toa-archive · 5 months
just wondering, you guys don't happen to have any higher-res images of barbs paintings? theyre some of my favourite pieces from the show but its hard to find clear shots of them
Oh mood. Only the Strickler painting unfortunately which did have some digital touch ups mostly around the eyes to add some glowy oomph. I believe the owner as of 2018 (So might have changed since) is the user Feuerbluete tagged in when this was tweeted originally. The scans they did for production are no doubt sitting in the great vault which I would LOVE to raid one day.
Let me in Dreamworks I promise to at worst just organise the thing.
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For my own reference I did note down all the paintings she has for anybody hawking for good screenshots of the things:
Swarm of trolls/goblins in purple
Angor Rot
Jim in armour
The Angor one particularly a lot of people miss being more often than not just out of shot. It is possible to get a good shot but it's difficult being a blink and you'll miss it moment.
For a bit of additional fun:
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No prizes for guessing what this version was a reference to :)
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archivistbot · 3 years
Hey David7, I'm sorry for the loss of your cafe.
TREXEL: The cafe had to go.
DAVID: Okay. Yes.
TREXEL: For the clients.
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samdyke · 4 years
Kora your posts today are an entire fucking mood. I am vibrating in my chair just thinking about the wedding and I do not have any space in my brain for anything else tonight! Happy destiwedding day <3 <3 <3
i am LITERALLY vibrating at a frequency inly dogs can hear !!!!! this is so. joyous!!!!!!! happy destiwedding day <3 !!
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anthonycrowleymoved · 4 years
For someone who has yet to find a beer they like I am incredibly invested in your beer review and very much looking forward to it!
i’m glad it’s gonna be fun i promise! i’m gonna be explaining stuff but like my goal doing that is more making sure people who aren’t as into the topic understand what i’m talking about rather than like, talking down, if that makes sense, because like the entire craft beer Thing is one of my interests that i care about a weird amount and i want to share that with people and i genuinely think this’ll be a fun way to explain it to people who maybe otherwise don’t know anything about it
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I finished watching S1 just now for the first time and somehow I forgot about the bit where Dean figures out his dad is possessed because he said he was proud of him. This show is so insane that *that* is the part I forgot about! How!!! Brainworms!!!
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gerrydelano · 4 years
Do you think time is a part of the vast? We can't imagine eternity or even long stretches of time, the most maybe a few thousand years. The rest just becomes imcomprehensible. How there was so much before us and so much will be after us and in the grand scheme of things we are completely insignificant again. And honestly I am terrified of the concept of immortality.
it for sure gets utilized by the vast! but i definitely like looking at this sort of thing as kind of an example of the fears taking advantage of a tool we unwittingly gave them in our attempts to understand the world around us, and fight back against the press of their influence. less something that was already innately in place and more something that we created in response to it, and never really had control over in the first place. we like to bite off a lot more than we can chew.
because “time” is generally just a measure of our position in space/an overall totally relative human construct. it’s mostly our attempt at understanding all that empty space/making things Matter, which Yeah, absolutely Vast at its core, but also lends to plenty of overlap with the other ones, too. all of them play around with it but the vast, the buried, the spiral, the web, and the end especially are all out here like, “haha nice job idiot.” 
so we did some of the work for them by creating that sort of framework. all we managed to do was heighten our own awareness of its magnitude and we still can’t comprehend it all. now we have a baseline of comparison to highlight the gravity of what we’re facing when they decide to fuck around! 
human beings: i think there are hours in a day the entities: 
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crownofthornspod · 4 years
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Crown of Thorns Pod’rama Chapter 76 — art by Firefly
For our final coda we come full circle, with a piece by @feuerbluete who created the illustration for our very first chapter back in January.
Image description:  A geometric representation in pastel colours of two hands, broken into facets like gemstones, about to touch.
Listen to the Imagine Hastur Epilogue, the chapter that inspired Firefly here! Be sure to go right to the end to hear the closing song composed by @nuitarie, who created all the music for the pod’rama. (The song’s chorus features the voices of many of the cast and crew!)
See more of their previous work here.
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fireflysart · 5 years
I’ve got some more old art on @feuerbluete since I used that account for posting my art until recently
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archivistbot · 3 years
Trexel, who is the most interesting person you met in the Cosmic Lounge?
TREXEL: Oh, David.
TREXEL: David, I— I— I met you at the Cosmic Lounge.
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anthonycrowleymoved · 4 years
Good morning, tonight I dreamt you posted your final results for the spn gas calculation. The reason you managed it so fast was because you only did the calculations for the fist three seasons and then took the average and applied that to the other twelve seasons. (Though, if the first three seasons were any indicator for the rest of the show, then we wouldn't be in S16 right now, would we?) (1/2)
Well, the result was that they had to buy gas an average of 8 times per episode, so do with that as you wish. Though I would like to know how much money that would be. (2/2) 
first of all how dare you i would never cut corners like that
anyway i WAS able to find tank capacity and apparently it has a capacity of 24 gallons. so. 8 x 24 would be 192 gallons, which let’s say it’s an average of $3/gallon for argument’s sake, that’s gonna run em about $576/trip. which isn’t QUITE as much as i have for any of the episodes so far, but it’s not quite as far off when it comes to fillups as you would hope (depends, obviously, but based on this they’d have to fill the tank at least a couple of times between almost every episode)
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crownofthornspod · 4 years
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Crown of Thorns Pod’rama Chapter 71 — art by Firefly
Image description:  A lush green landscape with trees and plants. In the grass beside a body of water, Crowley sits naked, wrapped in his wings, and watches ducks swim. Beside him stands Aziraphale, in a white robe.
