#fine bone china coffee set
yourcoffeeguru · 10 months
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REGENCY ENGLISH Fine Bone China ROSES Tea Set Cup Saucer Cake Plate || SWtradepost
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archernarbeta · 1 year
Do better
✴︎ pairing : Kyungsoo x Reader
✴︎ genre : angst, stubborn characters, yearning, sensitive-themes, idol!kyungsoo , more angst, kyungsoo is a jerk here but reader is also stubborn
✴︎ summary : In which Do Kyungsoo is reader’s best friend and he wants her to do better. 
✴︎ warning : TW disordered eating (starving habits, relapse), trauma, mild cursing.
This fanfic contains themes of disordered-eating, some taken from my own experience. However if there are any misinformations that you would like me to take down, please do let me know and I will be happy to. Lastly, in no way whatsoever I am promoting disordered-eating habits. We are beautiful, in our own ways, inside and out. Therefore, there is no need for us to change our appearances for others.
✴︎ word count : 4.1K
✴︎ author’s note : This was so fun to write honestly! I spent all my pent-up anger writing this fic… I might do a part two because clearly, this fic is unfinished (let me know if we want a part two) Anyways, enjoy! As usual any form of appreciation is very well appreciated! 
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It’s been exactly 8 weeks since you stopped speaking with THE Do Kyungsoo. 
Yes, you meant Do Kyungsoo the idol, the talented chef, the amazing singer and also THE best friend, not to mention THE imbecile. 
Silent treatments, were a common occurrence especially with the stubbornness you both shared when it comes to giving in for the greater good. However this was the longest period of silence that you both had gone through and frankly for you, there’s no room for truce. 
The reason behind it couldn’t be more trivial. 
Three weekends before, you had gone on a blind-date with a mutual friend, both of you were set-up by one of your colleagues. The date went smoothly, he was a polite gentleman who offered to pick you up and took you home. Before the date, he asked about your food preference too, in which you appreciated the gesture. Overall, he’s an all rounder and you’re totally sure you’d like another date with him, even if both of you weren’t looking for anything serious. It was just nice to have someone to spend your weekend with. 
You were astounded to say the least, that the  very nice gentleman sent you a set of fine bone china mugs with penguins on them, your favourite animal, duh. He also sent a letter, mentioning your love for coffee and penguins and how he’d thought of you when he came across the mugs a while ago. He wished that you would use the set to enjoy your morning coffee every morning.
On a given Sunday, Kyungsoo was supposed to come over to your place for a playdate since you haven’t seen each other in forever. He arrived with groceries and snacks for a pasta cook-out, he always mentioned that you were always too thin and too cold for his liking–that’s why he’s always so keen to feed you delicious and nutritious meals, even though you really didn’t like eating in general. 
You both settled on the dining table with each a cup of tea in hand and a plate of cookies that he’d baked beforehand, they were oatmeal and vanilla almond- with the least amount of sugar, suited to your liking.
After a much needed catch-up session and a plate with nothing left more than cookie crumbs, you helped him prep the ingredients for his anchovy pasta. In which, you chose to casually slip the bomb of ‘I’ve met a nice guy, we had a couple of dates, he was such a gentleman, he even gave me these super cute mugs.’ 
At your narrative, Kyungsoo replied with soft hums and nods before replying, “You know y/n— I really think he might be taking advantage of you.” He nonchalantly said while stirring the fettuccine, calmly raising the pasta strands with a fork to check how they’d cook through.
“W-what? Where did that come from?” 
“Why else would he be showering you gifts like these?” He waved around the penguin mug in front of your face in an irritating manner. 
You gasp at his groundless accusation, “Soo! He’s clearly just being a nice- decent human being! How could you accuse him of such things?!” 
You were literally in disbelief. Your best friend was usually the logical one in the friendship and having him belittle a guy like this, left you perplexed. He had no reasons whatsoever to insult a stranger, more so-your date. 
The timer rang before he had a chance to reply. In his relaxed composure, he turned off the stove and strained the pasta, moving them to the pan next to it. He continued cooking for a while, mixing the fettuccine with the pan-seared anchovies and tomato. If you haven’t been friends with him for all these years, you would probably be left speechless at how he just left you mid-conversation to tend to his cooking- but here you are, still amazed at how engrossed the man is in finishing his dish before anything else. He added the last touch of basil before facing his back to the kitchen counter as he faced you with a judging look, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
“Y/n… You really are gullible sometimes, huh? He gave you a set of mugs and now you’re so swooned that you’re defending him? Over me- your best friend?” He half mocked you and rolled his eyes, giving off a much less of a smirk.
“W- what?! I am not! I can’t believe you right now? Can you hear yourself and how ridiculous you’re being right now?”
“Me? Ridiculous? What’s so ridiculous about protecting a best friend from strangers she just met!?” He exclaimed, shoulders shrugging showing his indifference. 
“He- he’s not a stranger! I told you! Why can’t you be happy that I had a good date?” You sassed back.
“I’m a man and I can see right through him! He’s just a jerk wanting a hookup from you!” He raised his voice.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!” You barked at his accusations.
“I got a nice date once and suddenly I’m gullible?” Anger seeping through your every word. You weren’t thinking clear anymore, all you see was red, you can feel the rage rising in the back of your head,
“You know what Soo? I’m sorry! I’m so fucking sorry that you’re jealous- and so fucking sorry for you because your glamorous idol life left you love deprived!”
The damage was done. You’ve said it and now you only wished you could take it back. You stopped yourself as you covered your foul mouth with regret. Your eyes were shaking as you looked at him with remorse.
He stared back at you, eyes unmoving. He was sometimes unreadable like this. It was in his character really, the unpredictability and the stealth gaze, often left you wondering what’s going on inside his head. He clicked his tongue once, enough to startle you and diverted your whole attention to him. He hummed, another habit of his. You mentally braced yourself for the storm coming. 
