bookloover35 · 1 year
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Virgil Sanders x fem reader-My emo boy.
Yns POV:
Hum what a wonderful morning I thought as I stretched out in my and my boyfriend Virgil's shared bed. Oh now I have completely forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Yn and I'm Thomas shyness. And yes I am with Virgil and I love him so much it hurts and I understand him we help each other when it gets too much.
I decided to try to get out of bed but felt two very familiar arms around me that stopped me. I managed to turn around and smile when I saw Virgil's sleeping form. Then I snuggled into his warm body it is a little strange he is always so cold but when he is with me he is so warm. Virgil is really the best boyfriend I could have wished for, yes he may have a little problem sometimes but can you blame him he is Thomas' anxiety. But I love him one then and he is so good at working on his problems with me.
I love him and he loves me. I looked up at his sleeping face he is so cute when he sleeps. He may be extremely handsome when he is awake but when he sleeps then he is cute. I decided to start kissing him around his face and I could see him smiling but he had not really opened his eyes yet. Then I kissed him on the lips and then I felt him put his hand against my cheek and kissed me back. After our lips separately, he opened his eyes and with a smile.
Virgil: Good morning baby, have you slept well.
Omg that voice. Virgil's voice in the morning always makes me knee weak. I looked at him and smiled then I gave him another kiss then I answered.
Yn: Good morning Virgie I have slept wonderfully you?
Virgil: Ugh I do not like that nickname but yes I have also slept wonderfully.
I laughed at him and cuddled into him again I know he actually likes that nickname but only when I say it. This is the best I know that just lying and cuddling with Virgil I do not want to leave his side today. Wish we could just stay like this all day.
Knock Knock!!!
Hum Wondering who it might be?
Patton: Hello Kiddos good morning just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready if you are interested.
I smiled when I heard it was Patton. Breakfast sounded really good right now I'm pretty hungry. I heard Virgil shout to Patton that we'll be down soon. But I do not want to leave the bed and I do not want to stop cuddling with Virgil.
Virgil: Baby what do you say if we just have a cozy day today and stay in bed and just cuddle and watch movies. Would you like it.
Yn: Yes please.
Virgils POV:
I laughed at her she is so heavenly sweet I kissed her on the forehead then I got up and picked up my sweater which was on the floor. I ignored switching to regular jeans because I'm just going to go down and get breakfast. Then I can just as easily go down in my pajama pants. When I turned around, I saw my wonderful girlfriend and saw that she looked a little sad. oh no what happens i did something stupid. I started to panic a bit.
Virgil: B_baby What is it have i done something.
Yn: Where are you going. Would we not stay in bed today.
Does she have to scare me so I smiled at her and giggled then I went to bed and took her in my arms. Then I kissed her and when we separated I told her.
Virgil: Yes, we're going to baby, but I'm just going to go down to the kitchen and get some breakfast. You're hungry, aren 't you?
She nodded to me and said a little yes then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and then lay down in bed again and hugged my pillow. So cute and I can not believe she's mine.
(Jumpskip in the kitchen)
Virgil: Morning.
Patton: Good morning Kiddo.
Logan: Morning.
Patton: But wait a minute where is Yn, she's okay. She's not sick, is she?
Virgil:Patton breathe YN is okay she's fine. We'll have a quiet day today.
Patton: Awwwww Soooooo Cuuuuuuuute!!!!!
Logan:Okay take it easy Patton it's okay Virgil but remember that when Roman and Thomas come home we'll make a new video.
Virgil: Okey.
(Jumpskip again sorry not sorry).
Virgil: Baby wake upp breakfast.
Yns POV:
Huh I must have fallen asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, and when my eyes had adjusted to the light, and there I saw my nice boyfriend next to the bed with a tray of breakfast.
Virgil: Was it nice to have a little nap?
Yn: It was but there is someone missing next to me.
Virgils POV:
Oh god how cute she is I laughed at what she said then I put the tray aside then I took off my sweater and threw it on the floor. Then I lay in bed next to her side and said.
Virgil:I must make up for it then,
Come here baby.
Yns POV:
He smiled at me and kept his arms open for me. I giggled at him and crawled up to his arms then I gave him a kiss on the lips. Then I put my head on his chest and I felt him put his arms around me. Here I feel safe in his arms. I felt my eyes start to go out again but quickly opened them again because I just remembered the breakfast.
Yn: Virge what about breakfast?
Virgil:It can wait right now I just want to cuddle with my Baby.
I smiled at him and said nothing more I cuddled more into him. Just when I had fallen asleep, he whispered to me (I love you, thank you for being there). And yet I could only think of one thing. No, it's me to thank you for being there, I love you.
My Sweet Emo Boy.
And believe me that breakfast was completely forgotten.
Patton: Omg Logan come and check.
When Logan came, I held a finger and told him to be as quiet as he could. He looked at me strangely so I pointed into Virgil's room and told him to look towards the bed. Virgil held Yn in her arms and hid her face in her hair and they both lay asleep.
Patton:Come on you have to admit that the two of them are absolutely cute with each other.
Logan: Yes Patton I have to admit they are very sweet with each other.
I took out my mobile and took pictures of them, then we left the turtle doves alone. I have to show this picture later to Roman and Thomas.
The end.
Omg the cuteness overloud.
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brandstifter-sys · 2 years
Pomp and Princes
Chapter 2: Knights of the Round               (Ao3)
Word Count: 1247
Rating: T+
Characters: Virgil, Remy, Remus, Roman
Warnings: genderbend, fem!remy, ftm!virgil, nonbinary!remus, mtf!roman, mild sex mention
The night before he has to go on tour, Remy drags Virgil to her favorite duo’s final concert. And he just so happens to catch a certain performer’s attention
Virgil was really busy with work, taking on extra hours to stock shelves. He had to pay for a four month supply of his medication, his part of the rent for the next two months, and food. Remy was fine with handling the rent for the next year if he wanted her to, but Virgil insisted. It was a fun argument. 
