you10tubesworld · 2 months
Join us on the Rent to Retirement Podcast as hosts Adam Schroeder and Zach Lemaster chat with David Richter, founder of Simple CFO. Discover the secrets to financial freedom through effective real estate investment strategies. David shares his journey from reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" to revolutionizing real estate finance with his unique system, inspiring investors to prioritize profitability and financial discipline. 🔑 Key Moments: 00:00:30: David's introduction and background in real estate 00:01:09: Transitioning from small-scale investments to major deals 00:02:08: The importance of understanding the financial backend in real estate 00:03:05: Introduction to the "Profit First" methodology 00:05:14: David discusses his lack of formal financial training and its impact 00:10:17: Practical tips for managing finances and maximizing profit 00:15:22: Strategies for effective cash flow management 00:20:30: Discussion on reinvesting and financial planning for growth 00:25:04: David's vision for future projects and continued impact in the financial world
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digital288 · 3 months
Understanding Professional Financial Advice
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Importance of Financial Advice
Whether you're saving for retirement, buying a home, or planning for your children's education, a professional financial advisor can help you navigate the complex world of finance.
Types of Financial Advisors
Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs): These advisors provide personalized investment advice and portfolio management tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance.
Certified Financial Planners (CFPs): CFPs offer comprehensive financial planning services, including retirement planning, tax planning, and estate planning.
Financial Consultants: Financial consultants offer advice on investments, insurance, and overall financial planning.
Qualities of a Professional Financial Advisor
Not all financial advisors are created equal. When choosing a financial advisor, look for these essential qualities:
Expertise and Credentials
A professional financial advisor should have the necessary expertise and credentials to provide sound financial advice. Look for advisors with certifications like Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
Communication Skills
Effective communication is key when working with a financial advisor. They should be able to explain complex financial concepts in simple terms and listen to your concerns and goals attentively.
Personalized Approach
Every individual's financial situation is unique. A good financial advisor will take the time to understand your goals, risk tolerance, and financial needs to develop a personalized financial plan that works for you.
Services Offered by Financial Advisors
Financial advisors offer a range of services to help you achieve your financial goals, including:
Investment Planning
A professional financial advisor can help you develop an investment strategy tailored to your risk tolerance and financial objectives.
Retirement Planning
A financial advisor can help you create a retirement savings plan and ensure you're on track to meet your retirement goals.
Tax Planning
Minimizing taxes is an essential part of financial planning. A financial advisor can help you optimize your tax strategy and take advantage of tax-efficient investment opportunities.
Estate Planning
A financial advisor can help you create an estate plan that protects your assets and minimizes estate taxes.
Finding the Right Financial Advisor
Research and Referrals
Start by researching potential advisors online and asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues.
Interviewing Potential Advisors
Schedule meetings with potential advisors to discuss your financial goals and get a sense of their expertise and approach to financial planning.
Understanding Fee Structures
Make sure you understand how your advisor is compensated and whether their fee structure aligns with your financial goals and budget.
Building a Relationship with Your Financial Advisor
Once you've chosen a financial advisor, building a strong relationship with them is essential. Here's how:
Establishing Goals
Clearly define your financial goals and objectives with your advisor so they can tailor their recommendations to your needs.
Regular Reviews and Updates
Schedule regular meetings with your advisor to review your financial plan and make any necessary adjustments.
Communication and Trust
Open and honest communication is key to a successful relationship with your financial advisor. Trust their expertise and advice, but don't be afraid to ask questions or voice concerns.
Benefits of Professional Financial Advice
Partnering with a professional financial advisor offers several benefits, including:
Financial Security and Peace of Mind
A financial advisor can help you create a comprehensive financial plan that gives you peace of mind knowing your finances are in good hands.
Maximizing Returns while Minimizing Risks
By diversifying your investments and staying informed about market trends, a financial advisor can help you maximize returns while minimizing risks.
Long-Term Financial Planning
A professional financial advisor can assist you in creating a long-term financial plan that prepares you for future goals like retirement, education expenses, or legacy planning.
Common Myths about Financial Advisors
Despite the benefits of working with a professional financial advisor, there are several common myths:
Only for the Wealthy
Financial advisors are not just for the wealthy; they can help individuals at all income levels achieve their financial goals.
