#feral possums rule
kodoandsangha · 1 year
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qwuilty · 1 year
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my take about postal dudes as animals is they should all be some kind of pest animal
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mammameesh · 5 months
Fav lines game 💫
Thank you @a-noble-dragon and @filet-o-feelings for the tags
rules: share your favorite lines or paragraph you’ve written from one of your fics, posted or wip.
The man with the alabaster skin is laying in his pool chair.  Highly incorrect.  But also, the man laying in his pool chair has alabaster skin.
Drabble Smith
The Roses had chosen her, and interwoven her into their vines.  Chosen Family. If she had to live through all her sorted past, to find these people, to own this place, then it was a bargain.
New Beginnings
"Have you been doing Yoga on the down low?" Stevie teases. 
"Mhmm. Right after my underground boxing ring." David moves easily into the tree pose. 
"We don't talk about that." Stevie teases back.
And because I have to wave my Ruth/Stevie Flag
"My hero.  If we get a house, will we have to worry about wild animals?" Ruth wondered as the two walked again. 
"Oh, yes.  Squirrels for sure, raccoons, possums, even feral cats." 
Does @rmd-writes or @beaiola have anything to share?
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wanderingnork · 1 year
One-Scene Wonder Horror Movies
Here you have five horror movies that I found underwhelming or downright bad, but contained one scene of astonishing horror. When I can, I've linked to the scene in question so you can watch it.
Slender Man: An abysmal take on a creepypasta that, while wonderful in many, MANY ways, overstayed its welcome, this movie took advantage of real-world tragedy to get people in seats. Not good at all. However, a scene where a young woman researches Slender Man in a library at night is a magnificent piece of horror. Watch it here! (Warning for very disorienting visuals, high noises, and body horror.)
Velvet Buzzsaw: This one's a very odd take on horror in the world of fine arts. Rich people doing ridiculous things in the name of money get caught up in horror as art pieces come to life. Most of the movie is slow, the characters aren't terribly easy to empathize with, and ultimately I found myself underwhelmed. The scene that puts it on this list is a very brief one one where a woman, alone in a gallery, finds herself becoming a painting. I couldn't find the scene in isolation, but it begins at the timestamp linked in this video. (Heads up for a robot and someone getting their neck broken. Unfortunately the painting scene is intercut with another art piece going feral.
The Village: A movie with great potential ruined by its twist, this M. Night Shyamalan movie is also a ripoff of the book Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Read the book, it's better. Everyone involved denies it, but it's completely obvious. An isolated village is beset by monsters that keep everyone trapped inside, and the first scene where we see them is delightfully dreadful. Unfortunately, I couldn't track down a decent shot of the monsters, but there are good images of them online. Spoilers abound for The Twist, of course.
Possum: While this movie, about child abuse and breaking cycles of trauma, resonated with many people, it just didn't reach me. It was very tragic, but muddy. That said, the puppet who's at the heart of the movie is a masterpiece. The specific scene I love--as it emerges from its carrying case of its own volition--starts at about 0:45 in this video, but the puppet's best scenes are all here. (Warning for spiders. The legs are...evocative.)
Hell House LLC: It was an okay found footage movie. The characters, to me, were even less interesting than average. While I do my best to suspend disbelief and follow Horror Logic, this movie really showcased people who make the stupidest possible choices from beginning to end. And also the ending was weird and a letdown. That said, the scene where a ghost violates all the rules and attacks someone hiding under a blanket in bed...really, REALLY got me. Can't track it down, unfortunately, so you'd just have to watch the whole thing.
Food for thought: What horror movies did YOU think were One-Scene Wonders? Share them!
(Previous Recommendations)
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devilbond · 7 months
[Message-warning since I'm following from main! If you see a blog named @multyshipping, that's me. Since this RP blog is a side blog. I've also read your rules before hitting the button ] - @asea0fmxses
whispers i'll make the post pretty bc it's 3 am and I'm a feral possum and I'm just VIBRATES IN EXCVITEMENT YAY
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wodenscild · 2 years
Yep the forests here are safe. the only live things there are squirrels, frogs, ducks, trees and a beaver! no real danger ecxept some dogs that can be feral, and those are most likely on a leash. makes it easy to just wander around, on or off the path it doesnt matter! the real danger is the people really, but i dont think you want to hear that-
theres like a mini-war going on over here between ducks and coots, Who gets the lake? not gonna lie i hope the ducks since they came to the lake first.
So theres a lake ight next to my school and theres a little dock with tables where you can eat lunch, but thats boring. the real cool thing about it is that theres a boat that the students are allowed to use! eh yeah maybe someone fell off the boat once- b-but that doesnt matter! its still cool :D
I really like the conversations we are having right now, just long posts isnted of short little one's. Its quite funny how i first went to galaxy, then found fenix and you, still staying at galaxy's blog most of the time, then found birb and just ended up on your blog just chatting!
Oh and if galaxy or fenix see this, Dont think you are safe from the compliemts >:D i will not stop giving ya'll little compliments! remember that can make someone's day much much better!
-Mystery anon (wich you could probarly tell)
ALDKCKDKSKDKSKDOSKDKSKDKSKD I LOVE THAT SO SO MUCH- it sounds like a cuter version of what happens here with possums. They sorta like to hide in roofs & fight each other for dominance & it is really fekking annoying & can really unnerve you if you are by yourself & you wake up to it ij the middle of the night ÓwÒ but other than that they are cute. The wood works students at the highschool here make lil possum houses & place them in the ceilings so they have somewhere to stay <33 sometimes during lunch they would come out & everyone would stop & just stare in awe of it!
ALSO WHAT YOU GUYS GET A BOAT??? YOU GUYS GET TO USE A BOAT WHILE WE ARENT EVEN ALLOWED ON THE OVAL WITHOUT A HAT??? WTF!!! YOU LUCKY BASTARDS I AM SO SO JEALOUS!!!! >:// /pos /lh (I mean granted 1/2 of Australians will develop skin cancer cos of the Sun in their lifetime but still- dkfkskdksk)
& honestly same- I feel like I have a penpal but online when we just have these exchanges! I think it is really sweet & I show my friends these asks & they all agree <33 & YEAH- you would not believe how many of my close friends I know because one of ky other friends introduced us. Like- I started off meeting this one Dane online, we became close friends, I said I was lonely so they added me to their Sanders Sides server, then I meet Fénix there ans we hit it off. I made a joke about not doing something in my Christian Minecraft server, so I sorta made… a Christian Minecraft server for me to enforce my rule on… then he added Galaxy and Birb to it & we sorta have been good friends ever since!! I like tho call this the ✨friend chain✨, & you, dear mystery anon, are the 4th link in this chain! New record actually :D
Also good!! >:] they are in need of a good loving! Don’t forget about Birb too!! They are sweet & beloved & wholesome & AAAAAA ❤️❤️❤️ & deserve some love too ^~^
- Mesabzuzu
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raccoonzinspace · 2 years
On the Trash Goblin Zimmeh blog, the dialouge from Zim (the pink text) is actually a rough translation to English.
The reason I say this is because this version of Zim actually speaks what I'd call "Ancient Irken". By "Ancient", I mean even before Irkens evolved to form advanced hives. If it was translated directly to English, then it would just be words that describe the emotion/intention mixed with a bunch of run-on/completely scrambled sentences (not like the sentence structure of different human languages. I'm talking COMPLETELY broken sentences that don't follow the rules of any human language).
I headcanon that the feral/primitive form of the Irken language is not as limited as its modern incarnation, thus it includes many more words (especially swear words). Obviously, it was watered down over the years in order to control the masses.
However, I'm not sure if his demonic possum noises are part of the language's ensemble or if they're just a result of Zim being...well...Zim. It might be both.
