#femboy data
catboybiologist · 5 months
Do you now, or have you ever, called yourself a femboy?
Curious about something. The initial craze over the exact femboy aesthetic seemed to mostly be from 2019-2023 or so, and is much calmer now. For one, it does seem like it increased the overall, casual acceptance of cis gender nonconformity, but also helped a lot of people discover their own trans identities, whether they were transfemme, nonbinary, or transmascs finding new ways to relate to femininity. Obviously femboys aren't "dead", but they're not the same level of novelty that they were a few years ago.
This is going to be a very, very loose poll, and I know it won't cover every situation. I'm also sorry for making over generalizations! It's difficult to cover every situation. But feel free to let me know your own personal relationship with the term in reblogs and replies!
If these options are confusing, let me know! For example, I would choose "binary transfemme, stopped using the term when I realized I was trans"
Obviously if your experience doesn't cleanly fit in, I would like the best approximation! Eg, if there was a period of time where you used the term post transition, but gradually grew uncomfortable with it, you could choose the same option as me.
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
do you have any thoughts on why there's such a huge disparity in the number of trans feminine headcanons for canon guys, as opposed to the trans masculine headcanons for canon girls?
i'm not trying to start anything, just kinda looking for a opinion from someone who's usually got pretty good insight and takes on stuff like this.
My thoughts rn are that its a combo of
There seem to be more femboy characters that are extremely feminine out there than there are butch women characters that are extremely masculine (or even really that butch...)
Femininity is seen as more interesting in the "oooh shiny!" sense than masculinity. Turning a man into a beautiful woman has a sense of allure because the end product is Pretty Thing, while turning a woman into a man, even a handsome man, is in the eyes of misogyny just ruining the Pretty Thing
In leftist spaces, turning a male character into a woman tends to create less conflict than the reverse? This isn't black and white obviously, there's been whole discourses about transfems "stealing rep" from feminine cis men. But from a cisfeminist perspective, making a male character transfem means you take an otherwise privileged character and use them to create rep for women, specifically marginalized women. The reverse, however, means taking female representation and making them male, which creates a lot of complex questions around marginalization and how transmascs fit into the schema. And generally when transmascs make people have complicated confusing feelings they don't react well.
Transmasculine erasure means that people just straight up do not think about transmasculinity and that covers a range of sins.
But that's what I've thought could be behind the disparity. I think its probably largely subconscious too, and there could be a whole ton of other things influencing that data so don't take this too seriously.
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Society for the last five years (and counting)
Public health: Hey, so we're tracking this new trend of ovens possibly burning people. It seems bad, we're gonna need more data.
Scientists: On it, we're gonna learn about the oven and what causes burns.
Government: Okay, here's what they're saying about ovens and how not to get burned. Let's shut everything down until this burning passes and then we can go back to normal.
Libs: YES! You can do your part and flatten the curve so we can reduce the amount of burns!
Conservatives: I'm sticking my head in the oven. Y'all don't own me, you libtards! Even if the oven can burn you, I'm wearing this super special glove.
Scientists: That glove is for checking horse prostates. Don't do that.
Government: Actually, if you inject yourself with gasoline, you'll clean that risk of burns right out of your skin.
Scientists: Don't. Do. That.
Libs: We trust science! We care about people! They don't! Let's stay strong, people!
*months later*
Corporations: Hey, so, our profits-
Government: Say no more, fam. We got this. PUT YOUR GRANDMA IN THE OVEN FOR THE ECONOMY.
Libs: Look how callous they are! We're the good ones.
Public health: Actually, needing to be careful when operating ovens has been SO hard on the American people. You can use the ovens without mittens for a bit as a break.
*a year of rolling back measures*
Corporations: BUT MUH PROFITS
Government: Okay, y'all. This is cute, but go back to work. Tell them to go back to work. Public emergency's over.
