#firefighter makoto
mythgirlimagines · 1 year
Excuse me, but why Makoto as Ultimate Firefighter makes sense to me. Can you do him?
Sure I can!
Makoto really looked up to firefighters as a kid, and he was a dedicated guy. He started volunteering as soon as he could, which was younger than most people were allowed to due to his knowledge and dedication.
The first few things he was allowed to do were mostly saving cats from trees, but even that made him happy to do. After all, there was no reason to not want to help in that scenario.
Thanks to the training that was needed, Makoto had pretty good muscles, actually. He just preferred to keep them hidden under sweatshirts when he could, mostly for comfort.
He helped putting out actual fires before, too, and he knew how to keep a level head in those times of crisis. A lot of his classmates would choose him to be with them in an emergency because of that.
It always relieved him when there were no casualties from fires or other events, but he knew that wasn’t always how life worked. He held onto the knowledge that if he and his coworkers could save people, they would.
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jackattack20writes · 8 months
FanFic Recommendations for Feedback Fest 2024
Since the 15th of Feb is apparently fanworks day I’m doing an early list of Fic recs to celebrate in no particular order from various fandoms that’ve taken root in my mind at some point or another.
Fatumonagatari By ScyllaAlter
Fandom: Fate/Stay Night | Rating: T+ | Ship: A mix of everyone in Fate/Stay Night but with an emphasis on Shirou/Saber
Shirou Emiya becomes the center of several conflicts, each surrounding a different girl.
(This is an entire Monogatari au)
Forever and Ever By DreamyMarry
Fandom: Bleach | Rating: T+ | Ship: IchiRuki
Rukia talks to the most important women in her life, makes plans and gets herself a fianceé. Ichigo just wouldn't argue it was quite in that order.
In Vino Cogitatio Bona By Strypgia
Fandom: Neon Genesis Evangelion | Rating: T+ | Ship: AsuShin
December 4th, 2015. Everyone is at NERV HQ trying to get the Third Child out of Unit-01. No one cares Asuka is alone and feeling miserable on her birthday. So she decides it's time Misato's forest of bottles does her a favor. After all, Misato thinks liquor is the solution to everything, right? Asuka's turn. And of course, this leads to Good Ideas...
Trains That Lead Me Back To You By Skylin3
Fandom: Persona 5 | Rating: General | Ship: ShuMako
Makoto simply has too much to deal with right now. She just wants to go back and focus on what really matters to her; her education. Maybe someone will be there to cheer her up.
Makoto Niijima Week Day 6 - Train
Gradually By Croeses
Fandom: Persona 3 | Rating: T+ | Ship: ShuYuka
Makoto, Yukari and moments throughout the year.
A Battle Of Love and Piracy By SonnieCelanna
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Rating: T+ | Ship: IzuMomo
Izuku and Momo have been friends for years despite their wildly different stations, and their favourite game to play together was always "Pirates and Solidiers.", in fact Izuku would claim Momo was obessed with pirates. So what will she do when he gets kidnapped by them in an attack on their village?
Seeing Red By SpellCleaver
Fandom: Star Wars | Rating: General | Ship: LuMara
Luke and Mara visit Vader on Mustafar to break the news of their engagement.
The Future We Build Together By Tren
Fandom: Fate/Stay Night | Rating: General | Ship: Sunny Days Trio (Saber/Shirou/Rin)
Rin did not expect her day to be interrupted by the need to help her boyfriend (not-exactly-legal mage) and her girlfriend (Actual King Arthur), but some things can't be helped.
Especially, when you love them very much.
Crossroads of Fate By PumpkinTeacup
Fandom: Bleach & Doctor Who | Rating: T+ | Ship: IchiRuki
It was Ichigo’s birthday, and Rukia was not going to visit.
But fate was a funny thing. While some events were fixed into the flow of reality as if carved into stone, others only needed a slight nudge into place for destiny to unfold as it should. Even in the form of a simple meal with her time-traveling friend.
For Ichiruki Month 2020, AU week, Day 20: Romeo and Juliet
Flash Fire Photography By AriadneKurosaki
Fandom: Bleach | Rating: T+ | Ship IchiRuki
The annual Eighth District Firefighter Calendar is always a big hit, raising millions of yen for charity and causing more than a few fires of the metaphorical kind. When her boss gets sick at the last minute, photographer Kuchiki Rukia steps in to make sure the project stays on schedule. It's just a photo shoot, and she's a professional. It can't be that hard to take pictures of a bunch of firefighters for a good cause, even if they're posing shirtless.
She didn't really count on one particular firefighter being hotter than the fires he's supposed to put out...
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symphonic-scream · 6 months
Let me properly introduce the
Persona Firehouse Mockumentary AU
The main focus is on Firehouse 05, where their Captain is newly retired, and their two LTs are competing for the open hole. That's Joker and Goro Akechi. They also don't have a Sgt, and the drama of filling that hole
Starring, Futaba, who manages their systems and calls.
Haru, who acts as their den mother of sorts, learning from their retired Captain, Sojiro Sakura, on how to care for these dummies
Ann and Ryuji, who've been there the longest, beat bros, Ann is trying to get Ryuji laid/a partner and Ryuji is trying to help Shiho propose without Ann's knowledge
Yusuke, who just showed up one day and lives there. He. He was homeless and showed up and they didn't notice so now he's a firefighter??