High Fees with Little Value
While some financial advisors charge fees for their services, the value they provide in terms of expertise and peace of mind often outweighs the costs.
One-Size-Fits-All Approach
Professional financial advisors tailor their recommendations to each client's unique needs and circumstances.
In conclusion, understanding professional financial advice is essential for securing your financial future. By working with a professional financial advisor, you can create a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your needs and goals.
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eurekadiario · 9 months
La Fundación Bill Gates financia el Programa de Refugiados Ucranianos de la ONU
La Fundación Bill Gates financia ahora el programa de refugiados ucranianos de la ONU. La subvención se anunció en marzo y se distribuirá a lo largo de un año.
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La iniciativa de la ONU para el reasentamiento de refugiados en Ucrania está financiada por la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates.
La organización filantrópica del cofundador de Microsoft donó 1.000.003 de dólares al Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR), también conocida como Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, para “apoyar a los refugiados que huyen de Ucrania hacia países fronterizos”.
El fondo fue declarado en marzo y se desembolsará en un período de 12 meses. La Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates ha otorgado casi 20 millones de dólares en subvenciones al ACNUR en los últimos 10 años y ha colaborado con la organización desde 2006.
“En una crisis, siempre podemos buscar ayudantes (las personas que arriesgan sus vidas para ayudar a los refugiados y a las víctimas de la invasión) y apoyarlos. Estoy orgulloso de apoyar a la agencia de la ONU para los refugiados e instar a la comunidad mundial a hacer lo mismo”, tuiteó Gates sobre su donación.
La donación llega tras la continua batalla entre las fuerzas ucranianas y rusas, que ha provocado el éxodo de hasta 13 millones de ucranianos desde que comenzó el conflicto. Según datos de ACNUR, Polonia parece ser el país que acoge a la mayoría de los refugiados ucranianos.
Tras el descubrimiento por parte de los medios de comunicación de las conexiones de la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates con las operaciones de influencia del Partido Comunista Chino, especialmente aquellas dirigidas a la agricultura y las tierras de cultivo estadounidenses, se han revelado los vínculos de la organización benéfica con el programa de reasentamiento de refugiados de la ONU. La organización ha apoyado la investigación científica en muchos laboratorios con sede en China vinculados al Instituto de Virología de Wuhan, que muchos sospechan que es la fuente del COVID-19, además de cooperar con grupos autodenominados “socialistas” que propagan propaganda en nombre de Beijing. .
A pesar del continuo ocultamiento por parte del Partido Comunista Chino de los verdaderos orígenes del COVID-19, la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates ha seguido apoyando la investigación en el país. Desde diciembre de 2019, la Fundación ha otorgado 93 subvenciones por un total de 54.573.428 dólares a iniciativas en China.
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Who can be entrusted with the financial affairs and accounting of the enterprise » The Daily Business Tips
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armatofu · 7 months
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regalityandcoffee · 7 months
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bobbiedlifeinphil · 11 months
The Philippines Launches A Food Stamp Program
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financesavvytips · 1 year
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(via Building Your Financial Safety Net: A Guide to Effectively Putting Away Emergency Funds)
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alphst · 1 year
First Hawaiian Inc (FHB) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
$FHB Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript #earnings #markets #investing
First Hawaiian Inc (NASDAQ:FHB) Q1 2023 Earnings Call dated Apr. 28, 2023. Corporate Participants: Kevin Haseyama — Investor Relations Manager Robert Harrison — Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer Jamie Moses — Chief Financial Officer Ralph Mesick — Chief Risk Officer Analysts: Steven Alexopoulos — JPMorgan — Analyst David Feaster — Raymond James — Analyst Andrew Liesch — Piper…
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View On WordPress
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"Unlocking Excellence: Oracle EPBCS Online Training for Enhanced Planning and Budgeting"
Comprehensive Platform Exploration: Delve into Oracle EPBCS functionalities, including strategic planning, financial budgeting, forecasting, workforce planning, capital asset planning, and scenario modeling.
Practical Implementation Strategies: Learn how to leverage Oracle EPBCS to streamline planning processes, improve accuracy, facilitate collaboration, and drive informed decision-making within your organization.
