#finally changing my header image on here lol
scp-113 · 2 years
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this part always makes me giddy. it looks so cool. i love these turtle boys so much
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steamberrystudio · 2 years
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Hey everyone! Time for the last tumblr update of January. It's been a busy two weeks, so here we go!
Edited 6-7 CGs
Completed all Jack CGs, all Lance CGs and some Magnus CGs (So about 6 or so CGs completed)
Finished Quill Ch 2
Started revamping the glossary
Sent steam page for review
The Ramble:
First of all - CG edits.
I have been going back to tweak older CGs off and on for a while now and in the past couple of weeks I went back and edited quite a few CGs. In some cases the edits were because I didn't like the CGs, in other cases, I changed the scene up a little and had to make continuity fixes to things like character outfits. My style has shifted a bit since I first started the game as well and there were a few CGs where it was particularly noticeable, so I fixed those as well.
And in one case I noticed I just flat out forgot to shade one character's eyes. So I needed to fix that.
Eventually, even if I'm not totally happy with a CG, I do have to set it down and walk away and wash my hands of it because I cannot reasonably edit CGs forever. At some point a CG has to be "done." Sometimes I get to the point that I can't even tell if I'm fixing anything anymore or if it's flaws in new and exciting ways. LoL
Ultimately though I do want the CGs to be as good as they can be so I do revisit old CGs occasionally and have been doing that a lot in the last couple of weeks.
In addition to that I have completed all of Jack's remaining CGs, all of Lance's CGs and one (and a half) of Maggie's remaining CGs - he has two left to complete. One is about half finished - still need to finish rendering the characters in it.
The other is in a rough sketch state at the moment so the staging and composition are blocked in but I still need to do the final line art and colour it.
Then, of course, both of those have to be recoloured and coded.
Once these two CGs are done that is all of the CGs for the first release.
52 CGs. 8 per love interest + 1 of Morgan and 1 intro CG each for Yuu, Reuben, and Quill.
I have so many regrets (in terms of. . .deciding that this much work was something I could handle. Because it was something I could handle. But just. And with a lot of pain killers. And heat packs. And other treatments to get me through the very real pain I've inflicted upon myself.) But. . .ITS DONE (almost).
Moving on from CGs. . .
I also spent a day working on a new cover art for the game. I was setting up the steam page, which requires approximately 1.1 million images, each one with unique dimensions. (Thanks, I hate it.)
I just realised that using the sprite art really wasn't going to work for these images. I couldn't cram 9 love interests into the various "capsules" and "covers" and banners and headers. . .and Morgan's sprite alone just doesn't really give enough of an idea what this game is like.
So I really needed an image that was more versatile, more interesting than just Morgan's sprite.
So I made that. And then made my 1.1 million images with their annoyingly unique dimensions and uploaded them. And sent the page for review. Steam is always an adventure so we'll see how long it takes to get the page reviewed and set up. (I really just put in the basic information and may try to spruce it up later on. . .)
In regards to actual game development. . .
I have also been working on revamping the glossary screens and writing up some new glossary entries. Finishing the glossary is really going to be the next major thing I try to finish, I think. I still have a lot of other small polishing things (adding in some SFX and stuff) but the glossary is kind of the biggest remaining feature to finish. And I want to spruce it up a bit since what is there right now is. . .functional. But not necessarily what I want to have in the final game.
So that is on the horizon once I finish up the CGs. BUT will probably happen after I implement all the corrections the beta testers have offered up and sent out a new beta version with all the CGs in it so that we can verify they are working correctly.
Lastly, I have done some writing. Not a lot since I'm focused elsewhere, but I did finish Quill's second chapter and have started editing the outline for his third chapter so I can get started on that as well.
So yeah. Busy two weeks. But we are getting there.
Sneak Peeks and Previews:
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Upcoming Weeks:
I did want to be done with CGs by the time I posted this but I'm still 1.5 CGs away from completion. I didn't account for - editing a ton of CGs and doing new art for Steam, etc. I will definitely finish up CGs this week.
And then with those out of the way will have to really start focusing on detailed to-do lists so I don't forget any of the small things needing to be done.
Very close. My spreadsheet says we are ~98% of the way there.
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jean-kayak · 3 years
Falling Back Into Your Bed
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Summary: One night was enough to have you crawling back to him
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: college!au, (smut 18+!!), fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, degradation, Eren's a little shit, little bit of ass smacking, mentions of sex under the influence (consensual), enemies to lovers sort of?
Word Count: 3120
A/N: This is has been in the drafts for a while, and it wasn't supposed to take the turn it was supposed to but I'm happy with it lmaoo. Completely unrelated, but I like making headers lol
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It happened one time. To say you weren't really in the straightest mindset, but it happened once and now you're hooked. Your brain only filled with those images from that night. You groan as you pull at your hair, no matter how hard you try, you can't focus on studying. Your brain completely occupied.
"You seem troubled? Need some help?" The snarky comment comes from your right, and you scoff as you rub your forehead.
"Shut the fuck up," you spit with a little more aggression than you intended as you try to focus on anything but that amazing night.
"You thinking about that night? It could always happen again." The words whispered against your skin makes the images flash fully in your head, and you push him away from you, which only gets a chuckle in return.
"Fuck off, Jaeger," you groan as you close your textbook.
"You alright?" Sasha asks you, and you sigh as you nod.
"Yeah, it's just been a long day. I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm." You end your study session with your friends, stuffing your books in your bag, giving them a wave of goodbye as you walk out of the library, sighing in content when the sun rays hit your skin.
You slept with Eren. The only person who can get on your nerves to the nth degree. You woke up in horror realizing what you did, but the horror was that you liked it. It was amazing, the best sex you've ever had. Of course, it has to come from the person you despise the most.
It was a party that Jean wanted you to go to, and he happened to be there, annoying you to no end as he usually is, and then he was kissing you, and then you're walking up to his room and the rest is history. The memories of that night flood your head again.
The way his hands felt hot against your skin, branding a path all over your body. The way his lips brushed all over your skin, stopping to show some parts of your body some love by sucking dark marks onto the skin that took you forever to cover up.
The way his d--
Wait, stop! What am I doing?
You shake your head as you take another deep breath. This is not how you thought your week was going to go.
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"I don't know if you have mind-blowing sex what's the big deal? I'm failing to see the problem," Hitch says, and you roll your eyes as you fall back on your bed.
"The problem is that I don't like him. He gets on my last nerve. Why can't I have amazing sex with a guy that I don't wanna stab on a daily basis?" you argue, and Hitch scoffs as she rolls her eyes.
"Well, maybe it's the fact that you don't like each other that's making the sex great."
"I just wanna stop thinking about it," you admit.
"Well, it doesn't seem to be bothering him as much as it is you," she responds, and that part is what makes you the most irritated and confused.
You were sure you weren't that bad,  but it's like he isn't even fazed by it, only teasing you about it in the best way possible. You groan as you roll over, burying your face in your pillow.
The only reason why you're forced to interact with him is that you're friends with Armin who's best friends with Eren. If that wasn't the case, you probably would never see him again, let alone be in the same room as him where he can annoy you.
"Whatever. Maybe I just need to get laid again, get him off my mind," you mumble into the pillow, and you know Hitch is giving you a look without even turning your head.
"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say," she muses. "Speaking of getting laid, there's another party tonight if you want to go."
You turn your head to the side to face her. "Weren't you just a party last weekend?" you comment, and she shrugs.
"You only live once." You raise your eyebrows at her answer but shrug anyway.
"If I don't have anything to do, then I'll go."
You should've stayed the fuck home because this party is not it. You don't know if it's because you really don't want to be here or the fact that you're sober, but you can't help but sigh in annoyance as you walk through the crowd until you find a corner where anyone isn't making out.
You nurse your drink, but the taste of the beer is slowly making you sick after two sips, so you just hold it to give you something to do. "You look like you're having fun."
You roll your eyes at the familiar voice, tilting your head to the side as you look at him. "I should've known you'd be here." You knew that you should've listened to that weird feeling in the back of your head the moment you stepped into the room. "I'm not really feeling it," you say, and he steps closer to you.
"Well, we could always go somewhere else, and I can make you scream while I split you open on my dick again." You clench your jaw as you find something else to look at, trying and failing to ignore the way his words make your body hot all over.
You scoff. "Yeah, in your dreams."
"Really? You don't miss this?" he asks, pulling you into him, and you can't help when your mouth falls open slightly your breath hitching. "Cause I sure miss the way your tight pussy clamped around me."
Your thighs squeeze together subconsciously as you let out a small moan, luckily it's muffled by the music, but he doesn't miss your reaction. "Yeah, I'll pass," you muster, and he smirks as he chuckles.
"Fine, have it your way. The offer still stands," he says before he walks away, and you sigh heavily as you drink from your cup. You have to get out of here.
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Eren can't take his eyes off of you as you walk around the room. You've filled your cup back up, but you haven't drank from it, the only thing on your face is that you want to get out of here. Even as you talk to some blond guy, Reiner he thinks his name is, your face is very evident in showing that you're tired of this conversation, but you're too nice to leave.
He walked over to talk to you just to tease you but ended up doing the same thing to himself. He finds it funny that you seem to deny what happened between you two even though you reacted the way you did. If he could take you in front of all these people, he would.
Well, he can, but he's better than that.
He doesn't tell you this, he doesn't think he will, but you're the only thing that's been on his mind, but he's just better at hiding it. He can't count how many times he's thought about your body, the noises you made, how fucked out you looked as you took his dick. Every time he touches himself, those are the only things he thinks about.
And every single time he finishes, he declares that he's going to get you back into his bed.
Which is why he decided to come to this party even though he didn't want to. He knew Hitch would drag you out here, and he knew that there was no way he was letting you go.
He almost feels bad for the guy. Even though he can't hear the conversation, he knows Reiner is trying and failing to woo you with his awful flirting tactics. He can recognize your fake laugh from a mile away.
He decides that he can't stand to watch this horror show any longer, and he moves over to where you are, rolling his eyes at a lame pick-up line he hears come from him. "Hey, I need to talk to you," he buds in, and you give him a look.
"I'm in the middle of a conversation." You state the obvious, and he gives you a lazy look.
"Yeah, not really," he responds, and you squint at him. "Come on, it'll take a second."
You sigh, giving in before turning to the buff guy next to you. "I'll be right back," you tell him, and only Eren knows that that's not true.
He eyes Eren before giving you a smile and a nod, and you follow Eren as you walk the too familiar walk to his room. He closes the door behind him when you walk in, and you cross your arms. "What was so important that you had to pull me from my conversation?" you question, annoyed, and he smiles at you.
"Yeah, it totally looked like you were enjoying that little chat." You roll your eyes as he takes your cup out of your hand, setting it on his dresser. "How much have you had?"
You frown at him. "To drink? Not enough because it's difficult to have a conversation with you sober."
He chuckles lightly as he walks closer to you until your knees hit the bed. "Can I say something?" he asks, and you try to act like his close proximity isn't bothering you.
"If it'll make this end sooner."
"All I've thought about is that night," he tells you, and he moves closer, making you fall down onto the bed as you look up at him with wide eyes. He hovers over you, one hand on the mattress next to you, the other trailing down your body, making goosebumps break out over your skin.
"How good you felt, how loud you were, how fucking soaked you were." His lips brush against yours as he runs a hand down your tube top, biting your lip when he rolls his finger over your nipple.
"What does this have to do with me being sober?" you ask breathlessly, and he smirks as his hand moves down to your shorts, and he doesn't miss the way your thighs tense like you don't know whether to close them or not.
"Because I want to see if I can make you scream just as loud." He crashes his lips down on yours, making you squeak in surprise before you finally let him in, moaning when his tongue rubs over the roof of your mouth.
