#fei: your mom is so pretty. you don't look like her
anpiels · 1 year
uhhhhh ummmmm how do you feel about feielly ummm :))
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they are t4t. to Me. and they're yuri in the way noah and mio are
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basedkikuenjoyer · 6 months
Jojolands 13: Ohana Means I'll Set Your Ass on Fire
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Dragona dropping some great truth about the absurd in this bizarre adventure. We finally got a peak behind that mask. I love it and I hate it, if you've read the chapter already you know what I mean. We'll get to that, because this right here isn't spoilery and it was such a cool nugget.
I love the way Dragona talks about the "absurd." Chance moments that alter one's life for better or for worse. The things that just don't make sense. Especially paired with Dragona opining about nearly losing their heart in the same chapter that last part about hearts being destroyed hits hard. I'm definitely sure we're looking at a trans narrative here and one we'll see play out. The chapter does a good job of implying what we need to know. Nudges at an early theory you've been changing your body with Smooth Operator. We ready? What follows is no place for beginners or sensitive hearts:
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Oh HELL yes! As if I needed a reason, these two were well on their way to top Jojo status and now the dynamic duo of the Joestar Siblings are definitely there. Mean girl sets her sights on a much more timid Dragona who we now know looked way more masculine at 14 than 18. Talking physical build and not just fashion. You know, I don't expect an 18yo to have all that figured out and with this I do think we'll see her keep coming into her own. But holy shit that was fucked up and I sincerely hope we can get through the rest of this with no more sexual assault on my Jojos blorbo.
If they do...Jodio will fuck you up. Set a whole damn bus on fire! And while I'm not looking forward to having to relive the impetus in the inevitable anime adaptation, since we've already had the cop I kinda like the perpetrator being a girl here. For one because it shows a side of this kind of bigotry that often goes underrepresented. You see a little more space made typically for trans men who had bad experiences with men prior to coming out, largely because it tends to overlap with those who found a comfortable half-step in something like a radical feminist group. But this sets up Dragona pretty well for a realistic other side of the coin to that. Your experiences with bullying might make you a little skittish of girls your age, you keep a foot in this criminal world even if we keep showing you (not unlike Okiku) as someone who doesn't fit super well, all this would certainly explain why you'd gravitate towards a figure like Meryl Mei. Why there's great potential for drama if she shows a nastier side. It's all great for a trans story that justifies still figuring yourself out through it...but sticks to a fairly realistic path for a lot of young women who find themselves running with gangs.
All that said, Jodio you absolute freak. Burning the whole bus is metal, it's scruffy, he's protecting family. Doooooope. These two are fantastic and I can't wait to explore their story, their dynamic more. Jodio & Dragona's sibling bond is the beating heart of this part. As much as I love Kiku/Izo & Killua/Alluka yeah this is gonna be a banger. Speaking of, this chapter was also the second time we nudged at Jodio getting shit for looking fey too. These two are ride or die for each other and their awesome mom Barbara Ann. How this all ties into their family falling apart and their desire to become filthy rich? No need to ask...
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In lighter news. They. When Meryl learns of the other lava rock that got smashed. We're all clear on who's the brains and who's the firepower in the dynamic duo right? I trust Meryl as far as I can throw her and she's a big lady. But for now everything seems on the up-and-up. Charmingman seems to have passed the sniff test and yeah it looks like he's just going to hang around. I like this new setup. Scouting a shadowy company to see if we can get more lava rock.
All in all one of the best chapters of Jojolands so far. I'm loving it, this is the exact direction I hoped it'd go. The backstory made this pretty heavy and I hope we can have more fun with this gang on the new excursion.
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cynicalraccoon · 7 months
Knockout: Terry, look at this hot mama I found today. 🔥😩 
Soap: Whoa! Is that a Great White?!
Soap: Is that real?!
Gaz: Knockout, you having fun without us?
Ghost: Terry? 
Price: That better just be a really clear video on the internet, Knockout. 
