've been reading and rereading your works nonstop!
Could i please request yandere Byakuya with a Reader who's very kind and gentle and they like to follow him around (not in an annoying way, but in an attempt to try to befriend him and make sure he is okay during the killing game, since he is kinda excluded for being an ass). Better yet, how would he react to Reader actually leaving him alone after he went too far, or was too mean to them
Love everything you post so much, feel free to deny, remember to eat and drink water!
Thank you so so much! I'm happy i could make you happy! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Sweet ‘n Sour | Yandere Byakuya Togami
It’s honestly an honor
That you’re transmigrated into an anime/game
Too bad it’s the killing game of Danganronpa
And of course, with you thrown in the middle things are really unpredictable
So you’ll comfort yourself in being as kind to these characters as you possibly can
Especially Byakuya
A fan favorite and an intriguing ally throughout the game
Of course, you just gravitate toward him
Even though he sneers and insults you
Sometimes threatens
But you don’t mind…
Even though….
Those comments are beginning to hurt 
It’s one thing to love a meaner character through the screen but in person, it’s pretty hard
despite your inclination to maintain your usual smile and gentle actions
After a while, you just stop trying 
Too bad some may consider that your biggest mistake:
“Honestly I was hoping you’d turn up as one of the corpses during this farce; it probably would have made it even more interesting.”
That was it.
That was the last straw for you. Toko could have all his time and attention for all you care. The sheer fact you’ve put up with this for so long disgusts you. To hear your own life be spat on by the guy you’d been trying to extend a helping hand to–it was despicable. (Of him or of you, you couldn’t decide.)
“Ah, I see. Have a good night then.”
That was the last time you went out of your way to speak to him; immediately changing your schedule to accompany someone else. Since you’d been away with Byakuya you almost forgot how kind the rest of the group was. 
“(Y/n) I’m so happy you’re willing to hang out now! Let’s make donuts together!”
“After that I hope you’ll indulge me and Naegi in a puzzle of sorts.”
“I-if it’s alright with you..”
It was refreshing. 
To be told you were actually wanted around was somehow so fulfilling.
What terrible company you’ve been keeping.
“I’d love to!” Within a matter of days you are feeling the warmth of friendly interactions; whereas the man you’re avoiding is having a….less than stellar reaction.
Toko was excited that her Byakuya-sama had finally chased you. A rival weak enough to be effected by words wasn’t much of a rival at all! But upon your absence in only a few hours into his daily routine Byakuya had made an intense realization. 
That he desperately desired your attention on him.
He didn’t have to actually see you skirting your routine with him to know he hated the thought of you spending any amount of time with his classmates rivals. It literally made his skin itch and his throat close up with every minute away from you. Naturally he doesn’t care that even Toko is unnerved by the tantrum he throws. Books are strewn about, the shelves dangerously leaning against one another. All of it just an emphasis of the palpable malice emanating off of Byakuya. In the middle of the ruins he just stands still. 
Alarmingly still.
Like a predator looking out. 
Are they hunting? Scoping? Contemplating the ways to torture their enemies?
No one really knows.
Even when he pulls at his hair and belts out in an uncouth laughing fit. In an instant he stops demanding Monokuma show himself this instant. He needed to find you. Now. He’ll make it a point to inform the headmaster of his own teaching. 
Because apparently you–being the kind and gentle soul you are should be able to withstand all kinds of people. Especially him. Always him. So he’ll offer his own guidance by keeping you within arms reach at all times. 
He expects you to persist against anything he can throw at you.
How else are you going to rule the world as a Togami?
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scarletlizzard · 7 months
I love the list you posted btw. I picked two because I thought they went well together ☺️
72 and 45:
Wanda: "Oh my god, are you okay?"
R: "Yeah I'm fine, I've been stabbed before."
Wanda: "I'm going to fucking kill them."
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72 & 45
104 Dilogue Prompts
Pairing: wanda x reader (don't think pronouns are mentioned)
Tags: little violence, reader gets stabbed, mentions of a gun, fluff honestly
A/n: Thank you so much!! 🥹 and thank you for requesting! I love hearing from yall 💞
The mission was going great.
They didn't always, and the fact that Steve paired you up with Wanda was making it all the better. Your goal, get to the lower levels where the servers are located to retrieve the data needed. Wandas goal, get you there safely. You were an asset to the team for sure, with your smarts and spy skills, but sometimes the occasion called for a little magical touch. You couldn't have been more grateful this was an occasion.
The two of you were currently waiting on one of the upper levels of the building, waiting on Steve or Natashas signal to continue down.
You glimpse at Wanda again as she leans against the wall across from you. Her red locks flow past her shoulders, red suit hugging her curves as she twists a ring on her finger.
"I'm glad Steve paired us up, by the way," you say quietly with a smile on your face. Wanda doesn't miss the glint in your eye as she looks up to meet your gaze.
"Well, someone had to babysit, right?" She says playfully, a smirk on her lips. Your lips part as you gasp and stand straight from your previous leaning position.
"I-what-babysit?" The words spill out all together as you look at her in offense. "I'll have you know I am a decorated international spy. I may not be a-a black widow or have magic fingers, but I assure you I don't need a babysitter!" You huff as you step up to her, ego calming as she stands straight, looking down at you.
"Magic fingers?" Wanda chuckles, and your cheeks burn.
"You know what I meant," you mumble and cross your arms. She steps closer, now invading your personal space.
"Are you talking about my powers or the magic that had you in my bed screa-"
You put your hand over her mouth, stopping her from finishing her sentence. She lifts her hands in defense as you glare at her with a red face.
Before either of you can say another word, Natashas voice call over the comms.
"Head down, Wanda, be ready. They're waiting for you guys," she warns. The two of you look at each other with a nod, both of you attempting to be serious. You make your way lower, coming across a set of double doors.
"Ready?" Wanda asks, her fingers twitching as she forms red orbs of energy in her hands. You nod, pulling out your pistol in one hand and a small knife in the other.
Wanda sends a blast through the doors, opening them up and revealing a group of the enemies that had, in fact, been waiting. She's quick to send another few blasts, scattering them about the large room as the two of you begin to fight.
"Babysitter..." You mumble to yourself, shaking your head as you take down an agent. You look over at Wanda to see she's taken out half the group. Okay, so maybe it wasn't bad she was here. You, not so easily, fight with another and lose your pistol in the process. But as you land another punch, he falls to the ground.
"See that?" You breathe out as you look to Wanda, who gracefully fought the last three at the same time. "I can take care of myself!" You say with a huff and lean down to grab the fallen gun.
As you do, you feel yourself being grabbed from behind. An excruciatingly sharp pain resonates from the side of your abdomen and you let out a, "Fuck!" When the agent removes the blade they stuck in you. You raise your hand across your body, pointing the gun behind you.
The bullet only grazes them, and they run through the set of double doors as soon as Wanda turned her head in your direction.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" She asks with worried eyes. A shaky hand rests on your face as she watches blood spill through your shirt. Your hand covers the gash to apply pressure, a wince leaving your lips.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I've been stabbed before," you say with a casual tone, trying to act as if the wound throbbing with pain wasn't enough to take you to your knees.
Wandas eyes burn red, an anger behind her eyes you had never seen before.
"I'm going to fucking kill them," she spits out, malice behind her words. Before she can walk away your hand reaches out to grab her wrist, stopping her.
"Wanda... don't leave me," you say softly, your touch and now gentle tone enough to calm her down only a little. She takes a deep breath, her hands still shaking with anger, but nods.
"Alright, alright, come here," she sighs softly and kisses your cheek before letting you lean on her for support as you make your way down. "We'll get you out of here and then I'm going to fucking kill them."
You chuckle a little at her reaction, face heating again just like earlier. You could see it written on her face, the way her jaw was tensed and the fire burning behind her eyes, that she wasn't lying.
"Did you see those guys I took out?" You ask, trying to lighten her mood. Wanda can't help but smile at you, both of you knowing she had fully taken on the group of them.
"They looked pretty rough, detka.. not sure why Steve and Nat thought you needed help," She says knowingly.
When she did return, it was with crimson splattered across the front of her suit and a smile on her face. You didn't say a word, only giving her a kiss and letting her wrap her arms around you.
You nod in approval, letting her stop to pick you up and carry you the rest of the way. Not that you needed it, but you weren't going to deny being in the arms of Wanda, and she wasn't going to let another person lay their hands on you again. As soon as you were safe with Natasha, Wanda disappeared.
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teddypan · 2 years
I'm sleep deprived and got random thoughts about Niragi... So I wrote this
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Honestly, I was bored and tried writing something for the first time, English isn't my first language so there may be some mistakes
Warnings: little angst, an attempt at comfort, mention of sex, Niragi, made by a sleep-deprived soul
The reader is annoyed with Niragi and decides to do something about it
You had enough, ever since you came to the beach, and it's been going on for some time now, it seemed like Niragi's main job was to annoy you.
You were relaxing by the pool? He had to throw remarks your way. You were on patrol? God forbid if he didn't try to poke some idiocy into your brain. Finally, had free time to relax in your room? Nope, he had to find some problem that you specifically had to go and resolve.
As it went on, solely the sigh of his tall lanky ass made you angry, the worst thing? He did it all with a smirk on his face, fully knowing what impact it had on you. Thankfully for other residents of the beach, you controlled yourself and simply ignored him. Which, mind you, he didn't like. Everyone could see, that he wanted to get a reaction out of you.
Till today,
you just came back from a game. It was four spades and it was supposed to be easy since spades are your specialty, as a professional stunt woman for action scenes. But no, not today. Not only were your teammates useless, they nearly got you killed because of questioning your capability. The game was finished only thanks to you, and it made you angry like nothing before. Out of five people, three died because of their idiocy.
When you came back, with an irritated face and first clenched to the point of making your palms bleed, your mind pointed to a bar with alcohol. He chose to speak and break your last straw.
"Hah, how did you manage to kill them in that? Did they have to save your ass like every guy you know?" ...
That was it, at this point he could say anything and it still would do the same thing.
Stopping in your track, you turned around and walked to him. Grasped his sleeve and started walking towards your room. "Oh, did you finally realize you want me?" He asked. With no reply from you, he still allowed you to drag him with no resistance.
The moment you both entered your room, he tried to kiss you. But boy he wasn't prepared for your push. Stumbling he fell on your bed, getting the breath knocked out of him. His rifle lying forgotten somewhere on the floor.
His eyes were in full-blow shock, looking at you, only his upper body had slightly risen, his chest rising in jagged intervals.
At that moment you knew what you wanted to do, he wanted a reaction, and he will get one. With confined steps, you strode toward him eyes hooded with a mixture of lust and rage.
"you don't have to be so pushy, I would have gone to bed either way or are you that eager for me," Niragi said in a joking manner. But with you not saying anything, he started to look unsure
"hey, answer me when I ta-" before he could finish, you were standing above him. His words cough in his throat, the look you were giving him made chills run up his spine.
Hard, cold, and predatory. After a long time, he felt small, weak, frozen in place unable to move. His body wasn't listening to him. Niragi felt hopeless, your eyes reminded him of his school days.
As you were standing above him, you saw fear, he started to draw fast breaths. His face lost its color, his eyes became unfocused almost as if he started to have a panic attack. By your proximity, you could notice his trembling.
Then it happened, out of his throat come a soft gasp, followed by a whimper right after. Almost instantly he pulled his arms over his head like he wanted to protect his face. He wasn't crying, but soft gasps and whispers could be heard as if he was in pain.
Niragi couldn't see anymore, he was remembering, feeling like he was back under the bridge. It hurt, why was he weak, what did he do to get this treatment? He was out of it, almost like in trance.
That's when all your anger disappeared, yeah he may be a jerk and maniac. But he only annoyed you compared to others and it was bearable honestly. So at that moment you slowly sat on the bed to not alarm him. Leaned towards him and pulled his trembling form slowly into the arms.
Now you were sitting on the bed, with Niragi in your arms, leaning on you. After a while, as he heard your heart, he slowly calmed down and stopped making sounds and trembling. That's when he sat up completely, separating from you.
"you didn't see shit, you hear me? Nothing happens, forget everything if you tell someone I will-" Niragi closed his mouth when he saw the look in your eyes. "Yeah, I haven't seen anything, no worries," You said.
