#finally getting hang of my classes
skyfucker · 2 years
A nsfw ask for you: how about the first time Obi-Wan goes down on Anakin? 👀 Thanks! 🥰
Okay, okay, so you know how I told you that 3 scenarios popped into my head right away? Here's the first. Enjoy ^^
His Master was on his knees. His Master was on his knees. Obi-Wan — Obi-Wan! — was on his knees.
Obi-Wan was on his knees for him.
If not for the wall behind him, Anakin would have crumbled the moment Obi-Wan pushed him onto it and snarled into his ears, announcing that he was going to suck his cock.
He had never imagined his Master to be so filthy-mouthed; very few curses escaped Obi-Wan’s perfect lips, as far as Anakin remembered. But filthy he was. The moment they kissed in the med-bay last week, both still dirty and bleeding, hands shaking from adrenaline, Anakin was introduced into a whole new life, where he was Obi-Wan’s lover.
Sweet and attentive and thoughtful and humorous, he had expected. It was not so different from their previous life, Anakin had realized, but a tad more mushy. But Obi-Wan smacking his ass as he walked by? Obi-Wan licking his mouth after kissing him stupid? Obi-Wan sending him dirty thoughts through their bond in the Force? Obi-Wan letting him know that he used to play with his cock wishing Anakin was the one doing it?
Never was there a surprise more welcome.
And now, those thick and rough fingers deftly took care of his pants and underclothes, leaving Anakin’s cock exposed to Obi-Wan’s wills and wishes.
“Good boy,” Obi-Wan murmured, tracing the veins with a single finger. “Already so hard and wet for me. Look at how pretty your cock is — perfect. I knew you’d be pretty down here too, dearest.”
Anakin swallowed. He could come like this, he realized, such was the hold Obi-Wan had on him. Even the thought of Obi-Wan being slightly interested in him had him gasping into his pillows at night, when he used to think that the possibility of him and Obi-Wan could only happen in dreams and fantasies. So to have Obi-Wan praise him like this, actually touch his cock, flesh one flesh, no matter how light, was enough to get him light-headed. 
Obi-Wan’s eyes found his. “How long have you been hard?”
“Ages,” Anakin admitted with a whimper, he couldn’t help it. Obi-Wan was looking at his cock like he was about to feast on the finest course meal the galaxy had to offer. “When you were threatening that slaver scum, I wanted you to be fucking me so bad, Master.”
“Did you now?” Obi-Wan started to give tiny kisses to his cock, watching Anakin shrewdly. “How did you imagine it?”
How was he supposed to speak when Obi-Wan was kissing his cock? All they got to do before this was to make out in dark places while humping like wild animals. This was the first time they didn’t have to worry about someone coming in, the first time his cock actually got to be free.
He looked down. Obi-Wan gave him a small, kind smile. “Please tell me. I’d like to know how you want me to take you, yes?”
“Yes,” the back of his head hit the wall again and he closed his eyes. Their bond was strong and tight in the Force, so pulling down his shields and sharing his wishes was very easy, if not a little embarrassing. He had never done this before. With anyone. It felt right that Obi-Wan got to be his first again.
“You punched him,” Anakin said, “and had the clones take him to prison.” Fuck, Obi-Wan had to be good and proper even in his filthy fantasies. “Then you sat on your big chair, all tired and frustrated. And so I climbed up on your lap. You kissed me and I just wanted to—” help you feel better, he supplied through the Force, too shy to say the words out loud. He shared the images in his head, squirming with surprise at how much Obi-Wan was interested in seeing them.
He bounced on Obi-Wan’s massive cock, his tunic ripped open, until he got cum all over Obi-Wan, who whispered sweet encouragement while guiding him with warm, strong hands. 
Obi-Wan licked a long stripe over his cock, sending a heavy wave of deep shock through his body. Then he did it again and again until he had gotten all of Anakin’s cock nice and wet, while Anakin himself lost his mind over how fucking good it felt.
“More,” Obi-Wan demanded. “Show me more. Concentrate, Anakin, and don’t look away. Watch me suck your pretty cock, there’s a good boy.”
“Yes, Mas — ugh, Master, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck!”
Without warning — Anakin didn’t even sense his intention in the Force — his Master got half of it in his mouth and then quickly swallowed the rest of it, his tongue beneath Anakin’s cock, solid and supportive.
Anakin’s mouth was never going to close again, not after seeing Obi-Wan like this, taking in his cock skilfully and staring up at him with amusement, want, pride. Obi-Wan pulled off and let out a great huff of air, as if he had been holding in his breath. Maybe he had. His hand jerked him off with long strokes and fast pace. “I had you ride my cock, and then what happened?”
Noting how hoarse Obi-Wan sounded already — something to think of later on — Anakin showed him the last bit of his fantasy, not looking away from how Obi-Wan looked and what he was doing with his hand. 
