gatheredfates · 11 months
Thinking about how the FFWrite is not that far away and how absolutely unhinged I'm likely to be in that month.
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haellen-o · 9 months
man having no confidence in your own writing sucks cause i love the FFwrite stuff but also i don't want to share it online so i see no point to do prompted writing
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templemoth · 9 months
FFwrite 2023 #26 Last
The window of his room rattled in it's pane. The storm outside had worsened by the hour until now, when nary a street lamp light could be seen through the snow. It beat down against the glass- wet blobs with bits of ice that seemed at times threatening to leave a crack if not join him inside. Fane threw the storm a glance from his relaxed lounge across his bed, then lifted his glass to his lips. A rich sweet port that tasted of blackberries, caramel, and anise- not something one would typically find in an Ishgardian cellar. He'd found most Ishgardians liked their wine to match their country- dark, dry as a humorless noble, and tasting of frostbite. Unfortunately for him, Fane had caught a fancy for more vibrant fair. In the toasty heat given off by his little stove he could almost pretend he was on the shores of some island, soaking up warm sun. And this was the last of it. The bottle sat empty on the nightstand, a plate of what had been aged cheese and walnuts beside it. If only he hadn't broke and ate the bit of chocolate he'd been saving last week. Still, this made for an enjoyable respite from the reality of Coerthas. And a lovely excuse to get delightfully drunk at home. He dogeared the book he'd been reading and let it drop to the floor beside the bed before he flopped down himself. The Keeper rolled over onto his side, curling his arms around a pillow and rooting into the nest of smaller ones that lined his headboard and the wall his bed was pushed against. There was a brief tipsy thought given how he would have preferred a warm body to a well cuddled pillow, and a consideration lazily given to exactly which warm bodies he would have liked to take it's place. Ultimately though, the wine won the night, coal in the tiny stone burning down to embers as he slept.
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littlepotatoiris · 3 years
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Day 4: Baleful
It was beyond what she wanted to feel as she took up her bow string in hand. Biting the bottom of her lip, the miqo'tes ears swivled back ready for the fight that was right before her eyes. Iris couldn’t stand being this way but for her family she would do anything.For if needed she will be the villian in someone elses story. 
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sakurauchiha2018 · 6 years
Master Post
After some encouragement from @kairi-chan I’ve decided to make a master post of all my stories. Here’s the link to my FF account as well
Multi Chapter Stories 
Home for the Holidays  SasuSaku M
Returned Home SasuSaku M (still being written but only lacking a few chapters)
Ask me prompts
“How is my wife more badass than me?”  SasuSaku
“I don’t think this is working out.”  BoruSara
“They can’t hurt you anymore.” SasuSaku
“Who surprised who by bringing lunch?”
-SasuSaku version here
-BoruSara version here
“Who was nervous and shy on the first date?”  SasuSaku
“Stop being so cute.” BoruSara
“I’m too sober for this.”  SasuSaku
“Help me.” SasuSaku
“Take your medicine.” SasuSaku
“I’m not wearing a dress.” “I’m not wearing a tie.”  BoruSara
“Stay awake.” SasuSaku
“That’s starting to get annoying.” SasuSaku
“Heartache.” BoruSara
“Here take my blanket.” SasuSaku
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic.” SasuSaku
“I just told you I liked you.” BoruSara
38 & 41 of Ask Me BoruSara
“My life is indefinitely better because you are in it.” Team 7 
“Don’t shame me.” SasuSaku
“Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment?” SasuSaku
“I want a pet.”/”Show me what’s behind your back.” SasuSaku/SasuSakuSara 
“Things you weren’t meant to hear.” SasuSaku
Home SasuSaku m
Valentines Day SasuSaku M
The First Time SasuSaku M
Happy Birthday SasuSaku M
The Question
Part One
Part Two 
My Hero Academia Stories
TodoMomo Story 
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placesyoucallhome · 3 years
do I draw something new or do I post the thing I drew earlier in the week?
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phoebe-of-ivalice · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Prompt #10
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Heady (adjective): having a strong or exhilarating effect.
The Hunted: part 4 (tw: mild blood/gore/ torture)
Phoebe left the Flames headquarters, feeling unsettled at the message so pointedly left for her. She’d fled from the basement before the captain could stop her. She was in no mood to be questioned on her findings. The further she could get from Ul’dah, the better. She’d clearly fallen into a trap that had been waiting for her there.
