#field medicine is so overlooked
letitbehurt · 9 months
Phrases someone could say to comfort a person in immense pain that they are causing. Eg. Taking a bullet out or field surgery. Thank you my Darling, I love your page!
Thank you Dearest! Field medicine with reluctant Whumpers: an underrated trope, methinks. Here are some relevant phrases that make a little bit feral:
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Bite down on this.”
“It’s almost over, I promise—“
“Trust me.”
“Deep breath.”
“Close your eyes. Don’t look.”
“Shh, shh. It’s over. It’s done.”
“This is going to hurt.”
“Try not to scream.”
“Let me see it.”
“Don’t move.”
Additionally, some lines I adore from Whumpee in this scenario:
“Fuck, that hurts—“
“I don’t need that.”
“Just do it.”
“Holy shit, that’s disgusting—“
“Don’t touch me.”
“Stop. Stop, please—“
“Hurry up, just hurry the fuck up—“
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theamberfist · 3 months
Hell's Second Greatest Dad | Vox + Reader + Alastor
Familial! Alastor is reader's dad, Vox is the dad that stepped up
Description: With your dad, the Radio Demon, having been missing for seven years, you've come to see Vox as father figure instead. But when Alastor shows back up one day, he's furious to find his old friend trying to take his child away from him.
(Notes: CW Alastor, angst) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's kid from life) (Could be biological or adopted) (Teen Reader)
❀ This one will have a song! It's a rewrite of Hell's Greatest Dad, but with Alastor in Lucifer's place and Vox in Alastor's place (Alastor gets a taste of his own medicine) ❀
Words: 4,049
"Tomorrow's forecast calling for acid rain with tornadoes picking up around noon in the Doomsday Distract," The familiar voice of hell's iconic tech demon explained, "And now for our Reader's Segment!" He smiled, placing the papers he'd been reading off of on the table in front of him and looking back up at the camera. 
Once he announced your name, the TV screen promptly changed to show you curled up on a plush couch with a fuzzy blanket and a book on your lap. "Take it away, kid." Vox's voice said through the earpiece you always wore while on-air in case he needed to communicate with you. 
"Thanks, sir." You smiled at the camera before turning your gaze down to the book in your lap, "Tonight we'll be reading something a little slower paced. It's fun, cozy, and perfect for a night like this, so let's begin." With that, you announced the title of your current favorite book and then flipped it open, reading aloud. 
The set around you was decorated to resemble a cozy living room; with a crackling fireplace behind your couch, a fake window to your left that was supposed to make it seem as if it overlooked a snowy field, and the softest carpet you'd ever walked on. The log walls were decorated with photos of cute animals since you had no family photos to adorn them, and both the couch, blanket, and carpet were soothing shades of light pink and purple that greatly contrasted the harsh the blues and red of your boss while still remaining within the same domain. 
You read in your most soothing tone, which many viewers liked to claim had the ability to lull them to sleep almost instantly, even if you had no such power that you knew of. Though, you supposed anything calming and cozy like this would have been a great relief in a place like hell, which had been your goal from the beginning. 
Vox was hesitant about your segment when you first pitched it, considering it was so different from the rest of the shows he ran, but eventually he gave it a chance, and it had only ever paid off since. As far as sinners went, you were adorable, and it wasn't just because you were young compared to most of the adults in hell. That, coupled with the cozy vibe of your set and the books you read, was enough to keep viewers coming back, meaning there were more people to see Vox's commercials and, therefore, become his customers. 
Not to mention the fact that it made him look good in the public eye. A teenage sinner who liked to read their little books for the public, and whose soul he didn't even bother to own? He looked more kindhearted than half of hell's overlords combined, no matter his intentions. 
The only person that didn't approve of your reading segment currently stood on a sidewalk somewhere in Pentagram City, watching through the window of a shop. Despite his apparent smile, his eyes were narrowed in disapproval at the screen.
To those who didn't know him, he would have simply looked like a regular sinner; interested in listening to you read the story you seemed to excited about. Had they been paying attention, they might have noticed the way his hands tightened around the microphone he held or how his red deer-like ears tugged back slightly. 
And as for those that did have the sense to recognize him, they wouldn't have even had the time to notice those details, because they would have already turned and walked the other way upon seeing the Radio Demon back after his seven year absence. 
About an hour later, you finished your segment, feeling a little sleepy yourself from the calming sounds of the fire and a good book. Even your cameraman seemed to barely be able to keep his eyes open at this point.
"I think we'll stop there for tonight," you said with a yawn, gently placing your Vox Tech bookmark between the pages and closing your book, "Tune in tomorrow, where we'll continue the story from where we left off." You were talking even more quietly than you had at the beginning, not wanting to disturb any of the viewers at home that may have fallen asleep. Though, it was a futile effort, considering a blaring commercial would likely run the second you were off-air again. "This has been the Reader's Segment; thank you and goodnight!" 
With that, your cameraman signaled that you were now off-air and you yawned again, wrapping the fuzzy purple blanket around yourself despite the warmth of the nearby ambient fire. 
A moment later, the door to your recording set opened and in stepped Vox himself with a familiar frown on his face. He looked around, though, and the second his eyes landed on you, the expression was replaced by a  picturesque smile. "There they are!" He exclaimed happily, walking over to you as you blinked sleepily at him. 
"Hi." You smiled through your hazy tiredness, making the tech demon soften just a bit. 
"Well done, kid." He said, ruffling your hair, "As always." Vox gently placed a hand on your back, leading you towards the studio door and leaving the rest of his workers to clean the set up behind you. "I have to say, I never expected a 'cute' segment like yours to do so well," he went on, ever the businessman, as you half-listened. "Turns out comfort was exactly what pathetic sinners wanted all along!" He glanced your way, his smile becoming more genuine now, before adding, "I'm proud of you, kid." That got your full attention now. 
You'd only heard the words a few times in your whole life, despite the huge positive effect they always had on you. Even the man that had raised you; the one that should have been the most proud in the end, had never actually told you so. Vox may not have been related to you by blood, or even legally, but hearing that phrase from him still made you grin.
"Thanks." You replied, unsure of how to convey how much his pride meant to you. Luckily, it seemed you didn't need to, because he just nodded and then brought you over to the nearby elevator. 
"It's the truth, kid," he replied, pressing the button that would take you up to his designated floor. Each of the V's had one, with Vox's being the highest, that was technically supposed to be solely their living space. However, after you began working for him, Vox ended up converting one of the rooms on his floor to make it yours. Now, your bedroom was the first door on the right after entering Vox's floor. 
"Though, it looked to me like that bookshelf of yours is starting to get a little empty..." He was referring to the shelf found on your set. It housed each of the books you planned on reading next in no particular order. This way, when you finished one for the show, you could immediately pick a new pre-approved one from the back shelf. The one you were done with would then be moved up to your room for you to keep, which was beginning to look more like a library with how many titles there were inside. 
"Did it?" You asked, feeling a little embarrassed, "I can grab a few more to add to it tomorrow." Vox shook his head, though, as the elevator finally reached your shared floor. 
"No need," he replied, "How about we buy some more tomorrow; call it a shopping day?" With how many unread books you already had making a mess in your room, there was really no need to buy any more. But after the first year of having you around, he realized making you happy tended to lift some of the stress and burden he felt off his shoulders, so he did so whenever possible. 
"Really?!" You asked, stars practically shining in your eyes as you stepped out of the elevator. Vox nodded, a warm smile on his face. 
"Of course; can't have my best segment lacking stories, now can I?" You grinned, hugging him without even thinking. At some point during your time working for him, it had become a natural gesture.
Vox rested a hand on your head with a grin, patting your hair. He'd never expected to get so attached to a kid, much less you, of all people, and yet here he was, enjoying the hug as if he were your close family member. 
Once the excitement of the news seemed to die down for you, that fuzzy, tired feeling from before came back. "Thanks, dad..." You mumbled into the tech demon's coat. His eyes widened for just a moment before a smile reappeared on his face. You probably hadn't even realized what you'd just said, and yet, it felt so right for him to hear it. 
"No problem, kid." He replied. Finally, he pulled away, patting your shoulder. "Now, you'd better get to bed if you're going to have enough energy for book shopping tomorrow." You grinned again, wrapping your soft blanket a little tighter around your body. 
"Right." You said, gently rubbing your now-very-tired eyes. "Goodnight!" You called as you turned and opened the door to your bedroom. 
"Goodnight." Vox replied softly before you closed the door behind you and disappeared. He could hear a muffled 'flop' sound somewhere inside, realizing you'd likely collapsed onto your bed immediately after entering. 
He chuckled softly before turning to head to his own room. Vox tended to stay up much later than you most nights; handling various paperwork and business. Today was no exception, but as he made his way to his office, which was attached to the bedroom, he spared a glance at the framed photo that sat propped on his bedside table. In it, you were depicted, holding up the camera to take a selfie. Vox was there too, an arm around your shoulders as he posed for the camera. Both of you looked so happy; smiling brightly as if you had not a care in the world.
It was his favorite photo; thus why it always remained on his nightstand. He turned away now, heading for his office with a renewed determination to get things done. After falling out with his closest friend seven years ago, the tech demon had assumed nothing else would ever be able to bring him joy again.
And he had been right, until you came along. 
You were up bright and early the next day; too early for Vox's standards. He'd barely gotten any sleep, as per usual, but had smelled the breakfast you were making in the kitchen once he came out of his extra office. 
As soon as he entered, you'd smiled and sat him down at the table, handing him a plate of your personal favorite breakfast food. Of course that had been what you chose to wake up and make this early in the morning.
Regardless, the tech demon humored you, knowing you were just excited to get to go book shopping later that day. 
Once you'd both eaten, you hurriedly shoved him into his room, insisting he get dressed and ready for the day while you did the same. Apparently, you wanted to be at the bookstore the second it opened, but who was Vox to deny you, when it seemed to make you so happy?
Once you both were ready, the two of you took the elevator down to the V Tower lobby, with Vox ignoring several calls from his assistant along the way. He could wait until later, the tech demon decided. Instead, he listened to you go on and on about the books you planned to get and how excited you were. It seemed you had a fully prepared list, and Vox was ready to get every single one on it if it brought you joy. Finally, you reached the ground floor and the elevator dinged as the doors opened.
And almost immediately, you were met with the sounds of shouting and windows breaking. Clearly, there was already a commotion, even though it was even ten in the morning yet. Sighing, Vox stepped out first, followed promptly by you, who would never miss out on a scoop if you could help it; especially if it was happening in your own 'basement.'