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
so part 2 of my fanclans lore! more plot details
sludgestar’s group was instantly the largest, as feral cats found it easier to live under his looser set of rules compared to the others. however, he found that it was difficult to live in the harsh leafbare in the jungle. so he and duststar made an agreement: his clan could live in her factory during leafbare if her clan could hunt in a portion of their territory
as the two leaders spent more time together, they quickly fell in love with one another. truly, they had been living together for moons as kittypets, so their feelings didn’t come from nowhere. but now as clan cats, they felt the pressure to not express their feelings, as they were afraid their clans would lose respect for them. but when duststar realized she was pregnant, they realized they had to do something. so when she gave birth in leafbare, sludgestar snuck the 5 kits to a queen in his group. he never revealed he was their father as to not draw suspicion
the 5 kits consisted of trashkit (a blue tortoiseshell and white molly), grimekit (a brown tortoiseshell molly), pigeonkit (a blue, black, and white chimera tom), bonekit (a dark brown pointed tom), and tickkit (a ginger brown tabby tom)
orchidstar suspects the relationship between the two leaders and warns them that she will ruin them if they continue
skipping time to when the kits are all grown up. they earn the names trashbreath, grimesplotch, pigeonslip, tickbite, and bonemask. trashbreath is notably a very ambitious and brash cat. on a patrol, she notices rubbleclan cats hunting outside of the shared territory and rushes into a fight. during which, duststar refuses to fight her. trashbreath eventually chases duststar onto the road, where she is kit by a monster and killed. trashbreath rejoices, unknowing that she killed her mother, and sludgestar tries to hide his horror
rubblespark, now rubblestar, declares that the alliance is over. during the next leafbare, sludgestar gets super sick. the healer of duststar’s group sneaks out to help grimesplotch find herbs. when she helps heal her father, he decides that his group does need a healer and makes grimesplotch the first one. trashbreath is also made the first deputy bc nepotism
later on, the healer of bodhi’s group, alfie slips down a manhole and blacks out. he shares a strange dream where he sees duststar, transformed into a deity-like being. turns out starclan used the tiny bit of power left over the jungle to make an afterlife for the cats there. ill explain them more in detail in another group but rubblestar receives his nine lives and the sewer system there is called the “mooncavern”, as the open manhole above it is the size of the moon when it crosses overhead
skipping forward again, sludgestar goes to rubblestar’s camp to talk to him and notices they are under attack by loose dogs. sludgestar goes up onto to a fire escape where one is cornering rubblestar, thistlefrost, and the healer’s apprentice bumblepaw. sludgestar tackles the dog off the fire escape ledge and yeah. he doesn’t survive the fall. though, he is reunited with duststar in death
that’s the main founding plot so to tie up loose ends. orchidstar takes no mate and ends up dying when a coyote comes into their territory. bodhi lives a long life but ultimately dies of liver failure
the clans are named after their first leader with nine lives, trashclan (trashstar), oakclan (oakstar), rubbleclan (rubblestar), and bellclan (belle)
some random facts are that they think the subway train is giant snake called “the traveling serpent” and there are cats living in the subway lines. i also came up with clan specific insults lmao. mouse-willed is a oakclan insult for a cowardly cat. soft-bellied is a trashclan insult for a squeamish or easily frightened cat. dirty-pawed is a bellclan insult for a unmannered or filthy cat. and dusty-brained is a rubbleclan insult for a dumb cat. also “possum-faced” is a general insult for an ugly cat, but in trashclan they use it as more or less a joking compliment
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disco-headcanons · 3 years
Minecraft in the holodeck.... this should be interesting.
Oh. My. God.
Consider this: Everyone thinks that the disco crew is just gonna go feral and fight each other in the game. Like, they build teams, mansions, weapons, dynamite. That it’ll be fraught with sabotage and UHC style fighting and competitions. Bc ya know, they’re all smart as hell and feral as possums after everything that they went thru.
But the Captain of the Season™️ or other visiting dignitary jumps into the game and sees... farms?
They see entire communities across different biomes and lands of people who joined the server and built their houses. They see a ‘town center’ at spawn with a community board where people can post requests for buildings and resources and tasks with rewards. They find a book and quill that functions as a rule book outlawing anyone from destroying each other’s buildings or stealing things. They find a giant map of like 30 individual maps on a wall with everyone’s houses on it. There’s an adventurer’s guild that fights monsters for loot, miners who sell the iron and stuff, farmers with vast wheat and exotic cocoa beans from the jungle 12,000 blocks away. Chests of gifts and books full of writing still left in front of a desert ranch house that would never be claimed, and a giant horse stable next to it that’s still in clear use. A memorial grave not far from spawn, with all the names of those that didn’t stay, and whose houses stay empty.
And the resident Captain/Superior is dumstruck for a moment, before they smile, maybe a little sadly. And join their effort in making their very own house with the welcoming crew.
The crew of discovery were scientists, molded into soldiers and weapons of war. They were renamed as mutineers before heroes, then traitors. Marked as dead to everyone who new them and sailed into lands where they would forever be outliers of the past. Feral and clinging to one another. But before any of that, they were *people*. And they found a game that would allow them to be just that. People, at peace with what was around them, living simple lives with those they held dear.
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anistarrose · 5 years
The Fishtank Between Time and Space (GF One-Shot)
Summary: Stan doesn’t think much of the pet axolotl Ford left behind… until he realizes hardly anyone else can see it.
Word Count: 2100
Warnings: none
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20653508
Stan initially figures it’s just a weird pet of Ford’s, simple as that. After all, Ford was okay with him adopting a possum and tying a knife to it when they were kids — little pink salamanders are frankly very normal, by the standards of Stanford Pines.
(Not to mention by the standards of the town that is Gravity Falls. Ford could’ve caught all kinds of disturbing creatures out there in the woods, like a feral gnome or a literal sentient fire... or like something that Stan hasn’t even laid eyes upon, only knowing of its existence from the creaking and rattling noises he always hears when venturing through the forest at night. But thankfully, Ford hasn’t invited any rabid beasts or dark entities that Stan knows of into his house, and Stan’s grateful for that.)
But the salamander — the “axolotl,” Stan learns after finally breaking down and doing some basic research — always feels just a little bit off, in a way he sometimes struggles to put his finger on.
He thinks it’s all in his head, how the beady eyes always seem to be fixed on him. How it never seems to stop smiling. How he’s never once seen it eat, even though the food pellets he gives it never seem to accumulate on the bottom of the tank.
He doesn’t know a whole lot about axolotls in general, and on the basis of that ignorance, he convinces himself that the salamander Ford left behind is perfectly normal.
Until one day a few months after Ford’s disappearance, when something rare happens — he has company other than the usual tourists.
It’s just Boyish Dan Corduroy, hired with some of the first spare cash Stan has had in a long time to come in and fix a few squeaky doors. But he takes his time lumbering through the living room on his way out, which sets Stan on edge. None of the secrets he’s hiding are possible to uncover from this floor of the house, but habit keeps him anxious. Throughout the rare times in his life in which he’s had a residence to call his own, visitors have almost always meant bad news.
Dan’s gaze lands on the fishtank, which has been diligently maintained as a healthy environment for salamanders even though the rest of the room is an unorganized mess. (There are a lot of jabs you could take at Stan’s character, but for whatever reason, he’s developed a soft spot for Ford’s old pet.) As always, the axolotl’s eyes stay fixed on Stan, even though the lumberjack is closer.
“You keep this tank pretty clean,” Dan notes. “You gonna buy some fish or something soon?”
“Well, I’ve already got the —” Stan pauses, realizing he’s not sure how to pronounce axolotl. “The salamander.”
Dan presses his face close to the side of the tank, inches from where the axolotl sits, gills twitching. “Really? Where?”
“You serious? It’s literally right in front of your face — that thing with the pink frills and the beady eyes?”
Dan steps back from the tank, throwing an arm behind Stan the clap him on the back. “Ah, I see what you’re doing! It’s a new attraction you’re testing out on me — the invisible salamander! Good one!”
“Are you — are you fucking with me? Can you really not see —”
But Dan’s already leaving. “Good luck with the Murder Hut business!” his voice boomed from the porch outside. “I’ll tell everyone to come visit your invisible friend!”
Stan whirls around back towards the tank. “Do you know what the fuck that was?” he asked the axolotl. “Who’s really pranking me here — Dan, or you?!”
The axolotl offers no reply, and Stan feels like an idiot for the brief moment in which he’d genuinely expected one.
