#find my pages boy /ref
Just wanna say your writing is amazing, like your way with words is just lgffkydbkuc. You literally got me out of writers block thank you so much. Don’t worry about pumping out chapters like a machine, we’re all just happy to wait (I waited 7 years for the Yuri on Ice movie I’ll be good lmao)
GWUH..... ANON THIS IS SO SWEET THANK U SO MUCH???? this was SUCH a nice message to see before heading to bed 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I'll admit ive been really frustrated abt the accidental hiatus i took, and felt a little bad for deciding to go crazy on edits instead of just posting the raw chapter like i was originally supposed to do on that pseud >>..... but tbh its nice to have something to control. These last two months in particular have been absolute hell for me so being able to pick at this and turn it into something i know i'll be insanely proud of is kinda therapeutic!!! And you guys get a honkin' big chapter (currently 11k and counting) in return, once it finally drops PFFTTT
But its really nice and makes me feel a ton better to get messages like these 🥺🥺🥺🥺 im really glad you like my writing so much!!! And its so flattering to hear i helped you get out of writer's block, thats crazy!!! :DDD im really really happy to hear im inspiring people to create 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Here, a little morsel i wrote tonight for you to chew on in the meantime:
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Thank you for the kind words bubble anon, i super appreciate them!! :D❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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deegeemin · 6 months
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I'd love to talk about some neato things I got to draw in the comic! Spoiler warning for some contents below! If you haven't read anything yet, come back after reading the comic!
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Let's start off with the cover thumbnails! I was more inclined to do A since it wouldn't spoil the big surprise Orbot and Cubot had in store! Otherwise I probably would've gone with B or D! It has that bombastic party sort of feel that I think would've been super fitting!
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Here, Eggman is temporarily staying at one of his many bases throughout the world after the collapse of his Eggperial city! This base is inspired by Industria from Future Boy Conan and a bit of Eggmanland!
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He also sure loves his chicken and fries!
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A little beachside balcony in Green hill! I felt like we generally don't get structures there as much so I thought it'd be a nice addition!
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The design on the floor is the stage from the JP Sonic X intro! It gets covered up by snow after but still neat to include!
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Look at this magnificent cast of characters! I wanted to use the poses that each pair had when they were first seen together! I'd considered giving Big his winning animation pose from SA1 but alas no space haha!
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Cubot's taped on eye brow gag was one I suggested and it's a reference to the same gag from FLCL!
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Lil sonic team logo Iasmin asked for! Sonic sure knows to appreciate himself! Good on him.
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And here's a sonic 3 wreath and the SA2 lock on reticle from the mechs!
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Amy and cream's spread of delicious looking food beautifully rendered by the coloring god Reggie! I wanted to include all their items from the Official Sonic the Hedgehog Cookbook! So if you want to make them yourself, YOU CAN! (except for uhh the experiment on another panel. you guys can figure out what's in that yourselves haha)
Also made sure to list all the pages you can find the recipes!
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This is one of my fav gags that Iasmin wrote in!! Can you all guess what this is meant to vaguely resemble?
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Quick round of character refs from Eggman's screen going in order from left to right! [Conductor's wife and Conductor, Barry and Gadget, Early Conductor design, Early Barry design (his outside eye markings are white tho), My uh Sonicsona lol]
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Mecha Sonic mark 3? Yep Iasmin wanted him to be there and so there he shall be!! Hopefully we get to see him again!
I remember seeing the story Iasmin made and it really felt like it could be something you'd see in a sonic anime episode if it were made nowadays. I drew the comic with some influence from Sonic X because of that. I think the most telling detail fans might notice is the constant 3 spines for Sonic.
but YEAH another absolutely wonderful comic I got to work on! See ya'll on another issue!
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veinsfullofstars · 3 months
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⭐ Memories of friendship ⭐
(ID: Kirby series fanart, Childhood Friends AU, featuring young Dedede, Meta, Para Dee, and Bow Dee hanging out and interacting in various cute and silly scenarios. More detailed descriptions and bonus headcanons under the cut. END ID.)
Just a buncha li’l guys. The littlest of lads. I could literally fill pages with all the wholesome slice-of-life nonsense I have in mind for these kids (and maybe the smallest touch of angst, too, but that’s for later). Also might’ve made DDD’s overalls a little brighter to match his coat in the future. Also made refs for Para and Bow.
UPDATE 03/11/24: Added a few misc. details.
Sketches started btw 11/23 and 12/23, render started 12/13/23, finished 01/07/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 01/08/23.
Image descriptions
Top-left: Meta carrying DDD by his hands and lifting him (with great difficultly) into the air (probably only a few inches off the ground), the latter laughing happily and kicking his feet, the former grimacing with effort and flapping his little wing as hard as he can.
(HC: Even at a young age, Meta is built more for dexterity than strength, and DDD isn’t exactly as light as the rest of his buddies - not that it stops either of them from doing something dumb in the name of a dare.)
Top-middle: Meta and Para holding open a large book between them (the image of Planet Popstar on the cover), reading and discussing its contents (as indicated by a wall of blue and green “Blah”s behind them), while Bow (slumped on Meta’s side) and Dedede (reclining back on Para’s side) are both fast asleep from boredom.
(HC: Needless to say, Meta and Para are huge nerds, often seen checking out half a dozen books at at time from the local library and finishing them before the week is out. Bow and DDD try to be interested, but they just don’t have the attention spans for huge walls of tech jargon and dusty old history.)
Top-right: Para floating with his parasol (patterned the same green-and-brown plaid as his bowtie), sweating and kicking his feet wildly, looking down in terror; Meta hovers nearby on his wings, looking on in surprise at his panicking friend.
(HC: Despite his proficiency, Para rarely uses his parasol for anything besides keeping himself dry in the rain. He is deathly afraid of heights and has gotten himself stuck in trees more than once thanks to his buddies’ daredevil antics.)
Middle-right: Bow - angered by something off-screen - furiously kicking and flailing about, her face red with rage, as DDD casually holds her up off the ground by the top of her head, looking annoyed and bored.
(HC: It doesn’t take a lot to set Bow off. Despite her tiny size, she can be an absolute terror when she’s upset about something, and the boys know this well. DDD is often the one to hold her back when she gets too rowdy, a role he’s not particularly thrilled to have. Stars help anyone in her line of sight if no one’s around to calm her down.)
Middle: Meta and DDD sitting side-by-side, the former in a rare excitable mood as he fidgets and chatters on about all kinds of things (indicated by several word bubbles with images inside, including ice cream, swords, bats, planets, stars, rockets, and Galacta Knight’s mask); DDD listens with surprising patience, a fond (if somewhat exasperated) smile on his face.
(HC: Meta is usually a very quiet kid, his silence filled by DDD being his typical boisterous self. Sometimes, though, when they’re just hanging out by themselves, Meta will find an opening - usually provided by DDD - and go off on tangents as random and hyper-focused as his more talkative buds. Not many people get to see him this animated or comfortable, and DDD - who’s seen them the most - cherishes these moments, even if it’s embarrassing to admit.)
Bottom-left: DDD dashing to our left, a determined grin on his face, as his friends ride Piggyback on his back - first Meta, wings out and free arm waving in excitement, then Para, clinging desperately to Meta with a look of panic on his face, and finally Bow, hanging off of Para and laughing merrily.
• (HC: DDD is always dragging his friends into one crazy scheme or another, usually at a full-tilt sprint and without much forethought beyond “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” Meta is often swept up in the excitement, too curious and eager to learn to worry much about danger. Para is the embodiment of “I don’t know about this, guys…” but too lenient to really stop them. Bow will literally follow the boys off of a cliff as long as there’s fun to be had.)
Bottom-right: Bow, DDD, and Meta sitting in the grass surrounded by butterflies (their bodies black and wings white with dark edges, save one in the back with yellow wings rimmed in orange and red). One lands on DDD’s beak, and he pokes at it curiously, staring cross-eyed. Bow trembles behind him, staring at the butterfly in watery-eyed terror over his shoulder. Meta tilts his head to look at her with an expression of bemused concern, a butterfly settled on his foot.
(HC: Bow will tell you she isn’t afraid of anything. In many cases, this is true. She will routinely stare down threats ten times her size and promise to beat them up on the spot before someone more rational pulls her out of harm’s way. But, if there is a bug anywhere in her immediate vicinity, she will absolutely run for the hills. DDD used to tease her about this, hiding bugs in his hands to scare her. He stopped as soon as she started panic-smacking him.)