What you saw was even more surprising than expected. The employees that usually worked on this floor were running around like chickens with their heads cut off; many of them screaming in fear. The secretary that usually worked the front desk was dangling in the air; held by an eerie black tentacle that you recognized all too well. Following it with your gaze, you could see that it was attached to none other than a red deer-like demon, whose body had morphed so that he was almost too tall to fit in the room.
A green 'X' mark sat on his forehead, further confirming that he was currently in his demonic form as he held the secretary up to his eye level.
"Where are they?!" He demanded, his radio static voice somehow even more haunting than usual. 
"I'm not authorized to tell you that!" The secretary screeched, covering his eyes as the tentacle's grip tightened around him and began bringing him towards the demon's open mouth.
Vox's assistant stood off to the side, frantically typing something on his phone amidst the panic. So, that was why he'd been calling so much this morning.
With a sigh, the tech demon activated his mind control powers, taking a step forward into the chaos. "Stop!" He shouted, his voice distorted. Suddenly, everything came to a stop, except the giant demon still holding his secretary, who slowly turned his head in your direction.
Still smiling, his eyes narrowed for a moment before he suddenly noticed you standing there, instantly reverting back to his normal form as if nothing had happened. The black tentacles that had been holding the secretary disappeared, causing them to fall to the floor with a thud. Meanwhile, the Radio Demon adjusted his coat jacket and stepped forward.
"Finally," he called, holding his microphone-cane behind him, "The man in charge, so to speak." Both you and Vox tensed, and you looked to the tech demon, unsure what to do. 
When neither of you said anything, Alastor spoke again. "And it seems you've found my little one!" He exclaimed with an even wider smile, "Good, then I'll have no need to search this entire building for them." Vox's eyes narrowed at the idea, and he was about to take a step to the side, so as to block you, when you finally spoke.
"Papa...?" Your voice was quiet; hurt. The tech demon hated it but you took a step forward, nonetheless. This was, as much as he hated to admit it, technically your father; the man you hadn't seen or even heard from once in the last seven years. That would have shocked anyone. 
"There you are, my dear!" Alastor said, opening his arms to you as if expecting a hug. "Come along, now. We have quite a bit to catch up on!" You didn't move. 
Vox took a step forward, sensing your uncertainty. "You've been missing for seven years," he replied, "They don't have to go with you." Alastor's eyes narrowed. 
"They're my child," he said, "So I'd suggest you get out of the way before things get ugly, old pal." You bit your lip. As much as you'd longed to see your father again all this time, now that you were faced with that reality, you weren't so sure. You'd only just come to accept the fact that he would never be returning for you, and now here he was, acting as if nothing had even happened. 
You used to be close with him, but now it felt like he wasn't even the same person anymore. Vox, of all people, had had to take you in after your dad left without warning, and since then, he'd become the only father figure you had in your life. 
Alastor glanced between the two of you with what would have been a scowl, if not for the permanent smile on his face. Everyone else had all but cleared the room now; leaving only the three of you there in your standoff. 
You were frozen; unsure what to do, and you knew Alastor could see it. It was like having to choose between your two parents in a divorce, except in this situation, it was the once-loving-father that had abandoned you and the man that had stepped up ever since. 
Unfortunately, Alastor didn't seem to read the situation the same way you did, because with his flare for the dramatics, he went on.
"Darling," he sighed before bringing out his mic and beginning a song. Now you knew there was no going back. "Looks like you could use some help," he began, "from hell's Radio Demon himself!" 
Alastor swung his cane, summoning two familiar sinners to the room to back him up now. "Never trust the one who's acting so heartfelt!" He pointed in Vox's direction, and Nifty immediately scurried over, jumping on Vox's shoulder. 
"Traitor!" She exclaimed adamantly before the tech demon ripped her off of him. Husk, however, was less enthusiastic. 
"Heartless," he said, ignoring how Vox glared and began to stalk towards him, only for Nifty to jump and latch onto his back now. 
"A total snake!" She exclaimed and he tried to shake her off again. Meanwhile, the two of them provided enough distraction now for Alastor to gently grab you by the arm and pull you away. 
"Oh, with enough motivation, dear," he went on, "He'll betray you, standing right here!"  Before he could get you out of the lobby door, though, Vox had pressed a button to activate the security measures, locking it from the outside. "Usually, you'd learn it on your own, I fear," he went on, "But for you I'd do anything!"
Nifty ran over to the two of you wearing one of your hats she'd gotten off a nearby coat rack now, hugging one of Alastor's legs as if she were pretending to be you. Or at least, a happier version of you. "Thanks, dad!" 
Alastor turned, pointing to Vox, "Who needs a knock-off now that I have returned?" Nifty nodded eagerly, jumping to rest on your father's head. 
"Whoa!" She sang, having way too much fun with this. 
"Come back to radio; have all you could want!" Alastor went on, trying his best to win your favor once more. "I've all the fatherly affection you've earned!" He spun you around once before gently gripping your shoulders and pointing up as if he were showing you something in the sky. "Clothing, safety, souls of the hasty, this we would flaunt!"
Finally, Vox seemed to have had enough because he appeared between the two of you like a bolt of lightning, gently pushing you away from Alastor and towards the elevator. "Who's been here since he was gone?" He reminded you, "Even if you weren't my spawn? Who gave you the segment that makes them yawn?" He pointed to the crowd of sinners outside, who'd gathered by the windows to watch what was going on. Then he smiled and straightened his bowtie. 
"It's your very own producer!" He sang.
"That's true..." You admitted as he pressed the button for the elevator now, already using his demon powers to call the security staff to the lobby to handle Alastor. Any other day, Vox would have done so himself, but having you right there made the situation much more difficult. 
"I support you, day to day!" The tech demon went on, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, "Your books, show; whatever you can name!" The elevator doors opened, and Vox pushed you inside before you could even think of protesting. Once Alastor was out of sight again, he brought up a photo of the bookstore you'd planned to visit.
"Remember I'm taking you shopping today?" He asked just as a video chat with the bookstore's owner appeared.
"Buy our books?" She asked in the same singing-tone everyone seemed to have adopted now, "Thank you sir!" 
The elevator doors dinged now as you reached the third floor, where Vox's security team was stationed. However, the second they opened, all that could be seen was Alastor, along with an empty office and some black tentacles still disappearing from wherever they'd came. 
"I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond," Vox went on as he hurriedly pressed the 'close door' button in the elevator. They began to do so, only for another of Alastor's black tentacles to stop them just in time, ripping the doors open. "You're like the child that I wish that I had!" If Vox could sweat, he surely would have been doing so by now as Alastor's eyes narrowed again. This was the closest you'd ever seen him to not smiling. 
"Excuse me?" The Radio Demon spoke, his pupils already taking the shape of dials. Finally, Vox stood straighter, turning back to you and patting your head. 
"I care for you just like a child spawned!" He sang, knowing it was getting under Alastor's skin. "It's a little funny," he glanced back, a smirk on his features. Your father was seething. "You could almost call me 'dad'!" The second those words left Vox's mouth, Alastor moved to attack him, only for you both to disappear in crackles of electricity. 
The tech demon almost never transported others with him this way, which meant he was taking Alastor's presence in the V's tower seriously. You appeared on your shared floor, which also happened to have a panic room. It had been designed for waiting out exterminations but, considering the situation, Vox figured it would work just fine to keep you from your father now. 
He began pulling you towards it, only for Alastor to appear out of the shadows in front of him. 
"They say when you're looking for assistance," Vox sang, trying to move around him, only to be blocked by a black tentacle, "It's smart to pick the path of least resistance!" He was getting very tired of playing nice with the Radio Demon, especially when the tentacle previously blocking him grabbed onto his arm and pulled him away from you.  
"Others say that in your needy hour," Alastor said, beginning to pull you away from the tech demon, "The one that first raised you is simply never sour!" He spun you around to emphasize the proclamation, then stopped and placed both hands on your shoulders. "Who just happens to have known you in life!" He added a little more intensely.
A second later, though, you were pulled out of your father's grip by Vox, who began rushing you towards the panic room. "Sadly, there are times a child's needs are met with strife!" He exclaimed, pushing you through the door as gently but quickly as possible, "They say the family you choose is better." 
"Pathetic excuses!" Alastor chimed in, grabbing onto your arm just as gently-but-urgently as he attempted to pull you back. 
"Can you butt out of my song?" Vox snapped, pulling harder on your arm. You were halfway through the door now, awkwardly standing there and not knowing what else to do.
"Your song?" Alastor replied with a scoff, "I started it!"
"I'm singing it; I'll finish it!" Vox shouted back, pulling back on your other arm. The pressure was starting to hurt you now but you couldn't seem to get a word in about it as they fought one another. At this rate, you'd be torn in half before they could come to a custody agreement. 
"You're always such a piece of-" Before Alastor could finish his sentence, you finally cut in, pulling your arms out of both their grasps.
"That's it!" You screamed, finally catching their attention despite the entire song having been about you. "I can't do this right now!" You backed away form them both, feeling more than a little hurt and confused. Vox went to speak up but you weren't having it; raising a hand to stop him as you turned and stomped off to your room. "I need time!" And with that, you slammed the door behind you. 
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orphicrose · 7 months
Can you pls write Hosea (rdr2) x teen reader where the reader was caught stealing from the vamp and Hosea tracks them down and sees that maybe the reader was trying to save a injured horse or any other animal. I was thinking that the reader has been living on the streets/wild for a while and looks the part, so he knows how to survive and doesnt trust anyone really and when Hosea sees that the reader stole to help he was kinda moved and approached the reader and asked them to join the group because their thieving/stealing skills could be useful, and maybe a few reactions when Hosea brings back the teen. I imagine Hosea to be just really kind to children and teens
Stray (Hosea x Child!Reader)
Absolutely! Love this idea, thank you for the request
The camp was no stranger to crime, being on the dealing end of it the majority of the time. But they weren't to used to being the receiver, and by a child of all things. Over the course of a week, little things had gone missing through the night. Being camped up in horseshoe overlook meant they were subjected to rats, which was plausable. But medicine, Hosea didn't think rats were that advanced. It wasn't just a little, it was a whole crate worth of canned food and horse tonic that had vanished.
"What you planning, Hosea?" Charles appeared in front of the old man, who was sat on a stump cleaning the barrel of his gun.
"I'm going to catch the theft in action tonight" He stood up, throwing the gun over his shoulder. "I'm not convinced we have rats."
"No. Rats don't drink horse tonic."
Charles hummed in response, amused by his answer. "Well, have fun old man" he patted his shoulder before he left to his tent. Leaving Hosea to himself in the darkening night.
