#filed under: headcanons
newtabfics · 3 months
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Bully/Degenerate Itto x Nerdy/Secret Pervert Fem!Reader Headcanon School AU.
Degenerate Itto who loves to bully you. He likes teasing you for being a bit quiet nerdy girl. You're just such a pathetic, meek thing.
Degenerate Itto who only goes to the library to read some manga and cut class. He doesn't have anywhere else to be so he might as well read some comics in the library right?
Degenerate Itto who hears the soft whimper and follows the noise. He hears your voice softly and peeks around the corner. He sees you at one of the tables, head resting on it as you're twitching and writhing.
"Hey. The fuck is wrong with ya shortie?" He asks, approaching you and frowning at your flustered face as you push yourself against the table a bit.
Degenerate Itto who knows the gesture all too well and pulls your seat back. It doesn't matter how fast you rip your hand out from under your skirt, he can see your slick on your fingers.
"Oh damn, Shortie. You're a nasty pervert. Touching yourself in the school library."
He grabs your wrist and pulls your fingers to his mouth. He licks and shivers as he tastes you, licking your fingers clean and smirks at your flustered expression.
"C'mon. My car. I can make you feel so much better than your fingers."
Degenerate Itto who knows how to eat pussy. He's got you laid out in his backseat with his huge arms locked around your waist. He's holding you in place as he slurps loudly, thrusting his tongue as he licks out your orgasms.
Somewhere in the background, you swear you could hear AC/DC playing and want to roll your eyes at the stereotype that he is but instead your eyes roll to the back of your head and you're sobbing and moaning as you grip his hair and rock your hips against his mouth.
His dick is throbbing under his jeans as he grinds against the seat, desperate for more than just eating you out. He's whining and moaning into you.
"Fuck, nerd. You're so tasty. They should make a candy that tastes like you," He hummed. "So many guys would be buying it, hoping to taste you."
Degenerate Itto who laughs and pulls back right as you're about to come and palms himself. He looks to you and asks, "Can I fuck you now? I really wanna fuck you but...shit. Baby, I think I might break your little pussy."
Degenerate Itto who gets pussy drunk and keeps pumping you despite how many times he's already made you come. He's addicted. He's so fucking hooked on you as he feels you squeezing him.
"Oh my fucking god yes, Baby!" He moans, gripping your hips tight as he makes you ride him harder. "God yeah. Look at you. Riding my dick like a little bitch in heat. You're so fucking sexy like this, Shortie. That's it. Milk that cock. Ride that cock cuz it's the only cock you're ever gonna think about again, right? Yeah?"
Degenerate Itto who pumps you full and buries himself so deep, he swears he feels your cervix. He probably was now that he thinks on it.
Degenerate Itto who, after you've come down from the high and he's helped clean you up, doesn't hesitate to get Plan B.
"I mean, it's my fault for fucking you out. I got a little carried away."
Degenerate Itto who asks you on a date after.
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insextras · 21 days
Little headcanon that erik and lorna sometimes cause auroras when using their powers heavily, erik's being more red-purple and lorna being basically entirely green
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distort-opia · 1 year
What if, whenever he's sent to solitary, entirely restrained and trapped with his own thoughts, Joker writes diaries.
It's canon that he knows Morse code, and that he's used it to communicate with other inmates through the walls. And it's also canon that he's the kind of guy who draws and scribbles and writes down thoughts and schemes. It definitely helps organize the chaos in his head... and if sensory deprivation gets thrown in, there's no doubt Joker goes a little more insane each time he's left utterly alone. He needs stimulation, and being made unable to move freely and given nothing for his mind to chew on must be torturous.
So maybe he writes journal entries in Morse code, tapping away with whatever limb he's got available. And maybe one day, entirely by accident, Bruce hears the pattern. He goes back to the Batcomputer and has it analyze all the data from Joker's cell that's available, has it translate the Morse code into text.
Bruce buries himself in the Cave for days on end, reading. What if there's some kind of crucial clue in there, after all? But they're all either letters to Batman, or to Joker himself. Sometimes they're entirely disjointed and make no sense, other times they're painfully self-aware. They're sad and contradictory, either describing Batman's death in graphic detail or begging him to come back, to save him, to kill him-- and Bruce won't ever be able to look at Joker the same way.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 months
Okay but how sweet would it be for Sally and Kim to have a (slightly awkward, but) wholesome friendship after he gave her that bird pic huh how fuckin cute would that be??
Sal and Kim Friendship Headcanons-
[CW: Unsanitary, bullying, weapon, mentions of murder and death, in-game themes]
>On the day everyone finds out Mrs. Packerton had died, Kim gives Sal the last of the bologna she has in the cafeteria walk-in because she knows how much he and his friends liked it. Sal is touched by the gesture and somehow manages not to gag while thanking her for it.