You thought your thoughts about Eren would change if you were sober, but he's just as addicting as he was that night, and you find it difficult to object to anything he's doing.
He crawls with you as you move up further on the bed, your body flushing hot all over. He works your shirt off, throwing it somewhere off to the side before trailing hot, wet kisses down your neck before moving to your chest.
Your hand makes its way into his hair, messing up the bun that it was in as he mouths at your nipples, pulling the taut bud with his teeth and his fingers before switching. "Did I ever tell you that you have nice tits?" he tells you with a playful smile on his face as he fondles them, and you scoff at his childish comment as you shift on the bed, the rough abrasion of your shorts against your crotch becoming extremely uncomfortable.
He works his shirt off as he slides down your body, his lips just grazing your skin to be teasing, and he unbuttons your shorts, peeling them off your legs, letting out a huff when his eyes land on your panties.
"You're so fucking wet," he mumbles, and you hiss at the cool air hitting your sensitive core when he pulls the fabric down and off your legs. You start to say something when he doesn't move, but you let out a low moan in surprise when he licks a broad stripe up your folds.
Your back arches off the bed at the sudden stimulation, and he lays an arm over your hips to keep you still, his other hand digging into the flesh of your thighs as he keeps you spread open. "And you taste so fucking good," he groans as he moves from licking between your folds to flicking at your clit.
"Fuck, Eren," you whine, pulling at the roots when his tongue prods at your hole.
"Come on, baby, I know you can be louder than that," he challenges, pushing one of your legs over to give him more room. His tongue prods at your hole before he replaces it with his fingers, his mouth going back to focus on your clit.
He's already curling two fingers inside of you as he sucks on the bundles of nerves, pulling it into his mouth, before circling his tongue around the bud. What you definitely didn't forget was how amazing his head game was. Your toes curl as the grip on his hair tightens, and it takes a few more pumps on his fingers hitting that sensitive spot inside of you to make you cum, moaning loudly as your orgasm hits.
"There we go. That's better," Eren says before moving his tongue to your hole to lap up your release. You're panting as he moves back up towards your face, his covered in your release. "But I still think you can be louder."
"You sound like you're all talk," you challenge even though you're still breathless.
He chuckles darkly before getting rid of the rest of his clothes, putting himself right back over you. "Sounds like you're undermining my skills," he jabs back as he lines himself up.
"Sounds like you're overestimating yourself," you counter, but you trail off before you can finish the last word as he pushes himself in, and you both moan at the feeling.
"Shit, I'll never get over how amazing you feel," he breathes once he bottoms out, and you're urging him to move, which he quickly obliges, your mouth falling open at the feeling of being stretched out with every stroke.
He moves himself so that he's on his knees, your hips angled upwards as he thrusts into you way too slowly for your liking. "Come on, Eren," you whine, knowing he can make you feel way better than he is right now. "Fuck me harder," you plead, and he coos at you.
"Aww, but I'm trying to make love to you, princess," he drawls, and you groan in frustration as you try to move, but he holds you down, making sure he's the only one moving.
"I don't want you to make love to me," you whine, desperate to have him fuck you until you see stars.
"But I like seeing you beg for me, seeing you so desperate, it's cute, keep going," he says, and you roll your eyes.
"Fuck--" He cuts you off with a sharp thrust, nailing your g-spot with ease.
"Me? Well, you're already doing that, sweetheart." You scrunch your nose at the stupid pet name, and you scoff before you smirk at him.
"As I said, you're all talk," you taunt. "Pretty sure Reiner could make me scream louder than you ever could." The playful demeanor in his face drops and his eyes are going dark, and suddenly he's pulling out of you, and rolling you onto your stomach.
He pulls you up to your knees, and he slams into you, making you cry out at the sudden intrusion as your eyes roll back. "You think you're funny, huh?" he spits before pulling you to his chest by your shoulder. "You wanted to get a rise out of me so that I could fuck you like a filthy whore."
You can barely respond, your body feeling like it's being shocked every time he rams that spot, and you jolt when he pushes on your clit. "Already going stupid? I haven't even done anything yet."
He pushes you back down, pushing your back until your chest is flush against his bed. "You're such a needy slut, aren't you?" A smack to your ass, the sting snapping you out of your daze. "Answer me."
"Fuck yes!" You can barely get it out, your knuckles starting to hurt from how hard you're gripping the sheets.
"Who's fucking you this good?" You don't answer quick enough, it's not like you can, but that only makes him fuck you harder. "Who?!"
"You! God, Eren, you," you moan, and you release your grip on the sheets as you feel yourself starting to drool.
"Who owns this fucking cunt? Fuck." His head falls back on his shoulders as you clamp around him, and he pushes on your clit again when you don't respond.
"You, oh fuck, 's all yours." You buck your hips back, meeting his, and he smacks your ass again.
"Come on, baby, you can say my name." He sounds just as wrecked as you, and his name is the only thing you're coherent enough to say, and you know that you're loud and that anyone walking past the door or on the other side of the walls can hear you.
"Shit, your pussy is so," he cuts himself off with a groan, his body curling as he feels his high building up as you suck him back in.
"Eren, I'm--" You try to tell him that you're close, so close, but you can't, tears running down your face from the constant stimulation on that spot inside of you.
He responds with a groan, and you know he's close too, and the next thing you know, you're cumming hard, your body going rigid. Your orgasm triggers his, and he cums with a moan of your name, his climax hitting him so hard, he falls on top of you.
Both of you fall down on the bed, his ragged breathing fanning against your neck, and he rolls the both of you over before rubbing up and down your top half softly. "You okay?" he asks against your neck, and you can feel the smirk on your skin.
You respond with a content whine, and his grip on your waist tightens when you try to move. "Stop moving. I'm trying to cuddle you."
You scoff before chuckling lightly. "Since when you do cuddle?"
"Since now. Now, shut up, I'm trying to go to sleep."
You roll your eyes at the words, but there's no heat behind them, and you feel sleep catching up to you as well.
Eren Jaeger might annoy to no end, but maybe this isn't so bad.
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i-love-you-all · 3 years
Whumptober Day 4: Trust Fall
Sova’s patience is wavering. (no header image this week)
~800 words. Sova/Breach, memory loss, amnesia, lost friendships, just a little bit of hurt. And this is definitely turning into a full series just through these prompts lol.
Sova couldn’t handle it.
It had been three days since Breach was released from the med bay, and three days where Sova expected a knock on his door, only to fall asleep alone. Again.
He chased after Sage for details and updates, and she obliged every time, but every time, it was the same. Breach was physically in the best shape he had ever been in. He had missing memories though. According to her, the last thing he remembered was going on a Kingdom heist with Raze almost a decade back. He had no memory of the Valorant protocol, and definitely no memory of him.
Perhaps after a week of chasing Breach around with his eyes, hoping for any sign of recognition, he finally received what he had been waiting for in the form of a figure at his door one evening. Sova thought of himself as independent, but that assumption was challenged the moment Breach took a step into his room, and his first reaction was to reach out for him.
Once again, Sova was reminded that this Breach wasn’t his when the other flinched away from him.
“I just wanted to talk,” Breach said, looking around at the clean room, the books on the shelf, and the phone quietly playing music in the background.
Sova motioned to the bed. Breach used to prefer sitting on the bed whenever they had longer conversations because he could lie down mid talk and relax. He took a seat in his chair while watching the redhead study him from his half prone position.
“What would you like to discuss?” Sova asked, unsure of what to make of this visit.
In his mind, there were two options. One, he had started to get his memory back and was now trying to make sense of them. This was what Sova hoped, though he knew the chances were low. If he were getting his memories back, wouldn’t he have been at least a little warmer towards him?
“What is your name? Vladimir? Alexei? Do you know mine?”
Sova gave a pained smile. It seemed to be more of the second possibility. Breach didn’t know who he was, he wanted to know why Sova knew Breach. Identity was important because it held power. Right now, Breach was asking for his and checking again that Sova didn’t know his. And that just meant.
“Do you trust me?”
Breach paused before scoffing and lying down on his back. “You knew about the changes I made to my arms from before, you know a lot of my habits, and… you seem so unafraid of me.”
Sova shrugged. “It’s only natural. We were together for almost a year. Maybe more.”
“What, you’re telling me we don’t have an anniversary?”
It’s a joke to lighten the mood, but Sova knew it was because Breach wasn’t ready to actually process what had already been said.
“Breach, why are you here if you don’t remember me still?”
“I don’t like that you know way more about me than I do about you.”
“Do you trust me?”
He got his answer once before, but he didn’t know back then, and Breach was just coming out of whatever was done to him. Now, surely Breach must’ve had a better understanding of the world he had come back to. And even if he didn’t remember his feelings, he must know that Sova was an ally. A partner. He was able to accept sage and all the others, but he still looked at Sova with such mistrust that it shouldn’t have been a surprise.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise at all when Breach shook his head no. “I don’t think I could trust you until my memories come back fully.”
“Why not?” And Sova knew he wasn’t this pushy normally, and especially not to Breach, but he was starting to feel just a little desperate. How much longer did he have to wait?
“I don’t know what I did with out, but it’s far more intimate than with anyone else. I can’t just go back to that. You look at me like you know everything I’m gonna do before I do it. I… Don’t even know what to call you.”
“You just called me Sova…” Sova stayed in his chair, but he couldn’t stop his fingers from drumming the desk he was at. “What’s so hard about that?”
“Sova.” Sova was ready to melt. “I’m sorry I’m not the man you remember me to be. I don’t even know him, but I know I can’t be… that open with someone so soon.”
“Then leave.” He couldn’t meet his eyes. “But do not come back until you do remember me because I cannot… I can’t keep looking at you and knowing that you don’t even want to be in this room with me.”
The door clicked shut.
