#firestorm heater
motoalliance · 5 months
Discover High-Quality Cab Heaters from Leading Auto Parts Manufacturer
When the temperatures drop and winter's icy grip takes hold, there's nothing quite like stepping into a warm and cozy cab. Whether you're embarking on a long-haul journey or tackling rugged terrain, having a reliable source of warmth is essential for both comfort and safety. That's why we're excited to introduce you to the latest in cab heater technology from our premier auto parts manufacturer.
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At MotoAlliance, we understand the importance of keeping drivers comfortable no matter the weather conditions. Our team of skilled engineers has developed an impressive lineup of high-quality cab heaters that are guaranteed to provide reliable warmth along with exceptional performance. Say goodbye to chilly mornings and frozen fingertips – it's time to discover the ultimate solution for staying snug behind the wheel. In this blog post, we'll delve into the innovative features of our cab heaters and explore how they can transform your driving experience during even the harshest winters. Get ready to uncover everything you need to know about these cutting-edge devices from leading auto parts innovators! So buckle up as we take you on a journey through warmth and reliability that will leave you yearning for those colder days! Reliable Warmth, Reliable Performance: Cab Heaters by a Premier Auto Parts Manufacturer
When it comes to cab heaters, reliability is key. You want a heater that you can count on to keep you warm no matter the conditions outside. That's where our premier auto parts manufacturer excels. Our team of experts has gone above and beyond to create cab heaters that are not only reliable but also deliver exceptional performance. One of the standout features of our cab heaters is their ability to provide consistent warmth even in extreme cold. We understand that driving in freezing temperatures can be uncomfortable and even dangerous, which is why we've designed our heaters to combat this issue head-on. With advanced heating elements and efficient airflow systems, our cab heaters ensure that you stay cozy throughout your journey. In addition to their reliability, our cab heaters are built for durability. We know that auto parts need to withstand tough conditions, so we've engineered these devices with high-quality materials and components. This means they can handle everything from bumpy off-road adventures to long-haul trips without skipping a beat. But what truly sets our cab heaters apart is their outstanding performance. Our engineers have utilized cutting-edge technology and innovative design techniques to maximize heat output while minimizing power consumption. This ensures not only optimal comfort but also efficiency – saving both energy and money in the process. Whether you're a professional driver or simply someone who wants a comfortable ride during winter months, our premier auto parts manufacturer has the perfect solution for you: reliable warmth combined with unbeatable performance. Don't settle for anything less when it comes to staying snug behind the wheel – choose our top-of-the-line cab heaters today! Uncover the Latest in Cab Heater Technology from Auto Parts Innovators
Uncovering the latest in cab heater technology is an exciting endeavor, especially when it comes from auto parts innovators. These industry leaders are constantly pushing the boundaries to provide high-quality and reliable cab heaters that ensure warmth and comfort during those chilly winter months. One of the standout features of these new cab heaters is their superior performance. With advanced heating elements and innovative design, they can quickly warm up your vehicle's cabin, allowing you to hit the road without delay. Say goodbye to shivering while waiting for your car to heat up! Not only do these cab heaters excel in performance, but they also prioritize safety. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, such as automatic shut-off systems and overheating protection mechanisms, you can have peace of mind knowing that you're investing in a product that puts your well-being first. Auto parts innovators understand that every vehicle is unique, which is why their range of cab heaters caters to various makes and models. Whether you drive a compact car or a heavy-duty truck, there's a cab heater designed specifically for your vehicle. Furthermore, these manufacturers offer easy installation options for DIY enthusiasts who prefer tackling projects themselves. Detailed instructions and user-friendly interfaces make it hassle-free to install these cab heaters without needing extensive mechanical knowledge or experience. In addition to functionality and ease of installation, auto parts innovators also prioritize energy efficiency. Their cutting-edge designs incorporate energy-saving features that not only reduce fuel consumption but also contribute towards environmental sustainability. So if you're looking for top-notch quality combined with impressive innovation when it comes to cab heater technology – look no further than leading auto parts manufacturers. Discovering their latest offerings will undoubtedly leave you impressed by how far this industry has come in providing reliable warmth on those cold winter days!
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dertaglichedan · 11 months
GOP lawmakers slam Biden administration’s proposed clamp down on home water heaters
Water heaters could soon be subject to much more stringent efficiency requirements if a recent Department of Energy proposal that has been criticized by Republican lawmakers goes into effect.
In a draft rule unveiled Friday, the Biden administration is seeking to compel most electric water heaters to deploy heat pump technology and gas-fired ones to use condensing technology.
It comes months after the Biden administration ignited a firestorm over feared stove top regulations, after Albany lawmakers enacted a controversial first-in-the-nation gas stove ban in New York.
“Today’s actions—together with our industry partners and stakeholders—improve outdated efficiency standards for common household appliances, which is essential to slashing utility bills for American families and cutting harmful carbon emissions,” Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm
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The Biden administration anticipates the regulatory plan, set to go into effect by 2029, will save Americans $198 billion and slash CO2 emissions by 501 million metric tons over the next 30 years.
The department is planning to ratchet up the minimum efficiency standards for gas-fire water heaters, oil-fired storage water heaters, and gas-fired instantaneous water heaters.
The collective efficiency measures were set to save Americans $570 billion over three decades, officials said.
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anthonyredhead · 10 months
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Firestorm Part 6: By the Light of the Dawn
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021 Liu Kang x Reader
You wake up to the sweetest sight.
A/N: having a pretty rough week so not much for words other than that I hope you are all doing great and thank you for reading <3 love you!
Start From the Beginning << Previous Chapter Next Chapter >> Chapter Index
It was still raining.
You could feel the cold mist from the window and pulled the blankets up a little higher. It was colder than you remembered and that was because you were alone. Your space heater was gone. Liu Kang had left at some point. You had to remind yourself that he was a busy man but you were also disappointed not to wake up in his arms. They were spectacular arms, after all. And they had left you with the most wonderful of memories.
You rolled onto your side, tugging the blanket securely beneath your arms and pushed your wild hair away from your face. Much to your surprise, you spotted Liu Kang on the floor, meditating next to your bed. He hadn’t left after all. Your stomach was filled with butterflies that were doing acrobatics and you admired him. He sat shirtless, eyes closed, breathing deep and, rather shamelessly, you watched him. Why wouldn’t you? It wasn’t like how you felt about him was exactly a secret anymore. Things had happened in such a blur that you felt you had more than earned the chance to admire him. He was a fine specimen of a man.
Was it wrong of you to love how vascular he was? Why was it such a turn on? You couldn’t explain it. It just did all the right things for you. You adjusted on the bed and watched him. You’d wait patiently for him to finish up. There were thousands of things you had to think about that morning but right now the only thing you wanted to think about was Liu Kang.
The moment was peaceful. You nearly fell back to sleep.
When he finished his posture changed and he peeked one eye open to catch your gaze. You watched as those perfect lips curled into that subtle and familiar smile, how his eyes sparkled with admiration. You shook off the chills. He crawled over to you and, hand engulfing your cheek, pressed his lips to yours in a stolen kiss. You smiled against his lips but returned the sweet sentiment. You weren’t sure you’d ever get used to kissing Liu Kang. It made those butterflies do flips again.
“Mmm…” You pointed at him and then gently poked his shoulder with the same finger. “Morning breath.” Your lips brushed against his as you spoke and you couldn’t take your eyes off of them. He laughed and it was a sweet and soft sound. He looked tired.
“Morning breath.” He repeated but did not pull away from you. His thumb brushed just against your cheek and then, despite your proclamation of morning breath, his lips captured yours again. Your heart was in your throat. Fuck morning breath, these kisses were well worth it. They were so sweet and tender, the perfect thing to wake up to. You shivered as he pulled back. Then he folded his arms on the edge of the bed and rested his chin on his forearm. You scooted back just enough to better catch his gaze.