>When Sal goes through the lunch line, he and Kim always exchange pleasantries and have short chats about the birds in the courtyard, current school events, the latest episodes of popular TV shows, etc.
>Kim insists on giving Sal extra big helpings of food and will scold him if he doesn't finish what she scoops onto his tray.
"You are a growing boy Sally, you must eat so you can become big and strong! Now, go sit and finish before bell, or you get BIG BROCCOLI with NO CHEESEY SAUCE for dessert tomorrow!!"
Sal finds it a little irksome, especially when he's already stuffed to the gills, but does his best to comply because it admittedly feels nice to be subjected to a bit of motherly doting once in a while.... (Push comes to shove, Chug is always happy to help him make those last few bites disappear.)
>If one of them is absent due to sickness, the other takes note and worries. (Kim, because she can't help but be a bit of a mother hen over Sal, and Sal, because he fears the D.O.G. has claimed another person in his life as a victim.) They always expresses their concern and relief when the absentee returns to school.
>They empathize with each other regarding their respective deformities/disabilities and the othering they both experience because of said conditions.
Kim understands feeling self-conscious about appearances, as she's very sensitive about hers, but encourages Sal to be proud of who he is and to not be afraid to knock some sense into those who say otherwise (to do this, she suggests utilizing a sock full of pennies. "Is lunch money that helps you keep your other lunch money! 😉").
Sal always sticks up for Kim any time one of the other students mocks her appearance, whether she's around to hear it or not. ("Kim may not be a looker, but at least she's not a rude, shallow asshat. Hope you REALLY LIKE the crustiest corner of the mac and cheese tray, cuz that's what you're gonna be eating every Tuesday until summer break. 🤷‍♂️")
>When his senior year is coming to an end, Kim gives Sal an old and obviously well-loved birding book as a graduation gift. The handwritten note on the inside of the cover reads:
Spread your wings and fly like the birdies!
Your friend,
(P.S. Keep eating your veggies, you will grow soon!)
While Sal doesn't really use it, he keeps it on his bookshelf as a memento. He pages through it occasionally to look at the nice pictures and to do a little reminiscing about one of the precious few positive experiences he had while attending Nockfell High School.
>After the Addison Apartment murders, Kim is one of the few people who steps forward to be a character witness for Sal during his trial. Despite all the evidence against him, she insists that Sally is a
'... kind, smart, sweet boy. He cause mischief, been in some rough and tumbles, yes, but he NEVER MURDER anyone!! Kim is SURE about that!!"
Ultimately, her testimony was discredited by the prosecution for various nitpicky reasons, but Sal appreciated her vouch of confidence all the same....
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queen-feisty-pants · 2 years
If Spy x Family doesn't end up having even one chapter dedicated to a school play where everything goes wrong, then what's the point?
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
shitty newsies au where jack is a certified Normal Dude (TM) and davey is a vampire who REALLY doesn’t like jack comparing him to a weird little victorian boy bc davey isn’t a little victorian boy anymore, thank you very much
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goteique · 1 year
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■ — n.sfw ■ — dc ■ — sfw ■ — sfw + suggestive
A TO Z PROFILE — manjiro sano ; shinichiro sano ; imaushi wakasa ; inui seishu ; kokonoi hajime ; kazutora hanemiya ; sanzu haruchiyo; rindou haitani; ran haitani ; kakucho hitto.
single character headcanons
detective partner draken
bonten!izana kurokara
bonten!inui seishu
yan!bodyguard chifuyu matsuno
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cant-icle · 2 months
Hello Canticle! I'm glad to see you're back, your fics are some of my absolute favorites! (I go back and reread them pretty often still, even though I'm much less active in the p5 fandom nowadays)
For the 90 degrees meme, may I make a request for A Rusty Knife? I've always wondered what the context behind the cupcake delivery is, if his friends sent them to him or he ordered them for himself?
(p.s. I love the Implications to the fact that it happens in late November, that's a very nice detail that I don't think I noticed before)
It's not unusual for Akira to be called up to the office at this point. There's a fair bit of confusion with regards to his schedule; Shujin was so far ahead of Yasogami in terms of material that there's next to nothing for him to do in classes. His teachers have supplemented his material with university prep materials but even then, his time with Makoto's studying drills make it a breeze.
The counselor works with him, has him sit and mess with prepwork in his office during some of the classes that he's outpaced too much. But that's usually later in the day. This is a period he usually spends tapping along Morgana's back and trying not to fall asleep.
The front office staff look just as confused as he does when he steps into the office area. "Kurusu-kun," one says, gesturing towards the counter, "someone has delivered something for you."
