#feral krogan
useless-moss · 2 years
Viggo has trust issues when it comes to tables or desks that can't be easily seen under.
'Why' you ask?
Because Krogan thinks in funny to fold himself into a demonic pretzel under one and either grab peoples ankles when they walk past or come scurrying out in some distorted position that has the victim thinking he's possessed.
He has used the latter method to chase Viggo into a tree before and Viggo has had nightmares because of it
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By the way, I'm sorry if this comes off as an attack. These are all genuine questions. 💚
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Anon, to genuinely answer you questions, I must ask you. Do you know what a pupil is. A pupil is a YOUNG CHILD. A young child that someone is often tutoring. And in the case of Krogan and Drago, Drago is grooming Krogan into being a living weapon.
“Grown men Making their own decisions”, absolutely not. Like I said above, Krogan was groomed.
He’s done bad things, yes, but based on how he reacts to his surroundings (ie; studying body language and his way of thinking and speaking around others) Krogan is, in fact, been groomed into thinking that the way of life that Drago has forced on him is normal.
Second. We know that Drago is a horrible person. There are going to be people that are in the job with Drago for money and money alone. Krogan is not one of them, that is willingly. At the end of race to the edge we can clearly tell that Krogan is terrified of pretty much nothing other than Drago, meaning there is actually trauma associated with Drago.
It isn’t victim blaming to call some of them evil, especially the ones that are there willingly and ENJOY the torture of others. Whereas Krogan, despite some offhanded comments, while he is annoyed, is very much extremely uncomfortable throughout Race to the Edge. The fact is that some of them may be evil, and that others are actually victims.
Krogan is a victim. I do not stand by his actions, but arrows are legitimately placed in race to the edge that he is a Victim. That he is not in a good situation, and that no matter what else, he is not there willingly.
I know you might not like it but… yikes. Not everything is black and white. Especially in HTTYD and RTTE. Race to the edge is extremely dark at some points. Just gonna state that.
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lassieposting · 1 year
Okay but it occurs to me that varren are a domesticated species - krogan, batarians and humans keep them as pets and working animals.
Like dogs on earth, you can still get packs of feral varren but, also like dogs on earth, even those are probably befriendable with time and effort, because domesticated animals are the result of thousands of years of selective breeding for friendliness, obedience and the ability to understand and communicate across species - you know your dog wants to go for a walk even though he can't speak, because he's whining or pawing at the door or bringing you his leash. They tend to have high levels of emotional intelligence.
And. Animals with high levels of emotional intelligence will sometimes initiate contact with humans on their own, without prompting. Look at feral dogs who will approach a human because their head is stuck in a bucket and they need it removed, or deer who escape a fire and come to humans for water. Look at that video of the mama cow whose baby had slipped outside the fence, and she mooed to draw human attention to the baby and then calmly cooperated while a man lifted it back into the field. Look at the elephants, even, who will go to human settlements for help because their baby is trapped in a hole, and who don't charge the rescuers while they work to free it because they know the humans are helping.
Anyway the point I'm getting at: did humanity, exploring fringe worlds before they ever meet a turian, ever end up absolutely baffled because some fish...dog...thing...has wandered into their compound with its head stuck in what looks like an old space helmet and is clearly looking for help from something with opposable thumbs
Like where did it learn to do that
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sol-consort · 7 months
An addition to the ‘turians/aliens in general learning never to underestimate humans’
The captain on the turian ship is a great example of demonstrating our persistence hunter tactics but humans raw brute strength? We conserve our energy and only let all of it out if we absolutely positively have to, and it can take a lot to get us to the ‘have to’ stage, but that ‘have to’ stage can be damn scary because there’s little that’s gonna stop us. Pretty sure a human gone borderline feral because somebody we cared about got seriously hurt would make a krogan a little nervous. Or maybe it would impress them. Maybe both. Suddenly we’ve developed super strength and hyper endurance that none of the other species had really seen yet because we rarely ever use it.
