#financial makeover
mysstella · 2 years
Life Update 1/14/23
Hey guys! So sorry it’s been so long, my pc needed parts and I had a bunch of other stuff going on as well, and then I proceeded to procrastinate on posting here, of course. All is well now though, so I would love to continue with daily updates again. 
Since we last spoke I have been able to start a nice chunk of my savings, and I’ve been looking into either getting a better job, or even moving up in my current job. I’ve been trying to brainstorm on what I would like to do as a long term career, and honestly, I’ve been struggling quite a lot. I know one thing I’ve loved about all my jobs so far, has been the human interaction, and helping customers, the things I dislike specifically about my current place of work, is my management. I cannot stand who my upper management is, both my store manager and sales manager have made their way onto my shit list. The way that both of them talk to people is so demeaning and condescending, and it really grinds my gears. Another thing I dislike about my current position is how temporary it feels, I feel like this is just the filler chapter of my life, which I guess it kind of is, but I would love to still feel like my life has some meaning, ya know? 
I’ve been working really hard to try and focus on my goals, and make sure I don’t over spend. I have a few things I need to spend on this month that are necessary but unbudgeted for, such as new sneakers to work in (my old ones were worn out and my feet have been killing me), and I also need an oil change and tire rotation for my car. Both of these are just parts of life, however I had not budgeted them in necessarily, since I barely started budgeting to begin with. 
I am going to try to start putting away at least $50 from each paycheck, now that I get payed weekly, that will be $200 a month, which hopefully will be achievable. That will end up being a little over 2K saved this year just from that. I would also love to start Door-Dashing again to bump up how much I can afford to stash away each month. Even if that doesn’t happen though, I hope I will at least be able to keep up with the minimum of $200 a month. 
I also think I am going to start doing a weekly spending log at the bottom here, instead of doing it as daily, so I will update it every time to adjust the amount per week, including bills and everything. But I will start that this week, since I have also fallen back on not tracking my spending as I was previously. 
Finance Tracker:
Savings: $500
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smbmatters · 5 months
Money Makeover: Transforming Your Finances for a Brighter Future
In today's fast-paced world, achieving financial stability and security is a goal that many aspire to. However, it's not always easy to know where to start or how to make meaningful changes to our financial habits. That's where a money makeover comes in – it's an opportunity to take stock of our current financial situation, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to achieve our long-term financial goals.
Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
Understanding Income and Expenses
The first step in any money makeover is to understand your current financial situation. Take a close look at your income sources and monthly expenses. This will help you identify any areas where you may be overspending or areas where you can cut back.
Reviewing Debt and Liabilities
Next, review your outstanding debts and liabilities, such as credit card debt, student loans, or mortgage payments. Understanding your debt load is essential for creating a plan to pay it off and improve your overall financial health.
Setting Financial Goals
Short-term vs. Long-term Goals
Identify both short-term and long-term financial goals. Short-term goals may include building an emergency fund or paying off high-interest debt, while long-term goals may involve saving for retirement or purchasing a home.
Make sure your financial goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). This will help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards achieving them.
Creating a Budget
Tracking Income and Expenses
Use a budgeting tool or app to track your income and expenses accurately. This will give you a clear picture of where your money is going and help you identify areas where you can cut back or reallocate funds.
Allocating Funds Wisely
Allocate your funds wisely, prioritizing essential expenses such as housing, food, and transportation. Consider automating savings contributions to ensure you're consistently putting money towards your financial goals.
Managing Debt
Paying Down Debt
Develop a plan to pay down your debt systematically. Consider using strategies such as the debt snowball or debt avalanche method to accelerate your debt repayment and save on interest charges.
Negotiating Interest Rates
Explore options for lowering your interest rates, such as refinancing loans or negotiating with creditors. Even a small reduction in interest rates can result in significant savings over time.
Investing for the Future
Building Wealth Through Investing
Investing is a key component of any money makeover strategy. Consider working with a financial advisor to develop a diversified investment portfolio tailored to your risk tolerance and financial goals.
Retirement Planning
Start planning for retirement early and contribute regularly to retirement accounts such as 401(k)s or IRAs. Take advantage of employer matching contributions and consider increasing your contributions as your income allows.
A money makeover is a powerful tool for transforming your finances and building a brighter financial future. By assessing your current financial situation, setting SMART goals, creating a budget, managing debt, and investing wisely, you can take control of your finances and work towards achieving your long-term financial goals.
Remember, financial success is not achieved overnight – it requires dedication, discipline, and patience. But with a solid plan and the right mindset, you can achieve financial freedom and create the life you've always dreamed of.
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tarot-bimbo · 4 months
Pick a pile⋋⁠✿⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠✿⁠⋌
What is gonna happen next month?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1.
So I see you having fun and going outside with friends or family. You might just party a lot , never a dull moment for you. You could be a person who easily gets bored and a lot of stuff doesn't excite you so , I see you just having fun with the things you like and the people you love. I do see a situation coming up and I do see it will have you tangled for a bit. It could be with work , love or just you in general. You will come out of it and I do see a lover approaching you , you could be buying a new house and if you are already with someone I feel like you two could move in with each other. You could be getting a makeover💄 or you could be changing your aesthetic.
Additional messages
Good things come in threes , learn from the past , watch and wait, be here now
Elephant spirit, Hummingbird spirit and seahorse spirit could be significant to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2.
I see you are having financial problems , You might be feeling really depressed and sad but it's just a short-term situation, spirit is telling you it will be over by next month. You could be very bad at managing money tho your guides are telling you to manage your money better you could be spending more than you are receiving. Just stop spending recklessly. I also see someone coming to you this month but I think this person is bad they are mean and controlling just like to rule and take control of everything. But for sure next Month you are tackling those money problems and getting it solved.
Additional messages
Feel the feels , use your mind wisely, see the big picture, surrender now
Pig spirit, giraffe spirit and Moth spirit could be significant to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3.
Pile 3 I see you are going through this change maybe it's the end of an era for you. You could be changing your whole life around soon just a change even if it's small. I see there is something you want but you are a bit confused by it maybe other things are distracting you. I do see you going to chase your dreams and succeeding and celebrating with friends and family. You should do some hermit work too but if you already have and feel like you don't need that then start going after your dream. Maybe you don't like something that is going on but you are confused about it.
Additional messages
King , act as if ,trust in the magic, know your worth
Chameleon spirit, white raven spirit and the skunk spirit could mean something to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
I hope you enjoyed your pile
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servantofthefates · 9 months
If life is an experiment, your Uranus is your laboratory.
Uranus in the First House: Your Body
You will likely go through various rebrandings in your life. From nerd to glam. From emo to CEO. It will take you a while to discover what you want your physical vessel to look like.
Uranus in the Second House: Your Wallet
You will likely go back and forth between having an excess of money and having none at all. It will take you a while to figure out the right ingredients for financial stability.
Uranus in the Third House: Your Words
You will likely go through various makeovers in how you speak. From punk to poet. From high street to high-end. It will take you a while to discover how to communicate your true self.
