#fellas is it normal or want to cut your head off and rip open your insides as a flex
lavaflowe · 2 years
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Sooooo that immortality contest right?? Ive been thinking about this chapter recently and I wanted to draw Wukong being unhinged💕
Uncensored version:
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dystopia-fantasy · 3 years
Always read the job description -Part 1
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Max was a fit, well built man. He had been body building since he was 14 and now In his early 40s he has the body of a god, but is slowly getting to the age when he needs to find another way to make money. He knows he can't take part in his competitions anymore, and needs to take it easy. He got great grades in school and college, proving people wrong that you can't be a nerd in a jock body.
Max had some money saved and was able to keep up on bills for a few months but needed a job to keep his large house, in the rich area of the city. He got a call from a business he applied to a couple of days ago, telling him to go in for an interview tomorrow, and if it goes well he will be sent straight on a trip for the company. He gets his new blue suit ready to be worn the next day.
The morning arrives, it's 5am, and Max wakes. He does his normal morning routine, making breakfast, working out, taking a shower, then gets his suit on ready for his early morning interview. Driving to the office building in the middle of New York, it's at least 50 stories high, and is made of mostly glass, and is one of the newest modern builds in the city.
On arrival a large man in his late 60s wearing a suit greets him, "hello sir, you must be max, Sir Mammon is on his way down to collect you, may I say what an amazing suit you have on today".
Max looks the man up and down, seeing the man's huge belly flowing out from under his dress shirt, showing a massive W shape, "thanks mate, you might want a bigger shirt" then points to his belly.
"sorry if I offended you sir, but all clothing has been chosen by Sir Mammon himself" Mammon is the big boss of the business "if you would like to make a complaint I can print you a form".
Max laughs, "No thanks, I'm gonna sit over there, tell Mammon im there".
"will do sir, have a great day" the man says while max walks away paying no more attention to him.
About 15 minutes later a young handsome slender man walks over. "Max is it?" He says behind Max.
"yes.." max says confused.
"I'm Mammon, nice to meet you" he smiles holding his hand out for a shake.
"oh hello Mammon, is wasn't expecting someone so young, no offence of course" max shaking his hand.
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Mammon let's out a little laugh, with a little grin "it's ok max, people don't expect someone like me to own such a remarkable company like this one would you like to follow me, we can go up to my office, this is Mark by the way, he's my Butler". Mark is another large man aged around 50, he has a massive belly stuffed into his suit, hes huffing and puffing, like he ran a marithon, "don't mind him, most of my staff are..."
Max cuts him off "fat?"
They both laugh, "you could say that Max" the elevator arrives and they all walk in, "now max, you did read the whole advertisement correct?".
Max didn't, it's was 48 pages long, who would read it all? He just looked at the wage he would get, it started at $100,000 per month. "Yes, I did".
"that's good, most guys are more keen to keep their body's but I guess if your struggling you'll do anything."
Max now confused just nod's and watches though the glass elevator as they fly up to the top floor.
"where here sir" Mark the butler says peacefully in his British accent.
They walk into the room, and Mammon sits at his desk pouring himself a glass of wisky, and Max one too. Max looks around in aww, the room was covered in art work, with the walls painted in golds and whites and had its own bar. "How do you have all this money?" Max asked.
"a mix of many things, this company, and a few investments paid for this whole building, I have many other ways but we're not here for that." Mammon points at the seat," take a seat max" Max sits the chair is made from leather and is very comfy. "So, max, I've gone through your file, I think you're perfect for the job."
"so, does that mean I have the job?" Max replies confused, expecting to be asked a question.
"well yes, if you agree to the terms"
"terms?" Max still confused.
"well yes, you expect to be paid 10times the amount the normal person for this job without any terms or conditions?"
"well I didn't know.." Max gets cut off.
"Max let me simplify them for you. You sacrifice your body to the company, and in trade you get, $100k X the amount you weigh paid into your account per month, So if you weigh 450lbs, you get $450k a month."
"what the fuck? That's sick, I'm not doing that, I'm leaving" and with that Max got up from the chair and stood face to face with Mammon, with the desk all that is separating them. "Your sick, you fa**ot".
With that Mammon's eyes glow a bright red. "I'm a what?" Max got through back against the chair by an invisible force. "Max you could have just left with your freedom, but now look what you've gotten yourself into".
"Let me go, What the fuck?" Max says while traped against that chair, it chreeking with the force of his muscle.
"I'm a fucking demon max, I'm never going to 'let you go'" he took a second break to mock max, "now, what did you say? Fa**ot, was it?".
"fuck, I didn't mean it" the force pins him down harder, trapping his arms against the leather chair arms, and pushing his legs against the underboard. "Please let me go home, I won't do it again."
"shut up max, the process is already starting".
Max looks down to see his body deflating, his pecs turning from mountain peaks to a flat surface, his giant powerful arms turning weak and light. And then looking up he sees a whole new man infront of him.
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"Not as big as I thought I would get, but boy I'm big" he took a break to admire his new giant arms and pecs.
"what the?" Max looks in confusion, "how did you do that? Give me them back".
"what are you gonna do max? I'm an infinitely powerful being and you, your an old man, or at least your going to be."
"I'm only 42, what do you mean, going to be?"
"you see I don't have my infinite life span on earth, so to stay alive and in this fit body, I absorb anything a guy has and I want. In your case, these massive muscles, but then I need to absorb their life force as well, in order to make sure I don't age."
"what do you mean life force?"
"well, you have roughly 50 years, worth of life left, I'll drain about 20 years leaving you in your future crippled body at around age 60, force you to work for the company for another 20 years, then when your 80 drain the rest of your life, which after you get fat won't be much, then you got to hell."
"man your sick, let me go, LET ME GO!".
A bright red light shoots from Peters hand enveloping Max's whole body, and he starts to age, his face wrinkling, skin dropping, eye sight worsening, hearing getting muffled, and mind changing a little. "Max, you ok old man?".
"yes sir" max was confused in his mind, why did he say sir?
"max, you ready for your Cruise? You can have tones of food for the next 6 months."
"Yes sir, I'm ready" max lifts his head, opening his eyes to see a new blurry room from his new old eyes.
"you're gonna need these from now on" Peters eyes glow and a new pair of glasses appear on Max's face he can now see clear.
"thank you... Sir", max blinks seeing Peter infront of him, "what have you, done to me".
"Max, I've turned you into the perfect office worker, old, brainiac, who is soon going to get fat and live the rest of his life, in an office chair for me, don't worry for accomodation you live here now, we have apartments on floor 30 to 40, all workers live here, it's policy, we have also sent a team to your house to, well, blow it up, that way nobody is going to be looking for you, becuase we can plant a body"
"give me... My.... Body back, give me... My.. life back."
"Max we both know that will never happen, now enjoy a life of gluttony, and prepare yourself for hell, that's gonna be worse then anything I can do to you." Peter snaped his fingers and a red glow enveloped max.
Recovering from the glow max sees two men infront of him with a trolly of sorts between them. "Is he awake" one says,
"I don't know" said the other.
"im- awake" max said in a much older raspy voice.
"good we can now start the feeding" the man on the left said, his body as muscled as a god, ripped from head to toe, and we can see everything.
Max rubs his eyes under his glasses and opens them again, "Fucking hell, put some clothes on both of you".
Both men where nude, one a ripped god, another muscled up but with a big gut. "Clothes are banned here mate" the beefy man said in a type of Australia accent, "you cant say much fella, look at that tiny pecker".
The men laughed pointing at Max's shriveled up old cock and low hanging balls, "what the fuck"max tries to move his arm to cover him but his arm doesn't move, he looks down to see him stuck in a chair, with a cut out hole under his ass, and straps tying him down, trapping him. "What... Are you gonna do to me?" Max asked sceared.
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The men laughed at him again, "no need to act to sceared, we're here to feed you for the next 6 months".
"but... Sir said..." Max get cut off.
"he said you'd be going on a cruise? Fucking hell are you dumb? He's a demon, you shouldn't trust a demon" The muscled guy says.
"bro let's start the feeding we have 50 other guys to see and I wanna watch football Tonight." The beefy guys says, and in unison both their eyes glowed a bright red, showing they where demons too.
The trolly between them had several items on top, one long tube, which floated in the air for a few moments before shoving itself down maxes nostril and deep into his stomach, his head flipped back trying to wriggle it out, but it was stuck. Another item moved into his frame, a IV bag holder, holding a giant barrel type object made of glass, and two large bags floated of the table again and started to drain into the barrel, and the tube connected itself to it, starting a flow of the liquid into maxes stomach.
"done" the beffy guy said. "Now we'll be back tomorrow to refill your barrel, and clean you up if you make a mess, but youll basically be unconscious for the next 6 months, due to the drugs were feeding you."
"so enjoy your sleep mate, you'll litterally wake up a different man." The two men laughed and walked out, max tried fighting the restraints but in his crippled form could do nothing. The door slammed and locked, and the room fell dark, max screamed begging into the darkness to be let free, and to have his life back, which he had only an hour before, but nothing happened, nobody came. He felt the drugs taking effect, but tried to fight back, but it was useless, his body slumped and loosened. His mind fell blank as he drifted of into his 6 month hibernation.
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evolutionsvoid · 3 years
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Ho boy, where do we even begin with these things? How do I write this entry without going insane? No real clue. I have to say that I try my best to keep things fair for all the species I write about, regardless if I like them or not. No one is reading my work solely because they want to know what my top ten favorite animals are, they want information! So even if I despise a certain beast, it is my duty to share straight knowledge and facts without steeping it in bias and personal opinions. However, thinking about this species gives me a headache, and it only gets worse as I delve deeper into the details. So I ask for the dear reader to forgive me if I diverge a bit or get a little negative in some parts. I don't mean to do that, but I can't guarantee anything! Now on to the Boracund! The Boracund are a mammalian species, with their relations tied to pigs and boars. With a porcine frame, a signature snout and those nasty tusks, it is easy to see how the three are alike. How they are different should be pretty obvious too, unless all your ham wears armor. Covering the top of the body, tail and upper limbs of the Boracund is a hefty layer of boney scutes and keratin scales. This home-grown armor is surprisingly durable, as it can withstand blades and even deflect arrows! Obviously it is used for protection, though the Boracund tend to use this defense more for other Boracund! This is because of those giant tusks that the Boracund possess, which can easily slice through flesh and gore a hapless victim. Both male and female Boracund grow tusks, but it is the male's teeth that grow to such an impressive, and deadly, size. When your rivals carry around such weaponry, armor is pretty much a must! The habitats they should prefer are in temperate climates, and they tend to be found in forests and surrounding areas. They like forests that produce a lot of mast (which means the fruit of forest trees, for those who don't know), as it provides a steady food source and also lures in other tasty treats. Like many members of the pig family, the Boracund are omnivorous, eating pretty much anything they can get into their mouths. With powerful jaws, razor tusks and a big appetite, there isn't a whole lot these fellas won't eat. Fallen fruits and nuts are a common meal for them, as well as small reptiles, mammals, eggs, and even carrion. Their snouts and teeth can also aid in digging up roots and tubers, which they will also happily devour. They are also capable of downing prey with the help of numbers, as this species travels in sizeable sounders. They rarely go after creatures larger then them and tend to only take advantage of the sick or weak. It is said that predators who live in Boracund territory must be fast in dispatching prey, lest a sounder descend upon the injured target and devour it. With the ability to take advantage of many food sources, it is easy to see how this species is so freakishly adaptable. What an utterly wonderful trait.    
  During most parts of the year, Boracund travel in these sounders, with them usually divided into male and female groups. The females sounders will possess multiple mothers with various litters of piglets, who all live under the watch of a matriarch. The male groups, however, have little leadership to them, working more as a friendly crowd that enjoy the benefits that sheer numbers bring. Their time is either spent searching for food, resting in their home shelters or grooming. Their version of grooming and hygiene is taking mud baths, as it helps cool their bodies as well as remove parasites. Things change up for all these sounders when the breeding season kicks in. When it is time to mate, the males grow rather irritable and obsessed, their family groups dissolving as they search for viable sows. Driven by the season and hormones, they scour the land for females, barely eating or slowing during their pursuit. When they find a female sounder, they begin to mark their territory. The piglets and other young members of the group are attacked and driven off, though the ancient matriarch is quick to protect them if things get too violent. Crazed males that kill piglets can incite the wrath of the matriarch, whose age and experience often makes them powerful foes. As long as the male does not cross this line, then they may remain with this sounder and attempt to claim it. Since the first male that enters this sounder is rarely the last, they must turn to defend their claim from rivals. Other males will soon arrive and they will fight to be the top hog. These battles are brutal and bloody, with tusks and hoof leaving terrible injuries. Even decked out in armor, male Boracund get pretty mangled during these fights. When the breeding season comes to a close, all viable females will be carrying, eventually giving birth to four to eight piglets. With a litter that size, and with that many females per sounder, you can see that this species has quite the population boom each season! Why, their reproductive rate is so high, its almost like you could harvest entire sounders and the population would bounce right back without hardly a stumble. How delightful. An incredibly interesting thing to note about the Boracund is that their breeding season can undergo a bizarre change every so often. A decade could go by with things going as normal, males running after females and what not, but then suddenly the next year will become something quite strange. After years of study, the consensus is that this unique breeding season is triggered by a high population of Boracund. When their numbers within an area reaches a critical peak, something in their bodies will be set off when the breeding season kicks in. This powerful change seems to only affect the males, if the females are involved then it is very subtle. When this switch is flipped in the males, their bodies undergo a terrifying transformation. Their armor darkens until it is almost black and their fur takes on a reddish hue. From numerous bony protrusions and pedicles that run along their body, velvety growths will begin to form. Much like the antler of a deer, these structures are growing something flashy and pointy, but it is rarely classy. They will grow all across the head and body of the male Boracund during the build-up to the breeding season, and you can already notice that they are growing agitated. The male sounders will break apart long before the season gets into swing, as they are driven into an angered state from the growths. Just as the season is about to start, the velvet will fall away, or rather be torn off in bloody strips. The furious males will rip apart this fuzzy sheathe to reveal a horrible dagger made of bone. What emerges from this gory ceremony is a beast covered snout to hoof in twisted, gnarled spikes. Bony jagged "teeth" now run on the outside of their jaws, while skewering spines line their backs. Bony spurs jut from their legs, while ivory wings sprout from their shoulders. The whole beast is now loaded with pointy bits and terrible weapons, which fits quite well for what comes next. Not only do their bodies transform, but so do their minds. It isn't so much a "transformation" but more of a "degradation." These males go absolutely berserk. The hormones in their body drive them to an even crazier state, which is further fueled by their gnarled bodies. You see, these bony growths aren't usually shaped to fit their bodies. Their formation is quite erratic, often leading to bony blades that hurt the very beast that wears them. I have seen a male Boracund who was so overgrown with these nasty things that they couldn't even open their mouth, the teeth-like formations grew around the jaw and forced it shut. Even then, its head was covered in gashes and bloody tears, as its attempts to open its jaw just caused its weaponry it dig into its own hide. Absolutely horrible! This pain puts them in a constant rage, and all this is directed into this bizarre breeding season. Now decked out in weapons and on the warpath, the males turn into rabid beasts that rip apart the countryside. They plow through the landscape in search of sows, but they are so blinded by their terrible state that they will literally throw themselves at walls in order to get to a female. What was once a fight between males to claim a group of sows has now become a bloody frenzy, with males shredding each other in the madness. Their battles seem to have no end in this state, they just tear each other to pieces. They lose any concept of surrendering or accepting defeat, they just throw themselves at each other until only one remains standing. Even the females aren't spared! Younger ones who do not have the strength to withstand such punishment can be butchered in the melee, slaughtered by the bloodthirsty males who have lost themselves to this agonizing frenzy. Eventually, the carnage will end and the season will finish. What males remain will lose their extra growths and revert back to normal, while the surviving females raise the new batch of piglets. This horrific breeding season is referred to as "Devil's Rut," when this species goes into this self-destructive state. It is believed that this event occurs to help regulate the population, only activating when their numbers reach a critical state. Too many Boracund could lead to all food sources being wiped out, which would leave them to starve. Reducing their numbers through this season, as well as cutting out those too weak to handled it, helps the population remain stable and strong. Thank goodness it takes years for such a thing to occur, right? RIGHT?!       I have to imagine that some folk have read through this entry and come to a realization. "Hey, Chlora," you may wonder, "you said this species likes temperate climates and lives in the woods, right?" To that I would say, "yes, I did!" With that confirmation you may reply "but I don't live near such a habitat, and yet I see the Boracund everywhere! Why is that?" This would call for a congratulations on my part, as you have read my entry and taken its word to heart. Thank you for your attention and mindfulness! Indeed, you have seen Boracund in a habitat I haven't mentioned and that is because, dear reader, THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! Boracund love temperate climates, they love forests! You know what else they love? EVERYTHING! Marshes, deserts, fields, grasslands, mountains, you name it, they stole it! Their ability to eat practically anything combined with their adaptable lifestyle and hardy bodies means they can live wherever they blighting please! There are populations of them scattered all across the globe, and every living thing that has to put up with them feels that presence! They strip the land bare with their feeding! They steal resources from other creatures! They tear up vegetation and plants that should have been safe from herbivory! They even chase predators away from their kills! They are a disease, and we cannot seem to freaking stop them! You slaughter a whole sounder of them and they just all pop back after the next breeding season! They reproduce so quickly and they don't go down without a fight! This isn't like the pig farm, you can't just round them up and give them the axe! They are armored, they are vicious and they are cunning! Kill one and the rest scatter into the wilderness! Set one trap and they learn to avoid that area! It is maddening! And to make it all worse is the fact that they undergo that Devil's Rut. When that kicks in, they are a threat to everything. They become insanely aggressive and incredibly dangerous. Driven by smell and pain, they will go after anything they see as a threat or anything they think is a female. Pig farmers have talked about these wild Boracund attempting to break into their own pens to get at domesticated sows, as they mistake them for their own kind. The damages are insane, and that doesn't include the fact that they can maim and kill anyone who tries to stop them! Crops are ruined and trips into the wilderness become dangerous. If you live in an area that is undergoing Devil's Rut, do not let your children outside of the town! These things are dangerous and they will attack anything they come across. Keep your saplings inside and don't even venture out there yourself! Cities and towns lock up their gates during these ruts and many warriors have been hired to ward off these crazed beasts. Good thing this only occurs about once every ten years! Whoops, did I say "ten?" Because with their exploding numbers, it takes half the time to trigger a Devil's Rut in areas they have been introduced! HOW WONDERFUL! They are a plague wherever they have been introduced, as the ecosystem is not designed to handle them! "So if they are invasive," you may ask, "How did they get here?" SO GLAD YOU ASKED Due to their large size, signature armor and impressive weaponry, there are some folk out there that would see them as a beautiful hunting trophy. Look at those tusks! Look at that armor! Think of how much meat we could get off that beast! What a dream, they think, AND THAT IS ALL THEY THINK! They just want to be the cool guy who has a big devil pig stuffed in their study so they can show off to all their friends and be like "look how cool and tough I am!" And then all their stupid friends would think "gosh gee I need one of these crazy beasts in my domicile so that I may too show off how big and cool I am!" And when you get enough people thinking that, then you get the idiots who think "well, all these people want to hunt this big awesome pig monster, why don't I import some for easy cash!" And then they do, and they build a hunting ranch specifically for hunting Boracund so that they can fill their coffers with all the money these showoffs will throw at them and then use none of that gold to BUILD A DECENT FENCE! Nope, just some posts and some boards, that is enough to keep these monstrous creatures contained! Lo and behold, they break out and vanish into the wilderness, where they may breed like rabbits and infest countless habitats! NOW THEY ARE EVERYWHERE, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!? Oh of course they are! They are thrilled! "I can just go into my backyard and kill one, all while wearing my bathrobe! What's that? Dozens of species are threatened and entire ecosystems are being ravaged by these things? Well, who cares? I get to bag me a pig!" Those gall-headed weeds don't give an ounce of care for the systems they rely upon for their wonderful hobby! What about all the crop damage?! What about all the people who are vulnerable to these beasts?! Not every town has the means to ward them off, and the damage and injury that occurs is horrible! Markets raided, people attacked! It is insanity! It has gotten so bad in some regions that people have called them "Pig Dragons!" OF COURSE THEY DID! NOT ONLY DO THEY DESTROY THINGS, NOW THEY HAVE TO BEAR THAT CURSED NAME! You want a dragon?! I will show you a dragon! You all laugh at me when I talk about the "Dragon's Pig Program," but if I can get that going then there is hope! What better beast to help harvest these monsters than actual dragons?! These animals are a hefty source of meat and hunting them is crucial! If I can convince enough dragons to turn their attention towards this species for a potential food source, then their populations could be easily reduced! I think it is a genius idea, but oh no all the fancy aristocrats are like "Dragons? Near my land? Unacceptable! Those ugly beasts will cause so much damage!" UNLIKE THE HOG MONSTERS YOU PEOPLE BROUGHT OVER! You cause this huge problem and then stick up your nose at every solution! Just because it doesn't affect you! Well you listen hear you overgrown, blight-filled piece of rot! If I ever get my hands on you I am going to take that fancy hunting spear of yours and*   *No further text is provided, save for mention by the editor that several pages have been removed. Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian --------------------------------------------------- Behold! The long awaited Pig "Dragon!"  And by long awaited, I mean that I once offhandedly mentioned something about a Pig Dragon in a description I wrote years ago. I am sure no one remembers me naming such a thing, but my memory exists solely to torment me and couldn't let it go.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
gang orca | sakamata kugo x reader
word count: ~2k
a bit of teasing and a bit of payback
warnings: semi-public sex, daddy kink, fem reader, monster fucking
commission for @wufxn!! thank u sm dear :’’^)
alright fellas here’s the first of the gang orca commissions!!! enjoy some good monster fucking food <3
Messing with Kugo had... consequences.
