#feel free to message / send asks as well like im still here
vhstown · 8 months
hi guys my life is actually going to hell right now /srs so im just going to like. let myself breathe
ill still post fics this isn't a hiatus announcement or anything i just don't want to pressure myself so urrr they might be late don't worry about it ^^ the world will still spin
that's it im all good otherwise! im basically just telling myself more than anything haha
take care of yourself especially during these times 💗
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
im not sure if this is an ask but ive been thinking about skz with a younger sister reader who debuts as an idol !! imagine her being in newjeans since skz already enjoy their songs (looking at changbin and lee know 👀) I think it would be so cute !! them cheering her on and singing her songs at award shows !! or even them mcing together or meeting at isac 💗💕💖
its just something I wanted to share and I enjoy your posts so much I thought I would drop it here to see what you think 😭😭💗 feel free to write about it tho if you would like !!! 🫶🫶
so say it ditto
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stray kids x sister!reader
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 0.7k
summary: the boys support their sister's venture in joining newjeans
I hope you enjoy! Sorry it's a little bit crappy haha, but if you did enjoy or wanna be added to my taglist then let me know! :)
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Being the youngest of your siblings, and all of your older brothers having debuted in a Kpop group together, called Stray Kids, you had definitely felt the pressure to debut. Your family was complicated, yes, with your mum having multiple different partners in the past, the reason why most of your siblings had different surnames, sans a few of you.
Meaning Lee Know's dad had been out of the picture until your mother rekindled her relationship with him and that's how Felix came about. But she had been staying with your dad, the one you shared with Jeongin, and you think she was settled now.
With this stability it felt like the pressure lessened yet you wanted to show your brothers too that you could do what they do. You could copy them. You could imitate them. Like ditto.
They were so proud when you debuted in NewJeans, alongside your fellow members, Hanni, Haerin, Minji, Danielle and Hyein. They'd be constantly sending messages to their fans over bubble and texting you directly as well about how excited they were for you.
Some fans thought that it had been done on purpose. You were already known in the public eye as Stray Kid's younger sister, but now you had created an image for yourself. And quite frankly, with how viral your songs had gone, you didn't need that label attached to you to be successful.
And your brothers never failed in reminding you just how viral your songs were. Whether it was through tiktoks they uploaded or if it was clips you had seen of them singing karaoke. Not to mention the videos they'd send into the groupchat.
"Cuz I-I-I-I! Know what you like boy!!!" Changbin yelled into his phone, before Lee Know and Han came up behind him in the video and screamed the second line.
"Thank you, brothers, I can no longer hear," you deadpanned into your own phone camera as you sent back a video of your own, which was meant with either laughing messages or mocking ones.
But those are brothers for you.
You couldn't even avoid their teasing when you were working too. You were MCing for Music Bank, where they had just performed their new song 'S-CLASS'. And now it was time for you to interview them.
"Welcome back to Music Bank! We're joined with Stray Kids who just performed their new song, 'S-CLASS', here they are, jaaa," you introduced them and made a cute little awkward sound, one that resembled Seungmin's 'Staaa'.
Chan and Felix, who were stood right next to you, did their best to muffle their laughs as the camera panned to them. You were thankful for that because it meant you could fan your flustered face.
"Jaaa, 1, 2, 3. Step out! We are Stray Kids!" Chan led your brothers into their introduction, making fun of the little sound you made.
"Hyunjin ssi," you began professionally, making the others gasp.
"Ssi? I'm your brother!" Hyunjin gasped, and you looked panicked at the camera before seeing the crew laughing as well.
"Yahhhhh! They pranked me saying I needed to be formal!" you whined as you crouched down with your cue cards.
"Ok, let's try this again, welcome Stray Kids oppas!!" you smile this time and the interview went much more smoothly, yet you still sighed with relief once it was over. It had been even more difficult this time as you were handling it on your own without your usual co-host.
"Wow that was the hardest interview I've ever done! And we've had all of Seventeen sunbaenim here," you rested your hands on your hips as you looked up sternly at your brothers from backstage.
"Just because our little Y/Nnie was nervous," Seungmin ruffled your hair, making you groan as you pushed him away.
"Hey, hey, she's still new to all this," Felix helped you flatten out your hair.
"I'm doing good though, right?" you looked up hopefully, not joking around this time and wanting their approval.
"Are you kidding me? Of course you are!" Han burst out.
"Your songs are so addictive as well, you're really going on a good path here," Changbin nodded as well.
"We're all proud of you," Jeongin nodded patting you on the shoulders.
"You're doing so great," Lee Know nodded too.
And that was exactly what you needed. Even though it was an awkward funny interview, having their reassurance meant the world to you.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
Me againnnn lmao I have another request could u do Melissa x reader where reader is normally quiet but someone brought up their special interest and everyone is kinda weirded out coz reader gets so happy and starts talking about it and sharing facts and stuff but no one except Melissa knows reader is autistic and someone says something mean to reader and she gets upset and Melissa comforts reader and also stands up for her (as always no pressure I’m so so so happy! u r the first person that iv come across who writes fics about Melissa and autistic reader I get so happy when I see a notification from u i literally jump up and down with happiness and your fics really help me to accept im autistic coz I’m still trying to come to terms with it anyway hope u r doing well🫶)
OMG YES! Info dumping! I love it. And I’m so glad my fics are helping you. Feel free as well to message me directly if you ever want. So my other obsession besides Lisa Ann Walter, is Doctor Who and Jodie Whittaker, so of course I chose to have the reader talk about her as the Doctor… I regret nothing 😊. I went a little extra at the end but I’m too gay for Melissa to care. Anyway, I enjoyed writing this so thank you for the prompt and I hope you like it! As always, not edited in the slightest.
For everyone, feel free to keep sending me prompts, and I was thinking about writing a one shot about Cheesy as there’s not enough imo. Let me know if I should or not.
Title based off the song from Shrek 3 and the Italian word stronzo means asshole.
Thank You for Letting Me Be Myself
Warnings: someone is mean to reader, reader struggling with having autism(small part)
Words: 2.3k
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You’re sitting in the break room at the table with Barb and Melissa. You get up to get a coffee and when you do you hear someone starting to talk about Doctor Who and you perk up.
You turn around to see Jacob, Mr. Morton and another teacher talking about it. “You guys watch Doctor Who?” You say and they stop talking and look up at you. Normally you’re quiet and don’t really say much as you’re recharging before you go and have to teach your kiddos again.
“Yes, do you watch it?” Jacob asks you and you nod with a big smile. Melissa looks up at you and sees your smile and she can’t help but smile herself. She’s had a crush on you since about 4 months after you started and it’s almost been 9 months that you’re working here.
“Well come here and share your thoughts about it.” Jacob says and you walk over to them, coffee in hand.
“What exactly is your discussion about?” You ask them.
“About the first female doctor, the 13th doctor.” Mr. Morton says and you keep smiling.
“She’s my favourite doctor! Like she’s so enthusiastic and passionate and she just loves everything about what she does! And she’s so funny too, it’s just a joy to watch Jodie play her!” You start and they look at you confused, wondering why you’ve always been quiet but now you’re talkative.
The truth is, you're autistic and the only one that knows is Melissa and she promised not to tell anyone since it’s your secret not hers. You told her because you felt like you kept missing social cues or taking things too literally, so you wanted someone in your corner to help you and she had no problem doing that for you. She looks at you talking so passionately about your favourite show with a smile and heart eyes before going back to her phone, secretly still listening to you.
“And her Tardis is so amazing, oh and her companion’s compliment her so well, and her outfit looks amazing. Did you know that Jodie helped decide on the outfit to support the LGBTQ community since she’s a huge ally. And also…” and you keep going on for about 5 minutes about how much you love the 13th doctor and her era on Doctor Who. Until the other teacher, you don’t know their name, the one Mr. Morton and Jacob were talking too, says something.
“OMG! Would you please shut up!” He says and you quickly shut your mouth. “I preferred it when you didn’t speak at all.” He says, glaring at you. And you look down at the ground, embarrassed before running out of there.
Melissa looked up when he started speaking and is now getting up and walking over to them. “Hey! Don’t talk to her like that. You should count yourself lucky that I won’t contact one of my guys on you.” She says and looks at Jacob. “Why didn’t you say anything?!?” She says to him “or you?” She says to Mr. Morton.
“Sorry Melissa, it all happened so fast.” Mr. Morton says and Jacob nods in agreement.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!” She says to the teacher that was mean to you.
“Hey, we were just sitting here talking about it until she cuts in and starts talking about everything that we weren’t even discussing. And she wouldn’t stop talking.” The teacher says , only making a deeper hole for himself. Melissa glares at him.
“I don’t care what you think! There’s better ways to do that!” She says to him.
“She shouldn’t have talked so much and knew that it was too much.” He says, still trying to defend himself.
“She’s autistic you stronzo!” She yells at him and then realises that she just told your secret and has wide eyes. All 3 of them look at her speechless, now understanding that you got excited and were info dumping and didn’t mean to talk so much. Melissa turns around and walks out of the break room and goes to find you.
She ends up finding you in your classroom crying on your chair, hugging your legs. She knocks on the door, “hey y/n it’s me, just wanted to come check on you.” She tells you.
You get up and unlock the door then open it. Melissa’s heart breaks a bit when she sees you. Eyes puffy, red and watery, tear stained cheeks and red nose from you blowing your nose.
“Oh hun.” She says and you walk back to your chair hugging your legs again. Melissa walks in and closes and locks the door then walks over to your desk. “Hey, he was an ass, he shouldn’t have said that to you.” Melissa tells you and crouches down and you look at her.
“No, he’s right, I was talking too much. I shouldn’t have gotten involved in their conversation. I just got so excited,” you tell her and you sniffle a bit.
“Hun, it’s understandable, I know how much you love Doctor Who. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” She tells you and grabs your hand. “Btw I might have accidentally told them that you’re autistic. As in I told them and called that teacher a stronzo for you.” She tells you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to slip out, I just got angry that he was mean to you.” She says, rubbing your hand with her thumb.
“It’s ok, they would have found out eventually. But this is another reason I don’t engage in conversations, cause I might talk too much.” You tell her. Melissa gets up and opens her arms out.
“Come here.” She tells you and motions to hug her. You put your feet down on the ground and then hug her waist since you’re still sitting in your chair. “Why don’t we go back in there, finish lunch. And then after school you can come to my place and I can make you some food and we can watch whatever you want.” She suggests and you look at her surprised.
“Really?” You ask her and she nods. “I would love that.” You tell her and she smiles. She helps you up and then unlocks the door and opens it for you. You both walk out and she sees you’re nervous about going back. She puts an arm wrapped around your back and her other hand on the arm closes to her and rubs it, providing comfort for you.
You get back in and when you enter everyone stops and looks up at you. Melissa can feel you immediately tense up. “What are all youse looking at?” She says and glares at everyone. Everyone immediately looks back down to their phone or food and continues what they were doing. Melissa leads you back to the table where Barb is and Barb gives you a comforting smile.
The teacher that was mean to you gets up and comes over to you. Melissa sees him coming over and glares at him, almost daring him to hurt you again. He has his head hanging a bit, looking embarrassed and stands beside you and you look up at him.