Uranus in the Fourth House: Your Home
You will likely experience an unstable home life. That could mean moving around a lot, or your family changing frequently (e.g., through marriage). It will take you a while to find home as it should be.
Uranus in the Fifth House: Your Joy
You will likely have changing hobbies and interests as you grow. Even to the point of being ashamed of what you previously liked (e.g., a band, a celebrity). It will take you a while to discover what your soul enjoys.
Uranus in the Sixth House: Your Lifestyle
You will likely have drastic changes in routines that relate to your identity. From vegan to carnivore. From fitness buff to couch potato. It will take you a while to realize how you want to experience life.
Uranus in the Seventh House: Your Relationships
Your taste in connections (romantic and more) will likely keep evolving. From light to burdened. From friendly to brooding. It will take you a while to realize what you want and need your people to be like.
Uranus in the Eighth House: Your Morals
You will likely have changing definitions of what is wrong. From seeing things like Satanism and death penalty as evil, to thinking they are good, for example. It will take you a while to define your principles.
Uranus in the Ninth House: Your Faith
You will likely have different beliefs throughout your life. You might keep switching from one religion to another and to none at all. It will take you a while to form a true connection with a higher power.
Uranus in the Tenth House: Your Reputation
You will likely have different ranks in society throughout your life. From pleb to socialite. From royalty to nobody. It will take you a while to decide how you want the world to see you in this lifetime.
Uranus in the Eleventh House: Your Community
You will likely be a part of vastly different groups throughout your life. From religious fanatics to agnostic intellectuals. From celebrities to nuns. It will take you a while to discover where you belong in life.
Uranus in the Twelfth House: Your Pain
You will likely have different ideas of what hurts. You could go from crying at the sight of war-torn countries to shrugging about their plight. It will take you a while to decide on what is fair and unfair in this life.
In Whole Sign Houses, my Uranus is in the Ninth. I was raised Catholic. But in truth, I was mostly agnostic. At a fairly young age, I discovered Greco-Roman paganism from my elders who practice it in semi-combination with Christianity. Then in college, I had to pretend to be an atheist around judgmental religious fanatics who hated witchcraft. Now I am a practicing pagan who follows my ancestors' writings over my living elders' teachings. Can you also feel your Uranus manifesting?
Related: If life is a battlefield, your Mars is your weapon.
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learnastrowallura · 2 months
New moon guide for the rising signs (part 1)
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Aries rising/Leo 5th house: get in touch with ur creative/artistic side, allow urself to have fun and avoid mental overwhelm/becoming drained. Express ur playful and unserious side
Taurus rising/Leo 4th house: spending time with family/getting closer to people who u consider to be family will be good for u. Also do the things that u really liked to do as a child and that bring u comfort
Gemini rising/Leo 3rd house: authenticity is where it's at so do not be afraid of expressing ur thoughts esp the creative ones or ideas that people might find "extra" but ofc do watch ur tongue as well since we have Mercury retrograde coming up soon 🥲
Cancer rising/Leo 2nd house: energy is favorable with current astrological transits so whether u already have an income or not this is the time to be bold (Leo) and expand ur financial assets. Focus is also on emotional security so put your foot down and be firm about ur boundaries/going all out and being extra with all that is related to matters of self care is good
Leo rising/1st house: it is time for u to really reeavaluate everything/continue with what works for u and leave what's holding u back from being ur most authentic self. A makeover would be nice for a fresh start imo since the 1st house rules over physical appearance as well
Virgo rising/Leo 12th house: be careful as to not let harmful subconscious beliefs weaken ur resolve and willpower. Rest, do some shadow work and cleanse ur mind
Check out part two here
Readings are open
Happy new moon x
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soular-sisters · 4 months
Taurus Season: Material Gworl 💅🏼
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here’s a fun lil post for taurus season, & all da material gworls. 💗
taurus represents a lot of things from stability, love, sensuality, & loyalty. but one thing a little less talked about but certainly revolves around the beautiful taurus energy is, the material world. here is where you might like to spend a little lavishly based on your taurus house placement. **note: this does not represent everything you spend your money on, just where you like to be a little extra lavish. 😉
💅🏼 Taurus in the 1st House: I love to spend my money on self-care (hair, nails, etc.), beautiful clothing, a makeover, & fitness sessions to enhance your body.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 2nd House: I love to spend my money on fancy dinners, financial advisors, gorgeous jewelry, & luxurious items that will grow in value over time.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 3rd House: I love to spend my money on the latest cellphone, expensive cars, relaxing staycations, & your favorite books or magazines.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 4th House: I love to spend my money on beautiful interior decorations, photo albums filled with nostalgic memories, items that brings comfort (soft blankets, candles, etc.), & your dream home.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 5th House: I love to spend my money on exciting date nights, your favorite creative activity (paint nights, pottery classes, etc.), a day at an amusement park, & your favorite films.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 6th House: I love to spend my money on the latest health kick, organizational items (date planner, desk organizers, etc.) therapy sessions, & a membership to a spa & wellness center.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 7th House: I love to spend my money on beautiful gifts for my partner, a gorgeous wedding venue, items to enhance self-love (beauty enhancements, facials, etc.), & a romantic getaway with your love.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 8th House: I love to spend my money on sexy lingerie, spiritual experiences (tarot readings, psychics, etc.), transformative makeovers, & an intimate weekend with your lover.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 9th House: I love to spend my money on travels around the world, beautiful items from other cultures, classes to learn a new language, & items that expand your mind (philosophy books, metaphysical movies, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 10th House: I love to spend my money on career seminars to develop your profession, a deep tissue massage, merch from your favorite celebrity, & statement items to enhance your public image (gorgeous accessories, designer bags, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 11th House: I love to spend my money on lavish gifts for your friends, donations to a cause that matters to you, fun weekend trips with your friend group, & tickets to social events (music festivals, conventions, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 12th House: I love to spend my money on self-healing sessions (reiki, chakra cleansing, etc.), a beautiful journal to write your deepest thoughts, spiritual books, & a private beach getaway.
thank you so much for all the love & support as usual! we love you all so much. please check out my creative instagram & show your support 🥰 xoxo -A.A.
IG: @dredivinecreates 💗
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boujeeceo · 2 years
2023 will be better
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Overall (updated)
This is the final year of 'prep'. By the end of this year I'll be in a position where I can move how I've always wanted. I'll be ready to live the life of luxury and power I've always wanted. I'm done living in working class survival mode.
Cosmetic upgrades
Nanobladed eyebrows
Full body hair removal
Base look Makeover
Skincare/Dermatologist approved skincare
New Clothes
Clothes tailored
Another 15,000$ nest egg saved
Pay off my 2 certifications 3,000$
Get 35 contacts from networking events that I can rely on and that I want to stay in contact with.
Get a job that won't burn me out! Aka a new better job w/better salary. OR get a paid internship. OR work part time for a nice small business.
Start another business!
