#fellswap sans x you
centipedelightning · 1 year
Hello hello again!!! I was wonderin if i could please request Black and Mutt (and/or Gold and Pawn if you’re up to it 👀) separately with a they/them reader that likes to cling to the skeles arm while walking bc it makes them feel safe? (And can the relationships be romantic please? Ty!!!)
And fluff is preferred but I don’t mind if ya throw a lil bit o angst in there 👁️ 👁️
(Sorry my brain is also crashing while I write this so idk if any wording is weird or not so feel free to message me if something confuses ya JSJDKDK)
WAHHH I DIDN'T SEE THIS IM SO SORRY 😭 You know despite Gold and Pawn being my ocs, I’m still not sure how I plan on characterizing them. Also this took an extra week bc I wanted to get Gold’s reference sheet into the world first so my comment about his face made sense. this isn’t proof read sorry…
References for Gold (official) and Pawn (outfit isn’t official)
| Fellswap!red and Fellswap!Gilded Sans and Papyrus x gn!Reader || romantic headcanons || fluffy!
cw/tw: none || words: 1280
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He's such a cornball <3
He's a bit confused the first time you do it, but catches on immediately.
I hope you're okay with public disturbance because if you do it for the first time in a crowded area, many people will hear Black gloating about how he's so strong and amazing and you can cling to him anytime you get scared in public.
Please stop him that definitely won't help your anxiety, or maybe it's exposure therapy. Who's to say...
After that though, he's very nice about it.
He likes taking evening walks around the park, and he has gotten into the habit of offering his arm to ask you to join him.
It's such an ego boost by the by.
He loves that you find him safe. He is so proud that you know he's capable of protecting you. Did you have any doubts in the first place? Of course not no, but Black appreciates a clear physical confirmation. His grin always gets a bit more self-important whenever you cling to him. It also makes him look scarier than usual.
He's so insufferable I love him
He loves to rub your arms with his free hand. Just light touches with the tips of his claws. He finds your company very soothing, not that he'd ever admit it (yes he would he's a sap at heart)
He does it mostly when you two are just loitering somewhere. Like waiting for your order or the bus. Stuff like that.
He'll also jumpscare you with a little kiss if you aren't paying attention. It's not necessarily to get attention back on him as much as he just likes to make you jump. He's a bit of an ass tbh. But he's your ass and he loves you very much.
Depending on your height, his primary location of attack is either your cheek or shoulder. They might be a bit malicious but Black always kisses lovingly. Even the quickest, tiniest goodbye pecks are dripping with his love and affection.
If you wear jewelry that's another thing he'll mess with if you guys are just standing around. He likes to just fidget with whatever rings, bracelets, or bangles you have on.
He won’t publicity humiliate you! Yep! He, unlike his brother, has no interest in shouting to the heavens how you should cling to him if you ever feel scared.
but… he will give you a look that tells you he is about to very lightheartedly make fun of you.
I promise he means nothing by it and if you tell him early in the relationship that you’re not into playful mockery, it won’t happen at all. If you give him the green light please expect to be teased a bit.
He’s actually very good at knowing where the line is and not crossing it.
He loves when you grab onto him
Not to mention it’s very comfortable to do so. He usually sports heavy jackets and thick sweaters, so there’s a very comfortable cushioning.
As you two walk he likes to use his free hand to hold yours. Mutt is a sucker for casual, small acts of intimacy.
He also taps little rhythms while he holds your hand and like to have you guess them.
On less busy sidewalks he likes to walk like an asshole and jostle you around. He’s not swerving all over the place but he is sidestepping randomly, just enough to make you trip a little.
If you aren’t steady on your feet, guess what? Mutt is right there to save you! He is conveniently ignoring how it’s completely his fault you were almost making out with the concrete but hey, you love him!
In a similar vein to him tapping rhythms on your hand, if ya’ll are just standing around somewhere he likes to trace pictures and have you guess what he’s making. Hint: it’s very often either a sun or a fish
It depends on which side you grab him from. His almost full blindness in his right side makes sudden grabs a bit… threatening…
If you grab him from the left he’s gonna swoon a it. He really likes that you trust him so much and will definitely make a joke about it
He’s very touched starved btw. Jut letting you know….
Listen if you give him a pat on the back he’ll swear his life to you, so you grabbing onto him?? You just got a protector in this life and the next.
There is one exception for holding onto his left and that’s if he trusts you to protect him as well.
If you make it clear to him you have any capability to offer safety or protection he will gladly offer his right arm to you when on outings. If not, he’ll keep you on his left.
He adores walks around with you, especially if you live in an area that gets decent snow. He loves walking around parks or shops when they are all decorated for the season.
Plus he loves warming up with your body heat.
He is so proper and stiff. He is a man with a lot of responsibilities, I don’t think he’s relaxed in his life. Point being that he is so respectful when you grab him. Perfectly poised arm with his hand laid over you arm so lightly you’d think it wasn’t there. You need to tell him if he can touch you at any capacity.
