#fire is very homey for them
spidernuggets · 5 months
Jason Todd x Reader
Part 2 to this.
Thanks for the support guys, sending lots of love <3
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It's been 2 years or so since you moved out of Gotham. Well. Not moved out moved out. You couldn't leave. Gotham was your home. And even with those painful memories of Jason demanding you to leave, he's still the same person who you shared those long-lasting kisses with, who texted you every 5 minutes while he was on patrol to make sure you were safe at home, who was able to give you the first, real experience of love and devotion for the first time in your life.
But now you feel numb. Every time you caught a glimpse of your reflection from puddles on the ground or the shine of a window, you saw that gut-wrenching, eerie grin of the Joker. The grin of your father who once killed your ex-boyfriend and your passionate love.
But you broke Jason's trust. Maybe if you told him sooner, he wouldn't have cast you out. Maybe he would've sat down for a second and realised you aren't the same person as your father.
Staying at the next town over beside Gotham wasn't a bad idea, however. You were able to reflect on yourself, realising that you had no power over your father, and there was physically nothing you could've done to save Robin. But you've repeated in your head over and over that you are not the Joker. You weren't the ones who committed those crimes. You weren't the ones who killed so many innocent people. The only guilt that would eat at you was that you were selfish and a coward to stand up to the Joker and at least attempt to save someone. Bht you didn't. And you hoped that if someone knew your name, who knew your story, that they'd understand. That they'd be scared, too.
You were able to buy a run down... apartment?..house? Whatever it was, it was, unfortunately, all you could've afforded at the moment. And worse, it reminded you too much of your room in the warehouse. Minus the dried blood. But it had a horrible stench of weed, which took you forever to get rid of.
Unlike the warehouse, however, you were at least able to make it a little more homey. You didn't have any furniture, but you did have a cleaner mattress plus bed sheets, knick knacks scattered across the floors, a fake plant, or two on the floor beside you bed. And lastly, though you really should move on, a framed picture of you and Jason. You put this directly beside your bed, where it would be the first thing you see in the morning.
You know that what Jason told you was cruel. You could never forget it. But you had the decency to understand him. He dated someone he trusted. And unfortunately that someone just happened to be the daughter of his murderer. Of course, he'd think you're working with the Joker. Especially if that camera footage showed that you showed no effort to help Robin.
So, what the hell have you been doing when you went away? Well, as said, you couldn't stay out of Gotham for very long. You always went in and out, just for the nostalgia. Just because you had bad memories in Gotham didn't mean you didn't have good ones either. You just assumed that since your leave, you've been fired from Bat Burgers, so you decided to avoid that vicinity for now.
The real reason, though, was the soup kitchen. You could never step foot inside ever again, in fear that Jason would still be volunteering there, and you wouldn't want him to have a breakdown. So you just anonymously dropped off bags of produce of whatever you could afford during the day and quickly departed without being seen. But you missed the kids. Yeah, Jason made you feel loved romantically, but those kids, they felt like family. And how you missed diane so much, too. She was like a mother to you.
It pained you that you couldn't go see the kids anymore, but as you heard them laugh and yell just from the other side of the entrance, you smiled. You always took quick glimpses of them, and some of them grew taller. Some of them formed freckles on their faces. But your smile would slightly falter when they mention how much they missed you. And by that time, you'd just drop off the bag and make your way back home.
You weren't proud of it, but when you found yourself completely broke, you decided, fuck it, and started nicking a things from grocery stores, just for you to survive. And in moments like them, you think to yourself... am I slowly becoming like...him? You shake your head, thinking that the Joker had committed the most heinous, unforgivable crimes, while vigilantes wouldn't really care for petty theft, and the cops wouldn't give two shits anyway, especially if it's only stores running on the poor side of Gotham being robbed.
God, how you hated the police system. They'd only help when the richies were being mugged. Even Batman neglected the poor. Sometimes, you'd smile when you'd see Jason helping the kids of Crime Alley. The memory warmed your heart. Too bad you couldn't make more memories similar to those ones.
You rushed your quick drop off of fruits and veggies to the soup kitchen. It wasn't much. You think an empolyee spotted you trying to conceal a small box of strawberries in your jacket.
You felt some familiarity when you turned to make a run for it when you ran into somethi- someone.
"oW- literally what the fuck-" You hiss, grabbing onto your scrunched up face, not noticing the person you walked into. "Watch where you're going, nit-" You looked up to glare at the person, but oh, how you could never forget those gorgeous green eyes. Those green eyes you fell too far in love with. The green eyes that would sparkle when its owner would rant about the new chapter he was reading in The Catcher in the Rye. The ones that used to look at you so lovingly. But now, it is replaced with burning resentment.
"You're the one not watching where they're going."
What a familiar setting. But instead of the joking tone of Jason correcting that you're the one not watching their step, he means it now. As if he was some stranger to you, annoyed that some rando foolishly walked into him and tried to blame him.
And suddenly, you're back at the Batcave. Suddenly, you're back on your knees, looking up at the hurt, screaming man who towered over you. Suddenly, you hear once more if I ever see you again, I'll end you.
You don't reply to his spiteful response. But you notice your breathing getting heavy. You try to make a run for it past him, but what he says next makes you stop.
"You're selfish for coming here," he grumbles, barely audible, but you hear it. You hear it so clearly. And it pisses you off. What the hell does that mean?
"I get you hurting me because I was Robin. Because I'm close to Batman. But coming here to hurt these kids?"
You turn to him, disbelief on your face. "Excuse me?" You spit.
"These kids did nothing wrong. So leave them alone. Leave Diane alone. Leave Gotham." He says, surprisingly pretty calm.
You already feel the tears brim your eyes. "Fuck you," you say quietly, choking out a sarcastic laugh as you turned to walk away. But before you can leave his line of sight, you turn to face him once more. "I didn't do shit, okay?! I made a mistake, but I didn't. Do. Shit,"you claimed as you walk away in a fast pace. And this makes Jason fume in anger. Yes, you did. You lied to him. He told you his secrets. You were about to give him up back to the Joker. You put his family that he worked so hard and long to make amends in jeopardy. Right?
Jason follows after you in anger, pulling you through a narrow alleyway. Luckily, the neighbourhood was quiet, and no one was around to see this private situation.
"Don't talk to me like you did nothing wrong," Jason hisses. And you yank yourself away from his grip.
"You never told me you were Arkham Knight. Why do I owe you who I was?!" You snarl at him.
"But I did!" He yells back. "At least I eventually told you because you were always nagging that I was out late! And you didn't even return the favour by telling me you're the daughter of someone I hate the most! You didn't commit any of the same crimes he did? Fine. But you're still an accessory. You stood there watching him torture me. And I bet you stood there with every other victim that he killed, feeling absolutely no remorse. That makes you just as disgusting as him."
By this time, tears were already rolling down your cheeks. Your cheeks burned red, and you could feel a headache forming.
"And the worst part," Jason continues quietly. "I still can't get you out of my head. A stupid itch at the back of my mind saying that I still love you," he says in shame.
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. What the fuck? No. No, why the fuck would he say that. That's selfish of him.
"Fuck you!" You yell. "I'm sorry, Jason. I'm so fucking sorry, but I couldn't do anything! You saw it yourself! I was a kid, I couldn't do anything! I was scared! And I did NOT watch him torture you- I wasn't even aware you were there until he killed you! I didn't even remember it was you when I first met you!"
"IT'S NOT FUCKING BULLSHIT," you cried, panting, your adrenaline dying down. You rake your hair back, tangled between your fingers as your tears begin to dry up.
"I'm sorry, Jason," you sighed. "I really am, I- I'm sorry I couldn't save you. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you who I was but.. but not telling you was protecting you! The fewer people who knew who I was, the safer everyone would be, especially after you told me that you're Red Hood..." You took a breath. "I spent my whole childhood believing my dad when he told me that no one could love me. But then I met you. You taught me how to love and- and how to be loved! And I fucked this up, and I'm sorry. But I'm too tired to keep arguing. I finally accepted that I'm not the same person as my father and- and I'm not going to let you take that away from me because it's the only thing I have left.."
Jason stares down at you. You have no idea what's going through your head, and right now, you don't have the energy to find out what it is. So, you slightly shake your head in defeat and start to wall out of the cramped alley.
"Oh," you say before leaving. "And for your information, I already left gotham. Just stopping for a visit," you mutter before finally leaving Hason on his own.
He shouldn't believe you. How can he trust you?
You arrived back at your house. Your body went limp, laying on the mattress as a final tear soaked through your pillow.
You absolutely hate how you know that you still love Jason Todd. He was the first person to ever help you what love truly felt like but also showed you how fast such a strong bond can crumble in a few minutes.
As Jason is remained to be alone in the alley, he thinks to himself. It's crazy. You've been raised by the Joker. The Joker. How are you raised by such an abomination but still be the most angelic, beautiful person to cross the planet.
He walks out of the alley and goes towards the soup kitchen where he'd start his volunteer work. Before he walks in, he notices the small bag that you left behind. He picks it up and opens it to see fruits and vegetables inside. He shrugs, not trying to think so much about it and heads inside.
As soon as he steps in, he's greeted by the kids, and his gave brightens in delight. But he sees some of the expressions falter.
"Where's Y/n?" One of them asks. "You two are always together... we haven't seen her for a long, long, loooong time," they frown.
Jason was about to awkwardly answer when Diane came up to him. "Jason, my dear boy! How was your rest, honey?" She asks. Ever since he found out you were the Joker's daughter, he couldn't work, he couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep. He didn't have the energy of volunteering, so he rang up Diane saying that he wasn't in the best spirits, in which she completely understood, saying that you would be around to help anyway. He was about to answer to say that he wasn't so sure about that, but Diane hung up, telling him to get a good rest, and that she'll see him soon.
Jason nods and sends her a sweet smile. "Yeah, thanks. Had a lot in my hands at the time," he explains, but Diane shakes her head.
"Don't even worry, sweetie. It's been calm the past few days," she says, looking down at Jason's hands, and a sad look reaches her eyes. "Is that from Y/n? She always left a bag of food outside, thinking she's slick. Tsk, foolish girl," she jokes. "She hasn't been around in a while. You two are dating, no? What happened? Of course, it's not my place to know. But I'm here if you need to talk, sweetheart," she says, placing a comforting hand to his cheek before walking back to the kitchen.
A little girl tugs on Jason's jacket.
"Jay-jay?" She calls out as Jason bends down to her eye level. "Is, N/n okay?" She asks, worry in her face. Jason attempts to send her a reassuring smile.
"I'm sure she's fine," he responds. "She's a big girl, like you. I'll check up on her to make sure she's okay, if that'll make you feel better," he offers.
"You promise?" She asks, holding her tiny pinky out.
Jason sighs. "I promise," he says, intertwining his larger pinky around hers.
Unfortunately for Jason, he never breaks a pinky promise to the kids. And he would never lie to them. So, on Jason's next scheduled patrol, he'll ditch and find you to make sure you're safe. That's it. Nothing else. He doesn't need to speak to you. Just a quick glance to see if you're not doing anything stupid.
God fucking damn it.
You told Jason you already left Gotham. How the hell was he supposed to find you??
Shit, right. Diane said you always leave bags of food outside their door. So you couldn't have lived far, right?
Okay, he'll do a quick sweep of the ourskirts of Gotham, then he'll check the edge of the next town over.
It's been a long, tiring night, to say the least. He started searching the outskirts of Gotham around 6 pm and started his search of the next town from 1am.
He was about to give up his search when he heard a man yelling. He looks down to see a figure running out of a 24 hour convenient store as a man in a uniform yells after you. Jason rolls his eyes, hopping down to the roof to stop you.
You run pretty far, but you look back to see if the store owner was chasing you. You smile to see that you weren't being followed, but as you face back forward, your head hits against an extremely hard, metalic surface.
"Fuck! No- why!" You yell, pressing a palm to to your forhead, where the impact was laid. And low and behild, you see the infamous Red Hood standing in front of you.
"You know I'm always not looking where I'm going! Can you at least have the decency not to be in my way!" You hiss, swerving past him. "Besides, I don't want to speak to you," you mutter, heading home, which wasn't that far.
"I'm not here to talk. Anna just wanted me to check if you're safe." He claims as you scoff.
"I'm alive, aren't I?" You sarcastically say, grabbing the keys for your door. Jason inspects your house.
"This is where you live?" He blurts out with clear concern.
"What of it," you mumble, stepping in. Neither of you really commented on the fact that Jason let's himself in, continuing to critique your humble abode.
"There's mould and cracks everywhere," Jason says, looking around.
"Great observation, sherlock. Guess what? I don't care. It's a roof over my head, and it's a 10 times upgrade compared to the warehouse. At least there isn't dried blood everywhere," you say.
"What? You didn't have a proper room?"
"Joker wasn't really a 'world's greatest dad mug' kind of guy." You say, laying on the mattress, keeping one leg bent upwards as the other lays flat. One arm is tucked under your head as the other is laid over your eyes.
Jason wanders around the run-down bulding, looking at your belongings scattered on the floor, which used to sit on the shelves and windowsill of his much more comfortable apartment.
But a shimmer catches the corner of his eyes. He sees a frame, the picture turned away from him, directly beside where your head lies.
He cautiously walks towards you, taking a peek of the picture. And he could already tell, by the smiling faces and puckered lips of the photo, that it was his favourite picture of the two of you. He had a copy of the photo stuck in his room somewhere in his apartment.
And the guilt slowly eats at him.
"I'm sorry," Jason quietly says.
"For what?" You mutter, obvious that you're exhausted.
"Everything I said." He replies, sitting on the floor beside you. "For telling you to leave Gotham, thinking you were anything like the Joker... saying I'd kill you if I saw you again.. I didn't mean it," he says, his voice getting raspier by the second. "It was horrible of me to say."
"It's whatever, Jay... Jason," you reply, shifting to turn away from him, your back facing him. "I'd probably think the same if I were you."
His heart sunk.
"I should've believed you," he says, his voice raising a little. All he needs is for you to say you forgive him for saying all that shit. Because of him, you think so lowly of yourself, and that you love in such a horrible state, where instead the two of you could be cosy, wrapped in softer blankets in his bed in what ysed to be your shared apartment. He doesn't think he can take it if you think so harshly of yourself.
"But you didn't. And... and that's okay. I mean.." You try to hide your sniffle by burying your face into your pillow, but you aren't as discreet as you think as Jason obviously catches you. "I don't think anyone in this world would trust the daughter of a psycho," you try to joke, sending a weak, pathetic laugh.
"But you proved to me so many times that you aren't him. And I completely ignored all those times and started labelling you for someone you're not! How are you not mad- how are you not yelling at me?" Jason says, almost in a desperate whine. He needs some sort of emotional reaction from you. But you look so... dead.
You sigh as you sit up, avoiding eye contact. "Because you were right, Jason. You had every right not to trust me. I broke your trust by not telling you- I couldn't even save you."
Jason shakes his head vigorously. "No- No, no, no. Sweetheart, no," he didn't mean for the nickname to slip out, but no one mentions it. He reaches for your hands, which fit so perfectly in his larger ones. He held your hands in his grasp, pulling them to his chest, making sure you're looking at him.
