#fentons are all birds yay
ghostbsuter · 1 year
Can be read as a continuation of this
.・゜-: ✧ :
Standing by Batman's side, Billy and Danny were very much standing out, ignoring that they're kids and in street clothes.
There was a curse, and the cave was flooded with various people, both recognised as Bruce's legal and otherwise wards.
Danny knows that blue bird symbol even if the vigilante was over 500 meters away.
"Nightiwing!" He cheers, nudging Billy who was still pouting.
The man in question seemed so confused.
A rough "behave" from batman, and they were both grumbling, Billy adamant that he didn't even do anything.
"Uh– B? Why are there two black haired, blue-eyed children behind you?" Nightwing approaches cautious, attention to the two now.
"You two orphans?'
"Yep!" "Yeah."
"...tragic backstory?"
A shrug and a 'so-so' gesture.
"Shit, welcome to the family then."
The words make Billy grin. "Nah, we're not adopted, as much as the big probably want to." He adds as afterthought. "It's just our week with the big bat!"
Spoiler, giddy, approaches as well. "Damn bigbat! Felt broody again?"
Danny laughs at the question, the man only grumbling.
"So, who are you two? I personally don't believe Batman would bring in two random orphans to the Batcave."
Their attention is now on Red Robin, who's idly playing with his staff.
"Well, I'm Danny! Danny Fenton."
Matching his mischievous grin, Billy gestures to himself. "Billy, Billy Batson."
"Stop being menaces and go on." Batman nudges the two, cowl resting somewhere and his brow is raised.
"You hurt us, Bruce!" Billy shakes his head. "And here I thought you of all people would take these secret identities serious!"
Somewhere someone mutters a 'of course they're vigilantes' and it has them grinning even bigger.
"Alright, we will tell you! Since we got busted not long ago anyway."
Two white rings split across his abdomen and reveal Phantom. Justice League member Phantom.
"I'm also known as Phantom!" Danny– Phantom!?— re-introduces, then gestures to Billy.
Getting into position, the teen with a feral glint in his eyes shouted. "Shazam!"
A bolt of lighting hits the cave– now wasn't that a freaky thing?— and Captain Marvel stands where Billy was.
"Captain Marvel, to your assistance."
Oh my god they are child heroes.
"We managed to trick the Justice League only for so long, unfortunately."
"Was amazing tho!"
Oh my god, they were child heroes that managed to trick the big three.
(Silently, dick bemoans that they're gonna fit right in in their chaos, but now he got more brothers to spoil so yay?)
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vicmillen · 1 month
Why Danny should be tossed into the Gotham cast
A short medium long list of reasons, by me:
It funny.
Lady Gotham being an nuisance. A mostly benign one but still a nuisance.
Danny being a even bigger nuisance in retaliation because men can be so petty.
Ol' Batsy getting multiple headaches. Must be his age catching up.
Oh sweet, a whole species of enslaved undead waiting to be rescued and rehabilitated. Hmm wonder what's the deal with all the owl motifs?
Did I mention Jason? Oh I did. But how about his magic sword? You know the glowy lightsaber that's powered by his soul or something?
Bird watching is fun. Bat watching is even more fun. Until they start watch you back but eh
The rouges here feels more homely then elsewhere. More malicious to the living then your average Amity haunting, maybe. But the commitment to a theme is very familiar, as is the frequency of attacks.
Another fake clown to soup up! Huh? What do you mean he's human? Humans can't get souped like that don't be silly lol.
Wait. Huh. Well that explains everything and nothing.
How To Manage A Ghost Kingdom 101: a joint lecture by Timothy Drake-Wayne and Jason Peter Todd, teenaged entrepreneur and crime lord, respectively. Targeted student: one future Phantom King.
Advanced Anger Management with Jazz. Targeted student: one Jason Todd and one Danny Phantom.
How To Not Be A Cult Leader Part I, a group therapy lead by Tim. Attendee: one ol' Batsy, his son Stabby Robin, and one Ghost Boy.
So many liminals for a place without a 24/7 portal to the afterlife. Wait what's that green pool underground?
Why and most importantly, How is there ecto detectors in the batcave- wait no actually that explains how the Fentons got their first funding for their cursed research.
'It's good to practice for the future.' -Clockwork, probably.
'Enrichment is important for the growth of a Protector.' -Frostbite, probably.
'Peace is not an option.' -Paraphrased by Danny, probably.
Moving from most haunted city to most cursed city isn't exactly an upgrade, but it isn't an downgrade either, so.
Have you ever considered fighting the bad vibes of your city with cutesy lil blobs? Well you should. Not it's not causing a slime infestation what are you talking about.
Finally someone that is both willing (untrue) and able (we'll see) to deal with the various curses in Gotham. Yay...
No but seriously Danny-make friends with rouges while actively beating each other up-Phantom would fit right in with the Robins.
It's Jazz's dream job working in Arkham... Well it's actually working on dismantling the cursed thing, but baby steps, baby steps.
Imagine the everlasting trio getting onto the bats watchlist within a week. Separately.