Even if you say he can touch you and he’s good to go, he’s still only going to rest his hand on top of your hand or arm.
There’s one exception: He will grab you hand every once in a while to kiss it. Not for any reason you can figure out, but there seems to be one.
You will get the most shit faced, conniving smirk you’ve ever seen in your life.
Judging by the incessant jokes, he loves it.
He’s also a sucker for intimacy, so it’s no wonder he loves having you hang off his arm all the time. He’d just hold your hand if you weren’t the type to grab onto him.
In the grand scheme of things he doesn’t actually make a big deal out of you looking to him for safety. He’s pretty used to watching out for people in Snowdin and around the Underground as a whole.
That’s not to say he isn’t flattered of course, he’s just not super surprised
I will say… he doesn’t Reek, but his main gig is fixing and selling stuff he gets from dumpster diving. Not every dumpster he hops into is a beacon of sanitation.
Also watch out for pointy edges in his coat. There’s absolutely a few pins and needles he missed when fixing a hole or sewing on a patch.
You can cling to him, but do it at your own risk I guess.
So you know how I mentioned Mutt will drag you around a bit to mess with you? Yeah, Pawn is full on worm-walking.
As long as the sidewalk is clear, he will be walking like a drunk ma just to terrorize you. It does technically mean that you are less likely to fall on your ass because he’s pretty consistent, but it’s still obnoxious.
I love him <3
When ya’ll are standing around and he doesn’t need to pay attention, he likes to follow any bumps, moles, or freckles on your arm like a connect the dots.
You asked him once and he claimed to not know what connect the dots is but you still think that’s what he’s playing. he’s a dirty little liar.
If you are to the point in your relationship where he starts gifting you gold (in this case jewelry), and you wear it, please know he will play with it nonstop with a tiny flush on his cheeks.
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peasofgreeniguess · 2 years
new chapter!
also quick note- i DO have a more posts for tumblr! i just wrote them and then when it posted it was all deleted so I have to re do them TWT
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glitchthewitch · 1 year
I've started a new fic, but please mind the tags. This one is mature, and features the fellswap au, master/pet, and noncon/dubcon elements.
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beautifulboyjpeg · 2 years
Tumblr don't fail me now. This is my baby, my pride and joy, please don't eat this link to my work.
Anyways, Another Skeleharem Fic. How original.
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orbital-inclination · 28 days
a kind of survey
For reasons that totally have nothing to do with research for a fanfic/ reader x sans idea... Who here wants to ramble at me about why they like/love/and or simp for Wine/Fellswap Sans? Speak to me as if you mean to convert me to simpdom. this is a genuine request; i want to know what traits/characteristics draws you to a character like him! Tell me why you like him!
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
Undertale,fellswap gold, swapfell, and horrortale papyrus x BLACK! Medusa! Reader? Not much just a chaotic snake girl.
(Classic, BlackBerry [Berry], Caramel [Horror tale Papyrus])
CLASSIC: (setting- after freeing the monsters)
He was always interested in you the moment he saw you wandering alone in the mountains, wearing a hood on your head.
Why was he even there? It was a family trip, everyone went to go hiking to the mountains. Of course he was cheating and teleported to the destination 😂✋
Anyways, right after he saw you, he carefully approached you..this got you very wary.
Long story short, you tripped and the hood on your head slipped, revealing your snake covered hair...
You both had VERY different reactions. Sans looked amazed, and his cheeks tinted slightly blue, while you looked at him afraid.
You were worried he'll turn into stone, so you tried to pull the hood over your head once more, but his skeleton hands stopped you, taking you by surprise.
You both just stared at the other. "... What's wrong? Why're you trying to hide who you are??" "I'm a Medusa! People who look at me turn into stone!" You quickly darted your eyes away from his gaze. "But I'm still here...am I not?"
He's a skeleton. Your curse doesn't affect him, since he only has eye sockets. 😂
After this, Sans visited you almost every day. He was so sweet, he doesn't want to leave you alone in the mountains.
Your negativity towards yourself is really nagging him. He thinks you're gorgeous! What do you mean you hate your 'hair'?
Constantly hyping you up! He just wants to be there for you girly 😉
He loves the snakes! They're always happy to see him ^^
Sans is a little lovesick when it comes to you, you're just so amazing to him!
When you two get together, he thinks he's the luckiest skeleton in the world! Literally no one can ruin this for him! (Except the resets 😢)
You're just happy to finally be able to talk to someone without the fear of turning them into stone.
"What in the fish sticks is happening?? WHO ARE YOU?!" You flinched when you heard his voice. He sounded so demanding...
You and his brother, Papyrus, were standing on his doorstep, chatting. He couldn't help but grumble at the sight. What gives you the right to stand on HIS own doorstep, not properly talking to him?? Like.. what's up with the hood over your head?