On top of all that, he had to learn twelve songs from sheet music. He recorded them when he had them down so he could listen to them while he worked. Remy got sick of hearing them over and over, but she didn't complain. Virgil was a fast learner and he was going to be awesome. But he needed to get out and live a little. 
That's why he was here, front row, by the stage, waiting for the final act with his headphones in. Remy was shaking with excitement, staring at the stage with stars in her eyes. She never did find anyone else to go with her, which meant Virgil was going to have to deal with a late night before his 5am trip. The trunk was packed up with his stuff so that was one less thing to worry about. And Remy only wanted to worry about one thing.
"Virgie can you believe—? We're gonna get to see them so close! And then we get to meet them! Roma and Remus! I'm gonna lose it!" she squealed, aware that she was talking to the air. She didn't mind, she was too busy wondering what the "princes" were up to…
"Call time in three!" a man in a polo and khakis shouted as the twins adjusted their costumes.
"Our last show together," Roma said with a smirk, "Ready?" 
"Me?" Remus asked and wiggled his mustache in thought while he adjusted his collar, "I'm ready for my next tour! Jay got a band together real quick, and he said they're not cis." 
"Not even you!" 
"I'm a marvelous maverique boy and I am going to rock the world! Without dressing like a gay hairdresser on Halloween!"
"Just make it through tonight," Roma said with a sad smile, "And you better send pics of all the places you get to see while I'm stuck in LA filming."
"You're not getting any pics of the people I screw!" Remus teased, making Roma's face scrunch up with disgust.
"Places!" the man in khakis shouted. It was time…
The dim lights in the house dimmed even further and a low hum rumbled from the speakers. Virgil paid it all no mind, but Remy was screaming and jumping as the stage backdrop lit up red and green and two spotlights landed center stage on dense fog. 
"Ladies, Lords, and Non-binary Royalty!" A voice boomed over the speakers, it was a recording of the twins' voices merged to sound like one person but it didn't work too well. The crowd erupted into cheers as ten backup dancers skipped on stage, dressed in fairytale clothes. 
"Your wait is over!" the voice boomed over the music that was picking up. The dancers on stage moved fluidly with the beat while the crowd lost its cool. 
"Oh my god, Virgie! They're starting with 'No Holding Back' I can't even!" Remy squealed, only to find Virgil still listening to his playlist—emo song, song he had to learn, emo song, song he had to learn, and so on. He was just jamming with his eyes closed, so Remy could still live if she pulled an earbud out to gush. But she didn't want to lose her hand. 
Remy didn't bother worrying about her friend, not when the duo of the evening rose up in the middle of the stage. 
Roma and Remus shared a look when the platform stopped and grinned. It was showtime! They strode forward, in sync, past the dancers and to the front of the stage. The crowd went absolutely apeshit! But a certain person in the front row caught Remus' attention as he performed. 
Virgil was too busy to care about the uproar. He was lounging in his seat, mimicking how to move his fingers on the frets for his gig. He didn't notice Remy losing her mind and squealing because Remus was looking their way, more than just once.
Truth be told, Remus was confused, there were so many people who wanted to see Pomp and Princes, so many people who would kill for a ticket, and yet someone who didn't want to pay any attention to the performance was seated in the most expensive seats! And he wasn't even a parent! He was lucky that the oddity wasn't throwing him off—just the guy's hotness. 
Roma was good at subtly keeping him on track through their entire set list, and she did a lot more talking between songs, which Remus was fine with. He was tired and sweaty and he wanted to get out of his costume and find that Gerard Way-looking hottie in the hoodie before he left. 
"Thank you so much for your support and applause!" Roma said after the second last song, "This is as you know, our last performance!" A discontented rumble reached them from the crowd. 
"I know, I know," Remus sighed, "But we're ogre it! We have to move forward. So for our last song, let's make it count. If you know the words, sing along!" 
"Where have all the good men gone and where are all the guards?" Roma sang acapella, "Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising wars?" 
"Isn't there a dark knight, upon a fiery steed? Late at night, I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need!" Remus continued, butchering the lyrics. The crowd went nuts again, everyone shouting at the top of their lungs, one phrase took over the venue:
"Hit it!" 
The music started, rising in a crescendo just like the cheers from the crowd. The backup dancers were in full swing and the twins pulled their prop swords from their belts. What kind of princes wouldn't have a staged sword fight!? 
By this point, Virgil's ipod had died and he was not about to waste his phone battery. He lazily glanced at Remy, who was standing up and flipping out, and then to the stage. 
How those two managed to keep singing in key and in time and then sparring like in the Princess Bride, and then back was beyond him. He was impressed, sure, but he wanted to get out of there and out of his binder, and maybe hit up the nearest diner with Remy. He didn't expect to get any sleep that night anyway. 
"I need a hero!" Roma sang the last line of the song and fell to her knees. Remus was a few feet in front of her, and he charged, prop sword drawn. He leapt onto the air and flipped over Roma while the pyrotechnics near the back of the stage went off, silhouetting the duo. Remus stuck the landing holding his sword in the air with one hand on his hip. The crowd lost it and then the lights went out. 
"Holy shit! Virgie!" Remy screamed and grabbed her friend by the shoulders, "That was like so epic!—Ohemgee, get up! We're going backstage right now!" Virgil pushed her back and got up, rolling his neck with a satisfying pop. 
"Let's get this over with," he sighed. Remy was too happy to really dampen her mood. 
I update this on Ao3 faster than here fyi
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vvirgils · 4 years
Chronicles of Straith #2-The Witch’s Dragon:Chapter 14
Chronicles of Straith #1-Fate’s Door///Chapter 13/Chapter 15//Masterpost
The sun was peeking over the clouds when the ship arrived at port in Chanidy City. Roman and Virgil woke up when the voices of the sailors above them became loud and energetic, the rare sun waking everyone up. After thanking the ship’s captain, the pair left the ship, Virgil levitating the dragon above them. It still slept, deep in the trance Virgil had crafted. Laurus decided to perch on Roman’s shoulder, deciding it was the best view when their owner was occupied. The little dragon slept peacefully in the boat, and he was happy to feel the sun shining on his scales again.