He turns.
Well, damn, they sure have. Someone's thoughtfully unpacked it for him and everything, he can see the packaging discarded off to the side.
There's a small white box, about his forearm in length and half again in width and height, and emblazoned with the Wilton's logo on it! Not only that, there's a small floral arrangement that has Rafflesia stamped all over it, he'd recognize his flower-sensei's handiwork anywhere. He steps forward just long enough to catch a whiff, the flowers still fragrant and crisp even after their long travels, and plucks a small card from where it's tucked between the greenery.
Akira-kun, it reads, this should be early enough to bring a little joy to your day! Please enjoy these cupcakes and know that we all would rather you were sharing them with us back here in Tokyo. We miss you!
Haru's name is signed with her signature flourish below. Akira doesn't even try to hold back his grin at the post-script-- P.S.-- please wait until you've finished them before you tell Ann, as I know she will be quite jealous!
He sends a picture to the group chat immediately, of course.
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
piggybacking off of this & this:
all of the hawkins cheerleaders know that billy is the safest person on the basketball team. it’s an unspoken rule among the squad. you’re upset, nervous, scared? go to billy. any of the players being rude, creepy, making you uncomfortable? go to billy. a girl is being targeted but is too scared to speak up? tell billy. he’ll keep an eye on her. at a party and you or a friend had to much to drink? find billy. he’ll take care of you.
they tell freshman that he’s the one to trust. sure, he’s a little scary himself, and he’s not the most comforting person in the world (it’s not his fault; he doesn’t know how to be), but he’ll pummel any guy giving a girl trouble. of course, a lot of the younger girls are nervous to approach him. he’s loud, he’s brash, he’s snarky, he’s got that whole tough guy persona. he always looks a bit like the people talking to him are wasting his time. not to worry! patrick and lucas are actually, genuinely friendly. tell them what’s going on and they’ll relay it all to billy, the team guard dog, who will take care of business. they’ll comfort a girl while billy makes the life of whoever hurt her a living hell. teamwork makes the dream work and all that.
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insextras · 2 months
Hear me out
It was stated at one point that Erik's powers would cause him to have headaches and seizures. Typically, seizures don't have significant effects on the brain but apparently if frequent or long lasting enough they can. It's also said that exposure to high levels of electromagnetic fields can create symptoms similar to that of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. My theory is that Erik experiences such wild mental instability not just because of trauma and/or mental illness but because he is a walking EMF generator, and that regular exposure is altering his brain function and is essentially scrambling his brain constantly.
Considering how old Erik is, he has been exposed to electromagnetic fields for basically his ENTIRE LIFE. It could explain why (beyond real world narrative reasons) Erik is normal and reasonable sometimes and other times he'll raid the white house or tear up a city in a fit of rage. It could also explain (at least in my headcanon) why Lorna (considering everything she's been through) has similar bouts of mental illness and fits of rage as well. These bipolar tendencies were also theorized by Moira, which she tried and failed to remedy in Erik. Basically, Erik and Lorna have been steeped in EM Radiation and it's making them sick the same way Firestar's powers gave her cancer.
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frangipansi · 1 year
So we all (most, maybe) probably head canon by now that when it comes to sex, Beel just obliterates your genitals with his hunger, right…. But like,
Just imagine Beel being so utterly full of his love for you/mc, and thusly also utterly full of your/mc’s love for him, that all hunger pangs, his insatiable appetite, his inherent need to devour; is completely and totally nullified!
Leaving the two of you in a deeply intimate and warm embrace, wrapped in another’s arms, and he just weeps at the new feeling of content fullness and complete adoration for something/one other than that desperate and constant need to eat.
(Unless you’re like “hey Beel do that thing you do chomp chomp”)
~ and also in that intimate, platonic sense it works too; there’s no immediate need to feed, no necessary trips to the kitchen, no excess takeaway orders; because wrap up beside you just fills him with warm, joy, love and fullness.
His brain and stomach and sin just aren’t wired in those moments because he feels complete whether romantic, platonic or physical.
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(okay since this post has been going around, I'd like to extend my headcanon that when my Ed & Izzy were younger, found two rings in the first ship they raided as Captain & First Mate. Bonus if they found the rings separately and both took them in a "saw this and thought of you" kind of way. So they exchange rings with a chuckle and a kiss maybe. They don't necessary talk about it, not giving any meaning to them, not out loud. But decades later, they still have the rings. Even at their worst, they never parted from them.