"I was wrong- It wasn't your responsibility to save me. You were a kid- we were both kids! There was nothing we could've done. We were both kids dragged into Batman and Joker's stupid game of theirs! This isn't either of our faults! And you didn't tell me you were Joker's daughter... and that's okay. I'm sorry it took so long for me to understand why you didn't tell me. The Joker is wrong, Y/n. You can be loved... You are loved. Because I love you so much that it hurts," he admits, brushing strands of your hair away from your face so that he can look into your eyes. And you can look back into his. His gorgeous green eyes that can finally see love again. "And I understand if you don't lo-"
"I love you so much, Jay," you sniffle, smiling at him. Jason's eyes soften as he smiles, his head leabing forward and his lips resting on your forhead. "I'm sorry," you say, and Jason just shushes you, but you continue. "And I forgive you for what you said to me," you quietly say, shifting to lean your head on his shoulder.
"I forgive you, too, my love," Jason replies, his hand reaching up to softly caress your cheek. "I'll stay the night. Okay? Then tomorrow, first thing, you pack your stuff and move back in with me, okay?"
You smile as you nod, your tears finally withering away as you lie down in your bed, watching Jason strip off his heavy armour, laying in with you in just his tactical pants and compression shirt on. He wraps his arms around you in a warm embrace, and suddenly, you feel safe again. You feel warm again.
You feel loved again.
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I'm so sorry if this is ass 😭. I really wanted this finished, and it's like 2am. But i really hope you'd still enjoy!! 🙏🙏
Taglist 🏷: @tyrone200 @pank0w @lorosette @havlindzk @achromaticerebus @demonicparalysis @fairyeoll
sorry if you requested part 2 and was not tagged, maybe because of mention priv settings? nonetheless, i hope you like it!
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violetsiren90 · 3 months
Nothing But You | Bang Chan/Reader
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Pairing: wolf hybrid!Bang Chan x f!human!Reader
Genre: hybrid AU; non-idol AU, strangers to lovers; love in adversity; cozy one-shot; fluff and angst
Word Count: 1434
Summary: The world's not ready for your love, but that doesn't matter. None of it matters - nothing but him.
Part 2: Evergreen (though both can be read as stand-alone works)
Content Warnings: I'd give this a PG-13 for content, but ALL of my work is 18+ (minors, dni); cuddling; co-sleeping; bad weather (but safe indoors); shirtless Chris (Chan is called Christopher); descriptions of hybrid physical features (including some minimal body hair); depictions of prejudice towards, discrimination, and marginalization of hybrids; a character gets lost and is momentarily frightened; allusions to sexual intimacy; implied domestic violence (by an authority figure, not Chris); running away; mention of reproduction (pups); for some reason even though it is explicitly stated I feel the need to mention that Reader and Chris are both adults throughout
Author's Note: I'll tell you what I didn't have planned for this Sunday afternoon and that was a Bang Chan hybrid AU one-shot. But the image of cuddling up with Chan in the middle of a snowstorm took me hostage and now here we are. I've never written a hybrid AU before, so this was very fun! If you read this, I hope this Christopher brings you the comfort you deserve today. 💕
P.S In case no one has told you today, you're so loved and so, so worthy of love. 🧜💜
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The icy wind howls, whipping swirling flurries of snow past the windows of the little cabin. You stir, not opening your eyes, heavy with slumber as your other senses remind you of the homey trappings of your shelter. A fire crackles and pops, its warmth licking over your nose and cheeks. A soft, heavy blanket fashioned of rabbit pelts lays over your body, rustling quietly as you nuzzle into the man beneath you.
    His chest rises and falls with the even breath of a deep sleep. Your cheek rests against his bare skin and the silky patch of thick, dark hair between his firm pectorals. It isn't really hair - not like yours. It's fur. Soft, dark tufts of it decorate his body everywhere hair would grow on a man; a patch on his chest, under his arms, at the dip of his Adonis belt. It smells like him. Like musk and pine and lavender. Manly and primal, floral and gentle. Christopher.
    Hybrids were still treated like dirt in so many ways. They didn't require licenses to live without owners anymore, but still, they were pushed to the margins of the community by the intolerance of common practice. You yourself had been taught to fear them. Monsters, your grandfather had told you, who would turn on their own young in a moment of morbid instinct. Even so, you always found more pity in your heart than terror.
    And then, one day, you met him.
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You had been loading groceries into the bed of your grandparents' jalopy at the general store and dropped a bag of oats as you struggled to hoist it onto the tailgate. You hadn't even noticed he was beside you when he easily hefted the bag and the remaining two boxes of eggs onto the vehicle without a word. He shot you a little smile, but before you could thank him your eyes were arrested by a pair of sharp brown ears rising from his curly hair. He pulled on a cap and turned to go before you could collect your wits enough to speak.
    You had thought of nothing save his warm brown eyes and sweet smiling lips in the weeks that followed, taking any chance you could to steal away to the general store in hopes of seeing him again.
But your paths never crossed. Not until the following summer.
You had packed in to the camping grounds by the lake with a few other girls from your graduating class for a weekend getaway from the menfolk - not that you had any - and you'd joined them rather reluctantly and at the persistence of your grandmother, who insisted a little socialization would do you good.
    That first afternoon you quickly grew tired of the chatter. If the weekend was meant to be a reprieve from the men, you grumbled to yourself, then why were they the constant and sole topic of conversation? You gathered up your sketching supplies and walked down the trail a ways, finding that the more distance you put between yourself and the shrieks of laughter and gossip behind you, the better you felt. Soon, you couldn't hear them at all. You settled onto a rock at the edge of a small glen and took your pencil in hand.
    Suddenly, some hours later, it dawned on you that your eyes were straining somewhat on the page, and you looked about, startled at the waning light reflecting the late hour. Gathering your things, you hurried back to down the path, only to realize with a sickness in your gut that you were well and truly lost, and that the daylight was nearly spent.
    He had found you then, sniffling rather pathetically beside a tree. You'd been alarmed by the sudden sound of his voice, having not heard his furtive approaching steps, but when you raised your frightened eyes to his face the fear had quickly given way to wonder. You'd given up hope of seeing him again, and now here he was, once more in your hour of need.
It was too dark now to find the trail back to the campsite, so you helped divide the load of bracken he had tucked under his arm between you as he led the way back to his cabin, not far into the thick. As you walked you noticed his tail, gray and brown and full behind him. Had he hidden it, that day at the store, you wondered? Did he always when he was around people like you? You remembered how surprised you had been at the site of his pretty ears upon your first meeting and you felt ashamed. You tried to find every possible way to assure him, as you walked and talked, that he didn't frighten you. You hoped he understood.
    Before long, you arrived at a little clearing with a log cabin at its heart. Smoke rose invitingly from the chimney, and you found it was as small and homey and warm within as it seemed from the cold darkness of the wood. The stranger gave you bread and stew and hot milk, and you ate with him and told him of yourself and he shared with you in return.
He was a wolf hybrid. The sole survivor of his pack, he had traveled hundreds of miles to settle into the mountains of your home. He made a living hunting, trapping, and gathering the wares of the wild to sell in town, as did a handful of other hybrids living in the mountains - a group of traders known collectively as The Strays. He told you that his name was Christopher, but that most simply called him The Wolf. When you repeated his given name softly and asked if you could call him by it he smiled that smile again, but broader and brighter and with his eyes pressed into little moons and crow's feet in their corners. His canines glinted in the light of the fire and one beautiful dimple pressed into his left cheek.
    You were in love.
    You asked him, a little shyly before parting the following day, if you could be friends. He smiled sadly and brushed rough fingers over your cheek before telling you that you were already his friend, but that you should keep yourself safe by staying away. People were suspicious of hybrids, and if he were seen with a human woman, it could be dangerous for you both.
     At the edge of the campsite, when he turned to go, you grabbed his arm. You told him that every Saturday morning you helped wait tables at Maple's Diner, and that if he came, breakfast would be on the house. You wanted to thank him, you insisted. In truth, you just wanted to give him a chance to find you, should he wish to. Oh, you desperately hoped that he wished to.
    And he did. He showed up a few weeks later, ears tucked under a hat and shoulders looking broad in a worn flannel shirt. You gave him coffee and bacon and a pile of pancakes and sat with him when your shift was through. It became a ritual, Saturday mornings at the diner. And then you started meeting for lunch. Then dinner. Then for long walks and trips to the movies. Then he started to take you out for drives in his truck - for picnics in the mountains, to watch the stars from the bed, to never leave the cab or each other's arms as the windows fogged with your labored breaths and mingled heat.
    One night your grandparents were waiting up when you returned. Your grandfather was in a rage, your grandmother was all worry and woes. It was a sin, what you were doing, they said. In the eyes of what god, you demanded in return? Your grandmother clung to your arm, begging you to come to your senses - it was dangerous, and worse, you would be ruined for life. You told her that none of that meant anything to you. Only him, he was all that mattered. Only Christopher. To hell with everyone and everything else in that goddamned town that treated him with suspicion and shame - that could never begin to see how perfectly beautiful he was.
Your grandfather forbade you to see him.
You told him you were grown and he couldn't stop you.
He raised his hand, and your grandmother screamed.
    When Christopher pulled up in his pickup you were in front of Maple's Diner. He gasped as he crouched to cradle you in his arms and gently brush his fingers over your broken lip and the green bruise on your cheek. He gathered you up, gathered your little bags, and took you home.
Home to the woods.
To the little warm cabin.
To his arms and his heart.
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    It's the third winter since you left it all behind - everything that tried to keep you from him.
Things are so different now, so simple, slow, steady and intimate in the life you share. You've started talking about pups. Maybe someday. Maybe soon. 
    You look up at his lovely, peaceful face, washed golden in the firelight, and smile, settling back down against his chest. As the wind howls your eyes slip shut, and you sleep again in the strong, gentle arms of a wolf.
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 5
Hey, here's another astro observation. 🍻🍻
Highlights: north node in houses, ceres, pallas, ascendant, sun, mercury, venus, neptune, uranus, lilith, saturn, pluto, chiron, degrees, cancer, capricorn, virgo, 1st house, 4th house, 6th house.
🍄 NN in the 4th or opposite MC. It's all about your sense of security. These people learn how to create security inside themselves instead of looking for it in people or outside sources. You should feel safe wherever you are physically and in your life journey, as long as you have yourself, it's all you need. You may not feel at home anywhere, you may dislike your family, which leads you to adjusting the concept of "home" to something suitable to your life, where you feel emotionally safe. Once you create your home inside you and nurture it fully, your home might manifest outwardly and you could certainly have the house of your dreams. (if you have this placement let me know how it manifests for you). 
🍄 NN or SN in 4th, or in cancer/capricorn natives make others feel very safe around them and in their house/work. They give off a natural sense of warmth and security which make people trust them. They care for others without expecting things in return. Their houses/companies are often very homey and beautiful. These people just have vibes that make guests stay longer than they intended.
🍄 NN in the last 4 houses (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) can have a purpose that has to do with the collective. The lessons they learn or the talents they have should be something that inspire a change to the collective's shared sets of values and outlooks on life, people and the world at large. They can make people around them see a whole different viewpoint of the things they believed were facts. There's no such thing as absolute truth or fact, everything in the world is changeful and so the people at large should be able to change and adapt with it. That's why many of these people are celebrities or in the public eye. 
🍄 NN or MC major aspects to uranus (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) can mean that the native doesn't necessarily follow the usual get a degree find a job typa life. But with softer aspects it's less forceful and destructive, more free flowing. Even if they tried to follow the traditional route, there is usually an underlying desire to break free from that and create a different path for themselves. They're always met with pleasant/unpleasant surprises, cuz uranus wanna do what they wanna do lol. I have uranus opposite NN and conjunct aquarius MC, and I can’t tell you how much I hate that system with just words. 
🍄 I noticed that animals are attracted to virgo ascendant/moon/venus/mars, personal planets in the 6th or 5th, or ceres in the 1st or 6th. Animals feel like they are taken care of by these individuals and trust them. The type of people that when they call the pet's name, they LISTEN. Also, If you have a lot of fire in personal planets animals might see you as an equal lol (their sass come out). They might pick up little fights with you out of nowhere, especially cats. 😽
🍄 Your ascendant could be your mom's ceres sign or degree. (if you aren't sure of your ascendant checking her ceres sign might help!). You could have the same ceres or pallas sign/degree as your mom or they could conjunct/opposite one of your personal planets. If there are such placements, then your mom might have had a strong influence on you. 
🍄 Pallas aspecting NN and neptune can bring and expand popularity especially if other aspects support it (like neptune or sun aspecting NN or MC). Pallas conjunct NN can mean making your talents known in this lifetime. 
🍄 Pallas conjunctions are very powerful. Neptune conjunct pallas is a natural artist, like naturally good at some hobby they have. Venus conjunct pallas, naturally good at beautifying things and themselves. Mercury conjunct pallas, naturally good at speaking/writing/singing. Ascendant conjunct pallas, natural beauty, naturally good at presenting themselves. Michelle Pfeiffer has is exactly conjunct her ascendant. It can give a variety of different talents and good luck. 🐞
🍄 A mix of Cancer and Libra in personal planets can give dimples and charming smiles and also beautiful voices. Speaking of charm, sun conjunct venus or moon can give a youthful charm and a personality that is admirable, especially if it's in a fire sign. Venus conjunct any personal planet is a charming aspect. 
🍄 Neptune conjunct lilith, can make the native appear sexy in an innocent and otherworldly way. Emphasis on the seductive eyes here, especially if neptune or lilith also aspect the ascendant. Can give sanpaku eyes. They don't have to try so hard to be desirable. Very hard to replace their appearance. e.g. Vanessa Paradis, Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp. 
🍄 Sun opposite/square/conjunct saturn, feeling inadequate, overworking themselves, feeling unworthy when they're not working. Having high expectations of themselves and thinking they can’t achieve it all in the time they set for themselves. Attaching their sense of worth to their achievements. These natives are super hard on themselves. Bottled up emotions, underestimating their emotions, putting on a strong face, facing the world with a sense of responsibility. You are hard workers and deserve all the success you want. You are worthy no matter what you do, plz. (these difficult emotions can come up strongly with the transits too I noticed, even if you don't have that aspect, don't bottle them up, release them). 
🍄 People with pluto opposite ascendant attract others with pluto conjunct ascendant and vise versa. It's that power dynamic, it happened so often to me. That push and pull can be euphoric and obsessive. Wanting to dominate the other, fear of being dominated. Wanting to empower or destroy each other. Wanting to feel needed and wanted or needing the other. Wanting to own that person or being owned by them. It is hot ngl, but it never ends well if there are control wounds at play, which often are and at the forefront. 
🍄 Venus opposite NN natives give me the sense that they mastered their type of beauty or other venus related topics. Many celebrities with this aspect are conventionally attractive. e.g. Cameron Diaz, Zooey Deschanel, Britney Spears, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Lawrence, Song Hye-kyo. Same with venus conjunct NN, but moreso they need to learn how to accept, apply and use their beauty no matter how different it is. They also need to learn how to be in healthy relationships and to accept the overall blessings that come their way. e.g. Lana Del Rey, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift (wide orb but still same sign). 
