#finished reqests
nanaslutt · 4 months
HI NANA ILY spiral anon again i have a request ^.^ reread ur 'stealing ur panties' smau and i'm so obsessed with the nanami one do u think u would ever write perv nanami? like as a coworker or an apartment neighbour stealing ur panties from the laundromat... idk i'm kinda obsessed w the concept n i need it TY <33 -🌀
ʚ cont: fem reader, perv!Nanami, panty stealing, fantasizing, jerking off, masturbation (r!)
ʚ note: my reqests are closed, i just woke up wanting to write a little and found this gem in my inbox
Perv!Nanami has been working so hard over the past year to get close to you, his pretty little neighbor. You have the same impression of him that everybody else shares about the handsome man; kind, gentle, and caring. And that's exactly what he wants you to think about him when he knocks on your door and asks you if you would like to eat with him because he "ordered too much takeout." Or when he so kindly comes to your house each week to take your laundry down to the shared washers and dryers the apartments provide because of, "convenience."
And of course, you say yes, how could you not? Nanami is such a good guy, and you know your clothes will be safe with him, that he'll treat them good and return them to you folded and smelling like poppies. And because NAnami is such a nice man, you never even think twice when he brings your laundry to you hours later and you're missing a pair or two of panties. You don't worry about it, they always show up sooner or later--and the pink pair sitting on top of the pile of freshly cleaned clothes? You could've sworn those have been missing for weeks but maybe they were just buried at the bottom of the pile and you missed them, yeah, that had to be it.
Nanami doesn't want you growing suspicious and he sure as hell doesn't want you spending your precious money on new panties if you think you're missing your old ones. He convinces you that you've been so busy lately and probably misplaced the undergarments after coming home and peeling your clothes off after a long day. You blush at the thought of Nanami seeing you in such a state, and the look on your face and the way you avert your eyes doesn't go unnoticed by the man in front of you, trying to convince you your panties will show up again.
And they always do. Right after Nanami finishes taking real good care of them, just like he'll do to you one day. After Nanami so generously offers to take your clothes down, he sets the basket on top of the already rattling dryer and closes the door so no one walks in and sees what he's about to do. God, he doesn't know what he would do if you walked in on him like this. At first, Nanami was good about taking your panties and hauling them up to his room to worship them, but the urge to have you only grew every day, leading him to now pull his pants down and wrap your panties around his cock almost the moment he steps inside the laundry room.
Nanami hastily digs through your basket, searching for the prettiest pair of panties as his sore cock throbs against his hard zipper, begging for release. He prays you didn't notice the way his cock strained against his pants when he was convincing you you lost your panties after a long day's work, hoping the basket he held over his crotch covered most of his problem. After acquiring his target, Nanami leans back against the door with his full weight and fishes his cock from his pants, hard and dripping between his legs, a little wetness falling and making contact with the floor.
Nanami wastes no time before holding your panties up to his nose and inhaling, his hand already working furiously over his cock, wet noises, and muffled grunts getting drowned out by the rattling dryer in front of him. The 'nice' man paints generous pictures in his head of his pretty little neighbor exhausted after work, barely closing her door before stripping off her clothes in the hall, leading to her room.
He's unable to stop the groan that surfaces as he drops his head against the door and lets his eyes fall shut, wrapping the part of your panties that touches your cunt against his tip, rubbing his own wetness against yours while jerking himself off with his other hand now, legs spreading the longer he goes. He feels himself already so close to the end as he pictures your dripping body in the shower, scrubbing the day off of you. He would spend so much time helping you get clean if he had the chance. He would also make sure to spend plenty of time washing your tits, wondering how long he could get away with groping you there before you figured out he had ulterior motives for cleaning you.
Nanami pulled his lip between his teeth as he imagined your now soaked body walking out of the shower, leaving a trail of water behind you from your poor job of drying off before you plopped down onto your bed, bedroom already dim as you reached a hand between your thighs, finding that ache, that need between them that would finally relax your sore body after such a hard day.
His thrusts speed up as he vividly watches you in his mind as you push a finger between your folds, gasping in relief before you start up a quick pace, your other hand alternating between playing with your clit and rubbing your chest. It usually doesn't take Nanami long once he gets to this point, his body lurching as his bach arches with spasms, his cock kicking against your panties as he dirties the fabric even more, drenching the poor thong in his thick cum that he would much rather give you, inside you.