“Hey y/n, I just wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have said what I said to you, I’m sorry.” He tells you and you nod your head at him. You’re too overwhelmed right now and can’t speak. You finish your lunch without saying another word and Melissa keeps glancing at you, worried about you.
You finish up the day quietly. You get the kids to work on their book report so that it’s silent and you don’t have to talk much. At the end of the day, when your last student was picked up you glance over at Melissa down the hall. You taught first grade so your classrooms are close together.
You can’t help but stare at her. She’s bending over and offering one of her students a high five before waving bye to them to go with their parent. You decide to leave now while she’s distracted, you think that maybe it wasn’t the best to get Melissa involved in your situation and shouldn’t have told her you’re autistic. So many people have had to accommodate you or help you and you feel like you should be able to do it yourself now that you’re an adult.
Melissa sees you look at her with a sad expression on your face before leaving. She can’t help but feel like maybe you won’t come over to her place now. When her last student is leaving with their parent a couple minutes later, she practically books it to the parking lot but sees your car is already gone.
She drives home and gets to work on cooking dinner, hoping you’d show. But then she gets a text from you saying that you won’t be able to make it tonight, and she sighs. She researched autism when you told her a few months ago and she knows that when autistic people get overwhelmed, they hide themselves away. She offered for you to come to her place to de-stress with food and tv, so she does the next best thing. After she finished cooking, she packed it into a container, and brought it with her to your place. She went and knocked on your door.
You answered it not too long later with leggings and loose shirt on. “Melissa? What are you doing here?” You ask her.
“Well since you won’t come over to my place, I thought I’d come to you.” She says with a warm smile and you now feel even more guilty for cancelling on her. “I brought over food I made. So either we can eat here or we can go back to my place. Choice is up to you.” She tells you with a shrug. You decide to go to her place and when you get there she gives you your favourite hoodie of hers and you sit on the couch. You’ve been to her place before and you told her that the plastic felt weird to sit on and she removed it the next day so that you’re comfortable when you go there. “Hey, you don’t have to speak but I just want to know that you’re ok.” She says and you nod. She gives you a plate of the food and you see that it’s her spaghetti and meatballs dish. Your favourite food of hers and you smile at her. She joins you on the couch, sitting next to you and then hands you the remote so you can decide what to watch, you decide on Shrek 3.
You watch the movie while eating, with Melissa right next to you, you in her hoodie, and you finally feel like you’re calming down. You put your head on her shoulder after you put your empty plate on the coffee table and she wraps her arm around you. You continue the movie, quoting some of the lines, and when it plays the ending scene with puss and donkey singing thank you, Melissa gets an idea. She guides you up and leads you to the empty space beside her couch and starts dancing with you. When the chorus comes on she sings it to you “I wanna thank you for lettin me be myself…again” She sings and you laugh. When she says the line again, she spins you while singing. The second chorus comes up “come on sing it with me.” She tells you.
The both of you sing it while dancing “I WANNA THANK YOU FOR LETTIN ME BE MYSELF…AGAIN.” You both sing at the top of your lungs. When it ends you’re both laughing and she hugs you.
“Thank you for letting me be myself.” You tell her and she looks at you with a warm smile and places a lock of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek.
“It’s not a problem hun, it doesn’t matter to me that you’re autistic you know. You just think differently, and that's alright.”
You look in her eyes and you lean forward and kiss her. Melissa kisses you back and moves her hand from your cheek to the back of your head and places her left hand on your waist. You pull back and look at her with a smile.
“You kissed me back.” You say to her and she nods. “Why?”
“Because I like you. I have for a few months now.” She tells you.
“For how long?” You ask her and she thinks about it.
“Around the new year.” And you look at her in shock.
“But that’s after I told you I was autistic.” You tell her, putting the pieces together. “You knew I was autistic and you still like me?” You question her.
“How would you being autistic make me not like you?” She asks you, confused.
“Because I’m different than other people and have struggles because of it.” You tell her like it’s obvious.
“So? Everyone is different in their own way and everyone has their own struggles.” She tells you. “For example, I have trouble letting people in, because of trust issues. And I can have a short temper too.” She says and you look at her with so much love in your eyes. You kiss her again and she doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
When the person says “you may kiss the bride” , she doesn’t hesitate to give you a kiss then either. With a huge smile, she brings you closer to her and gives you a kiss, as wife and wife.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added! 🙂
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pfhwrittes · 16 days
inspired by @femalefemur’s post and my tags: 
#johnny sends this to his transmasc partner post top surgery #no one can change my mind on this #he's so used to you calling your tits your tits that he's adopted it #so when you send him “im fcukin bobless babbbyy” while still fighting off anaesthetic he absolutely cracks up #just completely loses it #and he has to show gaz the messages to explain why he's laughing so hard #gaz's eyebrows shoot up his forehead and god that's even funnier to johnny for some reason so he can barely breathe when he sends back - #- “thats braw handsome” and he can tell you're probably squinting SO hard at your messages from the way the dots indicating you're typing - #- keep popping up and disappearing over and over #eventually you just send him a blurry selfie of your loopy grin and part of the hospital gown #with a “lvoe uu” #jm #sorry cyn i have no idea where that spark of inspiration came from #and i probably should've put it in its own post instead of the tags #but here we are now #ily!
and @syoddeye’s reply: 
@/pfhwrittes thank you for the notes fic, fucking adore it. definitely loses his shit when his partner, still woozy, smiles all dorky “I got my toys off AND a boyfriend?? wow…love it here.”
pairing: john mactavish x transmasc!reader
500ish of barely edited words below the cut.
warnings: post-surgical procedure inebriation, references to surgical procedure (top surgery), fluff. 
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your head feels both light as air and heavier than your parent’s disappointed gaze when the lovely nurse smiles at you and kindly informs you that “your boyfriend and friend will be coming in to see you, sweetheart.” 
you think you blink and sigh softly in response. 
wow, no tits and two boyfriends? this place is great!
two rumbling laughs cause your eyes to flutter open and you’re already beaming as two beautiful and familiar faces swim into view from the end of the incredibly comfortable bed you’re laying on. 
“oh mate, you’re well out of it, aren’t ya?” 
oh he’s so pretty! so smiley and pretty!
there’s another laugh, this one closer and your head swivels, bobbles, rolls, as you look down at a large warm hand holding your own. you blearily follow the hand, up past the faded inky shield and sword tattoo, to gaze into the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“j’nny!” you beam, utterly delighted by the way his eyes crinkle warmly and the hand squeezes your own slightly. 
“‘m here, my braw, bonnie lad.” 
another warm hand reaches over from the other side of the bed to hold your free hand, mindful of the large white dressing on the back, and you’re dazzled by the smooth brown skin. 
kyle’s holding my hand!
“yep, sure am, mate.” kyle’s voice shakes with barely restrained laughter. 
it’s like looking into the sun, so warm and pretty. 
your eyes drift closed again as you hear johnny and kyle talk softly over your reclined form. 
some time later, you’re not sure how long exactly but the light from the window in your room has gone soft and golden, your eyes slowly blink open. your mouth feels dry and tacky, and you can hear the muted sounds of two animated siblings squabbling on the tv in the corner of the room. 
“-think of him more as a large brother. no offence.”
“yes, offence!”
you blink woozily as a callused palm smooths your sweaty hair away from your temple. 
“how’re ye feelin’ now handsome boy?” johnny asks gently. 
you nuzzle into his palm and grumble weakly. 
“aye, prob’ly a wee bit thirsty, hm?” 
you nod your head slowly, still feeling like you’ve been stuffed full of cotton, and feel the way the motion pulls oddly at the lump of white stretchy fabric on your chest. you drop your chin to stare at the smooth flat shape that makes up the surgical binder. 
slowly, you lift your head to gaze wide eyed and delighted at johnny before flicking your eyes over to kyle who has been watching you carefully from the slightly more comfortable chair in the corner of the room. 
“alright mate?” kyle asks carefully. 
you beam. 
“i‘m fuckin’ awesome.” 
three slightly wet sounding laughs fill the room as the nurse shuffles in, a large jug of water in one hand and a tiny paper cup of pills in the other. she takes a moment to smile to herself, unnoticed by her patient and the two handsome men radiating pride and love that are with him. 
the lucky devil.
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cyncerity · 2 months
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i’m so happy i’ve been a part of this little community for as long as i have. everyone is super nice and inspiring and unbelievably talented, and im so glad to be posting content with people like y’all.
it’s absurd to think i’ve been doing this for 3 years and that i almost have 800 people here seeing it, but the love and support i’ve received over these years has been incredible. given that this is such a small community and i’ve either spoken with most of you or have at the very least interacted with your content, i feel confident in saying that every single person here is incredible in their own right and truly are the reason i stay here. you guys are genuinely the best, even if i forget to answer your asks or sometimes leave you on read for a while (i do that with everyone i’m so sorry) i mean it when i say that i do consider a good portion of you my friends. even if it’s been a while since we messaged or talked, you’re all awesome. and if i don’t know you personally, please feel free to message me! i love making friends, especially in a community like this that has time and time again proven to have some of the genuinely nicest people on the internet <3
i love writing and drawing and i’m not leaving here for a long while yet. the asks i’ve received saying that i inspired people to write, draw, or post are some of the nicest things i’ve ever received, and i truly mean it from the bottom of my heart when i say that those have changed my life. the self confidence and love for my craft that i’ve gained from being here is immeasurable, and that’s thanks to all of you, whether you’ve been here for years or are new to this blog.
given that this is an anniversary thing, i wanna thank @bittydragon, @baka-monarch, @wendy130, @darkeninganon, and @awesome-slime-lover for introducing me to this community. i was stalking their blogs on google far before i had an account here, and i only made an account so i could send them fanart, so you have them to thank for dragging me here lmao
i also wanna tag @plant-gt-thought-box, @kayla-crazy-stuffs, @blurrybunnie, @apersonstories, @funtimemoth, @mysticalblue09, @corysmiles, @pixy-stix-art, + some others who are not on tumblr anymore for being friends with me and actually being some of the kindest and funniest motherfuckers. Ik i haven’t spoken to some of you in forever, and i hope this isn’t coming off as parasocial, but you guys are awesome and i wish you nothing but the best (and if you wanna message more or get on vc again some time please lmk cause i am a social wuss)
and if i’m gonna list people i might as well tag the people who even if i don’t know as well, are all super talented and leave me marveling at everything they post on here (whether or not you post mcyt g/t anymore, you’re all still incredible creators who make me want to improve my own work): @eyes-eye-eyes (my /p wife <3), @wren-writes68, @jkknight98, @arc852, @brick-a-doodle-do, @oh-i-need-a-name, @quotemenevervore, @melissa-s23, @i-am-beckyu, @random-tinies, @archaxwii, @itty-bitty-rainbow, @goosedawn, @beansthough, @make-a-memory, @aslitheryprinx, @avengerofsquids, @thatoneteadrinker666, @shushiyuii, @x-pair-o-dice-x, @jammanthejam, @trouble-off-grid, @lunar-but-little, @frickfrackiwastakingabath, @chequered-career, @bio-nerds-corner, @dingbatnix, @cottoncandythetrashpanda, @sprite-addicted-artist, @colossal-red, @sheena-yuet, @quackxolotl, @local-squishmallow, @nobodywritingao3, @deity-of-keys, @astraymetronome, @a-xyz-s, and tumblr has now told me that i’ve hit the max of 50 mentions so i will have to reblog this with the rest of you (crazy to think that there’s that many of y’all but i really do want to shout out everyone) (also if you’re one of these blogs that doesn’t post mcyt anymore and don’t want yourself associated with it, just lmk and i will remove your tag from my list, just know that your previous work in this community was admired and appreciated <3)
also can’t forget the anons and the followers that aren’t outwardly a part of this community (don’t have g/t blogs, don’t have mcyt blogs, or just don’t post in general). i’m lucky enough that i’ve never received hate from an anon before, everything you guys have ever sent is so nice and you also have great ideas! I am so sorry if it takes me forever to share those ideas publicly, but know that each of you are appreciated. and for my followers, i truly wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys, so thank you for supporting me <3
anyway, i might be getting over sentimental about all this, but 3 years is a long time, and over that time i’ve grown very attached to this little group of creators and i just wanted to let you know how loved and appreciated you are
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
better than sex | myg | 3
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🍑Pairing: Yoongi x Producer!Reader
🍑Genre: fluff, smut, studio!au
🍑Summary: As Min Yoongi’s studio neighbor and self-proclaimed nemesis, you’ve always seen him as someone who knew how to maintain a clean, well-put-together image without any careless slip-ups. But after nearly walking in on him with a hand around his cock, you gain a new perspective that leads to steamy fantasies in your bedroom and much-needed inspiration in the studio for Bangtan’s next album.