🍄 Chiron conjunct/opposite personal planets, especially sun/mercury/mars, or having heavy chiron aspects, is someone who is authentic in their self expression but they might not see it. They give off this authentic vulnerability that is so beautiful. Taking a messy/crying/bad hair day photo of themselves and sending it to their friends typa vulnerability. They embody the qualities of the sign the planets are in with a chironic touch that makes their very existence healing and delightful. They may use self-deprecating humor as a way to bring joy to themselves and others through the pain they feel. They don't see the good qualities others see in them fully, and others might take it as a chance to deliberately make them self conscious, especially when young. They may attract a lot of jealousy from friends because they don't always see their delightful personality and it may trigger others (yes delightful and heartwarming, fight me). The way they see themselves is often blurred due to the experiences they went through and the already existing wound of their self concept that they often go to extreme phases of self doubt and introspection. 
🍄 Mercury conjunct/opposite jupiter can make someone funny, it brings a humorous layer to the native's outlook on life and the way they express their views. Mercury rules gemini and jupiter rules sagittarius, both are known to be funny, when they conjunct it creates either a philosopher or a chrackhead or both lol. They are deep thinkers, but they acknowledge the contradictions in life, in themselves and in people, which leads them to use sarcasm, wit and irony. The way they speak and change their voices can be funny too. This aspect is often seen in the charts of comedians or just naturally funny people. e.g. Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Rowan Atkinson, Jenna Fischer, Pete Davidson, Emma Chamberlain, Aubrey Plaza, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart. 
🍄 Venus degrees like the placements can tell you about how you like your relationships or your love language. Venus in a leo degree can indicate liking when your partner gives you gifts and praises you, loyalty, dramatic love. Venus in an aquarius degree, needing freedom, wanting your partner to also be your best friend, stimulating conversations, online dating. Venus in an aries degree being fierce, childlike and adventurous in love and flirting a lot, physical touch. Venus in a scorpio degree being loyal, intense and flirty in love, physical touch and quality time. Venus in a virgo degree liking the act of service, being cared for and noticing the little details. Venus in a Libra degree, the typical relationship stuff, words of affirmation and gifts. I have venus at 11° and in the 11th house, I can tell you I prefer the friends before lovers typa love, it's easier to develop feelings, you can just be yourself, also no awkward first date. 
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 7 months
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 7
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Velkommen Til Tønsberg | Loki x Reader
Loki and Thor take you to see the new King of Asgard in the hopes of finding more answers. Charmed by the quaint village and welcoming Asgardians you dream of a better future there. But not everyone is friendly and they're certainly not safe.
Warnings: mostly fluffy...mind the ending. Family drama, talk of forced marriage/marriage of convenience and Reader's family. Implied sexual content, implied loss of virginity.
A/N: From here on in there's going to be talk of other panethons,specifically from Irish mythology, so I'll put a little info at the bottom of the chapter if you're interested! Other mythologies will be depicted in the same way Loki & the Asgardians are in Marvel and the MCU. This is very much a fictionalised account, although there are, like in the MCU, elements of the original stories. You don't have to read about them, but I've tried hard to embed a lot of mythology into the story so although it's easily readable without it, I think it's more fun if you know!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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“So you met a woman who can set fire to stuff, makes everyone around her horny and you’ve let him,” the woman pointed at Loki, “teach her to shift and mind read?” She walked around the coffee table in the middle of the cosy living room, keeping her eyes trained on your face as if you might drag the crackling fire out of the hearth and set fire to her sofa.
“Yes - But, in my defence, she could already do a lot of it and it wasn’t my idea.” Thor gave her a massive grin, taking a butter cookie from the plate in front of him while she flopped onto the chair opposite you. 
“I’m -” you paused, unsure of what to call yourself. No one had really addressed you since you arrived at the compound, should you use the name you’d discovered with Loki? When you’d dreamed of Asgard together? Or should you use your old name, the one your Grandfather gave you? 
“This is Estrid.” Loki took the decision out of your hands, and you were grateful for it, leaning into his side a little for reassurance while he patted your knee. 
She took your hand in both of hers and gave them a firm squeeze, her palms were soft, but there were calluses below her fingers that told you there was more to her than the oversized jumper, piles of books and well stocked bar cart could tell you. 
“I’m Brunnhilde,” Brunnhilde gave you a warm smile, far more comforting than you’d expected when Thor had described the warrior on your journey to Tønsberg. He’d described the fights they’d engaged in together, her bravery during Ragnarok and her ability to lead as a fair and firm King for the new Asgardian settlement. He talked about her armour and weapons, whirling his hands around as he acted out his favourite moments from the final battle. Loki had rolled his eyes and told you that she was a skilled and proficient fighter and a sensible leader, despite Thor’s terrible caricature. 
The woman before you looked softer than their stories, she was wearing an oversized knitted sweater that hung down to her thighs over tight black jeans, her hair was styled in long braids that fell over her shoulders and she fiddled with the end of one as she continued to watch you. 
“Valkyrie,” Thor insisted through a mouthful of biscuit. But Brunnhilde, just rolled her eyes exaggeratedly and gave you a knowing smile, as if the antics of gods were commonplace in her life. 
“You can call me Brunnhilde or Valkyrie, Val, if you like,” she had an easy manner of speaking, relaxed and welcoming, in keeping with the homey warmth of her cottage and she pushed the plate of food towards you. “Do you want to tell me about these dreams?”
The hesitancy you felt on arriving in the little fishing village began to melt away. Initially you’d been overwhelmed by the crisp, salt scent of the sea and the shock of the cold. But here, in the stone house nestled in the centre of the village, you felt at ease and allowed yourself to relax into the cushions. The atmosphere that had been so shockingly different on arrival was now settling inside of you, the clean smell sea smell of the harbour mixing with the woodsmoke in the village was familiar somehow. 
You’d arrived in the dead of night while the village was asleep, tucked into the hillside with only a few lights along the dock still bright. The sea had called to you then, a wild thing that beat against the boats and rattled the stones of the shoreline until you were on the edge of the dock, leaning over into the abyss of darkness. 
Loki had pulled you away and wrapped your frozen hands in his own while Thor had looked on, a knowing smile spreading across his face. But you allowed Loki to pull you close, snaking your arms around his waist and tucking yourself half inside his black wool coat. He rubbed his hands up and down your back to warm you, the press of his fingers turning into the weight of your own coat as Loki’s magic flickered over you. 
You’d stood together for what felt like forever and yet not enough time at all, bathing in the darkness and the rhythmic sound of the sea as it crested and crashed on the harbour wall. 
Thor was intrigued by Loki’s behaviour, he’d never seen him act in such a controlled and measured way, nor had he seen him spend more than a few days with any consort since their adolescent years in Asgard. 
He was starting to think this was some sort of elaborate courtship that his brother had thought up, for once he decided he would forgo the teasing, happy to see his brother with a partner he actually approved of, and had left you in the cold air, wrapped together under Loki’s coat. 
Your mind had wandered, rubbing your thumb over Loki’s cool palm, and felt his own relaxed thoughts wash over you, your cheek touched his shoulder and he lifted his arm to tuck you into his side, the movement unconsciously casual and comforting. 
“Are you okay, Estrid?” The Valkyrie’s voice called to you through the memory and you sat upright again with a start. “I think I do remember you - hmm,” she paused and looked up at the ceiling. “You’re Brigid’s daughter? Right? I remember your mother, I was assigned to her guard a few times when she visited Queen Frigga.”
Her words raised goosebumps on your skin, a mother? Without thinking you grabbed at Val’s hands, pulling her to the edge of her own seat so that you could study her face, waiting for her to reveal a lie or a joke. “Show me, can I see? Please,” you begged, eyes filling with tears. 
 Brunnhilde flicked her dark eyes at Thor, hesitating, she had been King of the Asgardians for only a short time and although Thor was more like a brother to her now, she didn’t want to upset either Prince by revealing too many of Asgard’s secrets. 
You hadn’t noticed her hesitation, your only thoughts on seeing your forgotten mother again. “I don’t remember my mother at all. What was she like?” You asked, looking around the room to see if any of them would be willing to share. 
Loki, surprisingly, looked at Thor as well, a silent conversation passing between the two brothers before Thor answered. 
“I don’t see the harm, after all we brought her here to learn, if this is what she requires then she should hear it.” He said, already a little bored and messing with the trinkets on the shelf beside him, hadn’t he differed his responsibilities to Valkyrie for this exact reason?
Brunnhilde leant forward and, with some encouragement from Loki, you met her halfway, your fingers hovering over her temples. “I promise I’ll just look at my mother. Just think about her a lot, when you worked for her, what you saw.”
Loki’s hand found your knee and squeezed, “Remember, Asynja, calm." You concentrated on his breathing, on his scent, on the feel of his trousers below your own hand and closed your eyes. 
She appeared out of the gloom, a tall woman with fiery red hair in a mass of curls flowing down her back. Her clothes reminded you of your dreams, airy and bright. She had a gold crown on her head adorned with gemstone flowers, tulips, daffodils and snowdrops mixed with clover and daisies. On her back a sage green Cape trailed behind her and from one corner peaked a little face. 
“My baby, you stay in there, safe and sound,” her voice was like warm salted caramel, sweet, burning with love and measured by her strength. A fierceness behind it that would surely scald anyone coming too close. Behind her strode the Valkyrie in their armour, as they marched through the corridors of Asgard to Frigga’s chambers.
Once inside the luxurious chambers, a little face peaked out again.
“It is safe, Estrid. You may come out. This is my friend, Queen Frigga. You are to stay with her a while.” The other woman held out her hand, her fingers adorned with all manner of shining gems and opaque turquoise, her hair flowed from a golden diadem, but she was dressed casually in a sky blue dress, draped around her shoulders and elbows. A Queen, yes, but a mother also. 
“Estrid, you  very welcome here in Asgard. May I present my son, Loki. He has similar talents. Perhaps he could show you the palace.” A shaggy head of black hair peered around Frigga’s legs. “I have another son, Thor, but my dear Brigid tells me that you love to read and walk, rather than fight and wrestle,” she paused, tugging Loki forward, and bent between you both, “my darling Loki can show you his library, he will be sure to share.” She gave Loki a little nudge forward and dipped her chin at him. 
With practised steps he moved towards the little girl, “Princess” he bowed, formally, looking back up at his mother for approval. Frigga patted the boy on the shoulder and he hid behind her skirts again. 
“Prince," you gave a shy curtsy, holding the folds of your elaborate dress as you moved, your memories drifted towards him and away from your parents. Your juvenile conversations floating through lazy mornings within his library, giggling together while you spied on the court from the gallery. The clothes that Loki had created for you with a glimmer of magic so that you could climb the same trees and tumble down the same hills, splashing together in the fountains of the gardens until his governess chased you back into the palace.
Your small hands clasped together as he walked you through the halls of Asgard, the sheen of sweat on his brow when you ran together through the gardens, hazy and warm and glittering with gold it morphed into a lazy dream, full of clouds and the endless sky and…
The dream faded and Val pulled away.
“You’re distracted.” She looked at Loki and narrowed her eyes. “Loki was very important to you back then, and I see that he still is," she gave Loki a sly smile, “but he’s distracting you. Bugger off and annoy someone else please." She waved the two princes away. 
Loki kissed your hand and stood to walk out with Thor. He had the same shy, boyish smile that you'd seen in your memory. The one that had made you feel welcome and at peace. He lingered, unsure about whether he could push his affection further than a kiss on the cheek. You hadn’t discussed your evening together, but he longed to keep you in his arms. Meeting his eyes you allowed your mind to wander to his and he bent over you on the sofa, his hands either side of your head, and lowered his face to yours. Brushing his nose against your cheek he kissed you softly. 
“I’ll come for you? I can show you the people." He suggested, “I’ll meet you at the harbour when you’re finished.”
“They’re my people now, don’t forget!” Brunnhilde called after him.
“How could I!” He bowed low, “my Queen." His tone was filled with sarcasm as well as mirth. With a final wink Thor pulled him out of the door.
Brunnhilde rolled her eyes and then turned her attention back to the tea tray, pouring a cup for you both. She settled back into her chair and tucked her feet up under her. 
“Brigid was a wonderful Goddess, a Queen herself really, but here on Midgard,” Val took a deep breath and sighed it out, “she made the flames dance, brought the spring and the flowers, and protected the land during winter. She took care with all her subjects and friends, her matchmaking skills, in particular,  were something to behold. She helped Frigga and Odin in their early courtship and had many friends across the nine realms and the Otherworld.” Brunnhilde stopped to look at you, your wide eyes glistening as you listened. “Is this bringing any memories back?” She dunked a biscuit into her tea and watched you as she ate. 
“Yes, a little.” A tear started to fall slowly down your cheek, pooling on your lip, a bittersweet taste of a grief and longing you still couldn't truly comprehend, couldn’t even remember. “She had a cloak,” you wrapped your arms around yourself, “I always felt so safe in there.”
“That’s because it was safe, it created a protection around those who wore it, or who were under it. She used it to protect the land during winter, but when she had to hide you it worked for you too.”
“Did she hide me here? Is that why I don’t remember?” 
“Oh no, she used to hide you on Asgard, mostly, but you visited other realms too.” 
“So is she still hiding in it? Is that why we’re not together?”
Brunnhilde reached out and patted your arm, “no, she’s not hiding in it. I’m sorry to tell you, she died, and she took all of her magic and secrets with her. The cloak was never Asgardian to begin with, so we couldn't have looked for it, though Frigga tried. It's been lost for a long time, but I'd bet if it's anywhere, it's here on Midgard, waiting for you." 
You nodded, contemplating the possibility that it may be out there and, if it was, it was yours now. A Goddess’ cloak. 
Just the thought of it made you feel dizzy. You sipped your tea, allowing the warmth of it to spread through you before you built the courage to ask your next question. 
“How did she die?” The question squeaked out of you, barely a whisper, and you found yourself curling into the cushions of the sofa as you spoke. 
“I wish I knew." Brunnhilde looked sincere and you could feel the sorrow radiating from her as her eyes misted, "she brought you back to Asgard many times, sometimes she would stay and you would holiday around the city, sometimes she would leave you under the Queen’s care. The last time you visited you were just of age, celebrating your birthday and looking forward to your ascension. She left to speak to a potential suitor in Vanaheim, your mother and Frigga had many friends there, and together they sought someone who could match your spirit, but provide you protection, a good match." 
"A good match?" 
"I know it's a lot to take in, but you were, are, a very important child not just to your mother, but to us all. Children are rare in the Nine Realms, especially among the Aesir, skilled children are rarer." 
"Your magic. When you first came to Asgard you were wild and untamed. Frigga helped you to channel your energy and taught you alongside her own sons. I believe Loki is helping you again now, but there was a time you trained together. And that kind of magic, in the hands of the wrong realm, the wrong husband. It could've been catastrophic." 
"Husband, why would I have to have a husband?!" You were incensed, "why couldn't I just train and be by myself." 
"It was a difficult time for the Nine Realms, for us all, a time of change. But you were as angry then as you are now, I’m pleased to see you haven’t lost any of your fire.” Angry as you were, you could see that Brunnhilde was telling the truth, and there was no teasing or malice in the way she looked at you. 