The guilt of his acts never ceases to go away after he finishes defiling your panties, but he ignores it the best he can, putting the now ruined panties back in the hamper before he fishes out two more to keep for himself this week. Wonder if he would feel better about his deeds if he learned that his jerk-off fantasy wasn't all that wrong and that the person you use in your own fantasies to get off is your kind, gentle, and caring neighbor.
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thedeviltohisangel · 7 months
All The Things I Did (2): It's All Around, It's All The Time
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a/n: wanted to end with angst but i'll save it. send in blrub reqests for these idiots falling in love
The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. All he had to do was ask. He had asked plenty of girls and women out on the town before. All of them had blushed and giggled and obliged with a twirl of their hair and a bat of their lashes. But this one. Cass. She was something else entirely. 
John didn’t ever think about deploying overseas resulting in him standing outside the mess hall, hat in hand and a bouquet of flowers sweatily gripped in his hand, pacing and muttering self-encouragement under his breath. You’ve done this a million times. You just ask. So what if she says no? There are a million girls trotting around here you’ve already charmed.
“Major Egan?” Shit. He had thought she was already in there, now he looked panicked and not at all manly. “Am I late?” She checked the watch on her wrist, knowing she would never not be on time down to the minute.
“No I thought you’d be early so I was out here talking myself into asking you to dinner.” There was no better way to say it than to just say it. He expected her to look shocked or abhorred. Anything but the look on her face that made it seem that is exactly what she was expecting. 
“Are those supposed to go with the offer?” she asked as she motioned to the grouping of wildflowers he had tasked the children who followed Lemmons around to help him pick. He held them out sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as she lifted them to her nose.
“They’re not much-”
“They’re lovely.” She smiled, a real smile, and he felt a weight lift off his chest and his own smile spread across his face in kind. “Is dinner here or somewhere else?”
“Was thinking somewhere off base. Show you the John Egan worth knowing.”
“You’ll pick me up?” He nodded emphatically. “Then I will see you at 6.” That would give her enough time to finish her work day and get physically and psychologically prepared for whatever John Egan had in store.
“I’ll see you then,” he spoke with a hint of reverence in his tone, unable to even blink as she held the flowers to her nose again and damn near floated past him into the mess hall. Yes. Something else entirely.
She was nervous and she hated it. Hated that she was fretting over a fly away piece of hair only visible if the sun hit it just right. Hated that she only had two tubes of lipstick to choose from and neither of them were the right color. Hated that she had only reconciled breaking the rules to sneak out in anything other than her uniform to avoid Major Egan looking at any other girl in a pretty dress.
“Lieutenant Cooper, Major Egan is here for you.”
“Thank you, Mary.” Cass squared her shoulders and took one last steadying breath. She had faced down much worse. German border guards. Handsy bankers. Her mother when she enlisted instead of marrying Sidney Landry.
“You’re out of regulation,” were the first words out of his mouth when she finally stepped outside. 
“Astute.” He opened the Jeep door for her, helping her in before rushing to his side.
“You look lovely.” He meant it sincerely. One of the most beautiful sights he had seen even before the war. And he was sure she would be even for long after.
The ride to a local pub was pleasant enough, John laughing at her earnest attempts to keep her hair in place in the breeze, making her laugh with her whole heart as he sang along to something on the radio. Sang or yelled, the verb was up for debate. He was a perfect gentleman, opening doors and pulling out her chair. 
“You’ve given me plenty of grief over my debutante manners all in the hopes of covering up your own,” she mused as he returned from the bar top to their table with a couple of glasses. Coca-Cola for her, a pint for him.
“I’m not a neanderthal,” he quipped back. John went to raise his glass to his lips when he stopped, her hand resting lightly against his wrist.
“Not before a toast.” She cleared her throat. “To kicking Hitler’s ass and looking damn good while doing it.” The beer almost couldn’t get between the lips of his smile. 
“You’re very surprising.” Cass hummed in acknowledgment. “I like it.”
“Like it? You like an ice cream flavor over another or you like the color of the tie your parents buy you for Christmas.”