The night was cool, calm and very uneventful. Everyone was asleep peacefully in their tents, except Hosea. Waiting. Back leant against a tree as he was planted on the floor, gun in hands at the ready. His eyes began shutting on him as he heard small footsteps creeping up on him. Keeping his composure, he sat still, giving the impression of him being asleep. In the corner of his eyes, a small person snuck up behind some bushes towards Strauss carriage. A small bottle was snatched from the side of the structure and then figure disappeared back into the night.
It was but a kid. Hosea had a pain in his gut, at the thought of shooting it. The child's scruffy appearance resembled that of a stray dog, making him feel sorry. But his effortless skills in thieving had potential, showing similar traits of Arthur when they took him in. Perhaps they could help each other.
Usually, Hosea would have waited till morning. To tell someone of his plan. But he felt this was too urgent to wait hours for morning to roll around. His gun was equipped to his back, and he took it upon himself to follow the figure on foot. Finding the little footprints in the dirt to catch up with him.
There they were. The child was almost sprinting across the train track. Hosea had to pick up his pace a little to ensure he didn't lose site of them, coughing a little as he turned to a light jog. Keeping far away enough to prevent the child from spotting him.
They must have travelled at least half a mile through the heartlands, stars illuminating the paths around them. The figure stopped abruptly in the field, hunching over into the tall grassy land. Hosea knelt down as he closed in, keeping his breath steady.
The closer he got, the closer he could make out a small dog. Seemingly passed away as it was sprawled across the grass.
"Horse tonic wont be any good for that, kid"
The child spun to see the old man, a look of fear crossing his face as the gun on his back gleamed in the light. Eyes switching between the metal and the old man.
"I.Im sorry. I just-" they stuttered, falling to the ground.
Hosea put a hand out, other hand dropping the gun from his shoulder to the floor next to him. "I wont hurt ya" He half laughed, now kneeling to the floor to show his good intentions. A hand was placed on the dogs neck, in attempts to find a pulse. It was faint, but it was there. "What happened?"
The child pointed to a bite mark on the dogs paw, two holes indicating a snake. Hosea nodded, scooping up the dog in his arms.
"you know when it happened?"
"A few days ago. I thought the tonic would help" The child fiddled with his hands, avoiding eye contact.
Hosea took a second to admire the wound, nodding his head. "He'll be fine. He would have died a while ago if the venom was strong enough" he took a second to cough into his elbow, clearing his throat. "Must have acted as an aphrodisiac"
The child looked up at him confused
"What's your name, kid?"
"okay y/n, come with me. Lets get some proper food in you" He motioned his hand in the direction of his camp, flinging the small animal over his shoulder.
Clearly exhausted, y/ns movements slowed down drastically, struggling to remain awake on the journey back to camp. Not even sure if they were walking into their doom.
"What you doing out here alone?" Hosea looked down.
"My ma and pa were sick" a sigh escaped their lips, Hosea nodding sympathetically to the answer.
"What are ya? 11? 12?"
"I'm 12 soon"
"Jesus" Hosea mumbled under his breath, readjusting the animal on his shoulder to a more comfortable one. "Well... we got room" he began. "There's another kid back at camp, who will appreciate the company I'm sure"
Y/ns face seemed to lighten up a little more at the mention of another kid. That most likely meant he was safe from whatever they thought was going to happen to them.
Camp rolled into view, the campfire gleaming through the shadows of the forest.
"Where did you get off to?" Dutch marched towards him, having just woken up. The sun began to unveil itself from over the horizon, offering a warm glow to the dim landscape. "Off hunting this early?" He chuckled, motioning to the stray dog.
"Not quite" Hosea looked down to y/n, Dutch following his line of vision. A small 'oh' leaving his mouth. "I solved our little rat issue"
"He reminds me a little of john" Dutch put a finger to his lips, thinking. "Are you suggesting we take him in?"
Hosea shrugged "He wont be no trouble. He even came with a hunting dog"
Dutch chortled, walking back towards the camp. "Suppose we should introduce everyone, shouldn't we?" He turned to the child. "And your name is?"
"Y/n... sir"
"y/n!" He repeated. "Hosea, take that dog to heir Straus. I'm sure he will take care of it"
Y/n was offered food from Pearson shortly, who didn't question the new member. Having seen many of the camp come and go by this point. The women made quite a fuss of him, cooing about how sweet he is. Especially Abigail.
"Abigail!" Dutch called her over, who soon came rushing over with jack following closely behind her. "Yes Dutch" She looked down towards y/n. Confusion on her face.
"This is y/n, Hoseas most recent adoption" He motioned down to the child "I don't suppose you could make him feel more welcomed here. Perhaps introduce them to Jack?"
Jack hid behind his mothers leg, appearing shy. "Hi" he whispered, letting his hand wave a little.
Abigail nodded softly to the suited man, looking down to y/n. "I'm Abigail, this is my son jack" her hands rested on his shoulders as she forcefully brought him forward.
"Come with me, darlin, I'll show you where you can get some shut eye" She motioned for him to follow, noticing the drowsiness on his face.
A small bedsheet was laid out in hers and Jacks shared tent for y/n. Leaving him to catch up on some well earned sleep.
"But i wanna play" Jack moaned, as the tent was zipped up. Leaving y/n to some peace.
"You can play later, Jack. The poor kid needs some sleep"
Weeks had passed with the new recruit. Settling in rather quickly. Abigail had taken it upon herself to practically adopt them, her maternal instincts getting the better of her. Scolding them when she deemed fit and offering motherly love that she saw was deserving. Hosea, of course, became an authoritative figure. Spending quite a lot of time with y/n, reminding him of young Arthur and John. Making him feel slightly younger.
Everyone else was accepting, apart from Micah. Who gave y/n grief occasionally, but was dealt with by who ever was closest. Which was usually Arthur or Charles.
And Jack... Jack adored y/n. He always wanted a sibling, or a friend. Plus, he got a dog. Which survived and returned to a playful little thing with just some food, rest and water. Y/n would go on to remain in Abigails and Johns custody later in life, and become a vital aspect of the gangs family.
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celestiarambles · 22 days
here’s another criticism of the tropes fans put in the cc tv tropes page, and it’s mostly about angela (another defending angela post i’m so sorry, long post and spoilers ahead!)
angela haters like to look and nitpick certain things she does that could probably hint at her being the mole, but fail to gloss over the good things she actually did do.
for example, her character arc in south asia, especially in plagued by death where she showcases her talents in biology and medicine is severely overlooked. here’s an example:
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if you look at the recap page of plagued by death, shweta and warren are the ones listed as the big damn heroes. while yes they did do those things, they probably wouldn’t have done it if angela hadn’t intervened.
sure, shweta did tell angela all about the final ingredient needed for the cure and she did say that she was planning to share her findings with the bureau later on, but it’s hard to say whether she actually planned to share it or not. after all, angela and lars had been studying and working on finding a cure for WEEKS, but during that timespan shweta had not reached out to them even once, especially since she knew that she was the one who had created that virus. hell if the bureau didn’t find patient zero and flagged shweta as a suspect, would she actually say something to help out? if angela didn’t yell at her for hiding information from the bureau, would she still go to help them? bottom line is that shweta knew that she created the virus that caused the epidemic, and while she did help in finding out the cure, she never said anything about it to the bureau until she was first interrogated. not even basic information or anything. and basically, she only said that she was planning to TRY out the flame lily for the cure, but angela was the one who made it work.
other than that if angela didn’t find the cure, obviously warren wouldn’t have any medicine to distribute. in fact, she and the player were the ones who inform him about it personally. i don’t know if angela was aware that warren was sombra or not (given that she is sombra as well), but she still warned him about o.m medilab too.
i’m not saying that shweta and warren didn’t do enough to help with the epidemic, but it’s kinda off-putting on how angela and lars have been working their asses off to the point of sleep deprivation just to find the cure, and when angela was the one who discovered it the cc community just blatantly ignored that and said that shweta and warren were the ones who saved the day.
“well that’s because angela is the mole! she can’t do good! she’s evil!” in later cases (and seasons), both shweta and warren also became killers as well. how come they get credited with this but all that they can say about angela here is that she was “determined”? regardless of her connections with sombra, angela was the one who CREATED the cure.
“angela only worked on finding that cure because lars got infected!” even before lars got sick, they were BOTH working on it together. yes, it was obviously a factor as to why angela was determined to find the cure, but of course no sane person would want a virus like that to plague an entire country. and she’s a scientist. it’s her job. and imagine trying to find a cure knowing that someone you love’s life is on the line and only that cure would save them: there was a ton of pressure on her part during that case, more so when lars got infected too.
“but angela is sombra, she must’ve wanted that to happen since sombra’s motto is that the weak die! she’s probably been helping o.m medilab too!” she probably was aware of what o.m medilab was doing given her ties with sombra, but she seemed to be most likely against it, given that she’s in the medical field and that their actions harmed a lot of people. here’s another overlooked detail, this time in bad medicine:
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if angela wasn’t against the crimes that o.m medilab had done, she wouldn’t have told elliot that dracoxia is dangerous. this may have been another case of “angela pretending to help so that the bureau wouldn’t think she’s the mole”, but if she wasn’t genuine she would’ve told elliot surface-level information about the drug. she could’ve omitted the part about how the pills weren’t tested yet and claim plausible deniability if they confronted her about it. but she still told him EVERYTHING she knew. she was clearly against their actions from the start.
“but angela’s loyal to sombra!” that’s another pet peeve i have in tv tropes’ perception of angela. the fans who put her tropes there think that she is completely loyal to sombra even though she disagrees with some of their methods and that lars is her ‘morality pet’. i really couldn’t blame them because pretty simple had written her poorly in the darkest hour, but i don’t think she was actually THAT loyal to sombra at all. she was just afraid of disobeying them because of the harm they could do to her and her family so she had to comply. and when she got arrested, everyone in the bureau was basically aware that sombra was everywhere at that point so angela had to put on this act that she did agree with sombra.
look at the sequence of events in save the world. in south asia, angela created a cure to a virus that o.m medilab, a sombra front, bought from shweta, then the bureau found out that said sombra front was embezzling funds. in east asia, the bureau discovered sombra’s child trafficking scheme, something angela was CLEARLY AGAINST to the point she feared for her children’s lives. (what didn’t help was that sombra was the one who initially took her in in the first place when her parents died, so the investigation probably made her remember her own trauma in the murder games and the death of her parents.) then in oceania, the bureau found out about the experimentation they did to the children who won the hunt, something that angela wasn’t aware about because it had never happened to her when she was raised by sombra. add the fact that elliot, their teenager colleague, was kidnapped as well.
after everything she had discovered, angela had enough. she probably wanted out of sombra that time. which is why sombra made the bureau’s plane crash in africa to keep her in line. to threaten her.
i’m not trying to say that angela didn’t do anything wrong. i just think that she isn’t as bad as people make her out to be. she clearly knows what’s right and what’s wrong, even if she wasn’t married to lars. she just had to make a lot of difficult choices that time just to protect herself and her family. players know her for all those choices and for all the bad things she did, but fail to acknowledge the good things that she actually did do. i mean girlie won a whole NOBEL PRIZE for god’s sake, which in real life is difficult especially for a woc like her. and even if she did it out of guilt, she created this whole charity to help orphans and adopted children, and it’s even deeper when we acknowledge the fact that she herself became an orphan.