When Izzy died, Ed took the ring from Izzy's tie to always wear it and gave Izzy back the right he had given him all these years ago)
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goteique · 2 years
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■ — n.sfw ■ — dc ■ — sfw ■ — suggestive
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strawberry skies; sae itoshi & rin itoshi
lie to me ; reo mikage
i can't hep it ; bachira meguru
bubblegum heart ; isagi yochi
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need you closer with chigiri, nagi, bachira, isagi.
positions with hyoma chigiri, bachira meguru, isagi yochi, nagi seishiro, reo mikage,kunigami rensuke
itoshi brothers.
first code red with sae,nagi,isagi,bachira.
boyfriend!bachira meguru
boyfriend!tsurugi zantetsu
boyfriend!gagamaru gin.
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a little late ; nagi seishiro.
payback ; bachira meguru.
say please ; chigiri hyoma.
cherry waves; chigiri hyoma
4:02 ; isagi yochi
stolen ; sub!reo mikage
3:30 P.M ; chigiri hyoma.
sae itoshi plus white day. — rin itoshi plus first time. — oliver aiku plus first date. — nagi seishiro plus first heartbreak — mikage reo plus first time — nagi seishiro plus first crush — barou shouei plus first love
SHORTS ( thirsts )
michael kaiser — one ; two;
itoshi brothers at movie night.
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© [@blueparadis ] all rights reserved. My work shall not be reposted, modified, recorded to post elsewhere.
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petitsdieu · 5 months
what kind of love are you?
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Love as the Dawn
Pastel, saccharine and hopeful, your love rises slow to greet the day. It tiptoes on doe feet and blossoms bit by bit, petal by petal. Love is new to you, isn’t it? A fresh discovery in a world you do not quite understand. Your love loves with bated breaths. Your love swoons and sighs and lingers under awnings. Your love romanticizes. Your love aches as tenderly as a bruise. You’re swollen with desire and idealizations. The perfect kiss, the perfect touch, the perfect partner in life. Your love is wide-eyed and innocent, naive and pristine and oh, so very easily breakable. Being loved by you is to be loved by a child, by a lamb, wooly-eyed and helpless. Oh. I really hope it lasts.
tagged by: @hypolimnionmulti tagging: @nightmarefuele @perniicious @magikborn @gcldensnflwr @v1ctimplagued @ohfiendangelical @cnlyluck + ANYONE ELSE <3
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feydfuckernation · 11 months
are any of you ready for me to talk about the idea of benjamin and lucy barker losing their first child before they had johanna. are you ready for me to talk abt the notion of death having always haunted the barker family since before it even began, how death has always tied the barker family together before tearing it apart. how death comes for us all but favours the innocent most of all. are you ready for that conversation.
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doks-aux · 2 months
Assorted smutty Jelix tweets from my private Twitter. Decided to lump all the ones I hadn't already posted into one post. Detailed content warnings under the cut.
Contents/Warnings: Trans Felix, exhibitionism, teasing, clothed sex, cunnilingus, breeding kink, squirting. (No infidelity; Rose knows and likes to be told about it after.) Final tweet refers to a different post that I've linked to that also contains breeding kink.
On the one hand, Felix Kranken as a cis gay struggling with his attraction to his best friend is so tasty.
On the other, trans Felix getting his pussy absolutely obliterated by Jack Walten's monster cock is at least as flavorful.
Men who call their business partners "little bunny" while fucking them raw over their desks. 
I know Jack Walten rails Felix during business hours. He would have no shame about it. 
Some nice AU where no one died, the restaurant is a success, and the band plays loud enough that you can't hear Felix screaming in the office. 
I have this idea I keep dwelling on of Jack fucking Felix in their office while there's a birthday party in the main floor of the restaurant, and the music is loud enough to cover the sounds of Felix moaning. 
Jack pressing his face against Felix's clothed crotch and open mouth inhaling. 
Felix begging to be touched skin-to-skin, but Jack keeps mouthing his cunt through the fabric, teasing until Felix comes in his shorts, soaking them. 
Jack fucking Felix in the office to the beat of the music playing at the birthday party on the main floor. 
Does everything he knows makes Felix whine and shout but keeps telling him they need to be quiet. 
Jack seducing Felix by rubbing his cold, cold feet with his big, warm hands. 
Jack is fascinated by Felix's t-dick, how it's both the smallest cock and biggest clit he's ever seen, how hard it gets, how it twitches and strains, how it feels on his tongue. 
He gives it so much attention, sometimes stroking it constantly until Felix is begging him to stop, other times deliberately ignoring it the whole time until Felix begs to be touched. He just loves to hear Felix beg. 
Jack would find it so romantic and intimate. He's touching the most hidden and private part of Felix. He's so vulnerable here. And Jack wants to come in him, flood his little womb, reach even deeper inside him and leave a part of himself behind.
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