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allegra-writes · 1 year
"Of Love and Other (over the counter) Drugs"
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Armand x Daniel Molloy
General audiences
Warnings: Non graphic mention of child death. The rest is just fluff and Armand being weird (and we love him for it).
Daniel catches the flu. Armand freaks out... And then discovers the wonders of modern medicine.
Armand knew something was wrong as soon as he entered the building. It wasn’t abnormal for him to find his Daniel unconscious, these days he was often still asleep when Armand showed up and it fell on the vampire the task to wake his mortal lover up and get him ready for the night. But tonight, Daniel’s dreams felt disjointed and turbulent. Something wasn’t quite right with his human, and it made him uneasy. He didn’t bother with the elevator -fascinating contraption, really- choosing instead to take to the stairs at full vampire speed, arriving at his beloved’s door between one of his precious, if too rapid, heartbeats and the next. He made quick work of the lock, he had no time or patience for keys and even less to use his gift on it, sheer brute vampire strength was faster, he could have it replaced later. Or move his lover to another apartment, that was of no consequence to him, no, what mattered was getting to his Daniel on time. 
He did, of course, and his worriment was proved well-founded, even if the usual culprits were not at fault this time, Daniel was not lying on his bed in a drunken stupor or in a poodle of his own vomit after overindulging in the psychotropic and stimulating substances he enjoyed so much. Armand wished that were the case, as he examined his lover’s body, checked and double-checked his labored breathing, his accelerated pulse, his overheated skin, and his reddened, dry cheeks. 
Daniel was sick. Daniel was sick, and feverish, and Armand was trying with everything he had not to lose his composure, as his darling boy’s eyes, those stunning violet eyes he found himself, without meaning to, unable to live without opened and tried to fix on him through the haze of his febrile disease. 
"Daniel" Armand hoped his face reflected none of the turmoil he was feeling, "You are ill, but don't you worry. I will find you the best physician in the city and bring him over. You shall want for nothing, everything you need to make a haste recovery-"
"Waith, waith" Daniel interrupted, frowning, "Physician? You mean a doctor?" 
"Yes, Daniel, a doctor" Armand replied a little impatiently, already far away. Like, two miles away, at the highly interesting medical research facility all made of glass and metal, undoubtedly crawling with men of science, a couple of which were bound to be useful for his beloved’s predicament. "Fret not, my love, I will fetch you one right now"
"I don'th need a doctodh, boss" The boy insisted, not particularly convincingly, given the fact he was trying and failing to sit up on the messy bed, "Idh's justh the flu. Nothing sedhious" 
Was the boy lying to him? Trying to comfort him ? He knew for a fact the flu was serious, and could still remember back when he was human, how the flu had killed two of the boys, two of his brothers at the palazzo. Boys that were well cared for, healthier, and stronger than Daniel probably was. The disease had consumed the youngling in a week, he dreaded to think what it could do to his fragile Daniel. 
But no, Armand could find no sign of deception inside Daniel’s mind, only vague childhood recollections of a foul-tasting green liquid and warm hugs.
“You need medicine” Armand correctly concluded. His sick human tried to nod, a bad idea that prompted a new wave of dizziness to topple him over. 
“I need Nyquil” He moaned from the pitiful heap he fell on the bed, “and soup. Chicken soup. Take out” He added before Armand could open his mouth, “I wanth take out. You’th still banned fhom the kidchen”
Armand wasn’t pouting, he was much too dignified for that, when he turned around and left without a word to do his lover’s bidding. He did not understand why Daniel was being so precious, anyway, it wasn’t like Armand was suggesting making the medicine himself. He was not delusional, he knew his education was lacking in that regard: Venice had been a paradise, a luminary for the arts, but not for the sciences. And yes, he might have had chefs making all of his meals back then but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be able to cook. Probably. He preferred to be, as Daniel so delightfully had put it, a free spirit in the kitchen, but he could follow a recipe well enough. If he tried. Presumably. 
