#fennec shand/reader
writerlyhabits · 2 years
Hello, may I request a one-shot of the Mandalorian x Reader who somehow gets frozen in Carbonite during a fight, then wakes up blind with the Carbonite sickness? I'm a sucker for that kind of hurt/comfort stuff :)
Listen, I lost my creative juices halfway through this, and didn’t get them back for quite a while… 😬 So I’m sorry that this has taken so long, or if it’s not really all that good, but I’m kind of happy to just throw it into the abyss and let you guys have it 😂😂
Thanks @deceiverofgodss for suffering through this with me, ily 💛
Pairing: Din Djarin x female reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: hurt/comfort 💛, carbonite sickness, temporary blindness, brief mention of canon-level violence, sweet loving soft amazing Din, the helmet comes off 👀, Grogu is heartbreakingly adorable, I think that’s it? 
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At first, all you could feel was cold. Biting and endless, you couldn’t decipher any other feeling than the all-consuming cold seeping from your bones. 
Then there was a warmth… was it warm? It was certainly warmer than the hell you’d been in, that had to count for something. A firm grip held you close, cradling you into their chest as you laid sprawled against their lap on the ground. As the feeling in your body gradually came back – or maybe your brain was just starting to thaw out – you recognized the warmer surface that was pressed against you in so many places. 
The next thing to hit you was the smell of leather and fire, a smell you were no stranger to. The smoke that rose off of weapons you handled in your day-to-day life, and the buttery smoothness of well-worn leather gloves that were smoothing over your cheeks, filling your nostrils with the familiar scent. Gloves you’d felt caress your skin countless times before. 
It started quiet, the muffled sounds of the world around you. A deep voice was speaking, accompanied by soft footsteps making quiet clangs against the metal flooring beneath you. How many people were here? Where were you? 
You felt your brows furrowing as you tried to focus on the sounds filtering through your ears, and you gave an experimental tilt of your head to see what kind of motion you could pull off. It was very slight, but it was movement. It was probably only noticeable to whoever was holding you if they were paying very close attention.
“Mesh’la? Can you hear me?” You made out, the voice above you laced with concern and panic. 
You opened your eyes slowly to let whatever light beyond your eyelids filter in slowly, allowing your body to take the recovery process one step at a time. 
But the light never came. 
Maybe your eyes weren’t open?
“I told you she’d be alright, Djarin,” you heard in a thick accent from a few steps away. “She’s a fighter.” That gruff voice was Boba’s for sure, but you still had no way of confirming what you were hearing. Were your eyes just… adjusting? 
“Make yourself useful and figure out how to get more light in here, she can’t see anything,” Fennec’s unmistakeable lilt snarked, and with an amused grunt fading away with matching footsteps, you knew she’d thrown her jab at Boba. Yes, more light. That’s all you needed, everything was going to be alright. 
“Talk to me, how do you feel?” Din said above you, and you realized you hadn’t acknowledged him in your confusion. You made an effort to use your vocal cords, a few experimental groans coming out before you could manage any words. 
“I feel… tired.” You heard a quiet, shaky laugh come out from under Din’s helmet, and it didn’t take much longer before you felt the familiar Beskar of his helmet on your forehead. You steadily lifted one of your arms to reach for him, your body still coming back to temperature, and he met you halfway. If your eyes weren’t already closed, they were now as you savored the feeling of his hand in yours, how irrationally warm it made you feel to have Din wrapped so tightly around you. 
You heard Fett’s distant sound of triumph and a sputtering of electrical devices in the room around you. When Din slowly lifted his helmet, you attempted to open your eyes one more time. 
“There she is,” Fennec sighed, and your stomach flipped. “How’s the light, is that a little bit better?” She asked gently. 
You still couldn’t see anything. 
“Mesh’la… what’s wrong?” Din’s voice was quiet, smooth. Like he was trying to keep himself calm in order to comfort you. “Hey, look at me, I’m right here.” Your heart jumped to your throat, your head beginning to spin when you thought about how impossible such a simple task sounded when all you could see was black. 
“I… I can’t,” you whispered, unable to stop the quiver as you finished speaking, the panic starting to set in. You didn’t know where you were trying to go but your body went into overdrive, legs scrambling for some kind of leverage to sit yourself up. Before you could go far, Din’s hand squeezed yours a little tighter, the arm wrapped around you firm as he pulled you into a sitting position while keeping you curled up against his chest. 
“You can’t what?” Din’s voice was too calm, it was unsettling. Usually knowing that he was able to keep his calm in a less-than-ideal situation would be comforting to you, encouraging you to do so yourself and realize that you were okay. But it had never been this bad before. He wasn’t going through what you were. It was easy for him to find his calm, he could still see. 
“The bounty… what happened? What did he do to me?” You settled for, working yourself up as your brain reeled for an answer, an explanation, any morsel of a solution. 
“Easy princess,” Boba said from across the room. “Take it one step at a time, comin’ outta Carbonite isn’t as easy as taking a clam from a Gungan.” 
Carbonite… you could vaguely piece together a memory of fighting. Some slimy bounty you and Din had picked up as a side job on your way to Tatooine to visit with your friends in Mos Espa. What was supposed to be a standard grab-and-go mission had turned complicated fast. 
“You held your own,” Din’s voice said above you, no doubt watching you try to remember. “He caught us by surprise and managed to kick you back into a carbonite freezer. There was no way you could’ve seen him coming.” 
As he said it, the memories came back to you. Stalking around a dark warehouse beside your Mandalorian, lights scanning for any sign of movement. You’d heard a clang come from beside you, and before you could alert your partner that you were going to check it out, you’d been knocked against a metal container. You were able to process hissing sounds as your head stopped spinning, and as you shouted back out to Din, you watched him tearing to get to you before everything went cold. 
“How… how long was I in there?” you tried quietly. 
“A few hours at the most,” Fennec answered. “Mando reached out to us pretty quickly, and as Daimyo of Mos Espa, getting clearance wasn’t an issue. When we got there, Djarin was rooted to the spot next to you with a dead Trandoshan not too far off.” 
“We thought it’d be best if we defrosted you here at the palace,” Boba chimed in. “Give you time to acclimate without rushing you outta there.” Then there was a familiar gurgle, small noises that went directly to your heart. “And give the little one a chance to run around.” 
“But he’s been too worried about you to go anywhere,” Din reasoned softly. It was hard to tell if your eyes were still open, but you could feel the tears coming nonetheless at the thought of Grogu waiting patiently beside you. 
“Can I..” You wanted to ask if you could see him, but that seemed like a redundant question. “Where is he?” You heard the hesitant thump of Boba’s boots against the metal floor as he approached you. 
“Hold out your hands, mesh’la,” Din urged, releasing your hand while keeping you close. You did as he said, and before you could ask why, you felt a familiar weight being set in your arms. 
There were little hands on your cheeks and Grogu’s familiar gurgle of attempted words that were usually matched with his little toothy grin… What little restraint you had was shattered, and you felt the tears welling up in your eyes, and start to roll down your cheeks where they collided with your foundling’s fingers. Din pulled you closer as you cried, and you curled into him with Grogu in tow. 
“Why can’t I see, Din?” you whispered, and you heard how broken your voice sounded. It at least matched the way you felt; broken. 
“Carbonite takes its toll,” Boba started, and you felt Din’s body make a small, quick movement. You could only guess that he’d snapped his head up at the daimyo’s dramatic choice of words. “I just mean that there are usually side effects… but I’ve seen people come outta carbonite after weeks and turn out just fine.” 
“So… how long will it take me to get my vision back?” you choked, trying to put a stop to the stream of emotions that continued falling as you listened around you. Din’s leather-clad hands rubbing soothing patterns into your back was definitely helping on that front. “If I get it back.” 
“Don’t say that,” your Mandalorian’s firm voice countered. “You weren’t in there long. Your body will recover.” 
“He’s right,” Fennec piped up. Not being able to see where your party stood in the room was proving to be a strange sensation, figuring out where the speaker was in the room proving to be its own mental sport. “Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell when it will wear off. Carbonite affects everyone differently, so we could be waiting a few hours, a few days, a few weeks... It depends on how your body reacts.” 
There was a heavy silence in the room as Fennec’s words settled, forcing you to come to terms with the reality of the situation, and how little you could plan around it. 
Din, surprisingly, was the first to break the silence. 
“I’ll be here by your side each step of the way,” he started, his serious tone reassuring, backing up the weight of his promise.
Unsurprisingly, Din kept his word. 
In the days that followed, Din was with you every moment possible. He was there to help you up in the mornings, tender touches and slow movements in the private quarters your clan of three took up in the palace. His hands rarely left you as he helped you maneuver around the space, and had endless amounts of patience as you worked together to get through the day. 
Grogu definitely took a little bit to adjust. He was used to you picking him up and smothering him in affection too many times throughout the day to count. Now you often felt him at your feet, making soft sounds as he asked for you to lift him up. But when he started to understand that you couldn’t see him, his response broke your heart. 
Each morning Din would put Grogu in your arms, and without fail, those little hands would find your cheeks right before you would feel a strange sensation course through your body… He was trying to use his powers to heal you, much like you had seen him do with Din in the past. You wouldn’t let him do it for so long that he would tire himself out, but the two of you entertained his efforts – at the very least to make him feel better, but also to see if it would even work. 
In staying by your side, Din took to showering with you, too. Trying to convince him you could handle it was followed immediately by fumbling with the soaps until they clattered to the floor, and Din was knocking on the fresher door in moments. It was kind of amusing, at first, when he would step in behind you and you could hear the clang of the water against his helmet. 
Amidst the confusion and the disorientation of your lack of sight, the silver lining had been the day Din fully realized how much he could get away with when you couldn’t see him. Your entire relationship you kept your eyes shut tight – or left the room altogether – when Din removed his helmet, honoring his creed. But now he could go without it whenever he so chose… as long as it was in the confines of your room. 
Waking up to his soft kisses had been a warm welcome, one that was met with his enthusiastic affection scattered across your face. “We should do this more often,” he sighed, making you laugh against him as he kissed your cheek, the scratch of his facial fair tickling your skin. 
You grew accustomed to roaming your hands around his body so you could navigate to his soft curls, combing through his hair and massaging his scalp with your nails. You mapped the planes of his face with your lips, traced his pouted ones with your fingertips… and by the Maker, you were basking in the sound of his voice without the vocoder filtering it through his helmet. You could hear his smile when he spoke, could hear even the smallest huff of amusement his helmet usually kept from being audible, and his comforting tone wrapped you in a warmth you wanted to stay in forever. 
“Mesh’la,” you heard as you slowly came into consciousness. You gave Din a sleepy smile as he peppered kisses over your cheeks, the scratch of his mustache tickling your skin. “Someone’s here to see you early this morning,” he whispered, and you felt his side of the bed shift as he sat up. You kept your eyes closed through the whole process, like you did every morning, wanting to soak up the softness of your little family for just a little bit longer before facing the disappointment of not being able to see anything. 
In the last week, there was… some improvement. You knew you should be grateful for any steps forward your condition was taking, even if they were slim, but after the first few days, it just became exhausting. You could make out the vague shapes of the figures around you, and you could tell the difference between light and dark, but that was about it. Din had been ecstatic when you reached out for him that first morning, his excitement growing each time you turned towards him as he leaned in to give you a kiss. 
You just wanted to see again. 
When Din’s weight returned to the bed – your eyes still closed – he brought with him a familiar bundle that was set directly on your stomach. Grogu didn’t wait for your hands to find him before he was crawling clumsily up your body, and you shared in Din's laughter as you each gave him a hand to help him to his destination. 
“Well good morning to you too, little one,” you smiled, pleasantly surprised by your foundling’s newfound eagerness to get started with the day. “You must be hungry if you’re wanting to get this over with so quickly.” There was only a babble in response as he situated himself on your chest, and you could just imagine him reaching his little hands out to make it to your cheeks without losing his balance.