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tav-marcio-leles · 5 months
Get to know my tav~
Name: Marcio Leles Pronouns: he/him Age: 27 Race: Mephistopheles Tielfling Origin: Acolyte Alignment: Neutral Good Class: Life Cleric God: Ilmater Lover: Gale Besties: Lae'zel, Karlach
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(ref to be updated; boy got a haircut)
More Info (will contain spoilers ) Page consistently updates
WARNING: this is a long post; the most important info is at the top and becomes less important the farther you scroll
💙 Music Playlist 💙
STATS:  Lvl 10 AC: 21 HP: 63 💙 STR: 17 DEX: 10 CON: 13 INT: 8 WIS: 18 CHA: 12 💙 Proficiencies: History, Religion, Insight, Medicine 💙 Height: just a bit taller than Gale Sexuality: gay 💙 Nicknames:
"our esteemed leader" - the party when they want to tease him
"Marcy" - only Gale is allowed to use this in lovey-dovey moments (and probably Marcio's mother, because no one is allowed to correct her on that matter)
Grew up in Baldur's Gate with his mother & father, his uncles & aunts, and a band of cousins—all of various ages. Always struggling to stay afloat, the adults in Marcio's life were usually away to make ends meet. The eldest cousins would watch the youngest cousins, and eventually, they went out on "scavenge nights"—dumpster diving, pick pocketing, exploring abandoned areas, etc. Without each other, they wouldn't have survived. As Marcio entered adulthood, he became a sort of guardian for his younger cousins—the one that could get you out of trouble due to his good reputation. But one night, the Flaming Fist took things a bit too far. Marcio walked out to see a guard off his post publicly beating a much younger cousin that had got caught pick pocketing. As a tiefling, this treatment wasn't too unfamiliar to him; however, this was the first time he'd seen it taken out on a child—a family member, no less. Marcio beat the guard within an inch of his life. Pity was taken on Marcio, as the guard was off his post. The acolytes of Ilmater took interest in his actions, offering to keep an eye on him and put him to work for the city within the church. He obliged, knowing he could help his family more within their congregation. Luckily, he did find his purpose within Ilmater's teachings.
He embodies the spirit of “I can fix him” but it’s with almost everyone he meets. I solidified this backstory right before entering Act 3 so that I would have more solid character motivations. I had no clue there was actually a temple to the Ilmater here. Turns out, The only major temple near Baldur’s Gate for the Ilmater is the Open Hand Temple. He would have been sent here, and he would have been mentored under Father Lorgan, at least for a few years before becoming a full-fledged cleric.
Steal His Looks
Act 1)
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Act 2)
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Rivington (Start)
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After Open Hand Temple murders - CURRENT)
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He did not take Father Lorgan's death well, so he cut his hair as a result of the overwhelming grief on top of the stress of other crazy events (like helping Wyll break his pact—possibly sentencing his father to death—and the risk of having an imposter in the party).
Of Importance (family tree in the works): Jeshka (mother) & Abel (father) Leles Tullio & Yugo Leles (other cousins) Yarrow & Tivo (younger cousin) Saturn (youngest aunt)
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trainerlynda · 8 months
Hello, I guess I should tell you about myself?
I'm Lynda! I'm 35 years old and bigender, going by she/her he/him.
Born the 31st of January.
I research legendary pokemon in my off time, chasing legends and rumors about new ones. I find them very fascinating!
//Current Arc: none at the moment!
//Finished Arc: Fool's Faller
My main team is
Espeon (He/Him).
Raichu (She/Her).
Charizard (pretty sure he's a clone 'zard...) (He/Him).
Sceptile (He/Him).
Greninja (He/They. Demi boy).
Hydreigon (She/Her)!
As for my champ team? You'll need to challenge me to find out~
I also have a Giratina named Oblivion (He/They/It).
I like calling him Blivie. I don't really use him in battle or keep him in his ball, but I can call on him when I need to. He has his own account! @oblivionthegiratina.
I'm married to @silveredfeathers, so no funny business, got it? Really not into flirty banter unless you're him... or @timetravelerpyrite, recently a boyfriend.
I guess I should put this here now since its out now...
The link above will tell you what I am.
Sometimes members of my team will steal my phone so-
⚡: Sparky (She also likes using Yellow for her text.)
🐱: Espie (He likes using Purple for his text (He doesn't like pink))
🦎: Riptor (He likes using Green for his text.
//Mini events that have happened/are happening.
//Shadow Creatures (A mini takeover event)
//Extra info under the cut.
//Ooc. This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by the same pronouns. All art I use is my own! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion ... Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Link to her trainer card!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//No magic anons, Lyn has been through enough and I personally don't like them.
//I will not ship with anyone who isn't my BF (and myself, but that's a note for later), just for my comfort. Lyn's universe is a mix of pokemon and abunch of other things, if she goes to hang out with someone he'll likely go there with a portal.
//I am very open to crossover stuff! My character in herself is rather crossovery and his universe has dimensional travel, her world is separate from others and Giratina like screwing around with that (Palkia? Whos that? /j)
//Pokemon in his universe have human levels of sentience, however she is aware of places that have Pokemon that aren't sentient, so he won't find that odd.
//Real life animals exist along side Pokemon in her universe, like divergent evolution (not the pokemon thing, the science thing)
//I don't bite! (But my character might-)
//What the tags mean.
//Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking.
Random Lynda Rambles: Lynda just saying random things, non serious tag, silliness encouraged.
//It is now Lyn Chats.
Lore Crumbs: Me sprinkling little tasty crumbs as a treat (Lynda info).
//Not used much anymore
//Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for Lyn and/or Silver.
//Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished.
Shifting Explorer: Closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something.
Espie the Espeon: For ease of finding Espie's posts.
Sparky the Dancing Rai: For ease of finding Sparky's posts.
Riptor the Great Gecko: For ease of finding Riptor's posts.
Oblivion the Distorted: For ease of finding Oblivion's posts.
Icy Apathy (Daniel): Daniel posts
Whirlpool Emotions (Jade): Jade Posts
Shocking Chaos (Crackle): Crackle Posts
//To do: Make a important pokemon list, make a general info background thing for Lyn (like those wiki pages for celebrities), make a public ref sheet for Lyn and her Pokemon (4/7 done), write out a public history thing for Lynda and @silveredfeathers (With help from Zorana (Silver's mod), again like those dumb wikis), get the courage to talk to other people (ongoing) /lh
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yeyinde · 1 year
do you have any recs for folklore/mythology books to learn from or docs/videos?
I have tonnes!!! I prefer non-fiction books when it comes to mythology, with the exception of American Gods and Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. This one is more history focused but it blends the mythology and culture of Nigeria/Igbo folklore. I would recommend it to anyone just looking for a really good book to read about culture, history, the perception of masculinity within that culture, and of course, the negative effects of colonisation, and the history of pre-colonisation in Nigeria. It's one of my favourite history books by a really amazing author and poet! Def recommend.
I tried to focus on mythology that is not as widely popularised as others since they are often harder to find. But here are some of the ones that I enjoyed! Most of them were available at my public library as well so if you can't find them in stores or online, that's always another good place to look for mythology books/refs!
Myths from Mesopotamia by Stephanie Dalley
Voices from the Other World: Ancient Egyptian Tales by Naguib Mahfouz
Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many by Erik Hornung
Indaba, my Children: African Folktales by Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (this is a massive encyclopedia at 700 pages but sooooo worth it!)
Folktales from India by A.K. Ramanujan
Myth = Mithya: Decoding Hindu Mythology by Devdutt Pattanaik (also: The Goddess in India: The 5 faces of Eternal Feminism, 99 thoughts on Ganesha: stories, symbols and Rituals of India's beloved Elephant Headed Deity, and the Pregnant King are really good)
Myth and Reality: Studies in the Formation of Indian Culture by Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi
The Ramayana & Mahabharata by Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (these are epics but OH GOD they are fantastic!)
Irish Mythology - this is a massive tumblr reference with books and guides on where to find Irish Folklore
I've really been enjoying the Chronical Books series on mythology - if only for the illustrations. My favourite so far is Tales of East Africa by Jamilla Okubo, Tales of India: Folktales from Bengal, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu by Svabhu Kohli and Viplov Singh. I wouldn't really say these are super important for mythology - the stories are very basic (not in a bad way at all, just less in-depth since I believe the books are geared toward a younger audience) but the art alone makes them worth it!
