waifugalaxynow · 3 months
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memento-mariii · 1 year
Being bisexual is just constantly going "Am I really bi? Maybe I'm just straight and faking it? Maybe I'm a lesbian with comphet? Or am I asexual? Aromantic? What even is attraction" then seeing a hot person and going "Oh nvm I am totally bi", then somehow NEVER LEARNING THE LESSON and periodically cycling through that all over again.
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auideas · 1 year
Dying Embers AU
Firefighters have a series of responsibilities; among those are having long hours, answering distress calls, putting out fires (as they should be), etc. However, one of these responsibilities can slip their minds on occasion.
Because of their long hours and paramedic training, firefighters are one of the first lines of defense in multiple ways. Some fire stations house what's called a Safe Haven Baby Box, an anonymous drop off crate in which parents can surrender their babies if they don't have the means to care for them.
One morning, however, Firefighter Characters A, B, C, D, & E wake up to the sound of rustling from the direction of the baby box. Upon further investigation they find four infants in the safe haven -- in retrospect, they totally understand that the parents who surrendered them likely did so because of the raging blizzard outside, but the firefighters themselves can't leave for the same reason, nor can they transfer the babies to the proper channels until the snow lets up.
Without any other option, Characters A-E must find a way to care for the four infants for the next week while attending to their regular duties. That and, of course, attempting to keep the babies warm while not resorting to the obvious wrong choice (lighting a fire).
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xoxoinventory · 2 years
xoxoinventory.com | FREE SHIPPING!  Use code XO20 at checkout for an extra 20% off sale price!  (US only; plz DM for int'l rates).
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rookthorne · 2 years
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐏𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐦
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It was an old wives tale that you put no stock in: that a way to a man’s heart was through his stomach — though this time, it worked, and it worked better than you could have ever imagined. 
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ༄ Fireman!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader x Fireman!Steve Rogers
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ༄ 2.4k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ༄ Fluff, extreme tension of the spicy kind, implication of a poly relationship (Steeb and Bucko are married but it doesn't stop them) and they are menaces
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ༄ Look, I can't help what I did here. I just thought of their uniforms. You're welcome.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ༄ Moments Silence (Common Tongue) by Hozier
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ༄ @stuckybingo 𝗕𝟱 — Firefighter AU — Masterlist
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It had been a day. And on days like this, you turned to baking; sugar was a sure-fire way to improve anyone’s mood. 
You weren’t sure how you had gone that overboard, though. Your kitchen, once spotless and organised, was in disarray with trays of muffins and cookies that were overloaded to the point they were almost overflowing. 
It wasn’t a baking disaster, no — it was just a severe overestimation of the ingredients, that’s all.
The clouds out of your kitchen window looked stormy and grey, and a steady breeze rustled the trees lining your yard, and you sighed, glancing back down at the array of sweets. You came to a decision then. The firemen — and firewomen — at your local station; they were always giving to the community, fearlessly putting their lives on the line to save others and help them.
They deserved some sweet treats, too. 
With your arms ladened with containers of baked goods, you placed them on the back seat of your car and then started the engine. The fire station of your small town wasn’t too far away, so you cranked up the volume of your radio and began the quick drive, a big smile on your face.
There was a bus parked just down the road with the sign for children boarding, and the smile on your face widened. Today must have been field trip day, and where better to do it than here? Children were standing just inside the station's roller doors where a truck sat, lights flashing bright; red and blue bouncing and reflecting off of gleeful, childish smiles. 
You hummed quietly to yourself and parked your car, a small distance away to keep the driveway clear — after all, emergencies didn’t stop just because children and baked goods appeared. 
A loud whoop of a siren echoed as you made your way to the open roller door and the children squealed, making you grin behind the towering containers in your arms, overjoyed to have picked such a cheerful day to share. 
“Kids, settle down,” a deep voice called, the smile evident in the tone. You peered around the doorway and saw a fireman, a toothy smile surrounded by an immaculate goatee. “Now, are you ready to see how we get down the pole,” the man pointed over his shoulder towards the shining fireman’s pole by the stairs, “over there?”