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confundida25 · 2 days
One thing that i really like is Penelope finding out about all of Portia crazy skeams to keep the family safe and she is like "Mamá we a cannot continúe like this" and then you thoughts o Penelope is gonna do things legally and correct to fix her family financia situation but Lol no, Penelope Just found a New better, harder to probe wrong lie to cover her Mother skeam... You truly are your Mother daughter Penelope.
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sudaca-swag · 1 month
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jq37 · 3 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 10
Maximum Loser
Welcome back to Fantasy High where the Abernant sisters are having sandwiches in front of the burnt ruins of their old mansion. You know, normal sibling activities! As we learned last week, Aelwyn is working for Kipperlilly (Adaine calls her Cottoncandy Bitchfuck which is one of my faves just for the levels of obvious disdain and degrees of separation from the original name) and Adaine wants all the info ASAP. Here is a rundown of what Aelwyn tells her (along with speculation on my part):
KP seems to be loaded in a way that isn’t connected to her parents' jobs (Dad is a realtor and mom is a clerk for the treasurer’s office). [Could she possibly be getting the money from her party member with a rich dragon ancestor? And could she be using her mom’s government job to get inside info somehow?]
KP has been employing Aelwyn as her “arcane errand girl”. She’s basically been getting her magical contraband which Aelwyn figures are spell components. Adaine asks why their party wizard Oisin can’t just do it and Aelwyn says that KP was very adamant about him being “protected”. [Does that mean protected as in not in trouble so he doesn’t get expelled and mess up their party comp or protected as in “I don’t want him to know what I’m doing because he wouldn’t approve”?]
KP never had Aelwyn steal a cloud rider engine for her but she did have Aelwyn download schematics for one which she thinks was so that it would be on her browser history not KP’s. [Aelwyn, do NOT get framed for this girl’s crimes I’m BEGGING you.]
Similarly, KP never texts Aelwyn any info. They always talk in person so she keeps clean at least on paper. 
There are two specific things that Aelwyn had to procure that were kind of hard to find because they’re more divine than arcane: Devil’s Nectar and Ambrosia. [We don’t learn what the properties of those are exactly but they seem pretty clearly to be the divine and infernal versions of the same thing. Maybe they can make a god or a devil? Sounds like it’s part of the resurrection plan–or maybe they want to raise a new god?]
Anyway, Aelwyn promises to shoot Adaine a text the next time KP reaches out to her so she can spy via scrying (I'm reminded of Spy, Tongue, Curse again). She also shows Adaine her tiny apartment full of senior cats and microwave dinner trays that’s sorely in need of a deep clean. Adaine invites her to swing by Mordred to get her laundry done and maybe hang out and Aelwyn seems tentatively receptive, even though the aggressive positivity of the house and its residents (who she does ultimately care about) majorly grates on her. 
[Also! Not plot relevant but their relationship progress is in full swing with open “I love yous”, only slightly undercut “I believe in yous”, and kisses blown as they say goodbye. I’m trying to be super streamlined with this recap so I can get it finished on time but I had to at least quickly mention how delighted I was by this scene which I have watched so many times. They’re doing it! Sisters!]
We next cut over to Riz who is in the car with his mom and he’s so so so over this whole semester. He keeps talking about everything that’s going on with the bored, anxious, almost whiny, but mostly resigned tone that makes her pull over and force him into a nap. Here are the mystery relevant bits of their conversation pre and post nap:
Sklonda’s case was defending a married firbolg couple–Alonso and Hespia Loam. Frosty Faire was supposed to be held at their farm but then they were accused of embezzling and the event pulled. [Firblog are giant-kin if that matters.]
They maintained their innocence and Sklonda believed them. The case was actually going to be a slam dunk because they found forgeries and docs submitted on their behalf. But then they got murdered so the case was over. [Forgeries and docs submitted on their behalf reminds me of Lucy’s god change form.]
Sklonda thought this case was strange because there’s no financial incentive to frame the loams. [Sounds like the motive could have been just moving the festival to a different location to me.]
The reason they were under suspicion was that amounts of money matching what was embezzled from Frosty Faire were deposited into the Loams' account but Sklonda was able to show that that was all bogus and that the Loams didn’t even use online banking and that a Bastion City VPN was involved. But again, before they could track that down beyond “somewhere in Solace” it got shut down due to the murders (which the cops are now investigating btw but this is a Brennan story so how useful will they really be? [This is also giving me KP vibes but in fairness, that girl is just suspicious.]