Hit 200$ a day income
Hit 300$ a day income
Hit 400$ a day income
Hit 500$ a day income
Daily Routine
Workout (no matter what): 18%-20% Body Fat goal
1 gallon water drink
Clean eating + diet breaks
Studying (1hr-2hr) pomodoro style
Vitamins (multivitamins, and collagen powder)
Post 3 videos/pictures to IG, TikTok, or Youtube. (Maybe)
Find a therapist and Go to therapy
Get my 2 certifications in corporate finance (Harvard goal in 2025)
Read the 100-300 books on my list
Focus on to become intermediate in Violin & Recorder
Focus on to become conversationally fluent in Spanish or Mandarin
Find a new country to live in. (To leave USA in 2026)
Get another (different) certification for my career.
Live my life no matter how much money I don't have.
Fulfill a Teenage Dream
This is a stretch goal, might not happen.
Save 7,000$. And go on a two month long road trip!
Full Reinvention Loading
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skippyv20 · 7 months
Enough with the lies! She doesn’t pay for her own clothes! She gets samplers anyway she can. That is why they never fit, and are always way too big or way too tight. AND, we don’t have a stylist but we can still dress well and look classy! She is trashy with no class. So don’t bring that excuse…no stylist!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂paying for her own clothes, what a laugh. This is part of her new makeover…gaslighting again! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
and another thing….why would she be buying new clothes to attend winter events? She lived in Canada and experienced winters…surely she would have old clothes in storage? Or clothes she bought on her other trips that would have been suitable? Why does she need new clothes when she is attending games FOR veterans who I am sure have had or are having financial difficulties? Freaking snow off is what she is, with no respect for others. She is a nothing…..
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yoonavii · 1 year
Rich bachelor! Law x Reader
Description: On your courthouse wedding day, hope and determination fueled you, but your fiancé's absence and the revelation of a secret girlfriend shattered your dreams. In that moment of heartbreak, Trafalgar Law, an eligible and wealthy bachelor driven by the need for his family's inheritance, appeared. He offered a life-altering proposition: marry him in exchange for financial security. You immediately accepted without hesitation, unaware of the thrilling twists and turns awaiting you on the unexpected love journey.
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As you held onto Law’s arm, your mind raced with the sudden whirlwind of events. The judge’s complaint about being off schedule echoed in your ears, and you felt a twinge of guilt for causing the disruption. Law, standing beside you with an air of confidence, seemed unphased by the judge’s irritation. You glanced at him with gratitude for his support, and he turned to you with a soft smile. “Don’t worry,” he reassured you. “We can wait for the judge’s lunch break to be over.” The judge, his impatience evident, departed from the room, and you were left alone with Law. His determination to make this courthouse wedding special for you was both surprising and touching. He leaned closer and said, “I’ll arrange for a hair and makeup stylist. You should look your best for this occasion.” You were about to decline once more when he interrupted with a chuckle, “Trust me, you’ll feel much better after a little makeover. Besides, my father might arrive any moment. I want you to make a good impression.”
The mention of meeting Law’s father so soon after this unexpected turn of events did indeed stress you out. You nodded reluctantly, realizing that this day was taking a trajectory you couldn’t have predicted, and you would need to face it with newfound resolve. Curiosity getting the better of you, you decided to strike up a conversation with Law while you waited for the judge’s lunch break to end. “What’s your father like?” you inquired. Law sighed, his expression reflecting a mix of emotions. “He can be a bit much,” he admitted, “and overly excited at times.” There was a hint of weariness in his voice as he spoke about his father. As you absorbed this information, you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nervousness about meeting him, especially without some kind of complete rundown about how to approach and property address him. 
The arrival of the hair and makeup artist was a welcome distraction from the whirlwind of emotions you had been experiencing. She got straight to work, using her skills to enhance your features and create a stunning look that left you feeling surprisingly gorgeous, despite the chaotic circumstances.While you were in the midst of your transformation, a tailor arrived with a suit for Law. As he changed into the well-fitted suit, it became apparent just how effortlessly he wore it. The suit complemented his tall and slender frame, accentuating his already striking appearance. Despite the stress and uncertainties that had marked the day, the transformation for both you and Law added a touch of elegance and formality to the occasion, making you feel more prepared for the impending meeting with his father.
As you and Law continued to prepare for your courthouse wedding, you suggested the idea of creating a love story for how you met, something that would give a sense of depth to your unexpected union. Law considered the idea and nodded in agreement.
"I like that," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "So, how did we meet?"
You thought for a moment and then decided on a story that seemed fitting for the circumstances. "Well," you began, "I'm a part-time barista at a cozy little coffee shop. You could have been one of my regular customers, and over time, we struck up conversations, became friends, and eventually, our friendship blossomed into something more. Law chuckled softly, seeming to appreciate the simplicity and charm of the story. It was a narrative that would give your courthouse wedding a touch of romantic serendipity, despite the unusual circumstances that had brought you together.
As Law’s father arrived, his tall and elegant figure immediately commanded attention. He was dressed impeccably, showcasing his wealth and sophistication. His joyful greeting to Law, filled with genuine paternal affection, brought forth a subtle reaction of embarrassment and annoyance from Law. To everyone’s surprise, Law’s father had a bright and colorful personality that radiated warmth and energy. Law, with a hint of pride in his voice, took the opportunity to introduce you as his fiancée. Then, with a charming smile, he continued with a white lie, “Dad, I’ve been looking forward to introducing y/n to you for a long time.” You played along with the plan, offering a polite greeting to your new father-in-law. However, you were not prepared for the next unexpected twist. Instead of a formal handshake, Law’s father surprised both you and Law with a warm and heartfelt hug. His genuine enthusiasm and acceptance in that moment were palpable, making you feel surprisingly at ease.
After the hug, he turned his attention to you, inquiring about your parents and assuming they wouldn’t want to miss your special day. You hesitated briefly before revealing, “I’m an orphan sir. I don’t have a family,” Your revelation took both Law and his father by surprise. Their expressions shifted from curiosity to a mixture of sympathy and understanding. It was clear that your words had struck a chord, and the room fell momentarily silent as they absorbed the unexpected truth about your background.
Breaking the silence, Law’s father spoke, his voice filled with comforting warmth as he addressed you directly, “My dear, I’m truly sorry to hear that. But from this day forward, you’re a part of our family. You’ll have us by your side.” His heartfelt words brought a genuine smile to your face, and you felt a warmth spreading in your heart. You had never experienced the presence of a true father figure or the sense of belonging that this unexpected turn of events had brought into your life.
The judge, with a sense of solemnity, began, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the union of y/n and Law in marriage. In the presence of these witnesses and before the law, you have expressed your desire to be united in matrimony. Please proceed with your vows.”
You and Law, standing side by side, then exchanged heartfelt vows based on the story you both created. You began, your voice filled with sincerity “Law, our story began in the most unexpected way, as if fate had conspired to bring us together. You walked into my life as a regular customer, but little did I know that those daily encounters would lead to something as beautiful as this. I promise to cherish the memories we’ve created and the love that has blossomed between us. With you, I see a future filled with joy, laughter, and endless cups of coffee. I vow to be your partner in all of life’s adventures, just as our story has been an adventure of its own.”
