#fibonacci stone
historyfiles · 6 months
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Fibonacci Numbers in Cucuteni Culture: did the people of the Cucuteni six or seven millennia ago manage to estimate the complexity of ploughing duties, along with sowing and reaping, in story-points which were based upon Fibonacci numbers?
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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The Celtic Tree Zodiac: Find Your Tree Sign in the Celtic Tree Calendar
⛤ The Ogham Grove ⛤
The Ogham Grove is a modern way of working with the Ogham, as both a year wheel and as a sacred circle, or grove; for both solitary rituals and group work within a sacred landscape - and as an internal, astral sanctuary, within one's own mind - one's inner grove.
Whilst the Ogham Grove is a modern way of working with the Ogham, it is actually based upon the oldest known tree sequence attributed to the Ogham; that which was recorded in The Scholar's Primer - which was compiled into the Book of Ballymote circa 1390 AD.
Of course the Ogham may have corresponded with specific trees long before 1390 AD
but there is no earlier evidence. The oldest evidence of the Ogham writing system is that of inscribed pillar-stones; the oldest of which appear to date to the 4th century.
Simply, the Ogham Grove is created by placing the trees of the Ogham, evenly spaced (every 18 degrees), around a circle; when one does this, all manner of meaningful patterns begin to emerge - aligning trees (and their mythological lore) with specific stars, deities, and times of the year. This opens up exciting new fields of research into Celtic studies.
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knowledge across arts, music and poetry, as well as science, language, and environment. They understood that human life was a small part of a much larger pattern, and that these rhythms could be worked out by careful observation, and strict adherence to an annual cycle – the Celtic Ogham Wheel of the Year.
​The inner wheel represents the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,3,5,8,13.
​1 – the single point, the centre of all things
2 – the spiral stirring within the cauldron
3 – the Triskellion, the three maidens attending the cauldron
5 – the Rose, the Queen of every hive
8 – the Fire Festivals
13 – the Ogham lunar sequence
The Outer Wheels depict the current calendar months, the signs of the zodiac, and the full grove of the 20 Ogham trees in their natural order, beginning with Birch.
​The eight Fire Festivals take place at the solstices and equinoxes of the solar year, and help to bring a deeper connectedness and understanding of the world around us and the importance of living in harmony with that world.
​The Festivals are as follows:
Winter Solstice (Yule): 20th December
Imbolc: 1st February
Spring Equinox (Ostara): 19th March
Beltane: 1st May
Summer Solstice (Litha): 21st June
Lughnasadh/Lammas: 1st August
Autumn Equinox (Mabon): 21st September
Samhain: 31st October
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kellterntempest · 9 months
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I love the idea of Robotnik with the Fibonacci circle tattoo and Stone with the circuit board tattoos 🥺 ( @demetera-kaziaik 's wonderful concept )
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Sea shells and witchcraft
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Seashells are a very special magical material - a beautiful gift from the Earth and the Sea. Seashells are found in the secret space between these two realms, only revealed when the tides change.  They are treasures of an invisible world.
Whether plain brown or white, or cascading in a rainbow of colors, each seashell brings a message to whoever is lucky enough to find it.
What are seashells?  They are the tough, protective exoskeletons of marine molluscs.  Soft-bodied invertebrates create their own shells from minerals in their bodies and from the sea. Each creature makes a shell that will be its home for life.  For this reason, seashells can be seen as symbols of independence, loneliness, and self-reliance.
Not only are they essential to marine life, but seashells rival anything man-made in beauty, strength, and mathematical precision.  (The outward curve of a Nautilus shell follows the famous Fibonacci sequence.) The shapes and patterns are not random, they have been passed down to
countless generations.  It is difficult to contemplate a seashell without being impressed by the power of ancestral memory and divine creativity.
Seashell Matches
Every child knows that if you hold a seashell to your ear, you can hear the ocean.  Naturally, shells are often used on the pagan altar to represent the Water element.  Seashells also correspond to Venus (the planet and deity) and the Moon, which gently throws them to shore with each tidal cycle.
For millennia, seashells have been the symbol of feminine beauty.  Their pinkish-white colors are reminiscent of the blush of a fair complexion, and some shells resemble women's breasts or vulva.  When Botticelli painted the goddess of love floating on a raft of seashells, he cemented centuries-old correspondence into an indelible image.
Cups, mirrors and combs are often made with shells (or shaped) in keeping with the Venusian look of shells.  The use of shells in necklaces dates back to the Stone Age, although we have no way of knowing whether these shell artifacts were used for male or female adornment.
But seashells aren't just about beauty.  Seashells are also linked to prosperity and abundance.  They have long been an important religious symbol for coastal dwellers who feed on the sea. Seashells have also been used as currency by many cultures around the world.  There are probably billions of seashells in the ocean, but it's always special and lucky to find a perfect seashell laying in the sand.
Despite their family resemblance, different types of seashells have different properties in magic.  Generally speaking, seashells symbolize mystery, divinity, love, and prosperity, but each type has its own nuances.
Magic shells
The natural cup shape of many seashells makes them perfect for holding objects!  Seashells make perfect small dishes for incense, sand, crystals and herbs.  Cleaned shells can also contain food or drink for rituals.
Abalone shells are a very popular choice for sage fumigation.
The shell serves either to catch the ashes or to hold the burning herbs.  (Some people think the latter use is inappropriate - that it is disrespectful to place fire in a container of water.) If you are burning herbs or incense in a shell, put a thin layer of sand on the bottom  to help distribute the heat and avoid burning the shell.
The shell is sometimes cut into thin slices and used to decorate pendants, bowls, or just about any flat or curved surface.  A shell-covered box or mirror could be a beautiful tool for a water witch's altar.  Small shells or shell tiles can be incorporated into the handle of a wand or ritual knife.
Of course, the most popular way to use seashells is in their natural, unmodified form.  Large shells can be placed on your altar or used to decorate the interior and exterior.  Smaller seashells make beautiful jewelry.  (Some even have natural holes for threading!) You can add seashells to magical wind chimes, mojo bags, or incorporate them into charms and amulets.
