#fire me bitch
rhysnolastname · 8 months
im literally so tired of having to experience racist micro aggressions for being hispanic. like they think i don’t notice or maybe they don’t notice they’re doing it but oh my god. y si te meto un pescozón
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epicfirestormer · 1 month
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This is what he said right
More meme accurate version underneath:
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zutarawasrobbed · 4 months
Why Zuko didn’t tell the Gaang about his scar
There’s been wide speculation for years about why Zuko didn’t tell the Gaang about how he got his scar in the series. The consensus is that they didn’t have time, which is strange because the answer is rather obvious.
If Katara found out, she’d go out of her way to kill Ozai herself, and her next field trip with Zuko would be to the Fire Nation castle on a full moon to crush Ozai’s heart in his chest with her bloodbending.
But that would completely negate the need for Aang to restore balance and learn energy bending in the finale to avoid killing Ozai.
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
I can't be the only one who don't give a fuck about "I'm team black" or "I'm team green."
Like I can't be the only one who just want to watch these bitches killing each other and looking hot doing it, you know what I mean?
I don't care what they do, I don't care who's right who's wrong, I'm just here for violence, incest and pretty Targaryens.
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steddiealltheway · 4 months
Something that is canon in my mind that I forget to tell people:
The reason why Steve can’t get bitches in his Scoops Ahoy era is because there’s a rumor going around that he’s gay (probably because someone caught him hooking up with Eddie)
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hysteriafossil · 3 months
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guess who finished tlok tonight and immediately had this come to him in a vision!!!!
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stillcarmine · 11 months
Yo, how wild would it have been if when Katniss was reaped for the Quarter Quell, there was a shout of “I volunteer as tribute!” from the edge of the square.
The crowd parts to reveal a 81 year old Lucy Gray Baird hobbling forward toward the stage.
The camera zooms in on her haggard face and Snow, watching the proceedings in the Capitol, has a heart attack and just fucking dies.
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sieglinde-freud · 2 years
i love the awakening trio in nohr and how they all got character development in three entirely different directions like laslows in every support trauma dumping, being a walking awakening reference, constantly spouting shit like “is my life even real. do my friends even miss me. would my mom still love me if i were a worm” while selena is in the next room over challenging anybody and everybody to fight her like this girl trying to start something with a serial killer, a fucking werewolf, a WHOLE ASS PRINCE like she grabbed her mommy issues by the neck and decided this was the best opportunity to finally take out her rage. and then u got odin, slutting it the FUCK up, absolutely slaying, slowly blurring the line between owain and his dnd persona like i think i can count on my hand how many times he broke character, its so ingrained in him he genetically passes it down to his daughter. my mans has MASTERED his coping mechanism (and also somehow seems the most emotionally stable of the three? is that just me) like he saw a chance for a new start and immediately turned to page 347 of the manual of justice, picked his favorite oc, and said “me now” and put on the most whoreish outfit anankos had
i stg they went from
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this is the only way i can possibly describe it
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Hey, I just watched Dead Poets Society for the first time ever! Now, if you guys don't mind, I'm gonna go sit in the corner of my room and scream!
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fyncherly · 3 months
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"Do you feel it? The warmth of your love? Now they can feel it, too."
An idea for a scene for my fic and animation that had to be purged from my brain. It may look different later, it may be cut entirely, but I had to draw it as it exists now, because the ideas are coming faster than I can make them. I'm only on episode 43 aahhh brb gonna go continue my anguish
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
zutara is my very favourite dynamic because they're just judgy bitch besties together. stupid shenanigans duo. impulsive yelling duo. sokka is like 90 percent of their impulse control so when he's gone they go haywire. this is even canon sokka leaves them alone for one minute and suddenly they're off to kill a guy. good for them. let them be crazy besties together, striking fear into the hearts of sexist twats
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Bitches be like “This film radiates comfort” and this is the film
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a-dope-fiend · 10 months
toki and rockso
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leupagus · 1 month
Really enjoying writing Book 2/Season 6 of this monstrosity, where instead of having Sansa and Jon fighting to regain Winterfell and all that nonsense with the "Battle of the Bastards," it's gonna be like 10K of Sansa being the Warden of the North equivalent of that mom who just needs FIVE MINUTES OF PEACE AND QUIET YOU GODDAMN KIDS
To the Lord Robin Arryn, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East, and my Dear Cousin,
I write to you from Wint
"Sansa — sorry, Lady Sansa, you'll never believe—"
"Jeyne, you don't have to call me 'Lady Sansa,'" Sansa said as she looked up from her parchment. "You're the steward of Winterfell now."
Jeyne Poole, hanging onto the handle of the door and swinging it absently back and forth like she'd done back when they were ten years old, frowned. "My da always said the Lord and Lady of Winterfell were worthy of respect."
Sansa leaned back in her chair. Father had dealt with the business of the holdfast in the Library Tower, so he could wrestle with the accounts without being interrupted every twenty minutes. Sansa had always thought that a bit unfair, since it meant you had to climb all those stairs just to find him, but now she was wondering if she could perhaps build the tower twenty or thirty feet higher. The exercise would probably do her good. "Your father always called mine 'oi, you,' if I recall correctly."
The look Jeyne gave her was deeply unimpressed. "Aye, and you always complained about it. Do you want to hear about the cow loose in the guest house or not?"
erfell at last, which was the dearest wish of your beloved goodfather Petyr. His dying words were to express the hope that both his goodson and his niece be safe and secure in their homes, and I am glad to say tha
"Lady Sansa, Master Mikken has refused another dozen apprentices. He said they're all 'knuckleheaded clods who wouldn't know a round ball fuller from a chisel punch." This time it was her master-at-arms, who'd been Rodrick Cassel's round-faced child named Beth when Sansa had left. Now he went by Cass and looked like he could wrestle a (very short) bear if needs be.
"I don't know a round ball fuller from a chisel punch," Sansa replied, frowning.
Cass shrugged. "Well, and nor do I. But that's near fifty lads he's turned away. We need someone helping with the forges. We've been making do with the army smiths that Prince Stannis let us—"
"Prince Stannis?" He was going to hate that.
Another shrug. "We've got to call him something, milady. You won't call him 'king,' nor will any of your bannermen, but his soldiers give us no end of trouble when we call him 'lord.' So 'prince' it is. And he is one, too, ain't he? King Robert's brother. That'd make him a prince, right?"
Sansa answered with a shrug of her own. By the time Stannis and his companies returned from the Dreadfort, everyone in the North would likely have settled on Prince Stannis, which would lead to a great deal of shouting and probably threats of lighting people on fire, but she had at least a fortnight to think of something.
"As I was saying, we can't use the Baratheon smiths forever, and the ones from our bannermen have all gone home with their bannermen. Mikken needs apprentices, and we need our forge at full strength."
"All right, let's go speak with him," Sansa sighed.
t through the goodness of Stannis, of House Baratheon, and his masterful command of the armies of the North and the Stormlands, I am now secure as Warden of the North.
Not only that, but your dear cousin, my brother Rickon has somehow survived all the danger that the North has presented, while it was under the thrall of the Ironborn and House Bolton. He is now safe and I will reu
"My lady?" Maester Wolkan peered his head into the room.
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greghatecrimes · 5 months
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Amber looking cunty as always. and Thirteen in the middle there... hello autism
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murdermitties · 7 months
I really do love tragic lesbians in warriors, fuck canon, my canon is a bunch of ladies in love and it never ends well for one reason or another
Leaf and Moth, Squilf and Daisy
My girls, my tragic lovers
(Not just wlw of course, but like, they're specifically really good)
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