#felix still being a trusted person in their lives is kinda crazy though. like he held your kids at gunpoint !!!
br1ghtestlight · 8 months
do you think when the kids went on the mole hill with big bob they were like "and THIS is where we almost got murdered by a fischoeder family member (one of three)" or is that something they tried to keep more lowkey in their family
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meadow-roses · 3 years
aske time :) for the writing asks: A1, A2, A10, A12, A14, your choice of anything in B, C8 ( :^) ), C11, D6
A1: Introduce the characters from one of your current WIPs in one or two sentences each. 
Okay let's gooo,,, I'll do The Keepers cause I haven't talked about that one as much. These aren't gonna be the best descriptions but whatever 
Ketsler: Quirky, fun-loving, everyone's weird grandpa, but also the most powerful person to have ever lived. He's old- so very, very old- and he's seen so much over all the centuries he has been protecting the worlds from Chaos, but he still makes an effort to slow down and appreciate the little things around him, because he knows better than most how fleeting life is.
Skylar: Skylar is from a world where faerie circles are real and witches turn people into frogs and trolls live in great, big castles and are slain by talking cats, a world where there's too much adventure to stay in one place, too many people to meet, and too many monsters to slay to stop running. He may be only a human (ooo mystery!!) but he is proficient in Wind magic and carries around a good bit of rune stones he and his pet dragon have found along his adventures. 
Felix: Felix is just a normal human from a small town after the earth becomes united under one world power. He wasn't born with superpowers like most soldiers are, but he was still skilled enough to join a special force working behind enemy lines when the rebellion made its move to free the planet from the tyranny that built this dystopian reality. 
Betty: A very sweet young lady, she's from a planet that was colonized by humans centuries ago. She may seem naive, but Betty can read anyone like a book and uses her gift to help those who are lost find themselves again. 
There's more characters but I'll just stick with those main ones cause I really struggle with descriptions xD
A2: Who's your favorite character to write and why?
Probably Joden? I haven't written most of my characters, but I looove writing his dialogue. He also makes me think so I can keep him clever lol
A10: What’s your character development process like? (As in how you develop them, not necessarily their development in-story)
I roleplay them! The more developed they are, the more I've acted as them. It really gets me inside their head to try and think like how they think, and that results in me being more equipped to "discover" why they are like that. 
A12: What kind of internal conflict does your character go through (want versus need, personality complexes or strong personality flaws/”fatal flaw” kinda thing)? How does this affect them?
It really varies depending on the character? For example Joden has this need to always have a plan, always be in control, and a breaking moment for him comes in when he finally just,,, doesn't know what to do. He's in over his head and the only thing he can do is trust Jacer to do what he can- knowing Jacer doesn't have things under control. 
So that's an example of a flaw that the character gets to overcome, but there also characters whose flaws are part of who they are. Skylar wouldn't be Skylar if he weren't stubborn. Ketsler wouldn't be Ketsler if he weren't arrogant. They never grow out of these flaws, they just learn to control them. Or I guess not be controlled by the flaw. 
This is actually something I think I struggle with for my characters, giving them those visable flaws. I see other people's characters that start out "bad" and grow into heroes, but it kinda seems like all my characters start out as heroes. 😅 I mean, they have flaws, but in comparison to other people's characters they feel really bland in that aspect. Idk
A14: Ramble about your characters. Anything special you like about them? Random little details you’ve added that you enjoy? 
Uh,,, I don't even know where to start I just love all of them for so many various reasons. Joden is just a clever little genius but he still can be so naive. He just has simple pleasures and it's not hard to make him laugh or smile and practically impossible to discourage him. He starts off just,,, wanting his old life back and then he sees what the world is like outside his little bubble and the bubble pops. He sees the atrocities for what they are and to be able to settle down again, he has to fix it. He can't just smile and do as he's told, he can't let the bad guys win. It I just his mother and wife and son he's fighting for, it's the entire wood and the idea of being actually, truly, free.
Jacer is so savvy, he knows what to do and what to say to get into and out of any situation, but at the same time he's just clueless when it comes to genuine connection. He's a princeling who's really never had a friend and now he's saving the world with Joden who only knows how to make genuine connections. Why does he have to keep hugging me??  
And Twylla who's ready to fight anything so she can get her clever idiot husband back? 
Adric who's just doing his best to be a good leader but everything keeps going wrong. He wasn't born to be a king, he wasn't born to lead an army, he always had his big brother to help him do these things and he's gone- he's gone and he's not coming back he messed up again so bad and yet here he is with everyone looking to him for answers and he doesn't know what to tell them. But he's got his friends, and he's got a good heart, and he genuinely cares and they're going to figure it out.
Skylar just keeps running forward and he never looks back at the past he just jumps from one adventure to another stopping the monsters and saving the day. He's got Gigi what more does he need? 
Felix is just,,, he's just such a nice guy. Over and over he stepped into the gap because someone's gotta fly that fighter, someone's got to fire that gun, someone's got to stabilize the bomb, someone's going to lose their life to ensure the victory, why shouldn't it be him? But he never actually dies, somehow he always survives and lives to fight the next day, and the next day and the next day, and then they win the war- the world is free. And even though he's been through so much he still hasn't lost that kindness, that love for all life that makes him himself. He still falls in love and starts a family and has his own beloved children… and even when he loses them he still doesn't become cynical. He still stands in the gap and is the one to fire the gun, to hold the hand of the one who's mourning, to scoop up the orphan child and carry them home. He fights, so others don't have to. Father to the fatherless and hero for all. Also he puts up with Skylar's time traveling craziness lol
And Ketsler? Unlike everyone else he never chose to be a hero. What are you supposed to do when you're a four year old boy and everyone tells you you're the hero they've been waiting for, praying for, you have to save them. It wasn't at all his choice to be born with the power of the universe running through his veins. To hold the Inness in his hands and bend reality to his will. But he didn't run away. He never hid from his destiny. He took the world onto his shoulders and never set it down. Only once- and he's never going to do it again. Never going to ask someone to fill in his role for him, it is his burden to bear… Except not anymore. Despite being multi-millenniums old, all that time didn't dull his appreciation for the little things. A baby's smile, sunshine through the leaves, the change of the seasons. The union of two souls in marriage, or the colors of the sunset streaking a foreign sky. He still sees these things, loves these things, fights for these things. Cause it's the little things he's fighting for, not just the big things. The precious moments and precious lives that make up the worlds. One of his apprentices asked him once, he'd been fighting for so long, when was it going to end? It's not his job to strike the final blow, to end the suffering and bloodshed, just to help. He saves the world, so that he can save it again. 
I have… several more characters I'd love to ramble about but that answer's gotten pretty long so I'll cut it off there. XD
B3: Do you have any plot twists? No need to describe them, just think about what kind of reaction you want from your readers. 
Oh I was just talking to August about this the other day. XD There is one plot twist in the Keeper's story I'm reeaaally looking forward to hehe I want to make people confused and then really mad when the whole thing is stretched out. >:) 
C8: Does magic exist in your world? Who can use it? How does it work?
It really depends on which WIP, but in general I like to keep magic restricted with rules. Joden's story and the Keeper's story are in the same universe (along with ThRoG) and follows that magic system. It's too complicated to go in depth here, but "magic" exists in another plane of existence, and things in the material world have varying levels of connection with it. It's kinda the energy that holds all worlds together and sustains life. The magic realm- the Inness is not a place where physical matter should exist, only spirits can walk there. 
Wizards are creatures that stand with one foot in the physical realm and the other in the Inness. Tevlar is destroying the world basically by turning it inside out- pulling the Inness out.
C11: Have you developed historical figures? How do you develop them? How in-depth do you go?
Oh yes. I am a complete history nerd so if any world EXISTS it has history, and history only happens because people. 
Sometimes it's a thought through process of "somebody needs to go here" and sometimes it's an npc from a time travel rp that took on more importance than I originally intended. 
It really varies how in depth it will go? Sometimes it's just a name to fill a spot and other times it's like, man I could write a whole book about this guy!
One historical figure would be Ares of the Pegasus. He was a powerful warrior that won a bunch of wars and united the different pegasus clans under his leadership and became the first king. He's really famous and people like naming their kids after him in a kinda superstitious hope they'll grow into attributes of his character. Ares is the male form of the name, Aris is for girls. It's like, the most common Pegasian name. XD
D6: Are there any writing styles that inspire you?
Probably the first writing style I wanted to emulate was Tolkien's, but I also really liked Andrew Peterson's? Tolkien is so dramatic, and Peterson isn't heavy on location descriptions, so I'm kinda aiming for in between I guess. 
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strayen-fx · 4 years
Counting Stars
Bang Chan x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
You felt something so right by doing the wrong thing.
You were never a party person--you were never a people person, actually. You hated crowds, especially crowds that contain more than three human beings.
And that is precisely why your parents were more than surprised when you told them you were going to prom.
It was already D-Day, and the mix of shock and interest in the faces of your folks would have made you feel so guilty. But, for some reason, you were feeling nothing at the time but excitement. You told them your friend's date ditched them on the last minute--lie--and that they needed company for the night--another lie. Maybe. You hoped it wasn't a lie. You really wanted to believe that your friend wants your company.
You told them your friend has already rented something for you, and that you were going to get fixed in their house. When your parents asked you to take some pictures, you rolled your eyes and reasoned: "Going to prom is uncomfortable enough. Do I really need to do something even more uncomfortable?"
Do you need a ride home? "I'd stay with my friend overnight."
What time will you get home? "I don't know." Truth.
Your parents were too surprised, and also too excited by the fact that you were trying to get out of your comfortable box, that they didn't bother to question you any further. They trusted you and your decisions. You were their quote-baby-unquote, but you were big enough to handle yourself. They were holding on to that.
And so, before your parents could change their minds, you headed straight towards Chan's home.
"You can't be serious."
"Why wouldn't I be serious?"
After spending a few hours watching Interstellar (Chan's choice), you stepped out into the early night in your hooded sweater, jeans and sneakers. Chan was sporting an almost identical look, and together, the two of you looked like a pair of troublemakers heading off to wreak some havoc.
You pointed at Chan's motorcycle. "You expect me to ride that machine of destruction? Do you even know the fatality rates? They're crazy. Over the last year--"
Chan laughed, cutting you off. He expected that kind of response. "No need to pull a PowerPoint presentation, Y/N." He placed his hands on your shoulders and tried to meet your eyes. "This night is all about 'getting out of your comfortable box,' remember? This is the first step."
"The first step was lying to my parents," you corrected him.
"Touché. So this is the second step."
"Being twin masked-riders prowling the night? That is our second step?"
You tried to remind yourself that this is Chan: resident troublemaker, outlier, the obvious suspect. Of course he's using a bike. Sure, he's got a huge black bike that he probably uses for his personal illegal matters. Or at least, that was what people said about him. You have believed such rumors for, what, three years?
And then, a week ago, the two of you were brought together for a school project. You finally realized that all of the rumors were just that: rumors. Made to taint his reputation, because people need Chan, you know? They need guys like Chan so they could point their finger towards someone else and say: that's the bad guy.
One week of being with him was enough to erase all the negative impressions that had seeped into your mind. It was enough time for you to realize that everyone else was just... well, blind.
Chan grinned, handing you his spare helmet. "There's a whole big world to see. You won't see any of it if you won't move your feet forward."
Chan felt something so wrong by doing the right thing.
Given, you were the one who suggested the whole thing: ditching prom, having a night drive all across town (not in a bike, though--that wasn't part of your plan). But still, when you clamped your arms tightly around his waist, Chan felt something tug at his insides. It was a foreign feeling, but his mind knew it was something wrong. Something he shouldn't be feeling, especially not towards someone like you.