Your past self never would have believed this. The woman who had woken up in the infirmary with Liu Kang taking care of her and had attacked him with a frail needle out of fear never would have believed it. You’d been attracted to him from that first moment and now here you were, lost in those dark and thoughtful eyes.
“I have to go but I didn’t want to leave without seeing you.” He offered a tired smile. Had he not slept? You figured that he had to go. Honestly, you’d expected him to be gone. He’d been so busy since you’d gotten back from Huangshan. The fact that he’d refused to leave that morning without seeing you was incredibly generous and thoughtful. You were grateful. If you hadn’t gotten to see him, you would have been wondering what it meant all damn day. You were going to be wondering that anyway but at least now you’d know that it hadn’t been a mistake. That sweet morning kiss had been the best reassurance.
“I appreciate that.”
“Are you okay?” His eyes were sparkling with mischief, as if he knew the answer, so you narrowed your eyes at him.
“You know damn well that I’m just fine.” You teased. He looked rather pleased with himself again and you couldn’t blame him, really. You were becoming quite the fan of confident Liu Kang. His cockiness was kind of adorable. It was less like a strutting bird the way Kung Lao could be and more like a puppy after being told they’d been good. “Are you okay? You look tired.” You leaned your chin on your hand, elbow rested on the bed. Liu Kang admired you, like you were just as worthy of admiration as he was. That was still something you struggled to wrap your mind around. You’d never put much effort into your looks. To think that maybe he had admired you the way you admired him when he wasn’t looking was astounding. It was wonderful.
“Yes. I’m working on a sleep deficit.” He pushed your hair away from your face and tucked it again behind your ear. You were an addict for that sweet motion. It gave you the chills again and your heart sped up. These were stolen moments in the morning with Liu Kang. What a way to start the day. You should have probably taken those moments to talk about this. To talk about what you’d done. About the clear and obvious connection you’d shared since the moment you met.
But now didn’t seem to be the time. He had to go. You would find time later. Not that he seemed to be rushing out of the room. No, instead of getting dressed he’d elected to brush his fingers through your hair. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch.
You had plenty to think about after he left. You hadn’t been careful and you hadn’t been on birth control for about a month now, at least. Time was kind of funny since you’d gotten to Raiden’s Temple. Those days lost in unconsciousness had altered your perception of it. The idea of asking Chen for help with fertility issues made you want to die of embarrassment. But it was either see if the infirmary could help you out or find your way to the nearest city so you could help yourself.
You were happy to do that but you had the distinct feeling that going to a city involved asking Kung Lao, Liu Kang, or Raiden for permission and asking anyone besides Liu Kang would be mortifying. You’d work on getting your story straight first. Since you were such a horrendous liar, you had to come up with a legitimate reason to need to leave the temple, one that you could talk about without stuttering or giving yourself away. That was something you struggled with.
But that was a problem for later. Right now, you were enjoying your stolen morning with Liu Kang because you were sure that wherever he needed to be? He was late. These moments were made that much more precious. He had worlds to say behind his dark eyes but he didn’t say any of them.
There was no time.
But there would be plenty of time later. With any luck, you’d be seeing Liu Kang more consistently than you had been since you’d returned from Huangshan. Even if it was only late at night or in a moment of free time, you would take it. You longed for those days where you sat huddled close together, pouring over passages from a book. Just a few minutes in his arms was all you needed.
“I have to go.” He pulled his hand back with a heavy sigh. Then, regrettably, he began the process of getting dressed. You continued to admire him with a smile, eyes lingering on the dragon mark on his side. He looked to you in surprise and you shrugged. Then he bowed to you politely after he’d been dressed. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“Later, Liu.”
He left, closing the door gingerly behind him. Then you whined and pulled the blankets over your head, curling up. That was a reminder of how naked you were.
You’d slept with Liu Kang.
It hadn’t been a one-night thing where you’d submitted to your attraction to each other, either. Part of you had thought that once you’d gotten that tension and lust out of your system then the attraction would have faded. Maybe your relationship would have shifted. But that hadn’t been the case. Not at all.
If anything it had made the tension that much more intense. You hadn’t discussed it but he had stayed with you. He’d waited patiently for you to wake up just so he could have that moment with you in the morning. There was no more hesitation before kisses either. He’d become quite bold.
Your heart raced just thinking about those gentle kisses in the morning and then the more intimate moments the night before. You pulled the blankets from over your face and fanned yourself. Sitting up, you felt your shoulder ache. Had you overdone it last night? In the heat of the moment you’d felt no pain but now it was back to aching. You should probably check in with Chen about your shoulder. You would consider how to ask about birth control without giving yourself away, too.
There were dozens of reasons besides sex to ask about it. You could use any one of those as an excuse to go to a city when Chen, inevitably, didn’t have any. It was as good an excuse as any and you thought you might be able to pull it off with a straight face. You wanted to take care of your reproductive health, that was all. Also you didn’t want to get knocked-up with any tiny versions of you and Liu. Getting up, you got cleaned up, dressed, and made your way toward the infirmary.
After rounding the corner that led to the stairs, you nearly ran right into Kung Lao. He beamed at the sight of you and you stumbled back and were immediately defensive.
Childhood crush and best friend standing right in front of you. You were not ready to deal with that yet.
You guessed he was likely on Y/N-duty again but he seemed pretty happy about it.
“Hi.” You didn’t mean to sound defensive and jumpy but you were defensive, jumpy and a terrible liar.
“Wow. Is that any way to greet a friend? What’s going on with you?”
“You surprised me and my shoulder kills and…” You managed to take a deep breath and relax enough to sound less perturbed than you were. Kung Lao grasped your wrist and urged you to show him the mark on your shoulder. You did, but with a roll of your eyes.
“Aching today?”
“Sounds silly but I think the rain makes it worse.”
“Not silly. I have this knee thing that’s like that. Old injury. When it rains like this it still hurts.” He shrugged and let go of your wrist then grinned. “I saw Liu on the way here. Did he stop by this morning? He looked happier than usual. Usually has something to do with you.”
“Uh…” You stuttered nervously and knew you either had to lie or spill your guts right there and you were not ready to spill your guts. You hadn’t even talked to Liu about it yet, dammit! “Yeah, I saw him. I’m glad he’s happy.”
“You’re being weirder than usual.”
“Am I?” You were high-pitched again and Kung Lao laughed at you but dismissed your weirdness. Thank goodness you’d been so weird lately that Kung Lao didn’t notice the difference when you were extra uncomfortable.
“The rain is supposed to stop soon so I figured we could go someplace safe to try and get your crazy arcana under control. If you’re up for it, that is.”
“I mean…” You weren’t sure that you were up for it but you also knew that it was important to do just that. You hoped beyond hope that it was possible. It would be nice to sleep without worrying about imprisoning yourself in your room or hurting someone lying in bed next to you.
“What’s your excuse today?” Kung Lao sighed rather dramatically.
“You’re full of reasons not to deal with it lately.”
“If the captain of avoidance is calling me out then it must be bad.”
“That’s right, Y/N.”
“I was going to the infirmary to get my shoulder checked out but I suppose it can wait.” You considered your options. It would be nice to feel capable for a few minutes. “It’s been worse than this before, so it’s not urgent.” You needed to get the whole ‘birth control’ thing settled too but waiting a few hours wasn’t going to change what you’d done. In the meantime, maybe you could come up with a reason for you and Kung Lao to go to the nearest city or something. He was easily distracted by shiny things. You could absolutely manage to get what you needed without him noticing.
“I can try to help with some stretches for it, if you want.”
“You’re not a doctor so I’m going to say no.” You headed again to the stairs. Even if you did go to work on your arcana with Kung Lao, you still needed food. You were ravenous.
“Y/N! I happen to be an excellent martial artist. You think I don’t know how to take care of my body?”
“Fine, fine. You can show me some stretches. You’re an excellent whatever. I need food. Are you coming or can I go?”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“I don’t care, Kung Lao. I need food.”