Law, with a hint of a smile, continued, “Our story is unlike any other, and that’s what makes it so special. Y/n, from the moment I walked into that café and met you, I knew there was something unique about us. Today, as we stand here ready to embark on this journey together, I promise to honor the story we’ve created. I’ll be the one who’s always there to order that cup of coffee, to share conversations that brighten our days, and to be by your side in all of life’s twists and turns. I look forward to every chapter of our story, knowing that it will be as extraordinary as the day we met.”
With the exchange of vows complete, a sense of anticipation filled the courtroom. The judge, with an air of authority, directed both you and Law to sign the marriage license. As you both approached the document, the room was filled with a quiet sense of purpose.Carefully gripping the pen, you watched as Law signed his name beside yours. It was a tangible symbol of the commitment you were making, an agreement that transcended the circumstances that had brought you together.
With the signatures now adorning the marriage license, the judge, a warm and reassuring smile on their face, declared, "By the authority vested in me by the laws of this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The room seemed to hold its collective breath, and a sense of satisfaction washed over those present. This unconventional courthouse wedding had turned into a unique and unforgettable experience for everyone involved.
The judge's voice continued, "You may seal this union with a kiss."
Law turned to you, his eyes locking onto yours, and in that moment, unspoken emotions passed between you. With a nod of agreement from you, he leaned in, closing the distance between you both, and kissed you on the lips. It was a moment that went beyond the legalities of the situation, carrying with it a sense of genuine connection and the promise of a unique journey ahead. As Law's father clapped happily and the judge's words still hung in the air, the atmosphere in the courtroom remained charged with a sense of significance. However, before Law's father could express his happiness verbally, his phone rang, momentarily diverting his attention. He excused himself politely and stepped away from the wedding scene to answer the call, leaving you and Law alone for a moment.
Seizing this opportunity, Law leaned in slightly and, in a confidential tone, shared a revelation that left you stunned. "My father is the CEO of Corazon Inc., one of the most successful corporations in the New World." The weight of this revelation settled upon you, and you couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and curiosity about the world into which you had just married. The significance of your union had taken an unexpected turn with this newfound knowledge.
Law, ever the practical planner, continued, "I'll need your address and phone number so that I can make arrangements for you and your belongings to be brought to our house." With a nod of understanding, you provided Law with your contact information, your thoughts racing with questions and possibilities. You couldn't deny the sense of awe and trepidation as you realized the transformative nature of this moment in your life, married to a man whose family's influence extended to the highest echelons of success and power in the New World.
The transition from day to night was marked by the arrival of a sudden and intense thunderstorm that swept through the city. Rain poured relentlessly, creating a backdrop of soothing yet turbulent noise against the cityscape. Seeking a break from the packing, you found yourself gazing out of your apartment window, drawn to the storm's fierce beauty. Through the rain-streaked glass, you noticed a sleek, high-end SUV parked elegantly at the curb. It was the vehicle Law had arranged to transport your belongings to your new home. The sight of that luxurious SUV, gleaming even in the midst of the storm, was a reminder of the extraordinary circumstances that had brought you here. Your life was poised for a significant transformation, and this surreal day was evidence of that.
Turning away from the window, you returned to your task with renewed determination. The remaining boxes, filled with your cherished possessions, required careful packing and sealing. You worked methodically, the sound of the storm outside serving as a soothing backdrop to your preparations. Each box represented a piece of your past, and you were now on the threshold of a new life as the wife of a man whose family's wealth and influence held the promise of a future you had never imagined.
The rhythmic patter of rain against the window intensified as Sarquiss, your ex-fiancé, stepped into your apartment. His presence seemed to cast a shadow over the room, and you couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that accompanied his unexpected visit. As you reluctantly allowed him inside, the air thickened with unresolved tension. “Get your things and leave,” you instructed, your voice carrying the weight of past betrayals. Sarquiss, seemingly indifferent to the gravity of the situation, began collecting his belongings with a nonchalant air. The atmosphere grew strained with each passing moment, the anticipation of a confrontation palpable.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to you, Law, your newly revealed husband, ascended the apartment stairs. His footsteps, muffled by the persistent rain, marked his approach. As the argument between you and Sarquiss intensified, Law’s figure appeared in the doorway, an umbrella in hand. His entrance was a study in contrast — the imposing figure of Law in a well-tailored suit against the backdrop of your modest living space. The room seemed to shrink in the face of his presence. “I believe you’re Sarquiss,” Law’s voice cut through the rising tension, his tone firm and unwavering.
Sarquiss, visibly taken aback, replied with a sardonic smirk, “And who might you be, the replacement?” “I’m her husband. Law Trafalgar,” Law stated, his name carrying a weight that echoed authority. Sarquiss, attempting to regain his composure, quipped, “Well, you certainly upgraded.”
Law, unfazed, turned his attention to you with a subtle yet possessive familiarity. “Alright  n/n, I’ll arrange for movers to complete the transfer of your belongings to our new house. No need to stay in this place any longer.” A sense of relief washed over you, grateful for Law’s intervention. But before you could fully process the moment, Law’s gaze focused on Sarquiss. In a calculated move, Law gently lifted your chin, pressing a kiss to your lips. It was a deliberate act, a statement that left Sarquiss seething with anger. Sarquiss, attempting to mask his wounded pride, sneered, “You’re enjoying your upgrade, huh?” Law, his expression unyielding, responded, “You should leave now, before things become less pleasant.”
The room hung in suspense as Sarquiss, fueled by resentment, prepared to deliver a final verbal blow. However, before he could utter a word, two imposing figures, resembling security personnel, entered the apartment at Law’s silent command. Law, maintaining his poised demeanor, issued a final ultimatum, “Leave on your own, or my security will assist you in a less pleasant manner.” Sooner than later, the departure of Sarquiss brought a palpable sense of relief to the room. The atmosphere, previously fraught with tension, now seemed to settle. You turned to Law, gratitude evident in your eyes as you expressed your thanks. “Thank you for handling that,” you said, the words carrying a weight of sincere appreciation.
Law, maintaining his composed demeanor, nodded in acknowledgment. “It’s taken care of,” he replied succinctly, his gaze steady. Wanting to offer a tangible token of gratitude, you remembered your homemade applesauce—a recipe passed down through generations. A faint smile graced your lips as you extended the invitation. “I make a mean applesauce. Care for a taste?” The warmth in your voice carried a hint of hospitality. Law, with his customary reserve, initially declined the offer. However, undeterred, you persisted, your insistence reflecting a desire to bridge the gap between the tumultuous events that had just transpired and a newfound connection. “I insist,” you said, presenting him with a small bowl of the homemade delicacy.
There was a moment of hesitation in Law’s expression, a subtle pause that intrigued you. Eventually, he accepted the small bowl, his gaze briefly meeting yours in a quiet acknowledgment. As Law took a spoonful of the applesauce, a flicker of surprise crossed his features. The unexpected blend of flavors seemed to catch him off guard. “It’s good,” he admitted, the words carrying a genuine note of appreciation.
A small smile played on your lips as you observed his reaction. The act of sharing a simple bowl of applesauce became a nuanced exchange—an interlude between the storm of emotions that had just unfolded and the quiet beginning of a connection that defied the expected. As Law finished the last spoonful of the homemade applesauce, he set the empty bowl aside and turned his attention to you. With a decisive tone, he instructed you to gather all that was important, emphasizing the need for a swift departure to your new home.