Roman had warned her about the crowded market before they left, and neither the early hour nor the cold wind had dissuaded merchants and customers alike from filling the space.
“So, where do we go from here?” Virgil asked, taking in the bustling marketplace and magical chaos of Canea. “I assume we need to go to the palace and get someone to help us find Lyrwrithe.”
“Yeah, basically. I know people there, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. The palace is right there.” Roman pointed. It was within walking distance, but not an enjoyable one. “I have the royal seal of Straith for identity purposes, and I met the king. They have to let me in,” Roman said, although without Tyler by their side, they felt less certain.
“Okay,” Virgil said. She looked at the market once more. “Is it okay if we go slowly? I know we’re on a tight schedule, but I’ve never seen this much magic before.”
“Sure. We’ve got the time, just don’t take all day,” Roman answered. They remembered the first time they saw this market, how overwhelming everything had been. Now, knowing what it was like, the market was less overwhelming, but only a little.
Virgil talked to several of the vendors, curious about everything. Though the dragon she carried would have stood out anywhere else, nobody batted an eye. A dragon breeder even asked her if she was selling. Virgil asked them about containing dragons, and was told that her sleep spell and perfectly made trap would hold it, but to add another sleep spell for good measure. She asked the woman selling portable balls of light what the spell was, and quickly learned that those sorts of things were trade secrets.
Watching Virgil experience it all was almost better than seeing it for the first time to Roman. They admired her curiosity—not just at the more outlandish things, but at things as ordinary as soap and mood rings that worked with magic. She took all the free samples and trinkets that the stands had to offer, and demonstrated her sorcery abilities when asked “Are you a sorcerer?” No one pressed her about her age, and many commented on Laurus’s cuteness, as if Roman wasn’t holding onto him half the time. She laughed, and was more friendly and social than they’d ever seen her before.
Roman didn’t mind being ignored, but as noon approached, they knew that, in the interest of time, it would be best to get going. “We should head to the castle soon,” they said, trying to gently nudge Virgil away from the market.
“Okay, I’m going to buy a book or two first,” Virgil said, heading to a spellbook vendor. She gave the merchant a few coins for a handsome leather-bound volume, and they were off to the palace.
Unlike Straith, there weren’t any guards around the perimeter, so Roman circled the palace in search of a front entrance. After what seemed like forever— they were both getting hungry— Roman found a small corridor that led into some offices. Roman knocked on the door to one of them, which opened to reveal an unfriendly sorcerer, a cloud of brilliant yellow-white energy surrounding him.
“What do you want?” he said, looking from one of them to the other. “I’m kind of in the middle of something.”
“I’m King—Prince Roman, I’m looking for King Mark. This is my good friend, she’s a sorcerer.” Virgil gave a small wave and smile, not sure what to do.
“Well, if you want the king, maybe you shouldn’t be in here,” the sorcerer said. He took a deep breath, steadying himself to give them a telling-off to go with his glare.
“It’s okay, Matt, they’re with me.” Roman and Virgil spun around to see a tall girl with multicolored hair, turning from orange to turquoise before their eyes. The sorcerer grumbled and closed the door, muttering something about kids these days.
Jessie watched the door close, then turned to the two teenagers. “Roman, what are you doing here? Not that it’s bad to see you, of course, but I didn’t think you would just show up. And who is this?” She pointed at Virgil, looking between the two of them as if trying to puzzle out something. Laurus curled around Roman’s feet, looking up at Jessie with wide-eyed curiosity.
“We’re here to get that dragon— “ Roman pointed to the purple bubble, where the gray dragon inside was, thankfully, slumbering. “To Lyrwrithe, the place you told me about. The thing is, my father wants to kind of…take back the kingdom. He said that I’m unfit to rule because I let that dragon terrorize Archdale, but I managed to negotiate. If I can get the dragon to Lyrwrithe and keep it from terrorizing anyone else within the week, I get to stay king. If I don’t, he —he makes sorcery illegal again. Virgil is um, she’s a sorcerer.”
“Okay,” Jessie said, and Roman could see her thinking it through. “You said you had a week, right?”
“Yeah, so we kind of do need to leave today,” Virgil said, biting her lip. “Any help would be good.”
“I remember Epos’s reign,” Jessie said. A cloud passed over her face, and her hair turned gray. “And I don’t really have anything pressing to do this week, and I know Tyler is really busy. You guys just have to get to Lyrwrithe and back, right?”
Roman nodded. “Yeah, and we need some supplies, but nothing fancy. We were thinking of just taking the Graelen River, all we’d need is a boat and someone to sail it.” They looked at Jessie expectantly, hoping that she could help, or Rafaela was as good as dead.
Jessie took a deep breath, gathering herself. “I don’t want to get your hopes up,” she started, uncertain. “But I might be able to guide you guys there. I do have family that work at Lyrwrithe, but I need to talk to the king first. I can’t just abandon the palace, but I definitely think the world is a better place when Straith allows magic. Plus, I haven’t seen my brother in a while… I’ll talk to Mark, okay? No promises.”
“Thank you so much,” Virgil said, without a touch of sarcasm. “Um, is there anything here to eat?”
“Employee breakroom. Go straight, take a left, second door on your right,” Jessie said, “I’ll go ask the king. See you in an hour or so.” She waved goodbye, and walked to the nearest stairwell, hair changing to electric blue.
Roman and Virgil didn’t have any difficulty finding the break room, and they dug into the soup someone had brought from home. “What’s the book about?” Roman asked Virgil, trying to make conversation to pass the time. They slipped Laurus a piece of meat, knowing the little dragon had to be hungry. He gulped it down.
“History of sorcery,” Virgil answered, turning the volume over in her hands. “It’s got some cool spells in it, too, that’s what the lady said. I… do you mind if I read it now? Just sitting around and waiting makes me anxious.”
“Go ahead, I don’t mind,” Roman said, even though there was nothing for them to do. “You don’t have to ask me.”
Virgil opened up her book and started reading. “Cool.”
Since Roman hadn’t slept well in the boat, and they certainly couldn’t sleep well now, they had seconds of the soup, and tried to look inconspicuous as various people came in and out of the break room. Fortunately, Laurus and the grey dragon helped them fit in, this was the sorcery wing after all.