The King sat her cup down an came to sit beside you, bringing your hand up to the side of her face, she opened her memories again. 
You were sat in Frigga’s private chambers, a fire glowing in the grate, wine, fruit and bread on the table. Frigga held you close, patting your hair and singing a soft lullaby.
“My dear, you are still so young to lose a mother and we will always be here for you. But you must listen to the wishes of your court, and of your King at least consider his plans. A chaperone and entourage are being sent to take you home.”
“I won’t go with them, I barely know him. Why won’t Odin let me stay?” You sobbed. 
“He will not overrule your father. There will be a ball for you, and then your Father will come and collect you. I imagine you will be introduced to your betrothed and then your ascension will begin, you will be crowned and named to solidify your position."
Brunnhilde pulled away, she was unsure of how the evening played out any further, you had fled the room and not returned. Frigga had asked her to look for you when your maids said you were not in your bed. The Valkyrie had assumed you remained in the castle, but to no avail. To Brunnhilde’s knowledge you had hidden yourself all night, returning in the morning in sodden clothes, covered in soil and grass, and had assumed you’d spent the night in the gardens, perhaps sleeping in one of the follies scattered around the hedges. 
You slid back against the sofa cushions, lost in your own memory, eyes shut but twitching as if in deep sleep. Brunnhilde draped a blanket over your lap and propped your head onto a cushion, leaving you to your memories. 
You stood, tossing aside the blankets and sheets and carefully opened the doors of your balcony. Long since a trellis had been built into the stone wall outside and you used it, as always, to climb down from your rooms into the quiet of the gardens. Out in the night, the lanterns led the way slowly fading as you moved further from the safety of the palace until you were in darkness surrounded by the trees at the edge of the palace land. Above you the forest loomed, foreboding and fascinating all at once. You expected to be alone, out in the night, but as you slowed to a halt, panting breaths that circled you in the midnight air, a voice called to you through the manicured lawns and trained roses, echoing from the mountain behind you, sad and low. 
Loki’s arms found your waist, pulling you back against his chest. Firm and real in the ethereal night, and took your weight as you cried again. 
“My darling, please, you can not leave me here." He begged, nuzzling into your neck and breathing you in. You could smell him too, your memory so vivid that it filled your senses.
“What choice do I have?" You sagged further into his hold, his strong arms keeping you against his chest. 
Together you tumbled to the ground. Loki kept you close in his lap, attempting to stop your skirts from catching in the grass and mud, but you pushed them away, taking his wrists and placing his hands on your waist. With panting breaths you stared at each other, the moonlight glowing in his eyes. Then he kissed you. With no hesitation, no shyness. His tongue licking into your mouth and claiming you. 
You fell into his kisses, the moss below you becoming a blanket as he lay you down. You pulled him closer, sinking into the feeling of his magic as it surrounded you, allowing him to mould himself to your body.
“Your dress, it will be noticed," he mumbled, pulling the silk and chiffon back onto the blanket. 
“If I have to leave in a week, why should I care what anyone thinks? I’ll never be allowed to live again. And I want to live Loki, I want to be free!” Your hands were on his shoulders, in his hair, on his arms pulling him closer, clinging to him as if to life itself. 
“You are still a Princess, soon you'll be a Queen too. I should take you back to the palace.” He propped himself up on his elbow, warring with himself over whether to take you back to your chambers or keep you here forever. Loki was losing his fight, confusion writ across his normally controlled expression. Your kisses tasted like wine and figs, intoxicating and enticing. He had held himself back for so long, kept his feelings deeply hidden for so long he was struggling to keep his hands from you. 
“Is that not enough for you, my Prince? Or is it because you are a God? Am I not Goddess enough?” You started to sit up, confused in the depths of your emotions. If you weren't enough then you wouldn't be humiliated. 
“My darling, my Princess, my Queen, Ásynja. I would worship at your feet." He insisted, cupping your cheeks, his eyes swirling with need, with desire, with something you couldn't name. "But you will have to hold court here, you must be respected as the Goddess of Spring, there is some purity required," he hinted, his hands clenching in the swirling fabric at your waist. 
Loki kissed across your brow, your nose, your cheeks, every kiss more reverent than the last. Filled with the love he was too frightened to name. 
You laughed, a harsh bark compared to the usually tinkling lilt of your joy, “Is that what you think they’ll crown me? Because of my mother?” 
You felt him nod against your neck, pressing his lips against your pulse, enjoying the taste of you while he could, before he let you go. 
“What else could you be? How could you be anything but pure love and joy, there is no other who could replace her, it has to be you,” his hands played with the jewels that seemed to eternally adorn your hair, turning each pink diamond green beneath his touch. 
“Lust. That’s what I've heard I will be, a humiliation, a jest. What do you get when you marry spring and fertility with chaos and brawling? Lust, he said, violent lust. And I shall marry a war lord from Vanaheim too, to confirm my position. He made it clear I wasn’t to fall in love while I was here, I must keep myself pure so that my lord may enjoy his wife to the fullest." You ground your teeth, tearing at the blanket beneath you. "His greatest trick. Naming his own daughter Goddess of Lust as a - as a - as a virgin." Your face screwed up in anger, sobs wracking you as you thought of giving yourself so intimately to your betrothed. But Loki stopped. 
“You love me?” He asked, suddenly shy, his grasping hands holding you close. 
You met his gaze again, soft and full of admiration. “Endlessly,” you breathed, and he lay you back down among the moss, the growing flowers and new shoots, the warm sun rising and the scent of spring surrounding you. 
You woke to Brunnhilde stoking the fire, the curtains drawn now and the lights low. She smiled as you stirred and came to sit beside you again. 
“Pleasant dreams, were they?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, and you felt hot suddenly, even without the crackling fire. 
“I still have so many questions,” you pondered on what you needed answered first. 
“My father? Was he cruel?” You asked, curling your feet under yourself and tucking one of Brunnhilde's many blankets over your knees. 
"I never met him properly." Brunnhilde admitted, though a little awkwardly. "I know he was a god here on Midgard, and that your mother kept you closely guarded on Asgard while he was holding court here. I believe it was an arranged match, and there was no love between them. It was perhaps why she was so keen to see you well married, in the end. But I haven't seen him, not since he took you back."
Married. You had already found out that you were a Goddess, what would be marriage compared to that? To some unknown war lord no less, perhaps he would already be dead. But it was some comfort to know that, even then, you had given your heart and soul to Loki instead. 
Brunnhilde watched you, waiting for the next question. 
“You said Loki meant a lot to me. Will you show me?” You felt the heat of embarrassment creep up your spine, you knew exactly what he meant, but you had to know whether it was a dalliance born of extreme emotion, or something more. 
The King looked awkward for a moment. “I didn’t see a lot of it. You were both private, but also royalty. I wasn’t there, but I do  remember the last ball you attended together, the one in your honour. He danced with you the whole night and refused any other offer, the court was abuzz with whispers of your courtship.  Your father was angry that you'd allowed yourself to become the subject of gossip and he took you early in the morning before anyone else was awake. You had planned a final breakfast on the terrace with the Princes and the Queen, Loki was distraught for a day and then it was as if you were never there. No one spoke of you, and Frigga made it clear your name was never to enter the gossip of court again, for everyone’s safety." 
The whole thing had been so odd, all you wanted to do was speak to Loki and share your new knowledge with him, to see if he could remember it too. Brunnhilde called Thor while you layered your coat and scarf on again, tugging your boots on with one hand on the wall in the small hallway. 
She stood in the doorway as you left, and directed you away from her cosy home, back towards the harbour and to another stone cottage before she closed the door for the night, leaving you to your thoughts. 
You walked slowly across the small village, enjoying the crisp air and the bob of the boats in the harbour. It was calm here, away from the world, and you contemplated asking Loki if you could continue your training here instead of returning to the bustle of the compound. 
"Princess Estrid,” a deep voice said behind you. The title was new and brittle, but you assumed it must be another Asgardian, perhaps someone you once knew and, with a new found excitement, you turned to them with a smile. 
And then everything went black. 
<<Part 6
Part 8>>
Gods & Goddess' mentioned.
This is just from my own reading, I'm by no means an expert, just a fan, so if you know more and want to talk to me please send me a message/ask!
Brigid - beloved Goddess from the Tuatha Dé Danann. Brigid is often cited as the goddess of spring, the dawn, fertility. Brigid is so popular she was made into a Saint as Christianity became more widespread. She's often linked to a magical cloak which gives protection to those that wear it, you can leave cloth outside of your house on Imbolc for her to bless and in some stories it's her cloak that covers the ground during winter. She's also linked to cattle and craftsmen (including metal work and those that use fire), mothers and children.
Brigid is well loved and celebrated still as a Pagan Goddess and Christian Saint.
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hotchfiles · 6 months
fire of devotion.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅ masterlist
pairing: remus x fem!reader.
summary: remus helps you deal with the grief december brings you.
content warnings: parental death (mentioned), very angsty feelings but not regarding the couple, established happy & healthy relationship.
word count: 1,2k
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december was not your favorite month anymore, it had been through most of your life, you loved the little lights, the decorations, the gift giving, the parties and egg nogg and secret santas. your mum, being the witch she was, loved surprising you by decorating the whole entire house just a day before, your place going from ordinary on the 23th to completely magical by the 24th, it was beautiful.
when she passed just before you got your hogwarts letter, you felt like magic was about to die, but your muggle father made sure to not let it happen, to not let sadness override the joy you felt every time the year was coming to an end, so he would wait for you to come home for christmas break, the house completely ordinary, and then when you went to bed he would spend the entire night decorating everything by himself, no wand, no spells, just the magic of his love for you.
you stared at the house in front of you, a bit run down, snow covering it and desperately needing a repaint, your heart twitched in pain and your grip on remus' waist became stronger, his pulling you even closer by the shoulder in response. it had been three years since the last time you came over, you couldn't face the emptiness of it after the passing of the last family you had, so you just never came back after your father's funeral. and december became just another month.
you spent the first one at hogwarts, remus silently by your side as you cried. the second one with him and his mum who was always sending letters about how she wanted to meet you, the girl who made her boy feel normal. the last one with james, lily and their little boy and chosen family, the potters, even if it was weird to call the couple you saw snogging on very very unsanitary places at school like that.
the plan was to do it again this year, if it weren't for the letter you got from the city council stating that you had to empty the house before the new years as it had been reclaimed by the city and would be torn down.
so there you were, feeling the dust tickle your nose and water your eyes as you and your boyfriend got in, the electricity had been cut years before, but remus took his wand and swiftly made all lamps light up, trying his absolute best to make the situation less traumatic than it already was.
it was awful for him to watch your mood completely change, your light dim out, your heart bleed out, everytime december came around. and even though he understood it, now that he was standing on your old living room, he could actually feel why. it was... homey. even if no one had lived there in years. it had picture frames everywhere, drawings you made when you were about harry's age, paintings your mum had done when she decided she needed a hobby.
your letter from hogwarts hung on a wall inside a glass picture frame, along with your mother's wand. your father had made all efforts to make you see and feel she wasn't really gone. when he passed you lost them both.
you sat on the dirty couch, elbows on your knees as your hands held your face, you began to sob and within just seconds remus was in front of you, his knees bent down even though he knew it would hurt like a bitch to get up, his hands took yours so you would look at him. "darling, s'alright, m'gonna pack everything, you go outside and get some fresh air." his thumb as delicate as ever, went to your cheeks to clean up the stubborn tears and you were about to deny his offer, it should be you doing that. but his eyes held so much tenderness and remus placed a soft kiss to your hands and you could not deny him of being kind, that's who he was, so you agreed and got up, leaving the house after staying warmly inside his embrace for a few.
it would probably take too long with you inside anyway, remus was an outstanding wizard and would definitely pack everything with just a couple of swift movements. you were distraught, your wand hadn't even been touched that day yet. your plan was to sit on the sidewalk and enjoy the cold as you waited, but the curious stares of the old lady next door prevented you to. it took her a while to recognize you, but as soon as she did you were forced to drink tea with her, she had been neighbours with your parents your whole life and kept repeating how sorry she was and how she missed you. it was a warm strange feeling.
when you came back to your house front, remus had christmas lights on one hand and scotch tape on the other, his brows as furrowed as ever and sweat droplets ran down his face as he tried to neatly tape the lights to the windows' frames. "moony, whatcha doing?" you chuckled, using his nickname as it matched the seemed mischief he was trying to pull.
he looked back at you and replied like it was obvious, "christmas decorating, dove." you were about to ask further but he gave you no mind, going back to what he was doing. you went back inside and tears started to blurry your vision in seconds.
the fireplace had green flames and there was only one box left near it, he had packed everything and had already sent to the cottage you shared via floo network, the only box left were the christmas decorations, empty as the whole house was filled with it, lights, the tree, the little trinklets, it sparkled just how you remembered and you held yourself to stop your crying sobs from being too loud.
remus held you from behind when he was done outside, his arms around your waist, his head lowered so he could kiss your cheek, "tried to do some of it without magic like you said your father did, but your mum knew what she was doing using it, alright." you turned around to look at him, and you didn't even need to ask why he did it because he knew your thoughts just by looking at you. "you deserve seeing it like this one last time." he shrugged it off so casually you felt like you would melt on the spot. like it was normal. like it was simple. like it was the obvious thing to do.
he didn't even notice how much effort it was and how no one ever would do something like that, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled in for a kiss, a gentle one, but your arms clung to him like he would disappear. he grinned into it, interrupting it only to loosen up your grip, "love, you're choking me, not the place f'that."
you were so overwhelmed you didn't even reply to the silly innuendo, not letting him brush off his grand gesture by joking around, "you have no idea how much i love you." his heart skipped a beat, four years together and he still felt like you were his goddess school crush, every confession making him blush exactly like the first one.
"merry christmas, darling." remus pulled you back to him, kissing the top of your head before you found the perfect spot to lay closer on his chest.
a merry christmas indeed.
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arteastica · 9 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (10)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2.3k
The holidays had always been your favorite time of the year. You never waited for the first snowfall in order to start daydreaming about generously spiced cookies and thick, melted chocolate. When it came to fantasizing about buttery batters rich in raisins, and biscuits dusted with brown sugar and cinnamon, you were always months ahead everyone you knew.
But the holidays weren’t just about desserts. You also craved the savory dishes your mother laid out on the dinner table, and the equally warm conversations that always came along with them. You craved the familiar sight of your parents sitting by the fire, your father, indulging in his favorite book, and your mother, in a steaming cup of chocolate. You always kept them company, from your favorite spot by the window, where the sight was just as comforting and homey. You enjoyed looking at the white, thick blanket that covered the narrow streets, and the yellow lights that glowed through the neighboring windows. You liked to think that inside those houses people were also enjoying good food and a good laugh in good company.
Everything about the winter holidays was warm and homemade, and that’s exactly why you had never spent a single one away from home. Even during the three years you lived at the training camp, you always made sure to be back home with your family by the time the holidays rolled around. And this year would be no different.
And so, for weeks now, you had been counting the days, as it was tradition. Only that this year, it had felt more like a back-to-school countdown than anything else. ‘Anxiety’ and ‘reluctance’ had replaced ‘anticipation’, in both the sentences you wrote in your journal every night, as well as in your mind. However, you weren’t surprised. Not when the obvious reason was on the other side of the door you were about to knock on.