A week before track submissions are due, you give Yoongi a taste of the dirty demo, and now the selfish bastard wants to claim it for his own solo album. In exchange, he offers to help you produce another Bangtan track by the end of the week. Your only condition is for this track to be better than the sexual fantasies that inspired its predecessor.
🍑Word Count: 2.3k
🍑Parts: 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 3 [discontinued after this chapter]
🍑Warnings: this is the last part im posting for this series even though it was supposed to be longer, the ending here isnt conclusive but im posting it for anyone interested! if you have questions about the couple or where the story wouldve went, feel free to send some asks🥹 no smut in this chapter btw
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Yoongi🍑👹 [6:47PM] “We’re filming near the BigHit building if you want a break from the studio”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “is there free coffee👀”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “asking for a friend”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:49PM] “There’s a whole taco truck here for dinner”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:50PM] “And free coffee for your friend”
Y/N💅 [6:51PM] “okay ill be there in a sex🐁”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:51PM] “Sex?”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “SEC”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “fuck you”
You don’t really want to see Yoongi after an embarrassing typo like that, but you can’t say no to free food and coffee. Besides, the studio gets awfully boring and lonely when the boys aren’t around all day. It’s been like that as of late, aside from your late-night studio sessions with you-know-who. In times like this, you’re grateful the boy thought to invite you out for a change of scenery.
After throwing a cardigan over your shoulders and tucking your mini lyric notebook into your pocket, you step out of your studio and head over to the address Yoongi sent you. Your tummy immediately starts to feel like shit, but it isn’t hunger. It’s the kind of nervous feeling you get on a first date—except this isn’t a first date. It’s just the first time you’ve been invited by one of the guys to go behind the scenes of something other than music production.
Just as you’re about to message Yoongi about your arrival, you spot Jimin and Taehyung waving their tacos at you from right outside the area for filming.
“We’ve been expecting you, Y/N,” Taehyung says as if he’s the butler of some royal mansion. It matches his slicked-back hair and fancy gentleman costume that he’s only partly changed out of.
“Yoongi told us you were dropping by for table scraps or something.” Jimin hands you a to-go box loaded with tacos. It’s still nice and hot. “He said you’re like a little mouse scurrying around for free food.”
“Great. Did he just invite me over here so y’all can insult me?” You narrow your eyes at the boys, even though “little mouse” is the most endearing insult you’ve ever heard.
“He wanted to see you, obviously,” Taehyung shrugs. “Bro won’t shut up about that track you’re working on with him. Said you came up with a pretty sick hook.”
Oh, so he’s insulting you and complimenting you. Sounds about right for the nemesis you know.
The boys bring you inside to what looks like the set of a cologne commercial. Who knows. Maybe it’s actually a personal moisturizer for self-pleasure in that black bottle they’re advertising. 
One by one, you spot and say hi to the rest of the guys. Seokjin and Namjoon are getting their makeup touched up, Jungkook is devouring what appears to be his second box of tacos, and Hoseok is looking over the shots he just finished. The only person unaccounted for is the boy who called you over here.
Then you look over to where all the cameras are pointed. Yoongi is lying comfortably on a leather couch, legs propped up on the armrest. He holds the black bottle up and studies it like he’s reading a book. 
He looks good on that couch, but not nearly as good as he looked on the one in your studio last night. On your couch, he had a different look to him. He wasn’t the calm and well-mannered idol you see posing for the camera now. He was very much into finger-fucking you and making a mess out of you on your couch. And it was hot as hell.
Still, you have to admit you’re here drooling over him in his suit and tie like he’s the CEO of your heart or something. You’re not used to seeing him in anything other than sweats or jeans since there’s apparently no one worth impressing in the studio end of the BigHit building. And as much as you adore his naked face and casual look, Hot CEO is definitely a style he should adopt more of.
“Did you come here to stare or to eat?” Yoongi asks as soon as he gets a break from the cameras. No hi, no how are you. Just more slander. It should be illegal to be mean and handsome at the same time.
You came because he invited you! And because you like free food! And because maybe he’s nice to look at! But you’re not going to waste your breath on telling him something he already knows.
“I heard you called me a little mouse.” You cross your arms as he takes a long sip of water. “Is that your new pet name for me?”
He chokes on his water. Good. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” Aha, you were right. And to be honest, you wouldn’t really mind him calling you his Little Mouse from now on. “It’s because you sent that mouse emoji earlier.”
Ah, yes, the infamous mouse emoji that came right after your infamous sex typo. Good to know he hasn’t burned that cursed text from his memory the way you have.
The boy points to the box in your hands. “You should eat.”
“Did you eat already?” you ask, fidgeting with the notebook in your pocket. A tiny part of you is hoping he hasn’t so you can eat together. Then he’d have some time to look over the lyrics you’ve been working on for the song.
He shakes his head. “Now’s a good time—”
“Yoongi, we need you back for maybe 30… 40 minutes?” a camera guy calls out. You thought this was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn for a break. You thought this was your turn with him.
“I’ll be there in a sec,” he says, pulling you around the corner to a narrow hallway. The strong grip around your wrist is an odd mix of comfort and clinginess. “I heard the tacos are good. You should eat before they get cold.” In other words, eat without him because he doesn’t have time for you.
“They’re already cold.” You don’t mean it as a complaint. If he ate with you, you’re sure a cold meal would be just as satisfying as a hot one. But the thought of eating cold tacos all alone is kind of pathetic. And that makes you sad.
With a frown, he takes the box from you and pulls a taco out, examining it closely like the hottest certified health inspector in town. You’re suddenly hungry. The taco does look quite appetizing in those hands of his. Anything he touches becomes a thousand times prettier.
He takes a small bite as if whatever’s yours is his. You don’t mind, though. At least you know he’s getting some food in his stomach before returning to work.
But then he turns the taco to you and holds it up to your lips. You feel a piece of tortilla cling to the corner of your mouth as you bite into your dinner.
“Good, right?” The boy picks the tortilla bit off your cheek and pops it into his mouth before you can hide the mess from him—can’t get anything past his eyes.
You nod as you munch on the taco. You’ve never heard of a mouse being fed like royalty. But you have to admit, you kind of like it.
Satisfied with your answer, Yoongi tucks the half-eaten taco away with the rest of them in the box. You reach for the box, but he pulls it back out of reach.
“You’re not gonna grab some coffee too?” he asks.
You’d long forgotten about the coffee. Besides, what’s the point if you can’t enjoy it with the biggest coffee enthusiast you know?
“Maybe next time.” You swipe for the box again like a cat making a move on its prey. But once again, he holds the box as far away from you without actually distancing his body from yours. You both know there’s nowhere to run with that taco box in this narrow corridor.
“How about tomorrow morning?” he casually throws out. What, like a coffee date? Like an actual date? There’s no way. “I’ll pick it up on the way to the studio.”
Right. He can’t be seen out in the open with anyone other than his members and managers. You just wish so badly that that wasn’t the case.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Besides, the two of you are just friends. A coffee date with him is asking for too much. You feel yourself shrinking against the wall and fail to notice the way he studies the hint of disappointment in your eyes.
Before you know it, his lips find yours. They’re soft and lazy but also comforting—more comforting than any cup of coffee you could’ve gotten from here. And that’s when you know the small trip you made tonight was all worth it. Any time you get to spend with him is always worth it, no matter how short it may be.
“I’ll surprise you with something good,” he hums against your lips before finally handing the box back to you and walking toward the cameras. “See you around, Little Mouse.”
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When you get back to your studio, all you think about while eating your cold tacos is Yoongi kissing you again. This time was different, though. It wasn’t prompted by sexual tension or frsutration. It was the kind of kiss you’d give when parting with a lover after a perfect night spent together. What business did Min Yoongi have with sending you off like that? You’ve heard of superheroes being charmed by the enemy, but you won’t let yourself be that easy. Not that way.
So after you take the last bite of your tacos, you shake off the thought of his soft lips and reach into your cardigan pocket for your notebook. It’s time to get back to work.
But the pocket is empty. The one on the other side is empty as well. Oh fuck. The notebook with all your lyrics is gone. All your hard work is suddenly gone. You must’ve dropped it on your little outing for free food.
And that’s not even the worst part. There are things in there no one else is supposed to see. If it falls into the wrong hands—i.e. Yoongi’s large veiny hands—you’re going to lose your goddamn mind.
You should probably go back and find it before the enemy does.
As soon as you step out of your studio, your body smacks right into a solid chest. You square up on instinct like it’s some late-night intruder, but it’s just Yoongi. And he’s got his stinken hands on your notebook. Of course he does.
“Oh good, I was looking for that,” you say as innocently as possible before swiping your paws at him. He takes a step back along with the notebook.
“First of all, ouch.” He rubs his chest right where you’d collided with him. “Second, you’re welcome for returning this safely to you.”
“Thank you, Yoongi. You truly are the best,” you mutter, somewhat distracted by the hand on his chest. It’s so veiny. “Happy now? Can I have my notebook back please?”
“Wait.” He holds a finger up like you’re a puppy in training. You only obey because you really need the notebook back. “What are all those lyrics in here?”
“For the song we’re working on, obviously.” A half truth.
“Some pages have dates from years ago.”
“Well you weren’t supposed to see those.”
“Well I read all of them.” He finally hands the notebook back, but it appears to be too late. He knows your secrets now. “It’s a waste of good lyrics. Assuming you weren’t planning on using them after all these years.”
“I’m not.” You cling to the notebook as if there’s anything left to hide in it. Anybody who’s read them could tell those other lyrics weren’t written for Bangtan songs. They were clearly written for you, from your perspective. Your unfiltered feelings, good and bad, make up approximately 99% of those lyrics. You might’ve even written soft shit about Yoongi. 