Obi-Wan smacked his ass and quickly bent him over the table, he then ate out his own cum from Anakin’s dripping hole before shoving his cock in him again. The pace was brutal and had Anakin drool all over the table. His one and only Master fucked him harder and harder until he filled Anakin’s hole to the brim. A claim.
“Thank you for that,” Obi-Wan murmured. Then he declared: “I’ll do it, if that’s what you want, dearest. I’ll do anything for you, Anakin.”
Anakin had the tiniest bit of mind to nod, to show that he understood what Obi-Wan was saying.
“Good, but before that,” Obi-Wan sucked on his balls tenderly. “I need you to watch me do this, can you do that?”
“Y-yes, Master,”
So Anakin watched. He watched his Master lick and suck his cock better than all those net stars, listened to the sound of his Master choke on his cock, gagging and spluttering for a moment but always coming back for more. Naturally, his eyes closed shut when he came, gasping for air and his muscles tightening. Obi-Wan nudged him through the force, made him look, demanded him to look, and that was how Anakin Skywalker got to see the sight of Obi-Wan swallow up his cum with an arrogant smirk. Sweat trickled down from his forehead, his cheeks were flushed, and his hair had turned into a massive mess from all the tugging Anakin had done.
“Well done, Anakin, you did well.”
Anakin’s legs finally gave in, and he slowly slid down the wall. With a loving laugh, Obi-Wan caught him and held him, kissing his cheeks and smelling his hair, telling him that he was beautiful, that he was strong, and that his old Master was not done with him yet.
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dalblauw · 1 year
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Tusk, my half-orc Druid 🌼
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viatrix-glow · 29 days
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happy birthday to me i drew producer ships
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ilovedthestars · 2 months
currently feeling like I’m caught in the middle of a three-way battle between my finals season workload, my personal expectations for myself and desire to make art that I’m genuinely proud of, and the physical limitations of my body which is still in spoon debt from being sick for like three weeks and then spending spring break doing makeup work. I’ve been feeling like this a lot in the last several weeks and every time I’ve managed to find a burst of energy or the willingness to cut some corners and rest or some other way to compromise, but god i am so ready to stop having to deal with all of this at once
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dreissigconversion · 2 months
I love my gf I love her so much I cannot wait to see her and hold her and kiss her and go on dates and buy her more flowers
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fishandshesmygills · 5 months
when do you have the labels conversation we are lesbians
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 months
people won't fucking FORGET me i can't handle this anymore there's always a friend who wants to go someplace a friend who needs someone to go to the store with a friend who hasn't seen me in a while who wants to hangout, and i can't let those friendships decay i just can't i can't be this kind of asshole again, but it feels so shit it feels like i can't fucking relax cuz there's always something tomorrow something next week and something to do at school between classes and holy SHIT leave me ALONE please fucking stop talking to me i just want to relax and do things i enjoy.
#part of that is of course that ''going home'' isn't relaxing it's just waiting around for the next big anxiety-inducing event#and weekends aren't relaxing either because it's just more parent time#i do think my social battery would increase a little if i ever fucking get to live alone finally#but in the meantime i'm stuck doing community service because if i don't then nobody will#i can't refuse to do something helpful or nice for people when the alternative is going to binge and hate myself in my room#i just want to be far far away so badly#then i'll have an excuse#im well and truly stuck. either i go and i have a dreadful time before during and after.#or i don't and im missing out and im an awful friend.#before you hit me w the ''you're allowed to skip on an event your friends won't hate you!!!!''#i want to skip ALL OF THEM#and friendships are watered like plants okay my friends are legitimate not being friends w somebody who never hangs out#jesus christ i want a pause button i want to be stuck in a time loop for a little while#thinking about tomorrow makes me want to rope#i can go to school 9am to 3pm. but technically there's no class.#then my friend wants to go to the night museums for her birthday#which leaves like. five hours at least in the middle. in which we'll have to hang out.#and she wants to get food.#if at any point of that i go home it's the day my mom doesn't work so. i have to spend some more incredibly unsatisfactory time with her.#god it's making me want to rope even more than usual#vent#broadcasting my misery
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avatardoggo · 1 month
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sooo i gave FG his birthday present 😭🫣🥹