Mythology by Edith Hamilton is usually a good introduction to Greek, Roman, and Norse myths
The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology by Snorri Sturluson
Trese on Netflix - it's about Philippine mythology told in modern times, and just an amazing show on its own!
The Entire Story of Greek Mythology Explained - it's 3.5 hours but WORTH IT!
I don't really watch too many videos on mythology, but I do on history and culture. It's just kinda hard to find mythology/folklore specific videos but since it's often interwoven within the cultures respective history, I watch Smithsonian docs on their history instead.
I really hope this helps!!!
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mathew-adams · 26 days
◌◦☆!!INTRO POST!!☆◦◌
💌I go by many names/ nicknames so you can call me Jay , Mathew (I like spelling it like that don’t judge) , MJ, creative ik.💌
I consider my self androgynous so I don’t really care what you use for me ,but preferably leaning to more neutral pronouns🏳️‍⚧️:)!! (He/him/they/them/she/her for ref.) And yea I’m pretty fuckin gay ,bi to be exact , don’t know if you could tell my bowie being plastered all over
BD{22-5},GEMINI :D!!.15-17, I like adding an element of surprise to my self ;)
Kind of a boring person but I’d like to believe I’ve got a few quirks in me
self proclaimed artist, I draw like a shit ton . I also read from time to time and would LOVE new recommendations. Kind of a movie nerd and really wanna get more into video games and comics . Huge fan of musicals . I also love studying fashion and fashion trends and thrifting.antiques and trinckets collector:D. Kinda into politics .
Got a bit of everything in me ,
goth/gothic subculture , into the music , the fashion and the politics (still kind of a baby bat)
new wave, punk movement(into the music and still researching the politics),grunge, emo(into the fashion and music) , scene, vkei (listened to a few bands /songs and buy still very new to it !) and whatever the fuck David Bowie is on.
prolly will forget a shit ton
JJBA, Good omens , banana fish, dorohedoro , y.o.i, given, Skate the infinity, saiki k, helluva boss (fandom and creator kinda sketchy tho) ,spooky month , salad fingers , modika magica ,adventure time,Steven universe forgot a shit Ton, hope I can edit this later 🥲 🎧🄰🅁🅃🄸🅂🅃🅂: mitski, david bowie ,the cure, dazey and the scouts, mcr, peirce the veil, panic!(before the controversy),joy division, deftones, siouxsie and the banshees, the smiths ,the cranberries, Depeche Mode, queen, fall out boy, mcCafferty(not anymore after learning what happened tho),the front bottoms , cheap perfume , and more !!
I mean these should be obvious but whtvr
haters (why you hatin 🤨)
Toxic peeps
pro-isnotreales (get tf outa here) this a pro Palestine page🇵🇸🇵🇸
homophobes/transphobes /terfs
pro-millionaires and billionaires, there are no ethical billionaires 😐
annoying people over all , like I don’t mean it in a mean way but like if you’re just here to be annoying find somewhere else
☆I don’t tolerate any form of harassment/bullying/racism ect.☆
Hope I did this right :)
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
since the epilogue is close to ending, here's some sketches of wip designs
this is very rambly so i'll add ID descriptions later, sorry. (its 4am for me rn)
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Frisk looks too older, they've only aged 2 years. both chara and asriel's designs here are SO beta and non refined. I think this was drawn even before Flowey came out -I wasn't sure how much of the trans aspect was going to come into play. I initially wanted the comic to end with Chara and Asriel reconciling after the Toriel-Asriel Airplane Call scene, but realized that there was too much unsaid between the two that needed to be hashed out and the epilogue had enough to cover already.
It was going to be a last minute "oh btw, since coming home Asriel is trans now, deal with it" but THANK GOD i didn't just sneak it in like that and explored the topic in the comic instead.
I forgot where this artwork was saved so I tried to draw it back from memory a few months later:
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Chara's form was starting to come together -i assume this was around the time that Chara got their boss monster form in the comic itself. I like that Frisk has a Bi flag shirt here -I should of gone with that! The cheeks are more square but ultimately I thought age 15 wouldn't allow for that much of a change. so yeah, this is what an adult frisk would look instead.
oh! for funsis: did you know i was originally going to have the other fallen humans be skeletons instead of different monsters?
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I thought it was too similar to insanelyadd's skeleton fallen kids. I actually am friends with Addy now, but then I had to message and be like "🥺is it ok if i also do this i swear i'm not copying" to which they were chill about. ultmatly i felt the designs were to Sans-like and didn't allow for much creativity. (also why tf does Hol have green instead of cyan colors what was wrong with my computer or me in 2018 lmao
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I always wanted to show the kids age and progress throughout the comic. oh my god the hair is SO anime here ouch! anyway I wanted Chara to really lean into the "prim and proper" role they give themself. I thought it was so cool to have them cut their hair short in the back and have long hair in the front. (wait. wait, thats what Chara does now in the epilogue. huh.)
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honestly??? i like "pissed off librarian" vibes this frisk has here. Also weird to see my Frisk without an afro!
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sadly no beta adult asriel designs. no idea why i never drew any then.
Here's me figuring out how Chara should have a monster form -here's proto boss monster chara, as you can see i planned out the red hair aspect early on enough that this was before the timeskip happened.
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um. anyway, pre-epilogue concept sketches. I think Raine had bird wings at this stage?? dang wild. Don't ask why Franky looks like a new yorker paper boy. Hol looks too much like a raggedy ann which is funny. Ursus... well, they probably won't look much different.
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Hol eye concept art. done before they were revealed in the comic itself. ..........less said about this the better
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And lastly, chara's boss monster design drawn right before they showed up. First one drawn <- left to right <- You can see I wanted Chara to have a hippy/punk design, but realized like, that jacket was going to be a binch to draw over and over. so i simplified it, and then was like, "ok this is TOO plain, i need SOME detail" and got very close to the final version.
alright since I know some people like color ref sheets, here
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Continue Arc full cast. Was SUPER annoying to scroll thru to find the right character lmao
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hol's prequel story color ref -actually changed the Berry's hair color last minute and never got around to updating the color sheet. was very annoying to hand-color pick from a previous page instead of using the ref :/ smh @/ me
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Baker's Trouble.
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OLDIE. From the Start Again? and Christmas sections of the tumblr version. God. Hol is so small. Asriel looks like a mess. Good lord.
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Cancelled Christmas Arc. Chara was supposed to meet up with Asriel on a boat offshore of Monsterland for Christmas, but turns out Asriel was using Chara as publicity. Except... not fully. He did want to meet up with Chara, but they get the wrong impression that Asriel was only doing this for image's sake. It'd explore how the public views Chara as an idolized figure and how Frisk plays into that too.
Anyway the story was too ambitious and I should of started this on December 1st instead of days before Christmas. Plus, I wasn't happy with how I started it and the vibes were off. I might have this as a side story in the redraw but idk
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Back to the Epilogue. I changed Asriel's dress just a little bit to improve the body shape silhouette (the dress is so plane its like she's wearing a towel! gah! I should have added SOME flair to that dress dang it!) anyway the dress is more... swooshy? swirly? and the teal ties up to the neck which works nicely with the heart locket and bow combo. Actually. Shit. Why didn't I just put the locket OVER the bow i'm so stupid that'd be so much easier-
If I could redo it, I'd make some changes...
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now here's the cousin and sib groups here. Flowey is actually a little TOO big and not up to scale which is funny hehe (also more blocky looking??? weird) In the Redraw version I'm modifying Raine's dress to have a sash and other details, this thing is TOO plain. Franky's Mad Scientist like outfit could of just been an actual labcoat and ideally, the fact that Franky wasn't at the party could of foreshadowed that they knew it was going to be reloaded.
(...Which, actually, Chara's surprise was a surprise for me as well. That was a impulsive idea that came to me when we were getting very close to meeting with Chara again. Thus I couldn't foreshadow it. Redraw WILL have better foreshadowing U_U;)
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ACTUALLY SCREW IT for the remainder of the epilogue, i made some changes I wanted to add detail and change some designs a tad -mainly to make the designs more distinct from each other and for story continuity. (AKA: Asriel and Papyrus are supposed to be the only "red scarf" wearers. Asriel's bowtie is knitted like a scarf. previously, hol and yun had red bows which made this match up less distinct. mew Mew's design was a little too similar to Sans' and Alphys and needed some changes.)
anyway i think thats all i can share now! thanks for reading and hope you guys keep following the redraw. I really really want a completed version of this story that's not missing holes. i want AFR to be complete and well, even with the epilogue ending, it won't be "done" for a long while. But thank you guys, it's been a journey!