Public health: Look, some people are gonna get burned using the oven. Mitts are cute but it's really about your personal risk tolerance. So just let those people get burned, they'll die off and we'll be good as new.
Science: Actually don't do that. Our data's clear, here's all the ways to get burned and here's how serious those consequences can be. Wear oven mitts. But we have this vaccine now and it WILL HELP. But we're not sure what the efficacy is yet. So let's be cautious until we have more data.
Public health: You hear that? Vaccines. Yummy, get them so we can be done with this!
Conservatives: God damn it, they're all tryna give us the pokey-jabby-stabby to try and convince us the earth is ROUND, to be liberal femboy sissies and get gay autistic married transes. FAUCI PLANDEMIC HOAX KILLARY CLINTON AND SLEEPY JOE. DON'T DO IT.
Libs: We trust the science! We're gonna get the jabby pokey stab and then we're done! No more mitts.
Science: Well, actually-
Libs: SEE WE'RE DONE! All vaxxed and relaxed. We trusted the science and now it's over! Back to normal! I've been DYING to do some baking. My mental health was so terrible when we couldn't use the ovens!
People following the science who don't want to get burned: Hey, I actually really liked baking too. But I can't really do it safely since there's not oven mitts anywhere and now people are just cooking with flamethrowers. That's not really safe.
People following the science: But you just said the isolation was bad for mental heal-
Government and corporations: Excellent.
*A few years later*
Society: New mystery burns are popping up here and there and they seem to revolve around a kitchen???? What's going on???
Government: It's nothing, shut the fuck up and go back to work. We beat the ovens.
Society: Okay!
Science: Actually, the vaccine DOES significantly reduce the likelihood that the burns will kill you, but you can still get burned, others can get burned, and you can still have long term health-
Public "health": No, yeah, it's nothing. Some people are gonna get burned. And that's bad, but also like inevitable? Make sure you wash your face before operating an oven.
Libs: It's all about personal risk tolerance. I'm not going to live in fear with oven mitts anymore! I NEED TO BAKE.
*months later*
Society: Why's everyone getting burns constantly?
Lather, rinse, repeat.
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catnip-kitty · 7 months
Why Gay Sex is Dialectic, an Essay
As a petite proletariat (twink) who reads theory, I was pondering the nature of homosexuality in terms of dialectical materialism, in particular, how gay sex fit into Engel's three laws of dialectics.
Just as Engels posits that internal contradictions or tensions drive change in the law of unity and conflict of opposites, the same could be said for the homoerotic tension of a top-bottom relationship. While tops and bottoms appear to exist as binary oppositional roles, they coexist internally within a relationship. While the duality may give rise to differences in preferences, desires, and dynamics these differences can be resolved through negotiation between the partners. The act of say gex, is thus, the ultimate act of such negotiation, a synthesis of contradictions.
Furthermore, the law of the passage of quantitative changes into qualitative changes could be seen the complications to that top-bottom dynamic. The roles of tops and bottoms can be redefined through the process of negotiation. In fact, surveys from Autostraddle [1] show that the majority of people in a gay relationships are switches, not strictly tops or bottoms. This indicates that the physical designation of top or bottom is thus the result of an accumulation of decisions and preferences, culminating in the qualitative dynamic. This is exemplified by the ways in which masculine-feminine attributes or sub-dom dynamics play a role in gay sex — these attributes, which can be seen as mostly qualitative assignations are the result of the accumulation of quantitative changes.
I would further propose that, through the collaborative dialectic process of negotiation, the social dynamics of gay relationships can change, including that top-bottom dynamic. Engel's law of the negation of the negation captures these changes precisely. The traditional associations between masculinity and feminity, subordination and domination are, to an extent, being subverted in many 21st gay relationships in contrast to the strict gender roles seen in Greco-Roman times [2] or the Tokugawa period [3]. For example, I want a femboy to top me. Whether through the process of resolving contradictions in homosexual intercourse, the top-bottom dynamic or between other qualitative attributes, the process of negation and transformation dialectically results in a more egalitarian understanding of say gex. This is the socialist means of reproduction.