None that you didn’t enjoy—
You knew exactly what you were getting into, slipping your hand far too high up his thigh during dinner. You felt his firm flesh tense under your touch, his breath getting deeper and harsher as you traced nonsense shapes over the fabric of his trousers.
You kept a small smile on your lips the whole time, relaxing against his side despite the obvious, silent tension that was growing.
The dinner was a group affair, other heroes and their partners all chatting and munching for some much needed social time. As much as you liked these sorts of gatherings, and seeing Kugo so much more relaxed than normal, you couldn’t not rile him up, just a little.
(It was a lot.)
Your stunt had you cornered in one of the lavish, private bathrooms, Kugo blocking the door as you stared up at him with a dry mouth and wide eyes.
“You left the door unlocked,” His voice rolled deep across the room. “Were you, by chance, wanting me to barge in on you after you’ve been such a brat?”
“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about,” Your expression slid to a grin, popping onto the small ledge around the sink, knowing that the newly exposed skin of your thighs under your skirt must’ve been driving him wild.
“You don’t?” He chuckled, something forbidding in his tone as he began to unbutton the jacket he wore. “I highly doubt that.”
“I know you’ve been pretty excited all night,” You hummed, kicking your legs with a devious smile.
You were truly getting whatever was coming your way.
Kugo was on you in a mere moment, slotting between your legs and parting your thighs with a grip that could bruise. It was the first of many aches, not that you were complaining.
“It’s hard not to be, with you being so openly whorish,” The words weren’t spat, but rather spoke like a prayer as he towered over you, taloned-hands settling just above your hips.
His gaze was purely hungry, red eyes dilated and focused purely and solely on you. Kugo towered over you, shoulders hunched just enough to make your stomach lurch in the most pleasant way.
“That’s not a very nice thing to say about me,” You pouted half-heartedly as his hands dipped under your top. You shuddered at his touch, knowing he’d notice.
Briefly, your gaze veered to the door. Although it was locked, the social hour was meters away, the din of voices floating with the light music of the venue.
Kugo pressed you back into the mirror, tearing at the fabric of your top and skirt with abandon. You sputtered out a complaint, mindful that these clothes were all you had and as much as you wanted to be dicked-down, you didn’t know if the humiliation was worth it.
(It was.)
“I don’t think ‘nice’ is really in the cards today, hm?” Kugo’s words should’ve held some humor, but they sounded far more serious with the rumble of his voice so close to your ear, tapered tongue licking from around your pulse point and jaw.
Truthfully, no, you definitely didn’t deserve much niceness after being an absolutely insufferable tease and possible embarrassment—
But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t try.
“I’m sorry, daddy,” You let the name roll off your tongue. “I just couldn’t help myself.”
Kugo growled but didn’t reply. All he did was press you harder back into the mirror, pulling back to let his gaze bore into you. You swallowed at the sight of spit wetting his exposed teeth.
“I-I mean,”  You cursed your stutter. “You just look so good—“
Flattery didn’t work when you’d pushed Keigo this far and gotten him this worked up, you knew this, but you would be damned if you didn’t try.
So, you fanned the flames instead.
“And seeing all of your coworkers making eyes at you just got me a little...” You hummed, smirking at the searing heat of his breath over your collarbones. “Needy, you know?”
Kugo hummed, idly shredding the rest of your clothes and tossing them to the ground.
“Is my little one is a little jealous?” Kugo chuckled, some of his ire dissolved.
It was true. Though all of his colleagues were kind and viewed the two of you well, that didn’t mean that they were gorgeous and intimidating.
(You were playing up to get dicked down better, but that’s beside the point.)
You yelped as Kugo flipped you by the hips, large body folding over yours. With your stomach flat to the cold porcelain of the sink, all you could see was Kugo’s massive form swallowing up yours underneath him. When you tried to turn away from it, cheeks hot, he simply straightened your gaze with a harsh hand on your jaw.
His hips pressed against the curve of your ass, something hard and hot reminding you of your goal in all this.
“You just need a bit of extra attention?” Kugo rolled his eyes, unbuckling his pants audibly. “I thought I’d taught you better than this— You should’ve just asked.
You whined as he snapped the elastic on your panties, the fabric tearing and falling to the floor.
One of his clawed, thick fingers ran up your slit, Kugo growling lowly a moment later, “You’re already so filthy. Who’s all this for?”
“Y-you, daddy,” You swallowed, forcing your gaze to stay on him, behind you, in the mirror.
Kugo was far more focused on teasing at your clit and entrance, spreading slick and dirtying your thighs. Any little pleas and writhing were silenced or stilled with firm words and a harsh hand pressing into your lower back.
He was teasing on purpose, you knew. The contrast of the hard pressing of his body and his barely-there touches was evidence of that.
You keened, burying your face in your arms, “Please, Kugo, they’re gonna notice— “
You were cut off with a short smack to your ass and a yelp. You slapped your hand over your mouth, cursing your own volume.
“Why are you complaining? Isn’t this what you wanted?” Kugo asked, something writhing and near-burning pressing to your core. “You just wanted to be fucked good and proper by daddy, but can’t even ask nicely?”
You shook your head, a moan ripping from the back of your throat as he pressed into you, cock twitching with each inch.
“Little one, look forward, and maybe, I’ll be merciful,” Kugo leaned his broad body over yours, the texture of his skin somewhere between silky and rubbery, but in no way unpleasant.
He didn’t give you any reprieve as he sheathed himself fully in your cunt. If you weren’t so accustomed to his size, shape, and motion, you would’ve probably been in pain.
But, after so long of taking his pretty, tapered cock so deep that you could feel it in your stomach?
You hardly felt the stretch.
As he bottomed out, the overwhelming fullness of it had you so close already, vision sparking at the corners. You struggled to keep your focus forward, on the reflection of you and Kugo panting in time, sheened in sweat.
He grinned, toothy and wide, and was about to speak when a knock sounded from the door.
You stiffened.
Kugo did as well, but it didn’t stop him from fucking you in soft earnest.
He was hardly thrusting, just lazily rocking and grinding in your cunt as he watched your wild eyes in the mirror.
He raised what would’ve been an eyebrow as another knock came, the door handle jingle for a minute.
“OCCUPIED!” You shouted at the last second, voice cracking with the suppression of a moan.
For the stoicism Kugo could radiate, he was wearing a shit-eating grin as he watched you struggle.
Flattening his chest over the arch of your back, he slowly fucked into you, rhythm lazy and unhurried, “Do you think they heard?”
“Just ‘probably’? You know better.”
The only response you gave was a muffled moan as you covered your own mouth, his cock rubbing hard and deep inside you. The overwhelming sensation was almost enough to make your eyes snap shut, but you forced them to stay open.
You wanted to offer a bit more sass, put up a bit more of a fight, but the image of Kugo fucking into you more relentlessly with each passing moment in the fogging mirror was far too enticing. You braced where you could, the pads of your fingers leaving oily prints on the immaculate mirror.
“Is this what you wanted, little one?” Kugo gritted out with a particularly rough thrust.
You nodded, sputtering out affirmatives as your head spun.
The pressure and tension writhing in your gut were pushing you closer to the edge, a fact that you desperately tried to hide on the off-chance Kugo decided to not allow you to come.
“You wanted to fucked just right, so close to my colleagues?” Kugo sneered, the hooks of his fingers clawing into your hips. “Filthy.”
You shuddered, grinding into the lip of the sink, frantically racing for your release.
Kugo must’ve been getting close as well, grunts echoing off the tile and walls, mixing with your own and the squelching of your cunt. Your thighs were soaked with slick, only made stickier by Kugo’s own gummy preek mixing with your own.
He leaned over your back, pressing his face into your shoulder, fin pressing against the mirror. His teeth dug into your shoulder as his angle somehow managed to get deeper.
“Kugo!” You wailed, voice cracking as his cock twirled inside you, swelling and filling you even better.
A hand snuck around your body, hand flat on your stomach, hauling you up and into him. You keened, craning your neck to continue watching the display, though your vision blurred with hot tears.
The pad of a finger circled your clit, the thickness of his arm held you up. His cock buried so fucking deep inside you had your eyes rolling back.
Kugo grabbed your jaw, forcing his gaze to him.
“Scream my name, and maybe I’ll let you finish, little one.”
You took a few shaking breaths, gaze flickering to the door.
Kugo’s hips slowed as well.
Though, only for his hips slam forward, his cock ramming against your cervix and the sensations to continue perfectly harder and faster—
“Kugo!” You shrieked straining as your peak sparked through your body, heat rolling over you.
Kugo came just moments later, the fluttering of your cunt more than enough to send him over the edge, his cock writhing and squirming as he pumped you full of his sticky cum.
There was stillness for a moment, as you both panted through the aftershocks. Your eyes went half-lidded, nearly limp in Kugo’s arms.
“Little one,” Kugo’s voice was hoarse and dry. He turned on the sink, rushing cold water splashing into the basin. “How do you feel?”
You slurred out an answer, turning and leaning into his broad frame. Kugo was quick to steady you, propping you up against the sink.
He splashed a bit of the water over his face and neck, the smoothness of his skin shining once more. Carefully, he placed his cold hand over your forehead, kissing your cheeks as you both settled.
You could feel his cock still, softened but still shrinking down now that he’d blown his load. His cum dripped down your thighs, cooling and making you shiver in the chill of the bathroom.
“Sorry I teased you,” You sighed wistfully hooking your arms over his shoulders. “But it was worth it.”
Kugo blinked at you, “You really think so?”
“Entirely. That was lovely— “
Kugo hummed, stooping down to fish his jacket off the ground, along with the remnants of your skirt.
The skirt was almost in tatters, barely able to clasp around your waist with the way the fabric hung. Your panties, shirt, and bra were gone, the scraps making far better cumrags than clothing.
You swallowed, staring up at Kugo with wide eyes as he tsked.
“Consequences, love.”
He gave you a toothy grin as you pouted.
“I’m not going back out there half-naked— “
He pulled you forward as you spoke, helping your arms through the massive sleeves, buttoning up the front.
The colors were mismatched, the fit off, makeup smeared, and in general, you looked like a goddamn mess. If his colleagues somehow didn’t hear you, they were bound to notice based on how disheveled you looked.
“You wanted cock so badly, this is the price,” Kugo pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Come on, I’ll help you out, I’m sure you’ve gotten quite the limp.”
As heat rose to your cheeks, you couldn’t feel too embarrassed.
You had gotten what you wanted.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: guns, fighting, shooting, murder (none of the characters!), fluff??, mentions of insecurities
A/N: This takes place AFTER Neville tosses reader off the balcony.
“Alright boss! I’ve got her, toss her down!” Seamus called, arms outstretched. As much as Neville didn’t want to, he knew the safest option was throwing her down to him. Without another thought he placed a kiss on her forehead before flinging her over the balcony. 
Neville sighed, smoothing down loose strands of his hair as he watched Seamus run off with her before disappearing into the distance. He wasn’t worried about his ability to protect her. Seamus was more than capable of getting her home safe and sound. He was worried about how she was feeling and whether she’d be too upset with him about it all. Even though he hadn’t lied to her, he wasn’t fully truthful about what his job really was and he was scared that once she realized, she’d leave.
“Well, let’s get to business.” he said to himself before cocking his gun, making his way inside. As soon as he did so a fist came flying his way which he dodged, jabbing his elbow into the crown of the attackers head. He heard a familiar chuckle, looking up to see Ron there, a small cut on his face.
“That was a close one. Your little girlfriend got you distracted, boss?” he asked. Neville’s response was halted due to another challenger which he shot right in the center of the forehead. He felt a movement behind him, turning around he headbutted the guy causing him to collapse to the ground. He turned back to Ron who was wide eyed, a smirk on his face.
“You were saying?” he felt a movement to his side aiming his gun but quickly lowering it when he saw it was Fred. He was kneeling by the guys who were either dead or passed out, taking the money from their wallets. Neville rolled his eyes, kicking him in the rear which caused him to fall over. “You still do that? What is the point in that, you make more than enough money!”