With that, he stood up, picked up his rifle, gave you a last look, and without a word left your room
After he left you lay on your bed thinking, about how this incident will change the dynamic between you two. It made you curious to know what made him act that way. With that, you closed your eyes and went to sleep.
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eruhamster · 4 months
Buddy. If Biden loses, Trump wins. Trump’s not going to stop the genocide, he’s also in Israel’s pocket as well, and not as susceptible to public outcry. And Trump is, like, openly calling to ban queer people, kill more immigrants, and just completely destroy democracy. There is a lesser evil here, and it’s the guy who only openly wants one group dead, not the guy who wants three groups dead.
I know that you think you're so smart for saying this like I haven't heard it a billion times, and I know you're not going to be swayed by anything I say, but I'm going to be honest just for anyone else that's looking at my blog:
Let's say we live in a universe where Biden is doing anything to stop the continuing removal of the rights of queer people. Let's say that the well-being of immigrants have improved under Biden. Neither of those things are true, and I know you know they aren't true considering how many anti-queer laws have been passed since 2020 while Biden has stayed silent on the matter and considering how just days ago Biden signed an executive order that has halted asylum seekers, but let's just say they are. Let's pretend.
You're not going to want to hear this, but: The US has been mass-murdering people abroad for a century and it has only gotten exponentially worse since GWB set us on the official fast-track to militaristic fascism with the creation of ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. The US is currently in its death throes. We are experiencing accelerationism, and we are experiencing many of the same things we saw in the Soviet Union in the lead-up to its collapse. Corruption is happening faster and more openly, our rights are being destroyed more quickly, politicians are quicker to solve problems with violence, our news media do not even bother fighting against the government which is why media blackouts during important protests are common, and we are living in a gerontocracy. We are on our way out as a nation. "The US will collapse in my lifetime" is now not a radical thought. 2 years ago over half of Americans believed the US's "democracy was in danger of collapse."
The US is on its way out, regardless of who is in power. The world will be an infinitely better place, and Americans will be better off once the US collapses. Liberals do not like hearing this because they have this idea in their heads that a nation collapsing means a free-for-all. That's not true. Everything ends eventually. And the US will end soon. But I think. Honestly? that if we continue to pick career politicians like Biden, they will be able to drag it out and kill far more people over a longer stretch of time as our lives get worse and we face worse fascism. Look at how things have gone in the last 4 years; there is no attempt to make things better. The march of fascism only continues. You protest, you get beaten or thrown in an unmarked van. With politicians like Biden, they are a brand of evil that may be able to get us circling the drain for a few more decades while we become poorer and poorer and our lives get exponentially worse. I could bring up now that he's made immigrants lives worse and has done nothing to stop the restrictions on queer and womens' rights, but even if I don't, even if we pretend he's been fine on that front - our lives across the board get worse purely from the increasing fascism.
I do not vote for war criminals. I do not want other people to vote for war criminals. Personally, I think the best way out of this situation is to vote third party for people who may actually do something to help. BUT. I know that's not reasonable. I know people like you will not vote third party because they think it's 'useless.' Instead, if Biden loses, it's the republican. I'm not voting for one of them ever. However, if Trump or anyone like Trump were to win, I think it would hasten the US's collapse. Even you seem to think that when you say 'completely destroy democracy.' I think that it may be a matter of years or one decade rather than multiple decades if we head down that path. And I think it's probably better with Trump versus with other career politicians like Ron DeSantis, who has done incredibly terrible things in Florida and has the potential to be an actual fascist dictator. I do not think someone like Trump actually knows what to do with power. It's why he chickened out during the Capitol riot. He wants the illusion of power; he wants to be worshipped, but he's inept. He's lazy, he's old, he's stupid. Even if he succeeded in a dictatorship it'd be unstable at best. And I think that in that sort of situation, we would potentially be better off in that it would be easier to see the total collapse and restructuring of this country (or maybe countries).
Liberals fear change so they are absolutely frightened at that idea, I get that. But I do think that there are only two good paths for the US to go down: inclusion of third parties and politicians who shake things up and legitimately care about their voterbase, or a complete and quick collapse, and I think that voting for Biden or any other career politician is the furthest option from that and thus the worst option. So "but Trump!" does not work on me. We saw 4 years of Trump. My life was not any meaningfully worse than it was with 4 years under Biden. The country was just more unstable and the news was just more likely to report on awful things, which made people even angrier(rightfully). I think our best bet is further destabilization so we can rise from those ashes, because otherwise we're trapped in this fascist, genocide-producing prison indefinitely.
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M.Hughes Masterlist
First Day on the Job
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It's chilly in the arena when we enter, hand in hand, for my first day.
Only a week into living here and I still don't fully think this has all set in.
I may be working on a medical team, but I'm going to be the first stop of all injured players as soon as they're off the ice.
It's all on me.
"Hey, what's going on in there?" A physical knocking on my forehead brings me from my thoughts, Trevor's smile being the first thing in front of me, mocking and coy.
Part of me wants to just smile and say I dazed off, but this is Trev, he's my partner in
"What if someone bleeds out? Or worse, what if everyone hates me?"
"What's the worst scenario?" Jamie questions from our side, not even attempting to save his laugh, Trevor pulling me closer to his body. "Everyone hating you?"
"You do realize everyone loves you right?" They're tag-teaming my nerves right now, and honestly I'm not even sure that'll be enough.
No exam prepared me for the nauseous anxiety that starting a lead job would bring.
"They don't know me!" It's a lame argument, but valid all the same as I pause just outside the locker room door. I know I'm allowed in. It's where I've been instructed to meet Coach Cronin and introduce myself to the boys.
"We have all heard literally everything about you, I'm pretty sure I could tell you things about yourself that you don't even know, Mags," his words are meant to be assuring, but assuring isn't loading properly right now.
"Then what if I don't live up to their idea of me?"
Even if I hadn't already been on the edge of a breakdown, the look on Trevor's face as he takes my shoulders, his shoulders slumped and eyes downcast.
"The boys already love you because I love you, and that's never going to change. So we're going to march your cute little ass into this lockerroom and wow everyone with all that Latin-anatomy-nonsense that we studied the last four years, got it?"
Sorry Dad, you better be saving for a wedding.
I just smile though, small and wide while he returns my look. But Jamie's groaning, moaning on about something involving us getting a room, and I can hear the sound of staff coming down the hall.
"Okay, let's get this over with so I can go home and rant about it with Q."
The boys both laugh, but Jamie is the one to open the door, Trev taking ahold of my hand with one of his, his other covering my eyes as he leads me into the loud atmosphere.
"Okay boys! Put 'em away! My girls here and unless you break 'em I want them nowhere near her eyeline!" Nevermind on the wedding, I may just kill him here and now.
"Trevor Zegras!" The team laughs loudly, oohing and ahhing while I pry Trev's hand off, and I can't help but laugh as I look out around me.
These boys are going to make me cry. Correction, I am crying.
"You guys-"
Trevor's hands wrap around my waist, chin resting on my shoulder and I can feel his smile. "Welcome to the team, Baby."
"And welcome to the team from the rest of us," the one I know to be Mason greets, everyone around clapping. "I'm not going to call you baby, because I value my life, but we're all really glad you're here, Margaret."
"Maggie," I correct softly, Mason's smile growing as Leo jumps up like a happy puppy.
"We get nickname privileges?"
There's a joy throughout the room as I take in his smile, the banner saying CONGRATULATIONS in Ducks colors, balloons and all sprawled about.
How could I not give these boys nickname privileges when they seem just as excited to see me as they would an old friend. It's like they're seeing Trev or Jamie after a long break.
"Of course you do, as long as y'all keep from getting too beat up," I offer, sticking out a hand. "Deal?"
"Deal to do our best," Leo accepts, shaking my hand as some of the veterans laugh.
Gudas just chuckling and shaking his head as he watches us both. "She's going to run this whole show."
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sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
I'm actually desperate to hear your thoughts on the new hunger games book.
What characters do you wanna see? You think there will be a romance aspect? Who's POV should it be in?
Do you think this is Suzanne's final attempt to make it as clear as possible that the games are NOT cool and snow is NOT a misunderstood good guy?
And the movie too!!!! You have any fan-casting ideas?? Think young haymitch is gonna be hot?
Idk no pressure man I luv u :3
I'm excited! I'll actually be completely honest, I seriously didn't think that we were going to get any media about Haymitch's games since we already went over the events in 'Catching Fire.' I would like to apologize to the prophets, clearly I was wrong. Sorry for silently judging your requests by thinking y'all missed the point, I'm sittin' down now.
So, tackling POV first, I personally think it's definitely possible that we're working with a multiple POV situation due to the fact we did already go over the events of the Games in CF. Or, if not multiple POVs, I actually think it'll be retrospective.
Remember how Katniss and Peeta end 'Mockingjay' by creating the book of memories? I think it's possible that Sunrise is meant to be Haymitch looking back on his Games. How he survived, maybe who he mentored after. Honestly, this is what I'm hoping for because I admittedly am a desperate whore for canon post-Mockingjay material. (Please, Suzanne. Just a crumb. A CRUMB!!)
I think we're done with Snow's POV. I may be wrong on that, but I'm admittedly hopeful on it. 😭
LISTENNNN I liked Ballad and I think it was WONDERFUL writing, but Jesus fucking Christ was I happy to be away from Snow by the time it was over. He was an asshole, that was the point, I respect it and love it as media but reading it was/is hard, and honestly? That's praise. But besides personal preference, there's also just a straight 'The End' at the end of Ballad. Maybe that's subject to change, but with Suzanne's masochistic level of detail? Probably not. Or maybe I'm stupid and will eat this post in nine months, find out soon!
ANYWAYS. I so want to see Mrs. & Mr. Everdeen in this, as well as Peeta's parents. Give me their fucking names, Suzie. NAMES.
Haymitch's girlfriend is probably gonna be my favorite character. Imma be honest. I know nothing of her, nada, zip, zilch. But I can sense it in the air. There will be kinship, and I will kill myself when she dies.
(Suzanne, please don't make me eat that last statement.)
Romance aspect? Yes. Between Haymitch, his girl, and the Everdeens? Plus if we get Peeta's parents? I think one of the main points of The Hunger Games is love and the different ways it exists, so I think there will 100% be romance.
Hell, maybe Suzanne will throw us a curveball and the POV will be one of Everlarks parents. If so, probably Mrs. Everdeen as that'll give us insight to the merchant part of District 12, Madge's family and what it was like to be of Reaping age in the thick of Snow's reign.
I want Mr. Everdeen confirmed as Covey. This is a demand. I have hostages. (My lawyer wants me to clarify I don't.)
Now, in terms of the books real world meaning, I'm interested to see. I think the safest guess is 100% a commentary on Palestine, Congo, etc. But I am interested to see what else there is to say.
Personally, I think there really is a possibility this book will be centered around healing. Especially if this is Haymitch looking back at his life, it could offer commentary on his recovery from his Games, the war, as well as everyone else's. This perspective is 100% the one I would love to see the most, but we all know imma be a fiend for whatever happens.
And to wrap this up, fancasting? Stanley Tucci. If Caeser comes back and he doesn't, I have fucking hostages. (Again, I don't.)
Imma be honest, to add to your question, yes young Haymitch is supposed to be hot, but I want him to be a kid. I want a teenager cast and I want him to obviously look like a teenager, even if he is handsome. I think that's an important point of the Games people miss.
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
ok ok imo there was defo some planning to the bees becoming canon and to deny that is kinda silly to me. that doesn’t mean that planning and eventual execution was good.
•Yang losing her arm is apparently a “sign of her love for Blake” because of that line Adam had in V3? …I thought y’all despised his ass, when did we start believing a word that came out of his mouth??
•On that note, paralleling the two, when the latter was literally the abuser of the former’s current gf, is…..😬
•Also on that note, the objective infantilizing of Blake. All she really does now is whimper and be meek around Yang until another “bee moment” or until the plot remembers to use her for something. Yes, because turning this once feisty character into this shy nervous little meow meow who can’t even fight on her own anymore after she’s revealed to have been an abuse victim is totally not gross.