Lola Embers is the one who recommended the move from Loam Farms to the Thistlespring Tree. [A possible Ruben request since he’s her client?]
Riz also tells Sklonda all about what’s going on with the demon stuff and the Lucy stuff and the campaign stuff. Sklonda is concerned about the demon stuff but she’s honestly more concerned about Riz breaking his back and losing sleep over Kristen’s campaign. She’s very fired up and a bit incredulous that he’d work so hard for his friends who, from her POV, are always slightly bullying him (“Your name isn’t The Ball. It’s Riz!”). And, while she’s on it, he would be a great candidate himself! Riz assures her that their dynamic is fine and then worries her again right away by saying he’s absolutely gonna check out the crime scene. She sighs deeply and says they can check it out together because she knows she’s not talking her son out of it. (She also says she’ll try and get some info from her old co-workers but again, cops in a Brennan world so we’ll see how useful they are.)
Post Grix exploding, Jace hosts an impromptu assembly: Things are bad y’all! With Aguefort gone and Grix blown up (not to mention Yolanda dead), they’re getting to the point where it’s not clear that the school will be able to continue functioning. 
The whole cleric track is going pass/fail which none of the Rat Grinders seem to have strong reactions to (Ruben smirks and Buddy looks confused, but the rest look bored or unfazed). This news especially sucks for Freshmen and Sophomores who won’t be able to take the Last Stand exam Porter mentioned in an earlier episode. Some upperclassmen who maybe weren’t doing so hot (like Max and his party) look kinda stoked. Fig does insight on Jace and her roll is low (5) but he seems like he’s sincerely stressed about this unforeseen situation. 
Post assembly, Hilariel calls Fig (after 18 missed calls to Fabin’s phone which is on Do Not Disturb) to invite everyone over to spend The Lunar Yulenear (fantasy Christmas) with them (and also inform her that Gilear’s string of good luck is still going strong. He cracked his back while limboing and grained 2 inches in height!). Fig turns that into invites for everyone at Mordred (including Aelwyn who is a wanted criminal in Falinel and Sandra-Lynn who is Gilear’s unfaithful ex–wild crew). Fabian wants the chance to talk to his mom but by the time Fig hands over the phone, she’s already hung up. 
Riz fills everyone in on the Loam Farms situation and Gorgug worries that the soil at his house is corrupted now. Adaine reminds everyone that Fig is still super cursed and they should probably start looking into that soon. Kristen and Fig get naked for no reason so we’re gonna move on from that to Fabian getting a text from Mazey. Apparently she's just gotten some big news and she doesn’t know exactly who to talk to. He rushes away from his naked friends as quickly as he can (so valid) and goes to meet up with her. (While he’s en route, Riz wonders if the RG’s killed rats were being killed sacrificially and Fig wonders if Lucky FROSTblade had anything to do with the FROSTyfolk festival). 
Fabian meets up with Mazey who congratulates him for killing Grix since he mega-sucked and was shooting nets at kids. Then, she says that she knows that Fabian and his party have kinda always had the school’s back over the past few years and she trusts him which is why she’s telling him what she’s about to say. Remember how anything Aguefort says, even as a bit, is canon? Well, apparently he said once in an email that if there’s no principal then the school becomes a democracy and the student body president becomes principal. Fabian is baffled: surely the vice principal would become principal, right? But no. The system is set up so that there’s always one all powerful principal and one VP who is supposed to be Kalvaxus (remember, he was supposed to be imprisoned there forever). So she’d have to take classes (has to be a student enrolled in good faith) AND be principal and she doesn’t feel like she can do it. Fabian is awkward but encouraging and says he’ll do his best to help her and ask his friends for advice. When he does, Riz right away is like, "They’re gonna kill her, dude,” so Fabian rushes back and invites (practically begs) Mazey over after school so he can keep an eye on her. 