You lifted a hand and gave the hardwood a couple of tentative taps. He told you there was no need to announce yourself before coming in, but it was already way past working hours, and you weren’t sure he would still be awake.
When you heard his familiar voice, your heart lightened a little. Leaving without seeing him, at least one more time, would be as ridiculous as going to the doctor and leaving before receiving treatment.
You pushed the door open and, as soon as he saw you, he rose from the couch he had been lounging on. If the swiftness of his movement and the tentative smile now present on his lips were anything to go by, he was just as surprised to see you as you were to find him wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and a white shirt, partially unbuttoned.
Your nails dug deep into your own skin, all while wishing it was his instead. His bolo tie was discarded on a nearby table, and so were the straps of his gear. The flames dancing in the fireplace behind him, and the steam coming from the mug placed beside the chess board, made it feel as if you were stepping into something intimate and personal. What you had before you, was a sight deserving of a dozen diary entries, and you knew you would write them once you were back home. For now, and for the sake of your own sanity you decided to focus your attention strictly on his eyes instead.
“Oh, I’m sorry to interrupt you, commander, but I’ll be leaving first thing in the morning and…” Your nails buried deeper into your flesh, as if testing to see if you had the courage to say it. “I wanted to see you before that.”
You stared directly into his eyes. There was a certain boldness that only became available to you once darkness descended, a certain notion that whatever impulsive actions were committed under the moon didn’t really matter, because their consequences would reset come morning anyway. That’s why ghosts waited for the sun to leave in order to haunt forests, and so did the howling of wolves. And maybe that was also the reason why your honesty didn’t exactly bother you. Your feet had brought you there to see him. There were no papers he needed to sign, no questions you needed to ask, no tea or cookies you wanted to bring him. No tricks or excuses up your sleeve. He was the only purpose of your visit.
“I’ll confess your absence has me worried already.” He started making his way to you as a playful smile graced his lips. “I don’t know what I’ll do without those butter biscuits and hot tea in the afternoon, but,” you couldn’t help but notice that the innocent crinkle in his eyes didn’t match the picture his exposed collarbones and prominent Adam’s apple were painting, “I’ll try to survive without you.”
Me too. “I’m pretty sure you’ll be just fine without me, commander.” Now that he was close enough, you noticed he smelled like all your favorite spices, and the tinge of cherry on his lips told you it was probably mulled wine in his mug.
“That’s debatable.” His voice sounded several octaves lower than usual, and you didn’t need to time travel to know that you would be missing it for the upcoming weeks. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Go ahead.” You replied, happy to cling on to anything that would help you put off your departure.
“That night, at your doorstep. What was it that you wanted to tell me?”
His eyes were so different in moments like these, when it was just the two of you. It was as if the 13th commander of the Survey Corps was gone, and the only one left in his place was Erwin Smith, the blond man who loved chess, boring history books, and sweet afternoon treats. The owner of those distinctive eyebrows and those sapphire eyes that, right now, were drilling into you, all your emotional walls and reservations, with such piercing vulnerability. If it were anyone else you would drop your gaze, but with him, you were drawn closer instead.
“So much.” You took a deep breath, the type that usually precedes a long speech or a lengthy confession. “For one, I don’t understand why everyone here likes ale so much, and I have no idea how ODM gear works either.” As the words left your mouth, your feet diligently worked on closing the distance between your bodies. “I think I cheated on a test once, and performed so poorly on my physical examinations I almost failed all of them.” His lips twitched slightly, as if wanting to form a smile but stopping halfway in fear of interrupting the flow of your ideas. “I cry at least once a month, especially when I’m bored.” And in that moment, boredom seemed such a foreign and absurd concept, because how was it possible for anyone to be bored when the world had such wonderful views to offer, like his shirt and the way it clung to his body, for example. The fabric was close enough to show the shape of his chest, and unbuttoned enough to unveil skin generously sprinkled with light brown hair. “I’m completely clueless when it comes to chess and I hate to think that I will never be able to impress you in a game.” In such intimate space, the air was even more infused with his cologne, making it all the more difficult to breathe. “I spend too much time in my head, overthinking everything. But oddly enough, the only thing I can never think too much about is you. It is never enough.” Your fingers found his hand at the same moment his eyes found your lips. “Commander, nobody thinks about you as much as I do.” You interlaced your fingers with his. “Not while doing the things I do.”
For a while, the snapping of firewood was the only thing breaking the silence of the night, as he stared into your eyes, and his hand held yours firmly. But then his lips parted slightly.
“Well, for one, you don’t need chess to impress me.” With his other hand, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek. “I can’t guarantee I can make boredom disappear, but I’d be delighted to give it a try whenever you need me to.” His thumb stroked your skin lovingly, and his gaze, his touch, as well as his words, all felt like the warmest of cardigans. “There are many young men here thinking about my assistant the way I do. I’ve seen how their eyes follow her, how they linger on her. And I know that look all too well myself.” You could almost feel the rising and falling of his chest against you, and you wondered where had all the oxygen in the room gone. “But I must admit it satisfies me to know they don’t get to have her as close as I do everyday, and especially not as close as I do right now.” His thumb caressed your bottom lip softly, the same kind of gentle squeeze farmers give peaches when trying to tell if they are ripe enough. “Sweet, we like ale because it’s sweet, and also quite nutritious. And on that note, I would explain more about that, as well as how the ODM gear works, but that would take too long, and I really want to kiss you right now.”
You knew that sensation. You had felt it before. It used to happen quite often when you were a child, around this same time of the year. When you woke up, and ran downstairs to find all the presents you had been waiting a whole year for, all of them beautifully wrapped. Excitement filling you up completely and seeping through your lips as you smiled. As you smiled in anticipation of the wonderful time you had ahead.
“But, commander, I thought chess helped you stay away from impulsive decisions.” You used a playful tone to match the beaming grin you were now wearing, as you signaled to the chess board he had been giving all his attention to before you stepped into the room.
“This is anything but impulsive.” He assured you before finally closing the distance between your lips. And you were glad his arms were around you, holding you tightly, because there was no way your legs could, not anymore. Not when his lips were finally moving against yours.
It was mulled wine in his mug, for sure. He tasted like cinnamon and anise, like oranges and honey, spiced with a little bit of brandy. It felt like a summer, a wonderful one, spent under lemon trees; like a rogue spring night in late July. His kiss was smoky, mixing in with the smell of burnt wood and the sweetness of his cologne. His lips were soft, and so was his bristly chin, rubbing against your skin. And you decided this was your new favorite sensation.
His lips moved slowly and gently against yours. He kissed you like this was the only chance he had, like he would never get to do it again, almost as if you were a character in some dream he would soon wake up from. His lips and his hands confirmed in their soft, silent way that this hadn’t been impulsive at all.
His tongue, or rather the sudden appearance of it, elicited a moan, that made you feel as if you were whispering in a library. There were rooms nearby, and in the quiet of the night you knew any sound you made would be magnified, but you couldn’t help yourself, not when his tongue was drawing such delicious patterns inside your mouth. Oh his tongue, turns out it was just as skilled at kissing as it was at forming words.
You didn’t know how long you had been kissing him. It could be a minute or ten or even a century. You didn’t really care. And even though your lips were starting to feel sore, you had no intentions of stopping. Your palms were resting on the toned muscles of his chest, as the slow movements of his tongue patiently unraveled what little remained of your self-control. And whatever little remained was finally lost when his big, curious hands ventured a little beyond the small of your back, making you moan again. Loudly, this time. The same kind of sound you would make when biting into a juicy peach on a scorching summer day. And it all made you aware of the painful discomfort present between your legs. It was hurting like never before. It hurt from thinking about him, naked, hovering over you, strands of gold sticking to his forehead. And most importantly, it hurt from craving to be filled up by him.
And so, despite feeling like you could kiss him forever, you pulled away slowly. He was looking at you through heavy eyelids, his lips were red, a little swollen, and glistening with your saliva. You smiled at your work, the same type of smile artists give their sculptures once they’re finished. And you couldn’t help but think about how wrong you had been on that day in the forest: you didn’t want to fuck him, you wanted to make love with him.
“Commander, touch me.” Your words didn’t seem to register with him, because all he did was staring at your eyes. So you decided to guide his hand under your skirt, and between your legs, where you needed him the most. “I want you to touch me right here.”
“I’m not sure I should.” He said before pulling his hand away.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis
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ofstardustanddreaming · 3 months
well loved
preference summary: what they do to remind you you're loved.
content warnings: none
fandom: the lord of the rings
characters: frodo, sam, pippin, merry, boromir, faramir, aragorn, legolas, arwen, eowyn, eomer, galadriel, elrond (if other characters are wanted for future preferences, let me know!)
gender neutral reader
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Frodo: He always checks in on you, always wanting to make sure you were doing okay. He's one of those who is more in tune with emotions, and wanting to check in on emotional wellbeing. He wants you to know you'll always have someone to lean on, and he shows you love through his active listening of your problems.
Sam: He's the type to do small tasks around the house for you, wanting to make sure you don't have to worry about anything. He sets up a routine that's nice and homey. He wouldn't have you lifting a finger if he could, wanting to make sure you can be relaxed. You would have to step in at some points, saying you'd want to split the work.
Pippin: He makes you very well included on any inside jokes, wanting to you to know what it's like. He showed his love through humorous jokes, saying he always wanted to see your smile. His love may have been shown through jokes, but he made you feel truly seen, which was a wonderful way to be reminded you're loved by him.
Merry: He loves to give you parts of his food, wanting to make sure you were well fed. He feels wellbeing is tied to being well fed, so he wants to make sure you get a fair share. And I think that Merry himself likes to try cooking once in a while, and likes to give some cooking to you.
Boromir: He always carves out time in his schedule to spend quality time with you. He always loves to have meals together with you, wanting to make it romantic, with something as simple as bringing flowers for the vase in the middle. He shows his love through any amount of time spent with you, wanting to shower you with his compliments.
Faramir: He has subconscious movements to make sure you're okay and safe. Such as holding out a hand during hikes in an area that's heavily rooted, wanting to make sure of your safety to help you balance and find your way. He also loves to place a hand on your back in crowded areas. He always has a special look of love, reserved just for you.
Aragorn: He always likes to recite poetry or songs he comes across that reminds him of you. He always gives you the softest of looks during those moments, and these moments are usually done by the fires in your room. He usually has your back against him, as he whispers them into your ear.
Legolas: He finds a variety of plants that reminds him of you, always bringing them back for you to look at or put somewhere that you deem cool. It's gotten to the point where there's almost too many flowers in your living space, but you also don't have the heart to tell him to stop. It's really sweet to see the variety of flowers he hand picked for you.
Arwen: She loves to sneak kisses from you throughout the day. She's playful, so her showing her love is through playful ways. She loves to take you off guard of when she'll kiss you, and she always loves hearing your laugh afterwards. She loves to watch you get flustered, laughing as she rushes away.
Eowyn: She loves quality time to, wanting to spend time with you. Her favorite ways to showing you love is teaching you some of her favorite moves in training. She shows you what she has learned, and also wants to learn what you know. She wants to make sure the both of you are prepared for anything, and it's a nice way to spend time with each other.
Eomer: He loves to go horseback riding with you. It provides a time where the two of you can talk in peace, where he doesn't feel the pressure of the kingdom. He loves talking with you here, where the two of you don't feel watched. It's a sense of freedom to speak your minds, but the act of horseback riding allows you to go anywhere. He loves to explore with you that way.
Galadriel: She loves turning to you for advice. She may not always agree, but she loves to hear what you have to say. She finds that hearing a variety of perspectives helps her, and she feels that it helps her get closer to you. She always likes to hear what you have to say about some decisions in how she runs her kingdom.
Elrond: He likes to spoil you, simple as that. It doesn't even have to be buying you many things, although he loves doing that as well. It can be just as well showering you with praise, or giving you his full attention, even if it means ignoring his work for a little bit. He loves at his fullest, spoiling you with many things you love.
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midnightsun-if · 8 months
If the MC was to dress up as something sexy for Halloween what specific costumes would cause the RO’s to lose all control the minute they saw MC in it?
Koda: I think he’d love to see you in something regarding like a homey feel, you know? Something that he could derive comfort in just by looking at you. Plus, it’s an added bonus that he knows the costume itself is comfortable too.
Scarlett: Your birthday suit? As it is her birthday and truly that’s the only thing that’d make the entire day better. Of course, it’d only be a sight for her. (In a more serious note, I think Scarlett would love seeing you in something that’d link you to her; even if it means she’d have to dress up in couples costume.)
Cyrus/Cyra: Anything to do with fire or fire adjacent characters. It’s something that’d bring them immense joy at seeing you in a symbol that means so much to them. They’d just have to show their appreciation for it.
Quinn: Honestly? If you dressed like you were going to yoga or on a run… That’d do it for them. They have a very low bar when it comes to those sort of things, but they can’t deny how they love seeing the yoga pants hug you just right.
Caden: I don’t know if they truly have a preference. Halloween has never truly been something they’ve paid attention to— probably due to being a Phantom and not needing to add another spooky thing on their list. As long as you like what you’re wearing? That’ll do.
Sloane: Maybe dressed as a biker? Seeing you in all that leather would definitely do things to them. But, I can also see them enjoying see you dress up as classic adventure characters too— Lara Croft/Indiana Jones (that sort of thing).
Blake: The classic sexy things… Sexy nurse, sexy angel, sexy devil, etc. They’re quite predictable in that way but you could be dressed as a nun and they’d still find you absolutely irresistible.
Regina/Reginald: They are a diehard comic book junkie and would absolutely die if the MC dressed up as a hero or villain. (Honestly they’d try to rope the entire dorm into going as DC Heroes/Villains or Marvel Heroes/Villains.)
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spooky-circuits · 4 months
How do you think Branch's meeting with JD went?
Meeting John Dory was a complete lucky accident they didn’t have any clues to where he would be so the chances of finding him were low. The kids stumble onto Rhonda while John is out gathering supplies. She’s friendly so everyone is excited to treat her like a big pet she especially seems to like Branch for some reason after smelling him. Creek makes a joke about how he’s surprised anyone could like Branch more after smelling him (they’ve been in the woods for weeks it’s a bit of a given)
This is when they noticed a door on her side. Oh she must be a transport critter that means someone might live here. There’s some debate on if they should try going inside before they decide to actually see if it’s even locked or not.
It isn’t why would JD even think he would need to out in the middle of nowhere. Being able to go inside quickly is important to his survival out here.
The inside is very homey with the exception of a couple conspiracy boards hanging around covered in Brozone memorabilia. Some of this stuff is original prints where did this person even get these! At this point the Branch is standing there like
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And there’s a voice behind them going “Whoever’s in there better get out here right now!”
John Dory comes back from gathering sticks for tonights fire to see Rhonda’s door wide open with Rhonda looking at him glad that he’s returned. He doesn’t know what to expect so he pulls out his machete and hopes he sounds threatening enough to be taken seriously. You can imagine his shock when group of teenagers are the ones to pour out of Rhonda looking nervous. He feels a bit bad for scaring them when one of the funk trolls says. “Oh no! The old Mountain hobo is gonna kill us!” Which okay fair. This looks bad but he’s only 32 the old comment is uncalled for! “Okay first of all not old! Second I’m not going to hurt a bunch of kids so calm down.”