Going by the clock on the wall, it was about forty minutes before Jessie came for them. She almost ran over to them, a wide smile on her face as she crossed the room to the pair. Virgil looked up from her book when she saw Jessie, looking at her hopefully.
“So, I have good news and bad news,” Jessie said, sitting down next to Roman. “Which do you want first?”
Roman perked up, Laurus running up from their lap to the table. “Good news,” they said.
“No, bad news first,” Virgil said, picking up her dragon and taking him off the table. “Whatever. Just tell us.”
“I can take you guys to Lyrwrithe, but not until tomorrow,” Jessie said, patting Laurus on the head. “You can stay here tonight—there’s some guest rooms—and we’ll leave first thing tomorrow morning. Is that okay?”
“Yeah,” Roman said, a flutter of hope leaping in their chest. “That’s almost perfect. Do we get to eat dinner with the king?”
“Wait, that’s an option?” Virgil asked, looking terrified at the prospect.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourselves, Mark will be busy with other engagements tonight. I think you’ll just get food delivered to your rooms,” Jessie said, her hair shifting from deep black to platinum blond as she twirled it around her finger. “In fact, I can take you to your guest rooms right now, unless you want to spend more time outside the palace.”
“Can we drop our things off at our rooms and then leave?” Virgil asked, running her fingers over the cover of her book. Roman wasn’t big on the idea of going back out into the cold, but with Virgil it wouldn’t be too bad.
“Sure, I can give you a tour, too, Virgil. If you want, that is,” Jessie said, carding her hand through her hair.
“Oh, I think I’d rather visit the market, sorry,” Virgil said, blushing a little with embarrassment. “Let’s go to our um, rooms.”
“Sounds good to me,” Roman said. “To the market we go.”
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Can I get a synopsis of Fem!Dark?
I would but I don't really know how to write a synopsis lol.
If it means summary, then...
Light = Dude
Dark = Gal
Neutral = (Probably) Non-binary
It is up to the side if changing which side they are on if this changes their gender.
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kshira · 3 years
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— first
summary: you’re teased and taunted for being a virgin by the bonten members—their boss decides to take matters into his own hands
tw. fem!reader, teasing from ran & rindou, cursing, dirty talk, virgin!reader, virginity loss! fingering, praise praise praise, body worship, mikey is literally so sweet, fluffy smut, gentle and cute, mentions of creampie, slight pussy drunk mikey, super soft dom! w/ sub! reader
wc. 2.1k
an. for my dearest @drysoup, i honestly let my soul write this <3
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your head usually stays up in the clouds, mind drifting back and forth from your work splayed in front of you to the indentions your nails dig into the keyboard.
quietly tucked into a corner of the bonten building—almost like you're non-existent compared to the vibrant faces flashing through the doors daily.
it’s almost a peaceful job hacking computers, gathering information—until it wasn’t when the most pristine figures appear before you—disturbing your tranquil atmosphere.
“hi pretty” the first one coos, running his nimble fingers through his short locks and leaning over your desk, he toys with your picture frames—ran haitani is mostly distracting, the obvious attraction dripping from his face isn’t enough—the deep, sultry tone of his voice was.
“you look so tense, always workin’ so hard—you should let loose sometimes” ran works his way beside you, sliding a single lithe finger over your shoulder, he leans down to level within earshot “what i’d do to see your cute little face twisted in pain while i split that perfect pussy open with my—” ran pauses, letting your mind fill in the rest.
you shiver, avoiding his touch and raising your eyes to his level “you’re disgusting” you retort, and ran’s smile grows more selfish by the second, “yeah—usually gets pretty messy, y’know? face pressed so hard against your virgin cunt, gotta make you cum at least three times till you can take me,” ran tilts his head to the side watching his brother stand by the sidelines.
“is that right ran? because they usually leave after twenty minutes. i keep them around for hours—begging and crying for more of my cock” rindou walks closer, caging your body into your meager office space.
“virgins are always the best, so tight and perfect” rindou adds, shoving his hand in his pocket while the other leans against the wall, ran steps an inch closer opening his mouth to speak but another voice interrupts him.
“that’s enough” mikey says sternly, glaring at both of the brothers, “go find something else to preoccupy your time, leave her alone” his voice is soft but enmity radiates through it, carried by pure annoyance “if i hear you speak to her again, i swear to fucking god.”
ran and rindou shrugged their shoulders, brushing past their boss as they both find sanzu and target him as their new toy—mikey gently walks closer to you, outstretching his hand to you.
you hesitate to touch him, doe glossy eyes squirming at him “i don’t bite” he laughs, nerves hitting his spine when he feels your warm, soft hand grip his. “t-thank you, manjiro” you reply politely, leveling with his face.
“let me drive you home, don’t want anyone else bothering you” he places a delicate touch to your back, guiding you out of your cubicle and towards the exit.
though you only know mikey from the title laid on his name, nods back and forth as work days started—the amount of trust settled between the both of you, you felt safe—almost like his aurora kept you stationed on this shaky earth.
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“is it true?” mikey turns the volume beating a steady rhythm of his radio down, one hand placed neatly on the steering whilst the other jerks the shifter into third gear. his eyes peek from his raven strands, noticing the subtle movement of your legs.
“is what true?” you ask, innocently craning your head towards him and he twitches, feeling like he’s in the same shoes as the haitani brothers prodding questions that were personal—mikey shakes his head, “nevermind it isn’t important or my place.”
“i am a virgin” you sigh, mikey nervously grips the steering wheel, darting his eyes over to your skirt, hiking higher up your leg, he feels dirty letting thought’s sit in his mind, he shakes them away “don’t worry about it, yeah?”
your silent nod aids his guilty conscience while he turns into the street—headlights hitting the signs till you see your familiar apartments reaching the stars. mikey pulls into a vacant spot, yanking the parking brake and turning to you—you clear your throat, shaky fingers skimming across his arm “manjiro, i trust you” you feel the nervousness rushing through your body, struggling to keep eye contact with his black pupils.