He was still ruminating about these things when he spotted a store emblazoned with two snakes entwined around a wand inside a green cross, a symbol he recognized as belonging to pharmacies, this century's version of the apothecary’s. With a faint sensation of pride in himself for having located it so easily, he entered. 
It was nothing like an apothecary’s shop.
Inside the brightly lit - with those ghastly fluorescents that made him look like the animated corpse he was- store there were corridors with rows upon rows of multicolored boxes, bottles, and packages, filled with mysterious substances. He could smell the stench of chemicals even through their containers. The various goods were apparently organized by function in a practical if most unaesthetic way, the signs hanging above each island indicating what could be found on those shelves. He was most intrigued by the islands labeled as “Sleeping aid” and “Sexual health” but he could not dwell, he was a man on a mission. It wasn’t hard to locate the blue box with a picture of a green bottle that announced in big white letters the name of the medicine he was looking for, but doubt crept in. Yes, NyQuill was the medicine Daniel had requested, and his memories had indicated the green one was the one he was thinking of, but there was a red cherry-flavored one on display as a brand new improved version. He took one of those as well, if only to give his lover the choice. He knew from the memories the green one tasted absolutely disgusting. There were also several other brands, particularly that of the Benydil one, the smiling faces that undoubtedly represented a happy family on the box catching Armand’s attention. Daniel craved that, the comfort of his mother's tender caring, Armand could see as much in his mind. He decided to grab that one too. 
And the pills and gelatin capsules too, if only to take home and take them apart, he was curious to see if the innards were made of liquid or if the capsules were made of gelatin through and through. Truly, human ingenuity had no limits, such novel ways to ingest the unpleasant remedies in less troublesome ways to make the experience as bearable as possible. Surely Daniel would be amenable to try the different substances in order to find the one that worked best in terms of both convenience and results. 
Checking out was an experience of it’s own, the cashier, a bitter middle-aged man, disliked his skin color and was suspicious of the amount of medicines he was buying. That was usually the way with people like that, even when he had Daniel accompanying him, maybe especially then. They always assumed Armand was the one abusing substances instead of him. He didn’t care enough to do anything about it most the times, the occasional exception was made for feeding when he was feeling particularly uncharitable or hungry. This time, however, the man was keeping him from getting to Daniel, so Armand got inside his mind and endeared the man to him, using his most innocent, most human closed-lipped smile to him.
“My spouse is ill for the first time. I might be a little…”
“Anxious?” The cashier finished for him. Armand was going to go for overzealous but he accepted it. “I understand, it can be scary when the missus gets sick” There was an image in his mind of a sink full of dirty dishes, an untidy house and screaming children as some poor woman languished in the background. Armand decided maybe he was a little hungry after all. “You will need something to check her temperature. Do you have a thermometer?”
By the time he was done, Armand had a variety of thermometers, the most interesting one being the brand-new, high-tech infrared ear thermometer, a room humidifier device, and a state-of-the-art nebulizer. The cashier thought he had pretty much scammed him, little did he know if it wasn’t for his lack of time, Armand would have bought the entire drugstore simply to satisfy his curiosity. But alas, Daniel was in a much too delicate state for him to feel comfortable leaving him alone for such a long period of time, so it could not be. 
Next stop was the restaurant, so he could get Daniel his chicken soup, and he knew exactly where to go to get it. His Daniel was a creature of habit, and in the three months they had lived in Brooklyn so far, there was one place Daniel had eaten at more than everywhere else combined: A little hole in the wall, Chinese-american restaurant called The Dumpling Den. Armand couldn’t say he got the appeal, the place was gaudy, the wooden furniture worn out, the cutlery tarnished and the salon badly lit, the only sources of light being the hundreds upon hundreds of fairy lights wrapped inside tiny fake red paper lanterns. However, Daniel thought the place was charming, and the greasy food, delicious, and whatever Daniel wanted, no matter how absurd, Armand got it for him, so into the small venue he went, straight to the counter behind which, as always, a pretty girl with dark hair and almond eyes awaited to greet the costumers with a wide, white teethed smile.