You were the poster picture of a good kid. Headed off to an Ivy League school, offered scholarships, loved by teachers and the school board. He was almost the exact opposite.
He has also been a regular talk of the school body, but not because of his achievements or anything of the sort. He was labelled a rebel, a scapegoat, someone who is always off to no good. Because he got a kid hospitalized for messing with his friends back in freshman year.
The kid tried to tingle with the breaks of Lee Felix's car. It would have caused a major accident costing the lives of more than five people, but that part of the story didn't matter. News that Chan has some tendencies began circulating, and the label stuck until senior year.
Once people see a small stain in you, they begin seeing nothing else but that stain. It's hard to get out of a label, especially if people were seeming to enjoy seeing you crumble. Chan didn't crumble, of course. He stood tall. But still.
He felt like you being with somebody like him was just plain wrong.
He wanted to give you the chance to step out of your comfort zone and see the vastness of the world. You deserved at least that. So when you approached him with your special request, he didn't have the heart to decline. You trusted him despite everything you may have heard from him. That was more than enough for Chan.
He wondered if you could hear his heart pounding through his back.
"Chan.... this is so.... beautiful."
Chan entered the woods, and for a moment you were genuinely afraid for your life. But then a serene lake came into your view, and you knew it was the right decision to trust him.
Chan parked a few meters from the water. You immediately took your helmet off and ran towards the bay, your hands clutched over your heart in deep admiration. You have always loved water -- it helps you calm down, especially during those times when you felt like being you was the biggest mistake you've ever committed.
"I have no idea we have a lake around here," you said, smiling widely.
Chan grinned. "You can't find it in the books, wise girl."
You jokingly glared at him before staring back into the water. You thought: Chan's right. There is a whole big world to see.
If I have Chan, maybe I can start seeing the world around me.
The lake was glistening faintly, the moonlight reflecting off its surface. It was nothing special, really--just another lake in a small town under the vast collection of stars, but being with you there made Chan feel like he was standing at the top of the freaking world.
And at that moment, Chan felt so weak.
It has been at least an hour since you arrived at the lake. Chan took out a blanket and some snacks, and the two of you sat talking as you watched the stars in the night sky. Actually, it was mostly you doing the talking, which was out of character. Chan was oddly quiet and distracted.
And you were afraid. Not of Chan, of course, but of the invisible wall that has suddenly appeared between the two of you.
"Hey. Is everything all right?"
Chan nodded, his expression stone-hard and unreadable. "I just kinda think we should go home now."
"What?" You checked your watch. "It's not even midnight, Chan. Is anything wrong?"
He pursed his lips. Then he began standing up, collecting your trash into a small plastic bag. "Come on."
You stood up, confused and exasperated. "What is wrong with you?"
"Everything!" Chan shouted. You flinched. His gaze softened and he continued, "Everything is wrong with me, Y/N. You shouldn't even be talking to me."
And you understood. You understood what he was talking about.
"Chan..." You reached for his hands and held them within yours, relieved that he didn't try to yank them back. "Look at me. I know what those guys say about you. I have heard of all the rumors, the bad words, the accusations. They say you're unpredictable, that you hurt people, that you're...." You sighed. "But I also know that they're not true. Chan, in just a matter of week you have shown me how beautiful this world is. You taught me how to see things in a different perspective. You have shown me how to break free from my mechanical life. Hell, you even made me ride a bike."
A soft laugh escaped Chan's lips. You smiled. You brought your hand to his chest, right over his thumping heart.
"Chan. I know you better than those people. Their opinions do not matter. This heart? This heart contains all majestic and spectacular things. This heart contains the most amount of kindness I have ever felt. This heart gave me warmth. I hope you could realize how much you're worth. How beautiful you are. How ethereal you are. How--"
Your words were cut off with the feeling of Chan's lips on yours.
He was warmth and radiance and perfection, and though the kiss only lasted for a few seconds, it has left your mind in a swirling haze of euphoria.
You thought: He kissed me.
You thought: Did that happen? Did that just happen?
Chan pulled you into a tight hug, and nothing else mattered anymore. You hugged him back, easing yourself into the comfort of his wildly beating heart.
"Let's stay like this, yeah?" Chan said, and he meant something much more than embracing each other under the moonlight.
You giggled. "Until we have finished counting the stars."
Chan smiled. "Until the universe run out of stars."
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crisantemu · 5 years
Emilie Agreste’s build up surrounding other characters and its importance to the future story
Because I was supposed to be studying and my brain only comes up with stuff like this at the worst times. 
I tried organizing all the topics as best as I could so hopefully it won’t be difficult to follow.
So... Emilie Agreste, huh. One, if not the most mysterious character of the series. I am 120% convinced she is not as good of a person as Gabriel and Adrien paint her to be.
More on this under the cut.
Indeed, we know basically nothing about her for sure except her full name and her twin sister (both these pieces of information revealed in Felix). We can assume the miraculous of the butterfly and the peacock along with the book was hers, to begin with; we can assume she was not that great of an actress since her only movie is not very well known; we can assume she was friends with Audrey (since she helped with the movie) and perhaps Tomoe.
Why do I think this? Let’s take a look at the episode Feast:
Right after the temple of the Order of the Guardians appeared seemingly out of nowhere after 200 years of being gone.
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This was followed up by these exact frames:
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Gabriel and Nathalie are watching. But that’s normal since they’re both the villains of the story and their goal is somewhat connected to that temple. 
From a cinematographic and story-telling perspective, it makes sense.
But then...
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There’s these. Both Tomoe and Audrey are also hearing/watching the news. But that can’t be right... They shouldn’t be shown here. It just doesn’t make sense. They shouldn’t have any sort of connection with this temple in Tibet. 
...Unless they have.
I doubt the director would put these frames right next to each other in a way that wasn’t purposeful.
But what could Gabriel, Nathalie, Audrey, and Tomoe possibly have in common (besides being in the same group age)? Knowing Emilie Agreste and her previous trip to Tibet.
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From here on we can connect the dots:
- Emilie found the two miraculous and the book Master Fu lost while fleeing from the sentimonster.
- Emilie wore the peacock and did something with it that caused it to break.
- She kept using the broken miraculous and that eventually caused her coma-state.
If she knew the miraculous was broken and was hurting her, then why did she keep using it? Clearly, her husband and her son weren’t her first priority then.
Kinda ironic how Gabriel isn’t Emilie’s first priority and yet Emilie is his, even to the point where he’ll put her over his own son (hello, Chat Blanc). Not only that, Gabriel seems to have this... “godly” vision of her, keeping a large portrait of her at his office and a statue of her on the garden (not to mention her actual body being placed safely in his basement with the most advanced medical support and surrounded by a field of white flowers and white butterflies); Adrien does this too to some extent with his lock screens of her. They both loved her. They both still do.
Just what did this woman do to Gabriel to make him believe he needs her to live on? 
And what did she do to her own son to only have him complain about his lack of freedom after she left the picture? How come Adrien love his mother so much when she was the one who conditioned him.
And why does Nathalie also decide to cooperate with Gabriel’s mission to bring her back out of their own volition? You could say it’s all out of love for Gabriel, but since it was revealed the three of them knew each other since high school, I have reasons to believe Nathalie has also some reasons of her own to help Emilie. Audrey and Tomoe could also be part of the same class.
Akin to Marinette and her own class, Emilie could too be forming a “team” of her own. Just not for a good reason.
But then, because we just haven’t enough mystery surrounding Emilie at this point, in Felix we are introduced to her twin sister: Amelie Graham de Vanily. And her nephew too, who is eerily similar to Adrien, to the point where they used to fool both Emilie and Gabriel by switching without them realizing it for a whole weekend!
This episode gave us some answers but it also gave us even more questions. Namely, the great mystery of the Graham twin rings (but I won’t talk about them here).
We did see these rings before though, in the episode Gorizilla where Adrien and Marinette go to the cinema to watch Emilie's movie.  (Later that day, Gabriel sits down with his son and plays the only copy that he has for them to watch).
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And here we see again the connection between Emilie, Audrey, and Tomoe.
Before the movie starts, there’s a car commercial.
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Now, this may seem completely random, after all having commercials before a movie is a normal occurrence. After this, we even have Adrien's Fragrance commercial.
However, Ikari Gozen proves this was no coincidence.
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Tomoe’s car is the same model. As seen by the symbol:
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After the commercials, the movie starts. And right after the Graham Movies screen, we transition to the movie itself where we first see this before the title screen:
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Again we have the cinematographic parallels between these three women. This further cements a connection between Tomoe, Audrey, and Emilie.
Unfortunately, as of now, we know almost nothing about Tomoe Tsurugi or her family’s story and business that also involves Gabriel (as stated by Adrien himself, Tomoe and Gabriel casually meet up for this kind of business). So let’s look at the rest based on the information we have got so far:
At first, when I saw that logo, I thought that the Grahams already had a film industry to their name.
But then A. Bourgeois came in and it changed my whole perspective.
Remember when I talked about this being Emilie’s first and only film of her career as an actress? This movie was produced by Audrey (could be André too, but Audrey just makes more sense in this context).
Ironic how Audrey Bourgeois was the helping hand for both Agrestes on their respective careers. The major difference is that Gabriel succeeded and became a famous fashion designer while Emilie’s performance flopped.
And Audrey is a pretty greedy person as we all know, so she must’ve had a good reason to waste her time and resources on them.
Just what did this woman do to Audrey for her to lay such trust on her and not resent her for failing?
It’s here that we start to realize Emilie was some serious manipulative master for being able to shape everyone’s view on her. Which again, it’s ironic considering how she wasn’t able to get into the acting industry.
But let’s backtrack a little bit.
Back to Amelie and Felix.
Amelie had exclaimed with glee how Felix and Adrien used to switch places with each other right under the Agreste’s noses. To which Gabriel answers with annoyance.
“I won’t be fooled a second time.”
It’s also worth noting how... uncomfortable Gabriel looked while he was talking to Amelie.
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And here’s when it comes the crazy part!!
Now, it’s probably just me, your casual Ace Attorney fan but when I see “two twin sisters” and “switching identities” in the same context, I remember Dahlia and Iris and their little... ploy. Now don’t worry I’m not going to spoil the game or anything. What I meant is; Emilie and Amelie may have done what Adrien and Felix did.
They switched places without Gabriel realizing it.
So maybe while Emilie was doing whatever she was doing with the miraculous, Amelie took her place beside Gabriel as his lover.
Pretty effed up, huh?
But what if Miraculous follows the typical “good twin, bad twin” trope? Then we’ll clearly know who was the good twin, and we’ll also know why Gabriel loves “Emilie” so much.
And it would also explain this:
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“Secret siblings”
This gives on the potential for some cold-blooded twists and honestly, I’m here for it!!!
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 years
Idk of I’ve asked but with the slashers/ survivors- what would everyone’s thoughts be on Chloe and Blair?
I’ll include four of the ones I have for now, Felix and Omen I’m still working on so I need some time before posting their thoughts as well uwu
But then again, Omen to put it simple doesn’t care for their fellow killers really and survivors are just little prey to bring misfortune onto
Johnny: No. We are not amputee buddies. Johnny would definitely find her annoying, not in the same way he’d find Mary annoying, but more like...you’re too positive, I hate it. He’s easily irritated by things and happy, peppy, positive...so just her personality alone is irritating. Seeing that he still strikes fear however, that’s good enough for him. Also, why is everyone so fascinated by his prosthetics/outfit? It’s not that good to him
Mary: Okay so like...these girls meetings, I just see it as two dogs meeting. Pure excitement! Okay, maybe not excitement but these would would definitely click real quick. Loves her whole personality, casually brings up her broken legs when she was younger when Chloe brings up her prosthetic, would love Chloe’s prosthetic too lol. Mary and her definitely have personalities that go well together.
