#fire brigade of flames x reader
hi, im the one who requested the lov headcanons and I was wondering if I could requst again? Can you do a Dabi x male reader who is seruosly terrified of thunder and will literaly have a breakdown if he hears it? Theres a huge thunderstorm where I live rn and I cant stop crying and I just need some comfort.
Sending the comfort brigade!
Dabi didn't ask. He doesn't want to know, doesn't care, he tells himself, but trips up when he watches you try to hide the way you flinched when light flashed through the windows of this temporary hideout.
The weather outside was throwing a tantrum. You and Dabi had been out on a job for the league and got caught in it, thus withdrew to this little studio apartment to wait it out.
It's just the two of you, and Dabi can't decide whether or not he prefers your silence, curled up in the corner of the couch trying to breathe past tears over the sexual tension that's been stretched taut between you for the last week and a half.
The thunder claps above your heads, too close for comfort, and you startled in place, finally pulling your knees up to your chest and clapping your hands over your ears.
He definitely heard a sob that time, and for the life of him he doesn't know what the fuck to do, but somewhere deep in his gut, he wants to help.
'Hey, idiot.' He huffs once the thunder shuts the fuck up. 'What kinda villain's afraid o' the goddam weather?'
You didn't lift your head, didn't come out with a comeback or flip him the bird, you didn't care, you just wanted the noise to stop. You skin was cold from the dowsing in the rain you'd gotten on your way here.
Dabi knows that kind of panic, knows the fear that suffocates you so tight that who you are and what you are doesn't matter. You're just afraid.
Silently, he sits beside you, not an inch of space between the two of you, and snaps his fingers, lighting up the space in blue flame.
You flinched, thinking it was lightening, but lifted your eyes at the familiar blue glow. The sight of it alone is already a comfort, even if the only time you'd previously seen that fire was when it was roasting people alive.
'Just watch the fire.' Dabi mutters, familiar smoky tones rumbling low and comforting against your ear.
The lightening outside makes you jump, you want nothing more than to tuck yourself away again, uncaring of the beating your reputation is taking.
Dabi huffs, counting down the seconds until the thunder claps. The storm is directly above your heads, the worse place for it to be.
Just like you, he gives up on appearances and throws his arms around you, yanking your head down to his chest, wrapping his arms around you, bracing you against the noise.
'Alright, I gotcha.' His chest rumbles against your ear. 'You're with me asshole, no amount o' noise is gonna hurt ya with me around.'
You snorted, half managing a smile. 'You need to work on your bedside vocabulary, you ass.'
'Right back atcha, dumbfuck.' Dabi smiled, hearing something other than sobs from you was its own kind of reassurance. 'Now shut the fuck up and breathe.'
He held you steady and strong for as long as you needed him too, didn't laugh at you, didn't care. Dabi knows the panic, and though he's got no idea how the fuck normal people "comfort" each other, but this is the only way he knows, and his heart's happy as anything that it worked, no matter how little.
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ultimate-cinephile · 3 years
Hello! May I request some Hinawa x reader fluff please? It doesn't have to be the fluff alphabet since you might be getting tired of that, but perhaps just a couple random headcanons of the lieutenant ^^ Please, thank you and have a wonderful day!
okay yes you can! and if you want a fluff alphabet, you can have one, i freaking love doing those things!
also, please forgive this being so late! I moved and school's started back for me so everything's kind of a mess right now! if you've requested something, i'll get it out as soon as i'm able
okay, at first you two tried to keep it a secret because you didn't want anyone to think he was giving you a special treatment or anything like that
but then arthur, being the loveable idiot he is, one day just randomly said, "you guys don't have to hide the fact that you're holding hands! it's alright for knights to be dating each other in this castle!" or something like that
after that, you didn't really see the point if everyone knew already
iris was probably the only one that was shocked (her reaction to finding out about licht has convinced me as much)
maki and obi are your biggest supporters!
maki is your wingwoman and wants to know e v e r y t h i n g
obi is def hinawa's wingman and constantly helps him plan stuff like dates
please help this man care for himself
he's too busy caring about others to care about himself
please, p l e a s e, hug him too
give him a hug and he'll do pretty much anything you want
he's touch starved, change my mind
bottom line, give him some love and he's your's forever, and he's actually kinda sweet?????
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Random dialogue #4
[Y/N]: What's with this loving gaze? Cannot take your eye off me?
Joker *smiling softly*: There is a bug on your hair.
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you-tolkien-to-me · 3 years
Fire Force Imagine:
I’ve watched Fire Force ever since it came out! Why didn’t I didn’t think of the sooner!! xD
Imagine being or having the power of the Phoenix.
Fire Ability: Phoenix.
The user with this ability either is or can transform into a phoenix, a mythical, sacred fire-bird that symbolizes rebirth, immortality, and renewal.
Phoenixes are described as birds with colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or, according to some legends, purple, blue, and green).
You can transform into a large, blue-flamed phoenix.
You can take flight in both full phoenix and hybrid forms, and control over the latter form is such that you can isolate it to specific body parts, e.g. transforming just your arms into wings to fly, and your feet into bird legs/slashing talons as necessary.
The greatest aspect of your ability is that you can freely conjure forth your "Blue Flames of Resurrection" from any part of your body (even without actually shapeshifting) and, by enveloping yourself in those flames, rapidly self-regenerate from almost any physical damage you receive like a phoenix being reborn. 
No matter what injury you are dealt, you can recover by flame.
You are also able to heal other with your ability.
Examples of power ---> (Click me!) (Click me!) (Click me!)
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(Picture goes to it’s rightful owner.)
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(Picture goes to it’s rightful owner.)
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I don’t own anything but the imagine part :P
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the-possum-writes · 5 years
🔥 In celebration of the lit Fire Force anime, i made a shinra x reader one shot   🔥
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lott-the-otter · 3 years
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The Taste of the Devil
pairing: Benimaru Shinmon x reader
premise: After multiple encounters with the man, after too many bickerings, you decide to settle the tension between you.
words: 7,315
notes and warnings: It's filth with spoons of sins, please minors dni.
*slap fic* this bad boy can hold so many kinks : kinda chocking, I'm sorry but I can't imagine Beni not being a mocking and mean dom, fighting for dominance, dom/sub relationship, kinda roleplay, rough sex, kinda oral, use of abilities, kind of bondage, kinda sassy reader (I tried), mocking Beni (but not degrading Beni), spanking, overstimulation and probably other stuffs but I can't remember. (Please ignore the grammatical errors)
My demons plays too well with @gojoho's demon - an incredible writer who writes awesome jjk smuts, you should check her out - , the outcome created this monstrosity. This author nothing and everything.
There might be sequels or at least headcanons to that.
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You had a problem.
The dying sun melted into the horizon, streams of warm sunlight painting a healthy glow on Benimaru’s skin. The sun wheel dancing in his back would soon become the only source of light around you. From the patio outlooking the small garden of the fire brigade building, you spied beads of sweat running down his temples before disappearing beneath his kimono upper garment. He wasn’t wearing his white shirt underneath.
You licked your lips almost mindlessly, feasting on the sight of his collarbones and the top of his chest.
You have been, admittedly, ignoring the cause of the problem for far too long. And now, the problem that was, at first, easy to ignore festered within you and became an even bigger problem.
A light breeze ruffled through the mini bamboo forest. The song of the wind chime meshed with the rhythmic tic-tac of the Shishi Odoshi fountain and the crackling of his fire to create the dangerous aria of freedom that thrummed within every citizen’s heart.
Movements in your periphery caught your eyes, diverting you from the sinful thoughts plaguing your mind. A dragonfly landed on a half-closed lily pad and took off again before a frog preying in the pond could catch it.
Most insects, because they knew what was good for them, stood clear of Benimaru’s flames. But there were some, much like you, that would throw caution to the wind to be kissed by his fire.
You yearned for Benimaru Shinmon.
The realization had made you scoff at first. You, the vice-captain of the 6th company, entertained the fantasy of dominating the mightiest fire soldier of the Empire. Of having him on his knees between your legs, slanted down eyes watching from below with a hint of adoration, helplessness and hunger.
He who stood above everyone would bow to you.
Sometimes, the intensity of your yearning unsettled you, a desire far darker than you were accustomed to. It’s not like you were particularly dominant by nature. You liked being on top, being the one in control, the one who granted pleasure and could take it back just as fast. But you liked being dominated just as much. To have someone manhandled into submission, to chase your release only to get it ripped from your grasp, to have your body singing with both pleasure and frustration to reach a greater orgasm.
Your eyes were irresistibly drawn back to his form, to the flawlessness of his posture that he held for almost an hour now. He exhaled through his mouth. You reported your attention to his lips, to the heaviness of his bottom lip, full and perfect to bite. His upper lip was on the thinner side but you've kissed worst mouths before. You wouldn't complain.
Truthfully, after psychoanalyzing yourself during one of those nights, you realized that your desire to dominate him likely came from your first few meetings.
His nonchalance to authority and every citizen of the Empire had rubbed your pride the wrong way, creating the sparks to ignite your temper. It got worse after he rudely commented on the tephrosis’s medication system you helped install. At that moment, you would have given anything to wring his strong neck-
“You’re still here.” Benimaru’s voice, as emotionless as ever, had the undertone of a sigh. He shifted, readjusting his posture after the annoying scratching of your nails on wood created a momentary lapse of concentration.
-but it got better, you guessed.
Your lips curled up, the sweetness of your mocking laughter grating his ears, as you laid back on your side, watching Benimaru Shinmon over the knuckles of your fist. “Ignore me as much as you want but it’s not gonna make me leave.”
Eyes still closed, he refused to acknowledge your presence, curling his fingers slightly more. His back turned blazing as he put more power into his meditation. “You’re a pain.”
“Not my problem.” You shifted, making yourself more comfortable. You grabbed your cup of tea, quietly savoring the bitter taste of green tea.
From the way his lips thinned to the overly tensed muscles in his shoulders, you were getting to him. It was only a matter of time before he would look at you.
“Not mine either. Go back to your company.”
“Make me, Benimaru Shinmon~”
He clicked his tongue, furrowing his brows and turned his head to give a piece of his mind. He paused once he saw you, your outfit and your damn big smirk.
The garden darkened as the flames in his back died down. He settled for a glare, running a hand down his hair and watching the two fire threads coming from your fingers connect with the lanterns near you. With a snap of your fingers, you lighted them up. “What the hell are you wearing? There isn’t any festival today.”
What you were wearing was a pretty damn expensive outfit.
The black hakama wrapped around your belly was made of silk and embroidered with pink flowers at the bottom while your haori was hand-stitched by an Asakusa citizen. White with silver patterns of koi fishes and some green and pale pink lotuses, you couldn’t deny that it was your favorite part of the outfit.
To complete the look, your hair was gathered in a bun tightly held in place by hairpins crowning it like a sun. Almost as if you were the enlightened one.
You looked good and he thought so too. His eyes roamed over your figure a few seconds longer than in your everyday clothes. You knew Benimaru liked to see you in traditional clothing - he commented on it once - just as much as you disliked wearing it, which was pretty telling. The garb was too cumbersome.
“In Asakusa, it’s not.” You watched as he approached, planting himself right in front of you. “It’s Sol’s day.”
His scoff made you chuckle. You weren’t fond of that religion either. Though, you reckoned, it had more to do with the restrictions it imposed over Company 6 than whatever deep-rooted disgust the man had for it.
He grumbled something about ‘celebrating an oppressing god’ and ‘stupid religion’ but you ignored him, handing him a cup of tea. “Tea? I kept it warm for you.”
He stared at it, at you, then back at the cup before crossing his arms.
Brat. You squinted. He sighed.
“I don’t like tea.” He said, like a liar. Still, he took it from you, sitting next to your feet.
“Always drink after exerting yourself.” You nagged, the remark coming easily out of your mouth after repeating it hundreds of times to your little trainees.
He frowned, hiding a hand inside his kimono, but sipped on it. You weren’t a member of Company 6 for nothing, you knew what you were talking about. The strain Ignition abilities put on the body wasn’t something to laugh at and Benimaru knew it. Why he still chose to ignore most advice was beyond you.
Together, you gazed at the horizon, at the constellations igniting the midnight sky as if choreographed upon the celestial stage, at the clouds passing by and the pretty pond that mirrored it.
Asakusa was the best spot to stargaze.
The silence between you was comfortable but you couldn’t hide that it was starting to grate your nerves. Still, you waited for his move as you stared at him, wordlessly pressing him to ask the question he was itching to ask and you to answer. Dancing to his tempo was as tiring as it was hard. Benimaru liked a slow burn but he would get impatient, caught in the fragile web you were tirelessly working on to capture him.
“What do you want?”
You licked your lips, raising up to sit. Finally, you inwardly sighed, you would get to the main course. “You’re as tough as you’re dense, aren’t you? I’m here for you.”
He sipped on the tea a bit more, mulling on your words before exhaling, putting his elbows on his knees. “I had a feeling it was about that. I don’t have time for a relationship.”
Always straight to the point. Blunt to the point of rudeness.
You blinked, smiling wryly to yourself. It wasn’t what you were asking for. “I don’t either. I want to resolve the tension between us.”
Benimaru Shinmon, as cute as he could be once drunk, was a menace to both your blood pressure and your sanity. Taking him as a lover required an investment you didn’t have time to give.
Though, if he was a good lay, you wouldn’t mind going back to him for another night rendez-vous.
“You want to fuck me.”
He was staring you down, tone as bored and gruff as ever, but there was something else in his eyes, something that sparked your interest. He was intrigued, almost surprised.
You pinched your lips and checked that your hairstyle hadn’t loosened. “Crudely said-” Once sure everything was in place, you leaned against Benimaru’s side and pushed your chest out so one breast was brushing against his arm. You rose to whisper in his ear. “-but yes, if you want me to.”
Your hand ghosted over his hair, dancing over his shoulder. He was still processing your words. So, you took the time to carefully lower your hand toward the fair expanse of skin his kimono was showing, freezing and almost recoiling when he answered you.
“What’s in it for me?” He pierced you with a side-eyed glance before tilting his head while stroking his chin.
You tilted back in your surprise, catching yourself with a hand before you watched him dumbfounded. The warmth you were feeling was nothing short of scorching. It was a fierce flame of embarrassment that ignited your guts, pumped your heart and colored your cheeks.
“I- What?” You scoffed. Did he just… ? Rude much, isn’t he? “You know you could have said no, you dumb idio-”
With a swift movement, he grabbed your wrist and pulled. You jerked forward and, unable to stop your momentum, you crashed in his chest, half-sprawled on his legs. His arms then wrapped around your hips and your back to keep you in place.
“Is that why you are so insufferable lately?” His voice deepened as he spoke in your ear, mocking you while embracing you like a lover. “Annoying me on purpose, showing off more skin than you need to. Because you want to get laid? Because you crave my dick?”
Your mouth fell open, at loss for word after the whiplash he gave you but you couldn’t deny it was turning you on.
“I don’t-” Your attempt to defend yourself was thwarted by the sting of his hand meeting your rear. He spanked you.
He spanked you.
You gasped, a moan dying in your throat. Your body felt hot, both with want and embarrassment, as your panties stuck to your folds like a second skin. His mouth found the shell of your ear and licked it. “Keep spewing lies with that mouth and I will keep it occupied.”
His sentence ended in a growl that did wonders to your body. You were unaware Benimaru could make that kind of noise. And now, you wanted to know what other sounds he could make.
“I’m pretty sure spanking requires the consent of both parties.”
He cocked his brows, disbelief coloring his pretty eyes. His arms flexed, accommodating you better in his embrace and you could feel the way his muscles worked, sliding around your body even through the layers you were wearing. “Uh? You don’t?”
“I didn’t say that.” You answered so fast it surprised you and with just enough worry to make his lips wobbled.
You took in a calming breath, keeping your heart under control. It had the unfortunate quirk of growing bolder and wilder in the presence of Benimaru, sending too much blood into your cheeks and making you act like a schoolgirl with her first crush.
“Good.” With his hand buried in your hair, he angled your face and dived in the sea of trouble you were. First, slow and uncertain, discovering how much you could handle. With his lips, he absorbed the heaviness of your soul and the beauty of you and your world, replacing it with the fierceness of his passion.
As much as you played with it, you never knew kissing fire felt so good. It was overpowering, tingling tongue and the aftertaste of fire smoke, scorching heat running within your veins and strong hands helping you straddle his legs.
His hand ran up your spine, grabbing your shoulder to bring you impossibly close. His nails dug in your skin.
Unlike him, a tower of strength, unmovable and unyielding, you were a more restless lover. Touching him with the delicacy of an angel but the taste of the devil, you were far more intoxicating than he expected. Your hands had a mind of their own. Something you were thankful for as your head was spinning under his attack, heart thundering a heavy staccato while exploring and tugging at him, his hair and his clothes. His remained curled around your shoulder and hair.
One moment, your hands were buried in his hair, appreciating the soft but wiry strands while your nails scratched his scalp, tugging on it until you swallowed his surprised moan and the next you were shamelessly groping him, his biceps, his back, feeling the way his muscles moved to accommodate your weight.
You exhaled, biting on his lower lip as you broke the kiss. You breathed the same air, foreheads touching while half-lidded eyes gazed within the other’s soul. With a small mischievous smile curling your reddening lips, you tugged on his hair once more to hear again the delicious sound.
His throaty noise slipped into your skin to reverberate again and again on your nerves, sending jolts of electricity straight to your navel to turn up the intensity of your desire.
“You do like it rough too.” There was laughter behind your words, a mocking tone that the man didn’t like.
He pushed you off him. You collapsed on your back, eyes wide and mouth opened before bursting into a shoulders-shaking, tears-brimming, belly laughter at his childish face. In your giggles, you missed the softening of his expression as he waited for your laugh to end.
He cupped your warm cheeks, drying your tears. Warmth bloomed in your chest. Not the blistering heat of desire but the soothingly sweet burn of affection. It was the kind of warmth that told you that while you weren’t in love with Benimaru, you could be. You could see yourself fall in love with the man and all the troubles he would bring you.