Makoto! Their newest full timer, switched over after dropping out of the police academy, the only one of them that would fit in a drama show version unchanged. Also learning how to have fun and not be in charge! Learning to break rules
There's a cat that lives in the firehouse named Mona, and a tween boy named Morgana that hangs around a lot
Other characters that appear often would be the 04 and 03 firehouses, with the Persona 3 and 4 casts, Tae Takemi as a doctor and Sae Niijima the first responder. News reporter Yuuki Mishima, gym teacher Shiho Suzui, and a revolving cast of Volunteer firefighters, like Munehisa Iwai, or Sumire Yoshizawa
So yeah. What do y'all think? Opinions? Ideas? Feedback? Hit me up
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caffernnn · 4 months
Knock knock bestie have we talked about the goldfish but in the mookverse 👀
OKAY HI HELLO I’ve been spinning this in my mind since you’ve sent it (you’re a visionary, truly) and I’m READY NOW !!! 🛁✨🧡
(… putting a readmore bc this got long lmao)
Sooo, we see goldfish come up quite a few times within the show, most often in relation to Makoto. Whether it’s the literal goldfish he’s taken care of (first fish from childhood, plus the ones gifted later by Haru) or the striking visuals of swarms of goldfish that show up within his shrine vision and stress dream in FS/FS2, they’re looming. In my mind, when we get a Makoto scene where goldfish are involved in some fashion, it’s a surefire signal for me to pay attention to how that moment comments on Makoto’s supportive caretaking abilities — do others trust he can take care of the things and the people he holds dear; does he trust that his efforts will be enough to convey everything he wants to before it’s too late? It’s interesting to think about the implications of goldfish imagery, especially the more abstract/interpretive ones seen later on, because it creates this fascinating opening for the mh mookverse to be tied into that collection. Before even jumping into the universe itself, I’m drawn to its conception — how it’s built in a dream that can be read to be from either Makoto or Haru’s head (if not both), and how many points in the story are these call-response moments crafted from fears and reassurances during the ES era. Seeing how goldfish have brought attention to Makoto’s worry and Haru’s responding reassurance in the show, how might they also find their way into this shared dreamverse, where Makoto’s ability to take care of and protect others is a prevailing theme? (theme, right? Lit nerds don’t come for me rn okay I think I’m using that term right)
There were a couple moments that stood out to me with Big Goldfish Energy when I last read through the story, so let me just tack those up on the conspiracy pinboard really quick 📌
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There’s… something about Haru showing up, being declared as specifically half-fish, revealing that he doesn’t have a home or people (or particularly strong conviction) to return to, and revealing he “doesn’t care” about whether he has any of those bonds or aspirations or not (okay, parallel to that fight with Rin in the locker room, I see you~). There’s something to Makoto immediately extending care to this version of Haru: someone who is a practical stranger (and creature) in his eyes, yet has a disposition that he takes personally. The suddenness of Makoto imposing this all-important “power of friendship” on himself, then proceeding to open up his home and his downtime and his life to Haru… it’s an echo to the deep bond they have in the waking world, yes, but it also feels connected to Makoto’s ever-present desire to take care of something/someone. Being a pet owner, being a big brother, being a team captain, being a swim coach, being a firefighter — there is a core part of Makoto that’s not begrudgingly bound to responsibility, but craves and almost chases whatever heartfelt pursuit he can to feel useful. So much of Makoto’s character and his dream (as we understand it throughout ES and beyond) is spurred on by this desire to help. Whether he’s trusted with fish from a fair named after his friends, or presented with a half-fish in his home that wears the face of one of those same treasured friends, of course he pounces and takes on that task with pride.
Now, onto that quality of care:
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This moment feels particularly telling about how Makoto’s perception of his role in Haru’s life (both in the mook and definitely outside of it) is shifting as time moves forward. He sees Haru comfortable enough, integrating himself into a shared normalcy with Makoto, but he’s noticing how… limiting, this all might be. His efforts in supporting and caring for Haru now orient towards building hope and curiosity. What would it look like for his fish friend to move to a bigger tank, or be released completely? Beyond this also lies a question Makoto refuses to voice to himself, but still makes its presence known in how this whole “trip to the sea” arc proceeds: how much will it hurt if in all of his pushes forward, Haru finds a beautiful life that’s outside of his own line of vision? He wants what’s best for Haru, he wants him to dream, he wants him to be able to do all of this for himself… but there’s also that part of him that will always hope beyond hope that they both find ways forward where they get to stay by each other’s sides. How much is at risk in letting that glittering goldfish grow beyond its small bowl?