Malia checked her phone for Terry's response, only to wince when she saw that she sent the text to the wrong group chat. 
Knockout: Sorry. Sent that to the wrong number.
She deleated the text and video. Then set it to Terry. A moment later, her lips twitched when she heard her phone buzz one after the other. 
Terry: First, Why are you that close?! 
Terry: Second, she's gorgeous! Much better than the monster spider you showed yesterday. 
Rowen: I question your tastes sometimes, Mal. 
Rowen: But she is pretty when viewed from behind a screen. 
Fey: Isn't that what all men say when watching porn?
Rowen: Women say it too when reading about or watching fictional toxic men. 
Terry: Only when they're sexy.
Fey: Amen to fictional sexy men. 
Alan: What's going on? 
Alan: I saw porn and then a prayer to fictional men.
Fey: We're making a cult.
Rowen: No! Don't include me in your fetishes!
Alan: A normal day, huh? 
Malia chuckled at her chaotic friend group, flopping on the bed in her hotel room. She was on leave for a week. It was a small treat to get away from the stress of the military for a bit. Of course, the stress would never go away until she either died or retired. 
Malia: Just showing them a video of a shark i swam with today.
Alan: Aquatic female fatale over here. 
Alan: Safe? 
Malia: Me or the shark?
Malia: Aren't I always?
Alan: Both. 
Terry: Mom and Dad are flirting again~ 
Rowen: 🤢
Fey: *sigh* young love
Malia: 🖕
Malia: fuck off.
The week went by in what semeed like the blink of an eye, and the day for Malia to return to base arrived; to her diasppointment. At least she had some photos to remember the trip. 
Digging the photos out of her duffel bag, Malia hung them up on the wall to join the already quite sizable collection of photos. 
They varied in subjects; animals, locations she had been deployed in, and even photos of a few locals.
When she was settled, the brunette changed into her uniform. She felt the persona of Knockout settle over her like one of the combat gloves she wore on duty. Well, it was an overstatment to call it a persona. More like a mask. A necessary precaution to seperate herself from caring about her teammates more than what was strictly professional. 
Malia shook her head and left, striding to the mess hall. It should be around breakfast now, so 141 should be there. If not, it didn't matter. 
As usual, the mess hall was loud when she entered. 
"Knockout!" She heard Soap's accented voice to her over the chatter. Looking over, she spied him at the table with Ghost, Price, and Gaz. The Scot was beckoning her over with a mischevious smirk on his face. 
She would admit, they were handsome and their personalities weren't too bad. Ghost's voice was a bonus too. But just because of those two and a half things, that didn't mean she would risk her career to spread her legs. She was neither one of those fanfic girls from the stories Terry had happily read to her nor was she a barrack's bunny. 
She worked hard to gain her reptuation on and off the field and have people take her seriously. And it had payed off. Besides, the chaotic and bloody enviornment that inspired trauma, corruption, power trips, betrayal, and assholish behavior wasn't conductive for anything other than a work relationship.
Malia blinked when Soap called her name again. She gave him a curt nod and got her food before walking over to the four. 
"There's that infamous scowl." Soap said, sitting down. "Was beginning to miss it." Malia echoed his action, shooting him said scowl. 
"You have Ghost." She said simply. 
Soap chuckled. "Not the same. I can't see his." 
Ghost, sitting across from Malia, rolled his eyes. With his face hidden behind the mask, the action spoke clearly of his unamusement. Deep brown eyes-just a few shades darker than hers-slid to the woman. 
"Have fun with your sharks?" He asked gruffly. "Or, your "hot mommas"?" 
Malia almost choked on her eggs when she heard his words. Price raised a brow, one side of his mustach slightly raised, while Gaze and Soap snickered like two children. 
She glared at Ghost, noting the faint amusement flashing through his eyes. Damn him. 
"Never say that again." Malia huffed, setting down her apple juice. Even with his voice, hearing him say "hot mommas" was weird. "And I did. Was relaxing. Moving to other topics now." 