When the Adrenaline kicks in and your brain goes feral and ignores every pain sensor in your body? Oh man that is something else.
Humans would break their hands and legs at times from an adrenaline rush in a survival situation if they have to, fighting tooth and nail. Biting, scratching and screaming. Human voices can get loud enough to break glass after all.
Most of the time, when it kicks in, it isn't because your own life is in danger, but because someone you care about is.
Krogan pirates who took your little sibling hostage and you lose your shit, breaking all your fingers in every punch but not stopping once. Tearing through their thick skin with your teeth and jaw alone. Clawing at their eye and slamming them against the ground with all your might. No matter what pain you feel, the adrenaline overshadows it all as your brain screams at you to fight.
I'm just saying, we survived a world with lions, bears, tigers, and hawks as cavemen. even before the spears, we learned to fight dirty and animalistically. Have you seen an ape attack someone? How brutal it is? You can't even compare it to birds or turtles or frogs.
So we look civil and harmless, do our best to appear grateful, kind and intelligent to other species. We don't want them to fear us, we want to make friends and bond.
And the friendly curious nature doesn't help change their views. Most krogans probably think humans are as harmless as salarians in a fist fight.
Until an elbow or knee breaks their jaw and they end up on the ground in less than ten minutes.
Our brains are trained to find the weak spots in others, much like sharks are born swimming. Why do we always notice how narrow turians waists and joints are? How easy it would he to snap and target them in a fight. How Asari's hard hair could make a good grip to slam them against a hard surface. Our curiosity about their biology and structure isn't just an innocent thirst for knowledge. Our brains want to know our friends and what makes them tick if they ever decide to become enemies.
Mix brute strength with knowing where to hit and a high endurance plus pain tolerance and you get a nightmare animal that earned its spot as the apex predator of its planet.
Do you think korgans are the apex predator of theirs? With the thresher maws lurking and taking up most of the place? Turians who got beaten by their fucking sun? Or Salarians who live in a literal tropical paradise? Even asari got a crutch from the protheans who gave them biotics and without it I don't think they'd last in a fight.
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commander-krios · 11 months
I was tagged by @mightymizora to do this new game, so let's goooo!
rules: pick up to 10 characters and share one of your favorite lines of dialogue you have ever written for them!
Tagging: @dandenbo, @swaps55, @eluvisen, @aroserinosman and @valkblue
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Juniper "June" Nyux from Andromeda Six, Under the Stars
“Orion is where I came from, but it’s not my home, Maris.” He trailed his mouth over her cheek, across her closed eyelids, before settling between her eyebrows, a lingering touch that nearly set her on fire. “You are. And being here with you, even under a fake night sky, is all I’ve ever dreamed of.”
2. Atris from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, The Mask of Mandalore
Atris held her lightsaber in front of her, eyes flashing angrily. “Arm yourself, Revan. I will finally destroy you, I will bring justice to the Jedi you led astray… to the Jedi you murdered.”
3. Calderon Lynch from Andromeda Six, Wherever You Lead
“I’m not a guard anymore, Daia. I haven’t been in a long time and I can’t go back.” Not after everything he’d been through. “Besides, being an ambassador means you’ll need transportation. Luckily, I know a Captain who will take a stowaway.” 
4. Vexx Serif & the Traveler from Andromeda Six, Mine
With a gentle tug, he removed each glove, one at a time before dropping them in the dirt. “Those were expensive.” She chided him with such a fake scowl that he nearly choked on a laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry, Princess. They’re still expensive lying in the dirt, if that helps?”
5. Canderous Ordo from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, New Beginnings
“I don’t bring up the memories to hurt you. It would’ve been an honor to die at Revan’s hands. To fight the warrior who was single handedly the downfall of my people. To lie at her feet, her blade coated in my blood, my last moments filled with the haunting spectre of destruction that Revan was. It would’ve been a good death.”