“You look like a maiden,” he laughed at his remark. You were glad he found himself to be funny. You didn’t, “the opposite of what you are.”
You bit the hand cradling your cheek, taking his thumb in your mouth. You sucked on it, tongue swirling around his callus and enjoying the half-lidded stare gazing at you over the beginning of a blush and opened lips. He enjoyed your ministration so much he presented his index and middle finger.
You took them in, letting him pet your tongue before he ventured farther than you were used to. “Vixen.”
You gagged, breathed deeply before gently sucking, giving Benimaru your most innocent, teary eyes.
He sighed, a pool of dark swirling in his eyes as he smirked. Above you, with his kimono loose, a dark look on his face, and with the lantern shining behind his head, a crooked halo, he looked like the most dangerous being. A fallen god.
His fingers slipped out of your mouth. Your lips curled up.
“Silly, it’s because it’s tailored to be a priestess garb.” The mocking was still present in your tone and he wished to kiss your breath away. “For tonight only, I can be your high priestess and you can be my… Sol?”
You observed his face, the way his mouth curled oh so slightly down and his eyebrows shook. He didn’t like that. You raised both legs to caress his thighs before locking your ankles behind his knees. You slowly sat up until your breaths mingled, until your noses touched, lips hovering over his, until you could see the faint glow of his eyes. You smiled as his breath ever so slightly hitched and his gaze hooded. “No. My god of destruction.”
His eyes creased. The vixen knew how to stroke his ego.
“Then, I will conquer you like one.” He said as he grabbed both ankles, shoving them up. You yelped. The sudden force had your balance thrown off and you rolled on your back. He locked you down there, hovering with a warm hand wrapped around your sternum.
Benimaru shifted, slightly pressing down on your stomach to settle close between your spread legs. His other hand nestled in your hair, removing your hairpins with an ease that bespoke of the twins’ influence.
Your eyes closed as he slowly combed it free of knots before coiling strands into tight ringlets around his fingers. Yanking on them, he inclined your face so you could see the swirl of darkness within his eyes. He dived for an open-mouthed kiss. You were strangely pliant to his whims, half-lidded eyes and that damn smirk he wanted to bruise. With his lips or his fists, it didn’t matter, as long as they were coated in red.
His tongue invaded your mouth, roaming over every nook and cranny like a conqueror in the promised land. You had half a mind to bite on it, to take back the control he appropriated himself, to act on your fantasies. But you waited, listening to the dark part of your mind whispering to let him learn your body, delving in the pleasure of ruling over you before snatching it back.
Benimaru pressed kisses to the expanse of your neck, trailed his mouth down to your collarbones and sucked a bruise into the skin at the base of your throat- and when you reacted to him, when you inhaled sharply and choke on his name, he hummed his pleasure against your skin, the sound vibrating and low. Like a maestro, he had you singing under his relentless attack.
The wet smack of his mouth roaming your neck, gliding lower towards your chest only made you squirm beneath him. He growled under his breath, tugging on your belt to loosen your hakama before his rough hand slipped under your upper garment and he relished in the sight of your breasts. The work of his lips in tandem with his hand left a searing trail of heat in its wake. He would linger on places otherwise hidden from view and suck on your skin; branding you as a tainted war conquest. As his victim.
His rough hand scratched deliciously your skin, raising goosebumps while it made its way to your breast, first, simply grabbing and letting his warmth sweep within your body, appreciating the weight as his teeth bit into the skin just above your heart. You purred for him, grabbing the back of his neck to leave the scorching trail of your nails on his shoulders.
An eye for an eye. A mark for a mark.
He caught your nipple, caressing it then rolling it between his fingers to pinch it. You yelped, almost hitting him. You settled for crossing your ankles behind his hips and bringing him closer until his warmth sweeped in you, until your chests were pressed flushed, until your cunt could rock against his cock.
He growled and tutted his dissatisfaction at being interrupted in his work, biting your collarbone before awkwardly bending you backward so he could still play with your chest. You tried to rebel against him but his hand pressing your shoulders against the ground was far stronger than your abs.
You huffed and puffed and whined at the frustration of being denied, tugging on his hair to express your displeasure but it only brought more pinching and biting. You didn’t miss his sinister smile moving against your skin-
“Conquered can only beg for mercy.” He rasped out.
Your mouth fell open.
The audacity.
Did he think you were conquered? Did he think he broke you, that he was so good and strong and you could only yield to him? Did he think that the burning in your groin would make you forget yourself?
Mightiest fire soldier or not, you weren’t one to go down without a fight.
In your current state, you wouldn’t be able to overpower him. Too strong and too aroused to think, you could, however, make him yield first.
Your hand went to his kimono, ripping the belt off first and trailing your nails along his abs before pinching his nipple like he did to you. He growled his displeasure, grabbing your hand to pin it above your head while you let a victorious ‘ah’ out. The meaning, a strong ‘See how it’s not fun?’, wasn’t lost to him.
When your other hand picked up where you left, he changed his tactic, going for the throat and you found yourself seeing stars under the pressure. White spots danced in your vision before he released his grip, popping your abused nipple in his mouth.
His touches were abrasive but you lived for the hell he was throwing you into.
You felt a tug on your belt, the drag of hot fingers on an equally hot body going down and down and down until they passed your hips bones, until they caressed the top of your panties, toying with the hem before continuing to cup your aching sex.
You inhaled sharply, appreciating the way he rubbed you through the clothes. You followed the movement, shaking your hips wantonly and in a burst of passion, you kissed him, teeth clashing and sloppy, tongue caressing and noses squashed. You kissed him with more tongue and teeth than lips, overcomed by a passion borderline destructive that sank into your marrow and seeped into your every cell.
You tried to reciprocate the gesture, yanking on his own belt but he slapped your hand away. You snarled. He growled. You whined. You settled for rubbing him through the fabric. He sent you a glare but didn’t stop you, even pressing into your hand, rocking his hips for greater pleasure.
His fingers pushed against your slit and you curled your toes, grabbing the hand wrapped around your throat to ground yourself. You moaned, shaking in his hold. Truthfully, you were barely holding on to your ribbon of sanity, especially when he was working so well to snap it.
Benimaru, still inside your pants, grabbed your pretty expensive panties, peeling them away from your fold to-
Your eyes went as big as saucers. A wave of indignation and, unfortunately, arousal rose within you. You froze, still unable to understand that Benimaru Shinmon, Captain of the 7th Company, burned your underwear inside your pants.
You opened your mouth and closed it, plenty of words on your tongue but none got out. You stared at the man in utter indignation.
He laughed, dark and deep, right next to your ear. “You’re so drenched I almost couldn’t light them on fire.”
“You bastard- Oh fuck!” You choked on your words, covering your mouth to swallow the obscenities from the aching pleasure the two digits he pushed deep within procured you. Your legs shook, closing around his hand to keep them inside while you rubbed his dick through his pants with a bit more fervor.
He had magic fingers, teasing the embers of your desire until it turned into a blazing inferno threatening to consume your sanity entirely. In a desperate attempt to ground yourself, you latched yourself to his lips, drinking in him like he was your oxygen.
Under the night sky, you burned brighter than any star and your face, the hint of defiance in your eyes and your feeble attempts at pleasuring him wrested a grunt from his chest. His patience was thinning by the second. His movements, the slaps of his palm on your clit, the stretching of your walls and the stinging of his bites, spoke of his desperation to take you.
And when his patience finally snapped and when he separated from you to take in a long breath and when he threw his happi away, taking his belt of and finally revealing his erection to you-
You smiled, coy and oh so sinister.
You had half a mind to let him take you, to extinguish that fire in your womb but the part of you that waited with bated breath for a mistake wouldn't let you.
You watched as he sat on his heels, fumbling around with your pants and when he finally revealed your soaked cunt, the burned panties still around your hips and when he reached for your thighs, to grasp them and open them-
You acted.
Two fire threads caught his wrists, pushing him back to the wooden beam.
“Wha- ?” He watched his wrists and the glowing red ribbons tightly bond to them before sending you a glare. His first reaction was to disperse the fire but your threads weren’t something he could dispel nor break through sheer strength. Above a certain temperature, they could be burned, though. “What is this?”
Payback~ You took your time, raising on your elbows, shaking off your haori - which fell off the patio - and watched the sight Benimaru was offering you.
He stared at you, and he really looked good - lips swollen and red, hair disheveled and down, and face lightened by the ethereal glow of the moon and the warmth of the lanterns. His eyes glowed with the restlessness of a caged beast.
Benimaru was all slender and muscular, and you were drinking in this sight like a woman lost in the desert. His cock, angry and red and pearling with precum, stood erected against his abs, just above the hair that started under his navel and led to his crown.
On your four, you drew closer to him, watching the storm brewing in his eyes. It procured you such pleasure and pride, such craving. You wished to be filled as soon as possible and, your eyes lingered on his cock, that was why you wouldn’t lose much time sucking such a handsome part of him.
“Oi, I asked something.”
You ignored him, licking your lips. Your hands glided over his thighs and you dove for a taste.
He didn’t taste divine like people would say when talking about their partner, neither sweet nor salty. You couldn’t really define the taste but you didn’t hate it. The same could be said about his scent.
His scent was characteristic to him, strong enough that you would be able to identify his clothes in a pile. Neither pleasant nor unpleasant, a light scent of ashes would linger in your nose.
It smelled and tasted like Benimaru.
Benimaru watched your back arching, the curve of your spine leading to your fancy little butt. One he wanted to grab and squeeze and watched as it wobbled with every snap of his hips. One he wouldn’t mind turning red and blue. One he would even bite.
He watched, enjoyed the sight and groaned pitifully, tugging on his restraints. Truthfully, if he wasn’t already so out of his mind with want and if a part of him wasn’t willing to indulge you, he would have burned the things off to have his way with that sweet cunt of yours. But right now, he couldn’t be trusted with not burning the whole brigade to pounce on you.
Your tongue swirled around his head, adding spit to precum, and Benimaru groaned a wretched sound. You sucked just a bit, moving away as the captain thrusted up. You licked your way back up, his belly button, his abs, between his pecs and on his jugular. At last, you kissed his chin and answered: “Isn’t it a priest’s duty to serve her god?”
You placed yourself above him. Having him between your legs sure looked like a challenge. But you weren’t going to let it phase you.
“Is it your way of telling me you’re in charge?” He said and somehow, he managed to rearrange his features into his usual, unbothered self.
His breathing hitched as you rubbed yourself against his head, adding your slick to the sticky mess his cock has become. You arched your back, throwing your head back and moaning as his cock nudged your clit, shaking your hips to reproduce that sensation. Benimaru used your bliss to nip at your throat. Drawing out both your and his patience, you teased his tip with your cunt again and again until you really couldn’t wait anymore.
“Would you like to object?” You panted, guiding his shaft to your entrance.
You slid slightly down, enough to open yourself on him and tease without bringing that fullness you were craving. Building the anticipation led to a better orgasm and you intended to make your only shot at fucking Benimaru magical.
He squinted his eyes, full of annoyance and arousal. You could see his thoughts swirling, no doubt plotting to overthrow your rule but you would meet him head-on.
“Don’t falter.” He growled with the undertone of a threat. Shivers ran down your spine. His eyes were telling a different story that you could resume to: don’t leave him an opening or he would ravage you. “And do all the work.”
You leaned down to kiss him, soft and sweet at first but as you eased yourself down, gently, slowly, your teeth clashed and your tongues danced. You lost yourself in him, in his scent, in his taste and in the feeling of being so full and stretched. You didn’t even take all of him in, already feeling too full.
Benimaru gasped. The sound was quiet like wrenched from him against his will as his eyes fluttered shut and jaw went slack. He savored the feeling, the warmth, the wetness, and the tightness. You were fucking perfect for him, a tight fit he wouldn’t admit out loud.
Your eyes flickered over him, enticingly bare beneath you- his chest was muscular and his shoulders were broad and sturdy and his eyes when you finally met his gaze were hot and piercing.
And then you grinded down and Benimaru thrusted his hips up just a little, like he couldn’t help himself, and you answered with a shallow moan because the angle was good and the friction was good and you felt like you were getting lost in it.
Your hips rose and fell in a graceful motion like a rolling wave, slick and sliding. You wallowed in the stretch, in the tender feeling of his cock buried deep within you, with fluttering lashes and slacked jaw.
He huffed out a strangled moan after just a few thrusts and you pushed your chest in his face, arching your back due to the searing pleasure electrocuting your brain. He quickly found a better use of his mouth along your chest, devouring the soft flesh with motive.
When after a few other thrusts, you failed to take him entirely, he let go of your nipple with a wet pop. “You’re missing a bit.”
Your head fell on his shoulders, gripping and raking them hard as you panted. You watched pearls of sweat running down his abs to his pelvis, directing your gaze slightly below to the lewd sight the jointure of your bodies offered you. The crown of pubic hair was glistening with sweat, slick and saliva. The lewd noise fleeting from the both of you invaded the thin silence. Skin against skin, voice lost in lust.
"I know you can take all of me, pretty."
You shivered and furrowed your brows in concentration. Thinking and speaking was turning out to be harder than you expected. “I- I need a bit of time for tha-”
Your sentence ended in a choke, head throwing back as his tip brushed against that spot. Benimaru watched your eyebrows curve and your mouth fall open in adoration. He observed the petulance growing in your eyes while you failed to reproduce the movement. Then, his eyes went to your fire threads, to their ever dimming light and he knew you would break soon.
Your rule would soon come to an end. A sort of groan, the whisper of your name in your ear that sent shivers down your spine.
It was fascinating, the sound you both made once all pretenses of being anything but sinners were thrown away, equal parts thrilling and terrifying and utterly shameless. You cried out, not caring about your voice and who would hear you. His mouth ascended on yours, silencing you.
Your thighs were burning. Your breathing was erratic. The sweet ache of your release was building, promising toes-curling pleasure but alas you were unable to tip over. The gates of heaven, so close and yet you could barely brush them.
You whined and huffed and-
Two warm hands caught each of your wrists, pulling them above your head while his cock slipped out of you. You spluttered when the realization that you lost your concentration hit you like a matoï on fire. Your threads dissipated. You’ve released the beast.
His smile was mean and promised nothing good for your pride would come out of your mistake.
He, then, grabbed both wrists into one hand, placing the other on your hips.
“Slowing down already?” His grip on your hips was as painful as his voice was strained. His nails threatened to break your skin. You knew it was going to leave marks. “But you wanted that control. Can’t handle it?”
He spanked you, hard, and silenced your cries with his mouth, biting and devouring your mouth until you were lightheaded. And it continued again and again until he was satisfied with the face you were making, throwing a look down to appreciate the color of your ass. Red like his eyes.
Then, Benimaru straightened his position up and with you still balanced on his lap, the sudden change had you tilting backward with wide eyes. You opened your mouth to gasp and the Captain followed your movement.
He had the delicacy to cup your head to stop yourself from cracking it on the wooden floor. He boxed you in perfectly, separating you from the world until he became your everything, until all you could see, think and breathe was him, his glowing eyes and his smirk.
“Control doesn’t suit everyone.” He whispered against your lips, a very faint laugh fanning your lips.
His iron-clad grip reached for your hips, pulling them back up to his hips and throwing your knees to your chest. You gasped and babbled for him to not do what his eyes clearly told you he was going to do. “Wait, Beni. I can’t- ”
He sheathed him in one sharp thrust, going down to the hilt. You felt impossibly full and stretched. The base of his cock, thicker than the length, had your head spinning, eyes rolling back in their orbits with both pleasure and pain.
That man was taking the saying ‘rearrange my guts’ too literally but you weren’t complaining. You couldn’t, you were too preoccupied breathing and babbling nonsense.
Benimaru smiled, and if you weren’t so lost in the sauce, you would have realized that he smiled so much more once balls deep inside you. As if you were his own brand of sake. Exhilarating. Intoxicating.
“See?” His voice had a sweet rumble that spread through your veins, “No need to whine. I told you you could take all of me.”
You purred something for the sake of answering.
With that said, his hands steadied your hips, roughly pulling down onto a sharp thrust. He did it again, and again, pounding in your abused hole with a feral pace, and the harsh sting between each thrust was going to hurt even more tomorrow. But it didn’t matter, you already knew you would be more red and blue than your natural color. What was a bruise or two in the grand scheme of things if you could reach orgasm?
Benimaru was close to his own bliss and nothing was in his way of reaching it.
The friction of his pubic hair on your clit, his pace and the angle of his thrusts, it was all too much. Your steady release grew back in your lower stomach, feverishly pulsating in a way no other man had ever done to you. Nothing could describe the pleasure that wrangled your body other than twisted euphoria. The increasing aria of moans you sang, an omen to your impending fall. With a last thrust, you exploded, face twisted by your sudden enlightenment, body arching before slumping back on the ground -hot, tired and utterly satisfied. You even inched away from his thrusts.
But he didn’t stop, grabbing your hips back to him. In fact…
He moved at a frantic pace, one that had you gasping in mild discomfort and clutching above your head for something to ground you.
The first few thrusts were uncomfortable, it felt too raw, too sensitive. He was fucking you through the aftershocks. He kept going until you were shaking and pulsating, kissing and biting the calves thrown over his shoulders. “Come on, you can give me another.”
You felt too hot, too bare and too fragile, overwhelmed and sobbing, unaware that your tears combined with your dazed glare was utterly desirable to him. So helpless and needy, it was exactly how he wanted you, how he imagined you during the darkest hour of his lonely nights.
The slide of unyielding hardness against your inner walls and-
You gasped, back arching as he hit the right spot. He smirked and the smugness in his eyes was almost too much but you met his hips, one leg falling from his shoulder and his face twisted and-
“Faster!” You ordered, one hand seeking refuge in his hair while you bunched your nails in his buttcheek. He groaned, a wrecked sound of pleasure but did as you said.
Your release was coming too fast and promised violent pleasure. He was bringing you to new heights never reached before and the fall vowed to be as brutal as the flight but you kept going, ready to take the hit head-on.