Fred stood up shrugging as he brushed himself off. “It’s a tradition! We did it on our first ever mission and I’ll do it to the end.” He held up his hands, flashing the fifties and hundreds. “Plus it never hurts to have pocket change.”
“Whatever. Where’s George?” his answer questioned itself as he heard a familiar hyena like laugh combined with the a round of rapid gunshots. “Nevermind. You and George take the basement. I’ve got Blaise searching the more obscure areas. Ron, I’ll stay with you down here. Any questions?” they all shook their heads and he nodded before beginning to walk off. “What’re you doing then? Let’s go!”
So far, everything had been going quite successful. After taking out the majority of the men, they found the ones who were in charge of the missing shipment. They clearly weren’t the ones in charge, he assumed them to be two lower rank goons trying to make their ranks up to whatever rich family they were employed to.
“I’m going to ask you one more time. Who the fuck are you working for?” he asked the guy through gritted teeth, gripping at his jaw harshly. The two men had been refusing to speak since they had been tied up, resulting in them being bestowed a plethora of bruises, cuts, and wounds. Near there feet were a few teeth covered in the remains of their own blood. “No? Okay how about this one then, where is the shipment?” he growled out. The two men continued to look back and forth, scared out of their mind. Neville shrugged, standing up as straight. He shot a look to Ron who snapped his fingers causing one of their men to open the door. In they brought in one of the few enemy men who hadn’t been beaten, killed, or escaped. Without hesitating Neville pulled the trigger, blood splattering on the wall. The men in the chairs jumped, loud sobs and pleas leaving their mind.
The mob boss laughed, walking around them in a circle. He held the gun to the back of the one on the lefts head. “You know, I could take your life just like I did his. I’ve got zero fucks and an insanely bad temper so if you wanna push your luck, so be it.” He trailed the gun over to the side of the man’s head as he leaned down closer to him. “But just know it will cost you your fucking life. I don’t have time for games and your existence just so happens to be one.” the man stuttered, not really saying any real words as he tried to stay still as possible. He removed his gun from that man’s head, putting it on his partners. “Or you? You look weaker than him so why don’t you go ahead and spill?” he felt a puddle at his feet, noticing the guy had completely pissed himself. He grimaced, growling as he dug the gun deeper into his head. “ Your in real deep shit now so I suggest you start speaking.”
“I-it was the Livingstons! They heard about the shipment that was gonna be leaving and told us to do something about it! They sent us all as a warning to tell yous all to step off!” he wailed, his partner nodding frantically from beside him. “We ain’t toss it in no water or nothing! It’s at Belmont pier on the corner of Demona Drive!” Neville hummed in content, pulling the gun away from his head. The men relaxed, sighing in relief. Little did they know, Neville was not being so kind tonight. He was tired and worst of all, they had ripped him away from his flower. Sure it wasn’t directly their fault, but still held some of the responsibility.
“See? Now was that too hard fellas?” he said, taking a seat in the large chair behind the desk in the room. He sighed, a fake pout making its way onto his face. “Unfortunately for you though, you’ve wasted hours of my time and messed up my Givenchy’s. Harry, bring in the twins. I’ve got better places to be. Ron get the car and bring it around front.”
“Th-the twins?! Who are the twins?” he smirked, not turning around as he reached the door.
“Oh you’ll see soon enough. Probably the last thing you’ll see actually. Blaise, Draco. Let’s go.” he said as they all walked out the room, the twins taking their place. As they walked towards the entrance the sounds of screams could be heard from the room.
“I’ve gotta go get something real quick boss, I’ll be right back.” Draco said before running off towards the stairs. Blaise chuckled some, shaking his head as he nudged Neville.
“That was harsh, even for you boss.” he said, opening the car door for the man as he slid in next to him. Neville took out a blunt from his pocket, sparking it. He took a large hit before passing it to Blaise, looking out the window. “Guessing it has something to do with your girl waiting at home?”
“More or less. I just wanna make sure she’s alright. I-I know she’s in good hands but I can’t help to worry. She’s sensitive, you know?” Blaise nodded along, patting the man on the leg.
“I’m sure she’s fine. We’ll be home shortly.” with that, the car door opened once more a giggling Twyla hopping in with Draco who’s face was covered in lipstick. 
“That was amazing! I can’t believe you guys get to do that all the time!” she exclaimed, snatching the blunt from Blaise’s hands. Draco tightened his grip on her waist as the car began moving again. Blaise laughed some too, relaxing into his seat.
“Yeah you were a natural out there! Perhaps you’ll consider joi-”
“No absolutely not.” Draco spoke up, taking the blunt from the girl as she stuck it between his lips. He let out a puff, coughing some as he glared at Blaise. She awwed at him, ruffling his hair.
“Aww you care about me? That’s so sweet! But for your information, I wasn’t going to say yes. I enjoy watching the action more than I like being apart of it!” Draco relaxed some, letting out a deep sigh. Neville couldn’t help but laugh at the dynamic they had. Once Harry was in, he told Ron to floor it which he did.
When he got to the manor, he went up to his room opening it to see the girl wasn’t in there.
“I figured you’d want me to put her in another room.” Seamus said, startling him. He turned around yawning as he gave him a tired smile.
“Yeah, thanks. I think she’d appreciate her. Is she in the room down the hall from mine?” once Seamus nodded, he walked out of his room heading to down the hall. Once he got there, he smiled at the sight. Twyla had taken the liberty of changing her out of her dress but in her drunken state, forgotten to tuck her in. Lifting her up, he pulled back the silk sheets before tucking her in, pecking her forehead. Neville couldn’t help to smile, she was absolutely beautiful. He couldn’t wait till the day he’d get to wake up next to her, finding her fast asleep in his arms.
‘It wouldn’t help to lie here for a bit, would it?’ he thought to himself. He didn’t plan on staying the night in her room. She had only had her first kiss earlier in the night, a step like this would be sure to make her a bit overwhelmed, especially waking up in a new place. He slid in next to her, letting out a soft groan at the softness of the bed. (Y/n) mumbled something in her sleep, scooting closer to the man, nuzzling her head into his chest. He felt his heart swell. She was too adorable for his own good, every time he looked at her he just wanted to ruin her. Carding his fingers through her hair, he yawned taking a long blink.
Neville jolted awake, looking at the analog alarm clock on the side table. 3:30 AM. “Shit.” he mumbled, looking down to see the (h/c) haired girl was still there. He began to slide out the bed, placing a pillow where he was once lying. He grinned softly, brushing her hair out of her face as she snuggled into it. He was glad she was sleeping so well. Neville had worried that the girl would have trouble adapting to everything but to his luck, she was doing just fine.
Closing the door gently, he sighed before making his way back to the room, throwing himself on the Alaska king bed.
“One day.”
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99 @princesslaiahg​ @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically
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ladynoirelf · 3 years
Dark Crystal Tik-Tok challenge: Walking in naked on s/o
Deet to Rian:
Deet peered into the room she and Rian, her body dripped wet from her shower and warped in a fluffy towel. She smiled as she watched Rian playing on the computer, headphones on and sometimes yelling at the boys in the mic.
Taking a breath, she slowly opened the door. The creak of the wood grabbed Rian’s attention, looking up from his desktop he watched Deet saunter next to him.
“Oh, hello” he greeted, lifting his mic so his friends couldn't hear.
“You uh...just take a shower”?
“Oh… You gonna-”
The soft landing of the towel cut Rian’s sentence to a halt, leaving him to stare at the beautiful nude body of his beautiful gilly. His breath hitched as she slipped into his lap, Rian had to slam his computer shut just in case the cam was on.
“Hey! Rian what happened? You disappeared”. Gurjin asked through the mic.
“Can someone help the orphan please! I'm getting killed over here”! Kylan’s panicked screeching feel deaf to Rian’s ears as Deet started kissing up his juggalr.
“S-Sorry guys I have to um...handle somethingseyoulater”!
Rian ripped the headphones off his head, wrapped his arms around his girlfriend before ripping the power cord from his laptop to force it off and hurried to the bed with Deet giggling madly in his arms.
 Rian to Deet:
“Did you get the gift package I sent you”?
“Yes father, but you don't have to send one every month”.
Deet watched her father on the other side of the Crystal-holo do some dishes. 
“Yes, I do. I don't want you using too much of those surface products. Who knows what they use in them, I was just reading an article about how they use fizzgig dung in some of their skin ointments and they even use…”.
Deet drowned out her father at the clicking of the bathroom door opening. Knowing it was Rian coming out from his shower, she stayed on the couch absently nodding as her father droned on about dung products and bone marrow shampoo. 
Suddenly, a damp towel flew over her head!
Deet whipped her head to see Rian standing smugly in the nude with his hands on his hips.
Deet’s mouth opened and closed like a Hooyim out of water, her eyes unsure of where to look.
“...so that's one of many reasons to avoid-oh my. Well hello there Rian~”.
Both Shadowling and Woodling looked in mortification to see Lath’N looking impishly at the exposed bits of his daughter’s boyfriend in the corner of the screen.
“Is it chilly in the house son”?
Deet threw the retreating Rian a couch pillow before pushing the floating crystal back in its slot to end the call. 
“Om my Thra, I’m so embarrassed”.
“YOUR embarrassed”!? Rian popped his head in the living room, pillow pressed over his groin. “I can't show my face to your father again”!
Both could only groan in embarrassment and shame.
 Brea to Kylan:
Brea made sure that her fluffy towel was good and loose before tiptoeing through the kitchen to sneak behind her boyfriend on the couch. Kylan sat oblivious to her sneakery, tending to his virtual farm on his handheld console. Brea mentally counted three before flinging off her towel and plopping her bare breasts atop Kylan’s head.
“Crushing titter attack”!
“Gyaa! Brea”!
Kylan nearly had his eye poked with an ample nipple. Shocked by Brea’s undress, he swiftly removed the sweater he was wearing and wrapped her up in it.
“For Thra’s sake the windows are open”! Kylan cried, gently pushing Brea away from the living room.
“We live on the 25th floor”.
“You never know, there might be some pervert with a telescope trying to see in here”.
“So you don't like it”? Brea coyly pouted, batting her lashes as she moved the sweater so her chest brushed against a blushing Kylan.
“N-N-No, no,no I do like it. I really like it”. He stuttered, looking to the ceiling in habit. Unintentionally giving Brea access to his jugular where she trailed placed her sweet kisses.
“Let's go then”. She cooed
“Bedroom” she kissed his bobbing Adam's apple “right now please”.
Kylan dreamily followed his humming princess, leaving his game unsaved and console to die of battery loss.
 Kylan to Brea:
Normally, Kylan would try to avoid the group's challenges that required him to get chased, flirt with strangers and get nude. And after hearing how Rian’s challenge went horribly wrong, Kylan was definitely uninterested. 
But, he would have been lying if he said he wasn't curious to see Brea’s reaction. Since she took the lead most of the time, he figured it would be quite a suprise.
Curiosity got the better of him and now here he was standing outside his and Brea’s bedroom wearing only a robe. Taking Rian’s caution to heart, Kylan made sure Brea was nowhere near a cam or crystal-holo. He peeked through the crack of the open door to see Brea reading on her side.
With no cam-quartz insight, Kylan took a calming breath. Then pushed open the door with such force it slammed into the wall as he threw his robe off!
Startled by the noise, Brea jerked up to see a shaking Kylan standing before her with his cock out.
“So-”. Kylan was cut off with the shuffling of the comforter as Brea sat up to tie up her hair in a messy bun. Her eyes eyeing her target right in between her boyfriend's legs.
Kylan yelped in surprise as Brea pounced on him, devouring him right there till sunrise.
 Mothria to Gurjin:
“Get your head in the game fellas were almost there”!
“Come Kylan hit harder buddy you got this”.
Said gillon winced at his love’s booming call, though he couldn't say he didn't deserve it. He muted his mic before removing his headphones.
“S-Sory about that lovemoth, I got caught up in the-ooooh”.
Pouting with her arms crossed, long locs untied and flowing freely to the floor, and bare as the day she was born. Mothria huffed as she turned her back to her boyfriend, her hair nearly hitting his awestruck face.
“You said tonight was my night”. She whined “but you’ve just been playing with the boys”. 
“Im sorry, I'm sooo sorry Lovemoth. Here I'll turn it off right now, and then” Gurjin pressed his lips to her webbed ear “then I'll lavish you in attention, okay? You forgive me, Mothy”? Gurjin wrapped his arms around Mothria’s waist, trailing kisses from her shoulder up to her neck.
She looked up with sultry green eyes.
“You promise”?
Gurjin kissed her, hard “I promise”.
 Gurjin to Mothria:
Mothria just wanted to rest, that's all.
After long hours on the breeding farm and running errands for Grigor, a nice relaxing weekend indoors was all she needed. It helped that the forecast was cloudy and rainy, perfect staying and couch potato weather.
So she sat on the couch with the bola and spear channel on high with some “Peach berry” frozen cream. Taking a bit of her tart and sweet treat, she heard quite rustling behind her.
Knowing it to be Gurjin, she simply contented to watch the contestant prep for their throw.
Mothria groaned, knowing what was coming.
She just wanted to relax, sex with Gurjin when its raining was not relaxing. She mentally urged herself to keep ignoring him.
“How can I help you”?
“Look behind you”.
“I'm watching something”.
“This is a really good match”.
“And I'm really good looking, look my way lovemoth”.
“Nah, not falling for it”.
Mothria’s smirk of victory quickly plunged when Gurjin moved to stand in front of the TV. Ready to go for a romp.
“...Can you at least wait until I finish my snack”?
“You have five minutes”.
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Centuries Twelve
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Word Count: 1363
Pairing: Reader x Dean
Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam, Rowena, Cas, Jack, Michael, and Hezekiah
About: A new lead is found on Hezekiah. Michael has a new vessel.
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Angst, Michael’s new vessel (I pictured this vessel super fucking hot so yeah it’s a warning. sue me) 
A/N: With this gif, let’s pretend that the boys are at the other end of the table so when the Michale in his new vessel comes in that’s the greeting he gets.
*18+ Content. If you are younger than 18 please scroll/move along. I do NOT want to risk my account being thanosed. 
**Please DO NOT copy and paste my work anywhere else WITHOUT my permission and WITHOUT giving me the proper credit. I work too hard on my stories and would hate for them to be stolen.
***This work is also posted on my Instagram, WattPad, and Archive Of Our Own. Links are in the pinned post on my profile. Please go show it some love over there.
****Go follow my other accounts: Instagram, Twitter, WattPad, and Archive Of Our Own
*****Requests are CLOSED
Forever Tag List: @hobby27​ @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @elansaidaris​ @magssteenkamp​ @440mxs-wife​
Dean/Jensen Tag List: @akshi8278​ @sandlee44​ @squirrelnotsam​
My Masterlist
My Supernatural Masterlist
Story Masterlist
Chapter Eleven
My Favorite Fics
It's been two days and there is still no sign of Michael.
Dean tells me the bind removal was successful and that Michael hightailed it out of here with only the words "I'll be back." But I didn't really care, I mean, I did care in someway. He was a ticking time bomb without that bind to me. He could literally kill thousands upon thousands of people. I pray that he found his way to the bottom of the ocean and if that were the case, then so be it then. A door on my life will finally be closed for good.
After Rowena undid the bind and after Michael ran off, Dean told me that it too another twelve hours for me to wake up. And when I did wake up apparently I was still under the influence of that powder that smacked me in the face back at the house. I don't remember much of what happened but I guess that Rowena had been prepared for it cause according to her, I drank a sleeping potion and was out again for the night.
When I woke up again, I was feeling normal.
Now, I sit in the bunker kitchen twirling the spoon in my soup round in circles. Chicken noodle soup. From a can. Once things are back in order and Hezekiah is gone for good and maybe Michael too, I will have to get this kitchen back in order. Making homemade soups and dinner again like the good old days.
"Oh, you got that look on your face," Dean steps into the kitchen. He stops when he see me. The outfit he's wearing, although super normal, is super hot right now. "Whats on your mind?"
Sitting back from the bowl of soup, "Just the possibility that we might hear of a nuclear bomb going off and killing thousands. Plus, I'm not eating this." I push the bowl away from me.
Dean looks a little heart broken when I say that. "I made that and it was all we had. Sort of been busy to go out on a supply run. But no worries, I'll eat and I'll take you to get a greasy burger while we go for that supply run."
I smile and reach across the table and move the soup. Dean looks at the empty space and then at me. "You want to know what I really want?"
Dean swallows whats in his mouth. "And what's that?" He raises an eyebrow knowing what's about to happen and go down.
I get and walk around the table. As I do, Dean pushes the chair he's sitting in away from the table and leans back with his one eyebrow still raised. "Hmmm," I straddle his lap and slowly run my hands up his chest to the top button of his shirt. "I was thinking, something quick. Something pleasurable. And just maybe, something a little naughty."