•Yang prioritizes her new GF over her little sister who is clearly in a horrible headspace, and when she finally breaks down, instead of attempting to calm her down or console her she steps in front of a COWERING BLAKE and just says “Hey!”. YOU TWO ARE BOTH OLDER THAN HER WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS
•The scene in which they finally confess was literally forced out of them by a storm. I…I thought we learned to not do this? Guys? Um…
•The 10 year queerbaiting smugly disguised as “planned from the start uwu” that Voltron Legendary Fucking Defender wishes it could have achieved. Does that mean it was always planned that you’d write your hatesink character to have been a branded child slave? Does that mean it was always planned that you’d write the confession of these two’s love for each other to have been forced out of them? Does that mean it was always planned that you’d confirm your main queer couple two episodes before said couple did nothing to save their 17 year old leader from taking her own life on screen?
•Saying the quiet part out loud when an employee tweeted that “The bee kiss alone hopefully green lights V10.”
•Also, the immediate merchandising of it. Ugh.
Before I go on, no I do not believe the bees were “forced diversity”. No I do not believe Adam was killed to push it (he was killed because the writers wanted a quick way for people to forget how abhorrently racist this show fucking got anyways). No I do not believe this is a bad pairing, and if you accuse me of being an [insert hetero Blake/Yang ship here], I ship fucking Monochrome and Thundercats, dude. But what about the rest of this show’s LGBT representation? Is it any b
•Our first on screen rep is in the form of Ilia. I really like Ilia, genuinely, she’s honestly one of my favorite characters. But why did they write their first lesbian character in the “psycho lesbian” trope? Also, why did their first indigenous character start out as a villain who had to be redeemed by learning violent protest bad all lives matter and ANYWAYS—
•Coco leers at women and her allusion is a fucking Nazi. She sucks. •The wives from V6 (Terracotta-Arcs??) are fine. Probably the most decent rep we’ve got, even if they were just a one off thing. They’re cute and I’m happy for em. Slay.
•We’ve got a single gay man in the entire cast (Scarlet) and he’s confirmed in a book. A single gay dude in a show infamous for its character bloat. Obviously we know why but man.
•3 non-binary characters. 1 is in a spin-off, 2 are animals. In this latest volume in which the last two are present, one is revealed to be a villain, and the other goes out Green Mile style. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay….
•And lastly, May. I also do like May! However, her character is not the problem.
What is the problem with all of this, no mater what, is the people, company, making this show.
Rooster Teeth is not your friend. Rooster Teeth does not care about you, or putting that loving care into representation.
Why are half of the villains disabled? Why are half of the villains in universe minorities? Why are half of the villains POC? Why are half of the villains a combination of two or all three of those traits?
Why is the only freedom fighting, minority rights organization terrorists? Why does their WOC leader die the scene we meet her? And why is her killer revealed to have been in fucking slavery the same episode he dies on screen in? And why is this organization taken as a serious threat, while two openly racist antagonists are portrayed as goofy and comical?
Why are any and all plus-sized characters portrayed as jokes? Why does the disabled-coded girl get her disability ripped away from her so she can “truly be human”? Why does another disabled character have him losing an arm to mean he’s lost his humanity? Why does this show portray so many misandristic tropes? Why does this show portray so many misogynistic tropes?
Why was this show’s first LGBT character a villain? Why was the next based off a Nazi? Why are two out of their three non-binary characters animals, and why have those two either been “killed” or turned into villains? Why is there only one gay man in this huge cast?
And why is it so many just let it slide that, while before and during the production of the volumes featuring the show’s first transgender character, Rooster Teeth treated and abused that character’s VA like absolute garbage?
Are the lives of those real people less important than those sweet, sweet “bee moments”?
In conclusion, the bees were not forced. I am glad they are canon. But I am not glad that it has nearly managed to conceal all the deplorable shit the racist, homophobic and awful company behind it has done.
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I'm Sorry, What The WHAT Was That Twist?
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Ok, so I know I said I bogged down with the witches last book and that the pacing was a little off. Those were NOT problems with this book! The pacing was good, the twists were interesting, and honestly Aelin has sheer chaos energy married to extreme competence in a combination that I am just enjoying the hell out of. I have...thoughts about how the witches are being handled and some of the underpinning themes in their storylines, but we'll get there. Overall, this was a fun read, so let's talk Queen of Shadows.
This is both your SPOILER WARNING and CONTENT WARNING. I'm going to spoil this book. A lot. I'm also going to discuss topics including forced pregnancy, stillbirth, gender essentialism, and abuse of mothers who have stillbirths.
So...the big twist. The thing with the King of Adarlan and Perrington. Perrington, who has been largely absent for two books now. I'm fine with Erawan being secretly in play with whole time, but for the King of Adarlan to have gone full anti-magic fascist out of an attempt to protect Dorian and Rifthold because he is the only one who knows about Erawan...I was not amused. This is likely a "your mileage may vary" thing, but after four books of the King of Adarlan being the big baddie, I was legitimately irked that he went out like a punk trying to tell Aelin that he was a secret good guy.
Now the "destroy the glass castle" setpeice was overall EXCELLENT and I appreciated the teamwork and sheer badassery. I also appreciated how protective Aelin is of Dorian in the aftermath, because our poor boy spent a rough book being possessed by a Valg prince. She gave him cover, time, and at least a tenuous amount of order in Rifthold. And the heartbreaker is that she has some idea of what he's going through on multiple levels. She knows what it's like to be possessed by a Valg Prince, she knows what it is to have her home and parent killed, and she knows what it is to have responsibility thrust upon her. She's so, so soft with Dorian. Real big sister vibes that I adore. Especially since she has spent most of the book going "murdering him is a kindness."
All of that was wonderful, and I even like the reveal that our heroes are behind the curve with the bad guys in play. But the whole "Duke Perrington is Erawan" felt...like SJM wrote herself into a corner with the King of Adarlan and had to pivot and Perrington made the most sense. And it just didn't land for me. But let's talk about our protagonists for a while.
I don't have much beyond sitting with a delighted smile on my face as Aelin Chaos Energies her way through rescuing Aedion, setting up and murdering Arrobyn, getting herself funding for an army for Terrasen, and rescuing Dorian/bringing down the King of Adarlan. Literally I never do not enjoy Aelin being herself and kicking unreal amounts of ass. I also enjoyed her taking moments out of all of those jobs to absolutely rattle Rowan. Mostly because it's very fun to watch Mr. Cool as a Fae Cucumber absolutely lose his shit mid-mission because Aelin isn't wearing any underwear.
Also really interesting to watch are Aelin's dynamics with Chaol and Aedion. She and Aedion squabble like siblings in the best way possible, and she and Chaol have a lot of bitterness that colors their interactions in ways that neither necessarily MEANS, but are nonetheless there. It really makes their relationship prickly despite their best efforts and adds a level of difficulty to their relationship that feels really natural. I'm...perhaps not thrilled with Chaol getting pseudo paralyzed and having to go off on a healing mission, but I'm willing to give that the benefit of the doubt because I haven't read that book yet and maybe we don't slide hard into bad disability tropes.
Aelin getting some closure on the Arrobyn stuff was also excellent, and it introduced us to Lysandra, who is an absolute TREAT and I adore her. I'm also fairly sure she and Aedion are going to be an item at some point, and I am HELLA here for that. Those two are adorable.
Now, as for our witches. I'm going to start with Dorian and Manon because as an internet denizen, I had seen "I'll bleed whatever color you want me to" in memes before, but I kind of assumed it would be more romantic in context. While yes, it did happen in the context of some tentative, exploratory flirting, I...would not call it romantic. Dorian isn't even sure how to exist as himself at the moment, so he's falling back on the flirty thing he's been doing forever. Now, he and Manon had undeniable sparks. I was here for it. But that was the weirdest, most tense flirting I have ever seen. And I wanted to see more without the Valg Prince getting involved and hissing at the witch like an angry cat. Because Manon unlearning the "no feelings" thing that her matron and the rest of the witches have going on is an interesting arc.
What I was absolutely disappointed in was Asterin's backstory. When the witches went hard in on "Witchlings are the next best thing to sacred and must be protected at all costs," I was here for it. We protect kids and ensure they get the chance to grow up. And then they absolutely went full on psycho about it. The way the Blackbeak Matron treated Asterin after what reads like a no-fault stillbirth is absolutely hideous and it stops being "we protect kids and the people who can have them" and becomes weirdly gender essentialist in that "we must punish the useless non-breeders" way that is so toxic and weirdly prevalent in American conservatism. And y'know...I get that that's an easy way to go "Look, Grandma Blackbeak is evil!" but I am so tired of being able to successfully give birth being the measure of a "successful" woman. And I don't think we necessarily needed Asterin to have a traumatic birth backstory to hammer home to Manon that letting Perrington and whosehisface Elide's uncle forcibly impregnate witches--even Yellowlegs--was deeply deeply uncool. Especially when OF COURSE it was never going to be just as simple as "let us put pebbles under your skin" and Elide herself finds out how bad it actually is.
Manon absolutely needed to be called on the carpet for letting that fly, but it could have been about empathy and autonomy, not about forced pregnancy and gender essentialism. Which like...it's an easy way to go "Grandma Blackbeak and Perrington BAD," but we could have gone another way and still gotten there.
That said, I did really love Manon losing control over her 13 because they were all on the same page about Manon not turning into her grandmother. And I loved that Asterin and Sorrel were negotiating their roles and relationships with Manon to get her to a place where she could hear "Girl, this is wildly uncool and we can't stand behind you on this" without getting too murdery. Those dynamics were a lot of fun to watch.
Manon and Elide was...a weird dynamic though. Elide felt a little underwritten and underused this book, and I hope in the next few we develop that a bit, especially given Aelin's relationship with her mother.
I also want to just...take a sec to talk about Kaltain. Because DAMN she got a raw deal for basically just being a petty bitch and gold digger. The self-immolating to destroy the base was a weird combination of badass and tragic. It was a good way to keep the wyrdkey in play and away from Perawan. However, in a context where the bad guys are treating women as annoyingly autonomous reproductive machines, blowing it up instead of trying to liberate it irked me because we didn't have confirmation that the Yellowlegs witches were beyond saving. Or anyone else in there who might be a victim. There's a "better off dead vibe" with that that I don't love.
I know I seem to be taking a lot of issues with this, but I really did enjoy the book. The character dynamics are largely well done, and the plot stuff was FUN. I'm psyched for the next book, and I can't wait to see what Aelin and Manon get up to next.
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mrsaguapapi · 2 years
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
Chapter 4
Sexual Healing
It's 1:30 pm, 7:30 pm in London, I'm almost ready for my 'date' with my 3-in-1 special. Tonight I wanted to wear something breathtakingly sexy; something that screams fuck me in the car because you can't wait til we're home.
That dream earlier honestly got me so riled up I almost took care of it in the shower but thought I'd save up this pent-up energy for the boys later. I'm wearing a backless mini dress with long flowy sleeves and a low-cut front, as well as a pair of silver heels.
When I say mini, I mean it's well above the knee and the top barely conceals my breasts. This is also the kind of dress where you can't really wear a bra so underneath I'm only wearing a thong. The dress is a thin material covered in iridescent sequins that contrasted well with my dark skin and platinum braids. 
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Artwork By Me
While finishing the last touches of my make up I decided I should probably call Shuri to fill her in on the 'Sexy Fish Man' Situation.
"Hello, my witchy friend how are you?"
"Hey, sis! I'm great getting ready for a night out. I actually wanted to talk about something though."
"What's up?" She replies
"So long story short some voices told me to go to a beach in Yucatan and I met your pointy-eared fish friend and I may have invited him to your ceremony. Before you respond, it is only because he may know some info on my past plus as an academic, I would love to pick his brain."
That came out way too fast.
"What pointy-eared fish man, I have no idea who you're talking about" she laughs uncomfortably
"You are a TERRIBLE liar. His name is Namor, ring any bells?"
"How? How could you possibly know him? I just met him myself. You know he was a major pain in my ass I almost killed that man. "
"It's a very long story I will fill you in when I see you but I mostly wanted to give you a heads up. You also have to bring me up to speed on the attempted murder part."
"It'll probably be good for him to be there, gotta keep the peace and all now that I am the 'Queen Panther'" She laughs "Besides this makes me feel better about having to invite the 'White Wolf'"
"Oh god, Bucky is coming?"
"I know yall have a past but he's practically a Wakandan and he was close to my brother. I know it will be awkward but can you do it for me?"
Sighing I say, "Of course, Just don't expect me to do it sober for it"
Shuri laughs "I'm eternally grateful"
"Yea Yea Yea" I laugh. I look at the time, it's 7:50 pm. "Okay, hun I gotta go before I'm late."