You came first, back-arching, pressing him closer to you and eyes unseeing before going boneless.
Benimaru pressed into you once, twice, before he released a low growl that was the sexiest sound you had ever heard and came inside you, body shuddering.
You sighed, the sound breathless and painfully soft, like you had been waiting too long and too much and had finally entirely given in.
You were a puddle of smug satisfaction muddled in your pleasure and heavy eyelids that begged to be closed.
You should have done that sooner.
He went to pull out but you shakily stopped him, begging him to have mercy and wait a little bit longer. You had yet to touch the ground. He heaved a satisfied sigh, pushing your other leg away before softly pecking your lips, holding you close.
He pushed you far beyond your limit. He would soothe you back together.
His embrace belonged more to a lover than a fuck buddy but it wasn’t something you would talk about. He cradled the back of your head, bringing you closer to his neck, and rolled on his side. Once he placed you the way he wanted, he planted a kiss on your damp hair and-
“Good girl,” his praise was rough and almost timid, as if he wasn’t used to saying it, “You did well.”
You soaked in his praise like a sponge, absorbing the validation like water in the desert, and in your state, you thought that if Benimaru was praising you then it was the truth. The man was honest to a fault. Your walls quivered and Benimaru groaned. “You should stop doing that if you know what’s good for you. I can take you a second time.”
You whimpered your disagreement, a tinge of fear on your face. His eyes creased with mirth, inwardly laughing at your state. Benimaru only knew how to wreak havoc and he certainly wrecked you. You, usually so proud, strong and independent, reduced to a fawn in his arms. His face was dripping with smug satisfaction.
The night was hot and intense but worn fingertips danced over your back, feather-light touches that only brought you into the world of dreams faster.
If only you could stay like that for-
“Oi, don’t fall asleep on me.” You moaned your unhappiness at being disturbed, trying to burrow yourself deeper in his arms but he kept shaking you awake. “We can’t stay here, we’re lucky no one interrupted us.”
Your tongue was heavy and your throat was raw but you still willed them to move. “I would have been more surprised if they interrupted us. We were anything but quiet.”
Benimaru shook you off his arm, ignoring your unhappy noises and the movement lodged his dick slightly deeper. You shivered at that. “Hina and Hika are still roaming around. The others should be at the bar.”
“Ah. The tiny gangsters.”
He clicked his tongue and moved away and out of you. You whined at the absence, not sure you were ready to have him out of you yet. “Oi.” There was a warning, one that told you he would fight you over his girls.
You snorted and jabbed a finger in his chest. Perhaps it was your fearlessness talking but you couldn’t find him intimidating, not when he was previously balls deep in you, making the most sinful noises you were blessed to hear. “It’s the truth and you can’t deny it.”
And because he couldn’t deny it, he chose to ignore it entirely. “Come on, you can stay in my room.”
How he managed to move, let alone put on his clothes was beyond you. You pouted as he put on his happi, hiding the streaked back you gave him - the trails of your nails went down to his ass and damn, weren’t you proud of yourself.
“Good because I don’t think I could have gone back home.” A grimace tore your face as you tried to massage the numbness out of your lower half. You’ve said ‘break my back like a glowstick’ before but now that it had happened, you weren’t sure you would repeat it again. It hurt and burned like hellfire. “I’m not even sure I can walk, to be fair.”
You observed him freeze in the doorway, already ready to leave the altar of your sins. You saw him considering the pros and cons of leaving you behind, of washing his hands off of you and leaving you to fend for yourself. He might be the reason for your soreness but you were the reason all of this happened. (Not that he complained.)
Indignation shot through you and you hissed: “Don’t leave me there.”
He sighed, closing his eyes before coming back to collect you, draping your haori over your naked form and whatever else he could find. “That’s what you get for teasing me.”
He rose up to his feet, you in his arms as if you weighed nothing.
“We should stop by the entrance to get my bag, and the bathroom. Actually, the bathroom should be the first stop. I’m covered in your spit and sweat and your semen is trickling down my thighs. Also, the floor needs to be washed-”
He cut you off with a kiss. “I get it. It can wait tomorrow.”
The door leading to the guardhouse closed behind you, your indignation and your sore pride.
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The end. To be continued?
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hnychn · 3 years
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summary : it was painful to watch eren become the very person he swore to protect you from
warnings : gender neutral reader, angst (when is it not), season 4 anime spoilers, a bit of jean x reader but nothing is specified,
word count : 2k+
a/n : i kinda don't like this cause idk if the feeling came out as i wanted it to, but i also don't know how to fix it and make it better. i kinda played around with eren's titan abilities and the memories he inherited, but anyways lmk what you thought.
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That’s what Achilles was said to have called his love, Patroclus.
Most Beloved.
A word often spoken between the two as the salty ocean breeze filtered through the open windows and Achilles held Patroclus as if he were the moon holding his tide and Patroclus held Achilles as if he were brightening his world like a thousand golden urns. A word spoken between gasps and puffy lips as the moon peeked through the curtains and guided the two lovers. A word so precious and valuable it was the only word Achilles could cry as he held his lover’s body in the aftermath of the Trojan War.
But words too often spoken, are meanings too often lost.
“If it ever came down to you or the world, I’d choose you over and over and over.”
Much like Patroclus, you cherished the words so rarely dripped from his lips like a drop of water spilling over the edge of a cup. You held Eren tighter, pressed more kisses to the curve of his lips, held his face closer to your own when he let those rare words slip from his lips. When he spoke those words, it was as if a million stars had suddenly been dropped into your dark abyss of a universe and guided your way through life; each sparkle capturing a piece of your breath and stealing your heart and soul with no intentions of giving it back.
Eren embodied the golden urns that spilled from the sun that guided Patroclus’ path to Achilles in the afterlife; he was bright, warm, home.
When Eren lit up your word as he did, when he lit up your path and guided you to him, it was easy to call him home. He was your person. Your person who waited for you with open arms and a cup overflowing with love waiting for you to take and cherish and keep. It was easy for you to mold yourself into his arms on harsher days when he pat your head and whispered, “It’s you over the world. Always” into your ears when you wanted to scream and cry and set fire to the world.
He promised you protection; a secure future filled with love and hope and freedom and forever. It was easy to believe him when he put his life on the line for you when he was on trial. Screaming and thrashing and struggling to get to you as members of the military brigade twisted your arms behind your back and threatened to end your life on suspicions of knowing Eren’s secret. It was easy to believe him when he held you close later, with the moon’s light filtering into the room and the cold breeze cradling both of your bodies. It was easy to believe him when he held you close, his hands fisting the back of your shirt as if someone would burst in and steal you from him at any moment, while his words tickled your ear and warmed your heart, “I will protect you. You are my world.”
But words too often spoken, are meanings too often lost.
You could remember the day his words started lacking their once bright luster. Not long after retaking Wall Maria, you felt the salty ocean breeze against the curves of your face and the cool ocean water against the heels of your ankle. You smiled as you watched Connie and Sasha play in the water and looked over to Eren to do the same; but the sparkle in his eyes, or rather the lack thereof, is when the warmth of his words started to burn out like a flame too long exposed to the harsh winter.
"The world is against us. . .and I won’t let them win.”
Your back was turned to him, pressing against his firm chest that once grounded you in reality and assured you of safety; but now it only frightened you and summoned a churn in your stomach you didn’t know was possible in Eren’s presence.
It was as if your mind recognized it sooner than your heart did. As if your brain could recognize the small changes in your lover, the way his eyes slowly dimmed and were no longer the same jade green that reminded you of the soft grass that tickled the pads of your feet outside of your childhood cottage but had turned into a stormy grey that reminded you of the storms that sunk ships and shattered the hearts and trust of many.
But your heart refused to acknowledge it. Eren had placed a veil of red in front of your heart that blurred all sense of rationale you had. You could see the way he seemed to withdraw into himself more, his words became more scarce, his affection became rarer and rarer as the days passed. Your eyes could register the lack of sparkle in his when he looked at you, but your heart was under his control and refused to acknowledge it.
It was painful watching the person you love most slowly fall out of love with you.
Your heart ached when you looked him in the eyes and were faced with the heartbreaking reality that the stars that once lit up your whole universe were now slowly dimming and simmering away.
And then he disappeared.
As if he were whispers of dandelions floating in the wind, he disappeared, leaving nothing but a stem of the flower he once was in his wake.
You cried and screamed and thrashed about when you first found out, and despite his arms wrapped around you in an effort of comfort, Jean wasn't Eren. You pounded against his chest and screamed at him to let you go, to let you leave and find eren. Because it had to be a mistake, Eren wouldn't just leave you behind . . . right?
The blinding veil had been ripped from your heart and left it shattered. You spent several days locked in your room with only a few shirts Eren left behind to comfort you, his natural scent fading away as time passed, just as his love did for you.
Though, just as Patroclus did, you soon found your peace (though it wasn’t as heartwarming as reuniting with your long-lost lover like Patroclus, peace was peace and you would accept it as it came). It took a while, but with the help of your friends and Jean, you were able to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart and tape them back together.
But the process of healing is not a simple task.
There were days where you wanted to scream at the stars at the top of your lungs, there were days where you wanted to lock yourself in your room again and cry until there were no more tears for you to give, and there were days where you wanted to shatter Eren’s nose as he did your heart. But you took those days with unwavering confidence and picked up your pieces when they fell again.
You picked them up until there was no more need to pick them up because time had healed you. And while it did hurt to accept it, it was a part of healing.
And so, you accepted that Eren had chosen a life without you.
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Eren didn't know whether to be happy or not to see you.
Happy you were alive. Happy he was able to see your face one more time. Happy you had made it out alive from the problems he caused.
His soul ached for him to reach out to you, to hold you close and pepper kisses to your face, and never let you go from the protection of his arms. He ached to take your hand in his and feel the way they fit so perfectly together as if they were made of the same mold. Eren ached to feel the soft pads of your fingers against his cheeks and hear your reassurances that, yes, he was good.
But he stayed put.
And he allowed you to look at him with those beautiful eyes he once loved looking into during the darkest nights that were filled with a love words could not tie-down, but we're now filled with confusion and laced with anger and an array of emotions Eren couldn’t blame you for. Eren allowed you to walk out the door of the airship and into the back where he could hear screams of joy. He let you walk away from him; the echoing sounds of your footsteps getting quieter and quieter as you walked farther away from him.
That was the only time Eren questioned whether what he was doing was right. The more steps you took away from him, the more he had to restrain his body from grabbing you and chaining you to the front of the ship. His body screamed at him to yell, speak, kick, grab you, tackle you, do anything to stop you from leaving.
But he didn't, and he allowed you to walk away.
Eren stared blankly at the metal flooring of the airship as he heard the cheering abruptly stop, and his heart sank. He prayed and prayed to the gods he didn't believe in for someone else to have been hit, that it was someone else bleeding onto the cold floor; because Eren knew he wouldn't be able to go to you. Not with Levi in front of him.
His prayers went unanswered as Jean walked in with two kids, his eyes were red with unshed tears and his hands gripped their clothing as if it were the only thing grounding him to this reality. A reality where you had been shot. A reality that Eren had seen and could have prevented.
Everything seemed to go blank then. It was as if his body shut down, his lands going limp in his lap. The sounds of Mikasa and Armin running out of the room were only white noise, but the sound of your name falling in screams once they saw you were as clear as day.
It was then that Eren realized he was but a pawn in the grand scheme of the memories he held. There was no alternative for him, no way for him to save the people he loved; leaving him to experience loss not once, but twice.
Eren tried to soften the blow of your loss by convincing himself he didn't love you, that your love was nothing but puppy love he clung onto for a small sliver of a normal life, but seeing you again for the first time in years reminded him how much he loved you.
The way you stood with confidence and fought on foreign land made his heart beat with the remembrance of the nights he held you close in his arms and whispered promises of protection and love. Promises of a world of freedom and independence.
"It's you, you, you. Always you,” words once whispered with a love Eren could only dream and long for in the present where you would no longer be there to hear them.
There was no doubt in his mind, in another universe, one where titans didn't roam the earth and the world wasn't against them, Eren would have chosen you in a heartbeat, over and over and over. In a world where his only worries would be what to eat for dinner that night, Eren would hold you close and cherish you just like he wished could in this universe.
But as the memories he inherited played out just as he knew them to and the feeling of losing you weighed heavier on him than it had when he first saw the memory years ago, Eren knew there was nothing else keeping him from becoming the very thing he promised to protect you from.
A monster.
And when Connie walked into the room, his hands stained with your blood and his eyes dripping with the horror of losing someone close, Eren knew what he had done.
Eren chose the world over you.
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taglist: @hells-glory-hole @ashveil @stickystrawberrysyrup @420-uwu @kaiwai @the-trash-mammal @dprhvn @noodle-m-c-doodle
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january31st · 3 years
Ablaze: Chapter 5
Cruella (2021) x reader
A/N: i’m not sorry.
Warnings: uh, fire? and things related to it
|| Masterlist || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Wattpad link ||
~2700 words
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It was a really big building. Still, and even though the entrance was pretty far from the flames, your decision to get in either way wasn’t very smart.
Artie, luckily, wasn’t harmed in any way, he had come from the other side. The two of you met somewhere in the middle, just as people were fleeing the west wing.
“Oh my God, why are you in here?” he said.
“I don’t know Artie, I saw the flames I had to make sure you got out. Has anyone called the fire brigade?”
“Yeah, they were just on their way. But I have to go back, I have to warn the guys over on east and get the dresses out before this whole thing burns to the ground. Come lend us a hand, we have to be quick!” he said, already half running.
You followed him before the realization hit you.
“Artie, where is she?”
“Who Y/N??” he said, coming to a halt as well.
“Cruella!! Was she in her office? That part has to be burnt to a crisp!” Your stomach flipped.
“Fuck, I think she was, but everyone ran out as soon as they noticed it, most of them were already out when I came to the entrance.”
“Then wouldn’t she be the first running to the fucking dresses? Artie if she’s not out by now she’s got to be stuck in there!” You stared at each other in terror for a moment. “You go get the dresses, I’ll go check if she’s out.” You said.
“Y/N don’t do something stupid, she’s smart, she’s out already, somehwere.”
You ran the opposite way as you screamed “Then how has no one seen her?”
The thought of getting there and finding that it was already too late was making your heart clench. Why tho?
No time for that. You ran straight to where you remembered the office to be, asking everyone along the way if they had seen her.
Nothing, the smoke was starting to hurt on your throat, you felt like crying.
“Cruella?” you kept screaming, the sound scratching its way out of you painfully.
When you got to the end of the long corridor you were relieved to see that her doors weren’t on fire yet, so you hurried there and touched the first handle - hot.
The room was big though, fortunately it had a second door, so you tried that one.
You managed to open it and your blood ran cold when you looked inside: half of it was flames.
From the other side came a sob, so you turned and found her. Head between her hands, sitting in a corner on the floor.
“Hey let's go!” you said, but she didn’t seem to hear you.
“Hey, Ella?” you got closer “Are you hurt?”
She kept crying, so you bent down and tried to touch her hand so you could get her attention.
“Hey, look at me” you tried with a softer voice “We have to go. Now.”
She looked at you in confusion for a bit. “Grab my hand will you? Can you get up?”
“But-” she tried.
“It’s okay, are you hurt? We have to get up, I can carry you if you can’t walk.”
She put her hand in yours and you pulled her up with you. The two of you ran out hand in hand still, you used the other one to push a door aside. Bad idea, it collapsed in flames, your hand caught in them for a moment before you went in the opposite direction.
You cursed at the sting but kept rushing out of there, and it was only when you got outside that you realised how much your mouth and nose hurt as well.
The firemen had gotten there already, along with ambulances and random people who had brought water to drink.
She coughed beside you, so you asked again “Did you get hurt?”
She shook her head “No, I’m fine, your hand was on fire though.”
She looked more like herself now, the version of her you had seen up there was so, so different. Not the composed, always in control Cruella that you knew. She was terrified, she had just given up.
“Let’s get you patched up” she gave your other arm a squeeze and led you to one of the ambulances.
“Wait, I have to check on Artie, he went in for the dresses” you said, looking around.
“He’s over there, darling, he’s fine. You’re not.” you looked to where she was pointing as relief washed over you, so you let her take you to get your hand looked at.
Luckily it was your non-dominant one, because you could hardly move it. She sat right next to you as it was cleaned up and you were handed a cold compress to help the pain.
“Hold this for fifteen minutes, I’ll be back then to give you some silver nitrate so it doesn’t get infected.” said the guy from the ambulance, and then you thanked him.
Now it was the two of you alone, she sighed and leaned in to put her head on your shoulder for a moment, squeezing her eyes shut. With your good hand you grabbed one of hers.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” you said, almost a whisper despite the noise around you. “You looked…. I don’t know, that wasn’t you up there.”
“I never thought this would happen again”
“Oh, sorry.. I forgot.” you said, then bit your lip as you realised how it must have felt to almost die in a fire for the second time. The tragedy of fire seemed to follow the both of you, in a way or another.
Her hand in yours, the way she was leaning on you, it was enough to forget everything she had done to hurt you. For those fifteen minutes there was only the two of you. Nothing else around you mattered because the minute you found her, you realised that not knowing if she was alive or not was even more painful than the hurt she caused. It was unbearable. You had a hard time recalling a time when you had felt so desperate before.
Why the hell did you do that really? Because it was the right thing to do? Was that really it? Deep down you knew it wasn’t just that. This wasn’t the first time you were faced with this situation, only the circumstances were totally different. This time you actually had the power to save that person, it was in your hands this time. It wasn’t on the other one, but you still blamed yourself for it, for not being able to save Pietro.
But that also wasn’t it, was it? Not all of it, not entirely. She was holding your hand in both of hers, the most precious thing in the world it seemed. A grip both light and tight. She held something she couldn’t bear to break, not again, and she couldn’t bear to see it gone from the place it occupied. Afraid of losing it. Just the same way you had been afraid of losing her in the flames too.
The same man came back as promised, and then he bandaged your hand loosely, telling you how to take care of it from then on. She had gotten up and was waiting for you to go talk to Artie, see what the situation was in general.