“Oh, hi! Good evening Armand!” Startled a little at his sudden appearance in front of her, the girl scrambled her welcome. Her brain quickly dismissed it as her being tired and distracted, but Armand made a mental note at moving a little more slowly and make sure his pace was human. “No Daniel today?” 
“Good evening, Jessie” He smiled sincerely, pleased at her mention of his lover. The girl had quickly figured out they were more than just roommates, but instead of being judgmental of their relationship, she thought they were the cutest couple she had ever seen. 
Armand enjoyed to watch himself with Daniel through her eyes, liked to see the way Daniel zeroed all of his attention on him whenever he spoke as if Armand was the only being in the world. He liked to see the way his own face softened minutely, involuntarily, whenever his eyes fell on Daniel, as if just by gazing at him, Daniel could turn Armand a little more human. He liked to watch the way they mirrored each other, like two celestial bodies tidally locked, whenever one moved, the other spontaneously adjusted his position.
“Sadly, no. Daniel is ill at home, he seems to have caught the flu that’s been going around.”
Jessie nodded in understanding,
“That explains the ransacking of that poor drugstore” she joked, ponting at Armand’s numerous bags.
“I may have overreacted” He admitted, far from regretting it. “But that is the reason why I’m here, actually. Daniel wants some soup, and I remembered how much he loves your jīdàn yùmǐ gēng ” The immortal pronounced perfectly, making Jessie’s eyes widen in surprise. 
“I’ll get some to go for you right away! But, if what you want is for him to get better and fast, what you need is our garlic ginger soup. Trust me, a couple bowls of that, and he’ll be up and about in no time”
Armand was only allowed to leave the restaurant once he was stocked with enough soup to feed to people for two days. The trip back home was a little troublesome thanks to all the stuff he was carrying. It would probably have been impossible to make altogether for someone who didn’t possess vampire strength. As it was, when Armand entered the apartment, Daniel was awake, sitting in a miserable mess on the couch.
“Whad thook you so long?” 
Had Armand been a less dignified vampire, he would have rolled his eyes. Instead, he simply walked into the kitchen where he set his bags on the counter, took one of the soup containers and, for the first time ever, used the microwave oven for its intended purpose and warmed Daniel’s meal up. If a slight smell of burnt hair permeated the kitchen, well, Daniel’s nose was too stuffed for him to notice anyway. 
“I’m not really that hungry” Daniel tried to excuse himself when Armand brought the soup to him, “Can I just get the NyQill?”
“The drugstore clerk I ate believed meds should not be taken with an empty stomach” The vampire declared. Daniel simply blinked, too dizzy and febrile to process everything in that sentence. Armand almost sighed, sitting down next to Daniel. Raising a spoon full of broth, he brought it to his lover’s face. “Open up” He commanded.
“You- you’dhe nod sedhious” Daniel sputtered. Armand simply stared at him, unblinking and unmoving, spoon still high in the air. Daniel did roll his eyes, but conceded with a reluctant “fine” before opening his mouth for Armand to drop the contents of the spoon inside. 
With his cheeks burning with something else than the fever, he admitted,
“Hmm… this is acdually pwetthy good” 
“Your friend Jessie suggested this particular dish when I told her you were sick. I’m glad I heeded her advice” And Armand really was, enjoying knowing that the rich flavors of the soup were managing to break through Daniel’s blocked sinuses. “You know, back when I was human in Venice, eastern medicine was far more advanced than European medicine?”
Daniel made an interested little hum as he swallowed the new spoonful Armand was feeding him, previous embarrassment already forgotten. Armand rarely talked about the past, and Daniel cherished every bit of information shared during those coveted moments jealously, that was the reason Armand brought this little fact up in the first place. He didn’t know when it had happened exactly, but Daniel’s happiness and well-being had become of the utmost importance to him. 