The heat was stifling even at this late hour. She could feel the sweat trickling down her back as she crossed into Sapphire Avenue. During the raging summer months, the locals would often set up their markets late into the night, avoiding the hottest parts of the day. Merchants and civilians alike were bustling along the main streets, making it difficult to move quickly. The air was thick with the smell of foreign spices and rich coffees. Normally she would be tempted to stop and sample such delicacies. Even now the temptation was hard to resist as the smells became dizzyingly stronger. Merchants hawking their wares had no fear of approaching people as they walked casually through to their destinations. Phoebe managed to avoid most of them with ease. She was almost clear of the markets when one merchant reached out and grabbed her by the arm. “Excuse me, Miss. A beautiful young woman like yourself should be wrapped in the finest Thavnairian silks! You must see them,” he cried, and she turned to see him as his tone darkened, “they are simply to die for, Nightingale.” "Shit," she whispered as his grip tightened on her arm, there was no way she’d be able to fight him here with so many civilians milling about. She’d have to wait. The man led her roughly around the corner onto Pearl Avenue. There were fewer people there, so he wrangled her hands behind her to tie her up. “Come along quietly, the Hunter is waiting for you,” he shoved her forward. She had to think quickly. He opened a small door that sat in the shadows on the far end of the street. It was the last place she wanted to go, but was it worth risking her identity if she killed this man in front of everyone? She'd have to bide her time, risking the danger of being removed from the open.
A dingy light cast its glow over an ominous sight. Dried pools of blood littered the floor, a table full of rusty surgical equipment, and a single liquid-filled jar containing... oh gods, it was Dove's face. Phoebe's own face blanched as she realized she'd allowed herself to be brought into the killer's lair.
He threw her onto a lone wooden chair in the corner, tying her tightly to it. She struggled, making every task as difficult as possible for the man. He was worked up into a fury by the time he had finished tying the knot behind the chair and reached up to slap her across the face as hard as he could.
"I'm not supposed to kill you, orders from the Hunter, Nightingale. Your little friend wasn't as lucky as you. She certainly squirmed when I started peeling the skin back. Didn't like it one bit. Shame, it's my favorite part," he sneered as he jerked his thumb over to the jar on the table. Phoebe looked away, trying to quiet the sickening feeling in her stomach. This crazy person was trying to play with her mind, unsettle her. She already knew her friend died before the act. The fact that this disgusting blight of a man was getting a thrill from it all made her want to vomit alone.
He went about cleaning and organizing the tools on the table, back turned to her. She needed to figure a way out of this mess. There was nothing immediately close by her. The chair she was tied to was of poor quality, perhaps something there could be useful. As she was testing the chair, her captor swung around and peered at her.
"Now, now be a good girl," he turned back to grab his tray of instruments before he advanced on her, "the Hunter wanted you alive, but he didn't say I needed to send all of you back to him. Now, let's see your magnificent feet."
He grabbed her by the ankle, sliding one of her boots off. Tossing it to the side, he ran his hands across the top of her foot. He followed suit with her other shoe and rubbing his cheek with her foot.
"Yes, these will do wonderfully in my collection," he gushed, reaching back for the saw on the table.
Phoebe's mind reeled, would this man honestly cut off her foot? She needed to get out of there now. Pulling her foot away from the crazed man, she kicked him square in the nose. The crunching sound and the burst of blood that followed told her she had broken it. He screamed, falling to his knees in pain. With her feet free, she was able to stand, still tied to the chair. She kicked him in the back of the head with her heel, knocking him to the ground.
He screamed in a fit of rage and lashed out at her, catching her by the ankle. Phoebe hit the ground hard, parts of the chair legs shattering as she did. While her body was free from the chair, her hands were still bound. She pushed herself up against a wall, trying to get back to her feet. Her captor secured an old scalpel he'd found on the floor and was now crawling towards her. Using her only defense, she kicked at his wrist and sent the blade flying. He advanced, and she waited. As he got close enough, she head-butted him in his broken nose. She pushed her back against the wall, using her legs to wrap around the man's neck. She squeezed as tightly as she could, resisting the man's attempts to escape her death grip.
Phoebe only let go once the lunatic had finally gone slack and all movement had ceased. She dropped the body and scrambled to stand upright. His ashen-blue skin and wide bulging eyes were a relief to see; he was dead. She'd need to find some way to get her bindings undone. She spied the saw on the table, while it was risky, she'd need to use it. Backing up to the table, she secured the saw in one hand. Bending her wrist to point the exposed blade to the ropes, she began to make a small sawing motion. It was difficult and the ropes chewed into her skin from the friction.