“Okay, well, I’m glad I got to read them at least.” He leans against the doorframe. You’d expect him to be smirking after reading all the sappy things you’d written in that notebook, but he’s well-behaved tonight. “I wouldn’t be mad if you put out your own music eventually.”
“Very unlikely.” Although you appreciate him subtly supporting everything you do when it comes to music. “I already have my hands full with you, don’t I?”
“Oh, am I too much for you to handle?” There’s the smirk.
“Perhaps.” You press both hands into his chest and walk him backward to escort him out. There shall be no smirking or charming boys in your studio tonight.
“I have to head back before we wrap up.” He nods in the direction of the shoot as your hands continue to rest on him. “Will you still be around in an hour?”
“Nah, I’ll probably be out of here in about twenty minutes.” You pretend to check your phone even though you know you’ll still be in the studio for at least a few more hours. You’d rather not encourage him to come back and extend his already long day. “I just need to jot down a couple of ideas first.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He starts walking away before turning on his heels. “Oh, by the way, there’s been a change of plans about the morning coffee.”
Your heart sinks. No coffee? Got it.
“The photoshoot was supposed to be a two-day thing, but since we’re finishing it up tonight, I don’t have any work scheduled for tomorrow.” A free day? For Min Yoongi? Unheard of. “I’ll pick you up in the morning. Just bring your guitar. And that notebook.”
“You forgot the part where you tell me what the actual plan is.” You’re skeptical. He’s being sneaky, and that’s never a good sign.
“I told you it’s a surprise.” He dips before you can protest.
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 year
hey man, maybe this is a weird request, but would you be willing to make a music mashup for money? like as a commission? im not sure how it all works, but there are these two themes i think would fit absolutely perfectly together, but a brief youtube search later and i dont think anyone else has done it. you've made some pretty fun mashups before so i wanted to ask.
if you're interested at all, the two songs are Fallen Down from Undertale, and the Kakariko Village theme from A Link to the Past. no pressure to do this obviously, but if you're willing to discuss it feel free to send me a message!
Instrumental mashups, most of the time, don't really work out that well because when the chords clash it's WAY easier to tell to the untrained ear. When chords in vocals-and-instrumental mashups clash it can be a lot easier to hide because most vocals are only singing one note at a time. One C note by itself can sound natural in WAY more chords than a cMaj7th.
I cannot, in good conscious, charge you for something that I think would sound unavoidably bad.
What I CAN do, however, is make something that I think sounds unavoidably bad for free, because I know how annoying it is to hear a mashup in your brain and not be able to make it. Here's my attempt. Took me 20 minutes.
This one is a particularly awkward mashup because Kakariko village also sort of has a meandering tempo at some points but I fixed it up to the best of my ability. There are definitely some places where they match up nicer than others (the second half sounds much better than the first half), but for the majority of the runtime this is pretty unlistenable, sadly.
And if you'd still like to give me some money, despite the fact that this sounds objectively terrible, here are my paypal and cashapp tip links :^)
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gojoidyll · 8 months
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gojo x f!reader
just a smut oneshot lol
didn't have anywhere else to put this, so here it is lmao
(uses she/her pronouns + afab reader!!)
warnings | smut, nsfw, +18, oral (m receiving), riding, p in v, all characters are of age, grammar mistakes (i read this 3 times looking for grammar mistakes, so if you guys see any pls ignore it 😭), yandere!gojo if you squint, mentions of gojo being a bully to y/n back in highschool, etc.
additional notes | yes, im very much ignoring ch 236 and thanks for reading!!
Gojo rested in a chair in front of a desk in his office. An office that he got the moment he became a teacher at jujutsu tech. He didn't initially plan to entangle himself as being a teacher of a bunch of brats who he would later grow fond of, and yet here he was. Besides, he got to become her superior. And what better way to get closer to her, then to control her work, her life, and her job? (Granted, he was also happy she became a teacher with him after they graduated. He wouldn't know what to do if she left the jujutsu world to get some low paying office job.)
His efforts led him to where he was now, his elbow laid on the armrest of the chair as his cheek lied in the palm of his hands. His other hand gently cradling the back of y/n's head. His fingers entangling themselves into her hair as he pushed her head down even further. Her mouth engulfing his hard cock as her tongue slicked up his shaft. He watched with an amused expression when he saw the corners of her eyes prick with tears her hands gripping at his thighs that already had long scratches from them due to her nails.
"Now, now y/n. You can take all of me like a big girl, I know you can."
He rubbed her head gently when a low grunt emitted from his mouth. His breath hitching a little when she finally started to bob her head. Her mouth lightly sucking him off as she moved. The grip she had on his thighs never did loosen though.
"Good girl," he breathed out, leaning back further into his chair. His cheek falling out of his hand as he instead lent his head back into the seats cushion. His free arm now lying flat against the armrest.
"Your mouth feels so good."
She hummed against his cock. The vibrations sending shivers down his spine. He resisted the urge to buck up into her mouth and further down her throat. He didn't want to hurt her too bad. At least not right now, especially considering that he couldn't get too lost in the pleasure since they were still in school. In an office with thin walls no doubt.
Finally, feeling that he was about to cum, he forced her head to stop. His head leaning forward as he shifted positions. His hand entangled within her hair, slowly gripped her tresses and pulled her off his swollen cock. There was a satisfying pop sound when her mouth came off of him, his blue eyes scanning her face as he watched with satisfaction at how drool dripped from the corner of her mouth.
"S- satoru," she managed to sutter out, "was i not doing good? Why did you make me stop?"
She was panting a bit, clearly out of breath from pleasuring him with her mouth. Smirking a little, he brought his other hand forward, his fingers gently wiping away the mix of pre-cum and drool gathering at the corner of her lips.
"Wouldn't you want to ride me instead?"
He watched as she instantly grew nervous. Her eyes darting away from him, but he kept a good grip on her so she wouldn't find an excuse to back away.
"Well? I asked you a question y/n."
"Y - yes.."
"Yes, what?"
"yes, I- i would love to ride you."
"why is that?" He couldn't stop his teasing nature or degrading tone within his words.
Her lips trembled as he caressed her face. He liked this look on her. He liked having this strength and power over her.
"Come on, y/n. Be a good girl and answer me. It's just us here."
He coaxed her gently, his hand that was in her hair pulling up slightly as she quickly got the message to stand. Her hands finally letting go of his thighs as he let go of her hair and stopped caressing her face so she could stand before him.
Her hands gently hiking up her flowy (color) summer dress. Her fingers then hooked around the waistband of her underwear as she pushed them down, making them fall to her ankles so she could step out of them. Then, ever so carefully she clambered onto his lap. Her legs resting on either side of him as she dropped the hem of her dress and instead laid her hands on his shoulders. Her palms feeling the muscles down.
"Because your cock fills me up so good, Satoru," she managed to shyly utter out. Her eyes locking with his own as he let out a low chuckle. Her nervousness and shyness shown through clearly in that moment. It was so cute to him to see her act in such a way. So, in response to her honest answer, an answer that he was satisfied with hearing might he add, he moved his free hands to the hem of her dress and slid them up her thighs and beneath the clothing so that his palms and fingers can hastily grip at her bare hips. His arms lowering her gently down as he felt his tip caress her folds. A shaky breath escaping her plump lips the moment she felt the contact.
"Such a good answer, y/n. So, will you be a darling and take all of me again?"
He pushed slowly in, as he didn't allow her to answer immediately. The tip of his cock now resting within her deep wetness. Her juices slicking him up a little as he forced himself not to buck up into her.
"Mmm, yes Satoru," she whined out, feeling him and committing his touch to memory, "I will, so please- please let me ride you," she begged some more. Satoru was always a big bully to her, even back when they were students.
He could barely let her finish her sentence as he slammed her down. His mouth attaching to her lips to silence the noise that escaped her throat.
It's best to exercise a bit of caution. He wouldn't want just anyone to hear his y/n's moans after all.
Finally, finally- he finally got the satisfaction he was looking for, and the girl he just didn't want to let go of. Especially when her cunt hugged him just nicely.
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hotmessmaxpress · 3 months
Oh my god the onlyfans au is INSANELY hot and Im also really invested in what happens next since oh no he was too horny to remember that stupid tattoo (peak vale). Excellent stuff.
The comments that I have gotten about Vale being stupid and horny are hilarious. You’re so right that being stupidhorny is peak Vale.
This one doesn’t have any porn. I promise we’ll get back to the porn. They just both have to be stupid for a bit first.
And as a treat we finally get to hear a bit about Marc’s perspective!
TW: Uccio
Rosquez OnlyFans au, part 5/?
You have the same tattoo as Valentino Rossi!
Vale stares at the message.
The same… what the fuck? Vale can’t tell if Marc is being deliberately obtuse or if he’s fucking with him. There’s no way Marc is aware of his name being Valentino and the very corny, very identifiable tattoo, and he thinks it’s a coincidence.
There’s no way, right?
He has to be lying. Maybe he’s known the entire time. But if he knew the entire time, why wouldn’t he have asked him for more money? Or tickets to races, or new bikes? He’s clearly a fan, if he knows about the tattoo.
The unstoppable horny part of him wonders if Marc has ever jerked off to a picture of him, as a fan, before ever talking to him.
He’s staring at his phone, mentally turning this all over, when Uccio walks in. He stands no chance against his oldest friend, who immediately clocks that something is wrong.
He confesses everything immediately, from the porn addiction to the sexting with a stranger. He can’t even look at Uccio’s face when he admits that he sent the other man a picture that very obviously identified him.
“And he knows your real name?”
“He knows it’s Valentino,” he confirms, massaging his temples.
“You have to cut him off,” Uccio says. “Block him.”
Vale is already shaking his head.
“I can’t—“
“You have to,” Uccio interrupts. “What will you do if he releases that to the press?”
Vale squawks in indignation. “He wouldn’t!”
Uccio frowns.
“You don’t know that. You don’t know anything about him, aside from what his dick looks like!”
Vale scrambles to remember anything they’ve talked about.
“He has a brother!” he argues.
Uccio gives him a flat look.
“What’s his last name?”
The silence that follows is conspicuous.
“Block him,” Uccio repeats. “Here, I’ll do it for you.”
Vale hands the phone over, a pit developing in his stomach.
You have the same tattoo as Valentino Rossi!
In hindsight, it was a stupid thing to say. It hadn’t even occurred to Marc in the moment (he was incredibly horny, give him a break) that the motorcycles, first name Valentino, and turtle tattoo might have meant that the man was actually Valentino Rossi.
The Valentino Rossi.
The Valentino Rossi that Marc spent hours watching as a kid, dreaming of meeting. The Valentino Rossi that Marc was desperate to emulate until his career-ending injury.
…The Valentino Rossi that may or may not have been his sexual awakening. Marc has jerked his cock raw to photos of Valentino Rossi more than once.
He has no idea what to do with this information. How does he go about approaching the subject?
“Holy shit, I didn’t realize you were my idol, can I please suck your dick? I’ll do it for free. You don’t even have to send me money anymore.”
Marc is mulling this over when he refreshes the page and, out of nowhere, Vale is gone.