Din grunted as he shifted, this time getting up off of the bed, no doubt to go tend to make Grogu something to eat before it got past the point of no return. And yet, when his little hands finally reached you, there was no urgency. With your eyes still closed, you focused closely on the feeling that began spreading through your body, breathing deeply when the familiar feeling of weightlessness his powers brought you relaxed your muscles. 
The soft clanking of dishes from the living area of your room in the palace brought you back to the present, which meant that it was time to start moving through your day, and giving Grogu a chance to rest after using his powers once again. You opened your eyes as you sat up, hoisting Grogu up with you and returning the little smile that spread across his cheeks…
His smile. You could see it. 
You could see.
“Hi baby,” you whispered, your throat suddenly feeling very constricted as you took in the sight of your foundling. His big, dark eyes bore into you as his ears perked up at the attention he hadn’t seen from you in so long. He gurgled happily as he used his grip on your cheeks to encourage you to lean forward, pressing his little forehead against yours. 
You heard Din’s broken voice say your name, speaking softly as if he was scared to break whatever trance he was in. Without thinking, you lifted your head from Grogu’s and turned to look in his direction, and for a moment you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. 
Din stood frozen in place when he met your gaze, his warm brown eyes speaking a thousand words that would never pass his lips. His dark curls that you had felt so many times sat in a mess atop his head, matching the scruff and facial hair that decorated his golden skin. The prominent nose you had felt was more handsome than you could have ever imagined, the pouty pink lips you had traced time and time again as inviting as ever. 
You had imagined this moment a thousand times, thought of every possible situation or turn of events that might ever lead to seeing your Mandalorian without his helmet. Your worst fear was that it would be an accident – like it was now – and that his expression turning into disappointment, anger, or something worse that would mean he wanted nothing more to do with you. 
But the face looking back at you had nothing but anticipation and adoration written across his striking features. 
“Mesh’la…” you whispered, trying the Mando’a endearment on your tongue. The corners of his lips began to turn up in a tentative smile, and the sight you had just gotten back started to blur with the water flooding your eyes. “Beautiful… Din, you’re beautiful,” you sobbed. The last thing you saw was Din rushing to your side, quick to wrap his arms around you and kiss the top of your head as you closed your eyes once more, letting the happy tears flow freely across your cheeks. 
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Thanks for reading!! If you’d like to be notified when I post a new fic, be sure to follow @writerlyhabits-library + turn on post notifications! 💛
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blxkstar · 3 months
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I made a Star Wars bounty hunters playlist! This was inspired by the western style the bounty hunters are portrayed in. Please check it out! 🤠🤠🪐🪐🔫🔫
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I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.
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~𝓕𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓬 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 (𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷) & (𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓪 𝓕𝓮𝓽𝓽) 𝓢𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 1
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annmaximoff18 · 21 days
Y/N: You're an idiot Mando, I can do it.
Din: I already told you no
Fennec: Wow, you two sound like an old married couple.
Din: we are not
Y/N: Yes, what's wrong with you? I wouldn't marry this rusty bucket.
Din: Who do you call a rusty bucket?
Fennec: Yes, they sound like an old married couple.
Boba: let's get out of here
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the-bad-batch · 1 year
Reader Masterlist
Melissa Schemmenti 
Make you Feel My love -  Set after Season 2 Episode 18. You go home to find Melissa upset and angrily sorting her closet after the events of the staff room argument. You comfort her as she confides in you with a new insecurity.
Coffee Mugs & Cronuts -  Melissa has a bad weekend, unfortunately for you, you catch her on a bad day. After breaking her coffee mug and spilling the coffee all over yourself, you argue. Melissa says things that break your heart and you spend the rest of the week avoiding her. Both of you unaware of the love you share for each other.
Finding Happiness with You -  Jacob and Janine are back at Melissa's for further cooking lessons. Neither know that you and Melissa live together, after falling in love when you join the school as the new third grade teacher.
I was meant to love you - You were seven when your soulmate tattoo appeared.
"You’re bleeding, are you alright? I’ll kill him."
You’re the only redhead I want -  Melissa overhears a conversation between you and Jacob and mistakenly believes you're in a secret relationship and unwilling to tell her. She begins to avoid you until you're forced to take action.
She’s everything I’ve been prayin for -  After a one night stand with a beautiful redhead, you rush out of her home and to your new job only to find her sat in the staff room. To your delight she seems to have enjoyed the night before just as much as you do and can't help teasing you about it.   18+ 
What We Do In The Dark - Melissa x OC
Forced to take time off work after a breakdown, Melissa finds herself taking her sisters advice and going to an sex club which her sister had mentioned, just to prove that Kristen Marie has terrible ideas. There she finds a new place to let loose and a woman she only knows by the name of Ell, who will change her life forever.   18+ 
I think this is when I set myself free - A year ago, you left your home with Melissa, leaving your engagement ring in her hand after she'd told you to leave. Now, you stand in front of her at the annual Schemmenti party, ready to finally get the closure to leave before you try to move on from her.
If only moving on from her was possible.
Bo-Katan Kryze
She will change everything series: 
A Future Uncertain - You find yourself following Din to Kalevala to check in on Bo-Katan after her home is destroyed. You're yet to take the creed and get your armour. Having been told to take time to discover yourself and see if the Creed is meant for you. You're Certain of your future until the former Princess of Mandalore stands before you.She's going to change everything.
Show Yourself -  Mandalore is being restored. Bo has rebuilt on Kalevala. You're now a Mandalorian having finally taken the creed but you can't get Bo off your mind. So you find yourself stood in front of her palace, unsure why you can't get the former Princess off your mind.
Hit me with your best shot -  Satine’s mark is simply “Duchess.
”She’d begged Bo to show her the moment it had appeared and she’d refused until her pleading got too much. Satine had smiled, big and toothy like she always did whenever she was truly happy. All she’d uttered was how appropriate.
Lady Bo-katan Kryze, people have always told me of your beauty, wish they’d warned me about how hard you hit.
One under the light of Mandalore -  You organise a party at the palace and invite the new republic cities, as well as those who you believe will benefit being aligned with Mandalore. Your wife sits upon the Throne and you find yourself playing diplomat when you run into an old friend. 
I want you Mentally and Physically -  After Bo confirms that all you are is fuck buddies, you decide to wind her up by flirting with your closest friends. What could possibly go wrong? 18+ 
Bo-Katan Kryze & The Armorer 
Forever & Ever Series
I think I could love you forever -  A nomad former Jedi, you find yourself on Mandalore after saving a Mandalorian child from Storm Troopers. There you meet the Manda'lor and her adviser plus a friend from your past you thought was lost. Convinced you would be better off on your own, your thrown into turmoil when you realise your connection the Manda'lor and her Advisor is more than just attraction.
Ghosts of our Past -  As your relationship with both Bo and The Armorer continues, your past continues to haunt you. You can't forget the night everything changed for you, when your friends and family were killed by the Empire during Order 66. Luckily for you, you have supportive partners and friends.
In My Dreams -  Although you're married to Bo, you can't help but wonder what it would be like if you both introduced Ahsoka and The Armorer into your bedroom and Bo, ever the perfect wife wants to make your dreams come true. 18+ Only
Fennec Shand
You can confide in me - The first time you see Fennec, she hasn't slept for days. Slowly, you manage to get her to confide in you and eventually, you begin to confide into you.Jedi/Book store owner reader.
Agatha Harkness 
May Angels Lead you In -  Agatha mourns the loss of her lover after her lover has lost the battle with her mental health. She receives comfort from the one person who can understand her loss. *Trigger Warning for Suicide here* 
Miscommunications and M&MS -  “Are you jealous?” You can’t help but be amused as Agatha continues to move around your room in the new and improved Avenger’s compound.
“No, I’m not!” She huffs and you lean against the sofa as you continue to watch her pick up her books and pile them on one of the many small tables scattered around the room.
“Oh, you really are jealous!” You let out a laugh, before your smile fades slightly. “Wait, why would you be jealous?”
Lin Beifong 
Stop Talking -  You are Zhu Li's little sister. You've managed to get a job as Lin Beifong's assistant and are tired of watching her work herself into the ground. It had nothing to do with the giant unrequited crush you'd got on her right?
Are you Mine? (I’m yours) -  You bring Lin her dinner but she's not in the mood to eat. *Explicit Smut* 18+ 
You don’t see me (Not how I see you) - You've been with Lin for years but you've never been her priority. So you leave.
Desperate for you -  Lin's tied up in front of you, desperate for you and you've never seen anything sexier. *Explicit Smut* 18+ 
Maria Hill
I can’t lose you -  You're injured as the Avengers battle Abomination, Maria reacts.
I’m Home (In your arms) -  Maria returns from Space after a year and you're just happy shes home.
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replaytech · 1 year
episode 5 of book of boba fett:
Din: I won the darksaber in battle, it is mine
Paz: nuh uh
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flightlessangelwings · 11 months
Ktober 2023 Day 20- Toys
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Fennec Shand x fem!reader
Word count- 1.1k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), pwp, established relationship, soft dom!Fennec, toys, praise, no use of y/n
Notes- My love for Fennec is undying and she needs more love than she gets here!! Prompt list made by me! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is myupdate blog so please follow that too and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on my new fics!
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“Look at you,” Fennec purred as she eyed your figure, “So beautiful,” she ghosted her fingers along your bare skin, “So ready for me.”
“Fennec… Please don’t tease me today,” you begged as you bucked your body into her touch.
She gave you a fake pout, “Oh, but it’s so much fun, my dear.”
You looked up at her from where you laid naked on the bed with a pleading expression, “Please…” the word came out as a desperate whine.
Fennec narrowed her eyes as the tone of your voice went right to her pussy. You knew how to tug at her strings, and she was sure you knew her weakness was when you begged like that. She didn’t even have to tie you down; you stayed still on the bed just from her command alone. Fennec had you wrapped around her finger… but you also had her wrapped around yours.
She reached out and caressed your cheek tenderly, “Alright my love,” her tone softened, “What will it be tonight?” Fennec always gave you a choice. Your ability to choose for yourself was important to her, as was your safety. She looked out for you, both in the bedroom and out of it.
“The cock,” your voice strained as you gripped the sheets below you in anticipation, “For both of us.” 
A smirk lit up Fennec’s face, “An excellent choice, my love,” she purred as she reached for the toy.
You wiggled your hips as you readied yourself. From her position between your parted legs, you knew Fennec could see how turned on you were. You could feel your pussy drip as she got the toy ready, and a small whimper escaped your lips before you could stop it.
“Eager, are we?” Fennec asked in a teasing tone.
“Yes, Fennec,” you breathed.
“Good girl,” she cooed as she settled between your legs and eyed your dripping pussy, “You are ready for this already.”
“I told you,” you whispered, “I can’t take the teasing tonight.”
Fennec usually liked to make you beg and plead for her. She loved to play with you, dangle you on the edge for as long as you could stand it until she gave in and gave you what you wanted. She thrived on the expressions and sounds you made as she brought you to the edge before yanking you back again. Fennec spent hours between your legs until you were completely spent before she even thought about her own pleasure. Hell, she even got off herself just on getting you off. But tonight was different. Tonight you needed her and she needed you. 
“Can I watch?” your eyes dropped down to her own pussy as she held the toy close.
Fennec fought to suppress a moan of her own, “Only if you ask nicely,” he smirked, regaining her composure. 
“Please,” you pleaded.
“That’s my good girl,” she purred as she posited one end of the double sided toy at her entrance.
Fennec let out a moan as she slowly pushed one end of the toy inside her, encouraged by the way you watched with sharp eyes. She breathed heavily as she positioned it deep inside her with the other half sticking out and reeled forward to hover over you.
“Fuck,” you breathed.
She smiled down at you as she positioned the other end at your entrance, “Your turn,” her tone was low as she pushed the tip into you.