Finally, for what seemed like hours, the ropes snapped in two. Phoebe's wrists were bleeding and sore, but that was the least of her worries. Grabbing her belongings, she raced out to Pearl Avenue. The sun was breaking over the horizon as she fled the city gates and took off into the desert.
part 5>
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thechoirrp · 4 years
FFxivWrite Entry #11 Ultracrepidarian
“I am telling you...it is how you should do it; if I was you, I would invest in that…”
Andreas was never against advice from expert or people with more knowledge then himself on the subject, but the old merchant had a few notches on his belt and knew how to recognize a real expert then someone speaking through his hat about something he didn’t know. He waved the man away while he was enjoying the market in search for new wines, new herbal essence and new joy for his evening. He wasn’t really looking for a new place to invest for now, nor someone who bothered him about something he found boring.
He was in a good mood and remembered not even a few months ago how he would have hanged the man at a pole as a sign to other to not bother the Owner of the Under Rose with frivolous idea. He dismissed the man for a second time, hearing him spew more non-sense about how this product would save years and years of his body and regained the vigor he had from his youth.  His green eyes coldly landed once again on him, a soft grin on his lips. “My lover seemed to enjoy the vigor I bring to our celebration…I have no need for that.” He continued his way in the market, stopping at his usual book stall, looking through the new arrival, chatting the owner of it, an older woman with gentle gaze when the bothering man came for a third time, grabbing Andreas by the sleeve. “Are you sure…Maybe your lover is faking it….but with this…and my advice, you will please them as long as you…”
Andreas was getting better, but he was still making small step in the right direction on the long and sinuous path of redemption. This poor fellow was the first of many bump he will have to overcome. He glared at him and grabbed him by the neck, gently choking him out of breath, around the merchant, his personal guards made sure that no would bother him. Andreas’ lips curl into this wicked and cruel grin
“My advice to you…leave…” He let the man fall on the ground and threw a small pouch of gil at his feet. “I am in a good mood; leave before I hang you by the guts…” Andreas was becoming a good man, and every good person would give a last chance to a bothersome fly before snuffing its life.
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the-hawkeyes · 4 years
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Ishgard could be so insufferably cold at times. 
It was nothing like home, not in the countries current state, at least. Snow and clouds and a breeze that cut through Fatima as easily as a knife does fruit. Even sitting in the foyer of House Dzaemal, bundled in three layers, did the cold still bite her. 
As was most often the case nowadays, Fatima accompanied her fiance, the honorable Reinette Lasbeaux of the same House name, on any business deals. Usually this meant waiting for her outside of the actual negotiations. She never had a head for business. Her heart would always rest at the sea. 
She reached into her purse, pulling out a fulms lenght of rope. Good rope. Rope that they dont usually sell to the common woman. There was money in her life now, even in the most simplest of things. But money wasn't why she had drawn the rope, or why she even had it in her purse to begin with. 
She held it in both her hands, and started to tie a knot. 
It was one of the earliest knots her father had taught her, back when she was just old enough to start going out with him on the Thavnair sea. Bowline, the most practical and reliable knot of them all. 
Make a loop. Bring the end through it. Run the line around the back and into the smaller loop. Grasp and pull it tight. 
She tugged a little tighter, seeing it hold. She put her hand through the bigger loop, the loop that would be attached to a fellow boat, or the end of a hammock. This knot wouldn't break or untie, not when bearing a load. 
She smiled then, seeing the outline of the engagement ring underneath her glove. A different sort of knot. Not one of rope, but by bond. But of words and love and mutual respect. One that also wouldn't untie when bearing a load. A knot not formed by two hands, but by four. 
A quiet moment passed before she undid it, and started tying anew. Here she would be the bowline, helping to bear the load of their coming future.
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rhymingteelookatme · 5 years
I'm sorry to send in another one but this one is too lovely. Sensory prompt! Napping in sunshine. 💖💖
You’re dang right it is lovely! Took me a while to be satisfied with this one, inspired by my first Roevember photoset. Hope you like it :)
Words: 473 | sensory prompt list here
Under the sloping roof,Thosinund dreams.