“Maybe Ford did some weird occult shit to you, and you didn’t have a choice in the matter,” Stan mutters, shuddering slightly as he thought back to all the cracked prisms and X-ed out eyes he’d discovered in his brother’s house. “Or maybe I’m going crazy and hallucinated you all along.”
A bubble comes out of the axolotl’s mouth, rising to the top of the tank before bursting with a satisfying — and very real-sounding — pop.
“Thanks for the reassurance.” Stan tosses a handful of food into its tank, and trudges back to his bedroom upstairs.
There was one rule that Stan very quickly established as he began to run the Muder Hut — or the Mystery Shack, as he was thinking of renaming it — and that rule was not to keep anything genuinely supernatural around, unless it was vital to getting Ford back.
But the axolotl… well, it’s still up for debate whether it really is magical, but Dan hadn’t seemed like he’d been joking, and Stan’s pretty sure that if he was going to hallucinate, he wouldn’t imagine into existence a real salamander that he’d never heard of before with perfect accuracy.
Stan doesn’t want to get rid of it, though. He’s gotten used to the axolotl’s company and the routine of caring for it, even though its eyes still weird him out from time to time. And it’s already been around for months without showing any malicious tendencies, so… would there really be any harm in keeping it around?
Months, years, and then decades pass, and Stan’s relationship with the axolotl stays more or less the same. He feeds it and cleans its tank, it smiles at him, and he feels just the tiniest bit less lonely. It’s not much in terms of companionship, but Stan is happy to take what he can get. He talks to it sometimes, telling it about all the places he’s searched for Ford’s journals and all the roadblocks he keeps hitting while he works on reactivating the portal, and it always looks so encouraging.
But two things happen during those years — the first being that Stan becomes convinced that something supernatural is going on with that salamander.
Business is booming so dramatically that he can hardly handle it all on his own, and he goes through several handymen and cashiers before eventually firing each one. Almost all of them comment on the empty fishtank at one point or another, gesturing right towards the spot where Stan can see the axolotl floating, clear as day.
He definitely wonders if he really is hallucinating it after all, but then the second interesting thing happens: someone else notices the axolotl. Several someones.
“I didn’t know you had any pets besides the goat, Mr. Pines!” Soos exclaimes on his second full day working at the Mystery Shack, smooshing his face up against the side of the tank. “What a weird fish!”
Stan is so caught of guard that he doesn’t even think to explain that it’s actually a salamander. “Uh… yeah. It sure is.”
Soos frowns. “Something wrong, Mr. Pines?”
Stan folds his arms, shaking his head even though his mind is racing. “Me? I’m fine. Just wasn’t expecting you to spot the shy little guy, since it usually likes to… you know, hide from strangers. Now, were we going to try and fix the golf cart, or not?”
And that’s the end of the axolotl discussion with Soos, over as quickly as it had begun. During the rare occasions Stan leaves the Mystery Shack, he always instructs Soos to feed it, and the axolotl always seems happy and healthy when he returns. He cannot for the life of him figure out why he and Soos seem to be the only two people in the world who can see it, but eventually he gives up on wondering. A mystery like that would’ve always been more of a question for Ford, anyways.
When he hires Wendy, it takes a while for him to realize that she can see it too. She spends so many weeks passing by the fishtank and not commenting on it that when she finally brings it up, Stan nearly spits out his coffee.
“Where’d you get that salamander, Mr. Pines? My science teacher is looking for a class pet, but everyone just keeps suggesting boring stuff like hamsters.”
“Uh… it came with the Shack. Two-for-one kinda deal, you know.”
“Darn, I was hoping you fished it out of the lake or something. Then I could’ve just gone and caught one myself.”
A few years later, when the twins arrive for the summer, Stan’s heart aches as he watches them discover the fishtank for the first time.
“Hey, Dipper, come check this out! Do you know what kind of animal this is?”
“Whoa, is that an axolotl? That’s so cool! I think I read that in Aztec mythology, they’re associated with the god of twins!”
“Really? Then you’ve just made the perfect new summer pals, Mister Axolotl!”
“Don’t tap on the glass like that, Mabel. You might scare it.” Dipper notices Stan watching them, and immediately starts firing off question after question. “Where did you get it? Do you ever show it to tourists? How long have you had it? How long do axolotls live? It looks pretty small — is it still a juvenile? Do they ever get bigger than this?”
Stan sighs. “Kid, I didn’t even know how to pronounce the world ‘axolotl’ until you showed up today. All I know is how to keep it fed — anything else, and you’re better off looking it up at the library or on a computer or wherever.”
“Well, you at least know where you got it from, right?”
Stan scoops a spoonful of food into the tank, avoiding eye contact with Dipper as he headed back to the gift shop. “I do, but it wouldn’t be the Mystery Shack if I didn’t keep a few secrets, would it?”
Dipper groans. “You’re no fun.”
When the axolotl disappears, it hits Stan harder than it should.
Even after thirty years of taking care of it, he never quite thought of it as his pet. It always struck him as more like a roommate, if anything — a lovable little freeloader who came in on its own terms, and stuck around only because it liked the place. Stan’s never given any thought as to why, but he’s always just felt weirdly certain that it could leave at any time if it wanted to.
And now, it has.
So he can’t help but wonder if it’s his fault. If he didn’t clean the tank enough, or cleaned it too much, or wasn’t fast enough noticing or resolving the situation with the lobster Mabel dumped in the tank.
Maybe it wasn’t anything he did. Maybe the axolotl just got bored of watching a man spending thirty years lying to tourists, forging his own brother’s signature, failing to learn quantum physics, and ultimately accomplishing absolutely nothing worthwhile.
Eventually, the kids notice and ask him, and this time he can’t spin it as a secret he’s keeping. He genuinely doesn’t know.
After Weirdmageddon, Stan’s memories are a two-thousand piece puzzle scattered across a tabletop, and he thinks he’s starting to fit some of the edge pieces together again, but there are still more gaps than connections. He remembers that the people who have been doting on him and showing him pictures are his family, and he remembers that he loves them and trusts them to help restore him to his former self, but progress is just… so… slow.
He doesn’t remember why they say he saved the world. He’s pretty sure they’re stretching the truth a little, but after seeing the way Ford’s face fell when Stan first asked why everyone was calling him a hero, he’s decided not to correct them.
So what if he doesn’t feel heroic? If it makes his family feel better, he’ll keep it to himself — it’s the least he can do, considering how many tears they’ve already shed for him.
But the first morning after his alleged act of heroism, while trudging through the ramshackle ruins of (he thinks) his house — a flicker of motion from behind cracked glass catches his eye.
The fishtank is nearly drained of water, but a familiar salamander sits in the puddle at the bottom, beaming at him. Stan blinks and rubs his eyes, wondering if he’s still dreaming, but then —
It speaks to him, in an ethereal and musical voice that resonates oddly in his ears, like he’s hearing the echo before he hears the words themselves.
I am so proud of you, Stanley.
“For what?”
It dissolves into a froth of tiny, pink, glowing bubbles, which burst one by one as they float towards the top of the tank, and then the axolotl is gone.
(End notes:
So one day a few weeks ago, I just randomly woke up thinking “what if the Axolotl was only visible to the members of the Zodiac?” and several bouts with writers’ block later, here we are! Thoughts/comments/reblogs are welcomed as always!)
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featherquillpen · 5 years
Dæmonology: Quentin Coldwater
I figured if I’m going to go down the rabbit hole of writing a Magicians dæmon AU, I might as well liveblog the process of figuring out the characters’ dæmons, since lots of my followers are interested in how I do dæmonology. So here goes nothing: Quentin Coldwater’s dæmon!
(Be aware: this post is long as hell.)
Other Personality Types
So, first step that helps a lot to focus the mind: figure out the character in other, simpler personality typing systems.
Quentin is a double Hufflepuff by the Sorting Hat Chats system, no question. He is deeply oriented toward fairness and helping people, even when helping people could be viewed as an objective moral wrong (freeing niffin!Alice, helping the Monster.) And he gets things done by sheer dedication, rather than brilliance or improvisation or charging headfirst. 