He gasped as he caught a glimpse of your hand “Y/N!! I told you to be careful, oh my God. Think about your integrity as well for once!”
“I’m fine, don’t worry. But it was worth it, I got her out of there in time. She got… trapped in the rubble” you said, looking at her.
“Well, we got the dresses all out.” he said, still looking at your hand in dismay. He looked at her as well now “We were thinking about sending them to the warehouse? I reckon they’ll be safe there, no one knows it’s yours besides the staff.”
She nodded in agreement “Yeah, I think so. Horace and Jasper could easily find a truck to take them, I’ll take care of that in a bit.” She took a deep breath, it seemed to hurt for her as well “But how did the fire start? Was this an accident or…?”
“What the fire brigade says is it started accidentally at the neighbours’, most likely. Gas leak, forgotten candle. Just spread onto us before anyone could notice. Thankfully no one got hurt. For the most part.” He shot you another look “It really sucks because most of the important parts got destroyed right after we got the dresses out. It’s not gonna be a pretty fix-up.”
“That’s fine, I’ll manage.” she answered. “I’m going to see if I can find a phone, hit the boys up”
He waited for her to be gone before saying “Y/N! I seriously don’t understand you. I thought you couldn’t stand her! And I mean fair enough, she did you dirty. But what happened to the whole ‘I'll explode your head if I see you’ thing?” his face screwed in pain for a moment “It was about Pietro right? I’ll keep repeating myself until the end of time, but what happened to him wasn’t your fault, and you couldn’t have changed it”
“Well, no I wasn’t thinking about Pietro then, I just wasn’t thinking at all, were you? I mean I don’t know, something felt wrong. But, in the end, isn’t everything I do for him?” you paused.
“And I was right, I found her just in time. And I still can’t stand her, but I don’t know, seems a bit extreme to just let her die. Like yeah, she fucked everything up for me, but saving her also works to say I’m nothing like her.” he lifted an eyebrow at you “Yeah, I’m making a point Artie.”
“Sure. And by making a point you won’t be able to play guitar for how long? A month at least, by the looks of that.” he said.
“Shit you’re right. Fuck.”
So technically now she had gotten in between you and music twice. Great. You managed to forget about it before but now there was no way of unseeing it.
“Y/N do you have the keys? I think I’ll be going now, are you coming too?”
“Oh yeah, here” you handed him the keys “I need to tell the band what happened though. The bar is on this side of town, I think I’ll meet up with them. See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Don’t stop to save anyone else on your way.” he mocked you.
You saw him go to Cruella to say he was going home, and you started walking in the direction of the bar. You had lost track of time, it was getting late, so by now some members of the band must be there already.
When you got there everyone was a bit upset, especially because you didn’t know for how long you wouldn’t be able to play, but they were understanding in general. You called the concert off for the night but had set on finding someone to play while you couldn’t, because after all, you could still sing.
You walked out of the bar, tried to look for a bus back home. It was still hard to breathe, and the pain on your hand had gotten even worse, you didn’t feel like walking all the way back.
The issue was that the closest bus stop you could recall was the one at the House of De Vil, so you walked back, a bit annoyed.
The promised truck had already arrived and a couple people were putting the dresses in to be shipped off. It was getting dark now, cold as well, you forgot your coat because you thought you’d be going straight home.
“Y/N!” You heard Jasper say. “Hey, I heard what happened today, you were quite the hero.”
“Oh, don’t say it like that, I hardly thought about what I was doing.” you answered, uneasy.
“Seriously, I mean… after what happened… I-”
“It’s okay Jasper.”
“No, really, we had no idea why we were picking you up that day. I honestly still don’t know how we just do what she tells us. I’ve been feeling quite bad since I found out actually.”
“Don’t, it wasn’t your fault, and things were never supposed to get out of hand like that. I really wish I didn’t do the runaway that day. She got really pissed about that.”
“Well” he looked around “Don’t tell her I told you, but she’s been feeling bad about it too. She wouldn’t admit it, I don’t think, she might say she feels bad about not having your talent on her team, but in reality sometimes she rambles about how she went too far with you”
“Oh? Really? I’ve been paranoid this whole time that she would come after me and kill me or something.” the both of you laughed.
“Nah, I don’t think she would. She likes you, you know? You’re exactly the type of person she likes to keep around. I mean, she isn’t who she was before, but if this happened a year or two ago she would have apologised to you.”
“Well, I didn’t make it easy either, I lashed out too, might have threatened to hit her…”
“I don’t blame ya”
“Uh, well, you guys are going to the warehouse right? I live near there, do you have an extra seat for me?” you asked, realising that you didn’t want to get into a bus with random people either, and also because he was nice to talk to.
“Yeah, we do, we’ll just finish this and you can hop in the front” he answered with a smile.
As you sat there waiting you felt someone grab your arm, and as you turned around you found her. You cursed yourself for still being struck by her. Only more and more every time, it seemed, a part of you wanted to forgive her and be close to her, but after all she had done you just couldn’t allow yourself. She had yet to apologise or even acknowledge it since, so you tried to not give into her.
She pulled you away from everyone else and spoke with a low voice “Why did you do that?”
“Do what? What did I do wrong this t-”
“No, why did you go up there? I owe you now.”
“You don’t, seriously, I don’t want anything from you. It’s better that way” you tried to walk away but she caught you again, coming closer to you this time.
“Oh? Is that why you saved me?” she said with her malicious smile, her breath hitting your face. “Don’t tell me you were being nice, you could have asked anyone else to do it” she looked at your burnt hand “Someone more qualified… But you went all that way for me, darling. That tells me all I need to know.”
You took a step back so she could see your face properly, and to get a straighter posture “It doesn’t tell you shit. It tells you I do things impulsively in dangerous situations and I don’t think about consequence. It’s better for the two of us if we don’t talk ever again, you might have too much fun taking advantage of me.”
“Hey, we’re done!” shouted Horace.
“I’m going now, have a lovely night” you said with a fake smile.
“Wait-” she tried, but you didn’t look back and got into the truck before she could say anything else. On the way to the warehouse you did feel bad for leaving like that, but it was nothing compared to how you would feel a few minutes after getting there.
Afterward she explained it to you. Just after you left, someone from the reception gave her a note that had been dropped there before the fire. She had realised what it implied the moment she read it, and she tried to make it in time to the warehouse, she swore to you, time and time again. But she hadn’t.
You’ll never be as great as the baroness. Your punk show is over.
But the troubles for that day were far from over.
|| Masterlist || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Wattpad link ||
taglist: @witchy-o @follows-the-life-ahead
if you want to be added to a taglist for this series, feel free to reach out in whatever way you prefer :)
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octania · 4 years
Benimaru Shinmon x Reader / Obi Akitaru x Reader ( S/O’s birthday)
Words count: 2.4 k
Warnings: NONE , Just that you may fall hard for this two guys 😂 
Short descriptions: What would Obi and Benimaru do for your birthday to surprise you like no other.
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Obi Akitaru
Obi is a hyped mess when it comes to your birthday. To be perfectly precise, he starts his adrenaline planning a whole week before. He gathers all the information, that he had carefully stored in his mind due time, about what you enjoy the most, what are your hobbies and preferences. He writes the most important things down in the beginning of, what he calls, your birthday week. The list goes from the little things like your favorite color, favorite food, flowers, books, places, all the way to your dreams and plans for the future. He takes every single thing on that paper seriously and marks them as highly important and also as a guide to your perfect surprise.
Everyone knows that the birthday week planning is starting, they learned it the hard way last year. Don’t be fooled, he did not bother no one by asking for help, actually he tried to do everything by himself, but you can imagine how dealing with a mile long list of your wishes can be more then overwhelming. Hinawa actually found the poor guy sleeping in the garden when he was putting up the lights to decorate it for your romantic dinner that would take place after the party that he also organized single-handedly. His head resting on the white fence, body all covered in wires that had small light bulbs on it, hair messy with traces of flower-shaped- confetti he sprinkled on the grass from the main entrance of the garden, all the way to a nicely decorated table for two where you would have your romantic meal. When Hinawa got closer, he noticed that on the wires of the lights there was something else, some pieces of paper hanging from it. He leaned, peaking, trying to read what was on it. Turned out your man Obi wrote down all the things you made him feel for you, all the things he adored about you and all the things he thinks you made better for him. After that, all the members of the squad insisted they help him next time, and with a charming smile he always has, he agreed and thanked them.
Obi is defiantly a “surprise party” kind of guy. He adores the stunned expression on your face, almost melting like ice in the sun when he sees your cheeks firing up and corners of your lips curled in a shy smile when you walk in the room  themed with your favorite things, full of your friends holding gifts and welcoming you with a cheerful singing of the traditional Happy birthday song. Looking around you and seeing how detailed and crafty the room is decorated with the things you adore, a combination that you could not find even on web sites, makes you glare with pride on your boyfriend, who wants nothing more than your happiness and satisfaction with things he had done for you.
 He would be beside you every moment of the party, making sure you are having the most unforgettable time of your life, being a queen of this event, and your king has you wrapped around his muscular arm at all times. Even when you tell him quietly that he did not have to go through all this trouble for you, he would spin you by the hand, landing you between his arms and on his firm chest, lifting you up by gripping your legs, making you to wrap them around his waist, then he kisses your collarbone, closing his eyes and resting his head under your chin, whispering to you – “How can you say that? I love you (Y/N), and of course I will celebrate the day you were born, because in that moment the other half of me came to this world. I would celebrate every day as this one, because I managed to find you, my soul mate.” 
You would stand frozen, staring at a mountain of boxes of all sizes, wrapped in colorful paper with bows on the top. How many gifts do you think is possible to buy in one week? More than you could count….. Obi takes nothing by chance, and after roaming in every store that he thought contained something you would find amusing, nice, cute, he will get it. He got even the things that reminded him of you, and the things that were reminding him on your intern jokes or situations you two were in together and they were dear to him. The only thing he refused to buy is a big teddy bear. Once you have told him that hugging him  reminded you of hugging those enormous plushy bears and when he leaves you will put his shirt on one of them so you can hug it while he is gone so you don’t miss him, he vowed that the day will never come. But not because he was jealous on the toy, it is because he never wanted to allow you to be lonely and missing him. Buying that bear would mean he admits the day when you will be alone with that stuffed material would come, and there is no way he will let that happen. You sleep right on top of him, while he embraces your whole body with his strong arms, pulling you close so he can hear your every heart beat, making sure you feel his too, letting you know you will never again be alone, you two are one soul in two bodies.
You should bear in mind that the party is not over when the guests leave. Obi would kiss your hand, closing the door after the last person, leaning over you and locking you between his wall of flesh and the door. “I have one more surprise for you, babe.”- his whispers would sink deep into your core, making you shiver when he rest his hands on your waist, squeezing it lightly, massaging it in slow circular motions, while he nibbles on your earlobe. Suddenly, he would pick you up by surprise, carrying you while whispering sweet nothings along your neck, opening the door of his room. Well..not only his anymore. The single person bed is now replaced with a king sized one, and a new and wider wardrobe is placed next to the older and smaller one. You heart race as you see the scented candles illuminating the room with their dim glow. Blue and white orchids are spread out along the bed, and some around it. You turn, looking at him. His face red, smiling but he can’t hide how nervous he really is. He stutters the first few words, but then clears his throat and finishes his question with a tone filled with dedication. “ Move in with me (Y/N). I can’t stand going away from you in the morning any more..I can’t stand calling this house a home any longer, because it is a lie. Until we are living under the same roof,  nothing will feel like home to me. So, please (Y/N), will you stay with me?”
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Benimaru Shinmon
You thought Beni looked gloomy before when he took his usual stroll along the streets of Asakusa, but you have seen nothing until he realized a big day is coming up, and he had absolutely no idea how to make it special. Well, at least nothing seemed good enough to him. He had no experience in this area. Sure, he cared for Asakusa, he admired and respected Konro, he liked the twins, but nothing got so deep in that mans chest as you did. So, the same usual treatment when it came to birthdays, to give them something nice and congratulate them, have a nice dinner and go to bed after, was out of the question. 
You were his first girlfriend. He had chances, that is more than obvious, but no one caught his eyes except you, and for the first time, he felt a deep and sincere obligation, or better yet, desire, to show you how much you fascinate him and how differently he sees you from all the rest. In the end, he wanted to express his love for you. Given the fact he was a man of few words, literal meaning of showing is what was left. Telling you how much he cared did not seem special enough, he believed in actions. You can’t just tell a woman that you love her, stupid, you got to prove it.
  Konro, like he had some sort of tracker device installed in him to detect Benimaru’s worries, found out what has been troubling the young captain fast enough. He found it almost adorable, but there is no way he would say that in front of Waka. So, he carefully tried to give him a few advices as always, not being pushy, just helpful. But this time, something unusual happened. Normally, Beni would either listen and say nothing after Konro’s advice, or he would straight up get up and leave, showing how uninterested he is in the matter. But not this time, no. This time, he asked questions. Pointing out his concerns and specifically what he wants to achieve. Konro was puzzled, shocked to say at least. Realizing how deep Benimaru’s emotions are for you, he could not help but smile, messing the young man’s hair like he was a little boy, giving the advice that Benimaru found so useless and cringey at first, his eyebrows narrowed and his face became one big expression of dissatisfaction. “Present her the ways of your heart.” – Seriously Konro? That is all you can give me?
At first, Benimaru had no idea what that meant, but soon enough he realized the meaning when his endless walks took him to the right place. By accident, he stumbled upon a meadow covered with tall grass dancing in a light breeze. He gazed upon the peaceful place, admiring the view he didn’t even notice at first because of how deep he was in his thoughts. Turning around, he noticed a couple of more things that left even him breathless, and now he knew exactly what he wants to do.
 The tender touch of his fingers woke you up. His mismatched eyes glowing with a smooth red light as he gazed upon your sleeping face. Gently caressing your cheeks, he planted a kiss on your forehead, picking you up from the bed without a word, carrying you outside. The clouds were light blue, it was still dark, but it was almost morning. Confused and still half asleep, you murmured some questions about what was he doing and where is he taking you, but he said no word, he just took one of the brigade's matoi, standing on the pole with you still in his arms, and you two took off when he used his Second Generation ability, controlling the flames of other ignited matoi and direct them to a certain place. You held tight, watching the sleeping homes of Asakusa beneath you.
 A golden glow on the tender grass, wind filled with soft petals of sakura flowers, and a view of mighty mountains made you believe Benimaru took you to heaven itself. You could not find the words fast enough when he started walking to the end of the meadow. You realized you were close to the cliff, when he knelt, placing you on the ground, while he was still standing. “Beni?”- you asked, but no answer, he just turned, continuing to approach the cliff dangerously close. Too close. He jumped. 
Your heart sank deep as a hysterical scream escaped your lips. You were paralyzed, could not move or breathe as you watched him disappear. But before your heart stopped from this shock, a raging flame arouse from the depths of the abyss, rising like two wings of the phoenix, painting the already stunningly colored morning sunrise with the art of his flames. Benimaru’s body appeared seconds later, as he was again standing on his matoi, traveling through air, leaving the shapes made of fire behind him. First it reminded you on fireworks, endless explosions of breathtaking colors spreading on the sky’s canvas, but this was different. The more you stared at the flames, the more sense they made. They had shapes. Shapes of people, of houses, they were even words you could now clearly read. His fiery creations appeared faster, almost like they were moving, having a life of their own. Tears started falling down your cheeks as you finally realized what you were looking at. He was telling you a story. A story of how you two first met, how you two fell in love, and how much you mean to him.
You sobbed while Benimaru continued to paint his tale in the rosy clouds, giving them the golden edges with his fire, looking like an angel surrounded with such glow that was out of this world.  He found a perfect way to express his feeling, his determination for you. There were no words or gifts on this world that could be measured with this. When the last string of fire disappeared from the face of the sky, letting the orange sun to take over and illuminate the scene, he landed right in front of you. He knelt , bowing like you were a queen and he was your loyal general, placing his face in your hands that were resting on your legs. He inhaled deeply, collecting the scent of his one true love before he spoke in a calm voice filled with emotion. “Before you (Y/N), my canvas was empty..Now, there are more colors on it that I even knew existed…I hope you understand what I am trying to say..”- he clenched the material of your night gown in his hands, lifting his head to meet your watery gaze. He brushed his cheek against your, leaving the vibrations of his next words on your skin. “Your existence, is a reason for mine.”- he pressed his warm lips on yours, wiping your tears with his fingers. “Happy birthday, (Y/N)… and know this day is the most important one for me.”
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
A Little Trouble || Alec Volturi x Reader||
A request for: @tiger-khans-blog
Words: 4225
Warnings: None!
Summary: Alec’s mate is...not what he expected. Between hair dye, brownie mix and kitchen fires they’ve started their very own reign of terror in Volterra, but Alec’s learned that sometimes a little trouble can be a good thing...
When Aro had first seen Sulpicia, she had been selling seaglass on the shore of Greece, the sunlight reflecting off of dark streaks of hair and dark eyes so enthralling he’d been ensnared ever since. He’d brought almost a whole bag of the pretty, frosted glass and spent hours crafting the pieces into a beautiful necklace Sulpicia had done everything in her power to preserve until the centuries just made it to fragile to keep wearing. She had been smitten the moment she met the man willing to craft her a courting gift that looked every inch as precious as the pearls the wealthier women in town wore.
When Caius had first met Athenodora, she had been fire and brimstone in the shape of a woman towering over those who would oppress her. He had been immediately enraptured by the feisty blonde tearing off the arm of a man who had clearly wronged her in some way, the dark crimson of her eyes drawing him in and not letting go. She had easily taken care of the two Romanian lapdogs tracking him to, and as he watched her pale face shine in the flames Caius had known in that moment there would never be another woman for him. They were both such romantic stories and Alec had been inducted into this life hearing them, seeing the way Chelsea and Afton had fallen head over heels almost instantly and Marcus had fallen into despair with Didyme’s death. He knew the importance of the mate bond, knew it was something to be treasured, that his mate should be protected and loved by him at all times no matter the cost.