“Are you avoiding me? Because now it’s starting to sound like you’re avoiding me.” Kung Lao teased and grasped your wrist to keep you from going down the stairs.
“No, I’m not avoiding you. I’m trying to get breakfast.” You laughed though part of you thought avoiding him until you could talk to Liu was a good idea. You’d gotten so swept up in the night before that you hadn’t thought about the lifelong connection and romantic tension that was Kung Lao. It wasn’t like sleeping with Liu Kang made that disappear. Kung Lao had been your dream for so much of your life that now you weren’t sure how to feel. You felt guilty for the connection you had with Liu Kang even if you knew you shouldn’t.
You had to talk to Kung Lao but what exactly would you say? That you were mixed up after doing what you did with Liu Kang? That you weren’t sure what anything meant anymore? That seemed like a dumb way to start a conversation especially since Kung Lao ran from feelings like they were trying to kill him. You had to talk to Liu first but that also felt awkward. For a terrifying moment you considered that maybe Liu Kang wouldn’t want this to be more than a physical thing. It wasn’t like you’d actually discussed feelings even if you had come much closer to it than you and Kung Lao had.
Your tiny brain was suddenly so distracted by terrifying new obstacles that it went into panic mode.
“Are you okay? I was just teasing.” Kung Lao broke you out of your thoughts. He was looking at you as though you had seven heads. That was fair.
“I’m okay.” You calmed down.
“You’re being weird. Are you sure you don’t need to talk about something?”
“I’m sure.” You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. There was something you did need to talk about that you hadn’t yet. You knew about the bet that he and Liu had made regarding you and your choice. Liu had come clean but Kung Lao hadn’t said a word even though you were certain that he was the guiltier party. Liu Kang had taken responsibility for it but you knew them both well enough to guess Kung Lao’s involvement. “Is there something that you need to talk to me about?” You batted your eyelashes. Good. Turn it around on him. Then maybe he’d stop prying so much.
“Uh…” There was that guilt radiating from him again. It was brief. His face had dropped and his expression had tightened. But it was only a flicker before he was back to his goofy self. “No. You’re right though. Food first. If your arcana is still draining you then you definitely need to eat. And I could go for some tea.”
“Kung Lao, are you lying to me?” Hands on your hips, you watched him expectantly.
“You’d never be able to tell if I was, Y/N.”
“Oh? Is that so? Then how much of what you’ve said since you found me has been a lie, exactly?” He deserved this, you decided. Besides, you’d promised Liu Kang that you might pretend to be a little mad at Kung Lao until he told you the truth.
“I didn’t mean it like that, Y/N. Don’t be like that.”
“But if you’re such a gifted liar then how could I possibly be sure that anything is the truth?” You were proud to have successfully navigated your way through that conversation. You were no longer the one on edge.
“Wow, okay. I’m going to shut your mouth with food here in a second so we can focus.” He laughed, lazily urging his arm around your shoulder. “You’re thinking too much, Y/N. It’s a problem.”
“Is that a lie? If I can never tell that you’re lying, then everything could be a lie, Kung Lao. I had no idea you were so gifted.”
“I regret saying that.”
“You should.”
“Just please come eat with me. I’m sorry that I said I was such a good liar. I exaggerated for comedic effect, okay?”
“But what if that’s a lie.” You teased and then patted him on the back. “I’m kidding. Let’s find food.” You decided to go to the infirmary when you were done training with Kung Lao. For now you would get food, train, and go from there. You’d try to convince him to go into the city with you too. Why not?
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ask-mna · 5 years
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Main Characters
Lloyd Garmadon/Dragon Master
Quirk - Golden Dregon Dragon
Lloyd can basically summon a tiny golden dragon with four heads. He named it Ultra after UA’s motto, and it kind of has a mind of its own.
He inherited his quirk from his grandmother. It has four heads due to his father’s quirk.
Lloyd is the shortest of the group and is often teased for it.
Ultra’s power relies on Lloyd’s own confidence.
Cole Hagane/Obsidian
Quirk - Magma Fist
It works just like the Earth Punch in the show, but it’s power also extends to the rest of his limbs too (Magma Head-butt, Magma Kick, etc.)
He’s very fatherly towards everyone.
Often has an exhausted expression on his face due to worrying about others.
Kai Sumisu/Tormenta de Fuego (Firestorm)
Quirk - Heat Up
He can overheat his body to the point wood will catch fire around him. He gels his hair, so it always lights up when he does this.
Kai is a literal hot-head!
Kai got his scar from accidentally burning himself during a fit of rage. Heating up enough that this happens is very difficult for him.
Jay Aruku/Battery Boi
Quirk - 50% More Power
Jay’s brain has 50% more electricity running through it than normal people, so he can do everything faster. Downside, he doesn’t usually think straight.
Jay doesn’t have a weakness to water, but it slows down his body’s speed to that of a normal person’s.
Zane Sōzō/Nindroid
Quirk - Freeze Touch
Zane was born prematurely, so his body doesn’t have the natural aversion to his quirk like it should. If he used it, he would literally start to freeze to death.
He has cybernetics installed so he can use his quirk freely.
His heart has a heater in it, so his hugs are nice.
Nya Sumisu/Ripple
Quirk - Water Touch
Nya can control water, but only if she touches it. She can also soak it up like a sponge and spray it out later. She can use the water in her body too, but she has to stay really hydrated.
Nya loves to soak up water and later spray it at her brother when he’s asleep.
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factcoach4 · 2 years
40 In White Freestanding Electric Fireplace Timer Remote LED PlugIn Adjustable
The 40 In. White Freestanding Electric Fire fireplace fireplace is perfect for any room in the house! With its own timer and adjustable light level, this fireplace is perfect for a smaller home or office. The fireplace is also covered in hideaway glass, making it a beautiful addition to any home!
Electric Fireplace 40 in Freestanding Faux Stone Infrared Tan Brown w/ Mantel
The Electric fireplace fireplace is a great addition to your home and can be used to fire up the home and provide comfort to your visitors. The fireplace can be used with either a real fire or electric fire. The electric fireplaces are not only easy to use, but they're also very affordable. With so many electric fires available, you're sure to find one that's perfect for your home.
The Furion built-in electric fireproofing is perfect for any home/office. With its integrated electric fireplace andoperating/installation manual, the Furion makes setting fire a simple and easy experience.
Large White Electric Fireplace with Color Changing Effects Remote 50 x 21
The Large White Electric fireplace with color changing effects is perfect for a larger home. This fireplace is perfect for a home with a small Giles size of 50 x 21 feet or larger. It can easily accommodate a larger firestorm SEI. The electric fireplace has a fire area of 1,000 square feet and can be set to fire up to 21 degrees Celsius. The features of this electric fireplace include: - color changing effects - all at once or in waves -ihuhtness management - fail safe - 50 x 21-inch firewood - easy home installation - 10-year warranty
Electric Wall Fireplace
The Electric Wall fireplace is the perfect solution for any fire place. With its electric power you can unregulated and enjoy complete control over your fire. The electric power means you can use this fire fireplace in any room or house Fireplaces . Plus, the electric power means you can keep your fireplace going for a long time.
Jolydale Electric Fireplace 30/50 Inches Wide
The Jolydale fireplace is a perfect 30/50 inch fireplace that is perfect for a small room or home. It has a beautiful, modern design and is made from durable materials. It is also weatherproof and easy to operate. This fireplace is a great choice for anyone who wants to fire up the fireplace in their home or in the office.