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bangtanger · 3 years
was thinking for 84 hours where should i post it but as its my creator blog i m doing it here <3 i was tagged by @taemaknae @suhdays @ynki @honsool @jjeongukie @taeyungie @dearbangtansonyeondan @lifegoesmon @everythingoes @flipthatjacketjiminie @yoongi-bts @jiminslight @hopekidoki @cowboyjinbop @yoonqiful @jcngkooks @pjmsdior @hobeah @balenciaguks​ @jinvant @hobibestboy @vjimin @yoongikook AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME T_T ik maybe its not a big deal but its a big deal to me and im touched :(((((((((((( also gimme some time to check all ur posts 👉👈 also im in a mood to say that ive collected many pokemons here djfksfhsakjddld ok nvm 
also sorry for a long post ik tmblr fvcks things up sometimes when there is keep reading so dont fight me plz <3
❀ first creation and most recent creation of 2020 
ok this is the fist one (still very pleased with colouring here T_T the stage lighting was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well yeah as always lmao) and this is the most recent (TBH DKJSKDSDK I WISH MY MOST RECENT POST COULD BE A DIFFERENT ONE THE ONE I WANNA MAKE FOR A MONTH NOW THE ONE ID PUT A LOT MORE EFFORTS IN SO IM A LIL FRUSTRATED i literally just missed giffing but couldnt watch anything new so took an old vid i wanted to gif once I DIDNT EVEN USE MYCOLOURING PSD IT LITERALLY HAS ONLY COUPLE OF LAYERS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( but whatever,,, it just kinda doesnt show the difference -_-)
❀ a creation u r really proud of 
well 👁👄👁 there r quite few,,, and the main reason is colouring most of these r comps and i a b s o l u t e l y sucked at comps and esp at making the colouring consistent there lol so lets begin lol  1 (u have no idea how muchi love this set) 2 (i fucking mastered it i wanted to remake it for two years and i finally did!! 60 fps smooth good moments iconic performance iconic hair colour his attitude bruh and ofc the fact that i could do sth with colouring,,,,,, and chose such an unusual colour scheme that i doubted jckdckfdk and it still worked out 🥺) 3 (lol i had this idea written down since 2018 as well and this year i could finally collect all moments i needed and oh boi yeah,,, AND COLOURING I COULD ALMOST yeah almost do sth decent with it there r still couple moments id changed but im pleased) 4 (im so happy whenevr i see this CUZ IT ALL WORKED OUT it was such an impulsive comp i literally only saw couple moments for past few years as well where i could see three of them in one frame and suddenly I WAS LIKE I FUCKING MUST POST THOSE MOMENTS SOMEHOW and im so proud of colouring it looks so well T_T) 5 (the colouring ofc im still :o that i could get rid of that shitty shit dkksjkj AND THE MOMENTS ITSELF?????? AND BLACK SWAN???????? EVERY PERFORMANCE???? HAIR?????? OUTFIT???????? EVRERYHTIGNM???????? HIS FUCKING STARE? FACE??? DONT MAKE ME CONTINUE AAAAAAAAAAA also if im not wrong this set in particular made me start my before/after posts 🥺) 6 (i jujst love everything about it e v e r yt h i n g also i could made ppl believe that jin fr has purple hair here when in reality its brown djhfdhskdf one of blending modes or adjustment layers worked this way lol) 7 (i wont even comment this tried a great tutorial with great beautiful resuls for the first time ever and it worked out so well and i like it so much and the whole yoongi here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also love me some borders that add cinematic feels to some gifs or just make them pretty in a dif way just like i did with prev post i mentioned imo lol) OK LAST ONE 8 (I USED A VIDEO OF STARS AND ADDED IT TO THE GIF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I FUCKED WITHMASKING FOR 3 HOURS GRRRRRRRR THIS IS SO HUGE FOR ME!!!!! i cant even explain whew IVE NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO I WAS REALLY PROUD TOO even tho i fucked masking up on some layers lmao but lets not pay too much attention to it 👀)
❀ a creation that took u forever
ohhhhhhhh i think this one cuz the moments were long i couldnt decide what do i want to include + it ts file so u kno,,, the speed,,, of processing,, + somehow decided to put them all together + fucked with colouring + had to get rid of the logo and as we know japan likes a lot of big braight text around haha and draw hair in moments where logo made it look blurry + had to adjust the order and all that stuff but getting rid of logo was the longest part 
❀ a creation from 2020 that received the most notes
whew this iconic one im still amazed tbh they looked soso incredible and im glad how everything turned out here <3 (could change some colouring on bg tho so it could look better and more hq :c)
❀ a creation u think deserved more notes 
lol this one cuz i was so hyped to make it cuz their concert in saudi arabia is one of my fav things in the world and i waited for so long to have mood and energy to go throught it to find jk moments and i couldnt choose some for this comp for so long and just,,,,,, overall,,,, the way he looks here............................................................... its a special comp to me haha ill def gif more of it i have shit ton of clips left and also there r other members and i just want to sit and enjoy yhe whole thing to so may find more stuff to gif here lol
❀  a new fandom u joined an a creation u made for it 
i didnt join anything heurheru
❀ a creation u made that breaks ur heart
OKAY LISTEN DSJAKDJHFDKJ THIS ONE IF U KNOW U KNOW AND IM SURE IT BREAKS ALMOST EVERY HEART tbh whenever i see soft smiles or soft interactions or anything like this im just :’( <3 even my serotonin boost tag does it to me cuz its too precious T_T
❀  a ‘simple’ creation that u really love
this one cuz everything about it ah and this one 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ a creation that was inspired by someone else
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk maybe this one ? cuz i never did anything like this before and maybe i saw someones beautiful headers and decided to try one too ? i could do a lot better there is not enough depth but oh well,,, lol
❀  a favourite creatin created by someone else
oh its gonna be hard :) dear every conten creator i hope u dont mind if i wont go though the whole 2020 gif tag but choose form the most recent ones i loved? u know how much i appreciate ur content cuz i never stop screaming about it in tags but truly there r more content makers and i want u to know that i really love ur content :(
@syubb welllllllllllll i wont even comment this is iconique.....
@jinv T_T val i miss u but there should be bday comps with that BIG ASS IMAGE THAT HAS ITS PARTS ON EVERY SINGLE GIF I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN that icant even find dfjksfskj
@jung-koook i literally couldnt choose ehdskjdjksd but i decided this one cuz its sososososososososososososososososososososo well made every single detail here is chefs kiss
@kkulmoon i truly really cant get enough of ur colouring lately T_T
@minhope !!!!!!LITERALLY EVERY PANTONE COMP OR ESPECIALLY 7 YEARS WITH BTS PANTONE ONE IM AAAAAAAAAAAAA and lmao i think this is one of the most reposted things ive ever seen on internet T_T
@jjoon hng amy u know how i feel about ur content T_T decided this one cuz f l a w l e s s 
@hopekidoki stuff like this makes my jaw lie in the floor dsjkdj
@flipthatjacketjiminie idk whats up but it makes me scream like a madman every time i see it.........
@lifegoesmon i cant even explain why i chose this one but everything here is so incredible !!!!!!!!1
@hobeah one of those good fucking bye ones.....
@taeyungie this made me feel so many things and a whole ass a w e so cool T_T
@jiminfilter i will never shut up about bts core jungkook one should also be here
@jinvant i wanna YELL but also u know how much i love ur quality and blacks  T_T and gfxs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yoongi-bts i love everything here with my whole heart!!!
@joenns  I WONT EVEN EXPLAIN IM SO HURT HES SO THIS IS SO T____________________T 
@jjeongukie idk i cant get enough of skin tone!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaylani i really love the colouring and love these posts with highlights T_T
@oncupid cant get enough of every colouring ive seen <3
@taee it was really hard to choose too T_T decided to go with this cuz,, u kno
❀  some of your favourite content creators from this year
ok i may forgot someone + in no order in particular + literally every creator that i follow/whose content i reblog @taeguks @tearuntold @cyphertaehyungie @love4hobi @kimnamtaejin @taejoon @jimiyoong @namkook @taeyungie @jinvant @jinv @6dis-ease @jiminrolls @daechwitas @syubb @syuga @jjeongukie @cowboyjinbop @hope-film @minhope @hopekidoki @joonie @namgination @jung-koook @faerieth @kooksv @lifegoesyoon @yoonqiful @j-sope @chaylani @jiminfilter @jjoon @everythingoes @varietae @seoksjin @dearbangtansonyeondan @ofkimtaehyung @yoongi-bts @gaypeople @seokjinyoongis @agustdfeatrm @joenns @houseofarmanto @namjoon (will miss forever) @thebtsgenre @honsool @vjimin @seokjinite @jiminswn @taee @hobeah @lifegoesmon @taemaknae @gukgi @kkulmoon @flipthatjacketjiminie @jintae @jcngkooks @ynki @yoongikook @yoongiandthebiaswreckers @jiminslight @gwkie @oncupid @eternalbulletproof and many more <3
OK SO i wanna say a special thanks to every content creator ever and also i wanna say that im really glad to be a part of this community all of u r so cool and creative and make such beautiful things and many of u made me feel EMOTIONS with ur sets or not only sets ill be forever grateful that i discovered bts and for everything they do to me without even knowing ALSO THANK U FOR STILL BEING HERE ON TUMBRLDSDFKJ yeah this year was less active there were few issues many ppl went on twt but thank u for still being here also happy new year <3333333 i think i sounded deeper and more emotional when i was commenting ppls gifs :| but its almost 2 am so i hope u will understand dkfjkfsjk im happy there is this corner on the internet that feels cozy and so welcoming <3 i love u i wish u a better year ahead <3 ok for checking notifications purpose ill tag my blog lol @eternal-bangtan
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sageblogsthings · 3 years
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to celebrate The Crimson Moon reaching 30k as of this morning, i thought that i would share the progression of the opening lines of the book, and talk a bit about how the book has grown and changed in the last year! on july 27th it will be exactly a year since i first started writing this and wow i’m not getting emotional you are aha whaaaat
*cough* anywayyysss!!
draft one: please oh god don't judge me
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ok i'm not going to talk negatively about my past writing because it got me to where i am today but. [marge i am looking away meme] if you can't tell, i wrote this when i was going through the existential crisis phase of uni and just wanted to live in the woods, i say like i would not currently move to the woods in a heartbeat asdklfja
at the time that i wrote this i was really happy with it because the writing was fun and, as a result, easy! at this point i was just writing in my down time from uni, and i didn't know what the plot was or what my plans were for the book as a whole. because this was just something i did in my down time, i think my writing took on more of a conversational, stream-of-consciousness tone, and that's part of what made this draft (or start of a draft, i only got like 12k in i think) so easy to write. but eventually, as the plot started to come together and i started to gain more inspiration from sff writers as a whole, i realized that this book wasn't heading in the direction i wanted it to. it wasn't just something to do in my free time at that point, it had taken on a life of it's own. and thus, draft two began.
draft two: electric boogaloo
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ngl these lines still slap and i love them. there are definitely things i would change, but these lines will be in the current draft of the book, albeit not in the first chapter and altered slightly. when i started this draft, i didn't have an outline but i had a very clear, cinematic image of how i wanted this chapter to go. i think having that before i started writing helped a looooot, both in terms of prose and just being able to convey aspects of the setting/character in the first paragraph. as i continued writing this draft though, i realized that some of the character arcs didn't make sense or were getting a bit messy, and that, based on the story i wanted to tell, it didn't make sense to start with Xalia. while there are six main pov characters in this book, Vanna really is the main character and i wanted that to be clear.
draft three: this time it's personal actually good
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these are the current first lines of the book, and honestly my favorite so far! starting off with Vanna rather than Xalia definitely gives the book a different feel, and it's one that's more true to the vision i have for it. in my opinion, this opening does a much better job of setting up some of the book's themes, which admittedly i'm still figuring out lol. grief and loss are major components of all the character arcs, and are integral to the plot itself. switching to present tense has also been a LIFE CHANGER for me. it's funny because, on the second stab at this book, i kept slipping into present tense, but forcing myself back to past tense because i thought present tense sounded weird. turns out it only sounded weird because it was surrounded by past tense, and now that i've written 3 chapters in present tense i can solidly say that this is the way the book was meant to be written. it just feels like my book now, and i'm so happy with where it's headed!
i also made an outline for this draft of the book, and while i've already deviated from it somewhat to work out plot holes or increase ~foreshadowing~ in certain scenes, getting all of the events out of my head and onto paper has really allowed me to just write because i know that i have a document to refer back to if i get stuck on where the story is headed. making the outline also really pushed me to think about character backstories, most of which i had previously established, but now they've changed a lot to fit together more cohesively and integrate with the plot more clearly. i've also changed a lot of the character designs, and as a result of changing the appearances and backstories of a lot of the characters, i feel a lot closer to them and the story itself. the characters have well and truly taken on a life of their own, and now i'm kind of just along for the ride, telling their stories and loving every second of it!