"Alrighty have fun on your night out." we exchange goodbyes and hang up.
Okay, do I have everything?
I didn't bother packing a bag other than my purse full of essentials, specifically my birth control; Whatever else I need I'll just borrow from the boys. I did go ahead and pack a bag for Wakanda that I'll just grab it when I pick up Peter. I grab my sling ring and head to the kitchen to leave a note for Peter.
To my Spider Bro- 
I know you said you'll be good for dinner but I went ahead and prepped a lasagna for you in the fridge; all you have to do is pop it in the oven for 45 min. Be safe, Have a good night, and stay out of my weed stash. Love you!
I pin the note to our fridge and text the boys.
On my way, meet you at the ROXY in 5. *kissy face*
And with that, I open a portal and make my way to the Night Club.
Tonight is pretty packed. I managed to find 2 seats at the bar and saved one for the boys with my purse. They texted a few minutes ago saying they'd be here in a sec. So I go ahead and order them a Rum and Coke while I sipped on some Crown Apple and waited. The music was so loud I could barely think; everyone was talking and dancing, and I couldn't wait to join. It was dimly lit but the little light we had was shining on my dress; kinda made me feel like a disco ball.
Lost in thought I barely noticed the bartender approach me and hand me a drink.
"From the guy at the end of the bar," he says and walks away.
I look over and it's an older man holding up his drink. I politely wave back in thanks and look away praying that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, it was not, he begins to walk toward me.
He stands very close to me and says, "You look very beautiful tonight" he slyly smiles
"Thank you" I reply
He touches my shoulder and swipes some of my hair out of the way, "I've always found black women so sexy"
I shrug away from his touch in disgust, "Okay creep, don't fucking touch me. Just because you buy me a drink doesn't give you a pass to touch me. Also, stop fetishizing black women." I practically hiss.
"Another fucking cock tease I see. "
"Fuck you" I throw the rest of my drink in his face, "How's that for a cock tease?" I laugh
"Fucking bitch!" he raises his hand to hit me. I don't flinch, he will 100% break his hand once he makes contact. He didn't make it that far fortunately for him, my Mr. Knight catches his hand.
"You wanna try that again pal?" It was them and from the voice, it was Marc speaking. He begins to squeeze his hand, this close to breaking it.
The man screams out in pain, "Sorry lady! Won't happen again I swear" he replies half crying.
Marc looks at me for approval to let him go and I nod at him. Marc releases him and the man practically runs away from us.
I look at Marc "Thank you love, but I could have handled it"
"Oh that wasn't for you, I saved that poor man from breaking his hand. You monster." I laugh in pure amusement.
Marc looks so good tonight. He's wearing a simple long sleeve olive green sweater and a pair of black dress pants. His dark curly hair fell so nicely into place and his facial hair was shaved but you could see a little stubble coming out.
Holding my hand out I gesture for him to come closer, "Come here and give me a proper hello" I seductively say.
Marc makes his advance toward me and stands so close to me that I could feel the warmth coming from his body. He holds the side of my face and whispers a little hello before he closes in and kisses me. We started slow and modest; he eventually places his large hand on my lower back and begins to massage it up and down occasionally gripping my ass. 
He pulls away for a sec and begins to speak "You look stunning as ever. I don't know how long we will last before we take you home. Hell, I may bend you over this bar and take you here."
"Believe it or not I do have a good reputation that I'd like to keep, you menace" I hand him his drink "Chug this so we can dance" I smile.
He obliges rather quickly. Once done he slams the glass down on the bar and pulls me behind him. "I'm not much of a dancer. So Steven is going to swap in, okay?"
I shake my head in excitement. Steven may be a sweet awkward bean most of the time, but on the dancefloor, he is a savant. Quite literally a panty dropper.
"Heya Millie! My word you look unreal" It may be dark but I can't tell he's blushing.
He's the sweetest I swear
We make it to the dance floor; he wraps one arm around my waist, and with the other, he takes my hand and begins to lead our dance. He has his leg between mine as we begin to slowly sway our hips. The little friction from this is already driving me wild; I can feel my little heartbeat slowly grow from down below.
"Steven who taught you to slow wind like this?"
"No one, I just watched a lot of Magic Mike. You know, for research"
I laugh "HA Research; well your studies did you some good."
He suddenly dips me and places a hand on my ass. Slowly he moves his hand up to my waist, then to the side of my breast, and lightly squeezes. Steven abruptly pulls me back to him and whispers in my ear.
The Vibe: 
Make It Rain
"I can't wait to peel you out of this little dress of yours." He then pulls me so close to him that I can feel his hard-on through his pants. Just that little contact made me melt.
"We should go" I whisper in his ear.
Steven says nothing but smiles. He pays my tab and we hurriedly make our way outside and begin to walk to the nearest alleyway, so I can make a portal to his place. I take my sling ring out and open one, but before I could walk through, I was interrupted by Steven forcibly pushing me back to a wall. He began to roughly kiss me; it was so intense I could barely breathe but I definitely don't want to stop.
"Millaenyia you look so sexy tonight. I can't wait til we bury ourselves so deep inside you." Never mind, not Steven, this was definitely Jake, he's always been a little rough. The other 2 sometimes worry it's too much but I've always liked to be dominated like this. He takes my hand and puts it on his dick. They were hard as a rock, "See what you do to us?" He then practically tosses me through the portal and follows behind me; fortunately, I land on his bed. I stand and close the portal and toss my sling ring and purse to the floor.
We stand and look at each other for a minute, just taking in the scene. Eventually, I make the first move; This time it's my turn to shove him into the wall. I grab his face to savagely kiss him as I begin to successfully take his shirt off. Frustrated that he couldn't find the zipper on my dress he began to literally tear it off me. He wraps my legs around him and picks me up.
"I hope that wasn't expensive."
"It's served its purpose" I teasingly reply
He lays me on the bed and begins to slowly remove my thong exposing my soaked pussy. Without skipping a beat he drops to his knees, opens my legs, and pulls me to his face. While making eye contact Jake takes my clit to his mouth; slowly but firmly making circles with his tongue.
"Oh fuck, that feels so good." I cry out
Jakes eventually goes wild. My pussy was fueling him; he was licking and sucking every inch of me. It turned him on so much that he unbuckled his pants and began to pump his dick. Every so often he'd let out a soft moan, which drove me absolutely nuts. Jake started to tongue my entrance and suck on my juices, it was like he couldn't get enough of me.
His sheer passion brought me so close to an orgasm already. Jake could feel I was almost there, so he releases his cock and shoves his two fingers in me so abruptly, that I scream out in pain and pleasure. He slightly hooked his fingers and began to move fiercely hitting my g-spot with each pump. Thoroughly enjoying himself, Jake begins to growl into my pussy, and with that my orgasm hits me in waves. It was so overwhelmingly good I could barely breathe.
Jake kisses both my thighs and stands up to wink at me, "Your up Steven."
"Thanks, mate," Steven says. He looks at me "You look so beautiful like that, legs open and out of breath," He then without breaking eye contact licks the 2 fingers that were inside me. "You taste like honey Millie."
Stepping out of his pants he leans over me and gently places a kiss on my forehead," You ready darling?" he asks.
I smile and vigorously shake my head in excitement.
He swiftly flips me over to my stomach and begins to massage my butt. "You have a lovely tight ass" he positions himself over me and begins to slide his dick between my cheeks, slowly moving it up and down. My pussy begins to throb and I can't take it anymore, I want to feel him inside me.
"Please, fuck me, I need you" I plead
"As you wish" Steven shoves himself balls deep inside me. I can't help but moan out from the sudden filling of my pussy. Fiercely gripping my ass he begins a steady pace."Fuck you are so tight." After a while of taking it slow, he then grabs me by the shoulder and takes a handful of my hair, "I'm gonna be a little rough okay?"
I tried to respond with 'okay' but it came out unintelligible.
He chuckles lightly and begins to fuck me like an animal. He was hitting me so deeply that I swear I could feel it in my stomach. With every thrust, his balls would smack my pussy and even that feeling was so good.
"Oh god, oh fuck, don't stop" I felt another orgasm begin to build up.
"Yea you like that? You like being my whore?" He yells
"Oh god yes!" I reply
He roughly pulls my hair which jerks my head up, "Yes What?" he asks
"Yes daddy" I Scream.
Steven begins to smack my ass with every thrust: each time it grew harder and harder. The combination of pleasure and pain was too much and I couldn't hold it anymore. I moan and scream some words I couldn't even understand as my orgasm hit me.
"Fuck you're squeezing our dick so good," Steven says. After coming down from my high he slowly pulls out and helps me roll over. He kisses my chest, "Alright Marc your turn."
He gently moves a braid off of my face, "are you okay?" Marc asks.
I smile and shake my head, "Oh I'm peachy keen" I giggle.
He chuckles a bit and begins to kiss my neck and chest, "God this is what we needed" he begins to suck on my nipple.
I let out a soft moan, and pull his face to mine. "I need you"
He passionately kisses me, exploring my mouth with his tongue; I can still taste myself on him. He's done so much for me tonight It's only fair I return the favor. I flip him over and position myself on top, "Let me take care of you" I beg.
Marc smiles and nods. I grab his dick and slowly lower myself on him, as I watch how he unfolds under me. I began bouncing up and down on his hard cock and enjoying every inch of him. He grabs my ass to help to steady himself as he pumps and meets my thrusts with extra force.
"Fuck baby, you feel so good. I can't take this much longer" he says through his teeth.
"I'm close too; cum with me" I plead
I pick up my pace a bit, watching him enjoy himself was really doing it for me. I lean close to his face and begin to kiss him never slowing my pace. He pulled me closer and began to fuck me harder.
I moan out "Fuck, don't stop, I'm so close"
He began to grunt and growl under me; it was all I needed to reach my climax. My pussy tightened around him so hard that I felt him twitch inside me when he came.
"Fuck" He grunts out
We stay there for a while. Just breathing in each other's faces, coming down from our mutual high. Eventually, I roll off of him, "how was that for a pick me up?" I ask
"Eh needs improvement." He jokes
I smack him with a pillow "I can’t with you" I laugh
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sea-owl · 1 year
Ok so I finished all of my exams and I was wondering if you could do more yandere Bridgerton au head canons, please
Yeah I can do that. Let me know if there are any specific ones you guys want to know.
Forewarning the order is random as hell
Spouses: I have never once purposely made my Bridgerton jealous just to see what would happen.
Spoues siblings, even the dead ones: That’s a bold face lie but ok.
So after the discovery that the spouses are just as crazy one of the first things the Bridgertons do is tell Violet, who is so proud. She was always a little disappointed that none of her in-laws ever seemed to be yanderes themselves, so she felt her children didn't get the experience she and Edmund did. Now she's offering to watch the grandkids so the couples can go on romantic hunts with one another. It was one of her favorite things to do with Edmund and one or more of her children may or may not have been conceived after a successful hunt.
It was weird for the spouses to be able to outwardly show their crazy sides around others besides one another. They were so used to keeping quiet but of course their lovers said absolutely not, show them. This led to a few discoveries like Sophie and Gareth’s stolen objects collection, Penelope’s knives, Phillip’s poison garden, various trophies some of the spouses has collected over the years/their kills.
Kate is a biter. Anthony loves when she bites him, a physical mark of his wife's claim on his skin. He despises when Kate bares her teeth at some other man. He knows she's just threatening the poor bastard, but the thought of the taste of any man besides himself in Kate's mouth drives him up a wall.
Polin and Franchael have some of the kinkiest sex among the couples. Saphne has some of the most toys, how they got them and what all of them are is not important. Benedict likes to paint Sophie as a form of foreplay, his two favorite mediums are paints and blood. Of all they couples Kathony is the one that enjoys outdoors sex the most, and is the most likely to fuck after a hunting trip.
The spouses’ siblings have their own little alliance. Yes, they even summon the ghosts of the dead ones. The Bridgertons know about this alliance, and they carefully watch one another. They both want what’s best for the spouses so long as the Bridgertons are that they are in an alliance. Meanwhile the spouses do know if the need arises they can take down their Bridgertons, but they also know that if they kill one they will have to kill all of them, and they are rather fond of their Bridgertons. Killing them is a last resort. capturing or crippling them should be attempted first.