#sorry it’s been a minute since the latest update i haven’t really hung out with FG™️ for a looong time bc of exams but fortunately his bday#is the end of april soo i was able to do a lil celebration with him. sooo backtrack in february when he made me a LITERAL WEBSITE#i was thinking of what to get him so i prayed and the Holy Spirit said a playlist with a journal with all these Bible verses connected to th#songs which was fun to make but just took a lot#of work soo i was vvv busy doing that and classes soooo when i finally finished i surprised him outside his work place and then i asked if#he wanted to go anywhere specific to give him his present and he said no soo i suggested this cafe a lil outside our city soo we were#driving for 30 minutes and in my head i was like ok this is the perfect time to hold hands for a reeeeaalllllyy long time so i was just like#‘i want to hold your hand 🫣’ and he just handed his hand over and he was like ‘it’s that simple 😊 and i was holding his hand with both hands#bc i missed him sososo much so we got to the cafe ordered and i gave him his present and he was tearing up covering his mouth it was so swee#i couldn’t and he kept saying ty and this is exactly what he needed and i was like 😭🥹🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰 and he was sooo grateful and when we got in the#car he couldn’t stop looking at me and we held hands the whole time again 🥰😭🫣🫣🫣🫣#and then when he dropped me home we hugged for a reaalllyyyyy long time and he was just saying ty all over he’s such a darling sweetheart 😭🥰#so ya that’s the latest update i’m going to see him later today and hang out with him and another friend 😁🤗 i really want to hold his hand#again 🫣🥰🥺#vk overshares in the tags#friendly giant ™️#FG ™️
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
mine thing im crazy about today: the strained grin he gives when pretending like hes not about to attempt murder on his subordinate hes literally What did something good happen :)
in his defense (the only one he gets) kinda stupid to be talking shit about the chairman for being young when the chairman of the company YOURE in (whos 2 feet in front of you and known to be nutty) is younger lol
ITS LEGITIMATELY SOOOOO GOOD mine's the most valid person on earth for stabbing a wank right after his Cinnamon Apple (platonic) just presumably kicked the bucket and this twat's cheerin bout it. WHILE SAYIN HE WAS TOO YOUNG TO BE IN THAT POSITION OF POWER BUT THEN THE NEXT BREATH SAYIN HIS BOSS (WHO IS YOUNGER) SHOULD BE NEXT IN LINE ☠️☠️ absolute kissasses the lot of em..
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scarletwitch1918 · 1 year
Today was the second birthday this year of a friend that I thought I was really close with that i didn’t get invited to
#birthday#fake friends#friend group#I’ve literally counseled this girl through half her shit this year and then she doesn’t even invite me to her birthday that she invited#people she barely talks to too and then after that she turns around and hangs out with my fucking brother of all people#I can’t wait for a new school next year so I can finally get away from the people who stopped appreciating me a long time ago#I know it sounds kinda selfish but I truly have not done anything (in the last 4 years) to ever hurt or fully disregard them and I really#don’t know what happened#one week we were waking to and from school together everyday and now I feel like I’ve been rejected from our walking group and I’m literally#uncomfortable walking with them in the mornings because they just fully ignore me the entire time#this isn’t even about just the one friend anymore#this is also happening with someone else who was supposed to be my best friend and now she barely talks to me anymore#and like I can accept that we’re not bffs anymore cause it happened a year or two ago so I’ve moved passed it#but she just pretends I don’t exist anymore#we have like three classes together and on snap she got an send it that’s said like tag your fav people on each class#and when I tell you i was in the room with her when she posted I and she didn’t even mention me#istfg#im gonna stop now because this is getting extremely ranty but I can’t really talk to anyone about this irl so this is just my vent space now
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miodiodavinci · 9 months
men will simply fall asleep at 6pm and wake up at 11am huh (i’m men)
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starlightkun · 7 months
finally had to buy a new phone 🤢🤢 spending money 🤢🤢🤢
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supersymmetries · 2 months
i've finally reached the part in the semester where we're covering the second law of thermodynamics. matt bellamy we're in it together now
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paintedvanilla · 1 year
I feel really sick and ill about the guy at work who won’t take the hint actually like I’m home now sitting in my room and I feel Terrible. physically nauseous.
#like. I’m a recent manager I’m a very New manager#but even so. i was a manager when we hired him.#i was fresh like literally 3 weeks under my belt but even so#i interviewed and hired and trained him As His Manager#and he was super normal at first he would only ever text to ask questions about the job or the campus#but then he fucking. saw me on bumble.#so now he knows I’m single and available.#and actively looking for people. and he thinks he is people.#and he keeps asking me to hang out outside of work#he keeps talking to me about how at his last job he literally dated his boss#and like I’ve been joking about it up until now but it does not feel funny anymore it’s making me feel ill#bc today we worked a class together and afterwards I’m gathering my stuff and he was like#hey if you wanna hang out I’m down. I’m not doing anything. i get really bored and kinda lonely. wanna hang out?#and I was stunned into silence I didn’t know what to say I could tell he wanted me to commit to something Right That Second#and finally I just kept being like oh maybe. um maybe. idk maybe.#i felt soooo backed into a corner about it. and I was talking to juno and they pointed out. that he probably thinks I like him back#but I’m just shy. and/or deterred by being his manager.#and now that they’ve said that I 100% think that’s what’s happening and I’m so. I’m so. I’m so fucking upset about it.#i do not know what to do I think I might try to talk to our big boss about it but he’s just always so busy#i feel like an idiot#op
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friend-frog · 5 months
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siriuslynephilim · 7 months
everything is falling apart again😭
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