Imagine his surprise when the first time he met you, you swore at him for being in your way.
Modern women were nothing like the women he had been surrounded by growing up, or even the women in the guard. The old-world ideals of the demure and chaste woman were something the world had outgrown and here you were now, causing trouble wherever you went, the consequences be damned. If it wasn’t your mouth getting you in trouble it was your actions. He still shuddered when he recalled the first time he had presented you to the Masters. He couldn’t just leave you where he’d found you after all; you were his mate and so many things happened to vulnerable humans – and that was without the added complication that you were the mate of a witch twin. You had fought hard despite your obvious disadvantage until Alec had stripped your senses and taken you from your home city.
Aro had insisted on reading your thoughts, intrigued as to who could be compatible with his most powerful Guard. His stare had been intense and his skin ice-cold and, well, these people had just kidnapped you after all so nobody should have really been surprised when you tried to shove him away from you.
“What the hell is wrong with you all! You think you can just kidnap me and do whatever you want with me? You can take your huge ass forehead and shove it man, stop trying to touch me, Dome of Creepiness!”
Caius’s indignation had him pushing to his feet so fast his hair had swung about his shoulders as he spoke down to you, while Marcus only watched with the faintest wisp of a smile on his face.
“Insolent human! You are beneath-“
“I ain’t beneath nobody King Blondie Sparkles! You look like you’re in a damn Loreal commercial or something and you? Don’t even start me on the gloomy dude! This is some kangaroo court stuff right here!” You’d cried out. Felix and Demetri had been very obviously amused by you but Alec had just about died all over again, the embarrassment and astonishment too much for him. The whole room had been stunned into silence until Jane dropped you for your insubordination. His embarrassment had dissolved to sheer horror in moments and for the first time in his life he’d actually snarled at his sister. You’d been a handful when he met you and you’d continued to be one ever since. He could vividly recall your first month with them, where’d you’d endlessly pranked and shouted at them in an effort to be so annoying they’d simply let you go.
Jane had been your first victim, since she had naturally been predisposed to disliking you given your association with her twin. Every little thing you did irked her so it was really no surprise that the simplest of things had been what set her off on your second week in the castle. Anywhere that the Masters and the Guard were not was a refuge for you, and it just so happened that more often than not, the gardens were your chosen spot. Jane had taken to tending a small corner of the garden decades before you’d ever arrived and it was coming to the time of year where she stripped out and replanted it, but that was her job, not yours. Finding you knee deep in mud, her soil strewn everywhere and the bulbs that flowered every year scattered along the path while you tried your best to bury Felix’s journal had set her on a warpath she’d been on for months after the incident. Alec had barely saved you from her and had only ended up covering himself in dirt in the process.
Demetri’s hair had been the first real casualty, in Alec’s opinion. He’d been out for the day looking for trouble of his own, spending his down time how he pleased, and as was his tradition he took a nice, long hot shower when he got home. He had had no idea you replaced his leave in conditioner with bleach and to say he was furious to find the natural colour of his hair gone and the strands drying and brittle was an understatement. He’d screamed so loud the Guard had come running thinking he was in danger, only to find him holding a handful of his own, unnaturally blonde hair in hand and wearing absolutely nothing to cover his modesty. He had worn a hood for three weeks before the venom managed to leach the bleach out and return his hair to its natural luster and volume. It took him three months to consider accepting your apology.
Then you’d set the kitchen on fire.
It had genuinely been an accident on this one occasion, and Felix had been keeping an eye on you so was able to prove it. You had really just been trying to cook yourself some lunch, your usual mischievous mood dampened by three months of captivity in the castle and absolutely no progress in earning your freedom. When the sleeve of your shirt had caught fire on the hob it was perfectly understandable you had panicked…it was just unfortunate that your panic had carried you straight into the tablecloth, oven mits and tea towels, setting small fires everywhere that didn’t mix all that well with the natural wooden countertops. Aro was furious he had had to call the fire brigade and have so many humans in their home. It had drawn more attention to the Castle than there had been in almost two centuries.
“Your irresponsibility could have cost lives far more valuable than your own. Do you understand how reckless you have been? This petulant sulking will no longer be tolerated and you will-“
“Whatever.” You had muttered. Aro’s mouth had snapped closed, Caius’s eyes bugging.
“I beg your pardon?” his voice was soft, unthreatening. Alec knew that meant trouble. You kept your head bowed, your fists clenched at your sides, and he caught the slightest twinge of salt in the air. The truth was, Alec had been keeping an eye on you from a distance, waiting to see if you calmed. You had been given an extended period to see if your wilder tendencies could be calmed before you were changed – no one wanted to deal with a wild newborn after all. Instead, he’d watch your flame flicker and dim, your cheeky spark dying slowly as the darkness of Volterra enveloped it. He hated it. You were supposed to be loud and mischievous, a hurricane in human form; he wondered how he had ever handled the quiet before you came into his life because he couldn’t stand it now it had returned. Your energy was just drained from you and Alec didn’t want this, not for you, not when you were clearly miserable.
“Master. It was an accident.” Felix’s voice had surprised him, but the giant had stepped forward calmly to give him his hand and show him everything that had led up to the dreadful accident. Aro was quiet for a moment, his expression changing drastically.
“Are you alright, my dear?” he asked finally. Your glare had been venomous when you looked up at him then but Alec had decided enough was enough. In many ways he still looked back on that as a defining moment in your relationship, because Alec had done exactly what mates were supposed to do in that moment and stepped in to protect you. His concern had put the Masters off of punishing you as he ushered you from the room and into his. He’d ran you a bath so you could clean the soot from your body, and whilst you languished in his tub he had sat leaning back against the closed door, asking you the first things that came to mind. By the end of the night, as you lay fast asleep on his sofa, he knew all of your favourite things and all your worst fears, but more importantly he knew how to talk to you. It was easier after that, to engage you in conversations that didn’t end in a screaming match, and it had taken him a little under a month to fall completely in love with everything you were.
What you were was a complete menace, of course.
Felix had become your partner in crime and your pranks continued to extend across the castle, your cheeky spark returning once Alec had professed how much he missed it. In the span of three weeks Caius’s hair had turned neon green, the Guard’s robes became tie-dyed with shapes cut out of them, Marcus had had his hair braided quite nicely but Aro’s hair had had multi-coloured streaks woven into it and he’d been forced to wear it that way for a trial…Alec had no idea how you and Felix managed any of this but it had become very clear that you weren’t going to change your ways, much to the Master’s chagrin.
“Why exactly are we doing this?” Demetri sounded exasperated and Alec shot him an annoyed look.
“Y/N has never been given flowers, but Heidi insisted that humans liked receiving flowers and I would like to make it clear that my intentions towards Y/N are romantic.” Alec repeated for the umpteenth time. Demetri sighed quietly and Alec diligently ignored whatever it was he muttered under his breath while they observed the flowers at the stall in the square. There were blooms of every colour, size and shape, with equally as pretty ribbons and papers to wrap them in. It was almost too much choice almost. He knew your favourite colour of course, but he’d never asked about your favourite flowers because you just hadn’t seemed like a flower’s kind of person.
“How about a mixture of these?” Demetri suggested, his fingertips ever so gently lifting the stems of flowers from the tubs of water keeping them fresh as he picked out his samples. Alec tilted his head, quietly watching him work for a moment until he had two large headed blooms and some smaller sprigs of blossoms.  
“The small ones look out of place with the bigger flowers.” He frowned. Demetri shook his head.
“Not when arranged in a full bouquet. Besides, the meaning is impressive. These are salvia and the red ones in particular mean forever mine. This yellow one is hibiscus, it symbolizes delicate beauty, and these purple ones are morning glory’s, representing affection. Placed in a whole bouquet you are promising your delicate beauty your affections forever.” He concluded. Alec stared at him in shock.
“You speak the language of flowers?” he questioned. Demetri’s eyes rolled as he handed his stems to the stall owner with a few quick instructions in Italian.
“My lovers do not line up at my door purely for the scintillating conversation, Alec.” His tone told Alec he needed to drop that particular conversation, and since the tracker was doing him a favour Alec let it slide this time. Wrapped in some pretty polka dot paper with a white satin bow wrapped around the stems, he held his bouquet with a small smile, please with how it turned out. He couldn’t wait to give it you, see your face when you realised someone had decided to do something nice for you. It was his first real romantic gesture towards you and he hoped you wouldn’t turn him down.
“Do you think we should have gotten the card?” he fretted. Demetri raised an eyebrow.
“Why go to all of this effort Alec?” he fired back, brows furrowed, “They’ve done nothing but cause trouble since they arrived. How could you possibly find it in yourself to expend the effort to reach out to someone so….so…”
“Demetri. I dare you to finish that sentence,” Alec said coldly, his eyes focused on the tracker in a steely glare. Demetri didn’t cower at much, but the witch twins were enough to make even the strongest men fall to their knees in fright. “Just tell me where my mate is.” Demetri was quiet for a moment as he put his gift to full use, and then he twisted and began to walk away, leaving Alec to follow him silence. Alec understood why so many of them had turned away from his mate, you had hardly made life easy for any of them after all with all your mischief, but Alec saw the reason you behaved as you did where nobody else took the time to. Your most harmless pranks (like dropping a water balloon full of hair gel on Caius who was stuck trying to get his hair to go flat for four days straight) were done for fun, a product of your immaturity and youth, but the big ones were usually reactions to things. You had done your very best to piss them off simply because you were scared of the monumental change you were having to adjust to, not to hurt anyone. You didn’t have a malicious bone in your body, he was sure.
His nose twitched as Demetri led him in the directions of the kitchen, something bitterly sweet invading his senses. What was that? He couldn’t place the scent at all though he did pick up on the lingering smell of gas, indicating the oven was on. Was his mate cooking perhaps? But what was she cooking that was so bitter?
“Ah!” the short, sharp yell had Alec moving at lightning speed towards the kitchen door. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what that bang was, what sort of trouble you were getting into now, but come hell or high water Alec was going to save you from whatever hair-brained scheme you –
“Ghost!” Demetri screamed, his pitch so high Alec cringed slightly. It was enough to make him panic, as his eyes raked over the figure before them, a mixture of denim and dark brown that was bordering on black, the white of its eyes screaming at him through the dark sludge. For the briefest moment, Demetri’s own panic had skewed Alec’s perception enough that he didn’t see anything for what it really was. No, no Alec saw the brown sludge as burnt flesh, thick and solidifying and sliding slowly off of the bones of the creature before him. He saw exactly what he should have become all those years ago. A tortured, melted creature. It was enough to make even the fierce witch twin scream, and the flowers Demetri had helped him pick so carefully went flying upward out of his hands so he could use them at a moments notice.
It wasn’t until Jane shook his arm that he snapped out of it somewhat.
“Alec what is wrong with you!”
“Jane! I saw – it’s a – a – what?” he stammered.
“It’s a ghost Jane, tell me you do not see it!” Demetri snapped. Jane groaned, her expression exasperated as her arms folded.
“It’s not a ghost you fools! It’s Y/N,” she huffed, turning her cold gaze to his mate next, “And they’ve made a complete mess.” You had the decency to look embarrassed at least. Alec took another look at the ‘ghost’, sighing slightly as he realised his sister was right. The brown sludge was not burnt flesh after all, more…more…some sort of chocolate mix perhaps? Your lower lip came out in a pout and you looked so unbearably sad Alec couldn’t help but come closer to you, tempted to hug you but also not wanting to get your mess on his clothes.
“Y/N? What on earth happened to you?” he questioned. You whined pitifully at him.
“Jane taught me to make brownies with this recipe she knows and so I tried to do them myself, but the oven is too high up and I lost my grip on the tray and now I have a sore head and no brownies.” You had never looked more upset than you did in that moment and Alec blinked in surprise because…since when did his sister spend time with you? Jane huffed quietly behind him as he sighed and gently wiped some chocolate from her chin before it could drip to the floor.
“Oh dear. How about you get yourself cleaned up and I will clean up in here?” he suggested. You lowered your head.
“I didn’t mean it this time Alec, I swear, I just wanted brownies. I didn’t mean to scare your or Demetri.” Your voice was so small, it shattered his heart. You may have been a troublemaker at heart but you were also a bit of a guilty soul, and he knew you felt genuinely bad when you truly upset someone. You’d been trying to subtly make it up to Demetri for months now but the tracker was having none of it.
“I know sweet thing. All is forgiven.” He promised. He watched you trudge from the kitchen, leaving a trail of brownie mix behind you. Demetri was nowhere to be seen though Jane remained standing near the doorway, staring apathetically at the mess on the floor.
“It isn’t your mess to clean.” She pointed out.
“Nor is it a mess she made deliberately. Chocolate will be much harder to get out clothes than a wooden floor; though, as the recipes creator surely you’d know?” the subtle invitation to tell him and the smirk on his face was enough to make Jane scowl at him.
“Maybe Y/N isn’t so bad…but she cannot bake.” She sniffed, turning on her heel to leave the mess to him. Alec chuckled slightly as she left, pleased in the knowledge his sister was clearly trying to get along with his mate now. She had sworn off of you beforehand, so this was an improvement. It didn’t take him long to run a bucket of hot water, scooping up the large globs of chocolate mix before mopping the floor. He’d definitely have to change his shirt today but he had done it in half the time it would have taken you to clean up, and by the time he wondered to your room to find you you hadn’t even left the shower yet. To his surprise, when he poked his head around the door, his nose caught the smell of fresh flowers, because sitting proudly on your desk was the bouquet he and Demetri had bought for you. His brow furrowed, he didn’t remember giving you those, in fact they’d completely skipped his mind.
He decided to read whilst you showered, determined to speak to you after you were done and confess his feelings for you, but he got so absorbed in the pages it wasn’t until his door creaked that he realised you were clean and dry once more. In fact, almost immediately after his door creaked the sound of your feet thudding against the floorboards hit his ears, and Alec’s hands quickly dropped the book in favour of catching you as you all but dived over the arm of the sofa with a grin to reach him. With his strength he easily held you about a foot up from his lap, slowly lowering you down with raised eyebrows.
“Still trying to fly?” he guessed. You nodded.
“You betcha! One day I’ll manage it, you’ll see. If I have to have a gift it’ll be the coolest one, I’ll be the worlds first flying vampire.” You boasted with a smirk that told Alec you knew it wouldn’t happen anytime soon, if ever, as you sat up on your knees beside him. It was yet another thing Alec loved about you, just how refreshing your perspective on life was. You never took anything too seriously whereas his life had been focused around first, surviving, and second, gaining the reputation that ensured nobody dared mess with him or his sister again. He had had little time for games and tricks and fun but you…you were young and free, living the life he had missed out on, a life he could live vicariously through you.
“You know one day you will fall face first.” He said with a chuckle. You shook your head.
“No I won’t, you’ll always be there to catch me.” You sounded so confident and Alec couldn’t help but smile at you.
“Oh, will I?” he teased. You nodded your head.
“Yeah you will, because red salvia means forever mine, right?” your eyes were a little guarded still, a light pink coating your cheeks. Alec’s brow furrowed, his back straightening.
“You know what the flowers mean?” he asked. Your blush darkened, head slowly nodding.
“Demetri speaks flower…actually, Google Maps said quite a few things, actually.” You admitted. Alec felt his stomach curl tight, the anxiety settling in his gut like a ball and making him feel as close to nauseous as a vampire could get. He turned his body to face you, studying your expression carefully. You didn’t seem like you were setting him up for any bad news at least, your expression wasn’t twisted, you just looked…shy. It was a new and rather bizarre look on you since his loud and cheeky little mouthed mate was never shy. Demetri hadn’t been too harsh then.
“Such as?” he prompted. You took a breath, fingers twisting in your lap.
“Such as he’s never heard me apologise and mean it before apparently – which is a lie but we moved past that – and…and you don’t want to give up on me, because you think I’m okay as I am.” You murmured, not quite able to meet his gaze now. Alec felt his stomach flutter, those proverbial butterflies kicking up a storm as he reached for your hand.
“I think you’re more than okay.” He said softly. Your hand twitched as his fingers brushed your own, but you didn’t pull away and instead let him intertwine your hands with a small smile.
“Even if I’m loud? And annoying? And immature? And-“ You were cut off by Alec’s finger against your lips, his eyes rolling.
“Demetri’s personal opinion of you is something I could care less about. I like the noise and the pranks and when you are unapologetically yourself, Y/N. Maybe you do get yourself into a lot of trouble from time to time but you’re having fun with your life, you are living as you wish, you live freely and that is something I envy.” He admitted. Your eyes widened slightly.
“You envy me? But…you’re so powerful!” you exclaimed. His eyes rolled.
“Power isn’t everything Y/N.I know your life changed in ways you didn’t expect, that you weren’t really happy with it either, and I can never really make up for just taking you away from your home like that but I would like to try.” Alec squeezed your hand lightly, his eyes pleading for that one little chance he knew he didn’t deserve but so desperately wanted. You bit your lip, clearly thinking through your options. You hadn’t really been made to feel welcome during your stay, but if one person had consistently treated you like another human being instead of an out of control child it was Alec. It helped he was pretty handsome to, and for whatever reason, he liked everything about you that put others off.
“How?” you asked finally, head tilting. Alec smiled slightly.
“Humans go on dates when they meet their mates, don’t they? Perhaps we can start with that. I’ll take you to this bakery not far from the square and get you all the brownies you desire.” He proposed. You couldn’t quite fight the smile breaking out on your face.
Alec came to the startling conclusion that sometimes, a little trouble is a good thing.
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The fire is out forever
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Anthony x fem!reader
warning : fluff, hurt/comfort, kisses, tiny emotional
Summary : In 1972, in little hope, a small town that was once full of work and money, a tragedy occurs, an accident that nearly wipes out an entire family and leaves the seriously injured Anthony in the hospital with only the arms of his girlfriend to hold him.
info : first my second work now to young anthony (poor boy) i wanted to write something fluffy/sad and here it is have fun ;)
It was already dark in the small town of Little Hope when the moon ventured out from behind the clouds and a crow perched on the power line, its black beady eyes looking at the large family home.