Find your own seashells
It's a fact: Seashells you collect yourself are nicer than the fanciest purchases in the store.  If you're lucky enough to live near a beach, find out what types of seashells are available on your local shores.  Or go at the first low tide and see what you see!
If you are purchasing shells, please purchase from responsible sources.  Small, common seashells are the best bet.  The bigger and shinier the shell, the more likely it is to come from a slow-growing or over-hunted animal.  The illegal export of rare shells is big business that funds environmental plunder, organized crime and labor exploitation.
Certain types of sea life have been making seashells in more or less the same designs for millions of years.  Seashell shapes are timeless and sacred.  They were here before humans and will probably outlive us.  Here are some of the most common seashell shapes and their magical lore:
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The Abalone shell incorporates all the colors of the sea and sky. The inside of the shell is coated with nacre, the same substance in pearls and mother-of-pearl.
Abalone has been an important food source for tens of thousands of years. The shells represent the giving power of the Mother Ocean. The iridescent hue promotes feeling of abundance, peace, and compassion.
Abalone shells have an especially sacred meaning in Native American and Polynesian religion. Most people are familiar with Abalone as a vessel for Sage smudging, a Native American spiritual practice.
The vibrant color and natural luster of Abalone shell makes it ideal for jewelry and ornamental objects. Wearing an amulet of Abalone is said to impart a calming, spiritual vibration and to help the wearer work through emotional issues.
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The Scallop is perhaps the most familiar seashell shape. It has a sacred meaning in Christian Europe, dating back to the earliest pilgrims—many of whom would have been illiterate—who were guided to pilgrimage sites by the Scallop emblem. The Scallop is an emblem of Saint James the Apostle. It may be adopted as a badge by anyone who has undergone a spiritual quest. Scallop shapes may be discerned in countless Christian altars and cathedrals.
Art nerds will recognize the Scallop as the seat or carriage of many an ocean deity. Poseidon is depicted riding upon one, and Aphrodite floats to shore in a Scallop shell. The Scallop appears on Pagan altars as a symbol of the sea goddess and the element of Water. Use a Scallop shell as a chalice, offering bowl, or vessel for love magick. (The large and colorful variety found in magick shops is a warm-water species called Lion's Paw or Mexican Sea Scallop.)
The Scallop is distinguished from other shells by the multiple rays and ridges, converging on a single point near the base. To medieval Christians, this represented the varied paths of travelers on their way to a holy site.  To earlier humans, the Scallop’s rays may have resembled the Sun’s beams converging on the horizon at sunrise or sunset. This makes the Scallop an especially fitting symbol of Venus, who is called the Morning Star or Evening Star.  
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The Nautilus is the nomad of the sea, traveling hundreds of miles on currents (and a raft of bubbles). The name means “sailor” in Greek. The Nautilus shell is an important symbol in sacred geometry and even mathematics—displaying a logarithmic spiral in its growth pattern.
Unlike some other shell creatures, the Nautilus does not shed or exchange its shell, but creates a large chamber for its body as it grows. The Nautilus shell is thus a symbol of growth and renewal. The outward spiral shape of the Nautilus suggests that it can keep growing indefinitely.
The Nautilus is one of the few sea creatures to have survived since the time of the dinosaurs. It is one of Nature’s true masterpieces. Meditate on a Nautilus shell, or use it in your magick of spiritual growth and expansion.
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The Auger shell is an elongated spiral, with an opening at the base and a point at the tip. In the language of shells, the Auger is both masculine and feminine, representing completeness. There are hundreds of varieties worldwide.
Auger shells come from a type of predatory sea snail, and the aggression of the animal is implied by its narrowly focused shape. Augers possess a venomous tooth that is the terror of marine worms. In magick, Augers are one of the only shells that may be properly attributed to Mars. Augers are popular for headdresses, magick wands, and protective charms.
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The familiar Cowrie shell is yellow or white and egg-shaped, with two rows of teeth along a central gap. Cowrie shells have appeared as currency, decoration, and religious items in nearly every part of the world.
Owing to its shape, the Cowrie often represents the life-giving vulva. It is used in charms for wealth and fertility. Cowrie shells are strung onto necklaces or sewn into garments. Additionally, the shells may be used for divination. There are several distinct systems of Cowrie divination stemming from African and Afro-Carribean occult traditions.
Cowrie shells are admired for their fine natural polish. Their glossiness symbolizes refinement and luxury. The Italian word for Cowrie is porcellana (“little pig”)—from which we derive the word porcelain.
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Not technically a seashell, Starfish are nonetheless available at many a beach seller’s stall. The Starfish is a spiny sea creature whose dried body forms the shape of a star. They are symbols of heavenly power, renewal, and good luck.
Because of their resemblance to the heavenly stars, the Starfish has an affinity with various sky Gods and Goddesses. How amazing to uncover a star within the depths of the seas! (As that old thrice-great Egyptian guy says, “As above, so below.”) As a (usually) five-pointed creature, Starfish are also linked to the Pentagram and the number 5, the number of Man. No wonder the Starfish speaks to the mystic's heart.
Biologists will tell you that Starfish are exquisitely sensitive animals. Its nervous system radiates from the center and extends through each limb, allowing it to explore the ocean floor with grace and ease. Starfish are symbols of instinct and intuition. As a totem or amulet, Starfish reminds a sensitive person to adapt and thrive within their surroundings.
Starfish possess the superpower of being able to regrow a missing limb. Use them in charms for strength and recovery from trauma.
Shells can teach us many things and can be used as tools to help you meditate, manifest, and create magic in your life. 
Whether you already have a vast collection of seashells or plan on starting one next time you're near the sea, keep these magical uses for shells in mind.