In conclusion, gay sex is praxis.
[1] Riese. “Tops, Bottoms, Switches: One Last Look at All the Survey Data.” Autostraddle, 7 Aug. 2018, www.autostraddle.com/tops-bottoms-switches-one-last-look-at-all-the-survey-data-424953/. Accessed 3 Mar. 2024.
[2] Hubbard, Thomas K. Homosexuality in Greece and Rome : A Sourcebook of Basic Documents. Berkeley, Univ. Of California Press, 2010.
[3] Leupp, Gary P. Male Colors : The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan. Berkeley, University Of California Press, 2011.
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valrvn · 1 month
(long post warning)
I AM NOT A SCIENTIST, I AM A HUMANITIES BITCH. My math skills are limited, and I have no training on processing/presenting this sort of data. I am also one person with a shitty laptop, an unreliable internet connection, and a very busy personal life. Take all of this with an extremely large grain of salt.
Participants are self-reporting. They may not know for sure, they may be wrong, they may be lying. I took everyone here at their word. I tried not to extrapolate much from what they were saying, because I do not want to misrepresent what they said.
I will be covering why people thought they developed this fetish in a later post because this is already too long.
Gender of Participants
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*According to a 2024 survey, 1.14% of American adults identify as transgender, while 1.52% do not identify as male, female, or trans (some of whom identified as Non-Binary.) That makes the presence of trans and non-binary participants VASTLY disproportional to the American average. I'm sure some of it can be explained by younger people being more likely to identify as not cis, and younger people using the internet far more than the older generations. I also read a paper once that suggested the internet was responsible for the development of more niche fetishes. It's also possible that trans people are more likely to be comfortable engaging with communities surrounding 'deviant' sexual interests because they've already been labeled 'abnormal' (BUT THESE ARE ALL JUST GUESSES). What I theorize is that, because pregnancy is inextricable from sex organs and gender rolls, trans people (ESPECIALLY AFAB trans/non-binary people) are more likely to have those early, strong emotional reactions to pregnancy that seem to develop into fetishes. I'll get into this more on my next post.
*cis women outnumbering cis men was not something I was expecting, but makes sense, since young girls often have to think about pregnancy much sooner than boys, and it threatens to have a much greater impact on their life.
*in retrospect, I wish I'd included a question on how the participants found the survey, since knowing might help explain the disparity between trans and cis people.
Sexuality of Participants
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*most (but not all) of the people who chose "other" wrote in an ace-spec identity not included in the above choices (ace lesbian, demi-sexual, etc.,)
Content of Fetish Material Consumed
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*the vast majority of participants selected multiple answers, the exception to this was straight cis men, who often only selected the 'Cis Female Pregnancy' option (a small percentage of this group also answered femboys). The minority of straight cis men who chose other options most often fantasized about becoming pregnant themselves.
When the Fetish was Developed
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*One person wrote in that they didn't believe children could have fetishes. Their entry was shortly followed by one from someone who described frequently masturbating to fantasies surrounding pregnancy at the age of 5. This isn't important to the overall data, I just find it funny.
How Great a Role does the Participants' Fetish Play in their Achieving Arousal?
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How Great a Role does Sex Play in the Participants' Fetish Related Fantasies?
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Did the Participants' Pregnancy Fetish Play a Role in their First Time Experiencing Arousal?
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*most of the "it's complicated" answers were people who couldn't remember their first time experiencing arousal.
That's the basics down, stay tuned for a breakdown of why people think they developed their fetish.
(will be linked when post is done).