This is all skittering off into a general love letter to the mh mook, but I adore the little details that show that shared care they both have for each other. Like, it means something that Makoto insists that they go to the sea together. It means something that he openly wants to be by Haru’s side when he explores the world again beyond the safe bathtub he’s become so familiar with. If you still think about this as a dream, it clears up one of the ongoing points of contention in the ES time period that Makoto struggles to communicate to Haru when everything blows up: he’s not trying to make demands that push Haru towards one specific goal or away from everything he knows. He wants Haru to find a purpose through knowing his options, and he hopes he can be by his side through it all. God, it just makes me think about their fight and why Makoto couldn’t bring himself tell Haru about Tokyo earlier than he did! He’s scared! He’s attached and scared and trying to be hopeful with all of the change and transition laying ahead of him, but homie doesn’t want to lose his best friend and the life they’ve shared for so long together in the process, and it’s agonizing for him to see Haru so openly dig his claws into a beautiful past and normalcy when Makoto knows they both have to keep moving. MAKOTO CARES SO MUCH!!
Ok, back to the mook: I’m obsessed with the moments where it’s made so clear that Haru cares for Makoto and consciously chooses to find his way back to him. Haru isn’t just a passive roommate or pet, but someone who entangles himself into Makoto’s life (shared lunch breaks, walking home, evenings together, etc etc). When given the chance to go anywhere when in the sea, he swims around and then comes back to Makoto. When we get to the fire, where he’s completely out of his element, he actively puts himself in harm’s way to find Makoto (he can’t let his tether to his now beloved constancy and normal burn, right?) to his own demise. He does the scary thing of going somewhere Makoto can’t reach him (bro you 🫧DIED🫧), going through an intense cycle of change (Australia trip could neverrr), and when he pops out on the other side of that cycle with another chance at life, he finds home with Makoto once again. This is our airport reunion, this is our mhtokyo realized — Haru has found a dream, and a crucial piece of that all-encompassing vision is treasuring his most important bonds that pushed him to care about anything. In these moments of Makoto being scared that he failed to care enough to save anyone (the kid from the fire, Haru from the fire, Haru from his ES spiral and breakdown), Haru does his best to convince him otherwise by coming back, sending out a resounding message of not only wanting to be by his side, but trusting Makoto enough to try and build a new path forward with, again and again.
So uhh… the goldfish. Right.
In the story that exists now, there’s a lot to be found in viewing half-fish Haru as a variation or stand-in for the goldfish. It’s an interesting spin in that we see Makoto have a multitude of hopes and fears attached to his abilities to support others through his emerging aspirations, but slapping Haru’s face on a fish reeeally draws our eye to what his subconscious stirs up when focused on his ability to support and take care of Haru specifically. Beyond that, though, if we were to specifically throw visible goldfish into the mookverse, there could be a cute epilogue spin where they have fish in their home together. I love the idea of mook mh getting comfortable enough in their ‘happily ever after’ that they choose to take care of fish together. It’d be cute if it was a surprise gift from one of them to echo back to Haru gifting fish, but establishing growth and security through getting to be the shared caretakers of others? That’s tasty; that’s a nice nod to the domestic mundane security mh get to have in DttF and Tokyo (FS era notwithstanding. She only exists when she’s useful to me) and how they get to focus on helping out their friends for a bit. A lot of soft headcanon or fic potential there tbh.
Oh no, I hope you weren’t originally asking for just a lil hc of them taking care of the goldfish, because if so I 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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myndless88 · 9 months
So, I was thinking about a Jdrama I watched several years ago called 'RESCUE' where it focused on the firefighters in orange. Then I remembered Kagami and Makoto are frequently drawn as firefighters, so I looked up about their uniforms (mainly because I thought the orange was like REALLY special). According to Wikipedia:
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Kagami is usually drawn wearing orange, so he's a rescuer (highlighted in red). Makoto is drawn wearing the black one, so he's a specialized firefighter (highlighted in green).
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I just thought that was pretty neat.
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
KinkTober Fanart Round 3
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chessanator · 2 years
❔ for the WIP ask game
Thanks, Anon!
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
I've only got one real WIP on the go. I've talked about The Ultimatum of Haruhi Suzumiya in various places, but I'm not sure how much of that you'll have seen and it'll be nice to have it all in one place.
TUoHS is my Haruhi Suzumiya/Danganronpa Crossover fanfic, in which Haruhi is accepted as a student at Hope's Peak Academy and consequently Kyon, Koizumi, Nagato, Asahina, and Asakura end up there as well. I've, um, bodged the timeline so that they're in the same year as Makoto Naegi, in a second class.
The roster for that class, 78-B, (and the roster for the killing game) is filled up by OCs:
Satoru Ishihara: Ultimate Journalist
Konosuke Kamio: Ultimate Film Critic
Katsuya Terasaki: Ultimate Firefighter
Hitomi Maeda: Ultimate Chemist
Mayumi Uehara: Ultimate Mathematician
Arata Nakayama: Ultimate Archaeologist
Taichi Fujino: Ultimate Driver
Yayoi Mikawa: Ultimate Cosplayer
Ikko Watari: Ultimate Scam Artist
The story will be in two halves once it's completed: a future side that's a Fanganronpa with these characters, and a past side with the Haruhi characters at Hope's Peak, sort of blending standard Haruhi antics in that setting with showing how Ultimate Despair and the killing games will start in this crossover.
I am nearly 300,000 words into the future side and I'm only halfway through the third arc so I'm still miles away from being able to publish and that fact weighs on me every day of my life.