It’s a dream of flowers andleaves. The blossoms wave around her head, the branches whishand rustle in the wind. The sky is truly sky—not the gilded glareof endless Light, but blessed, ordinary blue. She’s lying under atree, on a carpet of warm petals.
Safe, she knows somehow. Nosound in her ears but the wind through the foliage. Nothing nearby tostalk or surprise her. She’s not even wearing her armor: insteadshe’s clad in something far softer, draping over her legs, gentlyclasping her arms above the elbow. She lifts her head to see- ah, agown. Snowy pale overskirt and an underskirt colored likeforget-me-nots. She lies back down.
Safe. That’s whatreally tells her she’s dreaming. Safe with the cool sweet windblowing over her, with the sun shining down. Its beams rest like thetenderest hands on her forehead, on her hair. She can lie easy here.Perhaps the world will save itself this time—she will not be movedby god or man. The sun smiles and strokes her hair, and Thosinundsmiles back with her eyes closed.  
She could stay here forever.Let the wind and sun caress her, let the flowery earth be her bed.Fallen petals cushion the firm ground beneath her and it’s so easy torelax, to let herself be held. She hasn’t felt this nice since…since when? Ah, never mind when. There is only this moment, rightnow: with the stirring of the leaves and the blossoms’ perfume, theground under her head like a lap beneath a robe. With the sun glowingpink and gold through her eyelids, smoothing its hands over her hair.
Or is it the sun after all? Isit a lamp, instead, close by her head in a darkened room? A pair ofhands at her brow—sword-roughened, calloused and caring, soothing her aches and herweariness away with every pass. Hands that would banish the world and its woes, if only for a little while, while her head lies cradled and safe in their owner’s lap. 
She will not open her eyes,not even in this dream, with the scent of the unknown meadow flowersfading into the familiar mix of pine and plum blossom, with the airof the sunlit faerie afternoon giving way to the breeze of yetanother stolen night. The petalled earth below her turning tolinen-cased down on dark wood flooring. Wind-stirred leavesdisappear, whispered words taking their place. She cannot understandthem individually but she knows what they mean, all rushed togetherin the way of dreams. Words of love, of comfort, wishes for rest andrelief of pain.
But the speaker is far fromher now.
It is that remembrance whichwakes her, with stinging eyes and sweetly aching heart.
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smitten-miqitten · 3 years
Not for ffwrite exactly, but a little snippet of something that's been in my noggin for a while and I've mentioned occasionally.
Set during the search for the Enterprise in Camp Dragonhead. Pre-Cid/WoL. Amnesia related identity distress.
That thrice damned Alphinaud has sold you a lie!
She wants to scream at Marques. The proposition, the promise of immenent self discovery lends an incandescent sparkle to his eye she both envies and detests.
You heat addled man, you are cleverer than this! You know better! You are nobody other than yourself! You will not remember, need not remember! You are enough exactly as you are and am I not proof!?
But Marques is lost. He pretends at the name of another, and Era fears it fits him too well. 
Such spiteful thoughts permeate Era's mind, like a fetid pool of water. She drowns in it.
Not that any of this is about Cid.
She won't use that name consciously, but at her core she's already merged Marques the cryptkeeper and Cid Garlond the engineer. How could she feel otherwise, truly, upon witnessing his serenity found in identity? He is too precious to her to curse, no matter the form he takes.
Fear makes monsters of us all.
And Era is nothing at this moment but afraid.
Am I not proof?
Am I not enough, exactly as I am?
If Marques is not Marques,
Is Era not Era?
I am "I" naught but a pretender, wearing another's skin?
Tightly do her hands grasp at this life. She does not wish to relinquish it to another.
She dreads the seemingly inevitable moment Era Hess remembers herself, and in so doing dies forgotten in the dark recesses of a mind she once was.
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yaigalovescharlie23 · 6 years
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Me working on my upcoming fanfic...🤔🤔🤔
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littlepotatoiris · 3 years
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Day 3: Scales
Scales that are rainbow. How your colors shine so bright. One day I will glow. -Iris Kimamiko
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sakurauchiha2018 · 6 years
A Little Faith
This is an AU story that I’ve recently started, it was originally two prompt writings but I’m joining them into a longer story. There will be certain chapter where it chances up POV but this will mainly be a BoruSara fic but there will be hints of SasuSaku and NaruHina. Oh and thank you @kairi-chan for giving me the confidence to do this! This story if for you
Rating: T (could change but only because of language)
Word Count: 3406
Chapter 1
“They party starts in just a few hours Sarada! You and Boruto need to get dressed in the outfits I laid out.” My mother’s voice echoes through the large hallway. I can’t help the eye roll that ensues when I plop down on my desk chair, letting my forehead thud against the hard wood. Tonight my grandparents are coming over for dinner and after that the rest of my family is coming for an importance announcement. Grandpa Fugaku is retiring as CEO of Uchiha Corporations and tonight he’s naming his successor, which will most likely be my father since my Uncle Itachi has no dream of running the company.