“By 1564, Jiang was already well-known and its medicinal properties were heralded amongst the men of science of the time. I remember the time almost half of my brothers at the palazzo fell ill, and a doctor was called. A German man he was, so smart and mysterious. The younger kids were convinced he was a sorcerer…”
“Were you?” Daniel asked, eyes shining with something other than the fever. So eager his boy, so innocent. Armand decided to spare him the, more tragic, ending of his tale. He grinned, showing Daniel all his teeth, nothing innocent about that smile.
“No, not me. I had already seen the truly mysterious and unnatural, and I knew this man wasn’t it”
Before Daniel could question him some more, Armand put the plate aside and started unpacking the remaining bags under his lovingly exasperated stare. 
“I rweally seth myself up, didn’d I?” 
“That you did, my beloved” Confirmed the vampire, but selected only the NyQuill bottles for Daniel to choose from. Sensing the human’s hesitation, he delved into his mind to see the cause, finding himself rather touched when he realized the reason: Daniel didn’t want to take the medicine because it would make him sleep, and he didn’t want to waste the limited hours he could share with Armand. 
“You seriously underestimate me, lover mine” Armand reassured him, “if you think something as inconsequential as human sleep can keep you from me”
Daniel shuddered at the possessiveness in Armand’s voice. The boy had always had too little self-preservation instinct for his own good. 
“Now be good for me, and drink your medicine” 
Making a conscious effort not to squirm, Daniel obeyed. He always did obey Armand in the end, would probably do anything his monster asked of him, as long as he used that low, dominant voice that never failed to make his knees tremble. Feeling the laser focus of Armand's crimson stare on the taut column of his neck as he threw his head back to swallow the cloyingly sweet syrup, Daniel wondered if he might have a medical kink and if Armand would be willing to explore the answer with him. After one look at the number of medical supplies his undead boyfriend had gotten, he decided his odds were pretty good. 
Reading the direction Daniel’s thoughts had taken, Armand leaned in to place a frustratingly chaste kiss under the human's ear, on the spot where his jaw met his neck. 
“Tomorrow, when you’re stronger, we’ll play. But for now, go to sleep, my beloved, resting assured I will be waiting for you on the other side”
Daniel, already drowsy, let himself be guided and manhandled until his head was resting on Armand’s lap, where he was lulled to sleep by Armand running his fingers through his curls, imitating perfectly the way her mother used to comfort him. 
“Y’know” he somehow managed to get out between yawns, “I wanna thank you. I know justd… feedin’me youd blood would be easieth than taking cawe of me. But you didn’th. So thanks”
Armand froze. Daniel was right, a few drops of Armand’s blood would have been more than enough to heal Daniel in an instant, all the hustle and messiness of the night and of a snotty, febrile human easily avoidable. But Daniel was trying to get clean, refusing to even drink or consume any of the substances we liked to use for amusement, and it hadn’t even crossed Armand’s mind not to respect his will. This fragile, beautiful, brilliant, painfully candid boy whose life was but a fleeting, dazzling moment in the long, desolated night of eternity had somehow managed to wrap this wraith, this terrible, perverted creature that was Armand, tightly around his dainty little finger.
And he wasn’t even aware of it.
“Well, of course,” Armand finally whispered his reply to the already asleep human resting, so trusting, in his cold, dead arms, “I am your slave, Daniel”
And what a worthy master this love of him was…
Even as he started snoring and drooling all over his designer pants.