You cried out as the thick toy slowly stretched you out. Fennec took great care with you, knowing full well she picked a toy with more girth. But, watching you writhe and moan under her almost made her break her composure and she jerked her hips forward until the toy filled you to the brim.
Both of you gasped as Fennec’s hips met yours. She paused for a moment and looked you over to make sure you weren’t hurt. Your eyes had fluttered shut and you let out slow, heavy breaths as you adjusted to the fullness. But, feeling her gaze on you, you opened your eyes and your heart fluttered in your chest when you saw the way Fennec looked at you.
“I’m alright,” you said, knowing what she was thinking, “Please move,” you pleaded.
Fennec grinned as she leaned forward and took your lips with hers. As your lips parted for her, she thrust her hips forward, swallowing the moan you let out. She started a slow you por[ouseful rhythm, pulling the toy almost completely out of you before slamming back into you hard.
You dropped your head down onto the bed and let out a loud cry of pleasure. Wrapping your arms around her, you surrendered yourself to Fennec as she kept her slow yet firm pace. And you let out a whimper when you felt your pussy against yours, your clits rubbing together and creating that much needed friction.
“Fuck… Fennec…”
“You’re so beautiful, my dear,” she cooed as she picked up her pace, fucking you with the toy.
“Please… Fennec…” you didn’t even know exactly what you begged for, you just knew you needed her.
“I’ve got you, love,” she whispered as she thrust the toy into you harder and faster, “Cum for me.”
Skin slapped against skin as Fennec lost control of her pace and rocked into you with abandon. The toy that filled you both and connected you both hit spots that dove you both wild as Fennec found a new angle. Both of you let out loud moans and you lost yourselves in each other. 
Clinging to her, your limbs trembled as your orgasm hit without warning. The warmth spread from your core as Fennec’s toy filled you and her clit rubbed against yours. You let out a loud scream as your climax washed over you.
Fennec was right behind you. Watching you fall apart under her was the last thing she needed to fall apart herself. Feeling your body against hers and hearing you scream her name made her groan, and Fennec leaned forward and bit down on you hard as she came just as hard as you did. She came so hard she saw stars, but the only star that mattered to her was you.
Fully spent, Fennec collapsed down on top of you with a heavy breath. You immediately wrapped your arms and legs around her, holding her close and stroking her back as she came down from ehr high. Fennec never felt anything like this before, and she never had anyone treat her so tenderly as you did. You were special to her, and she never wanted to let you go.
Luckily for Fennec, you were content right where you were. Being under her was the best place in the galaxy to you, where you felt safe and loved and satisfied. Especially when she fucked you like that.
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saradika · 1 year
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— the knight and her lady
knight!fennec shand x princess!reader
rated E - 3.7k
prompts - “can I kiss you?” & fairytale au
tags: medieval/fairytale au, soft sapphic romance, use of weapons in a competition, power dynamic (princess & knight), forbidden love, soft!dom Fen & inexperienced reader, kissing, fingering, implied squirting, oral sex
written for @flightlessangelwings’s Pride Challenge!
You shouldn’t know how to take her apart. It’s not proper, not at your station. If anyone found out, rumors would spread like wildfire. You’d surely be sent home - separated from her.
But your fingers move easily - plucking at buckles and straps. Piece by piece, as fluidly as she had put you together this morning.
(Or - You steal away to your knight, to celebrate a spectacularly-won archery tournament.)
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You supposed you should be paying more attention to your host - but you can’t tear your eyes away from the knight in front of you.
The sun glinting off her forge-blackened armor, her movements still fluid even with the extra weight of the steel. Joining the long row of competitions, an ornate longbow slung across her back.
It’s been a long day. A good day - the tournament bringing in visitors for miles. Filling the wooden seats and air with laughter and music. With roasting meat and summery, fruity mead.
But still, you watch.
Fingers clasped, pressed on a knee that bounces with anticipation.
You don’t think he minds. The singularity of your attention, content to sit in near-silence next to you. A month ago you would’ve been ashamed at yourself - ignoring the King like this - but at the moment, you can’t bring yourself to care.
If he had minded, you think that he wouldn’t have taken the flower you had clutched so tightly to your chest. Plucked from the woven crown of greenery and flora around your head, handmade for today.
Telling you he’d “get this where it needed to go” in those few moments before the first event began.
It’s the last event of the afternoon, now - the morning filled with rounds of jousting, the clash of hand-to-hand combat.
You had worried she’d entered both - had felt the butterflies in your stomach when the quiet, silver knight she was seen with so often with took to the field.
But he had been alone. And had been victorious, in the end. A flurry of black slashes with his sword had seen to that.
Part of you wondered if she had attended, if that still would have been true.
The shrill sound of a whistle cuts through the air, as the participants line up. The wave of a green and gold banner as the first arrows fly.
There's the loosening of strings - arrowing flying in arcs towards the target mounds, with their painted red centers. Several falling short, the feathers quivering in the wind, most piercing through cloth and earth within the neat rings.
Scores called out as competitors are eliminated, the judges marking notes down on their scrolls. Those removed make their way to the border, to call out and heckle their friends with the rest of the crowd.
Ser Shand remains for this round, and then the next.
You watch with bated breath as her fingers crook around the string as each round passes. Thinking about last night and the ones before.
A slow, building boldness of wandering mouth and fingers. Stroking over silk and steel, soft sounds swallowed by the night.
Each release sends an arrow flying neatly down the field, landing in the red middle circle again and again. Again and again, until there were only two competitors left on the field.
The suspense was palpable, that teasing chatter dwindling down to nothing. The fabled ‘assassin-turned-knight’ competing with the up-and-coming Lord Calican - this would-be duel that would be spoken about for weeks after.
You had utmost faith in your knight, but you couldn't help the worry as the wind rustled your skirts, tugged at your crown of flowers. Fingers reaching up to pull it down a little tighter, just as the flag waves again.
The crowd holds their breath.
They fire at the same time.
There's an uproar, as the arrows hit. The judges racing to look, Lord Calican turning on Ser Shand. A pointing finger at the mounds, down at her feet. Even from here you can see the arch of her brow, rising in disbelief.
You don't even notice the way your hand drifted down, curling in the soft green velvet of the King's sleeve. Only when his gloved hand comes down to pat against yours, do you realize - letting go quickly and sheepishly.
The small smile he sends your way is kind. As is his answer, as he replies to the advisor next to him - asking if he should step in.
"My knight is not so easily bested." The King boasts, with a dismissive wave of his hand, "Here, just watch."
You can just make out the argument. It's clear that her arrow flew straight and true, hitting dead center. His off, just a hair lower on his own target.
Rounding on her to claim that she had taken a step closer while firing - had been out of bounds.
There's a knowing and condescending smile, as he turns red in the face with argumentative anger. Leaving him mid-rant to move a handful of meters back. Close to the edge of the field, before she stops.
Turning - taking barely a second to fit an arrow, aim, and fire.
It flies down the field in silence.
Striking where her first had landed, splintering it down the middle.
The crowd explodes. Shouting and cheering as they all decide the winner on their own. Your voice joins theirs as you find yourself leaping to your feet, leaning against the tall rail in front of you.
Excitement and joy and something else, something honey-sweet swirls in your stomach. Your heart thudding in your chest as you see her turn - finding your eyes in the crowd.
The small smile and wink sent your way.
Striking her target, one last time.
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You sneak into the tents, after.
Scattered across the open field, gathered around small campfires. It would be easier to travel back the mile or so into the city, but it was a long-held tradition to stay on the grounds the night before a tournament.
Easier to group up, to celebrate. Less mess to clean when playful song and teasing turned into drunken brawls between sore-losing, mead-filled competitors.
Lifting the crimson flap of the tent emblazoned with her symbol. Large for its size - a nest of pillows and a bedroll tucked off to the side, upon the thick carpet of grass. A wide bench on the far wall, one edge littered with fletching supplies. Two chairs and a sturdy table standing on a coarsely-woven rug.
She's there - still clad in that dark armor. Plucking the archery gloves from her fingers in a way that has your eyes dropping down to her hands again. Watching as they appear from behind the leather, as you hover just inside.
Lingering, until her eyes are lifting. A smile coming then, a flash of pretty teeth between the curve of her lips.
You go to her, letting the flap fall behind you. The tent well-light in the afternoon sun, filtering in pretty shades of red and gold.
“You were incredible.” You tell her, almost shyly. The way you had been watching had felt almost vouyeristic, but maybe that was just the winding of your thoughts, the slow sweep of your eyes.
“I could not lose, with your favor.” Fennec’s fingers work at her armor. Loosening her chestplate enough to dip inside, draw out the rose from where it nestled between her breasts.
Plucked so carefully from your woven crown, the color tipping from pink towards purple. It spins between her fingertips, the hidden meaning not at all lost on her.
“You know…” Her head tilts, then - with the sly curl of a smile, “In some tournaments, the victor is awarded a prize.”
It still stuns you, even though she gives them to you freely.
But you’re familiar with the customs. A favor bestowed, a bag of coin awarded.
“What would you ask for?” You question with a little furrow of your brow - taking those few steps, until you’re reaching the edge of the rug.
“Perhaps a kiss from a fair maiden?” She taps her chin thoughtfully, though her eyes never leave your face. Asking it like a question, though you’re sure she’s been planning this.
Sending up a flutter in your stomach, your heart kicking up a beat.
“Is that all you desire?” You own question comes out breathless, as she steps closer.
Her smile is enigmatic - her rose set down carefully on the table. Your tongue peeking out to wet your lips, eyes dropping to the pretty curve of hers.
Your eyes start to drift shut, the anticipation curling sweetly in your stomach.
But it doesn’t come - the press of her lips. The swipe of a tongue. Instead, there’s the pressure of her fingers ghosting against your hips, her voice in your ear.
“Mm. I didn’t say where, sweetness.”
Her voice is low, throaty. It sends a little shiver up your spine, as her innuendo sinks in. It had your eyes opening, surprise lingering in the pretty part of your lips.
“Your face,” She laughs, but not unkindly. “You are too sweet, little bird.”
Her touch lifts then, fingers catching your chin and tilting it towards her face.
Lips pressing against your cheek, feather-light. Then your jaw, the soft spot under your ear as you melt against her.
“Can I kiss you, princess?” She husks, “Would you let me take what is mine?”
In your head, you answer. An eager affirmative that comes out as a soft whine, instead. Another low, rasping laugh before her mouth is pressing to yours, finally giving you what you need.
Your fingers clench around steel, the heavy leather of her belt. She swallows your sigh, a soft curl of her lips in a hidden smile before she’s tasting you, licking into your mouth.
There had been shock, before - you won’t deny that. Heat rising to your cheeks at her words, so very public.
She loved your sweetness, the arch of your brows, the little intake of air. So very different than the rough and tumble of the other knights and soldiers.
But it didn’t mean you didn’t know. That you didn’t want.
A little fire that you’ve kindled in your belly, all day. The spark starting as she snuck up from the field to find you that morning - fingers brushing over your waist, the curves of your breasts as she helped you lace up the back of your dress.
“Such a pretty thing,” She had cooed, smoothing down the layers of fabric, the spray of stars embroidered across your skirts.
You had thought she meant the dress - until you caught her gaze in the mirror you were facing.
It was a pretty sight - her arms around you. You were sure your thoughts had reflected hers, in that moment.
How easy it would be to slip a hand beneath your skirts - to loosen the laces of your chemise. A thrill has thrummed in your veins, until a knock had sounded at the heavy wooden door.
Mourning the proximity, as she had stepped away.
It makes you want to take her little tease, twist it into something tangible. Pulling back from the warm press of her mouth to murmur a question against her neck.
“Can I kiss you, too?” Your lips brush her neck, that sliver of skin above the cold iron of her gorget.
You can feel the hum of her laugh, as her chin tips up to give you more room, “I’d say you are, princess.”
The way she sighs the title makes you not despise it. No simpering in her tone, nothing to remind you of your duties and promises that you want nothing more than to break.