“Love deprived?” he darkly chuckled, your penguin mug on the counter, under his hold.
“That’s the lowest you could do?” His smirk wiped away from his face as he gave a flat expression while pushing the mug away from the counter with force.
The scene flashed before your eyes, the penguin-faced mug hitting the floor, the clashing sound of china in contact with the marble floor rang through your ears. You gasp in shock as the mug shattered in pieces and there was nothing you could do but stare at the once cute cup.
You had your mouth hanging open- speechless, unaware that you were shaking. The crime scene unveiling in front of you left you appalled and you wondered if this person is the best friend you’ve always known your whole life. 
“Shame. You could’ve done better Y/n,” he pauses, “Maybe you’ll realise that you have better options than Mr. Penguin Mugs.”
Your body kept shuddering as you tried to gain composure,
“Get out.” You trembled.
“Two can play a game, Y/n” His voice taunting yet his face stoic, staring at you.
“Out!” you screamed at him 
So much emotions were whirring inside of you that your eyes water. Anger? Yes, a lot of rage was brewing in you but disappointment and sadness was an understatement.
“WHO the hell are you and what have you done to Kyungsoo!” Your sudden voice must’ve taken him by surprise as his eyes were back to normal, you walked up to him hitting his chest with little to no energy,
“I don’t want a fucking asshole as a friend! You’re not welcome here!”
If you were angry seconds ago, now you feel like crying.
“Leave!” as you pointed at the door, gesturing him to leave.
Kyungsoo bent down to pick up remnants of the penguins face, slowly placing them on the counter, like it could change a thing.
His next action took you by surprise as he scooped the rest of the broken china with bare hands to throw the shards to the nearest bin, hurting himself in the process. You found that a bit later though, when a drop of blood stain was evident on the lid of your trash can. 
He exhaled a breath, “Eat. Do not skip meals. Don’t be stupid. Call me when you stop being foolish.” 
You wordlessly trembled, standing with no more energy in your figure as he exited your apartment.
Ever since the messy encounter with him 8 weeks ago, a lot had changed. 
You stopped contacting Mr. Penguin Mugs a week after your fight with Kyungsoo, you just didn’t have the heart to deal with the lovely man and it broke your heart (a little) that you threw away the chance to be with a nice guy. But a certain someone did fill your thoughts during that time, a certain imbecile with heart-shaped lips that you would really like to hate.
Again, you had your fair shares of silent wars with him but this one hurts the most, or at least your pride did. You could recall his last memo of him, asking you to not skip meals but you decided that Do Kyungsoo was not the boss of you. You didn’t care, you weren’t gonna listen to him.
The fight did trigger you and even though it was childish of you to purposely skip meals, you began to refrain from eating at all. In the back of your head, you knew better than this, you were better than this, however without Kyungsoo by your side to aid you, you faltered. 
In the past years, you had a history with disordered eating. Coming from an almond-mum and a Korean all girls school, appearance was something vital to maintain, yet it resulted in you finding ridiculously dangerous ways to abstain yourself from eating.
It was a rough patch but all those years, Soo was there for you. He’d do the cooking, the persuading and the gentle praising, making sure he won’t overwhelm you. Kyungsoo might seem reserved and unreadable at times but he was full of care, too much even- to the point that you felt like a walking ‘handle-with-care’ sticker.
After you recover, you’ve managed to fix your relationship with food a bit better but there are times where the wounds would open up. You haven’t relapsed in a long time now, having to attend coaching sessions for healthy intuitive eating programs and having Soo on the sidelines to support you. 
Nevertheless, your relapse now was justified that at this point you were blinded by hurt. You were in pain and no one was there to aid you this time. 
It doesn’t take a genius to figure that the constant meal skipping would lead to fatigue, weight loss and eventually malnutrition, which is exactly what you’re suffering right now. The worse thing than losing your best friend is this, but hey you’re experiencing both of them at the same time! In your defense, you did try to get better, drinking spinach juice to try to fill the anguish hunger in your stomach, just to throw it all up again.
Honestly back then, when you experienced disordered eating, spinach juice was your holy grail that kept you full for longer hours without having to physically chew anything. Yet as your metabolism went to shambles, your body wouldn’t cooperate with any of the food you intake. 
Kyungsoo wasn’t doing any better. 
Seconds after he looked at your startled face and stepped foot out of your apartment, he wished time travel existed. He admits that he was an asshole but he didn’t mean to get things that far and he’d say those things to protect you even though he failed to project them in a nicer-manner (which was totally why he’s at fault, he knows this too-by the way). He wanted to apologise the next day-though he thought that giving you space would be a better option as he was scared to hurt you further. What he didn’t expect was the silence that went on for weeks. 
Kyungsoo busied himself, he had his filming schedules packed as tight as possible and he picked up projects like they were cherries on trees. Even the members were astonished when he brought up his contract to join a variety show, which was so unexpected of him.  All the time not talking to you left him confused, if he was really trying to protect you or if he was jealous of you, or your date. He tried brushing it off, but you were always on the back of his mind. He’d try figuring out how he feels about you but that would spiral in a worse direction, he didn’t have the heart to admit that he misses you, his best friend. 
On the sixth-week mark of your cold war, you were admitted to the hospital for severe malnutrition and extreme weight loss. Chanyeol was the one who hospitalised you.
Chanyeol—who became friends with you because of Kyungsoo–had visited you a couple times after the fight to check up on you. You wanted to turn your back on him and his hospitality but the friendly man with cute giant ears was so hard to refuse. 
Initially, Chanyeol’s visit were out of concerns due to the fight you had with Kyungsoo, but the visits became frequent when he noticed you became leaner by the day, your moves were slower and it was visible that performing simple task were difficult for you.
He tried his best to discreetly offer professional help, even though he wasn’t aware of your disordered eating history, he simply wanted to help without offending you, in which you declined politely, saying you were fine. 