“Well, love is a bit presumptuous, Lieutenant, but if you’re that taken-”
“Smitten. Tell me you’re smitten with me.” There was a dare behind her eyes. Daring him to dip his toes into shark-infested waters. 
“I’m smitten with you,” he relented. John thinks she blushed. But before he could tease her about it, a pile of fish and chips was being placed between them.
“Miss Cooper, I wasn’t expecting you tonight! I got a fresh batch of my sponge in the back. Make sure you save room.” 
“I will, Patricia, thank you.” John smiled at the interaction, enjoying this version of Spook. She was much more free off base. Captured the attention of everyone she came into contact with. He could only assume these were natural attributes for her job. Alleged job.
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?” she asked with a pop of a chip into her mouth. 
“Wrap everyone around your finger in an instant.” He reached for her hand halfway across the table, Cass offering it instantly, filling the gaps in between her fingers with his own to emphasize the point. 
“I could give you the same answer I told an empty suit in Washington a few years ago but the answer you want, it’s something I think you have to answer yourself, Major Egan-”
“John, please, Cass.” He was drowning in whatever this was. Needed her to give him an inch just to stay above water.
“John.” He brought her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles one by one.
“Again.” She swallowed, mouth running dry and eyelids feeling heavy.
“John.” He could feel her pulse in her wrist. Flickering quicker ever so slightly. He thinks he could lose himself in this game. Willingly go insane if it meant having her look at him like this. “I’m smitten with you, too.”
Somewhere between the fish and the chips and the sponge and the more than a few pints, John had decided those two bikes out front were going to be his. And they weren’t for sale. So he had to earn them. Why not have some fun in the process?
“Aren’t you going to tell him he doesn’t have to do this?” Cass had thought about it but enjoyed the look on Bucky-no that was too much-John’s face to stamp out the fire.
“Major Egan, it’s just a stupid bet,” one of the British soldiers tried to reason with him. 
“I have to do it now. Can’t look like a man who doesn’t follow through on his word in front of my girl.” My girl. That had slipped out when he was refilling his pint glass two or three pours ago. She was still tingling with the warmth it had provided. 
“Who’s it gonna be then, Major?” Everyone echoed the call. 
“I’ve played everyone,” he paused to hiccup, “and you Irish are about as good as hitting that bullseye as you are hammering your nails.” He pointed at a gentleman named Tommy and called him the best darts slinger in all of East Anglia, grabbing the apple to ready himself for the shot. Cass had resigned herself to the corner, content with watching John from afar. 
“You two have been so cute together all night! Why don’t you go give him a good luck kiss?” A group of girls, around her age, had been at the pub either with their own soldier or hoping to find one. They had been longingly admiring the interactions between Cass and John. Like they were in their own little world in the corner of that pub. 
“I don’t want to distract him,” Cass protested but she was already rising from her chair and smoothing her skirt. 
“I’m sure he will find it a worthy distraction.” The cacophony of giggles followed her to her Major, Cass plucking the apple from his hand purposefully. 
“Don’t go losing an eye,” she whispered. 
“Fond of them already?” Her lips pressed together to block her words of agreement from slipping out. “Tell you what. I win those bikes from him but I want a kiss from you.”
“A kiss? That’s hardly a prize. Last I counted, you’ve kissed me plenty.” It was true. When she hadn’t rebuked his lips against her knuckles, he had moved to her palms and her wrists and had taken on the habit of kissing the top of her head every time he stood to refill their drinks. God, he had even allowed himself a sinful press of his lips to her forehead when they had swayed to the record playing in the corner only a handful of moments ago.
“A real, proper sweep you off your feet and make your head spin kind of kiss.”
“Then I guess that is worth playing for.” She handed him the apple and pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek either way. 
“Alright, Tommy, just not the eye.” Cass held her breath as the dart sailed through the air and let it go once it lodged neatly into the apple on John Egan’s head. The whole place erupted and she watched with a smile and a shake of her head as he hoisted Tommy into the air. He caught her eye and smiled like a champion, straightening his jacket before walking towards her. Her arm extended to hit his chest once he was within reach. 
“Outside.” The air inside was suffocating, especially under John’s lovestruck gaze. Her head already felt like it was spinning and he hadn’t even tried to kiss her yet. 