“i want you to—” mikey leans closer, captivating the empty space between your faces, his hands cupping your cheeks “are you sure you want that?” he questions, knowing the answer you’re reeling out to him. he swallows the hard lump stuck in his throat, “i’m not going to lie—that i’ve wanted you in more ways then one since i first saw you but doing this because arrogant pricks pressure you, isn’t right.”
“mikey” you laugh, he furrows his brows in confusion, “since when was i mikey?” your fingers neatly grip against the back of his head, “shut up and kiss me.”
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“breath” mikey whispers, ghosting his fingers over your body—within the timespan of lips connecting from his car to your front door, oxygen was the last thought on your mind.
you hadn’t made it to the bedroom, yet—crashing on the couch while his body crawled over you, laughter filled the room, jokes—weak attempts at cringe pickup lines and it feels more like two lovers stumbling into an old routine rather than your first time.
“can i touch you?” mikey flickers his eyes down between your legs, skirt bunched to your hips while his knee resigned close to your heat but never an attempt to push deeper—without your say so.
“but you’re touching me” your cheeks feel warm, the nerves prickling against your skin, mikey smiles “mh, i mean—” his feathers his pads lower down your leg till he reaches your clothed cunt, “—here.”
he smiles, lips curling upwards to a lazy grin when you gasp, he rubs down your fabric slit—his lips fade into a line parting with puffs of fluttering breaths as he struggles watching your face color peaks of bliss, he likes the way he can go slow—deliberately keep the pace without tipping over to destruction.
mikey usually dives headfirst, gets his cock stuffed so far in a warm set of legs and his back shadows through the door but with you—he can’t help but want to bask in the soft subtle moments, chest filling with warmth while his palm grows wet.
“m-more” you whimper, fingers gripping his shoulder blade and bucking your hips under his hand. mikey smooths down your hair with one hand bending down to press a kiss to your forehead while his other hand dips under your panties.
“fuck, you’re so wet pretty girl” mikey gasp, his finger slipping through your slick folds, “i wanna make you feel good—so fuckin’ good” mikey groans, running his fingers through your juices and drawing a soft circle on your clit.
“manjiro” your voice pulls him from the edge, his fingers messily playing with your puffy clit—the excess coating his lips, “what princess?” he brushes his nose against yours, gaze scanning over your face, “f-feels good, i think i’m gonna—god” you moan out, nails biting at his shoulder, his cock throbs as your coil snaps, heavy breaths exhaling from your lips—hips bucking to the orgasm rushing through your legs.
“you’re so pretty, so fucking beautiful” he hums, slowing his pace when you dwendle from your orgasm, pupils blown out and heavy breathing rising in your chest, “i want you so bad” you squeak, moving your hand over his prominent bulge and palming at it.
and he’s so pretty you think, screwing his eyes shut when you rub harder, fingers gripping his stiff length and rolling your digits over it—whatever you’ve seen of mikey before will never be the same after this, his cold exterior melting in your hands, how he softly whines for more, more of you—just you.
mikey usually fucks where he lays, doesn’t matter if it’s an alleyway, his office desk—the clean, new leather on his car. impatient for a quick fix, yet now he’s pulled along to your bedroom where lips meet, clothes discarded with need and bodies connecting with want.
he sits on the corner of your bed, completely bare with his throbbing cock pumping in his hand and the other on your hip watching your hands cover your body for some shield from his devouring eyes.
“don’t hide from me, you’re everything i’ve ever wanted” he whispers, tugging you closer to him—he gently grabs your wrist and guides your hand to his cock “i’ve never been so fucking hard,” he praises, feeling your warm hand grip him.
“nervous i guess” you whisper back, a deep warmth circling your face and mikey leans his hands forward cupping your cheeks, “nothing to be nervous about angel, i’m here—all for you.”
“come here” he adds, guiding you to the bed and you move to the sheets laying your head snug to the pillows, mikey turns around crawling over your body and settling between your legs. “you’re still so wet” he moans, leaning over with one hand cupping your pussy, nimble fingers making their way inside your clenching hole.
“does it hurt?” he takes the other hand and rubs a thumb across your warm cheeks, “you’re so perfect” he murmurs when you whimper for more, and his fingers make you feel so full—pumping slowly in your tight walls, adding another and scissoring at a slow pace.
“i want you, please” you plead, and he softens, not hearing the words so much—so often from someone, and it makes him feel so powerful, pride filtering his chest when there’s a desire for him and not his money, position or even his own life.
“i know princess and you can have all of me but i gotta make you feel good so it doesn’t hurt, yeah?” he crashes his lips on yours, moving his fingers faster till your toes curl, heels digging against the sheet and your coil burning hot.
“cum for me baby, show me how good i’m making you feel” mikey pulls his hand from your cheek, struggling to find ground at how sweet your perfect pussy sucks him in, he grips the headboard above him, curses leaving his throat when you cream around his digits, soft whispers of his name chanted through your lips.
he knows it’s the hardest part, watching your eyes contort into pain when he sinks his cock in, white knuckling the headboard whilst your tight walls engulf him—he watches, like slow motion dripping across his vision when mikey finally pushes all the way in, the deep breath held tightly in his throat gushing out his chest when he starts to move.
it hurts—a sting of pain throbbing but mikey—treats you like delicate glass, handling you so softly as if the jewel could shatter at any moment and he’d be there—gathering every single piece as his own.
“i can’t stop telling you how perfect you are” mikey gasps, your cunt clenching in response and hands flying up to grip his chest “for you manjiro, all for you” his grip tightens on the wood, “y-yeah princess, all for me” he rolls his hips, pulling your leg higher to your chest pumping his cock deeper in your hole.
the headboard smacks against the wall the deeper he thrusts, cock swelling with his release closing in around his head, “wanna cum for you—fill you up” mikey drags his eyes from his cock splitting your cunt open to your face, swiping his thumb on your bottom lip—feeling your tongue swirl around his digit, he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, tracing his thumb down your bare stomach till he’s at your clit circling it.