30'' Electric Fireplace Recessed&Wall Mounted W/ Remote,Touch Screen multi Flame
This electric fireplace fireplace is designed with a 30'' electric fireplace that is recessed in a wall mount and has a touch screen multi-flameless fireplace that burns coal or gas. It is also wall mountable for easy access to any of your friends and family. The touch screen allows you to control the fire from anywhere in the room, and theRecessed&Wall Mounted W/Remote,Touch Screen multi-flameless fireplace is designed to last for years by not using
60" Fireplace Electric Recessed Wall Mounted Heater w/ Remote Control
This 60 fireplace electric wallmounted heater has a remote-controlled fire starter that can be>[. . ] This 60 fireplace electric wallmounted heater is perfect for any room that needs a fire starter. With a standard outlet and remote control, this heater can be set up in minutes. The sleek, modern design can be found on any room from home improvement projects to wedding ceremonies Fireplaces, Fire Pits, Grills, BBQs, Torches and Fire Features.amsfireplace.com.
Zokop 22" Infrared Electric Fireplace Space Heater 1500W Knob Control
The Zokop 22 is an infrared electric fireplace fireplace space heaters that will soon be very popular in the fireplaces out there. It has a 22"W x 16"L x 24"H design that will fit most spaces without having to be increased in size. It has a 1500 watt power output and is controlled with a knob on the front that allows the heat to to be turned on and off with a simple touch. The back of the heater has a light as well as a voicemail function. This is a great choice for those who love the option of using their fireplace without having to constantly worry about where to place it in the room. If you're looking for a space heater that will do the job right, the Zokop 22 is a great option.
50" Cambridge electric wall fireplace
The 50 Cambridge electric wall fireplace is a great addition to your interiors Regency Fireplace Products . It is efficient, and it is a great value for the price. This fireplace is sure to make your home come alive withlegendary fire POWER.
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writinggeisha · 5 years
Fire, flames, inferno …
Since ancient times, humans have known about fire. We have feared it, welcomed its warmth, and harnessed its power.
John Wesley said that if you catch on fire, people will come for miles to see you burn. He understood the intrinsic attraction flames represent for most people.
The Greek philosopher Plutarch said that the mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.
One of Ray Bradbury’s characters in Fahrenheit 451 voiced his thoughts about fire: “It’s perpetual motion; the thing man wanted to invent but never did. … If you let it go on, it’d burn our lifetimes out. … It’s a mystery. … Its real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. … Antibiotic, aesthetic, practical.”
Would your WIP benefit from a few flames?
Careful selection of adjectives reveals opinions.
An arsonist might refer to a structure fire as irresistible, majestic, or resplendent. However, a fire fighter might view it as catastrophic, devastating, or uncontrolled. A couple in love might gaze at the flames in a fireplace and consider them beautiful, cheerful, or romantic. An ancient priest?  Perhaps his fire is ceremonial, holy, or sacred.
Choose descriptors with care, researching the definitions if necessary. For example, pyrotechnic refers to grandiose displays such as fireworks or a rock band’s lightshow, while pyrotechny, although sometimes used interchangeably with pyrotechnic, more correctly refers to the use of fire in alchemy.
Beware flammable and inflammable. Some readers will think the first word means “to catch fire easily,” while the second means “impervious to fire.” But they share the same definition: “easily set on fire.” Better to stick with straightforward words such as combustible and fireproof.
In addition to the words in the following list, many adjectives can be created by adding -ing or -ed to verbs.
A Ablaze, accidental, aflame, alight, angry
B Benign, beautiful, blinding, bright, brilliant, brisk, brutal
C Capricious, catastrophic, celestial, ceremonial, cheerful, cheery, chemical, clean-burning, cleansing, close, coal, cold, concentrated, constant, contained, cozy, cruel
D Dangerous, dead, deadly, deliberate, deliberately set, dense, destructive, devastating, disastrous, distant, divine, dormant
E Effulgent, electrical, elemental, empyreal, endless, enraged, erratic, ethereal, everlasting, evil, expansive, explosive
F Feeble, fiendish, fierce, forked, furious
G Gas, ghostly, glorious, greedy
H Harmless, hazardous, heavenly, hellish, historic, holy, huge, hungry
I Impure, incandescent, incessant, indefatigable, ineffectual, inefficient, infernal, infinite, innocuous, insatiable, intense, invincible, invisible, irresistible
L Latent, life-threatening, liquid, live, luminous
M Magical, majestic, malevolent, malignant, massive, memorable, merciless, molten, monstrous, murderous, mystical
N Noiseless, noisy
O Open, out-of-control
P Pentecostal, perpetual, persistent, phantom, phosphorous, pitiless, pleasant, portentous, potent, purgatorial, purposeless, pyrotechnic
Q Quenchless
R Radiant, radioactive, random, rapid, ravenous, raw, red-hot, relentless, resplendent, righteous, rolling, romantic, ruthless
S Sacred, sacrificial, savage, silent, sinister, slow, sluggish, small, smokeless, sporadic, subterranean, sulfurous, suspicious, swift
T Terrible, thermonuclear, thick, torrid
U Unceasing, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, unending, unexpected, unholy, unquenchable, unremitting, untamed, useful, useless
V Vehement, vicious, vigorous, volatile, volcanic
W Wanton, warm, wasteful, wayward, welcome, white-hot, widespread, wild, wondrous, wood-burning, wrathful
Similes and Metaphors
Many similes and metaphors border on cliché. Try to replace them with more direct terms (except in dialogue). For example:
Hot as fire: blistering, boiling, broiling, searing, sizzling, torrid
Like a house on fire: fast, speedy; dynamic, robust, vigorous
Spread like wildfire: disseminate or circulate rapidly
Fire of passion: ardor, fervor, fever, hunger, lust
Fiery anger: fury, outrage, rage, wrath
Many fuels produce colorful flames. Pyrotechnics displays take advantage of this fact.
Blue: butane, copper chloride (cuprous chloride)
Green: borax, (laundry additive, ant traps), boric acid, copper sulfate (cupric sulfate)
Orange: calcium chloride, sodium chloride (table salt)
Pink: potassium chloride
Red: lithium chloride, strontium chloride, strontium nitrate
Yellow: barium chloride
Carbon monoxide burns orange or yellow, whereas a properly functioning gas stove will burn blue. Hot candle flames are light blue, cooling to yellow, then orange, and finally, red.
Verbs (1)
Characters might:
Add paper, coal, or wood to a fire
Blow on a fire
Build a fire
Bury a fire, embers, or coals
Cast fireballs
Cloak a fire
Conceal a fire
Cook over a fire
Cuddle next to a fire
Discharge tendrils of fire
Douse a fire with water, dirt, or sand
Dry hair, body, or clothing in front of a fire
Escape a fire
Extinguish a fire with water, dry chemicals, or sand
Fan a fire
Feed a fire
Fight a fire
Find a fire (perhaps by monitoring thermal images from an aircraft)
Fireproof an object
Fling fireballs
Fling tendrils of fire
Gaze into a fire
Hurl fireballs
Ignite a fire
Kindle a fire
Light a fire
Nestle next to a fire
Put out a fire
Quench a fire
Set fire to something
Set something ablaze, aflame, or afire
Shoot fiery arrows
Snuff out a fire
Snuggle in front of a fireplace
Spit-roast meat over an open fire or hot coals
Squat next to a fire
Stare into a fire
Stir a fire
Stoke a fire
Tend to a fire
Throw wet sacks over a fire
Torture someone with fire
Toss something into a fire
Warm oneself by a fire
Watch a fire
Worship fire
Verbs (2)
Fire or flames might:
A Advance, ascend, assault, attack
B Bake, belch, besiege, blacken, blanket, blast, blaze, blister, blossom, blow out, boil, burn (down, out), burst (out, through)
C Carbonize, cascade, cast a glow, catch, cavort, char, chase, cleanse, combust, confuse, consume, cook, coruscate, cover, crackle, creep, cremate
D Damage, dance, decimate, deflagrate, deluge, destroy, devour, die
E Eat, embrace, engulf, enkindle, explode
F Fizzle (out), flame (out, up), flare (up), flash, flicker, fly, follow, frighten, fulgurate
G Glare, gleam, glow, gorge, grope (for), gush (up)
H Harden, heat, hiss, hurdle, hurtle
I Ignite, illuminate, immolate, incinerate, inundate, invite
K Kill, kindle
L Lap, lash, leap (into life), lick, light (up), linger, loom
M Mesmerize, move
O Overtake, overwhelm
P Play, pop, purify
R Race, radiate, rage, rampage, reach (for), retreat, rip through, roar, roast
S Scintillate, scorch, sear, shoot, simmer, singe, sizzle, smoke, smolder, snake through, snap, spark, speed, spill, splutter, spread, sputter, start, surge, swallow, sweep (over, through), swelter, swirl
T Tear through, threaten, twinkle
W Wander, whip, whisper
Many water words can also be applied to fire.