In MBTI, I would expect Quentin to have Extroverted Feeling in his top two cognitive functions – he cares a lot about the emotions and values of his group.  I’m inclined to say ESFJ, as Quentin thinks in a concrete, detail-oriented way, relying on his established patterns and what has accumulated personal meaning for him, so Introverted Sensing should be a strong function for him. But ISFJ is also very possible.
In the enneagram, Quentin reads to me as a type Six, constantly doubting himself and the world, looking for support and guidance in his friends and in magic itself.
Core Traits
Okay, so what are the central, most defining traits of Quentin Coldwater?
Loyalty. More than any of the other questers in Season 3, Quentin believed in the fellowship of the questers: he figured out the unity key because that concept resonates with him so deeply. He doesn’t make friends easily, but once he does, he’s absolutely ride-or-die for them. Who can forget memory!Quentin’s line “You sacrifice for the people you love; that’s what you do” in 4.05 Escape from the Happy Place? And his loyalty is on a level of the community rather than the individual; unlike someone like Penny or Eliot, Quentin is deeply connected and committed to everyone in the fellowship.
Self-doubt. In his own words, Quentin is constantly finding doors so he can run from himself. He never seems to fully trust his own mind. Sometimes in his insecurity he lashes out (see his behavior to Julia in S1) or tries to take up the mantle of a hero, a king or a quester to feel noble and brave. He values people and situations that make him feel safe and secure. He strongly prefers to work with other people than alone, because it makes him feel more supported and breaks him out of his loop of painful self-doubt.
Detail-oriented. I’m a little dissatisfied with this word, because it implies fussiness and anal-retentiveness, which is not Quentin. What I mean here is that Quentin is oriented toward small things: the present moment, the next step, this detail of the Fillory books, that childhood dance or plate of bacon that will cheer someone up. For goodness sake, his discipline is repair of small objects. Quentin is focused on what is here, now, in his hands – for all that he is a king of Fillory, I think he would flounder if faced with the big picture of running a kingdom.
Heart on his sleeve. Quentin can’t help but be emotionally open; even when he tries to hold back (as he has been doing in S4) it’s obvious how he feels. He’s a bad liar, a worse actor, and while he’s very attuned to the feelings of people around him, he doesn’t manipulate them or influence them in anything but the most earnest way.
I would add that Quentin is compliant (has a hard time setting boundaries or saying no to people), dedicated (does not give up once he’s set his heart on something), dependent (he does not like being alone; he studies in the common room of the cottage, instead of withdrawing like Alice) and shy (wary and awkward around people he doesn’t know.)
Translating to Animal Behaviors
Here’s the step where I translate these traits to animal behaviors as best I can.
Socially speaking, I’m looking for a social, group-living animal, almost certainly one with a consistent, life-long family group that does not easily admit outsiders. This social group should have social hierarchy that is not upset or overturned by dominance battles and the like – an established order like the matriarchy by seniority in an elephant herd.
Given Quentin’s patience and dedication, I’m looking for an animal with high reproductive investment – something that leaves lots of food with its eggs, so they have something to feed on when they hatch (like solitary bees) or lays really big eggs (like kiwis) or does a lot of parental care.
I want an animal that has a lot of safety and vigilance behaviors, especially social safety behaviors, like meerkats who have rotating guard duty, or antelope who rely on safety in numbers. 
I’m looking for animals with low-risk, high-consistency, detail-oriented foraging behaviors. That is, I want animals that use fairly steady food supplies rather than windfall unpredictable ones, and that involve a long steady stream of focused effort rather than varied approaches and risks. Probably animals that forage in groups rather than alone.
I’m looking for animals that show open communication and displays with each other, and that don’t employ secrecy and evasiveness (like crows with a private hoard of food.) 
I specifically do not want animals that have individual territories of any sort; Quentin is far too compliant for that. Group territory defense could make  sense, though. I also want to avoid competitive animals that are always jostling for bigger territories or higher status.
Playing the Field
Next I gather lots of different animal possibilities that fit my behavioral criteria above. So here’s a list of a bunch of animals I think might work, without spending too much time on each one trying to confirm or rule it out. This part is very time-consuming, and relies a lot on my encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior, though I do refer to various websites to supplement it.
Small-colony bees (carpenter bee, orchid bee)
Wild dogs and foxes (yes, I know, I can feel Mayakovsky watching me)
Small-group-living lemurs
Domestic dogs (especially sporting breeds)
Zebra finch
Scrub jays
Yellow-winged bat
Ringtail possums
Note that up to this point, I have spent five hours working on this. For one character. And I’m not done yet. This is why I don’t often write dæmon AUs even though I love them very much.
Narrowing the Field
Now I go through my list, animal by animal, and take notes on what works and what doesn’t. Along the way, I think more deeply about the character and discover the more subtle characteristics that help me distinguish between similar animals.
So what I really like about pigeons for Quentin is that they have very high reproductive investment – they produce milk inside their crops that they feed to their young. They’re also nervy little prey animals with a lot of vigilance behavior, while still having that streak of pigeon boldness.
What I don’t like about pigeons is that they have too many competitive/dominance behaviors, and they often socialize outside of established family groups. So I don’t think it’s going to work out.
Quails are almost never spotted alone, they’re nervy vigilant pudgy birds, they look out for each other and warn each other with alarm calls, they invest a lot in reproduction – they lay so many eggs that sometimes they can’t even properly sit on them all, which is so cute. 
I really like these, I think the one problem is that again their social groups are not very consistent, they seem to allow quite a bit of flow in and out of their flocks. I looked into as many species as I could find information on, and they seem to have really fluid social structures allowing members in and out as they please. 
❌Small-colony bees
Now that I do more research into them, I can see that orchid bees and carpenter bees aren’t going to work, because while they usually nest communally, they can nest solitarily, which is too socially flexible. Sweat bees are much too aggressive and competitive. Ruled out.
✔️Wild canines
Wild canines have a lot of desirable characteristics: lots of parental care, group loyalty, close-knit family groups. There are also some canines, especially the smaller ones, that are quite wary and nervy. It’s a matter of narrowing down to the right ones within the group.
Jackals and coyotes are too competitive and socially flexible, so they’re out. Gray foxes and maned wolves are nearly entirely solitary, so they’re out. Dholes, wolves, fennec foxes, and dingos are too assertive and confident. The rest of the foxes are too independent and socially flexible.
However, I really like the look of raccoon dogs and bush dogs. They’re almost never seen alone, but in pairs or small packs which stick together for a long time. They cooperate extensively, and while they are predators, they are also prey, and are reclusive and vigilant by habit. They have overlapping territories without strong borders. The only thing that’s really missing for me are flags for Quentin’s orientation toward detail and the next moment, but I can look into these species further in the next step.
✔️Small-group-living lemurs
I’ve gone through the lemur species, and I like the look of mongoose lemurs. They have small, close-knit, stable family groups with group territory defense. I will look into them more deeply in the next step.
✔️Domestic dogs (especially sporting breeds)
I think of Quentin’s defining trait as loyalty, which is also the defining trait of dogs. Most breeds also fit with Quentin’s Hufflepuff determination and hard work, and his way of being a supportive sidekick to his badass friends. Dogs are also open and communicative and “heart on their sleeve.” I just have to find more nervous, vigilant breeds that are highly detail-oriented.
Carolina dogs are somewhere in between feral and domesticated, and as such are more nervy and vigilant of strangers than most dogs, which seems right.
Kooikerhondjes are very focused, dedicated sporting dogs that look like they fit super well. Other spaniels are also good candidates. 
Phew, there’s a lot of dog breeds out there. Definitely need to delve into this more deeply.
❌Zebra finch
I love the super intense pair bonding in zebra finches, and the nervy prey vigilance, and of course the expressive songs, but they seem very socially flexible and tolerant of strangers in their flocks.
❌Scrub jays
Upon closer inspection, the scrub jay species are super, super specialized to one habitat/food, and I think Quentin has some more breadth and adaptability in him than that.
Kinkajous mostly look good, since they’ve got very affectionate close-knit social groups, they’re reclusive in the forest and avoid aggression, but they tend to forage alone, which is not so great. 