A house that was to go up in flames only moments later, violently sweeping each and every one of them into the endless darkness. But before this could happen, a small scooter approached the house and the family inside on the cold winter evening.
The scooter almost made an exhausting hum as the engine struggled against the snow on the ground and the weight of the two people.
,,Looks like our little friend is giving up," Anthony laughed, tapping the metal on the side almost rewardingly before wrapping his arms around his friend's body again, who just shook her head with a giggle and gave him a quick glance.
,,Our little friend can manage a lot my dear Anthony don't worry" she said and slowly pressed the brakes to avoid slipping on the snow with the shouts.
Moments later they came to a halt in front of the house and a relieved sigh came from both of them. ,,Who would have thought we'd make it here from the city," he murmured, taking off his round dark helmet which he handed back to her and fastened to the scooter.
Before he took her hand and gently swung it back and forth while she smiled at him, " ,,That's why we had our two romantic rides," she said and Anthony came a step closer, pulled her close and gave her a soft kiss, a kiss that made any cold outside disappear.
,,Truly romantic darling," the brown-haired man said with a wave before the scooter's engine started up again and his girlfriend made her way home. His blue eyes watched her as the light slowly disappeared on the icy road and a grin formed on his lips.
The date in the small cafe in the city, sweet and yet somehow romantic under the winter lights, the light dance on the way out and the bracelet she wore that he had given her, he loved her with all his heart.
Unaware of the cawing cry of the raven Anthony welcomed here and the young man stepped into his family home amidst strife and an evening of frayed nerves and a vengeful Demon.
A home that went up in flames only moments later and his girlfriend saw what happened in the rearview mirror of her scooter with terrible horror.
But the horror was yet to come when she drove to the nearest phone booth and called the ambulance and the fire brigade, who were only able to rescue the living and injured Anthony from the flames. While the rest of the family members were carried out in the black body bags. The family, which was almost like their own, had always treated them nicely and despite the arguments, they always got along. But now, as the monitor beeped, the rise and fall of his chest seemed weak and she held his hand, there seemed to be nothing left of his cheerful, upbeat demeanor. ,,Everything will be fine...I promise Anthony," she murmured for the umpteenth time as she either read to him from the witchcraft books he loved to hear or held his hand, rubbed his side or hid her tears.
"I need you...your family needs you...everyone," she continued to murmur, squeezing his hand enruet knew it was only a matter of time before he finally woke up from his swoon. She wanted to hide her head in her hand when she suddenly felt a small squeeze.
,,Anthony?" came the incredulous question and she saw the older man open his eyes, blinded by the lamp, close them again and lean over to protect him.
Murmuring her name in distraction, he held onto her tightly before his face contorted in pain, his hand unable to rest on his ear because of the bandages from the burnt skin.
,,Wait wait I'll get the doctor yes wait darling!" she heard herself almost scream and gave him a trembling kiss as she broke away not seeing him reach out his hand to hold her to him.
Luck seemed to have mercy after all when the diagnosis of slightly burnt skin and post-traumatic stress disorder came. But he had survived, he had survived, he had survived his entire family but at least she was by his side.
,,Will it stop?" she heard his question and turned to the brown-haired man standing on the balcony of the hospital room, the wind blowing gently around them and his hand resting on hers, seeking support. She didn't need to look at him to know how he was feeling, how scared he was and how much pain he was in.
,,Maybe one day, but I don't know... but I know I'll stay with you," she replied, squeezing his hand lightly and pulling him into a hug for which he had slightly stretched out his arms.
She felt him holding her, his fingers holding her just too tightly, whispering ,,Thank you for everything for everything" and it seemed like the flames disappeared from his eyes for a moment as he saw the cool reality of being with her.
That after she was discharged from the hospital she stayed with him, stayed with him for years and decades. She helped him with the nightmares, the pain, the confusion and the day he didn't come back from his bus journey.
But she got all the love and gratitude from him, she got his heart and she got his support in every bad time. It was a decision they would both make in this deadly confusing time.
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ultimate-cinephile · 4 years
more stuff that no one asked for! keep in mind that the ask box is open so feel free to request!
he deserves more love!
A- Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Okay, let’s be honest, you fell for Joker because of the hair or because of his eye.
He fell for you because he admired your bravery and kindness (doesn’t matter if you’re part of the SPFF, helping him and Licht, or just a plain ol civilian). You two met because he had showed up in your apartment one night, bleeding out, and your first instinct was to patch him up, and as soon as you were done, you pulled a knife on him.
B- Baby (Do they want a family? Why or why not?)
I think Joker wouldn’t really want kids. He lives a dangerous life, and so far, you’ve been the closest thing to normal that he’s been able to keep without it being taken away from him. If he did decide he wanted kids, he would have to have finished his work and he would have to be sure that no one would be coming for him or his future family.
C- Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Despite appearances, Joker is most definitely a cuddler. He loves wrapping his arms around you or having your arms wrapped around him because he likes that security. He loves the assurance that you’re there. 
With that being said, his go to cuddling position is probably the Honeymoon Hug. It gives him access to feel your arms wrapped around him and the security that gives him, and it allows him to wrap his arms around you. It makes him feel like both the protectee and the protector.
D- Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Joker…. doesn’t really plan dates. If you help him on his mission, that’s probably the closest to a date you get with him. Well, you two do order take-out and cuddle while binging some movies too. If you really want to go out though, just tell him and he’ll plan a most extravagant evening out.
It doesn’t really matter what you two do as a date though. Joker just loves spending time with you. You two could literally be watching paint dry and he’d be content with it, as long as it’s with you.
E- Everything (You are my ___; eg: my life, my world)
You are my only hope in this godforsaken world.
F- Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
After a long night of helping Joker decipher some clue he picked up on his latest expedition. You were mumbling to yourself and tossing out guesses. Joker took a moment and looked at you. Your eyebrows were furrowed, eyes squinted yet somehow glaring at the clue, biting your lip in frustration. You caught his gaze and asked if something was wrong and he tossed out a witty remark. You laughed and in that moment Joker realized that if this was normal, he wanted it, and he wanted it with you.
G- Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Joker is not a gentle man. However, with you, he is the most gentle person to ever walk the face of the planet. He knows that you’re more than capable of handling yourself, but he’s so terrified of losing the best thing to ever happen to him that he sometimes treats you like the slightest touch would break you.
H- Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Joker likes to slip his hand into yours and then you intertwine your fingers. Depending on his mood, he might lightly swing them. If you two are cuddling and you lace your hands together, they’re probably laying on his chest.
I- Impression (What was their first impression?)
Your first impression was probably somewhere along the lines of: “Man, I can’t wait to eat my rame- HOLY SOL, THERE’S A GUY BLEEDING OUT ON MY COUCH!” When you were able to think rationally, and after Joker had managed to talk you out of removing the knife from his throat, you thought he was weird and a little creepy, but you guys managed to bond anyways.
His first impression of you was that you were incredibly kind. I mean, you patched him up without a second thought. His second thought was, “Okay, this chick/dude might slit my throat. They’re awesome.”
J- Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He absolutely does not. 
How can you be jealous of someone who never existed in the first place?
Okay, so he does get jealous, and he might not go to the extent of murdering someone (although I wouldn’t say he’s above it). Usually if he gets jealous, Joker just materializes at your side and the guy almost immediately makes up an excuse to leave. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he doesn’t trust the other guys.
K- Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He probably did. The first time he kissed you was impulsive and quick and neither of you realized what was going on until you pulled away. He got embarrassed so you dived back in to kiss him again.
Kisses with Joker start off soft and slow and almost timid if you’re really looking for it, but eventually get more passionate. He always drags it out for as long as possible and they always tell you just how much you mean to him without him ever having to say it. Needless to say, when the both of you pull away, you’re usually breathless.
L- Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Honestly, probably you.
You and Joker were kissing one night and when you pulled away you breathlessly sighed, “I love you.”
When you looked at him, he was tearing up, and he moved to hug you, quickly repeating the phrase. He loves you so much, and he was scared to say it in case you didn’t feel the same.
He can’t thank you enough for loving him and giving him the normal life he’s always wanted.
M- Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
His favorite memory involving the two of you is simple. You two were cuddling. He had woken up first and you were still sleeping. Your hair was beautifully splayed out behind you. You looked so peaceful while you slept that he dared not move for fear of waking you. The light from the window highlighted your face perfectly and it was just perfect.
N- Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person that they love everything?)
Joker doesn’t buy you everything. If he sees you eyeing something a lot, he will buy it for you with no hesitation, but he isn’t the guy that goes out and buys you a teddy bear for no reason either.
O- Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Green. You had an ivy plant in your bathroom so anytime he sees that magnificent shade of green, he thinks back to how you two first met and he goes full sap mode.
P- Pet Names (What pet names do they use?)
Doll is his go to. I don’t know why. It's just is. He’s also rather fond of love, dove, and baby.
Q- Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
The watch. He keeps it, even broken, and it is still one of his greatest treasures.
R- Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
On a rainy day, he loves to make some type of hot drink and then curl up on the couch with you in his arms while you watch westerns (like The Magnificent Seven, Tombstone, or Quigley Down Under).
S- Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Joker doesn’t cheer himself up. He bottles up his emotions and distracts himself.
DO NOT CRY AROUND THIS MAN!!! He has no idea how to console a person and he gets extremely awkward. He’s torn between joking and hugging you so he settles for rubbing your back. He’ll let you talk and offer to help the best he can.
T- Talking (What do they talk about?)
With you? Anything and everything. His goals, his mission, whatever movie you managed to get him into.
U- Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Cuddles. Cuddles help him relax. Please cuddle this man. Any sort of physical contact from you makes all of his worries and stress from the day melt away, and it’s just what he needs after a long day.
V- Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Well, he is proud of you and shows you off to his associates as much as he can.
Aside from you, his hair. Like, have you seen it? hOW DOES HE GET THAT VOLUME???
W- Wedding (When, how, and where do they propose?)
Joker bought a ring two weeks before he proposed to you.
Where and how he proposed is kinda funny. Both of you were exhausted. You had either accompanied he and Benimaru on their mission or spent the entire night worrying about him, and he had done cool fighting stuff all night. So when he got home, you both crashed onto the bed and he immediately pulled you into his arms.
He thought you were asleep, and in truth, he almost was too, when he popped the question. “(Y/N), you mean a lot to me, more than I’m capable of expressing. You’ve given me the closest thing to a life that I’ll ever have and you make life suck a little less. Marry me?”
Imagine his shock when you mumbled out a sleepy, “Yes.” Nevertheless, you woke up with a ring on your finger in the arms of your fiancee.
X- Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I have absolutely no idea why but the Hurdy Gurdy Man by Donovan reminds me of Joker.
For your relationship song, I’d say it’s most definitely James Dean and Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens.
Y- Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
He absolutely would love to marry you, and he thinks about it all of the time. He buys a ring on a whim and carries it around for two weeks and constantly thinks about when would be the right time to do it.
Z- Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
He wants a dog. Having a fluff ball around would be fun to him. Plus, he’s always wanted one.
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Random HC #12
Joker: what's that?
S/O: a gift.
Joker: What I'm supposed to do with it?
S/O: normal people say "thank you" but I won't demand such sacrifice form you, just take it.
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Book Three: Pestilence (Ignis x Reader) Chapter Twenty
(Y/n) placed her fingers in her mouth and whistled, summoning her steed. Erra appeared from a cloud of smoke, neighing as he trotted over to his rider. His presence frightened the civilians waiting to be evacuated, but she ignored their shocked cries as she mounted the horse. Grabbing his mane gently, she commanded him to follow the boat that disappeared only moments ago. Erra reared up before dashing down the dock, his hooves clacking against the wood. She heard a few screams of fright from the civilians as the horse leapt off the dock.
When the horrified people thought the girl was going to sink into the water alongside the horse, they were shocked to find the horse was running across the surface of the water. The steed's hooves were encased in ice and created small platforms as it dashed across the water's surface.
Pestilence's ivory locks whipped in the wind as Erra exited the canal and entered open waters. Her (e/c) eyes traveled over to the Archaean as the Astral used his fists to destroy imperial airships left and right in order to protect the altar. Seeing a brilliant beam of light resonating from behind the divine being, she wondered if Lady Lunafreya and Noctis were safe.
Suddenly, a loud explosion caught (Y/n)'s attention. Her eyes traveled back over to the boat Ignis was in and realized it was blown to smithereens. As gasp fell from her lips as she searched the water for the advisor. When she saw him break through the surface, she sighed in relief but her body immediately tensed up when she saw an imperial ship descend toward him.
Carefully, she maneuvered her body and stood on Erra's back. She remained in a crouching position to keep herself from falling off the horse's back. The pain and weakness were bearable, but she wasn't sure how long she'd be able to ward off the ailments.
As they closed in on Ignis' position, the aircraft's hatch opens to reveal an MA-X Aureus. From the machine, she heard Caligo's taunting voice. "Well, well. Look who it is! What could one of His Majesty's royal retainers be doing here of all places?"
"Bloody hell," Ignis cursed as he tried to think of a plan.
"I must thank you for your visit to Fort Vaullerey. Do allow me to express my gratitude! Once I'm finished with you, I'll find that damned Horseman and slay her with my own hands!"
Ignis couldn't help but smirk in amusement at the general's words, truly wondering how he would slay an immortal. His smirk fell when the MA-X Aureus began firing at him. He had no plan and knew one of the bullets would pierce his body.
Suddenly, Ignis was torn from his thoughts as a fireball crashed against the side of the airship. It lurched to the side, earning a grunt from Caligo as the machine he was inside slammed against one of the walls of the airship. He was unable to aim properly due to the sudden impact and his vision was obscured by smoke.
Ignis looked toward where the fireball came from and saw Pestilence riding atop Erra. He watched in awe as she switched out her staff for her chakrams and threw them, remaining in a crouched position on her steed's back. The curved blades sliced into the aircraft's thrusters, creating more explosions and smoke. She caught her chakrams when they flew back toward her and returned to her usual sitting position on Erra's back. She pulled the horse to a hault in front of Ignis and offered him a hand. Her eyes drifted to the Archaean just in time to see the Astral vanish before looking back down at the strategist.
Without hesitating, Ignis took her hand. He climbed out of the water and onto Erra's back just as the smoke cleared. Caligo spotted the Horseman and chuckled. "This is too perfect." The aircraft steadied and he was able to regain control of the MA-X Aureus. "Surrender now, and I'll ensure your end is as painless as possible."
"Never," Ignis hissed loud enough for the general to hear.
"You clearly are delusional if you think we'll surrender," (Y/n) scoffed. She dug her heels into Erra's sides, beckoning him to run.
The machine leapt out of the ship and landed on the surface of the water. "Then you leave me no choice," Caligo declared.
Pestilence shouted at Erra, urging him to run faster. Ignis braced his body against the horse's back as they headed back into the inner waterways of the city with Caligo on their tail. The imperial general fired rockets at them, but Erra was able to detect and dodge the projectiles with ease. When they entered a narrow canal, it proved to be more difficult for the animal to dodge the missiles.
"Plenty more where that came from!" Caligo taunted as he leapt from water to land, continuing his barrage of firepower. His machine jumped from building to building as it remained hot in their trail. "They say, "One good turn deserves another." And I believe I owe both of you quite the "turn." Once you two are out of the way, the Ring of the Lucii will be mine!"
"Erra!" (Y/n) shouted as they dodged more missiles. One projectile landed in the water right next to the horse, startling him. When it exploded, the steed neighed in fright as he lost his balance for a split second before regaining it. Another rocket soared toward them, heading straight for their backs.
The Horseman promptly relinquished her grip from her steed's mane and conjured her staff and casted a shadow spell. A single black tendril wrapped around the rocket, redirecting its trajectory back at the MA-X Aureus. Caligo growled in annoyance as the projectile hit his machine, knocking him off the building it was clinging to. However, the machine was able to recover and skidded across the water's surface as it continued to pursue its targets.
Ignis wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s waist, using his body as a shield when a missile exploded against one of the buildings right beside them. Debris rained down upon them as another rocket targeted Erra's legs. With a deafening explosion, the three were tossed in the air and landed in the streets of the Padore District.
The Horseman and advisor landed harshly on the ground, groaning in pain from the impact. Erra vanished before his body could collide with the ground. They pushed themselves to their feet, Ignis tossing aside his earpiece as he glared at the MA-X Aureus once it landed a few feet away from them. "I'm afraid not. It will never be yours. We'll make sure of it!"
"You both shall rue the day you defied the Niflheim Empire!" Caligo bellowed.
Ignis glances at Pestilence as he summoned his daggers. "Are you prepared, (Y/n)?"
She conjured her staff, gripping it tightly. "Let's do this."
Caligo focused his attacks on the two as more imperial forces arrived, surrounding them. "Beg for your lives-just like that pathetic old servant did back in Lestallum."
Ignis focused his attention on the MA-X Aureus while (Y/n) directed her spells at the MTs trying to attack them from behind. She jumped back, avoiding one of the enemy's blows. A familiar tinge of pain surged through her chest, causing her to wince. She fought through the pain and tapped her staff against the ground.
Myriads of ice shards formed in the air before ricocheting downward. They pierced the MTs' armor, killing all of them in an instant. A few stray ice shards plunged into the MA-X Aureus, incapacitating it. Ignis didn't hold back and released a fury of attacks on the collapsed machine with his elemental daggers.
"This simply won't do," Caligo growled as he tried to recover from the Horseman's spell. "I must get my hands on the Ring before that impudent outsider Ravus beats me to it!"
"No," Ignis hissed, switching out his daggers for his javelin. "We won't let you!" He stabbed the machine repeatedly before backing away when it recovered from the fall.
Caligo fired a barrage of missiles with a maniacal cackle. (Y/n) dashed toward Ignis and used a light spell. A barrier protected them, absorbing the explosions as each missile struck the crystalline surface. Once the last projectile detonated, she dispelled the barrier and Ignis threw his javelin. The weapon pierced the machine's ankle and it swatted at the advisor in retaliation. "You're both certainly putting up quite a fight," Caligo sneered.