It has your mouth moving. Pressing kisses to her armor, leaving the ghost of your breath against the cold, dark iron.
A hitch in her breath as you begin to lower yourself, reaching the curve were the metal is shaped at her chest. Gathering your skirts in one hand as you reach the bottom of her cuirass.
Her fingers are twisted in the fabric at your shoulders - eyes dark when you glance up. Unable to resist the pull of you on your knees for her, out in this field, stolen away in her tent.
A second, as she blinks - coming back to herself.
“Your dress, little bird-” She protests, knowing how much you had been looking forward to wearing it.
It feels like nothing now. Not even wrinkles or the threat of dirt could sway you.
Your face tips up as the want reflects in your own eyes, “Please. I want to. I’ve thought about it, I-”
You’ve dreamed about it. Tasting her more than just the slip of your fingers against your tongue. Not doing so before because she’s never asked, and you’ve been too shy to.
Wondering if it would be something she’d want - not knowing how to navigate this path with someone who’s bound to you in such a way that made desire and duty so confusing.
Your words are enough. A sharp exhale of breath as she takes a step backwards, the spread of her thighs as she lowers herself to that wooden bench.
It takes no time for you to fit between them. A small glance over your shoulder to make sure the tent flap is closed, before your fingers are slipping beneath her armor.
“I’ll keep watch, sweetness.” She husks, leaning back to let you work, “Don’t you worry.”
You shouldn’t know how to take her apart. It’s not proper, not at your station. If anyone found out, rumors would spread like wildfire. You’d surely be sent home - separated from her.
But your fingers move easily - plucking at buckles and straps. Piece by piece, as fluidly as she had put you together this morning.
Revealing the dyed linen of her surcoat - black and edged with red embroidery. Her cuirass set gently against the edge of the bench as her hips raise enough that you can tug down her trousers, letting them pool around her ankles.
She’s unashamed, thighs parted for you. Hands brace on the bench - watching you as your eyes drift down to where only your fingers have been, in the dark.
Thrilled at the way she glistens, that you did that yourself. Nerves and desire twisting and fluttering in your stomach like the fletching on the arrows, before.
Trying to thinking about when she’s kissed you, like this. How every touch and brush of her tongue brought pleasure you had never known. Thinking that you could do that, that you wanted to - for her.
She murmurs your name as you move. A soft kiss to her center, letting your tongue peek between your lips. Dragging against her slit, tasting the sweet tang of her cunt, unable to help groaning into her as your hand comes to wrap around her calf.
Getting more bold, with each of her shaky breaths. Listening and learning each little sound, determined to do well for her.
Finding the hard, sensitive bud beneath the dark curls - feeling the pinch of her fingers against your shoulder when your tongue flattens against it.
An eager shift forward, pressing yourself further against her. Eyes closing when a moan buzzes in her throat, hands brushing your cheeks, the hinge of your jaw. Closing around the crown, bruising the petals with the force of her fingers.
“Stars, sweet girl,” She sighs, a gentle buck of her hips as she urges you, “Look at you, on your knees. You look so pretty, you know that?”
It shoots through you, as you clench around nothing. Unable to help squirming as your fingers trace along her thigh, up and then up.
A look up when she’s silent, only to see the clench of her jaw as she holds her sounds back. Trying to keep quiet, in this open field.
Then you hear it, muffled behind a hand, as your finger sink in. This part you know - eyes closing again as your fingers crook and curl.
Her thighs closing sharply around your shoulders when your lips return to her, a soft suck against her clit.
Tightening around you as her hips start to move, as she tugs you against her. Unable to help the panting, groaning praise.
“Right there, gods - just like that. Yes, my love, yes-”
Your eyes open just in time to watch her fall apart. Tongue pressed against the pulse of her clit as she grips your fingers, coating them with her release.
A moan pulled from her throat, high before she catches it. Her chest heaving as your fingers ease from her when she relaxes, slipping into your mouth before your tongue dips inside her.
Tasting the salty musk of your triumph, thinking you understand in this moment the way she enjoys having you beneath her.
Knowing that you’ll never want to stop, now that you’ve had a taste.
Blinking up at her as she smiles, a small shake of her head.
“Just look at you, pretty girl.”
Her thumb swipes over the slick that’s smeared across your lips, your chin. Pressing it against your bottom lip until they part - cleaning her from her fingers.
Disheveled and eyes blown wide with lust, tasting like her as she stands - swiftly tugging up her trousers before her hand is tucking under your elbow.
Pulling you to your feet as you frown, before she’s whisking you over to her bedroll. Kissing you, her tongue delving into your mouth as she lowers you down onto the pile of pillows.
“Can’t wait to touch you, sweetness.” Her voice is syrupy smooth, low in your ear, “You get so wet from me looking just at you. I bet you are soaked from eating my cunt.”
It makes you tremble, a heat rising in your cheeks at her crude words. A little laugh as she does just like you had dreamed about before.
A hand tucks behind your head as she kisses you. Stroking your tongue as her fingers work at your bodice. Breaking the kiss, only to wrap her lips around a tight nipple, flicking her tongue against it.
Your moan is loud, wanton. Unable to hold yourself back, as she had. She shoot you a look of warning, shushes you before kissing across your chest.
Grateful for her touches, as your desire thuds between your thighs. Completely eclipsing that feeling from before, making it feel no more than a flutter.
Unable to compare to the way you need her, now.
There’s a sweet satisfaction that slices through you, when she dips beneath your smallclothes. The moan into your shoulder as she hovers over you, when she realizes just how right she was.
How the soft cotton is soaked through. How her fingers meet slick skin beneath, no resistance as she immediately sinks two fingers inside.
You gasp at the stretch, teeth biting down on a whine. Unable to see anything other than the bare curves of your breaths, your skirts piled high.
But she leans down to look, a soft purr to her voice, “Oh princess. My needy little thing.”
Telling you how pretty you look with her fingers in you, as her thumb presses against your clit. Your eyes fixed on the teeth that sink into her lip, as she tugs down the cotton to bare you fully.
Watching the shine of her fingers as they pump into you. You’d be embarrassed at how wet you are, how swiftly she builds you up and up, if you hadn’t been waiting for her touch for so long.
A soft cry when her mouth returns to your breasts, the ache as she makes a mark that will be hidden by your bodice. Something just for her - later, before she’s tasting herself on your tongue again.
Swallowing your gasps as you squirm, her fingers pounding and crooking against a place that steals your breath. Pinning you down with a thigh that straddles yours.
Her own soft growls as she sees you start to come undone - the glazed look in your eyes. Remembering how sweet and eager you were for her - wanting to return that feeling a million times over.
“Want to make you come, princess.” Her mouth is against your ear, as your hands fist in her surcoat, “Let me feel you, sweet thing.”
Fennec’s elbow presses into the bedroll as she leans over you. Her fingers keeping their pace as your vision grows hazy. Your senses filled with her and only her, as she presses kiss after kiss to your trembling lips.
Humming low in her throat as your fingers pinch harder into the cloth. A tiny, wrung-out gasp of her name, as something builds and builds - pushing you past a point you didn’t know you had.
And then, it snaps. Pleasure and relief pounds in your veins, the thud of your heart drowning out the sounds of your cries as she catches them with her mouth.
Her fingers unrelenting, dripping with you as she fucks you through the tight pulses of pleasure. Her palm slapping against slick skin as she draws it out, until your fingers untwine. Reaching down to catch her hand, unable to take it any longer.
Thoroughly worn out, overcome with your pleasure. Unable to do more than press a hand against your face as she leans over to look at the mess you made.
Another soft groan at her cat-like smile - fingers tracing against your damp thighs as she revels in this new discovery.
“Gods. I can’t wait to watch you do that again tonight.”
Kissing away your embarrassment, with soft encouragement peppered between each press of her lips. How it slowly fades as she wraps herself up with you, curled together on her bedroll.
Grateful for the way she had pulled your skirts up and out of the way - always looking out for you. Watching over you as you doze, the red and gold speckles of sunlight warm against your face.
It’s easy to forget then, about your worries. Wondering how this story between you would end. How this love that had blossomed between you could ever fully flourish in the sun.
Instead, it’s just a glorious day. An evening to bask in, and celebrate.
Staying sleepy and content until her name is called, and she’s throwing you a look - quickly helping you lace your bodice up. Smoothing down her own clothes while she steps outside.
Coming back with her arms laden with gifts - a sack of gold, a basket of fresh fruit. A heavy bottle of spotchka, tucked under her arm.
“My winnings,” She smiles, with a happy lilt to her voice, “And here I thought I’d already had them.”
You know that right now, your smile mirrors hers.
As she leans down to kiss you, once again.
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purple roses can symbolize love at first sight! it can also mean adoration and fascination with someone (& used the term ser in a very ‘ser brienne of tarth’ sort of way)
and lastly - thank you Jey, for hosting this challenge! Such an awesome idea, I was excited for the chance to contribute a fic. 💖
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yandere-wishes · 11 months
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Another ask by @sxkurasakura 
"omg imagine Boba Fett being a yandere for you??? Better yet, when Fennec comes into the picture, she becomes a platonic yan for you too. They work together watching over you, they share and take turns with you"
Read the first one here
I need more Boba Fett related asks/ideas!! I've started reading Dead Dove Boba Fett fics on AO3 again! AND I AM GOING FERAL OVER THIS MAN.
I'm going off the idea that Boba isn't the...kindest yandere. He's big on physical punishments and loves to degrade you. To him, you are merely a doll. his pretty little doll. He sees you as less than human, yet he still loves you unconditionally. He's unbearably complex.
(How would reader and Boba even meet in the first place??)  
When Fennec comes into the picture, she starts to pity you. Her relationship with Boba is complicated, she would easily lay down her life for him...But she still wants to help you. She can't do much, but patching up your scars and hugging you tightly as she rubs your back, letting you cry on her shoulder. Slowly the two of you develop a sisterly bond. You gossip and complain about Boba behind his back. But still, take great pleasure in sitting pretty on the armrests of Boba's throne. The two of you are his pretty little girls. His precious darlings. Slowly -but surely- Boba starts to treat you nicer, sweeter even. He and Fennec even start to train you in self-defense. Nothing extravagant, you couldn't escape them even if you wanted to. But Boba's getting the inkling you won't run away even if you could. 
I like this, Boba and his two pretty/cute wives would make for a great fic. 
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wanderingjedi77 · 2 years
I’ve got a Bo-Katan fic. Din finding out Bo has a badass wife and enjoys seeing Bo go soft for her even as her wife teases her. Bonus points if you can slot fennec in there somewhere.
Please and thank you
Oh I really like this anon. :) I think I slot fennec in here. So here it is. :) I hope you like it.
Bo-Katan x Fem!Reader (Cyar'ika)
You heard the shooting first, follow by shouts in both basic and Mando'a as you sat in your camp. You were alone, and preferred it that way; unless you were with your wife.
The shots come closer and you move to the edge of the encampment, where you see two Mandalorians and a mercenary?She looks like a mercenary fighting Imperials, storm troopers to be specific, and you sigh.
Who are you to miss out on all the action?
You slip on your helmet, and rush into the battle as the Mandalorian in silver armour gets knocked back towards the others-
The Imperial raises his blaster in the confusion and you rush towards him as you pull out your own blaster-
"Get down!" You shout as you shoot one of the Imperials. You look over and register that flash of blue armour and the owl markings to be your wife, Bo-Katan, before you get slammed to the ground, dropping your weapon in the process. You roll the assailant over and take off his helmet, punching him a few times in the face before grabbing your blaster from where it fell and shooting him.
Wild with adrenaline, you stand up and turn to the other remaining troopers-
Din stayed back, halting in his steps as the female Mandalorian shot one imperial, and then grabbed him hard enough to throw him into the storm trooper as they went tumbling off the cliff into the abyss below. She looked at him and he raised his hands in mock surrender.