Marc understands why, objectively, Vale’s response would have been to block him. If Marc told anyone about this it could be very bad for Valentino’s career.
Still, it stings. It feels like a punch to the chest.
He had hoped that he and Valentino had been talking long enough at this point that the man would at least trust him enough to come clean or answer his questions. Maybe they could have even continued their little relationship, if it could even be called that.
Against his will, tears well up in his eyes. He’d been talking to his idol this whole entire time, and all he’d done was send stupid videos and jerk off.
It feels like a wasted opportunity. He’s let himself down by accidentally sabotaging what he had with Valentino. If he just hadn’t mentioned the tattoo, or if he’d just thought for thirty seconds before sending the message, he could still be messaging with Vale.
Instead, here he is. Crying on his couch in Madrid, staring at his OnlyFans page.
He’s tempted to take one of the bikes out for a spin, but he doesn’t think he could bear to look at one now. All he can think about is Valentino, Valentino, Valentino.
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hogtiedwhore2 · 1 year
hello everyone! i have been on tumblr for over 11 years now. as of this writing my original blog (@hogtiedwhore ) was deleted by tumblr. this has been my backup blog and will serve as my main blog from now on (hopefully until i can get access to my original account!). i have a variety of kinks that i post about on this blog, some of my posts being fantasy others being based on my real life as nothing but a fucktoy whose opinions dont matter.
in my real life i live as my owners fucktoy, and live an amazing life being that! in addition to my owner, there is also our cuckcake who my owner always fucks. whenever she is present, i am the third wheel to them. i happily serve both of them and make their pleasure my priority.
if you would like to chat with me, my dms are open to everyone. i may consider myself less than, but that doesnt give you the right to be an asshole to me. assholes will be blocked. if you are looking to chat with someone that will send you nudes, then id suggest messaging another slut who will do that. i do NOT share pics on here, for my safety. unfortunately i have, in the past, received some troubling messages, and i will not risk my safety to random people on the internet. i am also happily committed to both my owner and mistress, and im not looking to be owned by someone on here. so please, dont even try. other then that, if you want to chat, im sure id love to!
*warning - this blog does feature posts about the kink of misogyny and the patriarchy. someone people may be offended by this and this is not my intention. i do not believe that being a woman makes you less than a man. i know a lot of amazing women that are better doms then some men.
VIP section
my real life owner, my true love! 🥰🥰🥰
my real life cuckcake / mistress katie
@isurftheworld's pet play bitch / ass addicted whore
@maturingswitch 's sex doll
@lucyvslucinda's beta sub
@dirtynerd-83 's neophiliac cuckquean
@boundkitti's bondage sister
mind control
pet play
physical abuse/pain
anything related to bathroom stuff (golden showers/diapers)
beastiality, or anything with animals
"Decent blog. Not enough memes" - anon
"She is the most obedient and compliant sex doll out there. She will always satisfy your needs. The ultimate good girl!" - @maturingswitch
"We keep her ropes tight and her pussy loose. Just kidding! We only fuck her throat. (Hogtie do be tight, though.)" - @subversiveideas
"Hogtiedwhore is the most genuine slut on Tumblr, by far. Fun, friendly, but also intensely submissive, loyal to her Owner, and a very kind person. She is the submissive we need but don't deserve." - @happykeeneye
"Hogtiedwhore came exactly as advertised - hogtied and dressed like a whore! Love that she has so many catchphrases when you push the button between her legs. Just a shame you can’t understand them very well since she’s gagged all the time." - @lockemeup
**if you want to be featured here, send me an ask and i will post it here! bonus points if its funny!**
cum counter - 189
this cum counter was started in september 2023. this is the number of people that have cum to either my blog or from chatting with me. obviously this number isnt very accurate at, but more for fun! if you cum to my blog, feel free to send me a message and let me know. i will have the counter updated. if you could like to be anon, send me an ask and i can still update for you!
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pwnyta · 13 days
Now that the battle has officially ended in BNHA...
...I mean whatever Hori... at this point I guess I should just be happy hes not an insufferable douche now...
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The award for MOST FUCKED UP MESSAGE goes to...
Girl what...
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Award for ...really he died in the end anyways? After all that??? goes to-
...Seriously... wat?
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For seeing Bakugos ''death'' AND 'Holy shit your arms really did get chopped the fuck off thats craz- oop theyre already back!'
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Holy shit that mother fucker can draw hands... if only he could draw out a plot point half as good....
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Award for Literally we wasted so much fucking time on you and for what goes to...
Seriously what the fuck...
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(I guess I didnt get a panel for Hawks while I was clipping panels... LMAO Hawks.)
Award for HOLY SHIT TOKOYAMI!!! goes to...
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...??? I mean hes kind of a king for this NGl.... '...just dont take Dark Shadow from Tokoyami!'
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Award for MOST CONSISTENT HOMIE goes to....
They really are THE BOYS. Theres no force in the world that could stop them from being homies!
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The award for ...HORI WTF DID YOU MEAN BY THAT??? goes to....
Lock getting told he wouldnt understand what its like being discriminated against and the Todoroki family without Shoto panel!!
....Hori what did you mean by this? Its such a bad look Hori?
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Award for AYYYYE MY BOY GUNHEAD goes to
There he is!!! MY BOY! LOVE YOU BUD!
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Award for IDKY your hear but im so proud of you! goes to....
Girl why are you here at this point... everyone else has a connection to each other... except you? Whatever Im just happy to see you girl. I did a hear pun cuz ears....
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Award for MOST UNSTOPPABLE BITCH goes to...
Seriously you could cleave this bitchs skull from her shoulders and she'd find a way to headbutt her opponent...
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Thats the end of part 1 of BNHA AWARDS!!! Feel free to send your own awards (make sure you give me a chapter number example) in my ask box and I'll keep going (nobody will) but we'll be back for ROUND 2 in a moment!!
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katiifaetarot · 4 months
Before we start:
Thank you to that anonymous person/message i recieved last night regarding my previous tarot reading blog post, I only recieved one, but boy did it make me feel better about my current path and where i am headed! Thank you for taking the time to send that message, i greatly FKN appreciate it and it gave me confidence and drive to keep going today!! ♡♡
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! This is my third tarot reading on here and Im new to the tarot community (at least on this specific platform) and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone+everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation!
Today's reading is short, simple, sweet, and straight to the point: Messages you need to recieve for the New Month starting today! Feb 1st, 2024 ( sooo its not timeless but also is timeless b/c time is wacky and weird HA )˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through your pile's SPECIFIC Oracle Card! (may sound confusing, but basically, you're picking using the word associated with your pile's oracle card for today!!) which is right below this text! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile if you feel called too!
✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that might sound like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Mindful
PILE 2- Soulful
PILE 3- Peace
PILE 4- Balance
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING THOSE TYPES OF READINGS:
depending on how the reader chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
PILE 1: Mindful
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Stop paying attention to people,places, or things that no longer matter. This new month is trying to teach you the lesson of mindfulness. Which means stillness.....which also essentially means meditating and not being afraid of silence. Patience.
Sometimes mediating can be standing on your front or back porch for 1-5mins in nature, absorbing what you're grateful for in that particular moment or letting go of someone/something which no longer brings you peace or no longer helps with cultivating healthier habits. ((Take it how it resonates but be aware there are soooo many more examples that could apply here as well, just use YOUR discernment and trust your intuition please!!))
The point is that meditating looks differently for everyone, or maybe the same sometimes!! But regardless, you must find a way to fully tap into the silence that will help you learn patience this month.
And yes this will take mental fortitude and strength on YOUR part to fully absorb + CREATE these moments that help you find balance, rest, MINDFULNESS, resiliency, PATIENCE, etc. But that word create is important here b/c, YOU HAVE TO BE PAYING ATTENTION TO HOW YOU FEEL, WHAT YOU NEED, WHAT YOU WANT, WHAT YOUR BODY NEEDS/WANTS, WHO IS AROUND YOU, etc!!!! to even CREATE a space or CREATE time for yourself that focuses on the practice of mindfulness.
(( some of you have to be willing to admit that you might need some proper rest first before you can even BEGIN a mindfulness routine for yourself that will stick!! ))
YOU have to do the work or else you wont see the changes you want. YOU also have to accept things for how they are now and be willing to see your mistakes and do better.
This month will be huge for you, if you allow yourself to fully feel what needs to be released, start cultivating mindfulness for your future endeavors, and just resting. Just rest and allow yourself to feel the flow of life while also understanding: You are a human, who is doing human things, and living a human expirence; So tap into the hope, strength, and wisdom that comes along with this journey called life.
Also dont be afraid to do things differently!! Maybe you're the trendsetter of the century ;)
This month is all about believing in yourself pile 1, So Just Do It !!!!!!
Things to do OR look into this February:
Yoga or Meditations on YouTube, Going out to classes that focus on Meditation or Yoga in the real world, REIKI, Listening to chakra meditations while you sleep ( specifically getting sacral + solar plexus chakras ), Taking walks in nature to appreciate things around you.
PILE 2: Soulful
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Pile 2, this month is all about being authentic(soulful) WITHOUT FEAR! dont let your fears or doubts hold you back from doing or being what you want/need for yourself right now!
Collaboration could be HUGE this month if you're willing to change how you view yourself, your skills, your abilities, your achievements, your- etc!!! Focusing on building yourself up instead of tearing yourself down will make new possibilities and opportunities happen for you.
Stop doubting and playing the victim! Its time to stand tf up and CELEBRATE YOURSELF!! You have done alot of work and gone through HEAVY situations to get yourself to here and now. So BE FULLY AND TOTALLY proud of yourself for how far you have come and get excited for more!!!
You know life isnt fair to good people sometimes, so why dwell or wallow when you could just as easily Journal about w/e is or was bothering you and let that SHIIIZZZ gooooo!!!
Dont carry unnecessary burdens. Tap into your passion, your drive, YOUR DETERMINATION!! flourish in your authentic and soulful self! Dont be afraid of showing up how you've always wanted to show up in the world! Its okay to be different, cooky, wacky, WEIRD!!! as long as you're happy......who gives a FDDUCK!
You're ready to take on life and all its battles, you are a fighter-WARRIOR- and truthfully life only gets tougher, but it also gets easier to deal with once you trust yourself to handle anything that MIGHT come your way by utilizing your skills and abilities for your betterment instead of using your preceptiveness as a way to hurt yourself or tear you down.
Things to do OR look into this February:
journaling, dressing up however you want, going out and expirencing something new, do something you're afraid of doing, sit with your accomplishments and thank yourself for how far you've come but also acknowledge the road to your future in some way.
PILE 3: Peace
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Pile3, you're so soft, nurturing, kind, gentle, nice, and so many more wonderful words but you're also stubborn(>_<)
Its not about the outside, its about the inside. Refocusing your attention on what you NEED to calm your mind and what you NEED to balance out your dreams with your reality, etc.....will do wonders for manifestations coming in or out!
You're beautiful pile 3, and this month is asking you to focus on yourself before going out and trying to fit new people in your life. Focus on the ones you have now that give you care, attention, and love in healthy ways********* while also getting rid of people that dont respect you or deserve your kind and compassionate energy.