If you hadn't guessed, I might be finishing the epilogue today (tomorrow for me, cause i'm going to bed in a few minutes). Depends on how much I manage to draw today, but yeah. Chara is going to the party, we'll get to say hi, close some loose ends and come to end. worst case scenario, i'll have to do a little comic to tie it off (like I did with the main storyline's ending) at a later date and this will be the end of the ask-able portion of the epilogue.
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tenaciouschronicler · 1 month
May 5 2024 2009
Typheus is a web browser apparently, odd choice of name but sure. We get a little meta with a ref to mspaintadventures.com BUT for a comic that does not exist. HOWEVER cj on the D forum (( discord isnt invented yet. someone please come up with a cooler name thanks )) did find it linked to a page which may host the comic later (?)
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Anyhow! John has now installed SBURB and we get to finally see the game!!!
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Or maybe not. Theres a lot here that tells us some interesting stuff. Thanks to gnostiCosmologist and sz also on the D forum SKAIA could be a combination of sky + gaia with SKAIANET sounding similar to skynet from Terminator, self aware AI that initiated armageddon. So potentially an AI god of the earth? Lots of mystery here.
What wasnt mentioned is that John currently only has the Client side of SBURB. Im unsure of what server it's trying to connect to but it currently seems offline which is strange. If this game has been so highly anticipated wouldn't the servers be up by now? Especially since John got the game late.
From here, with nothing better to do John decides learning more about data structures would be useful.
You're not sure you really want to dig into this huge tome. It looks really boring. And kind of ornery.
... youre killing me here John. Instead our boy changes his modus to QUEUE, a FIFO structure as opposed to his FILO.
This modus doesn't strike you as a significant upgrade to your previous one. In fact, it almost seems more inconvenient.
Does it John? Does it? This is why we read the guides my guy. The D forum is so creative though on WORSE possible modi John could be stuck with XD
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Slut Me Out (Jay White)
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Pairing: Jay White/OC (Riley Carter)
Summary: Riley always has had a tendency to get underneath some people’s skin. Jay White was no different. However, she learns what happens when you play with a switchblade without the proper care. 
Warnings: Smut (Yes, Jay does fuck in this lol), Dom!Jay White, Bratty Sub!OC, Choking kink, Praise kink, Degradation kink, Oral sex (Female receiving), Breeding kink, Overstimulation, creampie, Jay’s mouth (It’s filthy as hell omfg), use of Dutch (apparently, Jay’s New Zealand-Dutch), little bit of aftercare
Author’s Note: Two. Weeks. Two weeks it took me to write this piece so I hope this was worth the writer’s block I’mma have in the future lol. Like a like and a comment if you did enjoy it. 
“Where the hell are you, Carter?!”
Yeah, she fucked up.
She fucked up royally. 
Riley knew one day that her mouth and shenanigans would write her a check her ass can’t cash. However, she didn’t think it would be cashed in this fast. 
You see, Riley is known for her ability to get underneath the skin of her enemies and for renting a 1 bedroom loft apartment in their heads. Unfortunately on her list of adversaries, was one switchblade.
Jay White.
One’s probably wondering how does one get on the bad side of the leader of Bullet Club. 
Well, uh…
It started back a few months ago when Carter managed to annoy the Bullet Club and Elite at every twist and turn. She started off slow; just popping up during some of the Elite matches with no music, no warning. It’s almost like she appeared out of thin air, be it ringside, at the commentary table, up on the stage, the titantron or even in the crowd. Wherever they went, she was never far behind them. Then King Switch decided to make an appearance at AEW, she escalated. 
She started to actively get involved in their matches, costing Adam and ReDRagon matches whenever she knew Jay was in the building or when he got involved. She even went as far as jumping the Bucks with Orange Cassidy before Matt’s match with Jungle Boy. 
“Just returnin’ a favor, boys. Roppongi Vice sends their regards.” She said to them after the damage was done. “Nothin’ personal. It’s just bidiness.” 
And it was business…until today.
Riley knew Jay had a match tonight against Hangman Adam Page on Rampage. She also knew that only Gedo was the only member of Bullet Club that was in the arena, leaving the newly crowned IWGP World Heavyweight Champion rather vulnerable to her shenanigans.
She couldn’t resist, especially when during the match, Jay had made Hangman run into the referee, knocking him down. Taking notice of the dispatched ref, Gedo went to grab Jay’s title only to find Riley with the title on her shoulder like it’s hers.
“Lookin’ for somethin’?” She asked Gedo, walking towards him as he backed up away from her as he begged for mercy.
“Hey!” Riley looks up towards the ring to see Jay yelling at her. “Put down my title!” Riley tilts her head in faux confusion.
“Oh, ya mean this?” She raised the title high above her head as she stepped onto the apron to get into his face.
“Yeah! My title. So be a good little gangster and give my title to me.” Jay demanded as he held his hand for it. Riley pretends to think about it as she sees Adam beginning to stir as well as the ref. She hands Jay the title and he goes to turn around with the title to blast Adam with it. However, when he goes to do so, the title doesn’t budge as Riley doesn’t let go of the title. He does a mirthless chuckle. “Okay, you can-you can let go now.” He said as he tried to take it from her but she still refused to let it go. “Let go, Carter!” 
“Or what?” She challenged him with a raised eyebrow. Jay stopped closer to her as if to intimidate her but much to his surprise and everyone else’s, Riley did something that no one saw coming. She…kissed him. 
Jade Cargill would be proud. 
But unlike Jade’s kiss to Tay, Riley held it for a few moments before she let him go to push him back in the middle of the ring for Adam to hit the Buckshot Lariat for the win. She then hauled ass up the ramp to the backstage area. As much as she would love to celebrate Hangman finally getting a dub over Jay, she knew sticking around with an angry switchblade would not be good for her. She managed to end up at the catering area where she ran into The Dark Order who were watching Hangman’s match. 
“Holy shit, Riley. Are you ok?” Preston asked her as Riley stopped to catch her breath.
“Oh…I’m charmed.” Riley looks at the screen, seeing Jay irate while arguing with the ref. “King Bitch ain’t, tho.” She stands up straight as Hangman approaches the group. 
“I’ve known Jay for a long time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so incensed.” Adam cautioned as they watched him storm to the back after throwing a tantrum in the ring. 
“Ah, he’ll be fine.” Riley waved him off. 
“Where the hell are you, Carter?!” They all heard a very familiar voice bark in the distance. 
“Ope.” Riley faltered as her eyebrows flew to the middle of her forehead in surprise. “That sounds like one angry ass kiwi.” Riley jests, snickering. John Silver points behind her. 
“That’s because it is one angry ass kiwi.” John said bemusedly. Riley turns around to see Jay storming up the hall, looking around aggressively to find her with Gedo behind him. 
“Ight, I’mma head out.” Riley said after a moment’s reflection on her life choices before booking it down the hall. “I’mma talk with ya later, Cowboy n’ Friends!” 
“There you are! C’mere, you little minx!” She heard Jay shout as he ran after her towards the interview area where she saw Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta. 
“Help! Incoming angry knife man behind me!” She yelled worriedly as she ran past them, cutting out the interview to continue towards the locker room area. She hears Jay and Gedo argue with Best friends and takes the time to hide behind a road cage near a crossroad in the halls. She hears them run up and then stop a few feet away.
“Damn it! Where’d that woman go?” Jay snapped, looking around to see which hall she went down. “You see her, Gedo?” 
She heard nothing, assuming Gedo just shook his head which made Jay give an exasperated sigh. “Those fucking idiots…We should split up. We cover more ground that way. Go.” Jay commanded before they ran in opposite directions with Gedo running right past her. Riley waits a few minutes before she moves away from behind the road case to go up the hall to her locker room, watching her surroundings as she does.
“Holy shit…I didn’t think he’d be that mad about that L.” She said to herself as she approached her locker room door and walked through it. She closes her eyes and the door before she leans against it. “I mean, he beat Hangman twice before. This one loss shouldn’t have hurt ‘cause it’s ‘still. My. Era.’” Riley mocked his accent and his catchphrase before she went to the bathroom to shower. A few minutes later, she steps out of the shower, looking for her clothes. 