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The Shape of Water au?
wow tumblr makes it look so bad... please click on the picture for a better resolution OTL
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tachinanabananase · 7 years
I’m not sure what asks you’ve gotten for five yet but Id love to see like a cute first meeting thing. Makoto and Haru don’t know each other, and they meet and it’s like ‘wow your beautiful.’ Sorry this is super vague but just something cheesy would be so great if you would be interested?
This was so embarrassing to write I hope the cheesiness levels here are enough to make you wish you were lactose intolerant ENJOY
“Nanase Haruka? Are you in there?” Makoto pressed his ear against the door, waiting anxiously for a reply. It didn’t feel warm, and there were no visible signs of smoke coming from the apartment yet, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. He knocked again, this time more insistently. “Hello? It’s the fire department. We got a complaint about a smoke smell coming from this apartment.”
He listened keenly again for any kind of response. That time, he could have sworn he heard a faint, somewhat panicked clanging, almost like… pots or pans? Perhaps the tenant was cooking and lost control of the gas flame, and he was truly in danger! This could be a real emergency and he was just wasting time standing out here knocking so politely. 
With renewed urgency and much more effort, he pounded his fist into the wood.
“Nanase-san, please open up! We’ve received a complaint of something bur…. ning.”
The door swung open suddenly, a strikingly pale man with midnight black hair and the most heart-stopping, breathtaking, magnificent ocean blue eyes standing meekly in the entryway.
“Yes, I’m here,” he sighed, eyes cast down shyly to his apron while he dusted away what appeared to be the charred remains of… something once edible. A thin wisp of smoke leaked from around the corner down the hall, most likely from the kitchen and the cause of this commotion in the first place. Makoto was still too stuck on the whole absolutely gorgeous human being standing right in front of me at this very moment thing to really notice though. 
Continue Reading on A03 
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
I tried the wheel decide for fusion and that's what I got.
1- First Character (Makoto Naegi)
2- Second Character (Ibuki Mioda)
3- Ultimate Talent (Firefighter)
Results - Ibukoto Nada, Ultimate Firefighter.
They were obsessed with firetrucks as a kid, but they never grew out of that like most kids did. No, they wanted to be a firefighter, and they wanted to do that as soon as possible.
They actually managed to become one of the youngest firefighters in Japan, someone who was able to think rationally in times of distress and save as many people as possible.
Even though they don’t look like it, they actually were really strong. They liked to lift up their friends while hugging them, and will always help carry something if they need.
In addition to this, they always seem to have energy, and they know how to properly channel that into productivity. It’s really impressive to see, since not a lot of their classmates can do the same thing.
Being a firefighter is tough, especially mentally at times, but they’re driven to keep working to keep as many people safe as they can. That’s all they ever wanted to do.
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mikkimai · 7 years
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Finally decided to color this ;)
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symphonic-scream · 10 months
Scream's Persona 5 Au Masterlist
Each au will have a title and a mini blurb
Age Swap Au
The adult confidants are now teens, and the teens are now the adult confidants. Follows Sojiro Sakura as he gets arrested, and the outcomes that follow
Akira Sakura Au (Canon Version)
What if one of Sojiro's lines had worked on Wakaba? What if they had met before she had Futaba? What if they had a son first? Basically Akira is Sojiro and Wakaba's son, sent to Inaba as a baby to avoid risk, and when Futaba is born the next year, she joins him. Akira gets arrested and Sojiro is overtaken by the urge to take him in, leaving Futaba in Inaba until the summer. Also, has Sojiro palace and Phantom Thief Sojiro
Akira Sakura Au (Non Canon Version)
Same opening as above, but Sojiro raises both of Wakaba's kids, and meets a few other bizarre families along the journey of being a single dad. So, the gang meet as kids and are childhood friends
Avatar: the Last Airbender Au
Not actually the plot of the last Airbender, just wanted to make it clear this isn't about the blue ones. Akira is the newest Avatar, and has to figure out his place in a modern world
Breath of the Wild Au (Okujima focused)
Swordsman Makoto awakes 100 years after the beginning of the end of Hyrule, without any memories. But, a voice calls out to her from the castle. Princess Haru is waiting, waiting for the Hero of Hyrule to slay the beast of Calamity
Chaos Arcana Swap Au
An Arcana swap based on the idea of "what would be the craziest combo?"