A collective cheer came from the children and you lowered your arms just a little bit so you could see over the top container better. The doorway was partially in the way so you stepped inside, and the man spotted you. “Hi there,” he said, and you smiled back. “Just a minute. Buck can help you when he gets down here.”
“No worries at all,” you said, and Sam — as his name badge on his chest showed — winked before turning back towards the pole.
“Buck, Steve! Show these kids how it’s done.”
Heaven above, you were not ready for what would come sliding down that damned pole. 
The squeak from the sole of boots and the pull of skin against metal sounded and your mouth opened in a quiet gasp, the containers nearly tumbling from your arms. 
A blonde man, the size of a fucking tree, you swore, slid down first. The pants of his uniform were held up by red suspenders that lay over an extremely muscled chest, on full display through an extremely tight grey shirt. He landed on the cement floor with a grunt and spread his arms out, a wide, toothy grin on his face as he took in the clapping children. 
“C’mon, Buck,” he called, looking up at the hole in the roof. “Get down ‘ere!”
It was a miracle that the children cheered again, because the noise that left you when ‘Buck’ slid down the pole was not dignified. 
‘Buck’ was just as, if not, taller than the blonde you assumed now was Steve, and definitely broader. Dark brown hair fell down his face in strands while the rest was kept up in a messy bun. His grin was wide, happy, and bright, and his face was covered in a light dusting of stubble. The dark red, almost burgundy shirt that he was wearing was arguably tighter than Steve’s.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered when Bucky stood next to Steve, throwing a tattooed arm over Steve’s shoulder, grinning down at the kids that barely reached their knees. “Oh, fuck.”
Fate wanted to laugh at you, however, because it was at that moment that both Steve and Buck looked over at the open doorway, their grins growing wider by tenfold once they managed a glance at your floundering expression. 
“Take care a’her,” Sam, the man with the goatee said before gathering and herding the kids towards the far wall, where uniforms and helmets hung ash stained, but proud.
They sauntered over, and it was all you could do to not fall to the floor with wobbling knees. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Steve said brightly, and you bit back a whimper. “What can we do for you?”
Uselessly, you glanced between the two of them – struck by how damn handsome they were up close. It put all your calendars to shame. 
“Doll?” Buck said, raising a brow and offering his arms to take the containers. “Lemme take them for you.”
“Thank you,” you squeaked, immediately growing anxious at the loss of the barrier you had to hide behind. “I-I baked them for you guys, as a thank you for all you do for us–”
“Is that a batch of cookies I see?”
Bucky turned at the voice, but Steve was still staring at you, a smirk growing on his pretty pink lips–stop it! You chided yourself. 
“Clint, back off, they’re mine!” Buck yelled, pulling the containers tighter to his chest and shifting closer to Steve until their shoulders bumped.
A snort sounded behind them and you watched another blond approach, rolling his eyes. “Yeah,” Clint said, waving a hand as he entered what looked like an office. “Like your husband would protect you when he could take them all for himself.”
Immediately you looked at Bucky’s left hand, ignoring the way the intricate tattoos contrasted against his skin in the light, and saw two gold bands — one wider than the other with black and red stones. You felt crestfallen, it was a shame–
“What’re you staring at, sweetheart?” Steve piped up suddenly, a dangerously mischievous glint in his eyes. “You eyein’ up my husband?”
The ground couldn’t swallow you whole quick enough, and your eyes widened. “No!”
Buck laughed and shook his head. “Like you weren’t enjoyin’ it, punk.” The containers shifted in his arms and he offered his hand. “I’m Bucky, and this here is Steve.” You offered your name and gasped as Bucky pulled on your hand, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles. 
“Stop swooning and just ask her out for coffee, you fool,” Steve snapped and rolled his eyes, taking the containers from Bucky and striding away, pausing only to wink at you. 
Time had frozen. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. “What the hell just happened?”