So...Berry doesn't have much knowledge of "privacy"... So what is the second thing he does after yelling at you?? Yup. Pulling your hood down. Revealing your snake covered head, resembling hair.
You screeched loudly, desperately trying to cover your head, before any of the two turn into stone.
While trying to get a hold of your hood, which was still in Berry's hold, the skeleton in question just...stared at you. Full with questions, but also... he's never seen such beautiful hair!
He doesn't let his shyness show, but his brother can very much see it. He just smirks at him, which makes Berry shoot him a glare.
"You have such beautiful hair...." He suddenly spoke these words, which made you stop jumping up and down to get your hood back. You stared at him in shock.. "You... don't think it's gross..? Or...weird?" He smirks at your question, leaning down to your level. "No, darling...I say that it just makes you more complete...."
Which was exactly how you both felt about one another.. how cute ❤️
You explained to Berry how Papyrus is your friend, and that you were just parting ways when he came in. This made Berry kinda guilty about shouting at you earlier...but not much. Since...you know... he's a little crazy 💀
After this whole ordeal, whenever you were hanging out with Papyrus, Berry silently watched you, eyes focused only on you.
He quickly became obsessed with you, it was just something about your nature. And he admired that despite your curse, you were a very kind person.
Your snakes sometimes felt...wary about him... which made you kinda suspicious. But you didn't dwell on it to much.
You would sometimes find little notes thrown at you by your 'secret admirer'. Which you found cute. They were always complimenting your hair!
That's what Berry's plan is... Sugar coating you from the offside, and then making his grand move! Tell you about his romantic gestures and then confidently ask you out!
It was a crazy plan, but it's not an unusual plan for him. ;)
CARAMEL (HT Papyrus):
One day, he was searching for some food, which was hopeless...since the place where he lives in isn't very...rich on food.
He abruptly stopped when he saw a kid enter the underground. Wait... no, it was probably a teenager...and she had some........pretty lady with her!
He watched the lady, who was beside the teen, with stars in his eyes.. for once in his life..he felt truly..happy. Huh.. that's odd. Never felt anything like it before.
After awhile of gawking at the lady, covered in a hood over her head with a blush across his face, he snapped out of it, going towards them. He decided to greet them.
He quickly learned the kid- teen's Name is Aliza, and the lady beside her was Y/n.
"Y/n.... it's a very pretty name! Suits for such a pretty lady as you..." You couldn't help but blush deep red at that, the way he was so sweet, yet so scarily looking, made you quite distracted, as you didn't notice him and his approaching hands towering over your hood.. "May I..?" Normally, you would've said no. But this time...you felt very comfortable around him, which you were one hundred percent sure he was going for. You felt at ease around him, so you nodded for him to take off your hood. You could see, from the corners of your eyes, that Aliza covered her eyes when she saw that, thank the heavens...you wouldn't want for her to be turned to stone.
After he took off your hood, your nervousness appeared again. Making you feel embarrassed about your hair...
You expected some sort of reaction. And not a pretty one..but it did rather surprised you when you saw that Papyrus just stared at you, his eyes shining more brightly. You looked at him, quite hesitant. "You must be the prettiest being I have ever laid my eyes upon...." Your cheeks flushed red from the sudden compliment, which his did too, after processing what he just said to you. You both just stared at each other...taking the other one's appearance in, as if you wouldn't see each other again..
You moment was interrupted by Aliza, who now wore special sunglasses, not covering her eyes with her hands anymore. "U-Uhm...can y-you help us g-get through here....?" You slightly frowned at the frightened state she was in, and took her hands in yours. Smiling down at her. Papyrus stared at the two of you with soft look..
"Such a mother material..." He noted to himself, muttering, which you didn't heard. It saved him the embarrassment for sure 💀
After this, you sorta became a little like a family.. You and Papyrus as the parents, and Aliza as your kid.. though Papyrus did almost ate Aliza, which you scolded him for.
He literally felt so weak in the knees whenever you were around. Like a little puppy...😭
Your snakes always purr whenever Papyrus comes in the room, which makes you immensely embarrassed...stupid snakes!
Wants you to know just how much he loves your 'hair'. (Which makes the snakes purr over and over again)
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(i got this idea while looking at the sans x you week, so creds to them!! anyways,this is for the skellies with a crack in their skulls :3)
s/o makes a flower crown,then places it around the crack of his skull. and for the first time in a while, it stops hurting
Underfell Sans - He blinks. Uh. The hell? He takes off the flower crown, then puts it back on, then takes it off again. ?????????? He's so confused. What did you do to him? Is this magic? Witchcraft? It's weird. He's not sure what to think about it.
Underfell Papyrus - He doesn't notice at first until he realizes something is missing and gets anxious because he doesn't know what. Yeah, pain is missing and he's really not used to that. He is in bewilderment when he understands your tiny flower crown did that to him. ... Wait, he can't bring that to work, that's ridiculous. But he's feeling fine. He doesn't know what to do with himself.