Firefighter Au
The Thieves all work in a Firehouse, dousing blazes and saving the day
Homoerotic Skating Au
The cast are figure skaters, and follows each individual's and pair's struggles as they try to avoid backlash and injuries, all trying for the gold medals
Inaba Au
It's a P4 au with the P5 characters. Simple as that
Jazz Band Au
The Thieves are all in a High School Jazz Band, trying to play their way to win Nationals
Joker's Eleven Au
Akira gathers a team of varied talents to pull the ultimate heist; robbing the newest of the Shido company's casinos, run by Sae Niijima. It's a tough task, but the team he gathers will not go down without a fight
Magic Au
Regular humans have gained some of Morgan's magic, which he claims he lost when a rival sorcerer caught him off guard, turning him into a cat. He finds a young witch named Akira, and they gather allies as they try to reclaim all of Morgana's magic and find out the truth about how things wound up this way
Makoto Kujikawa Au (Persona 4 Fusion)
Rise was dating a male idol for her agency, but he cheats and she leaves, fights with her agency, and quits. A month later, she discovers she's pregnant, and goes to an old friend for help. Naoto is a trans man, and his teenage crush on Rise never went away, so he ends up offering to help her safe face by getting married, all so she won't have to deal with public opinion about being a single mother. The kid is Makoto they raise Makoto
Makoto Shirogane Au (Persona 4 Fusion)
Ages differ here, cause Sae's just barely out of high school when she's left orphaned with her baby sister in her care. She can't handle that and a law degree, but luckily, one of her father's old companions from a case long ago just moved to Tokyo with their wife and are willing to raise Makoto and support her through school (it's Naoto and Rise). Follows the events of P5 but with a more settled Makoto
Mecha Au
Follows the third Attack Team of Mech pilots, as they try to keep back the waves of Kaiju attacking Base City, which was once Tokyo
Niijima Twins Au
What would change if Makoto and Goro were twins? A decent amount
Noble Au
The cast are varying roles in the Kingdom under King Shido, who ascended the throne under false means. The true Prince, Akira, gains allies as he plots to reclaim what's rightfully his
Persona 3 Au
It's the plot of Persona 3 but with the P5 characters. Simple as that
Phantom Queers Au
Hifumi, newly out Trans Woman, searches for understanding and a place to belong. Her journey as she meets Akira through Crossroads, and the things she learns as she gets to know his very queer friends
Phantom Racer Au
Akira is wronged by Shido, who sponsors one of the best up and coming racers in history. So, Akira dons the helmet of the Phantom Racer, building a team of top notch crew members, all to beat the man's prized racer. Anonymously, of course
Pirate Au
The Thieves are all pirates on the Velvet Room, the most feared vessel in all the seas
Rock Band Au
College aged band, the Phantom Thieves, make a record deal and are on their first tour. Follows them as they get their first taste of Stardom, and all the shit that comes with it
Soul Eater Au
It's. It's a Soul Eater au. Not much else to say
Underground Fighting Au
A large underground fighting ring has been overtaken by greed, and is no longer what it once was. A young boy (Morgana), raised in the various shady places the fights occur, decides to form a crew of masked fighters, to return the fight back to the people
University Friend Group Au
They're all in Uni, and met in a larger study group, and shenanigans happen
This isn't all of them but I'm giving up here. Will add more as I remember them. Ask about any of them.
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caffernnn · 1 year
what does mook mean?
It’s a blend between “magazine” and “book,” iirc! Like the physical publication style is most similar to a magazine, but is treated more like a book than common issue magazines??
When I talk about the makoharu (mh) mook in tags and such, I’m referencing the original drama story with firefighter Makoto and half-fish Haru 🥲 Future Fish universe my beloved
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kinnoth · 4 years
Attempts to masculinise(???) the female love interest e.g. writing a female love interest who is just the male protagonist but with a vaj -- actually THE SAME BRAND of misogyny as the damsel in distress love interest bc you are still orienting your female character as if the focal point of the universe is the male protagonist
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
List of all the losers from my Kinktober Fanart rounds! Remember the rules: You can request one of these, attached with the date of your birthday so I can gift it to you! You can even ask for the commission anonymously in my ask box. Closing date is November 8! -As someone born on the 24th of December, whilst suffering from the infamous birthday complex (fellow XMAS babies know what I'm referring to) I do ironically make a good secret santa and am better at that then Halloween stuff. *Kit Herondale X Ty Blackthorn as Sherlock Holmes & Watson *Jeanne Tao X Ren Tao as Leigong & Dianmu *Rima Toya X Senri Shiki as Chucky & Tiffany *Teppei Kiyoshi X Riko Aida as Hercules & Megara *Anna Kyoyama X Yoh Asakura as the representation of day & night *Juri Kuran X Kaien Cross as a magical girl & wizard *Isabelle Lightwood X Simon Lewis Lovelace as a princess and Lord Montgomery *Black Heart (Noire) X Purple Heart (Neptune) as Marceline & Princess Bubblegum *Maria Kurenai X Ichiru Kiryu as two angels *Sophie Lightwood X Gideon Lightwood as Cinderella and the Prince *Haruka Nanase X Makoto Tachibana as genderbent Ariel (mermaid form) and the Prince *Iris Heart (Plutia) as a demon queen *Juri Kuran as the Grim Reaper *Livvy Blackthorn as a zombie *Vert as a princess *Satsuki Momoi as a fairy *Jeanne Tao as a queen from ancient Europe *Adult Neptune's CPU form *Riko Aida in a puppy themed outfit *Tamao Tamamura as a goddess (inspired by her cloud) *Sophie Lightwood as Andromeda (Greek Mythology) *Maria Kurenai as an angel *Ash Morgenstern as Cupid *Zero Kiryu as a huntsman *Makoto Tachibana as a firefighter *Ichiru Kiryu as a necromancer *Daiki Aomine as a werewolf *Albert Wahlander as a human-whale hybrid *Midorima Shintaro as a fortune teller *Jem Carstairs in a classical Chinese setting *Simon Lewis-Lovelace-Lightwood as Lord Montgomery *Ren Tao as a thundergod *Carla Tsukinami as a human-dragon hybrid *Ruka Souen as Belle from Beauty and the Beast *Purple Heart (Neptune) as Ursula *Alexandra Garcia as a witch scholar *Green Heart (Vert) as a fairy *Shizuka Hio as a nine tailed fox *Isabelle Lightwood as a medieval princess *Black Heart (Noire) as a magical girl *Catarina Loss as an alien *Rima Toya as a zombie bride *Masako Araki as a female huntsman *Lily Chen in a burlesque themed outfit *James Herondale as a faun (goat-human hybrid) *Lyserg Diethel as a fairy *Jonathan/Sebastian Morgenstern as a devil *Haruka Nanase as a male mermaid *Senri Shiki as male Red Riding Hood *Ruki Mukami as a medieval fantasy bounty hunter *Ryota Kise as a wizard *Subaru Sakamaki as a mummy *Akatsuki Kain as a phoenix *Kiyoshi Teppei as a ninja turtle *Sousuke Yamazaki as Poseidon
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mythamongpeople · 2 years
Free! but truly free
I tried a little something with anime. Hope ya all enjoy!