"This is the way." He said, and the woman laughed under her helmet as she removed it to reveal a woman with a pretty smile. She glanced past him for a moment. "You must be Din. Bo has told me about you a few times. I can't say her stories get any less interesting."
"You know Bo-Katan?" Din asked, as he heard the others come up behind him.
"Do I ever." You say with a knowing smile. You look at Bo as she approaches and winks, her helmet clipped to her belt. "She's my wife."
Bo throws her arms around you, and you rest your head on her shoulder, relaxing. She holds you tight, and doesn't let go as you pull back.
"Miss me that much?" You ask softly.
"Mhmm just a bit my love." Bo replies, and she turns to look at Din, and Fennec. "That's Fennec, she's been helping Din and I out."
You look at the other woman who nods at you firmly.
"It's nice to meet you." You pull away from Bo and hold out your hand, and Fennec shakes it with a smile. You offer your hand to Din and he does the same, if a bit more formal.
"I didn't know you had a wife." Din questions, but his voice is kind. He seems to enjoy watching you interact.
"I bet you didn't know I was a good warrior either. I've saved Bo more times then I can count." You feel Bo slip an arm around your waist and shiver from the contact.
"I've saved you just as many."
"Just a few..."You tease and she laughs, clearly pleased with your answer. Force, you love her laugh.
"You look at each other like your the only stars in the galaxy." Din remarks, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
You look at Bo, who has a little smile on her face that reminds you of when you first kissed her, eyes full of love as she replies,
"She is the only light in my life."
"And you are mine." You answer, heart beating fast in your chest at her answer.
"So are we going to investigate or are you two just going to stand there and flirt with each other until the sun rises?" Fennec smirks.
You blush, and Bo kisses your cheek. "I guess we had better get moving." You look at Bo and kiss her properly. "One for the road, you can have more later when were alone."
"Alright Cyar'ika." Bo replies, tilting her head back as she smiles at you, "You can have your way this time."
You blush and laugh nervously. "Thank you princess." You reply softy, using your nickname for her. You always felt nervous and giddy when she called you sweetheart. "I'll make the most of it."
Bo smiles, puts her helmet back on and makes sure you stay close to her as you follow Fennec and Din. She doesn't want to lose you after all.
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Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
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AO3 Link Main Master List
Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 |
Chapter 05 | Chapter 06 | Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 |
Chapter 09 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 |
Chapter 05 | Chapter 06 | Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 |
Chapter 09 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 |
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
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Rating: Mature for series, lighter for this chapter.
Pairing: Post Season 2 Din Djarin x force sensitive reader (fem, post-Order 66 Jedi). Soft, slow burn on both sides, internal struggles and feels. Alternating POV.
Warnings: A little bit of angst, culture shock/differences, Din pushing authority a bit, jealousy, and a whole lot of private feelings burning hot in a public place. A/N: If you’re still reading, thank you so much for your patience. I had to do a little soul searching and make the decision to let Din and Little Bird follow the path that the story calls for. It took me a while to let canon go, but this chapter hit me very unexpectedly. There are beats in this story that weren’t there when I first mapped it out and surprised the hell out of me when I realized where it was leading. The road ahead is a little twisty for Din and LB, but the story always goes where it needs to, when it needs to.
Senaar’ika = Little bird.
There’s more Mando’a spoken, but the translation is eventually given in the storytelling.
Summary: You and Din broker a very important exchange.
TAGLIST: you can always request to be on the taglist for this or any of my work. If you’d like to be on taglists for upcoming fic, please sign up at my MASTERLIST
←-Previous Chapter 12: The Camp
Your helmet stands out among the others down below and Din tracks your path through the Tusken camp from his perch on an outcropping of a cliff face above. You’re not going to like this, but it’s the best solution he’s got.
“We’re on a mission here to acquire some resources and take someone into custody,” he explains to his comrade. “The negotiations aren’t something I can hurry along. How much time can you give us.”
Fennec sits with one knee popped up and stares into the distance out over the dunes, her eyes squinting more in calculation than from the bright suns on the sand. She’s a warrior he’s come to respect–a renegade turned team-player--even beyond her capabilities that could land her easily among the best of Mandalorian soldiers and make her a queen among bounty hunters, she’s evolved beyond her need for the Empire. Her ready repayment for a life saved, her loyalty to Boba Fett–and, by extension, himself–is noble in a way he can truly admire. “I can hail at first light tomorrow.”
“The whole day? That’s generous.”
With a half chuckle, the ex-assassin absently tosses away a stone she’s been rolling between her fingers, letting it clack over the clifftop. “What can I say? One of my many qualities.”
Even as his mind works, Din’s absent focus stays on you in the shadow of the rock face, sitting with the child he assumes is the force-sensitive. For some reason, he thought the child would be smaller, but he looks to be halfway to adulthood by his height. Definitely not gonna fit on the speeder with both of you. “The mechanic. Peli Motto. She’s unharmed?”
“Fine for now. They’re keeping her under lockdown but they’re not torturing her.”
“Good,” he huffs with a sardonic laugh. If Peli has guards set on her, then they’re the ones who are probably begging for release right about now. Tapping a few buttons on his vambrace and checking his nav for coordinates and distances, he calculates the time it will take to pack up, get to the drop off, and arrive at the Palace. Of course there will be a pit stop to refuel the speeder, get in a midday meal, exchange pleasantries, ask for favors….
“This would be a whole lot easier if she’d come out to us.”
“Wouldn’t it though. No dice, Mando. Boss hailed back–Bo won’t open herself up to attack. Insists on meeting at the Palace.” Her black eyes glitter behind the open slice of her helmet. “If you want to get in some target practice, we could stash your partner and the quarry somewhere in town and take down the garrison, grab the ship and go. Avoid her completely. Could be fun.”
“It’s only dragging this scenario out. She’s not going to let this go. She’ll just follow us somewhere else; somewhere I don’t have options.”
“I suppose the boss wouldn’t like me disobeying an order either. Ah well,” she sighs back onto her elbows, “buys your friend a little vacation, hm?”
Dank farrik. You’re not going to like this.
To be honest, he doesn’t either.
“You didn’t catch the name of her companion? And it’s not Koska?”
Laying back onto the sun-warmed rock and closing her eyes as her head lands in the cradle of her hands, Fennec hums in thought. “No, it sounds like Koska might be leading the garrison at the docking bay. The Mando that came with Bo Katan definitely isn’t her.”
“Hmm. First light then. I appreciate your help.”
Stretching out like a cat, content to take in the morning suns after a cold evening in the desert, Fennec has nowhere to go and nothing to do as long as Din isn’t following her back to the Palace. “Patience is a virtue. Bo Katan can use the lesson.”
“That’s good, Uli-ah. Now can you do both stones at once? Try to swap their positions.”
Taking refuge in the shadows by the cliff face and sitting in the sand across from the Tusken foundling, you watch as two pieces of desert shale lift from their positions by the boy’s knees, come together in the air and bump only a little awkwardly before passing at nose level. One of them drops and breaks while the other makes its way to its new spot.
It’s hard.
“Yes, it is, and you almost did it. That’s actually very very good. You must practice often.”
No. I’m not allowed. It frightens the mothers. I make things dance for the other kids sometimes if the mothers can’t see.
“You keep bringing up ‘the mothers.’ Is one of them yours?”
They all are.
“The children are raised by the clan.”
Drawing his knees up and under his chin, Uli-ah hugs himself in tight, burying his face, becoming a little desert-colored ball. It’s not that he goes silent as much as he shows you ideas, images, emotions, everything you need to understand that he is not assigned to one family like the other children are. Uli-ah does not answer to one set of parents or any one mother or father in particular. He is protected by everyone but advocated for by nobody. He learns as part of a group, but is never given wisdom as passed down from parent to child.
He is alone in a crowd.
It’s a wonder that the child hasn’t grown to be dispondend or wild, surprising that he’s quiet and respectful. But it isn’t that he’s neglected or uncared for. Din’s words from the night before begin to stir. The Tuskens aren’t like Mandalorians. He’ll never be paired and never asked to join the fire. He will never truly be one of them.
“How old are you, Uli-ah? How long have you lived among the clan?”
He doesn’t lift his head, his fingers only dig into the cloth of his leg coverings.
Five years I think. There have been five water cycles.
Only five? This tall, gangly, capable child? The answer slams into you and before you can control your surprise it rebounds on him, his hands balling up in fists as yet another adult finds him strange and unusual.
“Hey, hey, hey, friend,” reaching over to his shaking shoulder and laying a warm hand upon it, “it’s okay. That’s a good answer. You’ve learned so much in your young life, I’m only surprised you’re not a little older. You’re very smart and talented for your age.”
The touch, your tone, your praise causes him to bring his head slowly up, his helmet shielding his expression, but his sinking shoulders telling you all you need to know.
“I know some other younglings like you, with abilities like yours. They go to a school for people like us. I could take you to them if that’s what you’d like. But you’d have to leave your home behind. Everything will be new. It’s a long way from here.”
I don’t know what a school is.
“It’s a place where you learn. A training place where someone teaches you how to master your skills. Would you like that?”
Stillness. You can sense a little turmoil, all his thoughts tumbling around without a good tried-and-true way to organize them. This is why the Jedi used to take them as babies; it’s a lot to ask any child. Too young in their development and they’re bonded to their family. Old enough to make the decision and it may be too late to hone their abilities. Five though. Five is so young for such a big decision.
I...would like that. Except….
Uli-ah’s helmet spans slowly, taking in the camp, the sands, the wavering heat at the horizon…
Is it…hotter there? It’s so hot here. Sometimes I can’t breathe.
Is that what he’s worried about? “It’s warm there, but there’s water. Green things. Trees. I suppose you’ve never seen trees. They’re hard to explain–”
I remember trees.
Something about this violently shifts your heart. To be so young and still have fleeting memories of a different place, perhaps a home he once knew….and you find yourself putting your arms around the young force-sensitive, taking no offense to the fact that he does not have any experience of how to embrace you back. ________________
“Well? What did you find out, Captain?”
The midday Tusken meal is taken in the privacy of their tents and that means bringing two bowls of black melon gruel back to your campsite. Din’s made a makeshift lean-to out of your blankets and the speeder–a place to have a little shelter from the high suns and to remove your helmets for the meal–and you hand the bowls off under a flap so that you can crouch and crawl through to the snug space, taking a seat knee to knee with him in the cooler patch of shaded desert.
The surprise is that his helmet already rests in the sand by his hip. His jaw is set, his eye determined. He holds the bowls patiently, waiting as you remove your own bucket.
Something tells you you’re not going to like what he has to say.
“Bo Katan Kryze is here on Tatooine. She’s holed up in the local tradelord’s palace with some of her followers and she has others posted at our docking bay with the Crest in custody.”
“Peli–” you start, but he shakes his head, handing your bowl over.
“She’s okay. They’re just not letting her leave the terminal.”
Suddenly, you couldn’t be less hungry. “Why is Kryze here? For you?”
“Mmyeah,” he says, smacking his lips and squinting after a sip of the bitter broth. “Technically, she’s probably here for the Darksaber. Been tracking us for a while.”
“I thought you told her you weren’t going to fight her.”
“I’m not. But I have to go. She’s causing trouble until I get there. I’m not going to inconvenience my friends over this. I’ve got to go and deal with it.”
There a quick spike of bitterness in your gut from something other than the melon gruel. But you don’t need to feel anything from him to sense his irritation as a valley forms between his eyebrows and he downs more of the broth.
Joining him in your silent meal, watching him as he keeps his eyes on the bowl, you know him too well. There’s something he’s not telling you; it’s best to just keep sipping until he gains the courage. It takes longer than you expect and it’s not until he puts down the empty bowl that he meets your eyes. “You’re not coming with me.”
“What? You’re just going to leave me here? Din, the Darksaber–”
“No,” is what he says, but what he means is Quiet. Let me speak. “The kid you’re talking to. Tell me what’s happening there first.”