Healing and grounding
Connection (put in your bath with sea salt to connect to the ocean and the shells' properties)
Divination (like runes)
Casting sacred circles
Meditation (like you would with crystals)
Altar decor
Spell work (write sigils on them, put in a wish or spell bottle, use in your spells)
Wear as an amulet
Crafting (attach to your wand, adorn boxes, chests, besoms, and candles)
Charge with your crystals​​
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Sea shells magic focus
Best shells for:
Grounding: auger, barnacle, pearl
Creativity: radiant, spiral, pearl, spindle
Healing/Cleansing: spiral wand, dish, pearl
Grief/Loss/Sadness: heart shaped cockle, spiral, pearl, barnacle
Energy boost: spiral, radiant, sand dollar, starfish
Protection: coral, pearl, starfish, auger
Beauty/Love: heart shaped shells, pearl, clam, conch, oyster, nautilus
Abundance/Growth/Strength: coral, starfish, cowrie, scallop, whelk
Meditation/Serenity: starfish, moon shell, spindle
Radiant shells include scallops, limpets, and cockle shells. 
Spiral shells include long and round augers, nautilus, harp, cowrie, and cone shells. Round spirals are best for energy flow and enhancement. Long spirals are best for connecting with spirit (when pointed up) and earth (when pointed down).
Dish shells like clams and abalone act as a container and can support us in healing and cleansing. 
Scallops are the quartz crystals of the ocean, as they can be used in place of any other shell, as well as amplify your shell magic. 
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nightshadereaper66 · 7 months
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All of my poems and short stories in one place for you to binge-read. Will be updated when I post new things. Unless I forget.
Stories: The Great Sandwich Adventure: Three dysfunctional animals try to make some lunch. Tomfoolery ensues. Death's Gift: A man meets Death, who offers him a wish. Be careful what you wish for... Reflections: Waking up to something odd. In The Fume Hood: Too much homework. Too little sleep. An overly powerful (and possibly sentient) fume hood. Ethanol and Mothballs: The halls of the museum are quiet at night. The collections are a different story; organisms wake up and begin to explore...
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Poetry (from 2024): The Betta Fish What Could Have Been Blurring Together Fibonacci Poems Part 2 My Brain Gnome Is Disorganized The Baby Turtle I'm Still Here Atrophy (Slowly Wasting Away) Recycled I Am A Human Empty Room Hope is the T-Rex With Feathers Self Love Missing Common (Important) Things Leap Day Sticks and Stones The Half-Light Saturation Diver Miss Felicity Overcast Limbo Unknown Land Melted Rock Sensory Issues Zugzwang Perfect Illusions The Lake Behind the Dam Desert UNIVAC LARC Solid-State Computer Cancer Research Who Owns The Moon? Peel Off A Chunk of Skin Maggots I Gave It All Away Upshot-Knothole A Thousand Times The Dining Room Table Sidewalk Chalk Kerflugleshlog
NaNoWriMo 2023 Poetry from 2023
Descriptions: Inner Peace
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cafedecember · 10 months
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Welcome to Café December!
A little bookcafé situated in the Surface of the Fibonacci Ward, we provide a vast array of beverages and sweets to choose from, and shelves of books of all kind to entertain yourself while you're here! Don't mind the grumpy-looking owner, he's a nice guy, really!
about us ❀ apply now ❀ menu
[ Outside are numerous potted plants and a cat snoozing peacefully atop the white board. The interior of the building is soft brown colors of wood, stone, and brick, punctuated by shocks of green from even more plants along the walls and hanging from the ceiling ranging from different sorts of ferns, to ivy, to cacti, to the pop of red geraniums. Small wooden animal carvings are placed along the windows, the countertop by the register, and the display case. The bookshelves are organized alphabetically by author, sporting numerous genres from romance to horror, and reach high up to the ceiling. ]
owned by @punisheye.
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Recursive brain noodle soup - Parody of paradoxes unrevels its transcending character - Uncoiling the contradictions in a dancing pattern
[This post is rather incomprehensible and incoherent gibberish, but I want to share these fragments of trains of thought nevertheless.]
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Truth is neither day nor night. Truth is how day and night are like sine and cosine of the unit helix. Truth is a principle of interactions of all components in a data set. - Welcome to the analogy rollercoaster in the association weaving mill. - Enjoy the mental fuckery. And dont forget to have some fun along the way of getting your brain turned into semi-slimy noodle soup. Remember: "Creativity is intelligence having fun", as Carl Sagan once said it.
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Some days ago I bought this nice orange/yellow hoodie.
I like the "heterogeneous distribution" of the orange and yellow.
Today I attached some patches:
a patch with Euler"s identity/equation
a patch with an ironic dictionary-like explanation of the word Recursion (in german) [Recursion (Latin) see: Recursion]
a patch with the Fibonacci spiral, a patch with the flower of life pattern, a patch with a dodecahedron
AND - At the hood I attached a patch with some lyrics by the somewhat pagan-ish/shamanic-like band Heilung. [It is from their first live album LIFA (Opening ceremony) - Beware that the music by this band might have trance-inducing effects.] - This quote might appear like having a huge religious character. Yet, I don"t interpret it as such. It is an additional interesting plot twist to interpreting all the patches I have attached on that hoodie.
The lyrics on that patch:
"Remember that we all are brothers, All people, And beasts and trees, And stone and wind, We all descend from the one great being, That was always there, Before people lived and named it, Before the first seed sprouted."
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How I interpret these lyrics: I ignore all details and think about the main principle(s) stated. According to that method, I translate these lyrics to:
"We all stem from the same. (->Darwin"s evolution ) We are all connected by the same rules of nature, and we all emerged by the same rules of nature. (This is difficult to explain and summarize... in short, I refer to interactions in dynamical systems and emergence. Rules of nature include laws of physics and all other sciences.
These laws of nature could be imagined as guiding principles for the metaphorical game of life, like a vague instruction how life should uncoil itself. )
These rules of nature already existed before we could discover them (alias "before we named them")"
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normally0 · 8 days
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Echoes of Infinity: The Divine Comedy of Lutyens, Terragni, and Magritte
In the grand theatre of architecture, where stone whispers secrets and lines dance with light, three titans take their place upon the stage – Lutyens, Terragni, and Magritte – each a maestro in their own right, but together, orchestrators of a divine comedy that spans the ages.