I feel Dean's member get hard under me. A low growl is heard deep within his chest and came out as a small groan. Dean wraps his arms around me and in the next minute he's pushing me up on a wall next to the coffee bar and knocking a few things off it. My legs are tightly wrapped around him while he pins my arms above my head while his lips attack mine. Nipping and bitting at whatever bare skin he can.
Dean releases my arms and pushes my legs off him. He takes both his hands and grips the neckline of my shirt and rips the fabric in half all the way down to the bottom. Dean looks me over and smirks. "No bra?"
"Nope, I hate those things with a passion today."
Dean licks his lips and attacks mine again before kissing, nipping and bitting his way down to my neck. Down between my breasts as he takes hold of both and gives them a gently but firm squeeze. Down to the button of my jeans. I look down and see his raised eyes looking into mine. Waiting for permission to go on.
"Well," I say softly. "What are you waiting for?"
Dean smiles big and as soon as he gets the button undone, Sam comes walking into the kitchen.
"I heard something fall in here, are you guys-" Sam's voice is cut off by what he sees. I quickly cover myself in my ripped shirt as Dean stands up and positions his body in front of mine. "You know there is something called a room, right? I'm going to just pretend I didn't see what was going to happen."
"Yeah well, you should have just done that in the beginning instead of interrupting." Dean takes his button up off and hands it back to me. I grab it and quickly put it on.
"Well sorry for being concerned for your well being," Sam snaps back. "No worries though, I'll let you get back to it."
I peek around Dean, "Sam, you kind of killed the mood."
Just then, we hear the bunker door open. The three of us walk towards the war room of the bunker where we can hear whoever came in walking down. When we get there, we see a talk blonde hair man in a grey suit walking down the stairs. As he's fixing the cuff links on his sleeves,  Dean steps in front of me and pulls out his gun. Sam does the same. I look down to make sure the button down shirt I now wore was actually fixed.
"Who are you?" Dean asked firmly. "How did you get in here?"
"How did you find the place?" Sam adds.
I peek around Deans side and see the man look up and make eye contact with me. His eyes are a piercing blue. The way he looks me over, feels oddly familiar. But I've never seen this man before in my life. "YN," His voice is smooth and not deep. He straightens his body and holds himself high just like...
"Michael?" I whisper walking around Dean. Dean tries to pull me back but I push his hands away. "Is that..you?" I ask tilting my head to the side.
"Yes," he replies taking a step towards me. I feel my back tense up. "I'm sorry, I should have found a way to contact you but I didn't have your numbers or stuff for a simple spell."
"What poor bastard said yes to let you in?" Dean steps beside me and I can feel the the tension in his body.
Michael looks down and smiles. "Ah yes, Gillian Branson. He was an accountant until he was hit by a truck. I found him dying in the the ambulance and told him he will no longer be in pain if he let me in. And with the promise that he will see his lost wife in Heaven."
"Is he, still in there?" Sam asks lowering his gun and putting it away. I look next to me to see Dean still has his gun in his hands. I touch his hand to assure him it's okay. He gently pushes my hand away.
"Sadly, he passed on after he said yes and after I entered him. So it's just me in here." Michale pulls a chair out and sits down.
"Oh, who is this handsome fella?" Rowena walks into the war room and her eyes get wide as she looks over Michael.
"Michael and his new meat suit," Dean finally puts his gun away.
"Oh, such a lovely pick," Rowena walks around Michael. Feeling his shoulders and muscles. "Firm, this lad used to work out. You can hold down a woman with those." Michaels eyes snap over to me. My stomach starts to feel tight. I don't know if it's Michaels vessel stirring something up because his new vessel is pretty attractive, or the way Michaels dig deep into mine trying to find something buried.
"Rowena, you're drooling too much," I say startling the witch out of her day dream.
"Alright," Rowena gives Michael one more rub down before walking away. "I'll get the things for the spell to make his vessel stronger and last longer."
Michaels eyes never leave mine. "Perfect, because I know where Hezekiah is. We can end this tomorrow night."
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dawniebb · 4 years
Thoughts About Renegades Pt.2
I’m about to kick myself out of this fandom: A sequel afgshjavsbn
I’m sorry :’) These are, again, some thoughts I decided to write down in case somebody else feels the same way.
This is the link for the first part: https://dawniebb.tumblr.com/post/614167998575624192/thoughts-about-renegades
-Listen. I always fall in love with the shittiest characters possible (Looking at you, freaking Heather Duke afvsghavs) so Genissa had it *all* on her side. And yet, she was too much even for me :). Still, I had hope. I was open for possibilities for like... three chapters or so bc she's *that* annoying :) Again: This is coming from someone who likes entitled bitches full of themselves like her. When I finally gave up, I just wanted her to die but a part of me knew that wouldn't happen bc Pearl is The Lunar Chronicles' Genissa and she's still around (living her best life. Hella rich). Then she showed up at Supernova and I knew it would be a shitshow. I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED, Y'ALL. SHE REALLY PLAYED THE CLOWN...But still, even if this hurts me more than you'll even know: For like a whole page, she was right. She had solid, strong arguments, bc she just said out loud what Nova was trying to say back in Archenemies when nobody would let her finish her fucking sentences. So, yeah, when Genissa said everything Nova was trying to say at the Council's face, she was absolutely fucking right and every single one of the Council members were acting like tyrant brats, so they had it coming lol
-Still, I don't think this means Genissa suddenly turned into a likable character, nor a redeemable one whatsoever. Fine. She was right for a while bc she said everything Nova was trying to say, but she didn't do it bc she was concerned about the situation. She didn't really care about what could happen to other prodigies. She didn't care about what could happen to the Renegades themselves or the Council. She only cared that it happened to her. She's the type of person with the "You won't understand it until it happens to you" type of mentality, and that's not exactly a positive personality trait. She had this "You have to do something bECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO ME.ME.ME I'M IMPORTANT" vibe. If it had happened to Callum, for example, she wouldn't have given a shit :v. But it was her, so something had to be done. She didn't learn anything from it, just the fact that she's not untouchable and anyone can be harmed by the Council's horrible decisions, even her. Hence, she didn't earn a redemption arc and, in my opinion, she did not have one :v. Her giving Adrian the Agent N doesn't mean anything either. Nova went too hard on her with her power and she was probably feeling drugged or dizzy.
-Which, at least for me, is kinda a let down because redemption for characters like her can be possible even if they've done shitty things in the past. Theseus Cassio Lowood from Anna Dressed in Blood (I'm begging you again to read Anna Dressed in Blood) was more of an entitled bitch than the actual entitled bitch of the duology (Carmel Jones) and by the end of the book we see a HUGE character growth on him.
-I want the best for Team Sketch afgbsja but if I were Danna I would hate Nova, so I guess for a while she will...and she won't be quiet about it. I'm talking about rolling her eyes up to Heaven every time Nova opens her mouth, making excuses to avoid hanging out with them if Nova is coming too. Shady stuff like that. From my experience in my first year of college, I even dare to say Danna will feel hurt when they mention anything positive about Nova (She'll feel like they're choosing Nova over her even though she's been here longer). And it's not like they'll hate each other forever and Danna will be *this* expressive about it forever, but they'll surely have to work on fixing their relationship. You can't just expect the person you locked in a mason jar to be nice to you :) that's not how we roll :)
-HOWEVER, even if I'm taking Danna's side here bc if I were her I would hate Nova too, I must admit I believe Nova lowkey has her own reasons to at least mildly dislike Danna. I mean, Danna is nicer than many people in the trilogy, but she's not the nicest person that has ever stepped on Earth (do you remember I mentioned I LOVE this type of characters?). She comes off as defensive and judgemental at times. I know she was right. I know she was smart enough to be the only one who wasn't fooled by Nova (we gay people are geniuses,y'all) but...let's picture a scenario in which she wasn't right. A scenario in which Nova happened to be just a normal girl with very strong opinions about everything. Not an Anarchist. Not Nightmare. Just a fella who enjoys being salty and fighting over politics lmao. And then there's this pal making this comments like "that's so anarchist omg pls don't you must be nightmare" and THEN she follows her all the way to her house and she's like ????? ....I mean, Danna, sweetie. I love you but pls relax, you'll hurt yourself one of these days.
-Have you ever written your opinions about Renegades and realized that everyone is so freaking morally grey??? to the point where NO ONE IS RIGHT? BUT SOMEHOW THEY'RE NOT WRONG EITHER?
-This is more a headcanon than it is an opinion: NARCISSA LIKES TO HATE-READ TRASHY YA. She doesn't even get mad at the awful plots, like, they ENTERTAIN HER. She likes to make fun and mentally roast the writer's horrible choices.
-We're going to talk about Ruby now :) brace yourselves:
-A period is blood along with other substances. However, unless she was some kind of disease, it's not a wound. It shouldn't be, at least :') So, unless I'm proven wrong, it's not her period I'm worried about at the moment, since it's mentioned the blood that crystallizes it's the one that comes out of her wounds. What I'm worried about it's pregnancy afsghavsb
First of all, I think it would be IMPOSSIBLE to her to give birth naturally, as childbirth is way more dangerous. Sometimes the deliver stage can rip up a woman's walls, which happens to be a wound. And what happens when Ruby has a bleeding wound? Her blood crystallizes. So, if the baby's head, neck, or any other part of their body is already down there, she might as well stab them to death or at least badly hurt them.
Then, a C section. A C section is basically doctors cutting layers and layers of skin until they get to the uterus. That's a profesionally done wound lmao. And unless they have some way to stop Ruby's powers from acting up, it would be impossible to get to the baby and THEN getting them out without, again, them getting stabbed to death.
-So, in conclusion, I think Oscar and Ruby would just adopt children :')
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fruit-teeth · 5 years
Matters of Time and Fate (2)
(Yep I’m continuing this...It’s really late here, so I’m gonna go to bed soon AND I’m gonna try and get requests done tomorrow!! Ugh I’ve been so busy...anyway, I hope you enjoy!)
The rage was like a fiery knot, getting tighter and tighter and tearing Olivia up from within. She curled in further on herself, glaring at the floor of the van while her heart pounded furiously. She plotted revenge: she had no idea how she would do it, but she would strike all of them, any of them, and rip them to bits. It was as if, for a moment, she forgot there was a significant size difference between herself and these adults who had just inserted themselves into her life, and she also forgot that she was unarmed and without her father. She was helpless.
The van stopped, and she heard Miss Pauling speaking. “So, this is it, huh?”
“Yes,” The Administrator replied from the passenger seat. “Our stay won’t be long, only a few weeks…”
“You know,” Miss Pauling glanced over at the other woman. “You don’t have to stay here with us. If you want your own privacy, I can get you a hotel nearby,”
The Administrator shook her head. “No, no…I don’t currently have access to any camera equipment, and I’d like to keep my eyes on all of you at all times,” she undid her seatbelt, shifting around to look at Olivia. “Saxton Hale could arrive at any time, and when he does, the signing will take place. Do you understand?”
Olivia only glared at Helen, and after a moment she stuck out her tongue at the older woman. Helen pursed her lips together, before opening the car door. “Of course,”
Other cars began pulling up on the front lawn of the Townhouse and the mercenaries began to emerge from each one, coming together for the first time in a few days.
“God, this place looks ancient,” Scout wrinkled his nose, approaching the siding and running his finger up it, collecting a bit of dark brown dust. “Ugh, look at it! It’s all grimy and shit…”
Spy rolled his eyes, nudging Scout and handing him a box of belongings. “Be grateful we have a place, I think it looks rather nice…”
Demo carried a few boxes through the front door, and when he stopped in the kitchen doorway, he glanced around the place with a somewhat saddened look. “What was wrong with our old base? Why’d we have tae stay here?”
“It’s being used as storage, we don’t have rights to it at the moment,” Engineer explained, coming up behind Demo and fishing out a cooler from one of the boxes. “But that’s okay—right here is a good place to rest our feet for a while, y’know?” he opened the fridge but grimaced a little. “Ugh, would ya look at that?”
“What?” Sniper looked over his shoulder, before making a face. “Seriously?”
Engineer pulled out a container of moldy orange peels and a half-gallon of milk, which he promptly threw away. “What’s wrong with people? Damn…leavin’ your old stuff at a rental house…goodness me,”
Once the fridge had been emptied and cleaned, Engineer unloaded a few beers from the cooler. “Once we’re all done with this, fellas, how’d you all feel about goin’ to the market and gettin’ some groceries?”
“That sounds wonderful!” Medic replied, walking in briskly to fill a pitcher with some water. “I’m afraid I’ll have to stay behind, though, Heavy and I have to get the doves settled,”
Engineer nodded. “That’s fine, but hey: the rest of us can go, it can be our lil’ team bonding activity!”
“Hell yeah!” Scout agreed. “It’s been freakin’ ages since we all got to go out and do shit together,” he reached into the fridge, getting out a beer for himself. “God, thank god that old bat kicked the bucket…we don’t gotta worry about his bullshit anymore!”
If Scout had noticed Olivia standing in the kitchen just a few feet away from him, perhaps he wouldn’t have made that comment about the now-deceased Gray Mann. But he didn’t see her, and he didn’t even know she was behind him until he heard her counting, “One…two…three!”
“What—” Scout turned around, just in time to see that Olivia had grabbed one of the kitchen knives, and she had a look of pure hatred in her eyes as she prepared to stab him in the thigh.
Before she could strike, however, Sniper quickly yanked her away from her target and exclaimed, “Aw, hell, no! No, you don’t!”
Olivia shrieked and kicked, twisting around and trying to stab Sniper, but to no avail. Engineer reached in and pried the kitchen knife from the girl’s hand, before scolding her, “That’s very bad! No! Do you need a time out!?”
“Let me go!” Olivia exclaimed, before tipping her head back and slamming it directly into Engineer’s shoulder, headbutting him in hopes to incapacitate him in some form. Nothing was working, so Olivia resorted to just screaming louder and thrashing her limbs, eventually twisting around and kicking Sniper in the jaw.
Sniper let out a yell, stumbling, before he grunted, “Somebody better deal with this kid before I drop her out a window!”
Demo quickly took Olivia, but not knowing what else to do with her, he set her down on the floor again. This time, though, Olivia went with a different instinct and darted towards the adjacent living room. He chased after her, only to watch her climb behind the TV stand and wedge herself there, kneeling on the floor.
Demo paused, unsure of what to do, and he knelt down. “Um…hey, are ye—”
Before he could finish, Olivia screeched at him, “Go away! I hate you!”
“Tavish,” Medic called from the kitchen, gesturing for him to come back. “Leave her alone for a while,”
Olivia panted, her hands quivering as she curled up in the dust behind the TV, and she could hear the men talking about her.
“Ugh, do we have to keep that little brat with us!?” Scout huffed. “She almost freakin’ killed me!”
“It would not have killed you,” Medic corrected him. “It would have only been a stab to the leg,”
Engineer cracked open a can of beer, sighing. “Once she signs over Mann Co., I think she’s gonna go to the orphanage…Hale better get here, soon,”
Olivia felt tears burning her eyes again, but she curled up even further, making herself smaller. Why did her father have to die? Why was this happening? She wanted it all to be a dream, she wanted desperately to wake up in her own bed in her own house, with all of this being a distant memory.
It was then, though, that there was a tapping sound on the side of the TV stand. Olivia lifted her head, and when she heard the tapping again, she wiped her eyes and peeked out to look.
Pyro stood by the stand, a baggie of something clutched in their hand. They knelt down when Olivia peeked out, and they opened the bag to reveal little candies and some small chewing gum packs. Olivia wrinkled her nose, moving away a bit (she wasn’t about to accept a treat from these people who had taken her home away), until she recognized one of the little bonbons.
It was the same kind her father would get for her (when he’d allow her to have sweets, which wasn’t often), and when she saw it, she lowered her guard a bit.
Olivia reached into the bag, grabbing the little strawberry bonbon and unwrapping it. When she popped it into her mouth, Pyro made a delighted sound. They held up a finger as if telling her to wait a moment, before they showed her a little windup dog they’d had in their pocket. Olivia just rolled the bonbon around in her mouth, watching as Pyro demonstrated how the dog worked by winding it up. They set it on the floor, and it began to march around in circles while playing a little tune. Normally, Olivia wouldn’t have been impressed, but somehow the dog was a comfort compared to everything else she’d just experienced.
Pyro sat back, watching the dog before looking back up at Olivia, as if hoping for a reaction. The little mechanism walked its way over to Olivia’s shoe, where it tapped lightly for a few seconds. Olivia didn’t say or do anything, choosing to wrap her arms around herself tighter, as if trying to make herself invisible.
“Hello?” a voice cut in suddenly, startling her. She looked up, seeing that it wasn’t Pyro who had spoken, but Spy.
Spy was kneeling on the wood floor, studying Olivia’s face. “I did not mean to startle you,” he apologized, his voice softer. “What are you doing back there?”
Olivia scowled, moving back. “Go away!”