Acting promptly, you retrieved your to-go bag containing essential items, slipping on a pair of practical crocs for the impromptu journey. As you hurriedly followed Law out the door, one of the security personnel, a silent figure in the background, took the initiative to hold your bags for you. Grateful, you expressed your thanks, and the security personnel responded with a simple hum and nod. Descending the stairs, the sound of your steps echoed in the stairwell as Law provided a unique instruction that left you momentarily perplexed. "Don't get on any social media platforms until the next day. " he advised, the cryptic nature of the statement adding an element of mystery to the unfolding events. His words lingered in the air as you descended further, the rain outside still a gentle backdrop. The city, cloaked in the soothing embrace of the evening storm, felt like a canvas on which a new chapter of your life was about to be painted. With each step, you couldn't help but wonder about the secrets and surprises that awaited you in the newly established home you and your newly husband will reside in. 
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Sun in Cancer ♋️🌊 Moon in Virgo ♍️🌎
The day’s vibes may have you in a tug of war between laziness and responsibility.
The Moon in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini early today setting the tone for lazy vibes, questioning your goals or financial decisions and general emotional fog. More than anything else, this lovely square is a forced reality check. Self care is important. it can hit hard with possible physical symptoms of pain in the sacral chakra region. This aspect is most of the energy for the day. The rest won’t be until late tonight.
The Sun in Cancer trine Saturn (r) in Pisces steps in and begs you to get up, restructure and focus on your daily grind. This energy bring the focus you need to tackle daily chores, take care of appointments or squeeze in a work out session. There’s a bit of a tug of war in our heads between sitting around and doing nothing and getting up to do what we gotta do.
The Virgo Moon opposite Saturn (r) in Pisces brings in feelings of general sadness or feeling a little blue for no reason. We’re not really in the mood to share our emotions either and socializing feels out of the question. It’s ok if you just need some alone time today. Take care of your mental health, be aware of conflicts at home and try to get a good nights sleep tonight. This one can wear you out.
The Virgo Moon sextile the Sun in Cancer rolls in later tonight and it’s time for an emotional makeover. This allows for better communication in relationships and also with the self to address imbalances. This can also bring on new and sudden ideas. The social vibes wake up again so let go of the day’s tasks or laziness and try to have a little fun.
Learn more about your personal energies and how the forecast affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation.
If you enjoy my daily posts, please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
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mysstella · 2 years
Day Five- Dec. 18, 22
Hey guys! I haven’t been up to too much today, but I do have a work dinner tomorrow so that’s cool I guess. In all honesty, its pretty late right now and my brain is kind of giving up on me, so it may be another short update for today, sorry. 
I did have to spend a little more than I would’ve liked on lunch today because the other place was way too busy, and any other day I would’ve just skipped lunch but I worked a later shift than usual today as it is so I was already pretty much starving. I think Sundays I will do an end of the week recap, as in showing what I spent for the week. Also, I didn’t notice until a little while ago but my phone bill snuck in yesterday on autopay, so I should've included that as well for yesterdays update, but it was $50 for those wondering. 
One of my more personal goals for this upcoming week is to get at least something put into my savings. Another goal is to try and get my sleep schedule back on track. As some of you may know, I had a week off last week, and my sleep schedule has been all sorts of out of line. 
One thing I would love to do to wrap up the end of the year is tidy up my space, and try to just really finish the year off strong, and therefore starting the new year off fresh. I definitely need to super deep clean my room and declutter a ton of stuff, maybe I’ll actually sell some of it and put that money into my savings as well, but if I don't get to it I plan on at least donating what I can. 
Alright, I think that’s all for today. definitely feel free to DM me suggestions or hit the “Ask me anything” button on my profile if you have questions or feedback! I’d love to hear from you!
Finance Tracker:
Savings: $0
Spent Today: $14.88  
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gayassbish · 11 months
Genshin Guys as Your New Bestie. Highschool AU
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Genre: Platonic of course and very much so crack
Reader: Gender Neutral | References to “girly pop” in Childe and Kaeya’s Part
Characters: Diluc, Zhongli, Childe and Kaeya, Alhaitham, Bennet, Xinqiu and Chongyun, Xiao
The kid who raises his hand and asks a bunch of questions, but still manages to not come of nerdy, but intelligent. He doesn’t talk to anyone in class and some other kids in class thinks he’s arrogant cause of it. Like “he’s too smart for us vibes.” You, on the other hand, know better than to trust the rumors and actually get to know his ass. That is lie, I can’t imagine anyone walking up to his emo self unless you’re the most extroverted person on the planet. He also definitely plays chess online in his chromebook 24/7.
Butttt you do end up sitting next to him as your seating arrangements change every semester or so. You say hi like a normal person and he sorta just grunts?? Terrible first impression, but you realize he’s very kind. Always picking up your fallen pencils, sharing homework answers with out you asking, and you end up getting a long pretty well once you find your stuff in common.
P.S. He’d 100% drive you around everywhere
A popular dude cause he’s handsome ig and the fucking valedictorian. Plus he manages to know everything without coming off like a know it all, so he is generally well received by everyone and helps basically everyone out. Has a 10000 IQ and a calculator for a brain too. Probably wears granny glasses.
So… you’re at your part time job and notice him coming in. You immediately hide cause you don’t know him like that (yet) and don’t want to be remembered as “oh they’re the person who works there.” One of your coworkers helps him out instead while you secretly spy and realize he’s not as smart as he looks?? He is very much so only book smart and has no street cred what so ever. He looks so lost as to why he can’t take whatever y’all sell now and pay latter. He honestly gives your coworker a hard time. (rip coworker </3) You eventually help out and he recognizes you!! You learn he has an excellent memory and actually knows your name. And viola now your the person who he can go to for financial means. Have fun!
P.S You drive him everywhere…
Childe & Kaeya-
They’re those loud kids in the back who don’t shut up. I want to say they’re pant saggers but I know I would get canceled. (They so are though.) Anywho, you end up being forced to sit next to them and they like start flirting of sum shit idk?
But you’re girly pop and you don’t take that crap. After you put them in their place and educate them on how they shouldn’t talk to anyone that way like some cat calling NPC, they start to really respect you?? Well to be fair you don’t know if they’re scared of you or are just putting on an act.
Y’all get closer as you stop a lot of fights that happen between them and do your best to quiet them down in class.
And they kinda just drag you to places. Once you lost a bet and were forced to go shopping with them. (If you didn’t show up, they threatened to upload a photo of you sleeping in class onto their social media.) At the mall… Childe started to pick fights with the security guard (he claims it’s the other way around but we both know it was him) and Kaeya DOES NOTHING?? He just records the whole thing while giggling like an idiot. Y’all get banned from the mall. They do nothing but apologize on the way to your house (they picked and dropped you off.) It didn’t work cause you didn’t talk to them for a month after that.
P.S. Kaeya actually has really good fashion taste and was the one the blackmail you because he wanted to Project MakeOver you??