There is a huge difference between a campfire and a wildfire, a fireball and a firestorm. A few nouns that could replace fire include:
Avalanche of flames, ball of fire, blaze, bonfire, brushfire, bushfire, campfire, conflagration, curtain of flames, fireball, firestorm, flames, forest fire, grassfire, inferno, sea of flames, sheet of flames, tsunami of flames, wall of flames, wildfire
Props, whether objects, events, or people, add to a storyline:
A Accelerant, alarm, alert, ambulance, arson, arsonist, ash, ax
B Backdraft, barbecue, barricade, bellows, blister, blowtorch, boiler, bomb, bottle bomb, brazier, broiler, bucket brigade, burns, bush, butane
C C-4, candle, chain reaction, charcoal, chemicals, chimney, cigarette butt, cinders, clinkers, coal, combustibles, combustion, cookstove, cremation
D Dynamite
E Embers, EMT, explosives
F Fire brigade, fire department, fire eater, fire escape, fire extinguisher, fire hose, fire insurance, fire pumps, fire ring, fire screen, fire striker, fire trench, fire triangle, fire warden, fire watch, firebrand, firebreak, firebug, firecrackers, firedamp, firefighter, fireplace, firestop, fire-suppression system, fireworks, flame-keeper, flamethrower, flammability, flash, flashover, flashpoint, flint, foam, fuel, fumes, furnace
G Gas, gas lamp, gas leak, gas stove, gases, glare, glow, grill
H Halon, hearth, heat, heat sensor, heat signature, heater, heat-resistant clothing or uniform, hellfire, hoops of fire, hose, hose nozzle, hydrant, hydrazine
I IED, ignition, illusionist, incandescence, incendiary device, infrared energy, insurance, intensity, investigation
J Jet, jet fuel
K Kerosene, kerosene heater, kiln, kindling
L Laser, lava, lighter, lighter fluid, lightning, logs, luminosity
M Magician, magnesium, matches, meth lab, Molotov cocktail
N Napalm, natural gas, necromancer, nitroglycerine
O Oast, odor, oil, oil drum, oil tanker, origin, oven
P Paramedic, petrol, petrol bomb, petroleum, plasma, police, potassium, prevention, propane, propane tank, pyre, pyromania, pyrophobia, pyrotechny
R Rescue vehicle, retardant, risk, rocket, Roman candle
S Sacrifice, shovel, siren, smell, smoke, smoke detector, smoke signals, soot, sorcerer, sparks, sparkler, speed, spontaneous combustion, sprinkler system, sprinklers, suppressant, swath
T Thermal camera, thermal imager, thermal images, thermal radiation, tinder, TNT, toaster, toaster oven, torch, trees, trench
V Victims, volcano, volunteers
W Warlock, water main, welder’s mask, wick, witch, wizard, wood, woodpile
Z Zip fuel
Clichés and Idioms
Too many repetitions of fire in your WIP? Locate phrases such as the following and replace them with shorter alternatives.
Fight fire with fire: counter, fight back, get even, retaliate
Fire in one’s blood: ardor, fervor, passion, zeal
Fire of life: elan, enthusiasm, gusto, vigor, vivacity
Go up in flames: be destroyed, burn, combust, disappear, explode
Light a fire under: coerce, impel, induce, prod, push, urge
Pass through the fire: desensitize, harden, inure, test, toughen
Play with fire: endanger, gamble, jeopardize, risk
Too many irons in the fire: inundated, overwhelmed, swamped
Trial by fire: gauntlet, ordeal, stress, test
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Hit the trails with confidence and take your off-roading adventures to new heights! When it comes to enhancing your ATV or UTV, there are certain accessories that rise above the rest: winches. These powerful additions not only enhance the style of your ride but also provide unmatched versatility and durability for tackling any terrain. Whether you're a seasoned off-road enthusiast or just starting out, upgrading to a Viper winch is a game-changer that will revolutionize your off-roading experience. Strap in tight as we dive into why this accessory is a must-have for every thrill-seeker out there!
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racingtoaredlight · 6 years
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This week, initial excerpts from a new book by journalist and former businessman Michael Wolff about the first year of the Trump administration raised eyebrows by placing the president in a poor light, exposing criticism of the president by his former chief strategist, Steven Bannon, and declaring that Donald Trump never wanted to become president in the first place and was ink fact aghast at the election night result in November 2016. Chapters from Wolff’s book—which was scheduled to be released on January 9, but instead had its release date moved by the publisher to this morning—appeared in New York Magazine, the Hollywood Reporter, and GQ Magazine. Predictably, the president reacted to Bannon’s criticism of his children in the book by saying that Bannon has “lost his mind.” Rather than quell the firestorm created by the book, subsequent coverage has only highlighted other less noticeable but just as embarrassing criticisms of Donald Trump, namely that he refuses to read any briefings or memos, even if they are a single page long, and regularly checks out of meetings with international leaders.
Rather than ignore the book, instead Trump attempted to counter it in two ways: by threatening to block publication of the book through a lawsuit and by sending a “cease and desist” letter to Steve Bannon directly in order to prevent him from commenting any further on the contents of “Fire and Fury,” the book by Michael Wolff. Little is likely to come from either of those efforts; a cease and desist letter itself has no legal weight and Bannon can choose to ignore it and, if Trump decided to file a lawsuit to enforce the letter, Bannon has more than enough resources to resist it. The lawsuit against Michael Wolff and his publisher is even less likely to amount to anything; the bar for proving defamation is an incredibly high one that requires intent and malice on the part of the publisher. A more practical restraint upon Steve Bannon is the loss of backing by the billionaire Mercer family. In response to Bannon’s comments in “Fire and Fury,” Rebekah Mercer issued a rare public statement which appeared to rebuke Bannon’s conduct in speaking to Wolff for the book.
For those of you waking up anywhere along the East Coast of the United States, the worst of the so-called “bomb cyclone,” which brought historically extreme cold weather and snow from Florida to New England, has passed, but frigid arctic air is set to follow, causing a deep freeze of any and all precipitation that fell over the previous 24 hours. While the storm may have passed, it appears that the extreme conditions are likely to stick around for a few more days. I hope that all of our East Coast readers have stocked up at the liquorsmith and procured enough space heaters. This latter note is important for our brethren in the southeast United States: attempting to heat your home with your oven and/or stove is a bad idea.
In other circumstances, a State Department announcement that all military and security aid to Pakistan, a close and yet not always reliable ally in Afghanistan and terrorist insurgencies, would be suspended, would be front page news. But alas, this is America in the age of Donald Trump. This move by the Trump administration, along with a parallel move to place Pakistan on a “watch list” of countries accused of failing to protect religious freedom, comes days after the president derided the two previous administrations for giving Pakistan $33 billion in aid over 15 years, with nothing to show for it. This criticism led to demonstrations in Pakistani cities and to Pakistan’s foreign ministry to summon the U.S. ambassador in order to demand an explanation. There are two sides to this position: on one hand, publicly criticizing Pakistan and stopping aid from going to the country is more likely to anger Pakistan than to encourage it to change its behavior, but on the other hand, Pakistan has accepted U.S. money and assistance for years while blatantly refusing to go after certain insurgent groups that are alleged to have ties to Pakistan’s national intelligence service, the ISI.