Behold Lutyens, the master builder, his hands molded by the earth itself. With a gaze that pierces the veil of time, he shapes monuments that stand as testaments to human ingenuity and ambition. His columns rise like ancient trees, rooted in the soil of tradition yet reaching for the heavens with an unyielding grace.
Alongside him strides Terragni, the visionary architect, his mind ablaze with the fire of innovation. In his realm, geometry reigns supreme, and the Fibonacci spiral is his muse. With each stroke of his pen, he traces the golden ratio, weaving it into the very fabric of his designs. His buildings spiral and twist, echoing the rhythms of nature herself, as if to remind us that even in the heart of the city, the wild still sings.
And then, there is Magritte, the surrealist dreamer, his canvas a portal to worlds unseen. With a wink and a nod, he challenges our perceptions, inviting us to question the very nature of reality. His apples float in defiance of gravity, his bowler-hatted men defy logic, and yet, beneath the surface, a deeper truth emerges – a truth that transcends the limits of the rational mind and touches upon the sublime.
Together, they contemplate the Fibonacci spiral, that ancient symbol of growth and renewal, and in its swirling embrace, they find a reflection of their own creative journey. For just as the spiral expands ever outward, so too do their imaginations, reaching for new heights with each passing moment.
In this divine comedy of architecture, Lutyens, Terragni, and Magritte are the players, and the Fibonacci spiral is their stage. Together, they dance a delicate pas de trois, each step a testament to the beauty of collaboration and the power of human creativity.
And as the curtain falls on this timeless drama, they stand united, their spirits intertwined with the very fabric of the universe. For in their exploration of the Fibonacci spiral, they have unlocked the secrets of creation itself, and in doing so, they have become immortal – their legacy written in stone, and in the hearts of all who dare to dream.
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drwilfredwaterson · 26 days
March 18th, 2024 Update: 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, U.S. Constitution, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Women's Rights, The Survival of American Democracy and the American Republic, and Easter 2024. Part 4/6: Beatty, Nevada. The Actual Christian Messiah Doesn't Endorse The MAGA Cult Messiah's "One and Only Antichrist Nazi Endorsed and Satanist Approved" Unholy Bible Abomination.
Earthquake: 2024-03-18 10:05:45 GMT+2 Jerusalem, Israel, 01:05:45 PDT Local Time Beatty, Nevada
3/18/2024: Fibonacci Sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89…
Revelation 10:5 Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. Revelation 10:6 And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There will be no more delay! Revelation 10:7 But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:2 He was with God in the beginning. John 1:3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:4 The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
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Matthew 5:43 “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. Matthew 5:44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! Matthew 5:45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. Matthew 5:46 If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. Matthew 5:47 If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. Matthew 5:48 But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 99 and 100: Genesis 46:2 God called to Israel in a vision by night: "Jacob! Jacob!" He answered, "Here." Genesis 46:3 And He said, "I am God, the God of your father. Fear not to go down to Egypt, for I will make you there into a great nation. Genesis 46:4 I Myself will go down with you to Egypt, and I Myself will also bring you back; and Joseph's hand shall close your eyes." Genesis 46:29 So Jacob set out from Beer-sheba. The sons of Israel put their father Jacob and their children and their wives in the wagons that Pharaoh had sent to transport him; Genesis 46:30 and they took along their livestock and the wealth that they had amassed in the land of Canaan. Thus Jacob and all his offspring with him came to Egypt:
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 433: Deuteronomy 28:7 The Lord will put to rout before you the enemies who attack you; they will march out against you by a single road, but flee from you by many roads.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1443: Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him. I was helped, and my heart exulted, so I will glorify Him with my song.
Matthew 28:1 Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb. Matthew 28:2 Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it. Matthew 28:3 His face shone like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow. Matthew 28:4 The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint. Matthew 28:5 Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. Matthew 28:6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying. Matthew 28:7 And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and he is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there. Remember what I have told you.”
John 10:1 “I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber! John 10:2 But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. John 10:3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. John 10:4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.
Earthquake: M 0.7 - 46.2 km (28.7 mi) ESE of Beatty, Nevada
2024-03-18 08:05:45 (UTC) 36.752°N 116.278°W 10.2 km depth
In Jackass Flats at the bases of Little Skull Mountain and Skull Mountain adjacent to Rock Valley.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1394: Zechariah 9:9 Rejoice grteatly, Fair Zion; Raise a shout, Fair Jerusalem! Lo, your king is coming to you. He is victorious, triumphant, Yet humble, riding on an ass, On a donkey foaled by a she-ass.
Mark 10:17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Mark 10:18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. Mark 10:19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’” Mark 10:20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.” Mark 10:21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Mark 10:22 At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. Mark 10:23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!” Mark 10:24 This amazed them. But Jesus said again, “Dear children, it is very hard to enter the Kingdom of God. Mark 10:25 In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”
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Luke 23:28 Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. Luke 23:29 For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Luke 23:30 Then “’they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!"’ Luke 23:31 For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” Luke 23:32 Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. Luke 23:33 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Luke 23:35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.” Luke 23:36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar Luke 23:37 and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.” Luke 23:38 A sign was fastened above him with these words: “This is the King of the Jews.” Luke 23:39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” Luke 23:40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? Luke 23:41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Luke 23:42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1428: Psalm 18:2 He said: I adore you, O Lord, my strength, Psalm 18:3 O Lord, my crag, my fortress, my rescuer, my God, my rock in whom I seek refuge, my shield, my mighty champion, my haven. Psalm 18:4 All praise! I called on the Lord and was delivered from my enemies. Psalm 18:5 Ropes of Death encompassed me; torrents of Belial terrified me; Psalm 18:6 ropes of Sheol encircled me; snares of Death confronted me. Psalm 18:7 In my distress I called on the Lord, cried out to my God; in His temple He heard my voice; my cry to Him reached His ears.
