#fill out the form please
skzhua · 1 year
Just wondering if i could be added to the min ho x reader tAglist! :)
Taking this as an opportunity to tell everyone that if you want to be in the taglist, go fill out the form in my bio please. I asked this in my masterlist already thinking people would do that but I get more asked on tumblr than in my google form. I get too many notifications so I would most likely miss it if you ask me on here. Y'all have no idea how much of a struggle it is to keep up when all the demands are scattered on so many posts or places in tumblr, it's hard to keep track with who I've already added or not.
(And of course I'll add you my dear, sorry I used your ask to rant 😭 Thank you for enjoying my work <3)
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...do i have to update the tumblr app to make a poll? i reallly really don't want to do that...
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classictetris · 2 months
Off Days: Inside Job | INTEREST CHECK
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A fanzine dedicated to Shion’s Inside Job, focusing on the friendship of the Gang! Them hanging out and having fun outside of work ^^
Interest check is open from August 5th to August 15th
For updates check out our twitter!: @.offdayszine, or to me if you don't have twitter
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syrupsyche · 20 days
:)) Hello :) I am procrastinating on sleeping, so I bring more teacher AU queries
Do Fantine and Joly get along? :O
and Did R manage to get his trousers up before Javert caught him and Enj in the closet, did he get caught with his pants down a second time? 😭
eheheh ty once again Emile!! I think Fantine would absolutely adore Joly; she was so happy and jovial in her youth too, so I think she would see herself reflected very well in him 🥹 she was quite shy at first but once she learns that he was the one who finally helped Combeferre with his phosphorus experiment (😨), she was instantly like "so...I heard you have a liking for unorthodox science experiments...👀"
As for Enjolras and Grantaire....their escapade unfortunately didn't end that night 😔:
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Enjolras is never PDA-ing ever again.
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kayleerowena · 1 year
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🏚️ haunted house commissions are back! 🏚️
is your house (or apartment, or rv, or a house you really like from down the street, or a house from a story) haunted? do you wish it was? for a small fee, i'll put ghosts in it for you!
i'm trying out a google form for commissions this time around rather than a first-come-first-serve model. this form will be open for a limited time. probably till around the end of may. i'll have a handful of commission slots to begin with, and i'll pull from the form response pool once more slots start opening up.
want a haunted house? fill out the form here! (reblogs are super appreciated to spread the word! 🫀)
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
i cannot emphasize enough how much my entire academic situation is currently hinging on receiving an email from one (1) person
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femstarsweek · 16 days
Hellooo~! Would you like to see of participate in a Halloween week this year? Fill out the interest check^^
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strangehearted · 1 month
charpim week 2024 interest check!
hello! i'm hoping to run a charpim week later this year!
if you don't know what a fanweek is, this link does a pretty good job at explaining it in depth. basically, fanwork creators are given a list of daily prompts and posting dates and they create their wonderful works to share here!
if you're interested, please let me know!
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con9103 · 4 months
A lot of people enjoyed doing the questionnaire for my dissertation so I have another! This one is looking at key Dan and Phil things and their impact on mental health and how important they are to you.
This is for the parasocial study side of my dissertation :)
Its anonymous
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homosociallyyours · 10 months
This is a post for one of my best friends who's been going through a lot for the past few years. I'll go into more details below, but here's the heart of the matter: My friend has a serious auto-immune condition resulting from the long term after effects of cancer treatments (worsened now by the addition of long COVID to her long list of diagnoses). Over the past few years, she's gotten sicker and sicker and has been forced to change her diet from a vegetarian anti-cancer diet (she's a breast cancer survivor, and fought HARD for her health) to one that's become more and more limited as her body becomes allergic to every food one by one. She's now reached a point where one of the last 2 foods that she was able to eat safely, chicken, is causing an allergic reaction; she has to eat it anyway to survive, so is now very sick all the time.
What can you do?
One of the last hopes that she has to turn things around is something called a fecal microbiome transplant, which has worked miracles for other people with similar issues, but cannot currently be accessed through medical channels in the US for any but one (unrelated) condition. It's really easy to do as a DIY treatment though, it's just hard to find a donor: so we are putting it out there to see if one of you might be able and willing to be that person, or know someone who could do it.
Here is what she has to say about the ask:
Finding the right person to do this is difficult, but actually doing the helping is extremely easy and quick if someone was that person! If you live in the continental US and are fortunate enough to have both physical and mental good health (or know someone or have a child who fit the criteria) and are willing, you might be able to change my life! Please consider clicking through to read more and maybe even come aboard...  (For clarity: this isn't a medical procedure or anything, it is literally just donating poop, there are a few specifics but it is very much from the comfort of your home on your own time.)
You can click here to fill out a google form to see if you might be able to be a donor. The questionaire is detailed: fecal transplant is a bizarre and magical thing in which the patient sometimes can even end up acquiring personal preferences from the donor- the gut microbiome (sometimes called the second brain) is incredible! But this means that any illness, chronic issues, or risk factors you carry may also be transferred to the recipient so while it may feel invasive, getting detailed info in very necessary; I am just too sick already to take on any more problems.