“Shit. I must’ve left ‘em in my bag.” She muttered to herself as she wrapped a towel around her body and walked out to the dressing room. 
“Had a nice shower?” She gasped, clutching her towel to her body at the sound of another person in the room. She then turns to the culprit, ready to cuss out the poor soul that dared disturb her only to have her eyes widen in shock.
How fitting her rotten luck to go and really sour right now when she finds herself locking eyes with the switchblade who’s been hellbent on getting his hands on her. Can’t remember a time where she was caught slipping this hard before. However, it doesn’t stop her from rolling her eyes in aggravation. 
“And just what the hell are you doing in my locker room?” 
“Your locker room?” Jay asked as he took the tapes off his wrists when he sat on the arm of the couch in the middle of the room. He chuckles. “Baby girl…since when did you wear switchblade gear?” 
“What are you talking about?” Riley asked, jutting out her hip before he pointed her at the lockers. She turns around. “I don’t wear-.” She stops mid rant when she looks around the room, taking note of the fact that the bag in the locker was not hers but Jay’s instead as well as the switchblade necklace and jacket, thus confirming what she feared. 
She was in Jay’s locker room, basically wet and naked. 
“Oh, fuck me…” She muttered, now tightening her grip on the towel. 
“Maybe if you show me that you can behave, I will…” Jay seemed to appear right behind her, pulling her hips against his as he whispered into her ear. He then slid his left hand up her body, squeezing her tit through the towel which made her breath hitch. “But first…” He moves his hand to her face, jerking her head back to make eye contact. “I’m gonna have to punish you.” He made known. Riley raised her hands up in surrender.
“Jay, wait a minute. We can-We can talk about this-.” Riley tried to implore him before she shrieked when Jay snatched the towel off her which made her shiver due to the cool air in the room. He never removes his hand from her neck as he turns her around to face her, making her look up at him. She whimpers at the height difference, her at 5’4” and him at 6’1” and this gets another chuckle from King Switch. 
“Yeah, we could talk about it.” Jay leaned down to give her a heated kiss, biting her lip when he pulled away. “But I could think of better uses for your mouth.”
“Like what?” Riley gasped as he pushed her down onto the couch, positioning himself in between her legs as he held her arms down above her head with one hand.
“Like screaming my name for one…” Riley gives him a whine when his free hand reaches down to gently palms her pussy lips. “And as a sleeve for my dick for two.” Jay laughs again when she tries to close her legs. “Oh, you like that, huh? You like the idea of me using your throat as a cocksleeve?” He slips his finger inside which makes her whines louder.
“N-No…” Riley writhed in his grasp, trying to hide her face and moans in her arms. Jay smacks her pussy, making her yelp.
“Still want to misbehave, I see.” He whispered in her ear before kissing her neck. She continues to wiggle as he sucks on her skin, leaving some hickies. “It’s all right. I know how to make a little bratty slut like you submit to King Switch.” 
Riley’s eyes harden at him, finding her words. “Yeah, I’d love to see you try, ya switch bitch.” She bit at him. Jay just smirks as he backs away from her, letting go of her arms. He then slid down to kneel on the floor in between her legs and spread them wider.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, baby.” Jay said before he dove into her pussy, licking a long stripe from her hole to her clit.
“Ah-Oh, fuck!” Riley moaned as he sucked on her clit. Her back arches when he hums before he lets it go.
“Lekker ding…” Jay muttered in dutch before he licked her hole again, this time slower to savor her taste. “I get it. That mouth of yours is bitter because this cunt is so damn sweet.” 
“Fuck yo-oh!” Jay cuts off her retort when he sticks his tongue inside her. His moan then turned into growling as he wrapped his arms around her legs, flicking his tongue inside her faster. “Oh, fu-! Shit!” Her hands reach down to grab his hair when he shakes his head, enjoying the taste of her immensely. “Fuck, Jay…I…” She tries to warn him.
“Cum, babygirl.” He slaps her ass while thumbing her clit. “I know you want to.” 
“Jay!” Riley wailed as the orgasm she’d been fighting off finally sent her over the edge. “Oh, s-shit!” She whimpered as her legs began to shake when he kept eating. She tugs on his hair again. “J-Jay…Jay, baby, please s-stop.” 
Jay detaches his mouth from her to stand to his feet. He smacks her pussy again, making her sob and close her legs. “And why would I do that, Kitten? Why stop when I know you’re on the verge of breaking?” Riley keened as he curled his fingers inside her cunt. “I know what you like, even though I’ve been with you for only a few minutes. You’re an open book, I can tell. I know you like to be put in your place yet no one’s been able to do it right.” Jay chuckles, scissoring her while pressing his body up against hers to look her in the eyes. “Tell me; How did they try to tame the American Gangsta? Bondage? Edging? Or just straight orgasm denial?” He asked before burying his face into her neck. “Tell me, baby girl…” He breathed against her ear when he moved his hand to play with her breasts. 
Riley took in a sharp breath as he pressed his hips to hers, reminding her that he was still half clothed. “D-Den-Denial. Always denial. I always hated it. It always pissed me off. What’s the point of fuckin’ if I can’t enjoy it, you know?”
“Oh, I know.” Jay steps away from her to get fully undressed. He sighs in relief as his dick is free from his wrestling tights. “I also know how to tame your bratty ass now.” He gives his cock a few strokes while standing over her in between her legs.
“Oh yeah? How?” She sassed him with a smile. Her smile turns into a blissed out expression as her breath quickens when Jay runs the head of his dick against her entrance. He leaned closer to her face, lustful blue eyes clashed with her needy browns. 
“By giving you what you want which, judging by the way your back is arching right now, you wanna get fucked stupid.” Jay lets a semi-loud groan that echoed across the room as he lets the head of his cock slip past her entrance. “Fuck, baby…just so…fucking tight, still…A-Ah! No matter…” He takes one of her legs from around his waist to put over his shoulder. “I’ll make sure to ruin your cunt for any other man when it takes the shape of my cock.” He bragged.
“Ohh, shit…J-Jay…” Riley’s words falter as her body shivers when Jay just buries his cock inside her. “Fuck me…Ruin me…” She wanted, raking a hand through his hair before giving a yank.
“F-Fuck…! G-Goddamn, Kitten.” Jay grunted as he drew his hips back to pound her pussy, establishing a slow yet rough pace. “You can’t just-.” His hips stutter a bit as he almost came when she clenched her walls around his dick. “You can’t just squeeze me and pull my hair like that. You want me to fuck you proper, don’t you?” He shrugged as he moved to lean forward on his hands that he placed over her head on the back and arm of the couch. Riley gives him a naughty smile as she wraps her other leg around his waist. She bucks her hips towards his as he starts to hit her g-spot. 
“Yeah…” Riley grabs the back of his head to pull him closer to kiss him. She draws a guttural groan from him when she bits his lip and pulls his head away from her. “But I also wanna make you feel good, too.” She cooed through her moans as Jay began to thrust his hips faster.
Jay chuckles breathlessly as he grabs her throat again. “Wanna make me feel good?” She nods her head, clawing at his wrist when he squeezes her throat. “Then cum again for me. Cream on my cock like the good girl you are.” The praise is what makes her see stars as she cums again, her lips part as she pants and her legs shake around his waist. Jay doesn’t give her any reprieve, switching positions to sit on the couch and putting her in his lap in a reverse cowgirl position. He then pounds her pussy while pulling her hair to make her tilt her head back, her moans getting louder as they echo around the locker room.
“J-Jay! Pl-Please! Oh, my fuc-.” Riley whines into the room as she scrambles to find something to hold onto, to ground herself. “Baby, please! Slo-Slow down…” She pleads with him to take a break. He moves his hand from her hair to her jaw to pull her back to his chest, the position allowing him to really abuse her spot.
“You want me to slow down but she doesn’t want me to…” Jay reaches around her body with his free hand to rub her clit, making her eyes roll into the back of her head. “So, no. I won’t. You can take it, though. Since you act like a fucking brat, you’re gonna take all I give you.” He continues to buck his hips into hers, the vein in his dick twitching and pulsing as he gets closer to the edge. 
Riley tilts her head back onto his shoulder, her pussy creaming his dick as she puts her hand back in his hair. She whines her hips, making his eyes roll in the back of his head. “FFFUUUCCCKKK! You must really want me to cum inside you, huh?” He taunted her. He laughs when her walls clenched hard around him at the statement. “Oh, you nasty kitten. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Like the idea of being stuffed full of cum until it drips out of your cunt when you walk through the halls back to your locker room? Being filled to the brim with the Switchblade’s cum, huh?” Jay teased in her ear. Riley earnestly nods her head.