“Ignore him, he’s an idiot,” Bucky said, staring at what you would guess to be Steve’s ass as he walked away. “Anyway,” he turned back to you and you realised belatedly that he was still holding your hand. “Thank you, doll, we appreciate it a lot.”
You looked up at him and smiled the best you could — you were still reeling from the shock of whatever the hell just happened. “You’re welcome,” you said quietly, and Bucky tilted his head slightly. It was like a punch to the gut, seeing his hair brush against his cheeks, and the way his grey eyes shone in the light. “I better go–”
“Where you goin’?” Bucky interrupted. He was still not letting go of your hand. 
Staring up at him, you struggled for words before settling on, “Home.”
Bucky raised a single brow in question, and shook his head slightly, as if amused. “You don’t sound so sure about that, honey.”
Oh, god, you thought. 
“Come stay a while, the kids are leavin’ soon,” Bucky said, gesturing towards the kids with a nod of his head. “And this way we can give our compliments to the baker directly.” His smirk — god, it would be the death of you. “I owe you a coffee, c’mon.”
The tug on your hand was like a jumpstart to your heart, and you followed on autopilot while Bucky walked towards another door. His heavy boots slapped against the floor and you watched his back ripple as he walked, barely restraining yourself to just reach out and run your hand over the muscle, to feel the power and strength of them. 
“There he is,” Steve said suddenly, his head poking out the door just ahead. “I was about to come and pull you off her.”
“Like you wouldn’t join in, punk,” Bucky huffed, and you stiffened, your mind racing. Just what kind of marriage was this? 
The door opened and Bucky pulled you inside. It was a breakroom of some description with lockers lining one side of the room, while tables littered the middle, surrounded by mismatched soft chairs. A red-haired woman was perched on a black chair just inside the entry, while a younger man stood at the lockers – both of them were staring right at you as you entered behind Bucky, the young man with wide eyes, the woman with narrowed eyes, like she was appraising you.
“Who’s this?” The red-head asked, a sly smirk pulling at her lips when she glanced down to see Bucky still holding your hand.
“This is the lovely dove that baked us all these goodies,” Clint piped up suddenly behind you. 
The young man ran towards Steve who was setting out the baked treats, snatching one with a laugh when Steve pushed him away. “Kid, you got no damn patience, d’you?”
“No,” he answered, and he looked at you, waving happily. “I’m Peter, by the way.”
“Hi Peter,” you said softly. Bucky pulled you closer again and you were suddenly against his side, his arm over your shoulder and all you could smell was him — woodsmoke, some kind of spice, and just Bucky. You gulped quietly and smiled at the red-head who stood slowly and made her way over to the table, then Steve. “I hope you like them,” you gestured to the containers.
“Make way!”
Bucky pulled you to stand beside the door and the man with the goatee appeared, grinning happily and making a beeline to the table of containers. “That’s Sam,” Bucky whispered, pointing at Sam’s back with the hand over your shoulder. “He’s the fire chief.” Then he pointed at the woman, a slight smile on his lips when you looked up at him. “That’s Nat, and I am terrified of her.”
“I heard that, Barnes,” Nat said suddenly, her back still to you as she perused what was on offer. “Watch it.”
Unseen by her, Bucky grimaced exaggeratedly and saluted. You laughed.
“Alright,” Steve said, clapping his hands. He took a seat on a couch you didn’t notice before and he patted the cushion next to him. “Come sit down, sweetheart,” he said, though you had no choice because Bucky had started to steer you towards him. “You deserve to enjoy your baking, too.”
You landed with an oof against Steve’s side, and Bucky followed, sitting on the free cushion with a loud groan. “Haven’t sat down all day,” he complained. Steve rolled his eyes and offered you a muffin that you took with a smile. 
The containers slowly emptied and so did the room. Clint, Natasha, Peter, and Sam had filtered out to the office, leaving you alone with Steve and Bucky. 