That day, even with arduous attempts to conceal your weakness, your body soon gave up after opening the door for Chanyeol. Given your conditions, you had no room to refuse anymore as Chanyeol carried you to the hospital. The only thing you managed to muster before blacking out was, 
“Don’t tell Kyungsoo.”
On the week you were hospitalised, Kyungsoo was busy filming somewhere in a rural area in Japan. It was a fresh experience, a breath of fresh air for his career yet all he could think of was you. 
The eight-week mark had passed and after two weeks of being hospitalised, it was a shame that you didn’t show signs of improvement regardless of the constant IV that kept you at bay. That’s the thing with relapsing, you know this, nothing will work unless you want to get better—and you haven’t found a reason to do so.
But it was a little bit bearable when Chanyeol came in to visit, sometimes bringing other members with him to cheer you up and give you extra encouragement. You particularly love when he brings Minseok along, the older was the most well-mannered of the bunch and he just feels like an older brother. 
The sliding door of your hospital ward suddenly slammed open, you instinctively diverted your attention to the door, finding a familiar figure walking in with eyes ready to shoot lasers at you. 
“W-what the fuck?” you eyed him. “Why the hell are you here? What are you doing here?”  
You were surprised at your energy to snap at the man whilst you half-sat on a hospital bed with an IV attached on your hand. And here I thought I was weak.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? Why the fuck are you here?” he retorted, “I heard you’re sick but I’m surprised that your stupidity still tags along after 2 months.” he scorned, his bluntness never goes away huh?
“W-what? What did you say to me?”
“Even though we’re fighting and you’re mad you could’ve hit me instead. Yell, scream, curse at me- I couldn’t care less if you did,” he paused, “but why would you starve yourself again?”
By the tone of his voice, although you could pick up his anger- his disappointment, you really didn’t want to put down your ego. 
“I’m not here because of you, idiot. Now what are you doing here? Go away” You countered him. 
“Are you blind? As you can see I’m visiting a friend. A very sick and a stubborn one at that.” he managed to scoff at your act. You rolled your eyes, not even baffled at this point.
“No one told you to. Now, leave.” you pointed at the door.
“A little tall birdie did, he begged me to come.” he stills on the ends of the hospital bed
“Well, thanks for coming but you are really uninvited here. Please follow the door to exit.” you gave him a sarcastic smile.
“And if I won’t comply? What are you gonna do?” he taunts back. “Would you tell Chanyeol or Sehun to take me away? And why do you think they’ll comply with your request? They’re scared of me more than of Junmyeon-Hyung,” he looked around the room before focusing his eye-contact back to you.
“The only thing you could do to kick me out in your sickly state is call the nurse… that’s if, you’re willing to bear the consequence of reporting an idol?” he rambled. 
“Oh you little shit..”
“Don’t you little shit me,” he mocked back,
“You know, Chanyeol might’ve given away your conditions but he’s certainly not the one watching MY reality show for the past weeks.”
You mentally cursed.
He gave out a laugh, before continuing in a stern tone,“The only person logged in my SBS account is you. Did you miss me so badly that you liked all those clips using my account?”
“Do better, y/n.” he finished, before abruptly leaving the room. 
You were left astounded, just like the moment he exited your apartment 8 weeks ago. But this time, not long after, he came back bringing what looked like a lunchbox. He quietly sat down on the chair next to your bed while opening one of the containers, you only could stare at him in confusion. 
Do Kyungsoo was indeed unpredictable.
“Do better, eat better, y/n. So you can fight me again.” He spoke up before offering a spoonful of porridge to your mouth. You gazed at the spoon in front of you before shifting back at him. You silently refused. 
“Open up,” he said softly and you did. There was something about his voice that made you comply with his requests, like it was laced with care and concern. 
You opened your mouth and carefully swallowed his cooking. The taste wasn’t foreign to you, it was his pumpkin and sweet potato porridge. He made it for you every time you’re upset, making the dish your ultimate comfort food. After the first spoonful, you were bracing yourself for a reflux but it never came, you were able to stomach his food just fine. 
“Good girl” he praised you before handing another scoop to your mouth, asking you to have more. 
As you ate quietly, he spoke, 
“You need to do better than this y/n. You need energy to curse at me- hit me…and that’s why you need to eat to recover,” his forehead creased as he expressed his thoughts yet it didn’t stop him from feeding you every spoon. 
“It’s- It’s so frustrating you know? Looking at you like this… I-I almost lost it when Chanyeol called saying you’ve been admitted for two weeks! I was in Japan and I never wanted to pack my bags so quickly..”
“Y-you..You’re so frustrating-“ he let out a breath he unconsciously held. You could see his eyes weren’t as calm, like he had other complaints he’d like to express but he held back. With the last spoonful, he closed the container and discarding it back to the lunchbox. 
He softly muttered, “Rest well, I’ll be back tomorrow,” he gave a quick peck on the crown of your head, an action that surprised you, before leaving the ward. 
He did come back the next day and the day after that, and another day after that. He made sure that he was the first sight you see in the morning. 
This time, he brought chicken soup. Sadly, the smell didn’t react well with your body as you instantly gagged. He immediately rushed you to the bathroom, pulling your IV off in one smooth motion in the process, leaving you unscathed even with the sudden movement .
You managed to hold it in until you reached the toilet bowl. As you threw up, you helplessly cried, Kyungsoo kept still and supported your figure by the elbows. He softly grasped your hair away from you while you hurled the contents of your stomach. The action left you breathless, exhausted as tears stained your face while you slid down the bathroom floor, you really didn’t have any energy left.
You pity yourself for your relapse, it felt- disgraceful of you to do so. You hid your face with your hands as you sobbed. Fucking disgusting, you told yourself. 