Honestly the whole ton should be grateful the Bridgertons and their spouses love one another so much. It helps reigns the chaos.
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like-a-bantha · 2 years
Busted Hyperdrive
Chapter Three: Odd Jobs
Summary: Last mission was, well, a definitely a mission. But will it be your last? An unexpected break leads you down a spiral of negative emotions.
Pairing: The Bad Batch & Gender Neutral Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, lots of self doubt and negative thoughts, mentions of canon-typical violence
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: Hi! I'm back, and VERY sorry for the wait. This sat in my drafts for close to a year, honestly kind of ironic since this chapter is pretty heavy on the self-doubt. As always, I hope you enjoy! <3
Link to AO3 and my masterlist for chapters one and two
Technically, the last mission was a success. You didn’t feel particularly successful, but Cid got her payment and the freedom fighters of Lothal got their thermal detonators, so by all intents and purposes, it was a job well done. But from where you’re sitting, hunched over the bar with your eyes locked on the drink in your hand that you haven’t touched yet, success doesn’t exactly live up to the hype. The deeper you stare into the purple liquid in the cup, trying to focus on the way it shakes within the glass the harder you anxiously bounce your leg, counting the ripples in a lame attempt to repress the still fresh memory of that morning's meeting.
Last night seemed fine, other than the mission ending rather violently you hadn’t a care in the world. You laughed and spent time with these strange people you’re starting to consider friends, albeit, reluctantly (mostly on Cid’s end). Hunter told you to meet back at the parlor at 0800 tomorrow to see if there’s any work to be done. You walked back to your ship and crawled into bed with a sigh. A good end to a bad day, good enough that the day was ready to be forgotten. Really, if you could just keep going like nothing happened you know you would adjust; you’ve put in enough hours at demeaning minimum wage jobs that you could probably get some sort of certificate in compartmentalizing. You can do it. You just can’t seem to figure out what you need to do to prove you can.
This morning the alarm on your chrono seemed louder than usual and your ships overhead lighting is just a little brighter. The sun rises as the painkillers begin working their magic, giving you just enough energy to dig through your cupboard for some instant caf. You’ve never been so eager to go to work before but you’ve also never been so friendly with your coworkers. It’s not even a five minute walk to Cid’s but you decide to head over at 0730. Just in case, you tell yourself.
The parlor is deserted when you get there. Obviously. Cid must be in her office and you’re definitely not knocking on that door until you have backup, she probably wouldn’t answer anyway, why give the newbie the rundown only to repeat it in 20 minutes? Valid. Too early for Bolo and Ketch, apparently. You kinda figured they were permanent fixtures. Probably could’ve killed time back at your ship rather than sit around an empty parlor, not entirely sure what the plan was there. Now you’re left alone with your thoughts in an unfamiliar place. This is becoming a habit. The time passes quickly, however, and yesterday’s events are tucked away neat enough that it hasn’t even crossed your mind.The way your brain practically vibrates inside of your skull has nothing to do with any ships you may or may not have blown up recently, it has to be from the singular drink you had last night.
Five minutes to 0800 and the office door whooshes open.
“Oh good, Y/N’s here,” Cid announces sarcastically, as you turn to greet her you’re met with five additional faces that clearly weren’t expecting you to be the early type, “you guys can tell them, I got work to do.” 
“Hey, guys,” you say it like it's a question, “knew I should’ve got here earlier, what’d I miss?” They share a look and make their way over to your table. Something’s off and they’re doing a kriffing terrible job of acting nonchalant.
“Y/N,” Hunter says with a heavy sigh and a lopsided smile as he takes a seat in the chair across from you, “good to see you. You’re right on time.”
You try to not look visibly confused but it’s kind of hard not to, why are they being so weird? Everything seemed so normal last night. Is Cid firing you already? You just started.  “So what did Cid not feel like telling me?”
Hunter clears his throat and looks down at the table as he collects his thoughts, he sighs and says, “Listen, we’re happy to have some help around here, and you did a good job on the mission yesterday, but we decided to ask Cid for some light work for the next couple of days. Lay low. Give you some time to recover after yesterday.”
“After yesterday? Why?” You shake your head, now definitely visibly confused, “I thought it went really well!” You look around the group, hoping to no avail that someone would back you up.
You lock eyes with Echo, he gives you a sympathetic look and reassures you, “You’re right, it could’ve gone a lot worse. But you need time to adjust, jumping back in too soon will just burn you out.”
Before you could protest, Wrecker lets out a loud “Yeah!” Laughing loudly, “Been too long since we had a good vacation!”
“It is not a vacation, Wrecker, we will still be doing smaller tasks,” Tech corrects him as he types away on his datapad, “I am making a detailed schedule for the next three days. If we are not making credits, we may as well use this time wisely.”
“Whoa, wait we’re not getting paid?” You finally manage to get a word in.
“We’re still getting paid,” Hunter corrects, Tech makes a face but never ceases his typing, “it’s just not as much as the last job. Lighter work, lighter credits. Cid gave us some odd jobs to keep us busy for the next few days while she finds us something better.”
“Wait, like, we’re getting bottles or whatever?” You ask, “There’s gotta be something we can do besides running errands.”
“Call it what you want,” Hunter shrugs, “it’s still a job. We’re lucky Cid even agreed to do any of this for credits.”
“It’s true, she usually just expects us to do it for free.” Echo sighs, it sounds like he meant it to be a joke but his tone betrays him.
You relent after a moment of deliberation, shrugging, “Yeah, okay, sounds good.” You try your best to put on a smile but you know it looks forced.
“Good,” Hunter nods, you note how tired he looks, “Tech, is that schedule ready?”
“Affirmative.” Tech quickly replies and finally finishes typing before giving each of you a detailed list of tasks while you sink into your seat, hoping the next three days at least go by quickly.
Everyone got to work with their lists of chores, working surprisingly quickly, but you can’t help but feel the time drag. Four hours into cleaning tables and fixing slot games Omega brings you a ration bar and a cup of juice.
She motions you over to the row of barstools, silently asking you to sit next to her while you both take a break from your chores. You sit down next to her, opening the ration bar that you take one look at before resting on the countertop. Omega watches you with visible worry, “How are you feeling?”
The guilt you feel manifesting in anger and sadness, none of which is directed at the girl, or her brothers for that matter. You want to respond but the pit in your stomach is beginning to condense into a black hole of dread. Shielding your pride, you swallow down a lame excuse and opt for a quick nod and whatever you can muster for a smile.
“It’s okay, you know,” Omega looks down, you pray she doesn’t think you’re upset with her, “we’re just worried about you.”
She sounds so sad. You’re sure it’s pity, none of them seem happy to be taking an unscheduled break on your account; no one except Wrecker, of course. But it's clear she’s telling the truth, she’s genuinely worried. “I know, Omega,” you say, trying to force your tone into something more comforting, neither of you are buying it, “and I appreciate it. But I really am okay.” This smile is a bit more convincing.
At least convincing enough that Omega gives a sad smile in return before sliding the now open ration bar closer to you as she hops off the tall stool, “You should eat, Tech said he doesn’t believe in long breaks.”
“Yeah,” You nod, eyes locked on the cup of juice in front of you, “I’ll see ya later.” 
So here you sit. Staring blankly into a cup, silently commanding your reflection in the juice to do something. To fix this. In a sad attempt to pull yourself out of this mood you pick at the ration bar, but after a few bites you just feel sick. Deciding to get back to work, you make your way to the storage room to take inventory for Cid but as soon as you enter the door shuts behind you. Outside you hear two voices approach, stopping a few feet away from the cramped storage room you’re currently, technically, hiding in and you just can’t help but eavesdrop. Thin walls. It’s too muffled at first but after you close your eyes and focus, letting your ears adjust, you hear Tech and Hunter having a hushed conversation.
“I’m sure they knew what they signed up for, I do not understand why you would request to be paid significantly less for them.” You can’t tell if Tech is defending you or not but he is right.
“You saw how they handled yesterday’s getaway. Nat-borns aren’t like us, Tech. They need time.”
“Yes, well, we need credits. It appears they do as well.” You nod as if they can see you. “My point still stands.”
“Credits can wait-” you scoff behind the door and the voices on the other side fall silent. You didn’t think it was that loud. 
Your cover’s blown so why not press the button to open the door to the storage room. The door opens, regret immediately sinking in as you stand there like a womp rat in a torch light, before looking at Hunter, “He’s right, you know. I know what I signed up for.”
“I’m not sure you do.” Hunter’s voice suddenly became very stern, “What happened yesterday, that’s going to happen again and I don’t think you’re prepared for that.”
While you’re glad he didn’t try to sugarcoat it, you can’t help the pain in your chest. You chew on your lip, looking at the floor while you try to formulate a response. “Listen, I know I freaked out yesterday but I’m over it now. Really. You didn’t have to request grunt work for my sake.”
He just stands there for a minute. Arms crossed and brows furrowed as he considers your response. “We’ll see about that in three days.” Hunter sighs, turning to leave the conversation, “Back to work.”
You and Tech are left in a tense silence for a few moments before he pulls out his datapad to check the schedule. “You are currently taking inventory for the supply run, correct?”
“Yeah, I’m on it.” You turn back to the storage room, “I’ll give the list to Cid when I’m done.”
“No need,” He’s still looking down at the schedule when you face him, your hand hovering over the close button. “I will send you the coordinates to the shop and Wrecker will accompany you to carry the order.” You simply nod, shutting the door to the cramped storage room as he walks away.
You set your bag on a shelf and get to work taking inventory. It’s grunt work, and you’re used to it, but this is why you left Tatooine. As you count all of the backup bottles and boxes of bantha nuggets you find yourself back in that mental loop of self-deprecation. You finish typing out the order on your datapad while you walk out into the parlor to find Wrecker and Omega waiting for you. You’re too deep in that mental loop to know for sure but you think you hear one of them ask if you’re ready to go so you nod and silently make your way up the stairs.
The short walk to the vendor was one filled with silent rage. You walked alongside Wrecker and Omega as they debated whether or not each errand counts as an individual mission and, if so, would that mean they just hit the mantell mix jackpot. While you would love to weigh in on such a riveting topic, your heavy footsteps rang loud in your ears, demanding your full attention; the fall of your right foot echoing my, and your left fault. Your body wants so badly to cry and scream, but it was your tears that landed you in this mess, so you keep on towards the shop silently as the debate next to you goes on.
When you got to the shop and peaked in you were surprised to see several people standing in the cramped storefront. You turned to tell Wrecker and Omega to wait outside but they were one step ahead of you, sights locked on the food stall across the street. Luckily the vendor was more than happy to keep small talk to a minimum, you just gave him the order number and before he retreated to the backroom he gave a quick, “30 minutes." Excellent customer service. When you walk out of the shop the food stall you last saw Wrecker and Omega is deserted, you walk into the road a bit more, scanning all of the other food stalls for any sign of your friends to no avail. Just as you’re about to go searching for them you remember Tech gave you their comm channel but when you reach for your bag to fish out your commlink you let out a string of curses. You consider taking the short walk back to the parlor to get it rather than walk around aimlessly looking for them, but just as you’re about to turn back you spot them heading your way, mantell mix in hand.
“It’s gonna be another 30 minutes, did you guys want to-” before you have a chance to finish your sentence, Omega runs up to you with a third carton of mantell mix.
“We got you some, too!” She beams, handing you the carton.
You can’t help but smile as you accept, “Thank you, guys,” you look down at the food in your hands then back to the two of them smiling, urging you to try it, you grab a piece and to no one's surprise, “not bad!”
Wrecker lets out a loud, “You got that right!” The two seem very happy with your approval, the sound of their laughter now louder than that terrible voice in your head and your mood is starting to shift back to something more pleasant.
“Okay, this is really good, but we still have 30 minutes before the order’s ready and I’m gonna take a guess and say Hunter’s not gonna be too happy if he sees us with all this mantell mix,” you laugh, “what’s the plan?”
Wrecker seems deep in thought, still eating, but definitely weighing your options. Omega lets out a gasp, immediately drawing your and Wrecker’s attention, “They haven’t been on the Marauder!”
The port isn’t far from the shop, just a few minutes of walking and snacking. When the ship is within view they practically take off running towards the open ramp, you laugh and pick up the pace. At least they wait for you at the bottom of the steps, Omega gestures for you to enter first with a little ‘ta-da!’ and you climb aboard their ship. They excitedly begin their tour at the cockpit. As you make your way to the back of the ship while Omega tells you about some surprise you have to see, you stumble over a case that was haphazardly tucked under a chair. As you bend to push it fully under the chair so no one really trips, Wrecker begins to panic, “Don’t open that!”