“Oh, come, now,” Spy looked up at Pyro, nodding at them as if their job here was done. Pyro nodded back, beginning to gather their bag and wind-up dog as Spy continued. “I was going to ask if you were hungry at all. I don’t believe you’ve had breakfast, have you?”
Olivia sniffled, suddenly remembering that the only thing she’d eaten that day was the candy Pyro had just given her. She shook her head, and Spy clicked his tongue. “What a shame. I have a bit of food if you’d like some, and you can eat it in here. But you must sit on the couch if you want some, yes?”
Olivia went quiet again, before she nodded. She stood up shakily, brushing the dust off of herself and stepping out from behind the TV. Spy smiled gently at her, ushering her to the couch and guiding her to sit down. Once she was seated, he handed her a small plate with some crackers and soft cheese, saying, “I understand it’s not a lot, but it’s something,”
As Olivia began to eat silently, Spy sat beside her and watched for a moment. Finally, he had to ask, “Tell me, Olivia: what do you like to do?”
Olivia took another bite of cracker, shrugging. “I dunno,”
“Is there anything you’re good at?” Spy prompted again, maintaining his gentle composure.
“Good at?” Olivia repeated, squinting in thought. She shrugged. “Spreadsheets,”
Spy tilted his head, intrigued. “Spreadsheets?”
“Yeah,” she popped another cracker into her mouth. “For finances – for the company,”
Spy drew in a breath. “I see…” what he’d speculated had been confirmed, and his pity for this girl only grew. He stood up, sliding his hands into his coat pockets. “Well, eat up, and Miss Pauling can help you get your room ready, yes?”
“I have a room, but it’s not here,” Olivia replied, her voice sour again.
“…of course,” Spy sighed, frowning as he realized that this was going to be a long few weeks.
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marinaaniseed · 5 years
What became of the likely lads
Song: What became of the likely lads from the album The Libertines by The Libertines.
Summary: A look at what happened in the aftermath of Death on the stairs after you broke your ankle.
Characters: Female reader x Stucky
Length: 1,490 words
A/N: Injuries, Stucky, poly relationships, bisexuals everywhere. Apparently Death on the stairs is going to keep going. See here for what this is all about.
The battle in the apartment was over before it had really begun. Bucky assumed you’d taken cover behind some of the ratty furniture on the balcony.
“Where is she?” he asked Wanda, starting to panic, looking around the empty space.
“She jumped-”
“Oh my god,” he wailed, the tears already spilling over.
“-down to our balcony,” Wanda finished. “She’s alive, she warned us but her ankle is broken. Badly. We need to get out of here. I’ll help Steve upstairs, make sure the kids are handed over to our contact. You grab yours and Y/N’s stuff and meet us in our apartment.”
Wiping away his tears, he began his mission. Living like a ghost was second nature for him, so there wasn’t much to grab.
It’d hurt something very deep inside of him when Wanda had said you’d jumped, something he didn’t realise still existed there.
His capacity to love Steve was something not even Hydra could erase, the bond ran far too deep. But the capacity to love another, to meet them and love them so dearly that the thought of losing them was too much to take? That was another thing.
Guiltily he realised he wouldn’t have reacted the same way if he thought he’d lost Wanda.
And that’s when it twigged.
The fake domestic intimacy you’d been sharing wasn’t fake to him. The way his body reacted to yours wasn’t just simple biology, it was because he was attracted to you, cared for you, wanted to be more than just your friend.
Well, shit. He was with Steve and that was that. They’d talked about the possibility of not being exclusive but nothing had ever happened. And even if Steve was cool, would you be? Were you even interested in him? Had you been so committed you’d continued your role behind closed doors?
She’s lying downstairs with a broken ankle and you’re thinking about your dick? Get a grip, Barnes, he silently scolded himself.
He got downstairs before either Wanda or Steve. Setting his rucksack and yours gently on the floor, he looked down at your still form on the settee. You’d passed out, probably from the pain, and he couldn’t blame you. No bones had broken through your skin but it looked an absolute mess, your foot at an impossible angle. He rolled you into the recovery position, being careful with your ankle, and draped a throw over you to keep you warm.
Gathering up Wanda and Steve’s belonging is the most useful thing he can do right now, so he focuses on that, checking and rechecking everything. You occasionally come to with a scream before passing back out again and he feels awful for you. You were damn lucky you made it to the balcony below instead of plummeting to the ground. It’s small consolation but at least he knows you’ll be cared for, unlike the treatment he received for his arm.
Wanda and Steve find him holding your hand, crying into the threadbare cushions of the settee.
“She’ll be alright, Buck,” Steve tried to reassure him. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
Wanda knows, she’s known for a while about Bucky’s growing feelings for you, but now’s not the time to explain.
“We need to evacuate her,” Wanda explained, getting the two supersoldiers to focus on the task at hand.
“Agreed,” Steve answered, “but how? There’s an awful lot of stairs to get down and the authorities will be here soon. We don’t want to be caught at the scene.”
“We move her to the balcony, cover her in blankets to keep her warm. We go as fast as we can out of the building and grab the quinjet. We’ll open the doors and I’ll use my powers to bring her to us,” Wanda said.
“We can’t leave her,” came Bucky’s muffled voice.
“We have to.”
“Wanda’s right,” Steve admitted, “but what if you drop her?”
Wanda shot him a harsh glare and he immediately regretted his words.
“I take it back, I’ve never seen you drop anything you didn’t want to. Now, let’s go.”
*** At some point over the Atlantic, and with you safely sedated, Wanda finally cracked.
“I’m going to sit in the cockpit while you two talk,” she told them pointedly. “And don’t tell me there’s nothing to talk about,” she added silencing their protests, “I can hear your thoughts.”
Bucky felt his cheeks burn at that. Was nothing sacred anymore?
“So…” Steve started once Wanda has left.
“So what?” Bucky asked defensively.
“Out with it, Buck.”
“It’s not important,” Bucky deflected.
“If it's important to you, it's important to me,” Steve implored. “We’re partners, Buck. If something’s bothering you, I want to know about it.”
“Nothing’s bothering me, I just feel bad that Y/N got hurt.”
“Cut the crap, Buck,” Steve continued. “I’ve known you for most of my life. We're thick as thieves, you know. I can tell when you’re lying.”
It’s true, and Bucky knew it. He just couldn’t find the words to delicately explain everything he’s feeling, so instead, it came out as one rushed, garbled mess, the separate words running into each other.
Steve stared at him for a moment trying to process what Bucky’s just said. Bucky, in turn, is absolutely mortified. He meant to broach the subject was some degree of tact but instead, his mouth decided to just blurt it all out in one go, as if it would be less painful if he did it quickly, like ripping off a plaster.
“Ok,” Steve said eventually.
“Well, it’s ok with me if you date other people, you know that,” Steve explained. “Unless you don’t want to be with me at all?”
“What? No, of course I want to be with you,” Bucky replied, absolutely adamant. “I just… I don’t think that there’s one person out there, even you, who can fulfil all of my needs, not completely. I’m way past being able to settle down and have a normal life, but if I can share the life I do have with more than one person, I think I’d like that.”
“That’s good,” Steve smiled, relieved that he’s not losing Bucky, just sharing him. “I’m happy for you, Y/N’s a very special lady. She reminds me of Peggy, in a way. Does she know how you feel about her?”
“No, I think she thinks I was just playing along for the mission. Are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want you to feel left out or feel like you’re second best?”
“Buck, I know I’m your best guy. Maybe Y/N is your best girl. You’ve got a big heart, I’m sure there’s room in it for you to love us both if that’s what’s right for you,” Steve explained, placing his hand over Bucky’s where it holds onto yours. “You spent a lot of years without any love at all, maybe the world is trying to make it up to you by giving you two loves at once?”
It’s all a bit too much for Bucky and he has to wipe away tears with his free hand. He wasn’t expecting Steve to be so kind and understanding. In hindsight, he didn’t know why, Steve always understood him, even when nobody else did.
“Well, we’ll have to see what she says when she wakes up,” Bucky concluded. He’s even less sure about how that conversation will go.
“Do you think you’ll start seeing someone else?” he asks Steve after a while.
“I wouldn’t like to say, I think I’d have a hard time finding someone as special as you or Y/N.”
“You like her too?” Bucky asked, somewhat surprised.
“I didn’t say that.”
“You said she was as special as me.”
Bucky had him there, there was no denying it, and now it was Steve’s turn to blush.
“I mean… what I meant was… yes, ok, damnit. But let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. She might not be interested in either of us, Buck. She probably wants someone her own age that she doesn’t have to share with another fella.”
“Don’t ask, don’t get. Just as well I asked you,” Bucky observed with a grin, earning him a light smack to the back of the head.
“You’re not gonna move from there, are ya, ya jerk?” Steve questioned. He knows Bucky’s too much of a softie to let go of you unless he has to.
“No,” Bucky admitted.
“Well, get up a sec so you can sit on my lap. We might as well all be sat here holding hands.”
It’s really quite sweet, Steve with his head resting against the fuselage snoring, Bucky on his lap, head lolled back, drool running down his cheek, the two of them both holding your hand. Wanda takes a quick photo before nudging them awake.
“Better separate before the med team arrives,” she told them.
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rosa-berberifolia · 5 years
All I Know Is I Can|Mortal Kombat|Cassie Cage x Platonic!Reader
A/N: Hey, I have an inkling of where this is going, but its not 100% set, so if there’s a direction you think it should go in, i’m all ears. Seriously...message me, I’m lonely.
I would like for there to be a love interest eventually, but i don’t know who it’ll be yet
Warnings: Angsty, mentions of abuse, mental health...if the way asylums treated their patients in the 1930s freaks you out then you should probably stay away.
Word Count: 1560
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Cassie’s cell phone rang as she was getting ready for a training mission with Jacqui, Takeda, and Kung Jin. ‘Who the fuck even makes phone calls anymore?’ She thought to herself as she answered it.
“Cassie Cage.” she greeted.
Whoever was on the other line was panting furiously. Their breath and voice came out raspy. “It has to be you.”
“What? I think you have the wr-” Cassie started but was cut off when the person’s soft, womanly, voice cut her off.
“It’s Shinnok. He is going to poison the Jinsei!” The voice seemed truly frightened of what she was telling Cassie. Cassie could hear the terror and desperateness in every word she was hearing.
“Who is this?” Cassie more demanded than asked.
“It has to be you to fight him. No one else can defeat him.” The voice instructed. 
“Okay, Crazy Daisy.” Another, man’s voice, came from the other end of the line.
“No! No!” The unknown girl cried, and it sounded like she was putting up a fight to stay on the phone. “It has to be you Cassie!” She all but screamed before the line died. Cassie looked at her phone to see which number had just called her. It was just a random set of numbers that she didn’t recognize. She closed her phone and made a mental note to look it up later.
After Cassie’s defeat of Shinnok she was even more interested in finding out who that number belonged to, but she never made anything of it. It wasn’t until, years later that she had a random flash of the memory that she had a stronger desire to find the person. After getting into the intel system and running the number she found that it belong to a mental hospital on the other side of the country. She furrowed her brows together. How could someone on the other side of the country know anything about what they were doing here at Special Forces? They always kept their missions on a need to know basis. And leaking information held heavy consequences. But whoever it was that called her knew what was going to happen before even SF intel did. Was that even possible? Hell, whoever was on line knew that Cassie was gonna be the one to fight Shinnok before even she knew. Cassie decided to take Jacqui with her on a ‘road trip’ to find this person.
Your episodes looked similar to someone who suffered from epilepsy. You curled over, usually back wards and fell to the floor. Your whole body shook while you struggled to breathe. You usually blacked out while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Everything contorted - except your right arm. Your arm extended outwards while your fist shook furiously. Afterwards you were left with images in your head of something that hadn’t happened yet, but was sure to in the future. What only you knew was that if someone put a pen in your hand during these episodes, your hand’s tremors caused you to behave like a printer - each line your shaking hand made was just a small component to a bigger picture. An actual picture. Sometimes several.
You sat in your windowless room, in the corner, on the floor, and waited, slowly rocking yourself on your knees. Anything for some kind of comfort. Ever since you escaped your regular room and high tailed it to the office, punched out an office assistant and made a phone call to the Special Forces, you had been placed under high security lock down. Other than the times when you were let out to go to the bathroom, and when they opened the door to give you your food, the only times you were let out and saw the sun was when they were taking you out to undergo testing.
Testing, you swear, made you crazier than your ability did. The doctors’ go to was shock therapy. They always said that they were trying to ‘cure’ you. And they were under the assumption that it was working; after every ‘treatment’ you didn’t have an episode for over a week. At first they tried to go stronger, but that only resulted in you having an episode while you were still on the damn therapy table. So they have been trying weekly doses at a lower strength. It resulted in you not having an episode for several weeks. But while the episodes were painful and not really any fun at all, the shock therapy was worse. So when you finally had an episode it was really strong. It happened at night when no one really checked on you, so no one seemed to notice. It was the same one you had had before that you had tried to warn about.The next day you schemed to get out and get to the phone again. This time you HAD to call Cassie. The world depended on you reaching Cassie. You didn’t care what the consequences were, you had to get to a phone.
You were relieved when you managed to fight the administration workers and get to a phone. You dialed the number you saw during your episode and were elated when Cassie actually picked up the phone. You all but screamed your information at her. You continued to try to tell her while you tried to fight off the security that had come for you.
“Okay, Crazy Daisy.” They called you, which made you angry beyond belief and caused you to kick one of them in the balls for it. Then the other grabbed you and you tried to continue the warning you were trying to give. But they yanked you so hard that the cord from the phone was ripped out of the wall.
The punishment for what you did made them give you shock therapy everyday for a month. During this time, you tried your hardest to suppress the episodes. You tried your hardest to be normal. To be nice. In time, it won you back a cell with a real bed. A cell that you could see a window from. They even gave you a small notebook and a pen (both of which you kept under your new mattress). And visitation rights, should someone actually come who wanted to visit with you...it hadn’t happened yet, but just having the possibility made you happier.
The only trouble was that it was getting harder and harder to suppress the episodes. You tried to time them so that they were in the dead of night and in between guards rounds. So far it was working. 
‘Crazy Daisy!” One of the security team got your attention from your cell. You hated that name so much. You swore that some day you were gonna cut those mens’ tongues out. “You got visitors.” He informed. You looked confused at him. You had never had a visitor in all the time you’d been sent to this place. Years and years. And you hadn’t seen any visitors during any of your episodes. So you were supremely suspicious. You got up and left the cell with the man to the visiting area.
The room was empty except for two young women. One fair haired and skinned. The other dark hair and skinned. You recognized the fair haired girl immediately. 
“Cassie?” You asked as you entered the area. The two girls didn’t move from the table they were at, only eyeing you suspiciously. You warily came and sat down with them. It was silent. No one said a word. It was too tense, so you tried to cut the tension.
“So i’m guessing you beat Shinnok.” You said bluntly.
“How did you know that?” Jacqui asked aggressively. You looked down at the table.
“I don’t know how I came to be able to see. All I know is that I can.”
“Jacqui, she is clearly an ally.” Cassie said putting a reassuring arm on her friend to tell her to ease up. “She didn’t have to tell us anything. But she did. I’m guessing at great personal cost.” She assumed eyeing the state of the place and the demeanor of the guards and administration when they had first got there. You looked down. It was a great personal cost. Memories of biting the leather strap between your teeth for your life as electricity painfully surged through you ran through your thoughts. Both Cassie and Jacqui watched you sympathetically. Then Cassie pulled her phone out and made a call.
“General Cage here,” she greeted whoever was on the other line. “Bring back the chopper with room for one more. We have a new member on our team.” She said and your eyes opened as wide as they could and your jaw fell as the shock of what she had just said got to you. Was she bailing you out of here? No. It couldn’t be. It was too good to be true.
“You got stuff to pack?” She asked you. You looked at the ground, embarrassed, shaking your head. You had nothing except the notebook and pen in your pocket. They made it clear when you came to this place that you were nothing, and so you shall have nothing. Cassie nodded and then Jacqui and she pulled out their guns.
“Alright fellas, we’re gonna take this patient off your hands.” Cassie instructed. Everyone put their hands up immediately. They could all be dick bags to you, but the second a gun was waved around, they were all huge pussies. You smirked at all of them as you walked passed them, following Cassie while Jacqui closed up the rear.
And that is how you came to live at Special Forces.
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melinoe-writes · 5 years
sincerely yours — chapter four
Summary: Eisley Tusie was no stranger to Saturday detentions, but there was just something about that one Saturday that changed her.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: suggestive themes, foul language
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THE NEXT LITTLE WHILE WAS SILENT AND MOSTLY UNEVENTFUL. John set his shoe on fire and used it to light a cigarette. Claire stared off into the distance, unaware of the nothing that was happening around her. Andrew was messing with the strings of his sweatshirt, pulling one to make the other shorter. Brian, bless the boy, put something in his lap and stared at Claire. Allison had found a thin piece of string around her pointer finger tightly, making her finger turn purple. Eisley, after fishing the screw out of her bra and tossing it over her shoulder towards the back of the library, had lied down on her desk on her back, staring up at the ceiling and quietly humming "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash. John leaned his head against her stomach after having lit his smoke, occasionally moving to do something weird like play air guitar for the music in his head. Eventually, having to wake up early got to Eisley and she drifted off.