Once school is out, Fig does her bodyguard thing and secretly trails Mazey so she gets to Seacaster Manor safely. Once she’s there, she and Fabian have a bit of an awkward beat and then Mazey, who has clearly misread the situation, tries to make out with him. Fabian pulls back which makes Mazey confused and embarrassed. Fabian really quickly tries to reassure her that it’s not that he didn’t wanna kiss her. He’s just not in that mode right now and she’s in danger and they’re trying to kill her. She has NO idea what he’s talking about so he Facetimes Riz and the Mordred crew to explain. Mazey says that killing her wouldn’t make the killer the new Principal–it’s not Pokemon Champion rules. But Riz says that every person who’s had the top spot has been sidelined or killed so it’s safer to be careful. Maybe killing her would prompt an early election and whoever wins will be promoted early. She asks if this suspicion is just because they hate the Rat Grinders and Riz says that they have good reasons to be suspicious. They are all outraged though when Mazey says that the Ratgrinders famously hate them and have since Freshman year. [Hilarious that they were apparently publicly seething and haven’t been on the BK’s radar at all.]
Anyway, Mazey says she appreciates the concern but rushes to leave, embarrassed. Fabian tries to salvage the awkward encounter and tell Mazey that his reaction was about how stressed and worried he is, not about how he feels about her and Mazey seems genuinely concerned about him. Like, as a person. Is he eating? Is he sleeping? Is he being cared for in this big empty house? Fabian musters some bravado about how he’s a legend and the legend continues but it’s mixed in with some super obvious red flags about making his house a place people want to come to so he won’t be alone. Mazey says she’d still want to hang with him even if he wasn’t a Maximum Legend and then leaves to his cavernous, home, solo. 
Back to Adaine! Her next big roll is Mystery and she wants to learn about the giants and their gods. She uses a portent to get a 27 (which she needs because clues cost more right now) and here’s what she learns:
So first off, Ruvina is a Seasonal god (Winter) vs Sol, Helio, Cass, and Galicaea who are Celestial gods (Sun, Moon).
A bridal gift would only be given to the spouse of a sibling so that means that the missing dead god is Ruvina’s sibling. Brennan specifically mentions how hard/weird/complicated it would be to be prevented by Oblivati Mori from speaking of a spouse or sibling. 
There’s no mention of the missing god but there are mentions of the OTHER seasonal gods so Adaine can determine by process of elimination that the missing god is the summer one. 
She wonders if Sol or Helio stole the summer domain since they’re sun gods but Brennan said if they did, it wasn’t in one violent act. There’s no obvious crusade or anything like that. 
There is a certain point where “Sun” starts being capitalized like a name (like how in the Bible God is He not he). 
The bridal gift is only mentioned in early texts, not recent ones. Recent texts have a lot of mentions of fire. 
She doesn’t find any text concerning the gods followers. She does however find text that says “Beware the blades of the red fire”. These seem to be connected to the shatter star rage crystals but there's no clear timeline of them showing up once the god died. It seems like they existed at the same time. 
So, a lot of info but no big Aha! moment yet. 
She rolls Work for her third track and fails so she takes a stress token (up to three now). She only rolls well enough to not get fired (which, girl, just get fired! Make money another way! Ask your newly caring sister for some funds and don’t ask where she got them!). 
Lastly she rolls to relax but fails (been there girl) and has a deeply unsatisfying massage given to her by Lydia. 
Kristen is up next and her first roll is Popularity (makes sense) on the middle schoolers (you lost me). In fairness to Ally, there is method to their madness. They said in the Adventuring Party that the idea was that the school is across the street from where the bodies were found so maybe they could do some recon. Still, on the face of it, bonkers plan and Riz is low key wondering if his mom was right about them picking the wrong candidate. Anyway, she passes and now has advantage on charming any new middle schooler she meets lol. Brennan also makes her roll Perception and on a 14 gives her nothing. Ominous! 
The second thing she’s interested in is Relationships and she wants to talk to Lydia and also Buddy. With Lydia, she wants to know if there’s a way for them to talk to Bakur. Lydia says that Bakur is conscious and aware but she can’t talk to him because it would compromise the security of his gem prison. However, if they come up with a safe way to talk to him she’s game to participate, especially since she’ll def be a target if stuff with Bakur’s god is going down. Lydia also mentions that it seems like Cass might have been especially vulnerable in the Astral Food Court which makes Kristen even more suspicious of Kalina than she already was since she was the one who suggested that plan in the first place. 
Riz does Detect Evil on Lydia with his necktie so he can recognize Bakur’s magical aura on anyone else in the future and Brennan says that will also give him the ability to recognize anyone connected to Bakur’s god in the future. (Riz also says he wants to do the same on a Helioic cleric and the moon, presumably for the same reason but he doesn’t explicitly get to it this session). 