“I wasn’t planning on it?” You finish pushing it, standing to look up at him, “What, more explosives? You really should find a better way to store tho-”
“It’s Crosshair’s.” Omega cuts you off, shifting your gaze to her frown and back to Wrecker, who’s face went from shock to pain. The only sound in the ship is the hum of the overhead lights.
“Oh.” You don’t pry, whoever this was it was someone close to them, and whatever happened was recent by the looks of it. You look down at the case under the chair, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“It’s okay.” Wrecker says, this is the quietest you’ve ever heard him, he shakes his head and his expression suddenly seems less troubled. He lets out a sigh as he takes a seat, crossing his arms, “He’s not dead or anything. Just joined the Empire.” His tone has leveled out, but the way his eyes are locked on the ceiling is setting off the change the subject sensors in your mind.
“So what exactly did you guys want to show me so bad?” You sigh, a tired smile taking over your face as they both look to you with matching grins. Without a word, Omega rushes towards you and grabs your hand as she pulls you further into the ship, Wrecker following closely behind.
You stop at a ladder, Omega looks to it and then to you with a wide smile. You must look very confused, because she points up the ladder as she beams, “That’s my room!”
You grin, stepping toward the ladder, you make your ascent and gasp as you pull the curtain to the side, letting out an audible, “Whoa.”
“Wrecker made it for me!” You can hear their excitement at your reaction.
Glancing back, you see the proud smile plastered on Wrecker’s face. You return your attention to the coziest gunner’s mount you’ve ever seen when you spot a stuffed animal, you reach forward to grab it, “And who is this? Your little soldier has a friend?” You hop down the ladder, giggling, holding the tooka doll by the arms to make it look like it’s doing a little dance.
“That’s my Lula!” Wrecker proudly exclaims before clarifying, “She’s Omega’s, too, we share.”
“I have one, too. Not a tooka, though, she’s a loth cat. Her name’s Jama.” You smile warmly and hand the doll over to Wrecker who immediately pulls it to his chest as one would an infant. Sighing as you laugh, you look around the ship, “I really like the room, I should take a page out of your book. Make my ship feel more like a home.”
The siblings lock eyes immediately, both of them buzzing with excitement as Wrecker frantically nods, Omega looks over to you, “Can we help?”
You’re shocked at first but feel you should’ve seen this coming, left with no choice but to happily nod your head, “Yeah I think that’d be a job for the professionals.”
“Are we the professionals?” Wrecker loudly whispers in Omega’s direction.
“We’re the professionals!” That tense silence a few minutes ago is long forgotten as the two laugh and happily high five. They take you on a full tour of the ship after that, showing off the weapons closet, Wrecker’s special explosives storage, the tally wall next to a bunk in the hallway below deck that Wrecker says are all for successful missions. He happily recounts a few too many, however, he’s halfway through a story about a particularly harrowing fight against a monstrous animal with razor sharp teeth and claws in a pitch black jungle when the alarm on your chrono goes off. 
“Ah,” you silence the alarm, hoping no one noticed how you jumped when it started beeping, “order’s ready. C’mon you can finish that story on the way, I gotta know how you guys took that thing out.” Wrecker eagerly obliges, describing the ordeal in depth the whole way back to shop. The man who took your order pushes out a cart with four boxes and sends you on your way, Wrecker grabs the two largest crates and you hand Omega the smallest, resting her unfinished carton of mantell mix on top of it before you did the same with yours as you grab the remaining crate and begin your walk back to Cid’s. 
As you approach the entrance to the parlor you remember your joke about Hunter seeing the mantell mix and, after your conversation earlier, you don’t want to seem like you’re intentionally trying to get on his nerves. You come to a stop and after a moment Wrecker and Omega do the same, looking back at you, “Hey, Omega. How ‘bout I trade you my mantell mix for that crate you’re carrying?”
“Why?” The girl, confused, takes the mantell mix from you in exchange for the small crate.
“Wrecker and I will bring these down, then you two are gonna take a walk while you finish that,” you laugh, nodding towards the cartons in her hands.
“What? Really?” Okay, Wrecker’s on board.
You laugh, “Yeah, it’s all yours, big guy. Let’s go put these down.” You both start down the stairs when Omega stops you.
“But what about restocking? We’re supposed to help you!” 
“Ah, I got it covered. Used to do it all the time back home.” You shrug with a smile, reassuring the poor kid. She really is worried about you. “Plus, you guys already helped me.”
She looks half convinced but nods anyway and you meet Wrecker at the bottom of the stairs. He’s clearly excited for an unscheduled break and leftover mantell mix. You both leave the crates on the bar, smiling at Wrecker as he turns to leave, “Thanks.”
He’s already rushing for the stairs, grinning from ear to ear, “Thank you!”
The small crate Omega was carrying was mostly stuff meant to be stocked behind the bar so that was quick to sort out. You move on to the next crate, mostly bottles, you leave that behind the bar and pick up one of the last two crates to bring back to the storage room. Just as you’re about to open the door it hisses open and you nearly drop the crate, Hunter, who opened the door, stands before you with a raised eyebrow. You let out a shaky laugh, now that you know they’re all suffering a loss you don’t have the heart to rehash that talk you had earlier.
“You seem on edge.” He shifts in the doorway, not really letting you through, it looks like he’s trying to get a better view of the parlor.
“Just putting these away.” You help up the crate in your arms a little bit, nodding to the storage room behind him.
“Where’s Wrecker and Omega?” He finally looks back to you.
“Oh, uh, I forgot to mark something on inventory,” you lie through your teeth, “they offered to go back out for me.”
He looked like he had something to say about that but dropped it, sighing. You step aside, giving him room to leave and as you turn back to shut the door behind you, you see him heading outside. Hopefully Wrecker and Omega got a head start.
Restocking the storage room went by very fast, glancing down at your chrono you notice you’re surprisingly ahead of schedule and decide to waste a few more minutes in the storage room while you can. You sit one of the crates by the wall and close your eyes, taking a moment to recenter yourself before you take care of the bottles out front. Outside you hear the door hiss open once again followed by footsteps but you don’t bother opening your eyes, why would anyone bother coming in here unless they had to? Then the footsteps stop in front of the door before it hisses open.
“Sleeping on the job, huh?” You stand as Cid reprimands you. “You leave a mess behind the bar and come in here for a nap?”
“Yeah, there’s just something about the smell of wampa jerky that I find really calming.” You laugh, making sure you grab your bag on your way out of the storage closet this time.
“Yeah, yeah, gimme a hand with these.” The door to the back room hisses shut behind you both and Cid picks up the remaining crate, placing it on the counter with a clinking thud. Silently, the two of you get to work restocking the bar. You can tell she doesn’t want to talk but it’s been bugging you since this morning, and at the very least you deserve answers.
“Listen, I know one of them told you,” you say, moving a half empty bottle of shimmery green liquid to the side to put a full one behind it, “but why wouldn’t you try talking them out of this? They’re not your errand boys.”
“You really wanna know? They were just worried about you, after all.” She’s irritated, you can tell by her tone, but so are you so at least you’re on equal ground. “Did you even consider that, maybe, they could use a break, too?”
“Sure, if they need a break then give them a break, why assign them your grunt work?” You grab another bottle from the crate.
“My work is your work, kid,” She looks to you, pointing to the bottle in your hand, “that goes up top.” You roll your eyes, placing the bottle on a high shelf above the bar before returning to the crate for another. “Lemme ask you something,” she says, you put the next bottle in its place and turn to her, “this your first time having friends?” Your eyes go wide, you’re not sure what she’s trying to say but you had plenty of friends at your old jobs. You open your mouth to answer but she interrupts you, “Not coworkers. Or bosses. Friends.”
You think for a moment. Then another moment, and when your eyes drop to your shoes, she knows your answer.
“Thought so.” She says, passing you another top shelf bottle. You almost don’t grab it, just walk out, end the conversation altogether. “A word of advice, when people care about you, it’s nice to care back,” she looks to you, “a little understanding goes a long way.”
“Of course I care. I just don’t want them to miss out on my account, I didn’t ask them to do that, I said I can handle it.”
“You’re not hearing me. You don’t have to ask. They wanted to make sure you were doing alright, they’re not worried about work, they’re worried about you. You got a chip on your shoulder the size of a starcruiser, but they still care. Give and take, kid, give and take.”
She’s not wrong, but you were definitely not expecting to be read so easily. You never saw yourself as an open book, but this conversation only made you feel like there was a giant neon sign pointing to the book that said ‘Read Me!’ in bold, flashing letters. The most jarring part of it all, though, was how warm it made you feel. To be seen. To be cared for. The silence that hangs in the air after hearing Cid’s advice is more comfortable than you’d care to admit, the two of you stocking the shelves as the jukebox plays quietly across the bar.
Once the crate is finally empty, you pick it up and gather the other empty crates before asking Cid what she wants to do with them.
“Just leave ‘em outside, somebody’ll take ‘em.” She waves a hand, heading back to her office.
You nod, making your way to the exit but when you reach the first step, you pause. “So who was it?” You don’t bother turning around, figuring she probably won’t give you an answer anyway. After what she told you, you don’t blame the guys for asking for a break, and the anger toward yourself is starting to subside, too. You just can’t help the curiosity.
“God, you don’t give up, do you, kid?” She sighs, “All of ‘em.” The door hisses shut.
You let out a quiet, warm laugh when you feel your eyes well with tears. Shaking your head with a smile, you propped the crate on your knee to brush them away and made your way up the stairs. You set the crate down and brush your hands on your pants, and just as you begin to let out a sigh a heavy clap to your shoulder nearly knocks the wind out of you.
“Hey, we got a surprise for you!” You turn to see Wrecker holding up a crate, and Omega not too far behind running to you from Hunter’s side with a small bag in hand.
“Hmm,” you try peeking into the top of the crate but find it’s closed, a true mystery, “do they sell mantell mix in bulk?”
Omega catches up and holds the small, half-full bag up for you to take. “No, and the surprise isn’t ready yet. But, we did get candy!” You can’t help but laugh before taking the pouch from her. “We ate some already, but we wanted to share the rest with you.”
“Yeah, sorry, we were practicing that thing you showed us!” Wrecker smiles, shifting the crate to one hand to sheepishly rub the back of his neck.
Your smile couldn’t be warmer, “Well let’s get inside, you can put that crate down and practice some more.”
“Do not encourage him.” Tech sighs, but you catch that smirk as he walks past the three of you and down the stairs.
“He’s just jealous,” Wrecker laughs, following Tech into the parlor, “come on, Omega!”
“Good to see you smiling, Y/n,” Echo nudges you as he makes his way into the parlor.
Just as you’re about to head in yourself, Hunter stops you. “Cid tell you?”
“I wore her down.” you shrug, smiling as you turn to face him.
“We’re just worried, you’re obviously capable, but Echo’s right,” he sighs, leading the way down the stairs to join Tech and Echo at the bar, “it takes a toll. This job’s not easy. Jumping in too fast will only burn you out.”
“I am. I mean, as alright as I can be, after taking down two pilots.” You try to laugh but it sounds empty, and the sad smile he gives you in return makes your heart sink. You’re struck with an overwhelming urge to fix it, to make his smile happy, to ease all of their worries. “Hey, Tech, what’s the rest of the rest of that schedule like? Any free time?”
He scans his datapad for a moment before listing off a number of odd jobs, “However, I can reassign some of your tasks if you’d prefer to use this time to prepare for the next mission, mentally, while maintaining a healthy workload.”
“Thanks, but what if we knock everything out tomorrow, then we can all take a day off,” you propose, looking between Tech and Hunter, “y’know for mental health or whatever. Lean into the whole vacation thing.”
Tech looks to Hunter for approval, and Hunter looks to you with an arched brow before nodding, “I’ll get to work preparing an updated schedule.”
“What are you planning?” Echo asks, trying to hide a smirk behind his glass unsuccessfully.
You grin, looking between Hunter and Echo, “What are your thoughts on camping?”
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jestiamy · 2 years
rottmnt spoilers and. really long post (tl;dr I. get off track from the original topic and share my. sort of analysis of lou jitsu / splinter. for almost seven thousand words.)