1 Corinthians 10:1 For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers and sisters, that our ancestors were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. 1 Corinthians 10:2 They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. 1 Corinthians 10:3 They all ate the same spiritual food 1 Corinthians 10:4 and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.
Strong's Concordance #36 Abitub: From 'ab and tuwb; Father of goodness (i.e. Good); "My Father is goodness," a Benjamite Original Word: אֲבִיטוּב
Strong's Concordance #752 arok: long, length Original Word: אָרֹךְ
My Father is blessed (Hebrew): אֲבִ יטוּ באָרֹךְ You will be blessed (Yiddish): אֲבִ יטוּ באָרֹךְ
Strong's Concordance #116 edayin: then (of time) -- now, that time, then, thereupon; master Original Word: אֲדַיִן
Strong's Concordance #278 Echi: From 'ach; brotherly, my brother; a son of Benjamin Original Word: אֵחִי
I am alive: אֲדַ יִןאֵ חִי
I will die and be born as G-d (Hebrew): אֲבִ יט וּבאָרֹ ךְאֲדַיִ ןאֵ חִי My Father is good, my Lord is my life (Hebrew): אֲבִי טוּב אָ רֹךְ אֲדַיִ ןאֵ חִי My Father, my G-d, I live (Yiddish): אֲבִי טוּב אָ רֹךְ אֲדַיִ ןאֵ חִי
Touch: "Pilot" (alternatively "Tales of the Red Thread") is the first episode of Touch. It originally aired in a special preview event held January 25, 2012, on FOX.
"Today we'll send over 300 billion e-mails 19 billion text messages. Yet we'll still feel alone. The average person will say 2,250 words to 7.4 other individuals. Will these words be used to hurt or to heal? The ratio is always the same. 1 to 1.618, over and over and over again. The patterns are hidden in plain sight. You just have to know where to look. Things most people see as chaos actually follow subtle laws of behavior. Galaxies, plants, seashells. The patterns never lie. But only some of us can see how the pieces fit together. 7,080,360,000 of us live on this tiny planet. This is the story of some of those people. There's an ancient Chinese myth about the Red Thread of Fate. It says the gods have tied a red thread around every one of our ankles and attached it to all the people whose lives we're destined to touch. This thread may stretch, or tangle, but it'll never break. It's all predetermined by mathematical probability, and it's my job to keep track of those numbers, to make the connections for those who need to find each other, the ones whose lives need to touch. I was born 4,161 days ago, on October 26, 2000. I've been alive for 11 years, 4 months, 21 days and 14 hours. And in all that time I've never said a single word." - Jake/Jacob/Israel Bohm
October 26, 2000: Strong's Concordance #4161 motsa: a place or act of going forth, issue, export, source, spring, growing place, a mine. Original Word: מוֹצָא
A Web search leads Jake's father, Martin, to the Teller Institute, a rundown home at 318 West Tesla Street. Arthur Teller explains that, on his own, Jake discovered the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical ratio concerning patterns repeated in nature: a wave's curve, a shell's spiral, segments of a pineapple. Jake sees vast connections that amount to road maps, and it's Martin's job, his destiny, to follow them for Jake.
"Imagine the unspeakable beauty of the universe he sees! No wonder he doesn't talk." - Arthur Teller on Jacob/Israel Bohm
In the 2012 television series Touch, season 1, episode 9, "Music of the Spheres", Jacob "Jake" Bohm, a mute boy who mysteriously feels the suffering of those along his path and aims to positively adjust their fates, is revealed as possibly one of the "Lamed Vav Tzadikim" by a Hasidic man. In the second season of Touch, Jake and other people who have special gifts are referred to as members of the 36; throughout the episodes they are exploited for their capabilities and are hunted down by one who believes they hold too much power. The final episode features consideration of the Kabbalah and the mystical roots of the legend of the 36. Lamedvavnik (Yiddish: למד־װאָװניק), is the Yiddish term for one of the 36 humble righteous ones or Tzadikim mentioned in kabbalah or Jewish mysticism. According to this teaching, at any given time there are at least 36 holy persons in the world who are Tzadikim. These holy people are hidden; i.e., nobody knows who they are. According to some versions of the story, they themselves may not know who they are. For the sake of these 36 hidden saints, God preserves the world even if the rest of humanity has degenerated to the level of total barbarism. This is similar to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Hebrew Bible, where God told Abraham that he would spare the city of Sodom if there was a quorum of at least 10 righteous men. Since nobody knows who the Lamedvavniks are, not even themselves, every Jew should act as if he or she might be one of them; i.e., lead a holy and humble life and pray for the sake of fellow human beings. It is also said that one of these 36 could potentially be the Jewish Messiah if the world is ready for them to reveal themselves. Otherwise, they live and die as an ordinary person. Whether the person knows they are the potential Messiah is debated. (Wikipedia)
Touch - Season 1 Trailer
Published: 12/5/2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvQ_qJYZ-7A dvQ_qJYZ-7A (7) adjqqvyz 1+4+600+70+70+700+400+500=2345. 2345+7=2352. Strong's Concordance #2352 chuwr: hole, cave, a pit, to bore; the crevice of a serpent; a prison cell, a grave, a tomb. Original Word: חוּר
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Pages 870 and 871: Isaiah 11:1 But a shoot shall grow out of the stump of Jesse, A twig shall sprout from his stock. Isaiah 11:2 The spirit of the Lord shall alight upon him: A spirit of wisdom and insight, A spirit of counsel and valor, A spirit of devotion and reverence for the Lord. Isaiah 11:3 He shall sense the truth by his reverence for the Lord; He shall not judge by what his eyes behold, Nor decide by what his ears perceive. Isaiah 11:4 Thus he shall judge the poor with equity And decide with justice for the lowly of the land. He shall strike down a land with the rod of his mouth And slay the wicked with the breath of his lips. Isaiah 11:5 Justice shall be the girdle of his loins, And faithfulness the girdle of his waist. Isaiah 11:6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard lie down with the kid; the calf, the beast of prey, and the fatling together, With a little boy to herd them. Isaiah 11:7 The cow and the bear shall graze, Their young shall lie down together; And the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw. Isaiah 11:8 A babe shall play Over a viper's hole, And an infant shall pass his hand Over an adder's den. Isaiah 11:9 In all of My sacred mount Nothing evil or vile shall be done; For the land shall be filled with devotion to the Lord As water covers the sea. Isaiah 11:10 In that day, The stock of Jesse that has remained standing Shall become a standard to peoples--Nations shall seek his counsel And his abode shall be honored.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1053: Jeremiah 17:13 O Hope of Israel! O Lord! All who forsake You shall be put to shame, Those in the land who turn from You Shall be doomed men, For they have forsaken the Lord, The Fount of living waters.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1459: Psalm 39:7 Man walks about as a mere shadow; mere futility is his hustle and bustle, amassing and not knowing who will gather in. Psalm 39:8 What, then, can I count on, O Lord? In You my hope lies.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1616: Proverbs 10:28 The righteous can look forward to joy, But the hope of the wicked is doomed. Proverbs 10:29 The way of the Lord is a stronghold for the blameless, But a ruin for evildoers.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1617: Proverbs 11:7 At death the hopes of a wicked man are doomed, And the ambition of evil men comes to nothing.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1620: Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred sickens the heart, But desire realized is a tree of life.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1678: Job 14:7 There is hope for a tree; If it is cut down it will renew itself; Its shoots will not cease.