TLDR: angela committed crimes and did a lot of bad things, but whether you like her or not, she still did some good things as well. don’t ignore or downplay that just so that she could fit into this villain narrative.
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shadowmaat · 1 month
Jedi Service Corps
The Legends-fueled propaganda of "bad students get sent to the Agricorp/Services" has always bothered me. First of all, forcing kids into a career not of their choosing isn't the best way to encourage them to perform well.
The Services in general seem to get a bad rap, and TBH it's kind of bizarre to assume that every kid who winds up being taken in by the Jedi wants to grow up to be a cop. LOL!
There is so much untapped potential being ignored, and even within the four pseudo-canon branches there's a lot to explore.
Agriculture. Farmers Without Borders. LOL! It isn't just about growing plants, it's about analyzing trends, understanding ecosystems, geology, climatology, politics, etc. There's mechanical engineering so you know how to fix the machines that do the hardest labor (often illegally, given corporate software locks and so forth). Probably a lot of fiddly stuff with plant genetics, too, given similar issues with seed corporations.
Being Jedi, I'm sure they're also aware of the need to include "ornamental" plants to help with the emotional welfare of hurting/devastated populations.
Education. This field must be fucking wild. Sure, you have your future creche masters and archivists, but I imagine there are those who do public outreach, too, and go to schools to teach kids about what the Jedi do beyond waving laser swords. There's probably also a need for teachers in isolated/rural areas to help with basic things like reading, writing, and maths. Ditto areas devastated by wars and natural disasters, where kids need a safe distraction from trauma. I bet Educorp and Agricorp team up more often than people might think.
There's also the sheer variety of topics. Even something basic like history will have a wide net. Galactic history, region-specific, planetary, etc. And then there's the arts. Music, singing, dance, physical media, holo media, theatre, and so much more. There will be differences between species, understanding what they need to know, how they learn best, and what their aging process is like. Teachers to cover the full range of mortal maturity, from teaching toddlers to old-timers. And don't get me started on teaching "forbidden" topics in repressive communities.
Medical. LOL. Every. Single. Species. And often subtypes between them. So many specialists needed. And again, you probably have a number that specialize in helping in disaster areas. Hello, Educorp, let's help teach these people how to best care for themselves. Maybe Agricorp can help with showing folks how to purify their air and water. There must be SO many diseases, some of which have inoculations and so that don't. And again, figuring ways to smuggle medicine and supplies to those who need it despite the extortionist rates corporations charge. Repairing faulty equipment, finding work-arounds when the parts aren't there. Triage. Using the Force to help heal is all well and good, but sometimes they still have to get hands-on.
Even with non-emergency stuff, I imagine they're still kept busy. The idea of a Jedi "country doctor" settled in some remote area sounds delightful. Communities that get "lost" in the shuffle or otherwise overlooked. Veterinary medicine as a sub-specialty.
Jedi having a special "knack" for determining what's wrong with someone, finding early warning signs before it's too late, etc. Comforting the dying. Comforting the survivors. ALL the mental health stuff and neurodivergence.
Exploration. Jedi Starfleet. LOL! It isn't all about discovering new worlds, though. Sometimes it's rediscovering planets and cultures that have been forgotten. Charting new hyperlane routes and hoping the end doesn't pop you out in the middle of a star.
I betcha you could fold so many things into this one. Botany. Archaeology. Xenoanthropology. Medicine, of course, since new worlds/people means new poisons, venoms, and diseases. New or ancient languages? It'd help to have someone around who could work on translating. Diplomats to help you talk to people. Geologists. Zoologists. A bit of everything.
Sure, there'd be room for solo missions, but I imagine there'd be bigger ships that they'd launch from. A place to come back to so the brains can pore over everything you brought back and see what they can determine from it. And big ships (or any ships really) means pilots, engineers, general crew, logistics, and all those fun things.
Anyway, I can see plenty of room for additional corps, too, but of the ones that get mentioned in Legends there's still a huge playing field.
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wlwsuperheroine · 1 year
I’m obsessed with this scene from eclipse lake
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Some might see it as comedy or a visual gag on the word play of the ‘common mold’ or they might see it as foreshadowing to Luz’s death, which is understandable since she turns into a mold-like cluster.
But I think it’s deeper than that. I personally see it as using fungi as symbolism or storytelling tool to Luz’s character and development.
I have 2 points I’d like to make about that, first about Luz herself.
One of, if not, the most distinguishable trait of luz is that she’s human, it’s what sets her apart from all the other boiling isles inhabitants, to the point it became her moniker in a world full of witches and demons to many characters.
And genealogically speaking humans are more related to fungi than any other kingdom, more than even plants. We share nearly 50% of our DNA with fungi, enough for us to contract many of the same viruses a they do.
so putting the scientific perspective on the side let’s take a look at the poetic point of view.
Due to the fact that fungi’s main purpose in our ecosystem is to break down living matter and release other substances into the soil and atmosphere, they have always been a symbol for rebirth and resurrection, reincarnation and rejuvenation and regeneration.
Which yes might eludes to the finale where luz literally died and came back to life but you could also see it as luz being rebirthed into the boiling isles. There she started a new life, with a new family to love, a new house to live in, a new dream to look up to, new relationships to make and maintain, basically a brand new life.
Last thing, like luz, mycology and mycologists have always been overlooked and unappreciated, even in the scientific community. According to an article published in the guardian, fungi weren’t seen as their own kingdom of life until the 60s. Mycologists were put in a corner of the plant sciences department, rather than in their own fungal sciences department. And you could see how neglecting that must feel. But while being overlooked like fungi, mycology thrived in the dark and the damp.
The second point I’d like to make is not the fungi’s relation to luz herself but to her magic or at least how she uses magic i.e. glyphs.
We know glyphs are the first and oldest form of magic, just like how fungi was the first organism to come to life on earth. And as shown in the show, where different characters used glyphs at some point, that it’s very versatile, it’s very flexible they have a lot of uses and advantages even if many looked at glyphs with condescending disdain at first, we can’t ignore it’s potential.
Which it’s very similar to the strides fungi and mycologist are doing in the industry. Fungi’s application can be found in food, medicine, textiles, fibres, packaging materials, and there are some great research being made to use it as biofuel. And it’s not done, it’s no near being done in the field, and just like how we finished the series with luz discovering new glyphs, scientists all around the world are discovering new fungal species on a daily basis. The future is fungal.
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I am Kind not Complacent Chpt 6
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Chpt 6 is up now! hope you enjoy!
word count: 3k
pairing: kiddos! Heimdall x fem! reader
A/N: sorry this guy is a little short! hope you all enjoy!
@engardeitsme @lunaryasha @nokolla hope you guys like it!💜✨
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 Mimir had decided to teach Yn outside today, in hopes the visuals of the flora would aid in his lesson. The girl was excited when he told her to bring her things out into the field and they sat on a bench that overlooked the garden, beyond the training grounds.
He held a sample in his hand of small pink flowers with purple veins etched into the petals, along with green scalloped leaves, covered in peach fuzz.   
“ now then, lass. As you may already know, the local flora where we travel can be hazardous. We talked about this last week.”
Yn nodded, flipping back to her notes taken on Vanaheim’s exploding blue blossoms, and dart-shooting flowers. She had always known to be wary of such things.
“However some, like this little fella,” he shook the contents in his hands gently, “ can be of great use as well. Here in Asgard, this is called mallow.” He placed a piece of his sample in front of the girl, encouraging her to inspect it. Yn smiled and picked up the flower, admiring its vibrant color. It reminded her of something. 
“ What does this one do, Mimir?” She asked, holding a flower tenderly.
“ This,” He twiddled a flower between his thumb and forefinger, “ is a useful tool for common ailments. It is used to make teas or tinctures that soothe the throat, it helps with stomach problems, and the leaves are used for moist dressings on open wounds.” Yn gazed at the plant, amazed at how versatile it was. She smiled as she tore a leaf in half and a milky white substance started to spill.
“So many uses! Does it taste like anything?” She asked as she dipped her finger in. He chuckled and urged her to taste. The sap was floral and slightly sweet. Yn smiled as she put some flowers in her book and started writing new notes. Mimir continued to speak.
“Every part of the plant is edible, down to the routes. People have even started making treats for taste alone instead of medicinal use. Truly a very useful specimen.” Mimir sat across from the girl, waiting for her to finish writing before he continued. He turned his head to see Odin and Heimdall walking past, towards the wall. 
“Ah, All-Father. A pleasure to see you as always.” Mimir waved, and Odin nodded with a small smile, pausing to speak with the satyr. 
“Likewise, Mimir. Studies going well little one?” He looked down at the girl with a grin and she met his gaze, smiling back up at him. 
“Yes, All-Father. I hope to be able to help you soon after Mimir has taught me enough to be of use.” 
“Ah! Good, good. That’s what I like to hear! Heimdall could learn a bit from your go-getting attitude.” Yn was not blind to the way Heimdall seemed to stiffen slightly at the sentence, and looked back at Odin, closing her journal. 
“Heimdall has encouraged me to work hard for the greater good of Asgard.” she offered, hoping to make Odin see how much his son cared about being the heir of Aesir. “He is very impressive, and I hope to be strong like him soon. He is very passionate about his duty. You should be proud.” She flashed a smile. Heimdall flushed down to his neck and swallowed, while Mimir stood in silent shock, fearing the All-Father’s reaction. Odin burst into laughter, resting his hand on the girl’s head and ruffling her hair into a bird's nest. 
“Mimir! Have you been giving this girl your spunk?” he calmed into soft chuckles. Mimir chuckled nervously, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry, All-Father, the two have been getting along better it seems. Isn’t that grand?” Odin smiled and tutted at Mimir. 
“I’m only teasing dear friend.” he looked down at Yn, “It is great that you are both getting along better. I hope you can continue to learn from each other.” He rested a hand on the boy’s shoulder and looked down at him with a proud expression. Heimdall looked up at his father and gave him a firm nod, but Yn knew inside his heart was rattling with excitement at his father’s words. 
“Thank you, All-Father,” he spoke stiffly and turned to give Yn a curt bow. “And thank you, for your kind words, Lady Yn…” his voice trailed off and he looked down at his shoes, the tips of his ears pink.