"Wake up!"
Eisley stirred a little at the sound of Vernon's voice, but not enough to move or open her eyes. She was warm, much warmer than she had been before. When her mind came to a little bit more, she realized that at some point when she was asleep, John had gotten up on her table and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her back to his chest. Her entire back side was pressed flush against his front. She didn't mind; at least she wasn't cold. However, she could feel her cheeks burning ever so slightly.
"Who has to go to the lavatory?"
John's arm over her suddenly left from around her, so she used her newfound freedom to lift her arm as well.
After the bathroom break, everyone was back in the library. This time, Eisley found herself sitting with her legs crossed on Claire and Andrew's table, twisting the little silver ring on that she had on her left middle finger to keep herself occupied. Claire and Allison sat at their normal seats. Andrew was stretching, John was sitting up on a short shelf and ripping the pages out of a book, and Brian was standing behind a pillar a few feet to the left of John.
"That's real intelligent," Andrew said sarcastically to Bender.
Eisley sighed, murmuring, "Oh, God."
"You're right," Bender responded, "It's wrong to destroy literature and, I mean, it's such a fun read... and, " he stopped to examine the cover of the book, "Mo-let really pumps my nads!"
"Mol-yare," Eisley corrected, bringing Bender's attention to her. "That's how you pronounce it."
"I love his work," Brian added, and Eisley smiled pleasantly at him.
John threw a chunk of pages at the boy, making Brian hide behind the pillar. Eisley playfully rolled her eyes. "Big deal," John said, "Nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy."
"Speak for yourself," Andrew said.
"Do you think I'd speak for you?" Bender snapped. "I don't even know your language."
Ignoring him, Andrew turned to look at Claire, "Hey, you grounded tonight?"
"I don't know," she said. "My mom said I was, but my dad told me to just blow her off."
"Big party at Stubbie's," Andrew told her. Eisley's eyebrows drew together and she made eye contact with John. "Stubbie?" She mouthed, to which she was met with a shrug. "Should be pretty wild."
"Yeah?" Claire asked.
"Yeah," Andrew said, "Can you go?"
Claire shook her head, "I doubt it."
"How come?"
"Well, 'cause if I do what my mother tells me not to do, it's because my father says it's okay. There's like this whole big monster deal, it's endless and it's a total drag. It's like, any minute," she paused, "divorce."
"Who do you like better?" Bender asked suddenly.
Claire looked at him, confused, "What?"
To clarify, he asked, "You like your old man better than your mom?"
"They're both strict," she frowned.
"He means," Eisley said, cutting in, "if you had to chose between them, who'd you pick?"
"I dunno," she said quietly, then added, "I'd probably go live with my brother. I mean, I don't think either one of them gives a shit about me. It's like they use me to get back at each other."
"Ha!" A voice suddenly exclaimed from the back of the room, and everyone turned to look at Allison. She blew her hair out of her eyes and looked smug.
Claire stared at her blankly before saying, "Shut up!"
Get some better material, champ, Eisley thought to herself.
"You're just feeling sorry for yourself," Andrew told Claire.
Exasperated, Claire said, "Yeah, well, if I didn't, nobody else would."
"Aw," Andrew cooed dryly, "You're breaking my heart."
"Sporto?" Bender called.
Jumping down from the shelf he was previously seated on and jumping over the railing to stand in front of Andrew, he asked, "You get along with your parents?"
"Well," Andrew said, "if I say yes, I'm an idiot, right?"
"You're an idiot anyways," Bender replied, "but if you say you get along with your parents, well, you're a liar, too."
As John went to walk away, Andrew followed and gave him a shove, making him stumble just the slightest bit. Eisley groaned to herself. Their constant fighting was beginning to give her a headache.
"You know something, man, if we weren't in school right now, I'd waste you," Andrew promised.
Bender lifted his hand, "Can you hear this? Want me to turn it up?" He twisted his hand around so that his fingers were upright; well, only one was upright.
Brian, in a valiant attempt to diffuse the ever growing tension, put his hands on both John's and Andrew's shoulders, but his hands were roughly shoved off by both boys. "Fellas," he said, unaffected by how they just shoved him off like that, "I don't like my parents either, I don't... I don't get along with them. Their idea of parental compassion is just, you know, wacko."
"Dork," Bender said, and Brian stared at him, waiting fo him to continue. "You are a parent's wet dream," he pat him roughly on the shoulder, making him sit on a table, "okay?"
As John went to walk away, Brian said, "Well, that's a problem."
"Look," Bender said, turning back to look at Brian, "I can see you getting all bunched up for them making you wear these kind of clothes, but face it. You're a neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie. What would you be doing if you weren't out making yourself a better citizen?"
"Why do you have to insult everybody?" Andrew demanded, looking up at John from where he sat on Eisley's table.
"I'm being honest, asshole. I would expect you to know the difference."
"Yeah, well," Andrew glanced at Brian, "he's got a name."
Eyebrows raised, Bender asked, "Yeah?"
"Yeah," turning to Brian, Andrew asked, "What's your name?"
"It's Brian," Eisley said, making all three boys look at her. "Sporto, if you want to take the high road like that, at least know the poor bastard's name," shooting a look at Brian, she added, "No offense."
"None taken."
"Well, what's your name?" Bender asked her.
Shifting so that she sat facing them, just to the left of Claire, she answered, "Eisley."
"Eyes-lee," she said slowly, emphasizing the pronunciation. "Eisley Tusie."
John stared at her for a moment, approaching her slowly. When he stood in front of her, just about a foot away with the table in the way, he said, "That's hot."
Snorting, she replied, "Thanks."
"What's your name?" Claire cut in, looking up at Bender.
He moved to the other side of the table. This time, he was behind Eisley, so he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his torso. "What's yours?" he replied.
"Claire," she said again. "It's a family name."
"No, it's a fat girl's name."
Huffing slightly, Claire said, "Well, thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I'm not fat!"
"Well, not at present, but I could see you really pushing maximum density. You see, I'm not sure if you know this, but there are two kinds of fat people," John explained. "There's fat people that were born to be fat, and then there's fat people that were once thin, but they became fat, so when you look at them you can sort of see that thin person inside. You see, you're going to get married, you're going to squeeze out a few puppies, and then..." he removed his arm from around Eisley to better mime becoming fat. Noticing that Claire had flipped him the bird, he follows with, "Oh, obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl."
Looking ever so resentful, Claire said, "I'm not that pristine."
Bender leaned forward so that he was closer to Claire, and asked quietly, "Are you a virgin?" Upon her silence, he continued, "I'll bet you a million dollars that you are. Let's end the suspense. Is it going to be a white wedding?"
"Why don't you just shut up," Claire spat.
"Have you ever kissed a boy on the mouth?" Bender asked, ignoring her. "Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra, under the blouse, shoes off, hoping to God your parents don't walk in?"
Speechless for a moment, she finally asked quietly, "Do you want me to puke?"
"Hey," Eisley said softly, getting John's attention, "that's enough. You're humiliating her."
Turning his attention completely off of Claire, John turned Eisley around by her legs so that he can look at her face. "What about you?" he asked. "Are you a virgin?"
"I don't see how it concerns you," she said, "After all, you're not my boyfriend."
"Over the panties," he continued, staring Eisley so deeply into her eyes that she thought that he could see into her soul, "no bra, blouse unbuttoned, Calvins in a ball in the front seat past eleven on a school night?"
Eisley leaned in real close to John so that their faces mere inches apart. She knew it was wrong to be a tease in public, but it was so fun sometimes. "Wouldn't you like to know, pretty boy?"
"Leave them alone!" Andrew suddenly said as John was leaning in to Eisley. Eisley turned away from him to look back at Andrew, who had stood up and began walking towards the front table. Having missed the opportunity to kiss Eisley, Bender put his face in the crook of her neck. "I said, leave them alone," Andrew repeated.
Bender took a step back from the table and faced Andrew, "You going to make me?"
Bender approached Andrew intimidatingly, "You and how many of your friends?"
"Just me," he answered. "You and me. Two hits. Me hitting you, you hitting the floor. Anytime you're ready, pal."
It happened so fast that it made Eisley's head spin, but one second, John was moving to hit Andrew, the next, he was face down on the ground, Andrew holding him.
"I don't want to get into this with you, man," Bender said, surprisingly clear for someone whose face was being pushed into the floor.
Andrew released him and stood, "Why not?"
Bender got back up to his feet before he answered nonchalantly, moving towards the back of the rows of desks again, "'Cause I'd kill you. It's real simple. I'd kill you and your fucking parents would sue me and it would be a big mess and I don't care enough about you to bother."
"Chicken shit."
The sound of a switchblade made everyone turn to look at John. He held it threateningly for a moment before he stabbed it into a chair at Allison's table.
"Let's end this right now," Andrew fumed, and John only stared blankly at him. "You don't talk to them, you don't look at them, and you don't even think about them," he said, getting progressively louder as he continued. Eisley was too busy watching in amusement as Allison reached over to take the knife.
John, on the other hand, said calmly, "I'm trying to help them."
Eisley only sighed.
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Ever since Tony accidentally stumbled upon fanfiction while googling himself to catch up with the news, he's been seeing Bucky in a whole new light. He had always been a soft top and never thought about bottoming. Even when he was with men.
It started off as a fic where he topped both Steve and Bucky. He started gazing at both their asses. Mainly Bucky's. He found it weird that he never got turned on. He did however think about slapping it just for shits amd gigs.
Then Clint caught him while he was reading one about him topping the crap out of Bucky. He was the alpha to Bucky's omega. Clint laughed at the red faced Tony and told him to check out the 'bottom Tony' fics because alot of them a real good.
"how do you know about all this?"
"anything related to you taking it up the ass really gets me and Nat going. Oh all the things we did because of you"
"thanks? I guess"
"no problem. Have fun"
That is when things really started to kick in. It started off as the fic Clint suggested and Tony couldn't help but blush and/or stutter when he was in the same area as Bucky.
After the whole civil thing, Tony tried to use his anger on Steve and Hydra and Bucky to calm himself down but it never worked. Sure he forgave Bucky because it wasn't him but surely his anger towards Steve and hydra should have kept him sane.
Well as sane as one could get after he spent a whole night reading everything on ao3 where he was the sub to Bucky's Dom. And oh shit did he have trouble keeping calm around Bucky.
He told Clint after he spent 3 days pent up in his workshop, not because he had work to do, no he was already ahead of the game, but because he checked out the bottom Tony tag and the omega tony tag only looking at anything to with him and Bucky.
"I thought the angsty stuff would help but even then.....holy shit fans can get crazy and know too much"
"yeah well when your life has been plastered all over the news since before you were born, people tend to know stuff. It also helps when you say them on live national television"
"what do i do Clinty boo? I feel like I'm having panic attacks whenever he's around me but I can't leave the room. My body isn't allowing it"
"well you can start off by not calling me Clinty boo"
"okay okay calm down. how are things between the two of you?"
"hopeless. I can't talk to him. I am still angry with what happened in Siberia. Well I forgave Bucky but the fight still haunts me. Watching that video still gets to me. I can't be around Steve without starting an argument. I think Bucky hates me because I attached his best friend which I'm pretty sure who he is dating because why not. The love between those two knows no bounds. Have you seen the old tapes? They clearly were in love. I also think Bucky thinks I hate him. Steve doesn't like leaving him alone with me. See! Romance of the ages"
"in that case use that to help keep you going. You are in the same room, remember what you just told me. Alone together, use that. If Steve is in the room, keep your attention on Steve and thr anger can keep you going"
"but Everytime im in the same room as the soldier, nothing but adult content plays in my mind"
"god i don't know if that is lust or you are"
"you finish that sentence and i swear to God"
"oh god your falling for your parents killer"
"hey it wasn't his fault. Hydra made him d- you were just saying that to rile me up weren't you?"
"and it worked. You are a hopeless cause"
At that moment Natasha walks in and sits behind Tony to cuddle him.
"who's a hopeless cause? Because I'm seeing two in this room"
Clint looks offended and Tony just laughs at Clint.
"Tony is thank you very much"
"and who are we blaming?"
Clint's eyes widen as he looks up and Nat follows them and raises a brow. Tony is completely oblivious as he has his head dowm and is currently playing with his fingers.
Nat looks at Clint and Clint nods his head. Nat sighs as she hugs Tony tight.
"and what did our residental brainwashed assassin do?"
Tony with a redface explains what's been going on for pass year and never once looks up. Never once notices Clints sad face or Nat's smirk or the shocked faces of two people by the doorway.
"so you are pissed off with Steve still and madly in love with Bucky?"
"I'm not really pissed. It's just that he hurt me and I don't know how to come back from that. I was so gone with Steve and then the lies came and he chose his side. The anger helped me get over him but it changed me in more ways then one. I feel like I can forgive him but I don't ever want to go down that road with him ever again"
"have you ever told Steve this?"
"are you kidding Nat!?!"
"Clint shut up"
Tony jolts in surprise and looks up to spot the two super soldiers. Steve walks up to Tony and gets on his knees and grabs Tony's hands softly.
"Clint, Nat can you guys leave the room?"
"hell no!"
Nat drags an annoyed Clint with him. Clint screams out "I don't trust you guys even for a second. Friday make sure they don't hurt Tony"
"will do Mr Barton"
Once the spies leave, everything gets intense.
"Tony look at me"
Tony looks everywhere but at Steve.
Steve pleads causing Tony to stare at him in surprise. Steve looks hurt, scared, worried, pained, guilty. Tony looks away again causing Steve to sigh.
"I know that I lost your trust amd I'm wary around y-"
"please don't"
Tony rips his hands out of Steve's and stands up shaking.
"not now. Just please. Not now"
Tony knows he's being a coward but he can't help it. Not when it comes to Steve and Bucky. He runs all the way up to the penthouse. Running up the stairs because there's less of a "oomph"
Tony feels pain and also his body being rolled over so he's on his back. He notices that panic had taken him up to his penthouse and he had just made outside his room before he could even tell Friday to lock the penthouse up. His body is shaking amd he's having trouble breathing.
"hey hey hey easy there fella"
He feels the body on top of him grab a hold of his shaking hands and hold them against a naked chest. A flesh is holding both his hands against it while the metal hand is rubbing his hip softly.
"it's me buddy. No talking. Just breathing. Follow me now. There we go"
Moments later after following along Tony begins to breathe normally again. He feels Bucky pick him up and carry hjm to the bed. He feels Buckys hand lay his head onto the chest and the sound of Bucky's heartbeat lulls him to sleep.
When Tony wakes up he stretches and it's not until he opens his eyes when his body decides to jolt and he let's out a Yelp causing the body under him to wake up. He becomes shocked as Bucky pulls tony against him as he holds out a gun scanning the area while growling. Tony places a hand on the stretched out arm.
"easy there four seasons. No one is here. I was surprised, that's all. Hey hey hey James look at me"
Bucky turns his head and looks Tony dead in the eye. Tony smiles as he manages to lean back.
"look at me! I'm alive. I'm in good health shut up Friday"
"yes boss"
"now put the gun down. I'll even let you check me over"
After a couple of seconds contemplating, Bucky puts the gun down and checks over Tony and calms down knowing that he is indeed okay.
"now Buckaroo, mind telling me what that was about?"
"I thought I heard you screaming"
"yeah I was surprised to find you here that's all"
"but I was the one that helped you through your attack"
"I know I realize that now. Why did you come after me?"
"to make sure you were okay and it was a good idea anyway"
"that's sweet and all but if you were there for the whole thing then you would know that things aren't really going well at the moment"
"Winter was angry"
"and why was he angry?"
"because of everything that's happened. We were both sad because even though you forgave us, you did everything you could to either stay away from us or look at us in disgust. It hurt"
"okay fair enough. But that wasn't directed at you. It was really directed at Steve and Hydra and myself"
"but you said"
"I know what I said. But did you hear the part where I said I tried but I couldn't so I was disgusted with myself be-"
Tony is surprised as he gets cut off by Bucky who is kissing him. After what felt like forever Bucky pulls away and smiles as Tony leans his forehead on top of Bucky's.
"heres what we are going to do genius. You, in all of your Stark confidence is gonna March down there and talk it out. it's been long over due and I think you killed the man after every thing you said"
"no buts Tony. Then after that we are gonna have our long over due talk. Once everything is said and done, I'm gonna take you out"
"with a gun?"
"on a date?"
"but why?"
"because it has come to my attention that you didn't notice how I acted around you because you were to busy reading fanfiction and thinking that I was dating Steve"
"aren't you?"
"no. He doesn't even swing that way. Just be glad that you never told him your feelings in the first place"
"I guess you are right"
Tony yelps as Bucky slaps his ass hard and pushes him off the bed. Tony goes red as Bucky smirks at him.