This month is about Tapping into your emotions and understanding that EXPRESSING your emotions will ultimately bring you closer to what you desire....but you have to forget about what you want. Focus on what YOU NEEEEEEEED!!!!!
Dont chase, Attract means believing that what you want(deserve) wont pass you by, and the more you enjoy your own company and get to know yourself deeper, the more you can appreciate things around you and maybe even find that SP or New Job or NEW ANYTHING!!
save yourself for the correct people, but first you must do the necessary work inside yourself to even trust yourself enough to show up infront of the correct people authentically and unapologetically too.
work on maintaining and setting the healthy/proper boundaries within yourself to help you express any or ALL boundaries you will have with other people later in life! Dont be afraid, use your voice! If someones reaction is less then pleasant when enforcing a boundary......leave. They dont appreciate or respect you.
Seriously get rid of any negative self talk or negative people/energies in your life! Stay calm and present as you navigate who needs to go and what in your mind also needs to go.
Things to do OR look into this February:
feeling your raw emotions without shame, saving money, shifting perspectives, taking self-care days seriously, more YOU TIME! setting and maintaining boundaries, releasing the anger, sadness, hurt, or all of the PAST IN GENERAL!! Forgiveness is key--either towards yourself or someone else.
PILE 4: Balance
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okaaayy pile 4 :(, im.sorry for any loss or heartbreak you may have suffered recently or in the past that still affects you and your mental state.
But its time to move on. Maybe not forgive, just yet, but a release needs to happen so you can fully enjoy your life again.....or even just enjoy YOUR energy again.
This will require a hard stop and HARD look into what is causing imbalances in your daily life. Continuing to walk away from old cycles, patterns, ways of being, ways of doing, comfortability that keeps your complacent, fears, doubts, etc. Will ultimately help you keep a balanced mind and calm demeanor too.
Allow the hurt to wash over you first, of course....but your self care this month is fundamentally about bringing back balance to your life that has grown overcrowded with too many commitments and responsibilities.
Which is why You NEED to take either a mini hermit mode ( if you can//when you can ) or a HUGE HERMIT MODE!!! so that the hermit mode will afford you with opportunities to get rid of what no longer needs to be bothering you and help you focus on what NEEDS your attention.
Feeling suspended or stuck right now might make you feel uncomfortable, but working through the uncomfortableness to ultimately get yourself to movement on the other side will be so worth the lonely nights and harder ones too. Once again, i am truly sorry but i also believe you can get through this too!
Things to do OR look into this February:
reading that book you have, reading a completely new book, try a new recipe!, make space for quiet time for yourself, look into those projects you've been wanting to make progress in, making time and putting effort in yourself!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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hella1975 · 11 months
would LOVE to know full details to the culture difference bestie when you've got the time because I'm kinda just a sucker for that. also. were we too nice for you tell me more about that
here we gooooo here's a rundown of the top things that were really jarring to me as a brit in america!
kinda dumb that i feel the need to say this but ive been burned before: americans, if you're going to send me shit about this list, please first reread what you've typed and ask yourself 'am i addressing this person as an actual real life adult that not only has experienced both countries she speaks about but also has perfectly functioning social skills that allow her to navigate what is and isn't a culture difference, or am i talking to her like a condescending little prick?' this includes messages like 'americans aren't actually ___, we're just ___ which clearly went over your head as a silly foreigner :)' do u understand how condescending messages like that are as the person who was there? this list is me saying what was strange to me AS A BRIT IN AMERICA. it is a comparison, not an objective statement of something ive decided is a fact about your culture. im not writing this so people can try and like. educate me on all the things i missed because america was just soooo complex. okay? stunning
you guys were SO nice like i think the best way i can contextualise this for an american is that the first time i felt actually comfortable (not that i was uncomfortable otherwise but i mean in a social sense) was when we were in new york city. no one looked at me no one wanted to talk to me people were shouting and being rude to each other it was just like home <3 the way americans are friendly is just so intense and it took me a good while to stop being so bowled over by it. like if you met someone one time they'd try and hug you and i found that very very strange
americans generally talk about their feelings a lot more and i dont even mean just from the people i interacted with bc that very well might have been because i just got on well with them so we were talking honestly, but even on commercials and things you guys talk about mental illnesses and such like it's a grocery shop whereas in england there's still very much a stiff upper lip culture about that kind of thing
you guys do speak louder. like objectively even 'quiet' americans were louder than most brits and would be glared at in public if we were in england just bc of the volume they were speaking at. you also inflect more. again i think this is another thing that boils down to americans being very bright and intense while the english are renowned for not wanting anyone to look at them ever. like a bug under a rock
FREE REFILLS!! i have not shut up about this but if you order a coffee somewhere then you have in fact ordered UNLIMITED COFFEE. the first time a waitress leaned over me to fill my coffee up i flinched away from her bc i was like what in god's name are you doing
if you try and make a hot drink in america then you are taking your life in your hands. you have to filter the water, find whatever apparatus this specific house uses to boil water, remind yourself that americans have a vendetta against milk so you have to use creamer which is 'exactly like milk' but 'you wouldnt drink it like milk' so what the fuck is going on there, and then by the time everything's done you want to go out back to curl up and die like an old dog. dont get me started on tea
one thing i thought was cute is that you guys say 'come get in the AC' the same way we would say 'come get out of the rain' like that's such a cute little human thing i think
AC itself is such a godsend but me not being used to it was kind of baffling to americans. boom's brother asked me what my ideal AC temp was at home and i just. looked at him bc i didnt even know where to start with that
it took me WEEKS to stop trying to get in the driver's side of the car
american ignorance is a very real very frustrating thing. 'whats that thing they do in europe-' idk bc ive never been to all of europe. 'when i went to europe-' where in europe. it is a continent. i got asked if we have fireworks in europe. bonfire night is older than the founding of america. there's just a genuine belief amongst americans that they're not even AWARE of (because it would be smart, nice americans that i genuinely liked saying these things) that america is the most elite country in the world and is the only place to have certain things
speaking of the european thing with americans, the fact that 'travelling to europe' is typically a bragging right over there and is seen as quite an upper class thing is very interesting. a lot of the times people would be bragging TO ME and it would go over my head bc id be like 'well anyone can go to spain'. i feel like shagaluf would give americans an aneurysm
the sheer size of america never truly registered with me until i was there like i cannot wrap my head around it. the uk can fit in lake michigan 4 times. you guys have cargo ships on lakes. the roads just go straight for miles and miles and miles. you have every environment and weather possible. literally obsessed
capitalism is actually way more intense in america. like yeah it makes sense america is thee capitalist country but i guess i thought because i was coming from a western capitalist country myself that it wouldnt change much. but like. billboards on roads. adverts while you pump gas. there is someone selling u something everywhere u look
tipping was so hard 😭 i knowwww it's necessary i understand the econ behind it all but i was so stressed all the time because of it 😭
i knew i was going to have to change the way i spoke in america bc of obvious things (my accent isnt The British Accent that americans recognise, i use a lot of slang etc) but it surprised me just how much i had to change. like by the end of it i wasnt using any slang and i was enunciating every letter because i was just so tired of saying something just for boom to have to literally translate bc like? it was no fault of theirs or mine or even the person i was talking to but it just made me feel Weird and Odd and most surprising of all was that it made me feel stupid? and i guess that's bc i get a lot of shit for my accent over here too so im oversensitive to it but ive never properly felt more like a foreigner in a different country than i did trying to talk to americans
sarcasm. im just. like the running joke is that americans dont get sarcasm and id have actually preferred that i think bc what instead happened is you guys have AMERICAN sarcasm and it just. made no fucking sense to me at all. i literally did not get american humour even slightly it was probably my biggest thing when i was over there like i literally felt like entire conversations were going over my head. british humour is very dry so not only did i not get american humour but sometimes MY humour would be misinterpreted as well and the entire thing was just very strange lol
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hayjeon · 5 months
hi everyone, i know it’s been quite a while.
i don’t even remember how to use the app/site well enough to find when the last time i posted a fic was (like, where did the time stamps go?!)
i bet this won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone who’s been following me for a while because i clearly went MIA for a few years. just wanted to pop back in and clarify a few things and let yall know i am alive and well 🫶🏻
i have, unfortunately, moved on from my ff writing era of my life. i’ve seen all your messages of support and reactions to my writing and constantly see the reposts and recs made in my email inbox, and i cherish each and every one of them and do miss yall very often. i am currently now working and traveling full time, and am just past the era in which i used to absolutely love bts/kpop. i’m actually now an avid ao3 dramione reader 😂 and have devoted a lot of my time to getting physically/emotionally healthier, furthering my career, and just pouring love into myself and everyone around me 🤌🏻
i still do love/listen to bts, but i’ve also been feeling like i’ve outgrown them a bit and no longer actively read bts fics myself 🥹 but to sometimes come back to my own blog and my homepage to see that other writers are still here and dedicated makes me feel so giddy and happy for them. watching bts grow from their boy in luv era when i first became a fan to the degree they’re at now and even when i stopped actively writing (probably when they started breaking into the US/english lyrics, or covid era) was such a big life landmark for me, and i will always cherish them in my heart for that. i will also always cherish this blog, that kept me actively writing, throughout uni, and actively creating content anonymously, for helping me through some hard times emotionally, physically, and mentally.
i don’t think i’ll be updating any of my wips: any writer out there who feels inclined to continue the stories, i give you full permission (pls don’t plagiarize!) and would hope that you drop a quick msg in my inbox when you post so i can read them (better than tags!) 🥰 would also be happy to share where i intended a lot of my fics to go plot-wise. i also deem it would be a disservice to a lot of you for me to release unfinished drafts, but im happy to share that as well to anyone who wants to pick it up, or just are curious where the plots went (lmk if ur into that?)
i will be keeping this blog up and active. anyone who wants to pop in and re-read anything: thank you for your continued support. feel free to translate, repost, use as inspiration, continue the stories yourselves, and do whatever you want. i’m sending these fics as a love letter to everyone who’s supported me thus far, and anyone new to the fandom (welcome! i know army has increased so much since i left) into the universe and all i can do is release them with a sense of peace and love, although it’s a bit bittersweet.
of course 😍 i love seeing them in my inbox so continue to ask away!!!
to conclude:
thank you to everyone here.
thank you to bts and hope for a quick and safe army service to all of them.
and happy new year 🫶🏻
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brimarie0512 · 8 months
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Stray kids fanfic ot8 series part two
Slow burn
WC: 4.7k (4,756)
There are pov switches, female reader, use of y/n, nicknames, mentions of food in this chapter
Summery: You wake up in someone’s bed that is not yours. What happens when some of the other members make snarky comments. Chan finally tells you who he and his friends are.
Chapter Two “The Next Day”
Y/n’s pov
I woke up the next morning with the sun up and my head hurting a little as well as a slight sting in my wrist from the grip the guy had on me last night. That's when I noticed the empty spot next to me in the bed that is not mine. Slowly I started to remember the night before. The group of guys I met at the bar and how they saved me from the random guy who wouldn't leave me alone. As I sat up a figure walked into the room. One that I had recognized as Chirs well Chan as he told me back in his room. He came over to me with a glass of water in his hand and some pills.