6. Damon Reznor from Andromeda Six, A Shimmer of Gold
Damon smirked, glad to finally see some fire return to her golden eyes. “Astrea, if you were interested in trying knife play, you only had to ask.”
7. Kal'Reegar from Mass Effect, Worth Fighting For
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve seen all day.” She sniffed before a small laugh escaped her. “Save it for the ship, soldier.”
8. Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect, Beauty Like A Raging Flame
“Hey, Zaeed,” She managed with a feral grin before her eyes rolled back into her head, slumping forward onto the dead krogan. With a grunt, Zaeed reached forward, brushing that wild hair out of her face before pressing two fingers to the pulse point on her neck, feeling the strong heartbeat there despite the show of strength that’d knocked her off her feet. “Crazy bitch.”
9. James Vega from Mass Effect, Yours
“A tamale. My Abuela's recipe. Trust me, it’s the best thing you’ll ever put in your mouth.”
10. Jeff "Joker" Moreau from Mass Effect, Finding Peace
“Ok, hear me out?” He moved farther in, being careful not to trip over the expensive throw rugs. Kaidan crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow, clearly curious about where he was going with his train of thought. “Captain’s single, no kids… this is a bachelor pad, Kaidan. How many people did he bring back here on shore leave?” “Oh, ew, I do not want to think about that.” “Think about it a little bit . You have to admit, it’s hilarious.”
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msphagime · 10 months
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Anyways. Art for my au where Krogan gets burnt pretty bad but ALSO. In. In love with the idea that since I headcanon Krogan as being part lycanwing to explain just how BIG he is and how feral he can be, that he has eyes that are much like a cats in that they glow in the dark and teeth that are extremely sharp, and where everyone else fears Krogan for these traits, Hiccup finds solace in Krogan’s scales and his sharp teeth and those eyes that are a bit too draconic to be naturally a full human because Hiccup finds those exact traits in Toothless and they were wrong about dragons being nothing but monsters so it can also be the same with Krogan.
Krogan doesn’t seem to know much about his origins, which bums hiccup out a bit but of course, it Krogan is good at one thing, it is listening, and it is also teaching. He may be gruff and kind of moody at times, but Hiccup understands it comes more from his past and the general distrust Krogan has towards other people than it does out of being intentionally mean.
Hiccup also thinks Krogan is really good at snuggling, not just because of the cloak but because he’s muscular, yes, but also soft and importantly very tall so his arms can just wrap around him perfectly (even though Krogan sometimes has nightmares and insists on squeezing him as if he’s afraid Hiccup will fly away; it hurts but it’s not like it’s any worse than his father’s hugs.)
Ngl, this position is the one I've constantly drawn them in every time I want to draw them hugging or smth we'll ignore that it's because I can't draw people interacting at all-
Just... Krocup physical intimacy for the win. They may not do it often (cause Hiccup is already awkward enough as it is without adding Krogan's... particular issues to the mix) but when they do, they it well.
Also, your Hiccup? ✨Prettyyyyyyyy✨
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nightingaletrash · 1 year
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Krogan grandpa and feral racoon acquired :3
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letstalkaboutit100 · 9 months
I figured I’d skitter in here to share a few bc I have on my blorbo ❤️
Bonus art because tehe
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Canon is kind of a suggestion for me lmao but!
I’ve noticed that Krogan has these really funky boots that make his feet look weirdly short and it kinda made me wonder if they are a cover for having weird dragon feet. I already headcanon him as being part lycanwing (which is why he’s eight foot two) but. I’m not done with the other reference sheet, which I might actually redraw.
That is for a post rtte au where Krogan is more of a loner and a scoundrel after being dipped off the face of the planet to the hunters. He’s a rouge dragon rider, unknown if he’s allied with Valka (he is!) httyd 2 rolls around and Hiccup gets to meet him again, albeit in his more feral, draconic state he has allowed himself to go into.