Branch is staring at this scruffy old guy with a knife when he recognizes the goggles he’s wearing. “John Dory?” John looks at him almost startled to hear his own name in so long. “Uh yeah? Do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar I just can’t place it.” For some reason the rest of the group keeps looking back and forth between them like they’re expecting something to happen. Is that popcorn? The kid is looking at him incredulously and says. “Seriously man? Why don’t you take a guess?”
John is taking in this kid who look so similar to pictures he has hanging all over in Rhonda. He almost can’t believe the conclusion he’s coming too. “Bitty B?” He can’t believe it his baby brother is actually alive!
Branch looks like he’s about to make sarcastic comment and maybe tell JD he’s just Branch now but he’s cut off by being squeezed into one of the tightest bear hugs of his life. He’s patting John frantically on the arm to let him know he needs to breath.
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nikatyler · 4 months
✈️ 🐷 ❤️ 🤍 🧐 For Sharon
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Thank you! This took me ages to figure out for some reason. But here we go!
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
She has to travel a lot for her athletic competitions. She likes visiting new places but hates the travel part, especially if it's far away and she has to sit in the car or plane or whatever for a long long time. She loves travelling with Tyler but their idea of an ideal vacation is different. While she’d like a more active vacation, going hiking, exploring nature and places, Tyler would rather stay in the city or at the beach and just rest and relax. But hey, they’re good at coming to a compromise that works for them both.
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
I can see a wolf being her favourite animal.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
She’s doing a pretty great job at not comparing herself to others. One of her quotes to live by is “you’re only competing against who you were yesterday”. 
But don’t get me wrong, she’s not obsessed with chasing perfection either, aside from her sports career maybe. There she wants to be the very best and she’s setting impressive goals for herself, she’s quite ambitious and she's willing to do whatever it takes to reach her dreams.
She doesn’t let gossip and rumours dictate how she should feel about a person. She doesn’t jump on the hate train without hesitation…heck, she doesn’t really jump on the hate train at all. She’s just not a hateful person, and if you have an issue with someone, there are better ways to deal with that than to let your whole soul be consumed with hate and rage towards them.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
She's got a bit of a “I'm not like the other girls” syndrome. It's something she grows out of as time goes but it's definitely there when she first shows up in the story.
…and now I noticed I misread the question, I thought it said negative. Well, the “I’m not like the other girls” mindset sure is questionable, eh? As a former not like the other girls person now not like the other swifties person, I’d say it’s complex. It doesn’t have to be entirely negative, it’s just…not very healthy overall. 
She can come off distant, cold and uninterested a lot of times, even if she is actually interested. It goes beyond the resting bitch face, which she sure puts on often unintentionally. I dunno. It’s like the emotional switch in her brain takes a bit to flip on. People who know her know that, but it can intimidate strangers. (which…can be a good thing sometimes, now that I think about it 😂)
You don’t want to argue with her. You just don’t. She’s not hotheaded, she won’t yell at you immediately, but she can do it. Her angry fiery part doesn’t show up often, again, if she’s pissed she’s more ice-like, but when the fire starts, you won’t soon forget it.
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
I think I sort of said it in the above answer – at first, it’s cold logic, rationality, analyzing facts and acting purely based on them. But a lot of times, the switch eventually flips and emotions kick in. And I'd say it depends a lot on the situation or the problem, too.
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fanficwriters-posts · 3 months
Hii, how are you doing? Hope all is well :3
Do you possibly have any thoughts as to how/if Hiro would work with a very energetic/chaotic s/o that has a tendency to be impulsive at times?
(I was thinking of them being Star Butterfly/Pinkie Pie coded...but idk if you know those characters or not!)
Hello! I'm doing well, thank you for asking! 😊 And of course i have some thoughts for Hiro x Chaotic!reader.
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Hiro with a chaotic s/o
(s/o is a student in campus and the same age as Hiro)
Meeting you is a memory Hiro cannot get out of his head.
You were in your lab, making your project until BOOM!
Hiro and Tadashi were in the lab when it happened but considering how dangerous your projects usually are, Wasabi already placed a protective shield that can be turned on and off manually.
Your hair was blown up and your face and your lab coat are covered in ashes, expect for your eyes since you wear goggles. Your ears were ringing but you didn't mind it at all
When Tadashi knocked on the shield which caught your attention.
You spun around on your chair and take the goggles off to see.
"Tadashi!" You exclaim excitedly before you press the button to deactivate the shield and let them into your lab. "What brings you here?" You ask him, unbothered by the mess.
"I'm just walking around, ya know?" Tadashi replied casually before he steps in with a shorter raven haired boy behind him. "(Name), this is my brother, Hiro."
You turn to the boy around your height but taller by a couple of inches. You give him a toothy grin. "Hi! So nice to finally meet Tadashi's genius of a brother!"
Hiro stares at you in surprise, you were covered in ashes of the exploded project and you weren't even hurt. "What's up? Uhm, are you okay?" Hiro greeted back before he smile nervously.
"Oh, yeah. This is nothing. Just a little miscalculation and accident." You giggled, wiping the black stuff off of your face and shake your hair back in place. "So, are you joining our program? I hear you're an awesome robotic!"
"No. Not really." He replied, shrugging his shoulders a little. It was a half truth and half lie. He wanted but he still wasn't sure.
"Oh." You pouted before you grinned again. "Welp, you'll be joining us sooner or later. These things just takes time." You shrugged and take off your lab coat and goggles, putting them away.
When he sees the real color under your lab coat, it wasn't what he expected. You were different in style. Tadashi walks over to your project to see what was wrong.
"Does this happen often?" Hiro asks you, noticing a few bandages on your arm and one on your cheek.
"Pfft, no..." You trailed off nervously, lying to him before you tell the truth, "Okay, yeah. This happens way too often. But, i'm okay."
That troubled Hiro a little. "Maybe next time we can work on it together- if! If you want, ya know? I-it's no problem."
You and Tadashi perked up at his offer and glance at each other for a second before you guys grin.
"Yeah! I can come by to the Lucky Cat Cafe." You spoke happily.
Hiro blushed and grinned back. "Yeah! You know, i live upstairs."
"I know. Tadashi told me a few days ago when i was at the cafe. Very homey and cozy." You tell him, putting on your headphones around your neck.
"Cool. Cool." From there it was awkward for Hiro but not for you.
You helped around almost everywhere. Doing stuff you weren't asked to, playing video games with Fred in his room, helping Hiro with his project, too.
Tadashi's funeral was not what you expected to happen. Heck, nobody expected Tadashi to jump into the fire to save Callaghan who apparently is still alive thanks to Hiro's Microbots.
After you guys get over the loss of Tadashi, you guys form a team and called yourselves, "Big Hero Seven".
Everyone have their amazing choice of weapons while you? If you were a character in Overwatch or TF2, you'd be the most useful one.
You have a shield, you carry a big hammer like Amy Rose from Sonic, you have an indestructible helmet that helps you bust through bricks and wood with ease.
I mean, come on, you were hit on the head with a vase once and even though it hurt, you're still alive until today.
After months of being friends, you and Hiro finally got together and everything was swell.
If it weren't for Hiro, you'd be covered in bandages. Heck, even end up in the hospital for a stupid reason during missions/patrols.
Hiro is super glad that Tadashi made a big marshmallow healthcare companion instead of something else because Baymax looks out for you, too.
Knowing your chaotic nature, Hiro tends to get energized by it as well. It's like your optimism and excitement energy just vibrates and it made him feel encouraged.
You have your own gaming room that has soundproof walls because you scream at jumpscares or unfortunate scenes in the games you play.
Hiro rarely sees you play games at home but at the arcade, he knows you mean business and so, you two play multiplayer games because you hate competing with your boyfriend.
You know how you get when you're playing against someone and when you play with someone, it's like you're a whole different person.
You're not.
And Hiro doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he finds it adorable at how focus your are at a game, almost similar to how focus you are to your projects and homeworks.
You definitely write fast. And when you're bored, you doodle little stuff on your notes. Professor Granville wasn't surprised but she admires your enthusiasm.
During dates, you and Hiro would have fun. Nothing is calm around you guys. Expect when you're going with the rest of the group or with Aunt Cass.
When Hiro got that internship with Krei, you weren't pleased. You love Krei but you hate the guy, too.
But as long as Hiro's okay, you're fine with it.
You know that episode where Karmic turned into a beast?
You almost put a fight with her if it weren't for Hiro holding your back and told you that it was your friend, Karmi.
Sometimes, you'd go out on patrol on your own or with Fred without the others' acknowledge. Of course, it got your in trouble at the end but at least you got tacos.
You, out of everyone in your friend group, listens to music a lot. That's why you got to have headphones at all times.
You listen to music while training, too.
I mean, who doesn't?
The teammate who takes the most damage? You.
The teammate who is always ready to protect? You. And Gogo.
And finally, one day you decided to take a break and lay down.
Hiro invited you to his place to hang out, but he expected chaotic you, not calm and relaxed you. You two went up to his room after Aunt Cass gave you guys a tray of snacks and drinks.
You lay down on Hiro's bed and sigh softly. "You okay?" He asks you as he place the tray of snacks on his desk.
"Yeah. Why?" You reply calmly, sitting up to look at him. Hiro's brows furrowed and he place the back of his hand on your forehead to check for any fever.
You raise a brow in confusion. "I'm not sick, Hiro. If i was, i wouldn't be here."
"J-just checking." He said in defense before he sits down beside you and place his finger on your neck to check if your hot but you're not. You're just warm.
"I'm fine, Hiro. Seriously." You giggled, grabbing his hand and you sandwich it between yours. "I know you're not used to me acting so calm, everyone aren't. But, sometimes i also want to relax."
"Oh! Oh, okay. Oh!" He said with relief. He then grin and wrap his arm around your shoulder after he pull his hand out of yours. "Well, maybe now i can finally put down the first aid kit."
You laugh wholeheartedly and kiss his cheek. "I always keep you on your toes, don't I?" You giggled.
"Eh, sometimes you do. Sometimes it's because of my instincts as your boyfriend." Hiro respond, shrugging his shoulders a little.
At the end of the day, Hiro prefers his chaotic s/o over calm s/o.
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sweetmage · 2 months
Not sure if I'm allowed to send you prompts if I'm not in your group but if you still want bingo prompts then unhealthy coping mechanisms for Handers? 😄
Thank you so much for the prompt, I had sooooo much fun with this!! I'm not sure either but let's find out lol
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms - M!Handers
TW: Discussions of self-harm, arguing
Words: 2800+
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, post-canon (fugitive/supportive Handers), depression, serious conversations, very sappy dialogue, purple!mage!Hawke
Summary: Hawke has noticed signs that Anders may be self-harming in secret and aims to get to the bottom of it... but he could have done that better. When tensions settled. The two navigate Anders's insecurities and past hurts and and reaffirm their love for each other 💞
Full fic below the cut!
It had not gone unnoticed by Hawke. By the day they'd grown lower on healing herbs and lyrium and the floors in and counters in the shack they'd been bunking in had become a new kind of spotless. Small things, innocuous under any other circumstances, but they rubbed Hawke raw in all the wrong places when paired with Anders's recent demeanor.
He smiled when they met eyes, chatted and joked when they sat down to share meals, but it was all tenuous, so obviously forced. A barrier over a question that lay unasked upon his tongue.
He wondered at first if Anders had grown stale of this life, two fugitives with no company besides their own and that of their cats, a life with one eye open and constant glances over their shoulders. Was this life what he wanted? Was life what he wanted? How hard the answer was to come by was what troubled Hawke so.
He could not wait any longer, fearing the consequences should they not talk it out. It could be nothing, he could be working hard and feeling tired and nothing more. Hawke would much rather know than not.
He pushed his way through the doorway, groceries from a sympathetic trader who did dealings with rebels in hand, and was greeted by the sight of Anders bent over the fire, stirring a pot that smelled strongly of stewed rabbit.
Hawke paused to savor the image of a homey setting and Anders, safe and comfortable. He almost felt guilty for disturbing the moment.
"Hey," he greeted and Anders looked up to meet him.
"Welcome back, love" Anders replied with a smile, rushing to his side to unburden him of his packages.
Hawke kissed him once then shrugged him off, taking them instead to the lopsided table to set them on the steadier side.
Anders watched him quietly, concern creasing his brow. "Is everything alright?"
"Are you okay?" Hawke blurted out before he could stop himself, and cursed inwardly at how awkward he sounded.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Anders asked, confused.
Hawke didn't look at him. "I don't know, you just seem...quiet lately. I guess I was wondering if you were unhappy."
The room went dead silent, save for the bubbling of the stew in the pot.
"You say that as though I'm not talking to you right now." Despite what looked to be his best attempt at carefree levity, Anders's voice was a little strained. When Hawke didn't immediately respond his face fell further. "Have I... done something to upset you?"
"Of course you haven't," he clarified quickly, holding up his now free hands. "But we need to talk."
"Okay then... nothing good ever followed those words..." Anders's frown deepened, his brows knitting together. "What's troubling you?"
Now that he was here, staring down his lover's nervous eyes and wringing hands, the words didn't come as easy. He took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Far be it from me to start hurling accusations around, but I've noticed a few... things. Lately."
"Like?" Anders asked, pitch rising with impatience.
"Well, to start with, you've been using an awful lot of healing herbs and lyrium lately despite our distinct lack of patients. I'd like to think you'd tell me if you were hurt or sick. But that brings us to my second point." Hawke crossed his arms, hoping his posture read more 'worried' and less 'disapproving'. "The other day I spotted blood by the kitchen washbasin. You said it was just from a slip while peeling potatoes. I thought I'd let it go, but since then I can't help notice that the counters and floors have been looking pretty scrubbed. And your mood has seemed lower as of late..."
"Yes, and?"
Hawke paused, trying not to sound like he was accusing. "I'm worried something else is going on. Something you don't want me to know about."
Anders stared at him for a long moment, face carefully blank, then slowly looked down. His fingers twisted into the frayed hem of his sweater, and Hawke had a fleeting urge to take him and kiss his hands until the worry in his face went away. But he spoke first. "Maybe I wanted our house a little cleaner. Maybe I've been stressed and it's gotten me down. Why does it have to be something nefarious? Why don't you trust me?"
"Don't turn this back on me. I've been living with you for three years now, you don't think I can tell when you're acting strange? I've seen you in every mood. I'm just worried about you."
"There's no reason for you to be worried," Anders insisted, a little too emphatically.
"Anders, I just want you to be honest with me," Hawke pleaded. "I love you. I want to help you."
"Please just leave it alone."
"Why are you being like this?" Hawke demanded, overwhelmed to the point of exasperation that he didn't intend.
"Why can't you just respect that I'm asking you to drop it!?"
"Maybe because I can't stand seeing you like this! Why can't you understand that? I'm worried and I want to help, why is that so difficult for you to get?"
"If you can't stand seeing me like this, then maybe I shouldn't be here," Anders snapped. "Dinner is on the fire, help yourself."