“So, sweetheart,” Steve purred suddenly, and your gaze snapped to his face. You could feel Bucky shift next to you but you were trapped in Steve’s gaze, a deer in headlights. “What d’you say, huh?”
You baulked, not even registering Bucky’s hand on your shoulders, slowly moving up to grip the back of your neck. “What?”
Steve chuckled and Bucky huffed a laugh, putting more pressure on the back of your neck – enough to cause you to shiver. “Come home with us, doll,” Bucky said, his voice low and hoarse. A shudder flew up your spin and you couldn’t form words. It was all too much of a shock–
An alarm echoed in the breakroom and you jumped a foot in the air. 
“Damn it all,” Steve groaned.
Bucky looked to the ceiling and let go of your neck. “Always the fuckin’ way.”
“What’s happening?” You asked, looking between the two as they got to their feet, slight frowns on their lips. 
“Time to go save lives,” Steve winked. “Tell ‘er, Buck, I’ll see you out there.”
You watched Bucky nod and offer a hand to pull you up, only when you took it, he pulled you tight to his chest, a slight chuckle rumbling in his throat when you let out a small noise of surprise. His hands gripped your shoulders and pushed you back so he had to bend slightly to look you in the eye, it was all you could do to not whine needily at the action — why was he so damn tall, you cursed. 
“Here,” Bucky said, pulling a small card and a pen from his pants pocket. He stood there for a second scrawling something, and then he handed it to you. It was a phone number. “Call me later.”
There was a shout from out by the truck and Bucky winced. “I gotta go, doll,” he rushed, and he placed a quick kiss on your cheek, the stubble on his jaw tickling slightly. 
“Okay,” you said numbly, still in shock. Bucky smiled and ran from the room; the yells of his crew audible even over the alarm. Slowly, you ran your finger over where he kissed your cheek. 
You couldn’t shake the warmth you felt when you sat next to Steve, nor could you shake the comfort you felt from Bucky’s touch. It was surreal. They were married to one another, but yet, here they were so openly flirting with you – you were intrigued, happy even for that fact.
Suddenly, as you walked back to your car parked a small way away, thumbing at the small card in your hand, you realised bringing treats to the station may have just changed your life. 
And you could not wait.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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wilmingtoncrp · 3 months
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Join us for Wilmington's vibrant Pride Festival, taking place in midtown from Saturday, June 22nd to Sunday, June 23rd. This colorful weekend will showcase our community's diversity and inclusivity while highlighting some of Wilmington's beloved local businesses.
Saturday, June 22nd:
The festivities kick off at 10 AM with a parade starting at Nash's Supermarket and proceeding down the main street. Floats, performers, and community groups will fill the streets with music, dance, and rainbow flags.
After the parade, head to Lincoln Park for the Pride Festival. Local vendors and food trucks will line the park, offering a variety of cuisines and merchandise. Don't miss the live performances on the main stage, featuring local musicians and drag performers.
As dusk appears, join us at Soundwave for the official Pride After-Party. Dance the night away to pulsing beats and enjoy specially crafted rainbow cocktails.
Sunday, June 23rd:
Start your day with a refreshing Pride Yoga session at Fit & Toned, open to all skill levels. 
Then, fuel up with a rainbow-themed coffee at The Cozy Cup, featuring colorful lattes and pastries.
For the music lovers, visit Vintage Records for a special Pride vinyl showcase, celebrating LGBTQ+ musicians through the decades.
Cinema will be hosting a Pride Film Festival, showcasing a selection of LGBTQ+ themed movies throughout the day.
As the weekend winds down, head on to Bella & Jenny's for a Pride Ice Cream Social, featuring special rainbow flavors and sundaes.
Throughout Pride Month, local businesses are showing their support with special offerings:
TRIC will be hosting a Pride Drag Weekend, where a plethora of drag queens will be performing and working the crowds. Attendees are encouraged to present their best amateur drag 
Handmade pride t shirts/socks/bandanas will be given to anyone who stops by Enchanted Gowns and donates toward the LGBTQ+ community.