It had been a year since they got married, and Makoto could not have been happier. Right after the graduation ended, he and Sousuke had ended their lengthy engagement and invited all of their friends to their private wedding. Life was great – calm, peaceful,... and the fire of passion still burnt ever bright after so long, like the first day they met. Sousuke was now a respected police officer and Makoto himself was a firefighter. However, busy their jobs were, they still loved swimming with all their heart, for this was what bonded all of them together, the very thing that craved him into who he was.
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         Speaking of which, Makoto got a call from Rin – who was now working alongside Sousuke in the police station, asking for a swimming race like old times. Sousuke, stuck in a case of a free-roaming criminal, told them to have some fun time and he would join them next time. Makoto on the other hand, sweaty and tired from his work, rushed to the local pool and just stripped off all of his protective gears, leaving only his swimming trunk. He was gonna go swimming, to begin with anyway so the timing could not be any better than this.
         “ Jacked, you have become Makoto! All those fire fighting and climbing and saving really do their parts in keeping you in shape.” A laughing voice rose from behind him. Makoto turned around to see Rin approaching him, his red hair pasted into his temple, and his body shone under the light, probably the result of his start-up earlier.
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         Makoto was about to open his mouth to greet his friend but stopped when Rin held up his hands. “ No need to for idle chit chat, save your strength for the later race, cuz you’re gonna need it,” Rin smirked. “ I had invited everyone but they are all busy. Fat-ass they are, especially that Haru. But that’s alright, two people can still make a race, I guess.”
         Ah, typical Rin. Makoto smiled with fondness, so ever-sarcastic and witty. “ Then shall we begin, Rin, or are you just all talk and no do?” he teased.
         “ That’s the spirit. Then let we race like our old time.”
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         And then they raced, round after round. With better physic, Makoto of course took the lead with ease, but Rin was not holding back either. It was not until he longer felt the wave beside him that Makoto rose back from the pool. Swiping his hair back, Makoto smiled victoriously: “ And here I thought you are gonn.....”
         He did not get the chance to finish his sentence, as his head got smacked badly and he soon fell into darkness.
         “Hey! How long are you going to sleep? Wake up!” the shadow shouted while snapping his fingers.
         Makoto jerked awake, his head a dizzy echo from the prior impact, his eyes half opened as he tried to make head and tail of who was currently in front of him.
         “Rin?” Makoto said, noticing the shining red hair in the dark. But something was wrong, as Rin was seemingly wearing... his swim trunk? Confused by the situation, he looked down and saw he still wore his own, which confused him even more.
         “ Oh my bad, I guess I should better show you what you have gotten yourself into”. Rin snickered from the dark and flipped the switch. And what appeared under the light now made Makoto drop his jaw in awe and disbelief. From Rin’s waist up was still Rin’s, but the below was all Makoto’s, from his trunks to the scar on his right feet. Around Rin’s naval hanging some kind of upper body? And with seem like a head Makoto’s hair color?
         “ Rin, I think I might need an explanation here or else I very much will go insane with what I am seeing right now!” demanded Makoto.
         “ You still cannot figure it out even to this point? What you are seeing right now cannot give you even the slightest idea? How can Sousuke love someone as dense as you?”. Rin’s voice filled with boredom, anger, and ... jealousy?
         “ Sousuke... You are in love with him, aren’t you?” Realization dawned on Makoto’s face. He had felt confused, anger but now all he felt was regret and pity. “Oh Rin, I wish I have kn...”
         “ I do not need your pity, Makoto. Especially if the receiving end will be from now on.” Rin said in a satisfied tone. “ And he will never know if I wear this.” With that said, Rin held up the dangling suit before him up and Makoto was in complete shock. Before him was him, but not fully him at the very least. It was Makoto’s face, only with hollowed eyes, and an agape hanging mouth, the outer skin suck in as if there was nothing in there.
         “ You see, swimming is not the only thing I brought back from my study time in Australia. With this suit in my hands, I shall win Sousuke’s love once again, as we should be from before you appeared before him and ruined everything.” Rin’s laugh echoed through the dark room.