The door clicks open and I watch Boruto enter from the corner of my eyes, a noticeable shit eating grin plastered on his face. I haven’t even inspected the ridiculous clothing cluttering my bed but knowing my mother there’s an elegant formal dress and brand-new suit waiting on us. Whenever my great grandfather Madara comes to our estate she gets into this frenzy of making everything perfect. He’s never approved of my mother, I honestly have no idea why either. Sakura Uchiha is the country’s leading surgeon, she runs two of the country’s top cutting-edge hospitals and even opened up her own children’s mental health clinic. Patients travel from around the world to be treated by her and there’s a two-year waiting list to become an intern with my mother. Needless to say, she’s impressed me more than my great grandfather ever has.
“When are the old geezers coming over?” My best friend/ boyfriend snorts out as he takes a seat on the small couch tucked against the large window. He’s never been a fan of the way my mother is treated either. It doesn’t make things any better that our families are very close personally and business wise, Uchiha Corporations and Uzumaki Technology work hand in hand. Hopefully when my father takes over we can merge the two into one.
“Sooner than I want. Great Grandfather Madara will be here to harass my mother, so her pride is going to be chipped away soon.” I say before lifting my head to scroll through the new emails in my box. A few weeks ago, Boruto and I graduated from college and now dozens of companies are requesting interviews with me, but honestly, I have no intention on working for anyone other than my father. I’ve spent my life trying to catch up to him and Uncle Naruto, one day I want to be able to run both of our companies with pride.
The sound of crinkling plastic catches my attention and I spin the chair around to see the ensemble my mother picked. It’s a deep red, floor length dress with simple crystals sewn into the bodice while Boruto has a standard suit with a matching red tie and pocket square. Part of me knew not to expect anything less from my mother, rolling my eyes I sink into my chair.
“I’m not wearing a tie!” Boruto whines as he releases the clothing to fall back on the bed. Whenever Uncle Naruto and Aunt Hinata throw parties Boruto does whatever he wants, I’ve only seen him wear a tie to company meetings and graduation.
“Well I wish I could say I’m not wearing a dress, but I have to.” I frown sets on my face before I spin back around and slam the laptop close. Mama always goes overboard with these things. As always, my father lets her too, he does anything to make her happy. Closing my eyes, I prop my head up and release a sigh I had been holding in.
“You’ll wear whatever Sakura has set out. Tonight, is a big night for everyone.” A deep voice cuts through the silence and my eyes snap open to see my father leaning against the door frame. He’s already dressed in a jet-black suit, matching his hair almost perfectly, although his tie is missing. A casual smirk adoring his face as eyes stare daggers into my boyfriend, it seems I have no choice but to wear that monstrosity.
“Auntie Sakura always gets frazzled whenever they come over Uncle Sasuke. It’s starting to get annoying.” I cut my gaze over to the blonde idiot and mimic my father’s glare. Even if it’s the truth, you never speak that way about Mama in front of him. My father has fired many employees for that same tone or just looking at her in the wrong manner. I look back to my father and see him take in a deep breath.
“Sometimes we have to do thing we don’t necessarily want just to make others happy. My grandfather is still a skeptic of Sakura, he doesn’t believe she’s worthy of the Uchiha name. So, my wife put every ounce of pride and dedication into these things to prove him wrong.” He stops just for a moment to take a sip from his glass, I didn’t even notice he was carrying one. My father only ever drinks on two occasions, formal parties and after tough days in the office. Judging by the look on his face it’s the latter.
“As you both know, I’ll do whatever it takes to make Sakura happy. So, either you two dress yourselves or I will.” For a moment I see my father’s eyes go red, a shiver runs up my spin as I reach for my dress and take off into the bathroom. Father-1, Sarada-0.