“Uh-huh! I love it!” She quaked as her body shook as she felt another orgasm approaching as she tried to come down from her second one. She claws at his forearm when he fully wraps his arm around her neck. “Do it! Cum in me! Fill me up, Jay, please!” She babbles as she soaks his cock the second time within minutes of her last one.
“Shit! Riley…” Jay continues to thrust his hips harder as he feels his orgasm approaching. “You good fucking brat, fuck!” He groaned as he finally came, pressing his hips firmly to hers as spurt after thick spurt of his nut filled her cunt. Riley whimpers as her pussy continues to milk his dick for every last drop when she goes limp in his lap, all of her energy non-existent. Jay waited until his dick went soft before he lifted her off his lap to place her gently on the couch. He gets up and goes to the bathroom after he soothes her with a kiss to her forehead. He comes back into the room with a washcloth to clean up the mess they made, starting with the cum that managed to spill out from her pussy. Riley whimpers from the sensitivity of the motion. Jay leans forward to kiss her temple.
“I know, baby. I know.” Jay whispered gently as he finished up. “Hey…” He moves to look her in the eyes to check on her. “You right?” Riley gives him a tired giggle at the accent getting deeper at his use of his homeland slang.
“Yeah, I’m-I’m straight.” she breathed. “Though, there’s one problem. I’m ass naked in the wrong locker room with no clothes.”
“You can borrow some of mine. I actually have some to spare…” He offered, giving her a cheeky smirk. She rolls her eyes. 
“I bet you would like that.” Riley then gets up and picks up a pair of sweatpants and his King Switch jacket to put on. Jay wolf whistles at the sight.
“You really make my jacket look good. I mean, I always look good in it but you look absolutely ravishing.” He quipped  as he wrapped a towel around his waist.
“Well, get a good look ‘cause it’s gon’ be the last time you see it.” She sassed him as she walked to the door.
“But it’s not gonna be the last time I see you naked!” He said to her back as he walked to the bathroom to shower.
“Fuck you, Jay!” She told him off playfully before she left his locker room to go to hers. She walks into her locker room and heads straight for the bathroom. 
“Took a wrong turn looking for your locker room?”
“Blood of Jesus!” Riley shouted in alarm underneath her breath when she got startled again. She gets a sense of deja vu as she turns around to the source of her fright, annoyed that she was scared for the second time before her eyebrow rose in confusion.
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demondamage · 1 year
I use pinterest for finding ref for work and I design a lot of guns, so pinterest shows me a lot of gun shit and some of it gets a little... uncomfortably incel gun owner/hypermilitary
HOWEVER I also use pinterest for reference for my silly gay boy ocs so it also shows me a lot of that.
And as such my home page is a mess of gun shit /neg and punk boys kissing and the weird middle ground of gay borderline kink stuff with guns?? Guess I'm confusing the hell out of that algorithm.
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spook-e-snail · 11 months
Okay so!! As of right now the site is down so I can't provide screenshots and I'm going off of memory so please bear with me. Also I don't know what you need help with specifically so I'm just gonna go over the basics and if you have any other questions feel free to ask :))
Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, art fight is a yearly event where you upload your own characters and are assigned a team. You attack people to gain points for your team, and attacking people is basically just drawing their oc.
And just a heads up, while I'm not too sure this will happen this year, almost every year so many new people join art fight and try to upload their attacks on the 1st of July the sites server's get overwhelmed and site goes down alot. It happens. I recommend saving a few refs before the games begin and draw them after July 1st (you aren't allowed to draw anyone's characters before the 1st, keeps things fair). Like I said, it happens. Sometimes the site is only down off and on during the first few days and is fine the rest of the month, sometimes it's down so long they add an extra week to the games. It really just depends lol. Like I said save refs now so you can actually start on the 1st.
You can have up to 100 active characters and as far as I know there isn't a limit to how many characters you can attack. Your artistic media doesn't matter, you can be a traditional artist and still participate, you can be a digital artist and still participate, hell you can be exclusively building physical sculptures of folk's characters and you're still allowed to participate.
You can find other users to attack a variety of ways, ranging from searching through tags or through spamming the random character button until you find one you like, you can also just ask around here on Tumblr and see if anyone is participating this year:))
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Not everyone has a little card like this but here's mine! It has my username and my favorite/featured characters on it. Again you do not need to have one of these but if you want to find people on artfight you might wanna be on the lookout for cards like these.
As for uploading your characters, I'm gonna use my boy Smudge as an example.
You can only upload 7 pictures per character. Usually folks don't need many more than 3. I recommend having a full body ref
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As nice as this drawing is, if anyone wants to draw him they need to see more.
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Something like this is alot better, it shows what he looks like without his costume and again gives the potential attacker a better idea of who they're drawing.
You have the option to upload a description of your oc, alot of folks tend to leave it blank and honestly I don't recommend doing that. You don't need to put your OC's full 129 page google doc backstory in there but you should at least give a basic description of their personality and any important information (it might also be a good idea to put their pronouns, I have on multiple occasions accidentally misgendered a few characters because their pronouns weren't in their description)
Permissions are different than a description. Permissions basically means what you are and aren't okay with. For Smudge here I prefer if he keeps his costume. You generally don't have to specify to not draw gore of a character as I've only gotten gore of a character once since like 2017 (and I put that I would love to see some gore in their character permissions).
Uploading attacks is pretty simple. Like I said before you can attack others regardless of how you make your art. Traditional art tends to get less points than digital art. You get more points depending on what you do (ex. A digital headshot sketch would get less points than a fully lined fully colored and shaded traditional drawing, a colored simple animation gets more points than digital line art, ECT). Obviously don't lie about what you're making to get more points. From what I've seen other folks don't tend to lie so don't be a dick lol. And even if some does lie about what they did, I believe you can flag art and report it. Plus a week after art fight is over a bunch of mods go through the art and make sure everything has been properly marked (if you think you marked something wrong though don't worry!! You aren't gonna get in trouble or anything, worse case scenario you'll just lose a few points for your team).
I know this is a lot and I know I definitely forgot something but again feel free to ask if you have anymore questions :3
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Hurt!Calum Masterlist
Enemy Territory (ao3) - xelated calum/ashton, michael/luke T, 2k (WIP)
Summary: cashton werewolf au.
crossing enemy lines is dangerous business, something they should’ve known would never end well.
Good boys and sad subs (ao3) - kittenmichael luke/ashton, michael/calum N/R, 3k
Summary: “Remember what you promised me this morning? Are you going to be a good boy for me today?”
“Of course!” Luke giggles. “Then you’ll give me lots of kisses when you get back, right?”
“Anything for my princess,” Ashton whispers, his voice deep and soft. He curses himself, fully aware of how whipped he is for this boy. The way Luke listens to him, trying his hardest to get Ashton’s attention and approval, desperate for his love. It kills him.
or, luke wants to be a good boy for ashton, but something gets in the way
if it's all a dream, don't wake up (ao3) - lifewasradical michael/calum G, 5k
Summary: Calum dreams of it all, but front and center, as always, is Michael, smiling and holding his hand through every scenario. Calum’s always sought out Michael in times of comfort, something he thinks will never change, regardless of how old they get and how many years they spend together. 
Or, 5 times Michael tells Calum to go back to sleep and the one time Calum tells Michael to go back to sleep.
I Love You So Much It Hurts (ao3) - pommedhappy michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 2k
Summary: Calum hisses in pain when the burning coffee hits his hand. He’s not the clumsy type, he’s really not, but those kinds of events tend to happen a lot nowadays. Calum adds this to the list of injuries indirectly caused by one Michael Clifford. He blames Michael for everything, actually. Because he was fine before his best friend from a decade starts to act so affectionate, and messes with his brain. Now he can’t escape the blond during the day, and when he closes his eyes Michael’s face is all he sees. It’s tiring, it really is.
Fortunately, Michael is always there to take care of him.
I'm Begging You to Be My Safety (ao3) - kayehmwhy luke/ashton G, 1k
Summary: “I don’t really tell anyone unless I have to,” the younger said staring at the floor. “It’s not something i’m proud of.”
Or // Luke's emetophobic, Calum's airsick, Ashton's trying to help and Michael's asleep.