         Fear, anger, and fury from betrayal filled him, and Makoto started shouting at Rin from the top of his lung, about how he had trusted him, how he believed they were always friends. Then a slap thundered through the room, followed by a tape to Makoto’s mouth, and Rin stood up, looking icy cold like never before.
         “Let’s tone that down a little, shall we?” a sinister smile formed on Rin’s face. “ And I have always thought you are quite a buffer, at least better than that Haru. But alas, you are so lacking in training. A waste to a potential athlete! Not to worry though. I will make sure to make good use of your body, or my body I should say.”
         And with that, Rin started to pull up the rest of the upper skin, from the huge body frame to the two defined arms. Then he used that newfound strength to push his head into place. As Rin’s head passed through the neck, and into the hollowed head above, it formed an ugly and most monstrous scene Makoto had ever seen in his life. Using his borrowed hands, Rin massaged his distorted feature into place, and when he looked up once again, there was no longer Rin in the room. There were now two Makoto here at the same time.
         “ Hi, my name is Makoto Tachibana. Delighted to meet you!” a smile that looked so alien appeared on “Makoto”’s face, a smile that signatured to Rin and Rin alone. “ It came with a voice changer as well, how does that sound, the other me?”
         Makoto tried his hardest to make some noises, but all that came out were angry muffles. His eyes widened as the other “Makoto” now came closer and sit on his lap, brushing his lips ever slightly to Makoto’s ears and whispering: “ It has already come to this point, then why don’t we have a little fun. Just think of it as masturbation if you feel guilty doing it with me, though it was never of my concern, to begin with.”
         Seeing such a lewd look on his own face, Makoto could not help as his members hardened visibly under the dim light. Rin then took out pulled down the swim trunk from both and pressed the dicks together. Then he slowly stroked both of them in one hand, the other hand holding Makoto close to him, as Rin placed kisses all over Makoto’s neck, all the while leaving behind some hickeys. As the pace fastened, Rin’s breath became shorter and more desperate, and Makoto could only whimper from all of the sensations. After a short while, Rin reached his peak, as he bit down to Makoto’s sensitive spot. Makoto could not help but come together, as waves after waves of pleasure hit him like a truck.
         After coming down from high, Rin stood up from the spot, cleaned himself from the sticky substant from his own lap with a towel, and looked at the clock. “My, My.. Makoto should be home very soon. I must be back or else he will get worried.” Rin said while gathering Makoto’s protective gear on the ground. He turned his back and left for the door, hand on the switch.
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         “ Don’t worry Makoto, I will be back with food by tomorrow. And don’t bother to scream, as this pool will not be in open season till the next few months. “ And with that, “Makoto” turned off the light, and closed the door behind him. As the last ray of light disappeared, so the same way the last string of hope that this was just a cruel joke, disappeared from Makoto’s eyes.
         It was quite late at night, and Sousuke returned to his dear home after a long day at work. It was quite exhausting to say the very least and what he craved more than most right now were a nice hot shower and a nice meal. After some much-needed thought, he decided that a bath would suit him better, and just when he was just about to open the bathroom door, it flung open. Makoto walked out of the hot shower while wearing his clothes, surprise painted his face.
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         “ Oh welcome home Sousuke. I was not expecting you to be so late”.
         “ Work has been hard lately, we still haven’t gotten many clues regarding the criminal whereabout, and it was said he was extremely dangerous. Though I am not given much info about how.” Sousuke sighed in exhaustion, and came from behind and hugged him. Feeling the warm embrace of his love, Sousuke turned around and planted a light kiss on Makoto’s cheek. “ I am just worried about the safety of the citizens when dangers are still out there, and yet here I am, allowing myself to relax.”
         “ You and I, we both do the kind of jobs that risks peril every single day. We cannot destroy all the evils in this world, for we are all human in the very end. We are not perfect and you are not perfect either. You are not superman and you do need rest. And while we are at that topic...”
         On that cue, Makoto  rubbed his semi-hard cock against Sousuke’s thighs, and whispered: “I happened to know many methods as to ease your mind.”
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         Having been away for so long and very much pent up at this point, Sousuke’s control snapped, as he hungrily pushed Makoto into the nearby wall for a deep and hungry kiss. Not breaking from the kiss they were having, Sousuke carried Makoto to their bedroom, where they continued with their love-making session. Then one after another, every piece of clothing soon slipped off as the two fine bodies bare naked against each other. Not bothering with getting a condom, just with a little gel and Sousuke already went inside Makoto in a big grunt. The heat plus the musky sweat from Sousuke’s body only fuelled their sexual desire burning in all of its glory. Body slapped against the body, sliding with each other in a symphony of kiss and bite, of suck and of love, this Makoto had never felt something quite like this before in his life.
         When the peak was near, Sousuke wanted to draw out of Sousuke’s body but was held close by a pair of legs, wrapping around his waist. Sousuke opened his eyes to see Makoto’s pleading eyes, craving for his seeds and the desire to truly become one with him. No longer feeling his own body, Sousuke pounded into Makoto’s hole like there was no tomorrow and soon after, they came in unison, until the white semen started to drip out of Makoto like milk. Exhaustion hit after the blissful moment, Sousuke rolled to his side and hugged Makoto from behind, planted light kisses on the nape of his neck, and fell asleep.