✔️Yellow-winged bat
This one fits extremely, extremely well. They’re pair-bonding bats that are rarely more than a few meters from each other, they cooperate to raise young, they groom together, they talk together, they defend the territory together – and my favorite bit is that here there is a strong analogy to Quentin’s detail orientation. Bats have a trade-off in their echolocation between long-distance and low-detail, or short-distance and high-detail, and yellow-winged bats are strongly toward the short-distance, high-detail end. They focus on prey that are close by.
✔️Ringtail possums
Common ringtail possums are way too chill and low-strung, but the rock ringtail possum is big on sentinel behavior, guard duty, and keeping an eye out for each other. My only major issue with this one is no flag for detail orientation.
The Final Candidates
At this point, I have spent nine hours on this project, and I have a final list of candidates. Now I have to compare and contrast at a very detailed level, and find which one works the best. I will do extensive research on each animal so I can really flesh out my thoughts.
Raccoon dog
Bush dog
Mongoose lemur
Carolina dog
Yellow-winged bat
Rock ringtail possum
What I really like with raccoon dogs is how intensely cooperative they are – they have large litters for dogs their size, they have lots of predators, and so both parents are super involved with the young and in experimental conditions where there are no males all pups die. They groom each other and have lots of touch and sound gestures, they’re very wary of predators on their young, always keeping an eye on them. They’re non-aggressive and don’t fight over territory, they only ever start something if the young are in danger. All of this is great, it’s only that I don’t see any flags for the detail-oriented, “repair of small objects” side of Q.
Bush dogs live in close family groups like wolf packs, and they even hunt cooperatively, which I love. They constantly make little noises so they can hear each other as they move through the forest – cute! Their main predator defense is being inconspicuous and hiding in their burrows from any threat, but they’re not afraid to throw down if the pack is in real danger, as long as they’re facing it together. The biggest problem is that while raccoon dogs are omnivores, bush dogs are hunters, and hunting is not a great analogy for Q’s mode of putting together bits of books, grinding away persistently, and repairing small objects.
Mongoose lemurs live in those small, wolf pack like groups, and they groom and play with each other. They defend territory as a group, backing each other up. I can’t find evidence for strong vigilance/sentinel behaviors, which puts me off.
Domestic dogs in general are loyal, altruistic, open-hearted, empathetic, and dependent on close bonds with others to feel safe and secure. Carolina dogs are sometimes called American dingos because they were not artificially selected; accordingly, they’re a bit feral and quite wary of strangers outside the family they’ve bonded to. They also have a strong prey drive, and I like that drivenness. But again, I don’t see any flags for Q’s Hufflepuff hard work, dedication, and detail focus. With the Kooikerhondje I do see the hard work, as they’re very much working dogs that are rather difficult to keep as mere lapdogs without giving them an outlet, but again none of the detail orientation is in evidence.
I really think the Yellow-winged bat has it. They have the super close bonding family groups, they’re always looking out for each other and helping each other find food and raising the young together. They’re wary of strangers and defend the territory together. They tend to have established roosts that they always revisit – they stick to the familiar when possible. They have social calls, fly in patterns together, and groom each other affectionately. Both parents are very involved in parental care, and the mothers carry the baby around their backs until they can fly. And best of all, they have specific flags for Q’s way of doing things. While most bats fly around blasting echolocation everywhere and catching insects mid-flight, yellow-winged bats are sit-and-wait predators. They have particular roosts they use in different seasons, and they have close-range, very high-resolution echolocation (using FM-type calls.) They sit on the right roost for the time of year, they wait, and when the insects eventually come within echolocation range, they can pinpoint exactly where they are and grab them. I feel like this fits with Q’s areas of comfort and familiarity very well, the way he prefers having something concrete to work on (like a quest) over having to make things up as he goes along, the way he has these zones of expertise where he knows absolutely everything.
Look how cute!
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(photo credit Sandra Lee at the Bat Detective blog)
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yourladyindank · 6 years
The cat Kill Trap story frightens me because I live in New Zealand and there's a anti-cat movement going on here at the moment because a cats eat birds, and NZ holds it's birds as precious. People on Reddit have confessed to buying Kill Traps, or even just going out to shoot them. The movement is rather tiny at the moment, but it's still there. I think one town has even made a law that if you have cats, you cannot replace them once they die. Just, I hate this country right now.
I do not advocate for having an animal suffer unjustly, but I’m not going to lie to you.
I am very against letting cats roam. In doing so they spread disease and have massive impacts on the wildlife because they are invasive. Whenever I saw I cat in my yard before I had rabbits and chickens, I’d let my dog loose on them.
He wouldn’t hurt them, he wasn’t vicious, he just liked to chase things. Once they stopped running he lost interest, but it give the cat a good fright and keep them from shitting in my garden.
Once I got chickens and rabbit they were a much larger threat, and you can’t exactly tell strays from the ferals. My mother and I would use live traps, and we had a rule. First time we saw them, we’d shake the cage around and give them a good fright, then send them on their way. Second time, we’d take them to the shelter. If there was a third time, we would put them down ourselves. We warned the entire neighborhood. This also applied to small dogs, and an altered rule for possums and raccoons. Larger dogs we would shoot in the hind end with a pellet gun, as they were usually a much more immediate threat.
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zoadgo · 6 years
WIP Tag Game
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Tagged by @eligius-pilot, thanks love!
hahahahahaha this is gonna be long, let’s see if i can even get them all. i’ll exclude anything that’s untitled
in the folder “Unfinished (Original)” we have;
Scoured Away A collection ISB-2017 Step to the Left Without a Path Angels Forests are oceans Shame [[Scarification]] Pride [[Scarification]] Shadows
in the folder “Unfinished” there’s;
Natblida Double Tap Hearts Ch3 Effective Studying Techniques Scotch and not much else Ravens Fit to rule CH2 until then we’re one clan Developments Eric Monsters and You - An introductory guide to extra human sciences Being used Moonshine Truths What Makes A Monster Addy/Sun teach me how to remember skybox Every Second We Can Get SS College AU CH 3 (and to the earth we return) High Risk Employment johnkay YOU GOTTA Thawing of the Mind Everything in Moderation Imagine the first time Wolfgang goes down on Kala Dirty Little Secret Christmas angels Diary Prompt Blowing off Steam 2 Pain Like Passion BoS 2 I’ll be home for Christmas Studying 2b Veins of Dust 100 Shades of Blake Forms of Passion Prince Charming Ch2 Breaking Walls Death or Glory In the Wake of Oblivion Prompty prompt prompt and 11 Untitled Documents
in my main drive there is also;
The Unchosen Ones There was a time when I fancied myself a writer Speed Over Death ch2 Feral Love, like, fo real Vicious, fetid beasts The Shade of You Zaven motorcycle miscommunication au Something So Sweet ch9 Hypothermia for a minute I was stone cold sober Supra Bad Code The ghosts that we choose 12 Days you had me at hello Amazing Playing Possum not something nice, but needed the price of Excess a mother’s love to occupy the mind of monsters and men
aaaand I think that’s all of them, I don’t know how many of the main drive untitleds are actual WIPs. i have a bad habit of starting fics and not finishing whoops
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My cats are one of my greatest joys in my life.I have 5 cats. I also feed strays that are outside. The outside strays are mostly ferals. Feral cats are, in case you don't know, cats that are basically wild. They are either born that way or they are treated so badly by humans that they don't trust us anymore. Alot of times feral cats will never trust humans again. This sad fact breaks my heart. But it hasn't stopped me from trying to help them. The goal of feeding strays is to get them to trust me and then take them to a no kill shelter, so they can find a forever home. At the current time, I feed 8 stray cats. Out of those 8, seven of them are feral. There is one that is starting to trust me. I also feed two possums, two racoons and a baby skunk. I have saved a few cats in my life. But, when we moved to Kenosha Wisconsin ,in the city, I was actually shocked as to how many strays live in my neighborhood. The lastest stray that I saved ended up living with me. It was a year and about a half ago, on the week of fourth of July, a very friendly stray showed up at my house. There were mortars, bottle rockets and fireworks going off all around my house and in our neighborhood. She was a little timid but you could tell she wasn't an outdoor cat, she was obviously lost. There were also Thunderstorms on several days that week. So I asked around to see if anyone knew where she belonged. One of my neighbors told me she belonged to the upstairs neighbor in the duplex we live in. He said that he talked to her and she didn't want the cat anymore so she let it out for good. She would come to my house daily to eat and let us pet her after a day or two. She is beautiful. They were shooting off fireworks on fourth and then a thunderstorm. She was on my porch shaking, she was so scared. So, I broke my rule, I normally do not let a stray cat near my cats unless tested for diseases but I felt so bad for this little girl I brought her right in and put her in bed with me.The night I took her in,I decided I was keeping her and I promised her she'd never be abandoned again. The next day, I spoke with my upstairs neighbor. She said she let the cat out. I told her I was keeping the cat. She also told me the cat was about a year old and that the cat was pregnant. The pregnancy was one of the reasons they didn't want her anymore. A few days later we took her to the vet. She was healthy and they confirmed
Her pregnancy. Two months later she had a litter of 5. A week later, one of the kittens died. She wasn't big enough and didn't get enough milk for 5 kittens. I was so sad. The other four were healthy. There were two males and two females. At about a month old one of the males stopped gaining weight and got a cough. We took the four of them to the vet with the Mama for checkup. The other three and Mom were healthy. The male with cough was put on strong antibiotics and we put him on l-lysine. He got a little better but he still wasn't gaining weight. The vet thought we were going to lose him. I prayed and gave him a strong name. I named him Hawk. They gave him another round of strong antibiotics and this time they helped. We ended up keeping him too because he has chronic on and off colds but he's like ten pounds now. He's a big lover. We gave away two of the kittens one male one female. They are with friends and doing well. We kept the other female because she's a very timid cat. She loves to explore so her name is Jill Anne, like female version of Magellan, the explorer. They are a year and two months now. We named the Mama Melody and she's also doing well. Before I saved the Mama Melody, I had two cats one that was born In My house he is now 11 named Lincoln. I also have a three year old all black female cat named Xena.