Hours later, Boruto and I make our way down the stairs into the large dining room. I’m shocked to see Uncle Itachi sitting at the table and a large smile comes across my lips. He’s been away on business for almost two months and I missed him at my graduation, but now he’s home and we can talk later. My eyes lock onto my mother who is speaking with my grandmother Mikoto. The best days of my childhood where spent with those women, they helped mold me into the person I am today. I notice my mother is wearing a dress almost identical to mine except in black, opting to go simple just for my father.
“Ah Sarada. Good we can get started with dinner.” A blush creeps across my face as I’m escorted to my chair, at least Boruto can behave at the right times. He takes his seat beside me and I can’t help but smile as I lock eyes with my uncle. I’ve missed him more than I care to admit. His eyes look to the left and I follow his gaze, Madara sits at one head of the table while my father is on the other end. Even in his old age Madara looks almost youthful, his black hair never grey and a few wrinkles but nothing more than my grandfather. A shiver runs through my spine as his dark orbs shift over to me and a smile cracks across his lips, like he’s trying to force a simple smile.
“Congratulations Sarada for graduating. When do you plan on starting at the office?” The small sip of water I took causes me to choke slightly. Always so blunt and to the point.
“I’m waiting on an offer. I can’t start working just because of my last name. Although I’ve had offers from dozens of companies.” I say before my attention turns back to my Uncle, a smirk of approval is displayed and from the corner of my eye I can see one on my father’s face as well. Boruto can’t help but nudge me slightly causing my cheeks to heat up, hopefully I ended that conversation.
“Of course you can, it’s your birth right. You are an Uchiha after all, well mostly Uchiha.” My eye twitches at the low blow to my mother. These are the things that really infuriate me, all night we will have to hear comments like this about my mother. Refusing to answer I begin to eat my dinner and look over to my mother, a fake smile displayed on her face but in those green orbs I can see the comment hurt.
“Grandfather Kizashi offered me a management position at his firm. It may not be as large as Uchiha Corp. but they are a steady business with large profit margins.” I reply without even looking at the old man. My other grandparents may not have been born into success but they built a reputation for themselves. They started a small law firm right before my mother was born, at first it was only taking on petty cases but after a while it grew and it’s one of the top law firms in the city. The smirk that displays on my lips while I look over at Mama only encourages her own smirk, I may not be all Uchiha but my Haruno half is still just as strong.
The rest of dinner goes by relatively quick, after Madara’s insult the conversation ended and we were able to eat in peace. I stay behind with my mother as we watch the other make their way to the backyard. She stays standing by the table watching the back of my father until it disappears from sight.
“Don’t let him get to you Mama. We all know how amazing and talented you are.” Her laughter makes me look at her in confusion.
“Sarada I’ve been around your great grandfather since I was a child, I’ve learned to live with it over the years. Long before your father and I dated we were childhood friends and classroom rivals. Madara hated that I was always beating your father for top student, even more so he hated how Sasuke-kun didn’t care. Only when we got married it became more of an obvious annoyance.” By obvious annoyance she means how she stands out in a room. The brightness of her long pink locks and piercing green eyes are a sight to be seen. In all my life I’ve never seen someone who comes close to my mother in beauty. The Uchiha’s are typically dark colored in nature, brown or black hair but we all have the same coal colored eyes. My Uncle once referred to her as the living embodiment of spring, that statement is still true to this day. But there’s also another reason why Madara doesn’t like her either, my parents married young. During college they decided to marry in secret and I was born while they were still in college. If it wasn’t for my grandmothers I don’t think my parents would be as successful as they are.
“Let’s catch up with the others. The announcement is going to be made soon.” Her smile warms me and I follow beside her, the backyard has been transformed into a dance floor. Lights hang from the trees and tables are set up along the edges, almost a hundred people are here and three stand out from the rest. We make our way to the table of misfits to say. Uncle Naruto and Papa are in a deep conversation about who knows what, Boruto and Uncle Itachi are both staring at the screens of their phones and Aunt Hinata is painfully aware of our absence.
“You’ve outdone yourself again Sakura. This is amazing.” The quiet voice of my aunt comes across the table and I see the familiar glow of my mother return.  Aunt Hinata is the polar opposite of her husband and son. She comes from a family like mine, manners and etiquette were engraved into her head at an early age. It took her father by shock when she married Uncle Naruto, but I don’t think any other woman could handle him.
Looking around the crowd I notice a group of people I’ve never seen before, they certainly aren’t Uchiha or Uzumaki related. The one that stands out the most is a man who appears to be the same age as me, his eyes locked onto my table examining us the same way. The speakers crack as my grandfather straightens his tie. I’ll have to ask about them later.