Yet another story that, in an ordinary news cycle, would probably have been above the fold, front page material, the Trump administration abruptly dissolved a commission tasked with investigating allegations of widespread voter fraud. The commission was established by the president shortly after his January inauguration and appeared based on a completely unsupported claim that Trump, who prevailed in the Electoral College, would have also won the popular vote but for millions of illegal votes. The reason given for the dissolution of the controversial commission was the lack of support given to it by individual states, many of which refused to provide voter information to the commission. Given that the reason for the commission’s existence was based upon shoddy if not completely non-existent evidence, it lacked the leverage necessary to convince state election officials to go along with its mission. As focus shifted in the fall from actions by the White House to the effort by the GOP-controlled Congress to pass some meaningful form of tax reform in order to provide a much-needed legislative achievement, the very existence of the commission fell from the headlines and public consciousness.
The apparent dysfunction of the executive and legislative branches of the federal government, along with vitriol which has been focused on these branches by the public and by the members themselves, has led to a strikingly high number of retirements of long-time members of Congress, especially Republicans. Politico talked to several retiring members of Congress from both parties to find out exactly what was propelling some of them, including several that represent safe districts, to leave office.
In Virginia, after a lengthy recount of several extraordinarily close state house district races, the balance of power in the state’s House of Delegates hinged on the outcome of one race. That race, after another comprehensive review by a three judge-panel, ended in a tie. According to state law, the tie was broken yesterday when a state election official drew a plastic film canister out of a ceramic bowl, opened it, and revealed the name of Republican David Yancey. This seemingly contrived way to decide a democratic election ensured that Virginia Republicans will indeed retain control of the House of Delegates, albeit by the slimmest of margins. This will allow the state GOP to act as a brake on the agenda of Democratic Governor-elect Ralph Northam.
Minnesota Democrat Al Franken officially resign his Senate seat on January 2. The very next day his replacement, Minnesota Lt. Governor Tina Smith, was sworn in. Geoffrey Skelley of the Center for Politics looks at the decidedly lesser advantage of incumbency that an appointed Senator enjoys and how this bodes for Smith’s chances of retaining the seat in November.
Since entering office, President Donald Trump’s policy towards Israel and Palestine has been markedly different from that of the two previous administrations, especially the Obama administration. Not only has the Trump administration recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but they have also encouraged Israeli settlement building in the West Bank. Foreign Policy reviews how the Palestinian government of Mahmoud Abbas appears to have little recourse to these policy shifts other than by registering their anger.
Let’s round out this week with a series of longreads. First, how and why the graveyard shift of cleaners at American’s slaughterhouses are the worst employment shifts in the country. Second, while many people have heard of Mount Vesuvius and the threat it poses to the city of Naples, Italy, few people know about the caldera of Campi Flegrei, which poses a greater danger. And finally, a lengthy assertion that there is no defense for the continued existence of the humanities.
Lastly, on January 1, photographer Mark Holtzman captured an instantly iconic image of a B-2 bomber flying over the Rose Bowl during the pregame festivities. In The Atlantic, Holtzman explains how he captured the now viral photograph.
 Welcome to the weekend.
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davidbuckleyborden · 6 years
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nancy-astorga · 7 years
How former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio became the most hated lawman in America
President Donald Trump set off a political firestorm Friday evening when he announced he had pardoned Joe Arpaio, the controversial former Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff who was convicted last month of violating a court order to stop racially profiling Latinos.
Arpaio had been an early and vocal supporter of Trump during his presidential campaign, and Trump had previously hinted that a pardon was likely. Yet that anticipation did little to alleviate the outrage that came mainly from liberals, but also some prominent conservatives.
The pardon, which Trump granted before Arpaio had even been sentenced, was an unusual move that bypassed the typical Justice Department process — pardons are usually requested via formal applications submitted to the Office of the Pardon Attorney at least five years after the applicant is sentenced.
Trump had originally asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions if the federal criminal case against Arpaio could be dropped entirely, but was told that would be inappropriate, according to The Washington Post.
Arpaio, an 85-year-old who called himself America’s “toughest sheriff,” is known for illegally detaining Latinos in Maricopa, Ariz., where he reigned for roughly two dozen years, and he has been sued by citizens and the Justice Department for doing so.
He was notoriously tough — and arguably brutal — towards inmates, too. Sheriff Joe made headlines for calling his “Tent City” jail a “concentration camp,” and for making the inmates there wear pink underwear, eat only two meals a day, and endure unbearably hot temperatures in the summer. Three inmates died after being forced into “restraint chairs” Arpaio kept in his jails.
Arpaio has undoubtedly made national news more than any other sheriff in the nation. He’s also undoubtedly the most reviled lawman, too. How did one man come to have so much power and engender so much venom?
The toughest jails ever
Arpaio ran for sheriff after in the early ’90s, after a 25-year stint with the Drug Enforcement Administration. Arpaio, the son of immigrants from Naples, “pummeled his opponents with gusto,” according to a 2009 profile in The New Yorker.
The main part of his work was operating the county jails, a task he knew had the potential for “political gold,” according to The New Yorker. He set to work right away building his Tent City to solve an overcrowding problem. He saved money by ditching salt and pepper at the jails, cutting back to two meals a day, and depriving inmates of their morning coffee. 
Sheriff Joe’s Tent City — a place where inmates live in Army surplus tents and work in chain gangs — almost immediately captured the attention of the Justice Department. The feds began investigating Tent City in 1995. Two years later, the Justice Department issued a report confirming that Sheriff Joe’s infamous Tent City used excessive force and gratuitously used pepper spray and restraint chairs.
Here’s how one former inmate named Francisco Chairez, who spent a year in Arpaio’s tent city, described it in The Washington Post:
“During the sweltering summer, the temperature could reach 115 or 120 degrees. I was in the tents when we hit 120. It was impossible to stay cool in the oppressive heat. Everyone would strip down to their underwear. There was no cold water, only water from vending machines; and eventually, the machines would run out. People would faint; some had heatstroke. That summer, ambulances came about three times. One man died in his bed.
But the winter was even worse. During the winter, there were no heaters. Most jackets and heavily insulated pants weren’t allowed; they don’t want you to be comfortable.”
The Justice Department gave Arpaio a barely perceptible tap on the wrist. He agreed to a settlement in which he limited use of pepper spray and improved inmates’ grievance procedures.
Then-US Attorney Janet Napolitano led the Justice Department investigation and later got Arpaio’s endorsement when she ran for governor. Napolitano took a largely hands-off policy toward Arpaio after she won her election.
But Arpaio began to make other enemies, including legal ones. The jail system run by Arpaio was hit with a staggering number of lawsuits by inmates and their families. From 2004 through November 2007, Sheriff Joe and his jails were targeted by 2,150 lawsuits, some of which alleged brutality against inmates, the Phoenix New Times reported.
To put this in perspective, the Phoenix New Times noted that the jail systems in New York, Houston, and Chicago combined were hit with 43 lawsuits that same period.
An obsession with immigration that began in 2005
In 2005, Arpaio became “obsessed” with immigration after the state of Arizona passed a law meant to crack down on the smuggling of immigrants, Mother Jones reported. This obsession earned him ire of immigrant advocates in the aughts. In 2008, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon attacked Arpaio for his immigration “sweeps” that involved checking random cars for illegal immigrants. Mother Jones’ Aura Bogado reported from the trenches of his war on illegal immigration:
Native Americans told me they were targeted because deputies mistook them for Latinos. Latinos told me of being stopped randomly on the street and shouted at—or worse—by officers demanding identification. Alex, a third-generation US citizen, was at a Circle K buying water while his parents waited outside. He ran out when he heard a group of Arpaio’s deputies yelling at them to produce their papers. 
It shouldn’t come as a shock that Arpaio was also a supporter of Arizona’s controversial “paper’s please” law of 2010 that requires law enforcement to check people’s ID if they have a “reasonable suspicion” somebody was in the country illegally.
Arpaio won re-election in 2012 despite huge backlash over that law. He even managed to avoid a recall after a federal judge found he’d engaged in systemic discrimination.