“This seems sturdy enough,” he said with a wave of his hand towards a stone wall lining the road.
“Sturdy enough for-” she gasped as his hands grabbed her waist and lifted her on top of it. Their height leveled within a few inches. Instinctually, her fingertips found the hair at the nape of his neck and found purchase. He leaned forward until there was no moonlight between them.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered. She chased his question with her own answer, her lips meeting his and a symphony echoing in her head. John met her in kind, cupping her cheek in the palm of his hand and stroking his thumb once, twice, three times. 
“John.” It was a near moan. She wanted more, more, more. Her shoes fell off her stockinged feet, heels digging into his back to bring him closer. 
“You’re going to be the fucking death of me.” He said all the words with one breath to minimize the interruption to the havoc her lips were wreaking on his heart. His arms wrapped tighter around her waist, lifting and turning so he was on the wall and she was on his lap. Cass relished the change in position. Mewling when his hands slid up from her ankles to her thighs and settled at the hem of her dress.
“I need to catch my breath.” She pulled away slightly and pressed a teasing kiss to the tip of John’s nose. 
“That feels nice.” She giggled and kissed him again. “You all caught up on your breath?” Cass nodded and with a smirk, she crashed against him over and over again. And if he whispered again how he was smitten with her. And if she rubbed her nose against his with something more than smitten in her intention. And if John Egan looked back on that night from the confines of a POW camp in Germany, that was just between them, the moon and the stars.
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
hi :] this isnt really a reqest cuz it'll prob be a longer answer but im rlly curious abt ur comic process
i love all ur comics and somehow they always manage to gutpunch me- and ur composition and the way they read is always so beautiful and adds so much to the message youre trying to get across
yeah lol let's get into it! Ive spent maybe 5 or so years refining this process to the point it's at now so it's pretty much my standard procedure now. I'm going to use Now that you're gone as my primary example here since i still have most of the planning stages associated with it (my laptop does not have a whole lot of storage left so i usually delete my planning once the comic is finished lol) but i'll try to throw in some other examples too!
I almost always start with a written script. (the exception for this is longform oc comics which i find easier to write in the moment, but for my shorter character studies I almost always write first.) I use discord to write because it's convenient, but before i had a dedicated discord server for my stuff i was using txt files on my laptop which i do NOT recommend. anyway, this is what the written script for ntyg looked like:
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note that some small elements changed in production, like the amount of time that had passed since link's death. the lines "I look at her and i am only afraid. i remember all the ways in which i hurt you. She's almost as old now as you were then. I cannot stand the thought of outliving her, too" were also added during the rough stage because i felt like there wasn't quite enough emphasis on aryll in the initial script, and since this was a major change that necessitated a whole extra page in the comic I went back and edited those lines into the script so I wouldn't forget them. (both these changes were made during the rough stage. i'll almost never make major script adjustments after the roughs are finished.)
more examples of my scripts; specifically the original script for totk: failure and two versions of oot: adulthood (one before some major refining and one after.) with comics like these, where i have a very clear idea in my head of the imagery i want to go along with the words, i'll sometimes include it interspersed in the script, either spolier-marked or denoted with brackets.
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with ntyg and some of my other more. canon divergent? i guess? comics, there's sort of a mini phase in between scripting and roughs where I do some minor character studies to get designs nailed down in the early stages. with ntyg I already had a clear image in my mind for aryll, but the central character was link's dad, whose design wasn't quite so solid in my head. I really wanted to make sure that his design was well thought-out and consistent throughout everything, so i did a few mini sketches and studies to ensure I had his design memorized and could execute it consistently:
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these are sans hair and accessories because nailing down consistent facial features was my main focus with them, and both these sketches ended up getting used as references for certain panels later on. This isn't a step I ALWAYS take with my comics, but if there's a central character that i'm not super used to drawing i find it helpful to get some practice in before jumping into the real thing!