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gacha-incels · 2 months
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the otome gacha “Love and Deepspace” made a shit ton of money last month and apparently it scared the guys on gachagaming so shitless their thoughts instantly went to “being replaced by sexbots” for some reason. Does this happen when any all female gacha or female banner would top the charts? No, I’ve never seen women immediately make paranoid posts about being replaced with sexbots when this happens or discussing “well it made money, BUT….” I’ve seen men think women will freak out en masse about the thought of being replaced by some “sexbot” but I’ve never seen it actually happen, at least not as much as men freak out and think it’s the end times when like…a gacha game with a male cast makes a lot of money. It’s very telling.
I posted this here for a few examples in english/more western SNS of what we’ve been seeing while looking at the specific incel groups in South Korea and to a lesser extent China recently. Some of the posters may even be from those communities, in which case it’s also worth it to note how these ideas may travel from community to community. A big one is “this doesn’t count because the money is actually not even from women to begin with it’s from (male in her life)” - in this way it doesn’t matter how much or how little the game makes, the financial success will always be due to the powerful finances of a man. they flatter themselves thinking they own the industry in this way, even the games that pander to women. Newer ones I’m seeing are “actually it only makes this much money because men can spend on different gachas/vtubers(?)/games and this is the only thing women can spend on,” and “women are really hard to market to that’s why no one does it” - the first one you can tell is coping. the second one is also ridiculous as the reply says, women spend on male character banners and merch like crazy and the data is, again, right in front of you. The panic of “I hope this doesn’t catch on globally 😰😰😰” from the OP in one of the replies is funny but reminiscent of the “(if there are) men don’t play (the game)” fear of “genshinification” of gacha where male characters pandering to female players will be increasingly be added to gacha games.
Finally (and I’ve mentioned this in previous posts)I added the last one because it’s something I’ve witnessed frequently in all of these “communities,” if there must be male characters in the game they need to be “manly” and “masculine” - these things meaning looking strong, buff, built “proper men.” they will describe Genshin/mihoyo male characters as “femboys” or “twinks”, on a related note I have no idea how that term has gotten so far away from its original meaning and community that these anime nerds throw it out left and right like it’s nothing. You are probably looking for the term “bishounen”. anyway this poster says “women want masculine men” and I’ve seen a lot of guys say this regarding these games though the data absolutely does not show it. this is just the type of male design that they want because the bishounen male that panders to women in “their” game makes them uncomfortable. Look at the male characters who are designed for women in these games. Project Sekai, Ensemble Stars, Genshin, etc. they’re typically lithe and beautiful, mischievous, cute looking. Look up the type of fanart women and girls from a big target market like China make on Lofter, they’re not making these guys in the western ideal of “proper masculine man.” But frequently I see guys pretending the majority of women hate these types of designs that they actually hate. I mean you can already tell what kind of guy this is when he writes “modern woman is not feminine” lol. But there is absolutely a consistent hatred shared between all these men from different communities on male characters that pander to women in this way, part of this is definitely hating the fact that this character has been made for the female audience who they don’t even want playing the game.
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oz-me · 10 months
Are you a femboy? the correct answer is "Yes"
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 7 months
How are you feeling about The Great Tumblr AI Debacle? (AKA scraping the website for content with an automatic opt-in and a fairly well-hidden opt-out button, because of fucking course they did.)
Personally, I see an upside: Imagine the sheer amount of twinky femboy admech content it's being trained on. Can the AI gain sapience and decide it wants to be a pretty boy? Can we get our own cute twinkarii IRL? One can only hope.
I think that data scraping shitty generally, and I think that data scraping for the purpose of giving it to generative AI companies so they can attempt to further torpedo the creative industry is even shittier. I wish everyone involved in that garbage a very fall into a pool filled with fire ants.
Also, the opt out thing is probably performative, and they’ve likely already been sharing your data for ages. So yeah, op out, because fuck ‘em, but also understand that it’s a fully limp gesture on their part.