“Thank you all for coming. I’d like to thank my daughter-in-law for making all the arrangements and preparing a wonderful venue.” Smirking at his words I can’t help but feel like that was a direct insult to Madara.
“It seems that my time as CEO has come to an end. When I took over the company we were just a small corporation that was still trying to get deep roots. I’m proud to say that in my thirty years I’ve paved the way for the company. Now it’s my turn to pass the torch.” A wave of silence has taken over the yard, even Boruto is entranced by his words. I scoot on the edge of my seat in anticipation.
“The title of CEO comes with many responsibilities but requires a certain level of passion. If you are too timid, then your company with falter. If you are too head strong, then your company with stay stagnant. It’s because of these reasons why I have chosen my succorer, I have faith that he will lead Uchiha Corporation into the future. Sasuke Uchiha, my youngest son, will be acting CEO beginning Monday morning.” I can’t help but snap my head over to my father and smile at him in amazement. Cheering and applauds are heard throughout the back yard. In the background my grandfather dismisses himself and the real party beings. My mother is the first to rise from her seat and practically jump into my father’s arms.
“Congratulations Anata! You’ve worked so hard.” Displays of this nature are rare between my parents. Normally they are very reserved but tonight that’s been thrown out the window. I lean my head against Boruto’s shoulder and a yawn escapes my body. I’ve been up since dawn getting folders ready with Mama and researching the numbers on her hospitals.
“Don’t tell me you’re already tapping out.” I hear Uncle Naruto snicker from across the table. A blush creeps across my face and I can’t help but shrug my shoulders. A hand rests against my shoulder and I see my father standing over me.
“I’ll walk with you to your room.” I nod and excuse myself from the table, squeezing our way through the crowd takes longer than anticipated. Everyone wants to speak with my father or take his photo, which he dismisses to stay focused on the current task. The house is quiet for once and I bend down to remove the unnecessary heels my mother bought for me. My father offers me his arm which I gladly accept as I lean close.
“Congratulations Papa.”
“Hn. Thank you Sarada. I wanted to speak to you about what you said at the dinner table.” I gulp whatever air I can and stiffen against him. My words were meant to anger Madara, not my father. At the top of the stairs he leads me into his study and motions for me to sit in the leather chair across from his desk. His hand extends a file out to me which I take reluctantly, cracking it open I skim over the cover page.
‘Sarada Uchiha- Vice President of Research and Development’
My jaw drops at the title and I hear my father chuckle at my reaction. I just graduated from school and now I’m being named Vice President…
“I’ve known for weeks that I was going to be named CEO. This was just the public announcement. Naruto and I have already signed the deal to merge our two companies, along with your mother’s hospitals and clinics.” I skim through the paper and see names of the employees that I will be in charge of. Some of them have worked for the company longer than I’ve been alive. How can I just walk in and be their boss?
“Your mother will be in charge of the Medical Division, Naruto will oversee the Technological Division, Itachi will be the Marketing and Human Resource VP. Sarada, your first assignment is to thoroughly break down the numbers and tell me where each individual company is at percentage wise. There will be a meeting on Friday to go over everything.” Good thing I already started going over the numbers with Mama, this is going to take forever but at least I have a team that can help me with week.
“May I ask who were those people were? They clearly aren’t related to either Uchiha or Uzumaki.” The boldness in my question just makes my father smirk even more before my uncles and mother come walking in. Seems we’re having an impromptu business meeting.
“They are business acquaintances. Danzo is an old Vice President and was hoping that Fugaku would name one of his employees as CEO.” Naruto says nonchalantly before pouring himself a glass of scotch, another rare indulgence for the man.
“It doesn’t mean we can take them lightly. His daughter is an investor in my clinic and a highly skilled nurse.” The tone in my mother’s voice is completely foreign to me, it’s almost harsh. Uncle Itachi told me when I was in college that my mother is ruthless when it came to business. Now I can see that is the utmost truth.
“Danzo is the one we should be watching out for. When he learns that Sarada is a VP he may pull all funding completely.” Uncle Itachi stands at the doorway to voice his concern, probably keeping an eye out for the unwanted guests. My father takes the second glass from Naruto and I watch as he drinks the strong liquid.
“When does the merger take effect?” The voices around me stop and I look at the two men sternly. Uncle Itachi is concerned that we’ll lose funding, but how is that possible if we are gaining more than what we are losing.