He’s an obnoxious, self-centered asshole to everyone and you do your best to avoid him until you’re stuck together for a group project.
Even though you know to the rumors about him, you still introduce yourself like a person with manners would… BUT he cuts you off. Immediately orders that he will do the project by himself entirely. And while you would usually take that deal (cause who wouldn’t, let’s be honest) you CANNOT stand the disrespect from this MAN. You guys start arguing until the teacher has to break it up between y’all and fucking Alhaitham is just like “I’ve never been so embarrassed infront of a teacher,” as if he didn’t start the fight. smh
Anyways, it’s really rough between you guys and it’s now presentation day. After you guys present, Alhaitham turns out rather pleased with your part, and though he would NEVER admit it to you (or even himself) you actually did better on your part than he would’ve if he went solo. At the end of class, he apologizes for being so cold at first. He explains how he hasn’t had the best group partners and almost always does all the work. He asks if you’d be okay working together again.
P.S. If you said yes, y’all would turn into an unstoppable duo. And if you said no THEN GOOD. He needs a lesson.
You definitely decided to just look after him once you saw him drop his phone, bag, papers, and himself down the stairs multiple times. You’re basically his bodyguard atp. You literately carry around extra bandaids cause of him omg. You guys have a bunch of classes together so it’s easy for y’all to get a long. You help protect him from bullies (Bennett just attracts the worst kinds of people) and he starts to think you’re his lucky charm.
Basically starts to worship you?? Invites you to hang out in his friend group of misfits featuring Razor, Barbra, and Fischl. They play DnD during lunch too and drag you into it. Honestly it turns into a cult with you as their leader. At the end of the school year, the five of you pull a bunch of pranks on the kids who were messing with Bennet.
P.S. The cult had a name: Lord Y/N’s Pimps. Barbra came up with it because she thought calling someone a pimp was a form on endearment… the name ended up just sticking.
Xingqiu & Chongyun-
They’re those fucking kids who won’t shut up about Harry Potter or Star Wars or sum shit. Luckily for them, you can be just as geeky. You fit in pretty well with them.
Y’all met after you went off on them for spoiling the new Star Wars movie and eventually bonded over your love for those space ninjas. You get invited to watch movies and join the arcade with them 24/7. You join in on Xinqiu’s bullying of Chongyun and in turn actually out smart Xinqiu. So it balances out. They love you cause they probably get tired of each other after a lot of their own fights, but you’re always there to ground them <3
P.S BY FARRR the best people to go trick or treating with on halloween.
The kid who never got out of ‘emo skater boy phase’. A lot of people think he’s cool, but he doesn’t have many (tbh any) friends for two reasons. One, he’s hard to approach, and two, he’s socially awkward as fawkk.
You guys have been going to the same school for years, but never actually talked to each other until you saw him playing The Legend of Zelda on the switch. You ask to watch and he kinda just scoots over without saying anything. Weird, but you bring up how nostalgic it is to see people from back in the day to when everyone still wet their pants to how they’ve changed now. Xiao just kinda mumbles in response. He actually doesn’t want the conversation to end and sorta just awkwardly asks how you’re weekend was on a tuesday…
Once you learn he’s not as scary as he looks and is secretly a big giant marshmallow on the inside, you guys get a long pretty well. Then when he gets more comfortable with your presence, he’s so much more less awkward (a sign that he trusts you) and his real personality will start to blossom. You guys go to the park a lot and feed the ducks (WITH real duck food, may I add, and not the nasty expired bread). You guys play on the swings and exchange playlists/sound recommendations.
P.S. You wonder if he actually knows how to ride a skateboard because he’s one of those skater boys who actually just brings a skateboard with them everywhere while they never use it?? Like we get it. You have legs for a reason but then why bring the skateboard if you’re just gonna walk.
And you get closer to them all once they trauma dump on you </3
A/N: My first post wowowow | 11/01/2023
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sunshinesmebdy · 6 months
Venus in Aries: Passion, Innovation, and a Pinch of Impulsiveness in Business
Calling all bold entrepreneurs and financially adventurous souls! Buckle up, because Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and prosperity, is setting hearts (and wallets) on fire with its fiery transit through Aries. This dynamic duo ignites a potent mix of passion, initiative, and a dash of impulsiveness, influencing how we approach business and finances from April 5th onwards.
The Aries Influence: A Bold Leap Forward — Taking Calculated Risks with Venusian Fire
Typically, Venus thrives in diplomacy and collaboration. But under the fiery influence of Aries, the ram’s sign, expect a more assertive and action-oriented approach. This is a time to chase exciting ventures, launch innovative products, and negotiate deals with confidence. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks, but remember, calculated is the keyword. Aries’ impulsiveness can lead to hasty decisions, so thorough research and a well-defined strategy are crucial before diving headfirst.
Venus, in its usual celestial dance, prefers the harmonious tango of diplomacy and collaboration. It thrives in building partnerships, fostering agreements, and creating a win-win scenario for all involved. Think of Venus as the ultimate negotiator, charming its way to mutually beneficial deals.
But enter Aries, the bold ram. This fire sign is all about taking charge, initiating action, and pushing boundaries. When Venus finds itself nestled in Aries’ fiery domain, a fascinating shift occurs. The diplomatic charm takes a backseat, replaced by a more assertive and pioneering spirit. This isn’t about forceful domination; it’s about confidently pursuing your vision and taking decisive steps to make it a reality.
Here’s how this plays out in business and finance:
Chasing Exciting Ventures: The Aries influence awakens a thirst for adventure. You might find yourself drawn to groundbreaking ideas, innovative products, or untapped markets. This is a prime time to explore new business ventures that ignite your passion and set you apart from the competition.
Launching with Confidence: The usual Venusian caution around launching something new gets a makeover. Aries’ confidence is contagious, making you more likely to take the plunge and present your ideas to the world. However, remember, confidence doesn’t negate preparation. Develop a solid launch strategy, ensure your product or service is market-ready, and then go forth and conquer!
Negotiating with Fire: The collaborative spirit of Venus gets a dose of healthy assertiveness. When negotiating deals, you’ll be more comfortable advocating for your worth and confidently stating your terms. This doesn’t mean throwing out ultimatums, but rather, approaching negotiations with a clear understanding of your value and what you bring to the table.
The Calculated Risk Factor:
This is where the “calculated” part becomes crucial. Aries’ impulsive nature can sometimes lead to rushing headfirst into situations without proper planning. Think of a ram charging towards a tempting patch of grass, oblivious to the potential dangers lurking around.
Here’s how to maintain balance:
Research Before You Leap: Before getting swept away by your newfound entrepreneurial spirit, conduct thorough research. Understand the market, analyze potential risks and rewards, and develop a clear plan of action.
Seek Expert Advice: Don’t be afraid to consult with experienced professionals or mentors. Their guidance can help you navigate the complexities of your venture and mitigate potential pitfalls.
Embrace Calculated Risks, Not Recklessness: Taking calculated risks is a fundamental part of business growth. However, there’s a fine line between calculated and reckless. Use your Venusian charm and finesse to assess risks objectively, only venturing into situations with a well-defined strategy for success.