Kyungsoo was distressed seeing you like this, especially the fact that he might have some contributions to your relapse, it was even more upsetting for him. He didn’t hug you, he was too much of a coward for that. So he did what he could. Kyungsoo grabbed some napkins and a glass of water outside and came back into the bathroom. He kneeled down to gently tap the hands covering your face, signalling that he’d like to see your face. You slightly look up to see a calm attentive face, care- radiating from his eyes. He wiped your tears and then your mouth, offered you a warm glass of water in which you accepted without repulse. 
Both of you stayed quiet for a while before muttering, “Let’s go back to bed.”
He helped you stand up, tucked you back in the hospital bed and called the nurse to reattach the IV he skilfully dismantled. The nurse went berserk on him when she learned of the incident. The situation was truly unpredictable but his actions could’ve seriously injured you. He mumbled his apologies as he nodded in regret while listening to the nurse’s scoldings. Not long after, she left both of you to your own devices. 
“Don’t say anything, please?” you quietly begged while looking at him. 
Today felt like your turn to burst. He nods without hesitation, firmly holding eye contact with you.
“I’m tired Soo…” you audibly exhaled, tears welled on your already puffed eyes.
You took your time to look at the light blue colour of the hospital blanket, then shifted your eyes to the ceiling of the ward while trying to find words to carry on the conversation. 
“I am-“ you stuttered, “f-fuck. I’m fucking tired, you know?”
You just… didn’t have the energy as your tears flowed through your hollow cheeks, dropping to your chin and eventually wetting the blanket. His eyes never left you, catching each and every of your pained expressions. 
You had lost your spark, the burning passion and gleam behind your eyes were gone. Your being felt hollow, just a soulless body- empty, dull and glum.
He despised it, the dullness in your eyes. He hated it with all his heart, knowing his efforts were meaningless since he couldn’t stop you from getting worse. He loathes the fact that this time, he was helpless when the love of his life, his best friend, his light, is giving up in front of his eyes.
“Soo…” you whispered, reaching out for his hand with sorrowful eyes. He instantly held yours, warmth emitting from his hold as he looked at you with so much care. Even intertwining hands with you broke his heart at the coldness of your touch. 
“Do better, okay?” you let go of his hand from your hold.
The wet tracks of your tears hadn’t stopped yet you managed to prop up an expressionless gaze as you stared at him. You were in pain, so was he, and you didn’t want to hurt him more.
He knew what you meant, he knew what you wanted him to do. 
He knew exactly what to do, not that he wanted to. 
He was your lifeline, a drug to salvation- You needed to heal without him. 
He didn’t understand, he had so many questions formulating in his head but he knew better than to pry. He was hurt but prying meant hurting you further, which was the last thing he’d do.
He stood up, kissed your cheeks, stroked your hair and pecked the crown of your head one last time before heading out to the door. 
He slammed the sliding door hard, hopefully to let you know how wrong of you to ask him to leave. But he never looked back, because he was too much of a coward for that.
a/n: should we do a part 2 ??
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ever since my mom abandoned me i've felt like a baby bird waiting for its mother to regurgitate a worm into its mouth. she will show back eventually with feathers ruffled in all directions and bloodsquirm tumbling from her beak. she will say it was to feed me and not for the sake of the carnage, and i will let her, for the song of a mother bird is nothing but truth
[even when she lies, it is nothing but truth.]
the motherwound aches like a song for the ages. i am the bird and i am the worm squirming between her teeth. i am swallowing bloodshed and it is fine, because i am told not to fight the hand that feeds me, even if it feeds me poison and rot. even if it feeds me the pieces of myself and tells me it is my fault for leaving them scattered around the house.
[she wanted to erase all traces of my presence; do not leave your lipstick ring on my coffee cups, do not touch the good china. do not break my vases and hide the pieces beneath rotting meat in the garbage. i will find them. a rotting thing is no qualm for me. i will kick you from the nest and say i am teaching you to fly, and it will be a lie, but you will learn to feed yourself this time.]
aren't we all just baby birds squawking in the trees for mothers that will never come? aren't we all abandoned tree-hollows of human beings, inhabiting a set of squalling orphaned birds in our pores. wondering if it's true that life overcomes death in the end. wondering if death and life are just two sides of the same coin.
[my mother collected coins off of sidewalks, and i was the pavement beneath her feet.]
they say it's fine, in the end, because the story has a happy ending. it's like, the unspoken rule of animal movies. you don't kill off the dog. the baby birds live, so it's fine. the baby birds grow into adults who warble their songs from the rooftops, red-winged blackbirds singing themselves to death, still waiting for a mother to come feed them praises, even though her hollow bones are buried in a child's shallow grave somewhere,
[and i knew, i knew when she caught me with my hands on something decomposed she'd huff in disgust at my squalor. what she never understood is that it wasn't just a funeral for the birdmother, it was a funeral for the dreams of mine that died when i looked at her and never saw them glint back off her eyes. ]
and when my grandpa died in 2015, my last words to him were a promise to finish building the birdhouse he left half-done on his workbench in the shed, but what i really said was i will not be like your daughter, and here i am, still building homes out of bird-bones, still sheltering a house of hungry mouths with the sins of their mothers, all laid out around them in a legacy of ivory and hollow, and damn
isn't that something? i watch the next motherbird land on the ledge, feathers ruffled out in all directions, and she sings songs of lies and they sound like lies. 
damn. isn't that something.
damn. isn't that.
[@nosebleedclub, march prompt #10, red-winged blackbird]
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karlenandgail · 10 months
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Another gentleman arrives, but what he has to say will change everything...
“Come, Prince Karlen.  I do believe we might have something to discuss.”  Jean Pierre gestured to the front door of the store.  
It had been the response that Karlen had hoped for, but he had not really expected it.  He had expected Jean Pierre to tell him that, once more, he was too late to the city and that the female he searched was unknown.  A bloom of hope started to bloom within Karlen’s bosom, bringing his heart to life for the first time in those long centuries since he had first found his Sophia.  He knew that she was in danger, so if he could help this man and his friends to save her, then he would call forth the entire Uffernian army if he had to.