"But I want to hear more about your trip." Soap prodded. "Where did you go?" 
"Who's Terry?" Gaz added, wearing a cheeky expression. "Boyfriend?" 
Nope. "Personal." She replied, a bit of bite in her tone. But they were not deterred. They had seven years to get used to her rough personality. Hell, aside from Price and a few others, they didn't even know her real name.
Soap groaned, almost leaning on Ghost. "Come on, Knockout. We barely know anything about you since you came on the team. At least give us this." 
"I'll tell you mine when Ghost tells his." 
Gaz smirked when the Scot frowned. They all knew Ghost was tightlipped about his personal life and past. It was like trying to pull teeth from a bear. 
Price shook his head with a soft chuckle. "There will be a day where you won't have Ghost to hide behind anymore, Knockout." 
Her scowl turned into a smug smirk, saluting him with her cup. "When Hell freezes over completly, Captain." 
A/N: I haven't played Call Of Duty. I only know bits and pieces of information about the characters. Why I decided to write this? Well, I wanted to test an idea I had to branch out of my comfort zone a bit and see if one of my ocs would fit in cod. I got inspired by the many fanfics on here and other platforms that I've read and liked.
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lowstakesdilemma · 11 months
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Braving the elements, all alone.
Hi, I hope you're having a beautiful day!
I'm new to tumblr, recently moved here from reddit, where I spent my days as a lurker. I thought to myself: let's expand some horizons. Tumblr seemed like a cozy place to share my ideas, so here we are.
Along with the decision to move came the inspiration to make some ttrpg characters, and in a fun way: by making a character for each song in my ever-growing Spotify playlist. I know I won't cover them all, but if something strikes me as interesting, I want to explore it. If I get the chance to improve my awful drawing skills, that's a nice bonus.
I don't know whether to make a separate post explaining all this, so for now let's just do the introductions here: this will not be a blog about optimizing dnd characters. 5e is a system very close to my heart (which sucks considering half of my players hate it passionately), so most oc's I post will likely be made using its framework (no homebrew, but all the official books are fair game), but as with pretty much all character ideas, they are fairly universal and can be adapted to many other systems. Additionally, I probably could optimize them - I'm not opposed to min-maxing, after all, but I think it's very liberating sometimes to actually try making sub-optimal characters. If you're good at the game (besides roleplaying, I'm just talking about combat here), it should pose an interesting challenge.
Gods, this post is so long already.
But we're finally getting to the actual topic. Today's song, for no particular reason, is The Darker The Weather // The Better The Man by MISSIO. I won't post the song lyrics, I'll just assume you either don't care or looked them up. If, in any of these posts, the song is on your playlist, please let me know, I won't feel as lonely in this sad world.
Our adventurer is Vishara, the Kalashtar (not really) Wizard. Let's start with her
Vishara comes from a long lineage of warlocks living in the snowy tundra, employing the help of fiends and fey to fend off the freezing temperatures. From a very young age, she was the target of jealousy among her siblings, being treated by their grandfather as a prodigy, while rejecting the idea of selling her soul for power. She began studying the school of evocation, wanting to sever her family's dependence on the devilish magic. Once mother found out, she sent her away to study magic in the big city, protecting Vishara from her relatives.
At the academy, Vishara turned out to be a mediocre wizard at best, clearly showing the potential unique to her blood, yet not utilising it. The teachers were confused, but turned a blind eye to it, and let her pass a few years out of pity. She didn't care, and spent countless nights cramming the spell formulas, memorising the names of great wizards and witches. She made some friends, who recognised her for her kind soul, and after a few misadventures, forged a tight bond. Their group became known in the nearby villages as The Wands of Loyalty, beacuse even though they could physically be snapped in half like twigs, their camraderie proved unbreakable.
After obtaining the diplomma she wanted, Vishara said goodbye to the Wands and went back to her family home, having honed magic potent enough to melt the ice endangering any travelers. As a parting gift, the Wands gave her a robe with cantrip formulas written on it, and a few basic spell sigils woven into the fabric.