ALSO!! the last big change with this draft, which i just implemented literally this morning and am so so sooooo excited about, is having first person referral, present tense mini-chapters/interludes! it gives the book a really unique sound and ties into the plot really nicely i think! i feel like the structure and form of the story are finally tying into the story itself and it's driving me insane a little bit askdfjka
as of right now i'm not ready to reveal who the pov and referral characters are in these chapters, because i'm debating between a couple ways of doing things and if i go one way that would end up being a pretty big spoiler! that being said, i got really hyped up about it earlier today and rambled in the spoilers section of my server so if you do want that sweet sweet spoilers content....join my server! ;)
also. i hope u all know that i almost deleted that first snippet about ten different times but transparency in writing and all that, i really do want to show how much this book has grown and changed! even if it's going to cause me immense psychic damage to type up the image description for this but i digress
i think that's all for now, and thank you so so much if you read all of that! the love and support this project has received and continues to receive absolutely blow me away, and i can't thank you enough for being part of the journey! <3
the crimson moon taglist (ask to be +/-)
@dallonswords | @isherwoodj | @florraisons | @aetherwrites | @childhoodlovers | @bijouxs | @ziyin | @moonhungers | @piyawrites | @avi-why | @svpphicwrites | @alicewestwater | @ladywithalamp | @spencers-tomes | @discreet-writer | @sunwornpages | @abalonetea | @the-bard-writes | @x-writes | @morganwriteblr​ ​| @aphaimaniis | @stephwriteswords | @ninazeniks ​| @araliensmagica | @fuyugomori | @ryns-ramblings | @greyjaywrites | @marimos
image descriptions below the cut
[header image description]
the background is a dark castle with a checkerboard-patterned marble floor. the hallway fades into black, with the hint of a figure standing in the doorway. white text across the image reads "The Crimson Moon" in a large, all-caps font, and below that reads "wip update post" in thin, lowercase text.
[image description for excerpt one]
I lay on my back, gazing up at the sky. The weather was absolutely perfect. I could hear the crickets singing, the birds chirping, the brook babbling, all that good poetic shit.
I came out here often, just to get away and pretend like I wasn't a part of the fuck-all society I lived in. How could humans be so ignorant? We live in a world with this, I gestured expansively in my mind at the field around me, how can we not see how beautiful it is? How perfect it is? How imperfect we are by comparison?
[image description for excerpt two]
Xalia strode down the marble halls, the soft leather of her shoes meeting each tile with a cacophony of echoes. This was not the first, second, hundredth time that she had walked these passageways, and yet the chill she felt when contained within their depths never seemed to subside. The looming corridors and billowing curtains always seemed to hide sinister whispers that breathed down her neck and pricked at the tips of her ears. Perhaps it was the High Council, with their unnerving masks and owlish eyes, seeming to know and perceive all — or perhaps it was the knowledge that every time she stalked back towards the exit, she would carry the weight of another’s life on her shoulders, a life that she had to take.
[image description for excerpt three]
Vanna’s mother always tells them that grief is a sharp, biting thing; something that latches its teeth around your stomach until you double over with the weight of it. But for Vanna, that’s not quite right. There isn’t something hidden and tucked away behind the confines of their gut because there isn’t anything there at all. As they walk towards the town well — a spell book in one hand and emptiness in the other — they think that their mother got it wrong trying to describe grief in terms of presence. Grief, to them, can only be absence. The absence of light, the absence of a smile, and the absence of a palm which had curled so perfectly into theirs.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
Sneak Peak at The Size of Heart
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I am SO EXCITED to finally post the Sneak Peak to my new fic, The Size of a Heart. This drabble was perhaps one of the hardest fics I’ve written, and that’s because this story deals with something that I’ve struggled with for many, many years now. With that being said, one of the many things this story deals with is body dysmorphia.
For those who are unaware, body dysmorphia or - Body dysmorphic disorder - is a mental health disorder in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others. I am stating this right now, I have never been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder, but I have done many of the things that are mentioned later on in this fic.
This was not an easy story to write because I put in my own experiences with being self-conscious, with hating what I see in the mirror, with seeing an image of myself that isn’t what others see. To be honest, I’ve also left out a lot of the things that I’ve done because of that. There were many moments were I had to stop and walk away from this fic because it was so hard to read the things the MC is going through, and knowing that I did them, that I still do. It’s not easy.
I’m going to put this disclaimer on the fic when it’s completely posted as well, but this is just a heads for those who may not be comfortable reading such things. And that’s perfectly understandable. For those of you do decide to read this fic, well, I hope you enjoy. I really do. There are moments that made me laugh, so I promise it’s not all angst lol. I really do.
Now, let me give a GIANT shout out to the amazing @ladyartemesia​ for making this fucking AMAZING Mood Board for my fic.It’s LITERALLY ON FIRE AND THE FIREFLIES ARE BLINKING! Usually I put the banner/header that I make here, but this Mood Board is beautiful and deserves it’s time to shine. Now, on to the teaser!
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Pairing: Lee Hoseok (Wonho) and Reader
Genre: Established Relationship AU - Slice of Life AU - Smut - Angst - Fluff
Word Count: 9.9k
Warning: Tattooed Wonho, Pierced Wonho, messy kisses, Wonho is a hoe for the reader’s boobs, size kink - body insecurity, body dysmorphia, talk about dieting, talk about starving, talk about binge eating, fasting, self-hatred, self-conscious, use of the term fat in a negative view – explanation of the butterfly project.
Overview: Between work and obtaining an MFA, it had been too long since you and Hoseok had gotten to spend more than a few hours together, let alone be intimate with each other. When he whisks you away for a well-deserved weekend getaway, just the two of you and no one else, you eagerly jump on board, and him. But when you wake up alone left with your thoughts, unable to escape the insecurities you once put behind you, this  weekend  changes your relationship in a way you hadn’t even hoped for.  
To be Posted: Wednesday, September 9th, 10 am.
Part of the Intimacy Anthology that is being put on by @peonybane​
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Last night had been wonderful. Beautiful. Perfect even. But now all you could think about was how Hoseok had avoided certain areas of you on purpose. That perhaps, he didn’t think you were as beautiful as he thought.
You didn’t recall changing. One second you were entering the bedroom in nothing but a towel and the next when you looked down to grip the fabric tighter, you were dressed in one of his black t-shirts and a pair of panties you had packed.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, the towel fell from your fingertips and in an attempt to hold on to something, anything to keep you from floating away, you slid them over your face and into your hair, twisting and gripping the locks until there was a hard ache on the side of your scalp.
“Go away,” you softly whispered, tugging a little hard to make those pesky leeches leave you. “Please go away. Please”
They needed to go. Disappear. It didn’t matter if you had to burn them to a crisp and leave behind a permanent scar. You just needed them go away, because spiraling was not an option. Not again.
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lysjeon · 4 years
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— sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:  When your boyfriend is late for your valentine’s day date you never thought it was because of a book he wanted to read to you. You would be mad for his tardiness, but how could you be when he comes running to you, chocolate-covered strawberries on one hand and a bouquet of your favorite flowers on the other and a big warm smile on his face as his twinkly eyes look back at you?
— ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: namjoon x reader
— ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff, smut, valentine’s day au, college au
— ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: fingering, dirty talk, sub/dome themes, chocking (tie and hands), creampie, namjoon has a big cock lol, unprotexted sex (stay safe pls), lots of sex jokes, namjoon being a cute ass bad boy boyfriend.
— ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 4.7K
— part of the Bound In Love collab!
header credits go to @tokyoscript​
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Namjoon’s fingers gently ran along the spine of the books in the library, his eyes scanning all the titles quickly, stopping every once in a while to take one that seemed familiar out but shaking his head in defeat when he realized it was not what he was looking for. This had been the third aisle he had been searching and if it wasn’t because he was doing this for you, he would have given up two hours ago and gone somewhere else to find a last minute gift for you before he had to leave for your date.
“Hyung, what are you even looking for?” Jeongguk asked, plopping down on a bean bag near Namjoon as he mindlessly skimmed through a magazine.
“For a book.” He answered matter of factly.
“Oh, really? I thought you were looking for the ice cream truck.” The younger answered sarcastically. “Just tell me the name of the book you’re looking for so I can help you find it, or else we’ll be here for another three hours and we both have dates to go to.”
“I don’t know the name of it.” Namjoon answered, not even turning around to look at Jeongguk. ���I just remember reading it in my lit class like two years ago around the time I met her.”
“Why are you so fixated on finding this book, anyway? Can’t you just choose one of the other thousand books you read to gift to her?”
“No, because in it there’s this part where it says what love is and I remember thinking I wanted to feel those exact words some day and now that I do I want to read them to her.” Namjoon explained, walking towards the next aisle, Jeongguk following close behind.
“I never thought you were the romantic type.” Jeongguk teased his hyung, laughing when he slapped his chest and rolled his eyes. “You know, when you two started dating I never thought it would work out.” The younger admitted, earning the older’s attention, who turned his head to look at him. “Don’t look at me like that,” He chuckled at Namjoon’s furrowed brows. “I don’t think anyone expected you two to work out.”
“What do you even mean?” Namjoon asked, slightly offended at his friend’s words.
“You two are so different, aesthetically at least.” He shrugged, “You wear black and leather jackets. You smoke cigarettes and intimidate people with how quiet you are most of the time.” Jeongguk started, “And she wears dresses and light colors. She’s a social butterfly and everyone knows her as the cute girl on campus.” He shrugged, “So it was weird seeing you two together at first and we all thought your personalities would clash just like your looks did, but then when I got to know her better I realized you two were actually pretty much the same.”
Namjoon couldn’t deny that. You and him were completely different, but that’s what made you feel attracted to each other in the first place. You were attracted to his tough boy image- that proved to be just a facade because once you started going out with him more and more you realized how nice he actually was, always listening to you intently and making sure you were comfortable with each of his advances on you- and the way he always looked at you as if you had put the stars in the sky. And he was attracted to the way you, unlike every other girl he had tried to talk to, didn’t seem to be intimidated by him, staring back every time you caught his eyes on you at a party before you had even started hanging out, always shooting him a smile that had his whole world shaking from the moment he met you.
“I guess you’re right.” Namjoon shrugged once again, focusing back on searching for that one book.
Without any other words the both of them went back to searching for the book Namjoon was so desperately looking for, giving a quick description of the book to Jeongguk so he could help him find it. Only now, just a couple hours before your date, he damned himself for putting it off for so long and not starting to look for it before, then again he never thought that it would be so hard to find it.
Almost an hour later, the maknae had left Namjoon to search on his own, as he had to get ready for his date and unlike his hyung, he wasn’t risking being late, mainly because his girlfriend would kill him if he was. Don’t get me wrong, Namjoon knew you would kill him if he was late, especially today because not only was it Valentine’s Day but it was also your second anniversary, but he wanted to find the book and give it to you today, and he wasn’t going to stop looking until he found it.
He checked the time on his phone as he walked to another shelf of books to continue his search. You had agreed to meet two hours from now, so if he found the book in the next 45 minutes he would have enough time to get ready for your date and not be late.
Of course, that didn’t happen because two hours later, when he finally checked his phone again, he saw the time and below it the multiple calls and messages you had left asking him where he was and if he had forgotten about your date. Heart racing with panic and book in hand he ran as fast as he could towards his dorm, where he took the quickest shower he had ever taken before he left to meet you.
Almost thirty minutes past the time you were supposed to meet your boyfriend you still stood there, small gift bag hanging from your wrist as you wrapped your arms around yourself in hopes of blocking the cold air that had your body shivering every now and then (you should have worn a thicker coat, but you made a sacrifice for the sake of the cute outfit you had planned days ago).
Once the initial anger of him being late for your date, worry started to settle in the pit of your stomach because it’s Namjoon, he had never been late to a date in the two years that you had been together and he wasn’t answering your calls or messages (of course it was because he was too busy rushing over to where you were to do so) so something you thought something must have happened.
In no time you were calling one of his best friends and roommates, Hoseok, but he didn’t answer. Next, you tried Taehyung, because you remembered him mentioning that he didn’t have any plans for tonight, so unless that had changed he should be in their dorm.
You turned around to where the familiar voice calling your name had come from and saw your boyfriend jogging towards you, breathing heavy probably due to all the stairs he had to run up, bouquet of red tulips in one hand and a box which contents you couldn’t see in the other.