Damn. You can sense your Mandalorian is begging you with his whole being to cooperate, and the last thing you want is a fight. “You’re right. He’ll never be one of them. They’ve adopted him into their numbers but not into a family. He’s got an astounding amount of ability and talent for his age...and that’s another thing. He says he’s only five.”
“What?” Shock washes over him in a mirror of your own. “Huh. So. Not human then.”
“No. Being so tall, I thought maybe Kaminoan, but too many fingers. Maybe Weequay. Possibly Wookiee, but I can’t imagine living under all that covering and fur besides. Although he did say it was too hot here…” Stay on topic. “He’s open to going to Luke’s school.”
He sighs. His eyes close and squeeze. The news is expected, but not favored.
“That means we’re back on the clock,” he grumbles as he locks his gaze to yours again. “So it’s my job to make sure you’re both safe. I’m not leaving you here with the Tuskens and I’m not bringing the kid into a palace crawling with power hungry Mandalorians. We’re taking a detour to a mining settlement. I have a friend there. Maybe he can give you two a place to stay for a night or more.”
“Din, why–”
“Speeder won’t carry us all, so Fennec’s gonna help us out. We head out at first light. I’ve already spoken to the elders about that pearl–”
“Wait. You need me with you. That saber–”
“Senaar’ika.” Din doesn’t speak Mando’a often. His whisper stills your tongue. “I’ve spoken to the elders about the pearl. They have an imperfect one they’re prepared to trade if you’re willing to build a saber for them.” When you blink incredulously he explains, “I showed them the Darksaber and what it can do. They can use it for cutting. For defense. It makes glass from the sand and lights fires. It would be a valuable tool for them. I know…” he swallows, “I know it’s an insult to your order. To make a lightsaber for…base reasons…”
It’s risky, putting such a powerful weapon in the hands of those not trained to use it. They could badly harm someone. Or wield it to embolden an attack on innocents. But perhaps you could temper it, shorten the blade, make sure it can’t be used to cause too much harm….
“I’ll do it.” It’s a rough trade, but it will do. And you’re glad to see that he nods, relieved, quick to take up your offer. “Depending on the size of the pearl, a shard of it could power many lightsabers. And I’m happy to make something that’s useful to them.”
“Good. Then while you’re doing that, I’ll negotiate for the child.” He holds up a hand when you open your mouth to protest. “I know. But the women of this clan don’t have final say and you’re not allowed to talk with the men. Trust me. I know what they need to hear.”
If the burn in your cheeks didn’t signal frustration as he takes the lead away from you, then your frown most certainly does. But he’s right. He’s right about everything. Except…
“I don’t want you to leave me behind in the mining settlement. I know you can wield that saber, Din, but my being with you will boost your power with it. It feeds so highly on your emotions. Having someone you love nearby can only help…”
“I understand,” he says, softly. He’s already replacing his helmet, readying himself to go retrieve the pearl so you can get to work. “But you don’t have to be standing next to me to be the one thing I can’t stop thinking about, Little Bird.”
And he slips out of the makeshift shelter, leaving you with cold broth and a pounding heart. ________________
The pearl is about the size of Din’s fist, definitely from a young krayt, and it takes you a little time to figure out how to fracture it without wasting any. Your own lightsaber is up to the task to hew a sliver of it away and you’re able to ascertain that even this small portion holds enough force energy to power a short blade. It will be more unstable than your own kyber, but less mercurial than the Darksaber; a fine beginner’s blade if not a tad loud.
The new utility saber is a good tool, sturdy, powerful. You’re adjusting the final resonance when Din rounds the speeder bike. He’s been gone a good part of the day and the suns sit on his shoulders, winking off his armor, causing you to squint up at him even through your visor to ask, “Well? How’d it go?”
Settling into one hip, his hands come up to rest on his belt and he juts the chin of his helmet at the weapon in your hand. “You got enough to make another one?”
“That’s their offer?”
“That’s their offer.”
Now it’s your turn to sigh as you lock in the final calibrations, your neck and shoulders aching from working half the afternoon on a blanket in the baking sands. “Yeah. More than enough parts. Time though, that’s another issue. I just,” one last twist of the mico-spanner, a click as the final panel fits into place, you toss the finished hilt to him, “I can’t believe that a little boy is worth the same amount to them as a dragon’s gut rock.”
Din catches the piece, ignites the blade, turns it, twists it through the air to hear its low feral howling, then hits the power switch, dimming its vibrating emerald light. “Well, not even as much. Pearl cost us one of these and the rest of our water.” When you make a face he adds, “We should be fine until we reach Mos Pelgo. We can get more there.”
“The water’s not the detail I’m unhappy about.”
Taking a quiet assessment of the mess in front of you–the scattered scrap metal and bits of pearl, the wires and tools and sand, always so much sand–the realization that you’ll have to start all over again and work into the evening is suddenly exhausting.
Even if he's not a force-user, you can see that Din picks up on this and you close your eyes as he moves around and takes a seat on the blanket behind you. After removing your pauldrons, his gloved fingers work into your shoulders and neck, deliciously limbering you, stretching out all the constriction, smoothing down all the coils. Even if it is more military restoration than it is gentle relaxation, it’s what he knows, his way of giving care.
A water bladder lands in your lap. “You haven’t been drinking.”
He’s right. And you take a long draw as his hands pull and prod your muscles, untangling the mess you’ve made of them, letting him heal you and do his bit to protect you from as much hurt as he can.
It isn’t the touch you truly long for–his gloves and your flight suit keep his fingertips from gliding over your skin, your helmets prevent his lips from kissing the back of your neck, beskar and leather cover the chest you so badly would like to sink back into. The way he has twisted your fingers in his own, or dragged his nose behind your ear, or leveraged your thigh with one of his own… It seems a sin that you are being given the gift of his touch and his care and yet, greedy and selfish, you would wish for more.
But perhaps you’re not the only selfish one here. His hands finally flatten out, firm kneading becomes gentle soothing, palms eventually sliding down to cradle your elbows as the ting of his helmet meets the back of your own, and you feel the broad frame behind you slowly fill with air and expel it in a fashion that, had it carried sound, may have been a soft whine.
How gracefully your hearts dance together. How far you’ve both traveled to meet here in this place.
“You should take a break; get up and move around.” Flaying himself from you, Din stands and holds out a gentle hand, beckoning. “Come on. I’d like to meet the kid.”
Uli-ah works with a few of the other children, almost completely swallowed in bantha fur as they hold up one of the beast’s feet while a herder inspects it. Once that foot has been deemed healthy, the children race to the next foot, jostling and braying laughter as they vie for space to help pick up the next paw while the bantha merely shifts its weight and chews its cud.
Din sits by your side in the hot sand, waiting quietly while the children and the herder finish their task, and then Uli-ah runs your way, ending in a skid on his knees as he comes to a stop almost in your lap.
The elders say I’m going away with you.
“That’s right. We will be leaving at first light tomorrow. Are you ready for an adventure?”
The child bounces on his knees, braying his own kind of laughter, not quite Tusken, but certainly not human.
“I guess that’s a yes,” you laugh, then point to Din. “This is our Captain. He’ll be with us. He flies the ship and protects us.”
The bouncing stops then, and Uli-ah makes a half move, as if he’s going to hide from the Mandalorian behind you, except that Din’s hands cut through the air as he speaks.
“I’ll make sure. You’re safe.”
There’s a slow, renewed interest from Uli-ah as he realizes that he can communicate with this stranger and he raises his own hands into gesture.
You can speak with your hands.
Din chuckles, signs back. “Yes. I’ve talked with your people. For a long time.”
There’s a wave of relief that comes over the boy, some kind of calm knowledge that “his people” are changing, that you and Din will be his people soon.
Then his hands clap and flutter excitedly–
I’m going to go to school!!!!
–before he tosses himself backward onto the sand in a moment of youthful glee.
You don’t know what lifts your heart more, this display of joy, or the sound of Din’s quiet laughter–light and welcoming and calm–coming through the comm.
In the morning every mother in the clan will touch the child’s head as they pass by him in a line. All the men will gather in a group and shout a message of farewell before turning back to their herd. But on the back of the speeder, it is you that Uli-ah will hold tightly. And even before that, it is Din who will help him get situated on the seat, check him over to make sure he’s secure, pat him kindly on the back, and tell him there’s nothing to fear.
Your Mandalorian’s come to understand that there are some who can see through the beskar to the good man underneath. And you can see he’s starting to believe it himself.
Some beliefs, it seems, can take a long time to crack. But belief can also nourish a man in the desert and show a warrior that his milder moments can house another form of strength.
Ahsoka really did choose well for you. And the Darksaber chose well for itself.
It’s taking all of your concentration to keep the speeder bike at a steady velocity as you whip through the canyon. What you wouldn’t do for a cup of caf.
The second saber build had gone smoother than the first since you had duplicates of many of the same pieces and were able to put something together more easily, but you’d still worked past twilight and then there was packing up the speeder and joining the group for evening meal….
After that, you’d lain awake, curled into Din, listening to his shallow breathing, trying to come up with a valid argument for going with him, each excuse a play more desperate than the one before it. You actually entertained the thought of removing the kyber from the Darksaber while he slept--your most clever plan yet. Except for the fact that the weapon was entirely sealed and getting into it would cause more damage than your honor would let you make.
He’s the Mand’alor. The High Leader. Whether he likes it or not, if he won’t fight or let anyone best him, then he must take up the mantle. If the Mandalorians are gathering, he can’t fail to steer their ship. There’s so much he has to learn about the weapon. Also so much he has to learn about asking for assistance. You think there has to be someone who can tell him this, make him understand how much his level head and moral compass and loyalty to his people are needed. Someone who can teach him to wield the instrument of his leadership….
But your hour of denial is over. Because there is someone.
It’s you.
But who are you to him? You are not his advisor. Not a member of his sect. Not even his…for lack of a better word…queen….
“Used the wrong word. Called you my queen instead of woman. I tried to correct myself and they asked me who you ruled over.”
“Ah. And you said, ‘just me.’”
“What did I say about burning out the repulsors, Little Bird?” Din’s voice cuts through your thoughts into your earpiece, bringing your focus back to the task at hand, and you ease off on the throttle so Fennec’s speeder can catch up to yours.
From the moment the suns broke the horizon, Uli-ah has been attached to you–literally refusing to loosen his clutch of your flight suit–the realization sinking in that he’s leaving behind everything he’s ever known and keeping close to the best constant he has. So it only made sense that he’d ride with you, and Din would pair with Fennec.
She’s an intimidating one, Fennec Shand. Din mentioned that she’d been an assassin for hire in the Imperial days, that he’s never known anyone who can beat her skill or match her tenacity. And you believe him; she has eyes like a lothcat and a body like a loaded pulse rifle, always watching, seemingly always ready to strike. But there’s a sparkle to her too, an allure that draws you in like bait for the snare.
He’s known her longer than you. The bond between them is strong. A bond between friends, between warriors. You can sense his high regard for her. He’s holding onto her waist so nonchalantly…
Well this is a new feeling. You shake it off and find a constructive distraction.
“How are you doing back there, padawan?”
This is fun! It goes so fast! What’s a padawan?
“It’s an old word. It means you are in training to be a master of the powers you have. The old word for those powers was ‘force,’ and they called the masters Jedi.”
You are Jedi?
“Well. Something like that.” Leaning the speeder around a curve in the canyon, you similarly bend the subject. “You’re going to join other kids like you. I can’t wait for you to meet Shiari and Grogu. They’re gonna be so happy to have a new friend.”
It would be easy to miss it over the whine of the speeder bike–a soft sigh. You keep forgetting that the comm is open. And any mention of Grogu is always bittersweet for Din.
He misses the little one so much. It’s evident that he’s happy that Grogu’s safe and learning, that he’s where things are best for him. But it still twists your heart. Din went from being alone to being a father at hyper warp–taking to it like a Gungan to water–and something about that makes you smile.