“Right then,” Odin nodded to Mimir. “ we must be going, working on Heimdall’s enhanced sight and honing today. But may I speak to you tonight, Mimir?” The satyr nodded, knowing it wasn’t truly a question. 
“Of course All-Father”
“Grand! Oh and one more thing” he looked back at the girl, “ I have a guest waiting for you in my study, someone to aid Mimir in your studies and make you feel more at home. I’m only sorry she wasn’t back from her mission sooner.” With one last pat on the head, he walked off towards the wall with his son, leading him by the shoulder. Yn turned to Mimir, her face falling into a small frown.
“ What’s he talking about?” she asked, head tilted. Mimir chuckled and started collecting the materials he had brought out.
“ You’ll find out. Come on then, pack your things, and let's get to the study. We have a guest.” Yn frowned at Mimir’s cryptic answer and grabbed her notebooks tucking a few more samples between the pages.
“What guest?”
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Mimir guided Yn to the double doors of Odin’s study and she could feel his nerves start to bubble.
“Mimir, are you ok?” she asked, looking up at him. His anxiousness was rubbing off on her and it made her start to buzz as she looked at the doors, trying to calm herself. “I-is the guest someone scary?”
“Eh well… that’s a bit subjective, lass.” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. Noticing the girl’s fidgeting, he cleared his throat and patted her head. “But you have nothing to worry about. She doesn’t like me too much, but I wanted you to meet her. After all, “his eyes shined with mischief, “you’re both from Vanaheim.” He smiled down at the girl before knocking at the door. The girl’s eyes widened, as she bounced on the balls of her feet realizing who was waiting for her on the other side.
“Come in. Or do you plan to stand behind there all day?” Mimir huffed and pushed the doors open. Yn’s eyes immediately fell on the Valkyrie standing tall in the center of the room, her wings gleaming like spun gold as they caught the orange shine of candlelight. Her helmet lay on the main desk but her armor still gleamed on her shoulders and knees as she turned to face the two at the door. Yn swallowed thickly, her excitement caught in her throat to the point she could have choked. Yn shrunk, dodging to hide behind Mimir as he guided her closer to the goddess. 
“You’re majesty! Odin told me you would be waiting for us!” she turned to look at Mimir with a frown, pointing her sword out to keep him at blade’s length away. 
“Not for you, old goat.” she glanced down at the girl hidden behind the satyr, a brow raised. Yn shivered, peering up at her, unsure of what to do. “Go on then.” the goddess encouraged, “Introduce yourself. A young goddess should not cower. Others will think you easy to fool.” Yn swallowed and stepped out from behind Mimir, bowing deeply as her fingers trembled over her books. 
“G-goddess Freyja, o-or um my queen? I-I am honored to meet you” Her voice trembled and her cheeks grew hot, the room starting to spin. She swallowed and straightened, forcing herself to look her in the eyes. “I am the Goddess of peace and logic! A-and I am not easy to fool!” the queen looked down at Yn, before snorting and lowering her sword from Mimir. 
“Is that so?” she asked, sheathing her sword and folding her arms. Yn swallowed and shuffled in place. “That’s good in a place like Asgard. You never know who may not have your best interests at heart.” she glared at Mimir from the corner of her eye. He simply accepted the attack, knowing there was nothing he could say to disprove the fact he had tricked her all those years ago to leave her home. Yn looked between the two, feeling the tension of a drawn bow between the two of them. She wanted to ask Mimir about it later. However, right now, she was enamored with the presence of the Vanir goddess.
“I-I hope so, your Highness…goddess Freyja… Valkyrie queen… ma’am?” Yn stumbled over her words. Unlike when she had met the All-Father, or Thor or Hiemdall, this truly felt like she was meeting a god, one from her realm, connected. Yes, they had met once before, but even then, Yn could only remember being too in awe to speak as she bandaged the goddess’ wounds and brought her rations. She was even younger then and still felt like the luckiest little girl in the world to be able to aid the Vanir goddess in her fight against the Asgardians all those hundreds of years ago. Even when she agreed to the truce and her people looked down on her for it, Yn could only think of how brave Freyja was for leaving her home. She grieved the goddess’s absence. And the fact that she was here, standing before her, felt like a dream. 
Freya smirked at the barrage of names thrown at her and shook her head. “The people here call me Frigg or Vanadis, queen of the valkyries…but,” she trailed off, leaning down to the girl, “when it’s just you and I, I suppose Freyja is alright.”
 “Really? I can call you just… Freya?” Mimir looked like he wanted to intervene, but with a warning glare from the Vanir goddess, he frowned with a huff, deciding against it. He crossed his arms, taking a step back from the two. 
“Well, I was going to introduce you two. Make a grand show of it too!” He sighed, his shoulders drooping in defeat. “But I suppose there’s no point now. Yn, her ladyship wanted to meet you sooner but was on a mission. From now on, we will both be teaching you. Odin hoped this would help you feel a bit less homesick. Does this arrangement work for you?” Yn nodded excitedly, looking between the two of them. “You’re both going to teach me? What will you teach me, Queen Freyja?’ the woman shrugged, a cocky grin on her face.
“Just things only a fellow Vanir could teach you. Magix and potions and transformations. Does this interest you?” She asked nonchalantly, and Yn felt dizzy from how fast she nodded her head, she couldn’t wait to tell Heimdall. Still, she felt herself unworthy of such a luxury.
“Why do you want to do all this for me?” she asked, her voice going softer as she looked up at Freyja. The goddess’s smile just barely faltered. Odin had tasked her with teaching the girl to control her magic and see how it works, to be better able to control it in the future. Still, she had known the girl when she was even younger than this and had always regretted not taking her under her wing sooner. If only they hadn’t met during the heat of war.
“Well,” Freyja started, eyeing Mimir, who looked back at her from behind the girl with a sad but stiff expression. “ who better to teach you? The most annoying man in the realms over there?” she pointed at Mimir, eliciting a small giggle from the girl.
“Oi!” Mimir barked but softened as he too heard the little girl’s laughter. Freyja ignored him, her eyes softening at the innocence of the girl in front of her. She felt a kinship that could not be acted on without war to wedge them away from one another.
“Or I? A fellow Vanir…After all,” Freya rested a hand on the girl’s shoulder, “we are practically sisters.”
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“Heimdall it was amazing!” the girl ranted, pacing back and forth in the boy’s room as she recounted her day after meeting the Vanir goddess. “She’s so strong and she knows so much! She already started teaching me about brewing potions with the flowers that Mimir was teaching me about! It's like everything is coming together!” 
Heimdall let the girl be, his eyes lazily following her as she spun across his room. His mind buzzed at the events of his day. He needed to get a word in. but for now he just listened.
“ I mean she must have taught you many things too! We should go to a lesson together!”
“Actually, no,” he stated simply, “ we don’t talk much… and I don’t care too much about changing that.” he shrugged, leaning back in his chair. The girl halted her pacing and turned to look at Heimdall quizzically. He frowned at the thoughts he could hear become annoyingly loud. 
“Step-mother. Let’s get that clear. And I have no interest in learning Vanir magix, it’s beneath me as an Asir.” the girl frowned.
“So then I must be beneath you too, then?”
“Even though we’re friends?” the boy faltered, looking away. 
“We’re not friends… we’re acquaintances.” Yn snorted, crossing her arms. 
“Well seeing as how you always come crying to me, I feel that makes us at least equals, wouldn’t you say?” She smirked, waiting for an answer. Heimdall glared back at her, conjuring a retort, but they would all be redundant. She unfortunately had a point. He finally smirked and shook his head. 
“Fine. equals then.” the girl smiled, satisfied, and it made Heimdall feel lighter.
“So then,” she plopped down in her own seat across from him, “how was your day. Did you see things that were very far away?” she asked with a giggle, holding her hands up to her eyes like a pair of binoculars, he swatted her hands down with a snort, shaking his head.
“It’s more than that! I need to be able to see all things nearly simultaneously so I catch threats before they happen. It’s-”
“ “A very important job” Yes, I know, I’m only teasing.” she smiled, putting her hands down. Heimdall rolled his eyes at the girl, but couldn’t put away the smile that tugged at his cheeks. “ but other than that, how did it go? Was Odin happy with you?” Heimdall’s face fell slightly as he remembered the way his father’s face hardened as they walked away from Yn and Mimir, his thoughts racing about how proud of Heimdall he was, but also a heavy concern, and paranoia. 
“Well,” Heimdall scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact as the girl frowned at him, worried. “He was happy that I seemed to care about my work… but um,” he swallowed before turning to the girl. “Did you use your powers?” her eyes widened to saucers.
“What? No! I-I don’t think so…” she faltered slightly, her body shrinking in her chair, “I-I don’t know. I wasn’t trying to…” Heimdall swallowed at her answer, fidgeting in his own seat. 
“He… His mind was racing… he thought you were in his head, and he wasn’t happy…” Yn was silent and Heimdall urged her, “Are you sure you weren’t trying to suggest anything to him?” the girl nodded, adamantly, and for some reason, Heimdall trusted her. 
“I really was just telling the truth. I know how much you care about being a good heir to the royal family… and how much you care about Asgard. Even if you are a bit pompous about it.” she smiled sheepishly as Heimdall’s brow twitched. “ and I was also being honest about how you inspire me to work hard. So that we can be equals.” she offered with a shy little grin, fidgeting with her fingers. Heimdall felt his cheeks flushed despite his better judgment and he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Y-yeah? Well…” he composed himself and straightened his posture. “You have a long way to go with that, Songbird.” she snorted, tilting her head.
“I thought it a bit better than squawking raven. Even though you can still be one of those as well.” she giggled, shaking her head.
“Oh yeah? Well, you’re still a weasel.” she squealed as he threw a pillow from his bed at her. 
“I am not a weasel.”
“Said the weasel.” he huffed, standing up. 
“Alright. I think it’s time for you to go.” she giggled as Heimdall walked to his door, expecting her to follow. She grabbed her things and obliged.
“OK, ok. Oh! One more thing!” she flipped through her notebook, falling to the page where she had some loose samples of mallow. Yn closed the book, tucking it under her arm, and grabbed Heimdall’s hand, placing it gently in his palm. “I learned about this plant today with Mimir. The petals reminded me of you.” she smiled softly, collecting the rest of her things before opening the door. “I know you look down on Vanir magic. But I’m going to see if I can learn to make something for your headaches. You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to. But I'll try anyway, okay?” Heimdall didn’t respond, staring at the flower in his hand. The girl rolled her eyes with a little grin. “Bye Heimdall. My door will be unlocked like it always is. Goodnight.” She bowed slightly before gently shutting the door. Heimdall listened to her footfalls go across the hall into her room, his vision still focused on the little flower in his hand. Vibrant pink with streaks of violet. Just like his eyes. 