The people of Maricopa County for more than two decades seemed to like him — at least enough people to keep getting him elected. After his 2012 re-election the LA Times noted how impervious his career was to scandal, writing that his career was “apparently coated in Teflon.”
Yet by 2016, voters appeared to have tired of Arpaio’s constant controversies and endless cycles of litigation. He lost his re-election bid last November to Democratic opponent Paul Penzone, who won the vote with 55% to Arpaio’s 45%. 
SEE ALSO: 13 Pictures Of Insane Prisoners In Kentucky
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NOW WATCH: Venezuela was Latin America’s richest country and now it is in complete crisis — here’s how it fell apart
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alanafsmith · 7 years
How former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio became the most hated lawman in America
President Donald Trump set off a political firestorm Friday evening when he announced he had pardoned Joe Arpaio, the controversial former Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff who was convicted last month of violating a court order to stop racially profiling Latinos.
Arpaio had been an early and vocal supporter of Trump during his presidential campaign, and Trump had previously hinted that a pardon was likely. Yet that anticipation did little to alleviate the outrage that came mainly from liberals, but also some prominent conservatives.
The pardon, which Trump granted before Arpaio had even been sentenced, was an unusual move that bypassed the typical Justice Department process — pardons are usually requested via formal applications submitted to the Office of the Pardon Attorney at least five years after the applicant is sentenced.
Trump had originally asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions if the federal criminal case against Arpaio could be dropped entirely, but was told that would be inappropriate, according to The Washington Post.
Arpaio, an 85-year-old who called himself America's "toughest sheriff," is known for illegally detaining Latinos in Maricopa, Ariz., where he reigned for roughly two dozen years, and he has been sued by citizens and the Justice Department for doing so.
He was notoriously tough — and arguably brutal — towards inmates, too. Sheriff Joe made headlines for calling his "Tent City" jail a "concentration camp," and for making the inmates there wear pink underwear, eat only two meals a day, and endure unbearably hot temperatures in the summer. Three inmates died after being forced into "restraint chairs" Arpaio kept in his jails.
Arpaio has undoubtedly made national news more than any other sheriff in the nation. He's also undoubtedly the most reviled lawman, too. How did one man come to have so much power and engender so much venom?
The toughest jails ever
Arpaio ran for sheriff after in the early '90s, after a 25-year stint with the Drug Enforcement Administration. Arpaio, the son of immigrants from Naples, "pummeled his opponents with gusto," according to a 2009 profile in The New Yorker.
The main part of his work was operating the county jails, a task he knew had the potential for "political gold," according to The New Yorker. He set to work right away building his Tent City to solve an overcrowding problem. He saved money by ditching salt and pepper at the jails, cutting back to two meals a day, and depriving inmates of their morning coffee. 
Sheriff Joe's Tent City — a place where inmates live in Army surplus tents and work in chain gangs — almost immediately captured the attention of the Justice Department. The feds began investigating Tent City in 1995. Two years later, the Justice Department issued a report confirming that Sheriff Joe's infamous Tent City used excessive force and gratuitously used pepper spray and restraint chairs.
Here's how one former inmate named Francisco Chairez, who spent a year in Arpaio's tent city, described it in The Washington Post:
"During the sweltering summer, the temperature could reach 115 or 120 degrees. I was in the tents when we hit 120. It was impossible to stay cool in the oppressive heat. Everyone would strip down to their underwear. There was no cold water, only water from vending machines; and eventually, the machines would run out. People would faint; some had heatstroke. That summer, ambulances came about three times. One man died in his bed.
But the winter was even worse. During the winter, there were no heaters. Most jackets and heavily insulated pants weren't allowed; they don't want you to be comfortable."
The Justice Department gave Arpaio a barely perceptible tap on the wrist. He agreed to a settlement in which he limited use of pepper spray and improved inmates' grievance procedures.
Then-US Attorney Janet Napolitano led the Justice Department investigation and later got Arpaio's endorsement when she ran for governor. Napolitano took a largely hands-off policy toward Arpaio after she won her election.
But Arpaio began to make other enemies, including legal ones. The jail system run by Arpaio was hit with a staggering number of lawsuits by inmates and their families. From 2004 through November 2007, Sheriff Joe and his jails were targeted by 2,150 lawsuits, some of which alleged brutality against inmates, the Phoenix New Times reported.
To put this in perspective, the Phoenix New Times noted that the jail systems in New York, Houston, and Chicago combined were hit with 43 lawsuits that same period.
An obsession with immigration that began in 2005
In 2005, Arpaio became "obsessed" with immigration after the state of Arizona passed a law meant to crack down on the smuggling of immigrants, Mother Jones reported. This obsession earned him ire of immigrant advocates in the aughts. In 2008, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon attacked Arpaio for his immigration "sweeps" that involved checking random cars for illegal immigrants. Mother Jones' Aura Bogado reported from the trenches of his war on illegal immigration:
Native Americans told me they were targeted because deputies mistook them for Latinos. Latinos told me of being stopped randomly on the street and shouted at—or worse—by officers demanding identification. Alex, a third-generation US citizen, was at a Circle K buying water while his parents waited outside. He ran out when he heard a group of Arpaio's deputies yelling at them to produce their papers. 
It shouldn't come as a shock that Arpaio was also a supporter of Arizona's controversial "paper's please" law of 2010 that requires law enforcement to check people's ID if they have a "reasonable suspicion" somebody was in the country illegally.
Arpaio won re-election in 2012 despite huge backlash over that law. He even managed to avoid a recall after a federal judge found he'd engaged in systemic discrimination.
The people of Maricopa County for more than two decades seemed to like him — at least enough people to keep getting him elected. After his 2012 re-election the LA Times noted how impervious his career was to scandal, writing that his career was "apparently coated in Teflon."
Yet by 2016, voters appeared to have tired of Arpaio's constant controversies and endless cycles of litigation. He lost his re-election bid last November to Democratic opponent Paul Penzone, who won the vote with 55% to Arpaio's 45%. 
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Golfing -- Weekly eighteen -- Jon Rahm proves he can get on all sorts of programs following Irish Open victory
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Golfing -- Weekly eighteen -- Jon Rahm proves he can get on all sorts of programs following Irish Open victory
This week’s edition of the Weekly eighteen was prepared even though questioning why nobody has trademarked Rahmania nonetheless. The T-shirt possibilities alone are limitless.
one. Rahmania — see, it’s catchy — ongoing this weekend, as Jon Rahm lapped the Irish Open area. If you are scoring at property, that’s now two titles this yr for the 22-yr-aged — a person on every of his property excursions. Perhaps the most outstanding section of his match is his adaptability. Rahm has now triumphed at Torrey Pines, a big ballpark practically did so at Colonial, a ball-striker’s paradise and received at Portstewart, a basic one-way links monitor. These a few programs are about as distinct as a few planet-course venues can be, which usually means Rahm’s capacity to make his match go well with every of them need to be the scariest point for his opponents going ahead.
two. It was a few months back — just prior to the final match of the WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play Championship, which showcased Rahm in what would in the end be a getting rid of battle from Dustin Johnson — when I been given a textual content concept from a person PGA Tour member questioning irrespective of whether Rahm was by now the world’s 2nd-very best player. Now, these items are malleable on a weekly foundation, but it was intended much less as criticism from anybody else than praise for the youngster. And it’s a valid suggestion. Given that turning professional just around a yr back, Rahm has played twenty five events, ending in the prime-10 on 11 events even though lacking the slice just a few periods.
3. In the close, it failed to “make any difference” given that he received by a 50 percent-dozen strokes in any case, but Rahm could have – if not need to have — been penalized for innocently nonetheless incorrectly marking his ball on the sixth hole in the final spherical. If this situation appears familiar, there’s a purpose: It was the same violation that price Lexi Thompson a important championship previously this yr. However, the purpose Rahm wasn’t penalized is because the rule has given that transformed, letting for much more wiggle area to make this a judgment simply call. In this specific circumstance, the European official managing the situation insisted there was no sick intent and he confirmed “realistic judgment.”