“Good morning doll, here take this I imagine your head probably hurts.” he said as he handed everything in his hands to me.
As I grabbed them I noticed the blue and purple bruise on my wrist and Chan must have seen it too because as soon as I downed the pills and water he was rubbing my wrist as I winced.
“I'm sorry doll, that looks like it hurts. Do you want some ice?”as asked and I could see the hurt on his face like he had caused this.
“It’s ok chan it's not your fault and it doesn't hurt that terribly it just looks bad” I said as I looked at him trying to smile to put him at ease.
“I shouldn't have left you at the bar then this wouldn't have happened.” He said, still frowning.
“Chan It's not like any one of us knew this would happen and you saved me when it did happen plus if it didn't happen I probably wouldn't have gotten to spend the night with you.” I said and it seemed like that finally got through to him.
“You're probably right doll, I don't tend to bring girls home, even the pretty ones” He said finally smiling.
“Hey Chan I don't mean to break up this wonderful moment but do you know where my phone is? I should probably text the girls I was with last night. I hope they aren't panicking.” I said suddenly concerned with my friends who I abandoned.
“I plugged it in for you after I woke up, it's right there on that side table” he said pointing to the table right next to me
“You're truly the best. Thank you, let me just shoot them a quick text.” I said
I quickly grab my phone turning it on to text the girls a message
Y/n ♥️: Hey girls sorry for leaving last night without telling you. This random guy came up to me and tried to make me go with him. But this group of guys I was hanging out with saved me and then they took me back to their house last night. don't worry tho I am safe
Izzy 🤩: Omg thank god girl I was about to go send a search party for you. But im happy youre safe ….and with a group of guys girl you better spill the tea
Jen 😘: Omg yes girl so happy you're good and safe, I hope you had fun wink wink
Leah 😝: Period girl get it
Y/n ♥️: Thank you girls but nothing happened. They just let me crash here and I think most of them are in relationships with each other anyways. But don't get me wrong these men are fine asf I will text you girls later. One of the guys is in front of me right now.
“Ok sorry Chan I just had to let them know I was safe” I said placing my phone back down
“It's ok doll, don't be sorry” Chan said, giving me a giant smile.
“Also I hope i'm not overstepping but I sent our driver out this morning to get you some clothes, there in this bag,you can shower if you want feel free to use anything in there.” Chan said, sounding a little nervous.
“Thank you Chan You really did not have to do all of this. You have already done so much, how am I ever going to repay you” I said looking him right in the eyes. This man that I met not even 24 hours ago was being so sweet.
“Of coure doll, you deserve the best. You don't need to repay me for just being nice” he said looking at me with such an endearing smile “Why don't you go get ready for the day. I will leave you alone” He said as he stood up and walked towards the door.
Once he left I stood up and stretched my body. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth with the toothbrush from last night. I turned on the shower and stood under the warm flow of water. A shower has never felt this good. I washed my face and body with Chan's products. Whatever this man used, it smelled amazing, I could drown in this smell. Once I got out and dried off I looked at the clothes Chan had gotten for me. A pair of baggy gray jeans and a baggy graphic t-shirt. He also had picked out a sports bra and a whole pack of underwear. I got dressed and went back to sit on Chans bed. He really did have a good style. Someone then knocked on the door.
“Come in” I said from the bed
Chan entered the room “I am glad the clothes fit. I wasn't sure what size you were so I guessed.” He said “I also hope the bra fits. I figured a sports bra was best because then I wouldn't have to guess your cup size.” He said looking all shy now.
“Thank you again Chan. It does fit but I could have just worn my clothes from last night” I said.
“Yeah but I had them washed and they are in the dryer now. I hope that's okay” He said, still looking at his feet.
I decided to stand up and walk towards him, making him finally look up.
“Thank you so much you're truly an amazing man” I said looking him in his eyes so he would feel that I meant every word I said.
“Thank you but you're also an amazing woman” he said smiling now. “Breakfast is here if you would like to eat with the boys and I” he said, taking my waist in his hands once again.
“If you will have me then I would love to join you boys. How did I get so lucky to meet such an amazing guy on a night out?”
“I would say the same thing about you doll” He said, leading me to the kitchen.
Chans pov
When I woke up the beautiful girl from the night before was still wrapped in my arms. I admired her beauty for a few minutes before getting up. Once I had gotten up I grabbed my phone to text our driver to pick up y/n some clothes
BC🐺: Hey I know it's early but do you think you could go to the store and get some clothes. A t-shirt, a pair of light gray jeans, a sports bra and underwear.
Driver🚘: Of course Mr. Bang I will go get them right away
BC🐺: thank you I will send you some pictures of what i'm thinking for the outfit and her sizes
As soon as I sent the texts to our driver I climbed out of bed. Once I was up I noticed y/n’s phone dead on the nightstand so I plugged it in for her. I took a shower and got dressed for the day in some baggy black jeans and a white t-shirt. I left the room as quietly as I could in hopes of not waking sweet y/n up. I went into the kitchen where I made myself a cup of coffee. Seungmin and Lee Know ended up joining me in the kitchen as well.
“So where's the girl, did she ditch when she woke up” Seungmin asked with a sly grin.
“Actually, no she's still sleeping for your information.” I replied trying to wipe that look off his face
There was then a knock on the door. When I opened it, it was the driver with a bag of clothes for y/n.
“Thank you so much for your help” I said
“Of course Mr. Bang it is my pleasure.” Said the driver.
As the driver left Changbin came back in from the gym.
“What's that” Changbin asked
“Clothes for Y/n” I said knowing they were going to judge.
“So what are you planning on keeping her around now? Chan you haven't even known her for a day” Lee Know said finally cutting in.
“I don't Know Minho. That's her choice. But I can see she's a really sweet girl. And you've seen her, she's beautiful, inside and out. We fell asleep cuddling Minho”
“Plus she didn't seem scared off when she saw Felix and I in Hyunjins room last night.” Changbin said, speaking up.
“See, she's already accepting. She didn't even ask me about it when she came back to my room.”
“Okay, I'm just saying don't get your hopes up.” Lee Know said
At this point the rest of the boys had joined us in the kitchen just listening as we discussed y/n.
“Whatever Minho. Let's order breakfast, order whatever you guys want, use my card and order enough for y/n to eat with us”. I said done with the conversation.
“You got it Channie hyung.” Felix said, trying to break the tension.
I grabbed a glass of water and some painkillers to bring back to y/n. As I walked into the room y/n was already awake and sitting up. I gave her the medicine and the clothes I had picked for her in the bag. I left her in the room to give her some privacy and went back into the kitchen. The conversation with the boys was tame. After a little the food came so I went back to the room to get y/n. She agreed to having breakfast with us so we left the room together.
Y/n’s pov
We left the bedroom together and I followed Chan to the kitchen. Once we entered the kitchen the boys were sitting around an island together with all different breakfast foods around. Chan gestured for you to sit down in between him and Felix.
“Go ahead doll, lady’s first” Chan says, gesturing for you to pick out what you want.
You decide to go with the waffles that had whipped cream and strawberries on it. You wait until everyone has chosen what they want to eat and then you dive in.
“Chan this is the best breakfast I have every hed” You said
“I am glad you like it doll” He said, looking at me with a smile on his face.
The rest of the breakfast went smoothly until everyone's plates were empty.
I look over at Chan as I lean in close to whisper in his ear. “Chan, maybe I should get going. I don't want to overstay my welcome.” I said as low as I could
“Listen doll it's your choice but you're welcome to stay as long as you want” Chan whispered back.
When you look up suddenly all eyes were on you.
“Speak for yourself Chan, she's your guest but this is our dorm” Lee Know said matter of factly.
Suddenly Lee Know was being hit on the arm by Changbin
“Yah Don't be rude if shes Chans guest she my guest too” Changbin said
Suddenly the boys were all nodding their heads and agreeing. This was too much for me so I stood up and went back to chans room. I entered and closed the door behind me but it was re-opened right away. I turned around with tears starting to fill my eyes and Chan just came over and hugged me.
“Doll don't listen to him you're welcomed here and the rest of the boys agree. He is just protective over us, he doesn't want anyone to break us apart or hurt us. But I know you wouldn't do that. You keep saying I'm sweet and that I am doing too much for you but you're just as sweet doll.” Chan said, trying to comfort me. “I understand if you want to leave now but like I said feel free to stay the day.”
“Channie, I really don't want to be alone. I am still scared after what happened last night. I know it's stupid but I live alone and I don't have a job right now so I have nothing to distract me.” I said, still hugging Chan, too scared to let go. “I don't want to make Lee Know upset though. He is right, this is his home too and if he wants me to go I should go.”
Almost on cue Lee Know walks into the room.
“Chan, before you try to murder me the boys already got enough shots in outside. Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I don't know if Chan has told you who we are or what our dynamic is but we are all very important to each other and to be honest I don't fully trust you yet.”
I could see Chan tense up and I think Lee Know saw this too. Because suddenly he's speaking again.
“However Chan seems to trust you already and I trust Chan. If you do want to spend the day here feel free I won't stop you and I won't be rude about it again”
“Thank you Lee Know but if you really do not want me here you can say that, this is your home too and I don't want to interfere and make anyone uncomfortable.” I said calmly
“No truly it is okay and how am I going to get to know you and trust you if you aren't around” He stated right back.
“Thank you, I appreciate it. However I haven't made my choice yet on what to do today”
“It's ok I just wanted you to know you are welcomed, I hope I didn't scare you off Chan really seems to like you” He said, giving Chan a wink before leaving and closing the door behind him.
“I am really sorry about him doll” Chan said, still holding onto your body.
“It's okay Chan I promise.” I said, squeezing him.
“So what do you think you want to do today?” Chan asked.
“I think spending the day with you sounds great.”
“Okay doll it's decided then” He said, tackling you onto the bed.
“Channie stop” you said laughing while trying to break out of his grasp.
“Oh so it's Channie now doll, that's cute” He said, holding you tighter for a second before letting you go.
Chan and I lay down next to each other face to face.
“Sooo… I guess I should probably tell you who we are now” Chan said, looking into your eyes.
He shifted to sit up beside me so I did the same, sitting up still looking at him.
“Chan you don't have to I understand having to keep your identity private” I said
“Its ok doll, if you're going to hang around its better I tell you now rather than it slipping another time” He stated
“Okay but only if you want to tell me. If you're afraid of it slipping I can leave” I offer not truly meaning what I was saying.
“No no doll, I am not even worried about today. I mean overall. Listen I know it's soon but I like you and I feel like I can trust you. I mean you have already been so understanding. You haven't even asked any questions. Maybe I am being naive and you're playing me but I would like to believe you're genuine.”
“Thank you Channie and I know words are just words but you can trust me.” I said smiling trying to ease his nerves that were very present
“Somehow I know I can trust you and your word. Okay I guess it's time to spill. Okay so you may not have heard of us but we are a group. A K-Pop group. We are called Stray Kids” Chan said, not daring to look you in the eyes.
“Oh Chan it is ok. To be honest I think I have heard of your group but I don't really listen to K-Pop. Don't worry though your secret is safe with me. I guess that also explains why you are all so attractive. And why Lee Know was so worried. Don't idols have strict rules and can't be seen with women.” I said. So many questions and thoughts going through my head.