Pearce Callahan will be offering free 30 minute therapy sessions to anyone in the LGBTQ+ community from 8AM-5PM, and will donate what he would’ve made to support the suicide prevention in the LGBTQ+ community
Sinful Ink will be doing a Pride Special on tattoos and piercings from 1pm - 6pm. Half off on any piercings or pride related tattoos. Special deals for a combo available. Must be 18 or older, and have ID on hand. 
Nirvana will host a Sapphic Saturday for Pride Weekend. It is a women only event and the first drink is free. The entire Pride Weekend at Nirvana will feature famous LGBTQ+ DJs spinning on each floor of the nightclub and a brand new specialty drink menu to support the rainbow.
Midtown Fire Station 2024 calendar sales throughout the month will be sent toward local LGBTQ+ organizations + station will be offering a choice of either Fire Station Pride tee or photo op with any of our firemen and firewomen for any donation made at the station (that will also be reverted toward local LGBTQ+ organizations) (edited)
Being one of the few athletes that's been out of the closet for over a decade, Amos de Leon will be hosting a very fun-filled Beach Tennis tournament by the name BIllie Jean King's Open (named after the very first pro-tennis female player who was outed in 1981). Everyone is encouraged to join the fun as it's an amateur tourney. All proceeds from tickets, player fees and merch will go to LGBTQ+ organizations and charities.
For every purchase made at Finishing Touches during Pride Month, a portion will be donated to local LGBTQ+ charities.
Drinks at Soundwave will be half off during Pride Month.
Come celebrate love, diversity, and pride in the heart of Wilmington!
Everyone is encouraged to participate! But as it can be a hassle, please feel free to continue your previous threads.
The event will run from June 22nd at 12:00PM EST to June 29th at 12:00PM EST.
Do not create anymore event thread after June 29th, but you are more than welcomed to continue writing them.
You may tag the event under - event: pride festival 01
Have fun!
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animentality · 1 year
I wish lesbian firewomen with big beefy arms and thick thighs were more of a trope.
Like sure beefy firemen are common and nice in fiction, but maybe I wanna be dragged smoking from a burning house by a hot butch lesbian with arms thicker than my body?
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lonelychicago · 2 years
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sparrow-web · 2 years
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jayde-jots · 2 years
I made something about a ghost AU a while ago now, and I think it's coming back to me to add on a little more. So here are their drivers and firemen/firewomen for 1-6. New = 21-25, Mid = 26-50, Senior = 51-65.
1)Thomas- Driver: Alex Hawthorn, Male, Mid. Fireman: Amanda Loren, Female, Senior.
2)Edward- Driver: Max Lawence, Male, Senior. Fireman: Tom Jones, Male, Senior.
3)Henry- Driver: Harmony Lovecraft, Female, New. Fireman: River Smith, Non-binary, Senior.
4)Gordon- Driver: Jack Morr, Male, New. Fireman: Levi Brook, Male, Senior.
5)James- Driver: Lashana Monroe, Female, Mid. Fireman: Zackery Deller, Male, New.
6)Percy- Driver: Harper Loen, Female, Mid. Fireman: Opal Lockheart, Female, New. I'm still working on other details but I think once I've made art of them I'll get to work writing a one-shot fic and go from there.
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apexiao · 2 months
Police lady ambulance and firewomen yo to the rescue should I call 999
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waifugalaxynow · 3 months
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dysfunctionallygrey · 7 months
Can anyone send me a link to somewhere I can buy a hot firewomen calendar please and thank you
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ellenoir · 1 year
The world needs more pinup boys and sexy firewomen
Equality, bruh
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fancythelilyflowers · 2 years
When I own my own bakery I will make it so firemen and firewomen get a coffee and baked good for free everyday. This will not only mean that attractive people in uniform will come to my store but it also means that if my store catches on fire the people who would save me would want to get there faster cause I provide free food and drink.
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wolfspaw · 4 years
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