By harnessing the assertive energy of Aries while maintaining the strategic planning of Venus, you can leverage this transit to turn bold ideas into thriving ventures.
Financial Flair with a Competitive Edge: Investing with Venusian Fire in Aries
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, typically steers us towards indulging in the finer things. We might treat ourselves to luxurious experiences, invest in timeless pieces, or simply appreciate the finer things in life. However, when fiery Aries enters the picture, this Venusian indulgence takes on a more competitive and action-oriented twist.
From Retail Therapy to Investment Savvy:
The usual urge to splurge on that designer bag might still be present, but a stronger pull towards financially empowering activities will emerge. This transit ignites a desire to see your money grow and work for you. Here’s how this financial flair manifests:
The Rise of the Side Hustle: The entrepreneurial spirit of Aries awakens a desire to create additional income streams. This could be the perfect time to launch that side hustle you’ve been dreaming of, whether it’s monetizing a hobby, offering freelance services, or starting a small online business.
Calculated Moves in the Market: The Venusian influence on investments gets a makeover. While Venus usually favors stable, long-term investments, the boldness of Aries encourages you to explore options with higher growth potential. This could involve diversifying your portfolio with stocks in innovative companies or exploring calculated ventures like angel investing.
Remember, Responsible Risk is Key:
It’s important to remember that responsible risk-taking is a world away from reckless gambling. Don’t be tempted to throw your money into the first flashy opportunity that comes your way. Here’s how to maintain a balanced approach:
Do Your Research: Before investing, conduct thorough research. Analyze the potential risks and rewards, understand the market trends, and ensure the investment aligns with your overall financial goals.
Start Small & Diversify: If you’re venturing into unfamiliar territory, start small and diversify your investments. This way, you can limit potential losses while still experiencing the thrill of potentially higher returns.
Seek Professional Guidance: Don’t be afraid to consult a financial advisor before making any major investment decisions. Their expertise can help you navigate complex financial instruments and develop a personalized investment strategy.
Think of yourself as a Venusian investor with an Aries twist. You appreciate the finer things in life, but you’re also driven to make your money work for you. By channeling your financial gusto towards calculated investments and strategic ventures, you can leverage this transit to build long-term wealth and achieve your financial goals.
Who Will Feel the Heat Most?
While everyone will experience this transit to some degree, some zodiac signs will be particularly affected:
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Get ready to shine! This transit fuels your natural confidence and leadership qualities. Network aggressively, don’t be afraid to chase ambitious goals, and watch your business flourish.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Your innovative ideas and communication skills are in high demand. Collaborate with fire signs to bring their bold visions to life.
Libra: Normally diplomatic Libra might find themselves being more assertive in negotiations. Channel this newfound confidence to secure those lucrative deals.
Harnessing the Venusian Fire: Striking a Balance for Success
Venus in Aries presents a unique opportunity to propel yourself toward your financial dreams with a potent blend of passion, confidence, and strategic action. Here’s how to harness this powerful energy and turn it into a recipe for business success:
Embrace the Fire, But Don’t Get Burned:
Ignite Your Passion: This transit is a time to reconnect with the spark that ignited your entrepreneurial spirit in the first place. What are you truly passionate about? How can you translate that passion into a thriving business venture? Let your enthusiasm be the driving force behind your actions.
Fuel Your Confidence: The assertive influence of Aries bolsters your belief in yourself and your ideas. Don’t be afraid to showcase your unique talents and confidently present your vision to potential partners or investors. This newfound confidence will be infectious, attracting others to your cause.
Channel Your Drive into Action: Venus in Aries thrives on action. Don’t let your ideas languish in the realm of “what ifs.” Develop a clear plan of action, set achievable goals, and take concrete steps towards achieving them. Remember, even small, consistent steps forward lead to significant progress over time.
Temper the Fire with Strategic Planning:
Don’t Confuse Passion with Recklessness: While passion is essential, it needs a strategic partner: planning. Before diving headfirst into any venture, conduct thorough research, analyze competitors, and develop a clear roadmap for success.
Refine Your Venusian Charm: Venus is the master of diplomacy and collaboration. Use this charm to build strong relationships with potential partners, investors, and clients. Focus on win-win scenarios and leverage your natural charisma to create a network of support.
Embrace Calculated Risks: Calculated risk-taking is an essential part of business growth. However, impulsive decisions can lead to disaster. Use your Venusian finesse to objectively assess risks and only take calculated steps with a well-defined strategy for mitigating potential losses.
The Art of Balance:
The key to harnessing the Venusian fire lies in balance. Let your passion fuel your drive, but don’t let it cloud your judgment. Channel your confidence into assertive action, but anchor it with strategic planning. Remember, the Venusian charm is a powerful tool for building relationships and collaborating with others. By combining the fiery spirit of Aries with the strategic finesse of Venus, you can create a winning formula for business success under this astrological influence.
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caramelcactus · 11 months
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Teen William ||FNAF AU||
I can’t believe how invested I became in androids William. He was literally the most stereotypical purple guy before I decided to give this au a makeover, and here I am completely changing William from murderous tyrant into harmless mentally unstable mess and actually GIVING him a background
William was born in Hurricane and raised in authoritarian family, though with high standards. He grew up obedient and well behaved kid with perfect grades and just all perfect because of a pressure and control from his overbearing family to be the best. The whole «this is our house our rules you’re going to obey them» lasted only while he was a child. Can't say they were necessarily abusive, but still...meh, emotional pressure sucks. There is actually a deep layered drama going on inside his family behind the impression of “completely normal just strict family" that I’ll explain later because:
1. this post is not about it
2. I don’t want to put too much info
But it’s still worth to mention that it’s a bad marriage and William’s birth was supposed to save/keep it, so in addition to everything William was burdened with a role of a fixer. He faced criticism of his choices and questioning of his motives when his way of thinking didn’t match his parents(aka almost always), and even with guilt tripping to comply with their wishes. I mentioned in very first posts that William has BPD, but his mental health was obviously ignored while he was with his family so he didn’t even know about his condition as it was worsening
During high school era William’s rebellious spirit began to emerge as he started pursuing adrenaline and freedom as well as going against his family’s authority after being suffocated and controlled his entire life. A desire for changes and independency mixed with a self-destructive behavior drew a large wedge in his relationship with family. Without his family knowing he worked on part-time job to earn enough money to stop being financially dependent. At 17 he bought a used motorcycle from one of his acquaintances, left Hurricane and moved to Las Vegas(I needed bigger city for this AU. Hurricane is just... bruh). There he enrolled in uni for the robotics course. William had been working night shift as a security guard to afford life. As he accessed to freedom he became completely unmanageable. He could go for a risky stuff like stealing just to amuse himself
He interned in android industry, and after graduating with the highest ranking degree he was immediately hired by it. During internship he met Henry who was already working there, and they quickly became fast friends. Their bond is very strong, almost like siblings. Henry was the first person who gave William support and whom William could finally trust. Henry was fascinated with William’s talent and willfulness so they teamed up to develop androids with unique realistic designs and highly advanced functionality so it would blow away the market. His skills eventually made him known as one of the most professional engineers and programmers. Springbonnie and Fredbear were the first androids he built, that’s why Spring is so special to him to this day