after the scripting and design phases i move on to roughs, which I consider to be the most important stage in my process. roughs are very very quick approximations of what I want the final pages to look like. they usually don't take me more than a few minutes per page to create, and their sole purpose is to help me visualize the flow of the page and the placement of major elements like panels, characters, and dialog. this is what the 1st page rough for ntyg looked like compared to the final page:
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as you can see, all i have laid out is the major text and visual elements, but it really helps me to visualize how the finished comic is going to flow. i do the roughs for every page before i start on the finals so that i have an idea of what the entire comic is going to look like before I really start finalizing it. it's important that these roughs are FAST--i almost never draw fully-fledged characters unless the pose or expression is particularly important to the scene, and that's because the goal is to allow everything to flow quickly and easily from panel to panel and page to page, and getting too caught up on one panel or element often breaks that flow. Nowadays, i have a pretty good idea of how much room my writing takes up so i don't write out the entire script in my roughs, but back when i was a little less experienced i took the time to write everything out in this stage to ensure that my dialog would fit into the space it was given without getting cramped or cutting off other important elements. doing that really helped me build awareness of how much dialog and panel placement matters and how i could use it, so this rough stage is non-negotiable for me even now!
after the roughs i go straight into finalization. I never enjoyed lineart back when i was learning to draw digitally so i basically built my art style to be understandable and visually appealing after one sketch phase, meaning there's legitimately no in-between stage between that rough and that final page, i just sort of. go for it. this is what works for me, but i think most normal people would probably find a second sketch phase helpful LMAO i'm just crazy and i need everything done as fast as possible. the finalization stage usually doesn't contain any major adjustments of script, composition, etc; i make it a general rule to keep most of the major adjustments confined to the earlier stages, for my own sanity. One thing that DOES occasionally change in this stage is my plans for color--ntyg in particular was originally planned to be completely black-and-white with no grays added, but when looking at my completed pages i found them sort of empty and unengaging without the gray, so i added it. usually if my color plans DO change it's something small like that--I'll almost never switch between full-color and grayscale on a whim because the way that i sketch for those two versions differs significantly so it isn't an easy switch to make.
anyways i hope this is what you were looking for! I'm very passionate about making comics and this process is a result of years of experimentation & finding what works for me, but i hope it's of some use to you as well!
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HIHII :33 can i req tommy x reader where tommy finds readers old s/h scars ?? it's alr if ur not in the right headspace to write this 🫶🏼🫶🏼
cc!Tommy finding (names) old s/h scares <3
gender netral- they/them/thier pronunes used<3
it wasn't mentionsed wethier cc or c, so i went w/ cc! !!
cw- mentions of self harm/s/h scares, swearing, lemme know if its worse :3
putting this under a cut for a warning !!!
tommy- red text
reader-green text
you too were doing a stream, a cooking one!
bakeing a cake, and it went smoth.
but he noticed something when you reached up to grab the sprinkles yall had forgotten to grab before.
and thats when he saw them.
he didn't mention anything, and hoped that the camra didn't pick it up
(witch it didn't, they were to faded and were in the shadow.)
after stream, you were both sitting down eating the cake, he as normale picked up your hand, traceing little stars in your palm
he moed it a bit, but it started dawning on you what he was going as you felt it go fom your palm to forearm, spceifcaly on the inner side.
"wait.. what are you doing?." "you drew stars, all on my scares.."
"how- i dont rember telling you-" "when you grabed the sprinkles from the cabnit, your sleve fell down and i saw. the camra didn't pick it up, and it it didit was blocked by a dono, so." "oh. ok." "please coe to me if you feel like this again.or if i do anythin to trigger you, let me know. please.i dont want to use you from this. even if these are, years old, this shit is so easy to fall back into. i just dont want this for you." "i will, dw."
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AHHHH!!! TY FOR REQESTING! i hope this is good!!