As they stepped into the shop, Karlen was met with the scent of dust and age.  It was clear that the fine items around them had age and not all of them were from the realm that they were currently in. It brought to his mind questions of exactly who and what Jean Pierre was, and who the other members of “The Triad” were. He was not afraid, but as they moved further through the dimly lit store, there were more questions that occurred to him.  They could wait till after he found out what was known about Sophia.
Jean Pierre, for his part, could have mysted straight to Imperium with Karlen.  Before he took him anywhere near Anna or anyone else, let alone into the realm ruled by the Horseman of Death, he wanted to make sure that the male in front of him was exactly as he had presented himself to be.  Jean Pierre had already ascertained that Karlen was a demon, but he had been alive long enough to know that did not necessarily mean that he was deceptive.  It only meant that they were most oft self serving before anything else.
“Please, sit,” Jean Pierre gestured to an elegantly carved table with four chairs surrounding it. “I will start more coffee and summon my husband and fellow Triad member, Armaund.  I believe it is best for us both to speak with you.”  Setting his cup on the table, he made his way over towards where the coffee pot was on an elegant mahogany sideboard.  He was still absorbing that not only was Karlen a real being, but he was now sitting in his shop only days after his “Sophia” had left the Earthly Realm. Complicating matters, or maybe not, he was a Prince.  No one could say New Orleans was a dull city.
“So, you know Sophia?  You know where she is?”  Karlen was trying to contain himself as Jean Pierre poured the coffee and brought over a delicate but ample bone china cup, along with a cream and sugar set that matched, on a fine silver tray.  “I’m sorry to sound demanding, it is just I have been searching for so long.”  The Prince apologized, his cheeks pinkening realizing his manners were abysmal in that moment as he then busied himself doctoring the strong brew that smelled of dark roast and roasted chicory root.
“Answers, you shall have, dear Prince.  First, I shall summon my husband.” There was a kind smile on Jean Pierre’s face before he turned from where Karlen was trying to hide his mortification at total abandonment of his normal manners, and headed to his office at the back of the store where he could ask Armaund to myst.  He was sure that he too would find this situation most intriguing.  Abriella and Anna would need to be advised most expediently once the true nature of their visitor was ascertained.
By the time that Karlen had regained his composure, Jean Pierre was returning to the front of the shop with his husband.  The Prince couldn’t help but notice that the two gentlemen certainly complemented one another well, and it was clear that they had been a couple for more than a few centuries.  There was an ease of movement and anticipation of one another’s gestures that only comes from more than one lifetime together.  After his earlier bouts of over eagerness, Karlen waited this time for his host to speak.
“Prince Karlen, this is my husband, Armaund.” Jean Pierre introduced the two men.  Karlen immediately came to his feet, bowing slightly to Armaund before extending his hand. “Tis a pleasure, Your Majesty.” Armaund was a bit flustered that the Prince had beaten him to the bow, but it seemed the prince was a tad nervous, as his husband had indicated over the phone.  As he took Karlen’s hand and shook it heartily, he could tell that the Prince was a tempest of emotions, but hope and excitement were foremost amongst them.  It was clear that there were no nefarious motivations.
 “Likewise, Armaund.  Jean Pierre tells me that the two of you may know something of my Sophia.  I have been on a three century hunt to find her.  It seems someone or something is keeping her hidden.  I fear greatly for her safety.”  There was a pleading in his eyes as they alternated between the two immortal males before him, a desperation in his voice, an almost tremor in his entire being. 
“Please sit,” Armaund unknowingly echoed the gentle command of his husband from earlier.  A hesitant glance was thrown at Jean Pierre as Karlen did so.  Surely this must be a trick or some kind of illusion.  Could a Prince of another realm be the one that they had heard so much regarding?  “Now, do tell me about your Sophia.  I may know of someone who does fit this description, however I am reticent to divulge information lightly.”  Armaund sat facing Karlen, taking the coffee offered him as well, if for no other reason than needing something to keep his hands busy at the moment.
“Of course, I understand.  You do not know me, and I am not of your world.” Karlen inclined his head towards the other male, obviously nervous, but also maintaining his regal bearing.  Jean Pierre leaned up against the sideboard, observing everything keenly. “I am the Royal Prince of the Realm of Uffern, second in line to the throne of my brother King Kellen Cythraul.  In addition to being a shadow demon, I am a walker of dreams.  Normally I control whose dreams I walk in, but three centuries ago I walked into the dreams of one of your world, not of my choosing.  It happened more and more often, and a relationship began. I have discovered that she is able to slip time, but I do not believe that she was doing so of her free will.” 
Armaund’s eyes cut to Jean Pierre and back so fast that a human would not have perceived it, however Karlen was no human and he did.  It was enough to keep him talking, listing out the many adventures they had embarked on over the years in their dreams.  Of the true love and bond that had formed between them, of her loss of memory every time that she was taken to a new place, and finally he got to the description of her.  As he described not only her physical appearance but her personality, he once more caught something humans would have missed: minute changes in the expression of Armaund.  The Grigori male before him knew this woman, his Sophia.  For Karlen, for the first time in three centuries of searching, hoping, and praying to the deities of Uffern, he had hope that he would get to see the woman who had long ago captured his heart, this time outside of a dream.
When he had finished speaking, Karlen sat back in the chair he was in but did not take his eyes off of Armaund.  He could feel Jean Pierre’s eyes on him.  Their weight was almost palpable, but it did not make him uncomfortable.  Somehow in this city, on this planet, in this realm, he had found two people who knew his Sophia.  There was nothing that they could do to cause him to shrivel now.
“There is only one problem, she is no longer here.  And not just here as in New Orleans, she is no longer of this Earth.” Armaund stated in a flat affect. Karlen felt his entire world implode.
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deada55 · 2 years
Halloween at Eleven
synopsis: Nathan and Pickles' halloween as new middle-schoolers.
content warnings: vomit, suicide reference; both in the second half.
for kloktober day 31, free choice!