There’s not much more on that au except for the fact that he rides a Night Fury. (A male. His name is Füego. Or “Old Man”. He’s a titanwing that’s quite… large.. and is nearly twice Toothless’s size. No one really knows how old he is lmao, he is, however, Toothless’s great uncle, so he is pretty old and not as fast as toothless would be if he had his primary tail fin… but he is fast.) I’m probably going to make most of Krogan’s clothing black to match his dragon since they’re made from Füego’s shed scales.
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I also have a pet toad… spud. He’s the baby. And the consolidation for listening to me ramble:)
Ok, The first thing I thought when I saw your beautiful art was THIGHS MC'GEE! The part dragon thing is SO COOL! I NEED a backstory for that! I like the fact that Füego means old man lol. Since he's Toothless's great-uncle I wonder what conversations they have in Dragon. I wonder how Krogan and Valka meet too. Say hi to spud for me! Seems like a nice dude :)
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issy5316 · 2 years
httyd incorrect quote 161
johann: Something tells me krogan and viggo going to be a bit more unhinged today...
krogan:'holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos'
viggo: leave us be,ryker isn't home to stop us.
krogan: were going feral.
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natik-lore · 1 year
What are the species youve created based on?
Whos your favorite oc in the natik lore?
Ohh! Good questions! 👌
1.) So the Nati family is very much inspired by scorpions and other chelicerates (the addition of silk is a nod to spiders). I like to think of these guys as "pseudo-arachnids," or (affectionately) as "space scorpions."
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They do have some obvious differences from the existing animals, for example the lack of pedipalps which I scrapped because I was just too lazy to draw them and the clearly defined neck/head, but they have the trademark chelicerae (those pinchy jaws), 8 limbs, book lungs, and other features.
In their original iteration, "hymdromons" they were meant to be a sort of hybrid of "hymenoptera" and "dromopoda." However, in their final incarnation, very few insect traits other than the eusocial family structure persist, and I do not consider them to be "insectoid."
As far as pop culture inspiration goes, they draw some very loose inspiration from the Krogan and Turian species from Mass Effect as well as the Prawns from District 9.
Other species of their world are based on Earth animals as well.
The Rexlo, for example, are based loosely on rodents.
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In this page of chapter one (full WIP on Patreon), you can see this Rexlo skull is somewhat similar to that of a squirrel:
Overall my intention was to make the species rodent-like, though you can't really consider them rodents; instead of having pairs of large incisors, theirs are fused into a single beak-like tooth. Originally I had designed them to be ungulates, but I quickly decided that was way too boring. The "rex" in "rexlo" is literally me pulling from "T-rex" because of their short armed, bipedal shape. They are also very loosely inspired by the Thomas(es?) from Trigun and the two-legged mounts from Ralph Bakshi's Wizards (the Rexlo character Baki is named after Ralph Bakshi, because why not?)
There are lots more animals and even plants I could mention, but we'd be here for a long time. 😅
2.) Favorite OC is a very hard question to answer, especially since all of the main cast have traits that draw from myself, my lovedones, or some specific aspect of my life. If I had to choose, it would probably be Amto, Kitki, Sek, and Kos, in no particular order. Amto and Kitki represent aspects of myself, my childhood, and the relationship between myself and my older sibling, so in that regard they are very special. Sek was the third character I created for the story, and like the former 2 characters goes all the way back to the original concept I made in high school. She reflects a lot of my own anger and sorrow from back then, as well as the subsequent healing. Plus she's absolutely feral and cool and edgy. Kos is my primary antagonist and reflects a lot of my own insecurities and mental issues, plus I've always gravitated towards complex villains, so I've put a lot of extra love into her creation.