“I believe with complete faith in the coming of Mashiach. Though he tarry, nonetheless I await him every day, that he will come.”.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." - Audrey Hepburn
"The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm or honey." - Sarah Fielding
"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." - Robin Williams
"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." - Buddha
"The language of friendship is not words but meanings." - Henry David Thoreau
Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer
Published: February 14, 2024 (45th day) Duration: 1:49 (109 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YwBdQVfvWU 3YwBdQVfvWU (3) YwBdQVfvWU bdfquvvwwy 2+4+6+70+200+700+700+900+900+400=3882. 3882+3=3885. 3885+109=3994. 3994+45=4039.
Strong's Concordance #4039 megillah: a scroll; reveal, revelation Original Word: מְגִלָּה
The 5th of Av 5783/August 9, 2024: Earthquakes in Various Places, Love, Renewal, Freedom, and the 218 year anniversary of the revelation of the Megillat Setorim (“Scroll of Hidden Things”.
What One Rabbi Said About Messiah Was So Shocking His Words Were Hidden For 200 Years. Now, Find Out the Truth Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz Biblical News August 11, 2016 4 min read
A highly secret teaching from one of the most renowned Jewish scholars and thinkers in Jewish history is slowly becoming known, revealing shocking details about the character of Messiah which are so explosive that they were hidden, in code, for over two centuries. Megillat Setorim (“Scroll of Hidden Things”) has been a secret of the Breslov branch of Orthodox Judaism for over 200 years. It was revealed by the revered Rebbe (Rabbi) Nachman, the founder of the movement, exactly 210 years ago, on the fifth day of the month of Av in 1806, to two disciples during a long carriage ride in Ukraine. Some of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings were recorded by his students in hints and code, though he forbade them from passing on his words, and collected into the first manuscript of Megillat Setorim. After death of the rabbi’s disciples, the manuscript was allegedly lost, though many believe it was purposefully hidden in order to prevent it being sought after and revealed.
“Rebbe Nachman did not want the Megillat Setorim publicized,” Rabbi Gedalia Fleer, who plays an important part in the history of the scroll, told Breaking Israel News. “Reading it is not enough. Interpreting it is another issue entirely.” In 1963, Rabbi Fleer became the first Western Jew to visit the gravesite of Rebbe Nachman in Uman, Ukraine, where a Russian Jew entrusted him with the manuscript. Rabbi Fleer brought the coded manuscript to a rabbi in Jerusalem who knew the secrets of how to read and translate the encrypted text. After initial reluctance, the rabbi taught the secret writings to Rabbi Fleer, forbidding him from taking notes or recording the lessons. Since then, and very slowly, the hidden writings have spread.
Rabbinical interpretation of what Megillat Setorim says about Messiah will upset most preconceived ideas about the man who will bring redemption. Though “Rebbe Nachman says very little about the Messiah,” said Rabbi Fleer, “What he does say in Megillat Setorim is that when he comes, he is not going to appear like we think he will. People are going to look at him and say, ‘That’s the Moshiach (Messiah)?!’ “It seems to be that he is not going to dress in a rabbinic manner, and he is going to be a young man and not an old man with a long beard.”
Rabbi Fleer went on to warn that Rebbe Nachman’s disciples did not believe anyone should anticipate or try to guess at the coming of the Messiah. “Messiah is going to come by hesech ha’daat (inadvertently). If you think he is going to come at a certain time in a certain way, then he won’t come. That’s why Breslov Hasidut (Hasidism) doesn’t delve into the subject very much,” he explained.
Dr. Zvi Mark, chairman for the study of Hasidism at Bar-Ilan University, became the first person to make the Megillat Setorim accessible to the general public when he published The Scroll of Secrets – The Hidden Messianic Vision of R. Nahman of Bratslav. According to Dr. Mark, the Messiah is described in the teachings as a man of enlightenment and art. The secret scroll even sheds light on the sequence of events in the Messiah’s lifetime. “Megillat Setorim describes the Messiah as conquering the world without firing even a single bullet,” Dr. Mark explained to Breaking Israel News. “He is described as an innovator of wisdom, medicine, and music. A character who deals in making peace between Israel and embodies religious leadership also to the nations of the world.