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his child calls his male s/o ‘dad’ hcs ; almond cookie
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requested by ; slowkib (21/04/22)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; almond cookie + platonic!walnut cookie
outline ; “Greeting! Not sure if reqest are open,, and if it is open so can i request almond cookie x male!reader dating headcanon? and mb after two years of dating, walnut accidently called reader like "hey dad can u help me with homework?" while reader and walnut were the only in the house lol”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
you and almond cookie had been together for just over two years and it was like you’d never left the honeymoon stage
the two of you were head over heels for each other and not ashamed to show it with open affection and such — even if almond tended to get a bit flustered whenever you kissed him in public
he uses very traditional pet names for you — think ‘honey’ and ‘love’ — but the ones that affect him the most are the more modern ones you use, like ‘baby’ or ‘hot stuff’
he refers to you as his husband to others despite the fact that the two of you aren’t even engaged yet — it’s just a habit of his he developed since he knew you’d get married eventually
he introduced you to his daughter after your one year anniversary, but he’d of course mentioned having a kid since before your first date
the meeting is slightly awkward at first but she quickly opens up to you and starts talking about everything her dad has told her about you — which mortifies your poor boyfriend
similarly you share how often her father gushes about her accomplishments, which makes her start beaming
then you ask her about the cases she’s been working on
and that was the start of a beautiful friendship — and almond couldn’t be any more relieved if he tried
so needless to say by the time you’ve started the process of moving in, you’re very close with young walnut and you have fostered a relationship that encourages fun and open communication
you’re not necessarily an extra parent yet, but you’re definitely a trusted adult and you’re happy to help her out whenever she asks or needs it
like you’ll pick her up from school whenever her dad is ill or swamped with work
you’ll stay over at theirs and make her food and play with her if almond is away or forced into working overtime
you’ll tell her stories and tuck her into bed at night — even when she insists that she’s not tired through yawns and heavy eyes
and you’ll help her with her homework however you can
all that to say that it wasn’t unusual for you to be home alone with walnut on a school night — her dad having just gotten off the phone with her a few minutes prior
but what was a surprise was when she called out to you whilst you were making her a hearty dinner, frustration emanating from her words as she sat at the table behind you.
‘i really don’t get it… can you help me with this equation, dad?’
and then the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop
but you quickly regain your composure and respond with a quick ‘sure’ before moving the pan off of the heat and going to sit down beside her
she tries to apologise but you shush her and insist that you’re not upset, but you need to talk to her dad about if he’s okay with sharing the title
and you make a joke and she laughs and everything’s back to normal
you walk her through the equation she was struggling with then have a celebratory high-five and hug
you finish up dinner and both eat your share before you set aside a serving for your boyfriend
you watch a movie of her choosing
then you end the night with two chapters of her new book and a forehead kiss goodnight
and when almond gets home an hour or so later you greet him normally (with a kiss and a ‘hey babe’) and make him some dinner and discuss what had happened
he listens quietly and nods thoughtfully as he eats, considering for a good few minutes after you finish saying your piece before he speaks
‘are you comfortable being called dad by her?’
‘well, yeah but —’
‘then i have no issues with it. we can tell her the good news in the morning — this is really good by the way, honey.’
and that was that
you let her know and she was thrilled by the news — bragging about her two awesome dads when she gets to school, even
and you’re happy to be able to be a part of this wonderful family with your loving boyfriend and your amazing daughter
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p0ssywhippedcream · 2 years
i love your blog omfg i found it 2 days ago and ive been reading Ls fanfics religiously🙏 and my concept for ticket time (if its possible for you of course) is that the reader is investigating kira case separetly from L and it gives rivals vibe +L is annoyed that he may not be the best in the field and then reader does something very shady therefore becoming second suspect and L says they need to 'join forces' (but in reality he wants to check if reader is kira) and after giving it some thought the only way to find out is to L AND READER TO BE CHAINED TOGETHER 😭😭 and then he falls in love with the reader and they work on a case together fr this time... so its like rivals to lovers?? kind of??? im so sorry this reqest turned out to be so long i mainly care ab fluff or semi nsfw during being chained part ... i would be so greatful if this could be written (im not sure if this concept is too complicated for ticket time??? but i thought its worth a try lol)
lots of love <333
Hiya lovebug! Since this is a long and very well thought out idea and i’m running low on time, i’m going to write for the chained-up arc. Thank you so much for the praise and your participation, it’s a very lovely fic idea :)
“This is stupid.”
L looks over at where yours hunched in your chair.
“What is?”
“Sitting here!” You exclaim and throw your hands about, “You have stupid tactics. When i investigate, I don’t just sit in an office chair and stack sugar cubes. I actually do things relevant to the case.”
The tower of sugar he’d been building crumbs at a ninth being placed atop.
“We already finished our work for the day.”
You groan and throw your head back.
“Our work? You mean typing in infinite documents and throwing things at Light?”
L shrugs.