They then check on Fig to try to figure out what the heck her deal is and they find a lot lol. There are four main things happening with her aura. The strongest is the anarchy sigil on her forehead that marks her as the Archdevil of Rebellion. The second is her burgeoning paladin rage aura which matches Lydia's but seems more fiery and is also unaligned. The third is her warlock mojo which is unaligned as well. And the fourth is the lemony yellow aura of her curse. Her being a tiefling doesn’t even crack the top five of what’s going on with her apparently! 
Anyway, on to her second relationship thing–Buddy. Kristen finds him putting a Rat Grinders sticker on her locker which she peels off, clearly annoyed. There are three main important parts of that conversation which are as follows:
Kristen asks if there’s any rage talk happening at the Helioic church right now and Buddy says that Sol is angry–lots of people left the church during the months of night situation which makes sense. Worshiping the sun god during eternal night feels like a losing proposition. 
Buddy thinks it would be a great idea for his grandpa–Helioic evangelist Bobby Dawn–to become the new Cleric teacher to save everyone from going Pass/Fail. Kristen thinks that sounds like a nightmare and I have to agree. Buddy says that it’s fine because the cleric teacher has to worship *some* god, right? Might as well be Helio. But we know that’s untrue because Yolanda gave up her active connection with a specific divinity in order to minister effectively to her whole class. And I can’t imagine whoever raised Buddy would make a fair teacher who’s welcoming to all faiths. 
Buddy wants to “take Kristen into counsel” about her brother who he thinks is going down a dangerous path as he’s being exposed to various worldly elements at Aguefort. I have no idea what Buddy considers a dangerous path–for all we know Bucky is actually fully fine and coming into his own. Buddy offers to take Bucky under his wing and Kristen casually but very firmly says, “I’ll never let you do that.” [She really should check on him though, just in general.]
They close the conversation off with some faux cheerful/polite sniping about how Kristen’s god died again (point Buddy) that ends with Kristen saying that Cass will come back again as opposed to Helio who only came back once (point Kristen!). [She also tells Buddy, as she’s wont to do, that she met Helio and thought he was a total frat boy loser–just mentioning it in case it comes up again. He seems pretty sure that Kristen will come around though. Tres prodigal son.] 
Fig’s turn! She aces her Paladin, Bard, and Warlock classes–A+ across the board. [She gets to roll her Bard class at a DC 5 even though it’s her second track for reasons Brennan doesn’t tell us. We also learn that Lucilla Lullaby is now on sabbatical after her conversation with Fig. Girl, go to therapy.]
Anyway, Fig is working with Porter and Zara and they want to talk to her. She’ll have to pick her pact soon and though she’s doing really well, they’re not quite buying that her powers are coming from her deviation to Cass or doubt. Porter recognizes that protective, German Shepherd energy in her and when Fig floats rage (protective rage) as what’s motivating her, he has a positive reaction. Him jumping on the rage thing would already be a little suspicious but the next thing he says is, "If there was some other power like that that you knew could support Cassandra, [and] was connected to your friend Kristen, maybe that's a worthwhile thing to explore.” And I very much want to know if that’s a Porter nudge or a Brennan nudge because that really sounds like he’s hinting towards Cass’s sibling. Incidentally, Porter is an Oath of Ancestors paladin and an earth gensai since we’re keeping track of affiliations. 
For her next track, Fig wants to roll Mustery and ooh boy, Nat 20!
Here’s her bonkers/genius plan: She disguises herself as Wanda and boards a bus she knows Ruben will be on from all her recon. Adaine casts Nystul's Magic Aura on her to make sure that any detection spells will ping as whatever they want them to and not Fig. When Ruben boards the bus, she says that when she made a hasty exit after the festival she was breaking up with her boyfriend and when he asks what music she’s listening to, she shows him a fake episode of the Complicated Women Podcast about Lucy Frostblade. Ruben is instantly rattled and starts looking for the podcast but “Wanda” says it was an early release episode she got because she knows the producers. She lies and says they’re talking bout how they found Lucy’s body and Ruben says he used to be in a party with her. When Fig asks what she was like, Ruben speaks positively of her. She says she was noble and stuck to her guns. He’s really itching to get more info about the podcast and Fig says that she’ll send him the MP3 if he gives her an email. Ruben gives her Lola’s email (They have SOL instead of AOL in Solace) and his cell and then Fig Dimension Doors away, mysterious as ever. 