Thaddeus: Doesn’t care for any survivors just like Johnny, would probably also be a tad bit annoyed by her positivity but also...secretly might have a soft spot for her. His wife was a bit like her personality wise. I dunno, Chloe might be one of the survivors that ends up befriending him somewhat quickly. He’s always hated people and his wife was the one who brought him out of the darkness, he needs more people like that.
Cora: She’s the type that doesn’t really trust many at first, just like her relative, not exactly a people person. Tends to be by herself and just finds something to distract herself with. I told Gabe before that it would all depend on how things go in a match, approaching her outside of trials is just eh. Won’t do much. It’s how Chloe acts in a trial that determines whether or not Cora will start to befriend her but from what you told me, I feel that Cora will actually warm up to Chloe and enjoy her presence. 
Johnny: Ugh. A clown. Now he can’t say his circus joke...’cause they actually are in a circus now... Anyways, yeah he had to get used to his first two co-workers and a clown being another is just ridiculous. I know Blair isn’t a clown but Johnny will definitely call him that. I probably need to see a bit more of Blair to give more of Johnny’s opinion.
Mary: Aaaaaah. Another crazy killer! Mary at this point would have gotten used to it all and isn’t really fazed by new killers, so it’s just another person to fuck around with. Tis but a simple ringleader.
Thaddeus: Doesn’t care very much, he’s actually lie Johnny when it comes to socializing, but Johnny actually doesn’t have a hard time with it. Thad would probably be more annoyed than Johnny in fact, this is just another killer he has to work with and another killer he has to keep away from his relative. And it’s a damn clown, he too will call him a clown like Johnny. I kinda feel like these two might butt heads??? I’m not entirely sure.
Cora: Ew. That’s just...ugh, why are there so many of these damn killers...has to be honest though and say that she would totally dig the aesthetic. Always did like creepy circuses and such but seeing it up close/living it...maybe not as fun.
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theangelofvengeance · 4 years
A Wish Among The Stars
Midnight had officially been broken around what seemed to be the remains of Garreg Mach Monastery. This great big building which had been home to Fodlan's archbishop, Lady Rhea, was nothing more than reduced to ruins, all thanks to a sneak attack that had been planned by former student and the current emperor of the Adrestian Empire, Edelgard Von Hresvelg. It had finally been five years ago ever since that incident occurred, and safe to say, a lot of the students, teachers and everyone who have worked closely with Lady Rhea, had never forgotten that fateful day.
No doubt Ashe Ubert was one of those students who experienced that unforgettable sneak attack just five years ago. It was also five years ago that his dear professor, Byleth, had been presumed missing. Yes, he had been found ever since, and he had been working all day night with the rest of the Blue Lions to get even against Edelgard herself. And tomorrow was gonna be the day that their professor would take the class he lead in his life over to the Adrestian capital of Enbarr, where they can finally overthrow Edelgard's bloodthirsty regime once and for all.
And it was gonna be the final battle too. That was the one thing Ashe didn't expect, but was expected anyway since the archer himself didn't know how long he wanted to keep fighting this way. Right now, he just wanted to keep both Fodlan and Faerghus, the towns that he resided in in a state of peace. At least on this night Ashe was having all to himself, he only managed to get a brief taste of that peace as he found himself all alone in the middle of the night, stargazing down from the greenhouse he was slumbered inside in. It was mostly Ashe's thing whenever he found himself bored or just wanted to get away from the madness outside the monastery. There was something about being roomed inside a greenhouse while looking at the stars through one of the windows that made it sound so hauntingly beautiful. That and mixed with the sweet aroma of flowers around him made for a perfect nighttime setting.
Of course, he also couldn't forget the warm aroma of chocolate chip cookies that was cooling off in the box that was sitting next to him. This definitely sounded like a peaceful moment to him indeed, especially when he let his thoughts out all to himself.
"I can't wait for this entire war to be over and done with. It almost feels like a long time too..."
A calm sigh broke from Ashe's lips, one that spoke out of pure peace and yet out of uncertainly. He couldn't quite help but think that this upcoming battle with Edelgard could possibly be his last, should he have to die in that final war. He also couldn't help but think if this war would be the final time he would ever see his friends again if they were to fall in battle. Throughout the years in the monastery, he had made friends with his fellow Blue Lions like Felix, Ashe, Ingrid, Mercedes, Sylvain, Annette and their trustful King of Faerghus, Dimitri. Not to mention the students his dear professor recruited into the group like Dorothea, Ferdinand, Leonie, Lysithea, Hilda, Marianne, Balthus and Constance. Ashe had treated everyone of them more than friends.
They were his family. The kind of family that Ashe never got the chance to have even though he was adopted. The kind of family that even though they weren't related, they were bonded by blood and blood alone. What he wouldn't do for any of them that's already been said enough. He continued to reminisce for a little while until he felt the inside of his stomach rumble out of hunger.
"Okay, I hope those cookies are cold enough for me to eat now..." Ashe said to himself before putting his hand inside the box of cookies.
But as he did though, he somehow touched what seemed to be a silk-like glove instead of a baked cookie biscuit. This feeling gave Ashe a grim gulp around his throat as he quickly turned his head to see who he was touching.
The mysterious figure Ashe was touching smiled right to him, "Hi, Ashe."
'GAAAAH!" shrieked Ashe as he nearly fell out of the ledge he was sitting on.
The archer managed to keep his balance long enough to refocus on the person that was sitting next to him, which just happened to be one of his Blue Lions teammates, Annette.
"Don't do that, Annette! You really scared the heck out of me!" Ashe said with his heart palpitating.
"I'm sorry to scare you like that, Ashe." The cheerful girl replied back to him, "I kinda smelled chocolate chip cookies and I was wondering where that smell was coming from in the first place."
"Oh, that..." Ashe chuckled with a blush on his face. He then looked down at the box and said, "Yeah, it was coming from this box. Mercedes kinda made me a batch full of cookies, and I'm trying to cool them off."
"Well, they definitely look scrumptious." Annette nodded before asking, "You don't mind, do you?"
The silver-haired archer then nodded back, "Oh, go ahead."
"Thanks," She smiled sweetly, taking a freshly-baked cookie out from the box. Munching on the cookie itself, Annette then asked the archer, "By the way, I didn't know you hung out here at nights."
Ashe fought out a nervous chuckle as he said with a cookie in hand, "Yeah, sometimes I need to find a good place to get some space and clear my thoughts. What with this being a crazy world due to all of the battles we've fought in so far."
"No kidding," Annette nodded with her mouth full, "Hard to believe we've been through so much, it's no wonder we're still alive in one piece."
"Indeed," Ashe nodded back, "The hardest part of every battle is realizing the fact that in every fight, we have to lose every one of our friends. The ones we grew up with in this very monastery. The fact that they're not with us anymore still hurts."
Annette felt that very same thing Ashe was feeling: Hurt. And no doubt that taking their friends lives in the middle of this tragic war hurt so much like a bloody dagger straight to the heart. It jams in there back and forth before it sinks right into the womb, leading to the brink of nowhere when it comes to life. Sometimes, it even led both Ashe and Annette to wonder themselves if this was hardly worth fighting for. The cold hard truth was that it wasn't worth it, but at the end of the day, it was the way this war had to be.
Minutes of silence passed between both Ashe and Annette for a good while, only for the auburn-haired songbird to break the tension by staring right up to the skies and said, "You know Ashe, maybe they're not really gone at all."
"Huh? What do you mean?" Ashe raised his eyebrow, looking at Annette with such curiosity.
"Maybe they're up there in the skies," Annette said as she pointed up the starry sky, "From the way I see it, I like to envision the friends we lost in those battles as stars. Maybe the goddess reincarnated them as such. Sure they may not be with us on this Earth, but up there, they're watching above us in this starry night." She then pointed to the exact moon itself and said, "And see that moon upthere, Ashe?"
"Yeah, I see it." Ashe nodded.
"That moon, in my mind, represents the goddess itself." Annette pointed out once more, "And those stars in the sky are joined with her in perfect harmony. Because like us, those friends fought and gave their lives for a higher purpose. We honor her and them with our hearts, because we all know they never went away no matter what their fate on Earth lies."
Ashe let out a brief, yet relieved smile as he nodded. "Huh, you're right. I really never thought about it that way."
Peaceful solitude began to break out between the two young Blue Lions themselves. Neither Ashe and Annette knew how peaceful their time looking at the stars was. Oh, if only it could be like this between the two friends themselves without any kind of war breaking out, then they never get tired of each other's company. Ever.
That solitude would only last for a bit while before Annette was surprised by the image of a shooting star falling from orbit. This excited the cheerful overachiever so much that she tugged Ashe right by the shoulder to get his attention.
"Hey Ashe, look up there!" She said as Annette pointed up to the right.
Ashe immediately followed suit as he looked up once more, only to see that shooting star shine right between his pale green eyes. It looked quite beautiful from afar, even going so far to shine even more brightly than a pearly white smile.
"I can't believe it's a shooting star," The archer chuckled out, "I hardly ever get any of those at night."
Annette chuckled once again as she said, "I guess we're lucky then, now we get to make a wish."
"Yeah," Ashe smiled back with a nervous blush growing between his cheeks. Soon as his blush faded away, the archer then asked Annette, "What did you wish for, anyway?"
The auburn-haired cutie shrugged before saying, "I don't know, nothing special. My only wish is that I just want this war to be over and make it in one piece with everyone on our side."
"That's a really good wish you thought of." Ashe nodded reassuringly.
"I did, didn't I?" Annette said, blushing a bit herself before asking him, "You make a wish yourself, Ashe?"
The archer, truth be told, possibly didn't know how to respond to that one simple question, leading him to shrug back at her in response.
"I wouldn't know to be honest," He finally replied, "I mean, there are so many things I'm looking forward to in the future that I couldn't possibly think of what to wish for and all. I thought so many like leaving Fodlan to mark a path of my very own, maybe become a knight that I've always dreamed of being for in a famous House, or maybe retire and spend all my days shooting apples with my arrows and whatnot."
Annette broke out in a giggle saying, "You thinking of being some sort of mountain man? I can't imagine what you'd look like with a beard."
"I probably wouldn't say I'd go that far." Ashe chuckled back, sharing a laugh with the girl sitting right close to him.
All that laughing and stargazing ended up making Ashe even more hungry then usual. He decided to pick up yet another chocolate chip cookie when all of a sudden, he felt Annette's hand touch his yet again, resulting in both Ashe and Annette exchanging a blush between each other.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He said, apologizing to her.
"Oh, don't apologize, that one's on me." Annette said, pardoning the archer.
But as soon as they touched hands, something weird started to happen with the two of them together. Well, Annette most of all though as she felt a warm resonance coming from Ashe's own hand. It looked quite soft yet so warm for someone whose hands felt a little dirty after a day of training or perhaps a day of battle. Ashe felt the same way about Annette's hands too. They were smooth, creamy and inviting like feeling a cloth of silk for the first time or perhaps a cloud that Ashe could feel himself touch from where he was sitting at. The feeling felt amazing for the two of them, so much so that they never escaped each other's gaze at all.
Annette quickly wiped her blush away before replying to Ashe, "I really like spending time with you, Ashe."
"Same here," Ashe nodded with a whisper escaping his lips. He composed himself with a deep breath before he said to Annette, "You know, seeing that shooting star up in the sky, I realize I did make a wish after all."