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For the ask game 2, 23, and 25 :0
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom? oh ho ho starting strong here with this - now, this is a hard one bc most of my faves are quite contented switches depending on their partners/the point in time/mood (even if they tend to have their preferences), but the one I'm gonna have to go with is Macen, who's the least likely to bottom. It's not about being in control, per se, but he dislikes losing control and always feels like he's not proactive enough bottoming; he wants to take care of his lover, not be taken care of - which suits Avitus' preferences just fine too. 23. ship you've unwillingly come around to? I won't exactly say unwillingly bc like, that's not really how I work but believe it or not until a fair way into sunseeker + meeting the right people I wasn't a massive kryterius fan - primarily because I encountered a lot of tropes that were really not my thing and... it's hard to vibe with a ship when your first introduction to it isn't something you like. I'm feral for it now tho 25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing? Oh man so so so many things but first and foremost almost every "X alien character isn't romanceable". Like, yeah, we're deffo lacking a romanceable krogan (or ace-but-romantically xenophilic salarian, bioware, please, can we rectify this with the next game maybe?) and I will not deny that, but especially in Andromeda, there's a reason a great number of the alien minor characters aren't romance options and it's not just bc Ryder is a hell of a lot younger than them.
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useless-moss · 2 years
He handsome. Wanna give forehead kiss and hot chocolate. Warm cuddles too.
He deserves it after dealing with Drago
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Further wip
We get to see Krogan’s actual FEETIES! Or part of them at least! He has soft banding and scales all the way up his back with spines. He does have toe beans too.
Also. I love demo’s hair MY GOD. just *chef’s kiss*
Krogan’s official class name is now Enigma. It doesn’t really have anything to do with what he does other than the fact that he’s a complete pain to keep track of despite his size on the battlefield, but because of his arrival. He did not speak. He understands what the others are saying, but at first he just. Never spoke. Wouldn’t let anyone touch him. Spy simply gave him the name “Enigma” as a stand in since Krogan really just. Refused to do anything or say anything.
Krogan’s inital exam was an absolute pain simply because of the fact that Tavish had to be in the room. He wouldn’t let anyone else near him but Demoman. No one knows why, even months after the fact. Except for the Demoman. And the Soldier (Boots n’ Bombs is canon hell yeah.). Jane is quite… he’s something, Krogan will give him that. He loves Soldier very much. (Tavish and Jane are his dads, essentially. Heavy is like a third father. Krogan finds his gentle demeanor outside of the battlefield endearing and soothing after he’s warmed up to everyone.)
Krogan is the feral cat that kinda just. Showed up one day and they just. Kinda dealt with it.
Anyway, enough rambling. Enjoy:)
I’m kinda just posting this as I finish parts for the night so. Background will
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massescapism · 3 years
okay, okay.
Shep is considered the best warlord in the galaxy, due to beating the reapers and whatnot, right?
imagine her and Tali chilling at their house on Rannoch and then a Krogan ship lands, and Wrex walks to them with like, 10 mini mes, and telling Shep that their parents requested for Shep to train the small babies for a year so they'll grow to be great warriors.
Shep and Tali say sure, they have an adult Krogan for a kid, what trouble could the small ones be?
the moment they agree, all the babies charge to attack them, cause how else would they get a feel for how powerful Shep and Tali are if they don’t fight?
Wrex is laughing his ass off as a baby headbutts Shep on the shins, another leaps up to Tali’s waist, trying to push her down that way, four more circle the couple, and leap at their backs, trying to pull them down. one tries to bite Shep’s other leg, etc.
long story short, Grunt gets a sudden leave from the Normandy to come back home to help his moms, all the while Shep and Tali are getting their asses kicked by a bunch of baby Krogans
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kingnoct · 5 years
Honestly, the only thing that will convince me to buy the next Mass Effect (if it happens anyway) is if we get to smooch a krogan. Hold hands with the buff turtle. If I dont get to see my MC be picked up and hugged super tight by a very content yet absolutely berserk warlord I dont even wanna get near the game.
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Oh my god, Miko would love the Krogan Race.
The krogans would sense her feral energy and adopt her as an ‘honorary krogan’. They give her a missile launcher for her next birthday.
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