Little lines that write your face (ao3) - cthink michael/calum G, 1k
Summary: Michael thought he was beautiful, with his papery leather books filled with scrawled ink lettering, carving words of magnificence into delicate pages.
Unfortunately, not everyone else did.
Love (and and other acts of madmen) (ao3) - TempestRising michael/calum G, 13k
Summary: ...every nerve Michael has is on edge and his brain won't stop screaming Calum Calum Calum and his hands are still red, and there's still blood under his fingernails from where he cradled Calum's body before they tore them apart.   "Well honey," the nurse says, "if you've got a god I'd start praying. You might be here a while."
Or: Calum gets shot at a concert.
More Than This (ao3) - nationalnobody calum/ashton, michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: In which Calum is sick and puts up a front because he refuses to let anybody find out and Ashton is the only one who realises it.
Playin' In The Street, Gonna Be A Big Man Some Day (ao3) - senioritastyles calum/ashton G, 3k
Summary: "Alright, Ohio calls the toss since they're the home team." The ref says, holding a coin in his hand and looking at Ashton. "Call it." He requests, flipping the coin into the air.
"Heads." Ashton says, eyes mischievous when they catch Calum's through the masks on their helmets.
Calum subtly shakes his head with a smirk and the ref bends to pick up the coin off the ground. "Heads it is. Ohio, it's your choice."
Ashton smirks and looks knowingly at his boyfriend. "We'll kick off first."
Or: Calum and Ashton face off in the national college football championship.
Subject Line - @daydadahlias​​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) calum/ashton E, 20k
Summary: Maybe the sunrise doesn’t matter much after all. Calum can watch the sunrise any day. How many days will he get Ashton like this? Shirtless, sporting bedhead in a hotel room, with just the two of them for a few lazy hours alone?
Soon enough, they’ll be back on the tour bus and Calum won’t be allowed to hold Ashton’s hand anymore.
The Upside of Everything Wrong (ao3) - cashcakeplz michael/calum, luke/calum, luke/ashton N/R, 24k
Summary: “Well we’ve always kind of deviated, don’t you think?” He says with a sly little smile that metaphorically knocks Calum on his ass. His face turns red again, and why, why is Michael doing this to him? “I do think that.” He whispers. He leans a bit closer to Michael, and lets his head rest against the boy’s shoulder. “But this isn’t a date.”
or the one where Calum's been betrayed by everyone he's put trust in, and believes he's unlovable until Michael appears, and shows Calum just how easy being loved can be
what it was and what it wasn't (ao3) - orphan_account T, 4k
Summary: Dragons. Fictional creatures that weren’t quite fictional. They were monsters, invading the Earth from another planet and destroying its inhabitants.
That’s how the humans saw it. But nothing is ever as seen on the surface, is it?
Everything has layers.
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groovysaber · 9 months
an introduction to THE BOY(tm)
You can find the ref, all art and all info here in my Pillowfort! (Due to ai scraping on Tumblr, my main blog is now over on PF!)
This is Crimson, my main oc/sona!
Here's some (Not all) info about him
Part of the 'Radical Retrofit' Cast
Name: Crimson
Species: ?? (Half Animatronic/Half Organism)
Gender: Dude (F2M) (He/Him)
​Sexuality: GAYEST OF THE GAY, Asexual
Personality: Cool, fun, violent, energetic, mischievous, snazzy he loves explosions, weapons, chainsaws, pizza and kromer (money) Extra Information: he is very agile both on two legs and all fours he has real hair that can grow he's got an insane criminal record dude, like 560 pages long
he can make many random animal-like noises
​he can turn his head 360 degrees
​he can sleep upside down like a bat, using his tail to grip onto things and hang from he got drip
donot steel (goes without saying honestly)
Images of him below!
You can find all of the art here in my Pillowfort! (Due to ai scraping on Tumblr, my main blog is now over on PF!)
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daemion · 10 months
Hi! :)
I'm daemion (he/it 22) literally a cat in real life unfortunately sorry
trans (T💉since 3/21/23) and bi lol
I post art sometimes and make nonsense posts.
Name tags are exclusively my original characters. I don't tag any characters for fandoms, as I'm not really in any fandoms.
My interests/hobbies: Writing, drawing, comics/manga, and Video games (splatoon, terraria, minecraft, free mmo type games).
dni: terfs, transphobes, etc. i block people !
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My projects:
+: My main project. Currently on my tenth draft of it that makes pretty significant changes to the plot, structure, and characters. It's about a group of young adults trying to find out what happened to two of their friends who went missing.
I really like + and i enjoy talking about it more than any other project. I've been working on it since late 2015 so there are a lot of different versions of it. The most important drafts (ones I talk about the most) are draft 2, 7, 8, 9 and the most current one 10. Draft 6 is also relevant because it is the worst version that has written content. Drafts 1, 3, 4, and 5 most exist as notes and art, draft 1 is entirely physical comics I drew in 2015, so I don't have much to say about them.
If you're curious about any specifics about the project, please feel free to ask questions about it! I'm currently trying to motivate myself to write out comprehensive character information and make full designs for a lot of the characters.
When talking about specific aspects of + drafts I try to tag the draft (example: draft 9 +) and any characters discussed. This is mainly for me and a lot of them are contextualized fully because they're for me, but if you wanna look you can :)
Characters: David, Chris, Valentine, Eli, Clementine, Madi, Olive, Jay, Jaxson, Evan, Vincent, Vanessa, and a few more, but the main ones you'll be hearing about on my blog are the first 5 listed.
She Saw: My comic based on an old draft of +, draft 2. A 3 and half part long story about a lesbian who finds the dead body of one of her best friend's boyfriends and gets sucked into a conflict involving that, all the while experiencing high school and seeing horrific visions. What is complete of it is posted on tumblr and DA as well as a few other comic sites? I believe. If you're interested its @shesawcomic, I haven't worked on completing it since 2019.
If your curious about the + connection, every character in She Saw has a direct analog in draft 2 + character. The main character, who's name isn't revealed until the end of the current part, is Veronica (now Madi) from +, Faith is Valentine, the unnamed boy is Daemion (now David), Terrance is Chris (arguably also Eli, they are interchangeable in draft 2), Mary is Mary, Kate is Kathy. There was an additional character who was not revealed at the time I stopped writing, and was the only character without a + analog, though her situation could be based on a number of characters I've written before. Everything I write is derivative of itself.
Characters: Her (shesaw), him (shesaw), Terrance, Faith, Mary, Kate. (All of them got finished refs this summer :D)
WWW: New project. A comic based on an old draft of +, draft 2, 3, and 4. Unlike She Saw, which sought to recreate the high school segment of draft 2 (a, if I am remembering correctly, 16 page long section) WWW seeks to replicate and add on to the main plot of draft 2, taking into consideration traits added to the characters after that draft. The comic is about Cici who lives in the middle of nowhere on a dairy farm separated from the rest of society until a woman named Juliet comes and helps him escape. Juliet, a woman obsessed with obscure religious groups, practices, and magic, convinces Cici help her work towards her goal of achieving immortality. Unfortunately, when they do achieve something, it's not a glamorous as Juliet described it to be. - WWW is an abbreviation of a test/temporary name that might not stick.
Similar to She Saw, WWW characters also has connections to + characters, but they're really obvious in my mind so i'm just choosing to have that be a funny thing that people who know + characters would notice.
Characters: Cici, Juliet, Sammy.
Seagull: Another newer project. A comic/short story about a half wolf half human man who's sent to work and live on a "lighthouse" in the middle of the ocean to keep watch for "something in the water". He quickly discovers that his lighthouse has attracted a strange angel that resembles the seagulls.
Characters: Jupiter, Seagull (haven't named him yet), Coral
For the 3 projects that are not + listed above, I'm happy to answer any questions! WWW is my main focus aside from +, She Saw is in limbo, and Seagull is kind of a side project.
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mirukimary · 1 year
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My Art Summary for 2022!
(Under the cut I'll go into more details for each month, for memory's sake. Warning: It's LONG.)
Come one, come all for your opportunity to see all of the drawings I should have posted but never did! The ones that make me work harder every december to remember when tf i drew what! The ones that, in missing, make it seem like i only draw once a year--! (going through my twitter media tab is depressing LMAO)
[Pictured: Iola in Prenda clothing. There was a Twitter Post going around asking you to draw your WoL in your country's traditional clothes. Ofc I didn't skip the opportunity to do it! And drew my BF's WoL too for good measure. Still my fav drawing of the year!]