You quickly ended the call and turned fully towards him, your arms crossing over your chest as you watched him catch his breath. Now that he was there, seemingly unharmed, your anger was coming back.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I-”
“Thirty minutes late.” You add, cutting him off.
“I know baby, I lost track of time.” He confessed, looking at you with an apologetic smile, his dimples prominent. “I got you these,” He said, handing you the flowers “And these.” He showed you the inside of the box, revealing a dozen chocolate-covered strawberries.
You looked up at him and you couldn’t help but chuckle at how cliché his presents were, his smile getting bigger when he heard you. How could you be mad at your giant boyfriend when he was always so cute and soft? Shaking your head slightly, you went on your tiptoes to leave a soft peck on his lips, making him hum in content.
“Baby, I’m really sorry for being late, I just got caught up trying to find this.” He said, shrugging off his back pack and looking through it to take out the book.
“A book?” You asked, looking up at him with a puzzled look.
“Yeah,” He laughed. “I was reading it for a class when we met and I wanted to show it to you.” He smiled down at you shyly, making your heart melt.
You both put down the blanket he had brought on his backpack and sat down on it, strawberries between the both of you waiting to be eaten as you watched Namjoon go through the pages of the book with a soft smile. He did a little victory nod when he found the page he was looking for and looked at you, only to find you already looking at him.
With one last quick look at you, he started reading the passage and it wasn’t long until you started getting emotional, his soft voice reading to you about what love is making your eyes fill with happy tears.
You loved this man, more than you could ever explain with words and sometimes you worried not being able to express to him how much he truly meant to you, but at the same time you just knew he did. You were sure that he knew that he was the one for you and that this was it, the would never be anyone else like him for you.
He knew because he felt the exact same way. Before heet you he had never wanted to spend his life with anyone. Date? yes, but actually imagining a future where he grew old and shared every single moment of his life with someone else had never crossed his mind until he met you.
“When we started dating I knew that I would feel these words for you some day,” he confessed, referring to the book. “And of course I’ve felt them for a while, but I don’t think I’ve ever told you that you’re the one. I know you know, but I’ve never actually said it.” He smiled, his thumb collecting a few tears that fell down your cheek. “I love you, pretty girl, and I want to spend my life with you.” He whispered, leaving soft kisses all over your face as he spoke.
“Fuck, I hate you. I spent like two hours on my make up and you made me ruin it.” You say, making him chuckle.
“It was gonna get ruined later anyways.” He shrugged and winked as you hit his chest with your hand playfully.
You get up quickly and before he can even ask you what you were doing you sat back down on his lap this time, your legs on either side of him as your hands cupped his face to make him look at you.
“Joonie, I love you.” You whispered against his lips before kissing him softly for a few seconds. “I want to spend my life with you too, that’s why I got us this.” You say, handing him the small gift bag to him and waiting for him to open it.
"What is it?” He asks, taking a peek inside the bag.
You chuckle and shake your head. “You have to open it to see!”
He chuckled along with you as he took out the small rectangular box, giving you a quick curious glance before you urged him to open it with a smile that was making his heart race. When he finally opened the box, he saw two delicate gold rings that had both your initials engraved on the inside.
“Do you like them?” You asked with a smile when he looked up at you. “I know you hardly ever wear rings but I thought getting couple rings would be nice. They’re like unofficial promise rings.”
“Unofficial promise rings, huh? For a moment I thought you were about to propose to me.” You both laughed at that “Not gonna lie, I would’ve said yes.”
“I know, it’d be a blessing to have me as a wife.” You joke, making him snort as he leaned into you.
He pressed his lips against yours softly at first, but that didn’t last long because as soon as your arms wrapped around his neck to bring him closer he left the rings on the floor next to him so his hands could wrap around your waist.
The kiss turned hungrier and deeper, and you patted yourself on the back mentally for just wearing a tinted chapstick instead of lipstick. Namjoon’s hands slid down your back until they reached your ass, squeezing hard enough to make you moan against his lips and him to chuckle at your reaction.
He pulled away from your mouth and started trailing kisses down your jaw, licking and sucking purple marks into the skin of your neck that you know would be a pain in the ass cover, but you were past the point of caring. His hands reached the hem of your long dress, that thanks to the way you were sitting on his lap was scrunched around your knees, and rand them along the soft skin of your thighs until he reached your pantyline.
“Joon,” You whined, already worked up by his touch.
“Hm baby?” He asked, lust clear in his deep voice. “What’s wrong, little one?”
You whined again at his words, slowly starting to grind against him for some kind of relief, making him look down and chuckle at you. You stopped and moaned loudly when his hand slapped your ass, and even in this position his slaps were sharp and hard.
“You’re being so needy.” He chuckled darkly, completely taken over by lust. “So, so needy.” He repeated, finally sliding his fingers inside your panties, his fingers instantly getting covered with your wetness. “And so wet already. You’re always such a good girl for me, and since today is a special day I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?” He asked, one of his fingers pressing against your clit and making you jump up.
“Y-yes.” You stuttered as his finger started moving. “Fuck, p-please.”
“Please what, baby? What do you want?”
“Fingers. In me.” You simply said, sentences getting harder and harder with every flick of his skillful fingers against your clit.
“Anything for you, princess.”
The moment he said that, two of his long fingers entered you, the sudden stretch making you almost scream in pleasure. He quickly set up a fast pace, one that had you seeing stars every time his fingers curled inside you. His free hand joined his other one and started playing with your clit, the bundle of nerves sending strong waves of pleasure through your whole body.
The fire in the pit of your stomach was almost painful as you were getting so close to your release. Seeing how close you were to your high, Namjoon started sucking and biting once again on your neck, knowing how sensitive you were there.
“Hngg- gonna c-cum.” You say breathlessly, hands squeezing his shoulders tight for support.
“Cum baby, cum for me.” He whispered against your collarbone.
His words were enough to push you over the edge, your orgasm hitting you so hard that you were shaking against him as he helped you ride it all out. One of your hands wrapped around his wrist once you became too sensitive for him to continue fingering you, signaling him to stop.
As you tried to catch your breath, you watched him bring his hand up to his mouth, his fingers covered in your release. He licked them clean, the sight making you whine.
“You look so hot doing that.” You say breathlessly, making him laugh out loud at your comment.
“You good?” He asked you a few minutes later. “I wanna take you somewhere.”
Intrigued, you nodded, and soon you were leaving the rooftop everything had started in two years ago, hand in hand and shiny new rings on your fingers.
>> “Why do I have to wear this?” You asked, more like whined, as you clung to his arm for support.
“Because if you didn’t it would ruin the surprise.” He said, and even though you couldn’t see him, you knew he was smirking.
A few minutes ago, before you got out of his car, he had blindfolded you with a tie that he had brought on his backpack, claiming that he had a big surprise for you and that he didn’t want you to get any ideas as to what it was until you actually saw it.
You couldn’t see anything which only made you hyper aware to sounds around you, but nothing that you’ve heard so far had given you any clue as to where you were or what Namjoon’s surprise was. So far you heard a dog barking, your footsteps echoing loudly as you walked up some stairs, an elevator, hardwood floors and finally the jinggling of keys.
“You’re not gonna kill me, are you?” You asked when he left you standing there and you heard a door close behind you.
“Why would I have waited two years to kill you? It would’ve been a waste of my time.” He answered simply, a low chuckle leaving his lips as he came back to your side and made you walk a few steps more.
“I mean, maybe you wanted me to trust you so you could kill me without me putting up much of a fight?” You tried to reason. “Although that would be kinda stupid because usually the boyfriend is always one of the main suspects.”
“Babe, I’m not gonna kill you.” He laughed.
“I’m just saying you could, and I would’ve never suspected a thing.” You shrugged.
“Okay, I’m gonna take your blindfold off.” He whispered against your ear, shivers running down your spins at his soft voice.
You could feel him behind you, his chest was lightly pressing against your back as his fingers slid the tie that was blocking your vision down your head, leaving it hanging loosely around your neck. When he took it out, it took you a few moments to adjust to the lighting, but once you did you frowned, confusion taking over you.
As you looked around you started to recognize the place, it was the same as the last time you had been there, except for a mattress in the middle of the empty living room space and grocery bags next to the kitchen counter.
“This is the apartment we looked at a few weeks ago for you, isn’t it?” You asked, finally turning around towards him. “Did you get it?” You asked, excitement rushing over you when he nodded. “Oh my god! I’m so happy for you, Joon, this is the one you really liked!” You say jumping up and down and wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
He laughed at your reaction and wrapped his own arms around your waist before he spoke. “This is the apartment that we liked.” He corrected you, smiling brightly. “There’s a reason I wanted you to come apartment haunting with me. I wanted to get a place that we both loved because I want you to move in with me.”
You were clearly taken aback by his request, your eyebrows raising and your eyes getting big. “Really?”
“Yeah. We basically spend every night together already, whether it is at your place or my dorm and given that we both have roommates I thought it would be nice to have a space that’s just our own.” He explained. “Besides, here we can be as loud as we want.” He teased, squeezing your hips. “So what do you say?”
You smiled up at him and pecked his lips quickly. “Of course I say yes.” You answer, making him pick you up and spin you around, both of you laughing out loud.
When he put you down, he pressed his lips against yours, starting a kiss that once again started innocent but quickly turned sinful, tongues messily crashing against each other.
“I guess now we have to christen the apartment, don’t we?” You say teasingly, one of your hands coming down to squeeze his already hardening member.
He smirked at your words. “I guess so.”
As your hand continued rubbing his cock through the material of his jeans, he wrapped the long end of the tie around his fist to pull you in for an even hungrier kiss. As you kissed, you could feel his hands fiddling with the tie knot, wrapping it tighter around your neck and pulling you away from him when it was tight enough.
“Strip, little one.” He said, voice deep and tone demanding.
As you started stripping, first taking off your leather jacket- that he had gifted to you for your last birthday - and then slipping off your dress, you could feel his intense gaze on you, dark eyes scanning every single new patch of naked skin you revealed to him.
Once you were standing just in your underwear, you looked up at him with a smile, your eyes flickering to the now painfully noticeable tent in his tight jeans before locking your eyes with him and licking your lips. He knew exactly what you were thinking in that moment, so without saying anything, he pulled the tie down and in no time you were on your knees, hands quickly working to unbuckle his belt and take out his cock.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He chuckled as he watched you pull down his jeans and boxers in one quick motion.
“For you? Always.” You answered with a smirk.
Your hand wrapped around his cock and slowly started pumping it, your eyes locked on his, watching the pleasure your hand only was causing him. When he had enough of your teasing, he pulled on the tie quickly, making you giggle and get closer to him, licking a long stipe up his dick and pushing the tip into your mouth when you reached to it.
Getting bored of just having his tip in your mouth, you started taking him deeper and deeper, until you could feel him in the back of your throat and you were struggling to breathe properly, and even then you couldn’t take all of him in. Namjoon was big, the biggest you had ever seen and you remember feeling intimidated by his size when you started dating him but now, two years down the road, you absolutely loved it.
“Fuck baby, just like that.” He groaned, the hand that didn’t have the tie wrapped around it going to tangle in your hair. “Do you think you could go deeper?” He asked, and you looked up at him with wide eyes, but challenging yourself you nodded as best as you could. “Okay baby, relax your jaw.” And you did, little by little he started pushing deeper than he has ever been. “Fuuuck, shit, that’s it. You’re being so good. Stay there.”