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eternal-echoes · 9 months
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A Florida woman who medically transitioned from female to male as a 14-year-old is suing the American Academy of Pediatrics — alleging she was whisked through the process as a minor by “a collection of actors who prioritized politics and ideology over children’s safety, health, and well-being.” Isabelle Ayala, now 20, is also suing her doctors in Rhode Island in a first of its kind case, filed in Providence/Bristol County Superior Court. “I just really don’t want this to happen to other vulnerable young girls,” Ayala, who lives in Wellington, Florida, told The Post. “I don’t want puberty to be the enemy. I don’t want our natural biology to be the enemy.” ... Ayala says she was sexually assaulted as a child and began precocious puberty at age 8 — both experiences she says made her resent her femininity and believe she was better off male. “I decided to transition because of just a series of unfortunate things that I had tied to being female. And those things made me hate being female,” Ayala said. At 11, she found solace in the transgender activist community on Tumblr, and thought, “This is going to fix me.” She learned from trans activists that fabricating suicidal ideation is a surefire way to get a testosterone prescription quickly. So, at age 14 she did just that: “I learned that from the internet that… I had to convince [my doctors and family] that if they don’t affirm me, I’m gonna kill myself.” Ayala said she was referred to a gender clinic and diagnosed with gender dysphoria by transgender health expert Dr. Jason Rafferty. According to the lawsuit, he determined she “would benefit from being put on cross-sex hormones” in a single visit that lasted less than an hour. ... Ayala alleges that her previous diagnoses of autism, ADHD and PTSD were largely overlooked by her healthcare providers. The lawsuit claims her doctors “falsely represented that cross-sex hormone therapy was the only treatment option available to Isabelle to effectively treat her gender dysphoria, as well as her anxiety, depression, PTSD and suicidality.” Less than a year into treatment, Ayala said, she actually did attempt suicide. “She was a guinea pig under one of the top experts in this field of so-called gender medicine,” Bolar said. “She was hitting rock bottom, and he continued to put her down this experimental path of medicine.” By age 17, in 2020, Ayala felt the urge to begin presenting femininely again. A YouTuber who had detransitioned inspired her to identify as a woman again — and she soon realized her transition had been a massive mistake. Three years on, according to the lawsuit, she still struggles with unwanted body hair, vaginal atrophy and an altered bone structure from the testosterone. “She has since contracted Hashimotos’s disease, an autoimmune disease that only the males in her family have a history of, from taking testosterone,” the suit claims.
The emphasis is mine.
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unabashedly-so · 11 months
⚜️ SDV Elliott HC ⚜️
Elliott's family...
Content warning: One-off mentions of homophobic/biphobic microaggressions, alcohol, abusive parents, child favoritism.
I came up with a short story that keeps getting longer about Elliott bringing his partner back to meet his parents (not necessarily by his choice) and confronting a lot of what he'd left behind. The refrain is "To be loved is to be changed," and also part of the resolution is Elliott and his partner totally have nasty revenge sex in his parent's old money country club.
Y'know, therapeutically.
Laurel - 36yo (older sister) - currently a lawyer/attorney in a large city not far from home. She's a very serious person, but not to the point of sternness or coldness. In contrast, she's actually very warm, especially to her siblings, but she's kindly ruthless in her pursuit of what she feels she should pursue. She and Elliott grew up rather close and Elliott idolized her a lot of his childhood, preferring her company over the company of other boys/kids because he felt he could be unabashedly himself around her. She still calls Elliott "Ellie" "Lelly" "Lellit" (Elliott as a toddler would say his name like "Lellit" because all his siblings names started with L so he thought his did too.)
...So anyway here's Elliott's family made for a story that I'll probably never actually get around to writing. "Spoilers" for the story and character growth are in the parentheses at the end for his parents. Also, no they don't have last names because that feels weird.
Loren - 34yo (older brother) - currently a stocks trader or something, but it's not his passion. He mainly does it to make money so he can indulge in his hobbies--traveling, and collecting calculators and typewriters. He has taken Elliott on some of his travels but he's a bit distant emotionally, very much someone who gets lost in his own head, but unlike Elliott, he doesn't really care to share it with others. There are moments of good connection between him and Elliott, but it's a lot of work to get those moments, so Elliott stopped trying to force it. As a kid, Loren was a typically older brother to him and antagonized him appropriately. Elliott was appropriately a younger brother to him when he wasn't dangling off of Laurel. As older siblings, they did share some commonalities that they bonded on, like sharing books, and he was a good listener for Elliott's story ideas.
Elliott - 32yo - as the middle child with two very successful older siblings, Elliott is often overlooked by his parents. There's no incredible pressure for him to be wealthy or successful, but that doesn't mean they aren't disappointed nonetheless. As a child, he was imaginative, creative, and loved to be the center of attention when he had a good story to tell. Otherwise, he was rather quiet. His mother likes to joke that Elliott was the "baby" of the family for 8 years and he's never once forgotten it, saying that he needs more coddling than most, as he was always so attached to his older sister, Laurel.
Samuel - 24yo (younger brother) - very much The Accident. Susannah tells everyone he dropped out of medical school to go practice field medicine in war torn Gotoro. In actuality, he's currently living off the family's fortunes (and Loren's kindness) "finding himself". Elliott's relationship with Samuel is a bit distant, mainly due to the age gap. Elliott is fond of his youngest brother and has fond memories with him, but it was always tainted by a perceptible difference with how he was treated vs. Elliott and the rest of the kids.
Susannah - mother - Motherly but outsourced much of the emotional work to servants. She does care for her children and wants the best for them, but like her husband, very much thinks that they can only be happy in the ways that she comes up for them. Her main style of communication is through double-entendres and snide, passive aggressive remarks. ie, if Elliott brings home a wife, she'll remark, "Oh Elliott, I knew you'd find the right girl to fix you right up!" (talking about his bi/gayness) Laurel followed Susannah's hopes for her, so Laurel is the golden child in her mind. Loren does well for himself and doesn't cause any trouble so he's another good egg. Elliott... well, she doesn't quite understand the path he's chosen. She thinks he's too in-his-own-head for his own good. She tells him to be more like Loren all the time directly, and indirectly reveres Laurel to him. (It's revealed that Killian barely supported her in her raising the kids, which was why she outsourced so much of their raising, because she couldn't handle it on her own and knew it wouldn't be good enough. She also comes around to accepting she doesn't understand Elliott's path in life AND that that's okay as long as he's happy and taken care of. She also says that she and Sir Killian have been seeing a marriage counselor (their "advising consultant") for years and she's so sorry she didn't do it sooner.)
Sir Killian - father - very hands off with the kids. Led by stern example, but not cruel, just not accepting of deviation from his expectations. One-on-one and in private, he can be very warm and caring, even jovial and soft. But there's a military history, one that he's not escaped and comes through in much of his interactions and the persona he puts off. "Sir" comes from that experience. He appears quietly disappointed all the time that none of his children took up the mantle of military service. (It is later revealed that he did not partake in childrearing or supporting Susannah in it because he knew the father he would be was not the father his kids deserved--his father was militant, alcoholic, abusive, etc. He shares that he regrets not even trying, but at the same time, sees how it was a benefit. He shares that he is actually relieved that none of his children went into military service and that his experience made him very anti-war, but coming out with those views would have excommunicated him from his family, and he felt he had to uphold that connection for fear of not being able to provide for his family.)
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fantasywhumpco · 4 months
I feel like the whumpy potential of pregnancy and childbirth is really overlooked, so I decided to make a list of pregnancy-related whump scenarios!
Note: this list is about things that naturally happen during pregnancy/birth, including medical complications, but does not contain anything relating to violence against a pregnant person (I...am making another post for that because I got inspired).
The whumpee's vision starts to blur as their blood pressure drops. Something feels off in their breathing. They can breathe, it's just not quite right. Their head starts to spin and suddenly they're falling until they wake up on the ground.
The very thought of a food the whumpee normally loves makes them feel sick to their stomach. So sick they feel like they might never eat again.
The whumpee sighing in relief as they finally sit down, lifting the extra weight and pressure off their knees and hips and back.
The whumpee tossing and turning all night because they just can't find a comfortable position. Their eyes aching with tiredness the following day, a dull headache forming as they get more and more desperate to crawl into bed and sleep.
The whumpee, in labor, delirious from blood loss and frantically asking what's wrong as they're rushed into an OR.
Emergency! field medicine! C-section!
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
would it be alright to request the rfa + saeran with an MC who’s in school to be a veterinary neurologist? basically brain surgeon but for animals^^ tysm!
I think Yoosung will be pleasantly surprised and very inspired by you. He's in college studying veterinary medicine himself, but, at the point of you joining the RFA, he lost the previous fire he held for his degree. Of course, his issues lie way deeper than simply finding his degree uninteresting or useless, but the point still stands: he feels rather apathetic towards his studies. He feels like nothing he's doing in his university makes any difference, and his expectations for his future are bleak, to say the least. So, to learn that you are studying in the same field as him, all while maintaining the goal you are working towards... it's somewhat inspiring to him. But, there might be some insecurity mixed in there as well. He can't help but compare himself to you - a trait he is, unfortunately, very guilty of - and that never ends well for him. It makes him feel somewhat inadequate to realize that he just doesn't share the same drive and passion you seem to possess for your goal. Of course, he only sees the best parts of your experience, overlooking all the struggles and tribulations you have to deal with on a daily basis as well. But, as you two grow closer, you help him realize that his main problem is not as surface level as he thinks. You motivate him to treat himself kinder, with more genuine care to his needs. And, with time, he will find his drive again. You two will definitely have a ton of study dates together. Who knows, maybe you'll end up even working at the same vet clinic? That wouldn't be out of the question for you guys. It's nice to have someone who understands what you're daily life is like, and you can babble to him all about your study life, without having to go into too much detail. It's like you're a team of two. Needless to say, I think this will make you grow even closer to one another in the long run.