Anders turned from him then to pull on his boots and Hawke stayed hot on his heels.
"Where are you going?"
"Out," was all he said, brushing past him as he made for the door.
Garrett slipped out after him, careful not to let the cats loose but keeping Anders in his sights. "Come inside. I don't like the idea of you being out there alone."
"Then it's a good thing I don't particularly care what you like," Anders spat over his shoulder, and kept walking. For all the anger and hurt he radiated, he stopped short at the end of the trampled path, calling back, "Have your dinner. I'll come back."
The last thing Hawke wished was to escalate the situation, to make him feel trapped, cornered. He knew Anders had faced more than enough of that in his lifetime. "Be safe, Anders," he insisted. "Don't do anything stupid."
Anders didn't respond, and continued on.
Hawke waited a long while after Anders was out of sight, hoping he would change his mind, but he didn't return.
He went inside, but he didn't eat as he'd been instructed. Every moment that passed he looked to the door, wondering when he might return, if he would.
In retrospect he certainly could have handled that better... could have been more sensitive, could have given him his space, not jumped him right when he'd gotten home.
It too late for could have's now.
Hawke sighed and ran a hand through his hair, pacing in front of the door. It must have been over an hour now, the the sun was sinking low in the sky and Anders still had not returned. It wasn't just Anders's own hand that he feared now, but templars and bandits and a dozen other unsavory characters that might do him harm.
Unable to wait longer and he grabbed his staff from where he'd propped it by the doorway and lit the lantern, making his way back out to search for him. It was too risky to shout his name, but he kept his ears peeled for sounds of trouble as he searched.
His first instinct was the far side of the field where the tall grasses turned to orchards, but after half an hour of scouring the treeline and getting nowhere he decided to backtrack, hoping he had the sense not to head towards town on his own without so much as his staff or a cloak.
He made his way back around, the sun all but vanishing and the sky bleeding shades of deep blue. He'd stay out all night if he had to... he hoped he wouldn't have to.
He'd almost made it back past their cabin when he heard the snap of a twig behind him. He spun, raising his staff and prepared to strike, when the source of the noise came into the dim circle of light cast by his lantern.
"Thank the Maker," Anders breathed, relief and worry both etched into his features as he rushed forward to pull him into an embrace. "I came home and you were gone, I was afraid something had happened..."
Hawke dropped his staff and pulled him close, crushing him against his chest and breathing him in. "Anders," he gasped. "I was worried about you, out there on your own. I couldn't just sit there."
"You're right, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Anders murmured, lips brushing the crook of his neck.
"We should go inside. It's late," Hawke offered, pulling away to look him in the eye.
Anders nodded. "I'll follow."
Hawke picked up his staff and led them way, though he never fell more than a step ahead.
They stepped into the warmth of their shack and Hawke set down the staff, turning to shut and latch the door. When he turned again, Anders stood just where he'd left him, looking pensive.
"What happened out there?" Hawke asked, trying to keep his voice even and gentle. "You okay?"
"No. But I am sorry." Anders met his eyes, guilt written across his features.
Hawke hoped the swift shake of his head would clear the apology from the air. "You don't have to be sorry. I was never angry—or not with you, anyway. Just..." He hesitated over the vulnerable word that lingered on his lips before mustering the courage to push it forward. "Scared."
Anders nodded. "Can we... talk? Now that we've both calmed down a little?"
He didn't mean to look so hopeful, but the relief was instant. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea."
Anders sighed, kicking off his boots at the door and bending low to scoop up one of the cats that had rushed to greet them.
Hawke moved in to tend the cook pot and dwindling fire, if only to give Anders the ability to speak without eyes on him. "I'm listening," he promised.
"Right..." Anders cleared his throat. "What you saw, what you've noticed... you weren't wrong. I don't know how to say that to you. I didn't think you'd notice, or maybe I thought you wouldn't care."
"You're joking, right?" Hawke blurted, unable to help himself. "I care about you much so much, Anders. If you hurt, I hurt."
He was quiet again, but Hawke let him be.
"It started before you," he explained, as though worried that Hawke would misinterpret his involvement. "In the circle. You don't just... live that kind of life and come out of it whole. The mages there coped how they could. It was just a way to cope. The only thing they could control."
"...We." Anders reluctantly amended, never one to comfortably acknowledge his experiences in lieu of others. "Even when Kirkwall was at its worst, even when I was at my worst... I had a cause. Justice, the clinic, the underground... But now, I don't know..."
Hawke stood from the stew and turned back to him to find him seated at the table, cat curled contentedly in his lap as his fingers absently stroked her fur.
"Do you have to chase a grand cause? You toiled for years. Do cuddles and long naps count for nothing?" Though he intended to lighten the mood, Hawke's voice still carried a certain seriousness.
He smiled a little, but it was weak and fleeting so Hawke sat beside him, taking his free hand between his own.
"I didn't intend to see beyond the Gallows. I didn't expect that I'd ever see a tomorrow, or a future," Anders went on. "Let alone one at your side. I'm grateful, but..."
"But...?" Hawke gently pressed.
Anders looked suddenly uncomfortable, averting his eyes. "I just... feel like you've sacrificed so much for me. You had a life in Kirkwall. A good one, with people who loved you. You could have become the Viscount. Could have been... something. And instead, you're here. Hiding."
"With the man I love," Hawke reminded him, reaching up to gently stroke the stubble along cheek. "I'd give up my titles, my house, anything, for that. Don't you know that?"
Anders's brows knitted together, conflicted. "It doesn't seem fair, is all. I feel guilty for having brought you to this. You were a free man and I've shackled you."
"Mages were never free, Anders. You don't need me to tell you that," Hawke argued, a bittersweet smile touching his lips. "Not in the circles, not in Lothering, and not in a mansion. I could wax on with clichés like 'I was a prisoner in a gilded cage until you set me free' and the like, but you've done more than that. The circles, the templars, the Chantry, their bloody system and laws, you broke the very scene built to break us... Pretty sexy, if you ask me. Not that you needed much help in that department, anyway."
"Please stop talking," Anders chided, though Hawke noted with pleasure the rosiness in his cheeks and the tugging of his lips, no matter how brief. "I just worry that I'm taking something from you."
"Ah yes, I do quite miss my daily meetings and constant social obligations. The stench too, Maker, that's hard to live without."
That venture was far more successful, drawing a snort from Anders. "You know what I mean, love."
"I do and it doesn't matter how many ways you put it, my answer is always going to be the same. I'm a grown man, I can make my own decisions. Sure, I'm not always the best with them, but this one hasn't gotten me stabbed, set on fire, or eaten, so I'd say it's definitely one of my better ones. And it has given me you all to myself. A deal that good feels like robbery... not that I'm above it."
"Alright, alright," Anders conceded, seeming notably less troubled. "I... Thank you, love. You have no idea how much it means to me that you're still here after everything."
"Nowhere else I'd rather be." Hawke leaned forward to steal a soft kiss. "I hope this all ties back to your recent... troubles, in some way. I don't like to see you unhappy but that doesn't mean you shouldn't come to me. You know that, right?"
"It won't burden you? Bother you? It won't scare you off if it's all too much?"
"You seem to have this image of yourself as a tragic, complicated, scary beast of a man, but you're really just a delicate, precious kitten when you get down to it," Hawke replied, fondness overwhelming his attempt at facetiousness. "I love every inch of you. Sad inches included. I'd never go elsewhere, despite your insistence on offering."
Anders met his eyes again, mouth open as though in objection but after a moment it closed. "Always quite the wordsmith," he teased back lightly, his eyes full of affection. "Thank you. I'm sorry for putting this on you, for making you worry."
"As if I'm some sort of Anointed myself, going at you like that," Hawke said, shaking his head. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you. Or shouted for that matter. Or came at you right when I got inside. Or neglected the stew you worked so hard on... smells delicious, by the way."
"Well, it's all out in the open now, right?" There was a nervous, vulnerable edge to the laughter that followed. 
"Does it help to know that I love you? And that I'm always coming back when I leave? And I spend every moment apart from you aching to return to you?"
"It helps," Anders assured him, a smile tugging at his lips. "Very much."
"Good," Hawke smiled back, leaning in to press his lips to his forehead and again to his lips, then lingering there, savoring the warmth and closeness. "We don't have to fix everything now, I don't think we can. Just... if you ever think of doing that again, or feel like you need to, or want to or... can you tell me?"
"I'm sorry, I never meant to—" He stopped as if soothed by the look Hawke gave him. "You have my word."
"Do you need anything, right now?"
Anders paused to consider. "Just a good meal, a bath, and some sleep couldn't hurt."
"You seem a bit... indisposed at the moment." Hawke glanced over at the cat in Anders's lap and the other that had fallen asleep on his feet. "I'll get the stew. We can worry about bed when you're done being one."
Anders's laughter rang like bells, sweet and true, startling the cats who sprang up, deciding it was well time for their dinner too and that what simmered in the cookpot must be for them, if only they yelled enough. Of course, that only served to draw more laughter from Anders who followed at their little feet to lay a hand on Hawke's back.
What Hawke wouldn't do for him, the lengths he would go, if only to keep him like those, happy and close. What he deserved.
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ranger-sal · 8 months
Hello again!
I was bored so I came up with something
I feel like Halt falls asleep very fast when someone he trusts massages his head or neck.
So don’t mind me writing something about it below the cut :)
There is a knock on the door of the cabin. Halt stands up and walks over to the door. He looks out of one of the window and sees Pauline. A small smile appears on the ranger’s lips. He looks at the meal he’s cooking thinking, ‘if I leave now, will it burn?’
He concludes that it won’t. He quickly goes in one of the empty rooms and takes a simple bouquet of wild flowers. Daisies and buttercups. The ranger knows that the diplomat loves them. Lady Pauline knocks on the door a second time. Halt opens the door “Sorry for the delay, my lady, but I had to grab some flowers for you. How can I help you?” Pauline laughs. “We’ve gone over this, Halt.” “Yea yea, I was just messing around. Come in,” Halt says while trying to hide a smile “I did get flowers though.”
Lady Pauline takes the bouquet of delicate flowers. She smiles “You always know what to get me.” She says softly. She appreciates the things the ranger does for her. There’s even been times where he gave her pastries that look like they’re made by Chubb himself. But knowing Halt, they are. He sometimes would even just give her flowers for no reason. No man had ever treated her like that. And she loves him for it.
Halt smiles. He loves the lady standing in front of him. It was said that it was love at first sight, but it wasn’t. He had seen the lady before they ‘first’ met. She was undercover and getting harassed by some drunk men. He had helped her and they became friends. Of course he developed a small crush on her. Who wouldn’t? It was lady Pauline, not only beautiful but also kind and smart. In the beginning he of course didn’t think off her like that but when she had to go and he was alone, he missed her.
After dinner the diplomat sits on the simple, yet comfortable couch. Whenever she visits Halt or Halt visits her he always washes the dishes himself. Pauline looks into the fire of the fire pit. The house of the ranger is always neat and homey. She looks at the dark green carpet with creatures on it. She once asked Halt about them and he went on a whole rant about them. She chuckles as she thinks of his face. Normally the ranger is cold but he looked so happy when she actually listened to him. The small living room is slightly decorated with drawings of flowers and plants, a small canvas with a real butterfly on it and pans on the wall. She has asked about the drawings but Halt never told her where he bought them. Then the ranger sits next to her. Pauline looks at him expectedly and when it seems like he’s not getting is she pulls him closer to her.
“I keep on forgetting that you like getting hugged.” The ranger says while sitting differently to get more comfortable. He ends up with his face against her neck. “Oh shush.” Pauline rolls her eyes and laughs.
They sit in silence for a while. Pauline places a soft hand on Halt’s head. Halt closes his eyes and gives Pauline a gentle kiss. He puts his head back down by the diplomat’s chest, the soft fabric feels soft on his cheek. He smiles softly. After a while of listening to her soft heartbeat he falls asleep.
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ideas-on-paper · 2 months
Monster Hunter Tri Diary, Part 1: Intro, Arrival in Moga, First trip to Moga Woods
So, inspired by @dragonflight203's Mass Effect replay posts (hope you don't mind me adapting the idea!), I've decided to do a "gaming diary" for my first playthrough of Monster Hunter Tri.
Thanks to the dedicated endeavor of fans from the MH community, the servers of Tri are finally accessible again, so I'm very excited to check this one out. The 3rd Gen is my favorite overall, and I've been yearning to see Loc Lac with my own eyes for years now.
But first, I'll have to spend some time in singleplayer to farm some equipment and re-familiarize myself with the game. Wouldn't want to do the hub quests ill-prepared! So, for now, we're starting slow.
Disclaimer: Text is paraphrased from my localization and might slightly deviate from the English version.
This is the first time I've seen the intro of MH Tri in person - and it’s such an amazing one, too! I love the correlation between the sea and land environments depicted here: The Jaggi pack is hunting the Aptonoths at the coast (great way to introduce the new small bird wyverns!), while the Ludroths are picking up the scraps that fell into the water.
That Great Jaggi was about to have the feast of his life on that Aptonoth, only to be bowled out by that Rathalos. xD Dude wanted his lunch back so badly that he was even willing to make a stand against the Rathalos. Probably wouldn't have held out for long, though, with Jaggis being weak to fire. (If Tri had turf wars, that Great Jaggi would've been totally obliterated.)
And when the Lagiacrus shows up, the Jaggis are just like: "Okay, this one’s way out of our league. Let’s get the hell out of here." xD
One thing I love about the Lagiacrus is that he's designed like an antithesis to Rathalos: Rathalos wields fire, which is the Lagi's primary weakness. Meanwhile, Rathalos himself is weak against lightning, which makes him vulnerable to Lagiacrus’s attacks. Both are the kings of their respective element, but when encroaching on Rathalos' territory, the Lagiacrus is like a literal fish out of the water.
I wonder what would happen if there was a turf war between them, though. Would there be a 50:50 chance of either one winning? Would the Lagi try to pull Rahtalos into the water? Would he even get out of there by himself? (I imagine it would look like a bird of prey that crashed in the water, but much bigger. Poor Rathalos might need a hand. xD)
I love how Lagiacrus turns away in an "Eh, I didn't mean to hunt this anyway" manner; like having his snack snatched away from under his nose hurt his pride, but he tries to act unbothered by it. xD
Ah, guys... I always get a little teary-eyed when the MH Tri main theme comes up. The Rathalos flying over the vast plains, the music picking up, and then the view with the hunters standing at the cliff... It really doesn't get better than this. :,)
Arrival in Moga
Ah, it's been ages since I saw that cutscene... It's technically the same as in MH3U, but still it feels so good to be back. I love how you see the villagers just going about their daily lives, the children being excited about the trinkets the Chief's Son brought back from his trip and all that... It evokes such a homey feeling right from the start, and it makes the village community feel that much more like family.
The chief actually mentions the sea people having crests on their skin and looking a little different from normal humans. I remember this from the MH artbook, where it's stated they gave them a different skin tone/markings as well as webbed hands to distinguish them from normal humans. I thought this was just a scrapped concept (since you don't see much of a visual difference in-game), but I had no idea there was in-game dialogue about it. Cool!