“This is how I work.” He sticks a spoon in your direction accusingly, “You lost your privilege to work how you like when you broke into my server.”
“I only did that to see what you have on the Kira case, I thought you’d gotten over that?” You shake your head, “Whatever, I mean you’re just as likely to be him as I am so just stick it, okay?”
He doesn’t take the bait.
“I get the feeling you’re upset.”
You roll your eyes.
“Wow, really? Real Sherlock over here, greatest detective alive my ass…”
He sighs and pushes his chair towards you, bumping yours with the arm of it.
“Y/n, do you know why I don’t trust you?”
You look at him like he’s stupid and nod.
“Uh, yeah. ‘Cause I infiltrated your supposedly impenetrable mega-computer.”
“And do you know that I suspected you as Kira?”
You nod with an unimpressed gaze.
“Well, I don’t anymore. I haven’t for weeks.”
“What?!” You lose your mind, jumping from your chair, “Then why am I still chained to you? What is wrong with you?”
L’s calm demeanor wavers as he drops eye contact to watch your chair rock from the previous force.
“Because I liked the closeness. Most people don’t like being around me, let alone as close as you were. It felt nice to have you around, someone to talk to who actually understood my vocabulary.”
Your jaw goes slack.
“You-… you have feelings for me. Romantic feelings. Don’t you?”
L nods slowly.
“I didn’t know what they were at first, but I do. I have for longer than i’d care to admit.”
You pause. Lowering yourself back down to your chair, you think for a moment before beginning to giggle. Soon that giggle reaches a chuckle and that reaches a chortle and L’s ears glow pink as you laugh loudly.
Recovering from your momentary lapse in sanity, you meet his tentative eyes with a smile.
“I wish you’d said that earlier. I’ve been wondering how to ask you out for months now.”
A giddily grin blossoms on his face.
“Yes,” You nod and lean closer, “Really.”
His breath catches in his throat as you join his personal-space bubble.
“Can I- Can I kiss you now?” L asks, unsure.
You snort, “Yes, you can kiss me now.”
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Opinion on non artists requester asking multiple artists to draw their sona or OC shipping with a canon character for free art request and is very impatient and keep rushing the artist to finish it quickly ?
To sum it, I'd think they're a bit annoying. If this were to happen to me, I'd feel way more obligated to finish said piece and stressed than I should be. Doing art requests and drawing people's ocs / oc x cc is supposed to be fun!! BUt having somebody sponutaniously pushing you to draw something is, well, stressful! (at least to me) Ofc, I don't do commissions bc why would I, but even if it's just harmless little free art requests it's really not the end of the world if the artist doesn't draw your req in the next hour or so! Idk if anyone noticed, but I've just not been drawing requests for a bit. Art block has been KILLING me. Luckily, I got past it and will now try to get through all the requests in the inbox. IF I HAD SOMEBODY ASKING ME EVERY HOUR AND SPAMMING THE INBOX ABOUT THEIR REQEST.., AGHAGHDJYBUND. I'm deleting those requests INSTANTLY. IDK how to finish this or anything but uh I just don't think I'd like them. Thx for listening to me idiotically rant and thank you Anon!! :3 This prolly doesn't make the best sense but whatever.
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andkisses · 8 months
to the anon who reqested the niki fic like..... almost three months ago 😭😭 life happened but im back and it's almost finished !!
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phenikas · 11 months
Just wanna let you all know I am in the middle of so many wips it's not even funny... I'll try to get at least one thing out this week but bear with me cause work is absolutely kicking my ass and I do not have as much free time as I wish I had
There's still two reqests I wanna finish but then there's a Halloween thing I wanna do that involves editing Jack and Rhys' textures and also slightly modifying Rhys' old Tales Atlas model.
And then there's another thing that I wanna do for once I reach 200 followers which honestly I have no idea when that's gonna be (hint: AI Jack RGB lights) (another hint: it's gonna be a video with actual voice lines taken from tales files this time)
Also I started writing one of my wips again that I haven't really talked openly about but it is the same AU as that one drawing I did earlier this year and I feel like it's not supposed to have a definite ending so I might just put whatever I wrote on AO3 sometime soon and then get back to it later once I have more of it written down
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What are you currently working on /writing?