Zen would be very impressed. Having never attended college after running away from home, he has a great deal of admiration for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to obtain a degree. And, studying to become a veterinary neurologist? That sounds like it takes a whole lot of work! He will immediately feel a good deal of respect towards you once he learns this. He doesn't know much about animals, nor did he ever own a pet of his own (since he spends most of his time at work, and his finances are not as stable as he'd like them to be), but he knows how precious pets can be to people. There is no suspicion in his heart since the first moment you joined the RFA, but even the tiniest bit of it goes out the window with this new fact he learns. Someone who works so hard for such a noble cause cannot be a bad person in his eyes. I think Zen's support will be mostly noticeable on the emotional side of things. He can't understand a word you're speaking most of the time you're sharing some story from your studies, but he does ask you about your day regardless. If you're feeling stressed out or overworked, he's there in a flash. You don't have to worry about a thing when the time comes to study for your exams: he makes sure you're taking breaks, eat tasty and nutritious food, and he keeps your place all neat and clean for you. And, if you're feeling anxious or unsure of yourself? Well, I'm glad to tell you that Zen is the best cheerleader you can get. He's able to put a smile on your face and lift your worries every time you're feeling down. Probably because he knows what's it like to doubt your own abilities, and he knows what you'd like to hear in that moment of vulnerability. Just like he promised you, you two will support one another on your own individual paths in life, giving each other strength when it's needed. And, you bet he'll throw the biggest celebration once you finally graduate. The guy will probably be even more excited for you than you are. He's kind of like a golden retriever in that way. 
I don't think she would have much of a reaction initially. It's just yet another piece of information she'll write down about you, as you slowly start getting to know one another. Jaehee's worldview was heavily influenced by her highly unsupportive environment, and she projects that worldview onto everyone else, unless she is explicitly proven wrong. She went to university and got a job because that's what was expected of her, and because that was the only way she wouldn't get looked down upon by her environment. And, she excelled at both of those things, but, at the end of the day, she holds no spiritual nor emotional attachment to her current job or her time studying. I think she'll be a bit taken aback once she sees that you are genuinely passionate about what you are pursuing. What differentiates her from Yoosung, who feels very insecure about his uncertain future, is that Jaehee has long since accepted that this is all that her life is ever going to be. At least, she thinks she did. She'll be a bit envious of your drive, sure, but there are no comparisons or depressing thoughts in her mind. She'll just conclude that you are different from her, that is all. Now, as your bond grows stronger over time, and you help her find that self-love she was lacking all these past years, things will change. Jaehee finds the inner courage to believe in herself and her dreams, despite what everyone around her may think. She is no longer afraid of being perceived in a negative light. And, with that new fire in her eyes, your passion now starts actively motivating her. It's kind of sweet, really. While your tireless work encourages Jaehee to fight for her dream, Jaehee's newfound boldness in what she does inspires you to do the same. It's like you two are each other's source of motivation when things get tough. While you may not end up working side by side, Jaehee will always make sure to treat you to the best coffee and snacks she can find. Her cafe is a perfect place for you to study in peace, with occasional kisses on the cheek as a bonus.
Jumin will be impressed. We all know how much genuine love and care he possesses for animals, so, needless to say, he holds a lot of respect for those who dedicate their livelihoods to making sure that no animal has to live in pain. I actually think this will make him come to trust you a little bit quicker! This man has a major soft spot for animals, and he even explicitly states that he believes that a person who loves animals cannot be bad. Especially cats. Overall, this wouldn't affect your relationship with him much, but he will be interested in learning more about your studies in detail. I won't be surprised if he's fairly knowledgeable in a lot of things concerning animal health, so you might gain a new companion to discuss these niche things with. Jumin is no stranger to most of the terminology you use, so you don't have to feel awkward about explaining every other word that slips out of you without thinking. And, what he doesn't know, he's more than willing to learn. I think talking with you about these things will make him come to respect you even more. You are clearly passionate about your goal, and he cannot overlook that. When it comes to the already established relationship with him, I'd say he's the proudest partner you can find. Will definitely talk his father's ears off about how lovely he thinks you are, and how hard you're working to reach your goal, and how admirable that is. Reporters will get the same treatment. Jumin Han is in love, and he is not ashamed of showing it on full display.
I don't think he'll have much of a reaction at first. He already knows what you are studying before you have a chance to say it yourself, but, at the beginning, it's just another fact he'll record about you, same as with Jaehee. It's not until you start expressing your personal feelings towards your studies that he first gets intrigued and wants to know more. He'll probably joke around and make some silly memes at the start, as he's fully in his 707 persona at the time. Will probably joke about you being a good example for Yoosung to follow, as he has lost all his motivation for his studies. He'll also pretend to be a sick kitty you have to cure, either on a call with you or in the chat. You know, your usual Seven shenanigans. Now, as you two grow closer, he will form a genuine appreciation and admiration towards you. He already views you as a very good person, so you studying to help animals and owners in need is just another testament to that in his point of view. You are way better than him. Your hands are meant to heal and help, while his are caked in blood and sin. These thoughts keep buzzing at the back of his mind, even as he finds himself grinning widely at you celebrating passing another test in the chatroom. He is genuinely so proud of you and all you do. But, as much as his foolish heart wishes he could be there to celebrate with you in person, he's content to remain in the shadows, where he rightfully belongs. This is something that will add to the conflict you'll have to face in the apartment. But, once that is all behind you, Saeyoung will be your biggest supporter. He gives you a ride to university, always asks about your day, prepares silly little sticky notes to encourage you through your study sessions - he does it all. Meowy will also become your study buddy, as he will program it accordingly to help you out with your work. While he used to admire you afar, now he has nothing to hide. So, be prepared to be doted on and happily twirled around after coming home from your exams.
Saeran has... a very complicated relationship with anything that has to do with medicine. There are many seemingly obvious things that he doesn't know about, and what he does know is often downright wrong or frightening to him. He grew up without any proper healthcare, and Rika has often used hospitals as a scare tactic to him: a place where you get locked up and treated against your will. So, as Ray, he learns so much new information through his research on you. While you are not studying to become a doctor, you are still planning to tie your life to medicine and helping those in need. I think that's what he will focus on mostly. He doesn't understand a lot of things, but he does understand that you have a compassionate heart and a strong spirit. How could he not fall for you? And, as Suit Saeran, he will mock your pursuit in life instead. It won't be that effective, as, yet again, it'll be very painfully obvious that his knowledge of the topic is very limited. But, he will try to spin it in a way that would make you feel bad about yourself. Of course, he will apologize to you and take accountability for his wrongdoings, as he realizes that, in reality, you were always so much brighter and better than him. All Saeran had on his mind was hate and a desire to hurt those beneath him so that nobody could dare lay a hand on him again, while you've put so much effort into becoming someone who will help those who can't help themselves. As GE Saeran, he is the most loving and gentle supporter you can get. Saeran is a pretty clingy partner, but not in a suffocating way, as it could become with Ray. He just wants to be around you, kind of like an affectionate cat. So, while he won't bother you during your study sessions, he will still sit close to you, touching you in one way or another. It could be just your arms touching, or him silently hugging you from behind. The only way this can become a problem for you is the overwhelming urge to cuddle with him instead of focusing on your studies, to which he will chuckle and sheepishly apologize. Saeran will also make sure you're not overworking yourself. He knows better than anyone what's it like to work yourself down to the bone, and he doesn't want that to ever happen to you. So, he'll bring you food, water, and remind you to rest your eyes every so often. Saeran's support is a comforting and quiet one. It makes you feel safe and unafraid of anything, as long as you know you'll have him waiting for you when you return back home.
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By: Aida Cerundolo
Published: Nov 16, 2023
What do forced sterilizations, the Tuskegee experiment, and the Holocaust have in common? They all demonstrate doctors forgetting their commitment to heal humans.
When doctors redirect their priorities to political matters outside the exam room, patient care suffers. That’s why doctors pledging to further social justice initiatives while treating individual humans may be blinded to the risk of harm.
We’ve seen this time and again throughout history. Social Darwinism in the early 20th century, for example, inspired doctors to pursue a genetically fit society through forced sterilizations of the “feeble-minded.” Doctors conducting the Tuskegee experiment to better understand syphilis caused suffering and death by withholding treatment from impoverished black patients. And German doctors motivated by the Nazis’ twisted idea of a better society marked prisoners for death in the mass extermination of Jews.
Why would people trained to heal inflict such pain on their fellow man?
Emboldened by a faith in the latest science and an assumption that certain humans hold less value than others, these doctors overlooked the harm to individuals while zeroing in on a perceived greater good to society. A shift in focus away from the sanctity of every individual is the Achilles' heel of medicine that makes doctors vulnerable to repeating the same mistakes. As Dr. Ashley K. Fernandes explains in " Why Did So Many Doctors Become Nazis? ," “Society is created for the person, not the person for society, and hence the dignity and integrity of the person and her freedom cannot be sacrificed for the sake of society.” Prioritizing the individual is the guardrail that steers medicine away from future carnage.
But it is exactly this shift in focus from the individual to society that social justice advocates demand in the medical field. The American Medical Association carries the social justice torch in its " Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity ," declaring, “Inequities cannot be understood or adequately addressed if we focus only on individuals, their behavior or their biology.” Doctors are told to “confront inequities and dismantle white supremacy, racism, and other forms of exclusion and structured oppression, as well as embed racial justice and advance equity within and across all aspects of health systems.”
Reducing barriers to treatment is necessary to improve healthcare delivery and minimize disparities. But linking immutable characteristics such as skin color with power and privilege in the medical setting rationalizes the distribution of care based on arbitrary factors in the name of a greater good called social justice. This hazards some patients with negatively designated characteristics as being viewed as less valuable than others, potentially impeding the care they need.
The New York State Department of Health prioritized immutable characteristics when recommending that monoclonal antibodies and antivirals to treat COVID-19 be fast-tracked for those of “non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity” because “longstanding systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19.” This approach bypassed patients at risk for severe disease simply because they were born the wrong color.
Despite the illogic of immutable characteristics dictating healthcare, some state medical boards have taken heed of the AMA’s call for mandatory anti-racism lessons and require implicit bias training for doctors to obtain or renew their medical license. Similar courses in medical schools ensure dissemination of the idea that patients be viewed through a racial lens.
The AMA’s strategic plan goes so far as to dissect the white population into even more specific subgroups of oppressors, calling out those who are “wealthy, hetero-, able-bodied, male, Christian, U.S.-born” as keepers of a system that permits their own success at the expense of non-whites and non-Christians. Social power dynamics are described in painstaking detail, while the most important power differential in the exam room — that between the doctor and the patient — is ignored.
Patients must trust that doctors are objective and sincere in their mission to heal, no matter the characteristics of the humans in front of them. Categorizing people as oppressors or oppressed, privileged or deprived, based on skin color, ethnicity, religion, or otherwise, is the start of normalizing their dehumanization, a dangerous practice that has historically resulted in unspeakable horrors. A rejection of labels and a focus on the sanctity of every individual is the only insurance against future barbarity in the name of societal gains.
This is what systemic racism and systemic sexism look like. Activists call it "equity," and it comes with a death toll.
Needs lawsuits.