"Really? What's that?" Annette asked curiously.
She didn't wait too long to get an answer from him.
In fact, Annette got his answer in the form of his lips meeting hers in an unexpected kiss. The auburn-haired overachiever felt her eyes bloat up out of shock and surprise. The shock of course came from the fact that she never expected Ashe to pull a gesture off like that, and the surprise was from the fact that the kiss he gave her felt so calm and sweet to her. It was clear that the time inside her mind clearly stopped the longer the kiss was going on. And deep down, Annette found herself enjoying it to the very last.
Although not for long as Ashe quickly broke away from her just to whisper to Annette, "My wish was to spend this moment with you."
She felt her heart completely melt from his words, leaving Annette to blush in response and lose a bit of feeling in her legs, realizing that the boy she had been friends with for such a long time had romantic feelings for her with just one single wish. It was all in perfect timing, knowing if this moment between the two was gonna be the final time should either Ashe, Annette or the rest of the Blue Lions not escape this final war with Edelgard unscathed.
Annette, who was still speechless from that kiss, continued to relish in this sweet moment by returning Ashe's gesture with a kiss of her own. Unlike Ashe though, her kiss felt much more passionate, yet much more deeper than his by a step forward. His insides immediately melted in response to her warm sweet lips intoxicating him per second. That proved to be more than enough for Ashe to wrap his arms around Annette and cock his head to the side, taking in more of her kiss with his in return. The two of them knew that if they were to die tomorrow by the hands of Edelgard and her tyrannical Adrestian Empire, at least they would be together as boyfriend and girlfriend no matter what fate would take them next.
Right now, relishing in this sweet moment was all that mattered to both Ashe and Annette, knowing that it was a wish worth making to them among the stars.
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Stray Kids Reaction To Their S/O And Them Are Finding A Lost Pet On The Street - Hyung Line
It was pretty dark outside, despite the fact that it was an early afternoon in the middle of August. Grey clouds covered the - otherwise - piercing blue sky, not letting the Sun shine on the people below, and even though the air was still warm from the heatwave that had ended only a few days ago, the cold raindrops successfully made everyone in the city to grab their jackets or sweaters. Let’s just say, it was not the weather any living creature would spend their times in. But still, there you were, wearing only your shorts, a sleeveless shirt, and a raincoat that wasn’t zipped up, which made it impossible for the clothe to cover your body properly. Due to this neglectful out-fit you were already damp even though it’d been only a few minutes since you came out of the house, and there were visible goosebumps on every free skin of yours. But you didn’t really care. You were too busy squating in the middle of the street in front of your apartment, trying to keep your balance, not to get hit by a car, and manage to stay calm, all at the same time.
You’d been in your cozy room just minutes ago, watching a movie, all cuddled up with your boyfriend under a fluffy blanket, just enjoying the warmth that’d radiated from his body, and from his arms which he’d been hugging you with. But it hadn’t lasted long.  A desperate whine had cut through the silence and since it had been already raining outside you’d been far too worried to just  ignore the sounds that had repeated continuously. So you’d come outside looking for the source of the noise, your boyfriend right behind you.
Now, Chan was standing a few steps away from you, holding the umbrella from under you’d just walked out of, watching carefully as you tried to win the dog’s trust - that’d welcomed you two when you’d come outside - and get it to come closer to you.
Even though he was an owner of a pup himself, and he really was an animal lover by heart, he still couldn’t manage to drown out the worry in him. Because the dog that you tried to be friends with was pretty big, and wild looking. Its fur was longer than Chan thought it should have been, and its dark locks were soaking wet and sticked together. The poor animal was covered in mud, only its black, glistening eyes shined through the dirt, and it was shivering. The leader of Stray Kids couldn’t really decide if it was because of the dog was cold, hurt, or afraid. But what he knew was that the pup looked more familiar with a wolf, than with a dog, and that it could easily hurt you. Not because it wanted to. But he knew that as a dog if it’d felt pain, been scared or frightened its first instinct would’ve probably been to bite you, especially if it hadn’t been familiar with humans.  
- “Chan!” - your whisper was the sound that made him snap out of it.
- “Yes?” - he asked, looking up at you in an instant.
- “Could you bring me some of the leftovers from yesterday? It’s in the fridge.” - you didn’t take your eyes off the animal as you spoke which was still glaring at you with an uncertain look on its face. It didn’t really decide yet if it wanted to trust you or not.  
Your boyfriend nodded even though he knew that you could not see him, and he walked back into the house, as fast as he could without running, preventing to scare the pet. He wasn’t too happy that you stayed outside alone with the pup, but he trusted you and that you were smart enough to run if something bad happened.
Chris grabbed a few chicken wings that you hadn’t eaten yesterday, and he walked out to you again, making his steps as big as possible.
To his relief you and the dog were still in the same position as before. He approached you slowly, arms hanging, shoulders relaxed, and focusing on you.
- “Here.” - he whispered, and you reached back, taking the meat from his hands. - “Be careful.” - he said before taking a few steps back, and you couldn’t help but smile, thinking about how sweet it was from him to worrying for you, even if the slightest.
- “Hi, buddy.” - your voice was firm, but soft as you slowly lifted up your arm, offering the chicken to the dog. It flinched back a little at first but soon as the smell of food filled its sensitive nose it take a few steps forward. You smiled again but you tried to avoid eye contact with the poor thing, not wanting to make it feel threatened. - “There’s no need to be afraid. We won’t hurt you.” - you cooed. - “We just want to help. But first we need you to trust us, okay?” - maybe it was your words that it understood, or your calming tone was the thing that affected it, but the pup moved, and he ate the food from your hands.
You carefully reached out your other hand, trying to pet it, and to your surprise not only the dog let you run your fingers through its messy fur, but it leaned against your touch, trying to get as close to you as possible. Its crave of love and comfort was obvious and you couldn’t help but teared up thinking about when could’ve been the last time that someone had given affection to this little creature.
Soon enough you were basically hugging the dog - not too tight though - which was now licking your palms and arms franticually even though there were no longer meat in it.
You looked back at Chan with glossy eyes and as if it knew your thoughts the dog raised its head up a little, so it could see over your shoulders as well.
And Chris’ heart melted.
- “It looks like Berry’s got a new friend to play with, huh?” - he winked, and his dimples showed up when he smiled, not being able to be prouder of his girlfriend, whose big heart just saved a life today.
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- “Are you serious!?” - you laughed, covering your mouth with one hand, the fingers of the other were intertwined with Woojin’s who was now walking next to you. It was dark outside but this didn’t bother any of you as you were wandering in the park. After a comeback, some crazy days at your workplace, and tiring weeks of seemingly endless promotion you guys finally got some privacy and free time which you hadn’t missed to spend together. That was why you two were walking among the trees, feeling the night’s breeze caressing your skins, enjoying each other’s presences, telling stories to one another. Nothing could’ve been more perfect than that.
- “I’m not joking, I swear.” - he said, joining you in your laughter. - “Jisung-ah looked like the man from that painting…what is it called…yes! The Scream.” - and you laughed even harder because you could totally imagine the rapper - who’d got mentioned by your boyfriend - making the face the person was making in Edvard Munch’s picture. - “He was on the verge of tears.” - the singer shook his head, and you pouted instantly.
- “Poor Jisungie.” - you said, knowing how much of a scaredy-cat he was. - “They really should’ve known better than pranking him.” - you referred to the maknae-line, as you swung your head.
- “Han’s reactions to certain things can be really funny sometimes. So I would lie if I said that I didn’t understand why they chose him.” - your boyfriend shrugged a little, running his thumb over the back of your hand. - “I think they didn’t quite expect him to start to cry.” - he added. - “Felix almost started to cry as well, Jeongin was just standing there, scared-stiff, and Hyunjin looked like he was about to get eaten by the guilt he felt.” - you smiled a little. You expected nothing less from these three drama kings. - “Gosh…we really are one of the most emotional groups out there. We were made out of softies.” - he chuckled and you raised an eyebrow.
- “What about the dark, and mysterious Seo Changbin?” - you asked jokingly but Woojin only waved his hand.
- “Changbin is literally one of the softest softies among us. He’s just really good at hiding it.” - you grinned so wide your face muscles started to hurt for a brief moment.
- “AHHA!” - you shouted satisfied. - “I knew he cried while we were watching Lion King.”
- “Okay, but honestly who doesn’t cry while watching that movie?” - he laughed and you had to admit that he was right on this one.
- “Yeah, that’s true, but still. He literally said he got something in the…”
You couldn’t finish your sentence thanks to the boy next to you, whose hand pulled you back. The force of the movement was not huge but it was so sudden that you almost fell back as you took a few steps backwards.
- “What the…” - but he cut off your statement again, however this time with words.
- “Look!” - he pointed forward, looking at the ground and you did. It was dark, and a little bit foggy but you was still able to see the little form that plodded across the path you two were walking in. It was extremely slow and the way it took one of its legs in front of the others was almost hilarious.
- “Is that a…?” - you asked very, very confused as you crunched down wanting to take a look at the little creature from closer. - “A turtle?”
- It looks like a turtle to me. - Woojin nodded, descending to his knees next to you. - But like a pet one.
- “What the heck?” - you furrowed, putting your foot in front of the animal, stopping it from moving forward. - “How’s that even possible?” - you questioned the existence of the turtle in the park.
- “I have no idea.” - the singer shook his head. - “But it’s kinda cute.” - he added, smiling a little.
- “Is there any lake in this park?” - you asked but when the “no” left your boyfriend’s mouth you became even more confused. - “Where did you come from, little guy? Hmm?” - you cooed, reaching out for the turtle and grabbing it gently. It looked up at you with its small, black, shiny eyes, but of course you didn’t get an answer from it. - “We have to take it home!” - you suddenly mumbled surprising even yourself a little bit, not even talk about the boy next to you.
- “What?”
- “It needs water. Is there any water here? No.” - you said, getting more into the idea to adopt your new, tiny friend. - “Plus there are always children here.” - you added. - “They playing football, or tag, they’re screaming and running, they can easily hurt this guy.” - you lifted the turtle up a little. - “And what if one of the kids find it? I love children, but they can be very aggressive with animals. Not on purpose though. But only because they don’t really know how to treat them properly.”
- “That’s true.” - Woojin hummed and you looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes. Eventually he smiled down at you and nodded. - “Okay. Let’s take him home.” - you particularly jumped on him, making both of you fell back on the ground, laughing, the turtle still in your hand, looking a little bit frightened.
- “Thank you!” - you said, pecking your boyfriend’s soft lips gently, and gratefully.
- “Can we name him Hank, though?” - he asked shyly, his gaze wandering to the pet.
- “No!” - you furrowed, giggling. How could he have ideas like that?
- “But why?” - he pouted and you couldn’t help but kissed him again.
- “Because Hank is a horrible name.”
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Today was a special day. There were no celebrations or glittery events, but you got sent home from work much earlier than you usually did. It deserved to be remembered. For the past few weeks your work place’d been rushing with everything like crazy. You’d arrived at home late and got up really early in the mornings every day, and you’d had to work at home as well. But the hard work was finally paying off, and it started with this early afternoon.
You were almost jumping on the streets as you headed home, thinking of plans you wanted to fulfill in your free time. The weather was warm but breezy, the sun covered the darkest places with light as well, so it really was the perfect time to go out. “Maybe I’ll go to the park.” This was the exact thought in your mind when all of your plans got cut through by  a quiet but desperate meow.
You froze in the middle of all of your movements, right on the street, eyebrows furrowed. Did you hear that well or were your ears playing tricks on you? They weren’t. And you got assured of that by the source of the noise in an instant.