Or is something already finished?
hi! i have so many! thank you for asking, i am happy to answer any questions about them or go more in depth on any of these just let me know via asks with the title/description etc, i just didn't want to throw a lot of words at you! :D ♡
i also have a list of wips here which can always be found at the bottom of this post but there are also some other wips i am working on (some are reqests) which i am writing here because i have not updated it in a long time due to my upcoming exams and personal life issues! :) these wips will not be released necessarily in this order however these are a few i have particularly focussed on as of late (THIS ALSO DOES NOT INCLUDE MY SERIES' WHICH I STILL CONTINUE ON DOING!!):
Margaery Tyrell Diamond Castle Au (request, i got very in depth with this and it might take a long time to come out i will be honest here but it is worth it and i am very excited to show you all once it is finished!)
Perfect - Rhaenyra x fem!Tully reader smut
Of Lances and Thorns - Rhaenyra x male hightower!reader
Margaery x fem!reader x Robb smut (request and currently at 1446 words so it could come out any day now)
I Think He Did It - helaena x reader (i won't say too much but it does involve some dark themes e.g inspiration from taylor swift's 'no body no crime', and gone girl)
hockey players Jacaerys & Cregan x fem!reader (suggested but not technically requested)
Cregan Stark x fem!reader (reference here)
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader smut (request)
Yandere husband Brynden Tully headcanons (request)
Platonic Rhaenyra Targaryen x dragonseed!reader (request)
Platonic yandere Rhaenyra x Aegon (request)
and various jacaerys requests
i also have a little saucy crackfic somewhat planned with my beloved @its-actually-minicika so i will let you all know what happens with that when it's ready 👀
these are all i can think off the top of my head :) ♡
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practickles · 1 year
I had planned to finish up a req and something for Sakis birthday today and then post them today and tomorrow respectively, however I am very very ill and neither is looking likely. So, my kind reqester of lee!Rui, hang in there. I promise it'll be done eventually.
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blue-flower-lady · 2 years
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Hello to my darlings ! my name is [REDACTED] I will be keeping it that way!
I have opened this blog for one specific reason.
I LOVE writing.
and I would love to take reqests.
be it a crack-fic about you somehow managing to save the world and kiss the love of your life at the end and then break into a dance party while "never gonna give you up" By Rick Ashley plays in the distance
or a platonic or romantic fluff scene with your favorite characters ( I will NEVER do nsfw)
or a depressing poem about college debts and heart break.
I WILL write it for you !
I will also be posting art of mine please note it is not good and I am mainly posting it so either you people that are good at art can give me tips on how to do it better (if you want) or to look back on it later for some reason which may or may not be revealed in this seasons finale !
and I forgot to mention! I cannot spell well and my gammar is worse than when you step on something wet while wearing a sock !
and one lasting thing before I finish this post !
I have more fandoms than anything! so if you really want to read a oneshot or anything but you don't think I write that fandom... then please do reqest it, because worst case senario, I will have to do a little reaserch to find out more about it.
BEST case senario, I LOVE that fandom and before you know it we're great friends !
(I am also new to tumblr please help, I do not know what likes mean nor what an anon is or anything else, help will be very much apreciated (cuz' I can't spell) good day !)
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arturhunter · 4 months
(anon again) don't worry about venting, it's okay :) plus, dont worry about not doing invincible stuff anymore. ill miss it, but i do love your art and i cant wait to see what ya do next (and also thanks for putting my omni-woman reqest into consideration)
Of course, i'll always consider doing anything, i still have a few requests to finish and i'll be sure to try doing yours aswell when the time comes :]
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scarletta-ruan · 2 years
Hello, um....i'm sorry it will come out rude, no it was rude and selfish question, but i just don't want to give my hope up i want to make sure, are you going to write my previous reqest scenario chuuya confront and comfort his s/o when she fail to save her subordinates and she blames herself, it was selfish quetion, you can insult me it okay too i'm really sorry i just when to make sure.
Ah, sorry for the late reply to your ask. I finished your request and posted it here, though.
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dangan-doodles · 6 years
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Here ya go anon! Just tell me if you want anything changed, or if you want it remade as a traditional 3x3 moodboard.
-mod Hajime
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cabbagestrand · 2 years
Constanzakko? 🥺️
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game night
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