“cum for me, let me feel this pretty pussy cum for me—only me” mikey rolls his thumb, angling his cock to hit against your spongy spot, your thighs tremble around his hips and voice cracks with an audible moan, creaming his cock and juices dripping down to his balls.
mikey finally lets go—hard, so fucking hard watching your tits bounce, body crumbling under him, he can’t stop relishing in this feeling—euphoria tacted to his cum filling your hole.
“s-shit” he moans, letting his sensitive cock grind his cum deeper in you, “don’t wanna pull out, s’good for me” he slurs, sloppy strokes and white knocking against his eyes, mikey bends over leaving a sloppy kiss on your forehead.
as much as he hates to pull out, your sluggish eyes tell him sleep has invaded your body—he crawls from above you to nestle behind your body, arms wrapping around you and pulling the covers over both of your bodies.
“do you have to leave now?” you question, gloom hangs above your body, reality settling in your bones. “i want to stay” he whispers, brushing his nose deeper in your neck, “if possible, forever.”
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taglist! — @hertani @toyomitsus @yunxbin @misinfe @my-tasteful-muses @hoebirama7 @mvkimas @shinichirosupremacy @saturnmitsuya @yut-aa-a @manjirosdoll @solzu @passionateuchiha @meena-in-a-nutshell @blueparadis @liquefied-cat @regina-com @notsocoolnana @obitology @sanzuswh0re @wakasa-wifey (strikethrough means i couldn’t tag u!)
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degenerate-otaku · 4 years
Hey guys! This is a Future 17 X fem reader fic I wrote for a friend who didn't want to expose themselves as a simp.
please like and reblog if you enjoy and feel free to send a fic request if you want one, but keep in line it might take me a while, since I have a few to write rn.
Warning: this fic contains smut
There was almost silence in the barren city. Smoke poured into the cloudless sky on that Spring day, which felt warmer than normal. The only downside to that was that you and your family needed more water, so, being the oldest sibling, you went out to fetch water and food.
When entering an abandoned shop, with a stable enough roof, you thought you heard footsteps from inside.
“H-hello?” Your heart pounded.
“Is anyone there?” You looked around, careful not to tread on broken glass or anything useful as you continued walking towards a till, in the hopes that there was anything behind it, since the shelves seemed to have already been ransacked.
Then, someone popped up from behind the till, the sight of them making you tremble.
“Hello, miss...welcome to...whatever the fuck this store is called.” He chuckled, his icy eyes bereft of emotion.
This was Android 17, no doubts about it. You knew that whilst he appeared to be like a normal teenager, he was a cruel cyborg...yet there was something fascinating about him.
You wanted to run, but found yourself stuck to the ground, as if his cold glare had frozen you on the spot.
“Are you hungry?” He asked, almost invitingly. You wanted to nod, but your body still felt stiff.
“What's wrong? Are you...afraid?” His eyes scanned your body, then he smirked.
“You must be...you can't even muster a single word...” He stepped out from behind the till, his eyes not wandering for a second.
Suddenly, he grasped your chin in his hand, which was fairly small and warm...he didn't seem like a cold blooded killer at all. He kissed you, and you just couldn't resist. You couldn't even tell he was a cyborg at all, even when his tongue was in your mouth as you softly moaned. Then, there was a sharp, sudden electric shock, which coursed through your entire body.
He laughed as you recoiled, your hair slightly frizzed up from the jolt, and you remembered who you were dealing with again, returning you to a fearful state.
“Please don't-” You began.
“Kill you?” He cut you off. “Hmm...it would be a waste of a pretty human...I think you'd look much better as a moaning mess on my bed, rather than a blood splatter in an abandoned store...wouldn't you agree~?”
You blushed, realising what he meant. You knew he would kill you if you refused...but you didn't want to throw up at the thought of it, surprisingly, a part of you was rather curious to see how humanoid he was.
You found the strength to nod.
“I'm glad you think the same...whatever your name is.”
“It's Y/N...” You wondered where that courage came from.
“Y/N, huh? Cute...” He smiled, then lifted you up. Being too afraid to protest, you went along with it, letting him carry you as you flew to an extravagant mansion, holding tightly onto him.
Landing at the door, you wondered what kind of things he would do, hating that it somewhat excited you.
17 led you in. It was a huge building, but mostly a mess, with drink bottles, food wrappers and other junk lying around in most places, which didn't surprise you. The androids left most places in terrible states, why would they treat their home any better, especially when it was just some place they stole after killing the owners?
Grabbing you by the hand he dragged you upstairs, taking you into the master bedroom, which you imagined was his, due to the many games consoles on the floor and outfits in the wardrobe.
“Take your clothes off. Now.” He commanded and you did so, feeling a little self conscious and slightly whorish for doing this, besides, the androids had earned a reputation for being deadly beauties.
You stood, not staring him directly in the eyes, fully undressed for him. Glancing at him for a second, his eyes were full of desire, and you could see that he was hard already.
He then made a show of himself, slowly getting undressed for you. His body was not how you expected it to be. He was thin, and actually around the same height as you, and you couldn't help but notice he had some scars.
When he caught you staring at them, he told you to stop before he gave you scars of your own. He instructed you to pleasure him, so you tried to kiss him again and he bit your lip softly before you pulled away.
You decided to kiss his neck, sucking and licking it, then lightly kissed his defined collarbone down to his chest, where you decided to make a risky move by rubbing on and sucking his nipples making him moan gently, a sound you hadn't expected to hear from him but enjoyed.
For a moment you stopped, stunned he could even react in such a way, but he told you to keep going and you noticed how big his dick looked.
Dragging your tongue down his slender figure, all kinds of thoughts popped into your head. You decided to stroke his cock a few times, then use your mouth again, at first licking the tip, then the shaft, then placing your entire mouth around it, going rather slow, causing him to become impatient.
He grabbed your head and shoved his cock into your mouth, causing any sounds you made to be muffled. You sucked his dick, trying your best to please him, for fear of him becoming angry, but also because you hedonistically wanted to pleasure him, so you could earn it in return.