In the pictures the black and white cat is Lincoln. The grey cat is Mama Melody. The bigger stripped cat is Hawk the smaller one is Jill Anne. The black cat is Xena and The orange kitty is one of my Strays we call him Morris. He almost trusts me.
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kisathemistress · 7 years
Some South Park Headcanons I have
(Because I’m falling for the series again!)
The four main characters:
Kyle Broflovski: 
His personality makes it almost impossible for him to let things go, if it means making someone (other than Cartman) upset or sad. He just want as many people as possible to be happy around him, because if they aren’t he feels like he has failed them. 
This comes from his strict upbringing his parents gave him and from studying/knowing everything (including religious various beliefs) thus he lives his life by the golden rule: “Do not do unto others, that you do not want done to you.”
He believes highly in karma as well, especially the Wiccan belief of karma. Where if you do something kind you will be rewarded with 3 times the kindness, but if you do something hurtful you will be punished with 3 times the misfortune.
Despite being Jewish and claiming his pride with the religion, Kyle doesn’t follow any of the practices most Jewish people do. He willingly eats pork and sometimes attends/helps the local Roman Catholic church (but this could be do to the town only having one church and most of his friends go there.)
Unlike Scott, Kyle’s diabetes isn’t as serious and he can get away with eating something with extra sugars in it without going into diabetic shock. Though he does carry emergency insulin just incase.
Kyle is aromantic and bisexual. He doesn’t know how to react to intimacy or pick up clues that someone likes him “in that way”, he just assumes all positive contact with him is platonic in nature. He has to be directly told that someone is in love with him for him to understand why they are being overly nice to him.
Since he is only an 9/10 year old, he isn’t aware full of his own sexuality, thus acts the way he thinks a “normal boy” should behave. Despite constantly giving away that he isn’t “normal” by his own definition.
Also he still has his pet Elephant, but it has been moved to a Zoo for a breeding program. He goes to visit it him occasionally and is a junior Zookeeper at the park. He’s going to be officially hired to work there part-time once he’s in high school.
Stan Marsh:
He still does drink, but not to the extent that his father does nor does he get blackout drunk anymore. He’s cut back a lot thanks to going to AA, but is struggling with the 12 step program do to his father leaving alcohol in his reach, and offering him alcohol. He’s also the kid that pulls drinks for his friends and for parties, as both his father and uncle Jimbo will buy it for him if he asks.
Stan tries his best to be vegetarian but has no problem with eating meat as long as he doesn’t witness the slaughter and preparation of the animal. (Including fish.) Blood makes him squeamish, and he becomes overly emotional when he sees an animal in distress.
Even though Stan is straight, when he’s drunk he’ll sleep with anybody. Drunk Stan also believes Kyle is his boyfriend and will run to him for comfort. This normally confuses Kyle, especially when Stan rejects everything when he is sober. It part of the reason Wendy decided that she is genderfluid and created Wendyl, thinking it will keep Stan from “wandering” away from her.
Stan is very proud of his gay dog Sparky. He willingly takes him to gay pride parades and events, and voices his support for his dog. 
He still owns that poodle he bought, which he found out was a toy poodle.
If his parents didn’t limit Stan to only 2 dogs, he would have a pack of at least 6, that he’d have follow him everywhere. He instantly can become friends with any dog he meets and feels heartbroken when he can’t take them home.
Stan knows different wolf howls and behaviors, he can almost instantly tell you what a wolf or a dog is trying to tell you. If he ever gets lost in the forest around town. he knows how to find the local wolf/coyote pack to keep himself company.
Out of all the boys, Stan would be the first to go feral if they were abandoned by their parents/society.
Kenny McCormick:
Is literally an Elder God, but only is aware of his immortality. He can’t remember what other powers he has or how to activate them. His real father is Cthulhu, and he hates him.
Kenny cares very deeply for his little sister Karen and older brother Kevin. When he has extra money, he will always buy them something nice. Like a new doll for Karen or powdered doughnuts from the convenience store to share with Kevin, because it’s their favorite treat.
Even though he will do nearly anything for money, he draws the line at eating Hot Rods. (Unless of course eating them would bring his family out of poverty or something...)
Kenny is genderfluid and pansexual. Mostly because he doesn’t care who he sleeps with, especially if their is money involved. Also wearing girl clothing occasionally was at first so he could had it down to Karen, but now he’d proudly admits he does like the look and feel of women’s clothing on him.
He has had pet rats, a pet possum, and raccoon. Currently he’s raising a baby flying squirrel he found abandoned in his yard, and nursing a robin who has a broken wing.
He wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up.
Eric Cartman:
Never thinks things through, and always pays for his schemes one way or another.
Still has a horde of stuffies he keeps in his room and sleeps with. Even having tea parties with them, when his “friends” don’t want to play.
Is an asshole towards Kyle, because he has unrequited feelings for him, but doesn’t want Kyle to know. Most of his plans fall through, because he really doesn’t want to hurt or push Kyle away.
Knows that he should watch his weight and eat better, but subconsciously wants to get diabetes from his obesity so he can be just like Kyle and Scott. He hates that they get special attention to their medical problems at school and thus don’t have to participate in certain exercises in gym.
Cartman is sex repulsed, but is secretly gay. He can’t stand the thought of actually having sex with anyone and believes all intimate contact is rape. 
He once broke up Craig and Tweek when he spotted them kissing at Stark’s Pond, then went on a rant of how Craig was taking advantage of his boyfriend, scaring Tweek into thinking he got all of the STDs.
Kyle has force Cartman to clean up “Zaron” all by himself before, after Cartman broke too many rules they came up with after the Stick of Truth was thrown in Stark’s Pond. Although, Cartman made Butters do it for him instead, when Kyle went home.
Four other boys:
Tweek Tweak:
Wasn’t aware his parent’s put meth and other drugs in his coffee to test the blends into being their customers addicted, until Craig discovered what Mr. Tweak was doing. Though Tweek is too scared to report his parents, Craig has used it as a threat to get Tweek expensive things, like videogames and new brand named clothes.