         The following morning, Sousuke woke up to the sun hitting his face. He looked to his side and notice Makoto had long gone and someone was in the shower. Thinking of a morning shower together, Sousuke woke up from the bed and opened the bathroom door abruptly. Seeing the shadow behind the curtain, he planned to walk up and hugged Makoto from behind but stopped dead in his track when stepping on something. He looked down and see a skin-like suit lying on the ground looking exactly like Makoto. Realization hit him and Sousuke stomped to the curtain and yanked it open to see Rin was the one in the shower. Taken by surprise, Rin could only muster a few words out before his furious face of Sousuke.
         “ I could explain everything if you just listened to me,” Rin begged
         “ And you better be. Cuz if you were not my best friend, I would have punched your teeth out by now.” Void of any emotions, Sousuke eyed Rin like it took all of what he had to not do exactly what he just told at that moment.
         And explain Rin did, as he told Sousuke about everything that he had done. He took Sousuke to the place the real Makoto was being held prisoner, who had already fainted from fatigue and hunger at that point. But Rin was long gone from the scene.
         For the next few days after Sousuke stayed at home and took care of Makoto, he returned to work only with a notice from the higher-up that Rin had resigned from work, and he left a letter for Sousuke. In the letter, Rin asked both of his friends for forgiveness, and that he would go to Australia again to be with his family, and hopefully after this had ended, they could finally see him as a friend once again.
         Sousuke could not do much except for staring blankly at that paper, his heart filled with regret and loss, for today he had lost his best friend, and it was as if a part of him also was also gone with Rin to the land far away from Japan.
         Rin was walking to his private apartment, or to be more precise, private to “him”. Rin walked in and closed the door behind him, and turned on the light. The room lighted up and on the wall, rows after rows of pictures of Sousuke hung and pinned, from those in his daily life to the one detailing each of his body parts. In the middle of the room was a tube filled with a blue liquid, floated a skin of Sousuke, hollowed and ready to be worn.
         Rin walked up to the sofa and fell back onto it with a thud, throwing on the table a small back with white milky substant on it. Then Rin reached to his nape and find a thin trace of the line. And he pulled.
         Rin’s sharp face fell apart as his feature distorted, and another could be seen below the layer of skin moving down from the empty head down the throat. The muscular hands also pulled back, leaving the previously defined hands now looking like a pair of long gloves. All of this fell toward his lap and revealed behind a fat man in his 40s, sweat forming all over his body.
         Then another man came into the room, this man was somewhere in his 50s, lankier and his face carried a more devious ambition. He spoke with a loud and rash voice.
         “ How is the plan going? I do hope that you do not disappoint me.”
         “ No, sir!” The man on the sofa stood up, his upper body was a huge image of obesity, a day and night contrast to his borrowed lower half and the skin hanging on his waist. “ I have collected his semen sample as you requested. With this, we will have access to the true nature of identity, as well as the path the create the perfect body fluid for your skin, sir.”
         “ Very good! With this, I can truly infiltrate the police of Japan and work my way of corruption through their system. And I will also have a fine face, body, and voice to wear! Not to mention a himbo – Makoto you said – waiting for me and fulfilling my every need!” he laughed maniacally, thinking about the new future he is about the possess. “ It was a shame though, that we only had one dose of skinsuit formula, and we had to use it on this lad Rin right here. The dumb boy sniffed out our hideout too soon, but it all worked out in the end I guess. Now tell me, does it feel good to be Rin?”
         “ So good sir! I have never felt this fit and young in my entire life. And his memory also served as a good tool to our plan sir.” The fat man replied.
         “ Well done.. Now for your price, I will let you keep this skin for yourself. And I will also give you a little prize for you. Now where the suit up, but save for the head.”
         The fat man pulled up the toned body as instructed, and when he finished, he looked up to see the tall man had already pulled out a mask version of Sousuke, probably failed copy, but he still could tell the difference. The tall man then pulled the mask over his head and pressed the mask into the right place, turned his head left and right, cracked his neck, and after a while, there was the handsome Sousuke face on an old and lanky man’s body.
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         “ How do I sound?”
         “ Just like him, sir!”
         “ Good... well then now, I want you to enjoy what comes next but do not make a sound, or else I will cut off your tongue!” The tall man ordered, in a deep voice Sousuke. He then pulled the other man’s stolen cock out and begin to stroke, all the while taunting the fat man with his deep and sexy voice.
         “ How does it feel Rin?”
         “ I love you, Rin.”
         “ You made me cheat on my love, how naughty of you!”
         The fat man tried his hardest to not make a sound but he was so close to the edge. Noticing this, the other man pulled Rin’s facial skin over the other man’s skull and whispered:
         “ Now, scream my name – Sousuke”.
         And he moaned as he told, as rope and rope of white cum poured out like a fountain of youth. After he was done, the two shared a kiss, and the taller man peeled off the Sousuke’s face, while the other man could only sinked back to the sofa, hot and breathless from the wonderful experience earlier.
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         “ Soon, there will only be one Sousuke and that would be me. Enjoy your time, Sousuke, you will pay for what you had once done to me and your love will also pay for it!”. Then he laughed, laugh like an omen of a dark age shall soon fall over Iwatobi.
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