He was basically fucking your throat, his hips jerking involuntarily, God, he had nice hip bones, as well as good thighs, which you grabbed onto to brace yourself, your hands travelling up to his ass, when he suddenly came without warning, his hot seed spilling from your lips and pouring down your throat.
You cleaned his cock with your tongue and savoured the salty taste.
“Wow...someone's a slut~” He teased you, flicking your nose as you wiped your mouth clean. He didn't seem exhausted at all, even though he had blown his load in your mouth and there was a lot to swallow. He didn't even moan your name like you wanted, but you were uncertain if he even knew your name.
He ordered you to get on the bed, which you noted was soft and comfortable, unlike anything you had ever lay on. You rested your head on the pillow and spread your legs automatically when his body hovered over you. His arm pinned both your hands behind your head as he leaned close to your ear and said, “I know you aren't a virgin, you little whore...you better be a good girl, before I have to break you...I don't wanna break my new toy, though~”
“Won't...your sister hear us?” You weren't sure why this was at the forefront of your mind.
“18? No, she's out shopping or whatever...probably fucking someone too.”
Your heart raced as the tip of his dick touched your entrance.
“Beg for it~” He teased you again, rubbing his cock against your dripping wet pussy.
“Please, 17...I wanna be your fucktoy~” You moaned.
“Well...if you insist~” He chuckled lowly then thrusted his cock inside you, making you call out his name already. He was hard and rough, yet his cock was already deep within you.
You begged him for more, even though you could hardly think straight as your tits bounced and your back arched. He called you a dirty slut again and played with your tits, making you whine again.
He flipped you over so he could fuck you harder in another angle, his dick perfectly filling your hole.
"Fuck...you're so tight~“ He groaned as he jerked his hips forward again.
”I-I think I'm close-“ You were able to speak, but he spanked your ass, warning you, ”Not yet...you cum when I say so.“
You could tell you looked like a slut, with your back arched so much, and your eyes rolling up to the back of your head as you panted, trying not to orgasm.
Then he moaned again and with one final thrust, cummed inside you as you yelled his name, orgasming too.
His cum filled your insides and mixed with yours and ran down your inner thighs as he kept thrusting, slower this time, just to ride out the orgasm.
”Shit...no-one's made me cum so easily~“ He praised you just after pulling out.
You collapsed on the bed, your legs too weak and trembly to hold yourself up. Turning, you saw that his face was kind of red, but nowhere as near as your burning cheeks, and he didn't even pant heavily or waste time catching his breath.
He quickly gave you a towel from the bathroom to clean yourself up with and a pill. ”I don't want you getting pregnant...my sister would hate me.“ He remarked, giving you a glass of water to swallow it with.
As you got up and put your clothes back on, 17 went out of the room to get something. When he returned he had a bag full of food and water. The food was mostly snacks, but at least it was something edible and would last for a long time.
”Here's a gift, take it before I change my mind.“ You didn't expect such generosity from him. You sheepishly took the bag and he offered to fly you back to the city.
You agreed and advised him to land discreetly. On the flight, he began to talk to you.
”Just so you know...if I get the suspicion you've been with another man, I'll definitely find them...and kill 'em, got it?“
You nodded.
”Good girl...“ He praised you, making you feel warm inside. ”Now...when you go home...you can't tell anyone about this ok?“ You landed with him as he gave his final warnings.
”I will be back...“ He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, allowing his earring to twinkle in the pink glow of the sunset.
”I promise, Y/N.“
You had to hold back a gasp, but you clearly looked shocked.
”Hm?“ He raised an eyebrow.
”Nothing...I just really can't believe this...you aren't like the person I hear about at all...I didn't think you'd care to remember my name.“ You answered, feeling quite stupid for saying it aloud.
”Y/N...“ The name rolled off his tongue. ”Its fun to say...I wish my name was that nice.“ He smiled for a second, but then scowled, ”Don't get the wrong idea...“
17 turned, said goodbye plainly, then shot off into the distance.
You hoped his promise was genuine.
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satansfavouritesons · 4 years
Be patient with me pt. 3
Pairing:Cedric Diggory x Sytherin Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: trigger: toxic parents & swearing
A/N: I hope this was a satisfying ending also request are open now. I'll post the list of people I write about later
part 1 , part 2
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Did Cedric Diggory just snap at me? Was this real? I couldn't process what just happened, I mean of all people Cedric was the least to get frustrated with a person.
I was currently lying in my bad and getting this kind of stomachache, like I'm not sure how describe them but sometimes you feel so uneasy or you feel regret that you body decides to make the situation even worst for you. I sat up because I didn't want to risk throwing up in my bed because of this weird feeling inside of me. Honestly I can't tell if I'm angry at him or at my behaviour...well he said that we will have a conversation about that tomorrow so it would be wise for to lie down at least for a bit.
When I woke up I start to realise that I have no idea if I should confront him with our last encounter or wait until he is ready to talk about this. Obviously the stupid person I am, I decided to confront him first because I wasn't willing to wait for his Royal ass to find me... but something made me freeze when I saw him sitting at the Hufflepuff table. I couldn't bring myself to walk there and confront him but why? What was I afraid of? And since when am I this nervous around him.
Fuck it, I'll talk to him later and with that I settled down at the Slytherin table. That didn't mean that I didn't shot glances in his direction. Unfortunately I wasn't as cautious as normal so my friend Arthur caught me in the act. "Didn't think you were the type to daydream about a boy"
"I beg your pardon?!", I replied confused.
"Well I have some advice for you, love . Advice number 1. don't make it to obvious otherwise everyone at Hogwarts will find out that you are one of Diggory's fangirls and advice number 2. you better hurry up I heard he is still a virgi-"
before he could go on I needed to take more drastic measures so that's why I slightly hit him with my book.
"Will you shut up for Salazar's sake, I can't recall since when it's any of your business who I find intriguing ?!"
As much as I wanted to wipe Arthur's shit eating grin out of his face, I had other plans. I stood up and wanted to go to the Hufflepuff table but again hesitated which meant I sat back down again. That shit went on for 4 more times before Cedric looked at me. He kept his stare for what felt like an eternity but suddenly broke eye contact and went back to the conversation he had with his friends. What the actual fuck?! When is the right time to talk about it? I inhaled and tried to calm my nerves. I decided to leave the Great Hall and go to the library... I needed to return that book anyway.