Pestilence gritted her teeth as she dodged one of the MA-X Aureus' feet before it could squash her. She swung her staff around as she conjured up an immense fireball. Ignis saw this and immediately backed away from the machine. With a wave of her staff, she launched the fireball. It soared through the air, hitting its mark.
Caligo howled in pain as the intense flames melted the metal that protected him. The MA-X Aureus crumpled to the ground, sparks and flames erupting from where the fireball had made impact. (Y/n) lowered her staff, staring at the metal corpse. She stood beside Ignis as he fell to a single knee in exhaustion. Her mind wondered if the general was dead or clinging to life after such a powerful attack.
They heard a grunt of pain and labored breathing as a figure emerged from behind the destroyed MA-X Aureus. "You wretches..." Caligo spat out, holding his side and dragging his body around the metal carcass.
Suddenly, a blade plunged into the man's back before being yanked out. He sputtered out a gurgle as he turned around to see who the culprit was, but he was cut down. Caligo fell silent as his body crumpled to the ground.
Ignis and (Y/n) stared in shock as the culprit revealed themselves to them. "Ravus..." The tactician muttered as Pestilence helped him to his feet before placing her hand on his back and healing his wounds.
The heterochromia-eyed man sauntered toward them, his sword resting by his side with a stoic expression. He was accompanied by a small brigade of MTs. Ignis stretched a hand out and placed it in front of (Y/n) as he stood his ground against the high commander. The Horseman kept her gaze focused on Ravus, detecting no hostility toward them from him whatsoever. Unfortunately, she couldn't say the same thing for the magiteks currently surrounding them.
Ignis' fingers flexed, which didn't go unnoticed by the snowy-haired girl. She knew he was about to summon his daggers but stopped him by lowering his arm and stepping in front of him, inserting herself between the advisor and the high commander. She still held her staff tightly as she gazed into Ravus' eyes. "What could you possibly desire of us if you harness no ill-intent?"
"Your cooperation," Ravus simply replied. He lunges forward as Ignis summoned his daggers, plunging his blade into one of the MTs that was ready to pounce on the tactician. The single blow was enough to kill the enemy. He eyed the other assailants as he avoided eye contact with the strategist and Pestilence. "I've no quarrel with you nor the Horseman, boy," Ravus stated. "Join me. I can secure us a way to the King and the Oracle."
Ignis gripped his daggers tightly. "How do I know we can trust you?"
"Have you any other options?" The high commander retorted.
Before Ignis could make his own remark, they heard a deep, menacing chuckle. The two men looked around for the source while (Y/n) already knew what was laughing at them. She promptly placed a protective barrier around Ignis and Ravus as the draugr sliced down the MTs surrounding them as it materialized from an inky puddle. She glared daggers at the monster as it smirked at her, noticing the arm she tore off earlier had regenerated. "I will put an end to you," she declared.
The draugr continued to smirk at her as she used a shadow spell to create wings on her back. She avoided all four of the corpse's swords as she remained on the defensive. She knew she couldn't keep the barrier erected for much longer and had to get the monster away from Ignis and Ravus.
The sound of Ignis shouting her name and trying to break the barrier with his daggers filled her ears alongside her racing heart. She confused the draugr with quick movements and managed to buy her some time when its swords were imbedded in the ground and it was struggling to yank them free. She locked eyes with Ignis, who ceased trying to break free from the barrier when their eyes met. "I shall lead the draugr away and rendezvous with you soon, Ignis."
"(Y/n), this is-!"
"You won't be changing my mind. Once I'm out of range, the barrier will disperse and you'll be freed," she stated calmly, interrupting him. "Please, don't do anything rash in my absence." The onyx wings attached to her back fluttered, carrying her away from Ignis before he could reply. She flew through the ruins of Altissia and knew the draugr was following her when she felt its presence nipping at her heels.
Feeling as though she was far enough away from Ignis, (Y/n) landed and faced the draugr as it manifested from the ground. She jabbed her staff in its direction, staring into its cloudy, lifeless eyes. "Come and get me."
The monster released a battlecry before charging toward her. Before it could get too close, Pestilence created pillars of ice and hid behind one. She peered out from her hiding spot and saw the undead warrior was struggling to locate her exact position when seeing her reflection in the ice pillars. Switching out her staff for her chakrams, she maneuvered through the ice pillars until she snuck up behind the draugr and used her weapons to slice off two of its arms.
It wailed in pain as its arms fell to the ground before spinning around and swinging its two swords around wildly. (Y/n) dodged the blades, backing away. She ran circles around the monster, weaving around ice pillars left and right, until it was confused once again. She moved from cover to cover until heading straight for it and slicing off its legs.
As the Horseman was about to decapitate the undead warrior, she cried out when a surge of pain surged through her chest. She placed a hand over her heart as she collapsed to her knees, dropping her chakrams. Beads of sweat streamed down her face as she began breathing heavily. Managing to lift her head slightly, she glared weakly at the draugr. "Wh-What did you do to me...?"
The corpse only cackled with a creepy tone. (Y/n) tried to push herself off the ice-covered ground so she could annihilate her target, but she was flabbergasted when Death appeared out of thin air and delivered the killing blow with her scythe. The draugr's body slowly evaporated, leaving no trace behind.
The inky-haired Horseman rushes over to Pestilence and helped her up. "I'm glad I found you," she sighed in relief. The ice pillars melted, leaving behind puddles of water.
"Wh-Why're you here, Death?" (Y/n) questioned.
"It's been brought to my attention that someone has been manipulating the draugr for quite some time."
"Why would someone desire to control such a monster?"
Death stared into her sister's (e/c) eyes. "To get to you."
"What could they possibly want with me?" Pestilence questioned.
"To control you."
3 notes · View notes
canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Outlaws pt.2
Summary: (requested) While wreaking havoc around the nation, it became a little lonely with just you and Loki, so you bring some friends along for the ride
Pairing: Loki x Black!Witch!Reader
WC: 4K
Warnings: small descriptions of a seance, mentions of dark magic, raising the dead, turning good people into bad people
A/N: So glad people liked Villian!Reader so much! It was requested a few times to make a part two so here it is! Please reblog and comment!! PLEASE READ A/N AT THE END!!!
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“All I’m saying is that I think it will be more fun if there were more of us!” you try to plead your case as you and Loki enter your bunker.
“Sweetheart, more people will just result in us getting caught. We already have the UN on our asses. Let’s lay low for a bit and enjoy some time off,”
He pulls you close and bites his lip as he stares down at you. 
You and Loki couldn’t be happier. You two had no one to stop you as you lived your villainous lives. The world was still mourning the Avengers, months after their tragic death, as you two caused catastrophe around the world. In North Korea, Loki created a black hole and had people sucked into it, experiencing their worst nightmares. In Russia, you created a monster tornado, taunting the place and crushing everything that stood in its way. In California you two lit the place up in flames, almost putting the whole entire state in ashes.
You two documented your crimes and just like always, watched the news of the aftermath as if it were your favorite movie. Now you wanted more people with you because it gets lonely with it just being you and Loki in this bunker, you wanted company.
“Lokiiiii,” you whined, “I can just summon someone, they’ll be under my control, there won’t be any risks!,” you try to reason with him but he was still skeptical.
“While I understand your love and drive to keep practicing your necromancy, I still say not yet. Come on, we’re the most talked about thing right now! They’re calling us Armageddon personified! Let us celebrate this moment,” 
“Pleeeaaaaase,” you bat your lashes and pout, twisting your body back and forth as you waited for him to reply.
“Just one other person, Y/N. I’m not kidding,” he points his finger, finally giving in and you start jumping up and down in excitement.
“Yes! Yes Yes!,” you squeal as you run in a small circle and wave your hands.
“Okay okay okaaay!,” Loki stops you, “Now that I’ve granted you your wish, can we have our celebratory sex now?,”
You stand on your tip toes and kiss his chin, “Yes, my King,”
You two lied in bed with a blanket over you as you two stared at the ceiling.
“Who do you think I should summon? Hela?,” you ask him
“Absolutely, most definitely not!,” he almost breaks his neck to look at you.
“What about that doctor we tortured not too long after the tower incident? What was his name? It was something weird... Like.. Dr. Peculiar, Dr. Dubious? Dr. Suspicious,”
“Dr. Strange, you twit,”
“Wow, rude,” you gasp, “Anyway, what about him?,”
“Uh no. As soon as he comes back, we’re goners,”
“Ugh, this is harder than I thooouuught,” you slap your hands on the mattress and sigh.
“Why not Skurge? he was like a lost puppy. Following anything you tell him to do,”
“He was also a fucking idiot,” you laugh
“Doug?,” Loki tries again
“Who the fuck is Doug?!,”
“Ooookay, maybe not then,”
You two think long and hard about who you could possibly bring back to life to be your third party and participate in the game that is ruining lives of those below you. It finally clicks in your head and you gasp, sitting up in bed.
“I’ve got it!,” you lift your finger as if a light bulb just went off
Loki stared at you and mumbled an “Uh oh,” while staring at you wide eyed, “This can’t be good,”
“You worry too much, my love,” you pat his cheek as you light the last candle. You take your sacred dagger and cut your palm and add a drop of your crimson to the four poles around the circle of ash and sage. 
“You’ve been holding off on telling me who you decided to summon. Of course I’m a little worried. It could be my father for crying out loud,”
“Your father was a lying, secretive, fake piece of shit. I wouldn’t choose him if my life depended on it,”
Loki’s shoulders seemed to have dropped in relief as you shut the door and turned the lights off.
You stood at the East pole of the circle and placed a piece of red metal on the drop of blood. You go to the South pole of the circle and place a pair of glasses over the red dot. On the West pole, you place a wire and once you get to the North pole of the circle, you place something of yours over the drop and it was a picture of you and the summoned. You went back to stand by Loki and began chanting the spell under your breath, chanting slowly and quietly until the flames on the candles started to get bigger and you raised your voice along with the flames.
A rush of air started to blow around the room and one of the candles tipped over, lighting the circle on fire as well as the belongings of who is being summoned.
“Rise!,” you raise your hands as you shout and the circle of flames makes a wall before immediately falling and you two are left there staring at the empty circle.
“N-no one is there,” Loki points to the circle.
“They won’t always appear in the circle, they’ll appear anywhere in the vicinity of the summoning,”
Your point was proven when you heard a crash of glass downstairs.
“What the hell are you doing?!,”- - “Meee? Look at what you did, dimwit,”
“Sweetheart, I don’t like the sound of that,”
You and Loki rush downstairs and follow the voices to the kitchen
“It’s been a bit of a while okay? When I died I expected to have stayed dead!,”
“Well yeah duh. But who the hell would raise us from the fucking dead?,”
You and Loki stand in the doorway of the kitchen at the two bickering people.
“Y/N, I said one person!,” he gawks and turns to you, “You had one job, just the one!,”
You didn’t hear him as the two people stopped bickering to look at you two.
“Oh no, not him, please God anyone else but him!,”
You smiled in confusion as why how two people are standing in front of you when you asked for just one. You did everything right, maybe your ancestors were having a two for one deal.
“Y/N, did you bring us back?,” 
“I sure did,” you stand straight and nod proudly.
“Just when I thought I was finally put out of my misery,”
“Yeah, me too,” Loki rolls his eyes, 
You slap his arm and softly scold before turning back to the two resurrected in front of you. 
“Don’t be that way Brucey,” you pout and he just pinches the bridge of his nose.
“How and why are we here, Y/N. You literally killed us all,”
You frown and cross your arms, “Well you don’t sound so grateful Tony!,”
“Can we send them back? Please, for the love of everything that is evil and disturbing!,”
“Oh Loki stop acting like a baby!,” you stomp your feet and scowl at him,
“Sweetheart, they’re gonna kill us!,”
“Damn right we are,” Bruce nodded and started turning green. You smack him upside his head and he turned back to his normal shade, “H-how the hell did you do that?,”
“You’re under my control. I control you, you can’t hurt me. Therefore, you can not Hulk out without my say so,” you smile and you can hear Loki gasp in relief. 
“Y/N, what the hell!,” Bruce throws his hands in the air.
Tony is just staring you with his typical “what the fuck” face but you’re just as chipper as ever. Smiling back at them, they had no idea what you had in store. 
“Why. are. we. here?,” Tony spoke in staccato and you looked to Loki who was just leaning on the wall looking completely unimpressed with you.
“I got lonely. I wanted some company in causing catastrophe around the place,” you swirled your finger in the air in a circle, “Loki said I could raise someone, I was just expecting you but I got Bruce as well which makes it all the more fun!,” you clap your hands and they just face palm at you.
“How the hell did you manage to raise us both from the dead?,” Bruce asks running a hand over his face.
“Hmph, You don’t sound very appreciative,”
“Maybe because you fucking killed us,” Tony yelled at you and you saw the betrayal in his eyes. He was one of the few to actually believe in you and stand by your side to defend you when the others came at you. So you understood why he felt the way he did.
“I know I-,” you looked to Loki once again and he just put his hands up in surrender, “I made a bad judgement call... it should have just been Steve.. a-and Natasha, Clint... Bruce you were in the middle..,”
“It shouldn’t have been anyone! You did this to her!,” Tony pointed to Loki and he never looked so irritated but you stepped in his way to block him from Loki, who hadn’t moved a muscle.
“Tony...it wasn’t him I just... was never meant to be the good guy, y’know?,” you shrug and play with your wedding ring, “Maybe if I wasn’t forced into it, things wouldn’t be like this but.. they are now and I wouldn’t change it for the world. This is my story. Yours was to be the good guy, and every good guy needs a antagonist,”
“But there’s no story if you kill off all the protagonists,” Bruce rolls his eyes and scoffs.
You look over Tony’s shoulder and smile at Bruce, “That’s where you guys come in,” 
“Oh it’s definitely the end times,” he sighs, “What do you mean?,”
“Well... you’re the good guys I’m the bad woman. You’re under my control which means you’ll follow all I do which is.. wreak havoc, but you still have your own judgement. There’s no good guy now because I killed them off and I got sick of it so I raise the question... aren’t you guys sick of being the good guys?,”
“I’ve come to terms with you raising these two idiots but now you want to raise the whole brigade, all of which my brother is a part of, to play a game of cat and mouse?,” Loki raises his voice and turns red in the face.
“Don’t yell at meeee,” you whine as you walk around in the vacant conference room in the tower, “You lived to antagonize them, so what’s the problem?,”
“Uuuh, we murdered them, painfully at that!,” he states obviously.
“You truly underestimate me. My dear husband, that hurts,” you wipe a fake tear away and he just looks at you as if you’re insane. But he was too so he had no room to judge.
“My powers can not be subdued. If they catch us, we can easily escape. They cannot stop what they can not understand. I am simply too powerful for them,” you cock an eyebrow and he just shakes his head.
Tony and Bruce were standing in the corner watching as you set a personal item of each of the team around the circle. You’ve come to find out that you used Bruce’s glasses instead of Tony’s and that’s how you ended up raising them both, so you made sure to know whose items belong to who.
They took your offer to be your henchman, realizing the world viewed them as criminals anyway so why not? Might as well go ahead and fully play the part since people had been saying they were.
You cut your palm once again with your sacred dagger and repeated the same steps you took when you raised Tony and Bruce. This time Loki, reluctantly, helped you with this chant. 
You made sure to do a pre-spell type thing to make sure they weren’t connected to you, that way they could fight you back.
Once the candles blew out, you were all left standing there in the dark, waiting for any sign that the team came back. 
“What the HELL?,” 
“Welp... there’s Sammy boy,”
Loki quickly teleported you all to the common room where everyone was and you watched them freak out as they realized they were alive once again.
“Who the hell did this?,” Bucky growls.
“Guilty as charged,” you stuck your hand in the air and they all turned to you scowling. They began running to you, but you simply stuck your hand up freezing them in place but they could still tell what was going on and talk. Just not move to attack you.
“Y/N, brother, what the hell is going on?!,” Thor questions.
“Mmm this is what someone once called... a game of cat and mouse,” your voice had dropped and sounded suspenseful and mysterious.
“What is that supposed to mean?,” Wanda asks, eyeing you, and Loki then to Tony and Bruce, “Why the hell are you two with her?,” her voice cracked and you scowled at the sound, it was such a pathetic noise.
“Being bad isn’t so bad after all,” Bruce shrugged
“What is going on?!,” Steve’s voice rumbles through the room.
“OH!,” you gasp, voice laced with fake surprise, “He speaks!,” 
“Y/N, if you let us go and you stop doing this, we won’t turn you in. Just stop this,”
“No can do, Steve-O,” you tsk, “What the hell is the fun in that?,” 
They all begin to talk at once and you can only hear bits and pieces here and there about how you’re such an evil bitch, how you’ll burn in and hell, how when they get their hands on you it will be nothing compared to what you’ve done, blah blah blah
“Are you done?,” you ask, “I brought you back so you can continue to do your jobs. Six months of being dead is enough time to sleep. Now it’s time for the real fun,” You grab Loki’s hand while Bruce and Tony step up close behind you two.
“Bruce.. Don’t do this,” Natasha whispers.
“Tony, you’re better than this,” Rhodey yells but they’re not hearing it. They’ve made up their mind and while in some cases people regret being bad, neither of them would take back their choice to stick with you.
“You’ll pay for this. All of this. We won’t stop until we’ve found you all,” Vision grunts in pain as you start to power him down from the inside just by looking at him.
“You’ve all gotta catch us first!,” you release them and they continue to run towards you but you snap your fingers and the four of you are back in your bunker.
“Now what?,” Loki exhales as he sits on the couch, the other two following suit. 
“Now... now we wait. We leave red herrings here and there, letting them think they’re onto us then we turn the tables. We gotta drive em insane a bit,”
“She was just here!,” a citizen cried out to Steve, like you said, you all had been leaving red herrings and they were dumb enough to follow them
“Which way?,” Steve asks, breathing heavily. 
“I-I don’t know sh-she just disappeared, her and the man while long hair,” the lady cried in fear and distress. Steve did his best to calm her down before running away in a direction that he heard more screams from.