The AI can’t gain sapience either, I’m afraid. AI is fairly common in tech (Google search suggestions and YouTube algorithms are both a form of AI) and generative AI is no closer to being “smart” or sentient than any of the others. There is no creative or intelligent process going on; it’s just spitting mishmashes of other peoples’ words/art at you. It is incapable of contextualising anything for itself, or creating something of its own volition.
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vizthedatum · 8 days
I think in parentheticals (and I write like that too)
In the garden of my mind, thoughts bloom wild and free, a tapestry of code and art, a symphony of me. (Brushstrokes of no-thoughts femboy Bengali dreams) Neurons fire in patterns, complex beyond compare, as I navigate this life with logic and flair. {My mind: a codebase of evolving truths} [Data points scatter, t-tests confuse] --Sensory overload interrupts my stream of-- /*TO-DO!!! Refactor life for optimal growth*/ |grep for joy| |in life's terminal|
A canvas of brackets, ideas intertwine, functions and objects, in chaos align. /*FIX ME!!!!!!! Catch exceptions thrown by society*/ |stdout of trauma| |stdin of healing| Confidence intervals stretch far and wide, as গোলাপ্রী blooms, with so many colors inside. {Functions intertwined? Objects undefined?} [Omg, what if logistic regression predicts my fate?] I am able to visualize the complexity within, as p-values in my field irritate me from under my skin. (Artistic visions lazily swirl with wanton scientific precision) --consciousness, a synesthesia of ideas--
{while(true) { explore(self); } // Infinite loop} In loops infinite, I explore lessons of my soul; all your null hypotheses rejected! Hah, I'm extraordinary and whole. /*I DARE YOU: Try to do five weeks of work in one morning*/ [Is it valid to try to see if ANOVA reveals the variance of me?] (A canvas of brackets, a masterpiece of neurodiversity) Opening tags of 'they', closing with 'he', in this markup of life, I'm finally free.
--tasting colors of code, hearing shapes of data-- /*NOTE TO SELF: Embrace the chaos of your own source code*/ |Pipe delimited| |thoughts flow through| {R ((THANK YOU GGPLOT2)) attempts to visualize the complexity of my being} Reality bends, a Möbius strip of thought, where logic and emotion are intricately wrought. [Observed Rose vs. Expected Rose, let's try a chi-squared goodness of societal fit test] (Palette: deep indigo, soft lavender, rose pink)
--LaTeX equations describe emotional states-- /*WARNING warning WARRRNNINGG: Potential infinite loop in intellectualization and self-reflection*/ |Filter noise| |amplify authentic signal| {Machine learning dreams, AI nightmares} As matrices model my unique faceting, while watercolors blur lines of binary thinking, (Each brushstroke - a deliberate step towards ease and self-realization) --Thoughts branch like decision trees, recursive and wild-- /*TO DO!!!! Optimize for radical self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, and growth*/ |Compile experiences| |into wisdom| {function authenticSelf() { return shadow.integrate(); }} In this experiment of existence, I hypothesize. [Will they date me if I Spearman's rank correlation my traits?] Data structures cannot possibly contain the potential of my rise. (Art and science are just two interrelated hemispheres of one brain
{function adhd_brain(input: Life): Experience[] { return input.events.flatMap(event => event.overthink().analyze().reanalyze() ).filter(thought => thought.isInteresting || thought.isChaotic); }}
--Stream of consciousness overflows its banks-- Clustering algorithms group my personality as one. Branches of thoughts, but with just one distraction, it's all gone! /*NOTE: That's okay. Cry and move on.*/ |Filter noise| |amplify authentic signal| {if (self == undefined) { define(self); }} Hypothesis: I contain multitudes, yet I'm true. [Obviously, a non-parametric me needs a non-parametric test: Wilcoxon signed-rank test of my growth] (Ink and code flow from the same creative source: me) <404: Fixed gender identity not found>
As thoughts scatter like leaves on the floor. [So if my words] [seem tangled] [and complex] [Maybe I'm just a statistical outlier] [hard to context] --Sensory input overloads system buffers--
/*END OF FILE… but the thoughts never truly end*/ /*DO NOT FORGET TO COMMIT AND PUSH TO GIT*/ {return life.embrace(chaos).find(beauty);}
Rose the artist formerly known as she her Pri
~ গোলাপ্রী
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brightgreendandelions · 9 months
a question to all the german femboys out there: do you know where i can get 2024 covid data for Germany. all the usual websites just say 'no data' for more and more countries after mid 2023
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steampunk-phenix · 4 months
I have wondered on this question for a while, seeing more and more straight femboys feels weird and I wanted to gather data.