William is 27-28 years old in present days. Henry is older than him by two years
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saiyanprincefiregod · 6 months
Why Capcom should sell the MegaMan rights to Sega and How Sega should reboot and reimagine MegaMan
There are several reasons why Capcom should consider selling the MegaMan rights to Sega: 1. Revitalizing the franchise: Sega has a strong track record of successfully revitalizing classic franchises, such as Sonic the Hedgehog. By acquiring the MegaMan rights, Sega can bring fresh ideas and innovative gameplay mechanics to breathe new life into the series. This would attract both old and new fans, ensuring the longevity and relevance of MegaMan in the gaming industry. 2. Expertise in platformers: Sega has extensive experience in developing platformer games, which is the genre MegaMan primarily belongs to. With iconic titles like Sonic the Hedgehog and Alex Kidd, Sega has proven its ability to create engaging and enjoyable platforming experiences. This expertise can be leveraged to create high-quality MegaMan games that stay true to the franchise's roots while introducing exciting new gameplay elements. 3. Collaborative opportunities: Sega's strong relationships with other developers and publishers could open up collaborative opportunities for MegaMan. Sega has a history of successful partnerships, such as the Sonic and Mario crossover games with Nintendo. By collaborating with other popular characters or franchises, MegaMan can reach a wider audience and generate even more interest and excitement among gamers. 4. Global reach and marketing prowess: Sega has a global presence and a well-established marketing infrastructure. By acquiring the MegaMan rights, Sega can leverage its marketing expertise to promote the franchise effectively worldwide. This would ensure maximum exposure and awareness for MegaMan, leading to increased sales and a larger fanbase. 5. A fresh perspective: Capcom has been the sole custodian of the MegaMan franchise for many years. By selling the rights to Sega, the franchise can benefit from a fresh perspective and new creative direction. Sega's different approach to game development can inject new ideas into MegaMan, resulting in unique and exciting experiences for players. Overall, selling the MegaMan rights to Sega would not only benefit Capcom financially but also ensure the franchise's continued success and relevance in the gaming industry. Sega's expertise in platformers, collaborative opportunities, global reach, marketing prowess, and fresh perspective make them an ideal candidate to take the MegaMan franchise to new heights. 
Sega has a rich history of creating iconic and beloved video game franchises, and if they were to reboot and reimagine MegaMan, they could bring a fresh perspective to the series. Here are a few ideas on how Sega could approach this task:
1. Visual Overhaul: One of the first things Sega could do is give MegaMan a visual makeover. They could adopt a more modern and detailed art style, while still paying homage to the classic design of the character. This would help to attract new players while also appealing to long-time fans. 2. Expanded Storytelling: Sega could take advantage of their expertise in storytelling and create a more intricate and engaging narrative for MegaMan. They could explore the origins of MegaMan and his creator, Dr. Light, in greater depth, adding layers of complexity to the characters and their relationships. Additionally, they could introduce new villains and allies, providing a fresh and exciting twist to the storyline. 3. Enhanced Gameplay Mechanics: Sega could introduce new gameplay mechanics that would add depth and variety to the MegaMan experience. They could incorporate elements from other successful Sega franchises, such as Sonic the Hedgehog's speed and platforming mechanics or the strategic combat of the Valkyria Chronicles series. This would not only make the gameplay more engaging but also differentiate the rebooted MegaMan from its predecessors. 4. Open-World Exploration: Sega could reimagine MegaMan as an open-world game, allowing players to freely explore a vast and interconnected world. This would provide a sense of adventure and discovery, as players could uncover hidden areas, complete side quests, and encounter unique challenges. The open-world format would also allow for a more immersive and dynamic gameplay experience. 5. Multiplayer and Online Features: Sega could introduce multiplayer and online features to the rebooted MegaMan. They could include co-op gameplay, where players can team up with friends to take on challenging missions or compete in online leaderboards to showcase their skills. This would add a social aspect to the game and extend its longevity. 6. Cross-Platform Compatibility: To maximize the reach and accessibility of the rebooted MegaMan, Sega could ensure cross-platform compatibility. This would allow players to enjoy the game on various platforms, such as consoles, PCs, and mobile devices, enabling a larger player base and fostering a vibrant community. Overall, Sega has the potential to breathe new life into the MegaMan franchise by rebooting and reimagining it with their unique approach. By combining stunning visuals, compelling storytelling, innovative gameplay mechanics, and multiplayer features, Sega could create a MegaMan experience that captivates both old and new fans alike. 
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astridsinthesky · 12 days
; know by her alias Josie, a princess who disappeared from her status in X-Rank…now she has come back but under a new name
WRAP IT UP GUYS SHE’S HERE 🗣️ the one i’ve been secretly dropping to my moots; the beloved Posey! another species that i had a hard time making up in the spot, but aaaaa i’m so glad she worked out just fine! there was so much that went into her, she has more beta than Orion and ////, and they’ve been around the longest lol
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; the scuff ref sheet happened to be made before i made her into a regular rich girl. you see, originally, Posey was going to be part of a royal family of sea harelings who have ink sacks, since majority of cephalopods are the ones who can produce ink sacks
but then it didn’t make sense with the whole tennis theming since i wanted her to be sponsored by a gear brand (in which i decided it would be Tentatek) so i changed it to be her having a rich family, but keeping the whole sea hareling’s ink sack ancestry consistent
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this doodle was supposed to be her as a princess, it was too late to make a whole new doodle … luckily this is just a scuff ref sheet and not the actual deal hehe
; she was by far the one with the most troubling hair style. originally, her story was that she was disguising herself as the princess by completely having a whole makeover by ////. however, the gear, Fishfry Biscuit Bandana, i wanted to use was not working the way i wanted
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this lead to a constant battle between her hairstyle as i was deciding whether or not i wanted her hair to signify that she’s a princess or hide her whole identity in general
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eventually, i ended up choosing the hairstyle she has now and you could see notes to stretch out her character
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her rhinophores (the antennas on the top of her head) really looks like cat ears lololol
; as stated above, Posey is sponsored by Tentatek which lead her to be part of Tentatek’s X-Rank Division
she originally got sponsored through her dad, who is part of the sports industry, since he noticed how she always buys her tennis clothing from that brand. since then, she’s been promoting and playing turf war ever since she can stabilize her kid form
however, she slowly lost the energy to continue, part due to how aggressive everyone is, and another part of people being judgmental due to her status (both financially & rank). this cause her to go on a hiatus on her 18th birthday, and eventually joined Kaliscope after she turned 19
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; Gwendolyn or Gwen for short is Posey’s Big Sister. Gwen used to be a professional athlete, participating in League Battles and her team winning the championships 2 seasons in a row. Eventually, she retired and decided to get into the sport industry business with their dad
Gwen loves her little sister very much and always takes care of her directly and indirectly. In a way, Gwen is Posey’s no. 1 fan
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Despite Posey’s stubbornness, she equally loves her sister
; congrats you reach the end! and for that, here is Posey’s icon and splashtag
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