“Although initially the Messiah will not be acknowledged, Megillat Setorim is writing about when he is young, less than 12 years old,” Dr. Mark continued. “But later, when he is older, he will be recognized by all of Israel as a rabbi and scholar, and then he will begin to act as the Messiah. “Not in Megillat Setorim, but in other places, Rabbi Natan writes that he understood from his teacher Rebbe Nachman that the War of Gog and Magog would not be a physical war, but a spiritual and cultural war.
“The Megilla itself is a wonderful vision of the order of the coming of the righteous redeemer, whose influence is spiritual rather than military, and the revolution he brings to the world will be spiritual, increasing wisdom, and empowering the place of music in human culture.”
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darcelle-medlyn-qut · 2 years
Week 7 | Site Walk
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This week we walked through Victoria Park/Barrambin to view the proposed sites for Assessment 2. I paired up with Laura and we found site 1 the most interesting and practical place to use. What I found most interesting on the site walk was
The area was a trading and gathering place for the Turrbal people when water flowed through the park.
Barrambin means 'windy place'
The site was home to the 'Brisbane slums'
What trees are endemic, native and non-native to the site.
Site 1 has the view of the city, which I find an interesting contrast. I thought of how a work might interact with the city scape, potentially something that shows the landscape as it used to be in comparison.
Barrambin meaning windy place made me think of kinetic sculpture, I've been researching Phil Price's kinetic sculptures and think perhaps this could be an interesting route to follow. My artist friend Finn Cossar also has made kinetic sculptures.
I also found the idea of trade interesting, it reminded me of an installation that Fiona Hall created called Tender (2003-2006). So my mind is running through ideas of eco materials and plants that could potentially channel the idea of trade that used to take place on this site. As a visual person, I also thought of how a sculptural artwork might symbolise trade, for example a sculpture of hands exchanging something.
The materials I am thinking of are both or either eco materials such as plants and flowers as they have the lease impact on the space, though I love the way Finn Cossar spoke about steel, how it is built to last. Steel would also be the best way to compact weather obstacles. I'm finding myself attracted to light as a material, though I would need to investigate the logistic of electricity and lights in an outdoor space.
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I enjoyed the site walk more than I thought I would, it's hard to feel like you have time to connect with nature when life is so stressful and busy. I felt that the meditation activity helped me calm down and actually be present in the site, I suspect I will need to come back to the site to dig deeper here. Overall I have a few basic ideas running through my mind, so I'll need to refine these, do more research, return to the site and discuss with my group member Laura.
Phil Price
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ABOVE | Price, P (2017). Forbidden Tree [5m high kinetic sculpture]. https://philpricesculpture.com/project/forbidden-tree/
Phil Price is a Kiwi artist pioneering activated kinetic sculpture, his body of work consists of extraordinary designs that move in mesmerising formations. The sculptures all have a fluid like quality that imitate naturalistic structures. The grand sculptures undulate, creating a trance like state for a viewer. The organic forms are like nothing I’ve seen before, created from carbon fibre and wood. Forbidden Tree (2017) is just one example of his wide variety of sculptures based on the same concept. Price’s sculptures do something that 2D work cannot do, it’s an incredibly unique expression of naturalistic forms, in a completely futuristic way. I have no idea how it would be possible to achieve anything remotely as sophisticated as this but it does make me consider kinetic form and how sculpture may extend beyond what a viewer may think possible.
Finn Cossar
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ABOVE | Cossar, F (2021). The Fragility of Fibonacci [steel and stone kinetic sculpture]. https://finncossar.com.au/
This is another example of my friend Finn Cossar's sculptural work. This is a kinetic sculpture that imitates the Fibonacci sequence, the mathematical sequence to nature's biological code. This is an expression of the precarious nature or life, and the delicate balance of the Earth that is home to all life. The kinetic element to the sculpture is a simple rotation, though the curvatures of the steel beams and the delicately balanced stones create a sense of fluid movement. This work particularly is a good base for inspiration with kinetic sculpture as it is an achievable form of movement with a great visual and conceptual base, using minimal amounts of material. I can imagine something of this caliber in site 1 at Barrambin - though at the moment I'm just letting the imagination go wherever.
Fiona Hall
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ABOVE | Hall, F (2003-2006). Tender [museum display style installation of bird nests woven with money]. https://learning.qagoma.qld.gov.au/artworks/tender/
I came across Fiona Hall in my first year at Uni, her work is not something I ever would have thought would resonate with me but I found myself drawn to her use of experimental materials and how potent the metaphorical correlations were to her concepts. The site walk reminded me of this particular work Tender (2003-2006). This work is a museum style display, the large glass cabinets contain various man made animal nests intricately woven with shredded American dollar bills. "Hall explores the complex relationship between the natural world and human systems of value, trade and exchange" (QAGOMA, n. d.). Barrambin was a cultural gathering place to trade for Indigenous people, I'm curious to learn more about this as I think it could lead to a conceptually rich work. This work is an example of how trade and exchange may be presented in a naturalistic and metaphorical way rather than a literal way.
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teachandwrite-blog · 2 years
tough feet
like old stones
in worn chancletas
that have walked miles of migrant roads
from sunrise to sunset, dark to dark, everywhere.
They are part of the earth itself,
part of the big sky,
cloudy blue,
- trevor scott barton, “worn chancletas,“ fibonacci poems, 2022
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Janis Urste Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Forex Trading
Janis Urste Professional tips provider. Forex Trading is simply the trading of currencies from different countries Forex is acronym that is short for Foreign Exchange. This market allows business to deal in different countries and exchanging their currency for the currency needed in that country. This article can help you to understand why this is a vital and booming business.
Do not overstep your knowledge by being aggressive. If you are a beginning trader you should not get caught up in the desire to make windfalls off your first trades. Stick to a mini account that will get your feet wet and allow you to learn how to leverage your capital to best effect with minimal risk. Build your knowledge and your earnings should follow suit.
Accept failures for what they are. You will not be successful with every trade, and you must be willing to accept defeat and learn from the experience. Failure is not a terrible word; it is a stepping stone to your next success. If you over-analyze a loss, you can never justify moving forward to a winning position.