I have a lot of feelings about how rise!splinter ended up raising the turtles and how if anything was even slightly different he may have not raised the turtles at all - and if he did it wouldn't be the same way, at the least.
an interesting thing to me is that lou jutsu upon being retrieved by the gargoyles clearly already was being affected by the inherent isolation that is being kidnapped by your exgirlfriend-soon-to-be-fiance-if-she-didn't-turn-out-to-be-secretly-a-giant-spider and then forced to fight to the death against giant inhuman yokai, locked in a cell, let out to fight yokai, locked back in the cell, rinse and repeat ;; he's a lot more subdued then in earlier flashbacks (obviously pretty upset about the 'my-exgirlfriend-is-a-giant-spider-that-kidnapped-me' thing but also probably about the fact he was totally cut off from human society and being forced to fight for his life. probably) and he repeatedly attempts to befriend a rat he finds in his cell, which just. bites him a lot. since it's a rat.
there's some other stuff about how he was willing to go with the gargoyles which I totally forgot the names of pretty much unconditionally as long as he wasn't required to fight (which is. really depressing in context to this post honestly) but that's. not what I am talking about here
but yeah, there's a gap in the door for the turtles to stick their feet into if they trigger the right sequence of events here. lou is looking for animal companionship (maybe some left over trauma about the fact the last 'human' he trusted literally. kidnapped him, isolated him from society, and forced him to fight in a gladiator esque arena. or maybe I'm reading too much into that and he's just. not a person guy. no idea), he's pretty desperate (see his repeated attempts to befriend the same rat, even after expressing irritation at it biting him over and over), and size and appearance doesn't seem to matter (again, rat he found in his cell. he's trying to befriend the rat he found in his cell in the magical equivalent of new york. it wasn't exactly cute or cuddly).
then comes the turtles. turtles who are animals (being turtles), and are actually pretty friendly and adorable. they take to his 'befriending' attempts much better then the rat (making him more inclined to like them) and then the guy that maybe sort of kidnapped him via proxy through his gargoyles starts talking about taking his new friends, injecting them with his dna, and turning them into war machines to kill the human race
which is. you know. kind of not cool dude.
so now he feels a sense of attachment and responsibility - these turtles are pure and kind creatures (again lou's standards are pretty low considering almost all contact he's had with anything or anyone in the past few [intermediate amount of time]s is inherently violent in nature so like. these turtles could have been the rudest brats like ever and he still would've loved them because they didn't attack him on sight) and they are going to be forced to fight strong mean monsters that look different from them to the death by their captor who they thought cared about them and then the suddenly turned into a giant spider and it turned out she was just using you and getting close to you with the intent to kidnap you and have you become her gladiator in her stupid over glorified fighting ring and you feel really betrayed because you thought what you and her had was genuine and-
(I. kind of think that a large part of his initial love of the turtles was heavily influenced by his emotional state from the battle nexus which. may or may not be obvious in that last thing. also for people who didn't get what I was going for there because I'm bad with mending stuff together well, I think the reason the whole "I'm going to make mystic warriors to kill humanity from your dna" thing didn't go over well with lou at the time was in small part "oh my god that's fucked up" and most part pure projection, mostly probably from the 'warrior' phrasing - big mama has a tendency to call people in the nexus that fight 'champions' and 'warriors' so. yeah not the phrasing on draxum's end)
so yeah. he fights draxum, frees the turtles, gets mutated by accident as the lab probably explodes, etc
I think. a large point in this story relies upon lou jitsu's incredibly compromised mental state in order to play out in the way it did. like I don't think he'd leave the turtles for dead (he's genuinely a pretty nice guy on the inside) but I do think the way he'd react would be very different, and depending on the changes to his mental state would raise them differently as well - if he raised them at all (again I don't think he'd leave them for dead, but say if it's like some random au where baron draxum dies in the lab explosion and lou doesn't feel the need to keep them from draxum's very evil clutches I can totally see him considering alternative options from raising them himself because of his highly not ready for kids mental state.)
I. think a lot of what made this version of splinter raise them so. normally (against the. less than perfect childhoods of previous iterations. some genuinely just being trained to be literal child soldiers) was in part that he's just. that nice of a guy. but also largely because he wants to compensate for his lacking emotional + physical state also upon being mutated. I'd also imagine a lot of it is also because his clan raised him to value family and despite his heavy rebellious phase - one where we get subtext that he pretty clearly regretted, which we see through his regret at pushing away his grandfather when he was still doing acting + other stuff I'm probably forgetting right now - I think that the turtles may be a way for him to. make up for it, almost. probably.
I am not. very into analysis + I only watched the show once and I didn't really pay as much attention to the character motivations as I could have so some stuff on here isn't going to. line up perfectly. but yeah here's a rare glimpse of how I process rise!splinter. I'd say sorry if this is bad or something but I've seen a lot of bad takes on this version of splinter because of his seemingly uncaring nature so I'd say I can't do, like, that bad
++ didn't know how to fit this in, but I find it interesting that splinter amended his policy of 'no fighting' from when he was first taken from the gargoyles to 'only fight in the name of the innocent' - something we see from his willingness to fight the foot clan who were planning on reviving a literal demon. from hell. to kill humanity. something he obviously learned from the situation with the turtles, because I can't imagine pre-turtle lou budging on the 'no-fighting rule' for the foot unless he thought it was absolutely necessary - which probably would take them literally reviving shredder. he clearly still holds a similar stance, but the parameters of what he considers 'necessary' have changed. I just thought that was cool
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excusethequality · 9 months
My 2023 in Film
Part 3:
Am I starting to regret listing all of these on here? A bit, yes!
True to form I underestimated the scope of this project. Also true to form I made it more complicated than was strictly necessary.
But in my defense I nearly started out writing little reviews/thoughts for each one, mentioning notable actors/directors, and putting in pictures before finally acknowledging that all of that would have just resulted in me not finishing it at all.
Link to Part I Link to Part II
* = rewatched
[++] = I loved it [+] = I liked it [=] = I am indifferent about it [-] = Not my thing [--] = I hate it
Click on the list number to get a trailer for it.
Air (2023) ---Biopic Business Drama
A biopic about the man and the team that created the first Air Jordans. [+]
Evil Dead Trap (1988) ---Horror
The host of a late night tv show receives what seems to be a snuff tape. In search of a good story she grabs a crew and attempts to track down where the video was shot. [-]
Falcon Lake (2022) ---Coming-of-age Drama
A French family take a trip with their Canadian friends to a lake cabin in Quebec. While there their kids bond over a local legend about the ghost of the lake. [+]
Ojibwa Warrior: The Legacy of Dennis Banks (2021) ---Documentary
A documentary about the life and legacy of native american activist Dennis Banks. [=]
Terrifier (2016) ---Horror
A creepy clown kills people and generally gets gross about it. [--]
Primal Rage (1988) ---Horror
A newspaper reporter got bitten by a monkey after sneaking into a university research lab and all he got to show for it was this infectious rage virus. [+]
Horrible Bosses (2011) ---Crime Comedy
A group of friends all hate their respective bosses and concoct a murder-swapping plan to solve their problem. [=]
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) * ---Mockumentary Comedy
A mockumentary chronicling the life of a former boy band member turned solo artist as he tries to recover from a slump. [+]
Antichrist (2009) ---Horror
A married couple go to a remote cabin to try and deal with the grief of losing their child, but things get weird and dark. [=]
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) ---Fantasy Adventure Comedy
A party of adventurers plan an epic heist in order to save the world. [+]
First Love (2019) ---Crime Action
One night a boxer and a call girl become entangled in a dangerous knot of yakuza, drugs, and schemes. [=]
Peter Pan & Wendy (2023) ---Fantasy Adventure
If you don't know what Peter Pan is about by now, then that's honestly kind of impressive, and you should consider seeing the play or reading the book. For everyone else, this one was directed by the same guy who did The Green Knight (2021). [+]
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) * ---Comedy Adventure
A high school senior decides that today is his chance to enjoy one last day of true teenage freedom before graduation and he's determined to make the most of it. [++]
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) * ---Animated Superhero Action Adventure Comedy
Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man) narrowly stops a madman from inadvertently tearing New York apart with a device made for tunneling into parallel dimensions, but not before coming into direct contact with it. Now Spiders from different dimensions have been sucked into this world and it's up to a teenager named Miles Morales to save his dimension and the Spiders along with it. [++]
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) ---Animated Superhero Action Adventure Comedy
Miles Morales discovers a secret society of Spider-people, but soon learns that the cost of membership is higher than he's willing to pay. Now the effects of his meddling may have just destabilized the entire multiverse. [+]
Parasite (2019) *
A poor family cons their way into working for a wealthy one. Now with a taste of a better life they are confronted with the reality of what the true cost of wealth may be. [++]
Spider Baby (1967) ---Horror
Three siblings suffer from a rare condition that causes them to begin to mentally regress when they hit puberty. Cared for by their butler after the death of their parents, he has managed to keep their penchant for murder a secret. However, there's only so long one can hide a secret like that. [=]
Terrifier 2 (2022) ---Horror
That murder clown is back! And this time there's actually kind of/sort of a plot. Also this time it's nearly 2.5 hours long for some reason. [-]
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) *
[see #114] Watched it with commentary this time.
Moonlight (2016) ---Queer Drama
Over the course of his life a black man struggles to learn how to be safe, accepted, and happy in a world that seems determined to undermine who he wants to be. [++]
Blackberry (2023) ---Business Drama Bio-pic Comedy
The story of men who created the Blackberry and changed the course of communication technology forever. [+]
Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004) ---Coming-of-Age Horror
Brigitte Fitzgerald struggles to keep her werewolf infection at bay, but a misunderstanding lands her in a rehab clinic. Between slowly becoming a monster, being trapped in this clinic, and being hunted by another werewolf, there's only so much a young woman can take before she snaps. [++]
The Cow Who Sang a Song into the Future (2022) ---Magical Realism Drama
A Chilean woman comes back from the dead and tries to make sense of the world, but finds her presence affects her family in very different ways. [-]
The Revenant (2015) ---Western Adventure
A frontiersman in 1820s America fights for survival and revenge after being left for dead. [=]
Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning (2004) ---Period Horror
Two sisters in 1800s Canada try to find a safe heaven after their father and the rest of his trading party fail to return. Although they are soon to learn that monstrous things lurk in the hearts of some men and that things are not always as they appear. [=]
All About Evil (2010) ---Campy Horror Comedy
A meek woman inherits her father's failing movie theater. But in order to keep it up and running she finds she has to embrace her dark side and create her own brand of horror movie. [-]
A Fish in the Bathtub (1998) ---Relationship Drama Comedy
A testy 40-year marriage finally hits the breaking point when the husband insists on keeping a live fish in their bathtub. [-]
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) * ---Action Adventure Comedy
Scott Pilgrim is stuck in a rut. But when he falls in love with the mysterious new girl in town he's going to have to defeat her 7 evil exes in order to have a chance with her. [=]
Chile '76 (2022) ---Period Drama
During the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet an upper-class Chilean woman goes to her summer house to oversee its renovation. But when a chance encounter gives her an opportunity to do something meaningful with her life and skills, she learns that everything has a cost. And safety and freedom often do not walk hand in hand. [=]
Mohawk (2017) ---Period Action Revenge
During the War of 1812 a Mohawk woman is torn between two lovers and how best to handle the war. But a mass killing will soon force her into the fight and one wrong move could have deadly consequences. [-]
Shivers (1975) ---Horror
A man's quest to develop a parasite to free humanity from its prudish shackles has deadly results when it gets lose in an apartment complex. [-]
Pusher II (2004) ---Crime Drama
Freshly out of prison Tonny wants to make a name for himself and impress his father. But when he learns that he might have a son of his own he begins to question his life's path, what kind of dad he wants to be, and if it's too late to change. [+]
Slumber Party Massacre (2021) ---Meta Horror Comedy
An overly aware of itself sequel remake of the 1982 slasher movie of the same name. [-]
Hot Rod (2007) *
[see #87]
Calvaire (2004) ---New French Extremity Horror
I think describing this movie in a succinct way might be beyond my skills as it has a lot to say and a very dark and unusual way of saying it. Suffice it to say that it's about an entertainer who is traveling to perform at a Christmas special when his van breaks down in the middle of nowhere and...uh...some wild shit goes down. [+]
Grizzly (1976) ---Animal Attack
I mean, it's essentially Jaws...but if Jaws was about a bear and didn't have Steven Spielberg-level talent. [-]
Tremors (1990) * ---Queer Buddy Comedy Creature Feature
Two "business partners" in rural Nevada are all that stand in the way of a pack of monstrous underground worms that want to eat everyone. [++]
Asteroid City (2023) ---Comedy Drama
In 1950s America an odd collection of characters gather in Asteroid City for a youth astronomical science competition, but are held in quarantine when the competition gets some unexpected guests...except not really. [=]
What's Your Number? (2011) * ---Rom-Com
A woman reads a magazine article that makes her self conscious about the number of sexual partners she's had in her life and starts on a quest to investigate if any of her exes have matured since they were last together. [=]
Elemental (2023) ---Animated Rom-Com
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Currently the four nations kindofnotreally live together in harmony. Then everything changed when this fire lady fell in love with a water dude, which I guess had never happened before in the perhaps thousands of years these beings have been around? In any case it's all a metaphor for immigration and race relations. [-]
Cat People (1942) * ---Queer Horror
An immigrant woman feels different from those around her. She tries to live a normal life in fear that giving in to her true impulses will result in her turning into a murderous panther. [++]
Free Guy (2021) ---Sci-Fi Action Comedy
An NPC in a MMORPG gains sentience and tries to become a hero. [+]
Wolf Creek (2005) ---Road Trip Horror
An Australian road trip goes awry when three friends find themselves stranded in the middle of the desert after their car breaks down. The good news? A local man comes across them and agrees says he'll give them a tow. The bad news? The man has a secret agenda of his own. [-]
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006) ---Superhero RomCom
A man finds out that the women he's been dating is actually a superhero. But this makes things awkward (and dangerous) for him when he wants to break up. [-]
Highlander (1986) [Director's Cut, baby!] * ---Fantasy Action Adventure
A Scottish highlander discovers he's an immortal and is destined to embark on a quest across the ages to be the last immortal left alive. [++]
Unwelcome (2022) ---Folk Horror
A British couple moves to the Irish countryside. But when they fail to respect the local traditions they might wind up paying the ultimate price. [=]
Johnny Mnemonic (1995) ---Sci-Fi Action
In a future of technology run amok a data smuggler might have bitten off more than he can chew when he accepts to carry a highly dangerous package. [--]
Sound of Metal (2019) ---Drama
A metal drummer begins to lose his hearing and struggles to accept a future so different from the one he had dreamt of. [++]
Vesper (2022) ---Sci-Fi Adventure
A 13 year old bio-hacker struggles to carve out a life for herself in a future where the environment has turned against humanity. [=]
Werewolves Within (2021) ---Mystery Horror Comedy
A forest ranger has only just started a new job in a small town when he begins to suspect that a werewolf in lurking in the town. [+]
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taekookfests · 1 year
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rockstars fest - fic reveals season 1
Of Course I’m Bi, I’m In a Rock Band by Nierrenn [link] 109.5k Words | Completed | Mature
“So, you play guitar?”