Sam for Ivy The Second tendency; Danny because he's poking around old dionesium researches that he shouldn't know about; and Tucker because he's having fun (one-sided) with his new online friends. Oracle is deeply unamused.
Ellie should never meet Damian. They'll be such good bad influences for each other.
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hexkids-au · 2 years
Possession Chats (Part 1)
Disclaimer: I have not been to group therapy before, so this is based off of limited internet research. If there is anything that I need to change or is incorrect, don't hesitate to tell me. It was really just a concept for my AU that I thought would be fun because I realized that nearly half of the characters have been possessed before.
Jazz: Hello everyone, sorry to pull you out of your classes, I’m Jazz Fenton. I’m here to guide your support group session today.
Hunter: What am I doing here with a bunch of… All of you?
Jazz: This is a safe space for anyone that has had experience with forms of possession.
Danny: Wait when did I-
Jazz: Freakshow?
Danny: Right, right. 
Dipper: Um, I don’t really want to-
Marcy: HI! Sorry I’m late! Oh, did I interrupt something?
Jazz: It’s alright. I’m Jazz and this is the support group for students who have experienced possession. 
Marcy: Oh. Actually, uhh, I’m extremely busy right now so I’ll just leave the way I came in…
Jazz: Marcy, is it? Everyone here is thinking the same things you are, I’m sure. We’re going to ease in to talking about those things and start with getting to know each other. 
Hunter: If I go first, can I leave?
Jazz: No, but thanks for volunteering! Today we’re just going to share our name, a bit about our family, and one fun fact about ourselves. I’ll go first, then Hunter, and we’ll go around the circle from there. 
Hunter: Yay. Sounds great.
Jazz: Glad to hear it! Well, my name is Jazz Fenton, I have a mom and a dad that hunt ghosts and a brother who is half ghost. And fun fact, I like to exercise! Hunter?
Hunter: My name is Hunter. I have an adoptive dad and a found sister and mother, and I was resurrected from the bones of my creator’s dead brother. That work?
Jazz: Wow. Thank you for sharing, Hunter. Now, Dipper?
Dipper: Right. I’m Dipper. Well, Mason, but everyone calls me Dipper. I have a twin sister, a mom and a dad, and two great-uncles, and I made a pig learn how to talk once?
Jazz: Interesting! Thank you, Dipper. Next we have… right, Marcy!
Marcy: Hey everyone, I’m Marcy Wu. I have a mom and a dad. And… do I have to just pick one thing?
Jazz: Not necessarily but just to-
Marcy: Okay okay fine. Ooh! I rode on the back of a bird while toppling a corrupt empire!
Jazz: And I thought my brother was a handful! Well, Danny, take it away. 
Danny: I got you. Right, my name’s Danny Phantom, or Fenton, whichever you prefer really. I have a mom, dad, and older sister. Both of my parents hunt ghosts and my sister protects me from them sometimes. 
Jazz: Aww. 
Danny: Protects me from my parents, if you didn’t get that. 
Jazz: Yeah, I know. Finally, we have… what’s your name?
Hilda: Hilda. 
Jazz: Yes, Hilda! Sorry. Want to share a bit about yourself?
Hilda: Sure. My name is Hilda, I live with my mum, and one of my best friends is a human witch.
Jazz: Ooh, nice! Thank you all for sharing. From now on, no one has to talk if they don’t want to, but we will all respect whoever is talking.
Hunter: Yup, all great and good, can I go now?
Jazz: What’s the big rush? We still have another fifteen minutes together.
Hunter: The flyer derby team practice is in five minutes and I need time to change before.
Jazz: Alright, you can leave.
*Hunter pumps his fist and starts walking towards the door*
Jazz: After! 
*Hunter turns around*
Jazz: You give us your best… hmm… Wolf impression!
Hunter: What? Are you serious? I don’t even know what those are!
Jazz: You do. Don’t worry, this is a judgement free space. Your best wolf howl, go!
Hunter: Ugh, fine. Ah-woo. Happy?
Jazz: We’ll work on it. Have fun at practice!
*Hunter mumbles as he walks out and shuts the door behind him*
Hilda: So you said this was for people who have “experience with possession”, is there anyone here that has possessed someone else or..?
Danny: I have!
Jazz: Danny! Everyone is here because it has happened to them, not because they did it to someone else. Unless we need to, we’re not going to mention if we can possess others or not.
Danny: Oh, my bad. I was possessed once, I robbed a bank and held my family and friends hostage on a train, if that counts.
Jazz: It does, and thank you for sharing, Danny. Since you’re taking, do you have any ways you deal with any trauma you have left from that experience?
Danny: No? Honestly, I kinda saved the world and called it even.
Jazz: Ahh, hiding behind jokes and sarcasm. Anyone else?
Dipper: Uh, I avoid triangles, large eyes, and American dollar bills at all costs?
Jazz: And how well does that work for you?
Dipper: It doesn’t, really.
Marcy: I’m fine as long as I don’t think about my childhood best friends. Ever.
Jazz: Ouch, see? We’re here to learn from each other and find healthy ways of coping so we can-
*End of class bell screams, making half of them jump*
Jazz: Alright, I’ll see you all here next week!