“It is okay doll, K-Pop isn't for everyone. And I know I can trust you. I don't know how but I just know. Thank you but don't let the boys hear that you think they are attractive, they will all try to get a piece of you then. And yes that is why Lee Know was worried. The last time even one of us was seen with a woman we got a lot of backlash. To be fair that was when we were just starting out and had a smaller fan base. I don't know for sure but I think Stay would be more supportive now. Sorry I know it is too soon to be thinking of that.” Chan said rapid fire giving away his anxiety.
“Hey slow down, it's ok you don't need to answer everything now and we can keep meeting in secret. I wouldn't dare cause trouble for any of you.” I said, trying to slow him down.
“See this is why you're amazing, I knew I could trust you.” Chan said, leaning in, embracing me in his arms.
Suddenly I was on my back and Chan was hovering over me oh so close. He began to lean in before stopping himself, turning his head away sighing. .
“I am so sorry I shouldn't have done that.” Chan said, sitting up firmly with his legs over the side of the bed, his back to me and his face in his palms.
I decided to sit up and bring myself to sit right next to him. I take his left hand off of his face holding it in my hand. Giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Chan, It's okay. You did nothing wrong. If you look at it this way nothing actually happened. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have stopped you if you tried to kiss me again.” I said, now hiding my face from his gaze as he looked up at me.
“Doll as much as I do want to kiss you there's more we should know about each other first” He said looking at me with the sweetest eyes.
“You're right I am sorry I'm such a fool” I said embarrassed.
“No You're not. I am the one that tried to make a move and then took it back” He said now trying to comfort me
“You're right. You're the fool” I said jokingly, giving him a smile as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
“You're adorable ya know that” He said as he looked down at me.
My face instantly started blushing as I tried to hide it in his chest.
“Okay enough. What do you want to know about me Mr. Christopher” I said, giving him a sly smile.
“Technically It would be Mr. Bang but you can call me whatever you want doll.” he said smoothly making me blush again.
“Okay I will stop teasing you now” He said using his pointer finger under my chin so I would look at him. “You said you don't have a job right now. What is it you typically do?”
“I am a makeup artist but it is hard to find work right now. I love what I do and I would love to keep doing it but it does not look like it is in the cards for me right now” I said, beginning to get a little down on myself.
“You know, I could help with that if you would like.” Chan said looking down at you
“Really how?” I asked, completely baffled.
“Did you forget the whole thing about me being a K-Pop idol? We always need more makeup artists. All it would take is a text and I would have you an interview” He said as I looked up at him as if he held the stars in the night sky.
“Would you really do that for me Channie?” I asked in aw.
“Of course I would doll. Give me one second. I will send the text to our manager now if you want.” He said as if it was nothing
“Thank you Channie. I would love that, what have I done to deserve you?” I said gripping him harder now.
Chans pov
“Listen doll, I am going to go talk to the boys and text our manager then I will be right back” I said before standing.
“Okay thank you Channie” Y/n said as she laid back to relax on my bed.
As I entered the living room I found all the boys spread out between the two couches. I went and stood in front of the T.V. to get their attention.
“Guys there is something I need to talk to you about.”I started
“So I told y/n about who we are. She doesn't really know who we are in the industry. Earlier before she knew who we were she mentioned how she does not have a job right now. She told me she is a makeup artist and I offered to get her an interview so she could work with us. I haven't sent a text to our manager yet because I wanted to talk to you guys first. I know the rest of you don't know her that well yet but I get the sense you all like her enough.” I said looking at all the guys trying to gauge their reactions. “So what do you guys think”
“I think we are all ok with it” Seungmin Spoke up for the group. “Plus it will give us all a chance to get to know her better.” He stated again
When I looked around everyone was nodding their heads in agreement. Even Lee Know which was surprising.
“Okay so it's decided Im going to text our manager right now” I stated before sitting down to send the text.
BC🐺: Hey Hyeon-Jeong I know this is out of the blue and you will probably have some questions but I have a friend who is a makeup artist and out of a job right now. Do you think you could set her up with an interview to work as one of our makeup artists?
HJ📱: Of course Bang Chan. I will need her information to properly fill out the interview form.
BC🐺: I will send her your contact information so she can send you anything you need. Thank you so much. I appreciate this.
“Guys Hyeon-Jeong is going to set up the interview for y/n” I said gleaming ear to ear.
The room filled with cheers and applause.
Y/n’s pov
All of the sudden I heard cheering from the living room. Even though I was still frightened by Lee Know I let my curiosity get the better of me as I walked out of Chan's room and followed the sounds of cheering into the living room. As soon as Chan saw me he came and scooped me up in his arms hugging me so tight. Suddenly he let go and looked at me and suddenly our lips were connected.I melted into the kiss until Chan pulled away looking at me.
“What happened to waiting until we got to know eachother better” I said giggling but still holding on to him.
“I couldn't wait any more, our manager just told me he will set the interview up for you to work with us.” Chan said, smiling so wide.
“Oh my goodness Chan I can't believe this” I said melting into his chest.
As We let go of eachother I suddenly noticed all the eyes on us. Chan nervously grabbed the back of his neck as he looked at the floor.
“Wow Channie-hyung we have never seen you act like this” I.N. spoke up.
“Oh hush I.N. Chan-hyung is an old man he can do what he wants” Said Seungmin
“Ay I am not that old” Said Chan, still looking shy.
“Y/n would you like to join us, we were about to put a movie on” Said Felix looking up at you from the couch he was seated on.
“I would love to Felix, thank you” I said, taking Chan's hand as I went to sit next to Felix on the couch. Once Chan and I sat down he leaned closer whispering in my ear.
“Y/n I need your number so I can give it to our manager so he can set up your interview.”
“Of course Channie but is that the only reason you want it” I said back teasingly
“No of course not y/n I also would love to have it so I can talk to the pretty girl I met at the club last night”
I quickly gave my number to Chan before snuggling into him to watch the movie. The boys had pickled the spiderman franchise to watch. We got through four of them eating in between the second and third movie. By the time the fourth one ended everyone was tired.
“Maybe we should call it a night.” Said Han while yawning.
Everyone agreed and Chan walked you back to his room.
“Chan, I should go home tonight.” I said even though I didn't really want to leave I just knew it was the proper thing to do.
“Do you have to doll” Chan said.
“Chan We just met last night. I don't want you or anyone else to get the wrong idea. Plus you have my number now you can text or call me”
“Okay but I am accompanying you home” chan said walking you towards the door of his room
“Deal at least that leaves us with a little more time” I said.
Chan grabbed my clothes from the club out of the dryer and put them in a bag. He walked me out the front door as I said goodnight to the boys. He held the door open for me as I got into the car. We sat in silence on the car ride. But it was comforting. Just laying my head on his chest. When we arrived at my apartment he got out and held my hand as I did the same. He walked me up the stairs to my door.
“Thank you Channie but you didn't have to walk me to my door”
“Of course I did doll, no one like you should have to do anything on your own” He said while holding my waist “Ah I don't want to say goodbye yet”
“Neither do I Channie but we have to. You can always steal another kiss to remember me by”
“As tempting as that sounds I want our next kiss to be after I have properly taken you out” he said smiling
“Well you have my number Channie. Hopefully I will see you soon, goodnight”
“You will doll, good night”
Before he could turn around and walk down the stairs I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Once inside I saw his car drive away. It was pretty late so I went to my room to take my clothes out of the bag Chan had given me. Inside I found the clothes he had let me wear to bed the night before with a note saying “They look better on you, keep them for a while”. I put on the clothes from the night before. They still smelled like Chan. I sent him a picture of me in his clothes with a text saying good night as I plugged my phone in and laid down for bed.
Taglist: @strawberry31
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akiitos · 2 years
hru :D i hope ure healthy and well (unlike me/hj)
Uhhhh anyways! If possible, could I request a Toya, Akito, Rui, and Tsukasa (separate obv) with a gn reader who literally cannot sleep with 1) something in their arms, and 2) atleast something the reader can hear (whether itd be music, a normal conversation, a tv playing, anYTHING)
Also heres two little scenarios if you have a hard time trying to figure out what to do with this request: 1) them cuddling their s/o while either singing or just talking with the reader, or maybe just a song playing or a channel going off on the tv. 2) when they get home at like 10pm they just find the reader sleeping with a squishmallow and a spotify playlist going off from their phone. Or 3) after they finish talking to someone on the phone, they go to theirs' and s/o's shared room just to find them sleeping peacefully with a squishmallow (next thing they know its because they were talking to someone on the phone)
Uhh if your requests are closed, you can just ignore this (or delete it), and if you feel as if you cant do this, feel free to once again, ignore or delete
Alright I should uhh prolly go now it's 4:20am here and I'm supposed to be awake by 6:30am (not like im gonna sleep honestly)
Alrighty, uhhh, byebhe have a nice day/night
(also im sorry if it's a lil disorganized to you)
project sekai boys x gn!reader
summary: you tend to fall asleep when you're cuddling something, and if youre listening to something!
;; hcs style
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@ toya aoyagi
• you were literally SO tired but toya was over and it was insane. so you just got your favorite plush and hugged it as he left the room for a bit
• but uhhh you wanted something to be listening to aswell
• so you just got out your phone, played the shared playlist that you and him have and just shut your eyes in a soft bliss
• after a few minutes, he walked into your room and had almost no reaction-
• i mean, he was pretty suprised that you fell asleep this quick.
• he kissed your cheek and ran his cold hands against your warm body lovingly
• he tried going near you without waking you up, and probably fell asleep too tbh
• cute.
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@ akito shinonome
• he knew of your habits beforehand, and didn't seem to care
• so, he wasn't suprised when you asked him to call you in the middle of the night so you can sleep
• he pretended to be annoyed, but still agreed to it anyway.
• it was like 12 am and you asked if he could talk about his day, or tell stories
• he did, and honestly...
• best experience ever. may ask again!
• if you do end up falling asleep on call with him, he'll go on mute and admire you (NOT IN A WEIRD WAY)
• he'd fall asleep after you.
• he's so ahhhhhebsnka
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@ rui kamishiro
• sort of like akito, you'd mostly call/face time him if he couldn't be with you at the moment
• if he notices you cant sleep, he'll ask if you'd want to call -- if you say yes, then he'll happily obliege.
• he'll talk about anything. literally anything
• mostly about his inventions, though
• he's one of the best people to go to for this, since his voice is so relaxing. like wtf??
• if he notices you're asleep, he'll either stay on call- or hang up and send you a sweet text message.
• he doesnt mind calling you whatsoever, and actually enjoys it, since he likes having someone to rant to.
• rly helpful! 5☆ ratingg
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@ tsukasa tenma
• ok. here this boy goes
• he likes buying you plushies, and everytime you sleep with them, it reminds you of him
• you like sleeping over at his house, as he likes sleeping over at your house too.
• no matter whose house, he'll be really good at talking
• he can talk about ANYTHING. when i say anything, i mean ANYTHING
• be it his sister, his life, hell- he'll even talk about you!
• when he does talk to you, he has the calm voice that soothes you to sleep
• fallen asleep already? ah, too bad, i wasnt done yet, he says as he kisses your forehead and lays down beside you
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