Arriving at the library I headed straight to the History section to choose another book. I need to admit the last one was pretty boring. It had alot of details but it surely did focus on the progress of every event rather than the historical events on their own. I hope the next one will be-
I knew exactly who called me and with that turned around, faced Cedric and waited for him to say something.
"I have Quidditch practice in 15 minutes so how about we talk about you know 'the situation' before Herbology class because I have a free period then?" Cedric eyes were hopefully searching for my answer.
"Yes sure".
Great now I need to wait another 3 hours ... I guess since I have some spare time now I could go and head back to my dorm room and sleep for awhile. I really could use some extra sleep. But of course my pathetic fate had other plans.
A letter was lying on my nightstand and as much as I can tell it's a non magical one. That only means trouble because I knew exactly from who this letter could be. I knew I had only had some spare time before meeting up with Cedric but I also knew that if I ignore this letter from my parents I will probably forget it completely which means I can bet my sweet ass that I will have a huge problem because I didn't write them back. So I decided to open the envelope...
My eyes teared up when I finished reading the letter.
'DISOWN' ?! How am I supposed to find a place to stay, a job and proceed with school at the same time? Couldn't they wait until I graduated?! And where... where am I supposed to stay when summer holidays start?I have only 3 more months to figure this out.
It didn't shock me in the slightest that my parents disowned me but it did shock me that they did it before graduation. I was so filling with anger that I didn't realise that I was crying. I went to the mirror and wiped my eyes dry before heading straight to my escape place which is near the Forbidden Forest on a rock because I feared my roommates may return from their classes and I couldn't bear that they see me in this state. The reason why this place is my escape place is because I haven't seen 1 person going here and except for my friends nobody knew that I went there. So I sat down on the cold stone and stared at the Forbidden Forrest.
I didn't even realise how much time has past but regardless of my promise to meet up with Cedric I remained where I was and gazed blankly into the void. So many thoughts crossed my mind right now. No matter if it's about how I'll survive during summer holidays since hogwarts sents all students home or if it's simply about since when my parents stopped caring about me.
I couldn't tell to be honest it seemed like their hatred was always present or at least that's the only memory I have of them. Nevertheless I couldn't possible have a conversation with Cedric in my state of mind. I probably couldn't concentrate on what he says and just ignore him while thinking about my current situation. I'm going to explain myself afterwards right now I need to clear my mind.
But honestly it still shocked me that people don't realise that a child won't fix a doomed relationship. I mean why did my parents decide to keep me anyway if the result would be traumatising and abandoning me. Some people just shouldn't have the right to become parents in the first place.
I wiped my eyes dry and tried to think rationally about my next steps. Maybe if I talked with Slughorn about my situation he would understand and have a word with Dumbledore if it would be possible for me to stay at hogwarts during summer. Slughorn seemed to be a trustworthy teacher so I think I could talk to him ... well so is McGonagall but I don't really have anything to do with her. She just seemed like a compassion, caring teacher but-
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck .
"I thought we meet up before Herbology? I've searched you everywhere and only when your friends told me the places I could possibly find you, I did" Cedric said frustrated.
"I'm sorry Cedric, I didn't feel in the condition to talk. I would have apologised afterwards " I replied but still keeping my eyes on the forrest not daring to look at him.
"Have you- you cried, didn't you? Your eyes are puffy and red... Y/N... if something is bothering you, you should have come to me immediately" Cedric said with a soft voice and placed his hand on my shoulder. My body shivered when he touched my shoulder.
"Sorry I- I didn't want to scare y-"
"It's okay Cedric, you didn't and I know I can rely on you but I-... I don't know...". I could see him frowning and biting his lip from the corner of my eyes.
"Do you want a hug?" Cedric asked hesitantly.
This really caught me of guard and I just looked down on the ground before nodding my head. He started of with an awkward side hug, not knowing if pulling me into a firm hug would be to much but I did exactly that. I swung my arms around his torso and buried my face in his neck and stated to unintentionally sob.
After awhile I calmed down and slowly pulled back because I thought if I kept hugging him I couldn't stop anymore. He was so soft and smelled like honey and chopped wood. It was really hypnotising but also calming.
"Remember when you told me that Slytherins tend to say 'I care about you' instead of 'I love you'? You know I'm not a Slytherin but- Merlin.... Look what I'm trying to say is that I care about you a lot and it hurts me knowing that you are holding on to many unsaid things which is eating you up inside everyday. And I was so stubborn to see that so that's why I got so frustrated with you. I thought you avoided me on purpose or something. I need to give credit to your friends for that because I didn't realise that by myself", Cedric confessed while whipping away my tears from my cheek.
I looked into his eyes and honestly I didn't know what took over me but I pecked Cedric lips for 2 milliseconds and pulled back with wide eyes. Slowly regret started to built up and I felt completely embarrassed. It took Cedric quite awhile to proceed what just happened but he quickly pulled me in another, longer and more passionate kiss.
When we pulled back he pulled me into his embrace and mumbled into my hair
" Please whenever you feel the need to talk to somebody about ANYTHING at all just tell me. I will always be here for you."
This time he hugged me like a fragile glass figure that could break if you hugged it to tight. But I simply hugged him like I never wanted to let him go which results him to tighten his hug.
"I do have something important to tell you but this can wait because I want to enjoy this moment", I replied.
"Whenever you are ready, darling. I'll be patient".
@yourmagestyqueen @3rd-beatle @l0ttadreamz @black-dhalias
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Muse update
Psychos Green and Black have moved over to @sonicspsychos (formerly angstyhouseofoliver ). Joining them will be new muses Virgie (fem Psycho Red) and an oc Supersonic ranger team (with thanks to @do-gooders-and-mad-science for a ranger team drawing). Virgie’s and the Sonic’s bios still are a work in progress, but I wanted to get them up and going.
Also need to change the background image over there as well as the icon, but hey, progress is progress!
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