The journey was long, and even though Vishara could protect herself from harm, her frail body was tested to its limits. Upon finally arriving, she saw the family stronghold empty, devoid of life, and filled with corpses. She rushed over to her mother's room, only to find it empty and suspiciously clean, with the only thing out of place being a weird amulet she always saw her mom wear.
With a storm of questions boiling in her head, and no answers in sight, she was struck dumb, unable to form any response. That's when she felt it. The creeping chill. She heard the whisper, one her grandfather taught her to listen to, promising power, and information. A lonely spirit, just like her. Drawn to her inner flame, wanting to corrupt it. This was how Vishara met her new mentor.
Vishara is not really a Kalashtar. She could be anything from a human to an elf, it doesn't matter. We choose the Kalashtar race to represent Vishara's mentor - the being attached to her, the literal devil on her shoulder (well, it can be a fey or undead, but the point still stands). It protects her mind from outside interference ("it's occupied, dammit! Find your own mortal to possess!"), but sends her dreams of death and bitter cold, warning her that they will come true if she doesn't accept the deal, blah, blah blah. If the DM's cool, the Mind Link ability might also be the spirit, and we have to ask them to convey a message to someone. Pretty cool, right?
For stats, using the standard array, I'd pick something like this: 8 STR, 10 DEX, 12 (13) CON, 15 (17) INT, 14 WIS, 13 CHA. Vishara is a wizard, first and foremost, so the intelligence is a must. It can be a bit lower if you want to roleplay the 'bad wizard' thing, but we do want to help our party, not hinder it. The wisdom getting a 14 justifies our refusal to dabble with infernal powers, and possibly opens up the way to becoming a cleric, which might be appropriate. The charisma is our bloodline, and of course setting up a possible giving-in-to-temptation moment and multiclassing to warlock. The physical stats represent the fact that we're a wizard and we'll die from an average slap to the face.
As a character
Possible plot hooks for the DM: - A letter arrives, signed as Vishara's mother. - The remnants of her family come, seeking revenge, thinking it was Vishara that killed their relatives - The tundra is getting colder by the day. Someone should investigate, it may be a curse - Who made the first deal in the family? What was it about, and did it condemn all their children to being soulless? -A member of the Wands appears, they need help. Now.
As an NPC
Possible quests to give: - Escort her to a temple in the middle of the tundra, maybe lift the curse? - Vishara attacks the party, thinking it was them that killed her family. Who sent her on the party's trail? - The nearby magic academy has lost it's headmaster in a tragic fireball-related accident. Nobody wants to take up his mantle, so the staff hires the party to find a graduate for the position.
Loot: - The coat with spell formulas written on it. It can be just a fancy spell focus, or maybe a multi-spell scroll, or just a coat with Glyphs of Warding. What's their trigger? Who knows.
The song relevance (imho)
The first thing that comes to my mind when listening to this song is 'loneliness'. The way the singer pronounces "Distant", and the music backing him, is just... surreal, evoking a scene of drowning in an ocean, slowly, as your vision grows darker and darker. I know the opinion of "edgy character bad", but it's such a shallow take I won't even try to refute it here. I'll just say, complicated characters make for compelling stories, and tragedies complicate things really well. The surrealness also plays nicely into Vishara's dreams, which this passage could be all about.
The pre-chorus sets the scene just as well, giving us an easy setting for most of Vishara's story.
The chorus breaks the subtlety, shielding itself with only a metaphor from being taken literally, word for word. It's filled with anger, and hope at the same time, which isn't that easy to pull off for one, and makes for great material in the gym. Determination. Theoretically we don't need to make a character to say this part to (like I did with the devil), but it's just such a perfect quote for a warlock in the making, that I couldn't resist. I love the class so much.
The second verse is less connected to Vishara, but, interestingly enough, I think the third and fourth lines are fantastic characterizations of her to-be patron, who (at least in my version) latches onto this mortal not to hurt them, but to connect to them.