When he was far enough down the street, the woman called for him, “Captain America!,” 
Steve turns around and furrows his brows, “Yes, ma’am?,”
“I- I think I just saw her again,” she screams frantically
“Where? Tell me, we have to catch her, she’s extremely dangerous!,” 
The woman continues to cry but then she just stops and wipes her tears and begun laughing, this confused Steve. That woman was just yelling in fear since there was an explosion in the area which had everyone on edge.
“They should have taught you better,” the woman’s had gone low and menacing.
“Excuse me?,” Steve didn’t have time for these games, he had a city to save, a world to save.
“You’d think all the effort they put into training you all, you’d have been a lot fucking smarter,” she laughed.
Steve’s face dropped as the woman faded into you. You were standing before his eyes and you were literally just in his grasp. You crossed you arms laughing and shaking your head.
“Man, you guys are a bunch of idiots. To think I was lumped in with you guys,” you scoff and watch him stare back at you in awe.
“Things aren’t always as they seem to be, Golden Boy,” you wave your finger at him in shame and that’s when he remembered he was trying to stop you. He breaks out into a sprint and you blow a kiss before disappearing again, making him fall on his face when he jumps to grab you.
“She’s still on the run, guys,” he speaks into the com and curses under his breath, “She was right in my grasp and I was dumb enough to let her slip out of it,”
“Good boooy,” You pet Hulk’s hair as you were on his back and he jumps around the the woods in Germany. 
“Hulk not dog,” he grunts
“You’re right. I apologize my sweetness,” you kiss his head and he grunts in approval.
“You see that place over there with all the pretty lights?,” you point into the distance and show him the Brandenburg Gate. The sun was starting to set so the lights illuminating the landmark was easy to spot
He nods is head as you climb off him and sit in the trees, 
“Smash,” you lean forward and tell him. He huffs and smiles before jumping out into the town and you smile when you hear the screams echoing as he ruins the place. You see Tony fly over blasting other buildings to ruins. You hear the roar of the quinjet and that’s when the show can really begin. You watch the Avengers leave the jet to try and stop Tony and Hulk but they can’t be stopped. Not with your spell anyway.
Loki appears beside you and smiles at the orange blaze that has come due to a result of the fight.
“You sure you wanna do this?,” Loki asks as he grabs your hand. You two had a plan set in motion and he was starting to get cold feet. 
“If you’re not sure about this I can do it alone,”
“I just fear you’ve gone mad,”
“Loki, we’re both mad. Absolutely batshit crazy. There’s nothing more satisfying than letting your opponent think they have you. Remember, cat and mouse baby,” you kiss his cheek before he flashes you all right into the heart of the fight and you call for Hulk and Tony to stop. They appear behind you and you all put your hands up in surrender.
“Forgive me, Captain for I have been bad,” you add some pitch to your voice and Steve just rolls his eyes at you.
“Are you actually going to turn yourself in or disappear?,”
“I would wave a white flag but all I have are the three men behind me,” you laugh at your own joke and all you can hear is the small cries of the people around you.
“Y/N, you’ve gotten yourself in so much shit you’re not even dealing with us anymore,” Clint steps forward, ready to cuff you. You wave your fingers and Hulk turns back into Bruce. You all stand tall and strong, playing the roll of an easy surrender. 
Thor shoots Loki down with a lightning bolt and he falls out onto the ground yelling out in pain. You look down at him before looking back to the team.
“What? No moves to save your dear husband?,” Wanda spat.
“Hmm,” you shrug, “We’ve done some bad things,” you smirk and Natasha comes and shoots you with a taser to make you fall out so they could make an easy arrest. You could tell your ancestors were laughing, they saw how stupid the team was. They didn’t think it was suspicious that you all easily turned yourselves over like this?
Once you all were in cuffs that subdued your powers (to their knowledge anyway) they put you on the quinjet and took you to a high security prison in the middle of the desert. You are all stripped to make sure you don’t have any other weapons on you then put into white jumpsuits and throw in different cells. But across the way, you can see Bruce and Tony, and they can see you and Loki.
“Sweetheart, what if we made the wrong move?,” Loki starts to panic once he realized he can’t use his powers. You snap your fingers and his cuffs turn off.
“I thought I told you to stop second guessing me,” you lean your head as you look through the slit in the wall back at him.
“We’ll be gone before sunrise. We’ll be back in the bunker and maybe you can fuck my brains out when we get back?,” you wink at him and a sinister smirk appears on his face.
“Maybe those two can join,” you jerk your head to the two men across the hall who were playing tic-tac-toe through the opening in the wall so they could communicate.
“Absolutely NOT!”
You laugh at his reaction and turn off the cuffs from Tony and Bruce. The guards are just as big of idiots as the team and wouldn’t even realize the connection to your cuffs was off.
“They’ll appear for routine check in a few. Once they leave they won’t be back for another fifteen minutes. That’s when we strike,” 
Tony and Bruce nod their heads and stand at attention when the guard comes by to check your cells. You’re standing there smiling and the guard gets in your face, “What’s so fucking funny?,” his gum chewing was obnoxious.
“Oh nothing,” you innocently shrug, “Just being a good girl,”
“Good girl my ass,” he rolls his eyes and puts you against the wall to do a routine check. You’re not sure where they thought you all would get shit from, yeah you could summon it, but you wouldn’t keep it on you, you’re not stupid.
Once the guard checks Loki and you hear the slamming door of the room shut and lock closed you look at the boys and you shed you guys’ white jumpsuits with your powers and create new uniforms for you all. Tony’s suit was now a chrome black while Bruce hulked out and was a darker green than normal.
“The game isn’t over boys,”
The team had sat relaxed in the common area, de-stressing after finally catching you and putting you away for good. They were alive and that’s about the only thing they could thank you for.
They were all sitting on the couch on eating snacks while watching a movie on cable when the movie was cut to the news.
“Just when we thought the world was safe, it has been brought to our attention that the biggest Outlaws the world has ever seen have just broken out of a high security prison for mutants. Only being locked up a few hours ago, the prison appeared up in flames with one message that was sent to the all stations across the world from the four-,”
“Can we ever catch a fucking break?!,” Sam shouts
“Is this fucking thing on?,” your voice cuts through the TV as the news station plays your message.
“Yes, sweetheart,” Loki whispers. You all were dysfunctional villains if they’ve ever seen them but you knew how to play a good game.
“Looks like your precious Avengers have let the world down yet again,” you pout in the video, “My ancestors don’t take kindly to being subdued... so it was quite dumb to think locking me away would actually work in your favor,” 
Steve knew you were talking directly to him, he stood from the couch and got closer to the TV to watch.
“You’re like Tom Cat and I’m, Jerry Mouse. You just... can never seem to catch me,” you throw your head back in laughter and Steve punches the TV in anger, cracking it,
“You just gotta be quicker... and smarter. Remember Stevie,” your face still showing up on the screen, just distorted.
“Not everything is what it seems,”
A/N: Thank you to those of you who remain active and give feedback. I’m thinking of removing tags for those who aren’t active... and those who are will obviously stay. I get it, life gets in the way, I’m a full-time college student and I work (I know people juggle things differently), and it’s not all about likes and stuff but I’d at least like to hear a little tid bit of what you guys think and one reblog, that’s all I ask.
Tags: @chonisberonica @blackreaders-assemble @babybubastis @mbaku-babygirl @majikmelanin @sideeffectsofyou @yournonlocalpoc @spideys-wife @vozit @mirajanestrauss1999 @scarletlingeries @curlyhairclub @mokacoconut @fromlia-withlove @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @unicornslothfish @warmchick @huh-i-guess @meg-holland @thescarsweleave @here-for-your-bullshit @micki-smiles @plussizedwriter @valentinevirgo @blowmymbackout @posion-daisy18 @lokislilslut @lokislilcaribbeanprincess​
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Coffee Shops & Carrot Cake (Part 1)
Title: Coffee Shops & Carrot Cake (Part 1) Pairing: firefighter!dean x reader au Summary: Carrot cupcakes and a fireman. Coffee shops and a hot fireman. Coffee shops, carrot cupcakes, and a hot fireman. Sounds like a nice equation for an awkward girl to embarrass the hell out of herself and maybe try something new. Word Count: 2080
My kitchen was on fire. There I was making my usual carrot cupcakes for Kyle’s coffee shop, cleverly named Kyle’s Koffee, and I set my kitchen on fire. It was a month until my nineteenth birthday and I had no idea what I was going to do. I was so caught up in my daydreaming that I didn’t notice the gray smoke leak from the oven. My neighbors got worried when they saw the smoke drift out of my open windows and called the fire department. That’s right. The county’s fire brigade was at my house for burnt carrot cupcakes. Could my life be any more embarrassing?
I sit outside on my front porch that isn’t really mine because I rent this house and throw a silent pity party. There goes my security deposit; this was going to be a pain to pay off. Sighing, I feel around my pockets for my cell phone, but come up with nothing. I must’ve left it in the kitchen - the kitchen that is no longer a kitchen, at least for my purposes. The oven is completely trashed. Pieces of the stainless steel coating are still drifting to the floor, no longer the shiny bits they used to be. As I look around, I notice my phone on the counter by the sink. I pick it up and see that I have about thirteen text messages from Kyle. I guess our landlord alerted her about the cavalry. I shove it into the back pocket of my jeans and walk outside. There are still about six firemen and the fire truck lingering outside. The ambulance had gone home once they checked to make sure I didn’t have any injuries.  
“Miss, are you sure you’re okay?” One of the firemen calls out, snapping me out of my daze.
“Yeah, yes. I’m okay. Just poor.” I slap my hand over my mouth. Did I really say that? I just blurted that out. The group of firefighters nearby laugh as they begin to disperse. The one that called out to me walks over. He’s taller than me, probably around six feet, maybe a bit taller. I can’t see much of anything else considering the fact that he’s still dressed up in his uniform masks most of the details. He still has soot smeared across his cheeks from the smoke. He must be the one who put out the fire; though dangerous, I’m sure it was anticlimactic compared to some of the stuff they’ve seen before. It’s not until he puts his hand on my arm that I realize he’s talking to me. “I’m sorry what was that?”
“Are you sure you’re okay? I was saying that if you want, uh, until your oven is fixed, you could use the one down at the station. We got a chef’s kitchen. The chief’s daughter fundraised for years to pay for the renovation.”  
His hand is still on my arm. His very large, warm hand. “That-that’s sweet of her.  And yeah, for sure, I’ll head down sometime.” I nod, letting it all out in one big breath. “I won’t be in the way?”
“I’m sure as long as you sneak in some of those cupcakes you’ll be fine.” He shrugs and winks at me, walking away. I can still feel the warm print of his hand on my arm. I always had a thing for firefighters. I have a Knight in Shining Armor Complex, I guess.  
Realizing that it’s weird that I’m just staring into space in front of my house now that the fire truck is gone, I decide that it’s finally time to face the wrath of Kyle. Taking a deep breath, I get my phone out and call her. The first ring barely starts when she picks up.
“Y/N. So I heard that you were baking today. I’m looking forward to coming home to some very warm, moist, delicious, and I don’t know, apologetic carrot cupcakes when I get home.”  That… actually went better than expected  Except I knew she was completely serious about the apologetic cupcakes. That I can’t make. Because I burnt down the kitchen.  Turns out that I’ll have to take that firefighter, whose name I still don’t know, up on his offer.
I didn’t go to the station then. I would happily wait in my cupcake debt until tomorrow. A few hours later, mid - afternoon, Kyle came home. She was not happy with the lack of apology cupcakes.
“I’m still mad,” she murmurs. Her eyes are closed as she rests her head in my lap, legs stretched out across our sofa.
I play with her hair and reply, “I know. But I’m not going down to the station the same day the station came to my house. That’s weird.”
“Why would you go down to the station? Also, my feet hurt.” Kyle wiggles her sock covered toes.
“While I sympathize with the fact that you’re on your feet all day, and I’m sorry about the kitchen, I will not rub your feet. Head rubs is all you get today.”  
“Come on, you owe me,”she whines.
I groan and shake my head, “No, I owe the landlord. Which means that when I move out one day, I’m only getting back like 87% of the security deposit, which sounds like a lot but it’s not! I am poor. I need that money, Kyle.”
A scowl makes its way onto her face and she huffs as she sits up. “Well then why did you let the oven burst into flames!?”
“I got distracted!”
“You’re not supposed to get distracted when there are things that can catch fire, Y/N!”
“I’m a human being. I make mistakes. I’m flawed. We all are,” I say quietly. Kyle stares at me.
“No no, don’t go all Grey’s Anatomy on me. You can’t Shonda Rhimes your way out of this one!” Kyle runs her hands over her face and pushes herself up from the squeaky sofa.
“I’m sorry! Okay? What’s done is done and I can’t change it. I can only try to fix it. What else do you want?” I throw my hands up in the air. We normally never fight and when we do it’s always over the stupidest thing.
Running her fingers through her hair, she sighs. “Sorry, it’s just, you make those cupcakes and I actually have stuff that sells at the shop. Andrew feels like experimenting with our different brews and it is ruining my life. Tiny children are constantly making a mess, so I can’t keep an eye on the coffee. Jenna’s had the flu, so she can’t send in her coffee cake. I just need your cupcakes like you need your security deposit.”
I feel stressed just from hearing about it. “Well the good news is, one of the firefighters offered their kitchen, so you’ll get those cupcakes tomorrow.”
“You’re sure he wasn’t joking? He was serious?” Kyle raises an eyebrow.
“I hope so, because I’m going there tomorrow to bake.”
Walking up to the front desk of the fire station, I clear my throat to announce my presence. “Hi, I’m looking for... ,” I never got his name dammit, “for a fireman?”
The gruff looking man sitting behind the desk looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. “I do believe there are firemen here. Are you looking for a specific fireman?”
Wrapping my arms loosely around my torso, I shrug. “I never got his name, and he was in full gear when I saw him. He told me I could come down here to, uh, to bake. He was sent out to a kitchen fire yesterday. And I think he has green eyes. Really green eyes?”
The man claps his hands, leaning back in the office chair, “Ah, old Deany-Boy at it again. Let me grab him for ya, he should be wrapping his shift up right about now.”
“Thank you,” I smile, “my name’s Y/N by the way.”
He stands up leaning over the desk to hold out his hand, “Pretty name for a pretty girl. John. John Winchester.”
“Dad, what are you doing?” My head snaps to the hallway around the corner seeing a very tall, shaggy haired boy-man? Man, I decided fit him. He looked like he was maybe early twenties.
“Sam.” Sam furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.
“Sammy, this little lady was looking for Dean. Where is he? His shift is basically over. He’s maxed on overtime, workplace safety law and all that.”
“He’s just finishing up checking the new truck. You know he doesn’t trust the county.”
“I taught him well. Come on, darlin’, let’s go find Dean.” John puts his hand on my lower back, guiding me down the hall and opening a door that leads to a garage. “Sam, go get him out from under there. The boy doesn’t listen to me anymore.”
Sam raises a finger, “That’s because he can now physically overtake you. You’re out of shape, Dad.”
John glares at Sam. “Go.” Sam raises his hands in surrender and walks off. John turns to me. “Here to bake, you said? Most people come in for info or a quick visit. Not for baking.”
I look up at him, playing with the ends of my hair, “Yeah, I burned down my oven yesterday… that’s why Dean was there. I bake for a coffee shop in town and afterwards Dean came over and said I could come down and bake until my place is fixed. I thought it was weird, but, to be honest, even if he was joking, he mentioned a chef’s kitchen; I would have found my way in there eventually.”
John leans his head back and laughs, “Sounds like something Dean would say.”
“What would I say?” Both John and I turn our heads at the voice. That was most definitely the voice I heard yesterday. Looking over I see one beautiful man walking over. With grease on his hands, that he’s wiping off with a rag, an oil stained t-shirt - a snug t-shirt might I add -, and some loose fitting jeans, I am left without the ability to speak. I don’t do people in general, let alone very, very attractive people.
“Dean, you have a visitor. I didn’t know we knew any bakers in town,” John grins at Dean, walking over to pat his shoulder.
I give a little wave, “Hi.”
It takes a second before I see recognition fall over his face. “Oh, you were the kitchen fire yesterday. Cupcakes, right?”
I nod, rocking back on my heels and click my tongue, “That would be me.”
Dean takes a few steps forward and extends his hand out to me, smiling gently, “Nice to finally meet you when I’m not covered in soot,” he looks down at himself and grimaces, “not that being covered in grease is much better.”
I let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his hand and trying to remember to breathe. “No worries, if it was flour it’d be like looking in a mirror.” I gently tug my hand away, already feeling my palms get damp. Damn nerves.
“Well, Sammy and I’ll leave you to it. Sammy’s gotta get back to those files. Dean… you do what Dean does,” John says waving his hand a bit and walking out with Sam.
Dean rolls his eyes and turns to me, “You really wanna bake here? Even with that around?”
“Why not? Sounds better than baking alone. Wait, you do realize I will be here pretty much all day, everyday until my oven is fixed. Which as I said yesterday, I am poor. So that might be awhile.” I stop my rambling, feeling my cheeks get warmer.
He smiles, bring up a hand to rub the back of his neck, “Yeah, that’s no problem. Uh, despite having the kitchen, I’m always too covered in grease to cook and no one else here can do it. So it doesn’t get used all that often. A shame, huh?”
“If it’s everything you’re chalking it up to be, then yeah. So if you guys don’t use it, where do you get your food?”
“Ah, normally my ma makes it. She just prefers the kitchen at home. It’s familiar, I guess.” Dean shrugs.
I smile at him, “Well then, Dean, I am going to go take stock and get to baking.”
He winks at me, taking steps back towards the engine, “You do that. I’ll see you later.”
Tags below (if I am annoying you, please just tell me to shut up): @kittenofdoomage @supernatural-jackles @luci-in-trenchcoats @ravengirl94 @sis-tafics @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @mrs-squirrel-chester @acreativelydifferentlove @impalaimagining
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