Horrortale Sans - His purr stops. Then it starts again, uncertain. Then it stops again. What? He looks at you, confused. Did you do something to him? What's going on? He's a bit nervous, not understanding what's happening to him. He hugs you a little closer to protect you from whatever danger could threaten the both of you.
Horrorswap Papyrus - He's staring in the emptiness, mind empty. You wave a hand in front of his eyes. He's not reacting. You get a bit worried until he gently headbutts you for a hug.
Horrorfell Sans - He growled when you put the crown on his head, then immediately stops. What the hell? He frowns, confused, before looking at you. He's not imagining this, is he? He's not sure. Oh well, he's not going to complain.
Horrorfell Papyrus - He pushes your hands away at first, but once you put the crown on his head, he's shocked. After a few seconds, you try to take it off, scared he's not liking it. He hits your hands off. Oh.
Swapfell Sans - What's this? What did you do to him? He stares at you, frowns, then takes a big step away. What's this witchcraft? Are you trying to mind control him? He knows when people try to mind control him! Go on, what do you have to say to defend yourself? He has salt, you are warned, demon!
Fellswap Gold Sans - He judges you more for daring to place a flower crown on his head than the sudden disappearance of his headache honestly. Who do you think he is? Barbie? What about his reputation?
Mafiafell Papyrus - He refuses to look you in the eyes, the face entirely red. Sure, it's nice his headache is gone, but he starts to think his self-confidence ran away too. He can't show up like this in front of Asgore. Put it down this instant! He mutters. Bright tomato. Refusing to do it himself.
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ask-sibverse · 4 months
“I'll marry you right on the spot if I could.” “...We're not even together.” Reader x FellSwap Sans, any version you want.
Yet another one that's been in my inbox for ages... I feel like I don't have a great grasp on the different Fellswap versions (and how they're different) no matter how many times I look it up so I'll leave it to you guys to decide what version this actually is lol
Sometimes you felt like you needed to keep a full set change on your person. Stupid pump tubing catching on things when you least expect it. And you were at work this time, too!
You really didn't want to leave work to take care of things if you didn't have to, so you texted your neighbor to see if he could bring a change to your work (he had a spare key to your apartment.)
The response was immediate, some scolding for not already having one on hand but he was on his way.
It wasn't long before he was meeting you in your work's lobby. You hugged him. "I'd marry you right here on the spot if I could."
His brother raised a brow bone. "You're not? You've had a key to her apartment for months, you keep low blood sugar snacks, a pump change, a spare cgm and even a monitor in case something happens to her cgm. And you've spent the night at her apartment multiple times."
Sans' blush was immediate. "WE ARE NOT! I AM SIMPLY BEING AN AMAZING FRIEND!"
"Then maybe I should ask you out on a date, as thanks for helping me," you suggested.
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centipedelightning · 8 months
Yo, I read ur posts and instantly fell in love. I was wondering if I could request Red, Edge, Gold, and Black with a gender neutral S/O. The S/O is extremely reckless and typically ends up with only minor injuries though.Romantic please… If that’s okay-
omgggg Gold my baby. I need to draw him more ugh. btw trust me I Know how messy that title looks. it was the best i could work it down to (´•ω•̥`)
| UF/FS:GL/FSR Sans (+UF Pap) x gn!Reader || Romantic || Fluff |
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A worrier.
Listen, this poor man has horrific anxiety. Every little stunt you pull risks giving Red a heart attack.
He isn't the type to steer you away from anything mind you.
If you want to try something that Red is sure is going to end in chaos, he'll let you go along and do it anyway.
Call it the leftover "let the kid learn themselves" mentality from raising Edge.
He will always be there afterward to make jokes and patch you up.
Another let you learn the hard way type.
What he has to realize quite quickly is that you won't learn and it is up to him to keep you out of trouble.
Every little impulse you might have to do something reckless is swiftly redirected to something Edge finds safer.
He doesn't try to hide it either.
He's never forceful and will still let you go do whatever it is your heart desires, but he tries to wrangle the impulse part of your brain long enough for the critical thought part to catch up.
He keeps a box of themed bandages in his inventory at all times when out with you.
Gold (Fellswap: Gilded Sans)
Gold is the most prepared Monster you will ever meet. He has a full first aid kit on hand at all times.
He didn't even buy it because of you necessarily. He had it before you two started dating.
He is a bit more curt about telling you to be careful and not make dumb decisions.
Tends to just stick close by when he can to make sure no shenanigans happen.
You keep coming out of absurd situations with only a few scratches. And truly, if Gold had hair you would've caused it all to grey.
An instigator I fear.
He is a skeleton that often finds himself in Situations, so he would probably be just as bad as you.
Y'all need a babysitter.
Either way, Black does try to be the voice of reason when he thinks to.