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systastic · 2 months
Hey, do you mind if we could get 2-3 level 3 simpsons alter packs?— /genq
It’s alright if not, but we’re in a bit of something right now.
this request came out of left field and hit us with a steel chair. (/lh) you bet you can. -❤️
sorry it took so long — we know nothing about the simpsons and had to deep-dive into the wiki! -🌲
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name :: lisa, mary or marie, hazel, wendy, molly, astrid, cleo, margot
age :: 14 to 16
pronouns :: she/her, they/them
roles :: academic (all classes), posier, medicine taker, negotiator, assidumate
species :: human-adjacent
gender identity :: demigirl
orientation :: hard lesbian. boys disgust her
source :: the simpsons
aesthetic :: light academia
appearance description :: hazel is only a few inches shorter than her brother, but he still relentlessly teases her about it. despite her young age, wendy is often dressed up to look her best: a pearl necklace, clean dress, and heels (to make her taller). her hair is well-maintained if not a little frizzy by virtue of genetics. molly keeps her clothes clean, doing her laundry every week without fail and ironing out her shirts and pants to keep them tidy. it does little to stave off the crumbs astrid picks up from sitting down around the house… if only her father didn’t eat so many donuts.
personality description :: being the moral center of her entire family is exhausting, but somehow lisa manages to do it. she is strict on herself and her family, but for good reason — in her eyes, they are incompetent bumbling idiots who desperately need her help. (worse yet? she isn’t entirely wrong!) lisa is highly intelligent, extremely thoughtful with her responses and actions, and is a huge believer in both balance and karma. her voracious appetite for learning has earned her academic and musical accolades alike. being surrounded by idiots (her words, not mine!) can make margot feel isolated from other people in her circle since they don’t always share her tastes. despite that still, hazel sticks to what she knows is right and does her damndest to make the world a better place. and yes, they’ve tried to get their family to help too, but… well, that isn’t an easy task.
likes :: reading long and highly complex novels, daydreaming about her future, playing the saxophone, preparing herself for the real world, looking like an adult (clothes, makeup, and jewelry), malibu stacy dolls, ponies and horses, the itchy and scratchy show
dislikes :: her brother’s antics, being overlooked, not being taken seriously or being treated as “stupid”, people who claim to be superior to her, self-proclaimed intellectuals (they often aren’t very smart)
front triggers :: marching band practice, engaging in a battle of wits, dealing with stupid people, having to appear professional
signoff :: 📚, 🎷, or 🐴
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name :: bartholomew (bart), maxwell (max), quinn, rocky, cedric, nathan (nate)
age :: 15 to 17
pronouns :: he/him
roles :: hobbyist (skateboarding), sportsman, guzzler, coach
species :: human-adjacent
gender identity :: male.
orientation :: gay
source :: the simpsons
aesthetic :: punk, trashy raver, chaotic academia
appearance description :: nate is a rebel with a cause and he knows it! he opts for leather jackets and vests, pop art tees with either pictures or words slapped on front, occasional sunglasses, and jorts. yes, jorts. nobody has stopped him from it before, so why would they stop him now? cedric opts to take his shirt off when he can, like for sporting events, swimming, and costumes among other things. he pretty much always has pants with pockets to stuff his hands into (it gives him that extra cool factor). when not trying to dress up, quinn opts for the good old fashioned t-shirt and shorts combo. oh, and he always wears sneakers. always.
personality description :: to anyone else, nate seems like a normal teenager: a troublemaking little shit who causes mischief and chaos wherever he goes regardless who it’ll end up affecting. in truth, his actions come from a sore lack of attention, prompting him to act out as a way of gaining people’s attention. this has morphed into a practical joker attitude; max plays pranks on people he likes to show that he cares, and pulls mean-spirited ones on those he doesn’t like. while he can be impulsive and selfish at times, bart does give a shit about his family. he tries to help them and offer his support in the only way he knows: pranks and checking up on them, making sure they’re okay and that his wisecracks didn’t leave them worse for wear.
likes :: pulling pranks, reading comic books, playing video games, playing the drums, goofing off, using his slingshot or yo-yo, skateboarding, ned flanders, his sister (she is pretty darn useful and he appreciates someone smart being on his side), and watching tv, particularly the krusty the clown show
dislikes :: girls (cooties…), doctor’s appointments, goody-two-shoes, his sister, having to take any sort of responsibility, watching his dad eat (how does he do it? does he have a black hole in his stomach?), having to take care of / be responsible for his sisters, and his younger sister lisa (he thinks she’s way too smart for her age and a know-it-all, but does like her as a member of his family)
front triggers :: things pertaining to skateboarding, rock n roll songs, childish cartoons, superhero movies
signoff :: 🛹, 🏹, or 🩳
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name :: marge, minerva*, esther, diana*, lisa anne, joanne, roslyn, theresa
age :: 36 to 38
pronouns :: she/her
roles :: chef, transportation helper, steward, assidumate
species :: human-adjacent
gender identity :: female. doesn’t really understand all this gender stuff that well.
orientation :: heterosexual
source :: the simpsons
aesthetic :: high cleancore, 50s suburbia
appearance description :: being an older woman requires a certain manner of dress to seem appropriate. marge is a master in this ancient art of motherhood; she has one outfit that she really likes, owning multiple of the same dress in case the one she’s wearing gets dirty. thanks to diana’s past careers, her closet is also chock-full of past uniforms: her mayoral suit, flight attendant uniform, and police officer uniform among others. she keeps her hair up out of her face so that it doesn’t get in the way during her day to day life. similar to her daughter, lisa anne wears a string of pearls around her neck. these are more for comfort than anything. what’s a woman to do without some sort of accessory?
personality description :: generally quite kind and sweet to people, esther almost never swears, though she has come very, very close. she is fiercely protective of her family and can be a bit of a mama bear when provoked. occasionally has fits of explosive anger when being pushed too far — but this always falls apart and prompts plenty of apologies to the people involved. anything that is out of her definition of a normal life is revered as something special, and she takes joy in the moments where she can indulge in new things and experiences. marge often seems to be quite tired and overworked - and she is, what with having to take care of her hapless husband, mischievous son, and intellectual daughter all at the same time.
likes :: cooking, cleaning, taking care of her children, her family, going to church, being able to use her French, being active and able-bodied, new experiences, her home life, baking for school affairs or birthdays, and being able to test out new dishes with her family.
dislikes :: the homeowners association, nosy neighbors, her husband coming home late from the factory, filth and grime in her kitchen, losing her baby, bart’s incessant need to be moving and active at all times, losing control over her house / being uprooted as matriarch, and her husband’s inherent laziness.
front triggers :: dirty dishes, childcare, weaponized incompetence both at home and in the workforce
signoff :: 🍳, ⛪️, or 🏠
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* == name of a deity, use with caution!
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clangen-shenanigan · 26 days
Moons 5-6
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Greenleaf stretched long, the hot days tempered by the cool waters of the lake, which Cinnamonstar dipped into at every opportunity. Fogmeadow watched her paddling around with disgust. Hazelmallow’s joint had been fixed and he’d healed up well, and with no one in the medicine den, there wasn’t much to do besides gather herbs in the less hot morning. He lay on a shady rock overlooking the water, belly pressed to the cool stone. As much as he couldn’t understand his leader’s desire to swim, keeping an eye on her meant he didn’t have to hear Magpiefreckle and Blacklilac’s bickering. Still, it felt like he was waiting for the other paw to drop. No contact from StarClan, not even at the half-moon meetings. He waited around in their starry fields, looking into the far distance. Even old Scorchspots was nowhere to be seen. But Cinnamonstar had said, “wait out the year”, and he’d give them that long.
Leaf-fall came in swinging. Echohusk caught whitecough, and the deputy slipped unhappily into the medicine den to quarantine from the other cats on Fogmeadow’s command. “We don’t have enough healthy cats to risk anyone else getting sick,” he said. “We can barely keep up with patrols as it is.”
“You don’t have to tell me that, I’m the one who organizes them,” Echohusk muttered, and coughed.
Fennelsnarl poked her head through a crack between driftwood branches to look down into the medicine den. “Yeah, you’d think Cinnamonstar could be stepping up to lead better. There’s hardly any food, this mist off the lake makes a mess of my nose…”
“So you agree? This might be the wrong place for us to live?” Fogmeadow asked idly, extending a claw to mix some tansy. He pushed the lake clam shell over to Echohusk and she started lapping at the herbal drink.
Their onlooker frowned. “I wouldn’t go so far as that. It’s a good place. Cinnamonstar just needs to focus.”
Fogmeadow’s tail twitched. “Well, the mist is horrendous. I can’t dry any herbs in this weather. And get out of here, don’t you catch this too. Go patrol with Blacklilac or something.”
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justlarkin · 1 year
I know they did it because they were combined in actual mythology, but combining Susanoo with Gozu Tenno really seems to fit Housamo Susanoo's whole schtick. Tsukuyomi described Susanoo as someone who never made assumptions. Gozu Tenno is a deity of both disease and healing, which would probably put him somewhere in the medical field, if not just a medical student, in Housamo logic. Most doctors and nurses aren't going to make assumptions about a patient's condition with a quick glance because that could lead to a misdiagnosis and the patient could either not receive proper treatment or something serious could potentially be overlooked. Too many illnesses share common traits or look like nothing at first glance, so they need to do tests to give a proper diagnosis. Even medical researchers and scientists tend to be very thorough with their work to understand the diseases they're working with, so they can create an appropriate medicine for it.
Susanoo developing the ability to plague people with disease, so he can give detractors ball cancer.
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bodyalive · 1 year
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[Artwork by Walter Oltman]
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Internal movement is much more real than it seems. Vision and scale are widely appreciated and are often confused with impact and meaning.
As a kid I've learnt through my gut-intolerance that a subtle movement of the wrong liquid or substance could collapse my entire physiological system. My strong and agile body could crumple and lose all vitality. This morning I read how micro and unnoticeable particles of glass that were inhaled over years, killed one of my favorite philosophers, B.Spinoza. His monumental ideas about nature and god finished with a fresh breath of glassy air.
I don't think that Tai Chi or Yoga Masters are resistant to kicks and knife attacks in a street fight but they can incredibly resist, retain and control the internal movement of the breath and maybe the movement of the mind. Internal and external deserve careful consideration and are never a simple matter of black and white, Bruce Lee and Rickson Gracie are interesting examples of athletes who translated the knowledge of the internal into the practical necessities of the external and vice versa.
The question "What is internal movement'? Has been a root to the philosophy of so many important fields: medicine, neurology, biology, nutrition, etc.
Overlooking it in the field of physical movement can lead to a very shallow practice in the long run, one that will always end up in an empty pursuit of confirmation and goal-addiction...
[Movement Archery]
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