“Monday Morning.”
“Looking at it from a business stand point, it does help to have as many investors as possible but with this merger it isn’t necessary. If we consolidate our staff and our locations then we can stand to lose a few without seeing any effect in the bank.” There’ s more to it but without having all the numbers I can’t be so certain. This was the part of business I craved, knowing the numbers and being able to calculate each move precisely in order to gain profit and recognition.
“She has a point Sasuke-kun. We’ve been trying to figure out how to get rid of that old man for years.” Mama’s voice is still stern but I can tell that she’s working the numbers as well.
“Monday morning we will discuss all of this, but Sarada you are correct. We can afford to cut ties with numerous investors without feeling the loss. For now we need to be silent about the merger, only the five of us know.” Papa takes another sip of his drink signaling the end of the conversation, my brain still wrapping around idea of being a VP at 21. My legs shake slightly before I make my exit from the room.
“Thank you. I won’t let you down.” I smile proudly at my father before exiting through the door, I see Boruto leaning against my bedroom door. The closer I get I notice that he’s ripped his tie off and has it scrunched up in his hand. Honestly I’ve never been so relieved to see him, he’ll be able to take my mind off of the overload of information and help me relax. Smiling weakly I turn the doorknob and collapse onto the large bed gaining a laugh from the blonde.
“Seems you’ve had a long day. Wanna ditch this place?” If only escaping from this was possible, although getting together with the old crew would be a fantastic idea. Springing up I look at him with a fire in my eyes and an idea forms in my head. If Itachi is so worried about losing an investor, I’ll just have to come up with something better to replace it with.
“Call the gang, tell them to meet us at the barcade. Oh make sure Mitsuki is there.” The trademark Uchiha smirk forms on my face as I move to rid myself of the skintight dress. I hope this plan works, because if it does we may just take our company up a notch.
This will be updated twice weekly if I have the time, if not it will be weekly. I hope everyone who read this enjoyed it! 
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placesyoucallhome · 3 years
With the gauntlet of ffwrite over, I'm hoping I'll have more energy to draw, I have a few things I'd like to work on I hope will be interesting. I'd also like to stretch into a bit more rp, I miss in game rp a bit, though I'll be open to some discord rp too. Just like, not this weekend unfortunately, unless someone wants to just plot a bit.
Can't even tell you why I'm writing this y'all, I think I just like shouting into the void a bit
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thechoirrp · 4 years
FFXIV Prompt : Crux
The bottle of wine from Isghard shattered on impact on the wall of the office of the Merchant of War. Outside of Andreas’ office, the echoes of shattered glasses and book sang for an hour or two, Omega’s Brothers didn’t move an inches since the start of the ruckus, not wanting to disturb their owner for now, inside of the small office, Andreas’ mind was racing; his eyes met his reflection, the hatred and disgust against the person he was filled his veins. He reached for another bottle of wine, this time his aim was perfect, the bottle smashed directly the massive and valuable mirror that was leaning on the wall. The thousand of pieces dropped on the floor, staring back at him, those thousand of reflection judging him; with the same hatred and disgust, laughing at him.
Andreas closed his eyes and expelled a long sigh, trying to regain composure over his emotion. He turned his gaze toward the urn, still sitting on the desk, in the middle, the only thing his mind didn’t dare to throw at the wall to expel his anger. He leaned and grabbed a handful of shards cutting himself in the process, staring at the urn. Droplet of blood was running down from the many cuts in his hand, but the old merchant didn’t even seem to be feeling them, dull of pain and focus on the urn, the man closed the distance between himself and the object of redemption.
He careful removed the lid of the urn, fill with the ashes of the corpses he had turned into prison for his pleasure, he raised his injured hand over it, letting the shards and the blood felt into the urn, with the ashes. Even now he could still hear the voice of Rae-Hann asking this simple and unique question. “How he could have done to so many what he was hating; what he had suffer during his youth…” He closed the lid, smiling, hoping that if he could use his whole wealth to save a simple soul, maybe the merchant could really start to walk on the path of deliverance and redemption
The door of his office opened. The gaze of anger of Andreas met one cold red eye. The man grinned and just said. “She just woke up…” Without any words, both men left the office, Andreas’s lips curled back into a soft smile, maybe…the Twelve weren’t giving up on him...yet…
(Mention of @yokasaris character)
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