“Well, I could also play with some other things if you catch my drift.” Taehyung winks at him.
Jeongguk grimaces and leans towards Jin. “You sure it’s a good idea?”
“Look, he might be a player but he’s seriously good when he gets into it.”
Jeongguk pinches the bridge of his nose. “Jin, I need someone who can always play the guitar good, not just some playboy who only plays the guitar cause it gets him bitches.”
“Excuse me, I can get bitches with or without a guitar.” He grins.
Jeongguk stares at Jin. “See!”
This Magic Moment by AM1119 [link] 71.1k Words | Completed | Mature
It's the 1950s - Taehyung and Jeongguk love two things: music and each other
And the question is - can they have both?
Deuce by HereForTannies [link] 35.2k Words | Completed | Not Rated
Plagued by the sins of his past, rockstar V (Kim Taehyung) finally gives in to the pleas of his manager, Jin, and agrees to visit a therapist. Taehyung knows that opening up to a stranger won't be easy, but what will he do when faced with the one face from his past that fills each of his nightmares, the face of the boy he killed?
Camisado by ohsehunseoul [link] 29.9k Words | Completed | Mature
When Aurora's assistant manager up and quits, the company is quick to hire someone new. Taehyung is excited for his new position, and so is the band. For the most part. The only person not on board is Jeongguk and he makes it clear that Taehyung is not welcome. The rest of the band adores Taehyung and truly doesn't understand why someone as kind as Jeongguk is suddenly treating their assistant manager so poorly.
Honestly, Jeongguk couldn't even explain why he felt so much hatred for Taehyung. He was already on edge and about to give up writing music, and the sudden change was all too much. However, Taehyung was assigned to help motivate Jeongguk to write songs and stay with him at all times, so they were stuck together. Jeongguk hated it but, he had to admit, Taehyung did inspire him.
Maybe the hatred was masking other feelings, but Jeongguk may have done too much damage to even try to attempt to mend his and Taehyung's nonexistent relationship.
the boy who’s searching for the golden part. by moonchild__04 [link] 17.1k Words | Completed | Mature 
Jeon Jungkook is just a nerd, a regular guy who studies art at University and plays video games. His parents are strict but not severe, they don't have to: Jungkook is a good guy, he doesn't get in trouble, and he doesn't do anything to make them worry. But one night, he meets "troubles", in the form of a tall, handsome as hell, stranger, with a voice that makes him shiver. And troubles are sweet and charming and so good for him, that they don't look like troubles anymore.
Jungkook's life is boring, Kim Taehyung brings some golden in it.
Off the Record by ohsehunseoul [link] 13.5k Words | Completed | Teen And Up
Jeongguk's used to people trying to steal albums from the music store where he works. It happens far too often, and the random guy that was being more than obvious was doing himself no favors.
Or that was what Jeongguk thought. Turns out, the 'random guy' is a well-known musician named Taehyung who is interested in the fact that Jeongguk doesn't know who he is. Taehyung makes it his mission to introduce Jeongguk to his band, and Jeongguk tries to ignore the overly confident musician.
Somehow, along the way, they begin to get to know each other and feelings develop.
Maybe Taehyung's band will gain another fan after all.
cock it and pull it by vkseok [link] 6.2k Words | Completed | Explicit
From the back of the stage, drummer Jungkook can see it all. He can see the bright lights, the crowds, the staff as they approach the side of the stage with towels and water, ready for the next break between songs. The last thing he expects to see, though, is his bandmate, Taehyung, hard and trying so desperately to hide and still his hips as they roll towards the wood of his guitar.
Sorry for writing all the songs about you (I forgive you) by tigerstripedneo [link] 6k Words | Completed | Mature
Taehyung writes sad love songs.
Jungkook hates it.
Success took Jungkook from Taehyung.
(a huge thanks to @/prplannie for helping me compile all these fics!)
0 notes
fandomhop · 1 year
Okay, so I tried to send an ask 5-ish minutes ago but i don't think it worked? So, let's try again LOL. Firstly, sorry it's been so long since my last ask! Second, I would love to hear about your Grasco D&D campaign!
- 🦈
[Oh 🦈! Good to read from you again! I got worried giving you an infodump directory was the wrong move somehow!]
[Anyways; Grasco!]
[Uh, the first point was that the world was actually called Gryth, but I remember having mentally renamed it to Grasco since I had developed it as the name of the world as a whole, but Gryth was the section it was focused on. It's actually connected to another game I haven't mentioned, But yeah. I meant to say Gryth as the world. But it is part of Gryth, so I'll use the two interchangeably.]
[Second. This is the one game world I mentioned having tried to run, and it may have turned into me talking about the things I learned as a newbie DM. Maybe slightly vent-ish, whoops!]
[Third is the fact that Gryth/Grasco is a bit peak/pinnacle fantasy game. To the West are the Elvan Woods, where a variety of elves feel seperated after their beloved ruler was lost and overtaken by a dark assassin, there's the Dragon Penisula (Turned into the Dragon Lands in a different dimension after being banished in one iteration.) There's a land of Dal'litarr, a mix of jungles and deserts, home to a variety of animal folk, and there's always a bit of land that's considered No Man's Laws Land, that is as peaceful and chaotic as the folks who live there.]
[And sometimes, on a map, you'll find an odd little six sided shape in black. Wonder what it means. (I know what it means, but the game never gets far enough for me to share it)]
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[Grasco was actually my first foray into being a DM (along with my attempted 2nd and 3rd, but I'll get to that.) I had joined a dnd group several years ago, and after the person that had started it wasn't the dm yet, and I had mention character ideas, I kinda just. Became the DM? so I decided that I would develop a world and plot within like 2 weeks.]
[So I started with a map:]
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[So I'd kinda made a map based on the mental shape of what I thought was a good idea and as I'd gone through it, I'd developed pieces of lore for each region. Like Smallfellow Sanctuary is a floating island where lots of the small folk races live, and there's a good few entrance to underground cities and regions, like in Entor (that lil island with a star on it)]
[The main plot of the game was like this: the players had been captured and woken up in a cells in a cave, and they had to figure out who was the guy behind it, since the boss in charge of that cave was revealed to be someone lower on the chain of command.]
[I had this whole thing planned about how the ruler of a different region/country was so loyal to his own country that he'd been paying for folks to kill strangers from other countries to turn their corpses into the their nerco-arcane soldiers that could keep constant vigilance over their people, but-]
[Then what I'd call the campaign killer hit (even though we had plenty of sessions left): basically, like everyone but 1 of the OG players left or dropped out of the game within a few weeks of each other, and I, as a literal first time DM, did not know how to get the replacement players to care about the intended plot.]
[So when the new players came in, and since it wasn't focused on the mystery I was planning out, it kinda became everyone going on a road trip to get their character backstories resolved. At some point, I kinda got frustrated on some stuff that was done by players but honestly I probably would have curtailed if I had more experience.]
[So then I tried again.]
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[I took in two of the players from the 1st game and also my sister, and I had revamped the world of Gryth (Grasco). There was still a lot of ideas that I hadn't been able to use, plus some new ones, like magic schools in certain places. It was about to be about the crossing of universe, bc of a big cool enemy I'd set against them, anddd I goofed up.]
[Two of the things that killed this game was me railroading the players into a death cut scene, and then me NOT railroading them into a specific job. The NPC that'd revived their asses had decided to hire him into one of his businesses (I'd developed him as a patron to the party, but he wasn't the best person to know.) and. Two of the jobs offered were worldbuilding/joke options, one of them being a courier. And they'd taken that one, meaning I had to develop that.]
[The other issue was session scheduling, because one person I did bring into the game was my sister, and while she does like the game too (we've played a few 1-on-1 games), she. Also, two of the players had character swap/possession gimmick that was a little too ambitious of me at the time (one of the players wanted to play 2 bros that got fused together who were a fighter and cleric that swapped depending on the day, and another player had a haunted lute that would occasionally possess them). Honestly, I think I could do that better now, but I was newer then and had not talked details out with the players at the time on how things would work.]
[I should have recordings of those sessions somewhere, though.]
[So. I tried again!]
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[This time, because the other group didn't have time, I'd invited a different group (mostly my friends from a different game I was in at the time) and I'd felt like I had to better plan this out. I'd learned about the player characters, considered stories for them, had developed more of the world. I had a solid idea and-]
[I. may have not run a single session in 2 years because I didn't know how to actively start it, and I developed a whole ran campaign. Whoops!]
[At this point, I accidentally psyched myself out of the game, since I both did not approach nor receive a time for us to start playing. In retrospect, it may have not worked anyhow: most of us were already struggling to fit in a session with the one game we were in together.]
[I do want to say, I'm not 100% done with Gryth and Grasco: there's a lot of ideas that, while I didn't get to explore, I still do love, and honestly, I feel like the failed games taught me things: It taught me to help get the players on the same level in consideration for what our goal is (yes I say our, the players may be the ones doing the quests, but I'm the one who has to run them.) It helped teach me that if there's an ambitious idea, we need to talk it out and hash it out together (and also leave the ambition for. NOT the first 5 sessions.) And it ABSOLUTELY has taught me to check in and reinforce session scheduling (I've made a channel for session planning and I've been using Discord's event thing to make sure we all have the date and time in mind.)]
[Grasco is my first world 3 times over, and I'll wait for the day she'll show up in my games again. I already have ideas on how.]
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