Now, you probably looked even more stupid, since you started to look round - when seemingly there was no one around you, trying to find the meowing creature with your eyes. Thankfully it didn’t stop making the sounds, so in a few minutes were crouching down next to a tree, staring at the tiny, little kitten in the grass, with teary eyes. - “Oh my God…” - you let out a broken whisper, as you watched the little baby wiggle round, meowing in every few seconds. The kitten must’ve been around two weeks old. Its ears were upright, but very small, its eyes were open and it didn’t had any teeth. The pet’s grayish fur was messy, and covered in dirt, but you noticed a few flees on it as well when you leaned closer.
You knew that you had to do something. Not only were you an animal lover by heart but you also knew that this little guy wouldn’t survive  here alone. But at the same time you had no clue how to save a kitten this old. You’d never had a cat, not even a dog, the only animals you’d ever owned were fish. But they hadn’t needed any special treatment.
However your mind hadn’t been racing for too long. Even though you didn’t know what to do, you did know someone who did. In fact, that person was your very own boyfriend.
You reached back for your bag, trying to find your phone with trembling hands, but you didn’t tear your eyes off of the animal in front of you. When you succeeded you literally punched the buttons on the screen, and held the mobile close to your ear. The phone rang for a few moments, but no one answered it, so you tried again while you were trying to think of every possible place where Minho could be. The boys didn’t had interviews, nor photo shoots today. They’d performed around ten or eleven am, but it was already three in the afternoon so it couldn’t be the reason why the dancer didn’t pick it up. “He’s probably on dance practice.” You thought, chewing on your bottom lip, silently praying for the boy to pick up the damn phone. - “Hi Jagi.” - you finally heard the sweet voice of your boyfriend and you sighed in relief. He was panting which only certified your assumption from before. - “I didn’t expect you to…”
- “Minho, it’s an emergency!” - and by the silence on the other side of the line, you knew that he was on full display for you. - “I’ve found a kitten on the way home.” - you explained on a shaky tone. - “I’ve been next to it for the past ten minutes. There’s no other cat or person here. I think someone purposely left this little guy here.” - now your face was covered in tears, and you were frequently sniffling, trying to stop your nose from running. The pure though of someone leaving an innocent, baby cat on the side of a street broke your heart. - “It’ll die if I don’t help. But I don’t know how to take care of a…”
- “How old is it?” - Minho asked, immediately getting into action. You sniffled again, trying to dry up your tears with the sleeves of your shirt.
- “I’m not sure…maybe two weeks old…?” - the boy hummed a little, and you literally saw him crossing his arm under the one that held the phone, as he started to think.
- “How small is it?”
- “Well…” - you stared at the squirming creature, trying to do some math in your brain, but failed. - “I think it’s a bit bigger than my palm.”
- “Does it have teeth?”
- “No.”
- “Are its eyes open?” - he asked again and you nodded out of reflex.
- “Yupp. They are.”
- “Then I think you’re probably right about its age. Good job, Jagi!” - he said, and by the tone of his voice you knew he was smiling. He was proud. You blushed at the compliment, muttering a soft “thank you”. - “Now, what you’re going to do is to cover that kitten in anything you have with you, and come into the JYP building.” - his voice was so soft and calm, it slowed down your racing heart, and filled you with confidence.
- “I have a sweater, is that good?” - you asked, but you’d already started to peel off the hoodie of your waist, placing the phone between your shoulder and your ear.
- “Yeah, that’s perfect. Just wrap the kitten in it, like it was a burrito or something.” - you laughed as you grabbed the cat as gently as you could, and put it on the clothe, starting to fold it around the tiny body. - “Remember, you have to keep it warm. Also, is it a boy or a girl?”
- “Keep it warm, keep it warm.” - you muttered to yourself, almost missing the question. - “Umm…I think…I think it’s a girl.” - you smiled on the whining little thing, who was now really looking like a burrito from Taco Bell. - “Are you in dance class?”
- “Yes, I am.”
- “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” - you’d promised, before you hung up the phone.
And you did. After a pretty interesting taxi ride where you’d had to explain the situation to the driver, who’d started tearing up right away in the middle of a smaller traffic, you arrived at the building of the entertainment, and the only reason you didn’t run was the tiny kitten, who was sleeping peacefully, snuggled up in your hoodie.
- “Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” - you automatically backed away when eight boys rushed to your side, shouting your name as soon as you entered  the dance room. It only took seconds for you to find yourself in the middle of a circle, made by almost the whole group, each member looked either at you, or the little pack in your hands with worried eyes, asking anything that crossed their minds.
- “Is she okay?”
- “Are you okay?”
- “How did you find her?”
- “Was she dying?”
- “Can I hold her?”
- “Y/N-ah, you’re so amazing!” - you didn’t even know who to look at, or which question you should answer first. Thank goodness you got saved by your 4D boyfriend, who scared Jeongin off by staring at him with a dark gaze, pulled Felix away by grabbing one of his ears, and raised his voice a little bit against Seungmin who didn’t really want to step out of your personal aura. Luckily Chan and Woojin got their adult side out as well and helped him make everyone go further.
- “How is she?” - Minho asked on a soft tone, now that he was talking to you, and you smiled a little as you carefully placed the sweater in his waiting arms.
- “Better than before.” - you said, watching your boyfriend peeking under the material. - “I think she’s warmed up because she’s sleeping now.”
- “Hi little Angel.” - the boy cooed, gently rubbing the kitten’s face with one of his fingers. - “You’re beautiful. Yes, you are.” - he continued and you felt a strange warmth growing in your heart, while looking at the two. - “Y/N?”
- “Yes?” - you asked, snapping out of your mesmerized state.
- “Could you bring me the kitten formula?” - he asked. - “It’s in a bottle. I heated it up only minutes ago, so it should be warm.” - you nodded, taking a few steps toward the only colorful bag that was in the room. - “You’ll find a syringe next to it as well.” - he added as you crunched down and zipped up the bag. You didn’t need to look for the things he’d asked for for too long. They were basically on the top of everything that were in there.
- “Hyung, why do you have kitten formula and syringe in your bag?” - Hyunjin asked furrowing is eyebrows together, and you laughed.
- “There’s some cat food as well.” - you chuckled, standing up.
- “You can never know when you’ll find a stray cat on the street.” - he shrugged, and you grinned.
- “It’s like some kind of little bit screwed up, romantic drama series.” - you said. - “I’ve already had a Stray Kid. Now I have a Stray Cat as well.” - you laughed all of the members joining you. Gosh, you always knew how to light up the mood. This was definitely one of the reasons why Minho loved you so damn much. By the time you’d walked back next to the boy the kitten was no longer a burrito. Her tiny body was held by the dancer’s hand and she was also awaken.
- “Would you do it?” - he asked, looking up at you, who went pale instantly.
- “Minho, I don’t know how to…”
- “Yes, you know.” - he cut you off softly, trading the cat for the formula with you. He filled the syringe with food, and then stepped next to you, the warmth and confidence that were radiating from his body calmed you down immediately. - “Look.” - and he helped you how to hold the kitten in one hand and then he placed the syringe in the other. - “You put it in her mouth.” - when the kitty yawned you took advantage of her action and put the syringe in her mouth. -”And now press. Slowly. There’s no need to rush. Drop by drop.”  - and you did what you was told and the result got everyone by surprise.
- “She swallows it.” - you whispered, joy filling your voice. - “I can feel it.” - you almost jumped out of your skin in excitement but you stopped yourself from moving and concentrated on the little girl in your hand.
- “She must’ve been really hungry.” - Minho cooed, and then pressing a quick kiss on your temple. - “You’re doing amazing.” - he whispered in your hair and you blushed.
- “Doesn’t she need to be seen by a doctor?” - you asked not looking away from the eating kitten and the boy nodded next to you.
- “Yeah. I’ll go with you to the vet, after she finished.” - now you looked at him, eyes wide, worry starting to spread in your body.
- “Minho, you don’t have to.” - you shook your head. - “You guys will have a comeback soon. JYP would be mad if you…”
- “Hey.” - was all Minho said at first, placing his palm on your cheek, totally forgetting that the others were still in the room. - “I want to go with you.” - and he give you another kiss, this time on your forehead. - “So let’s go!” - and you didn’t disagree this time.
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When you mentioned the idea of camping to your boyfriend you didn’t take a locked up road in account.
When you packed all of your stuffs together you didn’t take a deflated tyre in account either.
And you definitely did not take the chance of sleeping on a field in account, when the rapper started the car engine.
But as always, life hadn’t really given a flying shit  about your plans, or calculations, and this is why you ended up sleeping in a tent that stood in the middle of a meadow.
But surprisingly it didn’t bother you as much as you expected it to do. After all, the weather was nice - the silent wind made the warm air cooler -,you were surrounded by the sounds of nature - like the chirping of crickets, or the hoot of owls -, thousands and thousands of bright lanterns looked down at you from the dark sky, and your very handsome, and secretly soft boyfriend were snoring next to you.
You drifted off to sleep with these thoughts on your mind, but you couldn’t enjoy your peaceful nap for too long. It only seemed minutes since you’d closed your eyes, you woke up again, and first you didn’t even know the reason why. Your first reaction was to look at Changbin but he was still sleeping like a log, so you slowly put your head back on your hoodie which you used as a pillow. But as soon as your face connected with the soft material you heard something. A sound that was a stranger to the other noises outside, and to you as well. It was unfamiliar.
You rose up a little bit from the ground, leaning on your forearm, as you blinked confusedly a few times, staring at the exit of the tent. But the only things you could see on the fabric were the shadows of the trees around you.
But you didn’t brush it off this time. You stayed in that position for a few minutes - that to you went by as hours - and then you heard the sound again. It was pretty much like…
- “Changbin!” - you whisper-shouted, as you turned toward your boyfriend, shaking his shoulders gently. He only groaned, trying to squirm away from your touch, but it didn’t look like your actions had affected him that much, if at all. - “Changbin, wake up!” - you repeated a little louder this time, and you shook him more aggressively.
- “What?” - he moaned, opening one of his eyes and looking at you with it, and in that moment you almost forgot why you’d wanted him to be awake. Because damn, his dark gaze on you was like fire, it made your skin burn all over, and his tired, raspy voice, and his messy hair didn’t help you to get your thoughts together either. But eventually you could successfully ignore his sexy looks, and told him what was on your mind.
- “There’s someone out there.” - your voice was smaller than the wind but the boy still reacted to it as if he got put under an electric shock. His eyes snapped open completely, his body tensed up, and you could almost see his nerves sharpening.
And it happened again. In the silence of the night both of you could clearly hear the noise, that sounded as if someone were walking outside. But it was blunt enough to make you realize that whatever was causing it, it was not in the very near of your camp.  
- “Rule number one: If you hear a scary sound, you DO NOT get up and try to find its source!” - your boyfriend groaned again, but it was not the answer you’d been hoping for.
- “It can be a deer.” - you said excited. - “Come on, Binnie! We can’t miss that!” - the judging look that he sent in the direction of yours was priceless. - “Or someone is maybe in trouble. And we could be the heroes who save them!” - there were no muscles that flinched in Changbin’s face.
- “Jesus! You would be the first one who gets killed in a horror movie.” - he sighed, but he got up a little, leaning on his right elbow, and you knew that you only needed one more little push to convince him. So you got into action.
- “Fortunately…” - you purred, as you placed one of your hands on his thigh, while the fingers of the other started to draw circles on his clothed chest. - “I have a brave and strong boyfriend who would save me from anything, don’t I?” - you sweetly smiled up at him, and this way you could see as his face turned into a tomato, his breathing trembled, and he looked away from you in embarrassment.