"what the hell was that for?"
"you amd Clint aren't the only ones who read that Smutty crap. That's okay though because we can make up for all that after our date"
"so we just come back and read?"
"you ain't thr only one to read bottom Tony fics. There are a few there that have given me ideas on what to do with you"
"from what I heard"
Bucky still smirking, stands up and slides behind Tony before embracing him. His dick which had gone hard pressed up against Tony as he pulls tony against him. He leans down to whisper sexily into Tony's ear as his hands hold his waist.
"I'm about to pop your cherry tonight. Who knew playboy Tony Stark has a v-card for something. Men and women dont know what they're missing out on. Too bad that your mine now."
Bucky leaves a hickey on Tony's neck as he grinds down on him. He chuckles as he steps back and a redfaced Tony turns around.
"you evil man!"
Bucky licks his lips as his eyes roam Tony, smirk not once leaving his face. His eyes stop by Tony's and he thinks that maybe he can change his mind.
"how about this evil man deflowers you right now?"
Tony takes a step back
"but what about Steve?"
"fuck Steve"
"no thank you"
Tony falls back onto the bed and Bucky follows along with him.
The next day an exhausted Tony is finally let out of bed. After a quickie in the shower, he demands that Bucky puts clothes on him and then carries him down to breakfast.
Bucky instead picks him up and carries the screeching, naked Tony down two floors and on to his and Steve floor. He kicks open the door to a startled Steve's room and throws the naked Tony at him. Naked Tony lands right on Steve's lap causing the both of them to go red.
Is all Bucky says before leaving the room to go get dressed. After half an hour, Bucky checks on the two hoping they didn't kill each other as there hadn't been any yelling since he left. What shocks him is what he sees when he opens the door.
A naked Tony riding an equally naked Steve. He let's them finish before he smirks and raises a brow while crossing his arms. He licks his lips as Tony slumps forward against Steve.
"I thought you weren't gay"
"I thought you weren't into Tony"
"that's my boyfriend"
"who I just fucked. What are you going to do about it?"
"best friends share"
"shut it Tony"
"just saying. I have choices you know"
"and your choices are as follows, you either walk away from all this, pick someone or and I can't believe I'm saying this, get your naked ass on that bed and let us have our way with you"
"I would prefer walking away from all this"
Bucky laughs as he knows the reason why he chose that option. He decides to be a little shit anyway.
"oh you picked the third option. Well aren't you just a nice guy."
Steve looks confused and stares at Bucky.
"it's because he hadn't been let out my dick all night until an hour ago before we came here"
Bucky hops on the bed and pats his lap.
"let's see how skilled Stevie is. I am so confused and a little turned on right now. Steve dear, do not pull out. Bring the genius over here and I'll just slide into his dm's right next to ya. Tony I plan on being the first to do everything on that v-card of yours. It's gonna be a first for everything"
And just like that Bucky and Tony found out that Steve was bi and had been into Tony since they first met. After an actual talk and hashing everything out, thanks to Bucky, Tony does a whole set of new things for the first time and it's been nothing but wonderful. Well if you can call it that.
*3 days later*
"I think I'm dead."
Tony drops on to Clint's lap looking warn out. Clint feeds Tony some of what he is eating and when he hears Tony's stomach growl, calls nat to bring home extra food. He gives Tony a massage while Tony spills out the juicey gossip.
"you do know Nat is gonna want to hear about this"
"yeah well she can wait while I get the massage ever. God your fingers are magic"
"I would ask if you wanted a test trial but Tweedledee and Tweedledum look like they want to murder me already"
"I'm naked and you are magical of course they are. They can't have this body for the next week. I'm done! You hear me! Done! My legs are jelly, my ass and throat are sore, i look like i got mauled by a vampire, no one should be Cummings that much that isn't superhuman or a god. I'm gonna be feeling it for days. Clint be m bodyguard for the next week"
"no problem Tony. Friday initiate protocol Clint's Baby Genius"
"yes sir"
"oh god you named it that?"
Clint ignores Steve and Buckys screams as they run down the hallway and back up to their room in order to continue looking after Tony.
Nat returns amd laughs as the boys recount everything that happened as they eat and watch movies for the rest of the night.
"friday activate Natasha's shell head please"
"yes ma'am"
"I hate you but love you both at the same time"
"love you too shell head"
Tony groans as the spies laugh.
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heavensmortuary · 5 years
@thunderstruck-owl-gal ok so like I made the story that goes along with my Mirage inktobers, specifically the one about the "Overgrown." prompt and it's finished!! (Also a little warning for some of my followers its a scary story so yknow)
I once went to the outskirts of Mirage. It was close enough to experience Mirage without actually going there. I found there was a number of motels to stay at if one was so desperate. I had had my fair share of musty mattresses and filthy showers, so I braced myself for whatever new horrors the motel had prepared, because these types of places are all different and yet the same in what could await you.
Tucking the key to my room into my pocket, I thanked the receptionist, who gave me a bored nod. The atmosphere was almost sleepy with it's drab pale blue walls crusted with brown, a few decorations of porcelain fish and poorly painted dolphins, and forest green carpet. It was a poor attempt at designing the motel as ocean themed, with the small windows and behind the motel happened to be waves not of water but of tall, sun-soaked grass. It took the farthest stretch of imagination to make someone believe they were anywhere near water.
I shut the door, threw my computer and folders onto the salmon pink bed, and to my suprise it didn't toss up dust into the air like a previous motel mattress had. The room was, surprisingly, very clean, even if the overall color palette was atrocious. I even dared to take off my hat and shoes, which had carried the dirt road inside with them, and sat them beside the desk.
Crispies, Jerky-tots, and Weehoo snacks made a great dinner; protein for at least a single good addition, carbs for sleep aids. I shut the computer, which hadn't subjected to slow Wi-Fi because there wasn't any Wi-Fi at all. No signal. Nothing. A dead zone.
I typed in silence for about two hours. "Ive just arrived just outside Mirage. I'm safe." I typed this just so it would send as soon as the computer regained signal. "Its a nice place. Kinda tacky, but at least not too gross."
Once in a while my eyes would drift over and look into the off-center eyes of the lamp shaped into a dolphin. I had drew the curtains because the sun had set, and the long grass fields outside my window reminded me of deep, murky water. I imagined the glass dolphin lamp with glowing eyes swimming through the grass, parting it into endless rows, it's glow just enough to see under him, but never ahead. I pulled the soft covers up towards my chin, and I kept the light on.
*Schhhh.* *thump.* *schhhhhh.* *thump.*
I woke up, bleary. *Schhhhh.* *thump.* I sat up confused. In the glow of the lamp there was nothing in the room. *Schhhh* *thump thump* The parking lot. Right outside of the door. The sound was like a broom was being dragged over a wooden floor, the bristles scraping over the surface. My skin crawled with the sensation. *Thump thump thud.* The noise cut off abruptly outside the door.
Who could be cleaning at...I checked my watch, which read 2:17 am. Shivers. I turned my attention towards the door. *Thump* It brushed the door, and something brown poured over the top of the door.
I couldn't help springing back on the bed, my back hitting the wall loudly. The brown stuff moved lightly, billowing in the current of air from the fan. It was hair. Brown, thick hair unflurled over the back of my room's door, brushing the ground and stopping its decent only when it had turned into a heap on the carpet. It rippled like a curtain, tangled.
I grabbed the dolphin lamp, still plugged into the wall. An absurd weapon, but perhaps it could deal more damage than a laptop. Pushing myself up from the jumble of pillows and blankets, I stood on the bed, jumping at the sound of the creaking mattress. The hair quivered with the sound and then the noise began. *SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH*
My heart went cold. The stratch echoed around the room, thrummed in my ears. It was if hundreds of clawed fingers ripped along the wood of the door, rapidly. Something that smelled of grease and pine wafted into the air, stagnant and thick.
*SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH*. It was trying to scratch through the door, peeling away splinters of wood.
I screamed, hurled some sort of obscenity at the door, and yelled, "Help! Something's breaking in! I'm gonna die!"
*SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH* The chipping and crackling of wood was deafening.
"Help me! I'm gonna-" The brown hair pulled upwards, rustling and winding up and under the door frame, and finally disappeared. The scratching stopped. Nothing except the song of the crickets flooded my ears.
When I had sat there for a few minutes, there was nothing. No sound of the monster retreating. Only silence. I stood up, which was difficult due to shaking, and crept towards the door. I breathed in, trying to ignore the smell that clung to the walls, convinced myself that I could shut the door at light speed if that thing greeted me behind it, and opened the door.
No monster stood there in the dimly lit parking lot. Instead, when I turned my head to the left, I saw a nightgown with a white poof shuffling towards me. I jumped, then caught myself when I realized it was a white haired lady pittering along in her slippers. "Are you alright? I heard an awful noise." She looked me over when she reached me, and then squinted into my pale face, "Was that you? Yelling and all?"
Nodding a little, a bit baffled at how normal everything felt after the weirdness I'd just experienced was, I scratched the back of my neck, "Yea that was me." I said, "Bad...dream."
The woman opened her mouth, then pursed her lips into a shrewd frown.
"Ok then, I'll go on back to bed." She turned back towards her room, started her slow shuffle.
"Wait. I wanted to ask you something." I said. She paused, looked me in the eye. "Have you seen, like, hair?" I realized this sounded *absurd*, but I was in too deep to turn back. "Not like my hair or your hair, but I mean gross hair that unfolds over your door. And really loud scratching. Like something is trying to claw through your door."
To my suprise, the woman didnt look too shocked. She waved out towards the field. "Yes. That sometimes happens. We don't really know who the fella is, but this has been going on for, what, 3 or 6 years? Haven't actually got a good look at him; he always disappears. Don't know where he came from, don't know when he'll leave," She gave me a gentle smile, as if to reassure me, "I should start putting up a sign at the front desk. But hopefully he'll check out soon." She turned back towards her room. I gazed at my own door, and realized there wasn't a single scratch on the white painted wood. I heard a soft click as the old woman locked her door.
I woke up tired. I spat hairs out of my mouth, stretched. Stopped and shuddered. Hairs. I wiped the stringy hair off of my face like cobwebs, gazed at the blankets with shock. Clumps of greasy, brown hair stuck to the end of the bed.
Hopefully he'll check out soon.
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cowboysandcannolis · 5 years
In Sheep’s Clothing (Micah Bell X Female Reader)
“So there’s this dinner party-“
You groaned, cutting Dutch off. You would risk life and limb for this man and you had many a time but you hated playing dress up. You would take fighting a band of O’Driscolls alone over the fate that Dutch was about to subject you to. Hell, you would rather try and fight that whole gang at once.
“Y/N.” Dutch scolded with a frown, leaning closer to you over the table. “I need you on this one.”
“Why not Karen? She can shoot, can’t she?”
“Not as well as you can and Mrs. Adler...Well, I don’t want to push her too soon. She’s been through a lot. It’s just a job and you’re playing a part to do it.”
You scrubbed your fingers roughly over your face, maybe you could scratch out your eyes and save yourself.
“So I have to play dress up, don’t I?”
“Yes, you do. One of the fellers will be going with you, I’m not sure who yet. Trelawny already went to town to buy you something to wear. So just wait for him.”
Could this get any worse?
You realized that it could, when Trelawny opened the fancy box in your room in Shady Bell. You wanted to spit. It was the gaudiest thing you had ever seen. The dress itself was a metallic champagne color with silver and gold beading on the bodice and in stripes down the skirt.
“Trelawny, I can’t do this.”
“I assure you that you can, my dear. You’ll look absolutely radiant.”
“Radiant.” You scoffed “You sure that’s the word for it?” You would be putting a snake in his boot the next morning, that you were sure of.
After an hour of poking, prodding, pinching and squeezing you were in that god awful dress, your hair tucked up by Mary-Beth with some sparkly pins Trelawny had bought for you and the facade was complete with the forceful application of makeup. And a wedding ring as well, since you were supposed to be one of the fella’s wives. You wondered how Micah would take that, seeing you play a married woman with Arthur or maybe Bill as your husband.
“I can hardly walk.” You complained as you hiked up the dress, trying to see your feet to maneuver the Shady Bell staircase. The fact that you were in heeled boots didn’t help. In fact they made it worse, with every step they pinched your toes and made your heels ache.
“Well, I think you look like a princess, walking or not.” Mary-Beth confided in you with a smile as she guided you down the last step.
“Yeah, well-“
You halted as you took in the figure that was waiting for you in the main doorway of the manor. Micah Bell, cleaned and dressed to the nines, you never thought you would see the day. He wore a crisp white suit, without a single stain and a tie and vest that matched the base color of your dress. His hair was clean and neatly pulled back with a platinum colored ribbon. His facial hair was still there but cut much cleaner than he ever kept it.
Micah smirked, looking you up and down before whistling. “Well. Look at you...Never thought I would see my woman looking so-“
“Ridiculous. I know.” You cut him off sharply as you approached him, your gloved hands fixing his slightly off center tie pin.
“That ain’t what I was gonna say.”
“Well that’s how I feel.”
With that Micah kissed you, his strong arms wrapping around your waist. The kiss was sweeter than anything you were ever used to with him. Perhaps he was a better actor than you thought.
“Well-“ Dutch drawled with a smirk as he appeared behind the two of you “Mister and Misses Shields. I regret to breakup this little affair but your carriage awaits.”
The drive to the party probably would have gotten hansy and inappropriate fast, had Dutch not gone with you to make sure the plan was explained properly.
Twenty minutes of schmoozing with the high class of Saint Denise. Ten together as a couple and ten where you would go off with the women of the party and Micah with the men. After that you would slip off and meet in the foyer, to head upstairs and break into the safe. Which, if Intel served correctly, would be stuffed with cash and some other expensive trinkets that would hopefully be sold for a pretty amount.
The experience was grating. All these people thinking that they were better than everyone else. The fake smiles and laughs that so obviously didn’t reach their eyes. Perhaps they couldn’t see through each other but you could.
Micah behaved himself surprisingly well, he used his words like knives but cooled it over with a charming smile. Just like everyone else here, you supposed. That was until you split ways. You grabbed yourself a flute of champagne and sat yourself on a velvet sofa, a older woman in a dress that looked like curtain fabric instantly started to chew your ear off. But you gave a pretty smile and bore it, eyes on the time.
Two minutes before your ten was up you excused yourself, waiting in the foyer for Micah. When you heard the shattering of glass you knew something had gone very wrong, damn it!
You rushed into the ‘Gentleman’s room’ about as fast as you could in your ensemble to see your ‘husband’ threatening a portly, silver haired man with a broken champagne flute.
“M-My darling!” You shoved your way through the crowd, perhaps you could still save the heist. The men would normally disapprove of a woman in there but were too shocked by the situation to care.
“Calm yourself, my dear.” You kept your voice soft and soothing but he would hear an earful about this tonight. You wrapped your hand around the base of the flute, over his. “No need to get hasty.. I’m sure the gentleman was just-“
A glint of silver in the corner of your eye had you drawing the gun that you had hidden under the outermost layer of your skirt, pointing it at the gentleman who had grabbed his first.
“Put it down!” You growled, the whole act of sweet socialite was lost.
“This is a robbery!” Micah shouted, drawing his own weapon.
The crowd stiffened, eyes wide. They were like sheep. At least you didn’t have to anticipate any of them being too brave.
“Valuables, give them to me, now!”
You had to act quickly to collect the cash and watches that the men gave you with shaking hands, giving them to Micah to pocket.
“Now, everyone stay still, or you die!”
You began backing up towards the door, pistol still poised and ready to eliminate any heroes. The ache in your feet reminded you that you weren’t going to make it ten feet away in these shoes.
“Darling, keep them there for a moment.” Micah shot you a glare but you made quick work of throwing off the boots, leaving you in your bare stockings.
You advanced to grand glass and polished mahogany door, opening it for Micah and after one shared look you both bolted down the stairs and into the street, pulling your skirt up to keep it from impeding your escape.
You scrambled up into the driver’s seat of the nearest coach, Micah was beside you momentarily, the break was off and you cracked the reigns on the massive pair of black horses, sending them into a gallop through the windy streets, away from the mansion.
Micah whooped “We did it, Doll!”
“Oh don’t you ‘Doll’ me, Bell!!” You growled, taking an especially sharp turn to send his shoulder into the side of the coach. “We didn’t do anything, that wasn’t the plan!”
“Well we made out with plenty of cash and in one piece, what more do you want, woman?”
You rolled your eyes, grumbling, it was a damn relief when you made it over the bridge, steering the coach towards Shady Bell. “I can’t wait to burn this dress..”
Micah got a kick out of that
“That so? Well I kind of like you in it. Maybe you and I can play socialite...” His hand wrapping around your inner thigh, his thumb stroking the fabric.
“Maybe so...”
Dutch was anxiously awaiting your return back to camp and he was not thrilled with what he saw.