When he saw that you couldn’t take him any deeper he stilled there for a few seconds, head thrown back as your throat squeezed his dick before relaxing again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He said, suddenly pulling all the way out of your mouth, making you start coughing and thick strands of saliva to dribble down your chin. “Baby, you’re so good to me, I almost came there.” He chuckled, pulling on the tie so you would stand up. “You okay?”
Without hesitation you nodded, the ache in the muscles of your throat the least of your priorities right now, and to be honest you could barely feel it with how turned on you were.
“Bed, now.” He demanded, letting go of the tie so he could take off the rest of his clothes.
You obeyed, turning on your heels and quickly walking towards the lonely mattress. You sat down on it and focused on how your boyfriend was taking his shirt off, seeing him strip was honestly one of your favorite parts of having sex with him. He always was so hot and sometimes it only took him taking off his shirt to have you wet beyond belief.
“Like the view?” He asked, walking over to join you on the makeshift bed. “You should take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“I plan on it.” You answer back, making him laugh.
After that he wasted no time in more small talk, he hooked his fingers onto you panties and slid them down quickly, revealing your glistening pussy to him. He pushed your legs open and leaned down to lick a few long stripes up and down your slit, making you moan every time his tongue pressed against your clit.
“You’re so gorgeous.” He whispered against your thigh, lightly biting it before he went back to lick your pussy a few more times. “Look how needy your little cunt is, it’s spasming already begging for my cock, isn’t it?” He says as he kissed up your belly and unclasped your bra.
“Please, Joon, fuck me.” You whine, your back arching when his mouth started sucking on one of your perked up nipples.
He didn’t answer you, but you could feel him smirk against your breaks. One of his hands went down between your bodies to guide his cock towards your entrance, making you gasp when you felt his tip pushing into you. He started slow, knowing that even after all this time, you still needed a few seconds to adjust to his size.
When you tried to push him deeper, that was his confirmation that you wanted him to continue, so without warning he slammed the rest of his cock into you until your hips were flush together and deep moans escaped both of your lips.
“Fuck, faster.” You almost screamed, his cock grazing your gspot with every thrust.
You didn’t have to tell him twice. His pace quickly fastened, making you scream his name and your vision to go blurry from pleasure. He pushed himself up with his arms, looking down between you to watch his dick disappearing into your pussy. When he looked back at you, your head was thrown back, eyes closed shut and mouth wide open as loud moans escaped it.
One of his hands wrapped around your throat, lightly squeezing so you would look at him, when you did he almost came right then and there, you looked so fucked out already. Your lips were bright red and swollen, your cheeks were flushed with pink and a thin layer of sweat covered your whole body.
Absolutely beautiful.
“Fuck baby, I-I’m gonna cum.” He warned, at this you opened your eyes and nodded, wordlessly telling him that you were too.
His thrusts became harder and sloppier, and it didn’t take much longer for both of you to come undone after that. Loud moans and curses were shared as both of you reached your highs together, Namjoon continuing to thrust into you to help you ride out your orgasm until you were too sensitive to handle his soft thrusts.
He carefully slipped out of you, watching his cum drip out of your pussy for a few seconds before he plopped down next to you, turning his head so he could look at you.
“You look so cute like this.” He commented as he pushed your hair away from your face.
“Like what?” You chuckled.
“Fucked out.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “You probably ruined my make up.”
“I did, but you still look pretty.” He shrugged and leaned in to peck your lips. “Want one?” He asked, reaching over you to take out a package of cigarettes from the pocket of his backpack.
“Only if we share it.” You nodded, watching him light one up and then handing it to you.
“As long as you share those extremely overpriced strawberries.” He laughed, watching you exhale the smoke into the air.
“Wouldn’t share them with anyone else.” You kiss him. “Happy Valentine’s day and second anniversary, baby. Thank you for not killing me.” You whisper against his lips.
He laughed loudly at that and kissed you again. “No problem, babe. Happy anniversary.”
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awesomenessg · 3 years
I finally decided to change my Tumblr bio since I ended up being a lot more active on here than I thought lol
If you'd like, check out my YouTube channel @Nessa G. I do singing covers and comic dubs on there. Sadly I haven't gotten around to any new videos lately, mostly because of the craziness of the pandemic (will make a follow-up post explaining more about that later on), but I'm planning on finally getting back to that real soon!
Until then, enjoy my blog...I guess. (Mostly just a reblogger here but wutevs)
Edit: How do you all like my header image, btw? I drew it myself. (It's my cartoon persona if you couldn't already tell)
Edit #2: I just changed the first part of my bio because I currently go by she/her AND they/them pronouns now.
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jinfilms · 4 years
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mobile header tutorial
hello! I’m here to share how to create a header similar to these that i’ve done in the past. here are the tools i’m using:
photoshop cc 2018 (from @birdysources)
some picture of hoseok probably from either twitter or weverse i don’t remember lol
i included pictures and tried to make it VERY beginner friendly, but please, send me an ask or dm if i’m unclear at any point. it’s 2:38 am as i’m making this tutorial and i just downed my cold brew so i’m sorry if it’s messy
1: open your picture in photoshop (here’s the picture of hobi if u wanna follow along)
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2: find the quick selection tool
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you’ll find it in the left sidebar, fourth from the top. i’ll often use this and the tool above it (polygonal lasso tool) depending on the photo. the quick selection tool is faster but more tedious, in my opinion, but hoseok was easy enough to cut out just using the quick select. use both! whatever u are comfortable with. 
here are my settings for the tool:
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i almost always keep it at 3px. unless the image is huge, then i’ll go up to 5px, but never really above that. 
3: trace over your subject(s) (aka hobi) by dragging the tool along the edges, until you’re happy with the accuracy: 
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4: find Select and Mask (directly above the image):
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and here are the settings i’m using:
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then press ‘Ok’ !
5: Select Inverse (right click inside subject)
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now we’re going to press ‘backspace’ on your keyboard, and the background will be gone~ 
make sure your file isn’t locked! it should be labeled ‘Layer 0′ and not ‘Background’ (if it’s locked, just double click it and press ‘Ok’ on the window that pops up)
after pressing backspace to delete the background, it should look like this: 
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then deselect it all. now is the time to look closer at your newly made render and see if there’s any cleaning up to do. i’m good to go, so i’m gonna continue on with making my header. 
tip: drag the subject (hobi) with the move tool (very top tool on your left sidebar) to the center so he’s in the very middle. it should click to the center (you’ll see the pink line) 
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it’s not necessary for the tutorial but if you plan on saving this render as a .png and dispersing the renders you make-- it’s just cleaner looking to have them centered! 
6: File > New 
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i always use 800 x 430 for mobile headers. for gifs, i size it down to 650 x 349.
7: resize and drag hobi into the new canvas (Image > Image Resize) 
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for single subjects like this i usually resize them to ~300 to ~400. whatever you think looks best tbh
now drag the file from its place up top:
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then the file from where it’s labeled ‘Layer 0′
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8: now hobi is inside the canvas where the actual header is going to be made~ you can get rid of the render, or save it as a .png, whatever u plan on doing w it
i’m gonna center my hobi for the header i plan on making! from this point it’s just gonna be coloring, sharpening, etc. if you’re interested in using any textures like flowers or bring in other renders of objects, DeviantArt is a great place to search for texture packs. @beapanda on DeviantArt makes beautiful resources (kpop and non kpop related) be sure to credit them or whoever u save ur textures from! 
for this header i’m not going to be using any outside resources, i just want my hobi to be the focus~ 
for the background, i’m gonna use a gradient from this site (this pack is 200 images. phew) 
i’m using no. 200 from that pack.
9: optional- i’m gonna make some extra layers and start coloring hobi using clipping masks. 
make a new layer > right click the new layer and find ‘create clippink mask’ > set the layer to either color, overlay, or multiply (whatever you think looks best and does what u are trying to achieve)
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here i’ve just make layers to color things like his hair, his hoodie, and baby mang
here’s with vs without: 
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and when you’re done, go ahead and right click your primary layer (subject layer) and click ‘merge clipping mask’.
10: coloring~ 
find a psd you like or being to color the header yourself. for this header i’m gonna be using a homemade psd. i’m not gonna go into detail bc there are sooo many places to find psds on tumblr and deviantart. just like you brought hobi into the header canvas, drag your psd there, and that’s how u apply a psd. 
when u are happy with the coloring, right click the bottom layer and flatten the image. 
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11: topaz clean + unmask sharpen
topaz clean is an addition u have to manually add to your photoshop program. u can google how to do it, but if anyone’s struggling i can show u how i did if i remember (but i’m pretty sure i do)
topaz settings:
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unsharp mask settings (go to filter > sharpen > unsharp mask): 
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honestly, topaz is completely unnecessary, but i like the way it looks so i’m gonna go with it anyway. sharpening the header alone will still give you a great outcome
12: final step, header border time~
over on my film/tv blog @gusdapperton​ i’ve made a header template pack (click here if u just wanna use my premade borders) but for this tutorial i’m gonna show u how i actually made those (minus the cloud one, i was just fucking around lol) (it’s so simple)
>>> if u DO just save one of the borders i made in that pack, resize it so the width is at 800 and drag it to your header canvas. set the layer to ‘screen’ and bang there u go! 
BUT with that method u can’t change the color from white. so if u want a border with any other color, keep following the tutorial >>>
go to view > rulers and select that to show the rulers (duh)
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click from inside the ruler (light grey) and drag out your guides. here are where i’m placing mine:
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they should ‘snap’ right into place, but if they don’t, make sure u go to view > snap and that’ll fix it. u will know what i mean once u try it lol
select the curvature pen tool (right click the pen tool to show more tool options):
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and begin to place your dots. thanks to the guides, these dots will also snap into place
here are mine: 
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(i eyeballed the two in the middle, it doesn’t need to look perfect tbh)
this next step is sorta stupid but i haven’t found a better way to do it yet lol
to close the shape just make sure to closely follow the direction of the dot you last placed, then go around to make your way back to the first... it looks silly but like this:
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just play around with the shape and the tool... u will get the hang of it lol
now look up ^ and press Selection
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then ‘Ok’ in the next window. then boom~ there’s your selection for the border we’re about to make.
make a new layer then select the rectangular marquee tool (second from the top on the left sidebar) and either drag with your mouse or use the arrow keys to move the selection we just made. here is where i’m placing mine:
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then select your paint bucket tool (if you can’t find it, right click the gradient tool and it’ll be one of the sub tools, like i showed u with the pen tool)
make a new layer, then fill it in (i’m using white)
you can stop there, but to make that line like i did in my border template pack, press the down arrow on your keyboard and go down 5-10 pixels, press backspace, go down the same amount of pixels, and re-fill that area. 
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now unselect. there’s the border~ 
now go to view > clear guides to get rid of those. u don’t need em anymore :) i’m also going to move the border we’ve just made down to the bottom of the canvas since we don’t need that big gap there. 
>>> tip, don’t fill in the white directly on the layer if you wanna change the color. create a new layer on top of the border layer, right click > create clipping mask > fill the layer with the color u want for the background. example: 
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it saves the integrity of the shape. if you color fill right over the white, look closely and you’ll see it looks sort of pixelated and not as clean or smooth. it’s subtle but noticeable enough to me where it bothers me. 
since this color i chose is kinda vibrant and clashes, i’m gonna help it out some. go back to the quick select tool and select everything inside your border layer. make a new layer, fill the layer with black (any color will do, it doesn’t matter) and set the fill to 0%. double click that new layer, and a new screen will pop up. go to drop shadow, find the settings you like, and boom. here’s what i did and what it’ll look like: 
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now u are finished~ i didn’t do this but u can skip sharpening the header earlier in the tutorial and reflatten the image again to sharpen it at this point instead but, yknow, i didn’t do that lol
here’s the final product (save by going to file > export > save for web)
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preview of how it looks on mobile:
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background: 8bd4ed
the end~ please send me an ask or dm if you haven any further questions, i will try my hardest to help <3
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Finally changed my header. At first, thought I may of had FNAF mentioned in my info. But I didn’t. Yet, I decided to put BATIM back in there lol...anyway, here was originally the first I saved on there. Until I felt like wanting to make sure the Bioshock part one had a bit more room.