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exhome · 4 years
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Refined Simplicity in East London https://eremass.blogspot.com/2020/05/blog-post_30.html
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equatorjournal · 3 years
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Wade Davis, Vodoun acolytes possessed by Damballa-Wedo, Haiti, 1982. Fhom "Light at the edge of the world: a journey through the realm of vanishing cultures". https://www.instagram.com/p/CPqzhVmAOL9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚜 𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝-𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝟹💥🎆🧛‍♂️ #Repost Gregg Chillin IG stories #adow #adiscoveryofwitches #allsoulstrilogy #bookoflife #season3 #adiscoveryofwitchestv #badwolf #greggchillin https://www.instagram.com/p/CRHvaZ-Fhom/?utm_medium=tumblr
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professor-lawyer · 3 years
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సర్వ జీవన సంప్రీతి పాత్రుడు, కమలనేత్రుడు దయాసాంద్రుడు, బుద్ధి యందు బృహస్పతి సముడు, కీర్తి యందు దేవేంద్రుని సముడు, క్షమా గుణమున పృథ్వీ సముడు, సూర్య తేజుడు శ్రీ రఘు రాముడు.... ( M S Rama Rao గారి సుందర కాండ లో శ్రీ రాముడి వర్ణన) 🙏🙏🙏 (at VIVA VVIT) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbOQj-FhOms/?utm_medium=tumblr
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teaffect · 5 years
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That’s my best friend! Go best friend! ❤️🤞🏾💃🏾🎉 https://www.instagram.com/p/Byeby7-FhoM/?igshid=16owef90xw8ir
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tammyblackwelder · 3 years
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💙 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPypH6-FHOM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Chips de Mandioquinha 45g - Fhom (Entregue por Natue) - Black Friday 2018
Chips de Mandioquinha 45g – Fhom (Entregue por Natue) – Black Friday 2018
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marketingcomcaio · 5 years
Naturaltech: 10 lançamentos de uma das maiores feiras de produtos naturais
Na última semana (dos dias 5 a 8 de junho), a cidade de São Paulo sediou mais uma edição do maior evento de sustentabilidade da América Latina, as feiras simultâneas BIO BRAZIL FAIR, BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA e NATURALTECH. E é claro que não poderíamos deixar de conferir as novidades do mercado da alimentação saudável. Separamos nossos 10 lançamentos preferidos. Confira:
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Beleza8 lançamentos de beleza que são amigos da natureza28 jul 2018 - 07h07
Beleza7 lançamentos de beleza para o inverno que vale a pena conhecer27 maio 2018 - 06h05
1. Filé de frango livre de transgênicos, Korin
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Primeiro produto brasileiro a receber o selo “livre de transgênicos”, a linha de frango e ovos é proveniente de aves criadas por um método sustentável, com alimentação à base de grãos não transgênicos produzidos pela própria Korin.
Preço médio: R$20,40 a bandeja com 600g de frango tipo filé (sassami).
2. Legumitos, Fit Food
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Salgadinho sem glúten à base de feijão, a novidade garante 20% do consumo diário recomendado de proteínas. Assado e fonte de fibras, ele é uma opção saudável para acompanhar os jogos da seleção feminina de futebol na Copa. Todos os três sabores da linha (queijo, pizza e tomate) são aromatizados com temperos naturais.
Preço médio: R$4,90 a embalagem de 33g.
3. Mini bombom com banana, Flormel
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Quer docinho mais brasileiro do que uma bela bananada? A opção da Flormel tem cobertura de chocolate ao leite e é um lançamento de uma linha que já existe. E o melhor: zero açúcar, adoçado com taumatina.
Preço médio: R$9,99 o pacote de 60g.
4. Mix Nuts e Sementes, Monama
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Garanta a dose diária de gorduras boas no seu dia para ter uma série de benefícios, como a redução do colesterol ruim e a diminuição da pressão arterial. No mix de nuts da Monama, todos os ingredientes são naturais, assados, temperados com especiarias e azeite de oliva extra virgem. É possível encontrar em dois sabores (ervas finas e cebola e sal). Cada pacotinho tem cerca se 6g de proteína.
Preço médio: R$4,50 o pacote com 30g.
5. Protein Snacks, Farovitta
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Cada pacote do aperitivo de proteína da Farovitta contém incríveis 11 a 15g de proteína da ervilha, o que torna o produto vegano. É possível encontrar os snacks em 3 sabores (páprica e cúrcuma, parmesão e coco com canela).
Preço médio: R$12,90 o pacote com 35g.