Your pit stop on the way home, the christening of the new stagecoach, had left you both extremely tousled. Your dress had a considerable rip along the seam, you were shoeless, hair falling wildly around your shoulders and Micah didn’t look much better. The only thing that was in it’s proper place was your wedding ring, no doubt stolen from some poor woman at some point, and there it would stay on your finger, until at least you had a fight with Micah.
“What in God’s name happened to you two?” Dutch snapped in irritation
“Did you even listen to the damn plan?! I specifically-“ He quieted down considerably when you stepped down from the coach, handing him very thick stack of cash before Micah scooped you up bridal style in his arms, carrying you towards your shared tent.
“Good night, Mister Van Der Linde.” You murmured with a smile as you were carried off.
“Night, boss.” Micah called over his shoulder, lengthening his stride to get you to bed sooner.
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cookiecutterwrites · 5 years
Game Day! - How to Save the World in 12 Easy Steps, S1E8
Tetra tries out for catgirl cheer squad while Marley, Jaidyn, and Khep gear up for an epic game day watch party.
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi Kitchen Sink, Slice of Life
Wordcount: ~2800
TW: Death and gore. Implied animal abuse and death.
TETRA stands gazing up at a saccharine-pink poster pinned to the center of the bulletin board: CHEER SQUAD TRYOUTS!!!
MARLEY rolls up to a stop behind her, speaks without quite turning to look at Tetra proper.
               MARLEY    Is that what you really want?
Tetra whips around to face her.
               TETRA    What? I can’t hear you, there’s lots of people and you're not facing me.
Marley looks away, maintaining the caricature of surreptitiousness.
               MARLEY    Ugh! I’m not supposed to have opinions on the cheer squad, I should be above this.
She relents, turns, claps both hands down on Tetra’s shoulders.
               MARLEY    Don’t do this. Those girls are the embodiment of evil on this campus.
               TETRA    That’s not true. You’re the embodiment of evil on this campus.
               MARLEY    I’m flattered but also you’re wrong.
KHEP sidles up behind them. Stops. Doesn't quite turn to face them either, same as Marley before.
               KHEP    You know, the Aesta Bowl is tonight.
               TETRA    What?
               MARLEY    Tetra's trying out for cheer squad.
               KHEP        (turning)    Tetra's -- what?!
               TETRA    What? What's going on?
               KHEP    Don't do it, those girls aren't alright. There's like 8 of them but they all act like one person.
               TETRA    So... exactly like you?
               KHEP    No! Not like that! ... If you go, they'll make you one of them.
Marley nods vigorously.
PAVLOVA sidles up behind the trio, stops abruptly, speaks without quite turning to face them. For those keeping track, that three now.
               PAVLOVA    What's this about the cheer squad? Tread carefully, take it from me. They're the only kids in our grade I can't control.
               TETRA                       MARLEY    What?! Speak up!                Not you too.
Pavlova narrows her eyes at Marley.
               PAVLOVA    I've already said too much. I should be above this.
She marches out. Marley, Khep, and Tetra watch her depart. And then,
               TETRA    But isn't it good to give people a chance?
               MARLEY    Not like this.
               TETRA    That just makes me want to prove you wrong.
She spins sharply on her heel and bounds away.
Marley pinches the bridge of her nose. Khep shakes their head.
               KHEP    Aesta bowl. Our place, tonight. Bring snacks.
               MARLEY    Why your place?
               KHEP    We have the most normal house.
               MARLEY    Won't your parents -
               KHEP    They're clueless -
               TETRA (O.S.)    Sorry fellas. It sounds fun but I'm all tied up! Trying out for the cheer squad and all that!
               MARLEY        (quietly to Khep)    Should we stop her?
Khep shrugs.
               KHEP    She's gonna find out sooner or later. It's just one day, she'll be fine.
Marley hums in agreement and makes for her locker.  SBAF! She vanishes in a flash of teleporter light.
Tetra plods by bleachers of milling football players, baseball players, and track athletes.
Enter, the CHEER SQUAD. 8 catgirls, all 16, slo-mo power walk onto the field. They're led by KATRINA, CALLIE, and CADY, who each execute a pristine shampoo-ad hair flip in turn. The rest flank out to either side. Their ears twitch, their dainty little fangs sparkle.
Katrina pauses to pull RILEY -- 17, quarterback -- into a deep, passionate kiss. He's the very picture of a dumb jock.
Tetra speedwalks to catch up to them, which is not difficult, since, you know, slow motion.
               TETRA    Hey! Hi!
This brings them up to speed. They break formation, shoot Tetra a dirty look, reform in seemingly the blink of an eye.
               KATRINA    You here for tryouts?
Tetra nods.
               CALLIE        (whispering)    Told you someone would be gullible -
               KATRINA    Quiet, Callie!
Callie rolls her eyes. Tetra frowns.
               KATRINA    Skylark High's game day is coming up in less than a week. We'll have to whip you in shape in record time since our best flyer, Cassie, dropped out -
She narrows her eyes, slit pupils gleaming.
               CALLIE    She couldn't take the pressure of laying down her life for the Princess Kittarella -
               KATRINA        (hissing)    I swear to Bast if you don't learn to hold your pretty little tongue, I'll tear it out for you.
She brandishes DAGGER-POINT CLAWS with a SCHINK!
Callie throws her hands up in surrender, rolls her eyes, huffs.
Katrina turns back to Tetra, cocks her head. Tetra welds herself to the spot, eyes wide.
               KATRINA    Cady, check if she's flyer material.
Cady SEIZES Tetra, and before she knows it, she's scooped up bridal-style. She just goes along with it, like any good citizen of Muttonchop.
               CADY    Huh. Lighter than you look. Kat, what if she turns out, you know, good?
               KATRINA    Have a little faith, Cady. If she's got it, we let her in.
Marley knocks on the front door.
               KHEP (O.S.)    Let her in!
JAIDYN answers the door. Unimpressed, he turns, shouts back into the house.
               JAIDYN    It's Marvin!
               KHEP (O.S.)    Yeah, let her in! The game's about to start!
Marley glares daggers into the vanilla faux-rustic HOME SWEET HOME doormat.
               JAIDYN    You gonna come in or what?
She sighs deeply.
               JAIDYN    Yeah, thought you might not be over not having the skybeams for the occasion. About the overpass incident, I'm-
               MARLEY        (shrugging)    Figured I'd just try enjoy the game like all the brainless peasant scum.
She holds up a tupperware.
               MARLEY    I brought kimchi.
She pushes past him, barging into the house.
Khep scuttles up to meet them.
               KHEP    Just so you know, John Smith's parents don't know anything about this eons-old lightning spirit thing. So, you know -
They mime zipping their mouth shut.
               MARLEY    John Smith? So he's a real person?
A haggardly ELDERY WOMAN dressed in what looks to be at least seven layers slinks around the perimeter of the Smiths' house. She crouches down near the picket fence, and then -
ZAP! A pronged LIGHTNING BOLT SHOOTS out of her and latches on to the phone line outside. Khep picks their way toward the house and in though an open window, STRIKING a YOUNG JOHN SMITH, 10, in the chest.                KHEP (V.O.)    We only switch bodes when we absolutely have to. We pick our hosts carefully but he... he was even more perfect than we thought. Perfectly average in every way. Inconspicuous. Exactly what we needed to keep a low profile.
               MARLEY (V.O.)    Wait, so that means there's an original John Smith -
An expanse of overcast grey as far as the eye can see. The very air ripples with indistinct whispers. Faces materialize, melt, reform -- flit in and out of the fog. In the center of it all sits JOHN SMITH, 17, scrunched up, hugging his knees, trembling, eyes wide, knuckles gnawed raw.
               KHEP (V.O.)    It only takes about 3 minutes for us to completely overwhelm our host's nervous system. But yes. John Smith is still in here. Just like all our previous hosts. Broken and assimilated, but alive.
Young John Smith puts on a baseball cap backwards. His eyes flash with electricity briefly -- Khep's in control.
               KHEP (V.O.)    At first, we'd confer with him to make sure his behavior was no different from usual. These days he doesn't speak much.
Back to Marley, Jaidyn, and Khep.
               MARLEY    You ripped an innocent child's life from him? That's cold. I respect it.
               KHEP    We're not proud of it.
               MR. SMITH (O.S.)    John! Come help your old man out, I think there's a cat under the hood!
Khep starts.
               KHEP    Yes, pops! Coming!        (to Marley and Jaidyn)    We'll be right back, you guys get ready -
Cady and Callie lock hands, joining forces. Tetra balances in between them. Katrina and the rest of the squad watch from a safe distance.
               CALLIE    Ready?
Cady nods.
               TETRA    Wait, what is this -
The cheerleaders FLING Tetra into the air. Tetra's first instinct is to lock up and SHRIEK.
But by the second throw, she's come to her senses.
And on her third flight, she pulls off a SOMERSAULT WITH A HALF-TWIST.
               KATRINA    Halt!
Cady and Callie catch Tetra handily, each bewildered.
               KATRINA    How'd you do that?
               TETRA        (shrugging)    It was weird at first but it's not so different from the anti-gravity field of an Aidrebdian warship.
The cheer squad huddle up and discuss in hushed whispers.
               CADY    I like her, Kat. Let's keep her.
               KATRINA    She is blonde...
Tetra simpers, peels off her wig.
               TETRA    It's a wig.
               CALLIE    ... How does it stay on?
               TETRA    Magnets.
               CALLIE    I'm not even gonna ask how that works.
Katrina purrs slightly, head tipped to the side, turns to Tetra.
               KATRINA    I like you. You're in.
Tetra gasps, practically bounces with exhilaration.
Katrina ushers her off the field.
               KATRINA    Come on now. Let's get you fitted for your uniform.
In the back, the rest of the squad break from formation, beam at the sound of good news, burst into a triumphant cheer -
           SMASH CUT TO:
Marley ERUPTS into barely-contained cheers, LEAPING off the couch!
Jaidyn snacks on chips, more or less devoid of emotion. He simply can't bring himself to be invested.
The lights are dimmed, an outdated early-2000s television set bathes the pair in cold, synthetic light.
The contents of the Bowl in question: gratuitous violence!
To set the scene: a forest in COMPLETE and UTTER CHAOS. A SPACE MARINE shoots a CENTAUR IN THE HEAD, BLASTING BRAINS ALL OVER THE LENS. A Robin Hood-type perched in a pine tree picks off distant competitors. A MOSASAUR BURSTS from the rapids, snapping a winged woman straight from the air. NO MERCY. NO SIGN OF LETTING UP. NO CENSORSHIP.
An overexcited COMMENTATOR, 35, narrates the action:
               COMMENTATOR    And here comes Kris straight down the field - OH!! A shadow strike, a classic! And another one bites the dust -- KRIS, ladies and gentlemen, biting the heads off her victims! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD! It's only been 10 minutes and we already have over 40 dead. Who will survive?! Who will emerge victorious?! Don't change the channel, it's Muttonchop's very own annual AESTA BOWL!
A robed WIZARD fires crystal blasts at TIMMY TOOTHBRUSH, 27, a scrawny little reed of a man armed with nothing but the humble toothbrush. He LEAPS out of the way, dodging narrowly. With a growl, he surges toward the wizard and STABS the old man THROUGH THE HEART!
               MARLEY    I stan you, Timmy Toothbrush!
               JAIDYN    How is he doing that? Is it hexed?
               MARLEY    Nope, it's a regular ol' toothbrush. You saying you could swing a toothbrush better?
               JAIDYN    I was blessed by Iadou, the goddess of pointy objects and sharp edges, as an infant. So yes. But this guy -
               MARLEY    Isn't he amazing?!
She sits, simmers down but still practically quivers with awe. Jaidyn munches on chips. Yells, explosions, and bloody murder ring from the screen.
               JAIDYN    Where is Tetra anyway?
               MARLEY    She's trying out for cheer squad.
Cronch, but like, suspicious.
               MARLEY    Don't look at me! I tried to stop her.
               JAIDYN    Did you really? Call me crazy, but I could see you working with them. You kinda remind me of them.
Marley motions for Jaidyn to keep it down so she can hear the announcer.
               MARLEY    Hushshush-shh- if you don't shut your mouth, I'll blast it off for you.
Khep BURSTS into the room, slack-jawed, wide-eyed. Cat snarls can be heard outside.
               KHEP    Where's Tetra?
               JAIDYN          MARLEY
               KHEP    She's -- what?! - we might already be too late. All the cats in the neighborhood are acting up. The Princess Kittarella is on the move. We just never thought it'd be so soon. She only needs a sacrifice of nine kindred lives to return.
               JAIDYN        (it's finally dawning on him)    Oh, so that's what cheer squad's been up to.
               KHEP    Yeah, that, or true love's kiss, which would also manifest the Princess. We should already be back at school.
They grab Marley and Jaidyn, make a beeline for the door -
               MARLEY    Aw, can't we wait for a commercial break -
The girls plod down a dark, foreboding hall toward the club room. Katrina holds up a hand, signalling 'halt'.
She pushes against the door. It creaks open maddeningly slowly with much resistance.
Cady bows and slips in first.
CLACK. Something's knocked to the floor. Katrina cringes. And then -
DOMINO EFFECT. A SYMPHONY of crashes and scrapes sound from behind the door. She’s set off a RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE of destruction. CAT SCREECH.
The dust settles. Katrina exhales. She pushes, the door swings open and they enter.
The very air is riddled with dust. Sheets of burlap cover desks, half-melted candles and warped jars. A low, round coffee table and a dried bunch of catnip serve as the centerpiece. Cat hair covers every conceivable surface.
Katrina snaps her fingers and Cady steps forth from the dark recess between a bookshelf and a filing cabinet. She comes bearing a pair of CAT EARS. They still flicker with the lustre of life, they steam, they breathe. They drip carmine.
The girls circle up around the coffee table with uncanny practiced precision. Callie pushes Tetra up onto the table.
               TETRA    What -
Katrina presses a claw-tipped finger to her lips. Tetra gulps but says no more.
               KATRINA    Princess, we are gathered here on this joyous day, for we have selected a ninth spirit for you.
Cady steps up behind Tetra, who's eyes shift subtly. She knows chaos. She can feel it.
               KATRINA    Sisters, join me in welcoming the newest addition to our litter. For you see, Princess, even a runt has a place here.
Tetra frowns, indignant.
Cady lowers the ears. Barely an inch from Tetra's hair now -
               KATRINA        (hissing)    Babe! We're sort of in the middle of something here -
Riley seizes Katrina and pulls her close.
               RILEY    Kat! Kat, no more of this. No more. Enough of this.
Pavlova leans against the wall outside the door, arms cross, eyes glued to the floor.
               KATRINA (O.S.)        (throwing a hissy fit)    How'd you even find out about this?! This is a private function -
               RILEY    Kat, stop! I know everything, I-I know what you're trying to do, and I can't let you! You can't just leave me like that, babe, promise me you won't -
Pav walks away, fire in her eyes. Her job here is done.
Tetra garbs ahold of Cady's hands and wrenches the cat ears away from her head.
Katrina's practically in hysterics.
               KATRINA    How would you understand?! I owe Kittarella my life!                RILEY    There- there has to be another way!
               KATRINA    What?! True Love's Kiss?! There's no such thing, we abandoned that on day one!                RILEY    Kat...
He gently cups her face and pulls her into a kiss.
The table under Tetra's feet CRACKS, GLOWS, then EXPLODES! Tetra leaps deftly out of the way. She lands on her feet, as any good cat should.
Katrina and Riley break for air.
And there, shrouded in a blinding light, where the table used to be, stands the angelic, ethereal PRINCESS KITTARELLA.
               RILEY        (under his breath)    Oh my god, it worked.
Katrina scrambles to kneel before her goddess. The Princess tenderly places a hand between Katrina's cat ears.
               KITTARELLA    Katrina. My most devoted daughter. I have a plethora of gifts in store for you. How would you like to join me on my quest to unite the felines of this decaying world?
               KATRINA    ... Would I? Anything for you, my Princess.
She turns, surveying the room.
               KATRINA    ... On one condition. My squad comes too if they so choose. And Riley, of course.
Kittarella smiles.
               KITTARELLA    It is done.
Katrina beams, kisses Riley again.
Marley, Khep, and Jaidyn trample in!
Marley brandishes a blaster, Jaidyn raises Hoover like a bat, Khep flips open a butterfly knife.
               MARLEY    Stop right there, you snakes!
Kittarella raises a brow, indifferently nudges the barrel of Marley's blaster aside.
               KITTARELLA    What is this? Convince me of why I shouldn't rip your throats out right here and now.
Tetra leaps to her feet, waving frantically.
               TETRA    Guys! I'm fine! Over here! Guys!
Marley sighs, drops the blaster. Jaidyn lowers Hoover and Khep stuffs their hands in their pockets after folding the knife back up.
               RILEY    So, hey, this is awkward. Guess everyone should introduce themselves, huh? I'll go first, my name is Riley -
           CUT TO BLACK.
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