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Wanted to make sure the background wasn’t seen. Off to save this image as my new Twitter header too. Looking for an official 2D Ink Bendy thing that felt fitting was tricky to me.
Shit during my edit, pressed the back button on my mouse by mistake. Anyway, before I started to look for pictures, and as I looked for them, made this header, and I am still listening to it. Here’s this save room theme from Resident Evil 8.
I feel it’s sadly fitting considering the last two days concerning Scott...notice there’s no FNAF related stuff in it...onward to Twitter now to change my header there too.
Final edit, fuck it. Because Bendy’s head was hiding behind my Twitter icon.
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I couldn’t live with it. XD
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thisnerdsadventures · 3 years
I, a campaign manager
so in addition to being a CTO, a CS major, and a dorm vice president, i was also a campaign manager for 2 weeks (the exact campaign that I was managing is not entirely difficult to figure out if you really want to know, especially if you click on the links BUT i will be trying to not mention it specifically here lol). You might be wondering - (1) why and (2) how did you end up becoming a campaign manager..... you're not even a poli sci/gov/humanities/literally anything vaguely related to this major??
You're correct, yes, how did this happen? Well that's a great place to start this story:
How in the world this happened
Friends drag you into stuff. This happens to be the same friend that dragged me to New York, and then was 20% of the reason I got dragged into the negotiation class, and then was maybe 15% of the reason i got dragged into nonprofit activities? In terms of providing unique opportunities in my life, she definitely takes the cake. So one day, she says "I'm running for this position," and me and the squad says "we gotchu." What does that mean? Clearly wasn't sure in the beginning, but we were texting campaign strategies and slogans and tiktok ideas in the chat for fun. None of us had any real responsibilities, especially since the actual candidates were still weighing the playing field and figuring out their platform.
I also was a course 6, so I guess there was some expectation that I would make the website, even though I didn't actually code the website from scratch.
but anyways, it was actual campaign time.
After they figured out the campaign platform, it was game on for the campaign materials. We spent a lot of time on artwork, we photoshopped pictures from a photo shoot, we came up with campaign motto ideas, we brainstormed strategies for officially announcing the campaign. We had an actual campaign meeting to talk over things in mid-April where I met like six different people, friends from both candidates on this ticket, who were supporting this effort. We had a google drive AND a Dropbox. Look at this:
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Despite this seemingly organized effort, it was not that organized because this publicity team didn't actually actively do anything for like a week. Many reasons for this: one being it was actually the semester, and it was also CPW weekend. Unfortunately for me, that weekend was literally hell for me, because I was managing this site for our nonprofit, CPW events (so like five zoom calls on a Saturday), classes (because those are still happening), and then the campaign thing finally started, about a week before voting opened. In the form, of a website.
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So the tl;dr is I developed an entire Squarespace website in one night. Yes, one night. I had to model it from I think the website from a Harvard campaign site, which took me like three or four hours on a Saturday night, which is a very fast time in my opinion to learn how to use Squarespace. I also bought a domain and figured out how to connect it to Squarespace at like 1 in the morning, which was the first domain I ever bought in my life!
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(It expires in a month. I am absolutely going to let it die.)
Also, if anyone from squarespace is reading this for some reason, yall made a really solid product. I actually was very happy with my experience. You all should use it, I am 100% not sponsored by them at all, but honestly it was a very good experience. If you need to develop a website in four hours and don't have a lot of webdev experience, definitely consider it. You can even see website clicks and user analytics, it's actually really put together.
The next day we spend a lot of time going through website changes and artwork changes. It's bad. We had so many discussions about color palettes and the advantages of a 3 column vs 4 column layout. Yes. I'm serious. I'm starting to go crazy.
If anyone's interested, I would say that our website definitely was better than the other campaign's website. Like objectively. Like both campaigns were great, but the website? well. Here's the link (archived because I only paid for 1 month of squarespace :D) The amount of detail that went into it is actually incredible, the amount of spacing, i even had to custom CSS the header image so that mobile headers would show up correctly.
so sometime during this week, I had this thought about making a really good campaign video. I was very inspired by some of these Google ads that started with a Google search bar. (Yes, I am aware that I am that much of a Google simp.) To be honest, rewatching this ad, I really definitely just copied this entire ad lol, it's ok we don't have to talk about that.
That Wednesday, we coincidentally talked about what makes campaign videos successful. We talked about how Trump's incendiary imagery helped stoke the flames and how it was really effective in getting people to vote, and eventually helped him beat Clinton in the presidential election. So I went and took that and grabbed news clips and campus videos and overlayed that in the video, and it went from like a solid 6 to an 8 immediately, in my honest, unbiased opinion. You can see what I mean in the video itself: [link].
We also had to put together quite a few interviews about what they wanted from the school and were looking for in their candidates, which took a million years of coordination, but we somehow got it done in three days, and everything was put together in a flurry of a weekend, unending changes and small fixes for sixteen hours straight. I could not even tell you how much I learned about premiere pro and how to use layer masks and everything. I even composed the music for the first fifteen seconds of it. Literally, composed, it.
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And so on a Sunday afternoon FINALLY right before voting, the video drops. I'm sitting in my backyard absorbing the sun because I hadn't left my computer for 48 hours straight.
It gets like 1000 views or impressions or something in like two days, which is incredible for me, since I'm not a professional by any standards, but I am considering being a professional campaign manager at this point. By the way, we're also managing an Instagram page, a Facebook page, a tiktok page, a website, our individual social media pages, and we're trying to synchronize this video drop and all of our publicity efforts across every single one of these channels. It's chaotic at best.
So it's voting week, where we give everyone an entire week to vote. Across the week, it's mostly a waiting game, we make a few more tiktoks and funny videos that we publicize to get out the vote more. The last day, we're thinking about it, and we know the final vote's gonna be close, so we message every. single. person. in our Facebook friends list. I think I singlehandedly convinced like twenty people to vote (and hopefully vote for our ticket).
There's a lot of drama about different stuff. I won't really talk about it because I think it got really messy, but this week and entire couple weeks was a lot to get through honestly. As a reminder, I'm also working on my senior thesis and my nonprofit website work is peaking at this point, so everything is very, very bad and none of us have slept in a while. Also it's the pandemic.
Finally, the results come out. We lost by like 20 votes or something, out of 1500 or so total votes casted or something like that. It's one of the highest voter turnouts in school history or something, I don't quite remember. After that, we're so emotionally drained from this whole thing that we just don't talk about it for a while and that's that.
If the ticket won, I wonder how it would've turned out. I feel like things would've continued to be busy, and maybe that's not a great thing. So maybe everything happened for a reason. I don't know, but those three weeks were quite interesting, quite fun, quite odd. I'm putting those videos in my personal portfolio and am putting Adobe Premiere Pro and Squarespace on my resume and moving on.
Anyways, thought I'd just share! i haven't posted in a while, and this was definitely one of my #weird #odd stories from my time at MIT, which is quite reminiscent of #weird #odd at MIT in general.
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phantasyreign · 4 years
Theme Creation: A Thought Part 3
Just another installment of my writing Theme Creation: A Thought.
In this writing, I will share with you my process of thoughts when it comes to making themes. Nothing much but this writing is targeted for people who are unsure where to start when it comes to creating theme. 
Every theme-maker is different so just because I create my theme this way, it does not mean that you are bound to do the same. 
a. Designing
What I love the most when it comes to theme-making is actually the process of designing. Brainstorming is something that I love to do!  I would design a few rough ideas and their placements for my new theme. Placements here mean where should I put the sidebars, the containers, etc.  Depending on the mood, I will design it digitally so that I will see the colors better:
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This is my rough design for my first theme - Bayu
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I have my own minibook where I brainstorm most of the designs here.
Most of the rough designs will not ended up the same as the final product since I tend to improvise my design along the way + I forgot to include vital small features like pagination, and permalinks.
b. Deciding the color schemes 
I’ve never been the type of person who is good with selecting color schemes. However, I tend to select colors based on a photo that I used for my theme. Examples:
i. Lil Mo’s Theme
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The colors are based on Lil Mo himself (the sidebar image)
ii. Redirect Page 01: Game
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The color for the [Get the Code] derives from the houses and the [Back to Themes] derives from the signboard.
iii. My Personal Blog:
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The colors selection comes from the Header’s image (Mononoke)
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Credit: Muju @Pixiv. Click at the source below to redirect to Muju’s profile
c. Customizing the larger parts of the theme
For my themes in general, I tend to start from places that are not really related with the posts such as sidebars, headers and even footers. I personally like doing things that are not necessarily related to the post because I find it easier to create as to compare with the posts itself. 
For posts, we all know that there’s a lot of petty details that you need to focus on etc. I find that perfectly annoying to be honest lol!
In regards to where I edit it, I have 2 side blogs that I personally use as my editor. One is specifically for theme editor and another is just my abandon blog that I changed its purpose to theme editor.
d. Customizing the posts - text/photo/photoset/audio/link/video/chat/ask etc
I realize that some of the theme-makers tend to simply copy and paste their old posts code and apply it on their new theme. Though it is perfectly fine, I try my best to not do that because I think that the best way to improve oneself is to make new designs every time.
But because of that ‘mindset’ itself, I ended up burdening myself with thinking individual designs of each posts. Nonetheless, here are my ranking from posts that I enjoy working on the most to the part where I don’t like it at all:
Text post: Easy
Quote: My favorite! There’s a lot of way to design this post
Video: Too easy. No need to beautify it that much
Link: I honestly have no idea how to customize it
Chat: (My inner thought: A feature I believe is so not important but I still need to make it pretty because who knows there are user who mainly posts chat posts. I can’t make them that plain?)
Audio: I like creating this post but because there’s a lot things that need to be customized (including spotify and soundcloud), it becomes something that I find bothersome (and ended up doing it last).
e. Doing the petty parts of the blogs
 I don’t know about other theme-makers but I personally do not like to create minor details like note counts, permalinks, tags and even likes and reblogs. This is due to the fact that I was too engrossed in perfecting the posts I ended up forgetting to leave space for the minor details. 
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...... why ._.
That’s all from me! There’s nothing beneficial about it aside from the fact that I rant here and there lol. But for those who have idea where to start when it comes to create a theme, I hope it can give you an overview on where to start!
All the best!
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corbincarroll · 4 years
hi! how did you make you banner i love it!! :)
thank you! i’ll give a detailed rundown under the cut! i was actually in the middle of making a new header when you sent this, so good timing!
a quick explanation is that i cut out an image, paste it onto a fresh canvas, edit to my desire, and then use a gif overlay on top to give that snow effect!
so i’m going to explain this in as much detail as possible to try and make it as clear as possible, so hopefully this will be useful no matter how much PS experience one has! i used photoshop cc 2017 to make this! i’ve learned ps pretty much through just trial and error so if i do things weird, im sorry sdklfjdslk
the first thing i do is open a blank document in PS sized to the tumblr header size which is 640x360 on mobile, you can size up if you want, but just keep the ratio the same!
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player image:
so first i grabbed a picture, and for this i prefer pictures where the player(s) is(/are) isolated, and it’s even better when there’s not much going on behind them because it makes it much easier to cut out the part you want!
the picture i used for this is from this post on the yotes instagram!