Halloween at Eleven
    “Nathan? It’s seven o’clock-”
    Rose loaded a bag of candy into a uranium glass mixing bowl and looked out the window to the kids starting to tool around the sidewalks. A little pumpkin held a babysitter’s hand and toddled up the road, too small to hold his own bucket for candy without tumbling over. 
    Nathan came down the hall in his completed costume and a face full of chunky grease paints slathered on with some cosmetic sponges and an old paintbrush. He’d done most of the work himself, and used puffy paint and Liqui-Stitch to glue on felt bones, made from patterns traced from anatomy book plates from the library, to an old black shirt and Rit-dyed sweatpants. 
    Oscar raised the question last night, and how was Rose going to fight it if Nathan so seamlessly agreed? If he were ready, she’d have to be, and she ought to be grateful that he was coming to a… a “bildungsroman” moment on his own accord and not getting shoved into it from pure necessity. Middle school was tough.
    “Ooh, good job, Nathan. I like what you did for your face.”
    He didn’t react, but he picked up the plastic pumpkin from the dining table.
    “Be home at 8:30, ok?” She wouldn’t panic until 9:00- he couldn’t stand wearing a watch. With as little as he looked at her, he must have been excited to go. She got a reluctant hug and kissed the side of his head (to keep the makeup intact; she was careful of it.)
    She walked him walk down the first couple feet of road before bursting into a run down out of the cul-de-sac.
    “There he goes.” Oscar’s arms crossed over her thumping chest. The weight of him pulled her shoulders back and kept her hands from lunging forward for the dishes. His breath turned her head away from that window, and she couldn’t sit and wait to see if Nathan would come sprinting back with a bloody nose.
    Molly sat back and sighed at her aching hands, but the outfit was complete even after a week’s worth of overtime at the School Board office and fighting the insurance company over inhalers. She would have refused to make costumes altogether this year if she had to make two of them, but Seth had some plans with his little school friends, leaving her with a McCall’s pattern for a stupid little suit guaranteed to get Pickles punched in the stomach if kids these days had any sense at all. If she’d known Star Wars would have been such a big deal, she wouldn’t have taken him to see it in the first place.
    It didn’t help that she’d taken him to see it during several daytime showings, just to give her two hours to herself. Seth usually stayed home, which ended up fine, but every time she left both of them to their own devices, Pickles ended up making a terrific mess, like the time he took a whole blister pack of Benadryl and ruined the shower curtain with a bright pink spray of vomit, or cleared out the emergency coffee can money (that only her and Seth knew about, the nerve!) or broke his brother’s closet rod clear in half with a noose.
    He looked like an idiot, but she sent him out with a suit made out of an old set of sheets and a Star Wars pillowcase. She tried to warn him yesterday about how stupid he’d look, wandering around with a toy mask when he was in middle school, but he kept talking until she’d had all she could take of the sound of his voice and went to bed.
    “Bye, Mom! I’ll be back-” 
    “Sure, Pickles. I think you better be going now.”
    He looked back at her with a pout that made her want to shatter the glass door of her china cabinet to give him something real to frown at. Once he was out of the doorway, she locked the door behind him.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Elizabethan Coffee Cups, Fine Bone China Shafford England Hand Decorated.
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emilypaul1608 · 2 months
Choosing the Perfect Dinnerware for Every Occasion
When it comes to setting a table, the dinnerware you choose is more than just a backdrop for your meals—it's an expression of style and function. Whether you're hosting a formal dinner party, enjoying a casual family meal, or setting up a festive holiday gathering, the right dinnerware can make all the difference. In this guide, we will explore how to select the best dinnerware sets that not only match the occasion but also elevate your dining experience.
Understanding Dinnerware Materials
Dinnerware comes in a variety of materials, each offering unique benefits and aesthetics:
Porcelain: Known for its fine quality and elegant appearance, porcelain is a popular choice for formal occasions. It's durable, non-porous, and can feature beautiful, intricate designs.
Stoneware: This is a great all-rounder. Stoneware dinnerware sets are sturdy and have a more casual, rustic feel. They are perfect for everyday use and come in a variety of earthy, rich tones.
Earthenware: This material offers an artisan look with its thicker build and rougher texture. It's less durable than porcelain and stoneware but is wonderfully suited for casual, cozy gatherings.
Melamine: If you have young children or love dining outdoors, melamine dinnerware is practically shatterproof and comes in a multitude of vibrant colors and designs.
Bone China: This is the pinnacle of fine dining elegance. Lightweight yet durable, bone china is ideal for both special occasions and everyday luxury.
Choosing the Right Set
Selecting the right dinnerware set involves considering several factors:
Occasion: Determine whether the set is for daily use or special occasions. This will guide your material choice.
Style: Match your dinnerware with the theme of your interior decor or the type of gatherings you frequently host. Whether modern, traditional, or eclectic, your dinnerware should complement your home’s aesthetic.
Color and Pattern: Neutral colors like white or beige are versatile and can mix with different table settings. Bold colors and patterns can be reserved for themed parties or seasonal table decor.
Durability and Care: Consider how much time and effort you are willing to invest in the care of your dinnerware. Porcelain and bone china often require more careful handling and storage than stoneware or melamine.
Must-Have Pieces in Your Dinnerware Set
A typical dinnerware set includes several pieces that serve various purposes:
Dinner Plates: The centerpiece of each place setting, used for the main course.
Salad Plates: Smaller than dinner plates, these are perfect for salads or desserts.
Soup Bowls: Deep enough to safely hold soup without splashing.
Dessert Bowls: Ideal for serving ice cream or fruit salad.
Mugs and Cups: For serving hot beverages like coffee or tea.
Caring for Your Dinnerware
To keep your dinnerware in pristine condition, follow these tips:
Handling: Handle your dinnerware with care to avoid chips and cracks. Stack plates carefully, and don’t slide them across each other.