His style of recklessness is more verbal than physical, so he at least has sense when it comes to you doing dumb things.
If nothing else, he knows how to take care of you when you come home a mess.
He likes to have those skin-tone bandages on hand. You don't know how he did it, but he found ones that blend seamlessly with your skin.
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thewonderingbard · 8 months
Rules and Introduction.
HI! I'm Morganna and I had a blog with a similar name . I would like to announce that that blog was accidentally deleted and I apologise if that causes any problems.
This blog is going to centre around the skeleton brothers and their AU variants, this will mainly be in the format of headcanons and imagines!
Please be aware I am still at school so sometimes answering a request might take a bit.:)
Who I write for:
Undertale Sans - Vanilla
Undertale Papyrus - Paps
Underswap Sans - Blue
Underswap Papyrus - Honey
Underfell Sans - Red
Underfell Papyrus - Edge
Horrortale Sans - Seaweed
Horrortale Papyrus - Papaya
(Fellswap and swap fell will be added eventually)
Rules for requesting:
My main Skeles are listed above
You can ask for them all if you like.
If you only want a few or even one skele I don't mind.
What I will write:
Fem/Male/Non-Binary Reader
Asked like "What would skeletons reaction be to_______"
please feel free to ask me some questions as well!
What I will not write:
Character x Character
Character X Oc
This is not a Roleplay blog
I am not an easily triggered person but careful when requesting commonly triggering topics.
Again I would like to apologise to those who liked my posts and followed me. Please follow me here instead.
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absent-enigma · 1 year
fellswap!red sans sharing embarrassing stories with reader/Mc about paps?
Heck yeah embarrass the sibling! Since I have the thought to do this in Lone Wolf Blues (fake dating to dating/papyrus lost his mandible) I’ll go with that fic and have this become a maybe part of future chapter (expanded upon). This got a bit longer but I think I can still leave it without a readmore.
You still weren’t used to Papyrus’ brother coming in for random visits, what with your worry if stalkers lingering from your social media popularity (soaring higher now thanks to Papyurs sneaking into frame now and again to greet your audience and send chat into an explosive excitement).
Today was supposed to have been quiet; you were winding down on editing a video to post, and Papyrus was dead asleep on your sofa, snoring softly with a rattle of bone now and again.
Sans’ bark of a demand to be heard had you nearly topple of your computer chair; Papyru merely stretched all his limbs out, before snuggling into the sofa heavier as the rattling snore resuming. When you saved your progress and joined Sans at the dining room table, he was seated there like he was about to either interrogate you or interview you, what with all the papers and books (albums) neatly organized in front of him.
You shouldn’t have worried.
Sans turned out to be an absolute menace despite his stern demeanor, gleefully began to air out every as many of Papyrus’ embarassing stories as he could, from being a babybones all the way to an adult, as a duty of sorts as well as revenge for his brother keeping the relationship a secret for so long.
From believing he was a master spy but being seen completely barebones as a young child, to slipping on ice and losing a fang, to tricking another monster that Papyrus was an all powerful all seeing monster at the age of three complete with shoddy clothes to match and it somehow worked, to Papyrus singing off key in Muffet’s about something utterly vulgar that Sans wouldn’t repeat.
No story was safe. Eventually, you had to wave a hand at Sans to stop, gasping for breath from laughter at one point, when he’d begun to regale a time Papyrus had attempted to drink every single caffeinated beverage when they had been on the surface for a month, only to be taken to a healer becuase his soul was trying valienlty to explode out of his chest from all the jitteriness that had been contained in his ribcage.
“YOU BELIEVE THE STORIES BUT-“ Sans evil little grin on his scarred bony face grew, chest puffed up, clearly pleased with himself, the grin sharpening as he passed over an album. “-SEEING IS ALSO BELIEVING.”
Your laughter and Sans maniacal cackling woke Papyrus up, the larger monster somehow managing to pale.
“damn, ya got me good bro.” Papyrus agreed good-naturedly, only for the sockets to scrunch up deviously as his upper fangs twitch at the sides. Then, quick as a flash, Papyrus shortcut behind you, hand dropping on your shoulder as he leaned over and mock-whispered. “sans cried when he found out that he could plant a garden and grow his own food.” A phone was in your vision, a video of Sans indeed teary eyed yet shouting in delight that he would fight the ground into submission and feast on what it grew.
“That’s great.” You told Sans, even if the monster had grown quiet. “I always thought about growing something myself but I just keep killing the plants instead.” You bit back a laugh as Papyrus chuckled lowly alongside your head at the sight of Sans’ entire skull flushing.
“aw, c’mon bro.” Papyrus taunted, sounding like he would be wearing a grin if he could. “that’s just one lil story, an’ a recent one, at that.” Papyrus pulled something out of thin air, which made Sans’ eye lights shrink. “ya got no idea of knowin’ if or when i might tell another one.”
“You Wouldn’t Dare.”