- “I’m going insane…” - he murmured more to himself, than to you, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spreaded through your face when he stood up. - “Come on, Girl!” - he huffed. - “We’re looking for a monster.”
And so you went outside, jackets on your shoulders, flashlights in your hands, trying to find the thing that made the weird - walking - sound in the knee-high grass. But it was a hard job to do when you could barely see anything in the dark, not to talk about the fact that different sounds came from everywhere, and the one you were trying to find sometimes got louder, and sometimes completely stopped.
After half an hour or so, the rapper was the one who broke the silence.
- “Okay, this will take forever.” - he sounded annoyed but you knew him well enough to know that he was only tired and desperate to sleep. And you started to regret that you woke him, instead of just going outside and looking for the sound yourself. A little bit of adventure couldn’t hurt of course, but with his tight schedule he hardly got enough sleep on a daily basis.- “Y/N, you go left, I go right. But don’t roam too far! “- you nodded and you were about to walk away when he grabbed your arm gently. You looked up at him questioningly. - “And if something happens, just scream our safe word, okay?” - he winked, and you froze, mouth agape, but before you could do anything he’d run off.
- “That little…” - you swore, face red, but you couldn’t do much about it right now. So you just kept looking around for the noise maker. You believed that it couldn’t be that far, since you’d been able to hear it from your tent as well, so you walked back to your start point. And that was when you noticed, a group of bushes behind the place you slept in. - “Okay, Y/N, you got this.” - you whispered to yourself as you approached the plants. - “There’s probably nothing scary there. Just think about unicorns. Yes…unicorns. And muffins. And pink, fluffy teddy bears. And…” - you slowly, and carefully looked behind the bushes, holding back your breath, your heart beating like crazy.
And you saw a little, dark figure that was standing on its four legs.
And then it walked.
And then it bleated.
- “FELIX!!!” - you shouted at the top of your lungs, not even caring about the fact that you might scared off the creature you’d just found. You just wanted to get over it. Your face and ears had been already burning by the time Changbin got there.
- “I’m here.” - he panted. He probably had run through the whole field.
- “Babe…we seriously need to change our saf…”
- “What happened?” - your boyfriend laughed, not letting you finish the sentence and you rolled your eyes. But instead of answering him, you closed the distance between you and the animal - which was thankfully still there - making the boy follow you behind the bushes.
- “Look! It’s a kid!” - you smiled widely as you stepped closer to the little cuteness. It looked up at you, and bleated again - which pretty much sounded like a cry, it melt your heart in seconds - but it let you pet it. You kneeled beside the animal and simply wrapped your arms around it. It didn’t even flinch. - “Can we take it home? Pleaseee!” - you looked up at your boyfriend, whining, whose eyes got wider with every word that left your mouth.
- “You do realize that, that’s a baby goat, right?” - he pointed out the obvious and you pouted.
- “But it’s soooo cute!”
- “We can’t just steal…a goat…” - he frowned but you didn’t give up that easily.
- “Look at this smol lil’ bean.” - you cooed, patting the kid’s head between its tiny horns. - “He doesn’t have a rope on it, neither does it have that yellow thing in its ear, whatever the hell it’s called…This baby is probably lost. And if we left it here, it would probably die. Do you have the heart, to leave an innocent baby goat dying in a lonely field?” - you asked, making the biggest puppy eyes that was possible. Changbin pinched his nose.
- “Have I mentioned that I’m going insane?” - he sighed, and you grinned. You won.  
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Oh my God, guys…I’ve been soooo inactive lately, and I’m so sorry for that! I only realized how much I’ve missed writing these when I started to type. 
As you can see I separated the hyung and the maknae line this time. It’s because they’re both way too long to put them in one scenario. I just simply can’t stop, once I started to write. :’D However I really, really hope that you liked it!! Feel free to leave a comment! It’s always fun to read your opinions. :)) Maknae line will be up soon. Have an amazing day or night! :D
(I do not own these gifs)
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neverland93 · 8 years
Peter Pan Imagine/Memories
“So like before the group comes to save Henry Peter and the reader were in a relationship and when they got back to story Brooke, they erased the readers memory of Peter and hook is like her guardian now? And maybe like someone slips something and the reader is all confused because she realizes her memory was erased and stuff like that? IDK. It feels crazy writing it down, and in my head it totally made sense. Maybe if you can write something off of that, that would be amazing but if it's too hard to follow I TOTALLY GET IT THANK YOU THOUGH “
Warnings: Cursing,fluff,memory loss,memory gaining, btw I kinda switched it up a bit but hope you still enjoy
You and peter were the perfect couple, you loved him dearly, and he loved you, even though he may not have always showed it, he did. That’s why when you got your memory taken away, it turned his life upside down.
Peter’s Point Of View
It all started out as just a regular day, I wake up and look at her, then kiss her on the forehead. I then rub her head and run my fingers through her hair, wishing it could be like this forever, but being king of the island, I have duty’s to attend to, lost boys to feed, and a island to run.
I get up slowly to make sure I don’t disturb her, and then on my way to the kitchen to make some breakfast, as I make breakfast , my best friend Felix greets me, we talk about everything, nothing, and the important things, he is my go to when I have problems , if I can’t explain something to Y/n, I always go to him, he is my most trust worthy, respected, and funniest lost boy, and for that I am forever grateful.
After making food Felix rings the bell and everybody wakes up, slowly but surely, I go into my cabin to check if Y/n is wake, she isn’t, no surprise.
“Baby, you gotta wake up now.” I say softly
“Mmmmm” She moans and rolls over to avoid eye contact
I laugh and get on the bed and rub her back “You gotta get up or the food will get cold, you don’t want that do you?” I asked
She puts the pillow over her head and blocks out whatever I have to say
“Oh that’s how it’s gonna be?” I jump on her and start to tickle her, she couldn’t keep it in and starts to laugh, hysterically, I loved these times with her, but they wouldn’t last.
Regular Point Of View 
As the days go by, you realize Peter became more distant, less loving, less caring, and it wasn’t your imagination, and it sucked , because you loved him, you would damn near die for him, this , this was when the arguments started.
“I can’t keep doing this Peter!” you yelled at him
“Excuse me ? Do what? You don’t do shit.” he says 
“I take care of YOUR lost boys Peter! And let me tell you they are very hard to take care of.” you fold your arms
“Nobody ask you to.” he turns away from you
“No , no they don’t but I do a damn good job don’t I?” you say
Peter just stays silent , not knowing what to say
“You’re lucky you have me, without me , Neverland would be nothing.” As soon as you said that you instantly regretted it.
“You should probably keep that pretty mouth of yours shut.” he said sternly
“Or what?” you said with the most sass you could give.
“Do you want to get banished?!” he yells
“Maybe I do!” You yell at him
“Fine then pack your shit.” he walks out the cabin, and that was the last time you seen him , until , well ...
You see you lived with Hook, in StoryBrooke, he was your guardian, everything was good, until he started to date this Swan princess, she and her son, and the group were always in your and Hook’s way, at least that’s what you thought, but Hook really loved Swan, and it kinda annoyed you, Hook was like your big brother, and the only one you could talk to, with that , Emma was always with him, so that meant less time with you.
Well, Emma and the gang were getting annoyed of you to, they wanted to like you, but you lived with Peter for 2 years, your sass was uncontrollable, so Emma and Regina made a potion, a potion to erase your memory, the good, the bad, all of it, they regretted it the second they did it, but they had no idea hot to get your memory back.
It was like you were a totally different person, you were sweet, gentle, and kind, there was no sass in your blood, you might as well have been called the princess of StoryBrooke, you were so kind to everyone and they all loved you, they kept saying you were a “whole new person” but you always brushed it off, thinking it probably meant nothing. When it meant everything.
 One day Henry was caught, and you were kinda sad, Henry and you became super close, since you got your memory erased, you thought of Henry as your little brother, so you were very worried and sad that he was taken.
“We have to find him!” you say
“Well will don’t worry.” Hook says 
Finding out he was in Neverland you were a little taken back, you didn’t know why, but you had a bad feeling about this.
Stepping unto Neverland’s ground, the smells, the taste of the wind, it all seemed so familiar yet so unrecognizable, it confused you, but you let it slide, you were trying to pay attention to any clue’s on where your little brother could be.
“What if we never find him?” you start to loose hope
“We will, don’t think that way Y/n.” David says
You nod, and just keep walking close to the group
You then all smell smoke
“Fire!” Emma says with a smile
“Someone could be close, it might be Henry!” you say jumping up and down with joy
You all get pumped up and start to walk to the campsite, once you see Henry, you smile, he isn’t in a cage, he is sitting with a teenage boy, who looks your age, and maybe a little cute? You shake your head and run towards him
“Henry!” you yell as you squeeze him “Ohh how I missed you!” you scream
Peter just looks at you, he is in shock. He looks like he just seen a ghost, like you were dead, it was like seeing you for the first time all over again.
You look at him, and put your hair behind your ears, he notices, that’s something you always do when you’re nervous.
“Well.” he says as he folds his arms
“Well what?” you asked
Emma and the group walk over to you and Henry and Peter is still staring at you
“Uh, Peter.” Felix says
“You’re Peter?” you ask
Peter shakes his head, you should know who he is, he was your boyfriend for 2 years.
“Are you serious right now?” he asked
“Give us Henry and we will leave, how about that?” you asked nicely
“Oh Henry isn’t going anywhere.” Peter smirks “Neither are you.” 
“What?” you asked
“Y/n stop , are you going to apologize to me or what?” Peter asked
“For what?” you asked more confused 
“For our argument!” he says annoyed already
“What argument?” you said confused
“The argument we had before you left this bloody island without my permission.” he said with a stern look “You know nobody leaves this island without my permission, but yet, you still chose to disobey. Typical.”  he makes full eye contact with you
“I have no idea what you’re talking about..” you back away slowly
“You’re joking right?” he crosses his arms
“I never met you Peter Pan, this is my first time being on Neverland.” you say a little scared
“What the fuck...” Peter whispers
“I-I’m not crazy right?” Peter asked Felix
“No we all know you Y/n , you were Peter’s girl for 2 years.” he said
And all the lost boys nodded and agreed
“This is just some prank you guys are playing to scare me.” you say
“Why would we play pranks on something so serious ?” Peter asked
You look around and everything became dizzy, you start to panic and all you could do , was black out.
Peter kept you on Neverland , while Hook and the rest of the gang went back to Story Brooke, Peter insisted on keeping you, and basically he traded Henry for you. They accepted.
Knowing you would be freaked out Peter made your own private cabin, so that when you woke up, you would have time to react on your own, be ready to come out on your own.
You wake up and to your notice it wasn’t in StoryBrooke, it was in a cabin, a nice one, but it wasn’t yours, or was it? It was all so confusing.
You get up and go to the bathroom, you felt dirty but taking a shower was a no for you because you still didn’t know where you were, and you wanted to be smart about this.
You step out and Peter look’s at you, he signals Felix to go rush off with the lost boys, he wanted to talk to you alone.
“Why am I here?” you asked
“Because, you belong here.” he simply said
“No I don’t,” your voice started to crack “I belong in Story Brooke with my family.” you said 
“You really don’t remember do you ?” Peter shook his head “Look, I don’t know how or why, but your memory was erased, you were MY lost girl, my love, my baby girl, my everything.” he said 
“I was never-” you started but Peter caught you off with a kiss and you pushed him away from you as soon as he did
“What the hell?” You yelled
“I’m-I’m sorry I thought you’d remember if I-”
“If you kissed me? Peter I don’t even know you, what makes you think kissing me was your best option right now?”