4. This is what, in my viewpoint, is the most egregious concern when it will come to skilled golfing violations and incorrect scorecards: If a player like Thompson commits an infraction in the course of any of the to start with a few rounds (hers came in the third), that player might nevertheless be subject to both online video evaluate and, if identified “guilty,” a penalty for signing an incorrect scorecard. However, if the same scenario occurs in the course of the final spherical, there can be no later recourse.
5. There are two methods to that problem. A single is to have no cutoff date for identifying violations, which usually means if online video evaluate tomorrow exhibits a penalty to, say, Ben Hogan at the 1950 U.S. Open, then — you guessed it — he could nevertheless be posthumously docked a couple of strokes. The other solution is to have all tournament scores deemed final by midnight of that day’s spherical. I will allow you choose which possibility appears much less preposterous and much more sensible.
Spaniard Jon Rahm turn professional hardly a yr back and now he is a person of the preferred picks to win up coming week’s Open Championship at Royal Birkdale. Niall Carson/PA via AP
six. Hen or the egg. The meaning of daily life. Play or rest. Among the the finest inquiries ever asked is irrespective of whether elite golfers are greater ready by actively playing the 7 days prior to a important or resting alternatively. Alright, maybe not, but it’s nevertheless value thinking about, in particular coming into up coming week’s Open Championship. A lot more so than standard, there is a terrific divide inside of the game’s higher ranks. Rahm, for instance, will make Royal Birkdale his fourth straight start out McIlroy will make it his third. Meanwhile, the likes of planet No. one Dustin Johnson and U.S. Open winner Brooks Koepka will be competing for the to start with time given that the U.S. Open. Previous proof exhibits there’s no correct remedy for important prep, but we will again come across two independent factions up coming 7 days.
7. For the third straight 7 days, the European Tour will function a greater strength of area — and, for that reason, much more planet position factors — than its PGA Tour counterpart, as the Scottish Open will outdistance the John Deere Vintage in that aspect. What does it signify? Not considerably, truly — but it is great to see a couple of weeks in which the spotlight is much more on the European circuit alternatively.
8. The debate around Bernhard Langer and Scott McCarron probably breaking Rule fourteen-1b — aka, the anchoring ban — has made these a firestorm that last 7 days they issued a joint assertion emphatically denying they’re anchoring their putters in competitiveness. Each player insists he has labored with both the USGA and PGA Tour Champions regulations officers, and has been assured that no rule is being broken. Even so, that has not stopped observers from nevertheless accusing them of anchoring.
9. This is the major problem with these accusations: They are not precisely like calling out a baseball player for possessing as well considerably pine tar on the bat. Accusing Langer and McCarron of anchoring is the same as calling them cheaters — an unfair label contemplating regulations officers have absolved them of any wrongdoing. Until eventually a governing entire body announces there’s fault with their putting strokes, every of these players justifies the gain of the doubt somewhat than presumed guilt.
10. There will not be lots of uncooked, genuine answers this yr as great as the a person Xander Schauffele made available on the CBS telecast following his Greenbrier Vintage win. “It truthfully just transformed my daily life,” he stated, shaking his head. “I require to get it all in.” It was outstanding when the PGA Tour rookie contended at the U.S. Open, ending T-5, but as well normally that variety of 7 days potential customers to players pumping the brakes somewhat than stepping on the fuel pedal. Schauffele, nevertheless, has ongoing his critical summertime heater, parlaying his to start with important start out into his to start with win. He’ll have lots of time to get it all in.
Xander Schauffele parlayed his potent displaying at the U.S. Open into his to start with PGA Tour victory at the Greenbrier Vintage. Bob Donnan-United states of america Today Sporting activities
11. I have lined the Greenbrier Vintage from on site about a 50 percent-dozen periods and the very best way I can describe the 7 days is that it’s like summertime camp for PGA Tour players and their households. They have pleasurable off the golfing system, with so lots of functions readily available they have pleasurable on the system, a scoreable monitor in which great pictures are rewarded. All of which is only a little section of the purpose why it was so great to see the celebration held again this yr, subsequent a a person-yr hiatus thanks to devastating floods in the location last yr. The tales of tragedy in that location are horrible, but the story this 7 days was a person of not only remembrance, but rejuvenation.
12. Regardless of major following the to start with, 2nd and third rounds, Sebastian Munoz couldn’t hold on for the wire-to-wire victory. But let us all concur on this: He seemed a full ton greater than a man ranked 410th in the planet who’d never ever concluded in the prime-twenty five prior to.
thirteen. Jim “Bones” Mackay is a intelligent male. Not because he lasted a quarter-century on a high quality bag or because he is using his talents to Television set. It truly is because he is coming into this new job in his career figuring out that he will not know everything. In the course of a Thursday teleconference saying his new commentating gig with NBC/Golfing Channel, this was the most outstanding point he stated: “I want to get greater and I want to find out as considerably as I can. I’m going to be the man bothering a ton of folks with a ton of inquiries. … I are not able to wait to get at it. I just are not able to tension adequate that I have a ton to find out out there, for sure.”
fourteen. Meanwhile, Phil Mickelson’s new caddie is a pretty intelligent male, as well. Tim Mickelson isn’t really just looping for his brother. The previous Arizona State head coach is also Rahm’s agent. This is what he tweeted Sunday following a pleasant start out to these moonlighting obligations: “Nicely Today is Entertaining! Phil shoots 64 and my other manager @JonRahmpga shoots sixty five n receives European Tour Earn #one. Savor n Appreciate these times.”
Jon Rahm was not penalised in the final spherical of the Dubai Responsibility Totally free Irish Open because of new directives aimed at lessening the influence of online video know-how in the match.
Spain’s Jon Rahm consolidated his status as the most popular assets in golfing with a resounding victory in the Dubai Responsibility Totally free Irish Open, his 2nd win in just his twenty fifth celebration as a skilled.
Rookie Xander Schauffele created a 3-foot birdie putt on the final hole Sunday to close with a 3-underneath 67 and win The Greenbrier Vintage by a stroke around Robert Streb for his to start with PGA Tour victory.
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fifteen. Sam Snead is normally regarded the finest “older” player of all-time. He was the oldest player to make the slice in a important, the oldest to make the slice on the PGA Tour and the to start with to shoot his age in a PGA Tour celebration. But a person of his documents is going down — sometime. At the age of 52 several years, 10 months and 8 times, Snead received the 1965 Greater Greensboro Open. This earlier 7 days, Davis Really like III contended for a few times at fifty three. He’s definitely capable of profitable again, but if he will not at this age, then maybe Steve Stricker can in a couple of several years — or Mickelson, or Jim Furyk a couple of several years later. The issue is, Snead’s document is terrific, but it’s not going to stand eternally.
sixteen. Rory McIlroy introduced prior to the Irish Open that he is off Twitter — at the very least for now. It truly is a shift precipitated by a pointed spat with Steve Elkington following McIlroy’s skipped slice at the U.S. Open. That’s a disgrace. McIlroy is refreshingly genuine, self-deprecating and intelligent on social media. His decision is easy to understand, but it’s a decline for the rest of us.
seventeen. As host of the Irish Open, McIlroy’s win at last year’s celebration was hailed as a heroic homecoming. This year’s skipped slice just rendered disappointment. His last six world-wide starts off have finished MC-17th-MC-thirty fifth-7th-thirtieth, with a five-7 days injuries hiatus in the middle. He’s stating all the correct items — he is pissed off he feels like he is close he believes he wants much more competitive rounds he thinks his match is on monitor for the approaching Open Championship. But there are unquestionably much more inquiries about his match correct now than answers.
eighteen. On the vibrant aspect, at the very least McIlroy will not have to browse about these inquiries on Twitter anymore.
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