Grogu’s ability to charm the mighty warrior. Din’s sleeping heart opening for him, blooming like a hundred-year codaflower in Grogu’s warm spring. Except for the danger of his lifestyle, Din makes a good father. Any kid would be lucky to have him. Even beyond your feelings for him, his devotion makes it an honor to be serving the mission with him.
“Little Bird.”
Oops. “Sorry. Just wanna get there, I guess,” your excuse is accompanied  by the return to a manageable speed. Again.
“We’ll be hitting Mos Pelgo soon. Don’t tear up the town on your way in.”
“Telling me what not to do only tests my willful streak, Your Highness.”
“I’m aware.” There’s a low warning in his voice, but also a smirk. “I’m willing to make it an order if that’s the motivation you need.”
Slowly swiveling your visor in his direction, you watch as he does the same to you. A playful tease.
“You. Wouldn’t. Dare.”
And without turning away, you punch the throttle, defiantly taking the lead, Uli-ah roaring in excitement behind you even as he holds on for dear life. ________________
Mos Pelgo is a quiet settlement, barely big enough to be called anything other than an outpost. Moisture farms flicker in and out of the distance through the waves of heat in a constellation surrounding a one-street center, a short line of earthen structures topped in domes and rods, connected by a boardwalk lifted off the dusty path. The few dust-coated people out and about stop and stare as you coast by, involuntarily shrinking back away from the path. Not that you can blame them. They seem peaceful and it’s not surprising that they might be startled by a band of armored strangers coming in, a Tusken in their mix. Din mentioned that the townsfolk might be wary of Tuskens, but assured that his friend Cobb would vouch for the kid.
What he didn’t tell you is that once they saw his armor, they would lift their hands in a friendly wave. It seems they know him here.
Pulling up outside a cantina, the four of you peel yourselves from your seats with varying degrees of stretching and sighing, your spine aching to be upright and your feet thankful for a chance to be on solid ground. Din and Fennec head up the stairs and you start to follow, but there’s a tug at your elbow.
Is this the school?
“Not yet. We have to travel a long long way, but the Captain has to do a job first and he can’t protect us for the next couple of days. We’re going to stay here with a friend where it’s safe.”
If a Tusken mask can look baleful, Uli-ah achieves it with a long, slow look up and down the settlement path.
“Hey. I promised you a school and you’re going to get one. We might not get there for a while, but you’ll be with me the whole way and guess what.”
You’ll teach me?
“You bet I will. I told you you were smart. You wanna go inside and see if our new friend is there?”
Steps are a new concept and Uli-ah takes a cautious step up, and up again, bringing one foot up to meet the other before continuing onto the next. At the top, he considers the short flight of two whole stairs, then steps back down and down. Then he takes the steps one at a time, up and down. Once he runs up a third time you catch him around the shoulders before he can give it another go and give him a playful jostle, guiding him inside as he squeezes his fists in victorious joy.
After the glare of the desert, it’s comparatively dark in the cantina, so you instinctively pull off your helmet.
This is your first mistake.
And sets off a chain of events.
Uli-ah, not accustomed to your helmetless face, stops behind you in the entryway.
Mother, you’re–
He shrieks.
It’s unsafe, mother!
Before you can course correct–calm him or apologize for shifting culture so quickly or even take the time to correct his default of name for you–the Weequay behind the counter reacts fiercely to the the child, pointing and shouting–
“Out! We don’t want trouble here! We have a pact! Out!”
“No, wait–” Din turns sharply to the barkeep, but the damage has been done and the child bolts awkwardly from the cantina out into the light, smashing his shoulder against the port frame as he goes and wailing his way down the boardwalk.
You make a quick gesture to Din as you follow–it’s okay, I’ll get him–and leave your Mandalorian to locating his friend.
By the time you get eyes on him, Uli-ah’s a couple of buildings away–poor boy must be so confused right now–when a tall, old man steps out from one of them, seemingly summoned by the commotion, and the two collide, the boy falling off the boardwalk into the dust, then trying to scramble backward, all heels and palms and elbows.
The man’s good natured, going after the boy and trying to help him up, but it only scares him more. “Whoa there. Hey. Hey there, kid, it’s alright. I’m not tryin’ to hurt you.” Once he gets the boy up and starts dusting him off, Uli-ah struggles to break free, but the man easily holds him, kneeling down to the kid’s level to keep from being a threat. “Hey hey hey. It’s okay. You lost son? Where’s your tribe?”
“I’m so sorry. He’s under my care.” As you converge with them and take Uli-ah’s hand, the child turns and slams into you, hiding his face in your side, holding on with shaking hands. “It’s okay, padawan. Nothing’s gonna happen to you if you stick with me, okay?”
Your second mistake was assuming the man is elderly on account of his grey hair and beard, but when you hold a hand out to help him up, you’re greeted by lively dark eyes and a particularly wry and charming grin. Oh yes, he takes your hand, but puts no weight on it as he stands, only holds it firmly, a handshake that is warm but…unending.
“Ma’am,” he says respectfully, but with a rather rakish sparkle to it, and you catch sight of the stripes on his belt. A Republic Ranger. A welcome sight out here for you, but might cause problems for Din. “You and your friend are new faces around here. I’m the marshal. How can I assist you?”
“I’m, ah, I’m,” stars, that’s some smile. ”I’m here with my partner and his associate. We’re looking for a friend of his. There was a misunderstanding at the cantina and my charge here got a little scared.”
“Well, let’s go see if we can sort this out. If I might escort you…” Instead of releasing your hand, he draws it smoothly under and around his forearm, and in your shock–a little bemused, a little offended–your final mistake is allowing it. And so in this manner, you arrive back at the Cantina, arm in arm with the marshal, pulling Uli-ah along by the hand.
“There he is,” the Weequay nods to your trio as two helmets turn.
“Heard there was a misunderstanding in here with this pretty lady and the young one, is that the way of things, Weequay?”
“Yes, Marshal, my misunderstanding. Won’t happen again.”
The marshal, nodding, turns his attention to Din and Fennec. “Welcome back, Mando. These two belong to you?”
Ah. So you’ve run into the man Din was looking for. All should be well, but something feels off. Din stands still, squared to the three of you, feet in a wide, stable stance. His answer is taking a long time to come. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was in confrontation mode, as if he was going to have to make a tactical move at any second. It’s easy to assume for a moment that perhaps these two aren’t as friendly as you were led to believe.
But the assumption and the tension break as the Mandalorian steps forward to the marshal, each clasping the others’ forearm in a brotherly handshake, “Vanth” and “Mando” exchanged with nods, and a bonus smile on Cobb’s part. Friends indeed then.
Stretching out with your feelings though, there’s an anomaly rolling around in Din, something faintly protective. Something that’s bitten off by his terse, “Yes. These two are mine.”
When the marshal drops your hand and swaggers loose and lanky over to a nearby table, it’s only then that Din’s muscles relax, that he shifts slowly to one hip, that his hand leaves off the habitual hover near his blaster and hooks itself into his belt.
It’s all you can do not to gape.
You’ve never seen Din jealous before.
But that seems to be melting swiftly as he takes a seat by his friend. Cobb Vanth orders a full round from the proprietor, and leans forward over the table, grinning a whole galaxy full of teeth in the mirror of Din’s visor and declares, “Sure would like to know what skugbunny you followed to find yourself all the way out here again.”
Fennec stands in the light, her svelte figure like a knife stuck in the sand, finding less commotion outside where she can send a communique to her boss. You can hardly blame her; Cobb is a loud talker and Uli-ah has found distraction in a pair of sabacc dice which he throws over and over, clattering across the table as he plays a game he’s making up on the spot, cheating against himself every once in a while with a subtle force push of a die, although you’re the only one who notices.
After his economical explanation to Cobb, Din passes his glass to you, something he does often now in public places, allowing you to drink what he cannot. “What I’m looking for is shelter for my partner and her charge here. Refills on supplies. Fuel. I’m willing to pay.”
“So what’s the favor then?” The marshal squints, taking a swig of his spotchka.
“I want no harm to come to these two,” Din says, tilting his helmet in your direction. “I’m bound to protect them, but I need to go take care of something. Should be back within a day.”
“So you’re looking for a security detail,” he says, finishing the cup. “You got it. No problem. I’ll look after them personally.” A cheeky wink punctuates the offer.
That odd twinge rises in Din again, like smoke from a too hot fire, and you lay a hand on his knee under the table. “Uli-ah and I won’t cause you any trouble, marshal. This seems like a peaceful place you keep here. We should be able to manage alright.”
Cobb misinterprets your polite decline of babysitting as an act of humble courtesy. “It’s no trouble at all, ma’am. We don’t have any public lodgings here in Freetown, but I’ve got a room. It’s yours. Nowhere safer.”
There’s nothing to say that wouldn’t seem rude.
“That’s…very generous. The boy and I are grateful for a place to stay.”
“Right then,” Cobb slaps his hand on the table, using it to push him up off his chair. “I’ll go scare up some water reserves for your journey.”
There’s silence at the table when he leaves, broken only by the rattle of dice on its surface as Uli-ah tries over and over again to break his top score. Din stares off after the marshal, but hesitates to follow. Something’s on his mind.
You wager a guess.
“Din. We’ll be okay. There’s nothing to be jealous of.”
“I’m not…jealous.”
You squeeze his knee. “This could all be avoided if you let us come with you–”
“No.” He finally draws in a long breath, exhales, and turns the visor to you. “I want you safe. You’ll stay here. That’s an order.”
“We’re on the job and I call the shots when it comes to your safety.”
“Yes, but–”
There’s movement outside at the speeders, a woody thud and scrape as a water camtono is deposited and then picked up from the boardwalk.
He doesn’t let you finish, standing and holding out a hand to help you up. “I’ve got to get the supplies packed in.”
Something’s turned off in him. The courtesy’s there, but he’s doing his best to control his emotions....
To hide them from you.
“Come on, Uli-ah. We’ll see the Captain off and then we’re going to stay with Marshal Vanth for a couple of days, okay?” By the time you tear the youngling away from his new toys, the corner of Din’s cape is disappearing out the door.
Kriff. This is bad. Something’s wrong and he can’t leave like this. He can’t take this uncertainty with him.
Taking a seat on a crate while they prep Fennec’s speeder, you just stay out of the way and observe. Cobb chatters cheerfully at the assassin, bringing out supplies from the storehouse, exchanging old tarps for new, handing over a fuel hose. But Din keeps out of the conversation, silently busies himself with a last minute tune up of the vehicle.
He’s removed his packs from Fennec’s bike–both to facilitate a more strategic repack and to access a panel behind one of the side compartments–and they sit propped up against the boardwalk nearby.
That’s it.
There’s something you need to do.
Sidling over to his packs and reaching out with your feelings, you search for the thrum of kyber. There it is. It’s easy to locate the Darksaber and extract it from the pack. You place it in your lap, covering it with the end of your tunic.
Uli-ah’s found some whomp rats living under the boardwalk and you watch as he plays with them, running to one side when they do, and trying to beat them to the other side when they change course.
After a short while, Din closes up the hatches and reattaches the spanner to its flank seating. Then he makes his way over to you, silently retrieves his packs, and returns to the speeder, taking a long time tying them down.
It’s only when everything’s ready to go and there’s nothing more to keep him away, he comes back and lays a hand on your cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Leaning into his hand and trapping it with one of your own, you hold up the Darksaber with the other. “You need to concentrate, Din.” His short, frustrated sigh only pushes your resolve further. “You’re not the only one with a duty of care, mister. This blade is tricky and you need all the help you can get.”
“I’ll be okay, Little Bird.”
“Not if you leave in the state you’re in. I know you’re not angry at me, but you’re uncomfortable leaving me here and you can’t leave like that. This weapon,” you whisper urgently, pressing the hilt into his palm, “won't listen to you unless your feelings are sharp. You’ll need its emotional boost to tap its whole potential and gain mastery over it. I can’t send you off like this. I won’t. I need you to know you have nothing to worry about.”