Alright, that should be everything. If you made it this far, let me just officially say: feel free to use anything you found here in your games.
May you and your friends' calendars align!
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mejomonster · 1 year
Forgive me guys if I just start posting a bunch of silent reading fics. NOW on the list to write (maybe):
Continue the Guardian/Silent Reading crossover where Fe Du is a mutant, and the two couples are solving a murder mystery in Yan City while Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan mistakenly think they've actually run into 2 cases since Fei Du is so suspicious with a dead mom and dad in a coma, and likely not-human.
Another Guardian/Silent Reading crossover where Fei Du is a dixingren, but make it Ye Old Haixing and Luo Wenzhou is an investigator and Fei Du is a wealthy young man who inherited his father's questionable built fortune after dad "disappeared" and there's rumors in town "magic" caused his dad's accumulations and Fei Du clinging to the local Captain of the investigation bureau as an assistant isn't helping, Luo Wenzhou is more than aware they're technically at war with Dixingren and the only mutants spared the angry mobs nowadays are the ones in the alliance army so he's trying to keep Fei Du's nature hush hush (but the Fei family already got quite the baggage since another mutant killed Fei Dus father and is trying to usurp the local ruler with their own powers, and frame the still alive Fei Du for their collateral damage). Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan (as Kunlun) show up to investigate the local rumors of a dixingren trying to kill the royal family here (that the culprit is trying to frame on Fei Du) cause Shen Wei suspects 1. A hallow may be involved, 2. People are dying and he wants to stop it, 3. It's the alliances job to stop mutants from hurting people. (And yes in this Ye Old Haixing time of Guardian is like a few months or much more not lol like a week). Luo Wenzhous dad is a high ranking court official, Tao Ran had a more humble family background but passed the exams to get into this line of work with Luo Wenzhou his best friend. Lang Qiao is still there, Xiao Haiyang, cause I love them. And Da Qing <3
Dracula AU in republican era ish Yan City, Tao Ran is a real estate agent moving Fei Du into the area (Jonathan Harker), Luo Wenzhou is a police captain with a wealthy estate from family (a Mina and Van Helsing ish vibe) and his adopted sister Lang Qiao is looking to marry (Lucy). Xiao Haiyang is a family attendant that Luo Wenzhous mom keeps pushing towards our dear Lang Qiao who is distraught at the awful choice (and stuttering useless man), who would've married Luo Wenzhou for the money and to hide him being gay from hostile eyes but he's just Too Insufferable and when he forced his family to adopt her INSTEAD of marrying her she just decided this was better anyway, she sets her sights on the very pretty rich Young Man moved into town hoping he'll be an easy target to tell what to do (unlike Luo Wenzhou) and much sweeter of a time (Fei Du is quite the charmer after all), and Fei Du is happy to oblige her pursuing him since she's Passably Pretty and he's a Gentleman who can't possibly refuse an eager woman. So he plans to eat her. As he's invited over to the Luo estate, along with other eligible bachelor's for the evening party (maybe Zhang Donglan, and maybe Zhou etc lead up the party of murderers lmao), Luo Wenzhou catches Fei Du's eye. Because Luo Wenzhou seems oddly to pick up on Fei Du being an actual Threat to Lang Qiao... not having good intentions. Lang Qiao: "Well of course, he wants to sleep with me! Which I'm honestly not against, as long as we marry before there's a baby. And he's so rich, what could he even GET from us that he doesn't already have? Sure, he's not a local, our family has more political sway. But with the money he's flaunting I'm sure that won't be true for long. I don't even KNOW what bad intentions could be from him, you're being paranoid. You'd think a man with your tastes, you'd see what a catch he is." And Luo Wenzhou going, "are you just going to prattle on? And no I'm not going to steal him before you get the, are you listening to me? He's got a bad feel to him. I don't think it's romance or money he's thinking of. Or sex." Lang Qiao: "Then what? There's nothing else." And Luo Wenzhou wouldn't respond, not wanting to scare her Yet. Meanwhile Fei Du has been listening in, easy for a vampire to catch across the room, and thinking about how prey who knows to be wary of him... that might even fight back, struggle, be a real victory to possess... now that sounds a lot more delectable than the girl ready to throw herself onto him. So begins the hunt. It would be notably different in that they wouldn't know each other at all versus the novel years history (and while I love Dracula the Musical Japanese version where Mina is Draculas love from the past... I wouldn't do that, I like strangers meeting).