6. Lotus Pop, Qpod
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Com textura e sabor que lembram um pouco a pipoca, o salgadinho da semente de lótus é inovador e delicioso. Rico em antioxidantes, flavonóides e fibras, também é fonte de diversos nutrientes. Disponível em 3 sabores (cúrcuma, queijo e ervas e sour cream e cebola).
Preço médio: R$9,90 o pacote com 35g. Nos próximos 3 meses será vendido exclusivamente nas lojas Pão de Açúcar de São Paulo e nas lojas Mundo Verde.
7. Mexicanitos, Fhom
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Deu vontade de comer nachos e guacamole? Você não precisa comprar as opções nada saudáveis no mercado. A Fhom lançou, na feira, o Mexicanitos à base de milho, sem glúten e vegano. E com o acréscimo de grãos!
Preço médio: R$6,99 o pacote com 55g.
8. Gold & Ko, Musa
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
É docinho, mas sem açúcar. O wafer com recheio de marshmallow e cobertura de chocolate é totalmente diet (produzido com clara de ovo, que o deixa muito proteico). Adoçado com maltitol e sucralose.
Preço médio: R$7,99 a unidade.
9. Crispies de Quinoa, Flow Foods
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
A combinação das sementes com os crispeis de quinoa resultam em um snack crocante e repleto de nutrientes. Além disso, é proteico e com baixo teor de carboidratos, fornece gorduras boas, fibras, vitaminas e minerais. Nas opções salgadas e doce.
Preço médio: R$6,50 as versões salgadas (25g) e R$7,50 a doce (30g).
10. Seeds Salted Caramel, biO2
<span class=“hidden”>–</span>Divulgação
Barrinhas veganas elaboradas à base de sementes de abóbora e girassol com uma pitada de sal marinho. Experimentamos a de sabor salted caramel, e comprovamos: é uma delícia!
Preço médio: R$7,00 a unidade (38g).
Naturaltech: 10 lançamentos de uma das maiores feiras de produtos naturais Publicado primeiro em https://boaforma.abril.com.br/
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f-h-o-m · 6 years
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fhom_officielFhom s’affiche dans l’affiche. « J’écoute Fhom et vous ? » Écoutez Fhom sur Fhom.fr ⠀ #musique #music #france #paris #chansonfrançaise #singer #artist #fhom #deezer #itunes #spotify #affiche #paris #poesie #parisienne #écouter #chanson #regarder #chanter #piano #violoncelle #streetart #streetartparis #voix #radio #soundtrack #bonheur #parole #france #concert @tototavio (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoVxAlihwDv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13ge0iqcc5lab
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tiquetrader-blog · 6 years
Snap-On FHOM 12-Point 12-14mm Flex Head/Open End Combination Socket Wrenchs
Snap-On FHOM 12-Point 12-14mm Flex Head/Open End Combination Socket Wrenchs
Three Snap-On flex head combination socket wrenches in 12, 13 and 14mm.  In overall good used condition with some wear.  Two have owners marks, the other is a new logo.  Some light marking, no apparent damage.  The head of the 12 is a bit loose.
062518 – CO/IE
We sell mostly USED and UNIQUEitems. Expect minor evidence of use or imperfections from age. We guarantee accurate descriptions and use…
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streetdispatch · 7 years
Livraison des affiches FHOM
Livraison des affiches « qu’avez-vous remarqué ? » de FHOM via Instagram
from Street Dispatch http://bit.ly/2yNjsK5
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qeefga-veohpe · 8 years
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SNAP-ON Tools FHOM Set 12 POINT METRIC FLEX HEAD WRENCH SET 13 14 15 17 and 19MM http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410320&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=132051348701
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f-h-o-m · 6 years
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Fhom s’affiche dans l’affiche. « J’écoute Fhom et vous ? » Écoutez Fhom sur Fhom.fr #deezer #itunes #spotify #amazone #fhom #affiche #paris #parisienne #chansons #écouter #chanson #regarder #chanter #piano #violoncelle #streetart #streetartparis #voix #maraisparis #chansonfrancaise #musique #music #radio @tototavio (à Paris, France)
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