He’s silent for a moment, choosing his words. “I’m not worried. Not about you.”
He means it, you can hear it, but he’s still not content with leaving you. It’s not just another man finding you attractive, there’s something in him that’s warring. Not quite fear, something closer to insecurity, confusion…
...and you realize that he hasn’t grappled with feelings like this before.
Then it’s time. Set him up for success.
You’ll do anything to help him, to protect him.
To ensure he uses this weapon with love.
This won’t be difficult.
On the contrary, it’s the easiest decision you’ve ever made.
Placing one hand over his on the saber, and the other on his breastplate right above his heart, you look him calm in the eye and pour all your confidence and affection into the words–
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.”
The way you bravely face challenges. How you deftly handle your weapon. The way you inject a sense of playfulness into his orbit, your entry into his world a lively ignition to what feels like a whole new epoch in his life.
Life before your arrival, and life after. Not many have affected him like this. Changed his mind and heart like this. He can only think of one other.
But this connection is different from the bond he shares with Grogu. This one is unique, it comforts and calms him, makes him feel worthy as a man and a Mandalorian, meets him as an equal and captures his wonder in ways he wouldn’t have anticipated.
You never cease to amaze him. Even now.
He has witnessed Mandalorian courtships out of the periphery of his everyday life, seemingly never taking much notice, believing it was never meant for him.
But he did take note. Secretly. Resigned. He noticed those who grew up together and took their time. He noticed couples that seemed to range from rivals to friends to bonded in the matter of days. There didn’t seem to be a pattern, no guidelines on the right way to find your partner, or how long it might take to declare a joining.
With you… he doesn’t know what you might expect from him. Din doesn’t quite understand your old creed–the rejection of attachments–how tightly you hold it and how much of it you’ve already broken for him.
Because he loves you. In a way that’s perplexing. Your love came to him, and his to you, meeting in the middle of the battlefield. But there was no skirmish, no treaties, just a foregoing of pretense, and open arms.
Simple. Beautiful. Like everything you do.
Perhaps he felt like he was betraying that simplicity–that openness, that trust–when Vanth rounded the doorway wearing you and your new foundling on his arm. It wasn’t as simple as jealousy and a twist of the heart, but the hot flash of possession that flamed behind the beskar, growling from deep within him.
While he was grateful and happy to claim you as his own as far as you gave yourself, to protect you and serve you, to meet your affection with his own, he had no right to chain you to him, to claim you so thoroughly that you could not be free in order to flourish. He would never ask you to form an attachment that would fracture your faith.
He didn’t and doesn’t think for a moment that you have any interest in Vanth. Or anyone but himself.
But the flash of emotion was dangerous. Selfish. Not the kind of love you deserve.
And yet, you still accept it. You perceive it because you know him. And you accept it.
And now you’re speaking words that are not only true…they’ve been true from the beginning of this whole damn venture.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.” You repeat the words, only a little worry sneaking into your voice now because he hasn’t answered you, hasn’t spoken…dank farrik, how long has he been standing here in shock?
How long has he believed he would never receive those words?
All that’s necessary is a repetition.
It’s only words.
But it’s everything.
Which is what he’s always wanted to give you.
So he makes the exchange. Quietly. Simply. Sincerely.
"We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors."
And he can feel it. He can feel the love and concern you have for him. He can feel your trust. It pushes into him like a warm wave, flowing through all the way back to the beginning. The throughline of that first night he walked you home–I’ll be your armor–to the moment when he outfitted you with some of your own, to now as you use your whole self to send him off with armor more resilient than beskar and a reminder when he wields the saber just who gave him that gift.
Clutching your hand at his chest, he squeezes tightly as the wave washes back through him, gritting his teeth behind the visor, the emotions silently taking their toll.
To everyone else, the armor says he is a stoic warrior, his silence is his strength.
But standing here, now, in front of you, he might as well be unmasked, might as well be naked and screaming; he knows your heart can sense the riot in his, even if you can’t see his face.
There’s quiet on the street. Uli-ah’s stopped playing with the womp rats and stands staring from a distance. Fennec and Vanth are waiting for him at the speeder. And yet, he can’t seem to move, can’t seem to leave you.
So you lay hands on his helmet and pull him closer, gently tapping your forehead against the cold metal. “Go. The sooner you go, the sooner you come back to me.” ________________
They’ve lost a little time, but by the position of the suns, they should still make the palace by nightfall.
“So Fett’s taken over the crime syndicate?”
“Not quite,” Fennec shouts over the roar of her speeder and the rush of the wind. “Boba’s interested in striking a deal with Madame Garza in Mos Espa. Going to set up protections. Territories. Wants to undo some wrongs he’s made in the past.”
That’s noble. He’s an odd man, Fett. Unpredictable. But there’s no reason Din can see for saying it out loud, and so he reserves his words, focuses instead on the shifting sands.
“That was a tense parting with your partner back there,” Fennec pokes, taking advantage of the silence.
“Yeah. Riduurok.”
“Is that serious?”
“From what I’ve been told, it can be.”
Fennec deftly maneuvers the speeder around a small minefield of rocky outcroppings before turning her head over her shoulder and side-eyeing him curiously through the slit in her helmet, “From what you’ve been told–?”
“I don’t know,” Din says, his vocoder barely audible over the slur of the world going by, not caring much who hears it other than himself, “I’ve never heard anyone else actually speak those words. There aren’t usually witnesses at a Mandalorian wedding.” ________________
To be continued.
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I made y’all an ice cream cone. It’s one scoop Boba x reader and one scoop Fennec x reader. If you enjoy it, I’ll make you a whole sundae.
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Boba Fett - or at least the person she supposed must be Boba Fett - along with his menacing entourage and a masked man in chains entered the antechamber unannounced.
“I’m here to see the mayor.”
Her eyes widened and a furrows appeared between her brows. She tried to scroll through her data pad, but she was reluctant to take her eyes off of imposing figure of Boba Fett.
“Do you have… an appointment?” she asked in a small, hesitant voice. She’d always been able to hold her own, but this broad man had a powerful quality that made her feel like shrinking against the wall.
“I found one of his stray pets. I’m here to return it to its master,” he growled. She swallowed.
The Majordomo, that gladhanding little worm, appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
“Apologies, Lord Fett. I did not see your litter arrive,” he offered as he dipped his head apologetically. “The mayor is indisposed but I’m sure we have an appointment available some time late next week…”
He moved behind her and, as he reached around to take the data pad from her hands, placed one of his palms on her ribcage. This one was step too far. She could tolerate his leering for the sake of keeping herself fed and housed, but she would not be subjected to groping.
“Get your hands off of me before I slap you back into your mother!”
The majordomo jerked back with a stunned expression on his face.
“You want to see the mayor?” she said, looking directly at the Daimyo. She grabbed a key card from a rack on the reception podium, walked defiantly over to the locked door to the mayor’s office, and swiped the card over the locking panel. The red light turned green and the door opened.
“His schedule just opened up,” she said, throwing the key card back onto the podium before turning to walk past them all and out the door.
“I quit!” she shouted over her shoulder.
He sent Fennec to find her. He needed an administrative assistant and she had moxie. Fennec tracked her to a hole in the wall cantina drinking cheap, adulterated spotchka. The Daimyo’s job offer included a generous salary and a private living quarters, but she knew to be suspicious.
“Does the Daimyo know how to keep his hands to himself?” she asked warily.
“If he doesn’t, I’ll cut them off myself.”
Fennec’s assurance was enough for the moment. She accepted the position and found herself packing her belongings the following morning to make the short hike up to the palace. As she was leaving and turning in her key for the cramped little room for which she paid exorbitant rent, Fennec arrived on a bantha to collect her.
“I though you’d have more possessions.”
“I’m flattered, but I’m also poor.”
Fennec chuckled and gave her a leg up onto the bantha. She rode astride behind Fennec, holding her around the waist as the bantha plodded along.
“You’ll like working for the Daimyo,” she said over her shoulder. “He’ll keep you out of trouble.”
“Does he keep you out of trouble?” she asked coyly.
“He couldn’t even if he tried.”
They were both silent for a while. As the bantha climbed the hill towards the palace, Fennec spoke to her over her shoulder again.
“You made him laugh, you know. With what you said to the majordomo. He couldn’t stop talking about it.”
“Really?” she asked, surprised.
“He think you’re gutsy. The Daimyo endeavors to surround himself with gutsy women, apparently.”
“You’ll be free of unwanted advances,” offered the Daimyo, sensitive to her unease with the possibility of being taken advantage of by men holding power over her. “I ask for loyalty, but loyalty is meant to be reciprocated. You are now under my protection.”
“Thank you, Daimyo,” she said, still wary of him.
“You have nothing to fear under Boba Fett,” said Fennec in an unexpectedly soft voice that momentarily caught Boba off guard. Fennec warmed to few of the palace staff, Boba thought. She must like this one.
Boba liked her too. He had now doubt that she would at least try to make good on her threat of violence against Mok Shaiz’ majordomo. Now that Boba knew what a lecherous pest he was, he might just find an excuse to feed him to the rancor. Boba was certain that his new assistant would fit in just fine with his motley crew. Fennec was certainly fond of her, and although he found her striking as well, he had the good sense to leave her be. If she decided to climb into his bed, or Fennec’s, all the more reason to keep her safe.
This was originally going to be a one shot but now it’s a whole thing.
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deni-sova · 1 year
I have a lot of thoughts about the mandalorian season 3, but this is one that i really want to share: if you decided to shift focus from din djarin to bo katan or mandalorians in general - this is sad, but please, please, PLEASE for the love of maker, do not erase din, do not just remove him from the show, please, just transfer him to the book of boba fett, boba will take good care of him, din fits there really well, he can be a side caracter in boba's story, just let him raise his kid in peace with auntie peli and aunt fennec
I just care about din so much
As we all do
My rant is over
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FlightlessAngelWings Pride 2023 Challenge!
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✨🌈Happy Pride✨🌈
Let’s celebrate pride together here!!!
Just a few rules first.
No minors. My blog is an 18+ only space and smut is allowed and welcomes so anyone under 18 please do not interact.
Any character/pairing from any fandom is welcome just make sure to incorporate pride and queerness in some way. Reader insert, ocs, ships, anything goes! Queer character, queer reader/oc, both, queer family or friends, have fun with it!
Please properly tag and warn for anything! Smut is welcome and encouraged!
If writing a reader insert, please be inclusive with your writing as to not exclude poc.
Event runs for the whole month of pride so please post between June 1 and 30 and I’ll include everything in the Masterlist at the end of the month!
Tag me and use the hashtag #fawpride2023 so I can see and reblog your works! You don’t have to be following me but I always appreciate new followers and want to make new friends!!
Dialogue prompts
“What do you think of my last name with your first name?”
“It’s always been you.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“We’re dead if we get caught but fuck it.”
“You look so beautiful right now and all I want to do is fuck you senseless.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.”
“Someone will remember us, I say, even in another time.”
“I may be crazy but that don’t make me wrong”
“You did all this for me?”
“As long as I have you, I know it’ll all be ok.”
“Hold me closer”
Trope prompts
An accidental “I love you” slips out
Fairytale au
Stargazing together
Only one bed
Overhearing you have feelings for them (or vice versa)
Barista/coffee shop au
Idiots to lovers
Showing up at the other’s door unexpectedly
Found family
The italicized oh
Grumpy x sunshine
A hug that lasts just a little bit longer than necessary
Dancing together
A short kiss, pulling away to look in each others eyes, then an explosive passionate deep kiss
Photo prompts
Click for larger images. All images found on Unsplash
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saradika · 1 year
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so in love with this Knight!Fennec art (from the knight and her lady) that I commissioned from @mjpens! 💕 maia was so amazing to work with & did such an incredible job interpreting her style into armor - this is exactly how I pictured her! Thank you, again!
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