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next, i open this up into PS, so i have both the photo and the blank canvas (red arrow) open. the blue arrow points to where you can change workspace presets to allow different tools onto your workspace. i’m currently using the photography preset, but will eventually switch to motion later on.
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now i begin cutting out my player. there’s multiple methods to do this and each once has it’s pros and cons. the quickest way for me is not necessarily the best way, but it does what i need it to do, especially when the item to be cut out is isolated in front of a quiet background. i use the quick selection tool to quickly select the area i want with a larger brush, and then i go in with a smaller brush size to clean up the edges and details.
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when the option with the plus is selected you are grabbing more area, and when the option with the minus is selected you are are deselecting area. the 22 highlighted above references the brush size, the appropriate brush size, or what is “big” or “small” will depend on the size of picture you’re working on so just play around with what you’re comfortable with!
nick is selected, as you can see below, with the line around his body. this is not quite as careful as i would be if i was actually making this for someone to use, but for demonstration purposes it works. you can zoom in further and use the smallest brush size possible and really be careful cutting things out. you can zoom in but uping the number at the bottom left handside of the screen!
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once you have everything selected, right click and choose layer from copy which will create a new layer with just the area you have selected.
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now i turn off the layer with the full picture, leaving only the layer i just created. to do this, click the little eye next to the bottom layer on the right hand of the screen, as seen below.
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now you’re left with a transparent player to work with! this is where i do any coloring i want to do as well, so i will quickly do that. i am not great at this part so i will just recommend looking up coloring tutorials if you want more specific help here, or just mess around with different adjustment layers which is what i do lol. once it’s colored to my liking, i merge the layers together, making them into one layer, which means the coloring won’t impact any layers below it once i move it to the canvas where we’re actually going to create the header. you do this by selecting all the layers (ctrl + click all the layers or shift + click the top and bottom layers to select them all), and then right clicking and selecting merge layers from the options.
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assembling the image:
now im going to work on the base of the header, or basically the rest of it except for the moving bits! what i want to do here is move the player image over the header canvas, resize the image, decide on the color of the background, whether i’ll use any other images or textures, etc.
first i’ll think about my background color of choice. a lot of people use the color that they use for their mobile blog on here, or something complimentary or matching their accent color, etc. i really like a simple clean look so i used a white background for this header because i think it makes the image itself pop and allows the accent colors on my blog to also pop because i use white as my main color on my blog.
if i wanted to use another color, i normally pull from some part of the image i’ll be bringing over. for this i’d use the color dropper tool (see below), clicking on color on my image i want to use.
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then i’ll pull up the color boxes in order to create a custom color from that color (click define custom colors), and then you can mess around with by clicking different boxes on the color scale along the right side of the panel below, or if you want an unrelated color, click on parts of the entire rainbow scale thing. once you have a color you like, selected add to custom colors and you can work with it. i create a new blank layer and then use the paint bucket tool to color it in. this is where you could also use gradients to jazz up the background a little too.
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now i’ll drag my player over into the header canvas. i do this by click + dragging the layer from the right side over to the tab of the header canvas until the screen changes over to that workspace and then i drop the layer onto the canvas.
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now nick is over on the blank canvas but as you can see, he needs to be resized. so i ctrl + t, which allows me to transform his layer (make sure you only have the layer w the image selected on the right hand side layers panel). i hold down the shift key (this keeps the ratio true) and begin to make him small by dragging the arrows. make sure you do not let go of the shift key too early or it will fuck up the image and make him too long or too wide, etc. then i hit enter, and it completes the transformation. i then drag him to wherever i want him.
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now that he’s resized and where i want him, i mess with the blending options to blend him into the background more pleasingly. now this really isn’t gonna look good since i was so sloppy cutting him out earlier, but just mess around with it until you get something you like. you do this by right clicking on the layer you want to blend and then selecting blending options. i normally do a drop shadow and maybe some other stuff, but i find this changes depending on the image, background, colors, etc.
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there’s a lot of stuff you can do here, with the different options and the different settings for each one!
gif overlays:
now it’s time to add a gif overlay which i how get the snow falling effect. there’s multiple posts with these kinds of gifs out there, i’ll be using one from this post (method one) and one from this post (method two). neither are the one i used when i first made this header but i cannot find the one i used then; the principles still apply. now is the time to either add the timeline to your workspace, or change it to the motion preset.
on the timeline section at the bottom of the page, there should be a create timeline animation button, click that.
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as with gifs from videos, there’s multiple ways of making these gifs. i’ll run through two here.
method 1: this is the method i used when i first made this header!
if you use a gif overlay, and it comes with frames, create as many frames as that gif comes with to then copy those frames onto. open your gif and see how many frames/layers. this one has 29 as you can see below. 
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now click the little button with lines at the top right corner of the timeline. it looks like this.
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next click select all frames from the menu that pops up, and then select that menu again and click copy frames. now go back to your header and create the frames i talked about earlier, you need 29 (or whatever it may be for your gif). do this by selecting the button below, located along the bottom of the timeline. do this as many times as needed until you have enough frames.
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now select all the header frames once again and go back to the menu where you copied the frames and select paste frames this time. a menu will pop up, and choose paste over selection. this will match up the frames/layers so frame one of your header will match with frame one of the gif. adjust the gif size if you need to, once again using ctrl + t, and make sure you still have all the layers selected and that you are still on frame 1. also make sure you move these layers under nick in the layer order.
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now adjust the frame rate. this will depend on your tastes entirely so test it out. my go to frame rate is 0.05 for everything i do pretty much, as a baseline, and then i adjust from there. to do this, once again select all your frames. next, click on one of these little carots, select other, and input your frame rate in the box that pops up.
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method two:
this method is when your overlay comes in timeline form (idr what it’s called) instead of frames, looking like this.
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drag the layer from the layer panel onto the header canvas, just like we did with nick earlier. make sure it goes under nick in the layer order. adjust the size if necessary, still using ctrl + f to keep the shape. make sure to click this button at the bottom left corner of the timeline to convert the frame into a timeline.
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now, make sure to drag each layer to the same length, aka whatever length the gif layer is. make them match!
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changing the color of the overlay:
this works with either method above! create a new layer and fill it with the color you want the snow to be. place it below everything except the background layer. add a gradient layer on top of the gif layer. right click on this layer and click create clipping mask. this is what my layers look like, i don’t normally label them but hopefully this is clear.
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open the properties panel for the gradient map and make sure this gradient is selected and is black and white.
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finally, change the blending to lighten on the gif layer! this should do the trick!
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final touches:
i like to kind of have my header melt into my blog color, so i like to kind of transition the bottom of my header into whatever color my blog is. to do this, i use a multitude of methods. for this header in particular i used the eraser tool + a textured kind of fan brush to swipe back and forth creating the half erased look at the bottom. the setting seen below are probably similar to what i did when i originally did this header!
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again, this is something that you can play with a lot yourself, especially by downloading brush packs and seeing what cool textures you can create.
to save, file > export > save for web
make sure you select “forever” and not “once” so that the gif loops!
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gif method 1:
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gif method 2:
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(ignore how this is also different i had to remake it once again bc i didn’t save it lmaoooooo)
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kisskissbanggang · 4 years
lol hello this is "hyper-fixation theme design" - I totally do make to-do lists ALL the time, but yes it's a struggle!!! anyways I've never posted any of my work to tumblr (rip their tagging system) so I'm lookin for some advice - do you think it's necessary to include header images or gifs that everyone seems to do? do people just do it for text cuts or to grab attention or clarify which idol its about or 'aesthetic' or what? I have never understood
The tagging system here is
I promise, tumblr was always a dumpster fire but never quite like this, so I rely on reblogs from friends and networks like @/kwritersworld @/czennienet @/skzsmutnetwork @/kprose-net and @/neowritingsnet for traction.
As for headers, I and a lot of writers do it as aesthetic choices and to set a mood! I used to do gifs but I prefer making my own headers now and they fall into three categories: member or where the smut happens or ambient lmao
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Even then, I end up with a ton of choices of what I feel like represents the story more. Here’s some unused headers vs the final versions.
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I feel like I’m usually trying to set a mood or a feeling for a piece with the headers and sometimes scene breaks. There’s nothing wrong with a simple line break, but sometimes a little flourish feels so personal and baked in to the writing.
Like Asking for It had specific scene breaks that matched:
And changed:
Or Prowl has a very specific and ambient set of scene break lines:
However, none of this is necessary.
Just because it works for me does not mean it may work for you! I use headers and emoji scene break lines because I feel like it grabs the reader’s attention and it’s something I look forward to adding! It’s come to be expected in the community but I’ll just as easily read content with no graphics of any kind. Do what feels right! 💗
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lilyresources · 5 years
imma need you to share your secret on how you got the pretty sparkle or snow fall effect on your shoutout header please.
ok dsfknsdk since im fairly bad at explaining things I do hope it makes sense??? and hopefully helps you dkjfnskdfnksjf also sorry this took so long. hazel ( my guinea pig ) was also helping to type. ( Click here to see her )
xksdnfsk ANYWAYS: we will share how we do it to look like this!!
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 we’ll start off opening Photoshop and with whatever picture you want to add the snow/sparkle gif. (  I will be using an old character banner edit of mine ) :
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Then you click on CREATE FRAME ANIMATION: if you have your timeline open it will say that at the bottom:
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and it should then turn out to look like this: 
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the best number for it is about 38 frames or 40 frames so I click it about 40 times lol. 
Anyways you then highlight all of your frames in your animated gif  ( easiest way is to click on the first frame. press on SHIFT then click on the last frame it will select it all ) and press the little button that looks like this:
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Press “OTHER” and enter in your frame delay and depending on how you like it it may change but I always use 0.05.  since you highlighted/selected all frames it should make it all 0.05. so it has  same exact number for the frame delay. 
then CONVERT TO VIDEO TIMELINE by pressing this button:
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and it should look like this: 
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now we put that on pause and open a new file which  would be the gif / texture you will be adding to the picture of your choosing. ( in this case I will be adding it to my character banner I made ) 
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and this will be the easy part in which you will select/ highlight all the frames as you did in the timeline with the picture and redo the delay in which case it will be the same as whatever number you put as delay. ( since I put 0.05 in the banner it will change to be the same for this gif )
You then click on CONVERT TO VIDEO TIMELINE by pressing the same button as you did for the picture. After you SELECT / HIGHLIGHT all frames again:
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After you do that you go to LAYER at the top where you will click on SMART OBJECTS and then click on CONVERT TO SMART OBJECT. 
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it should all come together into one like this: 
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After that you go to the side where you will drag that image and drop it on the picture you want to add it to.  
( this is the side where you will drag that layer:)
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( Im dragging it over to where it says background because that’s where my banner is )
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Anyways it should now look like this once you drag it over. The gif will be on top of your image BUT WORRY NOT WE CAN FIX THAT:   
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Use CTRL + T to transform the size of the GIF until you think it looks good. to still maintain the dimensions and to prevent from distorting it, hold the SHIFT key down while you resize it from the corners. and it should cover your entire image like this: 
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Once that is done you will go to the side again and click on where it says normal:
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you will have a few selections of how  you will want the gif to be on top of the image. ( make sure the layer is selected and not the image ): You can pick whichever one you like. For it to blend well, I always select LIGHTER COLOR. once im done I go to FILE. then select EXPORT. then SAVE FOR WEB. 
Here you will have final product and you will be given the chance to resize image here: 
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Which I recommend to do due to tumblrs limit of file size of a gif and all that. so I resize width to 550px or 500px. the height fixes it self so you dont have to touch that and ( MAKE SURE YOU SAVE AS GIF AND NOT PNG OR ELSE GIF WONT MOVE ) then press save and you will have THIS 
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( please do not take image. If you will like a banner or graphic similar to this just send in a request. )
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