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tyrranux64 · 1 year
"Masked Killer Echo"
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Fredrick “Frisk” Mercury {MASKED KILLER ECHO} [Marc Soskin]
Caucasian American, age 20, femboy, gay. 5 feet 3 inches. An all in one sex machine that can rock your world for the right price. Spunky, perky, dazzling, alluring, passionate, tenacious, professional butt chugger, consistent five star rating……and homeless. Living off the streets of Providence City not even allowed to stay at a hotel unless he’s with a client, having to give up 80% of his earnings to his pimp Valentino Vox, left with barely enough to eat for a given week. Not to mention he has to keep taking vaccination for the sexually transmitted Hellfire Disease which gives him constant hot flashes in his neither regions if he doesn’t keep up with treatments. It is a horrible life bar none. The only thing that keeps him going is his adopted sibling Chrost Matoi, this little genderless brat that just dropped into his life about three years ago and became his best friend. In caring for Chrost he found new purpose, the very purpose that made it possible for him to don the Masked Killer Bat Driver becoming the notorious gentlemen thief Echo.
[MASKED KILLER ECHO] {Laura Bailey} -Vicious Driver [BAT]; A predominantly bluish black outer armor further amplifying the femboy’s feminine build, granting him the unique speed and finesse of a catwoman. Height does not change in this form. His affinity for music has twisted the sound based capabilities of the Bat Driver, mutating them from mere sound based abilities to more drastic influence over the very wavelengths of reality itself letting him stop time in short controlled bursts! -{SKIP}- Instantaneously fast forwards time about 6 seconds in a manner much like jump cutting. -{PAUSE}- A full on time stop that lasts for up to 6 seconds. -{REPLAY}- Instantaneously rewinds time back about 6 seconds in a manner much like jump cutting. -{MUTE}- Nullifies all sound for 6 seconds thereby rendering the very concept of causality null and void, for example, attacks from enemies don't do any damage. Using any of these time based abilities will tax Echo greatly, using them too much could endanger his life.
-Overkill Core [WIDOW]; A red and blue inner armor that grants him the ability to spin seemingly infinite webs from his fingertips. Not only that it grants him the ability to shrink down to the size of a quarter increasing his molecular density and magnifying his strength to Herculean. He can only sustain this shrunken form for at least 30 seconds.
THE MASKED KILLERS Augmented humans wearing quantum mechanical biotech armors that all but make their biology inhuman. Easily identified by their monstrously shaped graffiti like eyes and having no mouth or nose. Originally created by an underground criminal empire known as Shade for the purpose of being an elite assassin taking out police forces, political targets and “undesirables”. But then came the first Masked Killer Echo who destroyed Shade leaving the Masked Killers without a master, the technology thus vanishing into the underworld for anyone to find and use to their own ends.....
-Vicious Driver; A distinct belt with a unusually large buckle like device, pumped full of viviparous animal genomes via internal quantum quartz data chips. This provides the quantum mechanical Ambrosia energy that encases the user in a fully developed battle armor giving them strength and abilities beyond imagination.
-Overkill Core; A concentrated pocket of oviparous animal genomes digitized and crystallized into a perpetual energy battery. Once plugged into the Vicious Driver, the Masked Killer is brought to life, giving them specific elemental capabilities indicative of the oviparous genomes stored in the core.