"Diversity means prosperity!" That's actually a really wise quote right there. Both the sea people and wyverians are knowledgeable in their own right, but each have different skills. If they unite them, everyone profits. (I think we could learn something from this for our own society.)
I love the Guild Sweetheart from MH Tri/3U. She's legitimately my favorite of all the Guild receptionists in Monster Hunter (at least those I’m familiar with). And she's trying so hard - she's really upset the Guild apparently forgot about them in this backwater village. Hang in there, sweetie!
"The Guild has permission to hunt and do research in the Moga Woods, and in exchange, we help the village with its problems." A fair trade, but I wonder if the Guild might have ulterior motives. Like, what are they doing with the research results? And do they really only permit just as much hunting as the monster population will allow, or is that just a farce? (I always trusted the Guild was true to their word, but after watching a few Monster Hunter lore videos, I'm not so sure. Ah, I was so gullible back then... xD)
The gossipy lady really loves her silly word games. (And so do I. xD)
"The Chief must have really good relationships with the Guild if he got a hunter like you to come to such a small village in the middle of nowhere." Not an unreasonable thought, actually... How did he convince the Guild to send a hunter to Moga if they otherwise completely ignore it? Is he friends with some of the higher-ups?
"For safety reasons, we’ve collected all information about monsters in a so-called "monster list"." Uh-huh... "Safety reasons"... I'm telling you, the Guild is definitely keeping secrets.
Okay, so the item seller really likes hunters. This reminds me, I think there's one single NPC in the entire series who couldn't stand hunters. (I believe it was some guy in Minegarde, though I can't say for sure since I've never been in that city myself.) Is this dude the only one or are there any others who actually dislike hunters?
I love the Outfitter with her "very important" virtual tests. Like yeah, I'm sure that fantasizing about slaying monsters with no first-hand experience will bring you that much closer to finding the "ideal weapon". (I gotta say, I love this kind of humor that Monster Hunter has - it's so dumb, but in a hilarious kind of way. The game knows it's dumb and doesn't take it too seriously, so it almost feels a bit like satire.)
I'm also quite fond of the Fishmongeress. She is warm-hearted and helpful, but also very assertive and knows what she wants. My kind of woman!
I love the dynamic between the two kids; like one is constantly bragging about how smart he is (while actually being really dumb), while the other, shy one is the actual smart one (can confirm this from personal experience xD).
Our local "whizz kid" tells us that the villagers are threshing rice at the windmills in Moga Village. (The ones you can see in the background near the armory and if you walk across the leftmost pier.) That’s probably what the farm is for, though I haven’t seen any paddy fields there.
You know what I find absolutely hilarious? The way the game incorporates gameplay tips. The villagers say stuff like "Okay, so try imagining a "screen", alright?" and "Try imagining a thing called "Wiimote". No kidding, just try it!". They talk about a yellow cursor ("I know: a what?!") like it's the weirdest thing ever, and "saving the game" is treated like some outlandish slang word. Like, the developers were probably aware that to the people in-universe, these explanations would sound entirely nonsensical, and they put in the extra effort to make it funny - I love it.
Also, the UI design in Tri is absolutely gorgeous. I love the "tribal" style the old games had going on. MH World can't hold a candle to this!
I remember there was an old post on the MH Lore Tumblr blog (sadly, it's been defunct for a while now) that in the MH universe, the Felynes are treated like cheap laborers who are always given the shit jobs nobody else wants to do. Considering how they're constantly seen in positions like chamberlain, farm worker etc., I believe there might actually be something to this. It's kind of sad, but these kitties really don't seem to have the best standing in MH society... :(
I love the Felyne-specific language, though. (Like hairstyling being "grooming", "child's play" is "kitten's play" and so on.) It's so endearing.
So, the shy kid tells me there's a cave at the farm, but I shouldn't go inside because the Chief is gonna get really mad if I do. The Head Farmer tells me it contains some kind of ancient weapon. From what I remember from 3U, that "weapon" is a mask for the Shakalaka. (It's funny how every Monster Hunter used to have this "special", sword-in-the-stone kind of weapon.)
Moga Woods (day)
I gotta say, from a gameplay perspective, I think the tutorial for Tri is really well done. It doesn't immediately throw you into a timed quest so you don't feel pressured from the get-go, and it introduces you to all core mechanics bit by bit.
Village Chief: "Can you hear me?" Yes, I can hear you. I'm not sure how you can speak to me since you technically should be back at the village, but I hear you. (Do these villagers have mastered the art of telepathy somehow?)
"My ancestors had a saying: "Wherever you go, there you are."" Wow - I never could've figured this out on my own. Truly, the wisdom of ages.
It's easy to forget, but MH Tri is actually the first Monster Hunter where gathering points are displayed. I remember how distressed I was when playing MH1 and realizing there were no pop-ups to mark gathering spots. (And now that I’m used MH1 and Freedom Unite, I have to get out of my habit of pressing the gathering button at suspicious looking places. xD)
"That's an Aptonoth: a herbivore. Eats... herbs." You don't say, Chief. You don't say.
I remember when I first played Monster Hunter, I felt so bad for killing an Aptonoth. Now, I’ve kinda gotten used to it - still wouldn’t say I feel good about it, though. ^^’
"You're just like me when I was your age! Of course, my stamina bar was way longer." Yeah, sure - just don't forget to toot your own horn.
When finding the Chief's Son: "Sorry we couldn't talk yesterday, though natural disasters are a great conversational topic!" I've said it once, I will say it again: I love Monster Hunter’s humor.
"I'm Juni-- Er, I'm the Chief’s Son." Ohh, do I hear someone having daddy issues?
"Our tent and bocce set were in that destroyed camp." Oh, no - due to the earthquake, the villagers can't play bocce anymore. What a tragedy.
”I’m so hungry, I could eat an Aptonoth.” Well, friend, you’re in luck - I’ve just slaughtered one of these beasties.
Aaand he snatches the meat right up. Okay, dude - have fun grilling. I’ll just go back to the village all on my lonesome, I guess…
And thus, after finding the lost son and completing our first job for McDelivery, we return to the village...
To be continued
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
Taking the Hargreeves camping HCs
Request @tainted-petals
This can be read as romantic or platonic (except Five’s)
Luther Hargreeves
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-You get the idea to take Luther camping when he mentions he had always wanted to go to summer camp as a kid, it’s not the same thing (especially considering the more dedicated way you do it) but he lights up at the suggestion and the plans in motion
-He loves doing things like this, well not this specifically, but making up for all the experiences he had missed while cooped up in the academy, camping was probably already on his new bucket list
-Luther did some research before hand, both to be safe and hopefully impress you, and when it comes to every skill from setting up a tent, fishing, foraging and so on, he’s either an instant pro or completely inept, there’s no in between
-He’s more handy than not and he’s a good sport about helping with the moor tiring aspects of camping too, plus, with him around you can go even deeper into nature than usual with the reassuring knowledge that your companion could take on a bear if necessary
-He absolutely loves camping cuisine, cooking over an open fire, catching his own fish, and he swears something about the wilderness air just makes it taste better
-He actually really likes being surrounded by nature, there’s a similar peacefulness to it like what he felt on the moon, but he also feels more free, and confident, and capable than he ever has before
Diego Hargreeves
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-Considering Diego’s whole macho-act you’re honestly shocked to learn he’s never been camping, he’s in turn offended by your surprise which makes it very easy to convince him to go with you, feeling the need to prove himself
-You wouldn’t know he lacked experience with how confident he starts acting once you’re in the forest, he like skimmed an article about camping and suddenly thinks he’s Bear Grylls
-To be fair, he is a natural at enduring the great outdoors, athletic, resourceful, hands-on, and he’s one of those people that kind of likes the challenge of it, and the chance to test his survival skills (and show them off)
-It takes him a bit of time to let his guard down but once he does, the experience oddly relaxes him and has him more willing to be vulnerable and open with you than usual
-He’s a fan of the freeing aspect of the activity, the open space, all the spare time, the relative solitude, all the things he’s usually denied by his city life
-Bringing him was definitely a good idea, it’s not really the type of thing he would decide to do on his own but it really suits him, he realises pretty quickly that he could see himself going again, maybe even trying hiking or something next time
Allison Hargreeves
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-Not exactly the outdoorsy type, Allison is hesitant when you bring up the idea, only agreeing because it’s you, and even then she (unsuccessfully) tries to bargain for more high-tech camping gear
-Despite her disinterest, she is actually very good at many of the practical matters, chopping wood, tying tough knots, building a tent, they’re all child’s play for someone who grew up as she did
-As she isn’t entertained by the nature or work alone, she’s more talkative than usual, get ready for a lot of 20-questions like games and personal inquiries, if nothing else she does appreciate the opportunity to get to know each other better
-She can’t help herself from bringing some homey touches to cozy up your tent, which she does actually have fun with, it reminds her of the forts she’d occasionally make when she was younger
-Despite her reservations, she finds herself unwinding and really enjoying herself as you sit around a campfire, making smores and opening up about yourselves
-She does really like the ‘unplugged’ aspect of camping, it feels amazing to be completely out of the limelight, it’s the most peace she’s had in years
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Klaus doesn’t necessarily know if he wants to brave the great outdoors, but he’s slept in enough alleyways throughout his life that he figures it shouldn’t be that much of a challenge and agrees to go pretty easily
-Normally he would avoid this potential discomfort, but now trying to live off the land makes him feel like he’s getting in touch with his Amish roots, which is something he wants to experience at least once
-He’s still a bit of a complainer though, pawning off as much of the hard stuff onto you as you’ll let him get away with, and most his attempts at hard labour are best described as comical
-Despite that, his whimsical personality is a nice edition to have, it makes the occasionally tedious tasks so much easier to get through, and each memory will be way more colourful with him around
-Being surrounded by nature really brings out the adventurer in him, he’s very eager to drag you off to explore, but keep an eye on him because he will get lost otherwise
-His inner flower-child does really enjoy all the freedom and spontaneity of the activity, he’s half-joking about how he’s one with the wind and all that, but overall he probably wouldn’t go camping again for a long while
Five Hargreeves
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-At first Five rejects the idea, having spent more than enough time cut off from civilisation, but with his ‘retirement’ he’s opening himself up to new possibilities and decides to take you up on your offer, actually going into it with quite an open mind
-He does put a lot of care into planning though, and on top of that picks a campsite near a landmark he’d like to visit, because he is trying to turn this into a full blown road trip
-He has top tier survivalist skills, and can easily keep up with your more natural camping style, he could probably even teach you a life hack or two
-But he has a much better time when he’s experiencing new things, he enjoys learning to fish, he loves spotting animals, having rarely seen any up close throughout his life, and he finds he’s a huge fan of s’mores
-He’s less of a fan of the poor sleeping conditions and might keep you up for a while with his complaining
-The trip does a lot to reduce all the stress he’s been carrying, from the atmosphere, the lack of pressure to be productive, and just for once in his life being able to do something recreationally, suffice to say he’s glad he let you talk him into this
Viktor Hargreeves
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-You are not surprised to learn Viktor’s never been camping, he isn’t one to step out of his comfort zone, however if anything you find camping to have a positive effect on your mental health which is something he sorely needs, so you decide to invite him along on your next trip
-He is a little weary (to be fair he hasn’t had the best experience going to secluded parts of the woods with people), but he trusts you, and you could talk him into just about anything so he gets on board
-He struggles a little with some of the physical challenges like making the tent and fire, but the two of you laugh it off, and he’s a quick learner once you give him a few pointers
-There’s actually something empowering about this experience for him, from learning all these new skills, overcoming obstacles and getting in touch with his instincts
-He does prefer the quieter moments, really appreciating the intimate atmosphere, when’s he’s laying on the ground, gazing at the stars and just listening to the running stream in between conversing with you
-It also provides a nice environment to practice his music, he’s at ease, inspired by the scenery and is playing the best he has in a while, which is also a nice source of entertainment for you
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inu-mothership · 5 months
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday: Holiday Edition! Week 5: Home for the Holidays
Hello everyone! We here at the @inu-mothership are back with another week of holiday-themed fics! This week the focus is on "Home for the Holidays," and we have for you ten fics that we hope will give you that warm and cozy, very homey feel.
Stories are, as always, listed below the cut, in alphabetical order, with ship, rating, and status (complete or ongoing) in the parenthetical.
We have just one more list after this one! We've so enjoyed putting these lists together for you, and a special thanks goes out to the mothership membership, who were so helpful with their suggestions!
All I Want for Christmas (KagKik; T; complete) by Yukio (Ao3)
Kagome wants to invite Inuyasha to spend Christmas with her in the modern era, but things turn different and Kagome invites someone else.
Coffee, Kisses, and a Side of Christmas Cake (InuKag; Rated T; complete) by @clearwillow/BrigidtheFae (Ao3)
When her plans for Christmas go awry, Kagome finds herself quickly making a friend with the half demon she'd made small talk with at the airport. So why does everyone assume that they're a couple?
I’ll Be Home for Christmas (InuKag; E; complete) by @splendentgoddess
Three long years have passed since the night they shared in her room, protected by the warmth and magic of Christmas Eve. Kagome still dreams of being surrounded by silver and gold, wrapped securely in a blanket of fire-rat red. Off-canon post-manga.
Lost and Found (SessKag; T; complete) by EchoHuntress (Ao3)
After completing the jewel and her mission in the past, Kagome is forcibly removed from the past and thrust back into a present she is lost in. After a beneficial move to the United States to help Kagome heal and finish her education, Kagome steps foot in Japan during Christmas for the first time in over six years. Her mother has surprised her with a trip to a remote ryokan for the holiday, an invitation given by the family of Souta's best friend, Ikuchi. The ryokan merges memories of her shard-hunting days in the past with her present in more ways than one. Will she be able to handle the clash of past and present?
Meet the Parents (SessKag; E; complete) by @effinsusie
Sesshoumaru goes home with Kagome for Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Inuyasha (InuKag; G; complete) by @splendentgoddess
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the shrine, the Higurashis were preparing a meal fine. Kagome went to retrieve the chicken with care, not knowing a certain hanyou had followed her there... Okay that's enough rhyming. Inu/Kag Fluff! Enjoy!
My Gift is You (InuKag; T; complete) by @sapphirestarxx
Christmas is coming up and Kagome is determined to make it home in time. Inuyasha doesn't want her to go. She has a surprise for him but doesn't want to ruin it...will their misunderstandings ruin the holiday or will they make up in time to spend it together?
Silver and Gold (InuKag; E; complete) by @splendentgoddess
Christmas Eve is a time to celebrate family, love, and togetherness. Not something Kagome gets a lot of while trying to stop Naraku. But everyone deserves the occasional night off, right? Takes place during manga chapter 512.
Text Me Merry Christmas (SessKag; E; complete) by @sereia1313
He’d promised her they’d spend Christmas together, given his word he’d be home within the week, but the meetings had dragged on, advisors and competition alike unsatisfied with insignificant nuances every day, and before he could blink, it was Christmas Eve.
The Way to Her Heart (KogKag; Rated E; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Kagome has invited her boyfriend Kōga to spend the holidays with her family at the shrine.
The only problem? He's never met any of them before.And while he has one idea on how to make a good first impression... It turns out that the way to win over Kagome's family (and earn her heart forever) is something quite different.
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