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dinoserious · 2 years
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heehehe. hehe
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Yooo guys apparently if you keep pressing the full stop you can watch a youtube video frame-by-frame so I did it with the new Ducktales intro and
(put under a read more bc it got kinda long)
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Is he seriously on a segway.
I’d make a snarky remark about the New Generation-representative Rich Guy being the only one not physically running, but I trust the writers. Also African Gray Parrots are supposed to be super smart so maybe Mark Zuckerberg is going to be, like, a Smart But Physically Weak Villian. You know those types of villians who set up elaborate schemes but the hero just defeats them by punching them in the face? Yeah.
I can’t forgive the smartphone out, though. What is he doing? Livestreaming? “Hey guys watch me chase down this old guy and his family” Doesn’t he own a company? That’s got to be bad PR.
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It’ll take a while to get used to Gyro’s redesign (I think once I see him voiced and animated it’ll click) but the Not-Little Helper has Scrooge’s symbol on it’s chest-area which means maybe Scrooge commissioned Gyro to build it? Oh geez.
Maybe the Not-Little Helper here is the prototype for Gizmoduck. You know in the previous series, Gyro built that giant tank robot to guard the moneybin (then it went haywire bc he programmed it Too Well) and he built the Gizmoduck suit because you needed brains to be a security guard. Maybe something happened to make Scrooge tell Gyro to make a Not-Little Helper to be the city’s hero, but then it goes haywire (and then Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera becomes Gizmoduck!)
Also (at the top left corner) JUST LOOK AT THE WAY DEWEY RUNS. BBY. All the promotional images show him as “daring” but mercy he runs like he’s terrified.
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These frames were right next to each other I’m sobbing.
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Oh, smear frame! Yay!
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I like this plane. It’s large and bulky and friendly-looking due to the rounded edges, so it fits Launchpad perfectly.
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I thought the wheels looked weird so I backtracked and oh god it’s so much worse? They’re just…inset there! It’s no wonder this guy crashes, he can’t land cause he has no functional wheels!
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Webby’s really inspecting that diamond.
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I can’t decide who’s reaction I like better.
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Aww bby
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Wow Scrooge, you sure look confident for Launchpad to be driving a boat in a storm.
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Arms go fast, smear smear smear :D
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Tfw you have to choose which child to save
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Now there’s a solution (ALSO SCROOGE)
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Aww they’re trying to reach for him :,)
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Is that Donald’s houseboat?
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That’s Donald’s houseboat.
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It’s blurry but I’m p sure the bottom part of the plate says $100
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“Did the kids just ride by on a wild predator?...Oh, Donald’s not gonna like this.”
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Huey’s the first person (duck?) to notice the dragon- which I’m p sure is the same one as the promo poster for the movie. So that means this scene is probably from one of their first adventures together.
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Louie just starts quietly backing away and Beakley’s absolutely ready to THROW DOWN. Meanwhile, Dewey and Scrooge remain oblivious.
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Really? We’re just fading out like that? Dewey didn’t even notice the dragon!
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You lost your family bc you were too busy looking for gold. Not that that’s metaphorical or anything.
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Look at this
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That’s indisputably a mammalian claw. But I’m also pretty sure that’s a bird beak.
I don’t know much about Egyptian mythology, but I think putting bird heads on people were a Thing?
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AGAIN LOOK AT THE WAY HE RUNS. IM JUST..BB. (he runs like Donald!)
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Whoever created this…this split-screen diagonal closeup with the characters jumping into the next panel just needs all the Awards.
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Hey Dewey, when you’re falling onto a hard stone floor, I don’t think a headfirst cannonball is the best position.
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That’s definitely a bird beak. Also didn’t only the pharoah wear that fake beard thing? Oh wait. They’re in a pyramid, of course the mummy’s a pharoah. :p
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Wait is that the money bin? In the background? With a freakin’ FORKLIFT?
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“You can’t get past m-”
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“Huh. Guess they can.”
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“No matter, I know what to do!”
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Then do a really neat pose that will fool people into thinking I’m a Cool Person!
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Gold: Hard enough to support a forklift, soft enough to dive into.
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Hey, Dewey’s running style changed! I wonder what’s different…maybe going on all those adventures built up his courage?
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Watch me leap out of this gold pile and three feet into the air even though that should not be possible. Who cares? I’m rich, laws don’t apply to me. And that includes the laws of physics.  
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I just. Dolphin.
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He didn’t even try to get his dime...Glomgold looks so offended. 
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Huey and Louie look happy to see Mrs. Beakley. Dewey looks downright terrified. Which, if she can swing four adolescents around like a paper bag with one arm, yeah.
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And to finish, I leave you with this beauty.
 IN CONCLUSION, I’m predicting that
Mark Zuckerberg is an Evil Genius
Scrooge commissioned Gyro to build the Not-Little Helper
The Not-Little Helper and Gizmoduck are connected somehow
Louie’s going to build up his confidence while Dewey’s going to build up his courage
Launchpad’s crashes bc he Literally Cannot land (I’m never letting that go) and
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I’m about to spend a freaking ton of money on Ducktales merch.
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