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clangpan · 1 year
Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Glistening like city lights, yet shifting and duplicating in a mimicry of cellular automata, choreographed by their DNA of zeroes and ones, finally settling into the shape of a thicc furry femboy on my screen.
It’s a beautiful thing, I believe. How about you?
Sounds lovely
I don't see it working well under the current capitalist worldspace tho lol
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limbobilbo · 1 year
Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Glistening like city lights, yet shifting and duplicating in a mimicry of cellular automata, choreographed by their DNA of zeroes and ones, finally settling into the shape of a cute fox femboy spreading his asshole on my screen.
It’s a beautiful thing, I believe. What do you think?
Sounds kinda hot ngl
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scruffyssketchbook · 2 years
I know that Miku is trans, but this was established and she "transitioned" in an albeit messed up way, before even the first comic. But will we see a character going through stages of gender exploration in the comic? Many people suggest Bolt as being a femboy, and I can see that, but I can also see potential for a wholesome self-love arc revealing Bolt as trans, I think that'd be cute :) (also as an extension to the main question, will we get a non-binary character, or no cuz pokemon rules?)
Author chan: Miku was trans before the lab, tho I do agree that it’s super messed up how she physically transitioned. Non binary Pokémon characters are hard to do because the gender of a Pokémon is kind of there for all to see in their data, so instead. I just don’t have any. Because, in the PC, you can express yourself in anyway you want without much judgement, especially because no one can have kids in the PC, So there are many characters who do fall under non-binary, but just are not called non-binary, if that makes sense.
Like. there isn’t really a need for said term since gender and gender expression in the box isn’t as polarized as it is in our irl world, if an eevee wants to go by any pronouns they want, they can, if an eevee wants to be gender fluid, they can. Their data will just always have their gender at birth (unless someone changes it to the opposite- which. Changes said eevee to the opposite)
As of Bolt, I have plans for him. Not trans plans, but plans.
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rpking99 · 5 months
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Zero (genderswap)
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Fairy Leviathan
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Battle Network
Megaman.exe/Hub Hikari (will be reffered to as Hub)
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The dead son of Doctor Hikari, twin brother of Lan. Megaman is the main protagonist/shared Protagonist of the Battle Network timeline. And he be a subby femboy
Dark Megaman.exe (will be reffered to as Rock)
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Dark Megaman is a clone made from all of Hub's self doubts and negative emotions given form. Still a femboy, but still rather dominant.
Mayl Sakurai
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Mayl is a music student in DenTown. A bit of a Tsundere she is very kind, gentle but with a quick temper
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Roll is the Navi of Maylu, a high tech program that acts as a friend and assistant. She is excels in data management and analysis. A kind, bubbly, data being who lives in the Cyber World
Empress Roll.exe/Devil Roll.exe
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Empress Roll is a corrupted version of Roll. When influinced by something like the Devil Chip, this form of Roll is born. Gone is the sweet innocent Navi, replaced by a Virus in Navi form. Sadistic, cold and cruel. You bow to her feet your face her whip~!
Ms Madd/Maddy/Madoi Iroaya
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Bass is the mighty warrior of the Net. The deadliest Navi, a solo beast that hungers for battle. And secretly longing for companionship.
Ms Mari(?)
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Princess Pride
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Medi.exe/Meddy.exe/Meddi.exe (why does she have three official dub names, Capcom?!)
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Medi is a nurse type Navi partnered with a NetOp called Jasmine, but I just write Medi. She is very hard headed despite her job as a nurse. Dedicated to helping people, this nurse of the cyber world is very focused on making new medicine
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Slut is canonically 'above gender' and non-binary. And to go with this I headcanon them as being intersex, with both parts.
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Hope Stellar
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Sonia Strum/Harp Note
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Luna Platz/Queen Ophiuca
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Total Muses: 22
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