Cleaning: Most porcelain, stoneware, and bone china are dishwasher safe, but hand washing is recommended to extend their life. Avoid abrasive cleaners and sponges.
Storage: Store your dinnerware in a cool, dry place. For extra protection, place napkins or felt dividers between the plates.
The right dinnerware not only complements your meals but also enhances your overall dining atmosphere. Whether you choose the timeless elegance of bone china, the rustic charm of stoneware, or the practicality of melamine, the perfect dinnerware set awaits. Remember to consider your lifestyle, your aesthetic preferences, and how you intend to use your dinnerware. With the right set, every meal can feel like a special occasion.
By focusing on quality, style, and practicality, you can select dinnerware that you will love for years to come. So set your table with confidence and let your personal style shine through at every meal!
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sparklingvows · 3 months
You Can't Say No To These Trending Cup Sets
At Sparkling Vows, we believe that every moment deserves to be celebrated in style. That's why we're excited to introduce our latest collection of trending cup sets that are sure to elevate your tea and coffee experience to new heights of luxury and sophistication. From elegant designs to premium materials, our cup sets are a must-have addition to your home decor. 
Let's dive into the world of Sparkling Vows cup sets and discover why you won't be able to resist them.
Exquisite Designs:
Our trending cup sets feature exquisite designs that are inspired by the beauty of nature, art, and culture. From delicate floral patterns to intricate geometric motifs, each cup set is a work of art that adds elegance and charm to your table setting. Whether you prefer classic elegance or modern chic, our diverse collection has something for every taste and style.
Premium Materials:
Crafted from high-quality materials such as fine porcelain, bone china, and glass, our cup sets are designed to impress. With their smooth textures, glossy finishes, and durable construction, they offer the perfect combination of style and functionality. Whether you're enjoying your morning coffee or hosting a tea party with friends, our cup sets are sure to make every sip a luxurious experience.
Versatile Usage:
Our cup sets are not just for tea and coffee – they can also be used for serving other beverages such as hot chocolate, lattes, and even cocktails. Their versatile design makes them perfect for everyday use as well as special occasions. Whether you're enjoying a quiet moment alone or entertaining guests, our cup sets add a touch of sophistication to any gathering.
Perfect Gifts:
Looking for the perfect gift for a loved one? Look no further than our trending cup sets. Whether it's a housewarming, wedding, birthday, or any other special occasion, our cup sets are a thoughtful and practical gift that will be appreciated by everyone. With their timeless appeal and elegant packaging, they make gift-giving a breeze.
Easy Care:
Our cup sets are designed for convenience and ease of use. They are dishwasher safe, making cleanup a breeze. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or enjoying a quiet evening at home, you can relax knowing that cleaning up afterwards will be quick and hassle-free.
At Sparkling Vows, we are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. That's why our cup sets are made from eco-friendly materials that are safe for you and the planet. By choosing our products, you can enjoy your favorite beverages guilt-free, knowing that you're making a positive impact on the environment.
Elevate your tea and coffee experience with our trending cup sets from Sparkling Vows. With their exquisite designs, premium materials, versatile usage, perfect gifts, easy care, and eco-friendly features, our cup sets are a must-have addition to any home. 
Treat yourself or someone special to the luxury they deserve – shop our collection today and experience the beauty of Sparkling Vows cup sets for yourself!
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kitcatscloset · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VTG Shafford Coffee/Tea Set.
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yourcoffeeguru · 3 months
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Susan Clough Design Winning at Newmarket Horse Racing Museum Cup and Saucer Set || SWtradepost - ebay
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fine bone porcelain dinnerware set
Feel free to contact with us on ins for further details. Thank you!
Our company is mainly engaged in economic and trade activities, the main products are ceramic tableware, mugs, tea sets, coffee sets, the material including fine bone china, new bone, porcelain and stoneware. We always adhere to the principle of “quality first” to strictly control quality, from the beginning of raw materials to the end of delivery, each product need to go through at least 30 procedures of strict inspection. After years of development, our products are exported to Turkey, Canada, Australia, Russia, Western Europe, Egypt and other Middle East countries; In the domestic also with its superior quality best-selling throughout the country.
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cookiemom100 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: John Russell 1960s Floral Dolly Days Fine Bone China Vintage Saucers.
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bestgla4u · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sweet Wood Nee Royal Albert Tea Set.
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phenomanemone · 5 months
When we knock on the door, the hall we're standing in has more shape. It reflects the artistic style of Ed's source. Chai shoots me a sheepish expression, as though he were embarrassed by the efforts of the day before.
It doesn't mean anything to me. I only remember the very bare bones of the discussion. I never tend to remember much after communication with my bosses. I am simply meant to act as a bridge between them, and the others. There's no reason for me to remember, if they do.
I almost want to ask Chai what he remembers. Is it to satiate my own curiosity, or to test if it worked?
"Don't worry about it," he says, suddenly pale.
The door opens and Ed stands before us once more. There's hesitation, but he steps aside. We enter, and I make sure to catch everything on film.
The hall is shorter, yet wider than yesterday. There is a wooden cabinet next to the door, with a blue vase. Inside are ambiguously yellow flowers. Beside the vase is a small china dish acting as a home for a set of keys.
Ed is no longer dressed in his typical clothes. He wears a baggy, pale blue shirt and grey shorts that only reach his mid thigh. He looks tired. His hair is in a ponytail, rather than his usual braid.
He leads us to the sitting room, and we reclaim our seats from yesterday. On the coffee table sits the mugs of coffee, and I sit the camera on the arm of the couch, angled to capture the exchange.
Chai takes his coffee first, but he shoots me a wry grin.
"Can I get water instead?" I ask Ed, who rolls his eyes.
"Sure, come into my dwelling and start making demands." he snarks, making a show of stomping his flesh foot onto the floorboards.
Chai relaxes, and I understand he's happy to see Ed acting like himself.