“ya know me better’n that.” Papyrus flipped the book open to a photo of Sans stomping his foot while Papyrus took a selfie next to a vandalized wall. “karma’s a bitch and now it’s your turn.”
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canvas-madness-txc · 2 years
CAUTION: Love Ahead
{Fellswap Gold Papyrus X Reader}
"People fall in love without a reason, without even wanting to. You can't predict it. That's love."
That is what the man behind the door had told him. Papyrus thought about those words. The more he thought, the more he despised what his SOUL made him feel. It's not like he was incapable of love. No, quite the opposite actually.
It was the Underground that was incapable of love. It was "Oppress or be oppressed" down here. Pacifist is Genocide. MERCY is FIGHT.
Love is Hate
He could not love. How could he in a place that will jail those who voice different opinions? Whatever becomes of those defiant people is never good. As much as he would like to confess, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
So he had locked himself in his room; supplied with only coffee, cream cans, black bread, angst superhero comics, his notepad and pencils.
Meanwhile, you sat in the kitchen as Sans was cooking Farfalle. You sat with your own thoughts. Thoughts of what will become of Temmie and yourself when you leave SNOWDIN. Thoughts of Asgore, who still waited in the RUINS, after losing you, as he lost every human he has encountered. Thoughts of the skeleton brothers. Sans had granted you mercy privately after nearly killing you and locking you in a shed. He had only done so because of your consistent pacifism and since Papyrus had grown fond of you. It took a long time, including Sans giving you a side- eye. He extremely was protective of his brother. You snapped back out of your thoughts when Sans had placed food in front of you. You began picking at it, as your thoughts wouldn't leave you alone. Specifically, those about Papyrus. Although, he never spoke, he did communicate with others through writing on a notepad. Still the silence worried you.
"Papyrus had been in his room for a long time," you said, trying to make it seem normal. You looked up and noticed Sans cross his arms in thought.
"yes. i know and it's making me worried." You both stayed silent for a few minutes.
"You otay," Temmie asked.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Tem does not belive hooman." You turned to your companion. Smiling slowly, you reassured them that you were fine. Sans left to do something else and you took a few bites of your food. It wasn't enough to block out your own worry. Eventually, you decided to see for yourself if Papyrus was okay. Climbing the stairs, you felt strange feelings in your SOUL. Trying to brush it off, you knocked on the door.
"Hey Papyrus. You okay in there," you asked. Sitting by the door, you heard the faint sound of pencil scratches. A note slipped through the door.
"You haven't come out in a while. Is something bothering you?"
You both sat in silence for a while. Then, another note slipped through the door.
You turned your head to the door. A strange question. A very strange question. Still, you told him what you knew.
You were met with silence.
"Why do you ask?" He slid another note.
"Okay," you replied. Silence again. A faint voice spoke in your head.
*You feel as if he is lying.
You lowered your eyes to the floor. They were right. That is what you felt. The voice pushed you to ask him. You couldn't. As worried as you were, something stopped you.
He probably wants to be left alone, you thought. Slowly, you get up and began to step away from Papyrus's room. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him slip another note. Bending down, you picked up the note.
Your face got warm.
"You like me?" He slipped another note.
You stared at the door, processing the notes in your hand. The door began to open and Papyrus was standing in the doorway.
His notepad was open to a page that he faced towards you. On that page he had a quick sketch.
*It's you!
There was a note next to the sketch.
Everything began falling into place. The feelings in your SOUL. There were not merely concern, worry or even LV.
It was love.
You agreed. Papyrus was taken by surprise and ran off to prepare. You wondered what surprises that could entail. Still, it would be a pleasant surprise.
Including the possibility of love.
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Can I have a SFW Alphabet of Fellswap Gold Sans?
Of course! Thank you for asking.
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A is for Affection
how affectionate are they?
Very :)
how do they show affection?
Mostly checking up on you whenever he gets the chance to. He worries about you and wants to make sure that you're alright.
B is for Best friend
what would they be like as a best friend?
Having him as a best friend, you often see him only in his best. He doesn’t talk about any problems or issues. 
how would the friendship start?
No idea, dude. 
D is for Domestic
do they want to settle down?
He does! He thinks that it would be a lot of fun to get married and settle into a nice house. 
how are they at cooking and cleaning?
He’s alright at cooking, hard to do sometimes with the whole blind thing.
E is for Ending
if they had to break up with their s/o, how would they do it?
Face to face. He dislikes people who do it over the phone.
why would they do it?'
There are a lot of reasons on why he would break up with his partner. Most likely just it wasn't working and he knew that it wasn't fun for either of them.
F is for Fiancé(e)
how do they feel about commitment?
As said before, I think he would love to get married.
how quick would they want to get married?
It would take him a while to feel the want, but not as long as you might be thinking.
G is for Gentle
how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
He is very gentle when he wants to be. He's sweet, kind, and dislikes fighting but he will if forced.