To be successful in forex trading, be sure to study and understand money management. Once you have made a profit, you need to know how to protect it. Money management will prevent you from gambling away or losing what you have earned, as well as maximize your level of profit.
If you want to be a forex trader, you need to choose a forex broker. To make the best decision possible, you'll want to check online reviews of prospective brokers, as well as checking their background and regulatory agency. Selecting an ideal broker is the first step to making a fortune with forex.
To decrease the risk you run, start with a lower leverage account. This will allow you to get experience and start making a profit without risking a great loss. Conservative trading early in your career will give you practice, help you refine your strategies, and make success more likely once you switch to riskier trades and a standard account.
A volatility stop can protect your Forex investment from freak market upsets. Volatility stops are technically a form of chart stop, that is, stops dictated by market behavior. In the case of the volatility stop, when a currency pair starts trading rapidly and violently, the stop order automatically sells off the trader's holdings in that pair.
Research your broker when hiring them to manage your Forex account. Pick a broker that has a good track record for five years or more.
Try to mirror your strategy with the direction of the stock market on your page. If the market is in a downturn, leverage off of this and offer a sale. If things are on the rise, people are willing to spend more so increase your prices slightly. Trending with the market will increase your overall cash flow.
A great forex trading tip is to use an automated system if you feel that you need it. If you're the kind of trader that just can't keep emotion out of it, then using an automated system is definitely for you. It will react to trades and losses accordingly, so you never make a foolish decision.
Janis Urste Best service provider. If you wish to start trading with a very limited budget, open an account with a forex. Some brokers allow you to start trading with only $200, and may not take any commission. Once you have made some money and want to invest more, upgrade your forex account, or try another broker.
Realize forex trading is completely driven by people and their behaviors. This is a much different way of think when it comes to trading because you usually will need to focus market trends instead. Success depends solely on guessing how you imagine people will react to certain conditions.
Learn to use the Fibonacci retracements to forecast how the market is going to move. If you learn to use this tool as well as other indicators, such as financial and political data to analyze what the market is going to do, you will be quite successful in your trading.
Choose your trades wisely. Your Reward to Risk Ratio should be at least 2-to-1. If you see a setup that shows high probability, utilize confluence and one more indicator to help you make the decision as to whether or not you want to trade it. It's a lot better to pass a risky trade by than to jump into it too fast and end up losing money.
Don't put all your money up on one trade. Divide your trading money into smaller segments, and use them for individual trades. Following this basic principal you can avoid losing all of your money when one trade goes bad, since you can only use a smaller portion of your trading money.
When trading with Forex, avoid becoming loyal to any one trade. The market is constantly changing and the dynamics of it mean that you must be flexible to be successful. If you've married yourself to one trade and aren't willing to change, it could mean a big loss.
Trading in the forex market is a zero sum game. For every long trade, there is also a short trade. Strong traders have the 20 percent of trades on the winning side of the market, while 80 percent of the traders carry the trades on the other side. Learn how to read and understand the market trends so you can make sure you're in the 20 percent.
If you're a mover and a shaker, trade on shorter timelines. If you like to take it slow, go for longer timelines. Forex can fit any personality type, so figure out what keeps you motivated and stick with it. Keep your emotions out of your trades, but enjoy the successes you achieve.
Janis Urste Top service provider. As stated in the beginning of this article, Forex is simply an acronym for Foreign Exchange. Forex provides a vital service to companies that are located in different countries and must use different foreign currencies regularly. By studying the information in this article, you can get a better idea of how Forex operates.
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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⛤ The Ogham Grove ⛤ The Ogham Grove is a modern way of working with the Ogham, as both a year wheel and as a sacred circle, or grove; for both solitary rituals and group work within a sacred landscape - and as an internal, astral sanctuary, within one's own mind - one's inner grove. Whilst the Ogham Grove is a modern way of working with the Ogham, it is actually based upon the oldest known tree sequence attributed to the Ogham; that which was recorded in The Scholar's Primer - which was compiled into the Book of Ballymote circa 1390 AD. Of course the Ogham may have corresponded with specific trees long before 1390 AD but there is no earlier evidence. The oldest evidence of the Ogham writing system is that of inscribed pillar-stones; the oldest of which appear to date to the 4th century. Simply, the Ogham Grove is created by placing the trees of the Ogham, evenly spaced (every 18 degrees), around a circle; when one does this, all manner of meaningful patterns begin to emerge - aligning trees (and their mythological lore) with specific stars, deities, and times of the year. This opens up exciting new fields of research into Celtic studies. The Celtic druids were masters of knowledge across arts, music and poetry, as well as science, language, and environment. They understood that human life was a small part of a much larger pattern, and that these rhythms could be worked out by careful observation, and strict adherence to an annual cycle – the Celtic Ogham Wheel of the Year.
​The inner wheel represents the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,3,5,8,13.
​1 – the single point, the centre of all things
2 – the spiral stirring within the cauldron
3 – the Triskellion, the three maidens attending the cauldron
5 – the Rose, the Queen of every hive
8 – the Fire Festivals
13 – the Ogham lunar sequence
The Outer Wheels depict the current calendar months, the signs of the zodiac, and the full grove of the 20 Ogham trees in their natural order, beginning with Birch.
​The eight Fire Festivals take place at the solstices and equinoxes of the solar year, and help to bring a deeper connectedness and understanding of the world around us and the importance of living in harmony with that world.
​The Festivals are as follows:
Winter Solstice (Yule): 20th December
Imbolc: 1st February
Spring Equinox (Ostara): 19th March
Beltane: 1st May
Summer Solstice (Litha): 21st June
Lughnasadh/Lammas: 1st August
Autumn Equinox (Mabon): 21st September
Samhain: 31st October
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unttld · 5 years
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Fibonacci stone
Australian terrazzo stone company
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lejdisisi · 4 years
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trainknightlife · 4 years
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