“Because I fucking miss you.” he said , he looked stressed, his hands running through his hair, the other hand on his hip, his tongue licking his lips, he clearly knew you, but you, didn’t know him.
“I’m sorry, but I just really want to go home, where my family is, please.” you looked him in the eyes, and he nodded.
“If that’s what you want love.” he said
You were sent to Story Brooke and everything was normal, you lived with Hook, and the other group, Henry was your little side kick again, and it all seemed normal.
One day after school you got extremely bored, and decided to go into Rumple’s shop, he was telling you about different potions, and you found a memory one,
“This one will make you remember everything, but forget nothing, the bed, and the good. You won’t be able to erase a memory if you tried.” he said 
“I want it.” you said
“As you wish.” he said
Nothing happen and you got a little sad
“Why isn’t anything happening?” you asked
“All magic just doesn’t happen , it takes time.” he smiles
You nod,, about two days went by and nothing, you were about to give up , you started to do your homework, doing math, same old , it was boring.
Then all of a sudden it was like a huge deja vu, you remeber, you remember Peter, the lost boys, the mermaids, you remember it all, you fall of your bed and make a big thump, with the Hook comes up running up the stairs
“Are you okay?” as he opens your door
“I remember!” you yell , almost crying
“Remember what?” he asked
“Peter, the lost boys-”
“Wait you actually know them?” he asked
“I lived with them, I dated Peter, I don’t know them , I am them I am a lost boy.” you say
You hug him and tell him you love him, you do the same with Henry, promising to get in contact with them both as soon as possible,
You then head to Neverland, remembering how to get to Neverland, and taking all the shortcuts to the campsites you were ecstatic to see Peter.
“PETER!” you yell 
He turns around see’s you “Yn what are you-”
You jump into his arms and he catches you, you kiss his lips and he just holds you , never wanting to let go.
“I remember now Peter.” you say as you smile
“Good, because I miss you my lost girl.” he said as he smiled
“I miss you too Peter.” you kissed him once more.
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staytheb · 6 years
Genre: idol!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,412 Summary: Sisters, Melanie and Serena get snowed in in their apartment building. SKZ also live in the same apartment complex and on the same floor and all eleven end up hanging out to pass time. Only because SKZ locked themselves out of their dorm.
Warning: none... i think. maybe swear words. i honestly forgot. lol
so yeah, this came up because this user was doing a writing contest for winter stories with the snowed in prompt and this happened. other than that yeah. also the title STAY is a double meaning with the fandom name as well as a place to be. happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
revised. 9.10.20
"Hey, it's seven." Melanie said to her sister, Serena.
Serena jerked awake after hearing Melanie's words and reached out for her phone to check the time. It was only six-fifty-two.
"Seven my ass." Serena groaned while stretching before getting out of bed.
Serena exited her room while passing Melanie's to see her sister do her make-up before going to the bathroom for her morning routine. Less than fifteen minutes later and all bundle up for the cold weather, the sisters left their apartment, down the elevators, and were met with the building staff informing them that they were unable to leave the premises due to the heavy snow causing them to be snowed in.
"All of that for nothing. Thanks." Serena stated with sarcasm as she and her sister rode the elevator back to their apartment.
"Hey, it wasn't my fault. The weather person said it wouldn't snow that much and we'll be able to do some last minute Christmas shopping." Melanie defended herself while letting out a sigh. "I was supposed to get Nayoung's gift for tomorrow."
"Then why did you need me again?"
"Because you were supposed to buy all the other smaller gifts for the kids at your work next week."
"Oh, right. I forgot."
The elevator doors opened, the pair stepped out, and made their way back home while passing by a group of boys. The sisters turned their head to face them while informing them that they couldn't leave the building due to the snow. Not really paying attention to the who the group of boys were, the sisters continued on their way while starting a new conversation.
"Hey, you know what group I've been listening to on repeat now?" Serena asked Melanie as she already knew the answer. "Stray Kids."
"Yeah. How's you know?"
"Don't think I don't hear Dope Flamingo in the morning or the part in I Am You from Felix to the end over and over late at night. I may be selective hearing, Rina, but I can still hear that, too."
"My bad, my bad. But yeah, I'm actually listening to their stuff."
"Wow, seriously? Like nine months later?"
"Hey, technically I did listen to Stray Kids, but I was just not paying attention to them at those times. In my defense, Mel, I was way more focused with Idol Producer and all of the boys' activities once the show ended." Serena defended herself. "Plus, Jeffrey's 9 to 5 has been on repeat, too, still."
"Whatever. The life of a multi-fandom fangirl is tough."
"Oh, by the way, My Pace actually grew on me, but I Am You is still like their best promo song for now."
"Okay." Melanie scoffed. "What made you changed your mind, huh?"
"Well, after you played that one performance of theirs for their comeback, I actually really like the beat and message of I Am You once I focused on it more. Honestly though actually all of their songs have really good messages and you can relate with it on a more personal level of oneself."
The sisters finally reached their apartment door with Melanie searching for her keys as Serena left it behind.
"Oh, yeah?" Melanie mused. "Who's your bias?"
"Uh, well you probably already know this knowing how you always know who's my bias, but it's C-" Serena paused in mid-sentence upon glancing up and recognizing the group of males that had passed by them earlier.
"Oh, shit."
"What?" Melanie cast her a confused look before following her line of sight and Melanie's eyes widened upon recognizing the males. "Whoa. It's Stray Kids."
"Oh, wait. We're fine since they don't speak English." Serena said with a relieved breath not really thinking clearly due to lack of sleep as Melanie shot her a look with a smirk. "Did you really forget that two of them are fluent while the rest can more or less understand and speak it?"
"Ah, fuck." Serena swore in English before switching to Korean and apologizing. "Sorry, my bad."
She nudged her sister. "Can you like open the doof\r now so that I can scream into a pillow of my complete embarrassment of this moment?"
"No." Melanie deadpanned with a laugh.
She then turned towards the idols while ignoring her sister who let out a soft groan as Serena had turned away from the people.
"Hi." She greeted them while speaking in Korean. "What can we do for you guys?"
"Um, we wanted to ask if you knew for how long we'll be snowed in for?" Chan asked as the leader of Stray Kids.
"The guy up front said something about all morning and that it may be all day if the snow continues like this well into the night."
The other boys let out concerns amongst them about not being able to head to the company for practice and lessons. They wondered what they should do as a few of them tried to call their manager about not being to work. At this time, Serena was sneakily trying to grab Melanie's keys which got her sister's attention.
"What are you doing?" Melanie asked glancing at her keys before looking up at Serena.
"I'm trying to go inside where my warm bed is calling me back to sleep in it." Serena remarked with a roll of her eyes. "Can we?"
"Let me basked in Stray Kids' presence right now."
"I'm surprised you haven't asked for a photo yet."
"I gotta show them respect and space. Duh. They're just like the rest of us, but more noticeable."
"Ah, true. Okay, whatever. Do your thing and I'll just sulk over here quietly until your done."
"Stop being a loner and acting like a baby."
"I can do whatever I want. You're not my mom."
The sisters' usual bantering were interrupted with a few coughs that drew their attention back onto the nine males.
"So, uh, this might be a bit weird," Chan began before Jisung cut to the chase. "Can we hang out with you guys since we locked ourselves out of our dorm and our manager is unable to return since he's also stuck at the company because of the snow."
"Seriously?" Melanie and Serena chorused while shooting the other a look before facing the boys again.
"You're not worried that we might be crazy fans or something like that?" Serena asked cautiously.
"Well, you guys would have crowded us by now if you were." Minho reasoned as Serena laughed. "You do know that there are fans who are just as crazy as regular crazy fans, but aren't as brash as others and attacked in a different way, right?"
Melanie elbowed her sister before explaining what Serena meant as her sister cast her an annoyed look, but didn't say anything.
"What my sister means is that are you sure that you trust us to actually hang out?" Melanie asked with a kind expression. "Because you don't really know us and we're practically strangers."
"Oh yeah, sure, Mel, that's totally what I meant." Serena mumbled in a sulking tone.
"You're STAYs and we're Stray Kids. We're not strangers at all." Felix reasoned while using English as Chan shot the sisters a sheepish look while letting out a sheepish laugh, but spoke in Korean. "We might've overheard your conversation earlier."
"Oh, great. Another thing to add to my already overflowing list of embarrassments especially that they heard and understood me." Serena muttered once more to herself as Melanie elbowed her with a chuckle. "What else is new?"
"Shut up."
"We're not interrupting anything are we?" Seungmin suddenly asked upon seeing the way the sisters were interacting and one of them being not as lively as the other.
"Oh, no, we're fine." Melanie smiled at them. "She's just cranky because she hasn't slept much."
"Yeah, just tired, but peachy. Sorry." Serena mustered up a sincere smile, but Melanie knew her sister wanted to throttle her right then and there.
"Anyways, we've been standing out here a bit too long so let's go inside and get warmed up, yeah?" Melanie suggested while pointing behind her. "I can make you guys hot cocoa and we can just watch some Christmas movie or something like that."
"Yeah, you play hostess and I'll get sleep." Serena mused in English. "Definitely sounds like a great plan."
It definitely wasn't. Serena ended up playing co-hostess with Melanie and was unable to returned back to sleep. For the next three hours the siblings served the idols hot cocoa, some snacks and food, and watched Nightmare High instead of a Christmas movie because that's where Serena had left off on last night. While the boys were in the middle of the last few episodes as they actually got time to just relax and be normal young adults, Serena went to annoy Melanie in the kitchen.
"You know, Mel, it's still kinda weird that we have idols in our home just chilling and relaxing yet it seems like they're our actual brothers who I might add are kinda needy now that I think about it." Serena commented with a chuckle as Melanie agreed.
"Me, too, Rina. Kinda makes me miss our actual ones back home."
"Yeah, right. That's a lie. You don't miss them that much."
"True. Anyways, you think the snow lightened up by now?"
"Not really. I looked out the window earlier and there's no one in the streets. No car or people, well, except the workers trying to get everything in order I guess."
"Does that mean we're gonna have a sleepover with Stray Kids?"
"Please, don't. It's crowded as it is with everyone awake. I don't even wanna think about how it'll be like when they're all asleep."
"Well, if the snow doesn't clear soon, then the boys won't be able to get back into their place since they don't have the key and their manager is still stuck at the company. The boys might end up staying the night for sure."
"I'm just surprised that they haven't asked their other label-mates though. I thought they would all live in the same building."
"Who knows. I don't keep up to date about that stuff. Oh well, more time to bask in their presence."
"You love this, don't cha?"
"Love what? That one of the groups I like is hanging out in my home just chilling? Yeah, it's pretty cool. Don't you?"
"I don't know what to think. I'm not cool like you."
"Well you better 'Get Cool', then." Melanie mused as Serena shot her a look. "Did you really have to say that?"
"It just came." Melanie shrugged. "If it happens, then it happens."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Serena dismissed before catching two red colored boxes. "Do you think the boys would mind decorating some ugly sweaters?"
"I dunno. Why do you ask?"
Serena pointed at the two ugly sweater cookie box set on their fridge.
"Isn't that supposed to be for the kids?"
"No. They can do something else. I wanna see what the boys would design and see how chaotic they would be in decorating cookies before one of them turn it into a competition or some shit like that."
"Wow. You would."
"Mmhmm." Serena hummed.
Melanie made her way towards the refrigerator to grab the two boxes and brought them down and handed it over to Serena. The duo headed back to the living room to announced the small yet fun activity to the idols. In less than five minutes when everything was out of its package and the nine idols each all got a sweater cookie in front of them did they started sabotaging one another. Melanie looked over at Serena while informing her that she would be the one cleaning up the mess since it was her idea. Serena regretfully nodded thinking they wouldn't have been this chaotic in simple cookie decorating while making her way to go get the vacuum.