J is for Jealousy
how jealous do they get?
He doesn't ever seem to get jealous
L is for Little ones
how are they around children?
He's good with children but has a hard time keeping track of too many of them at once.
M is for Morning
how are mornings spent with them?
Trying to wake him up haha he's a very heavy sleeper.
N is for Night
how are nights spent with them?
The two of you getting ready for bed, and talking. Wolf most likely bugging you both cause he doesn't want to go to bed yet.
O is for Open
when would they start revealing things about themselves?
It would... take a while.
do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
He would take a bit to reveal everything, and it would be little by little.
P is for Patience
how easily angered are they?
He tries to not be angry, anger doesn't help anything.
Q is for Quizzes
how much would they remember about you?
He remembers a creepily lot of stuff. It's like he never forgets anything that you tell him...
R is for Remember
what is their favorite moment in your relationship?
One time someone was trying to make fun of him for not being able to see, and you helped by telling the guy to leave him alone. He thought it was sweet, even though he could handle it himself.
S is for Security
how (over)protective are they?
He's fairly sure that you could handle yourself, and if you can't, then he'll protect you but he only does it if you really need help.
how would they like to be protected?
He normally dislikes being protected but... he does like you standing up for him at times. He thinks that it's cute.
T is for Try
how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
Quite a bit! He wants you to be happy
U is for Ugly
what would be some bad habits of theirs?
He hates to ask for help.
V is for Vanity
how concerned are they with their looks?
Not... not very at all -w-'
W is for Whole
would they feel incomplete without you?
Hmm no, I don't think he would. He loves you, but he knows that he's himself.
X is for Xtra
(a) random headcanon(s) for them
He doesn't trust any lizards and or lizard monsters.
Y is for Yuck
what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?
I don't think he would like someone that wants to always be the hero or blah blah blah
Z is for Zzz
what are some sleep habits of theirs?
Hard to tell when he's asleep since his eyes are always closed.
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welcome to my blog!
requests: closed
i'm trying to clear out my inbox, and just find the joy in writing again. my ask box will remain open but any requests will be deleted. just trying to get back into the groove <3
undertale masterlist
marvel masterlist
fandoms I write for:
the following AUs (and all of these universes versions of the above characters):
I'll write for other characters and AUs too, there's just too many to write. unsure? ask!
Jack Bright
Alto Clef
Arthur Pendragon
(I won't write specific scenes from the movies, but I'll write other scenarios)
Tony Stark
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Parker
Steven Strange
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Wade Wilson
The Walking Dead
Negan Smith
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Rick Grimes
Power Rangers
(more characters will be added as I rewatch the shows)
Jason Lee Scott
Tommy Oliver
Kimberly Hart
Billy Cranston
things I will write:
female reader
non-binary reader
male reader
x reader (romantic)
x reader (platonic)
x child! reader (will ALWAYS be platonic)
canon x reader
headcanons (for multiple characters, but please keeo them within the same fandom)
things I will NOT write:
smut (I will write suggestive things, though)
anything shipping minors with adults
canon x OC
canon x canon
the following undertale aus:
things I will SOON write:
Once Upon A Time
The Lord Of The Rings
i will write a fic based on a song (up to 3)
If you do not see something on this list that you would like to see, ask!
I have the right to decline any request that I am not comfortable with.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
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Updated: Sept 24
I was a bit stumped about it at first, but I've decided that I'll write NSFW too, so minors 👁👁 please don't look. If I see any minors interacting with any NSFW posts. I will block you. I REALLY don't like blocking people, so please don't make me.
Other than that-
Hello! ٩( ᐛ )و
Just a quick note that this blog will be more about the writing aspect, so headcanons, oneshots and links/updates on AO3 stories, along with recommendations of stories will be posted here!
Another note!
I write SPECIFICALLY for chubby readers, since-
I am a chubby girl myself and I can't find any x chubby reader fics from/for my fandom to save my life- (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
Granted, some people may see it as a simple weight change, but for me, it's the feeling of REALLY being included in the story.
These lines from a bunch of fics I've read-"His shirt fit loosely on you", and "he wrapped his arms around your thin waist", "your small frame" or "He picked you up with ease", etc-don't fit me and I know I'm not the only one.
If a fic usually doesn't clarify that it has a chubby reader, then it's USUALLY a skinny or medium-sized person. I just wanna give me and my chubby fellas a chance, y'know? ┐(シ)┌
And please don't take this the wrong way & please don't think I'm attacking you if you write like this I swear I'm not! Everyone's allowed to write for whatever fandom they want and with whatever body type they wanna write for! I'm just stating that this blog is focused on specifically chubby/plus sized readers.
I write Platonic Readers! For example, if someone requests being just best friends with a certain character, or having a sibling dynamic with another character, then it's all good! 👌🏽
I also write for Yandere characters/situations! If the situation asked for IS uncomfortable to write, I have the right to deny it.