Tweek is a wonderful cook and baker. He wants to change the Tweak Bros. Coffee, into a restaurant kind of like Tim Hortons, where they serve both coffee and homemade food. Though he is too scared to ask his father to put in a proper kitchen in the back of the store, for him to use. Instead he has convinced his mother to sell his famous cupcakes, he bakes at home.
Even without the coffee and drugs, Tweek would still have his twitching tick. It only acts up when he is stressed out. When he is calm, it’s barely noticeable.
Before he bought Stripe #4 for Craig, he was terrified of rodents, after he fell in love with Guinea Pigs and occasionally will discuss proper rodent care with Kenny. 
Though now he fears that Craig might eat Stripe one day, do to Guinea Pigs being a delicacy in Peru and not knowing what happened to the other three Guinea Pigs Craig has had before Stripe #4. That’s why Stripe is kept over at his house on weekends and not a Craig’s 24/7.
Tweek has a parrot named “Coffee Crisp”, because it’s his favorite snack and the first words the parrot learned. His parent’s bought Tweek Coffee Crisp, to help keep his paranoia in check. 
Coffee Crisp will repeat goverment conspiracy theories do to that fact Tweek listens to them on the radio in his room at night. Coffee Crisp also knows the name of over 150 different types of coffee related products.
Craig gave Tweek a hand knitted Chullo and shall that matched his own, but in green, for his birthday. Tweek is afraid he will ruin them if he wears them, so he only wore the outfit for a day before permanently hanging it up in his closet.
Tweek was questioning his sexuality, but has always been gay. He was just too paranoid about other things to focus long enough to realize this.
Craig Tucker:
Although he behaves like he doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything, he cares deeply on the inside for his friends. He believes showing emotion is weakness and prefers to internalize everything.
He has broken down in front of only two people ever in his life. The first being Clyde after Strip #2 had died, and the second being Tweek.
Craig is aware he is adopted and his native homeland is in Peru. He’s half white and half Peruvian native, and was sent to the US for adoption after people started trying to worship him as the Guinea God.
He’s also aware that he is a god and has god-like abilities. He just doesn’t like to use them and prefers to live a “normal” mortal life. He is aware of Kenny being an Elder God and his immortality. He’s willing to teach Kenny how to be responsible with his powers if he ever find out how to use them.
Craig has eaten Cavy and knows how to make traditional Peruvian dishes that use it, do to being a deity in his homeland. He likes it on occasion, but would never eat a Guinea Pig that he intends to keep as a pet and has buried his previous Guinea Pigs in the back garden of his home. He even had little funerals for them where his friends attended.
Craig likes to knit and will spend hours in his room listening to music and knitting. He hides this from his dad, because it’s not a “manly” hobby. Though every christmas he gives his family handmade sweaters, scarves, mittens, and socks, as gifts.
He doesn’t like coffee like Tweek, but his favorite drink is French Vanilla Cappuccinos. Which he has with whipped cream added, do to his sweet tooth.
Craig can’t dance, but tries to at parties and has fun regardless at his failed attempts. It makes Tweek laugh anyway.
Finally like Tweek’s twitching, flipping people off is a tick Craig had developed. Do to internalizing all of his thoughts and feelings, he automatically flips the bird when he feels upset or angry over someone or thing.
Clyde Donovan
Is just as pervy as Kenny, but is straight. 
He has problems with over expressing his emotions and is always crying about something. He uses Craig as his emotional support constantly, and sometimes will sit eating ice cream and watching romance movies alone.
He is embarrassed by his colostomy bag and only his friends (and Mr. Macky) know about it. He has one do to surviving rectal cancer when he was five.
He wants to own his own mexican themed restaurant when he is older or a Taco Bell. He was very disappointed when the government canceled building a giant Taco Bell during the events of the Stick of Truth.
His favorite Raisins girl is Lexus and always request her to be his host when he eats there. He wants to ask her out, but is too scared she will reject him.
When the kids play “The Kingdom of Zaron” now, Clyde remains as a separate third faction and the main “antagonist” of the game, when the humans and elves aren’t fighting each other. He rules over all the kids that want to be “monsters” or non-human or non-elf. Humans and elves can join his side if they proved to be “evil” enough.
Clyde has worn women's clothing for fun before. He likes flowy skirts and dresses. He wants to go to prom one day in a dress and maybe convince his future wife to let him wear the bride’s gown to their wedding.
Whenever he hears that Tweek is having a “backing meltdown” he gets excited, since Tweek makes too much and usually shares by giving him three boxes of baking. He hides this from his dad who want him to be careful of his weight.
Token Black:
Likes to buy expensive things for Nicole and his friends. He has no idea the value of money and genuinely gets confused when his friend say they or their parents can’t afford something.
Kenny McCormick creeps him out, and he thinks his family just chooses to live in a garbage dump. Though he does get along with Karen McCormick and had bought her lunch a few times, since he thinks it’s cruel for her parents to not give her money or food for school.
He is the second person Clyde will run to when he is upset, though unlike Craig, he dosen’t really know how to react or comfort Clyde. He normally just stands there with Clyde crying in his shoulder, awkwardly patting his back saying “there, there...” until Clyde feels better.
Contrary to belief (and Cartman) Token doesn’t like listening to Beyonce or hip hop type music. He actually likes listening to old folk music and polkas. 
Weird Al Yankovic is his favorite entertainer and “Just Eat it” is his favorite song by him.
Token sometimes says racist things against his white friends by accident. After which he profusely apologizes if he catches himself or someone calls him out on it.
He rather play chess than play football or basketball.
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 1: 15 pm hazy
  Welcome to 8 Questions with……
Meet my friend Karen,who is one of the kindest and most compassionate people left on this planet. I have known Karen for several years,she and I met after Lori passed away and she stayed with me as I was getting crushed by grief and loss.  She has donated to Sockvember many times as well donating several times a year to Red Cross,you are getting the idea that Karen is a very caring and generous soul,right? Karen is also a relentless crusader for animals,all types of animals whether it be a abandoned dog,injured possums,hungry birds or a pocket cheetah like her new cat,Doogie Howser. She gets up early to feed her crew,check her TNR traps,rescues the cats and if possible helps them find a home or if they feral,she’ll get them neutered and released back in their area. Family is the most important thing to Karen and if you are a friend,you’re family. I have really enjoyed reading about Karen’s crazy adventures through the years be it a ice storm that led turned a small trip into a multi-hour ride from hell to rooting for her Braves and yes,even losing a few of her rescues and fosters. She has shown me and hundreds of other people around the country what being a caring and loving human being looks like. Simply put,we need a LOT more people like Karen in this world. I hope you enjoy reading and sharing Karen’s interview as she answers her 8 Questions
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 Please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself. 
I am Karen Jones nee Estes originally from Charlotte, NC but I have been in the Metro Atlanta area since the day Elvis allegedly died. I am married and I have one son who is the light of my life (from my practice marriage). I worked for about 12 years in HR/payroll but in 2016 I was beyond tired of Atlanta traffic and I changed jobs to be closer to home (less miles and less money lol but also way less aggravation from traffic). I work in the preventive maintenance department for a biotechnology company in Kennesaw, GA.  I love all animals but I also love bacon so whatever category that is called – that is where I am. DON’T TOUCH MY BACON!  I am an overly sarcastic person so keep that in mind while reading the rest of my answers.I am a firm supporter of donating blood/platelets at The Red Cross and being an organ donor. If you have doubts about donating organs then you need to do some reading  https://www.donatelife.net/  
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 What was it like growing up in your house? Is this how you developed your love for animals?