For her final action, she tries to roll Relationships for Riz but she doesn’t roll high enough to catch him with how busy he is. She still leaves him a nice note and signs it from Gorgug. In response to that, Riz sends back a very long, gushy text that’s so grateful for the check in. Gorgug has no idea what he’s talking about but returns the gesture by making him an Artificer Infusion: A Medal of Wit which gives advantage on Int checks and throws for an hour (one time use). Cute all around!
Let’s close out the episode with Fabian. Popularity: 29. He’s maxed out the track. Any stranger he meets at Aguefort is charmed by him for a minute. He gets a neck tattoo that says Maximum Legend. For Mystery, he wants to check in with his dad to ask about Hell/Curse stuff (but he clearly mostly just wants to hear from his dad). He fails and takes a stress to succeed with the help of the AV Club. Skrank and Shellford help him set up a little broadcasting booth that can reach the Nine Hells assuming Bill has the correct equipment. He tries to broadcast and the equipment is working correctly but Brennan rolls a 3 in front of the board so he gets no response. He speaks into the void about how he’s a Maximum Legend while in his house, utterly alone. 
He rolls for Fighter: B. He rolls for Owlbears. Fail. He rolls for Bard–the DC is 25 and he gets a 24. He’s at four stress so the next token will be a rage token. The table persuades him to take Fig’s cursed Bardic instead. He gets a single point which gets him to the 25 which is a D. Then Brennan gives him a Con save. He fails. Brennan says that, with that fail, he loses control of an important bodily function. He gets to choose which one it is and in front of who like a nasty game of Clue and…look. I’m gonna try and say this as delicately as possible but Lou is not making this easy for me. Lou’s decision is that he will lose control of his bowels in the middle of bard class. That’s as far into it as I’m gonna go–if you want the gritty details you’ll have to get them from the man himself. 
Terpsicore, his teacher, is very supportive and kind about it, but one of his classmates, Quincy, takes his lute and breaks it, calls Fabian a Maximum Loser, and quits Aguefort on the spot. He headbutts the door, making his head bleed, and says, “I fucking hate this school!” 
Which, on the one hand, valid sentiment to the latest bout of (almost literal in this instance) Aguefort bullshit. But headbutting the door to the point that he’s bleeding? Sounds a little bit like rage star effects to me. Is it connected? Or was this just the last shitty straw for Quincy? We’ll have to tune in next time to find out!
Honor Roll
Fig for Her Clutch Investigation Skills
Fig has honestly been killing it just in general lately. A pluses across the board? What a GPA jump! But I have to particularly commend her for skillfully keeping Ruben on the hook the way she has. This is maybe her most perfect ratio of bit to plan so far. It’s so funny but also going so well. And that Nat 20? Chef’s Kiss. 
Lou (the player) for Describing [REDACTED]in Graphic Detail
I don’t care if Quincy was affected by the rage star or not. He was right. That *was* nasty. 
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financesavvytips · 1 year
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(via Master Your Finances: Discover the 7 Best Free Budgeting Apps for Effective Money Management)
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vague-humanoid · 6 months
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@positively--speculative @dirhwangdaseul
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monsterkingdom · 1 year
Post Op Disabled Black Trans Man Needs a Place By June 30th
posting this in the stead of my friend @needlebuggart
Troy recently got top surgery and is still recovering and is being KICKED OUT of their place of residency.
"Hi my name is Troy Colton. I'm a disabled transgender man in need of financial support. I'm also local San Diego artist by the name of NeedlebuggArt. "
"My landlord is kicking me out by June 30th unless I can pay off more of my late rent. Since I just turned 25 in April a lot of local resources will not help me. My current job doesn't pay me as much and I've been looking for a second job for since August of last year. Normally in situations like this, I'd open up digital commissions but my 4 year old laptop has finally bit the dust and isn't working anymore. I was supposed to be in a roommate situation but it fell through last minute and now I only have 10 days to get a secured place for both me and my dog so anything helps."
As of posting this he currently only has
$230 / $1,500
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