I also do genderbend! I don't see it done much, which is cool! But I'm a dumb little hoe so- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Final thing! I also write for monsters! I write for skeletons and demon monkeys 😑 Basic stuff, like werewolves, vampires, mermaids/merman, hybrids, etc!
I'll write for certain characters for certain medias since it's the only thing I feel I can actually write without making the characters OOC. (´・ω・`)
Sun Wukong
Red Son
Spider Queen
Maybe the others too if they're requested enough 👀
I WILL NOT write for LMK NeZha, due to the controversy of his age. I've seen many discussions on it, from all sides, mainly from those who are Chinese. And all I have to say is that I don't wanna touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Monkey King: Reborn, Hero is Back & Ne'Zha Reborn Sun Wukong are also a go! I just watched the movies and I am quaking 👀 If you guys have any Sun Wukong movies or game characters that're fleshed out enough to be written, PLEASE send them my way.
Count Harebourg
If there's other characters that are requested, then I'll see who they are and if I can write for them.
Maybe I'll do Transformers in the future! I've only seen Transformers Prime, so I'll need to expand my knowledge first. I mean, unless y'all want some Prime stuff 👀. I'll probably watch Animated and read the comics soon-(Hopefully, I've dropped the damn thing twice-😔)
Now for the big boy-😥
I'll write for it and certain AUs. The AUs follow as below(Sans nickname 1st, Papyrus 2nd)
Undertale (Vanilla and Creampuff)
Underfell (Red and Edge)
Underswap (Blue and Stretch)
Fellswap (Raspberry and Rus)
Swapfell (Black and Cash)
Fellswap!Gold (Wine and Coffee)
Horrortale (Axe and Sugar)
The Outertale AUs count too, but it's best not to ask for something that includes, for example, Undertale Sans and Outertale Sans since they'll basically be the same.
Outer nicknames include:
Outertale (Cosmic and Nebula)
Outerswap (Orion and Atlas)
Outerfell (Comet and Sirius)
Also including specific characters include:
Geno from Aftertale
Passive!Nightmare and Dream from Dreamtale
Cross from XTale
Dust from Dusttale
And to be honest, I'm at a bit for a dilemma when it comes to if I should include Ink, Evil!Nightmare and Fresh. Since Ink doesn't have a soul to feel. Granted he has the ink he drinks to emulate the emotion he wants to feel but idk- (´⌒`;)
Fresh is parasitic monster that lacks emotions and jumps from different hosts so writing him romantically might be a bit of a problem.
Evil Nightmare searches for negative energy, as it's said that positive emotions make him weak. (╯︵╰)
I try my best to stay on track with how characters would canonically react, along with a dash of what I think they would do. But if there's enough asks, then I'll try my best to write them! ଘ(੭ ᐛ )♡
Other potential AUs
I haven't read Underlust or Storyshift, but if there's enough requests for them, then I'll do my best to read through their stories/find information and write for them.
I'm having a bit of trouble finding concrete information for the bottom two, so they might be a bit more tricky to write about. (•ิ_•ิ)
As far as rules go, just don't send anything rude, k?
Also, please specify if you want Angst, Romance or Platonic/ if you want Headcanons or a One Shot.
Other than that, this post will update every once in a while if I decide to add or negate something, so keep an eye out! (≧∇≦)/
Sorry if there are spelling errors! Have a good day!
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boyinthevoide · 1 year
I was looking on YouTube for a guide to Undertale AUs because I wanted a more comprehensive guide to some of the more obscure ones, then realised that due to that one time I just went through all the AUs looking for more Undertale content, I could make one myself.
So here is Popular Undertale AUs(/AUs that I'm familiar with) for Newbies.
Dreemur Reborn: The first AU (I think). Asriel comes back (again, I think.)
Underfell: One of the earlier AUs. Basically Undertale but evil, completely open for people to do whatever they want with it, but the original is actually pretty cool and is a lot deeper than Undertale but evil.
Underswap: Undertale but people look different. After a while, the fandom began to swap personalities as well, but only kind of.
Inverted Fate: What if the Lost Souls (Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys) swapped with their counterpart? A long running story that's currently on 70+ chapters and still going. I'd strongly advise you read this one, it's really good.
Outertale: Undertale but in space.
DanceTale: Undertale but they dance, ig.
Fellswap: Underfell swapped.
Swapfell: Underswap felled. (Confusing. I know. I had to look up which was which.)
Horrortale: Post-neutral ending where Undyne becomes queen and everyone goes crazy I think???
Fellswap Gold: Fellswap but different. Has cool designs.
A.L.I.V.E: Post genocide Alphys jumps into the CORE and is pinged into the space between universes I think. Includes such rarely focused on characters as Mettaton and also has a crazy Sans because everyone needs a crazy Sans.
Also please don't be like "you missed X AU". No I didn't. These were the only ones I could think of that I knew enough about to give an idea of.
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