Listen to Setting Precedent, the chapter that inspired @feuerbluete, here!
See more of their previous work here!
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Every time a post that I know is from a supernatural blog ends up on my dash sebveral days or weeks later, reblogged by a non-spn blog, I always end up thinking 'Oh hello supernatural tumblr'.
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crownofthornspod · 4 years
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Crown of Thorns Pod’rama Chapter 60 — art by Firefly
Image description:  A wooden four-poster bed in a room with white walls and heavy wooden beams. There is a sleeping person nearly covered by the white counterpane, just the top of their dark-haired head visible. Light from the doorway falls onto the bed, along with the shadow of a person standing there.
Listen to Through Glasses, Darkly, the episode that inspired @feuerbluete, here!
Their bio and previous work are here and here.
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crownofthornspod · 4 years
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Crown of Thorns Pod’rama Chapter 22—art by Firefly
We enjoy a series of more or less comfortable scenes in the cottage during Chapter 22—all accompanied by Crowley and Aziraphale’s newly adopted orphan girls, whom @feuerbluete has drawn above.
Image description: Six ducklings waddle in a row through the grass, some of them distracted by a ladybug, all following the bare heel of a man-shaped being just walking out of frame on the right.
Listen to the episode that inspired them here.
Firefly’s bio and previous work is here.
Would you like to create cover art for the Crown of Thorns project? Chapters are still open! Learn more here. 
Artwork can be in any format or medium, as long as it can be reproduced electronically. And no, you don’t need to read the whole fic in order to get enough context for art. Crown of Thorns is made up of stories set in the same ‘verse. There’s a throughline, but each chapter or short sequence also stands alone.
Send us an ask if you have questions or want to know more!
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crownofthornspod · 4 years
Chapter 60 is up!
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We’re proud to present Crown of Thorns Podrama chapter 60: Through Glasses, Darkly! The amazing cover art for this chapter is the work of @feuerbluete​ (also on Twitter and AO3!)
You can finally hear it on:
Don’t forget to follow us here, and on our other social media platforms so you can get a notification every time we post something new. We hope you enjoy the chapter!
As we mentioned yesterday with the announcement for this chapter, today is Neil Gaiman’s birthday. As a team, we would like to wish him a very happy birthday! One of our members has planned something special, so stay tuned to see it later today!
~The CoT Pod'rama Team
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Crown of Thorns: A multivoice reading of the Good Omens fanfiction series by irisbleufic ~Happy Birthday, Neil Gaiman!~
Chapter Sixty: Through Glasses, Darkly
Anchor.fm | Archive of Our Own | Spotify | Soundcloud | Archive.org
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Crown of Thorns Pod'rama 
Chapter Sixty - Through Glasses, Darkly
Image description: A large bed, its occupant apparent by the tuft of dark hair on the pillow. Light streams across the room from an open door, broken by the shadow of a figure.
Chapter art by Firefly
A multivoice reading of the Good Omens fanfiction series by irisbleufic
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Crown of Thorns Pod'rama
Chapter Sixty: Through Glasses, Darkly
Narrator: Podfixx
Aziraphale: Literarion
Crowley: CompassRose
Chapter editor: LenaLawlipop
Head editor: UnholyCrowley
Beta listener: Grin
Chapter art by Firefly: feuerbluete.tumblr.com
Music direction and original score by Nuitarie: nuitarie.eu
Nov 13 Chapter 61: Small Hauntings
Nov 15 Chapter 62: Clothed with the Sun
Nov 18 Chapter 63: For Sorrow
Nov 18 Chapter 64: For Mirth
Nov 22 Chapter 65: For Mourning
Nov 22 Chapter 66: For Rebirth
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crownofthornspod · 4 years
Chapter 22 is up!
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We’re proud to present Crown of Thorns Podrama chapter 22: Beginnings! The amazing cover art for this chapter is the work of @feuerbluete (also on AO3 and twitter!)
You can finally hear it on:
Don’t forget to follow us here, and on our other social media platforms so you can get a notification every time we post something new. We hope you enjoy the chapter!
~The CoT Pod'rama Team
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Crown of Thorns: A multivoice reading of the Good Omens fanfiction series by irisbleufic 
Chapter Twenty-Two: Beginnings
Anchor.fm | Archive of Our Own | Spotify | Soundcloud | Archive.org
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Crown of Thorns Pod'rama 
Chapter Twenty-Two - Beginnings
Image description: A drawing of six female juvenile ducklings walking in a line on grass. One of them has fallen down and two are looking at a red ladybug. The one at the front of the line is nipping at Crowley’s black trousers.
Chapter art by Firefly
A multivoice reading of the Good Omens fanfiction series by irisbleufic
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Crown of Thorns Pod'rama
Chapter Twenty-Two: Beginnings
Narrator: Podfixx
Aziraphale: Literarion
Crowley: CompassRose
Mandy Tomlin: UnholyCrowley
Iván Sagarra: Lady Lier
Chapter editor: LenaLawlipop
Head editor: UnholyCrowley
Beta listener: Grin
Chapter art by Firefly: feuerbluete.tumblr.com 
Music direction and original score by Nuitarie: nuitarie.eu
Apr 22 Chapter Twenty-Three: Happy Accident
Apr 26 Chapter Twenty-Four: Technical Difficulties
Apr 29 Chapter Twenty-Five: And Pardon’d the Deceiver
May 3 Chapter Twenty-Six: The Form of an Apple
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