  My house was cool growing up, my parents are both insane (although I have never had them tested) and they love animals too but they also eat meat.  We had rules and curfews and chores but we also had love.  I would certainly say that my love for animals was developed by watching my parents. I used to make fun of them for birdwatching and bringing home leftovers to feed the possums. Now I do the same thing which makes my son cringe when we go out to eat and I ask for a to-go box so I can feed the critters. So watch out kids – you will become your parents one day! I remember my mom finding an injured owl on the road one night and she wasn’t going to leave it there to suffer so she slipped out of her slip, wrapped up the owl, put it in the car and headed home. Apparently the owl was not hurt because a few miles down the road it hopped up on the steering wheel and watched her drive home. We had plenty of dogs who were saved from the side of the road, dogs who “we are not keeping” but of course ended up staying with us. My dad came across some young flying squirrels and those were brought to our house and released in the backyard. He’d go out at night and call them and they’d come down and eat the peanut butter he set out for them.      Non animal related – our house was the hang out for all the cadets in Civil Air Patrol. My parents preferred that we hang out at home with MTV (back when MTV played nothing but music videos) and eat pizza so the kitchen was always stocked.     Holidays were always an “eat yourself into a coma and still have plenty to take home to eat for the next 6 months” type of event. Mama T (my mom’s mom) was one of the best cooks on the planet, she loved to cook and she loved to watch people eat what she prepared. This is why my family is incapable of preparing normal size meals lol     I must mention that having “insane” parents is a lesson in itself. Both of my parents started out at the phone company as linemen, humping poles as they called it. Neither of them have a “can’t do” attitude. They have the “do what you have to do” attitude so I picked up on that a good bit. If something doesn’t work then you try something else, if that doesn’t work then try something else. We aren’t a “one and done” type of family. I think this is how I reached MacGuyver status among my friends – it is 99.9% true that when there’s a will, there’s a way.  I am extremely lucky to have the parents that I have and to have picked up on 1/10 of their knowledge and attitude.  I hope that my son has picked up a lot of that too.     I could write a book on this subject but I’m trying to keep it short. Bottom line is that I have the best parents who have taught me a lot of life lessons and above all taught me to always help out if you’re capable of doing so. It cost you absolutely nothing to be kind.
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What was your first pet and tell us about it?
The first pet that I can remember was our hamster Cinnamon. Other than watching her roll around in the plastic ball I don’t have a lot of memories. I can’t remember there being a time in my life where there wasn’t a dog or a cat or some fish. I just know life has always included a pet.
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How did you meet your husband? What attracted you to him?
This is a loaded question. I met him when I worked part time at Winn Dixie where he was an assistant manager. This is a running joke because I met my first husband when we worked at Kroger together. I ask myself every day what attracted me to him! For starters – he stood out because he is bald and has beautiful blue eyes. We started dating and learned that we both love animals, The Three Stooges, prefer Miracle Whip over mayo and we both hate celery so it was obvious that we were meant to be together.
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 How did you get into animal rescue? Did you take any classes or workshops to get trained?
  I wish I knew the answer!!!!!!  I think it all happened by being in the right place at the right time?  No classes or anything like that. Most of it is common sense and thinking back to what my parents did when they came across an animal in need.
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 What are some of the big “no-nos” in helping injured animals,especially wildlife?
Do NOT try to make the injured critter become your pet!!!!!!!!! Seek advice on how to keep it comfortable while you find a trained rehabber. Wildlife that has been injured needs to go to rehab and then released back into the wild. While you mean well in what you’re doing, you can actually be causing more harm. So keep it safe and find a rehab facility.
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 What have been your three best rescue stories?
Oh gosh – I don’t want to hurt any of their feelings so I will tread lightly. My current foster/rescue is Abby. She came into Getalong Dachshund Rescue: https://www.getalongdachshundrescue.org/our-dogs/   with her sister Zoey in 2017. Zoey was extremely overweight and Abby was mostly blind and deaf. Zoey went on a diet and managed to go from 22.88 pounds down to 11.5 then was adopted. Abby went totally blind and is now a forever foster with me. She and I are extremely bonded and have our own communication skills.     Freida Mae who was found in a ditch in rural AL in the rain. She was not claimed at animal control and Getalong Dachshund took her in and treated her infected and swollen mouth which involved removing pretty much every tooth in her head. I left the Sunday before Thanksgiving 2018 to pick her up. My husband woke up early (which is unusual) and asked where I was going. I told him it was an emergency foster, he rolled his eyes and went back to bed. Freida Mae was sooooooo skinny and soooooooooooo cute. She won my husband’s heart when I sent him a picture of her. When I got home he came outside and said “Give her to me” and that was that. We found out a month later that she also had cancer which could not be treated. She put up a great fight though. She was eating better and gaining weight and playing and bossing the cats around. She had my husband wrapped around her paw. She could do no wrong. Sadly we had to say goodbye to her in March just four months after we said hello.     I can’t leave out Titan because he was the first rescue/foster back in 2001 I believe it was. He was an owner surrender to another rescue group and we took him in. He was quickly adopted to a family in Rhode Island. After getting updates of him in his new home we also asked them to adopt us. Titan had his own beach chair for his beach trips. He went to a great family where he had many happy years. I am friends with his mom to this day.    Can’t leave out Fonzie who was picked up by animal control and never claimed. The happiest dog on earth! Imagine our surprise when we found out he had a broken jaw! He never showed any sign of pain and he was eating dry food, all while constantly wagging his tail. (I know you asked for three but you’re getting four stories). Fonzie cannot hide under blankets because his wagging tail gives away his location. He was adopted 9 months later and is living the best life ever! When I took him to his new mommy he was greeted with a “Welcome Home” sign, a huge basket of toys and his new pillow and blankets. 
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We won’t talk about Doogie………….(“Doogie is pretty awesome!!!”-Paladin the cheetah)
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 How do people go from wanting to help animals into becoming the worst animal abusers when they become hoarders? Have you yourself ever worked a hoarder house?
I think for the most part they start out wanting to help and then things spiral out of control and they don’t know how to ask for help. I’ve never been directly involved in a case involving hoarding. 
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 Share your opinion about TNR and the pros and cons of the program.
I am no expert in this field so please understand that this is only my opinion which is based on information I have read from numerous sources.Any litter bearing animal will basically self adjust (for lack of a better term) based on population. This is what is happening with coyotes in Georgia, there’s basically an open season on coyotes but the coyotes are now having larger litters and more often. So in my opinion TNR is the lesser of two evils. I was fortunate enough to find a group in my county that provides services for feral cats so I was able to get the feral family all “fixed” and vaccinated for free. So I believe in TNR vs euthanasia. 
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 Is your husband also a animal rescuer?
He is guilty by association. He complains about my efforts but he’s still around so…………..he found a kitten in the woods a few years ago and no sign of mama after 8 hours so he brought it home. For me to bottle feed. So he is what I’d call the diet version of a rescuer. He complains about it but he is the first one to steal snuggles from the animal. 
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 Do you think Kerri should keep one of her kittens?
  The cheetah and I are flying over to watch your latest possum rescue but we are a day early and now you are playing tour guide,what are we doing?
   Honestly there are so many things to do in and around Atlanta and I rarely do any of them! I prefer to sit on the porch and bird watch and at night watch the critters. But if I were to venture out I’d start off by taking you to breakfast at The Red Eyed Mule in Marietta for the best burger you’ll ever eat! Then perhaps we’d stroll up Kennesaw Mountain for a bit of Civil War History. From there we’d hit Art’s Bagels in Acworth for the best Bronx Bomber bagel sandwich. Squeeze in a trip up the road to Chattanooga, TN to visit Jerry at Opie Acres to learn all about possums (technically Opossum but in the south we just call them possums) https://www.facebook.com/OpossumRescueTn/. The night would for sure include a drag show put on by The Armorettes. All of their tips are donated to HIV & AIDS charities in the Atlanta area. https://www.thearmorettes.com  We aren’t into too much of the tourist things here. We’ve been to the aquarium and to the new Braves stadium but with every passing day we both hate crowds more and more and going anywhere almost always involves traffic! So we either go north or stay at home! 
  Oh…..before I forget,if you need a doctor’s note for work or school,Dr. Doogie Howser will write one for either 5.00 or two bags of Temptation treats,your choice.
I like to thank Karen for agreeing to sit and have a chat up. I really love this lady very much and think she is quite amazing.  I’m sure we’ll be seeing more pictures of Doogie as he can continues to cause a ruckus in the Jone’s home.
Karen has a InstaGram page that you can follow here.
Thank you all for your continued support and please feel free to drop a comment below.
8 Questions with……….Animal rescuer Karen Jones Its 1: 15 pm hazy Welcome to 8 Questions with...... Meet my friend Karen,who is one of the kindest and most compassionate people left on this planet.
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