Dracula AU but older historical, with the whole Luo Wenzhou as emperor (or crown prince), Lang Qiao as one of the princesses (like their works joke but real), Tao Ran as an advisor only thanks to Luo Wenzhou taking a shining to him and thankfully not expecting Tao Ran to date him, Fei Du as a vampire come to the capital city to take power and investigate. (A little bit of a Scholar Who Walks the Night vibe). There's potential in this one for Luo Wenzhou to know Fei Du as a human child, then Fei Du turning as an adult into a vampire and leaving, then coming back some years later not aged. It would preserve some of their "knew each other for years before" novel dynamic in an interesting way.
Just an honest regular Silent Reading modern Vampire au, dark af. Fei Chengyu is a vampire, tortures Fei Dus mom until she dies, does all the same awful stuff as in novel, when Fei Du is an adult he turns Fei Du into the vampire monster he raised the human boy to be. Fei Du, for the first time overcome with bloodlust and lack of impulse control in many years, loses control and kills his father immediately. He covers it up as a missing persons situation. Silent Reading novel plot basically carries on as usual, except Fei Du actually DID kill his dad and is now an actual monster (not just a human often thinking he's monstrous). And maybe Fei Du had less interaction with Luo Wenzhou than in the novel as a teen, cause vampire dad had a tighter grip. Or maybe just as much interaction with Luo Wenzhou. But once he kills his dad, he really does distance, he considers flirting with Tao Ran to keep close to Luo Wenzhou but is horrified by the idea he might lose control and want to drink Tao Ran's blood. Or worse, kill him. And the more he argues with Luo Wenzhou, the occasions he says "if I'd kill someone, I'd do this" because Luo wenzhou PUSHED him and he sort of wants a cathartic emotional release and to just Be Honest somewhat to someone, when Luo Wenzhou yells back or tries to manhandle him? He wants so badly, a worse impulse than any of his old human instincts to want to hurt or kill, to drag Luo Wenzhou to him and hold him tight and watch him unable to fight back, and drink him. Have him. All his. Reveal everything, show it all to Luo Wenzhou, and possess him. And that in itself is horrifying so he flees more often, and of course Luo Wenzhou chases harder. And first is the eventual reveal... Fei Du really did probably kill his dad, his dad probably is dead, and for all Luo Wenzhou cares about him... fei du finally crossed the line and killed. He's not an innocent child anymore just saying awful things, and Luo Wenzhou has to handle that. Then the second reveal... not only has Fei Du killed, and is now much more worried about hurting others and wanting to and scared he does (and in contrast much quicker to be okay with violence to achieve his plot against the Organization that played with his dad), but Fei Du is a monster. A real honest creature of the night, a monster, a vampire, a corpse that's died and Luo Wenzhou can never bring him back to life. Luo Wenzhou never protected him, couldn't save him, couldn't even keep him alive... ouch my heart. This vampire au is the heavy one, the angst city one (my specialty).
More self indulgent, an au where most things are the same but Luo Wenzhou has to be bodyguard to Fei Du. The old whipping boy yaoi trope. Either he legit lost his job and got hired as his bodyguard (lmao) or its some secret identity thing to be Fei Du's bodyguard to investigate some rich resort off the beaten path without going as a cop (which could mean fun times bring Tao Ran too or he's nearby as backup on the cell phone interfacing between those two and the Bureau). Fei Du milks the ruse for absolutely all its worth, ordering Luo Wenzhou about and making up for ALL the times Luo Wenzhou tells him what to do.
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