"If you don't mind me asking, but why do you have a lot of men's clothing?" Jeongin asked once Serena also handed him a pair of tops and bottoms as he was the last one to received them and none of the other boys dared to do so.
"I like baggy clothing and some times our brothers visits over during the holidays and we keep extra clothes for them here." Serena answered before shooting him an apologetic smile. "Sorry if they're kinda big on you."
"No, no, it's fine. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Again, sorry about the whole mess and-"
"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Now, go check-in with Melanie and see if the line has shortened yet."
"Will do!"
Jeongin rushed off to check-in with Melanie as Serena crashed onto the couch tiredly. It took them about an hour to clean up the mess and then some more time to find clothes and have the boys used both of their bathrooms to clean off the frosting and candies. Serena felt like she just finished baby-sitting her niece, but times that by nine. Just as she was about to close her eyes she heard Melanie called for her.
"This is what I get for sleeping late and assuming that I'll be fine with a few hours of sleep. Ugh." Serena grumbled and groaned while lifting herself from the couch and slowly headed towards her sister.
"Hmm?" She hummed once she met with Melanie.
"Do you have more towels? I can't find any in the storage." Melanie asked as Serena nodded. "Yeah, I think I have some in my room. Hold on."
Serena went to go check and grabbed the three she saw first and brought them over. She held up a Hello Kitty, a Pikachu, and a Poppy towel towards her sister.
"Aww you have a Pikachu one? I would have totally used that instead of this one." Changbin said as he held up a damp coral towel after drying his hair.
Melanie laughed. "Sorry, Changbin, I forgot that Rina had other towels."
"He's really Baby Changbin, huh?" Serena mused with a chuckle as Changbin turned shy upon hearing the nickname.
"He is, but I think all of them are Stray Babies, anyways." Melanie stated as Serena nodded in agreement with a laugh. "OMG, true."
"You make us sound like we're puppies and kittens." Seungmin commented upon hearing the pair's words.
"You kinda are at the moment since we took you in as you're locked out of your dorm." Serena reasoned as Melanie laughed. "Dude, that's kinda true."
"Usually we're the ones that trash talk each other. It's kind of different hearing it from our fans when we're around." Hyunjin said with a small smile. "Of course we do hear some similar things, but they're more in the sweet and lovable sort of way."
"Yeah, that's not really our thing." Melanie stated. "We mainly cheer from afar and just support while making fun and silly comments about those that we like."
Melanie pointed at Serena. "Well, that's me. Serena likes to deny a lot of things and pretends she doesn't care, but she does."
"Thanks for exposing me." Serena muttered as Melanie grinned. "You're welcome."
"By the way," Felix interjected, "Who won the ugly sweater thing?"
"Were we supposed to judge that?" Melanie pointed at herself and Serena. "Because I didn't do anything."
"I didn't either. You guys can judge that." Serena informed them while walking back to the living room. "I'm gonna watch my Youtube."
"Oh, yeah, just throw your clothes in the pile and we'll wash it so you guys can gave it back." Melanie said while pointing at the floor before walking off. "I'll be with Rina if ya need me or us."
By the time Stray Kids cleaned themselves up, changed into the clothes the girls gave them, and entered the living room did they see that lots of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals had been laid out all over the living room and that a fake mini Christmas tree had been set up in the corner of the apartment.
"What's going on?" Minho asked first.
"Oh, this is just in case the snow continues the way it is." Melanie answered while continuing to decorate the last pieces of her fake tree.
"Yeah, you guys can choose to sleep wherever you want." Serena explained after having laid out the last blanket. "We just laid it out like whatever, but you can move and set it however you like, especially the stuffed animals."
"But it's barely like one in the afternoon." Jisung stated having checked his phone.
"Then that means it's nap time." Serena mused with a tired expression, but Melanie disagreed. "No, Rina. It's lunch time."
"Well, then you can make lunch for the kids while I have a meeting with my bed."
"You're such a kid."
"Always and forever."
Serena began making her way towards her room while pointing at things behind her while speaking to the idols.
"Have fun. Enjoy yourself and try not to make that much of a mess. Okay, good night!"
She bid them farewell with a small laugh and escaping to her room before Melanie could ask her to do anything else.
"Um, if you want us to leave, we can." Chan said just as Melanie finished decorating her trees before turning to face the  boys. "No, you guys are fine. I'm sure you don't have any where else to go unless your other label-mates live in the same building or something then yeah, it's up to you."
Melanie then thought of her sister and cast them a reassuring smile. "Don't mind, Serena. She's just weird and acts like that to distance herself and what not. Still, if y'all wanna leave, then you can. If not, then you're more than welcome to stay."
Stray Kids ended up staying as their label-mates were actually either at the company or overseas doing their own activities. They really didn't have anywhere else to go unless they asked the front for a key, but neither of them wanted to ask since their manager had to replace their keys twice this month already. He was not thrilled about it and it actually came out of their pockets that time around.
"What's your guys' apartment number?" Serena suddenly asked upon entering the living room again while dressed in warmly and putting on a bigger jacket.
"Um, where are you going?" Melanie asked her sister.
"Gonna get the kids a key so they can get inside their apartment."
"Are you kicking us out?" Changbin asked with a frown.
"Yeah, did we do something wrong?" Jisung added.
Serena shook her head as she answered them. "No, it's not like that. I just don't want my sister and I to get in trouble or you guys to get in trouble or anything like that if your manager and maybe your company finds out you've been hanging out with fans."
"Oh." The idols chorused.
"So what's your number?"
"It's seven-twenty-four." Chan informed Serena.
"Okay, cool. Meet me at the lobby in like five minutes and act like how you actually act towards your actual manager."
"What exactly are you gonna do?"
"I have to appear like I walked my ass all the way from the company and pretend to be a JYP staff and Stray Kids' new second manager." She cast a glance at the boys. "Okay, it's easy. Just act like you've been waiting and all that. Five minutes."
Soon enough Serena exited the apartment with the idols looking over at Melanie.
"Hey, just go with it. She's really not trying to kick you out, but she is looking out for your guys' well-being." Melanie stated with a shrug. "I would've done the same."
It was more like another five minutes wait as the boys waited for Serena to appear at the front desk since they didn't see her around the lobby. Melanie stayed back since she didn't want to ruin anything to whatever Serena was planning. A moment later, the door burst opened letting in the cold air and some snow before revealing Serena shaking off the excess white specks off of her.
"Noona!" Stray Kids exclaimed as they ran towards her and enveloped her in a group hug.
Serena was about to push them away, but remember that she told them to act like how they would to their actual manager. She was surprised that they were like this and wondered how overwhelmed their actual manager must get because of them and managing them.
"Okay, okay. Calm down and let me get through so we can get warm up." Serena told them as each boy finally released her before ordering them to stand off to the side so she could take care of the situation."
"I need a key to apartment number seven-two-four, please." Serena said to the male staff at the front desk.
"And may I asked who's asking?" He asked with a cautious look.
"A JYP staff and their second manager." Serena answered while pointing behind her with a neutral expression. "Now the key, please."
"What happened with Mr. Min Taesuk?"
"Oppa had other things to take care and I was left to deal with this. May I have the key, please."
"Didn't we already made copies for that apartment a few months ago?"
"Yes, you did and unfortunately these boys keep losing and forgetting them."
The male staff was hesitant and Serena's patience was growing thin.
"If I need to make an unnecessary call to Boss JYP for you to even get this handle I won't mind doing so and explain that a small matter had to interrupt his important ones." Serena slightly reasoned and threatened while bringing out her mobile phone.
"No, no. It's okay. Seven-two-four, correct?" The staff turned polite upon hearing JYP and listened to Serena.
The male staff went to input the information before hurrying to the back for something. He returned with a spare and handed it over to Serena.
"Luckily, we have one always on hand so here you go." He smiled as politely as possible. "Sorry about that, ma'am. No charge for your convenience."
"It's fine and thank you. I appreciate the convenience. Have a nice day."
Serena curtly turned around and walked by the boys while motioning at them to follow her. "Let's go."
"Thank you so much noona!" The boys cheered as they all entered the elevator back to their floor.
Once the elevator doors closed did Serena let out a breath.
"I can't believe that work!" Jeongin exclaimed with excitement.
"Noona you're so cool!" Minho complimented as she gave him a thumbs up.
Chan patted her back in thanks. "Sorry for troubling you, but thank you."
Serena gave him a small smile while offering him the the card. Chan took it with a grateful look.
"Did you actually go outside?" Hyunjin asked with a curious gaze. "How did they not noticed you?"
"I scaled the walls." Serena answered with a neutral expression.
"Really?" They let out with widened eyes.
"No." She deadpanned before explaining. " I took the stairs and exited out the back and basically rounded the building, but had to wait because of the traffic and the whole re-directing bit. It was longer than expected."
"Thank you." Chan thanked her once again with a sincere look. "We really do appreciate this."
"You're welcome."
The doors opened and Melanie was waiting outside their own apartment. The group of eleven crowded around apartment 722.
"How'd it go?" Melanie asked.
"Peachy. The boys can actually go back home." Serena replied with a smile.
Melanie slightly frowned. "Aww, so soon?"
The idols also looked a bit sad to go, but Chan mustered up a smile. "We thank you for your hospitality and for taking care of us, but we've imposed enough and-"
"It's fine. You guys can stay as long as you like. You don't have to go just yet, I guess." Serena reluctantly told them as everyone cheered.
"I'm so glad you said that because Melanie told us we'll watch Frozen and get to make gingerbread houses." Felix stated happily.
"Oh, she did, did she?"
Serena eyed her sister who just smiled at her with a huge smirk.
"Whatever. Just try not to get frosting in each other's hair again, okay?"
"Okay!" The idols cheered as they rushed inside the girls' apartment while leaving the sisters behind.
"I hate you." Serena said with a glare at Melanie while using English.
"No you don't." Melanie countered with a laugh also using English. "Hey, at least you can hang out with Bang Chan more."
"I hate that you know who my bias is already. Not cool."
"Your favorite member is our leader, Serena?" Felix asked to confirm having coming up to the girls to ask them something which wasn't the first question he asked.
"No." "Yes." Serena and Melanie answered differently causing Felix to grinned mischievously. "I heard the conversation and I can't wait to tell him."
"No you don't or I'm throwing you outside and you can become an actual snowman." Serena threatened as Melanie dismissed her threat. "No she won't because she's lazy and doesn't wanna die by the other STAYs."
"I'll buy you vegimite and butter for your toasts for as long as we both shall live if you don't say anything." Serena pleaded as Melanie shook her head with a laugh. "No, don't do it Felix."
"Don't listen to her, Felix."
"I'll think about it." Felix smiled mischievously until Serena looked at him while speaking in a firm tone as she enunciated his name. "Lee. Yong. Bok."
Felix froze upon hearing his Korean name and felt a shiver run down his spine. "Okay. I won't do it."
"Do what?" Chan suddenly appeared while gazing at all three of them.
"You're Serena's bias." Melanie revealed with a chuckle while pushing Felix inside the apartment and then pushing Chan out of it before slamming the door closed.
Chan looked at Serena questioningly with an awkward smile while Serena just shook her head in disbelief.
"Can you get one of your kids to open the door and I'll shall make you home-cooked food for as long as we both shall live?" Serena asked in a calm tone as Chan let out a laugh with a nod. "Sure, but don't you forget this deal."
"How can I?" Serena let out in a defeated tone with a wry smile. "It's been added to my already overflowing pile of embarrassments."
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