A note- yes, it is possible to buy screened and processed treatments even in the US: unfortunately the cost (~$2k per round of treatment) is way outside my reach, particularly given that it isn't really any better than just getting poop directly from a good candidate (proven via studies), and that often it takes trying a couple donors/ rounds to find a match that gets results. If anyone wants to just buy me that stuff, I sure wouldn't say no to that, but given the severity of my situation (medical and financial; I cannot work due to disability) it is likely I will need to do medical fundraising at some point and I am trying to save that for an even worse point. Also if you have that kind of money to help out honestly it would be better spent on specialists or my astronomical food costs. I will cover all costs associated with this process if I find someone though, of course!
Thank you for reading/boosting/etc, please consider sending the link to possible healthy friends or family who might be a fit, or consider whether you have a child fitting the bill you might be willing to enlist- young microbiomes are the best ones, as children's systems have had less time to be ravaged by the effects of the modern world or the simple deterioration of age.
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skzhua · 1 year
Rules and Guidelines
(After making a post out of frustration about the taglist, here are the rules and guidelines of this blog.)
Note that I will, from now on, be more strict on here because I realize that I can't enjoy writing if I'm not in an environment I feel comfortable in.
~ taglist ~
If your username does not work for tagging, it is totally not my problem. I try my best to make sure everyone gets a notification but if it doesn't work, it's either Tumblr being weird or your account that has a disabled being tagged.
This one, I've already covered it in a post. Fill out the form in my bio if you want to be tagged in my work. I check the document multiple times a day and I add every single person on each taglist they ask to be in. I have too many notifications coming in and they are scattered on so many posts that I will most likely not see your taglist requests in my comments.
If you want to be removed from one or all lists, send me a message and I'll do it!
~ reblogs ~
Please, reblog as much as possible. I'm not speaking only for myself but for all writers on here. Tumblr works with the amount of reblogs for visibility and not with likes. It takes two seconds to do, you don't even have to write your feedback with it. I spend hours and hours writing for you for free and all I'm asking is either some feedback, or a reblog. Not all of my work is good, I am aware. If you don't like it it's fine but if you do, reblogs is the best way to show your support. (I do reblog what I read on here but on another account so this one isn't so packed)
~ NSFW ~
I have not started to write NSFW yet, but I will probably. I am 20 years old and can legally write those types of works. I will put obvious warnings on my works if they have explicit content. I will trust and expect you to not read my NSFW stories if you are a minor. This is common sense and I hope that you are responsible enough to know that this is not okay nor legal to read 18+ content on here.
~ plagiarism ~
Again, common sense. Although my work is accessible for free, it does not give you the right to take it and claim it as your own. I will report and block if I see any posts that have my work in it. Translations and reposts are also forbidden without my consent. I have seen people getting their work stolen, I have almost experienced it and it's the worst thing that can happen to a writer. So, please, do not plagiarize my work.
~ posting pace ~
Again, I write for you on my own personal time and do it for free. I will, for sure, not post when I don't feel like it or if I have not finisned a work yet. Please, understand that I have a life outside of here and that I will post at my own pace. There are times when I am more productive and others that I am not so it is inevitable that there are gaps between every work released.
~ be kind ~
I'm so grateful to have met such nice people here and I hope this continues on. You might not like what I do and it's totally fine. But please, it does not give you the right to trash on it. Skip or ignore it, then. I want to feel safe here and share love with every person I interact with. Commenting about the actual stories, like not liking a character that I purposely made annoying, is fine though.
I am aware I am not good with interacting on social media so I apologize if I do not respond to your comments or such. I'm extremely introverted so it's just hard for me, but I try my best.
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Copyright © skzhua. All rights reserved.
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cindersart · 1 year
am i stupid or does anyone else struggle with forms unless theyre Very Specific about what info they want/don't want/what could mess up your form
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alfiely-art · 3 months
Hello, everyone! After my last Hal Zine interest check, it seems like there's a significant interest for this to be made! So, I decided to make a survey to better see what exactly people are interested in. Please fill it out, even if you don't plan on being a contributor! I would love to make this a real thing. I'll leave this survey open until Saturday next week.
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lolitsleia · 1 year
TWST Groovy Illustration Popularity Form
Hi, I’m back but only conduct a research for my thesis 😔 I’m sorry if I rarely showed up again but I would love to ask you guys to fill in the form for me for the sake of my thesis 🫠
I’m also holding a raffle exclusively for the form participants only, you’ll have a chance to get:
1. Rendered Bust Up/Headshot
2. Colored Sketch Half Body
3. Chibi
Link below!
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azuresquirrel · 29 days
Yesterday I visited a friend in the hospital for her birthday - she is on a cancer ward receiving treatment for an astoundingly rare form of cancer - and I want it noted that I will die mad forever that masks and COVID became "politicized" so not a single nurse on the CANCER WARD was wearing a mask
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navysealt4t · 2 months
guys do i take 2 ap classes this year. it would be ap music theory and ap lang & comp
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