Also worked on a VTuber model for a friend (i drew it as a bust january last year; then this year was asked to expand it to full body). It was very challenging, but also fun!
For the rest, I designed some backstory NPCs for Asera (Daimyorus childhood friend, his goddess and a mage that helped us multiple times); and drew some twitch emotes for a client. Was a fresh, fun start. I remember having a lot of fun and finding that month quite relaxing.
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(Goddess Rondra, Mage Rupin & elf-friend Pedro (RIP))
[Pictured: My friend's bunny boi~]
Further work was done on the VTuber model, a lot of parts that weren't quite working before were redrawn. He was taking form!! Now that most of the work was done, also did a ref sheet to go with it. I couldn't wait to see him moving!
That's when I started preparing to open commissions for realz, trying to think of prices and set up examples. I drew some BGs and the Complexity Guide, and set most of the boring things up. I plan to open comms either Jan 2023 or February 2023, so let's hope all the work paid off~
[Pictured: 'Smile at the Blue Skies', or "Fuq i need a bust sketch ref for my commission examples page". Sounds a bit less dreamy now, huh? LMAO]
But yeah, most of the month was dedicated to the VTuber model, working to fix it as the rigger found issues. Ref Sheet was finished this month. I'll stop mentioning the model, but the back and forth lasted till june or so?? Had to fix all of his toggles; and redraw his entire hair to allow for a better 3D effect when moving (it went from 3~6 layers to over 20). This was my first time working on vtuber models, so there was A LOT to learn. It surprising how many pitfalls there is in vtuber making. I'm very proud of how it turned out, and eternally grateful to the rigger (and to my friend) for being so patient with me. I was sent a small demo of what he looks like, and seeing your drawing move so beautifully like that feels magical!! There's still much to design and draw before he can debut, but hope you can support him then!
Oh yeah, there was this attempt too:
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[Pictured: 'With Friends' the commission I worked on through March and April. Extra special because that's my friend & his pets there!]
Also sketched some ideas for illustrations of our RP characters (hi Irene), but never really completed them:
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It feels so long since I made these... Double checked like 3 times to make sure it wasn't April 2021 LMAO
I REALLY want to revisit some of these now.
[Pictured: #XIVARTBASH drawing, featuring Nero.]
Also drew the catgirl from Love2DrawManga. Didn't do much this month (...or did but forgot). I believe I worked on some BGs I can't show, but these are still very much stuck at WIP :(
[Pictured: Nia's WoL, Mat. Just a smol gift for someone that brings a lot of joy to FFXIV Twitter.]
So... I completelly forgot I was drawing my OCs outfits [facepalm]:
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(Don't mind the two in the corner, I don't want my essay to get hit with Tumblr hammer LMAO They're nowhere near done). But yeah, these are my OCs from 'Elder''. I've had them since childhood, and still love them, even if I gave up on the book idea. Will make an actual post once all is done and I can go back to their character illusts uwu
[Pictured: Cade from 'Still Shining'. Working on this was an amazing experience~ Won't go on detail bc I already did, but still glad for the experience!]
Instead I'll talk about... Art Fight month!!!
I'm 100% going back next year! This event just proved how much I love drawing people's OCs. I really want to be a commission artist so I can do that for a living. Sadly I didn't get to draw everyone I wanted, plus I wasted a lot of time trying to look through OCs while the website was dying LMAO Next year I'll come prepared!
Also I drew that Spring picture to use as a reference in her profile there. I missed drawing her!
[Pictured: Commission for 'Under Maintenance'.]
Mostly worked on commemorative stuff. Anniversary chibi for Brie; that Under Maintenance pic; Thank You for DL message for 'Loving You Fully' and 'Still Shining'. Also designed some outfits (and painted some sprites) for Mythic Meetup: Midnight Mystery (not released yet!).
Started a bday gift for my boyfriend, but something kept looking 'off' about it so I didn't finish in time. Turns out it was overblended... And will require a redraw. Sorry boyfriend TT But my wife (tm) needs to look perfect!!
Also made the design for our new RP characters:
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(mine is the not-cat girl, obviously)
...And I belive this is when I made that cursed Yshtola feeding Zero picture? Yeah.
[Pictured: Witch Torunn]
Made the YCH bases, as well as 3 examples. I have no memories of this month, but Windows says this sketch is from september:
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[Pictured: Old OC redraw, for my Commission Guide. Decided to do it after a client asked for clarification if an old drawing was halfbody or fullbody (august last year, Torunn sitting down).]
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They're really old OCs of mine. Ever RP-ed in Deviantart groups? I did!!
Cecilia (<-) is pretty much a Iola prototype: salve maker and potion seller who lives with her dad (who taught her the craft). One day he collapses during work, and Cecilia ends up overworking herself to afford his medicine and other living expenses. In desperation, she joins The Guild as a novice magician for money, and gets herself involved on a war she never intended to join.
Celticca (->) is a archer and aspiring musician who wants to make the most beautiful song (tm) for her family. She's very sweet, but naïve and scatterbrained. I didn't have much planned for her, but had a lot of fun seeing her constantly get involved with Evil/Neutral alligned characters w/o noticing LOL
....Now that I think about it, she's literally a FFXIV bard, before I knew anything about XIV.
The rest of October was focused on Magni's Birthday Project and my YCH Halloween Commissions.
...And THIS:
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Halloween pictures of our current RP characters \O/ To go with our halloween session~ Also drew these two for our halloween one-shot:
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Ellie (<-) and Hadrianus (->). Ellie is a yandere witch I made as a joke and fell in love with. Hadrianus is my BF's wizard. Yes, he looks like Dr. Strange. Yes, that's the joke. The 3rd character was Rosemary, but I didn't ask to draw her so she's missing :( I do want to draw all of them at some point. We accidentally made "Spy x Family, but it's horror and Loid wants to run away" LOOOL I love this trio!!
Made 2 adoptables, but since they went unsold I decided to remove them and redraw for next year:
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(The neutral pose doesn't help them stand out ^^;; Sorry bbys)
Also sketched Julio from Atelier Sophie~
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(Hoping to finish it early next year. He's not the only idea I had while playing, but other stuff took priority"")
October was so much fun!! Sadly it let me completely drained by the end of it. I got hit with such a HUGE art block it was like my hands just... Forgot how to draw. Everything came out weird. Sadly, that resulted on me having to drop a drawing I was making for Brie :/ Hoping I can pick it back up soon... (better late than never right?)
It's around that time I decided to work on an AI redraw. Used Crayon (old Dall-e Mini) to create some monstrosity for me and tried to turn it into an actual drawing.
The monstrosity:
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The Work In Porgress:
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This drawing is a bit painful to look at, because of all the self doubt and bad feelings attached to it. But I want to finish it someday. My prompt was something stupid like 'cute anime girl having fun'. I want to remain true to the prompt and make her meeting with lil ladybug feel warm and fun!
...Like of the feelings I was missing back then, and am just now starting to get back.
TL;DR: Take breaks or you'll break.
[Pictured: Chibi Adra for Kyou.]
Managing burnout through most of it. Eventually just decided to stop fighting and played games instead. Even with the frame drops, Atelier Ryza is pretty fun~ Hoping to go bk to it soon.
At some point my boyfriend said I should just draw things to have fun for a bit. I followed his advice...
[Pictured: Art Party (DracoLunari's WoL)]
...By drawing Iola as a sheep herder. It was much more fun than it sounds. I didn't care for polish at all, just seeing Iola in a cute outfit LMAO It's... A mess of a drawing. But it's MY mess of a drawing. I feel this thought calmed my mind a lot.
Also went for my first ever Art Party. It was fun, tho brain did get in the way after a bit, as expected ^^;;; Still want to go to these more often!! It's fun to draw & chat with others.
For random drawings, all I have is a(n embarrassing) fanart of Elf from Isekai Ojisan. I'll post eventually..... (that anime is hilarious)
For now I have a commission and a collab to take care of, and a certain Moon Goddess to draw as soon as possible~ Will be doing my best these next few days, and hope Iola can be my sheperd and guide me to the path of 'having lots of fun drawing again'.
ONWARDS TO 2023...
May my year be filled with bad drawings that I love;
And good drawings I'm proud of.
May your year give you the same
And everything else you wish for!
Thanks @/Taxkha on twitter for the Template!
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