Keeping structure is important.
A voice crackles through my headset. It has started.
I don't always hear them clearly. Sometimes, it feels like the information is communicated through incomprehensible sound waves through my headset. I can only parse out the meaning by discussing it with others, opening a dialogue about the details.
I feel the weight of being the driving point of the narrative. The pressure that seemed to rattle Chai only last night, until Ed gave him something to focus on.
I am prepared.
Ed enters back into the room, and he hands me a bottle of water. It is a Pump Spring Water bottle, with its regular blue and white colouring. However, the lid is green. I set it on the couch next to me after taking a sip.
"I didn't even know I had bottled water." Ed remarks as he finally sits. His tone suggests that he may have already figured out how it got there.
I turn to Chai, who lowers his coffee mug back onto its coaster.
The sitting room has more detail. It's spacious, with its oak floors and pine panelling. An elegant fireplace sits adjacent to both couches, blending white and grey stone.
"It's the water bottle we use outside," Chai explains, before his gaze narrows in my direction, quizzical. "Is this for grounding? Isn't it too strong?"
White noise hisses in my ear.
"They want to speed things along." I say, but I understand his apprehension. It's too grounding. Maybe I don't need a drink.
"Coffee used to be calming." Chai offers, his voice gentle.
"Well, it isn't anymore." I retort. Immediately, I'm embarrassed.
Chai holds my hand, but turns his attention to Ed. I do the same.
Ed has his mug in hand, and he's watching keenly. In his source, he's regarded as a genius, and I hope that is still true. The buzzing in my ear tells me we need clever, out-of-the-box thinkers.
He sighs.
"So my job is to point out the obvious to keep you two idiots focused?" he says, before pausing to drink his coffee. "Alright, fine. I can do that."
I feel myself bracing for his assessment.
"It's not obvious when you're too close," Chai explains patiently. "We need an outside observer to explain where it is we get stuck and why, so we don't have to rehash the same conversations over and over."
"Well, the first problem I'm seeing is that thing." Ed gestures to the camera, and I arch a brow. The camera is a metaphor.
"It doesn't exactly capture the re-writes, does it? The amount of times you realise that our places in the conversation are far less cohesive and you need to redo it. That's all lost."
It's true. We realised that issue during our last conversation, but the finer details are still beyond comprehension.
"Then there's the matter that you both are more fixated on how you want to be seen, rather than how you actually are."
I know this one, but Chai seems chagrined. 
"When the perspective changes, we change with it. Always a new look through the eyes of another." he explains. "I'm only just working out how to adapt to it."
"I don't bother." I say in return, but I add, "The others in my quadrant don't feel the same."
"Women," Chai shares a playful look with Ed, who snorts.
Then, he's back to business.
"So, do you have any ideas about how to properly record, with a medium that captures all dimensions?"
Chai shakes his head, but he doesn't look put out.
"Nah, our focus is on visuals right now. I think that's a skill we need to build up."
Ed nods, drumming his fingers on the mug.
"Alright, then. Anything else?"
Chai lifts his coffee cup to his lips, but pauses to say "That should be everything for today," before finally drinking it.
"Yeah, today," Edward snorts with a roll of his eyes. 
It has been over twenty four hours since we walked in. The conversation had been revised because I'd gotten ahead of myself. Ed's observations had triggered my compulsive need to be perfect and I'd gotten ahead of myself, derailing the conversation. 
"We need someone less emotional to act as a passive observer." I realise, startled. "We're making good progress here, I know we are. Chai is project lead, and I work in communication. Neither of us are fit to be a passive observer."
"Oh, great. You're going to invite someone else into my space?" Ed complains, though he doesn't look put out. 
Chai looks thoughtful for a moment, tapping his forefinger to his chin. His cerulean eyes seem to be observing something we can't see. I hear a crackle in my ear.
"I suppose... we can use one of the meeting rooms. We found an empty one the other day, didn't we?" I propose. "I don't know if there's some beuarocratic process to booking a room, but it should be fine."
Chai nods eagerly, his eyes alight as he says, "It doesn't need to be a stranger, either. We have someone from your source working with us— though they're a little different than you remember."
Ed's brows rise as he considers, before he says "Alright, I'll bite. Who is it?"
I know exactly who Chai is talking about, and while I agree her temperament may be perfect, her job is too important to pull into this project.
Not to mention, where she goes...
"Are you sure about it?" I ask, hesitant. "What if he shows up?"
To this, Chai laughs. "Kuro? What if he does? He usually has eyes everywhere, so his presence doesn't really change anything."
Sleepy Ash, also known as Kuro has a mysterious role to do with dreams. We refer to him almost exclusively as the Dreamkeeper.
Frankly, Chai’s confidence is inspiring.
Ed huffs, "Are either of you going to loop me in?"
"You know them as Sheska." Chai answers, and Ed gapes in surprise.
"No way, that bookworm is around here? Why haven't I seen them?"
Chai offers a shrug, explaining, "They work in memory, specifically in archival and retrieval. That keeps them pretty busy, but I've heard that they're overworked lately. This might be a good break for 'em."
Ed sips his coffee before setting the mug back down. "Well, that makes sense. The role of a passive observer is to record what happens in these sessions so that they can be properly integrated, yeah? So you can mold the abstract into something more tangible and have more control over the process. I can't think of a better person for the job than Sheska."
I make the necessary notations.
"Okay, our next session will take place at HQ and Sheska will be the observer."
"Got anything you can tell me about this Kuro guy?" Ed probes, and under normal circumstances, I'd admire his initiative.
Instead, I hiss, "The cats are his spies," as a laughing Chai says goodbye for both of us.
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whitj82 · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: WEDGWOOD WILD STRAWBERRY 5-PIECE PLACE SETTING.
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jdardan1 · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Jane Fern Dunoon Country Notebook Birds Bone China 10 Oz Mugs Cups - Set of 3.
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